HomeMy WebLinkAbout20071050 Ver 4_More Info Received_20120614Witherspoon, Lauren From: Amy Mackintosh [mackintosh.amy@gmail.com] Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2012 7:41 AM To: Witherspoon, Lauren Subject: Re: NCSU Centennial Campus Greenway Attachments: 2012-06-13-NCSU trail PCN-rev pg 6.pdf Lauren, Attached is page 6 of the PCN with the stream impact itemization revised for consistency. Let me know if you want me to send the whole PCN. Thanks, Amy On Wed, Jun 13, 2012 at 3:50 PM, Witherspoon, Lauren <lauren.witherspoon@ncdenr.gov> wrote: Yes just take off the last row and include it in S5 description. Thanks, Lauren Lauren Witherspoon NC Division of Water Quality- Surface Water Protection Section - Raleigh Regional Office WYNIZA-MI141 (919) 791-4251 (office) (919) 788-7159 (fox) E-mail correspondence to and from this address maybe subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and maybe disclosed to third parties. From: Amy Mackintosh [mailto:mackintosh.amy(a)amail.com] Sent: Wednesday, June 13, 2012 3:37 PM To: Witherspoon, Lauren Subject: Re: NCSU Centennial Campus Greenway :.aU.R Here is the agent authorization letter. Regarding the stream impacts - I'm unclear on how to account for the impacts on Walnut Creek associated with the new wall. In the 2nd to last row (S5) on the stream impact chart I listed the LF of permanent impact to Walnut Creek due to the new wall along the north bank. In the last row (S6) I listed the additional SF of temporary impact next to the wall for the coffer dam during construction of the wall. This would not result in additional LF of stream impact. How do you want me to list this? Should I just take off the last row and include the cofferdam in the description of the S5 impact? 85 LF is the total length of stream proposed to be impacted. Thanks for your help with this. Amy On Wed, Jun 13, 2012 at 10:52 AM, Witherspoon, Lauren <lauren.witherspoon@ncdenr.gov> wrote: Amy, Just looking of the permit application for the above referenced project. I am ready to issue the 401 but need two things: Can you please redo the stream table in the PCN so that the numbers add up and resubmit it to me? You can just scan and email it to me. Can you provide an agent authorization letter for you to have the authority (by NC State) to sign the application? If I don't get this info by next week I will have to write and on -hold letter. Thanks, Lauren Lauren Witherspoon NC Division of Water Quality- Surface Water Protection Section - Raleigh Regional Office 3800 Barrett Drive, Raleigh, NC 27609 19) 791 -4251 (office) 19) 788 -7159 (fax) E -mail correspondence to crn ji oln this address may he ,sr blec°t to the Month Carolina Public Records Law and may he disclosed to third particles. T5!! ❑!Q!Z!U Uf n gpsbs! t f ejn dpo'u�r�tjpo! � SbsrHbn f e! �i.JJU rr rr 5( 9( Z!EDX Rt nfbtvsft/ 28!M sf rbjojoh! x brribrpoh!dsf f I ! cbol !.!f yJ oejoh! f yjt yoh!!uioof rh xjoh!x brrkp!sf rbjo! Z!QFS!! Z!Dpsgt !! T6!!Z!Q!Z!U Lsbjr f ehf )Qf sn * X bmvdDs ❑!J:)U Z!EX R 39( 28( Dpggslebn !g)s! dpot Lwdypo!pd sf rbjojoh!x brrlbd uioof ftggspbdi 211 !t d)Lf n q/* ❑!QFS! ❑!Dpsgt !! T7!!!Q!!U ! ❑!.JJU ❑!EX R 4i /!UpL"Lsfbn !boe!LsjcvLbsz!jn gbdtt 96!rg 4j /!Dpn n f opt ;!Of x !dspt tjoh!bdUlcvrbs!I !x jnW grbdf !bo!f yjt yoh!dspt tjoh!jo!psef slrp!n p\Af !d f !u#bjrtdspt tjoh!gisd f slbx bz! gpn !X bmvdDsf f I /! 5/ Pgfo!X bLfs!.h gbdLt djd f sf !bsf !gspgpt f e!jn gbdLt !rp!rbl f t - !qpoet -!f t Lvbsjf t - !ujcvrbsjf t -!t pvoet -!d f !Buboyd!Pdf bo- !ps!boz!pd f s!pgf o!x bLf s!pd d f !V /T /!d f o!joejvyevbrm!rjt dbrdpgf o!x bLf s!jn gbdLt !cf rpx / 5b/ 5c/ 5d/ 5e/ 5f / Pqf o!x bLf s! Obn f !pdx bLf scpez! jn gbddovn cf s!A! )jdbggrjaibcrh* Uzqf !pdjn qbdu X bLf scpez!u'gf Bsf b!pdjn gbdd)bdsf t Qf sn bof od)Q *!ps! Uf n sbs! U* P2!! ❑!Q! ❑!U P3!! ❑!Q! ❑!U P4!! ❑!Q! ❑!U P5!! ❑!Q! ❑!U 5cj!UpLbrtpgfo!x bLfs!jn gbdtt 5h /!Dpn n f opt ;! 6/ Qpoe!ps!!vbl f !Dpot rsvdypo Jjqpoe!ps!rbl f !d of uwd o! t f e -!d f o!d n qrhLf !d f !di bsdcf rpx P 6b/ 6c/ 6d/ 6e/ 6f / X f uboe!.h gbdLt !)bdsf t * Tu# bn !.h gbdd !)g f d` Vqrboe! Qpoe!.E! Qspgpt f e!vt f !ps!gvsgpt f !pd )bdsf t * ovn cf s! gpoe Crppef grr6e! Fydb\AbLf e Grppef a grr6e Fydb\AbLf e Grppef e e Q2 Q3 6cj!Upr.bm 6h /!Dpn n f opt ;! 6i /!d !b!ebn !i jhi !i b{ bse!gf sn jdsf r vjsf e@ ❑!Zf t!!!!!!!! ❑!Op!!!!!!!!djzf t -!qf sn jd.E!op;! 6j/ Fygf dLf e!gpoe!t vodf !bsf b!)bdsf t *; 6W Tj{ f !pdgpoe!x bLf st i f e!)bdsf t *; 61 / Nf d pe!pddpot uwdypo; Qbhf !7!p j23!!)Sf w!7C24CB123* QDO!Gpsn !A!\/V stjpo!2 /4!Ef df n cf s!21- !3119!\/V stjpo