HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180181 Ver 1_Year 0 Monitoring Report_USACE_2021_20210223 Mitigation Project Information Upload ID#* 20180181 Version* 1 ..................................... Select Reviewer:* Erin Davis Initial Review Completed Date 02/23/2021 Mitigation Project Submittal -2/23/2021 .................................................................................................................................................................................................... Is this a Prospectus,Technical Proposal or a New Site?* O Yes fJ No Type of Mitigation Project:* l� Stream 17 Wetlands G Buffer ❑ Nutrient Offset (Select all that apply) Project Contact Information ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Contact Name:* Email Address:* Cara Conder cara@waterlandsolutions.com Project Information ID#:* 20180181 Version:*1 Existing IDI# Existing Version Project Type: r DMS 0' Mitigation Bank Project Name: Scarborough County: Wayne Document Information ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Mitigation Document Type:* Mitigation As-Built Plans File Upload: Scarborough_MYO_USACE_2021.pdf 40.35MB Rease upload only one R7Fof the conplete file that needs to be subrritted... Signature Print Name:* Cara Conder Signature:* As-Built Baseline Monitoring Report Scarborough Mitigation Project WLS Neuse 02 Umbrella Mitigation Bank Monitoring Year 0 Calendar Year of Data Collection: 2021 Private Commercial Mitigation Bank for Stream and Riparian Wetland Compensatory Mitigation Credits Neuse River Basin (CU 03020202) USACE Action ID Number: SAW-2017-02527 Wayne County, NC Data Collection Period: October 2020— February 2021 Submission Date: February 2021 Prepared for: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District 69 Darlington Avenue Wilmington, North Carolina 28403-1343 Prepared by: 4 WATER & LAND SOLUTIONS 7721 SIX FORKS ROAD, SUITE 130, RALEIGH, NC 27615 {919)614-5111 I woterlandsolutions.com Table of Contents 1 Project Summary 1 1.1 Project Location and Description 1 1.2 Monitoring Schedule and Reporting 1 1.3 Project Goals and Objectives 1 1.4 Project Success Criteria 2 1.4.1 Single-Thread Streams 2 1.4.2 Headwater Streams 3 1.4.3 Wetlands 4 1.4.4 Vegetation 4 1.4.5 Visual Assessment 4 2 Project Mitigation Components 5 2.1 Project Components 5 2.2 Design Approach 6 2.2.1 Stream 6 2.2.2 Wetland 7 3 As-Built (Baseline) Condition 7 3.1 As-built Survey 7 3.2 As-Built Plans/ Record Drawings 8 3.3 As-Built/ Baseline Assessment 8 3.3.1 Morphological Assessment 8 3.3.2 Stream Hydrology 9 3.3.3 Headwater Stream Channel Formation 9 3.3.4 Wetland Hydrology 9 3.3.5 Vegetation 9 4 Methods 10 5 References 11 LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix A Background Tables Table 1 Project Mitigation Components Table 2 Project Activity and Reporting History Table 3 Project Contacts Table 4 Project Information and Attributes Appendix B Visual Assessment Data Figure la-1c Current Condition Plan View (CCPV) Photos Stream Station Photographs (Cross-Sections and Photo Points) Vegetation Plot Photographs Monitoring Device Photographs Appendix C Vegetation Plot Data Table 5a Baseline Vegetation—Planting Data (totals by species) Table 5b Vegetation Plot Mitigation Success Summary Table 5c Redline Planting List Appendix D Stream Measurement and Geomorphology Data Baseline Cross-Sections Table 6a Baseline Stream Data Summary Table 6b Cross-section Morphology Data Table 6c Stream Reach Morphology Data Flow Gauge Diagrams Appendix E As-Built Survey/Record Drawings 1 Project Summary 1.1 Project Location and Description The Scarborough Mitigation Project ("Project") is a mitigation bank under the WLS Neuse 02 Umbrella Mitigation Bank. The Project is located approximately four miles southwest of the Town of Goldsboro in Wayne County, NC(35.3211000, -77.98972222). The Project is located within the 8-digit HUC 03020202, in the NC Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) sub-basin 03-04-05 (Warm Water Thermal Regime), all within the Neuse River Basin. The Project will further the Neuse River Basin Restoration Priorities (RBRP) goals by promoting nutrient and sediment reduction in agricultural areas by restoring and preserving wetlands, streams, and riparian buffers, as well as focusing mitigation projects for North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT). Also, the ecologically valuable floodplain of the Neuse River will be protected in perpetuity in the Project area. The Project involved the restoration, enhancement, and permanent protection of seven stream reaches and their riparian buffers totaling approximately 11,306 linear feet of streams.The Project also included the preservation, re-establishment, and enhancement of riparian wetlands totaling 117.95 acres on the site.The Project will provide significant ecological improvements and functional uplift through stream and aquatic habitat restoration, and through decreasing nutrient and sediment loads within the watershed. The mitigation plan provides a detailed project summary and Table 1 provides a summary of project assets. Figures 1a, 1b, and 1c illustrate the project mitigation components. 1.2 Monitoring Schedule and Reporting The Project will be monitored on a regular basis with physical inspections to occur a minimum of twice per year throughout the seven-year post-construction monitoring period, or until performance standards are met.The measure of stream restoration success will be documented by bankfull flows and no change in stream channel classification.Sand bed channels are dynamic and minor adjustments to dimension and profile are expected. Wetland restoration success will be documented by hydrology. The measure of vegetative success for the Project will be the survival of at least 210 seven-year-old planted trees per acre with an average height of 10 feet at the end of year seven of the monitoring period. Site inspections and monitoring reports will also identify components and features that require routine maintenance or adaptive management. The easement holder and long-term steward is Unique Places to Save (UP2S). UP2S will be responsible for annual inspection of the Project after close-out to ensure that restrictions in place required by the recorded Conservation Easement document are being upheld. 1.3 Project Goals and Objectives The Project will meet the goals and objectives described in the Scarborough Final Approved Mitigation Plan and will address general restoration goals and opportunities outlined in the NC DMS Neuse River Basin RBRP (DEQ 2010). More specifically, watershed goals and management strategies will be met by: • Reducing sediment, soil erosion, turbidity, and nutrient inputs such as nitrogen and phosphorus to the Neuse River Watershed. • Restoring, enhancing, preserving, and protecting headwater streams, wetlands, riparian buffers and aquatic habitat functions. • Improving riparian corridor management and targeting restoration of impacted streams and riparian buffer areas. 1 To accomplish these project-specific goals, the following objectives will be measured to document overall project success: • Provide a floodplain connection to the incised/channelized Project stream reaches by maintaining bank height ratios (BHRs) between 1.0— 1.2, thereby promoting a more natural headwater flow regime and overbank flood flows; • Improve wetland hydrology and vegetation to degraded wetlands by plugging ditches and establishing wet tolerant native species vegetation; • Improve channel bedform diversity by increasing scour pool spacing and depth variability; • Improve aquatic habitat and fish species diversity and migration through the addition of in-stream cover and native woody debris; and • Site protection through a 230.838-acre conservation easement with a minimum width of 50 feet from the top of the restored stream banks.The easement protects all project streams, wetlands and aquatic resources in perpetuity. 1.4 Project Success Criteria The success criteria for the Project will follow approved performance standards and monitoring protocols from the final approved mitigation plan; which was developed in compliance with the USACE October 2016 Guidance, USACE Stream Mitigation Guidelines (April 2003 and October 2005), and 2008 Compensatory Mitigation Final Rule. Cross-section and vegetation plot data will be collected in Years 0, 1, 2,3,5,and 7.Stream and wetland hydrology data and visual monitoring will be reported annually.Specific success criteria components and evaluation methods are described below. 1.4.1 Single-Thread Streams Stream Hydrology: Four separate bankfull or over bank events must be documented within the seven-year monitoring period and the stream hydrology monitoring will continue until four bankfull events have been documented in separate years. Stream hydrology monitoring will be accomplished with pressure transducers installed in pools and correlating sensor depth to top of bank elevation. Recorded water depth above the top of bank elevation will document a bankfull event. The devices will record water depth hourly and will be inspected quarterly. In addition to the pressure transducers, traditional cork gauges will be installed at bankfull elevation and will be used to document bankfull events with photographs. Stream Profiles, Vertical Stability,and Floodplain Access: Stream profiles,as a measure of vertical stability and floodplain access will be evaluated by looking at BHR. In addition, observed bedforms should be consistent with those observed for channels of the design stream type(s). The BHR shall not exceed 1.2 along the restored Project stream reaches. This standard only applies to restored reaches of the channel where BHRs were corrected through design and construction. Vertical stability will be evaluated with visual assessment, cross sections and, if directed by the IRT, longitudinal profile. Stream Horizontal Stability:Cross-sections will be used to evaluate horizontal stream stability on restored streams. There should be little change expected in as-built restoration cross-sections. If measurable changes do occur,they will be evaluated to determine if the changes represent a movement toward a more unstable condition (e.g., downcutting, erosion) or a movement towards increased stability (e.g., settling, vegetation establishment, deposition along the streambanks, decrease in width/depth ratio). Cross- 4 2 sections shall be classified using the Rosgen Stream Classification method and all monitored cross-sections should fall within the quantitative parameters defined for channels of the design stream type. Reference photo transects will be taken at each permanent cross-section. Lateral photos should not indicate excessive erosion or continuing degradation of the streambanks. Photographs will be taken of both streambanks at each cross-section. A survey tape stretched between the permanent cross-section monuments/pins will be centered in each of the streambank photographs. The water elevation will be shown in the lower edge of the frame, and as much of the streambank as possible will be included in each photo. Photographers will attempt to consistently maintain the same area in each photo over time. Additional photo points will be taken annually at the culvert crossings located on the project at Casey Mill Road and Arrington Bridge Road, and in the Enhancement II section on upper UT2. Streambed Material Condition and Stability: After construction, there should be minimal change in the particle size distribution of the streambed materials, over time, given the current watershed conditions and limited upstream sediment supply. Because the streambed material and sediment supply is predominantly sand with minimal gravel, significant changes in particle size distribution and channel substrate are not expected. Jurisdictional Stream Flow: Monitoring of stream flow will be conducted to demonstrate that the restored stream systems, classified as intermittent, exhibit surface flow for a minimum of 30 consecutive days throughout some portion of the year,during a year with normal or below normal rainfall conditions.Stream flow monitoring will be accomplished with pressure transducers installed in pools and correlating sensor depth to the downstream top of riffle elevation. If the pool water depth is at or above the top of riffle elevation,then the channel will be assumed to have surface flow. The devices will record water elevation twice per day and will be inspected quarterly to document surface hydrology and provide a basis for evaluating flow response to rainfall events. A diagram of the flow gauge installation and measurements can be found in Appendix D. 1.4.2 Headwater Streams Seasonal Flow: Surface flow must be documented using automatic pressure transducers (flow gauges). Continuous surface water flow within the valley or crenulation must be documented to occur every year for at least 30 consecutive days during the prescribed monitoring period.This will be accomplished in the same approach as Jurisdictional Stream Flow above. Channel Formation:During monitoring years 1 through 4,a preponderance of evidence must demonstrate a concentration of flow indicative of channel formation within the topographic low-point of the valley or crenulation as documented by the following indicators: • Scour(indicating sediment transport by flowing water) • Sediment deposition (accumulations of sediment and/or formation of ripples) • Sediment sorting(sediment sorting indicated by grain-size distribution within primary flow path) • Multiple observed flow events (must be documented by gauge data and/or photographs) • Destruction of terrestrial vegetation • Presence of litter and debris • Wracking (deposits of drift material indicating surface water flow) • Vegetation matted down, bent, or absent(herbaceous or otherwise) 4 3 • Leaf litter disturbed or washed away During monitoring years 5 through 7, the stream must successfully meet the requirements above and in addition must demonstrate the development of stream bed and banks as documented by the following indicators: • Bed and banks (may include the formation of stream bed and banks, development of channel pattern such as meander bends and/or braiding at natural topographic breaks, woody debris, or plant root systems) • Natural line impressed on the bank(visible high-water mark) • Shelving(shelving of sediment depositions indicating transport) • Water staining(staining of rooted vegetation) • Change in plant community (transition to species adapted for flow or inundation for a long duration, including hydrophytes) • Changes in character of soil (texture and/or chroma changes when compared to the soils abutting the primary path of flow) Wetland Hydrology:The performance standard for wetland hydrology will be at least 12 percent in the lower elevations (i.e. floodplain areas) and 10 percent along the ridges where hydric soils transition to upland areas. These hydroperiod ranges are based on the suggested wetland saturation thresholds for soils taxonomic subgroups provided by the IRT and as compared with on-site wetland reference data.The proposed success criteria for wetland hydrology will be when the soils are saturated within 12 inches of the soil surface for 10 to 12 percent (23 to 27 days) of the growing season (March 21 through November 6) based on WETS data table for Wayne County, NC.The saturated conditions should occur during a period when antecedent precipitation has been normal or drier than normal for a minimum frequency of 5 years in 10. Precipitation data will be obtained from the Cherry Research Station near Goldsboro (GOLD),which is approximately 5.5 miles northwest from the Project site. A tipping bucket rain gauge was installed on- site for reference data. 1.4.4 Vegetation Vegetation monitoring will occur in the fall each required monitoring year, prior to leaf drop. Plots will be monitored in years 1, 2,3, 5, and 7.Vegetative success for the Project during the intermediate monitoring years will be based the survival of at least 320,three-year-old planted trees per acre at the end of Year 3 of the monitoring period; and at least 260,five-year-old, planted trees per acre that must average seven feet in height at the end of Year 5 of the monitoring period.The final vegetative restoration success criteria will be achieving a density of no less than 210, seven-year-old planted stems per acre that must average 10 feet in height in Year 7 of monitoring. 1.4.5 Visual Assessment WLS will conduct visual assessments in support of mitigation performance monitoring.Visual assessments of all stream reaches will be conducted twice per monitoring year with at least five months in between each site visit for each of the seven years of monitoring. Photographs will be used to visually document system performance and any areas of concern related to streambank and bed stability, condition of in- stream structures, channel migration,excess sediment, active headcuts, live stake mortality, invasive plant species or animal browsing, easement boundary encroachments, and general streambed conditions. 4 4 2 Project Mitigation Components 2.1 Project Components The Project mitigation components included a combination of Stream Restoration and Enhancement, as well as Riparian Wetland Restoration (Re-establishment), Enhancement, and Preservation activities. The mitigation types and approved credits are summarized in the tables below. Table la. Mitigation Plan Stream Mitigation Credits(SMCs) As-Built Existing Proposed Mitigation Plan Project Mitigation Stream Stream Stream Stream Reach Type of Mitigation Credit Mitigation Length Length Mitigation Designation Ratio Credits (LF) (LF) Credits(SMCs) (SMCs) Stream Restoration UT1-R1 (HW/PI) 2,808 2,808 1:1 2,808 2,808 Stream Restoration UT1-R2 (pl/PII) 1,450 1,861 1:1 1,861 1,8223 Stream Restoration UT1-R3 (PII) 1,176 1,485 1:1 1,485 1,485 Stream Restoration UT1A 237 241 1:1 241 241 (PI) Stream Restoration UT1B (H W/PI) 1,261 1,166 1:1 1,166 1,166 UT2(Upper) Stream Enhancement 590 586 4:1 147 147 (HW/PI) UT2(Lower) Stream Restoration 1,662 1,712 1:1 1,712 1,712 (HW/PI) Stream Restoration UT3 (HW/PI) 997 1,483 1:1 1,483 1,483 Totals 10,181 11,342 10,903 10,863 Note 1:No mitigation credits were calculated outside the conservation easement boundaries. Note 2:Headwater(HW)stream credits calculated using valley length. Note 3:UT1-R2 credits were reduced due to amended conservation easement boundary. Table lb. Mitigation Plan Wetland Mitigation Credits(WMCs) Mitigation Plan As-Built Riparian Proposed Mitigation Project Riparian Wetland Wetland Type of Mitigation Wetland Credit Wetland Area Mitigation Credits Mitigation Credits Acreage(AC) Ratio (WMCs) (WMCs) W1 Wetland Preservation 2.150 10:1 0.210 0.210 W5 Wetland Preservation 1.180 10:1 0.120 0.120 SW1 Wetland Re-establishment 107.400 1:1 107.400 106.7003 SW2 Wetland Enhancement 7.920 3:1 2.640 2.640 Totals 118.65 110.37 109.67 Note 1:No mitigation credits were calculated outside the conservation easement boundaries. Note 2:No wetland mitigation credits were calculated within the 100-foot wide HW stream corridor. Note 3:SW1 credits were decreased due to expanded berm on eastern project boundary. 4 5 2.2 Design Approach 2.2.1 Stream The Project stream design approach included a combination of Stream Restoration and Enhancement activities. Priority Level I and II Restoration reaches incorporated the design of a single-thread meandering channel and headwater stream valley, with parameters based on data taken from reference site comparisons, published empirical relationships, NC Coastal Plain Regional Curves, and hydrologic and hydraulic analyses. All creditable non-vegetated areas within the easement were planted with native vegetation and any areas of invasive species were removed and/or treated. • Reach UT1-R1—Reach UT1-R1 begins at the western edge of the Project limits flowing southeast to reach UT1-R2.The headwater valley restoration of UT1-R1 ends at the confluence with UT3 as the valley turns east towards the Neuse River.At this location,the small moderately-defined pilot channel gradually transitions into a single-thread channel that is more'well defined'and the ditch that flows offsite was plugged up to the property line. • Reach UT1-R2— Reach UT1-R2 begins downstream of UT1-R1 and flows east to Casey Mill Road. The Priority Level I Restoration included excavating a new single-thread channel and plugging adjacent ditches to improve hydrological function and hyporheic zone interaction. Further downstream, UT1-R2 transitions to a Priority Level II Restoration to match the existing culvert invert elevation at Casey Mill Road. • Reach UT1-R3—UT1-R3 continues east from Casey Mill Road and is a Priority Level II Restoration. A single-thread meandering channel was constructed across a newly excavated floodplain at the existing channel elevation. UT1-R3 flows northeast towards the Neuse River, exiting the Project at an existing culvert under Arrington Bridge Road. • Reach UT1A—UT1A begins at the toe of slope near the adjacent bluff and flows northeast towards UT1-R1. Restoration work along UT1A involved excavating a new single-thread channel. The existing spoil piles were removed,adjacent ditches were plugged to improve hydrological function and hyporheic zone interaction, and new channel was constructed to convey flows from the adjacent hillslope. • Reach UT1B — UT1B begins within a headwater valley and flows south towards UT1-R1. Work along UT1B involved headwater valley restoration and the excavation of a small moderately- defined pilot channel. Existing spoil piles were removed, adjacent ditches were plugged to improve hydrological function and hyporheic zone interaction, and new channel was constructed to convey flows to UT1-R1. • Reach UT2 (Upper)— UT2 (Upper) begins offsite at a spring head within a mature forested area and flows north to UT2 (Lower) and UT1-R2. UT2 (Upper) work consisted of Enhancement Level II. The existing channel was filled to an elevation sufficient to connect the headwater channel to its historic floodplain downstream and remnant spoil piles were removed from the stream reach. 4 6 • Reach UT2 (Lower) — Work on UT2 (Lower) involved headwater valley restoration to its confluence with UT1-R2. UT2 (Lower)consists of a previously channel ized stream which was filled to an elevation sufficient to connect the headwater channel to its historic floodplain using native woody material and suitable fill material from overburden areas and remnant spoil piles. The valley bottom was graded to restore natural valley topography and a small pilot channel was excavated to allow diffuse flow paths to develop over time. • Reach UT3—Work on UT3 consisted of headwater valley restoration to its confluence with UT1- R1.The existing channel was filled to an elevation sufficient to connect the headwater channel to its historic floodplain using native woody material and suitable fill material from overburden areas and remnant spoil piles. The valley bottom was graded to restore the natural microtopographic variability that is common within these headwater systems. 2.2.2 Wetland • Riparian Wetland Re-establishment(Restoration -SW1)—Wetland area SW1 totals 106.7 acres throughout the project site. The existing hydric soil areas have favorable conditions for re- establishing historic wetlands. It is anticipated that as a direct result of implementing a Priority Level I restoration, headwater valley restoration, ditch plugging, limited soil manipulation (less than one-foot depth),and revegetation,the natural wetland hydrology will be restored and allow the degraded wetland areas to regain their normal/historic functions. The existing channelized streams were partially to completely filled throughout the project area and proposed wetland areas were loosened (ripped/disked) prior to planting native wetland vegetation. • Riparian Wetland Enhancement (SW2) — Wetland area SW2 totals 7.92 acres of existing jurisdictional wetlands that have been enhanced. As described above, stream restoration activities included ditch plugging, minimal grading and blending of microtopography, and will provide significant functional uplift across the project area. This approach will also improve and enhance the hyporheic zone interaction and hydrology to existing wetland areas. Wetland enhancement areas were planted with native wet tolerant species. • Riparian Wetland Preservation (W1 and W5)-W1 and W5 are existing jurisdictional wetlands in a mature forested area adjacent to UT1-R1 and upper UT2 respectively. Based on field investigations and site assessments during the mitigation plan development, these existing stream and wetland systems are forested and mostly stable and undisturbed. Preservation was proposed in these areas since the existing wetland systems are higher functioning with a mature riparian buffer due to minimal historic impacts.The wetland preservation areas will be protected in perpetuity through a permanent conservation easement. 3 As-Built (Baseline) Condition 3.1 As-built Survey An as-built survey conducted under the responsible charge of a North Carolina Professional Land Surveyor (Marshall Wight, PLS with WithersRavenel),was utilized to document the baseline condition of the Project post-construction. The Project construction was completed in October 2020, planting was completed in February 2021, and as-built survey was completed in November 2020. Baseline monitoring activities 4 7 occurred from November 2020 to February 2021. The as-built survey included a topographic surface survey, locating the constructed stream channels, in-stream structures, monitoring device locations, a longitudinal profile survey for each project reach, and cross-section surveys for each reach. t.2 As-Built Plans/ Record Drawings The results of the as-built survey establish and document post-construction or baseline conditions and will be used for comparing annual post-construction monitoring data. The as-built plans or record drawings were developed utilizing the final construction plans as the "background", and then overlaying the as-built survey information on the plan and profile sheets. Any significant adjustments or deviations made to the final construction plans during construction are shown as redline mark-ups or callouts on the as-built survey plan sheets.The as-built plans/record drawings are located in Appendix E. 3.3 As-Built/ Baseline Assessment No significant deviations were documented between the final construction plans and the as-built condition that may affect channel performance or changes in vegetation species planted. Reach sections along UT1-R1 (stations 11+20 to 14+05 and 18+00 to 23+00) and UT1B (station 16+00 to 20+00) were slightly realigned to avoid mature vegetation and prevent root stress within the drip lines. Additionally, the constructed berm along the eastern easement line (property boundary) was widened and flattened to accommodate excess spoil material and allow larger flood flows to drain more naturally from and across the wetland re-establishment area (SW1). No major issues or mitigating factors were observed immediately after construction which require consideration or remedial action. Before submittal of the as-built report, WLS amended the conservation easement to account for approximately 600 linear feet of utility right-of-way (ROW) that runs parallel along Casey Mill Road that was inside the original recorded easement. The Carolina Power & Light ROW is 30 feet wide and 0.348 acres were removed from the original conservation easement. WLS has amended the conservation easement and plat and the revised easement acreage is 230.838 acres. WLS has revised the creditable stream areas (UT1-R2) accordingly. 3.3.1 Morphological Assessment Morphological data for the as-built profile was collected in October 2020. Refer to Appendices B and D for summary data tables, morphological plots, and stream photographs. Stream Longitudinal Profit, The MY0 stream longitudinal profiles closely match the design parameters. Measurements were taken at the beginning or head of each feature (e.g., riffle, pool) and at the maximum pool depth.The constructed riffles are depicted as straight lines with consistent slope breaks. Various locations along the longitudinal profiles illustrate multiple slope breaks due to the installation of log structures and woody debris within the streambed.The constructed riffle slopes and pool depths vary slightly from design parameters due to field adjustments and fine sediment migration during construction.The MY0 stream longitudinal profiles illustrate that the bedform diversity and features installed are consistent with intended design approach. Stream Horizontal Pattern The MY0 planform geometry or pattern measurements fell within acceptable ranges of the design parameters for all restored reaches.The parameters such as sinuosity, radius of curvature, and meander width ratio were documented on constructed single-thread channels. Any lateral channel adjustments in 4 8 stream pattern do not present a stability concern or indicate a need for remedial action and will be assessed visually during the annual monitoring reports. The results of the planimetric survey show that the restored horizontal geometry is consistent with intended design approach. Stream Horizontal Dimension The MY0 channel dimensions generally match the design parameters and are within an acceptable stable range of tolerance. It is expected that over time that some pools may accumulate fine sediment and organic matter, however, this is not an indicator of channel instability. Maximum riffle depths are expected to fluctuate slightly throughout the monitoring period as the channels adjust to restored flow regime. 3.3.2 Stream Hydrology Stream Flow Four pressure transducers (flow gauges) were installed in September 2020 in the headwater restoration sections in reaches UT1-R1, UT1B, UT3, and UT2 (Upper) to document baseflow conditions. The flow gauge locations are within the upper one-third of the project reaches as shown on Figure 1 and data will be included in the Monitoring Year 1 Report. Bankfull Events Two crest gauges were installed in October 2020 to document bankfull events. WLS installed a conventional cork crest gauge, along with pressure transducers to validate flood status. One gauge was installed on UT1-R2 and the other on UT1-R3. Stream hydrology data will be included in the Monitoring Year 1 Report in this section and in the appendices. Recorder locations can be found on Figures 1a-1c. 3.3.3 Headwater Stream Channel Formation During monitoring years 1 through 4, a preponderance of evidence must demonstrate a concentration of flow indicative of channel formation within the topographic low-point of the valley or crenulation as documented by the indicators described in section 1.4.2.This evidence will be addressed in the Monitoring Year 1 Report. 3.3.4 Wetland Hydrology Twenty-six groundwater wells were installed in November 2020 to monitor wetland hydrology. Groundwater well locations can be found on Figures la-1c and the data will be included in subsequent monitoring reports. 3.3.5 Vegetation Monitoring of the 26 permanent vegetation plots (joint 404/401), 10 random vegetation plots, and 5 random transects(50m x2m)was completed in January and February 2021.Vegetation data can be found in Appendix C,with the associated photos located in Appendix B.The MY0 average planted density is 684 stems per acre, which exceeds the interim measure of vegetative success of at least 320 planted stems per acre at the end of the third monitoring year. All vegetation plots/transects met the interim measure of success.The number of trees per acre ranged from 13—23 across all vegetation plots.Volunteer species were not noted at baseline monitoring but are expected to establish in upcoming years. A significant population of kudzu (Pueraria montana)was documented west of UT2 (upper). Initial spray treatments occurred in September 2020, but this area will be closely monitored, and re-sprouts will be 4 9 treated as needed to prevent further establishment. Visual assessment of vegetation throughout the planted area indicates herbaceous vegetation is establishing. 4 Methods Stream cross-section monitoring was conducted using a Topcon RL-H5 Laser Level. Morphological data were collected at 14 cross-sections. Survey data were imported into Microsoft Excel®for data processing and analysis. The stage recorders include an automatic pressure transducer set in PVC piping in the channel.The elevation of the bed and top of bank at each stage recorder location was recorded to be able to document presence of water in the channel and out of bank events. Visual observations (i.e. wrack or debris lines) and traditional cork crest gauges will also be used to document overbank flow bank events. Vegetation success is being monitored at a total of 26 permanent vegetation plots, 10 random vegetation plots, and 5 random transects (each 2m x 50m). The 26 permanent vegetation plots are joint 404/401. Vegetation plot monitoring follows the CVS-EEP Level 2 Protocol for Recording Vegetation, version 4.2 (Lee et al. 2008) and includes analysis of species composition and density of planted species. Data are processed using the CVS data entry tool. In the field,the four corners of each fixed plot were permanently marked with PVC at the origin and rebar at all corners. Random veg plots were marked in the field with stakes at all corners and trees were flagged with flagging tape. Photos of each fixed plot are to be taken from the origin each monitoring year. Tree species and height will be recorded for each planted stem. Random plots and transects will be mapped and new locations will be monitored in subsequent years. Wetland hydrology is monitored to document success in wetland restoration and enhancement areas where hydrology was affected. This is accomplished with 26 automatic pressure transducer gauges (located in groundwater wells)that record daily(twice per day)groundwater levels. Pressure transducers are HOBO Water Level (13ft) Data Loggers made by Onset. Twenty-six data loggers have been installed within the wetland crediting area. Of the 26 located in the credited areas, one was installed within a reference wetland area. One automatic pressure transducer is installed above ground for use as a barometric reference. Gauges are downloaded quarterly and wetland hydroperiods are calculated during the growing season. Gauge installation followed current regulatory guidance. Visual observations of primary and secondary wetland hydrology indicators are also recorded during quarterly site visits. 4 10 > References Lee Michael T., Peet Robert K., Roberts Steven D., and Wentworth Thomas R., 2008. CVS-EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation Level. Version 4.2 (RBRP) North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NCEEP), 2010. Neuse River Restoration Priority Plan (RBRP). United States Army Corps of Engineers. 2003. Stream Mitigation Guidelines,April 2003, U.S.Army Corps of Engineers. Wilmington District. United States Army Corps of Engineers. 2016. Notification of Issuance of Guidance for Compensatory Stream and Wetland Mitigation Conducted for Wilmington District, October 2016, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Wilmington District. Water and Land Solutions, LLC(2019). Scarborough Final Mitigation Plan. USACE, Raleigh, NC. 4 11 Appendix A : Background Tables Table 1. Scarborough Mitigation Project (SAW-2017-02527) - Mitigation Assets and Components Existing Mitigation Footage Plan As-Built or Footage or Mitigation Restoration Priority Mitigation Footage or Project Segment Acreage Acreage Category Level Level Ratio(X:1) Acreage Comments UT1-R1 2,808 2,808 Warm R HW/PI 1.00000 2,808 Full Channel Restoration,Planted Buffer,Permanent Conservation Easement UT1-R2 1,450 1,861 Warm R PI/PII 1.00000 1,822 Full Channel Restoration,Planted Buffer,Permanent Conservation Easement UT1-R3 1,176 1,485 Warm R PI 1.00000 1,489 Full Channel Restoration,Planted Buffer,Permanent Conservation Easement UT1A 237 241 Warm R PI 1.00000 240 Full Channel Restoration,Planted Buffer,Permanent Conservation Easement Dimension and Profile modified in keeping with reference,Planted Buffer, UT1B 1,261 1,166 Warm R HW/PI 1.00000 1,166 Permananent Conservation Easement Supplmentally Planted Buffer,Removed abandoned culvert, Permenant UT2(Upper) 590 586 Warm EH HW/PI 4.00000 586 Conservation Easement UT2(Lower) 1,662 712 Warm R HW/PI 1.00000 712 Full Channel Restoration,Planted Buffer,Permanent Conservation Easement Dimension and Profile modified in keeping with reference,Planted Buffer, UT3 997 1,483 Warm R HW/PI 1.00000 1,483 Permananent Conservation Easement W1 2.150 2.150 RR P 10.00000 2.150 Permanent Conservation Easement W5 1.180 1.180 RR P 10.00000 1.180 Permanent Conservation Easement SW1 N/A 107.400 RR RE 1.00000 106.700 Limited soil manipulation,Restored groundwater hydrology,Planting SW2 7.920 7.920 RR E = 3.00000 7.920 Limited soil manipulation,Restored groundwater hydrology,Planting Project Credits Stream Riparian Wetland Non-Rip Coastal Restoration Level Warm Cool Cold Riverine Non-Riv Wetland Marsh Restoration 10,717 Re-establishment 106.700 Rehabilitation Enhancement 2.640 Enhancement I Enhancement II 146.500 Creation _ Preservation 0.333 Totals 10,863 109.673 0.000 0.000 Table 2. Project Activity and Reporting History Scarborough Mitigation Project (SAW-2017-02527) Elapsed Time Since grading complete: 4 months Elapsed Time Since planting complete: 0 months Number of reporting Years : 0 Data Collection Completion or Activity or Deliverable Complete Delivery Institution Date N/A 10/4/2018 404 permit date N/A 2/18/2020 Restoration Plan N/A 11/22/2019 Final Design — Construction Plans N/A 11/22/2019 Construction N/A 10/21/2020 Planting N/A 2/20/2021 As-built (Year 0 Monitoring — baseline) 2/22/2021 2/23/2021 Year 1 Monitoring Year 2 Monitoring Year 3 Monitoring Year 4 Monitoring Year 5 Monitoring Year 6 Monitoring Year 7 Monitoring/ Close Out Table 3. Project Contacts Table Scarborough Mitigation Project(SAW-2017-02527) Designer Water& Land Solutions, LLC 7721 Six Forks Rd, Suite 130, Raleigh, NC 27615 Primary project design POC Kayne Van Steil Phone: 919-818-8481 Construction Contractor Wright Contracting, LLC PO Box 545, Siler City, NC 27344 Construction contractor POC Ross Kennedy Phone: 866-809-9276 Survey Contractor WithersRavenel 115 MacKenan Drive, Cary, NC 27511 Survey contractor POC Marshall Wight Phone: 919-469-3340 Planting Contractor Ripple EcoSolutions, LLC 215 Moonridge Road, Chapel Hill, NC 27516 Planting contractor POC George Morris Phone: 919-818-3984 Seeding Contractor Wright Contracting, LLC PO Box 545, Siler City, NC 27344 Contractor point of contact Ross Kennedy Phone: 866-809-9276 Seed Mix Sources Green Resource Phone: 336-588-6363 Nursery Stock Suppliers (Bare Roots Trees) Native Forest Nursery Phone: 706-843-3397 Nursery Stock Suppliers (Bare Roots/Plugs Mellow Marsh Farm Phone: 919-742-1200 Shrubs) Nursery Stock Suppliers (Live Stakes) Mellow Marsh Farm Phone: 919-742-1200 Monitoring Performers Water& Land Solutions, LLC 7721 Six Forks Rd, Suite 130, Raleigh, NC 27615 Stream Monitoring POC Emily Dunnigan Phone: 269-908-6306 Vegetation Monitoring POC Emily Dunnigan Phone: 269-908-6306 Wetland Monitoring POC Emily Dunnigan Phone: 269-908-6306 Table 4.Project Background Information Project Name Scarborough Mitigation Project County VVayne Project Area(acres) 230.838 Project Coordinates(latitude and longitude) 35.319631,-77.985795 Planted Acreage(Acres of Woody Stems Planted) 146.2 acres Project Watershed Summary Information Physiographic Province Inner Coastal Plain River Basin Neuse USGS Hydrologic Unit 8-digit I 03020202 USGS Hydrologic Unit 12-digit I 030202020103 DWR Sub-basin 03-04-05 Project Drainage Area(Acres and Square Miles) 603 acres and 0.942 sq.miles Project Drainage Area Percentage of Impervious Area <1% CGIA Land Use Classification 2.01.01,312,413(85%row crop,10%, grassland/herbaceous,5%woody wetland) Reach Summary Information Parameters Reach UT1-R1 Reach UT1-R2 Reach UT1-R3 Reach UTIA Reach UT1B U12(Upper) U12(Lower) UT3 Length of reach(linear feet) 2,808 1,822 1,485 241 1,166 586 1,712 1,483 Valley confinement(Confined,moderately confined,unconfined) unconfined unconfined unconfined unconfined unconfined unconfined unconfined unconfined Drainage area(Acres and Square Miles) 214 ac and 0.334 528 ac and 0.825 603 ac and 71 ac and 0.111 55 ac and 0.086 sq 113 ac and 0.177 176 ac and 86 ac and 0.134 sq mi sq mi 0.942 sq mi sq mi mi sq mi 0.275 sq mi sq mi Intermittent/ Perennial,Intermittent,Ephemeral Perennial Perennial Intermittent Intermittent Perennial Perennial Intermittent Perennial NCDWR Water Quality Classification C,NSW C,NSW C,NSW C,NSW C,NSW C,NSW C,NSW C,NSW Stream Classification(existing) E5 E5(incised) E5(incised) E5(incised) E5(incised) E5(incised) E5(incised) E5(incised) Stream Classification(proposed) DA E5/C5 E5/C5 E5(incised) DA DA DA DA Evolutionary trend(Simon) II II II II I I I I I I I I FEMA classification AE AE AE AE AE AE AE AE Wetland Summary Information Parameters W1 W5 SW1 SW2 Size of Wetland(acres) 2.15 1.18 106.70 7.92 Wetland Type(non-riparian,riparian riverine or riparian non-riverine) RR RR RR RR Mapped Soil Series Lv,KaE Lv,Na Lv,Na,Dr,La, Lv,Na,Dr Le,WkB2 poorly drained, somewhat poorly drained, poorly drained, poorly drained, poorly drained, somewhat poorly somewhat poorly Drainage class moderatly well somewhat poorly drained, drained, drained drained excessivly somewhat poorly drained,poorly drained drained, well drained Hydric,Non- Hydric,Non- Hydric,Non- Hydric,Non- Soil Hydric Status Hydric,Non-hydric Hyrdic Hydric,Non- Hydric,Non- Hydric,Hydric, Hydric Non-Hydric Groundwater, Groundwater, Groundwater, Groundwater, Source of Hydrology Surface Hydrology Surface Surface Surface Hydrology Hydrology Hydrology Restoration or enhancement method(hydrologic,vegetative etc.) Preservation Preservation RE:HydroNeg E:Veg Regulatory Considerations Parameters Applicable? Resolved? Supporting Docs? Water of the United States-Section 404 Yes Yes NWP27 Water of the United States-Section 401 Yes Yes NWP27 Endangered Species Act No Yes Prospectus Historic Preservation Act Yes Yes Prospectus Coastal Zone Management Act(CZMA or CAMA) No N/A N/A FEMA Floodplain Compliance Yes Yes Floodplain develop permit Essential Fisheries Habitat No N/A N/A Appendix B :•Visual Assessment Data Figure la, 1b, & 1c: Current Condition Plan View (CCPV) Stream Station Photographs (Cross-Sections and Photo Points) Vegetation Plot Photographs Monitoring Device Photographs ‘, . ,, /. Conservation,, _.,. ;:.,,.._ .,.Easement, :.,... , . ViJ Wetland I 7 • -Pr' i * 0 4, I— Map Index , • • `°4tir ' , k-- I . .1 s.• . .. ,y, -4, •. • 0,-. . ,-.. , ......:• 4.• , .- '''" e , '."......-41..,.., . . ,9,,, ,, ,.•• ,hr 1 'okiii il:''' , . ' ''' ''. ...?"N ','-•„' \ . -.4,0,4 4 0. * _ ,;•14311/2liN4' ''\>'.NI°N ' •••• -/\•4• 'e'll',.3*1 ,. 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Fa- NCPCPG'IA, NC911 Board — -.4 •, _ --- USACE FIGURE 4 WATER & I.A kIrTM D' Scarborough Mitigation Project USACE Action ID Number: SAW-2017-02527 Current Conditions Plan View SOLUTIONS Wayne County, North Carolina February 2021 MY0 Monitoring Year 0 NAD 1983 2011 State Plane North Carolina FIPS 3200 FT US '-•- 4, • �. �.�..0 ,, Conservation Easement O R:::t:rauge (1) '' f 4` h=`��` •' Y :'Y , $ - - Top of Bank (26) g 4 `x� '� l * s ror 5' = ° Stream Crest Gauge 2 l j ; s z,. 4 �.. Restoration PI `� . ' w ( ) • Flow Gauge (4) iLfta € d, wad a t+ ' • •� � - ! •' F: i ;� Restoration (HW/PI) ❑ Photo Station (3) m� ; �� a`t - 14 t ' Restoration PII — -- tit ., ^ ( ) Cross Sections r = v�_ " :c � Enhancement II w �._ , •` A' ' Culvert ++ - ,' - ; Wetland Vegetation Plots r � ��, ' _ _ _ � Re-establishment404/401 Fixed Veg Plot }. .312.4d6 �ja Enhancement - 404 Random Veg Plot u .�: 7/j, Preservation Random 50m x 2m ` " Y ' 27 ; '' Vegetation Transect '',"-.ire,- .* - ,.; ,, r , No Credit Existing s �� n Wetlands OM eg i / - 'big "e.. - / � � 'f, ' e - - r' r .� � 4 . r�{ r P* f e , i a d ,y as 3 A... OIXO GG-16 GG-4 29 1"tir/1// y-/ : ; } L-w s'"Y., 4 _ _ ,I*. 4 .�'. � --_ -- �w..: - i 'y ,` ® XS.S1 3 / 11 i • IM fal i Au i acr _f j wial GG-5 \. . > cu 3 11 ` , , G-18 c>7 . G4111110. UM] 1 GG-20 0 �� ' /1 �r 33 ., f ,� TM USACE Action ID Number: USACE FIGURE 1NATE R & LAND Scarborough Mitigation Project SAW-2017-02527 Current Conditions Plan View February20214 Monitoring Year 0 1 a SOLUTIONS Wayne County, North Carolina NAD 1983 2011 State Plane North Carolina FIPS 3200 FT US i / GG17 r _P �iGG-6 : 'a 4 N 4' ....,/ ..e. ;t °* , 'K :g .4' ,1 UT3 // --/:3_1\ 15 ersza 7 • kk 14 / 4, 16 ri �,a U ��, 6 GG-9 �i - XS,8 O it 3 4 14 d y "4 +- W . _ yt\'' tiltik.i ,' ., / 17 • ,, r ,,4 ', r a., ,, t#a.1ill < • �C,< -0 cif 9 • / , , w �� y ;" _ i � ill • 35 GG23.• y I r• '� 1 f t .ram a,- +� 1, t- .� ,,... L ,14 fhlt 0 -..,...... ,, -..•,&.- 7$4, -r,.,.! .4-.., fi t .:,lrf• '* • A._.-* - , f.''. Oii. 5-- '.4." ' t .. 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Y r . w ' t / ` J::i..4 i . 4.a Lei I r Wetland Vegetation Plots • '�•-i =•s• I � 4" ( ' ..', 1 1.:' Re-establishment 1404/401 Fixed Veg Plot # ,,. ,,, f 3 x" ' reI , , . ,, Enhancement 404 Random VegPlot ,r-1., i.� "re `�oit ° 9x. Preservation Random 50m x 2m Vegetation Transect _ « �" !'' �4. III No Credit ExistingIptaig 4 :� � " . rl ' t f .. . Wetlands .. 1ED 41CD NCCGIA, NC911 Board 4 M USACE Action ID Number: USACE FIGURE WAT E R & LAND Scarborough Mitigation Project SAW-2017-02527 Current Conditions Plan View February2021 Monitoring Year 0 1 b SOLUTIONS Wayne County, North CarolinaMY NAD 1983 2011 State Plane North Carolina FIPS 3200 FT US 35 N 14W I Fe 0 _ 250 500/ UT1�R2y 19 k� 14 // 15 13 16 f 34 v, UT1 ®1 k GG7-2 r 1 6 Conservation Easement — — Top of Bank Stream Restoration (PI) Restoration (HW/PI) Restoration (PII) Enhancement II Wetland ® Re-establishment ® Enhancement ® Preservation C No Credit Existing Wetlands Rain Gauge (1) O Groundwater Gauge (26) Crest Gauge (2) ® Flow Gauge (4) Photo Station (3) ---- Cross Sections Culvert Vegetation Plots 404/401 Fixed Veg Plot 404 Random Veg Plot Random 50m x 2m Vegetation Transect TM WATER & LAND SOLUTIONS Scarborough Mitigation Project Wayne County, North Carolina USACE Action ID Number: SAW-2017-02527 February 2021 MYO USACE Current Conditions Plan View Monitoring Year 0 FIGURE NAD 1983 2011 State Plane F_ North Carolina FIPS 3200 FT US • - , ..,iiiZikiliiiib • ' Fr. .W 1., :•lam: ‘} - •'.-- '., y ', _ J 1 {{,� 1 f -,� Fr 1• ,i,4�.,ylr ,,f -..a v „r L-'1''4.', , r 1 -.a�. . =ee` .Z3=�;- .°. a=�'.fr' .. 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''y3i• ^v+h;r.• :'-' �+, - ry a je,• :• :'I' -.ri. it, yAiV^.^•` _ -r4} - 'SS _ _ ",''-.f^`J,� .5. r12:.. `'� v+**-ter;. .r �`•�' :S. " �r.•:1---+�. `ni�1j( .•.7.- ci�- r� :v— :r "x i-`" a .,�Tr,�ny + =y" • •1.• - - f gar,, ;r-r, _- y,y�7 .. • ,.�;, .a- �;• `'ktif.►•r.,i;V. ,.j ., - ',:. ■� . - 1 1. - �' 4--. it '4'a - s .It r� ' i\•• ,,,,-r- - '-1,4"' T };l r�.-�!•:� .-'1.L.d•,Y �,I..�+.I. r+ :3. � r �.: .► 1,....1., a Z� r. t - �, z - /a,• ' r, - fir- .-.� :a 5•:;. Ayy it F PNi°;� ',1' I�J�'t5. �.,.,• 'k.• "°: "• x .. S[7r' i ' - 1 A 4 .► ..¢t� �:��''� i� r• .r►'-�` -%4 - _ •i.a •fir � _�.'== �� I.�i �` - -� �i• h +9 %1 i r s _ree:. A . aq • pi•s i +M • 1! "7 � f r •,•;. rr-1 r �s' x�',' -_' _ _ :, -._ ..„ apt- eJ 1.t.'.---., c! e• i,' •. T• . _ b �^ ''df :Y� y+, e ▪ �' �:.* ,fie •a r.� ', l * ` °{h 7 � �' . :• f � �" - • -,,--_ �- -_. :, 'V ...y. _mac^- ' .--r ,:. -,. `" 1'-W q • rS� 1"+- • 'M¢.. Ir� ,...Pt�l� 1... 'A�,', ,.: ST Y 1. f' -�J�-�y/�y(��- •. 'fit' t•, r y.-L • • _yd R`ariJ' ^ viRiff.}' ��-, "�.• '1•�7. .F t -i ' 4-'TG:IW' . `.. „„,iY .,,. n 'K. ___ i ' , _ •cr`yN OM '111-;i ,'•his !• .1'- '4,111 �1- 1S :S.... 's'Y `F '1. F` i 1'! I P. UT1 R1, XS 3, Upstream (MY 00) UT1-R1, XS-3, Left Bank (MY-00) • �, .�,• — 'j:, _i a v•� _ - ''' -a_s „ inv. i. ti '3 7 l 1( . ( ' . ,i-fr .V_ ":! •y.�[^'i..�. ,w' • .� r �. �y'4• '`,ter :1}, '� i. { F`� ':, r� 'r c�. `} � f'�� ''4;._�• f.•_.1".`•r' �?J is f,A':..,'' - 1 +�r' '�y.P�a i. r, _ ,� ,3����,�" 71 P • �• � -f _ `i 1r Si, ..< .4� :{ a• � 'ni ' r •]1 rq V,'. I;}e r, � y• _ •Y'i _ ,,,-. -. • ..... +L ►R k�t�L,rY i��,y ..L'i. 'A� It w `_ 4 ,1110-5 f+!P 49 ' k. , M '° 7ffi�': r • ;7�^ '1' r is f ,�y •e �.V ~ - { e �-14,- -,.',t .' ,in 7 �� i-AL'�1'• sf[_. t - — •� • ;ti: � '••,+ y'S, f�, f�'4 h v, •y' 71' ry� ;{, w� .".,r F' ', '-- -# _e ,S i;�s�a �'St4�a-7�. L ~-f _ �' �▪ y ._ 1 fa [' � :rs.y,.' ?ems:... 'r.L- 51.�4 '�!' r'4r r. h1 i'ir:�' F .. f. * �.` a!'..` �Ii �4- 5 '-•. .' t:`-' . `I r \'-i 'i,;- ''' I. - r ' • fi .. F ,..4 rr -- UT1-R1, XS-3, Downstream (MY-00) UT1-R1, XS-3, Right Bank (MY-00) • Pr. -,.... `, '..ar 11.,. ti. -. - - .. re•e��'f,7 r y! • • 3 ' f ,cf. i•. fir.•'.'.-:_.s 'rf'_'••.•� , -Y:of i r.�•' FEE S•. •• ', -•,'• r:: ` Sr �;; ;. 46. y••3s •4L..: r, �.v�,.1r.1-;••I.:sp�a..,,. ;••� r •.,Yt•g1 • .s it -dst, rJ - 1. . r' " 7•L•'--7•'Y•.;.'';.'.4.'.";.-".-..1‘••:-"•;--'p'•':,1 2. .e .r .. r ram.. 1.1 ' :". - r, ri.,- .N!'- T r _r = .1 ` _ 1 - jc _ - '�� •. 1W tq r's • • ' . Jr 1 "+►l _ � � ''3ti. .F: : . a`e ' .r: • � i __ _L , • • . k . , -� /mo'• • ., e r■ l: l 7 . ,'Ji i•r __ i5 ,.,. . ,•rk+. J'i+ • II /}F ��• a' _•a• . ..i•,� i i it •I° r ;1 �,,:.t` ' I1.•• :• .,..4,"•• •••. f 4 ° A: .•' 6..AGAT..•. • '''. ' ••• •• • ' UT1 R1, XS 4, Upstream (MY 00) UT1-R1, XS-4, Left Bank (MY-00) • I I. .. ni a • Y ems ;;df,, .. _r•',J� - '•', icy-Z:' . I • Y 1. Y ,}.:. • ]� _ fir"` •J"• ^".' . r . jj • • • 44 �'k �i�'. �11 '� .. �t ; ' : ► • r� r. -1s .. hilt y. UT1-R1, XS-4, Downstream (MY-00) UT1-R1, XS-4, Right Bank (MY-00) • tl 1 4r� V S1'1 f,� 74 r: • H� •� „ y��l!r tr:rr"' -,r • hR --.- - -•1 • • • 5,.,ti r •i AV �i� f: IK - } ?•..; r.'�y Y:f F`f t •}r. .l e i •j �c z1 ri_Y1: Cl .v" . s r s�• �q¢ 4 v� 1 IN..- � arc r.Y y. 1: •dye;{r_ „3 -Y�. FS. T • t a �fr !. .F +� _? 1. , �* • (4. r,Y `9 yy,,V €P r` y:: e� "se6 '.:1Iff i•^ ' f * 1 s '.a �•' • t .,•:,-..: + .4 ./. rr.¢0�11'''a .f:rft 1.,' ';*'I'i�.'i, �•ii�'� 1 [3 - X.-s'Y•� r� .Y� R ..A;_,,,:: �� - �� - .... A• 'v< °.BR:i' 4.�•1, :.�± -i -: i� .} .,.. ?. 'i '-;ems. • _ _... .,. . ;.1_..c.,,,. ,..,,,*„4.4,......,....,.„,..,..• ___.• , .._ _.. . ....-.,.-7. • I. 44 .'. 4 ' -tk'IVIIri,Ate-'7::1-..4,,D2L.1'. +N ~ • Y I' �. • UT3, XS-5, Upstream (MY-00) UT3, XS 5, Left Bank (MY 00) i r• 1 �, .. • 7r. i - � � _.r�t�.v, rR> ,.• eye. : ` • •,.I ;.�f:: •.�•: LL -• si _ 'L� yk. - ! -r-��:ti I'. • • ..yam L ?` +' frd �'n'4-' r�7.R•�T ..r - \ - '. •� .�Y. f. �• A i .k ;,p.. s It,.. Y t E �_✓• 1 .tea .7 - • .. }•. • / �, tr•,'. r.• may,. .-: a JCS _t , r ?. iY �^�y� r ;4, A; • • -. ir .•' . ' •S* .`' '� '�.•• i'- "1''r •.' - • r ,cam.,, `•- �-�,t. i ' -r • 5 .`. ', "r' { •. :+��• .Ya•Y �` • y It •N�i i. 4,q�,.* ,,, 1!_-',L.' �_ � 11 3 i/o =1firr, I f`+�•f. A +:^'�.a � •I '��I- T i •_ ter w 7 �-�- y , 1' { . _ „., :ice.. I • _ 5l�tif• e W r y '^ll •�5 *IL �PA . ' ‘.-. .,..4,./-..i,'1661+N,gi. .It, .:i'l 111'i ..4 I,• � gyp^ .r ]1.2 d 2 a -, •i �j•1• d `�a .1610; .., •• AC UT3, XS-5, Downstream (MY-00) UT3, XS 5, Right Bank (MY 00) _ • ,„... . . „ ... „. .. 0er — lAemit ---- - - ---' ".---- ,,_ ''' •'.4.„ ".- .., ..-• - . - - „ „ • . • ...._- „ . _ ,,. .--,•-• _ ..., . .„ . .. .....„ ...v..- • ., 1 - } 4:- .! • 'ii'.' :' • '.._.__._,:. . !c!........ - , , ' \ -- • 1:- •'.''''.:-;i: '- •:- :- ----''' I • -^f,-' 1-:•,l,„••:" ,-„••• t...; -.'t•-:-.:.1,. -Air' i .4'. • , t-'''.44'! t:.':-.: :. . ;,.L'.y:•_ , . ,v 01'1 . ..4',Vt.,,?'2 .84'.:,-..--7•'-4'#.;„-, 7--:..„,......t.,-. -: :.. .....:4-t; :: ,:-. -isifi, _..7..:% _ - ‘.,:4-';,oit' 00,4!..4"!.•:,f A!t,k.,:;c•-•• . -4j ,..r• ,,w• . ,..1 4.."..1...3i. vA 4„. •„. .„, ....-, . •:::;- •'1,4..•4 ..':7.1*,4q0, ; - ; , . ., . . . . -monm, . ._ ' rz"t..:';.t..i ; ,..e4N...ii, . .•?-1-40 ' ... .4).F).:- 'rc‘_ : •••-.l•-"'' ''." ..:.:1'!-r4.;16:'_.ZZ.-" -N . 7;ti,;i-40i,•_f.; •'4'fr• ' : '1:."- •.4e .- • „..----- -,, \ • - '!.', .....L 4 .„,e'c !,,.. ...", -:-.1.•:, ..,..7;:' 'sr. :„-we • f - -• - ..-- air ,• '' '' - N-.4+ - •- •,• 1- .7 A , ' -',.. „ - / ''' • ' '.- -•,.),. -..:-:•,,, •,i,_ ' ,:y, .. A.'.. .. - • i .e-•7''''IV_t !:-•: . i"--„.,:,::0. ''''••?--: '• I ' '.- • • . •'..!' : 4: - • c ,,y .4.,. ,f., ..r:!• ...,UtiordAp.4.e.. .K.:90;A, -' Ar. r..4 ' • %.4- 'fr,/.' •;i'.,l ';P 'll. ' -"4 x".„--.„;016i,, :ow.-1Pci,, -- • .. . % 1- .,--4$1.:5: -.' '. '114r. 12, • •'-'-' -."' "zr. .t.-'•.:.J./- 41.,.• 4.1'..". ' . - 1 j-‘-'- ‘ • . :::0'.- itIr• '' '.• -•• • atriV '' 74. : "•-• '' • • 1 • ,,,-11 1',-.. •• • ..2i14. "f.v#.." vt.'ik • A $ ••• .— ---• . . -' r ." '. 1 .1' '' ' . • Mor", '., . , rik.i ':, . .-\\ UT3, XS-6, Upstream (MY-00) UT3, XS-6, Left Bank (MY-00) - • - - I - 24tiliiafillakeal 4, ir -,, 0:• • ' -• •,-;:.,,.--, .,1`` " ,, t. •,: -;'60.011-00.1).;-40 ''...•,';1..!.r. • _ _ ,...„!. ' i k • . • wirtudir . ' •••—• • ---.• •- - ,.—.' : . : 0 ' • .. ; . -- :''t A•r. , 1`‘. 4., !„,,,,, 0- , . , "--...• . .,, „_,.._.....__... .. . ... ,,:'• : i.. , /. •,. .. 5 , v,,,,,,- i,,, • . , , ,, . -. AT., ,....: .. I •, : :.• -- • - , '':,.1:2. lci-_" '-''-.: - , • • • • -- -'1 ,,i• -• +. :. . • %p.' II* . ; -:\ . -.- - - .- -.,...• ..- . ' - - , . -• :..- - ...„ ,.. . • .. •:-. ' --',,'i:-..- --. -=:„.„ - ! \ , '-:•... • • , --. ..;, .• !. .: „.,1 „ ,.,.7,„ , . ...,_ .,-, nt.: ,,4:::\ : .• ::::f,-;„.....-.!:.: . ,' '.14" 4-.::•.%.:-. .%::..,7 -- , ,....., " . 1,. — - - :IPL , . ,, . N, •. . . %. ', ..,i'' ----.- ._- -7,- 'Niii ,, '. '-\- - • '•••,,:\ :,!,:.,, •:;„•;:.:„, : \', ',,,,:-\ 1 ' . ',.. , Ni. ----_-_- -: -•„--.--:: .444.4%.,‘“t• . 1 , : ', • vr=_„: ,'--- ,-----461--‘--'-' : -'.•. . ,, • , .\:‘,.., 1,_=.NV,:•'•!„•„: i':,:"KA,••••'A‘,..• .., - -. ...„ ,‘<.,..,,, _.„,\ •, \:.,, „,. ,.. ,, 1, . • ' .• - . ' IA\ . \ .i„..1 _.,:-..i, ,..-\..-i.,.s. i.,,\ . .. - . . '. -. ., UT3, XS-6, Downstream (MY-00) UT3, XS-6, Right Bank (MY-00) • tN1 !{ A stir''. � �•' — [ .Si: •y .N A .};� f�.r�r: r�.. _ -, .- . . • I',�� �-ti� i.- - " ' .3'i:.f'i:. t• L ..: • ''- '4 y,IP A r r: y': • � `^•�:.� � ..fir. 1� • — lTj� • ��, •!' u _ ., • .---;''',....-r---:: -- lallir5 -. k� }� ' -- . ,. r u '� i '$ , UT2 (Lower), XS-7, Upstream (MY-00) UT2 (Lower), XS-7, Left Bank (MY-00) T. ,w■ .w�+ .. 1 , A 4 , ..., ., i . . . ._ f :'rai Nf i A or, } f. f 'lam ''A''.''......---:i.,lA-;- I;- �1� r. _ -;c• . 1 ..,.. . rye w'. ' - - .. ....- • ., r 4i-, • ,. . ....„4 . • # ....e: , , . , - , , .4„ ' ----'- -- ' 4 , • — ,A7t .*IL ck.q . ;;* • i , i 1. J ti. ' '—'e. —'' ,j•r4*..e-,.. '.7.% "•• t:" Ai i-, , r . •G 4E Ilk y d '.1i�'_ , . -. . fig llf It a 4r ,. v.- // 4y. . /�i i11R as �r r. r"4. �� • a ; 1 UT2 (Lower), XS-7, Downstream (MY-00) UT2 (Lower), XS-7, Right Bank (MY-00) '44„'. "prIrr" --". s om _t R ,. • ��_ �.�.4. `e� y ti..� r • Orr I' • _ � Fait- • I 'yr e.' • '+-1 ,ate. - .� f !,'.. .�yr • fit - • r •� .„ o . `Y' f. _, . ,- - ," f`' �• _. -s , '.-i-a-r•'..�.a-?r5 'iri - -f- • •. r ten � -1p �rd? err: n-. , � .:.. - fj] P. 79 I21 ' /a` :- ., it7-"Ir - - i.. •,a. l- a � • UT2 (Lower), XS-8, Upstream (MY-00) UT2 (Lower), XS 8, Left Bank (MY 00) • ^• .. r...►te r � : � _ �" i. _ ter,,, v,L,:.,i'..-, r-•. : _ .A;-i. :r... 3 r,. it "--- •ih�� � .' - ;f L• �•- - •� = _ i': y+ .q'_._ `. - __...,,.4- - . .-,,. ,relf" ',,..iir,". - _ . , • • - __ `'-�.' - lea. •... ....Fn - ^- �` _ —- 4.: �~ ti r ,;N err G., , 447 �' /I h : :. ram ` • UT2 (Lower), XS-8, Downstream (MY-00) UT2 (Lower), XS 8, Right Bank (MY 00) I . -f . •" �-y �ti... - •. _ L.��: .�i 'jl; H'lwii' ,�.'rt."b�:'„�i._:-..•::.y''- '$: fl y ^_:1:• is r�' ..J .}s • - • .r �� • _;f. !• fi t, % Y� i:'';.. _..-i`_-� l'--',:ter' !' #'•." -` ''L'� - ''' f/ ,-r'.. _ _ '.I -x- •..r "Y ! tad. _ •..„4,,.3'�[='".ate-2•yJ',"'l. `_ ‘ � ` ''. ,ems - 4r,".N 4 "7 '.f. ,• + ; ..;. .. I .,:•:::•: ,.:;,..,.....:.•..-- iik,,L,(0, -•..,...4,..,..,,-;,..,•,..,417e:,...-,,-. .:•,..---;-.1-... ..-_... t.....4...„,,..V.,-,14'.., .,-,. • , t •.. - NEL .....,.1.1:,r 1,.. . i,''er''.:,"j',• .... •,,,,• - '' 4 UT1 R2, XS 9, Upstream (MY 00) UT1-R2, XS-9, Left Bank (MY-00) .a Mib!w M •• IAA . 9:,ii•ram' ^ -a ris.v . ifi '' k .. - r.,-# ., -- - ! ` - ••..r V e • .\ ' •y i1 •)'yf•l,• s . w rc.: l�r. '; k ,ram' I' • � " I ''a a•. � L. L1 •. A� _ -.�yr •*—r ",-. tier •;(,• - 14$ • .. � +Y.....i.,*- is - .. I ,....- ./0.;,....., .:„,.t....,,•:.:•,'-•-.-:..:1::.._ . _:- . . ,--•,,i•--. •- -. ...,•'• " ' • •r,;.,,,....../r. ... .., •••„. m . ,-----,,-",---•-k-,), •.„..5.,.... . ./- : •__....„-„,.....,,„,„ _ „,,,,,,...,...,...:..,•• .-., .. .. . • .,•,. • .. ., , . . ...„,.....„.., ,.„....... .. ........ , ..,•,,,--- ,..„,•,.. .. -„,,-, -- ,••:„. . _. , ... ... ._ ..„...„...,....4„,:r.:„:„..,,......:„....:.....,,,,•:„.„_.„.„,.,,::. ..,• __ •. .., .: .... __,.....,..7.4:•--.•:.'-:::;-.40..- .k.,4:.,..::,•••:1- ••••r •4..A ". Az • �_ • "1.'' -.06.4 „.., • . . .. .. .., . _. Y, - . •.--. , -• 11 ,.1-'..:;•:=.:.-.,4.e.1,1''.*--t;'iT:i' ,.....1......:_.,..;.:'`..-,....i...*:.•,,.. .:. ar:�s��s R i.I. UT1-R2, XS-9, Downstream (MY-00) UT1 R2, XS 9, Right Bank (MY 00) .v ' { ram+ •ww,► • • .. •.•l 7 .. Y .7 ` .. . ,n. ill f -0 :: A' w , ..:i...1. 10/-.:.:.--F.V.f .....4....., • "a• ,.'" • • V! s i:f i. :.4 .. .,,:::_v4..., .. 4 to ',, . • 1.- '.,{ .Y�.1'::.t • ' UT1-R2, XS-10, Upstream (MY-00) UT1-R2, XS-10, Left Bank (MY-00) �._... •••:1;;-.4,4-•ft%i0.- r•',-, . -i 4"•.....7,,,..7 ._ ,...4: .,....i. , \ flow& ems' . ,y '1.•- ' - ' ]F•,. : '- y � - • � � - ..�• :I t. "r ?i,� l 4 � '�;,UT1-R2, XS-10, Downstream (MY-00) UT1-R2, XS-10, Right Bank (MY-00) • _ s .. .- ' . • • •.A. .:fir; ''''' _ ., �J,i' � '-,`- _ r y .. - `/, _ •� -. �- .1 r '~L _ C• 1 ems' r j t• Via' i.: I fF - r �yrr_2 , _ - - .^ _ ` _.� .a._ —:e.4M4;_,,.4, _...,,,_, _,,,,, F F1 :q. • y f , .-".�Y ' I � - ;�,'°40\,•�7' : �- ,�.,-,,f�„i LL, -5 aJ r•'. } •w',•.�•,1 � - !C. Act , UT1-R2, XS-11, Upstream (MY-00) UT1-R2, XS-11, Left Bank (MY-00) Al _ . . ,,,,„,,.., „ . • .,-..,. -,.:. ..., -,?• . .., .:004. . , -,t,: . . a '•:Ai'''.`Y IN : i ;' . • ' _ r r �•�y '4, i,. . " w^ 11' _ ;r r1 �1.s yam `;,y����+ • I_ ".0• Y _ Vie;;„. "lf .` • - $'w': p w .�• l �_ . i 1V� t G +"F' Jot ay 7, -. •<4 1 r . •i r �l, _ y; r e: S4f'a ii ► . ,ir+ q i slC.. ` eiFy., ti[ f . P r wd 4' N... ... L �,� 13�y y, 1;r ,y�1,'r;rle: ry e y 1 '` �:• ... 4 i �. 1 �1 L �SvS{ i If{+Ii f!4�T!I��f ��1 F w • �_ ,., fir,: ,r /F ��=; ,� ;i .�+n{ r�1 ; '.s• a _r.�r_' ,- d \I • T�+ .LAB t UT1-R2, XS-11, Downstream (MY-00) UT1-R2, XS-11, Right Bank (MY-00) . , _ . : , , .r -.k * ,•fir -YJ e_I'.i.: t1 l. a : ' -ri' 41s , i ' if p x • t - - jelittivetti4orx UT1-R2, XS-12, Upstream (MY-00) UT1-R2, XS-12, Left Bank (MY-00) - _'e He's" �...^. .,i•.. rt_ -,- -- 41•1°.fr".14 "•.k4" 1Y7}! `•!yr"`` e r 'a' r.'fT r • •k. f. _ 'gyp' _ • _ M. . r r. • - UT1-R2, XS-12, Downstream (MY-00) UT1-R2, XS-12, Right Bank (MY-00) • • • • ;— "rim •r: V - - .__ ..-,;'_ _ _ Y r'... __ .r: _ - �"''3e - - •_.:ire • 'o--� 'i�� - -- _ - _. .._ • _. = -� :a2;, . : fit• .• - ,L~ _ = .Y' . .. ._ _ x • _• . - T . �j�' ;ma ;scr s• . _ It? - . . ..z ' ti • .'17 -Y•;. - •y- .$:`._".ice.. y�.-:N? �".__ 7 • - : }. '.' . ?'1 - UT1-R3, XS-13, Upstream (MY-00) UT1-R3, XS-13, Left Bank (MY-00) - "". - _ - - ice-▪ -- _ .-. - ' r. -,.G _ • }. .. � - .J+ :Vie' • n•.. - • • :w _f w�:µ... e _ "r, - - - - . •;-• e -• - • • .. -_ • — ` • . . �• • �e .: u t- niy� ;k ' ` am ''• ' •� x •r.i .� _ • • UT1-R3, XS-13, Downstream (MY-00) UT1-R3, XS-13, Right Bank (MY-00) r te-2 ;-11•64.4411511MS • ill& IF- --------- .._ _ _ ,....-_ _.... . • . _, , ,,,..,. • ,..„000--: _......... . ....... „_. . _ . _ . ___.:.. .. . . . . 'I.... . , _. ...,.11'..-14. .......1% -.-, _4, 7.- ..0ff•-•,' • , Os ...-•Nr - .....r--: .... ••••••_.: . ......•• , I _„-_,''''•:..'.:---''.' '''''--r' _ ..":41' . '-'. , . . ..- .'71.-. - .--.........-- . . N ., .! .... ,i . r‘ _ • 1 ... _ '• _ - , • r' r''•-..• . sf:''' • '..4.-.., •-•,- • - . ,;:e-4'4.•.-- e t . • _ . - ---"ii-..--.-r-,7-_-!---___- J.. . -,-, ---t'- •f- --:• 3.:.;--''''..-1- ,.. ---;.`1,-- -.7,- • -- - , •.WO').,.- .. UT1-R3, XS-14, Upstream (MY-00) UT1-R3, XS-14, Left Bank (MY-00) Mr 4 - __i_ --- ilf _ --..411L,41K. — • - 4-,-4-;z7,„_.,-- -,----3..,,.. - - .- - -- -z---,:---- . , _ . .. -- - _ ._ . ..• - __-... , . . -- w..6.......r . _. - ----,..._.- _ -.--.r,".;r 0.'-"drrie--..-,.;, .e.• .4.1.--.e -4.-.' g--..... - -_ . ...4 -..--.,_..r.,--....-7--. '''''',--.,-.:..-.." -,...... .-•-4.,;.'.. .--..1,-- .-4.-- - - -JP' • ' -• ^ - .., . • . . • — -. r.v.. '''•-. - ' ---- _ . • --4',.• 14.•I...-'7'..- -' ... . lip.-crf '. • •• 'Li- '"''ee-. 17 - . ' A , -- •.J.'... . r ,— i • e , I I - ) _J...., - ...Orr ' • ,-.'.:- i<:•e. , ',-' ' • ," ---z--.:_1• - . . • : ''''1--,-.7,-..• - , .. P:x-p,-„__,..,r . ,-„ . , ,_,0:: - -''- - • _..•- • , ,. ,•. 9,'''•; : " ';••I f,41;:--- . .. „se:''''• ' • UT1-R3, XS-14, Downstream (MY-00) UT1-R3, XS-14, Right Bank (MY-00) •„,4 ....,- .,„.• 411,7- , - ' - . ' '• • . .- • - '2".4.AL-' . - - . '. '-';.--.-• -' -• -::`,....-'-,..:- V 44'..::-.;.-...----,,-';iii:,- -.''‘- L,"rk - : . -- . ' -'--' P -1,,.' xf-4÷5'-'''- • .1.'.,,--_ '-a...-- ... • Ir".2'1,:,., _ , ,-,i,..„r,,,,P..r."..4, •-,'•ct.g,•,,...7.'r,r, .: .1,11%.24.....„ .•- ....LI . , .'., _. :P.,....• .4,:f'.. ; _,„; •., , ' -, ., • 'F! ... ---4•:,',•:ii•••- ;.- '- '• --.14.# •••• r: . , - •,,-.. , • . •-.-. .5- .' -• z'''' • lig .......,.... • - . .. -7. . •... . r i i.:1 . .• . 4, I I - • : ,, ,r1.-•. . . . ., ., ..2-• ...,. I . . . . • ,„.,Y q•' ,,:'''''',: , '...51/ - ..q.z.:r.", -.: ' . ---0.---- ...k.. .. . . . A. • • , 4- - . .-.. _ -- .`. 1.. A • 7 •cf' --•:-:.-.-._- --- • ' 111.1111041101CK, - _,. . •. • 't--7.-t-_,,.. 4.•-•,, ,... . • . 4:----..;-----", — . 1-.•--- ,' ' ' -'-'.`,V,NA ., )N,I . `•-•-•- .".:';',.----. .• '-;.'-'-`t. - . ..'..-4. , -,•4 .. -.. .7'; ;.,‘.-,;.'"'-'-ir0**,•1, .. . --... ........ . -9--::A.' •^•••. • ,., ;T,.....,•••,. •. .1111111110. .........m..--- ,.....Nimp._..... . - 0 2'10 .r . .,•, .__ ..: - •:- .- •-• .,Q.• , ... • • PS-1, Crossing UT1-R3, looking upstream PS-1, Crossing UT1-R2, looking downstream .., I.P •A '• •.! itk;e.t...',....i.' 4: • . .:k.r. .. : .• '. - . ' Vt.. '4i44‘ ' •'1-''''` ., ' '".1• . _. t.. ,1.' .-•''' - - . • . e.4,,....Lz . --.• ..„0. -.... .., .,./ . .-. 4, . „ .. • „ ' I —'''74'4 '•-• ' ,.,'•---...• 4,411,1 •' VI ' '1" - •N,•-,''i..7. . . ., , •t. L .'44*-¢••..1:1t,z•-:I •. ., 1,. '.8-:144....- -.. -r•i• ••-,-', .., -- - -.- •,:••• :1-• •‘.•-.i .,. .- -1: ._ - . . . -. ,.- 'I" • . . ' '' . .,,,,T, ....*•,,,,... - .1.... ', ' ,?6,. ' I, --ti'V' •••.,- -... - ' ' Vz .. •• ,., '4 - '•-41e0 '1; ' . . "...•-,1.., , 6 • r's- ..-1..:', -. • - • • '• r • - - ••:'..- •-., - - •l' ' 'ti?T. -,-- 1 , Y . ,•-':' ... - .'.". , l'i• ... •• i -•z -. :" ,-‘: • ',.• - -'7,. - .-.. 'N--.. '-, . - •' ''2C''(• • - - '4,•-7 7':• '...10i,-.,:, ....Lb . . '-- ; , -. -1 - . ---.57.--.- _ - At ' ''.. '''- •-,..i. '''.4t 1: --! ...-- -- .-1'''' .-, , . --.. . -''- '- - • - i ' -. . ,,,, ._ ._ ._ . .- - •. . ' .• - - . .. , ... - --_,,..- " ll,..-.• -. ..-- -' ' 1 ...-_ ,204. ,,..e.•.. ....„..2-- _---.-It. - ,_,--.447• --•.- ,r'' i' '-ir5--;•-.--• ..,- ' *.' -•'-. - Jr ' 1 - -.1-... .1-fsze,-,, -7-::-.....x....• .-. "I''''. -- '• •..,, Allfi .__.I._ ...,-- .:-.ph/ . , ..---', „%.iftgAtzi, ,:%'.... ... -•-•--. - ; •• - --: ''' .'---*- . ...V- .- - •-- - __ ,_ ,. -,•';'-`, • '' Z-- . ' "."'t -, ,'.''-: • ' ' .'+1'11 -.,-r ...1''' 'i.:•,r•C'igrjrl , . .._• _A,,e,. .-..-___..-„ --.......„, , ,:.• •:....„..,,...,,x„,....,..4,• ., ., __ ., ,... . , -"Pir-' la , ••iri•%; -A4L-4,*..i. .14-ckw;,,W.:.,1'2;., - r3. : -'''' j, ,yri0.7, 'e ,M,..... a ...•:*-f-.,44:0,.;••,v4:=2...A,m,-,,i :- •-••.4.• - ..4••• • k 47- .'+Ay;'-;',...---.-1.%:'-'4.ZOP.,..!.'*•;:,-;:-.,-•=1.----• -4- -,_ .• , r.,...o.-.4.,,I.,--.0.-1A,I.-,,..-.i.k.,?--:,..„ ,. - .„,....: 1 .0. i _.1 ._- 1. ._ .":"- --.•..--'._:-A.,:.-.,ove•.••••?7,4PJ1%• ,.. . AP - . . , • . 0,..•::.'-'!•°..,..• •• -Iiii.ic--.2.,. . -,,. •-r )4 :-•--/".• v..,.,v;j. ,,,r ,ti -.mei Ar .›.-•-•.;ys - .'Z.:.%%: .•:-."..---•:,-,-.e..Air'•gi;(114 kl.ti:r4. •••-•• -.• . ••-, _ • PS-3, UT2, Ell, looking downstream PS-2, Crossing UT1-R3, looking downstream w !}l. _ , ` „tea ,R " _:a, .. PS-3, UT2, Ell, looking upstream ..kkk..2.3.climpl.L. -.4 -• ,."'AY t'..",.: 1 : ..4.:.-., • a •• M l� 3‘, ,���1 li l:i��:�y P1] 1-� L1uc11a v NO _S3.,.� •• i _ _ •_ t:r ear .7,,6; .7'.' l' Fixed Veg Plot 1 (MY-00) Fixed Veg Plot 3 (MY-00) I�-il _,-, ' -; :� .," ti,: • r. Wayne County if 4 . i ,g _ ' . . . ;:�7r'�'- ti _.. .:.if -- • • I f ! C .. F • 1` 111 l 1 . , Fixed Veg Plot 2 (MY-00) Fixed Veg Plot 4 (MY-00) tillir 1/28/21 2:36 PM Wayne County inn r; '02 .11`. 1 it FIVI 2:,,, . rr ti r a ...• { • • r • v �+aw. >t ���..� L. / Fixed Veg Plot 5 (MY-00) Fixed Veg Plot 7 (MY-00) '.-1, .- 1,.:'.L1111 Jan .,1;, 2021 ai. . . „I.. . i 28333 r ic11 .' .• nited StatesI t' • j if or 1. •��,...�� 11y N. `.-e .r- . ..i .'• \ '_ I' ', - .gip, • ..7iCi • :-f' - \ .. '.L..'«c. - Fixed Veg Plot 6 (MY-00) Fixed Veg Plot 8 (MY-00) I! •• `-3. 2021 61, 1: 7:13 PP.`l 1/20121, 1:58 PM Dudle%, NC 23333 Wa n- i .:1;iS P 1 .. 1 J.. 1 - mire . --.. ' i 1 •?.,• • . ..-:.::'--:„4. 7 ' ?. . _ v \ - • • • : � .,� k n Fixed Veg Plot 9 (MY-00) Fixed Veg Plot 11 (MY-00) 1/20/21, 2:24 PM 1/20/21, 1:36 PM Wa ne Wayne. rows___ v - i 1 - edi T i _ Y.. y . , �P? . Fixed Veg Plot 10 (MY-00) Fixed Veg Plot 12 (MY-00) ' Jan 26, 2021 at 11:09:02 AM Jai 3, '0'1 al i 0:47:1. `,\'1 Dudley NC 28333 L uiLliEw i\lti"- United States L]nii rl :.I::,: -AM. . vp• 3 ii i�. . 1 r5L • e rFr 5y„. '"_"ram �- 'cam• -- --...;.•.a.-`.. - _ - V• - .. • -- t- - t-Y I �.. - _ _._ w _. _...� - , ' _f-a;'. �' "= "'ram.. - �� 7 ---..-.� Y!'+- • � - of - .. - :k:•: - -ti - • ,:�V)- . ff/f/ _ ^-� '+r _ ram,-YM/ Fixed Veg Plot 13 (MY-00) _. // Fixed Veg Plot 15 (MY-00 ILMF 1120/21, 10:07 AM0P1. 1128121, 1:0$ PM Wa n e t, Wan a ail .- - - • - . � ` • - - '- -..e==:azyy-- - ......, u • --- --` ,,_a F_` �p�-+..- _.. _ - • .. _ - -- . •- ��' 'I _ w_"N� _ . - • .y:- --_--- . " ~_ -- .-. _ y,. _ -.- -....-s - "--= • T ------- , ;. : �. 1 • • Fixed Veg Plot 14 (MY-00) Fixed Veg Plot 16 (MY-00) Jan201 1/20/21, 9:43AM Ducll,�: �1L. .,:, < Wa ne imai ::,..]...,.:-. iFir I g� -it ;,ram • .ram • - -• •te r_- - �F :• ;' • 'a ' iti- . /...10144;—:.. %. : _ _ Fixed Veg Plot 17 (MY-00) Fixed Veg Plot 19 (MY-00) • 26/21 12:15 PM ,),-in 3, 2021 M : a:-i} A M Wayne County Duclln lt:', ;; t]nii cl tiiat s / __ _ .. Alk I • .,. 3 yt`• • ,yew l -� � __ IV Fixed Veg Plot 18(MY-00) Fixed Veg Plot 20 (MY-00) 1128121, 12:16 PM 1/28/21, 9:53 AM i Wayne _ Wa n- _ __,- -Iv---3— - • .,,r...... _ ' _ ,. tt-, ,., -"L .1r1' "'Mr"'-..:..- '. 1-.).r tr--Vial4*1 F,1_ ,--1 , . , , 1 I . , _ .--,___.... .._ I 1 , , .. .. , . • Fixed Veg Plot 21 (MY-00) Fixed Veg Plot 23 (MY 00) 1/28/21, 11:44 AM 1/28/21, 10:19 AM Wayn— Wa n- • WWI r . .�. ; 11. c� r i . r Y tiI 9+ • Fixed Veg Plot 22 (MY-00) Fixed Veg Plot 24(MY 00) ,.,. . •Tsi• . - 1/28121• 112-1 A[....1 Wane -Igi..ilff,..4)7,152.*ai4,:411,60tvi' r . •- Dudley NC'28333• __. 4 ,• . ., y , ___,-- -. United States . Illq Va.: 1 g ; V. . or iiii:- .• ' -.•.4 '..r., .. " , r .d,..'. ,. ..• . • br '. .II. . • .'• .. 42...'& ' '. .1 . . . , ......•• • • •• - ... ... • • .4414..,Knowelair-•.,=-RI -:• .:_,., • • . .... _ ••••,( • .,• . -.,-..i 4...^,r.',_4-.••.... ..' :7-6.-:,.....;"7_,,, . .E,....,.k...•- e . •.1:. ,'lt,lialkk•Aa TA.-4.•••••-„V;,•-'••••.;.,e-e. _ _._ 1. ........-...r-T-_,,......' -.• _- .. •- en'r• • ••' - •t• 11.10111. • -.-- -'- - - ' • ••!••••• . I. . -444 • --. •, .. _.......Mmeese,. ' . , .•--. ..••: .. . - ,- . f-. SA••••• :-'-!••••';'•K:•-•-••::Tigt.•rir•i:•••:•••1.•:•••-1•-;."''''.4'....%.4;•-.':..7•fj1::•" •••.l....!.' ....-4.4,4.Li,; •-..rn•:••::-•• ••••'. 74'''' ••••• - 40 4 I •- -• .• '"• . :e-... ._, • --..: k • ••17-1-;,•::: /i";7' •''. ''':4-'••.11••':!?•'•.-!•.A.%.• ''''''''...:••• Cr••'':P er7-.L.:„:•,...--.......: ...:1., ..,.... ..Q.-:.,,,,,,,:,i.=-.-,.r.k....:?;'1'.-W.I.;.i.''.•'-'1:•!')''. ' •• ..''':. 7;, :...-,•:!r.,.•. •:•...i.'';'..•k..•!..•'5: . - - • -- •-• - -•—`- - ... • 'J . •..,:..:,,-,"..'.....-....:e...±r4.•,•:4",.:,..71.*-,2%,-,:.k.-.,.,: ....:.L ':h.W•'•L• '",. .-.1;•-•r,:..-li-izi.." • •.:_,,,-,g.-.-'• _ .... . ,r.i.;,•"t ..4.••--• •• •••...•;. ..::••..Y.v. ' 1.,,,, ......0%*7":':' "- ••' -' ' .,..-':4...i•ki'..,'• ,..„.. ...-. -..., ,..-_,e, ,. , ihainair• __._•:------• _.... •j. .!.., ....., '....-..,: ,. ,-....,, ,,4440,.r-Oellik ''' •:;:.0i). .• .•y'.e•-;•:. ..4.;;-•.`:',.: •.4•?,:r.•'. .. . . , .,_. .. . .x,- .,!?`.. •-1- 4.-..•-*..,.".„;.;!,0. :.....-0,..4.4,-.....1_,.. '.,f:..!.-..:1::•..;---*!7°...i. :•.-V-',.-. ....,,. .:‘,..;-,4;;Attox..?I'..,,....--z':..,... - ..,4...;.• .-..' .1.f.7+ • .."-•:; .; _,- •.. ....:: _. -- .• . -• -u* .i.,-.:,-.;7..;:-.-....-9,...•:••••.i. •-1:.. ,..,!.••:: ..,‘41q,:.••5.,-•••••kjd.,•••'•!..".•,..:-.',...:1,1;•..i'ti. :••i.,...ir ..e.74. .!•.,!.!.....:.:.7.: '.!•''''`r.`"...,$....... '' .. 4..`17:••r•t:•;•• •::.-7..k.:-.,.. .,...-.L.!..,,..:' ,....:r,.!.."'.1/...-...,... '-',--;;,-:..:.::Pr---.7...4.',:',.*.,::‘....,,..' - , . -... . 17.. -:- . . :.:-.5:77- :.,%,14.k,',:'.--..Z.-itr;.. ..4' :.'-,..':..- .;'..-,7'71-/. .:.:,-,..:.--._ --- '::'-'1.-:.;..i.z .:5.;,,y::::.; ' •\-- ..' -- 7-- . ..,..,, ''-r-0,:•i'..i",!":::.:4•1;': 1,', . . . '`....;;R:. . ' rx ' ''',. *-..;.''.'..': ..-.:::-'4,7,-.v.:..::'7...!..-7,-CT.,7-4:'.--, -;-'r . .,:,,,44,-- • • .• ,-,..;:.._--1,.. 4 ...9r 1 ......'''7.''''' :..-Sir'il'.9.;':Pl..;.:. .'.'.7,3Ait.:“' ''• . • •-••`*-ei•21 .'.--.-••••• Fixed Veg Plot 25 (MY-00) Random Veg Plot 27 (MY-00) 1/28/21, 10:49 AM .-. Jan 26, 2021 at 428:46 PM. .,r7.1-.:. ,- Wa ne . dley NC 28333 -` -u 7 : . -. -:-. • - •. WI •• 4. ,.....• ..• •-:.•.,04:•,. United States 41 . ... • •4•:..• I !i i • • • .1 :!! - •. - .4 •. ," '• • • ... _ .,.;• _ .. . .0. • - - __ - ----- . . . -•.4,%-•-•-•-:_•c4;--:....... ,1",!.. .-,-..• .• 12-.. ••-,• .••7777"e137.:j.4j1. ...-'- 1•... • ••. • ., _ .-.._,._'L.._ • -'".':t•-. -...:-• --' •• '7.:-.'`•:...-4'..i.:.-.._ -• • • ..6- • •l'-• -- —?•-••••'-".7•.7••.2.'•-•fitgae •' • ..f e ..- •-._,•7-414.1.,,,I••.-^`•'-'.--._,_• 1 : .-.1r. .--_A ':::"'Thr - - . . .:11.4.4,' ."- - - =7•.:=7J1,1 -..-tii- ,. f•-;.-":-.- .- --------:-. • ,,... ..,..- . - • ' . • • ' _ . , . .. _• • . • • I - . - • - • ,7.4., .,00. -- --- • .. , . . . .. „..,„ ..-:.. ,-,..•. :. :. - -• k"'.-...1-•-_. - "•-•_ . •1'.....,r.. ..,.......,:.: - ._ . -i-•• '''' •• .-,•- .'•-: ._._.•7. • . . , .4- ' •-'• • '' -- - •..--.7.••• -...p, - -- ''-- •• ....-:• -:-•:-` :7Y-Jj:',:•-•71..4.:..',Lltioll'.4-.' ' -.-i--•::4- .-....:'•.:•......'"•:••.'.-.-.,-.,:e..,:-7- . - - . - .., • 1.0 ,. .44ir ..-.. , . :•_ , : :r. ,.--,,,,, -.,,,r.t,.,....,.._:i,..,.,..___._ _ ._ • ,... .._ gio, ,.: . . . ''.••••,.:- .4e::••., ..-=1,- ---..,•••••- - .• • --••• - • :• •• ...-.-. ......._ .-41,' '7 4:!..-• .......4k......-.••-..-.ty' - ''-• %...• • "i:•,.- -..,. ''''' ---",.. -,.. .. .. •• -'. •?-•.ft;:-.'.- •. •-•1-.- - r- •,. ..4,..---..„• .. ...- .:.., -., -.-,... ._:• -...:,--1_,=-.---z, ... -•--,..- t,-:.•_••r.- ..-.:•- -,•:-__24,--,.... ...:- =.- -:. :.- =_.: .:• - • -"Nit- ---e -'.r.`••"-A.--7 '''' •-•elk:.1,•44'11;• _-.Ar5-.., . - .,..?.._4...".-.. • .,..-!-.........,• .•....,:..........;;-',.,..,.:,....."..." ,•...-n‘.-_,.„*.* 4: ,-.- ..,._,, . .,.:!,•.:. ..:..,-.:.:•.-: '- ....:j,O. • .`--_ • '.--..;:lut....4,,..*:::.*.,-:,,,' -...4..T.,:,,.. . . ..-..:i,'-.--7-7..;*,.,N,-,-,!7,.•-t-. .-.---• - '' .".' -• . ",-:-''-'-f-. • ' - -v.••• -4*. lif-,..:.-. "--r7 ••• -• .1 Ai.: - -I.4,...v.xe...4.t.„..!,,J., Fixed Veg Plot 26 (MY-00) Random Veg Plot 28 (MY-00) 1/21121, 10:55AM 1/21/21, 10:34AM Wa ne Wa ne ti .. •T _ }.-.tie'�1'�� -�: ..0 • .. _ • ln - ^; T+mot_•. '.Fwc'e•-y _fir -"'•. ,• y. . r ,,sue,-- , -.-�, x•. „..�`,-: r :..S.t y:' _, '.:,. _ - • � ".,,ram._;- _l:rye,..�• - _ y ^ !'•' - JF - .�� . .. T; - f IJ`-••- =�^"' .Iti"._ t v - _-.A �.r .efl' sij f2 �tira • Random Veg Plot 29 (MY-00) ilM Random Veg Plot 31 (MY-00) 1121121, 9:25AM 1/21/21, 9:45AM Wa ne Wa n- • ! I r_ i • , is —. .. .. �'� .. — - • Random Veg Plot 30 (MY-00) Random Veg Plot 32 (MY-00) -1/2b1-)"19:}'Ai 1/21/21, 9:00AM V'Avrt?, E'!Dtirrty, Wa ne .. ;_ ?villki'- tilb ° ,W" .meµ ', hF:k,W-4 s S • r......7.- ''''''''''', 1 -,..- �.. /R ' Random Veg Plot 33 (MY-00) Random Veg Plot 35 (MY-00) ,-). M WI �,ty 2/22/21, 11:55 AM i Wa ne JekdeL.:..-e, .f. Wit_' - _- - ::fir:.. -'�-' 414141S�'y's' o' 4'L'c.. �Y1"..�'�+J�: .S.�' c ';t'` Random Veg Plot 34 (MY-00) Random Veg Plot 36 (MY-00) 1/28/21, 3:50 PM 1/28/21, 3:49 PM Wa n- Wyne;. ;, ; Y .i'i! .. 4. i.- ..., w� p _ '--:�.`tF.: .r•.k..• .; , :...: 1,•' ':••r i'- .:3'r. �ivi 4'l]* P•.'..c ,5,,•:"-.•r,-, .. 'it - ,/, "-• ,• •�ii.. rrM 1: '� 1.. i•'•:r ,rx t•.�,- 'Yr'.' r^'• r: la - _ .'r�1f'y - •:� {.'•. 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't .^ #'� `�.. µ.; • .i f Start of Transect 3 (MY-00) End of Transect 3 (MY-00) 1/28121, 3:13PM — - 1128121, 3:07PM Wa n- -. Wa n- 1. - . - - - - -�t+�x—ro � `� i '. • .c :. - a .4. ,= 7;S : , y• lrfie A .••..,..k, ,• .....; i•-,.pi., .,..,:._: ,.. ,..A.,• •-•,...•• . k'/".•''.• . ''' '7tk JO.' 'iii.i.f.P4 1� 3 `1I.I C..t.:.•�i _a '.l•. 4 •�+',f -M: 'pM�"...;4:'.", it. ` r.A,•i {'.., • • S. ` 1" " �f Y"/ri �f[ .' i1 ' �..�il ,,`;yam ••g I .� • Z :;�.�4' ;.. u� ��r�'',�`��c':��+�'i� aelf',`y.J�'l".a'"��H;�a +�''�:r:y�•i)�� • .(� - !}�.�1 :���p .>; �:�,riY75� i°� i�p'f.• i'•.2.{_:Vii����.+�rra`' '}F",; +�., Y. 1' i?eP'}�G .a.• -.�f 7 `i,.�IY�:r �F, IC.,4 �r„7 4:'i�.•..‘' 1 F�� .�•rl _,. �"-•1.''= 3;,.i � .�'` 'r• i115! 'G�7y; ;'ICI:.P�� 1.. .a._�•.� f t, Start of Transect 4 (MY-00) End of Transect 4 (MY 00) 1: 1128121, 3:30 PM 1128121, 3:29 PM , , •r';, ,.• . . 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UT1-R2 Crest Gauge (Pressure Transducer and Cork), CG-1 UT1-R3 Crest Gauge (Pressure Transducer and Cork), CG-2 Appendix C :•Vegetation Monitoring Plot Data Table 5a: Baseline Vegetation—Planting Data Table 5b: Vegetation Mitigation Success Summary 5c: Redline Planting List EEP Project Code 008. Project Name:Scarborough Table 5a: Baseline Vegetation- Planting Data Current Plot Data (MY0 2021) Species 008-01-0001 008-01-0002 008-01-0003 008-01-0004 Scientific Name Common Name Type PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T Betula nigra river birch Tree 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 3 3 3 Carpinus caroliniana American hornbeam Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 Clethra alnifolia coastal sweetpepperbush Shrub 3 3 3 Cyrilla racemiflora swamp titi Shrub 1 1 1 2 2 2 Eubotrys racemosa swamp doghobble Shrub 1 1 1 2 2 2 Fraxinus pennsylvanica green ash Tree 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 !tea virginica Virginia sweetspire Shrub 1 1 1 Magnolia virginiana sweetbay Tree 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 Nyssa biflora swamp tupelo Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Persea palustris swamp bay tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 Platanus occidentalis American sycamore Tree 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 3 3 3 Quercus bicolor swamp white oak Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 Quercus laurifolia laurel oak Tree 1 1 1 2 2 2 Quercus lyrata overcup oak Tree Quercus michauxii swamp chestnut oak Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 5 5 1 1 1 Quercus nigra water oak Tree 2 2 2 1 1 1 Quercus pagoda cherrybark oak Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 Quercus phellos willow oak Tree 1 1 1 Taxodium distichum bald cypress Tree 3 3 3 1 1 1 4 4 4 1 1 1 Viburnum nudum possumhaw Shrub 1 1 1 Stem count 18 18 18 16 16 16 18 18 18 18 18 18 size(ares) 1 1 1 1 size(ACRES) 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 Species count 14 14 14 10 10 10 9 9 9 12 12 12 Stems per ACRE 728.4 728.4 728.4 647.5 647.5 647.5 728.4 728.4 728.4 728.4 728.4 728.4 Color for Density Exceeds requirements by 10% Exceeds requirements, but by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements, by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements by more than 10% EEP Project Code 008. Project Name:Scarborough Table 5a: Baseline Vegetation- Planting Data Current Plot Data (MY0 2021) Species 008-01-0005 008-01-0006 008-01-0007 008-01-0008 Scientific Name Common Name Type PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T Betula nigra river birch Tree 3 3 3 1 1 1 Carpinus caroliniana American hornbeam Tree 1 1 1 Clethra alnifolia coastal sweetpepperbush Shrub Cyrilla racemiflora swamp titi Shrub 1 1 1 Eubotrys racemosa swamp doghobble Shrub 1 1 1 Fraxinus pennsylvanica green ash Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 !tea virginica Virginia sweetspire Shrub Magnolia virginiana sweetbay Tree 2 2 2 6 6 6 2 2 2 Nyssa biflora swamp tupelo Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Persea palustris swamp bay tree 1 1 1 4 4 4 Platanus occidentalis American sycamore Tree 2 2 2 3 3 3 1 1 1 4 4 4 Quercus bicolor swamp white oak Tree Quercus laurifolia laurel oak Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 Quercus lyrata overcup oak Tree 2 2 2 Quercus michauxii swamp chestnut oak Tree 1 1 1 2 2 2 Quercus nigra water oak Tree 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 Quercus pagoda cherrybark oak Tree 1 1 1 2 2 2 Quercus phellos willow oak Tree 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 Taxodium distichum bald cypress Tree 3 3 3 Viburnum nudum possumhaw Shrub 1 1 1 Stem count 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 size(ares) 1 1 1 1 size(ACRES) 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 Species count 10 10 10 6 6 6 11 11 11 8 8 8 Stems per ACRE 688 688 688 688 688 688 688 688 688 688 688 688 Color for Density Exceeds requirements by 10% Exceeds requirements, but by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements, by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements by more than 10% EEP Project Code 008. Project Name:Scarborough Table 5a: Baseline Vegetation- Planting Data Current Plot Data (MY0 2021) Species 008-01-0009 008-01-0010 008-01-0011 008-01-0012 Scientific Name Common Name Type PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T Betula nigra river birch Tree 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 Carpinus caroliniana American hornbeam Tree 2 2 2 Clethra alnifolia coastal sweetpepperbush Shrub 1 1 1 1 1 1 Cyrilla racemiflora swamp titi Shrub 1 1 1 Eubotrys racemosa swamp doghobble Shrub 3 3 3 1 1 1 Fraxinus pennsylvanica green ash Tree 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 !tea virginica Virginia sweetspire Shrub Magnolia virginiana sweetbay Tree 2 2 2 Nyssa biflora swamp tupelo Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 Persea palustris swamp bay tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 Platanus occidentalis American sycamore Tree 5 5 5 2 2 2 3 3 3 1 1 1 Quercus bicolor swamp white oak Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 Quercus laurifolia laurel oak Tree Quercus lyrata overcup oak Tree 2 2 2 Quercus michauxii swamp chestnut oak Tree 1 1 1 5 5 5 Quercus nigra water oak Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 Quercus pagoda cherrybark oak Tree 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 Quercus phellos willow oak Tree 3 3 3 Taxodium distichum bald cypress Tree 1 1 1 4 4 4 Viburnum nudum possumhaw Shrub Stem count 19 19 19 18 18 18 16 16 16 15 15 15 size(ares) 1 1 1 1 size(ACRES) 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 Species count 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 Stems per ACRE 768.9 768.9 768.9 728.4 728.4 728.4 647.5 647.5 647.5 607 607 607 Color for Density Exceeds requirements by 10% Exceeds requirements, but by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements, by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements by more than 10% EEP Project Code 008. Project Name:Scarborough Table 5a: Baseline Vegetation- Planting Data Current Plot Data (MY0 2021) Species 008-01-0013 008-01-0014 008-01-0015 008-01-0016 Scientific Name Common Name Type PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T Betula nigra river birch Tree 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 Carpinus caroliniana American hornbeam Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 Clethra alnifolia coastal sweetpepperbush Shrub Cyrilla racemiflora swamp titi Shrub 2 2 2 Eubotrys racemosa swamp doghobble Shrub 3 3 3 Fraxinus pennsylvanica green ash Tree 2 2 2 1 1 1 !tea virginica Virginia sweetspire Shrub 2 2 2 1 1 1 Magnolia virginiana sweetbay Tree 1 1 1 4 4 4 Nyssa biflora swamp tupelo Tree 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 Persea palustris swamp bay tree 4 4 4 1 1 1 Platanus occidentalis American sycamore Tree 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 2 Quercus bicolor swamp white oak Tree Quercus laurifolia laurel oak Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Quercus lyrata overcup oak Tree 1 1 1 Quercus michauxii swamp chestnut oak Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Quercus nigra water oak Tree 1 1 1 3 3 3 4 4 4 Quercus pagoda cherrybark oak Tree Quercus phellos willow oak Tree 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 Taxodium distichum bald cypress Tree 4 4 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 Viburnum nudum possumhaw Shrub 1 1 1 Stem count 14 14 14 20 20 20 16 16 16 22 22 22 size(ares) 1 1 1 1 size(ACRES) 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 Species count 6 6 6 11 11 11 9 9 9 13 13 13 Stems per ACRE 566.6 566.6 566.6 809.4 809.4 809.4 647.5 647.5 647.5 890.3 890.3 890.3 Color for Density Exceeds requirements by 10% Exceeds requirements, but by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements, by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements by more than 10% EEP Project Code 008. Project Name:Scarborough Table 5a: Baseline Vegetation- Planting Data Current Plot Data (MY0 2021) Species 008-01-0017 008-01-0018 008-01-0019 008-01-0020 Scientific Name Common Name Type PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T Betula nigra river birch Tree 2 2 2 3 3 3 5 5 5 Carpinus caroliniana American hornbeam Tree 1 1 1 Clethra alnifolia coastal sweetpepperbush Shrub 1 1 1 Cyrilla racemiflora swamp titi Shrub 1 1 1 Eubotrys racemosa swamp doghobble Shrub 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Fraxinus pennsylvanica green ash Tree 1 1 1 3 3 3 2 2 2 !tea virginica Virginia sweetspire Shrub Magnolia virginiana sweetbay Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 Nyssa biflora swamp tupelo Tree 1 1 1 Persea palustris swamp bay tree 1 1 1 Platanus occidentalis American sycamore Tree 2 2 2 2 2 2 Quercus bicolor swamp white oak Tree 1 1 1 Quercus laurifolia laurel oak Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 Quercus lyrata overcup oak Tree Quercus michauxii swamp chestnut oak Tree 2 2 2 5 5 5 Quercus nigra water oak Tree 5 5 5 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 Quercus pagoda cherrybark oak Tree 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 Quercus phellos willow oak Tree 2 2 2 2 2 2 Taxodium distichum bald cypress Tree 1 1 1 6 6 6 Viburnum nudum possumhaw Shrub 1 1 1 Stem count 19 19 19 13 13 13 14 14 14 23 23 23 size(ares) 1 1 1 1 size(ACRES) 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 Species count 10 10 10 6 6 6 9 9 9 11 11 11 Stems per ACRE 768.9 768.9 768.9 526.1 526.1 526.1 566.6 566.6 566.6 930.8 930.8 930.8 Color for Density Exceeds requirements by 10% Exceeds requirements, but by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements, by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements by more than 10% EEP Project Code 008. Project Name:Scarborough Table 5a: Baseline Vegetation- Planting Data Current Plot Data (MY0 2021) Species 008-01-0021 008-01-0022 008-01-0023 008-01-0024 Scientific Name Common Name Type PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T Betula nigra river birch Tree 1 1 1 Carpinus caroliniana American hornbeam Tree 1 1 1 3 3 3 1 1 1 Clethra alnifolia coastal sweetpepperbush Shrub 1 1 1 Cyrilla racemiflora swamp titi Shrub 1 1 1 Eubotrys racemosa swamp doghobble Shrub 1 1 1 1 1 1 Fraxinus pennsylvanica green ash Tree 1 1 1 !tea virginica Virginia sweetspire Shrub 1 1 1 1 1 1 Magnolia virginiana sweetbay Tree 2 2 2 1 1 1 Nyssa biflora swamp tupelo Tree 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 Persea palustris swamp bay tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 Platanus occidentalis American sycamore Tree 5 5 5 1 1 1 2 2 2 Quercus bicolor swamp white oak Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Quercus laurifolia laurel oak Tree 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 Quercus lyrata overcup oak Tree 1 1 1 2 2 2 Quercus michauxii swamp chestnut oak Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 Quercus nigra water oak Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 Quercus pagoda cherrybark oak Tree 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 Quercus phellos willow oak Tree 1 1 1 2 2 2 Taxodium distichum bald cypress Tree 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Viburnum nudum possumhaw Shrub 1 1 1 Stem count 17 17 17 16 16 16 16 16 16 17 17 17 size(ares) 1 1 1 1 size(ACRES) 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 Species count 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 13 13 13 Stems per ACRE 688 688 688 647.5 647.5 647.5 647.5 647.5 647.5 688 688 688 Color for Density Exceeds requirements by 10% Exceeds requirements, but by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements, by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements by more than 10% EEP Project Code 008. Project Name:Scarborough Table 5a: Baseline Vegetation- Planting Data Current Plot Data (MY0 2021) Species 008-01-0025 008-01-0026 008-01-R27 008-01-R28 Scientific Name Common Name Type PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T Betula nigra river birch Tree 3 3 3 1 1 1 Carpinus caroliniana American hornbeam Tree 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 Clethra alnifolia coastal sweetpepperbush Shrub 1 1 1 Cyrilla racemiflora swamp titi Shrub Eubotrys racemosa swamp doghobble Shrub 1 1 1 Fraxinus pennsylvanica green ash Tree 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 !tea virginica Virginia sweetspire Shrub Magnolia virginiana sweetbay Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 Nyssa biflora swamp tupelo Tree 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 Persea palustris swamp bay tree 1 1 1 Platanus occidentalis American sycamore Tree 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 Quercus bicolor swamp white oak Tree 2 2 2 2 2 2 Quercus laurifolia laurel oak Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Quercus lyrata overcup oak Tree Quercus michauxii swamp chestnut oak Tree 4 4 4 1 1 1 Quercus nigra water oak Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 Quercus pagoda cherrybark oak Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 Quercus phellos willow oak Tree 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 3 3 3 Taxodium distichum bald cypress Tree 3 3 3 Viburnum nudum possumhaw Shrub Stem count 19 19 19 18 18 18 15 15 15 15 15 15 size(ares) 1 1 1 1 size(ACRES) 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 Species count 10 10 10 12 12 12 8 8 8 9 9 9 Stems per ACRE 768.9 768.9 768.9 728.4 728.4 728.4 607 607 607 607 607 607 Color for Density Exceeds requirements by 10% Exceeds requirements, but by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements, by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements by more than 10% EEP Project Code 008. Project Name:Scarborough Table 5a: Baseline Vegetation- Planting Data Current Plot Data (MY0 2021) Species 008-01-R29 008-01-R30 008-01-R31 008-01-R32 Scientific Name Common Name Type PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T Betula nigra river birch Tree 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 Carpinus caroliniana American hornbeam Tree 2 2 2 Clethra alnifolia coastal sweetpepperbush Shrub 1 1 1 Cyrilla racemiflora swamp titi Shrub 1 1 1 Eubotrys racemosa swamp doghobble Shrub Fraxinus pennsylvanica green ash Tree 1 1 1 !tea virginica Virginia sweetspire Shrub Magnolia virginiana sweetbay Tree 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 Nyssa biflora swamp tupelo Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 Persea palustris swamp bay tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 Platanus occidentalis American sycamore Tree 3 3 3 2 2 2 4 4 4 2 2 2 Quercus bicolor swamp white oak Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 Quercus laurifolia laurel oak Tree 1 1 1 4 4 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 Quercus lyrata overcup oak Tree 1 1 1 Quercus michauxii swamp chestnut oak Tree 2 2 2 Quercus nigra water oak Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 Quercus pagoda cherrybark oak Tree 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 Quercus phellos willow oak Tree 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 Taxodium distichum bald cypress Tree 2 2 2 4 4 4 2 2 2 Viburnum nudum possumhaw Shrub Stem count 17 17 17 16 16 16 20 20 20 18 18 18 size(ares) 1 1 1 1 size(ACRES) 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 Species count 9 9 9 9 9 9 11 11 11 12 12 12 Stems per ACRE 688 688 688 647.5 647.5 647.5 809.4 809.4 809.4 728.4 728.4 728.4 Color for Density Exceeds requirements by 10% Exceeds requirements, but by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements, by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements by more than 10% EEP Project Code 008. Project Name:Scarborough Table 5a: Baseline Vegetation- Planting Data Current Plot Data (MY0 2021) Species 008-01-R33 008-01-R34 008-01-R35 008-01-R36 Scientific Name Common Name Type PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T Betula nigra river birch Tree 1 1 1 2 2 2 Carpinus caroliniana American hornbeam Tree 2 2 2 2 2 2 Clethra alnifolia coastal sweetpepperbush Shrub Cyrilla racemiflora swamp titi Shrub 1 1 1 Eubotrys racemosa swamp doghobble Shrub Fraxinus pennsylvanica green ash Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 8 8 !tea virginica Virginia sweetspire Shrub 1 1 1 1 1 1 Magnolia virginiana sweetbay Tree 1 1 1 Nyssa biflora swamp tupelo Tree 1 1 1 Persea palustris swamp bay tree 2 2 2 1 1 1 Platanus occidentalis American sycamore Tree 3 3 3 1 1 1 5 5 5 3 3 3 Quercus bicolor swamp white oak Tree 1 1 1 Quercus laurifolia laurel oak Tree 3 3 3 2 2 2 Quercus lyrata overcup oak Tree 2 2 2 1 1 1 Quercus michauxii swamp chestnut oak Tree 1 1 1 Quercus nigra water oak Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Quercus pagoda cherrybark oak Tree 1 1 1 Quercus phellos willow oak Tree 2 2 2 1 1 1 Taxodium distichum bald cypress Tree 3 3 3 5 5 5 Viburnum nudum possumhaw Shrub 1 1 1 Stem count 19 19 19 14 14 14 13 13 13 18 18 18 size(ares) 1 1 1 1 I size(ACRES) 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 Species count 10 10 10 11 11 11 8 8 8 5 5 5 Stems per ACRE 768.9 768.9 768.9 566.6 566.6 566.6 526.1 526.1 526.1 728.4 728.4 728.4 Color for Density Exceeds requirements by 10% Exceeds requirements, but by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements, by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements by more than 10% EEP Project Code 008. Project Name:Scarborough Table 5a: Baseline Vegetation- Planting Data Current Plot Data (MY0 2021) Species 008-01-T1 008-01-T2 008-01-T3 008-01-T4 Scientific Name Common Name Type PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T Betula nigra river birch Tree 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 Carpinus caroliniana American hornbeam Tree 1 1 1 Clethra alnifolia coastal sweetpepperbush Shrub 1 1 1 Cyrilla racemiflora swamp titi Shrub Eubotrys racemosa swamp doghobble Shrub Fraxinus pennsylvanica green ash Tree 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 !tea virginica Virginia sweetspire Shrub Magnolia virginiana sweetbay Tree 1 1 1 Nyssa biflora swamp tupelo Tree 1 1 1 3 3 3 Persea palustris swamp bay tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 Platanus occidentalis American sycamore Tree 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 Quercus bicolor swamp white oak Tree 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Quercus laurifolia laurel oak Tree 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 Quercus lyrata overcup oak Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Quercus michauxii swamp chestnut oak Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 Quercus nigra water oak Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Quercus pagoda cherrybark oak Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Quercus phellos willow oak Tree 2 2 2 1 1 1 Taxodium distichum bald cypress Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 Viburnum nudum possumhaw Shrub 1 1 1 Stem count 19 19 19 19 19 19 12 12 12 14 14 14 size(ares) 1 1 1 1 size(ACRES) 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 Species count 12 12 12 11 11 11 9 9 9 10 10 10 Stems per ACRE 768.9 768.9 768.9 768.9 768.9 768.9 485.6 485.6 485.6 566.6 566.6 566.6 Color for Density Exceeds requirements by 10% Exceeds requirements, but by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements, by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements by more than 10% EEP Project Code 008. Project Name:Scarborough Table 5a: Baseline Vegetation- Planting Data (MY0 2021) Annual Means Species 008-01-T5 MYO(2021) Scientific Name Common Name Type PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T Betula nigra river birch Tree 56 56 56 Carpinus caroliniana American hornbeam Tree 1 1 1 26 26 26 Clethra alnifolia coastal sweetpepperbush Shrub 10 10 10 Cyrilla racemiflora swamp titi Shrub 11 11 11 Eubotrys racemosa swamp doghobble Shrub 17 17 17 Fraxinus pennsylvanica green ash Tree 2 2 2 52 52 52 !tea virginica Virginia sweetspire Shrub 8 8 8 Magnolia virginiana sweetbay Tree 36 36 36 Nyssa biflora swamp tupelo Tree 2 2 2 32 32 32 Persea palustris swamp bay tree 28 28 28 Platanus occidentalis American sycamore Tree 3 3 3 96 96 96 Quercus bicolor swamp white oak Tree 24 24 24 Quercus laurifolia laurel oak Tree 1 1 1 42 42 42 Quercus lyrata overcup oak Tree 15 15 15 Quercus michauxii swamp chestnut oak Tree 39 39 39 Quercus nigra water oak Tree 51 51 51 Quercus pagoda cherrybark oak Tree 1 1 1 32 32 32 Quercus phellos willow oak Tree 1 1 1 48 48 48 Taxodium distichum bald cypress Tree 3 3 3 63 63 63 Viburnum nudum possumhaw Shrub 7 7 7 Stem count 14 14 14 693 693 693 size(ares) 1 41 size(ACRES) 0.02 1.01 Species count 8 8 8 20 20 20 Stems per ACRE 566.6 566.6 566.6 684 684 684 Color for Density Exceeds requirements by 10% Exceeds requirements, but by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements, by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements by more than 10% Table 5b:Vegetation Plot Mitigation Success Summary Table Plot# Planted Volunteers/ Total Success Average /Transect# Stems/Acre Acre Stems/Acre Criteria Stem Met Height(ft) Fixed 1 728 0 728 Yes 1.3 Fixed 2 648 0 648 Yes 1.8 Fixed 3 728 0 728 Yes 1.7 Fixed 4 728 0 728 Yes 2.0 Fixed 5 688 0 688 Yes 1.7 Fixed 6 688 0 688 Yes 1.4 Fixed 7 688 0 688 Yes 1.8 Fixed 8 688 0 688 Yes 1.3 Fixed 9 769 0 769 Yes 1.8 Fixed 10 728 0 728 Yes 2.0 Fixed 11 648 0 648 Yes 1.6 Fixed 12 607 0 607 Yes 1.9 Fixed 13 567 0 567 Yes 1.4 Fixed 14 809 0 809 Yes 1.5 Fixed 15 648 0 648 Yes 1.8 Fixed 16 890 0 890 Yes 1.4 Fixed 17 769 0 769 Yes 1.7 Fixed 18 526 0 526 Yes 1.9 Fixed 19 567 0 567 Yes 1.6 Fixed 20 931 0 931 Yes 1.6 Fixed 21 688 0 688 Yes 1.5 Fixed 22 648 0 648 Yes 1.6 Fixed 23 648 0 648 Yes 1.6 Fixed 24 688 0 688 Yes 1.6 Fixed 25 769 0 769 Yes 1.7 Fixed 26 728 0 728 Yes 1.6 Random 27 607 0 607 Yes 1.7 Random 28 607 0 607 Yes 1.7 Random 29 688 0 688 Yes 1.8 Random 30 648 0 648 Yes 1.8 Random 31 809 0 809 Yes 1.6 Random 32 728 0 728 Yes 1.5 Random 33 769 0 769 Yes 1.7 Random 34 567 0 567 Yes 1.7 Random 35 526 0 526 Yes 1.8 Random 36 728 0 728 Yes 1.7 Transect 1 769 0 769 Yes 1.8 Transect 2 769 0 769 Yes 2.1 Transect 3 486 0 486 Yes 2.1 Transect 4 567 0 567 Yes 1.7 Transect 5 567 0 567 Yes 2.0 Project 684 0 684 Yes 1.7 Average Table 5c: Scarborough Mitigation Project Red-line Planting List Mitigation Species Common Name Stems % Planted Plan% Betula nigra River birch 8600 7.81% 7% Fraxinus pennsylvanica Green Ash 5000 4.54% 4% Platanus occidentalis American sycamore 9700 8.80% 8% Quercus nigra Water Oak 6600 5.99% 4% Liriodcndron tulipifcra Tulip poplar 0 0.00% 8% Qucrcus alba Whitc oak 8 0.00% 444 Quercus michauxii Swamp chestnut oak 8600 7.81% 4% Nyssa biflora Swamp black gum 5700 5.17% 4% Quercus bicolor Swamp white oak 8600 7.81% 4% Taxodium distichum Bald cypress 9000 8.17% 4% Quercus phellos Willow Oak 7500 6.81% 7% Clethra alnifolia Sweet pepperbush 3014 2.74% 6% Carpinus caroliniana Ironwood 3200 2.90% 6% Persea palustris Red bay 2983 2.71% 6% Eubotrys recemosus Swamp doghobble 540 0.49% 6% Magnolia virginiana Sweet bay magnolia 3200 2.90% 6% Cyrilla racimiflora Swamp titi 1900 1.72% 6% Itea virginica Virginia sweetspire 3298 2.99% 6% Quercus pagoda Cherrybark oak 5600 5.08% 0% Quercus laurifolia Laurel oak 7500 6.81% 0% Quercus lyrata Overcup oak 5600 5.08% 0% Viburnum nudum Possomhaw viburnum 4048 3.67% 0% Total 110,183 100% * changes from mitigation plan in red Appendix D :•Stream Measurement and GeomorphologyData Baseline Cross-Sections Table 6a: Baseline Stream Data Summary Table 6b: Cross-section Morphology Data Table 6c: Stream Reach Morphology Data Flow Gauge Diagrams Project Name Scarborough Mitigation Site �;; Cross Section ID XS-1 - Reach ID UT1-R1 - Channel Type Headwater -16 ' " `70- 'r"`'"* iptvb Field Crew K. Obermiller, E. Dunnigan Dimension Data Summary: MY0 2020 a: ,y fir -... Bankfull Elevation (ft) 61.6 • "'" - Low Bank Height Elevation (ft) 61.6 ,,- t a -, 1, ',. , Bankfull Max Depth (ft) 0.3 `T' % a ' ' ' ,.- ` - ; 41 'y ': Low Bank Height(ft) 0.3 ' �: Bank Height Ratio 1.0 s' , - Bankfull X-section Area(ft2) 1.2 "",y� �" '.:lit.'� - _ -,, r - oh, Change Bank Height Ratio N/A •���"•f l'k :,,�,R : "• -.- , - l'I "i _F Ff� �.�- .- .,• ''' '.... . '''' Looking Downstream XS-1 Headwater, STA 14+11 MY0 - - -Bankfull Elevation —Floodprone Area 65 - 64 - r m 63 - c 0 r m 62 - w - 61 - 60 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Width (feet) Scarborough Mitigation Site Water and Land Solutions As-Built(MVO)Report September 2020 Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Project Name Scarborough Mitigation Site Cross Section ID XS-2 .-. 46 .• Irk"M!' •. Reach ID UT1B At:. .;=:` .:: Channel Type Headwater • ;. ; ;v ,. 1, 4 Field Crew K. Obermiller, E. Dunnigan i '` 1-_7`. `'" `l' ' "�" `y•-''T,`"` N* ,,_%. • Dimension Data Summary: MYO 2020 , P `+ Bankfull Elevation (ft) 60.4 ;t 9. '/ .- �S Low Bank Height Elevation (ft) 60.4 - ``" ^ ` Bankfull Max Depth (ft) 1.0 yr r J ' Low Bank Height(ft) 1.0 `•`-^" •,r • • ..r • Bank Height Ratio 1.0 Bankfull X-section Area (ft2) 6.8 F _�' %Change Bank Height Ratio N/A -' Looking Downstream XS-2 Headwater, STA 12+92 MY0 - - -Bankfull Elevation —Floodprone Area 63 62 - m 61 c 0 .....---\...j.... m 60 - w 59 - 58 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Width (feet) Scarborough Mitigation Site Water and Land Solutions As-Built(MYO)Report September 2020 Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Project Name Scarborough Mitigation Site ;� k - Cross Section ID XS-3 �- r 1 Reach ID UT1 R1 `: ▪_ i '.. �: . •:, Channel Type Headwater f"� • v''�;'.' °: ;r'L Field Crew K. Obermiller, E. Dunnigan *.;:�:_s ' ; '; • 'r�' --,` •; • ;' '. ':. } "r Dimension Data Summary: MYO 2020 " ;,Y':• si ..:,- - ... Bankfull Elevation (ft) 60.0 r '' Low Bank Height Elevation (ft) 60.0 , :M. r Bankfull Max Depth (ft) 0.3 -'�-'���°�r'�- �` ,�� ::,. .u,, Low Bank Height(ft) 0.3 `-' +• ter- . Bank Height Ratio 1.0 , r »� d,J � � " ;s: '� Bankfull X-section Area (ft2) 1.2 �'• . . ��]]`_ ` 7I'-, •' • ,. ," %Change Bank Height Ratio N/A • •=' ' Looking Downstream XS-3 Headwater, STA 25+36 MYO - - -Bankfull Elevation Floodprone Area 63 62 - m 61 c 0 m 60 -- w 59 - 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Width (feet) Scarborough Mitigation Site Water and Land Solutions As-Built(MYO)Report September 2020 Monitoring Year 0 of 7 ++-Project Name Scarborough Mitigation Site Cross Section ID XS 4 ' `"�'• +_ Y 1 �' Reach ID UT1-R1 -;r' -4;, ''W N '�',�, ..;x' .r:. Channel Type Headwater ":, ,i,1 s'. ,Ytt: •�.• 'i Field Crew K. Obermiller, E. Dunnigan • r k' 2•:!..,'''V,4•v.r,.Itmo-.-, r-4, "*',.1.-.1-iiii`. jai;• =.'-t.----t.;' •••• 1. %..4:1 ' Dimension Data Summary: MVO 2020 x , ,,, >; Bankfull Elevation (ft) 59.6 -- a,: ti 2.:::gip'; - Low Bank Height Elevation (ft) 59.6 % - ...%_•` Bankfull Max Depth (ft) 0.5 "s I_ # Low Bank Height(ft) 0.5 d. y',•, ST a: ,7 l'F •1.' Bank Height Ratio 1.0 `,. '.';` ' i1 f v ' Bankfull X-section Area (ft2) 2.4 � * ° Ak. ..' • . •. ` ' '`. %Change Bank Height Ratio N/A ,,, r' •j �•f'' ' -A:� i if, d :. ..,4, ....V., 'I fi 4::, ', 0.,......7,410 Looking Downstream XS-4 Headwater, STA 35+21 -MY() - - -Bankfull Elevation -Floodprone Area 63 - 62 - d • 61 - c o - m 60 - w - 59 - 58 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Width (feet) Scarborough Mitigation Site Water and Land Solutions As-Built(MVO)Report September 2020 Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Project Name Scarborough Mitigation Site . r Cross Section ID XS-5 � Reach ID UT3 4 - Channel Type Headwater , t.:; :� i �., Field Crew K. Obermiller, E. Dunnigan " t5 ' ,.` �T � ; Dimension Data Summary: MYO 2020 .;_- ,it .: •-• : •Bankfull Elevation (ft) 59.4 --J__I 4 '-•!•, �u s Low Bank Height Elevation (ft) 59.4 •" 1 Bankfull Max Depth (ft) 0.7 - ,i°? t=. - -` - .C' '. Low Bank Height(ft) 0.7 - Bank Height Ratio 1.0 .'t..,- Bankfull X-section Area (ft2) 2.6 • __ _ - - -. � • J w ; f Change Bank Height Ratio N/A • f:^`' 4': •- ' 242a .. Al. Looking Downstream XS-5 Headwater, STA 11+81 MY0 - - -Bankfull Elevation —Floodprone Area 62 61 - 0 60 c 0 m 59 - w 58 - 57 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Width (feet) Scarborough Mitigation Site Water and Land Solutions As-Built(MYO)Report September 2020 Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Project Name Scarborough Mitigation Site Cross Section ID XS-6 Reach ID UT3 ' Channel Type Headwater Field Crew K. Obermiller, E. Dunnigan 'ti.-.. Dimension Data Summary: MYO 2020 - :; • ---' Bankfull Elevation (ft) 59.2 • : : Low Bank Height Elevation (ft) 59.2 Bankfull Max Depth (ft) 0.7 , . Low Bank Height(ft) 0.7 . "°r, • - r s. Bank Height Ratio 1.0 __ -.91; ;. Bankfull X-section Area (ft2) 3.4 %Change Bank Height Ratio N/A I --- Looking Downstream XS-6 Headwater, STA 22+81 MY0 - - -Bankfull Elevation —Floodprone Area 62 61 - 0 v 60 - c 0 m 59 - w 58 - 57 i I I I I I I 1 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Width (feet) Scarborough Mitigation Site Water and Land Solutions As-Built(MYO)Report September 2020 Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Project Name Scarborough Mitigation Site - --� Cross Section ID XS-7 Reach ID UT2 (Lower) , . ti � _' Channel Type _Headwater .0 , M. .`• - " , Iiii_ Field Crew K. Obermiller, E. Dunnigan ,��"`• �" ` '( %'y,-. 4 '' Dimension Data Summary: MVO 2020 :s ec:. , _-,,..,�,<. .F ' ' , .., Bankfull Elevation (ft) 59.3 ,. ..p.,y,: •; '�''. y..a, Low Bank Height Elevation (ft) 59.3 ;�.'E %y ; 4�• Bankfull Max Depth (ft) 0.5 ,, Low Bank Height(ft) 0.5 �.. .'Y/ ram•4. Bank Height Ratio 1.0 , - --- Bankfull X-section Area (ft2) 3.1 .: %Change Bank Height Ratio N/A Looking Downstream XS-7 Headwater, STA 20+04 MY0 - - -Bankfull Elevation —Floodprone Area 62 61 - co 60 - 59 - 58 - 57 -, I I I I I I 1 1 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Width (feet) Scarborough Mitigation Site Water and Land Solutions As-Built(MVO)Report September 2020 Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Project Name Scarborough Mitigation Site • Cross Section ID XS-8 -.;�. . . Reach ID UT2 (Lower) ":* •• = Channel Type Headwater _ " Field Crew K. Obermiller, E. Dunnigan * , ,'- r`" `�''` .''''''l - • ?I ' , ` y �. ;rmr-&per Dimension Data Summary: MYO 2020i ,_ -,,. ..: - Bankfull Elevation (ft) 59.1 •,,, - i'.1°'d �Y ` ' Low Bank Height Elevation (ft) 59.1 • -;a IT ;fit Bankfull Max Depth (ft) 0.7 �` - --.,.., .`-' Low Bank Height(ft) 0.7 '" , Bank Height Ratio 1.0 '`% - • - r - Bankfull X-section Area (ft2) 3.5 'R" :- ` _ c -1 %Change Bank Height Ratio N/A .:4 Looking Downstream XS-8 Headwater, STA 29+63 MY0 - - -Bankfull Elevation —Floodprone Area 62 - 61 - 0 60 - ''''''''''N............... ........./... .........._., c 0 m 59 -- - w 58 - 57 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Width (feet) Scarborough Mitigation Site Water and Land Solutions As-Built(MYO)Report September 2020 Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Project Name Scarborough Mitigation Site '�''`` -r&x-.,,a •• - '` ' •.3+'.-, Cross Section ID XS-9 `' r ;' „ t s�- L Reach ID UT1-R2 , "r" '. ;; .---.7.,......�- r ... , ,tir:�. Channel Type _Single-thread {` ' -y~: _,.• 5' '= - �` "- : Field Crew K. Obermiller, E. Dunnigan ; ,'.. fi �.::_ Dimension Data Summary: MYO 2020 Bankfull Elevation (ft) 59.5 • ;a �: -� �� Low Bank Height Elevation (ft) 59.5 . • Bankfull Max Depth (ft) 1.1 =::: . Y - =y ": Low Bank Height(ft) 1.1 r:ti>: :; -..' ' Bank Height Ratio 1.0 ;'.yts. Bankfull X-section Area (ft2) 8.6 ^-{..,.. +' r • '`�„ '` ` ...x. %Change Bank Height Ratio N/A ` `, i._ Looking Downstream XS-9 Riffle, STA 44+87 MYO - - -Bankfull Elevation —Floodprone Area 62 61 - m 60 - o m 59 - w "."---\.... 58 - 57 i 1 1 1 1 0 10 20 30 40 50 Width (feet) Scarborough Mitigation Site Water and Land Solutions As-Built(MYO)Report September 2020 Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Project Name Scarborough Mitigation Site Cross Section ID XS-10 Reach ID UT1-R2Channel Type Single-thread v .` xW` r?'..eltle .' Field Crew K. Obermiller, E. Dunnigan s �'zl°.'A.rn; Dimension Data Summary: MVO 2020 .: Bankfull Elevation (ft) 59.6 '.: • Low Bank Height Elevation (ft) 59.6 _ Bankfull Max Depth (ft) 1.7 tif 9x •-'•4 7 Low Bank Height(ft) 1.7 Bank Height Ratio 1.0 '• Bankfull X-section Area (ft2) 12.4%Change Bank Height Ratio N/A ' Y- r L. Looking Downstream XS-10 Pool, STA 45+32 MYO - - -Bankfull Elevation —Floodprone Area 62 61 - 60 - c m 59 - w 58 - 57 0 10 20 30 40 50 Width (feet) Scarborough Mitigation Site Water and Land Solutions As-Built(MVO)Report September 2020 Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Project Name Scarborough Mitigation Site Cross Section ID XS-11 Reach ID UT1-R2 _— Channel Type Single-thread _ • - Field Crew K. Obermiller, E. Dunnigan • Dimension Data Summary: MYO 2020 Bankfull Elevation (ft) 58.3 } ,, Low Bank Height Elevation (ft) 58.3 �-` 5�. Bankfull Max Depth (ft) 1.2 • q • flY. V Low Bank Height(ft) 1.2 y1 �' Bank Height Ratio 1.0 k‘f Bankfull X-section Area (ft2) 7.0 • %Change Bank Height Ratio N/A , ' - �k Looking Downstream XS-11 Riffle, STA 44+03 —MYO - - -Bankfull Elevation —Floodprone Area 61 60 - 59 - c 58 57 - 56 0 10 20 30 40 50 Width (feet) Scarborough Mitigation Site Water and Land Solutions As-Built(MYO)Report September 2020 Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Project Name Scarborough Mitigation Site Cross Section ID XS-12 Reach ID UT1-R2 Channel Type Single-thread - - Field Crew K. Obermiller, E. Dunnigan Dimension Data Summary: MYO 2020 � .a- 4 ^',-' Bankfull Elevation (ft) 58.4 s• " Low Bank Height Elevation (ft) 58.4 f" Bankfull Max Depth (ft) 1.7 ,-.r• -- Low Bank Height(ft) 1.7 ' _ - Bank Height Ratio 1.0 - Bankfull X-section Area (ft2) 14.4 • %Change Bank Height Ratio N/A Looking Downstream XS-12 Pool, STA 54+31 MY0 - - -Bankfull Elevation —Floodprone Area 61 60 - m 59 - c 0 m 58 - —%. .N..... w 57 - 56 i 0 10 20 30 40 50 Width (feet) Scarborough Mitigation Site Water and Land Solutions As-Built(MYO)Report September 2020 Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Project Name Scarborough Mitigation Site _ Cross Section ID XS-13 • - Reach ID UT1-R3 -> >�,;•:. _.._.._.�__. Channel Type Single-thread •-• :: - __ Field Crew K. Obermiller, E. Dunnigan • • `, ' LL Dimension Data Summary: MYO 2020 - *._ Bankfull Elevation (ft) 57.7 :may,_;` Low Bank Height Elevation (ft) 57.7 ""� Bankfull Max Depth (ft) 1.8 • Low Bank Height(ft) 1.8 Bank Height Ratio 1.0 Bankfull X-section Area (ft2) 15.0 %Change Bank Height Ratio N/A 9 9 Looking Downstream XS-13 Pool, STA 66+21 MY0 — — —Bankfull Elevation —Floodprone Area 60 59 - 58 - c - 0 m 57 - w 56 - 55 0 10 20 30 40 50 Width (feet) Scarborough Mitigation Site Water and Land Solutions As-Built(MYO)Report September 2020 Monitoring Year 0 of 7 • Project Name Scarborough Mitigation Site Cross Section ID XS-14 Reach ID UT1-R3 . Channel Type Single-thread Field Crew K. Obermiller, E. Dunnigan s: Dimension Data Summary: MYO 2020 , .. Bankfull Elevation (ft) 57.6 • Low Bank Height Elevation (ft) 57.6 Bankfull Max Depth (ft) 1.1 ' Low Bank Height(ft) 1.1 • _ Bank Height Ratio 1.0 • Bankfull X-section Area (ft2) 8 2 'Y. %Change Bank Height Ratio N/A - ` L Looking Downstream XS-14 Riffle, STA 67+59 MYO - - -Bankfull Elevation —Floodprone Area 60 59 - 58 - o m 57 - w 56 - 55 0 10 20 30 40 50 Width (feet) Scarborough Mitigation Site Water and Land Solutions As-Built(MYO)Report September 2020 Monitoring Year 0 of 7 Table 6a. Baseline Stream Data Summary Scarborough Mitigation Project Parameter I Design I Baseline Parameter I Design I Baseline Reach ID: UT1-R1 (Headwater) Reach ID: UT1-R2 Dimension(Riffle) Min Max Min Max Dimension(Riffle) Min Max Min Max Bankfull Width (ft) - 4.6 6.3 7.4 Bankfull Width(ft) - 7.6 9.4 11.5 Floodprone Width (ft) 20.0 40.0 18.9 27.8 Floodprone Width(ft) 26.0 45.0 >50 50.0 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) - 0.3 0.2 0.4 Bankfull Mean Depth(ft) - 0.8 0.7 0.7 Bankfull Max Depth (ft) - 0.3 0.3 0.5 Bankfull Max Depth(ft) - 1.0 1.1 1.2 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area(ft2) - 1.2 1.2 2.4 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area(ft2) - 8.5 7.0 8.6 Width/Depth Ratio - 18.0 18.1 46.8 Width/Depth Ratio - 13.0 12.7 15.5 Entrenchment Ratio 4.3 8.6 3.0 3.8 Entrenchment Ratio 2.5 4.3 4.3 5.3 Bank Height Ratio 1.0 1.1 - 1.0 Bank Height Ratio 1.0 1.1 - 1.0 Profile Profile Riffle Length (ft) 64.0 308.0 56.0 161.0 Riffle Length(ft) 50.0 64.0 25.0 58.0 Riffle Slope(ft/ft) 0.009 0.001 0.002 0.004 Riffle Slope(ft/ft) 0.0006 0.0007 0.0005 0.0080 Pool Length (ft) 25.0 45.0 20.0 40.0 Pool Length(ft) 13.0 48.0 26.0 52.0 Pool Max Depth (ft) 0.8 1.0 0.5 1.1 Pool Max Depth(ft) 1.9 2.5 0.8 1.5 Pool Spacing(ft) 30.0 40.0 33.0 186.0 Pool Spacing(ft) 40.0 70.0 41.0 109.0 Pattern Pattern Channel Beltwidth (ft) - - - - Channel Beltwidth(ft) 38.0 85.0 71.0 89.0 Radius of Curvature(ft) - - - - Radius of Curvature(ft) 22.0 32.0 23.0 33.0 Rc:Bankfull Width(ft/ft) - - - - Rc:Bankfull Width (ft/ft) 2.1 3.0 2.0 2.9 Meander Wavelength (ft) - - - - Meander Wavelength(ft) 77.0 150.0 131.0 152.0 Meander Width Ratio - - - - Meander Width Ratio 3.6 8.1 6.2 7.7 TransportParametersTransportParameters Boundary Shear Stress(lb/ft2) 0.03 0.03 Boundary Shear Stress(lb/ft2) 0.07 0.07 Max part size(mm) mobilized at bankfull <2 <2 Max part size(mm) mobilized at bankfull <2 <2 Stream Power(W/m2) 0.30 0.30 Stream Power(W/m2) 0.30 0.30 Additional Reach Parameters Additional Reach Parameters Rosgen Classification DA5 DA5 Rosgen Classification E5/C5 E5/C5 Bankfull Velocity(fps) 1.4 1.4 Bankfull Velocity(fps) 1.0 1.0 Bankfull Discharge(cfs) 1.7 1.7 Bankfull Discharge(cfs) 7.6 8.2 Sinuosity 1.05 1.06 Sinuosity 1.28 1.30 Water Surface Slope(Channel)(ft/ft) 0.0007 0.0007 Water Surface Slope(Channel)(ft/ft) 0.0006 0.0009 Bankfull Slope(ft/ft) 0.0008 0.0008 Bankfull Slope(ft/ft) 0.0060 0.0007 Table 6a. Baseline Stream Data Summary Scarborough Mitigation Project Parameter I Design I Baseline Parameter I Design I Baseline Reach ID: UT1-R3 Reach ID: UT1A Dimension (Riffle) Min Max Min Max Dimension (Riffle) Min Max Min Max Bankfull Width (ft) - 11.0 - 11.1 Bankfull Width (ft) - 5.4 - 6.7 Floodprone Width (ft) 30.0 55.0 - 50.0 Floodprone Width (ft) 15.0 50.0 - 25.0 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) - 0.8 - 0.7 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) - 0.4 - 0.6 Bankfull Max Depth (ft) - 1.0 - 1.1 Bankfull Max Depth (ft) - 0.5 - 0.9 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area(ft2) - 9.3 - 8.2 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area(ft2) - 2.1 - 3.9 Width/Depth Ratio - 13.0 - 14.9 Width/Depth Ratio - 14.0 - 11.2 Entrenchment Ratio 2.7 5.0 - 4.5 Entrenchment Ratio 2.8 9.2 - 3.7 Bank Height Ratio 1.0 1.1 - 1.0 Bank Height Ratio 1.0 1.1 - 1.0 Profile Profile Riffle Length (ft) 43.0 72.0 25.0 64.0 Riffle Length (ft) 30.0 49.0 29.0 40.0 Riffle Slope(ft/ft) 0.0010 0.0015 0.001 0.005 Riffle Slope(ft/ft) 0.0120 0.0150 0.0054 0.0090 Pool Length (ft) 14.3 47.0 25.0 48.0 Pool Length (ft) 10.0 12.0 19.0 29.0 Pool Max Depth (ft) 1.9 2.5 1.2 2.1 Pool Max Depth (ft) 0.7 1.2 0.8 1.0 Pool Spacing(ft) 45.0 75.0 50.0 104.0 Pool Spacing(ft) 20.0 35.0 39.0 57.0 Pattern Pattern Channel Beltwidth (ft) 40.0 88.0 64.9 83.0 Channel Beltwidth (ft) 20.0 30.0 19.0 23.0 Radius of Curvature(ft) 22.0 33.0 19.8 30.0 Radius of Curvature(ft) 11.0 16.0 15.0 19.0 Rc:Bankfull Width (ft/ft) 2.0 3.0 1.8 2.7 Rc:Bankfull Width (ft/ft) 2.0 3.0 2.4 2.6 Meander Wavelength (ft) 80.0 154.0 96.0 153.0 Meander Wavelength (ft) 40.0 70.0 59.0 68.0 Meander Width Ratio 3.6 8.0 5.8 7.5 Meander Width Ratio 3.7 5.5 3.9 4.3 Transport Parameters Transport Parameters Boundary Shear Stress(Ib/ft2) 0.05 0.05 Boundary Shear Stress(Ib/ft2) 0.23 0.23 Max part size (mm) mobilized at bankfull <2 <2 Max part size(mm) mobilized at bankfull <2 <2 Stream Power(W/m2) 0.30 0.30 Stream Power(W/m2) 0.50 0.50 Additional Reach Parameters Additional Reach Parameters Rosgen Classification E5/C5 E5/C5 Rosgen Classification E5 E5 Bankfull Velocity(fps) 0.9 0.9 Bankfull Velocity(fps) 0.8 0.8 Bankfull Discharge(cfs) 8.4 7.4 Bankfull Discharge(cfs) 1.70 1.70 Sinuosity 1.25 1.26 Sinuosity 1.11 1.06 Water Surface Slope(Channel)(ft/ft) 0.0009 0.0006 Water Surface Slope(Channel)(ft/ft) 0.0100 0.0045 Bankfull Slope(ft/ft) 0.0010 0.0007 Bankfull Slope(ft/ft) 0.0110 0.0042 Table 6a. Baseline Stream Data Summary Scarborough Mitigation Project Parameter I Design I Baseline Parameter I Design I Baseline Reach ID: UT1 B (Headwater) Reach ID: UT2 Lower(Headwater) Dimension (Riffle) Min Max Min Max Dimension (Riffle) Min Max Min Max Bankfull Width (ft) - 5.0 - 10.0 Bankfull Width (ft) - 7.9 7.6 10.5 Floodprone Width (ft) 20.0 50.0 - 80.0 Floodprone Width (ft) 20.0 50.0 29.8 37.2 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) - 0.3 - 0.7 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) - 0.4 0.3 0.5 Bankfull Max Depth (ft) - 0.3 - 1.0 Bankfull Max Depth (ft) - 0.5 0.5 0.7 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area(ft2) - 1.4 - 6.8 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area(ft2) - 3.5 3.1 3.5 Width/Depth Ratio - 18.0 - 14.9 Width/Depth Ratio - 18.0 16.5 35.7 Entrenchment Ratio 4.3 10.0 - 8.0 Entrenchment Ratio 2.5 6.3 2.8 4.9 Bank Height Ratio 1.0 1.1 - 1.0 Bank Height Ratio 1.0 1.1 1.0 1.0 Profile Profile Riffle Length (ft) 143.0 682.0 26.0 50.0 Riffle Length (ft) 45.0 365.0 16.0 165.0 Riffle Slope(ft/ft) 0.0010 0.0013 0.0006 0.0020 Riffle Slope(ft/ft) 0.0006 0.0009 0.0008 0.0018 Pool Length (ft) - 25.0 19.0 60.0 Pool Length (ft) - 25.0 16.0 73.0 Pool Max Depth (ft) 0.7 1.2 0.9 1.9 Pool Max Depth (ft) 0.7 1.2 0.7 2.2 Pool Spacing(ft) 20.0 35.0 47.0 164.0 Pool Spacing(ft) 30.0 50.0 61.0 171.0 Pattern Pattern Channel Beltwidth (ft) - - - - Channel Beltwidth (ft) - - - - Radius of Curvature(ft) - - - - Radius of Curvature(ft) - - - - Rc:Bankfull Width (ft/ft) - - - - Rc:Bankfull Width (ft/ft) - - - - Meander Wavelength (ft) - - - - Meander Wavelength (ft) - - - - Meander Width Ratio - - - - Meander Width Ratio - - - - Transport Parameters Transport Parameters Boundary Shear Stress(Ib/ft2) 0.06 0.06 Boundary Shear Stress(Ib/ft2) 0.07 0.07 Max part size(mm) mobilized at bankfull <2 <2 Max part size(mm) mobilized at bankfull <2 <2 Stream Power(W/m2) 0.20 0.20 Stream Power(W/m2) 0.20 0.20 Additional Reach Parameters Additional Reach Parameters Rosgen Classification DA5 DA5 Rosgen Classification DA5 DA5 Bankfull Velocity(fps) 1.0 1.0 Bankfull Velocity(fps) 1.0 1.0 Bankfull Discharge(cfs) 1.4 6.8 Bankfull Discharge(cfs) 3.30 3.50 Sinuosity 1.10 1.05 Sinuosity 1.11 1.08 Water Surface Slope(Channel)(ft/ft) 0.0008 0.0005 Water Surface Slope(Channel)(ft/ft) 0.0005 0.0005 Bankfull Slope(ft/ft) 0.0008 0.0005 Bankfull Slope(ft/ft) 0.0005 0.0004 Table 6a. Baseline Stream Data Summary Scarborough Mitigation Project Parameter I Design I Baseline Reach ID: UT3 (Headwater) Dimension (Riffle) Min Max Min Max Bankfull Width (ft) - 6.1 7.7 8.0 Floodprone Width (ft) 20.0 50.0 44.3 60.7 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) - 0.3 0.4 0.5 Bankfull Max Depth (ft) - 0.4 0.7 0.7 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area (ft2) - 2.1 3.4 3.5 Width/Depth Ratio - 18.0 17.6 24.6 Entrenchment Ratio 3.3 8.1 5.7 7.6 Bank Height Ratio 1.0 1.1 1.0 1.0 Profile Riffle Length (ft) 250.0 314.0 60.0 240.0 Riffle Slope (ft/ft) 0.0007 0.0010 0.0005 0.0010 Pool Length (ft) - 25.0 24.0 54.0 Pool Max Depth (ft) 0.6 1.1 0.5 1.3 Pool Spacing (ft) 25.0 45.0 59.0 128.0 Pattern Channel Beltwidth (ft) - - - - Radius of Curvature (ft) - - - - Rc:Bankfull Width (ft/ft) - - - - Meander Wavelength (ft) - - - - Meander Width Ratio - - - - Transport arameters Boundary Shear Stress (Ib/ft2) 0.04 0.04 Max part size (mm) mobilized at bankfull <2 <2 Stream Power(W/m2) 0.20 0.20 Additional Reach Parameters Rosgen Classification DA5 DA5 Bankfull Velocity(fps) 0.8 0.8 Bankfull Discharge (cfs) 1.9 2.9 Sinuosity 1.10 1.09 Water Surface Slope (Channel) (ft/ft) 0.0007 0.0005 Bankfull Slope (ft/ft) 0.0007 0.0004 Table 6b. Monitoring Data-Dimensional Morphology Summary(Dimensional Parameters-Cross Sections) Scarborough Mitigation Site Cross Section 1(Headwater) Cross Section 2(Headwater) Cross Section 3(Headwater) Cross Section 4(Headwater) Parameters Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY+ Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY+ Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY+ Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY+ Bankfull Width(ft) 6.3 10.0 7.4 6.6 Floodprone Width(ft) 18.9 80.0 27.8 21.8 Bankfull Mean Depth(ft) 0.2 0.7 0.2 0.4 Bankfull Max Depth(ft) 0.3 1.0 0.3 0.5 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area(ft2) 1.2 6.8 1.2 2.4 Bankfull Width/Depth Ratio 32.8 14.9 46.8 18.1 Bankfull Entrenchment Ratio 3.0 8.0 3.8 3.3 Bankfull Bank Height Ratio 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 d50(mm) <2 <2 <2 <2 Cross Section 5(Headwater) Cross Section 6(Headwater) Cross Section 7(Headwater) Cross Section 8(Headwater) Parameters Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY+ Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY+ Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY+ Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY+ Bankfull Width(ft) 8.0 7.7 10.5 7.6 Floodprone Width(ft) 60.7 44.3 29.8 37.2 Bankfull Mean Depth(ft) 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.5 Bankfull Max Depth(ft) 0.7 0.7 0.5 0.7 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area(ft2) 2.6 3.4 3.1 3.5 Bankfull Width/Depth Ratio 24.6 17.6 35.7 16.5 Bankfull Entrenchment Ratio 7.6 5.7 2.8 4.9 Bankfull Bank Height Ratio 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 d50(mm) <2 <2 <2 <2 Cross Section 9(Riffle) Cross Section 10(Pool) Cross Section 11(Riffle) Cross Section 12(Pool) Parameters Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY+ Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY+ Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY+ Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY+ Bankfull Width(ft) 11.5 14.4 9.4 13.3 Floodprone Width(ft) 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 Bankfull Mean Depth(ft) 0.7 0.9 0.7 1.1 Bankfull Max Depth(ft) 1.1 1.7 1.2 1.7 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area(ft2) 8.6 12.4 7.0 14.4 Bankfull Width/Depth Ratio 15.5 16.7 12.7 12.4 Bankfull Entrenchment Ratio 4.3 3.5 5.3 3.8 Bankfull Bank Height Ratio 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 d50(mm) <2 <2 <2 <2 Cross Section 13(Pool) Cross Section 14(Riffle) Parameters Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY+ Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY+ Bankfull Width(ft) 16.5 11.1 Floodprone Width(ft) 50.0 50.0 Bankfull Mean Depth(ft) 0.9 0.7 Bankfull Max Depth(ft) 1.8 1.1 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area(ft2) 15.0 8.2 Bankfull Width/Depth Ratio 18.1 14.9 Bankfull Entrenchment Ratio 3.0 4.5 Bankfull Bank Height Ratio 1.0 1.0 d50(mm) <2 <2 Table 6c. Monitoring Data - Stream Reach Summary Scarborough Mitigation Project Parameter Baseline I MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 Reach ID: UT1-R1 (Headwater) Min I Max I Min I Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Profile Riffle Length(ft) 56.0 161.0 Riffle Slope(ft/ft) 0.002 0.004 Pool Length(ft) 20.0 40.0 Pool Max depth(ft) 0.5 1.1 Pattern and Profile data will not typically be Pool Spacing (ft) 33.0 186.0 collected unless visual data,dimensional data or profile data indicate significant Pattern deviations from baseline conditions Channel Beltwidth(ft) - - Radius of Curvature(ft) - - Rc:Bankfull width(ft/ft) - - Meander Wavelength(ft) - - Meander Width Ratio - - Additional Reach Parameters Rosgen Classification DA5 Sinuosity(ft) 1.06 Water Surface Slope(Channel)(ft/ft) 0.0007 BF slope(ft/ft) 0.0008 3Ri%I Ru%/P%/G%/S% 3SC%I Sa%I G%I C%I B%I Be% 3d16/d35/d50/d84/d95/ 2%of Reach with Eroding Banks Channel Stability or Habitat Metric Biological or Other Table 6c. Monitoring Data - Stream Reach Summary Scarborough Mitigation Project Parameter Baseline I MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 Reach ID: UT1A(Headwater) Min I Max I Min I Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Profile Riffle Length(ft) 29.0 40.0 Riffle Slope(ft/ft) 0.0054 0.0090 Pool Length(ft) 19.0 29.0 Pool Max depth(ft) 0.8 1.0 Pattern and Profile data will not Pool Spacing (ft) 39.0 57.0 typically be collected unless visual Pattern data,dimensional data or profile data indicate significant deviations from Channel Beltwidth(ft) - - Radius of Curvature(ft) - - Rc:Bankfull width(ft/ft) - - Meander Wavelength(ft) - - Meander Width Ratio - - Additional Reach Parameters Rosgen Classification DA5 Sinuosity(ft) 1.06 Water Surface Slope(Channel)(ft/ft) 0.0045 BF slope(ft/ft) 0.0042 3Ri%IRu%/P%/G%/S% 3SC%/Sa%I G%I C%I B%I Be% 3d16/d35/d50/d84/d95/ 2%of Reach with Eroding Banks Channel Stability or Habitat Metric Biological or Other Table 6c. Monitoring Data - Stream Reach Summary Scarborough Mitigation Project Parameter Baseline I MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 Reach ID: UT1-R2 Min I Max I Min I Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Profile Riffle Length(ft) 25.0 58.0 Riffle Slope(ft/ft) 0.0005 0.0080 Pool Length(ft) 26.0 52.0 Pool Max depth(ft) 0.8 1.5 Pattern and Profile data will not typically be collected unless Pool Spacing (ft) 41.0 109.0 visual data,dimensional data or Pattern profile data indicate significant Channel Beltwidth(ft) 71.0 89.0 Radius of Curvature(ft) 23.0 33.0 Rc:Bankfull width(ft/ft) 2.0 2.9 Meander Wavelength(ft) 131.0 152.0 Meander Width Ratio 6.2 7.7 Additional Reach Parameters Rosgen Classification E5/C5 Sinuosity(ft) 1.30 Water Surface Slope(Channel)(ft/ft) 0.0009 BF slope(ft/ft) 0.0007 3Ri%I Ru%/P%/G%/S% 3SC%I Sa%I G%I C%I B%I Be% 3d16/d35/d50/d84/d95/ 2%of Reach with Eroding Banks Channel Stability or Habitat Metric Biological or Other Table 6c. Monitoring Data - Stream Reach Summary Scarborough Mitigation Project Parameter Baseline I MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 Reach ID: UT1B(Headwater) IMin I Max I Min I Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Profile Riffle Length(ft) 26 50 Riffle Slope(ft/ft) 0.0006 0.0020 Pool Length(ft) 19.0 60.0 Pool Max depth(ft) 0.9 1.9 Pattern and Profile data will not Pool Spacing (ft) 47.0 164.0 typically be collected unless visual data,dimensional data or Pattern profile data indicate significant Channel Beltwidth(ft) - - Radius of Curvature(ft) - - Rc:Bankfull width(ft/ft) - - Meander Wavelength(ft) - - Meander Width Ratio - - Additional Reach Parameters Rosgen Classification DA5 Sinuosity(ft) 1.05 Water Surface Slope(Channel)(ft/ft) 0.0005 BF slope(ft/ft) 0.0005 3Ri%IRu%/P%/G%/S% 3SC%/Sa%I G%I C%I B%I Be% 3d16/d35/d50/d84/d95/ 2%of Reach with Eroding Banks Channel Stability or Habitat Metric Biological or Other Table 6c. Monitoring Data - Stream Reach Summary Scarborough Miti ation Project Parameter Baseline I MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 Reach ID: UT1-R3 Min I Max I Min I Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Profile Riffle Length(ft) 25.0 64.0 Riffle Slope(ft/ft) 0.0013 0.005 Pool Length(ft) 25.0 48.0 Pool Max depth(ft) 1.2 2.1 Pattern and Profile data will not Pool Spacing(ft) 50.0 104.0 typically be collected unless visual data,dimensional data or Pattern- • profile data indicate significant Channel Beltwidth(ft) 64.9 83.0 Radius of Curvature(ft) 19.8 30.0 Rc:Bankfull width(ft/ft) 1.8 2.7 Meander Wavelength(ft) 96.0 153.0 Meander Width Ratio 5.8 7.5 Additional Reach Parameters Rosgen Classification E5/C5 Sinuosity(ft) 1.26 Water Surface Slope(Channel)(ft/ft) 0.0006 BF slope(ft/ft) 0.0007 3Ri%IRu%IP%IG%IS% 3SC%I Sa%I G%I C%I B%I Be% 3d16Id35Id50Id84Id951 2%of Reach with Eroding Banks Channel Stability or Habitat Metric Biological or Other Table 6c. Monitoring Data -Stream Reach Summary Scarborough Miti ation Pro'ect Parameter Baseline I MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 Reach ID: UT2(Headwater) Min I Max I Min I Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Profile Riffle Length(ft) 16.0 165.0 Riffle Slope(ft/ft) 0.0008 0.0018 Pool Length(ft) 16.0 73.0 � Pool Max depth(ft) 0.7 2.2 Pattern and Profile data will not Pool Spacing(ft) 61.0 171.0 typically be collected unless Pattern visual data,dimensional data or profile data indicate significant Channel Beltwidth(ft) - - Radius of Curvature(ft) - - Rc:Bankfull width(ft/ft) - - Meander Wavelength(ft) - - Meander Width Ratio - - Additional Reach Parameters Rosgen Classification DA5 Sinuosity(ft) 1.08 Water Surface Slope(Channel)(ft/ft) 0.0005 BF slope(ft/ft) 0.0004 3Ri%IRu%IP%IG%IS% 3SC%I Sa%I G%I C%I B%I Be% 3d16Id35Id50Id84Id951 2%of Reach with Eroding Banks Channel Stability or Habitat Metric Biological or Other Table 6c. Monitoring Data - Stream Reach Summary Scarborough Miti ation Pro'ect Parameter Baseline I MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 Reach ID: UT3 (Headwater) I Min I Max I Min I Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Profile Riffle Length (ft) 60.0 240.0 Riffle Slope(ft/ft) 0.0005 0.0010 Pool Length (ft) 24.0 54.0 Pool Max depth (ft) 0.5 1.3 Pattern and Profile data will not Pool Spacing (ft) 59.0 128.0 typically be collected unless visual data, dimensional data or Pattern profile data indicate significant _ Channel Beltwidth (ft) - Radius of Curvature(ft) - - Rc:Bankfull width (ft/ft) - - Meander Wavelength (ft) - - Meander Width Ratio - - Additional Reach Parameters Rosgen Classification DA5 Sinuosity(ft) 1.09 Water Surface Slope (Channel)(ft/ft) 0.0005 BF slope(ft/ft) 0.0004 3Ri%/Ru%/P%/G%/S% 3SC%/Sa%/G%/C%/B%/Be% 3d16/d35/d50/d84/d95 I 2%of Reach with Eroding Banks Channel Stability or Habitat Metric Biological or Other TOP OF FLOW GAUGE ELEV. =3.78 c co Ti. a w a — — _ _ _ FLOW O ELEVATION OF DOWN co i/V//m/.../ w z STREAM RIFFLE=8.23 /A// A //A%/AA/ / —BASEFLOW \/ \ \/ \/%\�\/�\ \/ \/ / _ i//vv/// /v/ /vv///vv / /v/ /v// / /v.7,-,rL / / \V\ VA \/AAAA VSVA \/VA \/AAA VAA// / A/ VS/VA\/AA \/A��A '`\ \ \/\/%/ //\/�.///\ P' /\/ //%//%%/%\/ /\\ / \A�V%AAA/% VA\/ \\/%V% VS/% \\/%\\/%/% \\A/A / v//V//�/�A��A/AA/��//�/��/%�/V�/v FLOW GAUGE #1 - UT1-R1 (upper) Flow Depth = (Sensor Depth +Top) - Elevation of Riffle Flow Depth = (5.84 + 3.78) - 8.23 Flow Depth = 1.39 feet TOP OF FLOW GAUGE ELEV. =1.02 0 o Ti 2 H d w a — — _ _ _ FLOWy O ELEVATION OF DOWN co //V//�/._/ w STREAM RIFFLE=6.11 / \�/%/A%/AA/ / ——BASEFLOW \/�\ \\/ \/%\\/�\\\\i\\/ / _ i//vv/// /v/ /v///vv / /v/ /v// /////v.7, / / \V\,//AAj�/AAj/AAA\ AAA�//AAj /Aj/AAA\ AAA/// / ' /v j/\//AA��Vj/AAA\/AAj \/AA/ / ' \/\\ \ \/\/%///%///\/ / \./ /\/%%//%//\/ /\/ //\\ / \A�V%AAA//% VA\/ \\\%V% VS/% \\/%\\/%/% ��A/A / v//V//�/�A��A/AA/��//�/��/%�/V�/v FLOW GAUGE #2 - UT1 B Flow Depth = (Sensor Depth +Top) - Elevation of Riffle Flow Depth = (5.90 + 1.02) - 6.11 Flow Depth = 0.81 feet TOP OF FLOW GAUGE ELEV. =1.54 0 o Ti 2 H d w a — — _ _ _ FLOWy O ELEVATION OF DOWN co //V//�/._/ w STREAM RIFFLE=6.60 / \�/%/A%/AA/ / ——BASEFLOW \/�\ \\/ \/%\\/�\\\\i\\/ / _ i//vv/// /v/ /v///vv / /v/ /v// /////v.7, / / \VA�,//Aj�/AAj/AAA\ AAA�//AAj /Aj/AAA\ AAA/// / /v j/\//AA�\/AAA\/Aj \/AA/ / ' \/\\ \ \/\//%///%///\/ / \./ /\/%%//%//\/ /\/ //\\ / \A,V%AAA//% VA\/ \\/%V% VS/% \\/%\\/ /% ��A/A / v//V//�/�A��A/AA/��//�/��/%�/V�/v FLOW GAUGE #3 - UT2 Flow Depth = (Sensor Depth +Top) - Elevation of Riffle Flow Depth = (5.90 + 1.54) - 6.60 Flow Depth = 0.84 feet TOP OF FLOW GAUGE ELEV. =2.12 N -1- Ti. 2 I— d w a — — _ _ _ FLOWy O ELEVATION OF DOWN co STREAM RIFFLE=7.03 //V//�/._/ w / \�/%/A%/AA/ / ——BASEFLOW \/�\ \\/ \/%\\/�\\\\i\\/ / _ i//vv/// /v/ /v///vv / /v/ /v// /////v.7, / / \VA�,//Aj�/AAj/AAA\ AAA�//AAj /Aj/AAA\ AAA/// / /v j \//AA�\/AAA\/Aj \/AA/ \/\\ \ \/\//%/////\/. ///\ /\///\./ \/ / //\\ / \A�V%AAA//% VA\/ \\/%V% VS/% \\/%\\/%/% \\A/A / v//V//�/�A��A/AA/��//�/��/%�/V�/v FLOW GAUGE #4 - UT3 Flow Depth = (Sensor Depth +Top) - Elevation of Riffle Flow Depth = (5.42 + 2.12) - 7.03 Flow Depth = 0.51 feet Appendix E : As- Built Survey/Record Drawings DocuSign Envelope ID:6E06289F-62F4-4B54-AA68-E8F16B7EF3F5 r- SCARBOROUGH MITIGATION PROJECT WATER & LAND SOLUTIONS WAYNE COUNTY, NC 7721 Six ForksRd.,Suite 130 NEUSE RIVER BASIN (CU 03020202) Raleigh,NC 27615 (919)614-5111 VICINITY MAP USACE ACTION ID # SAW-2017-02527 SHEET INDEX Lwaterlandsolutions.com� N.T.S. TYPE OF WORK : STREAM, WETLAND, NUTRIENT AND BUFFER MITIGATION PROJECT ENGINEER PROJECT SUMMARY 1 COVER SHEET ,�1111111/►.i ��A��H C ARc!�*,� PROJECT As-Built Stream Proposed Stream � OCR . •'A,Imo, Project Reach Proposed Stream As-Built Stream Mitigation Mitigation Credits Mitigation Credits 2 LEGEND �� . SlO "9 �.� LOCATION Designation Type of Mitigation Length(LF) Length(LF) Ratio(X:1) (SMCs) (SMCs) .1", .4,' 4 (35.3211000°,-77.98972222°) UT1-R1 Stream Restoration(HW/PI) 2,808 2,808 1 2,808 2,808 : : / '�/2O2 -�• UT1-R2 Stream Restoration(PI/PII) 1,861 1,822 1 1,822 1,861 {t1 yL��L»>fff UT1-R3 Stream Restoration PII 1,485 1,489 1 1,485 1,485 - •• • GPHROP° ARRiN�ro� UT1A Stream Restoration(PI) 241 240 1 241 241 3-19 PLAN AND PROFILE 369� PE QRi UT1B Stream Restoration(HW/PI) 1,166 1,166 1 1,166 1,166 OV'F UT2(upper) Stream Enhancement(HW/PI) 586 586 4 147 147 j ' je,yp, •pjV gs, ROg, UT2(lower) Stream Restoration(HW/PI) 1,712 1,712 1 1,712 1,712 20-23 MONITORING PLAN ��y� /,tI/�/� cc-:_-. ,- UT3 Stream Restoration(HW/PI) 1,483 1,483 1 1,483 1,483 1 <•�'..'�.+I.. .•Q Total 11,342 11,306 10,863 10,903 j( 7 . • '`�♦♦♦ QCl Note 1:No mitigation credits were calculated outside the conservation easement boundaries. �Op/E R••P. �,♦ - Note 2:Headwater(HIM stream mitigation credits were calculated using valley length. ��I ',�� Note 3:Credits on UT1-R2 were reduced due to amended conservation easement boundary. �1/11111 (( ENGINEERING SERVICES BY As-Built Wetland Proposed Wetland WLS ENGINEERING,PLLC �O Project Wetland Proposetl Wetlantl Mitigation Ratio Mitigation Credits Mitigation Credits 6 DULA SPRINGS RD.,WEAVERVILLE,NC 28787 -0 OPO R Area Type of Mitigation Acreage(AC) (X:1) (WMCs) (WMCs) FIRM LICENSE NO.P-1480 �JRG�' W1 Wetland Preservation 2.15 10 0.21 0.21 REVISIONS W5 Wetland Preservation 1.18 10 0.12 0.12 J �' SW1 Wetland Re-establishment 107.40 1 106.70 107.40 A DRAFT MIT PLAN 6-14-19 E��P SW2 Wetland Enhancement 7.92 3 2.64 2.64 B FINAL MIT PLAN 11-22-19 Total 118.85 109.67 110.37 Note 1:No mitigation credits were calculated outside the conservation easement boundaries. C ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION 5-6-20 Note 2:No wetland mitigation credits were calculated within the 100-foot wide HW stream corridor. Note a S W1 credits were decreased due to berm on eastern project boundary. D AS-BUILT 2-23-21 SURVEY CERTIFICATE iN ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■,M\■■■■■■■.-1•�■ IP ■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■I■M6M■ 7 ■■■■■■■■I NO. DESCRIPTION DATE "I,MARSHALL G.WIGHT,CERTIFY THAT THIS PROJECT WAS COMPLETED ■ i I �TDNBR/D -_ 1_ _I 1 I _ / ♦♦ ■ PROJECT NAME UNDER MY DIRECT AND RESPONSIBLE CHARGE FROM \ - \I • - EROAD -- - _- __ - AN ACTUAL SURVEY MADE UNDER MY SUPERVISION;THAT THIS GROUND \■- 0 `� __ ____ - -- ■ SURVEY WAS PERFORMED AT THE 95 PERCENT CONFIDENCE LEVEL TO ■ ■ \ 6 / ■ MEET FEDERAL GEOGRAPHIC DATA COMMITTEE STANDARDS;THAT THIS / I BEGIN CONSTRUCTION U " , SCARBOROUGH SURVEY WAS PERFORMED TO MEET THE REQUIREMENTS FORA STATION 10+00.00 `\\ / / ■ TOPOGRAPHIC/PLANIMETRIC SURVEY TO THE ACCURACY OF CLASS A AND ■ \ ■ \\ // / ■ MITIGATION VERTICAL ACCURACY WHEN APPLICABLE TO CLASS C STANDARD,AND ■ - - - - - \ // .( ■ THAT THE ORIGINAL DATA WAS OBTAINED ON OCTOBER 14 2021-OCTOBER 29, ■ \\ ` '3 // END CONSTRUCTION UT1-R3 2021;THAT THE SURVEY WAS COMPLETED ON DECEMBER 29,2021;THAT ■ "' \ / ��/% ■ STATION 72+44.68 PROJECT CONTOURS SHOWN AS[BROKEN LINES]MAY NOT MEET THE STATED ■ I \\\ / ♦ / ■ STANDARD;AND ALL COORDINATES ARE BASED ON NAD 83(2011)AND ■ M //` i // BEGIN CONSTRUCTION UT1-R3 ALL ELEVATIONS ARE BASED ON NAVD 88" ■ ' I BEGIN m\ \� / \/ ■ STATION 57+60.05 sNSTRUQ ON TB \/ �\ / / ■ WAYNE COUNTY, NC 2/23/2021 / ,e \ STATIC, ®+0000 - / // ■ ■ ■ / V // ■ DRAWING INFORMATION THIS DOCUMENT ORIGINALLY ISSUED AND SEALED BY MARSHALL G.WIGHT, ■ / 1 ,. / ``" ■ END CONSTRUCTION UT1-R2 L-5034,ON °\ 1 • A ■ STATION 56+84.53 PROJECT NO.: 17-003 DocuSigned by: � d ` FILENAME:ASB_o1_SCARBOROUGH_COVER ��e,l (11i �' -% DCONSTR C 10N UT3,/. \ ■ DESIGNED BY: KMV �1111111/// M6•L?f 6U, Z - ?AT(ON 24+: / wj ♦�*1� CAA /14 �_ ■ - ,11 1 ,: ■ END CONSTRUCTION UT2(LOWER) DRAWN BY. APL ,,♦♦O\L 4 04��I` 62C73F4418864C1... ` ■ .. •" 1 r ■ STATION 32+98.10 DATE: 2-23-21 •.... .... O Y$, k � E\ NN,...., : HORIZ.SCALE: 1"=700' '' ��Ot4•SJ'O�'.� ��' f'\ \\ ®� .� 1 !� (' ._. �� ■ VERT.SCALE: N/A i 9• I / •■ l l� 1 \ Q SEAL ' ■ ��♦ �� i� ■ ` (, _;r ■ � �' rz ■ ` �` �� is i \ ■ "9j0 ' S UR`A ♦`♦♦ BEGIN CONSTRUCT ON UT1-R1 ♦ ' \ 'PT).-R7". �® �� * +.��, /f , \ END CONSTRUCT IN UT1-R1 !� ♦ ��iiip,�\ "' 1 ` BEGIN CONSTRU• ION UT1 R2 in/ ♦ STATI N 10+15.18 s 74i L 1 1 ♦♦♦ \ ��A_A_� I^lo •�/ "•, i �." �\ STATION 36+22.67: 350 175 0 NORTH 350 700 11 • ,\ �`` /� �, // 1 • 1 m GRAPHIC SCALE ■ '"fir .j� IF: \ - \ SHEET NAME 3, �� A "� ' 1 { END CONSTRUCTION UT2(UPPER) ■ L`` R ■ • t BEGIN CONSTRUCTION UT2(LOWER) . COVER • ■ ,_ "STATION 15+86.50 /■ (` ■ END CONSTRUCTION UT1B ��.,---',�'- "�-a-'-- .„, ■ ,i---' V01 U SHEET ■ STATION 21+66.60 �"�/ ��,,■ UT-R1 ■ t��� .-,�♦ ■ �� STATION 24+46.38 ■ G�-r, .� / ■ ✓, ■ A� ♦� / ■ / rw- ■ �� BEGIN CONSTRUCTION UT1A ■ ♦♦ �"P/' ■ ■ STATION 10+00.00 ■ ,A,��/ / ■ / �� �� ■ M7�P� END CONSTRUCTION UT1A ■ ���� \ ■ / SHEET NUMBER ■ 2 �'- STATION 12+g1.04 ■ ■ \� UT1-R1 ■ ,,pE�IN CONSTRUCTION UT2(UPPFfR �- ■ STATION 30+06.29 • SAT N 10+00.00 1 I■■■■■■■■■■■■r. ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■f■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■1 DocuSign Envelope ID:6E06289F-62F4-4B54-AA68-E8F16B7EF3F5 r LEGEND WATER & LAND ROOTWAD SOLUTIONS ' } LOG VANE 7721 Six Forks Rd.,Suite 130 -I LOG WEIR Raleigh,NC 27615 \jf\ LOG STEP-POOL 11 waterlandsrlands(919)614-51lotions.com PROJECT ENGINEER 0 0%° CONSTRUCTED STONE RIFFLE ,,SOi I I/I,�,, t[GpP[�]I{1N CONSTRUCTED LOG RIFFLE O•l, `yS IO/�i• �� ,,I iM ?2t'' 4,} �l i11 GEOLIFT W/TOEWOOD i 369 S. .0- 6• 4,jjit /o 4 •����� PROPOSED OUTLET CHANNEL � "/s_ CNGINE��'�� ��."' Lip —FP FP 100 YEAR FLOOD PLAIN ,1°�E R ii�,,,,, ENGINEERING SERVICES BY WLS ENGINEERING,PLLC OHPL EXISTING OVERHEAD ELECTRIC 6 DULA SPRINGS RD.,WEAVERVILLE,NC 28787 FIRM LICENSE NO.P-1480 —CE CE — CONSERVATION EASEMENT BOUNDARY REVISIONS A DRAFT MIT PLAN 6-14-19 -——-100-——- EXISTING MAJOR CONTOUR B FINAL MIT PLAN 11-22-19 EXISTING MINOR CONTOUR C ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION 5-6-20 D AS-BUILT 2-23-21 100 PROPOSED MAJOR CONTOUR 101 PROPOSED MINOR CONTOUR NO. DESCRIPTION DATE EXISTING WOODLINE PROJECT NAME PROPOSED TOP OF STREAM BANK - - - - EXISTING PROPERTY BOUNDARY S C A R B O R O U G H O O 0 EXISTING FENCE MITIGATION 15+00 - - PROPOSED CENTERLINE(THALWEG) PROJECT x x PROPOSED FIELD FENCE TP TP PROPOSED TREE PROTECTION FENCE WAYNE COUNTY, NC EXISTING FARM PATH DRAWING INFORMATION 11.11 PROPOSED FARM PATH PROJECT NO.: 17-003 ,,)�M'��+5�� FILENAME:ASB 0z SCARBOROUGH GENERAL NOTES �{ EXISTING TREE DESIGNED BY: KMV 7�' DRAWN BY: APL DATE: 2-23-21 ��� A CHANNEL BLOCK HORIZ.SCALE: VERT.SCALE: N/A CHANNEL FILL EXISTING STRUCTURE PRE-CONSTRUCTION WETLAND AREA —WLB WLB W W W W v. v. v. v. .v PROPOSED WETLAND RESTORATION AREA 91nn . . 91M— SHEET NAME —WLB WLB PROPOSED WETLAND ENHANCEMENT AREA LEGEND 91M L L 91M- —WLB WLB C C C C C C C PROPOSED WETLAND PRESERVATION AREA 91M C C C — ` AS-BUILT SHEET NUMBER 2 DocuSign Envelope ID:6E06289F-62F4-4B54-AA68-E8F16B7EF3F5 _ C� s _ _ _ _ _ J�`yti�� � ��/�� WATER & LAND ti /// SOLUTIONS B+SZ _ _ \ s� j x i, �� \ N/F \ \-7 // / n / j� 7721 Six Forks Rd.,Suite 130 \fix BEGIN CONSTRUCTION UT1-R1(UPPER) WATER AND LAND SOLUTIONS,LLC �� �P Raleigh, NC 27615 \�'94 STA.10+15.18 D.B.3427,PG.65 \ — \ kp / (919)614-51 11 - \ \.\\ P.LN.:3507-13-2313 ( \� / • waterlandsolutions.com� \\ 0�7 ��/ J /%YY'/ PROJECT ENGINEER \/ \ „/'// --._.\-----.., v _ • �� F�, AS-BUILT THALWEG(TYP.) \—^�/ / • .� %/ // '- - - ��111111►11 j \\-•.... \ xp� HEADWA(ERVALLE`�y /\ J / �'//�/ , 0 / \���HCCpAR�/��AO'� \ ♦\ ,� \�4 RELOCATED FROM APPROXIMATE S,- I ♦., O••••`JJI•••</,v9,,, \ PROPOSED CHANNEL ALIGNMENT WAS BOTTOM TYP. C qq�� 7 �•�` 0'{'•'• - \ \\� ��` STATION 10+60 TO 13+00 TO PROTECT •3 .2 ' - / ' •'a-ig g L •• - \\ . MATURE VEGETATIION • I _ ./ = • �� \ /�'� 1:2299627.. / 4) • /l/ t,�G A ��-'i�� \\.P/ / '�b9 64. /// / _ ' \ l /s in L7 I Iv G • c) * -.... i ir. ' CONSERVATION \ -- / — -� \ pppggq��� \ .� ��i J ENGINEERING S II I ERVICES BY EASEMENT(TYP.) - \ \� 13�+ p / i \ �,- WLSECENEENO. 1480 \ i �� i j\ FIRM LICENSE NO.P-1480 EXISTING ' \ _`_ / � — r - -_/ r _ J/6 / 1 P REVISIONS WETLAND(TYP.) '11 1 Z. ` / \ A DRAFT MIT PLAN 6-14-19 \ £' X 6 J I B FINAL MIT PLAN 11-22-19 1_. N N:573631.28 C ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION 5-6-20 �G4 -- :2299556.28 �� J i_ �/ 63.77 �� D AS-BUILT 2-23-21 / ' / -I / ' /I FLOW GAUGE#1 4 �' \ NO. DESCRIPTION DATE ,V��11111//j, PROJECT NAME 80 ,—DocuSigned by: �s* \\ CARo i'I� 80 80 H4L W;,4 �it °�oFFssioN9'-. SCARBOROUGH 62C73F441B864C1...: fQ SEAL l•• MITIGATION 2/23/2021C • •r _ 503 o•i PROJECT Zit s,,.............LG ,, ��, WAYNE COUNTY, NC /11M1 DRAWING INFORMATION PROJECT NO.: 17-003 70 70 FILENAME:ASS_03_I9_SCARSOROUCH_PLAN AND PROFILE DESIGNED BY: KMV DRAWN BY: APL DATE: 2-23-21 HORIZ.SCALE: VERT.SCALE: —/ys, 7 I �` __�I/ /`� T��7i�� l�• NORTH 60 60 30 15 0 30 60 / DESIGN THP.LWEG—� 11 AS-13UIL1 THALWEG—/ GRAPHIC SCALE DESIGN ,,•,BUILT BANKFULL- BANKFULL SHEET NAME l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I UTl-Rl PLAN AND PROFILE 50 50 9+00 10+00 11+00 12+00 13+00 14+00 15+00 16+00 SHEET NUMBER r AS-BUILT 1 3 DocuSign Envelope ID:6E06289F-62F4-4B54-AA68-E8F16B7EF3F5 41, GRO(iI NDWAT R GAUGE# � N. !.� L L L L L L L L L L �, \\ ROUND�/VA`.R \ _ GAU #2^ GT \ WATER & LAND A I^ �7e \ SOLUTIONS �' C- �J C, \ \ '\ I 7721 Six Forks Rd.,Suite 130 C, Raleigh, NC 27615 _ \ (919)614-5111 \ — o \ \\ waterlandsolutions.com / / w ,_ \^- \ PROJECT ENGINEER 0 -7 W \ J / __ __ 50'RIPARIAN BUFFER(TYP.) 0111111111 Salt — - • ��/— oI J z :� ® SEAL_ T.1 .:. .1%. %,_i- j� � �`� UT1-R1 \ f� __ � 369� / FLOW `�2 ,� ,�:'. - i � ���•,,� Y is+a�� 'vj ���� — 21+00 •-- -.'""to.! — —� -:C)._ �—* �i#7/`�FjyG I NE • —'''` �_, /� \\'moo—— —� =��— -- �_ _ _-�i ��o \ \ ` �,�,O,NER•• O� uuu► co ENGINEERING SERVICES BY ii•I \ LC / W I FIRM L EINSE NO. 14 0 ^` \ �,I ,I I � / w REVISIONS / � \ PROPO-SED CHANNEL ALIGNMENT WAS �I ;t A DRAFT MIT PLAN s-14-19 ��\ AS-BUILT THALWEG(TYP.) / j I RELOCATEb�FROM APPROXIMATE �� ST�ION 171t50-TO / 1- B FINAL MIT PLAN 11-22-19 I �\Sk ,\ \ MATURE VEGETATION59`�PROTFT / / N/F Q W C ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION 5-s-zo 1(1 11 ` WATER AND LAND SOLUTIONS,LLC �I D AS-BUILT 2-23-21 D.B.3427,PG.65 \\ \\ 1\ \ \ P.I.N.:3507-13-2313 I .. ` \ \ NO. DESCRIPTION DATE 80 ,,,,,��1 C A R�,,,, 80 PROJECT NAME �DocuSigned by: �� N. • 0�� �j� Mi r. Wiz ,.``'....... ...... soN•9 '�,, SCARBOROUGH SEAL e•' :_ �62C73F441B864C1... = MITIGATION 5034 •�- �' PROJECT 2/23/2021 ..y 0 ,,,,L• ..G. s,, �, WAYNE COUNTY, NC 11111�I DRAWING INFORMATION PROJECT NO.: 17-003 70 70 FILENAME:ASB_03_19_SCARBOROUGH_PLAN AND PROFILE DESIGNED BY: KMV DRAWN BY: APL DATE: 2-23-21 HORIZ.SCALE: 1"=60' VERT.SCALE: i _=_ .,C �-_�- __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ - _ NORTH L— 60 _ �,7 -7 30 15 0 30 60 11 DEIGNTHAI-WECSj I I j\ — V GRAPHIC SCALE DESIGN SHEET NAME RANKFIIL I AS-BUILT TF-IALW EG— AS-BUILT 3ANKFULL-1 UT1-R 1 PLAN AND PROFILE 50 50 16+00 17+00 18+00 19+00 20+00 21+00 22+00 23+00 SHEET NUMBER r AS-BUILT 1 4 DocuSign Envelope ID:6E06289F-62F4-4B54-AA68-E8F16B7EF3F5 �T7 ILIP \ �/// �`e /r- , �\ �. //x n WSTOE U ONS D i i i i Six Rd.,Suite �\„�8)� J` END CONSTRUCTION UT1B J` �` /y \� /7�/ 7721 Raleigh,NC 27615 30 \\\ STAR10NJJ21+66.60 �`�\�, /�/� (919)614-5111 �� 9 - TATIOFf24+46.8 NSF J J` GROUNDWATER TS' 'T j/ / water andso Utions.Com )iyj WATER AlliD D.B.3427,PG.65@NS,LLC GAUGE#99 �I ��7x / \\\\\- N'S728: � D.B. 3507-13-2313J\ J` JJ �p /,J,,°// PROJECT ENGINEER \X • `, 6123300392.97 -4 —61— — J ENG ONST UCTION UT1A /�'+" /� VP 7 *0\.1\ C ARp/''i,� — — +c\7 3 — - STATION 12+41.04 `! / �4 Q`••••••••••••`//�/ - �: / UT-R1 lir x\'C�ph /'% / �����: FESS1O4J'••:9 '�I - ��r / STATION 30406.29 F� // : It �'bCf AS-BUILTTHALWEG(TYP.) �/ 5 ; /23/202 . t ,�.\ \ — �/��� • SEAL 1 ill 74-11 �� ....„ ,--- -7--"S:.--_.=. _______---- _ _____-___-- --- ----- - 7- -- 40 ----- -----.-1------------__- ,7; P HER O L, _-N:572848.44 3249 �— ` ��� ._ i--� / .— • P I� I / ,,,,� �� ����,,,� \ I s1.18 UT1-R1 _ _=�� �i ENGINEERING SERVICES BY m FLOW WLS ENGINEERING,PLLC VP 6 I FIRM LICENSE NO.P-1480 c \ "\. 50'RIPARIAN BUFFER(TYP.) REVISIONS MIT PLAN 4-9 W \ 12 /£ B DFIINAL MIT PLAN 11 122119 RAFT �J,J ��` ,.; C ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION 5-6-20 I \ O I W _ '' P D AS-BUILT 2-23-21 I- 1 • 1 I NO. DESCRIPTION DATE 70 ,,��013 C A R,0�0 70 PROJECT NAME �DocuSigned by: � V •01/ ��,, M1 w4x �.��°:oFFssio �9 '�,, SCARBOROUGH r�4� SEAL�9el = MITIGATION 62C73F441B864C1... • 2/23/2021 i. - 503 0 ? PROJECT 7. p • s,, .........S URN,\�' �� WAYNE COUNTY, NC I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 04; ,�,�G. ,%%* DRAWING INFORMATION __ __ __ PROJECT NO.: 17-003 60 _— -�_ ----- —� _— — • _�1 .J — --__— ._--_. __7 . -- ---� -' 60 FILENAME:ASB_93_19_SCARBOR000H_PLAN AND PROFILE ____� /I� _ �-_—i — � ��---.. �����_--A,�—����_-- -��f-/ r�--��r\��--,III ____A _-- �\iJ '`�_����_. DESIGNED BY: KMV i —/ V/ / r— r DRAWN BY: APL / __._._......._..__ DATE: 2-23-21 HORIZ.SCALE: 1"=60' DESIGN BANKFULL AS-BUILT THP.LWEG— VERT.SCALE: AS-BUILT BAN KFULL— I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I NORTH 50 50 30 15 0 30 80 11 GRAPHIC SCALE SHEET NAME I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I UTI-I\ I PLAN AND PROFILE 40 40 24+00 25+00 26+00 27+00 28+00 29+00 30+00 31+00 SHEET NUMBER r AS-BUILT ] 5 DocuSign Envelope ID:6E06289F-62F4-4B54-AA68-E8F16B7EF3F5 • � V' \- GROUNDWATER \ N:572704..4s v, \LGAUGE#11 • \ 2301259.92 \ \\Fir--- WATER & LAND 60.1 826 u, N/F v, V \Vr Vi \ WFERANDLANDSCUTIONS,L\C VP9 a 1 b� m SOLUTIONS �w"�� Vr D.B. 27,PG.65 Vr \ G \ \I Vi P.I.N.: 507-13-23'�3 I \\\lll \ A = r V / v / \��\ •a�� �n V.:.i) 7721 Six Forks Rd.,Suite 130 / v, v Raleigh, NC 27615 V 2675 V. \\\\\\*k \I (919)614-5111 v, v,2 I(n v.- N:572568.79 \ waterlandsolutions.com U/_ / ,� PROJECT ENGINEER UT1 R1 AS-BUILT THALWEG(TYP.) \\\�� Ca _-i ',,,�� Qp,CCsCsIo•'.%, A,' ;\ FLOW — — — '0 e\, — \:Q2o/`!' /20 . : - 3a+ � _ rA '� Dn_ — — — — — — — — — — —\\ate\\3s�\+o�� ''' EAL � _ - - - °— _- - - - _= - __:_frill..„..,'„ ru i• i-. - — +o _ 3 00 \��j G 369,16 1— —1— cn 60 ,♦ \ �_ ° 50'RIPARIAN BUFFER(TYP.) x`Ns72asoaa / 1 \ ,����1��;,,'���,, �`Ems: 301117„58- J ^� 61 / Vr ENGINEERING SERVICES BY < L _� V-- WLS ENGINEERING,PLLC VJ- _ , FIRM LICENSE NO.P-1480 / V. REVISIONS IL- / DRAFT MIT PLAN 6-14-19 Vi \/ \/ I FINAL MIT PLAN 11-22-19 V V, �I ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION 5-6-20 /i .(/,' /lam V� / �/ / / ---" ,,- / , ■ AS-BUILT 2-23-21 v I Vi \/ �I, \/ NO. DESCRIPTION DATE 70l V --DocuSigned by: ���,;'CA p�I�� 70 PROJECT NAME 11 Mw 1 /4/41 4) FFSS1 ....�ti9�•,�� SCARBOROUGH `62C73F441B864C1._� :'I, Nq•• = 2/23/2021 MITIGATION SEAL l • �- 5034 7. :9 0�� PROJECT ,,,,.........LG ;\ ��, WAYNE COUNTY, NC 11111�I DRAWING INFORMATION PROJECT NO.: 17-003 -- � ' -- ,--_ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- __ __ — 60 FILENAME:ASB_03_19_SCARBOROUGH_PLAN AND PROFILE \._� 1 —r�)�I =��i/� • —_ f _���o___, DESIGNED BY: KMV / / V__ y� �y—���_����_-���-���� _- -��—� —� \�� DRAWN BY: APL —J ---- / DESIGN ThIALWEG—J DATE: 2-23-21 • HORIZ.SCALE: DESIGN—/ AC-RI III TTHAI\M=f: VERT.SCALE: BANKFUL.L AS-BUILT BANKFULL— NORTH 50 50 30 15 0 30 60 11 GRAPHIC SCALE SHEET NAME UT1—R 1 PLAN AND PROFILE 40 40 32+00 33+00 34+00 35+00 36+00 37+00 38+00 SHEET NUMBER r AS-BUILT 1 6 DocuSign Envelope ID:6E06289F-62F4-4B54-AA68-E8F16B7EF3F5 / // I/, / IL 141 N/F I/ IL WATER AND LAND SOLUTIONS,LLC D.N.3427,PG 365 1 ` WATER & LAND I I P.I.N.:3507-13-2313 23 I v_ '� �co I e� � _4 SOLUTIONS I {Y� I (.0 IL- / II 2315 II Icl ~ r / AIIIPIIIaIN:572938.27 �,_./ ILu W E2301756.68 �Ns7zsas. : 7721 Six Forks Rd.,Suite 130 .I _ _ , 59-74 E23017s8.06 ��� Raleigh,NC 27615 , � , 59.88 A (919)614-5111 L LL/ AS-BUILT THALWEG(TYP.) c� 1$.4 \. IL Q W ?� waterlandsolutions.com LND CONSTRU,TION UT3 W� e \'%Ls. \ V \\ \, \ PROJECT ENGINEER STA.24+82.53 ' / f ouvutt, k i .J1 Illtatoh,„.... 1.17-1_,R2 _ ,...! 4,„0...., `8 . \ }( % FLO[�/ l N:572922.99 N352940.74 '1 AL O �� E:2301804.46 Nam/ • - ,, E2 01810.01 �.� -- lei.':,. � *„+. 59.82 59.16 .+i 7. • 369 i Alialbs.- --0111M.11111."- C - A.INIV-7/0 kg . . 1 50'RIPARIAN BUFFER(TYP. • ♦ cS' sisal I tilt- IL IL VP 15 EWLS ENGINEERNGINEERING ENG PLLCRVICES Y IL FIRM LICENSE NO.P-1480 IL_ ILCO i IL_,1 IL IL IL . REVISIONS I END CONSTRUCTIOIN UT1-R1 \ A DRAFT MIT PLAN 6-14-19 BEGIN CONSTRUCTI,4JN UT1�R2 ��, IL Z 9� B FINAL MIT PLAN 11-22-19 ILSTATIO1 38+22.67 IL IL IL ILpw,IL_ � C ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION 5-6-20 L 3+0� D AS-BUILT 2-23-21 :1110i 12 IL 1, IL /� — NO. DESCRIPTION DATE 70 —Docusigned by: ,����CARQ�'�� 70 PROJECT NAME 44 H 441 w;.0 ,.�`�°•oFFssioti -Pf s_ SCARBOROUGH `—62C73F441B864C1... • SEAL _. = MITIGATION 2/23/2021 1• — 5 0 3 0 ? PROJECT V-7,I. ▪ � S UV • ��. j/,. L• G•;,,,�` WAYNE COUNTY, NC 111111II DRAWING INFORMATION PROJECT NO.: 17-003 60 60 FILENAME:ASB_93_19_SCARSOR000H_PLAN AND PROFILE �- -- �� -.�- - —� -- sue_ - .T-- . '� ____ _____ .. •. --- • .. ___ •• _,, , c .. __ ___ DESIGNED BY: KMV / /—�������� `— � DRAWN BY: APL �--- / r \/.v / -mod "s/ V `—__ ,,...-' \,J`/ -v DATE: 2-23-21 HORIZ.SCALE: 1"=60' / I# DESIGN THALWEO-f VERT.SCALE: DESIGN--1 BAN KFU LL AS-BUILT THALWEG-' AS-BUILT BAN KFJLL-J NORTH 50 50 30 15 0 30 80 11 GRAPHIC SCALE SHEET NAME UTl—R2 PLAN AND PROFILE 40 40 39+00 40+00 41+00 42+00 43+00 44+00 45+00 46+00 SHEET NUMBER rAS-BUILT 7 DocuSign Envelope ID:6E06289F-62F4-4B54-AA68-E8F16B7EF3F5 4111114 v. / / v. v. v. v. v. V. \ ATER AND LAND'SOLUTIONS,LLC v. I �� �/ V. `� WATER & LAN D V, V. D.B 3427,PG.65 �/ �/. V. V. V. V. V. V. PINT'.3507-13-2313 "` V. V. :01:IONS V. I V. V. 7721 Six Raleigh, 7615 Rd.,Suite 130 V. 1. _ _ \ watedsns.corn— _ _ G ��� — _ v. PRECTEER2317 V. 50 RIPARIAN BUFFER(TYP.) "1j1,N:572989.26 I ,� u r _ - (�E �.y E:2301798.06 Vi _,.�.. R2 L '� , CS1 9J` V. ��,�``' OZ/ ��� wit \ 59.88 � � �.,.:III,' ,......_17., ,,. ^u�„ FLOW ��. Oy O O �/ ° e.t.,4:,,:,:\Er, .,,,,,e;i::„ :„:..ft.„,„„. , z . f/7 ".: co \ / •...., /./....- V:, a C" '� �✓ 1 N:573111.02 ,..... . , v....,..... • • ymCf�� \ ,i• / . ThE672J 0 � � 111N:52940.74 ,... cs�� P23025 ENGINEERING SERVICES BY E:2301810.01 C � 92316 / 5 5a WLS ENGINEERING,PLLC FIRM LICENSE NO.P-1480 REVISIONS V. z w � I V, E:23024 .16 GAUGE#1 \v` A DRAFT MIT PLAN 6-14-19 � Vi \ B FINAL MIT PLAN 11-22-19 • �/ Iwul � / ; �` V. . X. 2324 C ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION 5-6-20 1 N:573045.24 Ai v. C v. v. On /xO/�� / %/ ` v. V. \ V• �E:23025 � D AS-BUILT 2-23-21 �/ Vi v. NO. DESCRIPTION DATE 70 DocuSigned by: ���,,,�'CARQ�t�j 70IIII PROJECT NAME Mite tv , 't..�oFtssioti -#1 SCARBOROUGH 62C73F441B864C £ L•" SEAL 9e = MITIGATION 2/23/2021 ; S03 4 - o� ? PROJECT li J/,. L• G•.,,,�� WAYNE COUNTY, NC 111111II DRAWING INFORMATION PROJECT NO.: 17-003 60 60 FILENAME:,RSB_03_19_SCRRBOR000H_PL RN ONE PROFILE _ - .. �c __ DESIGNED BY: KMV =1 r_ —��_ __ ___1 �— • _ice --- _ DRAWN BY: APL \ G_ ^ DATE: 2-23-21 L/�� /`��I 1\ „ /�_�������1 '� �_/v��� /��--\ l—��� L�___����� /`.G�-�_ \_ HORIZ.SCALE: 1"=60' VERT.SCALE: 1"=6' CESIGN THALWEG-J DESIGN J / BANKFULL AS-BUILT TFIALW EG- / AS-BUILT B4NKFULL'J NORTH 50 50 30 15 0 30 60 11 GRAPHIC SCALE SHEET NAME UTl-R2 PLAN AND PROFILE 40 40 47+00 48+00 49+00 50+00 51+00 52+00 53+00 54+00 SHEET NUMBER r AS—BUILT 1 8 DocuSign Envelope ID:6E06289F-62F4-4B54-AA68-E8F16B7EF3F5 —/7 - / - / / I '4114 \ /V1 v- EXISTING 30' / 1L / ' N// WATER AND LAND OLUTIONS,LLC V- POWERLINE EASEMENT /� I WATER & LAN D V- D.B.3427,PG.65 a�:- P.I.N.:3507-1L-2313 V- V- I SOLUTIONS V- Ve CONSERVATIOIL / r/ (/ V- EALSEMEN11(TYP.) / /� / 0 7721 Six Forks Rd.,Suite 130 V- V- Q �/ i.o Raleigh,NC 27615 ( 1L END CONSTR TIONVOT1-R2 / J G� / N/F I (919)614-51 1 1 m\� WATER AND LAND SOLUTIONS,LLC N ny �STATI�N 56+84.53 1 i\ // D.B. 3464,PG.54 W L. waterlandsolutions.com �- ` / P.I.N.:3507-33-3302 _o �3 - A • ZIHPROJECT ENGINEERUToR2 morn\m ��� /�/ J / Ao• .. _ _ �����nmliq�-750'RIPARIAN BUFFER(TYP.) \ / � � �/ -� W OD��N C ARC? V7 • bp :SBTI:TA ( „ • VP 21• /0 , -0/.G7d:�• 1, v ✓ ZilliTe..:: _a ,���nV I I`1`' ` �,N:5730232819� :5730932'. / _ •. .,,.. , ,,_ ��� 14 / ` ,, � U,•'••••••••N••�'(� �.3 \\� 23o25o f - - _ sY 'w_- �"�, ` � d: ".; . ��i�,�HE R ;;\�8.54 "Qq•."�� CREST ��' ✓ IIG SERGAUGE#1 \\t J.- �'$ ENGINEERING SERVICES BY 1 WLS ENGINEERING,PLLC� UT1-R3j FIRM LICENSE NO.P-1480 324 REVISIONS x :573045.24 L-62� 1114‘ FLOW E:2302519.22 —� / ` \— — �� IA DRAFT MIT PLAN 6-14-19 SA 90 B FINAL MIT PLAN 11-22-19 1L / i1 f / ` 8 C ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION 5-6-20 L / /\,/� / 59 I�� STRUCTION UT1-R3VP 20 1 '� D AS-BUILT 2-23-21 lAL z// %// STATION 57+60.05 V- / // NO. DESCRIPTION DATE 70 --DocuSigned by: 0),.t001CARpp� 70 PROJECT NAME H444 1/ 14/41,' -• FtSS!o,7..1 ,, SCARBOROUGH `-62C73F441B864C1... 1"k SEAL qe' = MITIGATION EXISTING 5'FIX8'N/CMP • 2/23/2021= .•, — 503 0 ? PROJECT ,4,......... L . • G•;\ ,��� WAYNE COUNTY, NC 111111II DRAWING INFORMATION I PROJECT NO.: 17-003 60 I 60 FILENAME:ASB_03_19_SCARBOR000H_PLAN AND PROFILE II DESIGNED BY: KMV \ DRAWN BY: APL � —_ __ __ __--\ __ __ _ DATE: 2-23-21 \ \ y..i'�'\�/I Y \\/ /'� 1 _�/ -` ���� ,_——___ / Yc—=— HORIZ.SCALE: 1"=60' '� / l 1 /�`J �__�_���_/ ���\ �.. \)� �\ �— ��.`_—,�ic�J/ -�� �l �� R.��_. VERT.SCALE: / / J \-�1�'' V DESIGN"fHALJVEG / nvcir.ni—1 INV.IN=56.33 INV.OUT=56.4' / � BAN KFULL AE-BUILT THALWEG / AS-BUILT BAN KFULL \ / NORTH 50 50 30 15 0 30 80 1111 GRAPHIC SCALE SHEET NAME UTl-R2&R3 PLAN AND PROFILE 40 40 54+00 55+00 56+00 57+00 58+00 59+00 60+00 61+00 SHEET NUMBER r AS-BUILT 1 9 DocuSign Envelope ID:6E06289F-62F4-4B54-AA68-E8F16B7EF3F5 \ A 11; / mc,„ N/F \ / / / / N\2 WATER AND LAND SOLUTIONS,LLC / WATER & LAN D y D.B. 3464,PG.54 m\%G P.I.N.:3507-33-3302 _ _ o SOLUTION S m� m / N:573640.93 56 9 0 \ X E:2303291.72 1512 N� CREST co 57,93 N:573665.02 7721 Six Forks Rd.,Suite 130 \o UT1-R3 5 GAUGE#2 w l57903403.13 Raleigh,NC 27615 es. 58 VP25 (919)614-5111 o fN waterlandsolutions.com uos — PROJECT ENGINEER N:573599.3: r Alz- fillir-11- A.%,> E:2303319.61 � � "y' �/57.82 �� 5,1 ���� i.CA74/.1,2/4: ��i!' N:573637.80 O �-5� s qy, Y. % E2303445.19 - ♦ 0 p I+ • ° ,,--I'l----- PI , \\ *(4- - ---.---}; . i GINS•• �.� ear° / ja :-Itlii,,,,,tte \ / `N---"tx., _ ` 58 s. i ,���111 W I►►,,,,, AS-BUILT THALWEG(TYP.) r �' \ / ENGINEERING SERVICES BY �x6�/ LLC RLML EINEERING,NSENO.P14 0 6 rO e7REVISIONS A DRAFT MIT PLAN 6-14-19 � / ��\\4'/ B FINAL MIT PLAN 11-22-19 / �P C) �< C ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION 5-6-20 - \ /V VP#24 D AS-BUILT 2-23-21 / \ / NO. DESCRIPTION DATE 70 ,—DocuSignedby: OS CARof � 70 PROJECT NAME 1444 Ul • - -. Assioti.-Il S SCARBOROUGH • 9•' ' MITIGATION \-62C73F441B864C1... 2 SEAL l 2/23/2021 :.�— 503 0 PROJECT �.,,,,,C L• G•;,,,� WAYNE COUNTY, NC 111111111 DRAWING INFORMATION PROJECT NO.: 17-003 60 60 FILENAME:ASB_93_19_SCA2BOR000H_PLAN AND PROFILE DESIGNED BY: KMV -7 - T_ DRAWN BY: APL _ / ^ '7I{� DATE: 2-23-21 .\� R,/�— -�\/N/ �� _� � � /� S-4--_ � l \�� 7-- / ������-\ //7=____— //,-/A\�J_�-- I T sL.� -- --- --� HORIZ.SCALE: 1"=60' V/ j/ VERT.SCALE: DESIGN THALWEG / utoimry EANKFULL AS-BUILT THALWEEG-J / AS-BUILT BP.NKFIJLL--/ NORTH 50 50 30 15 0 30 80 11 GRAPHIC SCALE SHEET NAME UTl—R3 PLAN AND PROFILE 40 40 61+00 62+00 63+00 64+00 65+00 66+00 67+00 68+00 SHEET NUMBER r AS-BUILT 1 10 DocuSign Envelope ID:6E06289F-62F4-4B54-AA68-E8F16B7EF3F5 / \ 6i 9'A WATER AND LAND SOLUTIONS,LLC / \ \ �O��� - :A, TER & LAN D • D.B. 3464,PG.54 / 0, Or c/, \ - _ SOLUTIONS / P.I.N.:3507-33-3302 CONSERVATION \ .O 'O OIL / / — — EASEMENT(TYP.) 9O \ / — 7721 orksRd.,Suite 130 N„t; ss •o / \ �� J� / / / igh,NC 27615�N:573640.93 1512 5' _/ R5 / / 19)614-511157.93 s1.7z AS-BUILTTHALWEG(TYP.) \ \ / 1"SN N:573665.02 \ / wandsoutions.com7.93 `w / E:2303403.13 ��/ 57.90 /VP 25 n ° ` "7 _.�' fN ? � � W FR-IENq �. �j.�. '\ \ .� / 1 \� J '"EN���ER tl. I N1:573599.31, • iL k >�t \'�/ �� Icy'• �+ .....1 �t� � E:2303319.6157.82 e' '.,C •. - \ '� �� \ • ••JJI•• •. 1 yr 1511 ,\ tier \� - \ / • /23 2 L�/ ' N:573637.80 /�5, \ \ • • SEAL - CREST / E:2303445.19 p • •- �\ 366 i AUGE#2 57.75 \`�.� �.. � \ UT oR3 \ � GIN Xoo \ �,LI HER•• JO \ 111111►1 � 0\ \ \ �� \,\\ \ ENGINEERING SERVICES BY � WLS ENGINEERING,PLLC END CONSTRUCTION UT1-R3 FIRM LICENSE NO.P-1480 Y AN. STATION 72+44.68 REVISIONS v��(/ A DRAFT MIT PLAN 6-14-19 ����Z` B FINAL MIT PLAN 11-22-19 �P�� C ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION 5-6-20 / Gj `•.� D AS-BUILT 2-23-21 ® / \ /// \ NO. DESCRIPTION DATE 70 �DocuSigned by: ,,\ CARo�,, 70 PROJECT NAME H�. t W1141....F..sSloti 9'°,♦ SCARBOROUGH EXISTING fn" Ai cn,P -62C73F441B864C1.� :•4� SEAL 9l•: =_ MITIGATION 2/23/2021 50 •34 .., o� PROJECT \ pS•••• SUR• •••• • • \' WAYNE COUNTY, NC E \~ —, ,,,,�o1111 ,,,,, DRAWING INFORMATION 60 I I 60 PROJECT NO.: 17-003 FILENAME:ASB_03_19_SCARBOR000H_PLAN AND PROFILE IDESIGNED BY: KMV _ }/ • _ • _ __ -- _=------ :—=__ :—=____: _ _7••••. _� I DRAWN BY: APL C-- -'C of ___ ___, DATE: 2-23-21 /��__.��`� �� /-�_��1���_—�,\ ��- `P//��,\ J HORIZ.SCALE: 1"=60' �� / / `-\ / VERT.SCALE:/I DESIGN THALWEGJ INV.IN=57.34—/ DESIGN) BAN KFU LL AS-BUILT THALWEG- AS-BUILT BANKFULL—/ NORTH 50 50 30 15 0 30 60 IIII GRAPHIC SCALE SHEET NAME UTl-R3 PLAN AND PROFILE 40 40 68+00 69+00 70+00 71+00 72+00 73+00 SHEET NUMBER AS—BUILT 11 DocuSign Envelope ID:6E06289F-62F4-4B54-AA68-E8F16B7EF3F5 _ _ _ ��—1`� —� �� / i/ /�/ i % � �`- - mac _ —\ \ \ / ^ ter / l / 'L r/ I _ / � ti - - �/ / /� / /--"� )7— J i \1"\\ i ice/ �� .T ' �\l \;_ ` � — j r� n _ -% f ' / � �\� ~ n f WATER & LAND I F� -TAPIR- X1- LQQA-T+ON-OF 100 i /�B �� AR,E ME AFLOODZONE'A€' % '/ �� 1 - \ � gyp- - �_ _ a n SOLUTIONS / _�� - n - /- END CONSTRUCTION UT2(UPPER) � �� `.-(FIRM P=NEL 2548)/ / i `- / - /�_ _ n i fEGIN CONSTRUCTION UT2(LOWER) i 66— � .�i�_ / �-67� - r) n n �_ TATION 15+86.50 _ 1 \ �� 1 / ✓ _ —62� /� 7721 Six Forks Rd.,Suite 130 �� 1 / ��5 \ _ — �< C' n n n n \ Raleigh,NC 27615 CONSE TION ` / n n r) n n r1 F \;waZcom ^ " ^f ` _� J r ` J J iN / \ FL�W \ (� / -G PROJECT ENGINEER -L�� l_ - J ^ - �� GAAUGE#3 /) FJfj- F n ,,��111111i..4 -%\ - k \ i\ J _ - /� n, b • — _- -:-----,...----7-----_ 16+00_=____:. EXISTING_-CR PIPS AND \ _ ,?/ �f / f2 �44 ��N CAR:10 • 05 IO �` S S .11 li — _—�� PER \ 369�6 � = _ UT2 Up �� s� \ / II FLOW \ '�I13 ,V l7 i N` ��•�- AS-BUILT\HALWEG(TYP.) -��j� \ �\ I�c�7•• 0/ ifir 9 BEGIN CONSTRUCTIO(V UT2(UPPER) /� 6 \ \\ \ �� ''pHE R•• //. STATION 10+00.00 n n HEADWATER VALLEY \ I. , I.11IIIIitt' / • , // / n 4 n c, n n n \ F BOTTOM(TYP.) h \,�� ENGINEERING SERVICES BY n n �� � f i n ) �\ \ WLS ENGINEERING,PLLC V , n n f n in/ / /j1 `; FIRM LICENSE NO.P-1480 n /7. ir n n n /�/ • f f / /-L... F F F F REVISIONS // n n , n 111 \--) - f 'Y / /' A DRAFT MIT PLAN 6-14-19 / �)/ n/ n �\n n n JC , „ f f /� �� \ 7. / \ G F -.Z.' B FINAL MIT PLAN 11-22-19 / -�/ \'ry// /� Y'� V 4/ C ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION 5-6-20 / n �\ n f c c >l n/ , ,.;.-I F N/F ��/�� D AS-BUILT 2-23-21 n I // n r� JJJ n ^n l«lJ /1! / / f f f / I /Y WATER AND LAND SOLUTIONS,LLC F F /� �I /I 14 ^/>`/ i n 0 \1 f / n i D.B.3427,PG.65 F Q-FCC/40 J l .,/ /� �i r.Vl l / n (i "/) I/ ` f n >/ 7) _J F P.LN.:3507-13-2313 F /co F F l j NO. DESCRIPTION DATE 70 ''''11-Doc uSigned by: ss�NICAR04 70 PROJECT NAME 1 14141 �.� Ns `� 41, °:oFFSSio ..1 SCARBOROUGH st • tiq•• ' MITIGATION SEAL ': `—''-''62C73F441 B864C1... : ` 5 0 3 4 ? 2/23/2021 1. — o�. .I. PROJECT \ �� WAYNE COUNTY, NC BANKFULL \ ,,,/�44%I�11�►`1w`�,,, DRAWING INFORMATION \ii PROJECT NO.: 17-003 60 _ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ _ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __, 60 FILENAME:ASB_93_19_SCARBOROUGH_PLAN AND PROFILE —� \,/.�- • -- -' � . —� . __ — .----- ..",....-....:,./...— . _ _ -� Tom_ _ ��� - / �... �..A-- • ..-iy�� \- l..L_�- • -- __- • --- DESIGNED BY: KMV ��-����� �_���-_`J \\.L�� ------------_________-_--- _,/,,, " DRAWN BY: APL _...„........----_-----------/ /i -� —/ j DATE: 2-23-21 DES,G„ ,HAL„E3 Y HORIZ.SCALE: VERT.SCALE: AG-BUILT THAL1tv'EG / AJ-3U IL BAI`I ICI-ULL \\ NORTH 50 50 30 15 0 30 60 11 GRAPHIC SCALE SHEET NAME UT2 (UPPER)& (LOWER) PLAN AND 40 40 PROFILE 10+00 11+00 12+00 13+00 14+00 15+00 16+00 17+00 SHEET NUMBER r AS—BUILT ] 12 DocuSign Envelope ID:6E06r k 289F-62F4-4B54-AA68-E8F16B7EF3F5 k k k -.... , ,, , k k k k k , , ,,k k k WATER & LAND k k k SOLUTIONS - k k k i< k k k \ \ 7721 Six Forks Rd.,Suite 130 k k 4267 Raleigh,NC 27615 N:571974.35 k k 1 (919)614-5111 k E:2301306.99 . _ 60 k / �waterlandsolutions.com 60.32 / AS-BUILT THALWEG(TYP.) \/c 4j �•A —' _2 /�,Aq� l k / k PROJECT ENGINEER !N' { gip ____ —__ .-----._ --------- % \`i\ ' k n .1A uls % ,\� V o / 4268 ,- ���• �\25r�� .; VP 17 J` y :571957�� � k : f9!D ---- ..,e-____ k /� k /� -\— ENGINEERING SERVICES BY �' k k Ic k Ic _4„ s FIRM L CEINSE NO 14 0 ////J k /c L N/F /c > �� /c kWATER POD LAND SOLUTIONS,LLC 0�• REVISIONS / / D.B.34�7,PG.6J5' k /C /C \ \ , \ A DRAFT MIT PLAN 6-14-19 i� /C /G /C P.I.N.:3507-13-23 /C /C k \ \ B FINAL MIT PLAN 11-22-19 '/,. k k IC / C ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION 5-6-20 /�Jyi'% k I k k /C D AS-BUILT 2-23-21 / i \� k I , kk � k i L� k IC NO. DESCRIPTION DATE 70 DocuSigned by: 4.0,11�1 CARQ���� 70 PROJECT NAME fl444 4t I,U�VIS' '• FtSSioti -9''�,, SCARBOROUGH 62C73F441B864C1...2 SEAL MITIGATION : 1- 5034� ? PROJECT 2/23/2021 G •. e O; .:.*•:.v0 s, ,,,.A,„,. :2,, �i ps,, .. •• •`\,, ��� WAYNE COUNTY, NC RAND{F11GV 0,74L.1111111 1 ,,, DRAWING INFORMATION PROJECT NO.: 17-003 _ ___ _ _ 60 FILENAME:ASB_03_19_SCARSOR000H_PLAN AND PROFILE ��r_�� - _—_ __�. _—C� _— _— _��_ __C____ \ DESIGNED BY: KMV • ��- --_ �_��\--��\�—i\/�— \/—���\__���� �.� -� i��/� �, DRAWN BY: APL / �/ DATE: 2-23-21 HORIZ.SCALE: 1"=60' DESIGN THP.LWEG—� VERT.SCALE: AS-EiU iLi'TnnwvE3— HS-tlUILI BAN KhU LL—�/ NORTH 50 50 30 15 0 30 80 11 GRAPHIC SCALE SHEET NAME UT2 (LOWER) PLAN AND PROFILE 40 40 17+00 18+00 19+00 20+00 21+00 22+00 23+00 24+00 SHEET NUMBER r AS-BUILT 1 13 DocuSign Envelope ID:6E06289F-62F4-4B54-AA68-E8F16B7EF3F5 lc lc lc k k lc lc lc k �� ic k ,� k ,� B \ WATER & LAND ', — I '� '� N/F� k ,� k SOLUTIONS /c k k WETER AND LAND SOLUTIONS,LLC IC E ^ns k k dr,B.3427kPG.65 lC k 7721 Six Forks Rd.,Suite 130 1C P.I.N.:3507-13-231k lc Raleigh, NC 27615 IC k kIc 9 V -2 `k ic k lc lc k lc lc k 1C I (919)614-5111 lc k k1c AS-BUILT THALWEG(TYP.) �waterlandsolutions.com k ;5��� •� �/� k IC _ PROJECT ENGINEER =±�\ ` 2�� frfr k 1c A 32+00 \\• \�,0 0 N k _ i, k 2276 �_� __ --� —� ��3+ \:::, BOO .... Q<�A�� �� _ _ _ ez3o.9otss / /� ./i ' �� • "..,..011111:111..,.... S�S:°"`;&. {9 ,'i ;:c- - '� '� • lc k IC lc ENGINEERING SERVICES BY IC °o k k k WLS ENGINEERING,PLLC kk k lc — I IC 0, FIRM LICENSE NO.P-1480 IC IC REVISIONS kIC IC 1 , 2275 k IC k IC A DRAFT MIT PLAN 6-14-19 IC IC N:532663.12 IC IG k k E23o1974.87 kIC 111 GROUNDWATER k B FINAL MIT PLAN 11-22-19 IC Ic s0.78 'Z �,F— GAUGE#22• C IC IC IC IC J IC C ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION 5-6-20 IC k k I /C k IC =1:: k k D AS-BUILT 2-23-21 IC IC Ic IC V L. — - k kk Ic IC IC Q k IC , k I, k IC \ k IC 1 IC I IC I NO. DESCRIPTION DATE 70 .—DocuSigned by: `SI_Oi�AR� 1, 70 PROJECT NAME H4.ti W x'•:•*-.�o tss�OAA.7 '� SCARBOROUGH �1'k SEAL r' MITIGATION 62C73F441 B864C1... C S 0 3 4 • 2/23/2021 •I. r-- : z o� PROJECT .....0 , 00 ;S ,.............\,SUVA �S' WAYNE COUNTY, NC DESIGN—1 �7 L G 0� BANKFU_L \ iii1111111t` DRAWING INFORMATION 60 \, 60 PROJECT NO.: 17-003 FILENAME:ASB_03_19_SCARBOROUGH_PLAN AND PROFILE . - . ._`. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ _ _ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ -, DESIGNED BY: KMV �y�_ _— —va— --— —� C__.`___.�_,��C . .. DRAWN BY: APL '�� 1/ DATE: 2-23-21 / Y HORIZ.SCALE: 1"=60' DESIGN THALWEG :// VERT.SCALE: DESKAS-I3UILT THALWE 3— AS-BUILT BAN KFULL- NORTH 50 50 30 15 0 30 60 11 GRAPHIC SCALE SHEET NAME UT2(LOWER) PLAN AND PROFILE 40 40 24+00 25+00 26+00 27+00 28+00 29+00 30+00 31+00 SHEET NUMBER r AS-BUILT ] 14 DocuSign Envelope ID:6E06289F-62F4-4B54-AA68-E8F16B7EF3F5 l 11/ I �� �_y,e coNsxvnna� " 1 ,�. Ic N/F L L L 0 . '•.M �� �� WATER AND LAID SOL TIONS,LLC EASEMENT(TYP.) l l .� �� , DB3427,PG5 ��� �, �� WATER & LAND ' "`' " •is �� P.I.N.:3507-13-2313 Ic L L L SOLUTION S 84k...._� _ �- ���" Ic L L BELCIN CO INIS�TRUCTION UT1A l / Il \`' __----/ / \ 1 I STATI OW-10+00.140 L L L I \x I�I 7721 Six Forks Rd.,Suite 130 1 / 1 1 1 ' Raleigh,NC 27615 AS-BUILT THALWEG(TYP.) � , s / L L L L L L / L �1 I I (919)614-5111 Ic �� ^ J ii / \ < L I Lwaterlandsolutions.com • L / Il .,....ArAt., .2Aiii PROJECT ENGINEER A - G� ^� l� — , UT1A c li"m L owl!gqoq \�O �,C� / 50'RIPARIAN BUFFER YP. .-- R / ♦O`�N C ARO ��j `y l" Ic FLOW (T ) ♦ .Ilik. • �9 .. �� ✓ k \ 369�6 • 11' � �/� /I II I /1 //%- -- Y — AS-BUILT THALWEG(TYP.) I,,,7Opu......�,�♦♦,♦ 2(LpwER� \ .I ✓f J 1 ) 7 /l(�✓ // // �� 4 14/IIIIAIitit*-% lc ^ �� 1 I ) I / L \ \ ENGINEERING SERVICES BY k milt \ WLS ENGINEERING,PLLC lC !cC lC qi �.rr N F \ FIRM LICENSE NO.P-1480 k lc k 7 I WATER AND LAND SOLUTIONS,LLC � j - k ��� I i J\--- END CONSTRUCTION LT1'k L \ \ REVISIONS kW k I I I` I D.B.3427,PG.65 STATION 12+g1.04 \ \ *., \ A DRAFT MIT PLAN 6-14-19 _ �� P.I.N.:3507-13-2313lC 71 WL1 Ns_� � }s{ r„i['.�_ / UT-R1 L ' B FINAL MIT PLAN 11-22-19 k k U 1dc��` END CONSTRICTION T2(LOWER) ,l�\�-��=bSV ii ��I I I))I�/) STATION 30+06.29 \ .,‘ � C ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION 5-6-20 / Z lc k STATION 32+98.10 < k di f \�\ D AS-BUILT 2-23-21 LLLI GROUNWATER k I�I1 I I/ I I I L L \ /� �) GAUGE#220ATER k \� / 1 I I. 'I I \ \\ I L kk , li .0 I 1 / I / \ NO. DESCRIPTION DATE ♦ 1�11111/0 ,, PROJECT NAME 70 DocuSigned by: ♦�%,N CAR ,,� 70 ♦♦ . ♦ �;••••• .$$1 9�Ai SCARBOROUGH Mom. W;.1z,♦ ° ° F oti� -. 62C73F441B864C1... �k SEAL q�• = MITIGATION 2/23/2021 : s.�— 503 0 ... PROJECT _ grsy,'....... .'.�' �♦ WAYNE COUNTY, NC BANKFULL \ ,,�111111 1►��,,, DRAWING INFORMATION DESIGN—� \ BANKFULL 60 \ �— , ,— 60 PROJECT NO.: 17-003 � � �'• � � _— = FILENAME:ase_oa_t9_scalzeoRouce_PLaN AND PROFILE —/•. , \ ----.'f_7 eV—�f� DESIGNED BY: KMV .—••C�� __�,_� .�,e7_�i �_ --- = DRAWN BY: APL _ice` } �� —�---. DATE: 2-23-21 �/ jHORIZ.SCALE: 1"=60' DESIGN THALWEG—J/ DESiGN THALWEG VERT.SCALE: AS-BUILT THALWEG AS-BUILT THALWEG I I I I I iSB1)ILTaANMiFULL�I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I NORTH 50 50 30 15 0 30 60 11 GRAPHIC SCALE SHEET NAME UT2(LOWER)& UT l A PLAN AND PROFILE 40 40 31+00 32+00 33+00 10+00 11+00 12+00 13+00 SHEET NUMBER r AS-BUILT 1 15 DocuSign Envelope ID:6E06289F-62F4-4B54-AA68-E8F16B7EF3F5 i 1 4 4 a a a a4 a a a a a a 10:\\ITER &OAND 4 a 4 OLUTNS N/F s XWATER AND LAN SOLUTIONS,LLMaj 6S D.B.3427,PG 5 4 7721Six rks Rd., uite 130 P 3507-13- 13 / a Raleih,NC 2615 BE ' CONSRUCTION UT3 // )614-511\i / wadsolutiosom • "sip:: JIoq, SSTATIO +00.00 ./._../._..,� _ j AS-BUILT THALWEG(TYP) s� �/ ••• CT ENGI ••Ea i/ a/ Iinprio � n1 .a._ / O\ 35623766.42 // l \\ x VP 12 j _ 2301253.15 •59.96 �//// / � ' .....,\fi ° / ,5 HLl o� e ! 9 0 — � , � N -;`,- � / 4\ U �� �� =�— FLOW GAUGE#4 `COW l �� X t;561 ' / r \ -1 co NGRVC BYENGINuIuII / �� - W a aaaaa a \ a L ENGINEERING,1573790.79 _4 �� om FIRM LICENSE NO.P40:23o1ns= / i / �� .. REVISIONS% GRaUNDWATE %/ j a a \p . A DRAFT MIT PLAN 6-14-19• GAUGE#15 ja/ /4- 4 B FINAL MIT PLAN 11-22-19 9 ` ^ / C ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION 5-6-20 4 / a 41- - a D AS-BUILT 2-23-214 a a a 4 a a a I NO. DESCRIPTION DATE 70 -Docusigned by: ♦S"\-\ CAR"it 70 PROJECT NAME ik, H414AV Ul;O,.�° Q. tSSi0A:.•1 ,, SCARBOROUGH 62C73F441B864C1... SEAL l • - MITIGATION 2/23/2021 C 5 0 3 4 •i - �;•,— o� PROJECT p •• SUR \� ♦♦♦ WAYNE COUNTY, NC DESIGN- ,, ,,,, BANKF!LL .4 11111 I, DRAWING INFORMATION PROJECT NO.: 17-003 60 ____ -_ -_ -_ -_ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 60 FILENAME:aseoa_t9scalzeoRouce_P�AN AND PROFILE� —� --- --- --- — . •�—� �T� —� _ _ \_ _�—' DESIGNED BY: KMV ---- xp--/ __ _�� �% �.�_ _• �_a"�— .� DRAWN BY: APL 7 DATE: 2-23-21 / HORIZ.SCALE: 1"=60' DESIGN THA_WEG VERT.SCALE: ,\S-BUILT THALWEG NORTH 50 50 30 15 0 30 60 11 GRAPHIC SCALE SHEET NAME I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I UT3 PLAN AND PROFILE _40 40 10+00 11+00 12+00 13+00 14+00 15+00 16+00 17+00 SHEET NUMBER r AS-BUILT 1 16 DocuSign Envelope ID:6E06289F-62F4-4B54-AA68-E8F16B7EF3F5 4 4 9 — , _.:'''' � E •CON TRUC IONUT3 i , 1 WATER I LAND STA.24+g2.53 I I'I I SOLUTIONS 4 N/F — y / WATER AND LAND SOLUTIOS,LLC / �� ^ �� D.B.3427,PG.65 4 � —, v�l' I 7721 Six Forks Rd.,Suite 130 P.I.Nj:3507-13-2313 M e• Raleigh,NC 27615 40 C o h.I (919)614-5111 �-wmilillitill1410.1--- \"\• `SF All/ �// waterlandsolutions.com T7 T'9 'I !I PROJECT ENGINEER 4 ,- ---� ,%4 2a2s 8 24xOo ' I II ,,���nln►I��i N:30137$36.72 1 1i. / . \ ,,�`, n n \ U \ \` 9 E:2301�'36.72 11u'I C` �/"1/'(O/��, -711111111111111111116 I � �\ /!`— VP II •'� \ Z. 9 /-� X .1`\ I.-1-II ENGINEERING WLS ENGINEERING, LLCY FIRM LICENSE NO.P-1480 co 4 VP 9 / REVISIONS 4 AS-BUILT THALWEG(TYP.) \ I A DRAFT MIT PLAN 6-14-19 42826 \ I I� B FINAL MIT PLAN 11-22-19 N:57 704.49 I C ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION 5-6-20 60.16I I I'I D AS-BUILT 2-23-21 ill _\ J I Ilo rIl!I NO. DESCRIPTION DATE• 70 DocuSigned by: �4�.�N'CARQ���� 70 PROJECT NAME M�ti �.,pZ,.* •••FtSSi0..•1 �,, SCARBOROUGH SEAL '- MITIGATION 62C73F441 B864C1... `' 5 0 3 4 2/23/2021 ; o� ? PROJECT pS••..........••\�' �` WAYNE COUNTY, NC BANNKEUGLY\ ,,DESI 44%1111 ,,,, DRAWING INFORMATION PROJECT NO.: 17-003 60 ,, 60 FILENAME:ASS_93_19_SCARSOR000H_PLAN AND PROFILE .__ ems_. .__ __ ---. __ .__ .__ _--. DESIGNED BY: KMV ____��—`.......L__T----T�.� \�� -/, �,�� ��-� DRAWN BY: APL / / - DATE: 2-23-21 HORIZ.SCALE: 1"=60' DEIGN THALWEGJ / / VERT.SCALE: / AS-BUILT THALWEG.—/ / AS-BUILT 13ANKFULL.—'1 NORTH 50 50 30 15 0 30 60 11 GRAPHIC SCALE SHEET NAME UT3 PLAN AND PROFILE 40 40 17+00 18+00 19+00 20+00 21+00 22+00 23+00 24+00 SHEET NUMBER r AS-BUILT 1 1 7 DocuSign Envelope ID:6E06289F-62F4-4B54-AA68-E8F16B7EF3F5 26 2b I V GR17NWATER N.57 726.78 'v F:23 336.72 GAU E#4 l y I V END CONSTRUCTION U I WATER & LAN D ,, N V STA.24+82.5k \ a SOLUTIONS \ r V V � 1 co 7 -> -> N/F �_ 7721 Six Forks Rd.,Suite 130 w w WATER AND LAND SOLUTIONS,LLC Q Raleigh, NC 27615 `\\\V D.B.3427,PG.65 I (919)614-51 11 iEGIN CONSTRUCTION T1B PIN.:3507-13-2313 2waterandsoutions.com� � Cl) STA.10+00.00 � W H T d Q W _ PROJECT ENGINEER \\.° — -> — ,' � — J � vow J �``�A�CAR 1j��i ---_., A I,-'.. / 1! 3akotar /23120 ; titie PLow VP 4 t+I�� 3808 - SEAL / / - N:573800.16 • 7 1 ��/ it '\� HEADWATER VALLEY — - � • J1 2300252.50 369�6 i \�� 9--� .1.12 BOTTOM(TYP.) v F�a \ I = _ — , tP u• N� _ — — _ — 4 0_0 ___ — � �4.OpNE R�••••��0�� / `"� 1 V _ _ — — EWLS ENGEEIRilINEERENG PLLCY ���6 i/ '� N FLOW GAUGE#2 AS-BUILT THALWEG(TYP.) — I FIRM LICENSE NO.P-1480 v iv 3809N:57 REVISIONS ID ONSTRUTION UT1-R1 N:s73786.97 ,� :EGIN CONSTRUCTION U1 R2 \ 3 _ A:33000173.54 A DRAFT MIT PLAN 6-14-19 S�,TION 38+22.67 _,--3----- \ _ — - B FINAL MIT PLAN 11-22-19 11IfAS-BUILT/I HALWEG(T •� J/ 7 7 \\ 7 7 � C ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION 5-6-20 \ 7 3 3 \ \ I 7 D AS-BUILT 2-23-21 / 7 \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ 3 \\ \\ 7 7 ' / I \ \• 4 ` 7 7 7 7 7 , NO. DESCRIPTION DATE 70 '"•'-'•DocuSigned by: �����CAR�I/i�, 70 PROJECT NAME M4444 UV/ i*-. ............ *1 S SCARBOROUGH 62C73F441B864C1... ik SEAL 9e': S. MITIGATION •2/23/2021 � • J - 5034 0• ? PROJECT le DESIGNS '[5 ''•• •. \c $ WAYNE COUNTY, NC DESIGN- BANKFULL \\ ,,I���11���,, DRAWING INFORMATION BANKFULL 7 , 60 / _— — — —_ — 60 PROJECT NO.: 17-003 -- —_\_-- —r _ FILENAME:ase_oa_ts_scarzeoaoucH_PuaN AND PROFILE — IM —_ --- ''.—- ��-���— DESIGNED BY: KMV -adIIIIMill --- --� /// DRAWN BY: 2-23-21 D APL \`I DATE:ESIGPIJ J/ a rnrvr.: ,, HORIZ.SCALE: 1"=60' Tun L AS-.BUILTVERT.SCALE: 1"=6' `-AS-BUILT BANKFULL AS-BUILT Tr1HLVNtEG-- AS-BUILT BANKFULL NORTH 50 50 30 15 0 30 60 11 GRAPHIC SCALE SHEET NAME UT3 & UT 1 B PLAN AND PROFILE _40 40 24+00 25+00 10+00 11+00 12+00 13+00 14+00 15+00 SHEET NUMBER r AS-BUILT 1 18 DocuSign Envelope ID:6E06289F-62F4-4B54-AA68-E8F16B7EF3F5 -) 00 I N/F T WATER AND LAND SOLUTIONS,LLC lo.iTER & LAN D // D.B.3427,PG.65 > OLUTION S Q P.I.N.:3507-13-2313 H //// - /II J — — — — — — — — 7721rks Rd.,Suite 130 W F- / 4 4 4 h,NC 27615 Z W /// 4 4 END�ONSTRUC3ION UT1 B 614-51 1 1 J PROPOSE-CHANNEL ALIGNMENT WA STA.21+66.60 I I RELOCATED FROM A�PROXIMAT wadsolutions.com — Au / �— _T,9TIONI 1gp+.00 To 70±Q0 TO PROTECT — — 3 3 < W 3 / MATURE VEGE*ATION \ — — — - CT ENGINEER CO 7 1 1 :230039 � CARpI��i,. ll UT1 B —s =�' �, , 794milVP N �ill � �:�FES//SIp'�;L9 '�• � FLOW - �1 —c �'� _ ..., ems 'e, p —— — —_� w '.k/ZEAL •• i — �� -- \ A t ler111111 ii ell _�_ _ :SIN—_--,-EMA - +o _ — _ _ —z — — • itlkdllti III I �e = = 369� =a� =ems — — �g y� i ��� 4— —�� _.,______;iirtiairrtttr4 ��,' •c�. '�i��/ I NEV ���� ILt- - AS-BUILT THALWEG(TYP.) j j/ • /// , 1 i��pHE R••,� lIIII I I U� �GR9UNDWATER / GAUGE / EWLS ENGINEERNGINEERING ENG PLLCRVICES Y _ / / �" \ ��//�/ /, FIRM LICENSE NO.P-1480 � -- — — 1 ' // REVISIONS \\ \\ \\ \\ '( k A DRAFT MIT PLAN 6-14-19 7 7 7 7 1 `� j/ ��j B FINAL MIT PLAN 11-22-19 \ 7 \ I �_ �� / / \ C ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION 5-6-20 \\ \ \ 7 \ \ 7 / -\- •�j� 7 \ D AS-BUILT 2-23-21 7 7 7 7 \\ / / ■ 4 4 , 4 NO. DESCRIPTION DATE .111/10 70 ,-DocuSigned by: OS\-\ CARO 4 70 PROJECT NAME 1,144441W,0x •• �� ,��°:''FFssio �9 ''- SCARBOROUGH `-62C73F441B864C1... SEAL MITIGATION •2/23/2021 �I. . — 503 0 ? PROJECT �'i-9,'' ' S UV..**'� �� p3/�''........s\'�$ WAYNE COUNTY, NC DESIGN—\ , / BANaFuu. ,,,%/111a I►,,,,, DRAWING INFORMATION \ PROJECT NO.: 17-003 60 --. --. -- -- --— —_— _-- _�.---. —.—_—. �.—. _�_.__:y..--ate. -_�.____. _._ --��._— 60 FILENAME:ase_oa_t5_scaReortoucri_PLAN ANo PROFILE _ ---� _ �--� -�� ��--��_—_, i� ImoI _ G�� �7—�•ei DESIGNED BY: KMV 1 77 / DRAWN BY: APL I /� - — j DATE: 2-23-21 DESIGN -_- -" HORIZ.SCALE: 1"=60' AS-13UILT THALWEG�I / _ VERT.SCALE: AS-BUILT BANKFULL-- NORTH 50 50 30 15 0 30 80 II GRAPHIC SCALE SHEET NAME UT I B PLAN AND PROFILE 40 40 15+00 16+00 17+00 18+00 19+00 20+00 21+00 22+00 SHEET NUMBER AS—BUILT 19 DocuSign Envelope ID:6E06289F-62F4-4B54-AA68-E8F16B7EF3F5 NOTES: 1 1 • 1,, \ \ \) 7 \ \ \ 1. FIXED VEGETATION PLOTS#1-26 \ \ \ \ \ ( 1j' `/— ` \ \ 2. RANDOM VEGETATION PLOTS#27-36 1 6� y 3. RANDOM VEGETATION TRANSECTS#1-5 \ I ` DQ \ \ "\ L l !\ \1 ����IIIn►4 DocuSigned by: � \ � / � \ \ ~ � �r � � � airoloklEcRAR:oLALAND �`` CAR , AA. .ao \ \ \ \ \�z 4 \ - c l—. \ LUIONS 7721 s Rd.,Suite 130 e • SEAL �•• •r. 62C73F441B864C1�� \ \ \ v \ \ N COUNTY OF WAYNE / d ,NC 7615 \ k \ D.B. 1660,PG.847 \ ) \ 1 t9614-5 11 2 202 S \ \ `Y 1 \ P.I.N.:3507-15-8117 \L— 5034 = /24/ ���,j \ \ \ N/F / \ wasolutins.com•r • \ ` \ \ CITY OGOLDS�ORO �• A \ r \ V \ �I I I7.1 :9A, �: z . ( I <I \.9 \ D.B. 487,PG.\45 \ \ \ 1^ V ^ N/F\D II OT ENGIEER '/ .4 �.. \ \ ) ��) ' \ P.I.N.:307-05-75 8 1 \ \ V C UNTYOFWAYNEi9,p••.• S UR`.•.••c\\��� Z 'N //p 1 \ \ \ \ I > _ / mmiS \ \ \' \ Y � y� 1 D,� 1845,F .277 \ J I� h ••.. .... , �s o ` o v `5 1-, ""� P .N.. 5 7- 4-9748 f ti O �O �igIL G. ts. f� t S o �— s ) . �e < 7 � � Z� o �� � / �i 4I� �� c\ r. CON ERVATION , (� l //1111►►� �/'�1 ✓' `v d� 3�\ I \ ! \ EAS ENT(TYP.) ��`� �4 �"� \ `t 4. � \ \� 2� 2r� 1-0 'C V �t,\O:•�k.iSSI Q�..:1? °It U ' \v'' c '` `� Z o f 2 lam\\ \ 1 V Z 4 �- ., o a , _ 2 1.• ^Q I ~ 0 1 1(CV \ \ > p ACCESS RO�j1F (TYP.) ��\,1 Z �✓' \ G` C\til ,. O ,5 .a S ••� SEAL . /J �� \ �� , N . � �„ \\\c> \ l CCN ) � 0 ZS ol/ \� o L \ _ 1. i � .V $Y % 369�6• >fi 1 ` — v s� . � „fir \ ` 11/1111011,1 • �1\ l I / ( $�� 1 r r y r y� r r r r y y r y y r\r 1 \ \ d \ y " , r " 1 1 . \ ` ENGINEERING SERVICES BY 1)61' ..�,��' ••,?• l Y OUNDWATER ` 1 1 WLS ENGINEERING,PLLC I " . . " �' ,�, .� y • \ \ - Y Y AUGE#14r - \ v . ' 1 . \ 6 DULA SPRINGS RD.,WEAVERVILLE,NC 28787 �J! ) \ r \ j '.+.� Y s�• :A r \ /\ • A \ \ - \. - ..\- \r FIRM LICENSE NO.P-1480 r y l 11y 4 h ':"'\- 1 y r r .' REVISIONS �� r 1 y \ � -.X ® )--"'"'\- r� - - y \\ ��y-� _ \" y \ \ A DRAFT MIT PLAN 6-14-19 JJ J B FINAL MIT PLAN 11-22-19 1 A\ (� G . - . ' .\ ��I \\ \ �\ �� � \ \ \ y \ C ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION 5-6 20 11 1 �, � ��3� �. �\ � v y�, �'� r \ \ � \ \ r �"14 ..�� �.. \ \ D AS-BUILT 2-23-21 t� � Y . 1y� � � \ \ � � yy� . y a A � � \ � . < � � �L �� - vy\�"y � \ \-\ \y -� ' . \ �� 14 y y � ; Y \ 4 4"11/4 ' . y \ ' y\ \ ." - 4 1 ' -\- ' . y ' ." y y\. . \Y 4 Y ., y y \ \, ."y �-� Y�y' .:y' )'1 y� - \ J \ y \ • y (/ \"y �� r r NO. DESCRIPTION DATE \ r V Y\�'" r�{�' o— y r \ GROUND 77" \ � r 4 „ �) '. . ' PROJECT NAME \ y _ y v 1`, y y -� W V '''".1y " y4 4 \ RT• 1 S \�� I y� \ y \i ROUND A R \ 1 l \ y ,may ' 4 2 vv 4r 41\. r ' Qt, R'°-r y \ \ -1 1: , \ yr . y ' .1 1 y1 ' ' - y\ .- -' - -"Y - .. .- ,-� - - Y - -' 'yr - .r - 1 - ,'yy S C A R B O R O U G H \ - - � :. =.- 1 - - .• \r , . .1 �. , �\ \ - I .k- - \ \ \ � - . �r\r . . 1 4 r,444 4 �� Yam- _ I. r , \ _ N \ \ _�� ' .. , _ $ r ' MITIGATION 14 BEG1 CQpJSTRUC •N UT3 J�" \„ \\ v : _' r _ : �sr \, \\ . s-. : -�y y v y . \ STAT40N 10+©0�0 Q �� . \ �� ��r� PROJECT ��V`� � \ 1 �GROUNDWAT y r� // / A\\ �-V\ Y y ' �.1� .\��v„ y " : - �1) l�C. �y . 1A `\ a KCaAu �M13," , : " , A \4 �A':- ' . : • : "/' . y ' '�y ( � „ ')." ' f , " / \.' ' ,, \ � WAYNE COUNTY, NC t fAi \ „\ WFJ: 4Af�pL ySO�U\ LLC r \ - 1 „ L" .y•-�,' - -S'i ,V ' \" „L' -�' S'N 'GROUNDWATER . v .. \.- > / 1 (, 2`1 "P.I yfV.:B 13'231� \ \Q\ r \ GnuGE 15' q ;y � ' y - r .. '� r ..� � - � �� r r P � y� .� .# ��" �. y I .� � i DRAWING INFORMATION Sv Cl p �> p� V - - y A � p PROJECT NO.: 17-003 �� e !. A rv 4 w r h �� 4 yDRAWING INFORMATION oNToawG R�nN /� '" \ y \ r �• r\ �\ +�' '" - t "a DESIGNED BY: KMV C , yV/' r r y \ DRAWN BY: APL / l - �.y�.v �y vy _ _ �y 4\ 4 y\\Aye 4 \ V �. .y` .� v ��4 ' y * ' , 1 \ -- 4 • ' y ( 2-23-21 �� ;,� \� \`�\ w . . r 1 �si�" y \ \.. .\ y y 1V y y ) it -1y HORIZ.SCALE: 1"=200' \� N/A / \ � L„\ \Yr\ , y y _ tiµ ), \ . \ ;� =• �RGIdNDN/A'fER. °� rl rS6 ( \; , •:; -���� v� 4� y l �yy ..\.4 �yyyryyy1yy\ t1Y i �� yy , y , yy. y \ �• . . yI, <4 v \ ' \, G�N^6ONSTRU,CTION UT1 B' '� • , _ - \ Q \v y "�✓FPaTION 10+00 00 .�� °� y O ,' ��4 y '� \ 1 -�" \ \- 1• . _ �•��'�. NORTH I r 1t• — v , " .r ' . . w - . 'GROUNDWATER \ \ ��` C A ' l ` ��j \ • � y y "/ r/ 6 w y y �\i. y\ ` \ 1 / 100 50 0 100 200 O �/' \ • .�.�� Sg, ��� y "�' \ ��B" 1v ��\ � '� y \\ • �� `i ' � V A LO 0 .\ b ��/ cArl. �/ 6 \ �( « .�. �/ 0 t \ t y y y \ \ . aG �\, � �� GRAPHIC SCALE 4J� ��'t', V .� \M'._, a -k, y � o - ,� j �� I. SHEET NAME -P �V A �rj I— 1, 'V y \ A -\� ..\ \A\ \ .G pwnrER4 y ' �:. v ' .� ./ i \ \ � J .� y\ 'bWUG�ik12 �y�.'1 ' > � ry yY y, _ vV� .i 4 � 1 4 ..4 4 �.. 4 . Y. 4 y..� � t ' � MONITORING r� PLAN •��� y �� �x�2�\� ( ( . r \\ \ • �..AUGE#17ER) BEGIN TI 1 - �• - ( _ '--o \ \ _ STATION :=-g \ __ o� ( �i \ \ \ .\ S A r\ )�\ ' \� y y l - �L� •��. �z �'� °�� \ 1 :4, ��� �,ry ��A°E�\��� .� V �\ \� . ,,. � .r — _%= AS-BUILT -1 .• ti a,: 1 gamv . - . � . N � : -= "y :L '�.: d \ < - - \, J V A \ . y "\ .. SHEET NUMBER ti S; \ , - 3- r, �� M a�a � E F�EE' '22 - : ' � DocuSign Envelope ID:6E06289F-62F4-4B54-AA68-E8F16B7EF3F5 011ES I _ � .,_ y / \ I I r I I -`1 I, k�,� l�( �(�'C , , \ /// 'r 1 1. FIXED VEGETATION PLOTS#1-26 - Q� `I \� It) `�/ f\ I// I I � \ /// 3. RANDOM VEGETATION TRANSECTS#1-5 - �6B\ if // `` J 1 c r \ \ -- _)� ° (il t,) Z ) / /J > A --58 —� / /'�P: _, �� WATER & LAND ��l\I111/►I I� �DocuSign�by:. , d / \ I J 1/ l / // _. ' _ �' ���_' _ SOLUTIONS ilk� �0•'••��GSS��tt••• �i 1 I�{���� 1 - v L >►a /p�/ I I ,)( sr-- — A. --1,-- ~` 7721 Six Forks Rd.,Suite 130 ••i��SEAL 9l•• '� j \ \ • ' - ► .0 = - - -,�` i ,dl� —�., - ", • c Raleigh, NC 27615 a 62C 3F441B864C1... d o Ct— d o — T �dHo ,-•, { "—�---- ^�— S ✓ (919)614-5111 5 0 3 4 2 2021 �( S • ( Q \ / waterlandsolutions.com _ JJ • ••.'Y �• / / `�'� V�STATCO 72R446810NUT1-R3• ��•-„ / I / 1 l /� // \ ��,�'9Q `'�O'� ,� I �\ EgSEMENT(TYP.) J (1 / I l r I / PROJECT ENGINEER -N ,�,,IC L..G, vo• —A04/1AS G.GFST Q \\ \ \\ �� 1 / 1 > '7 k0 1 Cr �� �N ��,i V vuu►► .(a ill ,� � f�/F / / t .� - 'O- LN.:3 - / / V / /\ �� �G�j \ (SLEEPYCRE FARMS IN / '/ I �• •• C 0 .I `I `�1 '/�� f />‘ ^, \•`\\\ \ D.B. 3020,PG.381 o /. / / / !\ -1 23/20 to � .-1�� • Z (( 7 \\I`J,�J 1-r' ' 2- 1. t\„\+ \\ S i P.I.N.:3507 2-2710/ / f1/ / �� ./. / I I r ( : • SEAL s(Q ACC4SS�gOA �YP.) v!, c, O�Oe�. h''\'-:: \ \ I / I I �� / / / V I c I I I 369 - ��66'►► / I - _ ��� r` \ / / / o ) I \ i I 1 �,�'�s• NGIN �••o��•` ' 'y .� I ( ° S I 1 �2::: ��� \ ti/ / ° �,V l�14 I \ f \ ) I I �'';�PHER •P��o• \ y ROUND E I ��� \ 66t0.. 7 / / \ / �����IIIU� GAUG�#1 ( ( • ( ( ,�� \ \ �� 11 // G�UGE �"�_3,��/ / \ / ENGINEERING ENGINEERING PLLCRVICES Y \ 6 DULA SPRINGS RD.,WEAVERVILLE,NC 28787 ( I I I I 1 �, �� V�\ #2 i / 1 (//) FIRM LICENSE NO.P-1480 1 I - I' • r- (� REVISIONS • • 1 I • � �\ Ilif % A DRAFT MIT PLAN 6-14-19 ( 5 SJ .� ��_ / f B FINAL MIT PLAN 11 2219 2 ,-, I y y V -\ \ I I ( .1, \ V � .._ • �� / / / / \ C ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION 5-G20 1,......... JJJ l V I I I A �V /• �.� ® / ��/ V D AS-BUILT 2-23-21 1 A C� �� O }} iV/F � / :-; ,�� 1 II I I 1� - �� 1 "\ \. �\ 6`�x° WAT R AND L D SOLUT bNS,LLC / I ( \ ,� 1 / �� C>j I CVB. '3464,PC 54 Y II "� / �' V / r. N./3507-33/3302 �-/0� \ NO. DESCRIPTION DATE }� . �) I 1 1 l ��\�� \ ,�'�o� / — V I N/F PROJECT NAME ra ' - 1 ( \ "i 1 \ ‘ V J .o �. 7 / JIMMY LTON BOWEN ' . 1 . '\ \ . ' -1), Y ) 1�. A oo V / k �� \ D.B. 503,PG.353 326 - . 1�� ��� I \ 1\Y - , -(. v� r—L-1—�ti $ o ,� \ �� . � 1 V � A SCARBOROUGH �" I ��� �.� �� 1 1i.� ,��� I . y y1 .�yi�14-�, _y I �� "��• v i MITIGATION j,..,- N/ ,/� - 1 I . , ' . 1 , . A RANDL�NDI.Equ NS,1LLCY ' 11� ' , ' , ' Y11 '` � y9x0 / / l '� .� \ \ PROJECT �D�./342 P �. \ •�� \ .� r r / GROUNDWATER / V �� ' - I P.LN.:350 - 3 3 �' r - I GAUGE#21•' \ ®�\\ �c7�.1 1 mob 1_ � I '•O� • ' \ I. 4" 1 A\\W\,:�,,, _// r�^� / �� [(v �. ' WAYNE COUNTY, NC }• W I 6- t -{ C)�,. e / I ��GROUNDWATER'� AS-BUILT WETLAND AREA \� • VEGT• NSECT3' , Y • 1' �1 \ gEC31N Cs 'RUCTION UT9-R3 � _ � �� GnGE#zs REDUCED DUETO EXPANDED en ' v , - „ . I ( " / I y BERM CONSTRUCTION ON DRAWING INFORMATION -rW f .\: itt;1;.,'• '• "•7 I ( / \�� EAST SIDE OF WETLAND ! ` PROJECT NO.: 17-003 • ♦ / / • \ FILENAME:ASB 20_2o SCARBOROUGH MONITORING PLAN I: L y .., t - ',1 A0 1 c" r ' 'EN I'CO STRU TI•N UT1-R2' , ' - ) 7• q - - - y �,./r p J c,__ / ''� ,.. DESIGNED BY: KMV �� - - _ STATI o Nt.53, r r xo Z �� �_ y� .,) ' . ' I 1' GROUNQWAAER y . o \ ( .�1 v h 'OAU(�E#20+. � � / ) I DRAWN BY: APL i-1 / X0° �J y yYY e \ DATE: 2-23-21 k) ' , '( \ r ',�! - V A r / , 4 ,.,� 3 �����,. ' \ HORIZ.SCALE: 1"=200' I ) r � r r� I .. , y l% • "� • y • I \� I ( -ii: w VERT.SCALE: N/A y � y l ® 1y r _ y _ k00`I w I I - - v \ � I � I I CF�ES �� / p( • w ,� ii•• 94; \\\ , rA 4ENDCGNSTRLI, ION40T2�.SW.R I' . r \,p" /�,.�_ '✓ /• / V A -„ ' \4• , .A- \ 1/ STATION 32+98. I, ' \ �� �,1 "` f 1V / I \ -,... . 4 V A NORTH / �GROUNSWATE' 100 50 0 100 200 w . � r y y �. � y � 1 ACCE �D YP. V A\ � 1�„���. �uGE#2s 1IIII w d _ � + _ r *�V � � ( GRAPHIC SCALE j" �I. .� ( 1. �\ I -i\, \ . 1� SHEET NAME - 6 GOfD(ATER�: * f VI 7 v / v v\ . ' \i \ MONITOR IN G , �, / •GA{uGEf#22. f Y1 / --II \ A . j . ij /< . o � . rr k� � PLAN, IS_E{PYCREEKARM IN CI� \� .r63JGROUND, 'TgR r� ' . O � i Ai�Oi . �..., , i �v, - / 0 I U.B. PG 81 � A !GAU . 7l _c . 0 45+00 �. / .-1 LN.:3507-3221tea. \ �-cc \- ] v 7 I I - � AS—BUILT�� -\ —.Ls, v ice /)�' \ I \ A\ SHEET NUMBER� .A ATCIiJ I V \ IS 4 V 21A DocuSign Envelope ID:6E06289F-62F4-4B54-AA68-E8F16B7EF3F5 _ ��,�� :� �•. \\ ! � \\\\\\\ ifVEy Ey WiEE 1 \:\'`\Cxoo\ � �� 'y� . / �� " :N, ' ti1v" ;.%),A-..s,nn. Y 1Av44 :.. . 44 4 , . v `,� . �- ' 44� ' ' . ' " 44 4 " .�44 � loisTER & LAND :a 1' ��� VA\ l :. : z ,- o . . �`� a� � . a �� , OLUTIONS✓�yea '� % ��` o0 4 " 7721rks Rd.,Suite 130 �� A V A >, t ,� .� .V yy .` < \. h,NC 27615 �/ �vi 'a� �s--s •�; � �� GAwg � \ \ �L �� fN• )614-5111dd�s5�l �� n�G 1 4. Sl Ay ., s•, `-•. - A \ �j \ 41 Y \' A Ay wadsolutions.com � "�.^-� ', #1 �� * n� ��U',, \ 4 \ .. A �� 4V1)4V �' y, ' . OCT ENGINEER\—� �� . 16,..„ A .) _ - - '�� " 4 - 4 NSF ``73y� 7' � R I/i� \ %,s • � .� - \ - WATER ' •-LAND'SO�UTroNS,1` C- J ' r/,. - - Ql .`�' G UGEAt' \ \„ 4 qB. .347,'PG 65- w." '��' \psi ♦ O �L2\ �� � .,1. ��x x \ 4 , M.N.: sor-13-2313 k �',q A V \_4 1 -� 4O @'FESSIp'' 9 ���� 62 01 *. 111".--;*::. „.... :I.....4(:, \ \--;\ ,' :7.-- _,----...6', - .4 44 `\ \\ "`%, / ,( GROUNDWATE', \ \\v \ = kX : 4 ? / � 4. ! 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RANDOM VEGETATION TRANSECTS#1-5 \ \ DocuSign Envelope ID:6E06289F-62F4-4B54-AA68-E8F16B7EF3F5 :..4. /'- , "7 _.. �,, A r o �� I�oIACJ/iL N E S E T't 1P)1* ��� 1 - \z , \\ 1..1.. . 1 a �� . i " : / 2 I 1 1 y1f )� 1�� \ _ _ _ WATER & LAND NDCONS F.\JCTIONUT3 ! �_, I I �� 1 ��� A/ SOLUTIONS k. ;yTAT-I a Z,+8N3 % 0 yti (1111 ;) "/ / 1. - I \ 1 \ '� A ''A ( - i l� ��• f �\\VN \\ y / ) I I t \\ / , — �.1.- 323402..-- , \ Raleigh,NC 27615 V, �� �2�f �)_ Al• y ' I • ��/: _ / ) 1 �� n � r \ V — /�� � (919)614 5111 x • y �' V�\ \ \ i \A waterlandsolutions.com �� v � 1.,,, • 3�.& i. • l iG RO GA DE 23•R y �� r PROJECT ENGINEER (3RQUNYJWAT,ER' •:' <' • \ A N/F , GAUGE#11 .. '\ •• y •/ - 'i / /a \ c �� A /SLEEPYCR KFARMS,INC. �'Q�k \\ \ b� D.B. 302 PG.381 : ,44 L )- 1 A • �, A P.I. :3507 2-2710� \ �� Q �C�7. 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I,I r I Q, �� _ _ B FINAL MIT PLAN 11-22-19 \ \ �� C ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION 6-6-20 if' / „) �� \10 A`v„, / 7� \ l _- __ D AS-BUILT 2-23-21 J A m ) 'j ./ �� COSERVATION VA �r 'j � EASMENT TYP. \ 1 l No. DnrE •� r1 ,��y t ) `� �� ��� y ! yl ( JJJ 1 A d�� o�//�'�� r A �. ✓ �' I����\ — /� PROJECT NAME ...I y( I A ` V(VATER AND LAN SOLUTIaNS r�, 1 V- �- P y y � '��� 'k� .1 d y"�" ��B. 34)SOL.TI '���� /, r� —. ----S l 1 A SCARBOROUGH . v l- y y - r I A �A P.LN.J3507- 3-2313 lI ) /N \ V A;; �' 1,y y�y. 1 y .� \ .� Yj. � �� Y��?��� E#24ER � I v\� i / a ),�\ wy v v ALLEN FAT2M6 v / s ) A — MITIGATION .,�. r� �1 \ y \,� 1 I m >t L. a �• l�� \ � 434 �/ �, PROJECT :, �Z::' \,.. `�. \ \ pi,, , . / 2 y ..�11 oc , . , P.I.N: 507.20.2fi07 :... -. .✓ . ) 't_ \� ��A ���� \' � a ND Cc NST N UT2( PER) " _� / �° \ „� A �Ee �.? � �/�\.�G.. �1� � .�� 1 4 /\ � \� � A � I Jll\ I\ Z / WAYNE COUNTY, NC .• ' �_ p : GIN pNSTRUCTION U (LO EFL)' y$ - y, / f /�� / •s - s\ O ��p` > \.1 r \ �- Vi I '\'.'^i /j / (��� )" v S, ATION 15+86.50 ,� �/ `69' 1 l •_:''•' ��/ "2a..,`-� \ y 1 1 y C •. V ‘'(,. o �A ��\.to / DRAWING INFORMATION ° ' PROJECT NO.: 17-003 ti� �.. j ,-�_ �'• ""4�' c`�x� -^$2 re ` �+ ( ��•�R 1..\ A �JI 7 �.� �� �. ,^ ✓ �/^...4e0 FILENAME:nse_zo_2o_SCnasoR000nJtiowToawG PLAN V•/ // / , V� . A'� ,. e^ 1 / \ \ (' c `f g "� C D �- �� DESIGNED BY: KMV /� �" '��� vl► ���� �� �� - '1 y /° \ J'. t"� T J "� 9� oaf l� / '�& V �C— V. �.„ , ` -ri 1 c / r.+ � �' l '� -� DRAWN BY: APL tom\ \ \ xO .. �. ;c sl •.< \ 66 S /^y c �,�"1 �� 'b A 1 . n ( ) 711 (- �� , �V DATE: 2-23-21 N �1' '^.� �� �"- AUG �.. y 41. •' ( p cam"�/n t7� !�- \� „ HORIZ.SCALE: 1"=200' �� � o \�e�\ � � �. t _' 1 .� ' �I�� �f.' VERT.SCALE: N/A i • CO / Z �\':'//%\ ` . \`�/ • C7. `� c..{. ,lY , \ '-� NORTH/ Z ° %//i� �l i� o oo so 0 100 200 l < O CAR �� ♦ ��� j%�,-, V ���* _ ,� F �.A - o Z •O O�/,//���j �� 7� � ��\ y*.tZ -:5.4 ;. 9` .O n Z�2 GRAPHIC SCALE ,�°�• '����• 'Y,� j, 1-' )\,`.� �'`►\\\�;\ \,�\ �' , S . �. a i�s SHEET NAME 1 r. : / 'Q�9 �4q�': all « l I�\\\\\��.N ' , i`n 4 ( <j C SEAL : S. vl�w����y��, 4.,�•4_ �,.` '•�� , °* MONITORING — 5 0 3 4, 2/23/2021 \��\� +`is �� �~�� PLAN le°":5 0 SUR`�.••' \' �� DocuSigned by: 1„,� ��� ��Q�Vv Ask 4 4 Hii t►o,,, M�,/�, �,�,(,/,�,Z STATION010 00.00 N UT2(UPPER) \ ` AS-BUILT 1 _a� r NOTES: SHEET NUMBER 1. FIXED VEGETATION PLOTS#1-26 62C73F441 B864C1... 2. RANDOM VEGETATION S \ Z 23 3. RANDOM VEGETATION TRANSECTS#1-5 b