HomeMy WebLinkAbout20120053 Ver 1_More Info Received_20120530I9, -1) ID 53 Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA 11010 Raven Ridge Road Raleigh, North Carolina 27614 Phone (919) 846 -5900 Fax (919) 846 -9467 www SandEC com May 29 2012 S &EC Project # 11762 To US Army Corps of Engineers Asheville Regulatory Field Office Attn Mr Steve Kichefski 151 Patton Avenue Room 208 Asheville North Carolina 28801 N C Division of Water Quality WebSCaPe Attn Ms Karen Higgins 512 N Salisbury Street 9t' floor Raleigh NC 27603 From Soil & Environmental Consultants P A Attn Wendell Overby 11010 Raven Ridge Road Raleigh NC 27614 Re CAROLINA GOLF LODGE — PUBLIC NOTICE RESPONSES INDIVIDUAL PERMIT APPLICATION U S Army Corps of Engineers Action ID No 2012 00482 Dear Mr Kichefski and Ms Higgins U 7MAY3aza? 1 On behalf of the owner Dillon Lakes LLC we are hereby providing additional information in response to comments received during the Public Notice period This additional information is an amendment to our existing Individual Permit application under review by both the USACE (Action ID No 2012 00482) and DWQ (DWQ Project #12 0053) for the proposed Carolina Golf Lodge project PUBLIC NOTICE The USACE Public Notice was issued on March 29 2012 The comment period for this Public Noticed expired on April 12 2012 The USACE received written comments from the U S Fish and Wildlife Services (USFWS) dated April 9 2012 N C Wildlife Resources Commission (WRC) dated April 2012 (see attached) and an Attorney in Fact representing Myrtle M Page 1 of 5 Carolina Golf Lodge — Individual Permit Additional Information May 29 2012 S &EC PA 11762 Cochrane dated April 25 2012 (see attached) Written comments were also submitted by the North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources (DCR) and the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) The DCR and NMF had no objection or no comment on the project No other written comments were received as of the expiration of the comment period ADDITIONAL INFORMATION USACE May 14, 2012 Letter (attached) The USACE requested responses to three comment letters received either prior to or shortly after the close of the comment period including the aforementioned USFWS WRC and Attorney in Fact for Myrtle M Cochrane USFWS April 9, 2012 Letter (attached) The April 2012 letter from the USFWS is summarized by the USACE as having 2 main concerns including 1) habitat for the federally endangered Schweinitz s sunflower (Helianthus schweinitzii) and 2) potential direct and indirect impacts the project could have on aquatic resources that occur on the site The USFWS provided recommendations to minimize impacts including 1) controlling stormwater in a manner to mimic the pre construction hydrology of the site 2) preserving and/or restoring forested riparian buffers 3) installing and maintaining stringent sediment/erosion control 4) rrummization and careful installation of utility lines and 5) proper operation and maintenance of equipment 1 Schweinitz s sunflower habitat A survey for the Schweinitz s sunflower (Helianthus schweinazu) has not been performed within project boundaries As documented in the USFWS letter the plant is difficult to identify especially outside the flowering season of late August to October As part of the applicant s due diligence efforts S &EC reviewed data available from the Natural Heritage Program (NHP) on February 8 2012 regardmg the presence of Schweinitz s sunflower on the project site Based on S &EC s review of the NHP data no occurrence of Schweinitz s sunflower is listed within 5 miles of Carolina Golf Lodge Suitable habitat for Helianthus schweinitzu includes field roadsides and open woodland areas According to the USFWS the plant occurs in relatively open habitats road power line and other maintained rights of way early successional fields forest ecotonal margins forest cleanngs etc The USFWS letter further provides Helianthus schweinitzu occurs on soils characterized as moist to dryish clays clay loams or sandy clay loams Carolina Golf Lodge like most rural parcels in Mecklenburg County contains clay based soils with field edges forest clearings and rights of way Based on the generic habitat requirements flowering season period and lack of known occurrences within 5 miles of the site we believe that a survey for Helianthus schwinitzu should not be required 2 Direct and Indirect Impacts to Aquatic Resources The applicant has made every attempt to minimize impacts to wetland streams and open waters on site while still maintaining a viable project and meeting the project purpose as Page 2 of 5 Carolina Golf Lodge — Individual Permit Additional Information May 29 2012 S &EC PA 11762 described in the original application package Alternative project designs were evaluated to determine which alternative accomplishes the project purpose with the least adverse impact on the aquatic ecosystem No stream impacts are proposed for the project and impacted features are man made in origin (e g pond and drained pond wetlands) Furthermore the applicant will mitigate for permanent losses to wetlands via payment to the NC Ecosystem Enhancement Program (EEP) 1 Stormwater Management Carolina Golf Lodge will require a grading perrrut for construction A stormwater management plan is also required by local and state agencies with the City of Charlotte to review and approve finalized plans The proposed stormwater plan will be designed per current DWQ Best Management Practices Manual to remove 85% Total Suspended Solids (TSS) for impervious areas Operation and maintenance agreements will be required for SMP approval A final SMP will be provided to NC DWQ prior to commencement of approved impacts to jurisdictional waters We do not anticipate any negative downstream water quality or flooding impacts associated with stormwater runoff from the site and in fact believe this project has the potential to improve the current downstream water quality with the installation of appropriate stormwater BMPs In addition to the water quality aspects the stormwater pond will detain stormwater so that the post development peak flows for the 10 and 25 year storm mimics the pre development conditions In other words the post development hydrology will mimic the pre development conditions 2 Riparian Buffers If the latest Exhibit A - Preferred Alternative (attached) is accepted by the USACE then the applicant will maintain 188 acres of wetlands 1 030 feet of streams and 0 33 acres of open waters on site protected in a declaration of conservation Additionally there are no plans by the applicant to impact wetland #1 ( 111 acres) and Pond C (5 08 acres) In addition to conserving jurisdictional features the configuration of Carolina Golf Lodge will result in undisturbed areas (e g riparian buffers) adjacent to streams #1 and #2 3 Erosion and Sediment Control In order to obtain a grading permit for construction Carolina Golf Lodge will follow erosion and sediment control plans required by the City of Charlotte under the North Carolina Sediment Control Law These plans will incorporate requirements set by the City of Charlotte regarding use and installation of silt fence use of skimmers to dewater sediment ponds from the top and the timely establishment of vegetation on disturbed areas The project will obtain an approved erosion control plan from the City and maintain the plan throughout construction The City of Charlotte is an NC DWQ locally delegated authority for erosion and sediment control approval Page 3 of 5 Carolina Golf Lodge — Individual Pernut May 29 2012 Additional Information S &EC PA 11762 4 Installation of Utility Lines The applicant will take all precautions to keep utility lines outside jurisdictional Waters and riparian buffers 5 Equipment Operation and Maintenance Fueling operations will be conducted outside of the npanan/conservation areas and away from Waters Equipment will be kept out of streams and Waters WRC April 9, 2012 Letter (attached) The WRC provided four recommendations to the USACE 1 Maintaining native forested buffers along streams and wetlands If the latest Exhibit A — Preferred Alternative (attached) is accepted by the USACE then the applicant will maintain 188 acres of wetlands 1 030 feet of streams and 0 33 acres of open waters on site protected in a declaration of conservation Additionally there are no plans by the applicant to impact wetland #1 ( 111 acres) and Pond C (5 08 acres) In addition to conserving jurisdictional features the configuration of Carolina Golf Lodge will result in undisturbed areas (e g riparian buffers) adjacent to streams #1 and #2 2 Limiting Fertilizers and Pesticides / Stormwater and Irrigation Runoff The Carolina Golf Lodge will use fertilizers on the greens and fairways to establish and maintain course grass Fertilizers and pesticides will not be used in riparian buffers and Waters Drains underlying course greens will not be discharged directly to Waters Algae blooms will be controlled through low phosphorus inputs of not more than 1 pound annually applied and slow release low soluble fertilizers to minimize nutrient runoff to surface waters 3 Planting Native Buffers Around Stormwater or Golf Course Ponds Where practical the applicant will plant native vegetation around stormwater facilities and on site ponds Stormwater management plans will be designed to meet or exceed current DWQ BMP requirements 4 Sediment and Erosion Control Measures In order to obtain a gradmg permit for construction Carolma Golf Lodge will follow erosion and sediment control plans required by the City of Charlotte under the North Carolina Sediment Control Law These plans will incorporate requirements set by the City of Charlotte regarding use and installation of silt fence use of skimmers to dewater sediment ponds from the top and the timely establishment of vegetation on disturbed areas The project will obtain an approved erosion control plan from the City and maintain the plan through out construction The City of Charlotte is an NC DWQ locally delegated authority for erosion and sediment control approval Page 4 of 5 Carolina Golf Lodge — Individual Perirut May 29 2012 Additional Information S &EC PA 11762 Myrtle M Cochrane April 25, 2012 Letter (attached) A letter from Mrs Myrtle M Cochrane s Attorney in Fact was received by the USACE on April 30 2012 after the public notice comment period The letter expressed Mrs Cochrane s concern over the potential impact of Carolina Golf Lodge on drainage and runoff affecting her property In addition the letter expressed concern over any negative affects Carolina Golf Lodge may have regarding Mrs Cochrane s ability to sell her property Mrs Cochrane s property is located at the northeast corner of the Carolina Golf Lodge (see attached Mecklenburg County GIS map) Mrs Cochrane s property occurs uphill and more importantly upstream of the subject property The stream on Mrs Cochrane s property flows into the largest open water (Pond C) on Carolina Golf Lodge No changes of pre development water levels to Pond C are expected for the proposed development As a result drainage and runoff will not be affected on Mrs Cochrane s property It is our opinion that construction of a world class golf training facility will not negatively affect the ability of Mrs Cochrane to sell her property CONCLUSION It is our understanding that this additional information will provide you all of the information required for you to continue the review of this permit application Please contact us if you require any information beyond what has been provided in this response We appreciate your review and comments Sincerely Soil & Environmental Consultants PA W 014, W Wendell Overby NC Licensed Soil S entist NC Registered Forester Attachments Exhibit A Preferred Alternative" Site Plan USACE May 14, 2012 Letter USFWS April 9, 2012 Letter WRC April 9, 2012 Letter Myrtle M Cochrane April 25, 2012 Letter Mecklenburg County `Polaris' GIS Map Page 5 of 5 ! If j ff � t 1 f �J t I ! 1 ! ! N / r P j 40 � r-- -v CMD 0 u° ro / f N �- N L �m1 m > r D Z � u GE2SCIENCE GROUP I Wra ed M 25203 r1 Scale Ref �\ v O �� I f r O ^ ^� EXHIBIT A r-r-r-r- Ln Bulletin No T g MM DD D _J i PREFERRED ALTERNATIVE 32612 K ZZZZ M / o m poop < N 0,(1 D C) N� V ?WN 0 ? m W N V D 00 m w m0, 0000 Fj N °u 1 F1 n 0 0) Z z O N N O D d00 z 0 � 01(p 0 V U1 on co >>>> C) C) n C) m r _ z u S�a2 S 08 V \ 408 m _ f m I Z N a V v a SO 57 00 V 223 D Z I H ��u P I � S21 OS �, 7S8 v B)7 GE2SCIENCE GROUP I Wra ed M 25203 M r- r Z D p Z O � � V D 3 Project CAROLINA GOLF LODGE Drawing Scale Ref O mm v O �� mmmm M p �� D Zo EXHIBIT A r-r-r-r- Ln Bulletin No No MM DD DDDD m D 00 PREFERRED ALTERNATIVE 32612 K ZZZZ M o m poop < N 0,(1 D C) N� V ?WN 0 ? m W N V D 00 m w m0, 0000 fN N D VW 0000 m n 0 0) 0 -n 7 O N N O D � 01(p 0 V U1 on >>>> C) C) n C) M r- r Z D p Z O � � V D 3 Project CAROLINA GOLF LODGE Drawing Scale Ref CHARLOTTE NORTH CAROLINA 1 =150 Geoscience Project EXHIBIT A Date Bulletin No No CH CV PREFERRED ALTERNATIVE 32612 May 14 2012 Regulatory Division Action ID SAW 2012 00482 Mr Jonathan B Jarrett Dillon Lakes LLC 817 Romany Road Charlotte North Carolina 28203 Dear Mr Jarrett Reference is made to the application of March 14 2012 for individual Department of the Array (DA) permit authorization to permanently impact impact 0 38 acres wetland and 2 44 acre of open water associated with the construction of a golf training facility in Charlotte, North Carolina. After review of your proposal, the United States Department of Interior Fish and Wildlife Services ( USFWS) submitted comments by letter dated April 9 2012 A copy of this letter is enclosed for your consideration and response Specifically the USFWS stated the following 1 Based on project location and pictures obtained from the Mecklenburg County GIS websnte there appears to be suitable habitat for the federally endangered Schweinntz s sunflower (Hehanthus sehweznztzzz) Unless the area has been specifically surveyed for this species, a survey should be conducted to ensure that tins species is not inadvertently lost 2 They also expressed concern about any potential direct and indirect impacts that tlus project could have on aquatic resources that occur on the site Therefore they recommend mmnrmzatzon of impacts through 1) controlling stormwater in a manner to mimic the pre construction hydrology of the site 2) preserving and/or restoring forested riparian buffers 3) installing and maintaining stringent sediment/erosion control 4) mi unuzation and careful installation of utility Imes 5) proper operation and maintenance of equipment Written comments were also received from the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (WRC) on April 2012 A copy of this correspondence is enclosed for your consideration and response Specifically the WRC offered recommendations should the permit be issued 1 Maintaining native forested buffers along streams and wetlands - 2 - 2 Limiting fertilizers and pesticides as well as managing the stormwater and irrigation runoff 3 Planting native buffers around stormwater or golf course ponds 4 Sediment and erosion control measures should be installed prior to any land clearing or construction These measures should be routinely inspected and properly maintained We received a comment letter from an Attorney in fact representing Myrtle M Cochrane an adjacent/area property owner in response to the PN advertising this project in this letter which was received after the comment period deadline concern was expressed over the development and its impact on the drainage and runoff affecting Mrs Cochrane's property Written comments stating no objection or no comment on the project were received from the North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources and the National Marine Fisheries Service While no response is necessary their correspondence is attached for your records Your response to the comments identified above must be given full consideration before we can make a final decision on your application We need your information to address the concerns /issues raised over the proposed project You may submit additional information, revise your plans to help resolve the issues rebut the issues made or request a decision based on the existing record We must hear from you within 30 days otherwise your application will be withdrawn If you have questions or comments please contact me at my Asheville Regulatory Field Office address telephone (828)-271 7980 ext 234 Sincerely FILENAME SAW 2012 00482 PN Comment Ltr Final docx /nw CESAW RG A/Kichefski/s MAIL CESAW RG A/file Steve Kichefski Regulatory Specialist Asheville Regulatory Field Office Enclosure Copies Furnished (without enclosure) Ms Karen Higgins North Carolina Division of Water Quality Wetlands Buffers Stormwater Compliance and Permitting Unit 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699 1650 - 3 - Mr Brian Cole Asheville Field Office U S Fish and Wildlife Service 160 Zillicoa Street Asheville North Carolina 28801 Jeffrey Garnett Wetlands and Marine Regulatory Section Water Protection Div Region 1V U S Environmental Protection Agency 61 Forsyth Street SW Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Ms Shan Bryant North Carolina Wildlife Resource Commission Piedmont Region Coordinator Habitat Conservation Program 1721 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699 1721 Mr Wendell Overby Soil & Environmental Consultants PA 11010 Raven Ridge Road Raleigh, North Carolina 27614 United States Department of the Interior FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Asheville Field Office 160 Zillicoa Street Asheville North C-irohna28801 April 9 2012 Mr Steve Kichefski US Army Corps of Engineers Asheville Regulatory Field Office 151 Patton Avenue Room 208 Asheville North Carolina 28801 Dear Mr Kichefski This is the report of the U S Fish and Wildhfe Service and the Department of the Interior on the U S Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) public notice (PN)(SAW -2012 00482) of an application for an individual permit submitted by Mr Jonathan B Jarrett of Dillon Lakes LLC represented by Mr Wendell Overby of Soil & Environmental Consultants Information for this report is based on a review of the public notice issued by the Corps This report is submitted in accordance with the provisions of the Fish and Wildhfe Coordination Act as amended (16 U S C 661 667e) the National Environmental Policy Act (42 U S C §4321 et seq ), the Clean Water Act (33 U S C § 1251 et seq ) and section 7 of the Endangered Species Act of 1973 as amended (16 U S C 1531 1543) (Act) Project Description According to the information provided, the purpose of the project is to construct a comprehensive and integrated golf training facility The project consists of constructing a clubhouse two cottages putting greens parking area storm water facilities and associated infrastructure The design of the golf tranung facility will include short game and dnvmg ranges areas along with (3) par three holes Aquatic impacts to wetlands and an open water /pond are proposed for the project Total aquatic impacts associated with the project include 0 38 acre of wetland and 2 44 acres of open water No stream impacts are proposed for this project Federally Listed Species — Based on the project location and pictures obtained from the Mecklenburg County GIS web site there appears to be suitable habitat for the federally endangered Schwemitz s sunflower (Helianthus schweinatzit) This plant has been found in close proximity to the project site The project site contains a field, roadsides and open woodland areas all of which are suitable habitat for Schweinitz's sunflower Schweinrtz s sunflower occurs in relatively open habitats road, power line, and other maintained rights of way early successional fields forest ecotonal margins, forest clearings etc The species thrives in full sun but also grows in the light shade of open stands of oak pine hickory Schweuntz s sunflower generally occurs on soils characterized as moist to dryish clays clay loams or sandy clay loams that often have high gravel content The PN did not indicate whether surveys have been conducted for this plant species within the project impact area. Unless an area has been specifically surveyed for this species a survey should be conducted to ensure that this species is not inadvertently lost Schweuutz s sunflower is difficult to identify at any time, but even more so outside the flowering season of late August to October so we recommend that surveys for this species be conducted during this period In accordance with the Act it is the responsibility of the appropriate federal agency or its designated representative to review its activities or programs and to identify any such activities or programs that may affect endangered or threatened species or their habitats If it is determined that the proposed activity may adversely affect any species federally listed as endangered or threatened, formal consultation with this office must be initiated Fish and Wildlife Resources — We are concerned about any potential direct and indirect impacts that this project could have on aquatic resources that occur on the site It is unportant that you minimize or avoid impacts to the aquatic resources located on the property According to the 404 (b)(1) guidelines no discharge or fill material shall be permitted in streams or wetlands if there is a practicable alternative to the proposed discharge that would have less adverse impacts on the aquatic ecosystem (40 CFR 230 10), therefore we recommend the following measures to help minimize project impacts Control storm water in a manner that will mimic the pre construction hydrology of the project site We recommend the use of grassed swales in place of curb and gutter and on site storm water management (i e bioretentmon areas) that will result in no net change in the hydrology of the watershed All storm water outlets should drain through a vegetated upland area prior to reaching any stream or wetland area Sufficient retention designs should be implemented to allow for the slow discharge of storm water attenuating the potential adverse effects of storm water surges thermal spikes and sediment, nutrient and chemical discharges 2 Preserve and/or restore forested riparian buffers Given the close proximity of this project to aquatic resources and the increase of impervious surfaces that will occur as a result of the development we are concerned about the loss and lack of riparian buffers Forested riparian buffers, a minimum of 100 feet wide along perennial streams and 50 feet wide along intermittent streams should be created and/or maintained along all aquatic areas Riparian buffers provide travel corridors and habitat for wildlife displaced by development In addition, riparian buffers protect water quality by stabilizing stream banks filtering storm water runoff and providing habitat for aquatic and fisheries resources E 3 Install and maintain stringent measures to control erosion and sediment in order to prevent unnecessary impacts to aquatic resources within and downstream of the project site Disturbed areas should be reseeded with native annual small grams that are appropriate for the season Fescue based mixtures should be avoided If riparian vegetation is removed during construction activities along streams we strongly recommend that native riparian vegetation (including sedges grasses and rushes as well as native woody species) in lieu of traditional hard treatments such as nprap, be used to stabilize the stream banks and to restore the riparian vegetation Biodegradable erosion control matting should be used in conjunction with appropriate seeding on disturbed soils in riparian areas Matting should be secured in place with staples stakes or live stakes of native trees (whenever possible) Perimeter erosion control devices should be installed prior to any on the ground activities Frequent maintenance of these devices is critical to their proper function in order to minimize sediment discharge from the project site Frequent maintenance of these devices is critical to their proper function in order to minimize sediment discharge from the project site Perimeter erosion control devices should be installed prior to any on the ground activities 4 Install utility lines (i e , sewer gas water) outside the above recommended buffer widths All utility crossings should be kept to a muumum and all utility infrastructure should be kept out of riparian buffer areas The directional bore stream crossing method (installation of utilities beneath the riverbed avoiding impacts to the stream and buffer) should be used for utility crossings Manholes or similar access structures should not be allowed within buffer areas Stream crossings should be near perpendicular to stream flow and should be monitored at least every 3 months for maintenance needs during the first 24 months of the project and annually thereafter Sewer lines associated with crossing areas should be maintained and operated at all tunes to prevent discharges to land or surface waters In circumstances where minimum setbacks cannot be attained sewer lines shall be constructed of ductile iron or a substance of equal durability S Keep equipment out of streams by operating from the banks in a fashion that minimizes disturbance to woody vegetation Equipment should be inspected daily and should be maintained to prevent the contamination of surface waters from leaking fuels lubricants hydraulic fluids or other toxic materials All fuels lubricants and other toxic materials should be stored outside the riparian management area of the stream, in a location where the material can be contained Equipment should be checked for leaks of hydraulic fluids, cooling system liquids and fuel and should be cleaned before fording any stream Also all fueling operations should be accomplished outside the riparian management area. We appreciate the opportunity to provide these comments If we can be of assistance or if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact Mr Bryan Tompkins of our staff at 828/258 3939 Ext 240 In any future correspondence concerning this project, please reference our Log Number 4 2 12 132 Sincerely original signed Brian P Cole Field Supervisor 4 Ks�zl North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission Gordon Myers Executive Director MEMORANDUM TO Steve Kichefski, Asheville Regulatory Field Office U S Army Corps of Engineers FROM Shan L Bryant Piedmont Region Coordinator Habitat Conservation Program DATE 9 April 2012 SUBJECT Public Notice for Dillon Lakes LLC for Construction of a Carolina Golf Lodge Charlotte Mecklenburg County North Carolina Corps Action ID # SAW 2012 00482 Biologists with the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC) have reviewed the subject document Our comments are provided in accordance with provisions of the Clean Water Act of 1977 (as amended) Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (48 Stat 401 as amended 16 U S C 661 667e) and North Carolina General Statutes (G S 113 131 et seq ) The applicant proposes to permanently impact 0 38 acres of wetlands and 2 44 acres of open water to construct a golf training facility including a clubhouse two cottages putting green parking area stormwater facilities and other associated infrastructure The purpose of the project is to construct a comprehensive and integrated golf training facility Mitigation for the project includes payment into the N C Ecosystem Enhancement Program and preservation of the remainin g jurisdictional features including 0 188 acres of wetlands 0 33 acres of open water and 1 030 Imear feet of stream channel by declaration of conservation The project site drams to an unnamed tributary to Irwins Creek in the Catawba River Basin. According to the Public Notice the proposed wetland impacts would occur to features that formed after two ponds were drained in 2003 and the open water impacts would occur to a man made feature No stream impacts are proposed for the project Should the permit be issued, we offer the following recommendations to min,mi e impacts to aquatic and terrestrial wildlife resources 1 Maintain a minimum 100 foot undisturbed native forested buffer along each side of perennial streams and 50 foot undisturbed, native forested buffer along each side of intermittent streams and wetlands Riparian buffers provide habitat areas for aquatic and terrestrial wildlife species and travel corridors for terrestrial wildlife In addition riparian buffers protect water quality by stabilizing stream banks and filtering stormwater runoff MaiItng Address Division of Inland Fisheries 1721 Mail Service Center Raleigh NC 27699 1721 Telephone (919) 707 0220 Fax (919) 707 0028 Page 2 9 April 2012 Carolina Golf Lodge Corps Action ID No SAW 2012 00482 2 Limit application of fertilizers and pesticides within riparian buffers and use non chemical control measures wherever possible Stormwater and irrigation runoff from greens and tees should be retained and not be allowed to discharge directly to surface waters Constructing wetlands near greens and tees may be helpful in treating runoff pollutants such as fertilizers and pesticides 3 Where feasible native trees and shrubs should be planted around stormwater or golf course ponds to provide avian and terrestrial habitat and to reduce exposure of the water surface to sunlight These should provide habitat benefits that could offset those functions lost by development partially restore aquatic habitats reduce exposure of the water surface to sunlight thereby minimizing thermal pollution and provide essential summer and winter habitats 4 Sediment and erosion control measures should be installed prior to any land clearing or construction These measures should be routinely inspected and properly maintained Excessive silt and sediment loads can have numerous detrimental effects on aquatic resources including destruction of spawning habitat suffocation of eggs and clogging of gills of aquatic species Thank you for the opportunity to comment on tins project If we can provide further assistance please contact our office at (336) 449 7625 or share bUant ,ncwnldlnfe org ec Alan Johnson, NCDWQ April 25 2012 Steve Kichefski Aop o 0 2012 Corps of Engineers Asheville Regulatory Field Office 151 Patton Avenue Room 208 Asheville NC 28801 5006 Mr Kichefski I have lust received the Public Notice (Action# SAW 2012 00482) regarding the application from Mr Jonathan B Jarrett for construction of a golf training facility in Charlotte N C The issue date was March 29 the deadline was April 12 and I received it April 9 consequently I have not had adequate time to respond and this response is late I am the Attorney in Fact for Mrs W E Cochrane owner the property which adjoins the property in question at its northeast corner We would like to express our concern over the development and its impact on the drainage and runoff affecting Mrs Cochrane s property The property is currently on the market and she cannot afford to be adversely affected by the project. Has a hearing been requested regarding the development and if so I would like the details so I might attend If there are any additional findings or impact statements I would like copies of those I await your reply Cyrus S Hapgood Attorney in Fact for Myrtle M Cochrane Mecklenburg County NC POLARIS Page 1 of 1 pecklenburg County North CarolinaW POLARIS - - -- — Property Ownership Land Records Information System — — Date Printed. Mon May 211547-55 EDT 2012 Cochrane Property, �'.,1� ('I r( `ter `r i r gr"t a Y Thy._ is .mmap prepared for the irnentory of real property wth�n Mecldenburg County and s compiled from recorded deeds plats tax maps surveys II" 'tric maps and other public records and data Users of thrs map are hereby notfied that the aforementioned public pnrr�ry mfomra6on ,sources should be consulted for verficatron Mecldenburg Courtly and is mapprng contractors assume no legal responsib�Gty for the mformahon ,contained herein _ http //polans mecklenburgcountync gov/servlet/comesn esnmap Esnmap ?ServiceName= 5/21/2012 Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA 11010 Raven Ridge Road Raleigh, North Carolina 27614 Phone (919) 846 -5900 Fax (919) 846 -9467 www SandEC coin May 29 2012 S &EC Project # 11762 To US Army Corps of Engineers Asheville Regulatory Field Office Attn Mr Steve Kichefski 151 Patton Avenue Room 208 Asheville North Carolina 28801 N C Division of Water Quality WebSCaPe Attn Ms Karen Higgins 512 N Salisbury Street 9a' floor Raleigh NC 27603 From Soil & Environmental Consultants P A Attn Wendell Overby 11010 Raven Ridge Road Raleigh NC 27614 Re CAROLINA GOLF LODGE — PUBLIC NOTICE RESPONSES INDIVIDUAL PERMIT APPLICATION U S Army Corps of Engineers Action ID No 2012 00482 Dear Mr Kichefski and Ms Higgins On behalf of the owner Dillon Lakes LLC we are hereby providing additional information in response to comments received during the Public Notice period This additional information is an amendment to our existing Individual Permit application under review by both the USACE (Action ID No 2012 00482) and DWQ (DWQ Project #12 0053) for the proposed Carolina Golf Lodge project PUBLIC NOTICE The USACE Public Notice was issued on March 29 2012 The comment period for this Public Noticed expired on Apnl 12 2012 The USACE received written comments from the U S Fish and Wildlife Services (USFWS) dated April 2012 N C Wildlife Resources Commission (WRC) dated April 9 2012 (see attached) and an Attorney in Fact representing Myrtle M Page 1 of 5 Carolina Golf Lodge — Individual Permit Additional Information May 29 2012 S &EC PA 11762 Cochrane dated April 25 2012 (see attached) Written comments were also submitted by the North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources (DCR) and the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) The DCR and NMF had no objection or no comment on the project No other written comments were received as of the expiration of the comment period ADDITIONAL INFORMATION USACE May 14, 2012 Letter (attached) The USACE requested responses to three comment letters received either prior to or shortly after the close of the comment period including the aforementioned USFWS WRC and Attorney in Fact for Myrtle M Cochrane USFWS Apn19, 2012 Letter (attached) The April 2012 letter from the USFWS is summarized by the USACE as having 2 main concerns including 1) habitat for the federally endangered Schweinitz s sunflower (Helianthus schweinitzn) and 2) potential direct and indirect impacts the project could have on aquatic resources that occur on the site The USFWS provided recommendations to minimize impacts including 1) controlling stormwater in a manner to miinic the pre construction hydrology of the site 2) preserving and/or restoring forested riparian buffers 3) installing and maintaining stringent sediment/erosion control 4) mimmization and careful installation of utility lines and 5) proper operation and maintenance of equipment 1 Schweinitz s sunflower habitat A survey for the Schweinitz s sunflower (Helianthus schweinitzii) has not been performed within project boundaries As documented in the USFWS letter the plant is difficult to identify especially outside the flowering season of late August to October As part of the applicant s due diligence efforts S &EC reviewed data available from the Natural Hentage Program (NHP) on February 8 2012 regarding the presence of Schweinitz s sunflower on the project site Based on S &EC s review of the NHP data no occurrence of Schweinitz s sunflower is listed within 5 miles of Carolina Golf Lodge Suitable habitat for Helianthus schweinitzit includes field roadsides and open woodland areas According to the USFWS the plant occurs in relatively open habitats road power line and other maintained nghts of way early successional fields forest ecotonal margins forest clearings etc The USFWS letter further provides Helianthus schwetnitzit occurs on soils characterized as moist to dryish clays clay loams or sandy clay loams Carolina Golf Lodge like most rural parcels in Mecklenburg County contains clay based soils with field edges forest clearings and nghts of way Based on the generic habitat requirements flowering season period and lack of known occurrences within 5 miles of the site we believe that a survey for Helianthus schwinttzit should not be required 2 Direct and Indirect Impacts to Aquatic Resources The applicant has made every attempt to minimize impacts to wetland streams and open waters on site while still maintaining a viable project and meeting the project purpose as Page 2 of 5 Carolina Golf Lodge — Individual Permit Additional Information May 29 2012 S &EC PA 11762 described in the original application package Alternative project designs were evaluated to determine which alternative accomplishes the project purpose with the least adverse impact on the aquatic ecosystem No stream impacts are proposed for the project and impacted features are man made in ongm (e g pond and drained pond wetlands) Furthermore the applicant will mitigate for permanent losses to wetlands via payment to the NC Ecosystem Enhancement Program (EEP) 1 Stormwater Management Carolina Golf Lodge will require a grading permit for construction A stormwater management plan is also required by local and state agencies with the City of Charlotte to review and approve finalized plans The proposed stormwater plan will be designed per current DWQ Best Management Practices Manual to remove 85% Total Suspended Solids (TSS) for impervious areas Operation and maintenance agreements will be required for SMP approval A final SMP will be provided to NC DWQ prior to commencement of approved impacts to jurisdictional waters We do not anticipate any negative downstream water quality or flooding impacts associated with stormwater runoff from the site and in fact believe this project has the potential to improve the current downstream water quality with the installation of appropnate stormwater BMPs In addition to the water quality aspects the stormwater pond will detain stormwater so that the post development peak flows for the 10 and 25 year storm mimics the pre development conditions In other words the post development hydrology will mumc the pre development conditions 2 Riparian Buffers If the latest Exhibit A — Preferred Alternative (attached) is accepted by the USACE then the applicant will maintain 188 acres of wetlands 1 030 feet of streams and 0 33 acres of open waters on site protected in a declaration of conservation Additionally there are no plans by the applicant to impact wetland #1 ( 111 acres) and Pond C (5 08 acres) In addition to conserving jurisdictional features the configuration of Carolina Golf Lodge will result in undisturbed areas (e g riparian buffers) adjacent to streams #1 and #2 3 Erosion and Sediment Control In order to obtain a grading permit for construction Carolina Golf Lodge will follow erosion and sediment control plans required by the City of Charlotte under the North Carolina Sediment Control Law These plans will incorporate requirements set by the City of Charlotte regarding use and installation of silt fence use of skimmers to dewater sediment ponds from the top and the timely establishment of vegetation on disturbed areas The project will obtain an approved erosion control plan from the City and maintain the plan throughout construction The City of Charlotte is an NC DWQ locally delegated authority for erosion and sediment control approval Page 3 of 5 Carolina Golf Lodge — Individual Permit Additional Information 4 Installation of Utility Lines May 29 2012 S &EC PA 11762 The applicant will take all precautions to keep utility lines outside jurisdictional Waters and riparian buffers 5 Equipment Operation and Maintenance Fueling operations will be conducted outside of the npanan/conservation areas and away from Waters Equipment will be kept out of streams and Waters WRC April 9, 2012 Letter (attached) The WRC provided four recommendations to the USACE 1 Maintaining native forested buffers along streams and wetlands If the latest Exhibit A — Preferred Alternative (attached) is accepted by the USACE then the applicant will maintain 188 acres of wetlands 1 030 feet of streams and 0 33 acres of open waters on site protected in a declaration of conservation Additionally there are no plans by the applicant to impact wetland #1 ( 111 acres) and Pond C (5 08 acres) In addition to conserving jurisdictional features the configuration of Carolina Golf Lodge will result in undisturbed areas (e g riparian buffers) adjacent to streams #1 and #2 2 Limiting Fertilizers and Pesticides / Stormwater and Irrigation Runoff The Carolina Golf Lodge will use fertilizers on the greens and fairways to establish and maintain course grass Fertilizers and pesticides will not be used in riparian buffers and Waters Drains underlying course greens will not be discharged directly to Waters Algae blooms will be controlled through low phosphorus inputs of not more than 1 pound annually applied and slow release low soluble fertilizers to minimize nutrient runoff to surface waters 3 Planting Native Buffers Around Stormwater or Golf Course Ponds Where practical the applicant will plant native vegetation around stormwater facilities and on site ponds Stormwater management plans will be designed to meet or exceed current DWQ BMP requirements 4 Sediment and Erosion Control Measures In order to obtain a grading permit for construction Carolina Golf Lodge will follow erosion and sediment control plans required by the City of Charlotte under the North Carolina Sediment Control Law These plans will incorporate requirements set by the City of Charlotte regarding use and installation of silt fence use of skimmers to dewater sediment ponds from the top and the timely establishment of vegetation on disturbed areas The project will obtain an approved erosion control plan from the City and maintain the plan through out construction The City of Charlotte is an NC DWQ locally delegated authority for erosion and sediment control approval Page 4 of 5 Carolina Golf Lodge — Individual Permit May 29 2012 Additional Information S &EC PA 11762 Myrtle M Cochrane April 25, 2012 Letter (attached) A letter from Mrs Myrtle M Cochrane s Attorney in Fact was received by the USACE on April 30 2012 after the public notice comment period The letter expressed Mrs Cochrane s concern over the potential impact of Carolina Golf Lodge on drainage and runoff affecting her property In addition the letter expressed concern over any negative affects Carolina Golf Lodge may have regarding Mrs Cochrane s ability to sell her property Mrs Cochrane s property is located at the northeast corner of the Carolina Golf Lodge (see attached Mecklenburg County GIS map) Mrs Cochrane s property occurs uphill and more importantly upstream of the subject property The stream on Mrs Cochrane s property flows into the largest open water (Pond C) on Carolina Golf Lodge No changes of pre development water levels to Pond C are expected for the proposed development As a result drainage and runoff will not be affected on Mrs Cochrane s property It is our opinion that construction of a world class golf training facility will not negatively affect the ability of Mrs Cochrane to sell her property CONCLUSION It is our understanding that this additional information will provide you all of the information required for you to continue the review of this permit application Please contact us if you require any information beyond what has been provided in this response We appreciate your review and comments Sincerely Soil & Environmental Consultants PA W 0,vW Wendell Overby NC Licensed Soil S entist NC Registered Forester Attachments Eadubit A Preferred Alternative" Site Plan USACE May 14, 2012 Letter USFWS April 9, 2012 Letter WRC April 9, 2012 Letter Myrtle M Cochrane April 25, 2012 Letter Mecklenburg County `Polaris' GIS Map Page 5 of 5 GEoSCIENCE GROUP I "ra ed �» 7" �o.eMas22 oa Drawing 7 f ow Ref O mm CHARLOTTE NORTH CAROLINA O X p D➢ > 0 1 J ! --q --q m rrrr N D � Z m0 N0 7 03 E DDDD m Z Z Z Z M CH CV W �� 32612 0000 < N 0) N D O N 7 72358 ? W N V D -4. 0 0 m W 0 0 0000 x N D � P V W D CD) 0W m -0 mm 0(0T r-J0 DD N 7174 mmc0 V U1 nC) Do 0 DDDD \~ X C) n C) C) ! tr�3j0 ZY D Om ac 7 7 � � 0 j ® \ N m D m r 7 z l r i W 7 a m � N O Z 0 D / �. �r z 1SI rv•�i .K D O ,y c I 7 r ZO O 200 Z� 0 x N co o Ln 1 a 00 O 0 0 r � Sp2 3 3+\ 6� \ / \ OB V \ 08 M y? F9a � a Im D o N M >N \ ✓ D C3 v SO 5700 W 223 2 \ Z O I H \ I P Og V X58 v 61;66 \ I GEoSCIENCE GROUP I "ra ed �» 7" �o.eMas22 oa D Z Z O .4z � V A U) D Project CAROLINA GOLF LODGE Drawing O ow Ref O mm CHARLOTTE NORTH CAROLINA O X p D➢ > 0 mx MM --q --q m rrrr N D � Z m0 DD DDDD m Z Z Z Z M CH CV W �� 32612 0000 < N 0) N D O N Y A W N O ? W N V D -4. 0 0 m W 0 0 0000 x N D � V W D CD) 0W n mm 0(0T r-J0 DD 7174 mmc0 V U1 nC) DDDD C) n C) C) D Z Z O .4z � V A U) D Project CAROLINA GOLF LODGE Drawing Scale Ref CHARLOTTE NORTH CAROLINA 1 =150 Geoscience Project EXHIBIT A Date Bulletin No No CH CV PREFERRED ALTERNATIVE 32612 May 14 2012 Regulatory Division Action ID SAW 2012 00482 Mr Jonathan B Jarrett Dillon Lakes LLC 817 Romany Road Charlotte North Carolina 28203 Dear Mr Jarrett Reference is made to the application of March 14 2012 for individual Department of the Army (DA) permit authorization to permanently impact impact 0 38 acres wetland and 2 44 acre of open water associated with the construction of a golf trasmng facility in Charlotte North Carolina. After review of your proposal the United States Department of Interior Fish and Wildlife Services ( USFWS) submitted comments by letter dated April 9 2012 A copy of this letter is enclosed for your consideration and response Specifically the USFWS stated the following 1 Based on project location and pictures obtained from the Mecklenburg County GIS websnte there appears to be suitable habitat for the federally endangered Schweinntz s sunflower (Hehanthus schweinatzzi) Unless the area has been specifically surveyed for this species a survey should be conducted to ensure that this species is not inadvertently lost 2 They also expressed concern about any potential direct and indirect impacts that this project could have on aquatic resources that occur on the site Therefore they recommend minimization of impacts through 1) controlling stormwater in a manner to mmmic the pre construction hydrology of the site 2) preserving and/or restoring forested riparian buffers 3) installing and maintaining stringent sediment/erosion control 4) mnmmnzatnon and careful installation of utility lines S) proper operation and maintenance of equipment Written comments were also received from the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (WRC) on April 9 2012 A copy of this correspondence is enclosed for your consideration and response Specifically the WRC offered recommendations should the permit be issued 1 Maintaining native forested buffers along streams and wetlands - 2 - 2 Limiting fertilizers and pesticides as well as managing the stormwater and irrigation runoff 3 Planting native buffers around stormwater or golf course ponds 4 Sediment and erosion control measures should be installed prior to any land clearing or construction These measures should be routinely inspected and properly maintained We received a comment letter from an Attorney in fact representing Myrtle M Cochrane an adjacent/area property owner in response to the PN advertising this project In this letter which was received after the comment period deadline concern was expressed over the development and its impact on the drainage and runoff affecting Mrs Cochrane s property Written comments stating no objection or no comment on the project were received from the North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources and the National Marine Fisheries Service While no response is necessary their correspondence is attached for your records Your response to the comments identified above must be given full consideration before we can make a final decision on your application We need your information to address the concerns /issues raised over the proposed project You may submit additional information, revise your plans to help resolve the issues rebut the issues made or request a decision based on the existing record We must hear from you within 30 days otherwise your application will be withdrawn If you have questions or comments please contact me at my Asheville Regulatory Field Office address telephone (828) 271 7980 ext 234 Sincerely FILENAME SAW 2012 00482 PN Comment Ltr Final docx /nw CESAW RG A/Kichefskn /s MAIL CESAW RG A/file Steve Knchefskn Regulatory Specialist Asheville Regulatory Field Office Enclosure Copies Furnished (without enclosure) Ms Karen Higgins North Carolina Division of Water Quality Wetlands Buffers Stormwater Compliance and Permitting Unit 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699 1650 - 3 - Mr Brian Cole Asheville Field Office U S Fish and Wildlife Service 160 Zillicoa Street Asheville, North Carolina 28801 Jeffrey Garnett Wetlands and Marine Regulatory Section Water Protection Div Region IV U S Environmental Protection Agency 61 Forsyth Street SW Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Ms Shan Bryant North Carolina Wildlife Resource Commission Piedmont Region Coordinator Habitat Conservation Program 1721 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699 1721 Mr Wendell Overby Soil & Environmental Consultants PA 11010 Raven Ridge Road Raleigh, North Carolina 27614 United States Department of the Interior FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Asheville Field Office 160 Zilhcoa Street Asheville North Carolina 28801 April 9 2012 Mr Steve Kichefski US Army Corps of Engineers Asheville Regulatory Field Office 151 Patton Avenue Room 208 Asheville North Carolina 28801 Dear Mr Kichefski This is the report of the U S Fish and Wildlife Service and the Department of the Interior on the U S Army Corps of Engmeers (Corps) public notice (PN)(SAW -2012 00482) of an application for an individual permit submitted by Mr Jonathan B Jarrett of Dillon Lakes LLC represented by Mr Wendell Overby of Soil & Environmental Consultants Information for this report is based on a review of the public notice issued by the Corps This report is submitted in accordance with the provisions of the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act as amended (16 U S C 661 667e) the National Environmental Policy Act (42 U S C §4321 et seq ) the Clean Water Act (33 U S C § 1251 et seq ) and section 7 of the Endangered Species Act of 1973 as amended (16 U S C 1531 1543) (Act) Project Description According to the information provided, the purpose of the project is to construct a comprehensive and integrated golf training facility The project consists of constructing a clubhouse two cottages putting greens parking area, storm water facilities and associated infrastructure The design of the golf training facility will include short game and driving ranges areas along with (3) par three holes Aquatic impacts to wetlands and an open water /pond are proposed for the project Total aquatic impacts associated with the project include 0 38 acre of wetland and 2 44 -acres of open water No stream impacts are proposed for this project Federally Listed Species — Based on the project location and pictures obtained from the Mecklenburg County GIS web site there appears to be suitable habitat for the federally endangered Schweinitz s sunflower (Hehanthus schweinatzit) This plant has been found in close proximity to the project site The project site contains a field roadsides and open woodland areas all of which are suitable habitat for Schweinitz s sunflower Schweinitz s sunflower occurs in relatively open habitats —road, power line and other maintained rights of way early successional fields forest ecotonal margins, forest clearings etc The species thrives in full sun but also grows in the light shade of open stands of oak pine hickory Schweimtz s sunflower generally occurs on soils characterized as moist to dryxsh clays clay loams or sandy clay foams that often have high gravel content The PN did not indicate whether surveys have been conducted for this plant species within the project impact area. Unless an area has been specifically surveyed for this species a survey should be conducted to ensure that this species is not inadvertently lost Schweimtz s sunflower is difficult to identify at any time but even more so outside the flowering season of late August to October so we recommend that surveys for this species be conducted during this period In accordance with the Act it is the responsibility of the appropriate federal agency or its designated representative to review its activities or programs and to identify any such activities or programs that may affect endangered or threatened species or their habitats If it is determined that the proposed activity may adversely affect any species federally listed as endangered or threatened formal consultation with this office must be mmated Fish and Wildlife Resources — We are concerned about any potential direct and indirect impacts that this project could have on aquatic resources that occur on the site It is important that you minimize or avoid impacts to the aquatic resources located on the property According to the 404 (b)(1) guidelines no discharge or fill material shall be permitted in streams or wetlands if there is a practicable alternative to the proposed discharge that would have less adverse impacts on the aquatic ecosystem (40 CFR 230 10) therefore we recommend the following measures to help mirumzze project impacts Control storm water in a manner that will mimic the pre construction hydrology of the project site We recommend the use of grassed swales in place of curb and gutter and on site storm water management (i e bioretention areas) that will result in no net change in the hydrology of the watershed All storm water outlets should drain through a vegetated upland area prior to reaching any stream or wetland area Sufficient retention designs should be implemented to allow for the slow discharge of storm water attenuating the potential adverse effects of storm water surges thermal spikes and sediment, nutrient and chemical discharges 2 Preserve and/or restore forested riparian buffers Given the close proximity of this project to aquatic resources and the increase of impervious surfaces that will occur as a result of the development we are concerned about the loss and lack of riparian buffers Forested riparian buffers a minimum of 100 feet wide along perennial streams and 50 feet wide along intermittent streams, should be created and/or maintained along all aquatic areas Riparian buffers provide travel corridors and habitat for wildlife displaced by development In addition riparian buffers protect water quality by stabilizing stream banks filtering storm water runoff and providing habitat for aquatic and fisheries resources 2 3 Install and maintain stringent measures to control erosion and sediment in order to prevent unnecessary impacts to aquatic resources within and downstream of the project site Disturbed areas should be reseeded with native annual small grams that are appropriate for the season Fescue based mixtures should be avoided If riparian vegetation is removed during construction activities along streams we strongly recommend that native riparian vegetation (including sedges grasses and rushes as well as native woody species) in lieu of traditional hard treatments such as nprap be used to stabilize the stream banks and to restore the riparian vegetation Biodegradable erosion control matting should be used in conjunction with appropriate seeding on disturbed soils in riparian areas Matting should be secured in place with staples stakes or live stakes of native trees (whenever possible) Pen -meter erosion control devices should be installed prior to any on the ground activities Frequent maintenance of these devices is critical to their proper function in order to minimize sediment discharge from the project site Frequent maintenance of these devices is critical to their proper function in order to minimize sediment discharge from the project site Perimeter erosion control devices should be installed prior to any on the - ground activities 4 Install utility lines (i e , sewer gas water) outside the above recommended buffer widths All utility crossings should be kept to a minimum, and all utility infrastructure should be kept out of riparian buffer areas The directional bore stream crossing method (installation of utilities beneath the riverbed avoiding impacts to the stream and buffer) should be used for utility crossings Manholes or similar access structures should not be allowed within buffer areas Stream crossings should be near perpendicular to stream flow and should be monitored at least every 3 months for maintenance needs during the first 24 months of the project and annually thereafter Sewer lines associated with crossing areas should be maintained and operated at all times to prevent discharges to land or surface waters In circumstances where minimum setbacks cannot be attained sewer lines shall be constructed of ductile iron or a substance of equal durability 5 Keep equipment out of streams by operating from the banks in a fashion that minimizes disturbance to woody vegetation Equipment should be inspected daily and should be maintained to prevent the contamination of surface waters from leaking fuels lubricants hydraulic fluids, or other toxic materials All fuels lubricants and other toxic materials should be stored outside the riparian management area of the stream, iii a location where the material can be contained Equipment should be checked for leaks of hydraulic fluids cooling system liquids and fuel and should be cleaned before fording any stream Also all fueling operations should be accomplished outside the riparian management area. We appreciate the opportunity to provide these comments If we can be of assistance or if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact Mr Bryan Tompkins of our staff at 828/258 3939 Ext 240 In any future correspondence concerning this project please reference our Log Number 4 2 12 132 Sincerely original signed Brian P Cole Field Supervisor 4 EU North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission Gordon Myers Executive Director MEMORANDUM TO Steve K.ichefski, Asheville Regulatory Field Office U S Army Corps of Engineers FROM Shari L Bryant, Piedmont Region Coordinator Habitat Conservation Program DATE 9 April 2012 SUBJECT Public Notice for Dillon Lakes LLC for Construction of a Carolina Golf Lodge Charlotte Mecklenburg County North Carolina Corps Action ID # SAW 2012 00482 Biologists with the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC) have reviewed the subject document Our comments are provided in accordance with provisions of the Clean Water Act of 1977 (as amended) Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (48 Stat 401 as amended 16 U S C 661 667e) and North Carolina General Statutes (G S 113 131 et seq ) The applicant proposes to permanently impact 0 38 acres of wetlands and 2 44 acres of open water to construct a golf training facility including a clubhouse two cottages putting green parking area, stormwater facilities and other associated infrastructure The purpose of the project is to construct a comprehensive and integrated golf training facility Mitigation for the project includes payment into the N C Ecosystem Enhancement Program and preservation of the remaining jurisdictional features including 0 188 acres of wetlands 0 33 acres of open water and 1 030 lmear feet of stream channel by declaration of conservation The project site drains to an unnamed tributary to Irwms Creek in the Catawba River Basin. According to the Public Notice the proposed wetland impacts would occur to features that formed after two ponds were drained in 2003 and the open water impacts would occur to a man made feature No stream impacts are proposed for the project Should the permit be issued, we offer the following recommendations to minimize impacts to aquatic and terrestrial wildlife resources 1 Maintain a minimum 100 foot undisturbed native forested buffer along each side of perennial streams and 50 foot undisturbed, native forested buffer along each side of intermittent streams and wetlands Riparian buffers provide habitat areas for aquatic and terrestrial wildlife species and travel corridors for terrestrial wildlife In addition riparian buffers protect water quality by stabilizing stream banks and filtering stormwater runoff Mailing Address Division of Inland Fisheries 1721 Mail Service Center Raleigh NC 27699 1721 Telephone (919) 707 0220 Fax (919) 707 0028 Page 2 9 April 2012 Carolina Golf Lodge Corps Action ID No SAW 2012 00482 2 Limit application of fertilizers and pesticides within riparian buffers and use non chemical control measures wherever possible Stormwater and irrigation runoff from greens and tees should be retained and not be allowed to discharge directly to surface waters Constructing wetlands near greens and tees may be helpful in treating runoff pollutants such as fertilizers and pesticides 3 Where feasible native trees and shrubs should be planted around stormwater or golf course ponds to provide avian and terrestrial habitat and to reduce exposure of the water surface to sunlight These should provide habitat benefits that could offset those functions lost by development partially restore aquatic habitats reduce exposure of the water surface to sunlight thereby minimizing thermal pollution and provide essential summer and winter habitats 4 Sediment and erosion control measures should be installed prior to any land clearing or construction These measures should be routinely inspected and properly maintained Excessive silt and sediment loads can have numerous detrimental effects on aquatic resources including destruction of spawning habitat suffocation of eggs and clogging of gills of aquatic species Thank you for the opportunity to comment on this project If we can provide further assistance please contact our office at (336) 449 7625 or shah bryantRncwildlife org ec Alan Johnson, NCDWQ April 25 2012 Steve Kichefski�� ? 0 26112 Corps of Engineers Asheville Regulatory Field Office 151 Patton Avenue Room 208 Asheville NC 28801 5006 Mr Kichefski I have lust received the Public Notice (Action# SAW 2012 00482) regarding the application from Mr Jonathan B Jarrett for construction of a golf training facility in Charlotte N C The issue date was March 29 the deadline was April 12 and I received it April 9 consequently I have not had adequate time to respond and this response is late I am the Attorney in Fact for Mrs W E Cochrane owner the property which adjoins the property in question at its northeast corner We would lake to express our concern over the development and its impact on the drainage and runoff affecting Mrs Cochrane s property The property is currently on the market and she cannot afford to be adversely affected by the project. Has a hearing been requested regarding the development and if so I would lake the details so I might attend If there are any additional findings or impact statements I would lake copies of those I await your reply Cyrus S Hapgood Attorney in Fact for Myrtle M Cochrane Mecklenburg County NC POLARIS Page 1 of 1 Aecklenburg County North Carolina POLARIS Property ownership Land Records Information System — __ _ _Date Pnrded. Mon May 2115 47 55 EDT 2012 Cochrane P_r_operty__ 7 - C F� : y "a te n IF ( L— �t 1 I III I I I r h Ir 4p" itI' Mu —� it + m� � Cochrane property �. i 4 § e tf \xk Carolina Golf Lodge 4.. 1 1->,� wU� 4!lr' S * f 7 I� l _ •E Ja Ar 1ECIiLENBURG COUNTY GIST 5 556ft I l� [This map is prepared for the unrerdory of real property within Meddenburg County and is compiled from recorded deeds plats tax maps surveys iplanunetnc maps and other public records and data Users of this map are hereby notified that the aforemenhoned public primary mformabon ,sources should be consulted for verification Meddenburg County and ds mapping contractors assume no legal responsibirdy for the mformabon !contained herein http //polans mecklenburgcountync gov /servlet/comesn esnmap Esnmap ?ServtceName = 5/21/2012 Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA 11010 Raven Ridge Road Raleigh, North Carolina 27614 Phone (919) 846 -5900 Fax (919) 846 -9467 www SandEC coin May 29 2012 S &EC Project # 11762 To US Army Corps of Engineers Asheville Regulatory Field Office Attn Mr Steve Kichefski 151 Patton Avenue Room 208 Asheville North Carolina 28801 N C Division of Water Quality WebSCaPe Attn Ms Karen Higgins 512 N Salisbury Street 9h floor Raleigh NC 27603 From Soil & Environmental Consultants P A Attn Wendell Overby 11010 Raven Ridge Road Raleigh NC 27614 Re CAROLINA GOLF LODGE — PUBLIC NOTICE RESPONSES INDIVIDUAL PERMIT APPLICATION U S Army Corps of Engineers Action ID No 2012 00482 Dear Mr Kichefski and Ms Higgins On behalf of the owner Dillon Lakes LLC we are hereby providing additional information in response to comments received during the Public Notice period This additional information is an amendment to our existing Individual Permit application under review by both the USACE (Action ID No 2012 00482) and DWQ (DWQ Project #12 0053) for the proposed Carolina Golf Lodge project PUBLIC NOTICE The USACE Public Notice was issued on March 29 2012 The comment period for this Public Noticed expired on April 12 2012 The USACE received written comments from the U S Fish and Wildlife Services (USFWS) dated April 9 2012 N C Wildlife Resources Commission (WRC) dated April 9 2012 (see attached) and an Attorney in Fact representing Myrtle M Page 1 of 5 Carolina Golf Lodge — Individual Permit Additional Information May 29 2012 S &EC PA 11762 Cochrane dated April 25 2012 (see attached) Written comments were also submitted by the North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources (DCR) and the National Marine Fishenes Service (NMFS) The DCR and NMF had no objection or no comment on the project No other written comments were received as of the expiration of the comment period ADDITIONAL INFORMATION USACE May 14, 2012 Letter (attached) The USACE requested responses to three comment letters received either prior to or shortly after the close of the comment period including the aforementioned USFWS WRC and Attorney in Fact for Myrtle M Cochrane USFWS April 9, 2012 Letter (attached) The Apn19 2012 letter from the USFWS is summarized by the USACE as having 2 main concerns including 1) habitat for the federally endangered Schweinitz s sunflower (Helianthus schweinitzii) and 2) potential direct and indirect impacts the project could have on aquatic resources that occur on the site The USFWS provided recommendations to minimize impacts including 1) controlling stormwater in a manner to mimic the pre construction hydrology of the site 2) preserving and/or restoring forested riparian buffers 3) installing and maintaining stringent sediment/erosion control 4) minimization and careful installation of utility lines and 5) proper operation and maintenance of equipment 1 Schweinitz s sunflower habitat A survey for the Schweinitz s sunflower (Helianthus schwecnctzu) has not been performed within project boundaries As documented in the USFWS letter the plant is difficult to identify especially outside the flowering season of late August to October As part of the applicant s due diligence efforts S &EC reviewed data available from the Natural Heritage Program (NHP) on February 8 2012 regarding the presence of Schweinitz s sunflower on the project site Based on S &EC s review of the NHP data no occurrence of Schweinitz s sunflower is listed within 5 miles of Carolina Golf Lodge Suitable habitat for Helianthus schwecnctzu includes field roadsides and open woodland areas According to the USFWS the plant occurs in relatively open habitats road power line and other maintained rights of way early successional fields forest ecotonal margins forest cleanngs etc The USFWS letter further provides Helianthus schwecnctzu occurs on soils charactenzed as moist to dryish clays clay loams or sandy clay loams Carolina Golf Lodge like most rural parcels in Mecklenburg County contains clay based soils with field edges forest clearings and rights of way Based on the generic habitat requirements flowering season period and lack of known occurrences within 5 miles of the site we believe that a survey for Helianthus schwenitzic should not be required 2 Direct and Indirect Impacts to Aquatic Resources The applicant has made every attempt to minimize impacts to wetland streams and open waters on site while still maintaining a viable project and meeting the project purpose as Page 2 of 5 Carolina Golf Lodge — Individual Permit Additional Information May 29 2012 S &EC PA 11762 described in the original application package Alternative project designs were evaluated to determine which alternative accomplishes the project purpose with the least adverse impact on the aquatic ecosystem No stream impacts are proposed for the project and impacted features are man made in origin (e g pond and drained pond wetlands) Furthermore the applicant will mitigate for permanent losses to wetlands via payment to the NC Ecosystem Enhancement Program (EEP) 1 Stormwater Management Carolina Golf Lodge will require a grading permit for construction A stormwater management plan is also required by local and state agencies with the City of Charlotte to review and approve finalized plans The proposed stormwater plan will be designed per current DWQ Best Management Practices Manual to remove 85% Total Suspended Solids (TSS) for impervious areas Operation and maintenance agreements will be required for SMP approval A final SMP will be provided to NC DWQ prior to commencement of approved impacts to jurisdictional waters We do not anticipate any negative downstream water quality or flooding impacts associated with stormwater runoff from the site and in fact believe this project has the potential to improve the current downstream water quality with the installation of appropriate stormwater BMPs In addition to the water quality aspects the stormwater pond will detain stormwater so that the post development peak flows for the 10 and 25 year storm mimics the pre development conditions In other words the post development hydrology will mimic the pre development conditions 2 Riparian Buffers If the latest Exhibit A — Preferred Alternative (attached) is accepted by the USACE then the applicant will maintain 188 acres of wetlands 1 030 feet of streams and 0 33 acres of open waters on site protected in a declaration of conservation Additionally there are no plans by the applicant to impact wetland #1 (Ill acres) and Pond C (5 08 acres) In addition to conserving jurisdictional features the configuration of Carolina Golf Lodge will result in undisturbed areas (e g riparian buffers) adjacent to streams #1 and #2 3 Erosion and Sediment Control In order to obtain a grading permit for construction Carolina Golf Lodge will follow erosion and sediment control plans required by the City of Charlotte under the North Carolina Sediment Control Law These plans will incorporate requirements set by the City of Charlotte regarding use and installation of silt fence use of skimmers to dewater sediment ponds from the top and the timely establishment of vegetation on disturbed areas The project will obtain an approved erosion control plan from the City and maintain the plan throughout construction The City of Charlotte is an NC DWQ locally delegated authority for erosion and sediment control approval Page 3 of 5 Carolina Golf Lodge — Individual Pernut Additional Information 4 Installation of Utility Lines May 29 2012 S &EC PA 11762 The applicant will take all precautions to keep utility lines outside jurisdictional Waters and riparian buffers 5 Equipment Operation and Maintenance Fueling operations will be conducted outside of the npanan/conservation areas and away from Waters Equipment will be kept out of streams and Waters WRC April 9, 2012 Letter (attached) The WRC provided four recommendations to the USACE 1 Maintaining native forested buffers along streams and wetlands If the latest Exhibit A - Preferred Alternative (attached) is accepted by the USACE then the applicant will maintain 188 acres of wetlands 1 030 feet of streams and 0 33 acres of open waters on site protected in a declaration of conservation Additionally there are no plans by the applicant to impact wetland #1 ( 111 acres) and Pond C (5 08 acres) In addition to conserving jurisdictional features the configuration of Carolina Golf Lodge will result in undisturbed areas (e g riparian buffers) adjacent to streams #1 and #2 2 Limiting Fertilizers and Pesticides / Stormwater and Irrigation Runoff The Carolina Golf Lodge will use fertilizers on the greens and fairways to establish and maintain course grass Fertilizers and pesticides will not be used in riparian buffers and Waters Drains underlying course greens will not be discharged directly to Waters Algae blooms will be controlled through low phosphorus inputs of not more than 1 pound annually applied and slow release low soluble fertilizers to minimize nutrient runoff to surface waters 3 Planting Native Buffers Around Stormwater or Golf Course Ponds Where practical the applicant will plant native vegetation around stormwater facilities and on site ponds Stormwater management plans will be designed to meet or exceed current DWQ BMP requirements 4 Sediment and Erosion Control Measures In order to obtain a grading permit for construction Carolina Golf Lodge will follow erosion and sediment control plans required by the City of Charlotte under the North Carolina Sediment Control Law These plans will incorporate requirements set by the City of Charlotte regarding use and installation of silt fence use of skimmers to dewater sediment ponds from the top and the timely establishment of vegetation on disturbed areas The project will obtain an approved erosion control plan from the City and maintain the plan through out construction The City of Charlotte is an NC DWQ locally delegated authority for erosion and sediment control approval Page 4 of 5 Carolina Golf Lodge — Individual Permit May 29 2012 Additional Information S &EC PA 11762 Myrtle M Cochrane April 25, 2012 Letter (attached) A letter from Mrs Myrtle M Cochrane s Attorney in Fact was received by the USACE on April 30 2012 after the public notice comment period The letter expressed Mrs Cochrane s concern over the potential impact of Carolina Golf Lodge on drainage and runoff affecting her property In addition the letter expressed concern over any negative affects Carolina Golf Lodge may have regarding Mrs Cochrane s ability to sell her property Mrs Cochrane s property is located at the northeast corner of the Carolina Golf Lodge (see attached Mecklenburg County GIS map) Mrs Cochrane s property occurs uphill and more importantly upstream of the subject property The stream on Mrs Cochrane s property flows into the largest open water (Pond C) on Carolina Golf Lodge No changes of pre development water levels to Pond C are expected for the proposed development As a result drainage and runoff will not be affected on Mrs Cochrane s property It is our opinion that construction of a world class golf training facility will not negatively affect the ability of Mrs Cochrane to sell her property CONCLUSION It is our understanding that this additional information will provide you all of the information required for you to continue the review of this permit application Please contact us if you require any information beyond what has been provided in this response We appreciate your review and comments Sincerely Soil & Environmental Consultants PA Wi*,W Wendell Overby NC Licensed Soil S entist NC Registered Forester Attachments Exhibit A Preferred Alternative" Site Plan USACE May 14, 2012 Letter USFWS April 9, 2012 Letter WRC April 9, 2012 Letter Myrtle M Cochrane April 25, 2012 Letter Mecklenburg County `Polaris' GIS Map Page 5 of 5 t 1/ f� i f my m v o 00 � � t I 4i 3i O o� o t ` °00 t r r r r ,f f t m f P I r i m m r V f m t � 9f Zoo tS I'1 t Z xo o 0 / ° can J III I L r -� Ir 9 �8 m r D Z N O V � � v GEQSCIENCE GROUP I rporated wo- w�sa� xe. vr a atom azae ...arostlT .PO�PCA ro f o _ / D K N \ l� F, m D z W { Z\ � f 0 O z � ° D i D 0N° u Z 0 0� N r — � N I 0 4 1 \_ i \ D I a \N �H I N ewq 1 SW'S8 m m Drawing N Ref O -0 O N m m m m A 0 rr D Z mm rrrr Date Bulletin No ° 0 D Z Z m m DD DDDD Z Z Z Z m O° 0 0000 N 01 Un D O N J D. W N O M W 00 m W rn 0000 ZJ V D N Ln D V W Coco m C) 0� O -9 OWNS D --1 0) 0) (D -1J UI 00 D D D D 0 0 0 0 M r- D Z z ° 0 � V m m D a Project CAROLINA GOLF LODGE Drawing Scale Ref CHARLOTTE NORTH CAROLINA 1 =150 Geosaence Project EXHIBIT A Date Bulletin No No CH CV PREFERRED ALTERNATIVE 32612 May 14 2012 Regulatory Division Action ID SAW 2012 00482 Mr Jonathan B Jarrett Dillon Lakes LLC 817 Romany Road Charlotte North Carolina 28203 Dear Mr Jarrett Reference is made to the application of March 14 2012 for individual Department of the Army (DA) permit authorization to permanently impact impact 0 38 acres wetland and 2 44 acre of open water associated with the construction of a golf training facility in Charlotte North Carolina. After review of your proposal the United States Department of Interior Fish and Wildlife Services ( USFWS) submitted comments by letter dated April 9 2012 A copy of this letter is enclosed for your consideration and response Specifically the USFWS stated the following 1 Based on project location and pictures obtained from the Mecklenburg County GIS websrte there appears to be suitable habitat for the federally endangered Schwemrtz s sunflower (Hehanthus schweinazti) Unless the area has been specifically surveyed for this species a survey should be conducted to ensure that this species is not inadvertently lost 2 They also expressed concern about any potential direct and indirect impacts that this project could have on aquatic resources that occur on the site Therefore they recommend minimization of impacts through 1) controlling stormwater in a manner to mimic the pre construction hydrology of the site 2) preserving and/or restoring forested riparian buffers 3) installing and maintaining stringent sediment/erosion control 4) minimization and careful installation of utility lines 5) proper operation and maintenance of equipment Written comments were also received from the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (WRC) on April 9 2012 A copy of this correspondence is enclosed for your consideration and response Specifically the WRC offered recommendations should the permit be issued 1 Maintaining native forested buffers along streams and wetlands - 2 - 2 Limiting fertilizers and pesticides as well as managing the stormwater and irrigation runoff 3 Planting native buffers around stormwater or golf course ponds 4 Sediment and erosion control measures should be installed prior to any land clearing or construction These measures should be routinely inspected and properly maintained We received a comment letter from an Attorney in fact representing Myrtle M Cochrane an adjacent/area property owner in response to the PN advertising this project In this letter which was received after the comment period deadline concern was expressed over the development and its impact on the drainage and runoff affecting Mrs Cochrane's property Written comments stating no objection or no comment on the project were received from the North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources and the National Marine Fisheries Service While no response is necessary their correspondence is attached for your records Your response to the comments identified above must be given full consideration before we can make a final decision on your application We need your information to address the concerns /issues raised over the proposed project You may submit additional information, revise your plans to help resolve the issues rebut the issues made or request a decision based on the existing record We must hear from you within 30 days otherwise your application will be withdrawn If you have questions or comments please contact me at my Asheville Regulatory Field Office address telephone (828) -271 7980 ext 234 Sincerely, FILENAME SAW 2012 00482 PN Comment Ltr Final docx /nw CESAW RG A/Kichefski /s MAIL CESAW RG. A/file Steve Kichefski Regulatory Specialist Asheville Regulatory Field Office Enclosure Copies Furnished (without enclosure) Ms Karen Higgins North Carolina. Division of Water Quality Wetlands, Buffers Stormwater Compliance and Permitting Unit 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699 1650 - 3 - Mr Brian Cole Asheville Field Office U S Fish and Wildlife Service 160 Zillicoa Street Asheville North Carolina 28801 Jeffrey Garnett Wetlands and Marine Regulatory Section Water Protection Div Region IV U S Environmental Protection Agency 61 Forsyth Street SW Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Ms Shan Bryant North Carolina Wildlife Resource Commission Piedmont Region Coordinator Habitat Conservation Program 1721 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699 1721 Mr Wendell Overby Soil & Environmental Consultants PA 11010 Raven Ridge Road Raleigh, North Carolina 27614 United States Department of the Interior FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Asheville Field Office 160 Zilhcoa Street Asheville North C -irohna28801 April 9 2012 Mr Steve Kichefski US Army Corps of Engineers Asheville Regulatory Field Office 151 Patton Avenue Room 208 Asheville North Carolina 28801 Dear Mr Kichefski This is the report of the U S Fish and Wildlife Service and the Department of the Interior on the U S Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) public notice (PN)(SAW- 2012 - 00482) of an application for an individual permit submitted by Mr Jonathan B Jarrett of Dillon Lakes LLC represented by Mr Wendell Overby of Soil & Environmental Consultants Information for this report is based on a review of the public notice issued by the Corps This report is submitted in accordance with the provisions of the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act as amended (16 U S C 661 667e) the National Environmental Policy Act (42 U S C §4321 et seq ) the Clean Water Act (33 U S C § 1251 et seq ) and section 7 of the Endangered Species Act of 1973 as amended (16 U S C 1531 1543) (Act) Project Description According to the information provided, the purpose of the project is to construct a comprehensive and integrated golf training facility The project consists of constructing a clubhouse two cottages putting greens parking area, storm water facilities and associated infrastructure The design of the golf trammg facility will include short game and driving ranges areas along with (3) par three holes Aquatic impacts to wetlands and an open water /pond are proposed for the project Total aquatic impacts associated with the project include 0 38 acre of wetland and 2 44- acres of open water No stream impacts are proposed for this project Federally Listed Species – Based on the project location and pictures obtained from the Mecklenburg County GIS web site there appears to be suitable habitat for the federally endangered Schweinitz s sunflower (Helaanthus schweinatzrt) This plant has been found in close proximity to the project site The project site contains a field, roadsides and open woodland areas all of which are suitable habitat for Schwemitz s sunflower Schweinitz s sunflower occurs m relatively open habitats —road, power lme and other maintained rights of way early successional fields forest ecotonal margins forest clearings etc The species thnves in full sun but also grows in the light shade of open stands of oak pme hickory Schwemitz s sunflower generally occurs on soils characterized as moist to dryish clays clay loans or sandy clay loams that often have high gravel content The PN did not indicate whether surveys have been conducted for this plant species within the project impact area. Unless an area has been specifically surveyed for this species a survey should be conducted to ensure that this species is not inadvertently lost Schweinitz s sunflower is difficult to identify at any tune but even more so outside the flowering season of late August to October so we recommend that surveys for this species be conducted durmg this period In accordance with the Act it is the responsibility of the appropriate federal agency or its designated representative to review its activities or programs and to identify any such activities or programs that may affect endangered or threatened species or their habitats If it is determined that the proposed activity may adversely affect any species federally listed as endangered or threatened formal consultation with this office must be initiated Fish and Wildlife Resources — We are concerned about any potential direct and indirect impacts that this project could have on aquatic resources that occur on the site It is important that you minimize or avoid impacts to the aquatic resources located on the property According to the 404 (b)(1) guidelines no discharge or fill material shall be permitted in streams or wetlands if there is a practicable alternative to the proposed discharge that would have less adverse impacts on the aquatic ecosystem (40 CFR 230 10) therefore we recommend the following measures to help minimize project impacts Control storm water in a manner that will mimic the pre construction hydrology of the project site We recommend the use of grassed swales in place of curb and gutter and on site storm water management (i e bioretention areas) that will result in no net change in the hydrology of the watershed All storm water ,outlets should dram through a vegetated upland area prior to reaching any stream or wetland area Sufficient retention designs should be implemented to allow for the slow discharge of storm water attenuating the potential adverse effects of storm water surges thermal spikes and sediment, nutrient, and chemical discharges 2 Preserve and/or restore forested riparian buffers Given the close proximity of this project to aquatic resources and the increase of impervious surfaces that will occur as a result of the development we are concerned about the loss and lack of riparian buffers Forested riparian buffers a minimum of 100 feet wide along perennial streams and 50 feet wide along intermittent streams should be created and/or maintained along all aquatic areas Riparian buffers provide travel corridors and habitat for wildlife displaced by development In addition riparian buffers protect water quality by stabilizing stream banks filtering storm -water runoff and providing habitat for aquatic and fisheries resources 2 3 Install and maintain stringent measures to control erosion and sediment in order to prevent unnecessary impacts to aquatic resources within and downstream of the project site Disturbed areas should be reseeded with native annual small grams that are appropriate for the season Fescue based mixtures should be avoided If riparian vegetation is removed during construction activities along streams we strongly recommend that native riparian vegetation (including sedges grasses, and rushes as well as native woody species) in lieu of traditional hard treatments such as nprap be used to stabilize the stream banks and to restore the riparian vegetation Biodegradable erosion control matting should be used in conjunction with appropriate seedmg on disturbed soils in riparian areas Matting should be secured in place with staples stakes or live stakes of native trees (whenever possible) Perimeter erosion control devices should be installed prior to any on the ground activities Frequent maintenance of these devices is critical to their proper function in order to minimize sediment discharge from the project site Frequent maintenance of these devices is critical to their proper function in order to minimize sediment discharge from the project site Perimeter erosion control devices should be installed prior to any on the ground activities 4 Install utility lines (i e , sewer gas water) outside the above recommended buffer widths All utility crossings should be kept to a minimum, and all utility infrastructure should be kept out of riparian buffer areas The directional bore stream crossing method (installation of utilities beneath the riverbed avoiding impacts to the stream and buffer) should be used for utility crossings Manholes or similar access structures should not be allowed within buffer areas Stream crossings should be near perpendicular to stream flow and should be monitored at least every 3 months for maintenance needs during the first 24 months of the project and annually thereafter Sewer lines associated with crossing areas should be maintained and operated at all times to prevent discharges to land or surface waters In circumstances where mimmum setbacks cannot be attained sewer lines shall be constructed of ductile iron or a substance of equal durability 5 Keep equipment out of streams by operating from the banks in a fashion that minimizes disturbance to woody vegetation Equipment should be inspected daily and should be maintained to prevent the contamination of surface waters from leaking fuels, lubricants hydraulic fluids or other toxic materials All fuels, lubricants and other toxic materials should be stored outside the riparian management area of the stream, in a location where the material can be contained Equipment should be checked for leaks of hydraulic fluids, cooling system liquids and fuel and should be cleaned before fording any stream Also all fueling operations should be accomplished outside the riparian management area. We appreciate the opportunity to provide these comments If we can be of assistance or if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact Mr Bryan Tompkins of our staff at 828/258 3939 Ext 240 In any future correspondence concerning this project please reference our Log Number 4 2 12 132 Sincerely original signed Brian P Cole Field Supervisor EI 'Ks:-'�' North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission Gordon Myers Executive Director MEMORANDUM TO Steve Kichefski, Asheville Regulatory Field Office U S Army Corps of Engineers FROM Shan L Bryant Piedmont Region Coordinator �hc.�`�ii,' t►, Habitat Conservation Program DATE 9 Apn12012 SUBJECT Public Notice for Dillon Lakes LLC for Construction of a Carolina Golf Lodge Charlotte Mecklenburg County North Carolina Corps Action ID # SAW 2012 00482 Biologists with the North Carolina Wildhfe Resources Commission (NCWRC) have reviewed the subject document Our comments are provided in accordance with provisions of the Clean Water Act of 1977 (as amended) Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (48 Stat 401 as amended 16 U S C 661 667c) and North Carolina General Statutes (G S 113 131 et seq ) The applicant proposes to permanently impact 0 38 acres of wetlands and 2 44 acres of open water to construct a golf training facility including a clubhouse two cottages putting green parking area stormwater facilities and other associated infrastructure The purpose of the protect is to construct a comprehensive and integrated golf training facihty Mitigation for the project includes payment into the N C Ecosystem Enhancement Program and preservation of the remauiing jurisdictional features including 0 188 acres of wetlands 0 33 acres of open water and 1 030 linear feet of stream channel by declaration of conservation The project site drams to an unnamed tributary to Irwins Creek m the Catawba River Basin. According to the Public Notice the proposed wetland impacts would occur to features that formed after two ponds were drained in 2003 and the open water impacts would occur to a man made feature No stream impacts are proposed for the project Should the permit be issued, we offer the following recommendations to minims a impacts to aquatic and terrestrial wildlife resources 1 Maintain a min imum 100 foot undisturbed native forested buffer along each side of perennial streams and 50 foot undisturbed, native forested buffer along each side of intermittent streams and wetlands Ripanan buffers provide habitat areas for aquatic and terrestnal wildlife species and travel corridors for terrestrial wildlife In addition riparian buffers protect water quality by stabilizing stream banks and filtering stormwater runoff Mailing Address Division of Inland Fisheries 1721 Mail Service Center Raleigh NC 27699 1721 Telephone (919) 707 0220 Fax (919) 707 0028 Page 2 9 April 2012 Carolina Golf Lodge Corps Action ID No SAW 2012 00482 Limit application of fertilizers and pesticides within riparian buffers and use non chemical control measures wherever possible Stormwater and irrigation runoff from greens and tees should be retained and not be allowed to discharge directly to surface waters Constructing wetlands near greens and tees may be helpful in treating runoff pollutants such as fertilizers and pesticides Where feasible native trees and shrubs should be planted around stormwater or golf course ponds to provide avian and terrestrial habitat and to reduce exposure of the water surface to sunlight These should provide habitat benefits that could offset those functions lost by development partially restore aquatic habitats reduce exposure of the water surface to sunlight thereby minimizing thermal pollution and provide essential summer and winter habitats Sediment and erosion control measures should be installed prior to any land clearing or construction These measures should be routinely inspected and properly maintained Excessive silt and sediment loads can have numerous detrimental effects on aquatic resources including destruction of spawning habitat suffocation of eggs and clogging of gills of aquatic species Thank you for the opportunity to comment on this protect if we can provide further assistance please contact our office at (33 6) 449 7625 or share bUant(@ncwildlife org ec Alan Johnson, NCDWQ April 25 2012 Steve Kichefski �ct� f1 2012 Corps of Engineers Asheville Regulatory Field Office 151 Patton Avenue Room 208 Asheville NC 28801 5006 Mr Kichefski I have just received the Public Notice (Action# SAW 2012 00482) regarding the application from Mr Jonathan B Jarrett for construction of a golf training facility in Charlotte N C The issue date was March 29 the deadline was April 12 and I received it April 9 consequently I have not had adequate time to respond and this response is late I am the Attorney in Fact for Mrs W E Cochrane owner the property which adjoins the property in question at its northeast corner We would like to express our concern over the development and its impact on the drainage and runoff affecting Mrs Cochrane s property The property is currently on the market and she cannot afford to be adversely affected by the project. Has a hearing been requested regarding the development and if so I would like the details so I might attend If there are any additional findings or impact statements I would like copies of those I await your reply Cyrus S Hapgood Attorney in Fact for Myrtle M Cochrane Mecklenburg County NC POLARIS Page 1 of 1 pecwenburg County North Carolina - POLARIS Property Ownership Land Records Information System — - - —_Date Pnnb cL Mon May 2115 47 55 EDT 2012 Cochrane Property #P't'y f R LT T f �L ata {t — L��LI t°� °►� n 11 I � ,-- � n r iF ,h �_ ,�_ -.w`+ _ �/ _._.+�t .x4 r� �It.C�1* f✓ �.. Y34 \ t, 1 ..-- -� 5 http //polans mecklenburgcountync gov /servlet/com.esn esnmap Esnmap?ServiceName= 5/21/2012