HomeMy WebLinkAbout20120391 Ver 1_Buffer Determination Request_20120419KELLER ENVIRONMENTAL ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS 201 2039 1 March 29 2012 Karen Higgins NC Division of Water Quality DWQ WeBSCaPe Unit 1650 Mail Service Center APR 1 9 2012 Raleigh North Carolina 27699 1650 DER Wp ViggR QlJAII �y ands A e►,.._ - - Re Kilarney Ridge Loop Properties Keller Environmental Job No 1010 DWQ NBRRO 12 033 Cary North Carolina Dear Ms Higgins We are requesting an appeal to the attached March 16 2012 stream determination letter Keller Environmental conducted an on site meeting with Mrs Witherspoon on February 15 2012 Please let us know at your earliest convenience when we could conduct an on site appeal meeting If you should have questions or require additional clarification please feel free to contact me at 749 8259 (cell) or email IayCcDkellerenvironmental corn Sincerely Keller Environmental, LLC Jay Keller Principal Attachment Kilarney Ridge Loop Properties March 16 2012 stream determination letter i I 1 1 ° n i HCDEHR North Carolina Department of Enwonment and Natul *il ResWces D vision of Watef Ql)',"ltli Beverly E-ivl� ne dup Les Vvak Id P1= Gow,mor - _ _ _ _ _ —_ c, rertnr _ - _ - -- - - - -- - - - March 16 2412 1a Keller killer Fnviromnent it I LC 1421 Ha, maiket Lane. 1141etsli NC _'761 S OASMt r S Neuse t15A NCAC 213 0233) I F [� Epherneral llntermittent(Perennlai Determination North l One r Ferran Sprreta y N B RRO 12 013 Wake County I I [] Tar Pamlico (15A INCAC 2E 0759) i 1_] Isolated Wetland Determination i P olo t'Name Kilamc-� Riclgcc Loop l'loperti I tuation Direction Nortireast of AA � tit of C ar, I' a k% a, and north and oath of Kilaanc, I oc P l hold Strearn t17 to W tilt -tors --- - - - - _ V.__ - _- ate of Detet >!atit'r ation 211 5112 re { E /f /l'* Not 'subject staart�aa` ?top {ce -- i - l Sotl _T -L SC S Sire arc h Su151ect � I I i Surrey i "t opv E �'or m l?(711ttS i _1 -_ - - -{- - - -- 4 -,F'!P 1 phemcrultlrlcrnrltt��at /e�cn�u�t! \planation the feiture(,,) ll,.ted ahove. his or h ivr been IN ucd on tit ,oil `wur%a, of `: ales ( mint, North arolina or rht most. ,r cent copy of tht, I SOS Topogr 1pint in ip it a 1 '14 000 5t iIt, F t,Jh ti"ituiG that rs checked Not Subiect features th it we checked Subjta have bt en located on the property ind posses e hat acmty tics that clu list, it to ht. 'I stye atrt I here may be ether stte3ms Located on ,out property that do not hovv up on tht m ip,, it tercmed above but Still may he ;onsidered juri AlLtlonal acuordni4 Io tic. t S A-m, ( orps of i nLimc .r� and of to the Do isto W n of iter (duality his on site determination %halt .xpirc fir c (s) vcars From tht d ite of th;s lettet Laando„ner�s or - tffeeted parties that ispute a determination made Ile the I[, WQ or Delegated Lotai Authnt Ste 013N r ecluest i ctttermination by the tirectoi An appeal request inust be made vs ithin sixty (60) d iv,, of elate of this 1a tter or ft om the date the afletted art, (including down%treain aand'or adlattnt oevners) i% notified of this lettet N rcctnest for a determination by tht JNt, ;IhC wmhna . llwnilly iaDnismi t i x.WahrQtUIM www mWateM113114 org Ralu h Rc,J[ xnat 0111 St dau \\ it r f' t ti n 1 h m (91 )1 W J (10 ( ustnnter Serof�c ) h 9 1\11JI Sex t G Ctnttr R+1('10 NC !t Ya R 4 1 1Y ( 119) 571 M1714 t 977 () i 6 39 Art Equal OppoRunt+ ylAfrirmaineAtSon Employer— 50%Reelcaed110 Post �,onsurterPaper i i W,d�.c C 1ty Pa,-r( ? of � giirettor shall be referred to the LDirtctoi In wilting c/o Karen Higains DWQ WeRSCdPt Gnat 161;0 Mail Sertime Cltnter Raktgh MC 21699 1656 1 you dispute the Director s determination wou m ig file a pttition for an idministratiNe he iring You must ftie tht p tition with the Office of Adminv train c Hearings within sixty (60) da�s of the receipt of this notice of decision A petition is considered filled arhen it is received iii the Offfct of Administratitie Hearings during normal offitc hours 1h1 Oldie of Administrative Hew ings accepts filings Mondat through Freda\ between the hours of 8 00 am and 5 00 except for offitial state hohdas s To rquest a hearing, send the ei iginal and one (1) copy of the petition to the dffice of Administraitiee clearings 6 "14 `Flail Serstee Canter Raleigh NC. 2 "699 6714 The petition may also be fixcd to the ittension of the Office of Administrative Hearings at (919) '733 1478 provided the original ind one (1) c pt of the docuintnt is received by (lie Offsct of Administiatne 11carings scithin five ( ',) da)s folio"ing the drtte of t e fax transmission A copy of the petition must also be stracd to the 1Dep-iitment of Natural Resources Oo Mary cnnv Thompson ( enel al Counscl 1601 Mail Sass Pee ( enter Ralciat) N( 27699 1601 is determination is final and binding unless as detailed aboi e ti -ul isl. ft r a llcai Ing or apptal within sixtt (60) owrner/future wieners should notify the Division of Water Quality (incllidinp int othtr 1 ocal State and federal Tides) of this decision tonccrninl ant lutuie correspondenccs regarding; tht su);'lect property (stated above) This pelt may rtquire a Section 404 /401 Pi-rmit for the proposed icto itv Auv inquirtes should be directed to the ision of Water Quah" E( tntral Office) it (90) 733 178s) and the t S brine C orp of f ng iilecrs (it ileig h ;ulatoo Bit Id Office) at (919) S1;4 4854 RcspeLUVIIls f L Wren Nt ithtrsp>oon Cuvirommntal `,tnior Speciilist WcI35( We 16 0 M ul S r�icc ''enter RRO 5\k P File Cop % r v i' i -�l k e DAT %, I 1 8 3V a a 4g p 9 a I 9 E INS�$a r � i t f I 4a Q f- V Pi C2 f I I $_ L2 DOW ph** it ANO COMM 1p m man r-s-. 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