HomeMy WebLinkAbout20070654 Ver 1_Triage Comments_20070507., • DWQ~ ~~•f~~ ~~ ~~ 'a ~ ~ .Date ~ - I "c: / 'PVho Roviawad: ~ ,~~ ~. ~ ~ ~ y~- Plan ~Detail7ncompleta ~ - ' ^ Piba$eprovido a Iodation map~for theproject. ' • [~ PIease Show all stream impacts including a1i fill elopes, disaipatora, and bank•atabilization on the site-plan,4~ ~ , E•e ~~ ~ ~t--o ; • . C L^^'~ " •~ 1 S ~ 1 ~ (.3 tti.~ . N.. ~.'4. L~ ~ Yo..C~~ ~ L(J1.~ CV/ 4C ~ ~lJ'r c V~. C.~ ease show ail w~sad impacts including SIl slopes on tho site plan. ~~ k.:..~ r • ~ ~ ~ ~-`' ~ `"-~' I~ ~ ~ ~ - [~. Fl . • ^ Please indiaato aI1 buffer impacts on the site plan. ^ please indiaate proposed lot layout as overlays an the sits plea, ^ . Please indicate tho locatign of the proteatad buffars as mverlays on the site plan. - ^ Please iccate aII isolated or nan-Isolated wotlanda, •sirearns and other watara of the State as overlays on the site plan. [;~ Please provide cross section details showing the provisions for aquatic life passage. - ~'~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ j~~`- `'' ~ . ^ Please locate say planned•aewer lines on the safe plan. . , ~ ~ ' [] Please provide the loation of any proposed stormwater management graetIces ea required by QC . ^ Please provide detail i~br the stcrmwater managaarnent practices ea required by t3C •. ^ ~Flease speci$! the percent of project iinpearvlousness area based on the eadmated built-out oonditiona: ^ Pleasaiadieate all strnmwator,~ o~alle on the sits play. . ' ^ Please indicate the diflbse flow provision measures do the site plan. ~ . ^ Please iadicate,wi;othor ar nqt the liropoded itnpaata alroady been oor}ducted. ~ . Avoidaace•an8/or ]yFl~im~~tion iV'ot Provided - - • • . ~ . . • The Iabelod as __^„-__ on thepleas door not appear to be inecesdary. Ploase eliminate tho . or prbVide additional ' infbrmadoti•ae to vc+l}y it is nnces~my for this•i~roject ; - ~ . • : ^ This Office belie~a that the • labeled on the plans as. can be moved. or reooni4gtubd to avoid tho ~~ to tho . • . Pleesp revise the plans to avid thq impacts. .. . .. []• • T]iis'Oflice be}iovoe~ that the . .labeled on tho pleas ss•_._ cea be movod or roosn$gured to-~nittiroize the iri~paots tp tho . . Pleaso rovlso the plane to minimize tho impaote. . • .. • [] The stormwaterdischarges -ai the location oli the plena labeled will.not provide difl~so flow t>lrough the buifar because ' . • ~ , Please sev}se the plane sad provIdo oalculstione tm •show @~at di~ae'flow will be achieved nhrough the entlrebuifnr. )fit • is not possible to achiovadiftUse flove~ thmugh.the entire buifer'then it may bs neoesearyto provide stormwater managemGat ' - pracdoes that remove nutrients :bore the stormwater can bo discharged through. t>~e• baffa•. • . . Other ~ i •• , .. . . ^•. The applioe#ion fad was insuf6ci~t~beoawse over 150 foot of stroam ~d/or.ovor 1 aaro o#`watland'impacta ware requostod. Pleaso . . . provide ~ ~ ,' 'This additional fee must ba rocedve¢ before your application can be reviowed. ' ' . • ^ Please comploto Section(s) on theapplication. - ~ . •. . ~ ^ Pleaseprovide s signed Dopy of the application.' . ^ . Pleasoprovide' ~ .copies of the implication, . copies of•the sitapliias and other supporting information: f _ (] • Pleasasubrait eleotronlc CAD Sles showing ;•via einaid to iaa.momillan®nomdil,net and CDr • • Mitigation • . ~ . ' ^ of compensatory mitigation ie required for this proj6ot. `Pleaso provide'a cpmponsatoiY mitigation plan. The plan must conform•to tharequireanenta in 15 A NCAC 2Ii :OSOO~and moat be appropriato to the typeof Impacts propose. ' ^ Please indicate~whi,ch•404 Permit tho USACE would use m authorize this project. ~ . ~ ~ '