HomeMy WebLinkAbout20161268_Avoidance and Minimization_20120614AV❑IDANCE AND MINIMIZATI ❑N PROPOSED SR 1 409 (MILITARY CUTOFF ROAD) EXTENSION NEW HANOVER COUNTY STATE PROJECT 401 91 1 2 NCDOT TIP PROJECT U 4751 CORPS ACTION ID 2007 1 386 JUNE 14, 2012 AT 1 0 45 A M NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION STRUCTURES CONFERENCE ROOM, NCDOT CENTURY CENTER BUILDING A 1 000 BIRCH RIDGE DRIVE, RALEIGH, NC 2761 O Prepared Bi Mulkej l --ngineers and Consultants 6750 Tr} on Road Car} NC 27518 919 8511912 SECTION 404 /NEPA INTERAGENCY AGREEMENT CONCURRENCE POINT NO 4A AVOIDANCE AND MINIMIZATION PROJECT TITLE AND PROJECT NUMBERS Proposed SR 1409 (Military Cutoff Road) Extension New HanoN cr Count} TIP No U 4751 State Project No 40191 1 2 Corps Action ID 2007 1386 LED PA /RECOMMENDED ALTERNATIVE Military Cutoff Road Extension Alternati-, e M1 AVOIDANCE AND MINIMIZATION Military Cutoff Road Extension Alternate-, e M1 intmmtzes miplcts to resources HoweN ei it is not feasible for the proposed project to completely avoid impacts to the Wateis of the US and still meet the purpose and need of the project The following aN oidance and muunuzation efforts ha-, e been umcorpoiated into the proposed project SECTION 404 AVOIDANCE AND MINIMIZATION MEASURES • Mihtan Cutoff Road Extension north of Torchwood Boulevard was realigned in the vice ut5 of the Cape Fear Public Utility Authority s Water Treatment Plant Wetland impacts were reduced by 0 78 acre [BWI] and stream impacts were reduced b) 677feet [BSO 560 feet and BSP 117 feet] • A retaining wall was added to the design south of Putnam Drip e to avoid impacts to wetland PD 01 ( 0 07 acre) • Loops and ramps in the Military Cutoff Road Extension interchange at Market Street were tightened reducing wetland impacts by 0 89 acre [BWD 0 19 acre ZWY 0 04 acre PD 04 0 66 acre] • The design was re-, ised at the Mihtar} Cutoff Road Extension interchange with the US 17 Wilmington Bypass The ramp in Quadrant D was pulled in teducmg wetland impacts b) 1 16 acres [CW17 1 10 acre DWC 06 acre] As a result of this change impacts to the Plantation Road Site were reduced by 02 acre and impacts to the Corbett Tract Residual Strip were reduced by 0 07 acre • The design incorporates a retaining wall and guardrail to minimize impacts to stormwater ponds in the Food Lion shopping center ADDITIONAL AVOIDANCE AND MINIMIZATION Wells ■ The original design of proposed Military Cutoff Road Extension Alternative M1 would have relocated two water supply wells operated by the Cape Fear Public Utility Authority (CFPUA) Page 1 of 3 TIP Project No U 4751 Concurrence Point 4A 1 he alternate-, e was realigned to a-, old these wells and mininni7e impacts to the CFPUA gioundwltei water supply infrastructure • Prior to the completion of the final en-, ironmental document for the project NCDO F "N ill meet with the CFPUA local fne departments and other ippropriate agcncies to discuss additional protection measures for the wellhead protection area Measures requiring NCDOT participation will be identified in the project comimitiments • NCDO T will coordinate x -, ith the CFPUA on the potential inclusion of a sign on Mihtar) Cutoff Road Extension rdentif) ing the water suppl) area • Well locations and a 100 foot buffer around the wells will be depicted on final constructions plans for Military Cutoff Road Extension 1 he Special Pro-, isions within the final design plans will include a requirement for the contractor s to educate their employees that project construction is occurring within a wellhead protection area • NCDO f will coordinate with CFPUA on utiht) impacts resultuig from the proposed project Water Quality and Erosion Control Howe Creek is designated an Outstanding Resource Water (ORW) bj7 the North Carolina Division of Water Quahty (DWQ) Tributaries of this stream (BDIICHI) are designated ORW due to the classification of their recei-, ing waters Design Standards in Sensitive Watersheds will be implemented for BDITCHI during project construction (Figure 2C) Residential and Business Relocations Control of access was reduced along Market Street both north and south of the Mthtar) Cutoff Road Extension interchange to rriinimize impacts to properties on Market Street Loops and ramps in the interchange were tightened A new relocation report and right of way cost estimate will be prepared and included in the FEIS It is expected that the design modifications will result in eight fewer residential relocations and 33 fewer business relocations The southeast quadrant (Loop D) of the Military Cutoff Road Extension and Market Street interchange was realigned to the west to miry nize impacts to Covil Crossing a residential area Multiple interchange configurations were reN iewed during the de-, elopment of the Military Cutoff Road Extension alternatives The current interchange design pro-, ides the capacity needed to handle the high -, olume of traffic and mtmnnizes impacts to Prospect Cemetery Historic Resources Ax oidance and mimtmt7ation measures haN e been incorporated into the Alternative M1 design on Market Street at Mount Ararat AME Church A southbound flee flow ramp onto Military Cutoff Road Extension was changed from a full exit lane to an angular exit In addition the storage length for the right turn lane from Market Street onto Ogden Park Drive was reduced to match existing conditions Right of way impacts to the proposed Mount Ararat AME Church historical boundary were reduced from 0 58 acre to 0 05 acre Page 2 of 3 4 Or- - TIP Project No U 4751 Concurrence Point 4A The project team has concurred on the Avoidance and Minimization for the proposed project as listed above AGENCY DATE USACL USEPA USFWS NMl NCDCM NCSHPO NCDMF NCDWQ NCVURC NCDOT WATPO Page 3 of 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS Meeting Agenda 10 Introduction and Project Summary 1 1 Purpose of foda} s Meeting 12 Protect Description 1 3 Purpose of the Proposed Action 14 Project Status 1 5 Mibtar) Cutoff Road Extension Alternative M1 1 5 1 Typical Sections 1 5 2 Access and Right of Wa) 1 5 3 Hydrlubc Recommendations 2 0 Environmental Evaluation 21 Streams Ponds and Wetlands 22 Historic Architectural Resources 23 Gamelands and Presern ation Areas 24 Feder ally Protected Species 25 Water Suppl) Wells 3 0 Avoidance and Minimization 3 1 Section 404 Avoidance and Mimmzation Measures 32 Additional A-, oidance and Mmunization 3 2 1 Wells 3 2 2 Water Quality and Erosion Control 3 2 3 Residential and Business Relocations 324 Historic Resources 33 Other Measures to Avoid and Minimize Impacts E-, aluated 1 able 1 Hydraulic Structures Table 2 Inch-, idual Stream Impacts Table 3 Inds-, idual Pond Impacts Table 4 Indi-, idual Wetland Impacts Table 5 Presen ation Area Impacts Table 6 Summary of Military Cutoff Road Extension Alternative M1 Impacts Appendix A — Figures 1 ii 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 P 3 6 6 6 6 . 8 8 9 9 9 9 3 4 5 5 6 7 NEPA /Section 404 Merger Meeting Concurrence Point 4A Proposed SR 1409 (Military Cutoff Road) Extension New Hanover County NCDOT TIP Projects U 4751 State Project 4019112 Corps Action ID 20071386 June 14 2012 Meeting Agenda 1 Introductions and Sign in 2 Purpose of Meeting 3 O-N erview & Project Status 4 Avoidance and Mtrim17ation Discussion (Concurrence Pon-it 4A) 5 Concurrence on Avoidance and Minimization 6 Completion of Concurrence Point 4A Signature Form 11 M US Army Corps of Engineers wlmington District 10 INTRODUCTION AND PROJECT SUMMARY 11 Purpose of Today s Meeting The purpose of toda) s meeting is to reach concurrence on ax oidance and mnunuzation (Concurrence Point 4A) foi Milivity Cutoff Road Extension Alternative M1 Formal concu irence on avoidance and minimization will be requested during this meeting 12 Project Description State Transportation ImproN ement Progiam (S1 IP) projects U 4751 and R 3300 in-, oh e the construction of Mihtar) Cutoff Road Extension in New Hanover County and the US 17 Hampstead Bypass in New Hanover and Pendei. Counties respects-, ely These projects are included in the 2012 2018 STIP For project U 4751 the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) proposes to extend Military Cutoff Road as a six lane di-, ided roadwa) on new location from its current terminus at US 17 (Market Street) in Wilmington north to an interchange with the US 17 Wilmington Bypass Qohn Jay Burney Jr Freeway) Limited and full control of access is proposed The project area is shown in Figure 1 in Appendix A Project U 4751 is programmed for right of way acquisition in State Fiscal Year (FY) 2014 with construction in FY 2017 Curient anticipated costs for U 4751 are $149 2 million Re -, ised construction and right of wa) cost estimates reflecting a-, oidance and minimization measures will be included in the Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) 13 Purpose of the Proposed Action 1 he purpose of the US 17 Corridor Study project is to umproN e the traffic carrying capacity and safety of the US 17 and Market Street corridor in the project area 14 Project Status ' The NEPA /Section 404 Merger Team for the US 17 Corridor Study agreed on the purpose of and need for the project at their September 21 2006 meeting The NEPA /Section 404 Merger l eam reviewed project alternatives at three meetings between ' February 2007 and August 2007 During these meetings the merger team dropped alternatives from further consideration added alternatives for evaluation and combined some alternate-, es The merger team concurred on alternatives to be studied in detail at their August 23 2007 meeting ' The NEPA /Section 404 Merger 1 eam reached concurrence on Bridging and Alignment Review (CP 2a) on May 27 2010 ' The US 17 Corridor Stud) Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) was signed on July 28 2011 Fhe NEPA /Section 404 Merges Team met on Decembei 15 2011 to re-, iew the project status discuss comments on the DEIS and to identify any idditional information needed prior to the selection of the LEDPA Militan Cutoff Road Extension Alternati-, e M1 and Hampstead Byp'iss Alternati-, e E H were selected as the Least Enx ironmentally Damaging Practicable Alteinati-x e ( LEDPA) at the NEPA /Section 404 Merger Team meeting on May 17 2012 15 Military Cutoff Road Extension Alternative M1 Alternatii e M1 begins at a proposed interchange at Military Cutoff Road and Market Street The alternati-, e extends north through -, acant County piopert} between the two sections of Ogden Park and residential areas Alternati-, e M1 turns northwest and ends near Plantation Road and Crooked Pine Road at a proposed interchange with the US 17 Wilmington Bypass approximately midway between 140 and Market Street Alternati-, e M1 is shown on Figures 2A through 2D and on the Figure 3 series in Appendit A 1 5 1 TYPICAL SECTIONS From the propo ed anterchange at Market Street to apprommately 0 9 male north of Torelmood Boulevard Six lanes (three in each direction) with a 30 foot median and curb and gutter Two 12 foot inside lanes and one 14 foot outside lane (to accommodate bic) Iles) with two foot curb and gutter and a ten foot berm are proposed in each direction From apprommately 0 9 male north of Toiebwood Boulevard to the proposed m1eicbaiige at the US 17 lValmmgtorr Bypass Six 12 foot lanes (three in each direction) with 14 foot outside shoulders (12 foot pax ed) A 46 foot median is proposed Mihtary Cutoff Road typical sections are shown on Figure 4 in Appendix A The Wilmington Metropolitan Planing Orgam7ation (MPO) has requested a multi use path be constructed along proposed Mihtary Cutoff Ro-id Extension The multi use path would tie into an existing multi use path along Military Cutoff Road fhe construction of a multi use path as part of the proposed project will be dependent upon a cost sharing and maintenance agreement between the NCDOT and the Wilmington MPO The NCDOT will continue to coorduiate with the Wilmington MPO on the inclusion of the multi use path along Military Cutoff Road Extension 1 52 ACCESS AND RIGHT OF WAY Military Cutoff Road Extension is proposed as a full/limited control of access facility Access to Mihtary Cutoff Road Extension is proposed at interchanges at Market Street and Military Cutoff Road and the US 17 Wilmington Bypass Additional access along Mihtar} Cutoff Road Extension is proposed at directional crossovers with Putnam Drive Lendire Road and Torchwood Boulevard Only right turns will be permitted onto Mihtar) Cutoff Road Extension from these roads U turn lanes will be pro-, ided to accommodate left turns Right in /right out access will be prox ided at the Cape Fear Public Utiht} Authorit} Water Treatment Plant and at Whittle Court A variable right of way width of 150 feet to 350 feet is proposed for Military Cutoff Road Extension 1 53 HYDRAULIC RECOMMENDATIONS I able 1 lists the proposed major h) diauhc structures for Mihtai } Cutoff Road Extension Alternati-, e M1 The NEPA /Section 404 Merger Team concurred on the size and location of the structures on Ma) 26 and 27 2010 1 he locations of the structures are shown on Figure 2A in Appendix A Table 1 Hydraulic Structures Site Stream ID Wetland ID Existing Structure Recommended Structure No 3 BSP BWI 2 @7 x12 RCBC' 10 CSA FSA 1 @72 RC Retain existing and add t-,x o 1@ 72 RCP3 Reinforced concrete box cuh ert 2 Reinforced concrete pipe 3 Retain existing 72 RCP pipe under Wilmington B) pass and add 72 RCP at two interchange ramps Supplementation of existing 72 pipe or enlarging of proposed ramp pipes will be in-, estigated during final design 20 ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION Figures 2A through 2D in Appendix A show environmental features in the project area A summary of potential environmental impacts is provided min Table 6 on page 7 Details of impacts to jurisdictional resources historic architectural resources presern ation areas federally protected species and water supply wells are described below As noted abo-, e Alternati-, e M1 +E H was selected as the LEDPA for the project on May 17 2012 Individual impacts calculated for Military Cutoff Road Extension Alternate-, e M1 now reflect an interim interchange configuration where Military Cutoff Road Extension meets Hampstead Bypass Alternati-, e E H at the US 17 Wilmington Bypass The interim configuration includes the full E H interchange footprint south of the US 17 Wilmington Bypass and a reduced or interim design north of the US 17 Wilmington Bypass 21 Streams, Ponds and Wetlands ' Water resources in the study area are part of the Cape Fear and Onslow Bay RiN er Basins (U S Geological Survey [USGS] Hydrologic Units 03030007 and 03020302) A total of 21 jurisdictional streams 4 ponds and 12 jurisdictional wetlands are located within the Alternative M1 impact ' boundary Impacts to Waters of the U S would occur at various locations throughout the length of the project at stream crossings wetland areas and ponds Anticipated impacts for each stream pond and wetland are presented for AlternatiN e M1 in Tables 2 through 4 below I able 2 Indi-, idual Stream Impacts Stream ID Stream Name4 Figure No Stream Impact (feet)* Compensatory Mitigation Required Stream Determination DWQ Score USACE Score BSA U1 to Snuth Creek 2 C 295 Yes Perennial 30 35 BSJ UT to Smith Creek 2 C 1D3 Yes Perennial 285 48 BSK U1 to Smith Creek 2 C 609 '� es Perennial 26 48 BSL UT to Smith Creek 2 C 288 Yes Perennial 19 38 BSM UT to Srmth Creek 2 C 732 Z es Perennial 195 38 BSN UT to Smith Creek 2 C 970 Yes Perennial 195 38 BSO UT to Smith Creek 2 C 1 769 Yes Perennial 335 43 BSP U1 to Smith Creek 2 C 281 Yes Perennial 41 5 62 BDI1 CH1 UT to Howe Creek 2 C 340 No OH\VM1 No CSA UT to Island Creek 2 D 1949 Yes Perennial 315 47 CSB UT to Island Creek 2 D 271 Yes Perennial Added during D -, isit 44 CSC UT to Smith Creek 2 D 943 Noe OHXVMI 18 CSD UT to Srnith Creek 2 C 2 D 902 Yes Interrruttent 235 36 Yes Perennial CSE UT to Smith Creek 2 C 239 Noe OHWMI 175 CSG UT to Smith Creek 2 C 281 I es Intermittent 155 36 CSH UT to Smith Creek 2 C 230 Yes Intermittent 18 36 CSI UT to Smith Creek 2 C 232 Yes Perennial 235 36 CSJ UT to Island Creek 2 D 1 290 Yes Perennial 235 36 CSK UT to Island Creek 2 D 400 Yes Perennial 235 36 FSA UT to Island Creek 2 D 650 Yes Perennial 3675 45 7SK UT to Prince George Creek ? D 2:)6 Yes Perennial 185 35 India idual impacts calculated for Mihtary Cutoff Road Extension Alternative 1\11 utilize the Hampstead By pass Alternative E H interim interchange configuration The interim configuration includes the full E H interchange footprint south of the US 17 Wilmington BS pass and a reduced or interim design north of the US 17 Wilmington 133 pass Initial stream determination was revised based on conditions at the time of the regulatory agency field review 1 Tnbutary waters determined to be junsdictional based on the presence of an ordinary high water mark (OHW]T\� These waters are classified as Waters of the US (impacts calculated in sq ft) and will not require compensatory mitigation , 2 Tnbutary feature e-.ists within the boundaries of an adjacent wetland and therefore does not regwre mitigation independent of the wetland 3 Tributary feature does not regwre stream mitigation but may regwre mitigation by the US -kCE as a Water of the US dependent upon the ty pe of impact proposed at the time of permit application , d Howe Creek is classified SA ORW Smith Creek Island Creek and Prince George Creek are classified C Sw 4 1 -ible 3 Indi-, idual Pond Impacts Pond Figure Appearance Connected Pond Impacts Permit Information ID No PF04B Feature Map ID (acres) 021 BWC 2 C PI70 Non riparian 25 Permit No SW8 000214 West Ba) Ph -ise N7 BPE 2 C Stormw iter BSL 0 7:) (Coppeifield Lxtension R Windsor PI ice) BV71 2 C Pond Non riparian 34 High Densit) Subdn ision Stormy ater CWA 2 C PF03 /4A Non riparian 34 Project N7and 2/6/07 12/1/15 CVT 2C 2D PSS3 /4B Non riparian 36 Peinm No SW8 040426 Courtney Pines C \VD 2 D Stormwater Non riparian 36 Phase III Low Density Subdin ision XX / BPF 2 C Pond BSO 041 Curb Outlet Si stem (no pond cited) Issued CWF 2 C 2 D PF03 /413 Non riparian 36 Jul) 22 2004 DWC 2 C 2 D PSS3 /4B Non riparian 36 Pernnt No SW8 960902 Ogden Food Lion BPJ 2 C Stormwater No Connection 002 Center High Densin Project PD 042 2 C Pond Non riparian N/A Vand 11/28/07 11/28/17 Stormwater No record of permit per City of Wilmington BPK 2 B No Connection 00009 (built prior to annexation) and DWQ (built Pond prior to 1988 regulation) I Individual impacts calculated for 1\hhtu� Cutoff Road Extension Mternanve -1\I1 urihze the 1- iimpstead Bypass Alternative E H interim interchange configuration The interim configuration includes the full E H interchange footprint south of the US 17 Wilmington B) pass and a reduced or interim design north of the US 17 Wilmington Bt pass Table 4 Indi-, idual Weiland Impacts Wetland ID Figure No Cowardin Classification Hydrologic Classification DWQ Wetland Rating Wetland Impacts (acres BWB 2 C PF04B Non riparian 27 021 BWC 2 C PI70 Non riparian 25 018 BXVD 2 C PFO Non riparian 34 171 BV71 2 C PF01 /3/4B Non riparian 34 088 CWA 2 C PF03 /4A Non riparian 34 651 CVT 2C 2D PSS3 /4B Non riparian 36 1252 C \VD 2 D PSS3 /4Bd Non riparian 36 751 CWE 2 D PF03 /4Bg Non riparian 36 3683 CWF 2 C 2 D PF03 /413 Non riparian 36 2042 DWC 2 C 2 D PSS3 /4B Non riparian 36 007 PD 03 2 C PFO /PSS Non riparian N/A 721 PD 042 2 C PFO /PSS Non riparian N/A 576 i Individual impacts calculated for Mihtar) Cutoff Road Extension Alternative A11 utilize the Hampstead B) pass -klternari-, e E H interim interchange configuration The interim configuration includes the full E H interchange footprint south of the US 17 Wilmington B) pass and a reduced or interim design north of the US 17 Wilmington B) pass 2 Delineation data pre-\ iousl) verified no DWQ wetland rating forms completed for these wetlands 5 22 Historic Architectural Resources Military Cutoff Road Extension Alternate-, e M1 will affect one property eligible for hsting on the National Register of I Iistoric Places within the Area of Potential Effect Alternati-, e 1\41 will ha-, e an Ad-, erse Effect on Mount Ararat AME Church The State Historic Presern ation Office concurred with effect determinations at a meeting held on March 8 2011 Ax oidance and minimization measures ha-, e been incorporated into the design at Mount Ararat AME Church 1 he State Historic Presern ation Office tex iewed the a-, oidance and minunization measures on December 13 2011 23 Gamelands and Preservation Areas Alternati-, e M1 will impact 4 29 acres of presets ition areas as shown in Table 5 below Table 5 Presern ation Area Impacts Preservation Area Impacts (acres) Alternative M1 Corbett Tract Mttigation Site 054 Corbett Tract Residual Strip 348 Plantation Road Site 027 TOTAL 429 24 Federally Protected Species As of September 22 2010 the U S Fish and Wildlife Service ( USFWS) lists 11 federally protected species for New Hanover County Military Cutoff Road Extension Alternati-, e M1 ma) affect and is hkel) to adversely affect rough leaved loosestrife (Lyrimachia a perrrlaefolaa) The biological conclusion was based on the indirect effects associated with potential hydrologic changes at the Plantation Road Site No other impacts to federall) protected species are anticipated from Alternati-, e M1 Updates to protected species surveys are currently underway Informal consultation for rough lea-, ed loosestrife has taken place between NCDOT and the USFWS since 2008 The NCDOT will continue to coordinate with the USFWS regarding the potential effects of the proposed project on rough leaved loosestrife 25 Water Supply Wells The proposed project is not expected to result in impacts to the Cape Fear Public Utility Authority s groundwater water supply wells Impacts to the a-, ailability of the water supply are not anticipated as a result of the proposed project The project is not expected to decrease the capacity of the existing and planned water supply infrastructure or the source aquifers J able 6 Summary of Mlhtarp Cutoff Road Extension Alteinati-, e M1 Impacts Military Cutoff Road Extension Alternative M1 Feature Impact' miles 356 -Length Delineated Wetland Impacts acres 99 83 2 9 4 Delineated Stream Impacts linear feet 13 080 9 S� Delineated Pond Impacts acres 118 Displacements Residential Business Non profit 13 (8) 27 (33) 2 Red cockaded Woodpecker Future Potentially Suitable / Potentially Suitable Habitat acres 0 Other Surveyed Federal / State Threatened and Endangered Species Habitat Present i es Natural Heritage Program SNHA, Managed Areas and Wetland Mini aeons Sites (acres) 4 29 (09) Prime Farmlands /Farmlands of Statewide acres 0 -Importance Forest acres 1119 100 Year Floodplain and Floodway 0 -Impacts(acres) Historic Properties no 1 Noise Receptor Im acts2 147 Recorded Archaeological Sites no 0 Wildlife Refuge/Game Lands acres 0 Recreational Areas /Parks no 0 High Quality Waters (HQW, ORW, WS Protected or Critical Areas (acres) 3 03 Public Water Supply Wells 100' Buffer 0 Cemeteries no 2 Potential UST / Hazmat Sites no 4 Total Cost in millions 3 $1492 Notes 'Impact calculations are based on prelimtnan design slope stake limits plus an additional 25 feet Impacts calculated for \fihtarj Cutoff Road Extension Alternative 1\11 utihze the Hampstead Bj pass Alternati-, e E H interim interchange configuration The interim configuration includes the full E H interchange footprint south of the US 17 Wilmington Bi pass and a reduced or interim design north of the US 17 Wilmington Bi pass 21mpacted noise receptors will be updated in a Design Noise Report and recommended noise barrier locations will be reviewed 3Updated costs will be included in the FEIS 4Red numbers in parentheses reflect reductions in impacts as a result of aN oidance and minimization measures incorporated into the design since the December 2011 CP3 informational meeting 30 AVOIDANCE AND MINIMIZATION Mihtar) Cutoff Road Extension Alternative M1 minunizes impacts to resources Howe-, er it is not feasible for the proposed project to completely aN old impacts to the Waters of the US and still meet the purpose and need of the project fhe following aN oidance and nunimi7ltion efforts have been incorporated into the proposed project 31 Section 404 Avoidance and Minimization Measures ■ Military Cutoff Road Extension north of 1 orchwood Boule-, and was realigned in the vicinity of the Cape Fear Public Utility Authority s Water 1 reatment Plant Wetland impacts were reduced by 0 78 acre [BWI] and stream nmpacts were reduced by 677feet [BSO 560 feet and BSP 117 feet] (Figure 3F) ■ A retaining wall was added to the design south of Putnam Drix e to a-, old impacts to wetland PD 01 ( 0 07 acre) (Figure 3D) ■ Loops and ramps in the Military Cutoff Road Extension interchange at Market Street were tightened reducing wetland impacts by 0 89 acre [BWD 0 19 acre ZWY 0 04 acre PD 04 0 66 acre] (Figures 3A and 3B) ■ The design was reN ised at the Military Cutoff Road Extension interchange with the US 17 Wilmington Bypass The ramp in Quadrant D was pulled in reducing wetland impacts by 1 16 acres [CWF 1 10 acre DWC 0 06 acre] As a result of this change impacts to the Plantation Road Site were reduced by 0 02 acre and impacts to the Corbett Tract Residual Strip were reduced by 0 07 acre (Figure 30) ■ The design incorporates a retaining wall and guardrail to miiutnize impacts to stormwater ponds in the Food Lion shopping center (Figures 3A and 3B) 32 Additional Avoidance and Minimization 3 2 1 WELLS ■ The original design of proposed Military Cutoff Road Extension Alternati-, e M1 would haN e relocated two water supply wells operated by the Cape Fear Public Utiht} Authority (CFPUA) The alternati-, e was realigned to avoid these wells and minimize impacts to the ChPUA groundwater water supply infrastructure (Figure 3F) ■ Prior to the completion of the final environmental document for the project NCDOT will meet with the CFPUA local fire departments and other appropriate agencies to discuss additional protection measures for the wellhead protection area Measures requiring NCDOT participation will be identified in the project commitments ■ NCDOT will coordinate with the CFPUA on the potential inclusion of a sign on Military Cutoff Road Extension identify ing the water supply area ■ Well locations and a 100 foot buffer around the wells will be depicted on final constructions plans foi Mihtart Cutoff Road Extension The Special ProN isions within the final design plans will include a requirement for the contractor s to educate then employees that project construction is occurring within a wellhead protection area ■ NCDO f will coordinate with CFPUA on utthty impacts resulting fiom the proposed project 3 2 2 WATER QUALITY AND EROSION CONTROL ■ Howe Creek is designated an Outstanding Resource Water (ORW) by the North Carolina DiN ision of Water Quality (DWQ) Tributaries of this stream (BDITCHI) are designated ORW due to the classification of their recen ing waters Design Standards in Sensitive Watersheds will be implemented for BDITCHI during project construction (Figure 2C) 3 2 3 RESIDENTIAL AND BUSINESS RELOCATIONS Control of access was seduced along Market Street both north and south of the Military Cutoff Road Extension interchange to InUUMize impacts to properties on Market Street Loops and ramps in the interchange were tightened A new relocation repo it and right of way cost estimate will be prepared and included in the FEIS It is expected that the design modifications will result in eight fewer residential relocations and 33 fewer business relocations (Figures 3A 3B 3) and 3K) ■ The southeast quadrant (Loop D) of the Military Cutoff Road Extension and Market Street interchange was realigned to the west to minimize impacts to Co -, il Crossing a residential area (Figure 3B) ■ Multiple interchange configurations were reN sewed during the de-, elopment of the Military Cutoff Road Extension alternate-, es The current interchange design provides the capacity needed to handle the high volume of traffic and rnuiumizes impacts to Prospect Cemeterj (Figure 3B) � l 33 L 3 2 4 HISTORIC RESOURCES Avoidance and m,mrmzatlon measures have been incorporated into the Alternati-, e M1 design on Market Street at Mount Ararat AME Church A southbound free flow ramp onto Mihtar� Cutoff Road Extension was changed from a full exit lane to an angular exit In addition the storage length for the right turn lane from Market Street onto Ogden Park Drive was reduced to match existing conditions Right of way impacts to the proposed Mount Ararat AME Church historical boundary were reduced from 0 58 acre to 0 05 acre (Figure 3K) Other Measures to Avoid and Minimize Impacts Evaluated A shift in the alignment between Lendire Road and 1 orchwood Boulevard was e-, aluated to see if impacts to stormwater ponds BPE and BPF and /or streams BSN and BSK could be reduced The current alignment impacts both the stormwater ponds to the east side and the streams on the west side Shifting the alignment to the west would reduce impacts to the stormwater ponds by approximately 77 acre but would increase impacts to the stream b5 approximately 225 linear feet In addition up to 16 properties would be impacted including 1 additional relocations Shifting the alignment to the east would reduce impacts to the sty elms by approximately 1 996 linear feet but would increase impacts to the stormwater ponds b} appiortmately three acres (Figure 3E) ■ The alignment adjacent to the CFPUA water treatment plant was e-, aluated to see if shiftuig it further west (beyond what was already done to nMUM 7e impacts to well buffers) would result in further reductions to wetlands and stream impacts Changing the radius of the curn e results in some decrease to wetland impacts ( 13 acre) and stream impacts ( 400 linear feet) but would , likely result in the relocation of three additional residential properties (Figure 3F) 10 Appendix A Figures m m m m m m m m m m = m m m m m m m m = = = � = � = = m m a � = m m = m m = m m m m m m m m m m m m m i m m m m m m m m r = r = m m = m m = r = m m m m m m m m m m m i m m= m= m= m Z � %Nmnm � rC-f -moil Z €_r ZmNV, ar p D P o� n 2 ,X m ZT �I'I z rn yC0 y�� ti cpR 00 � R O � 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