HomeMy WebLinkAbout20120566 Ver 1_CAMA Application_20120606n MCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Pesources Division of Coastal Nlanagement Beverly Eaves Perdue Governor June 4 2012 MEMORANDUM W FROM SUBJECT Applicant Protect Location Proposed Protect Braxton C Davis Director Karen Higgins Division of Water Quality 20566 Dee Freeman Secretary L96¢od� Doug Huggett N 6 2012 Major Permits Processing Coordinator LDLENR :R;cm. a Br CAMA/DREDGE & FILL Permit Application Review Stephen & Geraldine LaBreck Pamlico County, at 5620 Styron Drive, near Oriental Proposes to construct a single family dwelling and a detached garage Please indicate below your agency s position or viewpoint on the proposed project and return this form by June 24th, 2012 If you have any questions regarding the proposed project please contact Brad Connell Permit officer at (252) 808 2808 When appropriate in depth comments with supporting data is requested REPLY This agency has no objection to the project as proposed This agency has no comment on the proposed project This agency approves of the project only if the recommended changes are incorporated See attached This agency objects to the project for reasons described in the attached comments SIGNED DATE 400 Commerce Ave Morehead City NC 28557 Phone 252 -808 2808 l FAX 252 247 3330 Internet www nccoastaimanagement net An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative Action Employer One NorthCarohna Am(rally DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT FIELD INVESTIC XTION REPOR f APPLICANT'S NAME Stephen and (jera'd3ne t aBrecls LOCATION OF PROJECT SITE 'T n,, pt,,-L, tocat�,d _t' 3c.etit ro a ribol " oa Pierce Creek at 5620 Styron Drive r a- `Grunt 1' Pamlico Co Photo Index — 2006 78 7944, grids D 9, 2000 7S 857, grads tl 16 State Plane Coordinates X 822100 651) Y 145855 347 Longitude -076 40 13 86 Latitude 35 02 32 51 3 INVESTIGATION TYPE CAMA 4 INVESTIGATIVE PROCEDURE Date of Site Visit — 1/4/12 DREDGED FILLED INCORP/SNADF.D (A) High Ground 3 600 ft' (E) Total Area Disturbed 3 600 ft (F) Primary Nursery Area No (G) Water Classification SA HQW NSW Open No (H) Cultural Resources none 8 Proiect Summary The applicant washes to construct a single family dwelling and a detached garage 9 Narrative Description The property is located near Oriental at 5620 Styron Drive off of White Faun Road in Pamlico County This site is developed with a docking facility This parcel is 28 048 square feet The adjacent property to the east is developed with a single family residence and docking facility The adjacent lot to the west is undeveloped Was Applicant Present —No Photos Taken — No 5 PROCESSING PROCEDURE Application Received — cc 6/1/12 Office MHC 6 SITE DESCRIPTION (A) Local Land Use Plan — 2005 Pamlico County (01/28/05) Land Classification from LUP — Residential (B) AEC(s) Involved ES (C) Water Dependent No (D) Intended Use Private (E) Wastewater Treatment Existing — None Planned — Bay River Sewer (F) Type of Development Existing — Docking facility Planned — Single family residence (G) Estimated Annual Rate of Erosion N/A Source — N/A 7 HABITAT DESCRIPTION DREDGED FILLED INCORP/SNADF.D (A) High Ground 3 600 ft' (E) Total Area Disturbed 3 600 ft (F) Primary Nursery Area No (G) Water Classification SA HQW NSW Open No (H) Cultural Resources none 8 Proiect Summary The applicant washes to construct a single family dwelling and a detached garage 9 Narrative Description The property is located near Oriental at 5620 Styron Drive off of White Faun Road in Pamlico County This site is developed with a docking facility This parcel is 28 048 square feet The adjacent property to the east is developed with a single family residence and docking facility The adjacent lot to the west is undeveloped Field Investigz rion Report Steve and Cer LaBreck Page 2 '1 be e' vats Jr rt the �iE i gi,-)i+r I of r�t pa —I 1, ,ct t +J , ` cove tai- norm2, ' atef lev °I % egetatior (,,a tr - lot rlain v consi -+ M wuo('y on and son C oa,tal 'V� etl to 's alont- the shoreline Tai lot h , apoin umat °l 12c c c, r , u, shoreline along th,s tiiouti of Pittce Creek lrnmedia'e offsr oiti ti iter depths adjacent to tl ° iot range from - bout -1 D to —, 0 nVO The subaqueous substrate is soft without shell There is an existing gravel access driveway c,n the lot and an existing docking facility that terminates at the shoreline This waterbody is about 65 feet across at this location These waters are not classified as a Primary Nursery Area and there is no submerged aquatic vegetation present in the vicinity of the project area This area is closed to shellfish harvest and is classified as SA HWQ Nutrient Sensitive Waters There is not a defined channel in this area This project area is subject to the Neuse River Riparian Buffer Rules 10 Proposed Development The applicants wish to construct a private single family dwelling and a detached garage The proposed development will take place at 5620 Styron Drive near Oriental Pamlico County The lot is currently developed with a docking facility and a gravel driveway The proposed work is entirely located on high ground A portion of the proposed residence is within the 75 Estuarine Shoreline Area of Environmental Concern (AEC) and encroaches into the 50 Neuse River Basin Riparian Buffer (DWQ Buffer) The detached garage will be 24 wide and 28 long It will be closer to the northeast section of the lot The main residential dwelling will be elevated on pilings and be 50 wide and 42 long This residence will be closer to the center of the L shaped lot 10 Anticipated Impacts The proposed house will create 3% impervious surface within the 75' Estuarine Shoreline AEC of the tract Approximately 1/3 of the proposed residential structure will encroach into Zone 2 of the DWQ Buffer and a portion of the access landing and stairs will encroach into Zone 1 The proposed detached garage will not encroach into the AEC or the DWQ Buffer The total area of land disturbance including impervious fill proposed will be 3 600 ft Brad Connell June 1, 2012 Morehead City '; l� � -� ! �� 'n a :t s� �e• ah yi i A , t, ab ? r . .s .: 'i4 (fast wvised 1Z 27/ ®6) North Ca?, ))Ij as DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT 9 Primaty Applicant/ Landowner Information Business Name Project Name (if applicable) N/A N/A Applicant 1 First Name MI Last Name Stephen M LaBreck Applicant 2 First Name MI Last Name Geraldine J LaBreck If additional applicants please attach an additional page(s) with names listed Mailing Address PO Box City State 7116 Brigantine Blvd N/A Oriental NC ZIP Country Phone No FAX No 28571 USA 252 571 1403 ext N/A N/A Street Address (►f dffi%rent from above) City State ZIP N/A Email LaBreckS @gmail corn 2 Agent/Contractor Information Business Name N/A Agent/ Contractor 1 First Name MI Last Name Agent/ Contractor 2 First Name MI Last Name Mailing Address PO Box City State ZIP Phone No 1 ext Phone No 2 ext FAX No Contractor # Street Address (►f drfferent from above) City State ZIP Email SCI' <Form continues on back> l3 Form DCIVI MP 1 (Page 2 of 4) APPLICATION for Major Development Permit 3 Project Location Courty (can be multiple) St -et ldd - s State Rd # Pamlico 5620 Styror Drive NIA Subaivision Narie City I S +at Zip Sea Vista Oriert -il NC 28571 Phone No Lot N (s) (if nany attach aaditronal page with list) 252 571 1403 ext 37 a In which NC river basin is the project located? b Name of body of water nearest to proposed project Neuse River Basin Pierce Creek c Is the water body identified in (b) above natural or manmade? d Name the closest major water body to the proposed project site ®Natural []Manmade ❑Unknown Neuse River e Is proposed work within city limits or planning jurisdiction? f If applicable list the planning jurisdiction or city limit the proposed ®Yes []No work falls within Oriental 4 Site Description a Total length of shoreline on the tract (ft) b Size of entire tract (sq It ) 13813 28 048 33 c Size of individual lot(s) d Approximate elevation of tract above NHW (normal high water) or 28 048 33 NWL (normal water level) (if many lot sizes please attach additional page with a list) 55 ❑NHW or ®NWL e Vegetation on tract Primarily wooded with some coastal wetlands f Man made features and uses now on tract Driveway leading from Styron Drive across entire length of lot leading to 58 wooden dock g identify and describe the existing land uses adiacent to the proposed project sde There is a single family residence on Lot 36 Lot 38 is undeveloped h How does local government zone the tract? i Is the proposed project consistent with the applicable zoning? R1 (Attach zoning compliance certificate if applicable) ®Yes ❑No ❑NA I Is the proposed activity part of an urban waterfront redevelopment proposal? ❑Yes ®No k Hasa professional archaeological assessment been done for the tract? If yes attach a copy ❑Yes ❑No ®NA If yes by whom? I Is the proposed project located in a National Registered Historic District or does it involve a ❑Yes []No ®NA National Register listed or eligible property? <Form continues on next page> Form DQV SIP 1 (Page 3 of 41 APPLICATION for Mayor Development Permit m (i) Are ther wetlanda on ti a ta7 © Yes [3 No (n) Are the coastal we and n the siw ® re Um nu) it / s t- ether (i) x i) ao i ray a deli aatl ee c e J [-N) (A Each oeumentatron if is able n 11.e5r be ing Naste vater t - .tmer} a slit e Property N 11 be on Ba/ Rev -r Sewerage vt;rificafici- letta is attached o Describe nxisring drinking water supply source Property currently has water supply provided from the Town of Oriental p Describe existing storm water management or treatment systems N/A 5 Achv►t►es and Impacts a Will the project be for commercial public or private use? ❑Commercial ❑PubiictGovemment ®Pnvate /Community b Give a brief description of purpose use and daily operations of the project when complete This will be an owner occupied single family home c Describe the proposed construction methodology types of construction equipment to be used during construction the number of each type of equipment and where it is to be stored The home will be stick built using conventional stagemg methods d List all development activities you propose Clear lot Budd single family dwelling Budd 2 car garage e Are the proposed activities maintenance of an existing project new work or both? New work If What is the approximate total disturbed land area resulting from the proposed project? 3600 ®Sq Ft or ❑Acres g Will the proposed project encroach on any public easement public accessway or other area []Yes ®No ❑NA that the public has established use of? h Describe location and type of existing and proposed discharges to waters of the state N/A i Will wastewater or stormwater be discharged into a wetland? ❑Yes ❑No ®NA If yes will this discharged water be of the same salinity as the receiving water? ❑Yes ❑No ❑NA Is there any mitigation proposed? ❑Yes []No ®NA If yes attach a mitigation proposal <Form continues on back> Form DCM MP 1 (Page 4 of 4) APPLICATION for Major Development Permit 6 Additional Information In addition to this completed application f ,,rm (MP 1) the following items below if applicable must by submitted in order for the application package to be complete Items (a) - (0 are al,va /s applicable to any major de iclopment applicat on Please consult the application instruction booklet on how to properly prepare the required tems below JI a A project narrative b An ac urate dated work plat (includ rg Dian view and ^ross sect cnal dra uing..) d aron to scaiP Plea - give the present status of the proposed oroject Is any portion already co-p ete? If o ricuslu authorizeu An k clearly and cate on naps plats drawings to distinguish between worn completed and proposed c A site or location map that is sufficiently detailed to guide agency personnel unfamiliar with the area to the site d A copy of the deed (with state application only) or other instrument under which the applicant claims title to the affected properties e The appropriate application fee Check or money order made payable to DENR f A list of the names and complete addresses of the adjacent waterfront (riparian) landowners and signed return receipts as proof that such owners have received a copy of the application and plats by certified mad Such landowners must be advised that they have 30 days in which to submit comments on the proposed project to the Division of Coastal Management Name William Foilendorf Phone No 585 786 2100 Address 91 North Main St Warsaw NY 14569 Name Richard Grogan Phone No 919 383 6924 Address 2712 Saddle Drive Durham NC 27712 Name Phone No Address g A list of previous state or federal permits issued for work on the project tract Include permit numbers permittee and issuing dates CAMA General Permit # 59674 issued 1/4/12 for expansion of CAMA General Permit issued in Oct 2011 to dredge at dock existing dock platform h Signed consultant or agent authorization form if applicable i Wetland delineation if necessary I A signed AEC hazard notice for projects in oceanfront and inlet areas (Must be signed by property owner) k A statement of compliance with the N C Environmental Policy Act (N C G S 113A 1 10) if necessary If the project involves expenditure of public funds or use of public lands attach a statement documenting compliance with the North Carolina Environmental Policy Act 1 7 Certification and Permission to Enter on Land I understand that any permit issued in response to this application will allow only the development described in the application The project will be subject to the conditions and restrictions contained in the permit I certify that I am authorized to grant and do in fact grant permission to representatives of state and federal review agencies to enter on the aforementioned lands In connection with evaluating Information related to this permit application and follow up monitoring of the project I further certify that the Information provided In this application Is truthful to the best of my knowledge Date 2j��,:2U( 3 Print Name f /14 '/— a Signature / Please indicate application attachments pertaining to your proposed project ❑DCM MP 2 Excavation and Fill Information ❑DCM MP 5 Bridges and Culverts ®DCM MP 3 Upland Development ❑DCM MP-4 Structures Information Form ®CM MP -3 UPLAND DEVELOPMENT (Construcition aced /cr land disturbing acts reties) 4 tach this form to Jotr } Application for CAMA Maur Perm t Porm DU 1 MP Be sure to compie +c: a I othr- e auplicat or, that relate this proposed prole t Plea -a it lud? all supple mentu' irforimatior GENERAL UPLAND DEVELOPMENT a Type and number of buildings facilities units or structires proposed 1 single family dwelling 1 garage (which is NOT within Zone 2 or 75 AEC) c Density (give the number of residential units and the units per acre) 1 home on 0 64 acre lot e If the proposed project will disturb more than one acre of land the Division of Land Resources must receive an erosion and sedimentation control plan at least 30 days before land disturbing activity begins (t) If applicable has a sedimentation and erosion control plan been submitted to the Division of Land Resources? ❑Yes []No IONA (u) If yes list the date submitted g Give the percentage of the tract within the coastal shoreline AEC to be covered by impervious and /or built upon surfaces such as pavement budding rooftops or to be used for vehicular driveways or parking 3% Give the percentage of the entire tract to be covered by impervious and/or built upon surfaces such as pavement budding rooftops or to be used for vehicular driveways or parking 1566% I Describe proposed method of sewage disposal Property is to be tied in to Bay River Sewerage verification letter attached I Describe location and type of proposed discharges to waters of the state (e g surface runoff sanitary wastewater industrial/ commercial effluent Vash down and residential discharges) N/A b Number of lots or parcels One lot ns of the Joint d Size of area to be graded filled or disturbed including roads ditches etc 3600 sq ft f List the materials (such as marl paver stone asphalt or concrete) to be used for impervious surfaces Concrete h Projects that require a CAMA Major Development Permit may also require a Stormwater Certification (i) Has a site development plan been submitted to the Division of Water Quality for review? ❑Yes ❑No ®NA (n) If yes list the date submitted k Have the facilities described to Item (i) received state or local approval? ❑Yes []No ®NA If yes attach appropriate documentation m Does the proposed project include an innovative stormwater design? ❑Yes ❑No ®NA If yes attach appropriate documentation m Describe proposed drinking ,eater supply source (e g jell community public system etc) Property currently has water supply provided by the Toviii of Oriental VA/hen wa the lot(s) platted and ecordpd" 12/31/1986 Date Project Name S ?/,—,%LPn ��q 17rNL��7 Applicant / me Applicant ignature 0) Wul .water be impounded? ❑Yes ❑No ONA (u) If ves how many acras' If proposed de jJorr ent s a suodi nsion will additional utilities be n� al Qd fcrthi upland d /alopment7 []Yes ❑No ®NA J 3I @1012 Goo9/e faaf try r sc3ry�� w ' r J h f �) �itT @nt31 ell ` 0 a" r r �intL' ttv it�� tiCr rrst r J rgjy� C r Car -r n fir' J '(a First ,r do" 'n the RtgN G C n'i C 4r, PJ Mao date 02012 Gooale } Addras� 8620 Sty in Dr Ortentai NC 225*71 Take NC r5E towards C erta! tLr � pf of t tetra gr Rd a it atop s c, n PIyr o to li hii e Fat ri r odd take i r5t L -- onto Fa'ron Dr fair, J to tFe t tt.,r cri- Stfroo > .f I� rt d e dos r cr +t`e c�4z } 7 � t } 4 r � t ^ �t � v Oriental �7 02012 Googte Map data 02012 Googfe 0 t r� 5/2/2012 3 38 PM a f t ' P , I a f � t � t 1 1 i 1 I � i t f iF d s r i P ( � 1 1 i �n G' a 1 �a � 48U Prolect Narrati� D620 Sttiron Dpi Crrenta' `1C 213 I am apph ing for this C WA Major -i mit to bul a sit Qle ar il-v d -an' _ car -a a eat 5620 Styron Drive Oriental NC. to bu Li,ed aq cui ear roun(' home In oelidrng %diere to -lace the house and the garage on tht lot many factors were takLn into consideration in an attempt to lessen the impact within the areas of environmental concern The garage will have a backfilled foundation to lessen its footpi int as opposed to a simpler inor olithic pour which would require a larger area to be backfilled By placing this structure towards the front of the lot it is kept out of both Zone 2 and the 75 AEC The house is to be built on a poured concrete pad and on 8 CMU piers which would put the first floor 13 above sea level The location of the structure has been carefully planned to minimize creating additional impervious square footage by placing it over the existing driveway which is already an impervious area 5Cj�a 9CIP 3el X 4 P 8 ti SIT, �' t Mr Stephen LaBieck 7116 Brigantine Oriental NC 28571 April 4, 2012 Mr LaBreck 00 _ Cr aybrro rv- (i17 ! ' - As you requested this letter is verification that sewer is available for the lot located at 5620 Styron Drive, Oriental NC 28571 If I can be of further assistance please call ChT H entdrs R Superintendent a��� qO Q¢ �o z� U L s 0 Zwor Wz o,°eua0. °Z= J E E E�- E ► i z s E 3 E 3 j z J le u_ ud�o28 � �v r� m / 7" p ¢ Z z� \ o� 4av¢ ¢ c U) <b� U zw$p w ate[ 4 E W i5 z N !4 Eul E °o o its # v cl c) z _z I I ;R z �?�EpapE�� u°�OL � s F 3 0. < z R m i N i- i4 7 H7 No tpm m "o F � 2zzF- o zo ¢ tF E d K Z�° LfJ 1(5— V S�1? 3K ESE ra �� z 9" of aw JLONOVw 13 , --- F- - wQGIP Q /�:�) \ "a X�roq\p�;-,\Cq ���� \ d! Q6' \ ti 'x / i 000$- OV101 t9 02t C7 Q41) N \ \ AO co AA / 12645 y�`2 � c0 5 8 59 06 LL kP z 26 6b v, .69 0ir Zt 6l N I y I g I � LLI V / d fl FNE� �3 o � ¢NU �< tjo �Op , z Ch 3C LL 2�z °w8 }ZGp �{Z1 Ei{ ocV `yO / U i5 E °o v NZ <°�° ►► I I z J Woz LS7�N4Q) W W N i- nZNflL4WLV Q"U �OUWV. =ra-(4) U N Z m W_ m u < z v zw Z < -S W = ; ►!a J Z zoo w Loos LO zo D - ) $ W N o u- J m � C7 Q41) N \ \ AO co AA / 12645 y�`2 � c0 5 8 59 06 LL kP z 26 6b v, .69 0ir Zt 6l N I y I g I � LLI V / d fl FNE� �3 o � ¢NU �< tjo �Op , z Ch 3C LL 2�z °w8 }ZGp �{Z1 Ei{ ocV `yO / mw I I z J Z w $ W LLI LU .9 NAzZZZZZZ Uzi goo c En V' m o h z Q V lL T) z W cl