HomeMy WebLinkAbout20120077 Ver 1_More Info Received_20120531Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA 11010 Raven Ridge Road Raleigh, North Carolina 27614 • Phone (919) 846 -5900 Fax (919) 846 -9467 www SandEC com May 31 2012 S &EC Project # 11575 P4 DWQ Project # 12 0077 Action ID SAW 2011 00318 NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality (DWQ) Wetlands Buffers Stormwater Compliance and Permitting Unit (WebSCaPe) Attn Karen Higgins & Lauren Witherspoon 512 N Salisbury Street (91h floor) �a�� Raleigh NC 27604 �f Copy U S Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) MAY 3 1 2012 Raleigh Regulatory Field Office Attn Eric Alsmeyer L cENR 3331 Heritage Trade Drive Suite 105 Wake Forest NC 27587 Re Request for More Information Response Del Webb Active Adult Community Durham County NC To Mrs Higgins & Mrs Witherspoon The purpose of this letter is to respond to your Request for More Information letter dated February 28 2012 The original questions /requests are copied below as they appear within the letter and are then followed by a response It s important to note that in our meeting on May 11 2012 we discussed additional Avoidance and Minimization for the project Pulte Homes has worked on this and as a result has minimized permanent impacts to important/perennial streams by 10 linear feet isolated wetland impacts by 0 115 acres and jurisdictional wetland impacts by 0 034 acres Additional Information Requested 1 The applicant is seeking approval for impacts to 0 502 acre of isolated wetlands while there is a total of only 0 523 acre of isolated wetlands on the entire site Section D 1 a (Avoidance and Minimization) explains reasoning for impacts associated with roads which accounts for only 0 06 acre of isolated impacts Please explain how you are avoiding impacts associated with lot fill For example it appears that W6 could be minimized by shifting lots As noted above a meeting was held on May 11 2012 to discuss Avoidance and Minimization for the project specifically additional minimization of the isolated wetland impact areas In this meeting Randy King with Pulte Homes proposed to minimize 1 impacts within 6 of the 10 isolated wetland impact areas This effort required the shifting of lots and roads and proposing the construction of some extremely high retaining walls This minimization resulted in a reduction of 0 115 acres of isolated wetland impact which brings the total proposed impacts to isolated wetlands from 0 502 acres to 0 387 acres Please see revised site plans and impacts exhibits specifically sheet C530 and the revised pages 5 & 6 of the Pre Construction Notification (PCN) 2 Impact A Provide a detail of the permanent stream impact (i a length of the stream shaded /hatched) Will this activity result in temporary impacts? Also it does not appear that the buffer impacts are quantified correctly on the downstream portion of the pipe Please see updated impact sheet C531 that clearly shows the extent of permanent impacts and now includes proposed temporary impact both upstream and downstream of the proposed crossing Within these temporary impact areas the stream banks will be stabilized and the stream bed will be brought back to its original elevation post construction In addition revised sheets 6 & 7of the PCN is attached 3 Impact B Will this be a temporary impact? Will the greenway trail utilize a pipe of a bridge? Please see updated impact sheet C531 that clearly shows that the proposed greenway trail will utilize a bridge Therefore the sanitary sewer and greenway with bridge will only require temporary impacts 4 S7 Will this require a dissipater pad? Will this activity result in temporary stream impacts? Yes this impact will require a dissipater pad and temporary stream impacts Please also note that additional minimization is proposed at this proposed crossing now making the proposed permanent stream impacts 240 linear feet vs 250 linear feet Please see updated impact sheet C534 and revised sheets 6 & 7 of the PCN 5 Please provide a bridge detail for the stream crossings along the greenway Please see bridge detail (sheet C807) for bridged greenway crossings 6 PCN page 6 indicates that W13 proposed 0 012 acres of wetland impact but map (C529B) indicates 0 008 acre (with conversion from square feet) Please see the revised sheets 5 & 6 of the PCN and sheet C529B of the impact exhibits impact W13 has been omitted from the proposed site plan 7 Please provide all of the required items for each proposed level spreader as listed on the LS VFS Supplement Form, including plans plan details section views construction sequences and operation and maintenance agreements As per an email from Annette Lucas on May 18 2012 (see attached) the applicant requests a conditional 401 allowing Pulte Homes to provide a copy of the Approved Stormwater Plans from the City of Durham (including level spreader plans) before 2 any phase of the Del Webb project commences Please note that conceptual information has been provided within the attached Phase 1 Initial Development package that includes the level spreader worksheets and checklist items for Phase 1 of the proposed development In addition two copies of a conceptual stormwater management plan has been provided for the future portions of the project please see the attached Del Webb Future Development package which should include a) A depiction of the drainage areas on the site b) An estimation of the percentage imperviousness associated with each of the drainage areas c) A calculation of the water quality volume associated with each drainage area and d) A depiction of the proposed BMP on the site plan that is correctly sized based on the water quality volume 8 The BMP Manual requires a LS VFS at the outlets of a BMP only if it does not achieve 30'/ removal of total nitrogen and total phosphorus In Durham's highly erodible soils it may be preferable to discharge appropriately treated stormwater directly adjacent to the receiving stream than risk the possibility of erosion in the protected stream buffer downslope of the LS -VFS This request was sent to Mr Marvin Williams the Director of Public Works for the City of Durham and was denied Mr Williams indicates that the City has more stringent rules than the DWQ and therefore should not be a problem It is within the City s UDO that the level spreaders are required Please see the attached email from Mr Marvin Williams We anticipate that this answers all of the DWQ s questions in order to complete the final review process requested for the written concurrence of Water Quality Certification(s) 3884 3886 & 3890 and a No Practical Alternatives review for a Riparian Buffer Authorization If you have any further questions or any additional explanation is needed please don t hesitate to call Sincerely SOIL & ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS PA &UZ2 Debbie Edwards Environmental Specialist Attachments 1) Additional Stream Impact Justification dated May 22 2012 2) Revised PCN sheets 5 6 7 8 9 & 10 (Updated 05 29 12) 3) Revised Del Webb Updated Parallel Buffer Impact Table dated May 30 2012 4) Annette Lucas Email dated May 18 2012 5) Marvin Williams Email dated October 6 2011 6) Updated Mitigation Acceptance letter from EBX for additional Riparian Buffer Impacts 7) Revised Overall Site Plan Index Sheet C520 8) Revised Existing Conditions & Proposed Conditions Impact Key Index sheets C521 C528 9) Revised Impact Exhibits sheets C529A C537 10) Bridge Detail sheet C807 11) Phase 1 Initial Development Package Level Spreader Worksheets & checklist items 12) Del Webb Future Development package Conceptual SMP for future phases 3 Del Webb - Active Adult Community Additional stream Impact Justification May 22, 2012 In general permanent impacts to jurisdictional streams have been avoided on this project Durham originally wanted two north south collector roads in this area and Pulte Homes was able to get Durham to agree to require only one due to anticipated stream impacts for the entire project However where stream crossings are necessary for roads utilities and /or greenways impacts have been minimized by proposing the following • Crossing in the higher reaches of the stream systems therefore impacting the unimportant/ intermittent vs important /perennial portions of the streams • Proposing retaining walls versus fill slopes to minimize the length of stream impacts • Skewing the culvert to align with the downstream receiving waters • Proposing rip rap outlet protection to minimize erosion at the outlet of the culvert Specific Avoidance and Minimization measures include Stream Crossing S1 (A) Crossing of this intermittent stream is proposed with a 72 pipe culvert Retaining walls are proposed on the upstream and downstream ends of the culvert to reduce the length of impact Rip Rap outlet protection is proposed at the outlet to minimize erosion of the downstream channel and channel banks Alternative that were considered but not selected include An alternative that was considered included an arch pipe however the amount of cover between the top of the arch and the proposed road would not be sufficient to accommodate required utilities To address this would result in raising the road resulting in a longer structure and potentially more stream impacts Cost of the arch culvert was also prohibitive Consideration of a bridge structure was cost prohibitive Stream Crossing S3 (C) Crossing of this intermittent stream is proposed with a 42 pipe culvert This crossing is proposed in a portion of the stream that is currently used by the Utility Company (Progress Energy) to maintain the overhead transmission lines This area of the stream is within the power line easement and has been degraded due to the crossing by heavy equipment the power company's vegetation management program and the resultant erosion Del Webb - Active Adult Community May 22, 2012 The proposed residential project proposes to construct a gravel greenway trail within the easement and to install an underground sanitary sewer force main pipe These facilities will need to cross the stream A culvert is proposed to be installed within the currently degraded part of the stream to allow the trail to cross This trail will be constructed in a manner that will accommodate the power company maintenance vehicles thereby reducing their future impacts to the stream Additionally the sanitary sewer crossing would be located within the footprint of the proposed permanent stream crossing It is believed that this solution would not only improve this area but would result in minimal adverse impacts to the aquatic environment Alternatives that were considered but not selected include One option that was considered included routing the sanitary sewer and greenway trail around the head of the stream Although this alternate does not create a direct impact to the stream it would still impact the upstream buffer would require a culvert dust upstream of the stream start point and would not provide a solution to the ongoing stream impacts and erosion issues by the power company maintenance equipment Options such as an arch culvert were ruled out due to the weight and size of the power company maintenance equipment Stream Crossing S7 (H) Crossing of this perennial stream is required by Durham as a north south Collector road between Leesville Road and the Brier Creek /ACC Blvd Area The proposed stream crossing consists of a Concrete Box Culvert with retaining walls on the upstream and downstream sides The width of the three lane roadway was reduced to two lanes at the stream crossing to minimize proposed stream and buffer impact The invert of the box culvert will be set below the channel bed with a boulder sill at the downstream end to assist with the accumulation of the natural stream bed substrate and promote aquatic life habitat and function Alternatives that were considered but not selected include One option that was considered but not selected included installing an arch culvert The stream crossing is proposed within a segment of stream between two confluences of buffered streams in order to avoid additional stream and buffer impacts There is a section of sinuous stream within the proposed crossing area that would require the culvert to span approximately 50 This requirement makes an arch culvert impractical as they typically cannot exceed 45 of span Another option considered was a bridge As mentioned the span would need to exceed 50 in width This makes the core slab construction impractical resulting in costly girder type Del Webb - Active Adult Community May 22, 2012 construction The horizontal and vertical curvature of the road also makes bridge construction impractical Additionally if a bridge would be constructed Durham would likely request that it span the proposed greenway trail as well Because of the sinuous nature of the stream this would add approximately 40 additional feet to the width of the bridge span resulting in a costly multi span structure Temporary Impacts The project is required to construct a Force Main along the main channel and gravity sanitary sewer along the channels that bisect the site In order to accommodate development within the uplands crossing the streams with utilities is necessary The alignment of the Force Main and sanitary sewer system has been carefully designed to minimize the stream impacts A public greenway is also required along the main channels that bisect the site The location of the greenway system has been designed to be constructed within the corridor of the sanitary sewer to minimize additional impacts Furthermore bridges are proposed at the crossings resulting in overall less permanent impacts to streams UPDATED 05 -29 -12 C Proposed Impacts Inventory 1 Impacts Summary la Which sections were completed below for your project (check all that apply) ® Wetlands ® Streams tributaries ® Buffers ❑ Open Waters ❑ Pond Construction 2 Wetland Impacts If there are wetland impacts proposed on the site then complete this question for each wetland area impacted 2a 2b 2c 2d 2e 2f Wetland impact Type of jurisdiction number — Permanent Type of impact Type of wetland Forested (Corps 404 10 Area of impact P or Temporary T if known DWQ — non404 other acres W1 ®P ❑ T Lot Fill ISOLATED ® Yes ❑ No ❑ Corps ® DWQ 0 017 W2 ®P ❑ T Lot Fill ISOLATED ® Yes ❑ No ❑ Corps ® DWQ 0 015 W3 ®P ❑ T Road ISOLATED ® Yes ❑ No ❑ Corps ® DWQ 0 048 W3 ®P ❑ T Lot Fill ISOLATED ® Yes ❑ No ❑ Corps ® DWQ 0 162 W 4A ®P ❑ T Lot Fill ISOLATED ® Yes ❑ No ❑ Corps ® DWQ 0 006 W 4B ®P ❑ T Lot Fill ISOLATED ® Yes ❑ No ❑ Corps ® DWQ 0 002 W5 ®P ❑ T Force Main Easement & ISOLATED ® Yes ❑ No ❑ Corps DWQ 0 009 Greenway W6 ®P ❑ T Road ISOLATED ® Yes E] No ❑ Corps ®DWQ 0 007 W6 ®P ❑ T Lot Fill ISOLATED ® Yes ❑ No ❑ Corps ® DWQ 0 025 W7 ®P ❑ T Lot Fill ISOLATED ® Yes ❑ No ❑ Corps ® DWQ 0 019 W 8A ®P ❑ T Road Headwater ® Yes ® Corps 0 015 Wetland ❑ No ❑ DWQ W 8A ®P ❑ T Lot Fill Headwater ® Yes ® Corps 0 039 Wetland [:1 No [I DWQ W 88 ®P ❑ T Lot Fill Headwater ® Yes ® Corps 0 047 Wetland ❑ No ❑ DWQ W9 ®P ❑ T Lot Fill ISOLATED ® Yes ❑ No ❑ Corps ® DWQ 0 019 W10 ®P ❑ T Road ISOLATED ® Yes ❑ No ❑ Corps ® DWQ 0 004 W10 ®P ❑ T Lot Fill ISOLATED ® Yes ❑ No ❑ Corps ® DWQ 0 015 W11 ®P ❑ T Road Headwater ® Yes ® Corps 0 0003 Wetland ❑ No [:1 DWQ W11 ®P ❑ T Lot Fill Headwater ® Yes ® Corps 0 013 Wetland ❑ No E] DWQ W12 ®P ❑ T Lot Fill ISOLATED ® Yes ❑ No ❑ Corps ® DWQ 0 039 Page 5 of 14 PCN Form — Version 1 3 December 10 2008 Version UPDATED 05 -29 -12 W13 ❑ P ❑ T OMITTED ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Corps ❑ DWQ OMITTED W14 ❑PET Force Main Impounded Wetland E Yes ❑ No E Corps ❑ DWQ 0 273 2g Total wetland impacts 0 774 2h Comments Of the 0 774 acres of proposed wetland impacts 0 387 acres are ISOLATED WETLANDS and 0 387 are JURISDICTIONAL WETLAND IMPACTS Of the 0 387 acres of JURISDICTIONAL WETLANDS 0114 is permanent 3 Stream Impacts If there are perennial or intermittent stream impacts (including temporary impacts) proposed on the site then complete this question for all stream sites impacted 3a 3b 3c 3d 3e 3f 3g Stream impact Type of impact Stream name Perennial Type of jurisdiction Average Impact number Permanent (PER) or (Corps 404 10 stream length (P) or Temporary (T) intermittent DWQ — non -404 width (linear (INT)? other) (feet) feet) S1 ( A ) E P ❑ T Road Crossing g T to Little Brier Creek E] PER E INT E Corps ❑ DWQ 11 178 S1 (A) ❑ PET Road Crossing (Construction UT to Little Bner ❑ PER E Corps 11 37 Corridor) Creek E INT ❑DWQ S2 (B) ❑PET Sanitary Sewer/ UT to Little Brier E PER E Corps 11 45 Greenway Creek ❑ INT ❑ DWQ S3 (C) E P ❑ T Road Crossing/ UT to Little ❑ PER E Corps 22 84 Greenway Brier Creek E INT ❑ DWQ Road Crossing/ S3 (C) ❑ P E T Greenway UT to Little Brier []PER E Corps 22 20 (Construction Creek E INT ❑ DWQ Corridor) S4 (D) ❑ P E T Sanitary Sewer UT to Little Brier E PER E Corps 10 37 Creek ❑ INT ❑ DWQ S5 (F) ❑ P E T Aerial Sanitary Sewer/ UT to Little Brier E PER E Corps 6 40 Greenway Creek El INT ❑DWQ S6 (G) El E T Aerial Sanitary Sewer/ UT to Little Brier E PER E Corps 8 36 Greenway Creek ❑INT ❑DWQ S7 ( H ) E P E] T Road Crossing g T to Little Baer Creek E PER ❑ INT E Corps ❑ DWQ 18 240 S7 (H) ❑ P E T Road Crossing (Construction UT to Little Brier E PER E Corps 18 32 Corridor) Creek ❑ INT ❑ DWQ S8 (I) ❑ P E T Sanitary Sewer UT to Little Brier ED PER E Corps 6 31 Creek ❑ INT ❑ DWQ S9 (J) ❑PET Sanitary Sewer/ UT to Little Brier E PER E Corps 12 40 Greenway Creek ❑ INT ❑ DWQ S10(K) ❑PET Sanitary Sewer/ UT to Little Bner E PER E Corps 19 33 Greenway Creek []INT ❑ DWQ S11 (M) ❑ P E T Sanitary UT to Little Baer E PER E Corps 16 56 Sewer /Force Main Creek ❑ INT ❑ DWQ S12 (N1) ❑ P ❑ T OMITTED ❑ PER E INT E Corps ❑ DWQ OMITTED OMITTED S13 (N2) ❑ P ❑ T OMITTED E PER E Corps OMITTED OMITTED Page 6 of 14 UPDATED 05 -29 -12 Page 7 of 14 ❑ INT ❑ DWQ S14 (FM1) ❑ P ® T Force Main Lick Creek ® PER ❑ INT ® Corps ❑ DWQ 27 30 3h Total stream and tributary impacts 939 31 Comments Of the 939 linear feet of proposed stream impacts 240 are proposed as permanent/perennial 262 are proposed permanent/intermittent 380 are proposed temporary/perennial and 57 are proposed temporary/intermittent 4 Open Water Impacts If there are proposed impacts to lakes ponds estuaries tributaries sounds the Atlantic Ocean or any other open water of the U S then individ ally list all open water im acts below 4a 4b 4c 4d 4e Open water impact Name of waterbody number — (if applicable) Type of impact Waterbody type Area of impact (acres) Permanent (P) or Temporary T 01 ❑P ❑T 02 ❑P ❑T 0 Total open water impacts 4g Comments 5 Pond or Lake Construction If pond or lake construction proposed then coin lete the chart below 5a 5b 5c 5d 5e Wetland Impacts (acres) Stream Impacts (feet) Upland Pond ID Proposed use or purpose of (acres) number pond Flood ed Filled Excavated Flooded Filled Excavated Flooded P1 P2 5f Total 5g Comments 5h Is a dam high hazard permit required ❑ Yes ❑ No If yes permit ID no 51 Expected pond surface area (acres) 5j Size of pond watershed (acres) 5k Method of construction Page 7 of 14 UPDATED 05 -29 -12 6 Buffer Impacts (for DWQ) If project will impact a protected riparian buffer then complete the chart below If yes then individually list all buffer impacts below If any impacts require mitigation then you MUST fill out Section D of this form 6a ® Neuse ❑ Tar Pamlico ❑ Other Project is in which protected basin? ❑ Catawba ❑ Randleman 6b 6c 6d 6e 6f 6g Buffer impact number — Reason for impact Buffer Zone 1 impact Zone 2 impact Permanent (P) or Stream name mitigation (square feet) (square feet) Temporary T required? 61 (A) ® P ❑ T Road Crossing UT to Little Brier Creek ®❑ No 9 601 5 702 B2 (B) ❑ P ® T Gravity UT to Little Brier ❑ Yes 2 687 1 719 Sewer /Greenway Creek ® No B3 (C) ® P ❑ T Road UT to Little Brier ❑ Yes 5 584 2 899 Crossing /Greenway Creek ® No B4 (D) ❑ P ® T Gravity Sewer UT to Little Brier Creek ® Nos 2045 1 249 B5 (E) ® P ❑ T Road Crossing UT to Little Brier Creek ®❑ Nos 12 913 7176 B6 (F) ❑ P ® T Gravity UT to Little Brier ❑ Yes 2 584 2 485 Sewer /Greenway Creek ® No B7 (G) ❑ P ® T Gravity UT to Little Brier ❑ Yes 2 235 1 504 Sewer /Greenway Creek ® No B8 (H) ® P ❑ T Road Crossing UT to Little Brier Creek ❑® No 15 497 13 088 B9 (I) ❑ P ® T Gravity Sewer UT to Little Brier Creek ® Nos 2061 1 386 B10 (J) ❑ P ® T Gravity UT to Little Brier ❑ Yes 2 602 1 755 Sewer /Greenway Creek ® No 611 (K) ❑ P ® T Gravity Sewer /Force UT to Little Brier ❑ Yes 2 450 1 635 Main /Greenway Creek ® No B12 (M) ❑ P ®T Gravity Sewer /Force UT to Little Brier El Yes 3 512 2 811 Main Creek ® No B13 (N1) ❑ P ® T OMITTED ❑ Yes s OMITTED OMITTED B14 (N2) ❑ P ® T OMITTED EI Yes s OMITTED OMITTED 1315 (FM1) ❑ P ®T Force Main Lick Creek ® Nos 1998 1 484 PARALLEL ® Yes BUFFER Parallel UT to Little Brier Zone 1 IMPACTS See Uhhty /Greenway Creek or Brier only 13 582 89 411 Attached Table Creek ❑ No ®P ®T 6h Total buffer impacts 79 351 134 304 61 Comments The above listed riparian buffer impacts B1 B15 are the proposed perpendicular crossings (I e road /utdrty /greenway) through the riparian buffer the last row on this table is a total of the parallel riparian buffer impacts from attached table Totals that are bold require buffer mitigation Page 8 of 14 D Impact Justification and Mitigation 1 Avoidance and Minimization la Specifically describe measures taken to avoid or minimize the proposed impacts in designing project Please see attached Avoidance and Minimization 1 b Specifically describe measures taken to avoid or minimize the proposed impacts through construction techniques Erosion & Sediment Control plan and measures such as Tree Protection Fencing to protect water quality during construction activities 2 Compensatory Mitigation for Impacts to Waters of the U S or Waters of the State ® Yes ❑ No Compensatory Mitigation proposed for all permanent stream impacts which total 502 linear feet The USA CE will require a 2 1 mitigation ratio for the ►mportant(perenn►al stream impacts which total 480 2a Does the project require Compensatory Mitigation for linear feet and the NCDWQ will require a 1 1 mitigation impacts to Waters of the U S or Waters of the State? ratio on all permanent stream impacts with total 502 linear feet As such the proposed 502 linear feet of compensatory mitigation should cover both the USA CE and the NCDWQ requirements In addition compensatory mitigation will be required for the permanent impacts of 0 11 acres of non npanan wetlands and 77 559 ftz of riparian buffers 2b If yes mitigation is required by (check all that apply) ® DWQ ® Corps ® Mitigation bank 2c If yes which mitigation option will be used for this ® Payment to in lieu fee program project ❑ Permittee Responsible Mitigation 3 Complete if Using a Mitigation Bank 3a Name of Mitigation Bank EBX Neuse Riparian Buffer Umbrella Mitigation Bank/Rudolph Site and Wildlands Engineering Wildlands Southeast Holdings/ LLC 3b Credits Purchased (attach receipt and letter) Type Stream & Buffer Quantity 502 Stream & 193 728 Buffer Page 9 of 14 PCN Form — Version 1 3 December 10 2008 Version 3c Comments Reservation of credits from two different mitigation banks required to meet compensatory mitigation requirements 4 Complete if Making a Payment to In lieu Fee Program 4a Approval letter from in lieu fee program is attached ® Yes 4b Stream mitigation requested 0 linear feet 4c If using stream mitigation stream temperature ❑ warm ❑ cool ❑cold 4d Buffer mitigation requested (DWQ only) 0 square feet 4e Riparian wetland mitigation requested 0 acres 4f Non riparian wetland mitigation requested 0 12 acres 4g Coastal (tidal) wetland mitigation requested 0 acres 4h Comments Email provided by EBX indicating total wetland credits needed for project are not available through mitigation bank 5 Complete if Using a Permittee Responsible Mitigation Plan 5a If using a permittee responsible mitigation plan provide a description of the proposed mitigation plan 6 Buffer Mitigation (State Regulated Riparian Buffer Rules) — required by DWQ 6a Will the project result in an impact within a protected riparian buffer that requires buffer mitigation? ® Yes ❑ No 6b If yes then identify the square feet of impact to each zone of the riparian buffer that requires mitigation Calculate the amount of mitigation required Zone 6c Reason for impact 6d Total impact (square feet) Multiplier 6e Required mitigation (square feet) Zone 1 Road Crossings A E & H and Parallel Utility Impacts to Zone 1 51 593 3 (2 for Catawba) 154 779 Zone 2 Road Crossings A E & H 25 966 1 5 38 949 6f Total buffer mitigation required 193 728 6g If buffer mitigation is required discuss what type of mitigation is proposed (e g payment to private mitigation bank permittee responsible riparian buffer restoration payment into an approved in lieu fee fund) Payment into a private mitigation bank please see Section D 3 and attached credit reservation letters from EBX and W►Idlands Engineering 6h Comments Page 10 of 14 Del Webb UPDATED Parallel Buffer Impact Table May 30 2012 6b 6c 6d 6e 6f 6g Buffer impact number — Reason for impact Buffer Zone 1 impact Zone 2 impact Permanent (P) or Stream name mitigation (square feet) (square feet) Temporary T required? 61 ®P ❑ T Parallel Utility Little Brier Creek ® Yes E] No 56 0 B2 ® P ❑ T Parallel Utility Little Brier Creek 10 Nos 130 0 B3 ❑ P ® T Parallel Utility Little Brier Creek ® Yes os 0 14 027 64 ®P ❑ T Parallel Utility Little Brier Creek ® Yes E] No 254 0 B5 ® P ❑ T Parallel Utility Little Brier Creek ❑® Nos 29 0 B6 ❑ P ®T Parallel Utility Little Brier Creek ® Nos 0 7 712 B7 ®P ❑ T Parallel Utility Little Bner Creek a Nos 115 0 68 ®P ❑ T Parallel Utility Little Brier Creek ® Yes E] No 138 0 B9 ®P ❑ T Parallel Utility Little Bner Creek ®❑ Nos 23 0 B10 ®P ❑ T Parallel Utility Little Brier Creek ®❑ Nos 2 0 B11 ❑ P ❑ T OMITTED El Yes s 0 OMITTED 612 []POT Parallel Little Brier El Yes 0 8 363 Utility /Greenway Creek ® No B13 ❑ P ®T Parallel Little Brier ❑ Yes 0 1 925 Utility/Greenway Creek ® No B14 ❑ P ® T Parallel Utility Little Bner Creek ® Yes os 0 2 940 B15 ❑ P ®T Parallel UT to Little Bner ❑ Yes 0 803 Utility/Greenway Creek ® No B16 ❑ P ® T Parallel UT to Little Brier ❑ Yes 0 2043 Utility/Greenway Creek ® No B17 ❑ P ®T Parallel UT to Little Brier ❑ Yes 0 2 463 Utility/Greenway Creek ® No B18 ❑ P ®T Parallel UT to Little Bner ❑ Yes 0 3 116 Utility/Greenway Creek ® No B19 ❑ P ® T Parallel UT to Little Brier ❑ Yes 0 1 534 Utility /Greenway Creek ® No B20 ❑ P ® T Parallel UT to Little Brier ❑ Yes 0 365 Utility /Greenway Creek ® No B21 ❑ P ®T Parallel UT to Little Brier ❑ Yes 0 591 Utility/Greenway Creek ® No B22 ❑ P ® T Parallel Utility UT to Little Brier ® Yes 0 493 Creek os B23 ❑ P ® T Parallel Utility UT to Little Bner ® Yes 0 1 757 Creek os B24 ❑ P ® T Parallel Utility UT to Little Brier ® Yes 0 5 154 Creek os Page 1 Del Webb UPDATED Parallel Buffer Impact Table May 30 2012 B25 ® P ❑ T Parallel UT to Little Brier ® Yes 15 0 Utility /Greenway Creek ❑ No B26 ❑ P ® T Parallel UT to Little Brier ❑ Yes 0 11 426 Utility/Greenway Creek ® No B27 ® P ❑ T Parallel UT to Little Brier ® Yes 690 0 Utility/Greenway Creek ❑ No B28 ® P ❑ T Parallel UT to Little Brier ® Yes 784 0 Utility/Greenway Creek ❑ No B29 ® P ❑ T Parallel UT to Little Brier ® Yes 18 0 Utility/Greenway Creek ❑ No B30 ❑ P ®T Parallel UT to Little Brier ❑ Yes 0 547 Utility/Greenway Creek ® No B31 ❑ P ®T Parallel UT to Little Brier ❑ Yes 0 18 Utility/Greenway Creek ® No B32 ❑ P ® T Parallel UT to Little Brier ❑ Yes 0 218 Utility/Greenway Creek ® No B33 ❑ P ® T Parallel UT to Little Brier ❑ Yes 0 3 281 Utility/Greenway Creek ® No B34 ❑ P ® T Parallel Utility UT to Little Bner ® 0 5 584 Creek No B35 ® P ❑ T Parallel Utility UT to Little Brier 40 0 Creek No B36 ❑ P ® T Parallel Utility UT to Little Brier ®Nos 0 2014 Creek B37 ❑ P ® T Parallel Utility UT to Little Brier ® Nos 0 557 Creek B38 ❑ P ® T Parallel Utility UT to Little Bner ® Nos 0 1 362 Creek B39 ❑ P ® T Parallel Utility UT to Little Brier ® Nos 0 414 Creek B40 ❑ P ® T Parallel Utility UT to Little Brier ® Nos 0 1 190 Creek B41 ❑ P ® T Parallel Utility UT to Lick ® Nos 0 729 Creek B42 ❑ P ® T Parallel Utility UT to Lick ® Nos 0 2 241 Creek B43 ❑ P ® T Parallel Utility UT to Lick Creek El Yes 0 65 B44 ❑ P ® T Parallel Utility UT to Lick Creek No 9 623* 0 B45 ❑ P ®T Parallel Utility UT to Lick ® Nos 0 251 Creek B46 ❑ P ® T Parallel Utility UT to Lick Creek Nos 1 665* 0 B47 ❑ P ® T Parallel Utility UT to Lick Creek ® Nos 0 1 866 B48 ❑ P ®T Parallel Utility UT to Lick ® Yes 0 2 223 Creek s B49 ❑ P ® T Parallel Utility UT to Lick Creek ® Yes s 0 2 139 6h Total buffer impacts 13 582 89 411 *New re alignment of offsite Force Main and Gravity Sewer impacts Page 2 Debbie Edwards From Randy King < Randy King @PulteGroup com> Sent Friday May 18 2012 10 54 AM To Debbie Edwards Subject FW 12 0077 Del Webb Active Retirement Community Horvath will be assembling this info From Lucas, Annette [mailto annette lucas @ncdenr gov] Sent Friday, May 18, 2012 10 43 AM To Randy King Cc Mcmillan, Ian, Witherspoon, Lauren, Higgins, Karen Strickland, Bev Subject 12 0077 Del Webb Active Retirement Community Randy — Good to talk to you today As we discussed we II issue you a 401 that is conditional — saying you can commence each phase after the DWQ has received the approved SW plan from the City of Durham (including the level spreader plans) Then for the future portions of the site please provide a conceptual stormwater management plan for the project that includes the following a A depiction of the drainage areas on the site b An estimation of the percentage imperviousness associated with each of the drainage areas c A calculation of the water quality volume associated with each drainage area d A depiction of a proposed BMP (state the type of BMP you plan to use) on the site plan that is correctly sized based on the water quality volume Let me know if you have any questions Thanks Annette Annette M Lucas PE Environmental Engineer NCDENR I DWQ I Wetlands and Stormwater Branch 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh NC 27699 1650 (Mail) 512 N Salisbury St Raleigh NC 27604 1 9th Floor (Location & Parcels) Phone (919) 807 6381 1 Fax (919) 807 6494 1 Email Annette Lucas u,ncdenr gov Website http / /portal ncdenrorV,/%veb/wq/swP/ws/401 `,A Before printing this email please consider your budget and the environment E mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE This email may contain confidential and privileged material for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) Any review use distribution or disclosure by others is strictly prohibited If you have received this communication in error please notify the sender immediately by email and delete the message and any file attachments from your computer Thank you Debbie Edwards From Randy King < Randy King @PulteGroup com> Sent Wednesday May 30 2012 4 04 PM To Debbie Edwards Subject FW Del Webb Durham Stormwater Management Attachments image001jpg From Ron Horvath, PE Horvath Assoicates, PA [madto ron horvath @horvathassociates com] Sent Thursday, October 06, 20116 35 PM To Randy King Subject Fw Del Webb Durham Stormwater Management Not good news We will discuss Monday From the Black Berry of Ronald L Horvath, P E Horvath Associates PA 919 490 4990 office 919 490 8953 fax From "Williams Marvin" < Marvin Williams @durhamnc gov> Date Thu 6 Oct 2011 16 20 35 0400 To <ron horvath@horvathassociates com> Cc Joyner, Robert< Robert Joyner @durhamnc gov> Wiebke, Paul <Paul Wiebke @durhamnc gov >, Venable Ed <Ed Venable @durhamnc gov> <lee murphy @horvathassociates com> Medlin Steve< Steve Medlin @durhamnc gov> Subject RE Del Webb Durham Stormwater Management f3.Ti1 The City has taken the position that the use of level spreaders will be required at the end of a BMP to provide diffused flow even when wetlands are utilized (our permit requires us to look beyond more than nutrient reduction when we review this and we consider that this policy will reduce erosive velocities that cut new channels through the buffer in our easily erodible soils) While the DWQ has chosen to set a minimal standard as stated in Ms Lucas email (and in LIDO sections 8 5 2 and 8 5 4) the City has chosen to implement a more stringent requirement for this issue based on additional concerns as stated above I cannot see how our implementation of a more stringent requirement is in conflict with what is permitted within the UDO or by the State In order to avoid the requirement of a level spreader you would need to formally submit a no practical alternatives application for review However I am not aware of a situation where the requirement of a level spreader cannot be accommodated Typically this is an issue of profit (and cost) for the developer and /or engineer which is not the top priority for the City when implementing these requirements Please call or email with any questions Marvin G Williams Director of Public Works City of Durham 101 City Hall Plaza Durham NC 27701 Phone (919) 560 -4326 ext 30225 www durhamnc qov From Ronald L Horvath, PE Horvath Associates, PA [mailto ron horvath @horvathassociates com] Sent Monday, October 03 2011 149 PM To Williams Marvin Cc Joyner, Robert, Wiebke, Paul, Venable, Ed, lee murphy @horvathassociates com Subject FW Del Webb Durham Stormwater Management Please note Annette's response to our inquiry about not using level spreader for stormwater wetlands As I indicated, Durham Stormwater requirements exceed the state requirements and appear to be in conflict with what is permitted by the UDO Marvin, FYI Annette Lucas is the permitting arm of DWQ when it comes to stream and buffer impacts Please advise is this is sufficient and whether we may proceed with our project design without the need to incorporate level spreaders when wetlands are utilized Best regards, Ronald L Horvath P E HORVATH ASSOCIATES, P A 16 CONSULTANT PLACE SUITE 201 DURHAM NORTH CAROLINA 27707 P 1919)490 -4990 F (919)490 -8953 www horvathassociates com From Lucas, Annette [mailto annette lucas @ncdenr gov] Sent Monday October 03, 2011 12 45 PM To Randy King Subject RE Del Webb Durham Stormwater Management Randy Good to hear from you You are correct that the DWQ does allow the discharge from correctly designed stormwater wetlands and bioretention cells to be channeled through protected stream buffers You are also correct that the DWQ requires the discharge from wet detention ponds to be further treated by a level spreader or other device The City of Durham may have additional requirements though — so you will want to check with them before you finalize your design Good lucki Annette Annette M Lucas PE Environmental Engineer NCDENR I DWQ I Wetlands and Stormwater Branch 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh NC 27699 1650 (Mail) 512 N Salisbury St Raleigh NC 27604 1 9f Floor (Location & Parcels) Phone (919) 807 6381 1 Fax (919) 807 6494 1 Email Annette Lucas(u-),ncdenr gov Websrte http / /portal ncdenr org /web /wq /sxNP /\&s /401 r.A Before printing this email please consider your budget and the environment E mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties From Randy King [madto Randy King @PulteGroup com] Sent Thursday, September 29, 20116 04 PM To Lucas, Annette Subject Del Webb Durham Stormwater Management Annette I hope you are doing well I wanted to clarify something from our July 251h presubmittal meeting for our Active Adult community on Leesville Road in Durham This project is in the Neuse Basin and will be approximately 45% impervious There will be minor wetland stream and buffer impacts that will require a 401 Certification We discussed that the stormwater management devices proposed for this project will potentially consist of constructed stormwater wetlands bioretention areas and perhaps a wet pond I want to confirm that DWQ currently allows the discharge from the stormwater wetlands and bioretention basins to be piped or channeled through the stream buffer rather than requiring diffuse flow via a level spreader outside of the buffer I understand that this is preferred for the discharge from these devices due to the level of treatment that is provided by the stormwater wetland or bioretention area I understand that the discharge from a wet pond needs further treatment from a level spreader or other device prior to discharge outside of the buffer Please confirm that my understanding of these discharge requirements is correct so that we can proceed with our design and prepare our permit submittals Thank you for your help Randy *PulteGroup RANDY KING P E Land Planning and Entitlements Manager Raleigh Division office direct (919) 816 1146 cell (919) 369 4602 pultegroup com 1225 Crescent Green Drive Suite 250 Cary North Carolina 27518 Forrest Creek Riparian Buffer Mitigation Bank Rudolph Riparian Buffer Bank Statement of Availability October 04 2011 NC Division of Water Quality U S Army Corps of Engineers Ms Katie Merritt Mr Monti Matthews 401 Oversight /Express Permitting Unit CESAW RG R 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh Regulatory Field Office Raleigh NC 27699 1650 3331 Heritage Trade Center Suite 105 Wake Forest NC 27587 Re Project DEL WEBB DURHAM DEVELOPMENT This document confirms that Pulte Group, Inc (Applicant) of the Del Webb Durham Development has expressed an interest to utilize 512 Linear Feet of Stream Mitigation Credits and 117,002 Square Feet of Riparian Buffer Mitigation Credits from a combination of the EBX Neuse Riparian Buffer Umbrella Mitigation Bank /Rudolph Site and the Forest Creek Stream and Riparian Buffer Mitigation Bank located in the Neuse HUC 03020201 As the Bank Sponsor EBX EM LLC for the Forrest Creek Riparian Buffer Mitigation Bank (Bank) attests to the fact that mitigation is available for transfer upon permit issuance Banker will notify applicant if the 512 SMU and 117.002 Sa Ft of Mitigation become considered At Risk of not being available prior to permit issuance Credits are not considered secured until payment in full is received from the applicant resulting in the issuance of a Bill of Sale and Affidavit of Sale by the bank acknowledging that the applicant has fully secured credits from the bank and the Banker has accepted full responsibility for the mitigation obligation requiring the credits /units The Banker will issue the Affidavit of Sale within ten (10) days of receipt of the balance of the Purchase Price Banker shall provide to Applicant with a copy of the Affidavit of Sale and a documented copy of the debit of credits from the Bank Official Credit Ledger showing the permit number and the resource type secured by the applicant A copy of the Affidavit of Sale with an updated Official Credit Ledger will also be sent to regulatory agencies showing the proper documentation If any questions need to be answered please contact me at 239 872 1678 Best Regards ^44 kA, Matthew R Fisher EBX EM LLC 909 Capability Drive Suite 3100 Raleigh NC 27606 INDEX OF DRAWINGS: C000 COVER SHEET C520 OVERALL SITE PLAN INDEX SHEET C521 EXISTING CONDITIONS: IMPACT KEY INDEX C522 EXISTING CONDITIONS: IMPACT KEY INDEX C522A EXISTING CONDITIONS: IMPACT KEY INDEX C523 EXISTING CONDITIONS: IMPACT KEY INDEX C524 EXISTING CONDITIONS: IMPACT KEY INDEX C525 PROPOSED CONDITIONS: IMPACT KEY INDEX C526 PROPOSED CONDITIONS: IMPACT KEY INDEX C526A PROPOSED CONDITIONS: IMPACT KEY INDEX C527 PROPOSED CONDITIONS: IMPACT KEY INDEX C528 PROPOSED CONDITIONS: IMPACT KEY INDEX C529A SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT -NEUSE BUFFER PARALLEL IMPACTS - ZONE 1, ZONE 2 C529B SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT -NEUSE BUFFER PARALLEL IMPACTS - ZONE 1, ZONE 2 AND WETLANDS IMPACT C529C FORCEMAIN EASEMENT -NEUSE BUFFER IMPACTS - ZONE 1, ZONE 2 TO EX BRIGHTLEAF PUMP STATION. C530 NEUSE BUFFER IMPACT -AREA W (WETLANDS IMPACTS) C531 NEUSE BUFFER IMPACT -AREA A, AREA B (PLAN & PROFILE) C532 NEUSE BUFFER IMPACT -AREA C, AREA D (PLAN & PROFILE) C533 NEUSE BUFFER IMPACT -AREA E, AREA F (PLAN & PROFILE) C534 NEUSE BUFFER IMPACT -AREA G, AREA H (PLAN & PROFILE) C535 NEUSE BUFFER IMPACT -AREA I, AREA J (PLAN & PROFILE) C536 NEUSE BUFFER IMPACT -AREA K, AREA L (PLAN & PROFILE) C537 NEUSE BUFFER IMPACT - OFFSITE AREA M (PLAN & PROFILE) C539 OFFSITE WATERLINE EXTENSION IMPACT MAP C7 OFFSITE WATERLINE CONNECTION (APPROVED BY OTHERS) (USACE ACTION ID: SAW- 2009 - 00985) C807 SITE DETAILS PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR MSS LAND CONSULTANTS, PC WADE GOWERS 6118 SAINT GILES STREET, SUITE E RALEIGH, N.C. 27612 (919) 510 -4464 e -mail: gowersw @mssland.com NEUSE BASIN - STREAM /WETLAND /BUFFER IMPACT MAPS DEL WEBB DURHAM LEESVILLE ROAD., DURHAM., NC 1 GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANT FROEHLING & ROBERTSON, INC DAN SCHAEFER 310 HUBERT STREET RALEIGH, N.C. 27603 (919) 828 -3441 e -mail: dschaefer @fandr.com SUMMARY OF IMPACTS PERMANENT CHANNEL IMPACTS IMPORTANT / PERENNIAL STREAM 240 LF IMPORTANT / PERENNIAL STREAM CHANNEL 4,624 SF (0.106 AC) UNIMPORTANT / INTERMITTENT STREAM 262 LF UNIMPORTANT / INTERMITTENT STREAM CHANNEL 4,006 SF(0.092 AC) TEMPORARY CHANNEL IMPACTS IMPORTANT / PERENNIAL STREAM IMPORTANT / PERENNIAL STREAM CHANNEL UNIMPORTANT / INTERMITTENT STREAM UNIMPORTANT / INTERMITTENT STREAM CHANNEL WETLAND IMPACTS JURISDICTIONAL WETLANDS (TOTAL) RESIDENTIAL LOTS: RESIDENTIAL ROADS: UTILITY EASEMENT: ISOLATED WETLANDS (TOTAL) RESIDENTIAL LOTS: RESIDENTIAL ROADS: UTILITY EASEMENT: 373 LF 4,923 SF (0.113 AC) 92 LF 1,678 SF (0.039 AC) 17,680 SF (0.406 AC) 4,356 SF (0.100 AC) 653 SF (0.015 AC) 11,917 SF (0.274 AC) 16,949 SF (0.389 AC) 13,952 SF (0.320 AC) 2,599 SF (0.060 AC) 398 SF (0.009 AC) STREAM BUFFER IMPACTS NEUSE BUFFER ZONE 1 IMPACTS (SF) NEUSE BUFFER ZONE 2 IMPACTS (SF) 79,351 SF (1.822 AC) 134,404 SF (3.085 AC) FUTURE OWNER / DEVELOPER PULTE GROUP, INC DEL WEBB RANDY KING / CHRIS RAUGHLEY 1225 CRESCENT GREEN DRIVE - SUITE 250 CARY, N.C. 27518 (919) 816 -1100 e -mail: randy.king @pultegroup.com e -mail: chris.raughley @pultegroup.com ENGINEER /LAND PLANNER HORVATH ASSOCIATES, PA TIM SIVERS / RON HORVATH 16 CONSULTANT PLACE, SUITE 201 DURHAM, N.C. 27707 P (919) 490 -4990 F (919) 490 -8953 e -mail: tim .sivers @horvathassociates.com e -mail: ron .horvath @horvathassociates.com ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANT SOIL AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS, PA DEBBIE EDWARDS 11010 RAVEN RIDGE ROAD RALEIGH, N.C. 27614 (919) 846 -5900 e -mail: dedwards @sandec.com ©COPYRIGHT 2012 THIS DOCUMENT AND THE DESIGN ARE THE PROPERTY OF HORVATH ASSOCIATES, P.A. ANY REPRODUCTION WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT IS PROHIBITED ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ HORVATH A S S O C I A T E S 16 CONSULTANT PLACE, SURE 201 DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA 27707 P 919.490.4990 F 919.490.8953 P.O. BOX 970 HARRISON, TENNESSEE 37341 P 423.266.4990 www.horvathassociates.com Q z M J W 0 CID aU Lu Q O W_ Lul�_ J oe �/ J O J uo)z W r) r) J� X: oe M 0 COVER SHEET .1.10 Np�Y PR OT FOR ON N RuCtl cpNs ., SEAL 10376 ����� : HG I NEB Ci :P•``r�' DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: FS RH / TS DATE DECEMBER 20, 2011 SCALE AS NOTED PROJECT NO. 1121 SHEET NO. c000 <IMPACT MAPS> 1., r, 1 1 ■ ■ 1y r O r 4 r tl t i 44 { jWGJj 1 Wr�4 } tt itl 1 �j F i P A yt s i 4 4 t it i t t t 4 ' �4 i i y r r4 it 1 { t t t 4 t t t t t t 4 y ; 4 t 5 P U� =1 PARTIAL NEUSE BASIN IMPACTS -KEY INDEX EXIST CONDITIONS C52lj SCALE: 1 "= 100' z 4 0 50 100 200 SCALE: 1 "= 100' @COPYRIGHT 2011 THIS DOCUMENT AND THE DESIGN ARE THE PROPERTY OF HORVATH ASSOCIATES, P.A. ANY REPRODUCTION WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT IS PROHIBITED ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ H ORVATH ASSOCIATE S 16 CONSULTANT PLACE, SUDTE 201 DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA 27707 P 919.490.4990 F 919.490.8953 P.O. BOX 970 HARROSON, TENNESSEE 37341 P 423.266.4990 www.horvathassociates.com 0 W < O u W Lu J O Lu Lu Lu r J EXISTING CONDITIONS: IMPACT KEY INDEX ,•,.$.......', 4. P :. •N� #�QN • ......•RJ '•;��a L. HO ��. DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: FS RH / TS DATE DECEMBER 20, 2011 SCALE AS NOTED PROJECT NO. 1121 SHEET NO. C521 <IMPACT MAPS, S: \Drawings \l 1\1121 Del Webb Site Design \SITE PLAN WORKING \11210520- C5281MPACTS.dwg, C522-24X36,5/29/2012 10:33:38 AM, 1:1 N N n m TT /V IpI O r Z rn C C/) rn D cn Z D n to rn Z 0 rn X rn X �n n O z 0 0 z N ° on D ° r rn 0 0 ° N ° ° O I I n � N N D m o > ' -n II �Zy ° r C/) c° Z rn 7= C 0 r (/) rn 7000 o> ° >- 0 Z n l m l t'F ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 10 r 1 0 ■► ^■ 10 % r IN ■ ■ ■ ■ x - ■ r ■ X - ■ ■ 1,W ■ ■ 0 1■ 1 N 1 0e I'■V 9 A V ■ '■ N ,■ ° ■ i ■.> ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■• ■/ V ■ j I Ar l a,, / 0 Zmwomummow ■ '/■1 f ■ % ■ 1�Na k In -0 _ ■ ■ ■ a ■ 1 A CA m o 0 n �p � 0 cn �? a N NN V N Z 0 m 0 Fri — — n m -om:o >= O DEL WEBB o 9�z lb 0 �. ..:�. y _ Z � Z. O / a �mo AOY �� O 0 Z 0 : = =m yD- -� 3 DURHAM � T =� n < am rn = r_) -O•m o�� atp C o m — N T %0L :• �a�: O O Z O N w m o y o ••..,�� •••........•� ° ,.• _ Z LEESVILLE ROAD o o Z m > > N • ,' V U 171 w "� z DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA -4 m T V ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ •��� II��I��iI IllY�' S ID. 166328 ,, RR 1 �o AM 1 1. 1 Zoned. PDR 3.990 Land Use. VAC RES/ HOMEOWNERS ASSOC �-7 F/( ............ rr.. .......... ■ r'f'�Kllf'�L IVCUJC 6fA3IIV IIVIr'fil.IJ ■ �DOC NICHOLS ROAD • Jr22 SCALE: 1" = 100' ■ ■ ■ ■ l ■ ©COPYRIGHT 2012 THIS DOCUMENT AND THE DESIGN ARE THE PROPERTY OF HORVATH ASSOCIATES, P.A. ANY REPRODUCTION WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT IS PROHIBITED HORVATH A S S O C I A T E S 16 CONSULTANT PLACE, SURE 201 DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA 27707 P 919.490.4990 F 919.490.8953 P.O. BOX 970 HARRISON, TENNESSEE 37341 P 423.266.4990 www.horvathassociates.com EXISTING CONDITIONS: IMPACT KEY INDEX NARY .1.10 PR . Fol pN N RVct cpN l � SEAL 10376 ����� : HG I NEB Ci :P•``r�� DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: FS RH / TS DATE DECEMBER 20, 2011 SCALE AS NOTED PROJECT NO. 1121 SHEET NO. C522A <IMPACT MAPS> Q Z m Q J O oe W Q Q 0u Q _ o_ Lu J ~ � W J:� oe 0 EXISTING CONDITIONS: IMPACT KEY INDEX NARY .1.10 PR . Fol pN N RVct cpN l � SEAL 10376 ����� : HG I NEB Ci :P•``r�� DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: FS RH / TS DATE DECEMBER 20, 2011 SCALE AS NOTED PROJECT NO. 1121 SHEET NO. C522A <IMPACT MAPS> s . 0 \ IMPACT W -11 (SEE SHEET C530) IMPACT W -10 (SEE SHEET C530) OTC 1 �i � � 1 \e\ � � � � i l , � �°" � _ � i � I 1 t\ \. ,. � _ � 1 1 C a \ � a , � \ O \ • C� /15 �1 ��-� S E S ETC \ I ol ` �� \ / � � \ l \ 1 0 �z�� \ i�PARTIAL NEUSE BASIN IMPACTS -KEY INDEX EXIST CONDITIONS C523JSCALE: 1"= 100' Z��--' Z 4 0 50 100 200 SCALE: 1 "= 100' @COPYRIGHT 2011 THIS DOCUMENT AND THE DESIGN ARE THE PROPERTY OF HORVATH ASSOCIATES, P.A. ANY REPRODUCTION WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT IS PROHIBITED ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ HORVATH ASSOCIATE S 16 CONSULTANT PLACE, SUDTE 201 DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA 27707 P 919.490.4990 F 919.490.8953 P.O. BOX 970 HARROSON, TENNESSEE 37341 P 423.266.4990 www.horvathassociates.com J rn 0 c < < W O u W Lu fie 0 i..0 Lu ` J r EXISTING CONDITIONS: IMPACT KEY INDEX �''',, �N• SRO` /' P W� am • �� ;. G........ DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: FS RH / TS DATE DECEMBER 20, 2011 SCALE AS NOTED PROJECT NO. 1121 SHEET NO. C523 <IMPACT MAPS, ■ ■ J Mpowl ki i�PARTIAL NEUSE BASIN IMPACTS -KEY INDEX EXIST CONDITIONS C524 %SCALE: 1"= 100' Z��--' z 4 0 50 100 200 SCALE: 1 "= 100' 0� B • ■ IBM ■ r� ■ @COPYRIGHT 2011 THIS DOCUMENT AND THE DESIGN ARE THE PROPERTY OF HORVATH ASSOCIATES, P.A. ANY REPRODUCTION WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT IS PROHIBITED ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ HORVATH ASSOCIATE S 16 CONSULTANT PLACE, SUDTE 201 DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA 27707 P 919.490.4990 F 919.490.8953 P.O. BOX 970 HARROSON, TENNESSEE 37341 P 423.266.4990 www.horvathassociates.com J rn 0 c < < W O u W Lu fie 0 i..0 Lu ` J r EXISTING CONDITIONS: IMPACT KEY INDEX ,•,,,......,,,4. R DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: FS RH / TS DATE DECEMBER 20, 2011 SCALE AS NOTED PROJECT NO. 1121 SHEET NO. C524 <IMPACT MAPS, ti ti ti ■ ti ■ ■ m i�PARTIAL NEUSE BASIN IMPACTS -KEY INDEX PROPOSED CONDITIONS C525 J SCALE: 1 ° = 100' ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Z 4 0 50 100 200 � Imo~ � ■ SCALE: 1 "= 100' ■ @COPYRIGHT 2011 THIS DOCUMENT AND THE DESIGN ARE THE PROPERTY OF HORVATH ASSOCIATES, P.A. ANY REPRODUCTION WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT IS PROHIBITED HORVATH ASSOCIATE S 16 CONSULTANT PLACE, SUDTE 201 DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA 27707 P 919.490.4990 F 919.490.8953 P.O. BOX 970 HARROSON, TENNESSEE 37341 P 423.266.4990 www.horvathassociates.com J rn 0 c < < W O u W Lu fie 0 i..0 Lu ` J r PROPOSED CONDITIONS: IMPACT KEY INDEX ,• ............... R�lot R P :. •N� #�QN • ......•RJ '•.� �a L. HO �,. DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: FS RH / TS DATE DECEMBER 20, 2011 SCALE AS NOTED PROJECT NO. 1121 SHEET NO. C525 <IMPACT MAPS, S: \Drawings \11 \1121 Del Webb Site Design \SITE PLAN WORKING \11210520- C5281MPACTS.dwg, C526-24X36,5/29/2012 10:49:45 AM, 1:1 o CJ1 � N 01 (A M n m TT /V IpI O r Z rn C C/) rn D cn Z D n to rn Z O rn X 70 O O rn 0 n O Z 0 0 Z N 0 On D cn r rn I I O O O N O O ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ A N V CA m Eq z 0 I np z c No N 011% Z 0 M 0 Fri °> v> ° Z > n =:a -0 0 D ...����. ' M > Z DEL WEBB o :2 ao� z ; 2 Jcn o w o Z o z 0 ED n := m °D y y- �1 1 — rn DURHAM �_ T =n < rn = _ -O per a.� �C O o M � - ° y ° •'•'ti'''•••••••''•'' " LEESVILLE ROAD 3 ° Z C13 0 fn C4 > > �; a "Rom memo z rC DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA w 4 rn T V ■ ■ ■ S: \Drawings \l 1\1121 Del Webb Site Design \SITE PLAN WORKING \11210520- C5281MPACTS.dwg, C526A- 24X36, 5/30/2012 12:56:30 PM, 1:1 y rn x C Q Z Z a tip o � b �& C 1 a n N rn rn y � rn Z I 0 � IV �O -v 7O ^y rn rn m ov y C = T rn T rn rn n C� IV � �O � -1 J / �D t 1 I l ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ �O Fri o Z ............ oo DEL WEBB o � z y O; ••• ;4, • O rn Z z a O n * �z r� o gym° �Qz V 1 F ^•� w Zz N �' r7'I 2 ° ;Z : n Z = °_� �rn N:� -�3 DURHAM �_ T =� NW n 2:R VD "�� VJ n. — w >> y ° y ° ••.•�ti•••........•� �?•'' Z LEESVILLE ROAD ° Z v , V D 3 R >m o O .� DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA w 4?� z s N= S:\Drowings\l 1\1121 Del Webb Site Design\SITE PLAN WORKING\112IC520-0528IMPACTS.dwg, C527-24X36,5/31/2012 10:58:06 AM, 1:1 n m 8 A Lmm: MAN kw1ra-7-2111111 LUMMMEMMMMT CB DI WL C) 77 'A TED M.0'ar n z-7 � C' m m MID m > m 0 1 0 —1 (A O Zoo m m m > m 10 0-1 (A * III i1 I • F®r m m MID m > m 0 1 0 —1 (A O Zoo m m m > m 10 0-1 (A * S:\Drowings\l 1\1121 Del Webb Site Design\SITE PLAN WORKING\112IC520-0528IMPACTS.dwg, C528-24X36,5/31/2012 11:00:27 AM, 1:1 0 0 C? EA 0 M M 0 z �s M :0 M -0 M 0 0 M 0 n x 0 EA EA -0 :0 M 0 :0 0 0 c q 0 z 3E :p 0 9 -0 :0 5 :0 3E :0 M z 0 0 z EA M i5 rA -0 :0 0 x CD On D rn C? n � 00 IpI O Z M M Z I M Z 0 M X -0 70 0 a 0 C/) M 0 n 0 Z 0 0 Z CB 2 WL K "Aw w 9-00 > Illiiq a CA x M —n Eq I Fri A z P 3: -0 n z �p > m 0 19ON—MVCROACHMENT > AREA fRINGE (/) M 7- 0 ED ;a 0 M M > co ............. V ry.............. VEr C. E IN, %\]SCIATED, VIETLAND (5.764, Sr 2 6 05 r. LO "Aw w 9-00 > Illiiq a log .............. - --------- -- A m Fm m - - n =:a -00— > o rn z > 0 0' 0 CA �•....• ...• ••• o 0 ;;Go ;. h k) CA 0 > Z 0 c), 0 lb 0 DEL WEBB :2 P'Zx 0 %0 Ep M 0 80> z Ej z °? cw:)m 0 -nx n < '14> goo DURHAM z 01 o'r M O p o M 0 Z M ;a ca O M > > n 0 Z a LEESVILLE ROAD 3 > =:I Romemo w --I M "m M DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA 4 M 14 to CA x M —n Eq I Fri A z P 3: -0 n z �p > m 0 > (/) M 7- 0 ED ;a 0 M M > co M V log .............. - --------- -- A m Fm m - - n =:a -00— > o rn z > 0 0' 0 CA �•....• ...• ••• o 0 ;;Go ;. h k) CA 0 > Z 0 c), 0 lb 0 DEL WEBB :2 P'Zx 0 %0 Ep M 0 80> z Ej z °? cw:)m 0 -nx n < '14> goo DURHAM z 01 o'r M O p o M 0 Z M ;a ca O M > > n 0 Z a LEESVILLE ROAD 3 > =:I Romemo w --I M "m M DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA 4 M 14 to S: \Drawings \11 \1121 Del Webb Site Design \SITE PLAN WORKING \11210529A- C529B- IMPACTS.dwg, C529A- 24X36, 5/30/2012 1:25:49 PM, 1:1 N (/) n D r m Z Cn M M 70 M D cn M 3: M Z Z M C Cn M C n M D D r r M r n I Cn N O Z M N Z rn N M D° rn I I � O ° 00 O o� mmen 7O r W Zmoommi 00 rn � it r At * \\11 9 l� 6 �-. ft `pVCS wv c /S 7v Z 7v 1 0�M PVC S/s — r- r- - •• � 1 f t y rn V oo_ r- aZ7v �3 i �rn f Ft t f } i aNn T TI JD> f} 1 f T rn o0 T AD F 1*4 ID z f OZ�F s s ID ! N, M PVCS�S .® r r I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CA a v„ v � N 7 C I'T1 Cn � �x� -0p— p N n �V ` �....... O O o� T n CA NO Ny rn y o o ' %0 . Q DEL WEBB � p �z n n N rn z � � =D Z N rn �0 n < M 'er o y o y •'••.;T� •••........•�'a�;.� �► 7� rn D rn LEESVILLE ROAD 3; a > > V O •••''�(I memo CA)" Q r WIN " M cCn rn DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA 4 rn rrnX � cnZ wv c -1 7v Z 7v 1 0�M M r- r- - •• � 1 mrn t y r- V oo_ r- �3 �rn Ft t i aNn L ___. JD> o0 AD ID z �Na M LGA '- I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CA a v„ v � N 7 C I'T1 Cn � �x� -0p— p N n �V ` �....... O O o� T n CA NO Ny rn y o o ' %0 . Q DEL WEBB � p �z n n N rn z � � =D Z N rn �0 n < M 'er o y o y •'••.;T� •••........•�'a�;.� �► 7� rn D rn LEESVILLE ROAD 3; a > > V O •••''�(I memo CA)" Q r WIN " M cCn rn DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA 4 rn rrnX � cnZ 1 t 1 1 t Ft t i L ___. r I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CA a v„ v � N 7 C I'T1 Cn � �x� -0p— p N n �V ` �....... O O o� T n CA NO Ny rn y o o ' %0 . Q DEL WEBB � p �z n n N rn z � � =D Z N rn �0 n < M 'er o y o y •'••.;T� •••........•�'a�;.� �► 7� rn D rn LEESVILLE ROAD 3; a > > V O •••''�(I memo CA)" Q r WIN " M cCn rn DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA 4 rn rrnX � cnZ rn a Z = D m 9 m< rm m 1- m A �ib 3 y0 y0n a D Dz� 3 �a 5 ► � r ozo ►! WX LnZ -C rn �a n r- rn y rn �v M N M L -C v,0� D Z — rn rn jw wZ -C c =i rn > In 7D 7D H m m r 0�3 N m V N �Z� m C y M to C a Z = D m 9 m< rm m T1 A �ib 3 ► � r ozo ►! WX LnZ -C rn �a n r- rn y rn �v M N M L -C v,0� D Z — rn rn jw wZ -C c =i rn > In 7D 7D H m m r 0�3 N m V N �Z� m C y M to C a Z = D m r- rn M m m< rm m Z CVMS 3 y0 y0n o D Dz� rn > >1 c Z m H =i r C � y 6 rn m I m Lh 0 � N � ul 0 AZ N Gi u w y rn Z D -4 rn rn y r cmc N c A rn -C D� A Z I DEL WEBB DURHAM LEESVILLE ROAD DW A AA KlnDTl..I f"* A Dnl lKl A n� r A. �q f4 '�11 1111111�►° jr! ► � � X11111111111 j1111111111111� �_ +.. •1111111111 �r`�t %111111�1�1�� wr"3m PF, v t Z CVMS 3 � o rn > >1 c Z m H =i r C � y 6 rn m I m Lh 0 � N � ul 0 AZ N Gi u w y rn Z D -4 rn rn y r cmc N c A rn -C D� A Z I DEL WEBB DURHAM LEESVILLE ROAD DW A AA KlnDTl..I f"* A Dnl lKl A n� r A. �q f4 '�11 1111111�►° jr! ► � � X11111111111 j1111111111111� �_ +.. •1111111111 �r`�t %111111�1�1�� wr"3m PF, v t WETLAND IMPACT AREA W -14 12,671 SQ FT OF JURISDICTIONAL 5 WETLAND IMPACT FOR EASEMENT -4r: PARALLEL IMP, SANITARY SEW ZONE 2rNEUSE 251 SG FT, PARALLEL I SAN I :ZONE 1 NI PARALLEL IMPACT 446 SANITARY SEWER ZONE 1 NEUSE BUFFER 1,665 SQ FT, EX PROPERTY LINE .......... AIN I US BUFFER w FT .. ..,..... PACT #44 ARY SEY?ER :USE BUFFER 623 SQ FT. PARALLEL IMPACT # :SANITARY SEW ZONE: 2 NEUSE BUFF 65 SQ ..... ...... -- uV1 1 L _ 7 ..... ......... 11 .... .... ........... ...w :..w,.N .._ _.. ... .... ....... '.. ,...... w ■ w. v w 1'AR —ALLEL IMP CTi#4211 ..rte -. .......... SA�TARY 5EVv8R .... ■ w :N ZO-N, .2 NEUSE BL;FFER ........ ■ 2,24 1 SQ FT.., ..,. ■ ■ ■ SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT -NEUSE BUFFER IMPACTS -ZONE 1, ZONE 2 SCALE: 1" = 40' 43 +00 43 +50 44 +00 44 +50 45 +00 45 +50 IMPACT AREA FM1 - PROFILE SCALE: 1" = 40'(H), 1 " =4'(V) zr ■ ■ z ........ 0 PARAL EL IMPAC I447 FOR-7 MAIN Lu v ZONE 2 NEUSEBUFFER u 1,86^ SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT -NEUSE BUFFER IMPACTS -ZONE 1, ZONE 2 SCALE: 1" = 40' 43 +00 43 +50 44 +00 44 +50 45 +00 45 +50 IMPACT AREA FM1 - PROFILE SCALE: 1" = 40'(H), 1 " =4'(V) ©COPYRIGHT 2012 THIS DOCUMENT AND THE DESIGN ARE THE PROPERTY OF HORVATH ASSOCIATES, P.A. ANY REPRODUCTION WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT IS PROHIBITED HOIRVATH A S S O C I A T E S 16 CONSULTANT PLACE, SUITE 201 DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA 27707 P 919.490.4990 F 919.490.8953 P.O. BOX 970 HARRISON, TENNESSEE 37341 P 423.266.4990 www.horvathassociates.com ■ ■ ■ z 0 i ■ �j ■ Lu < 0 u b ,�,e o,�0 � ■ {.......... ......... _. ............................................ ......... ............ ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... } ......... ......... ......... L ■ Y ;1 ■ JO > ■ ■ ....... ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Lq O O N O O O 0 O O O C) Q ■ 46 +00 46 +50 47 +00 47 +50 48 +00 48 +51 ■ ■ ■ TPF = LIMIT OF ■ 0 20 40 80 DISTURBANCE ■ SCALE: 1" = 40' ■ ■ ©COPYRIGHT 2012 THIS DOCUMENT AND THE DESIGN ARE THE PROPERTY OF HORVATH ASSOCIATES, P.A. ANY REPRODUCTION WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT IS PROHIBITED HOIRVATH A S S O C I A T E S 16 CONSULTANT PLACE, SUITE 201 DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA 27707 P 919.490.4990 F 919.490.8953 P.O. BOX 970 HARRISON, TENNESSEE 37341 P 423.266.4990 www.horvathassociates.com FORCE MAIN EASEMENT -NEUSE BUFFER IMPACTS - ZONE 1, ZONE 2 TO EX BRIGHTLEAF PUMP STA `NI1 NARY PR E�N 0ir Fog oN urT GpNs,t� ° e s s °� •••. 9 i Q � �l • � ' SEAL 10376 ��•�• •ENGINEER '•`��: DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: FS RH / TS DATE DECEMBER 20, 2011 SCALE AS NOTED PROJECT NO. 1121 SHEET NO. C529C <I M PACT MAPS> z 0 Lu < 0 u JO > z Lu s ® J 73 FORCE MAIN EASEMENT -NEUSE BUFFER IMPACTS - ZONE 1, ZONE 2 TO EX BRIGHTLEAF PUMP STA `NI1 NARY PR E�N 0ir Fog oN urT GpNs,t� ° e s s °� •••. 9 i Q � �l • � ' SEAL 10376 ��•�• •ENGINEER '•`��: DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: FS RH / TS DATE DECEMBER 20, 2011 SCALE AS NOTED PROJECT NO. 1121 SHEET NO. C529C <I M PACT MAPS> i CL n N N N 0 3 10 M X R N O M N U 3 Q a U M U N 0 Z sz 3 Z Q J CL w i c 0 in m 3 m 0 1 A A P S . . . mm ............... - - - - - - 4 I� �IMPACT AREA W — PLAN VIEW o 20 40 80 C530 SCALE: 1" = 40' TPF = LIMIT OF DISTURBANCE v �m u i� ■ LLl L Q Q ■ W Q o W_ ■ _ Lu oe J oe ■ J0 ■ J Z � CC� ' Lu LJJ L ' r) J = ■ oe ■ 0 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ IMPACT AREAW �NpR SCALE- 1 = 40 PR I FoR pN N RuCtl ■ CpNs■1 ■ •.•�� Op ESS /p •. •i SEAL ■ 10376 •���� : HG I NEB Ci :P•``r�• ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ' DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: ' RH / TS ■ DATE ■ DECEMBER 20, 2011 ■ SCALE ■ PROJECT NO. ■ SHEET NO. C530 ■ cIMPArT MAPC5 ©COPYRIGHT 2012 THIS DOCUMENT AND THE DESIGN ARE THE PROPERTY OF HORVATH ASSOCIATES, P.A. ANY REPRODUCTION WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT IS PROHIBITED - - - -- - - -- - - -- -- - S: \Drawings \l 1\1121 Del Webb Site Design \SITE PLAN WORKING \11210530- C5311MPACTS.dwg, C531 -24X36 (A-B),5/25/20122:10:26 PM, 1:1 O N _O N EA A c v v z m O m O n x O EA EA y� Z ."0 m 0 z O v c q O z 3E O x 0 x 3E x z z EA i5 rA O x CD v O � W N N O cn n — m TI �J N II � p O � ^/ ` 1 z D II 0 r n /V rn CA o D D � W /V `" 0 N V 0 rn < - + 0 rn r O V_ Z m W n D m m O T� V I /V rn D T V 0 n r rn AA E4! + 01 O + O O CJ1 O -1� -1� -1� -1� O N W O O O O O O 0 O N O O N + Cn O W + O O CA) O + O O A + O + O O U1 O �o [rl (rl W � J oo CD O O O O O —\ W i cn — n `�J /V rn D D r Z m D r rn I I � � o O 0 O m m ;v y m m M rn 0 o N � v\v y U W W � cn — n D m m �..� `�J /V rn L.m r D z rn Fq big w N D r rn I I � A O O 00 O ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ � DEL WEBB 0 y ftb .� o z z y p `j N� 0"- ~ T ♦ / ♦ / Q �ZO oEjz O SW 0 �"� �_ 3 � DURHAM 0 �_� n < 2 C� ( ?D;M C o m D� .��. « O �. m n D �oOm ° y LEESVILLE ROAD Z a O3 u' Y m z rC DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA w 4 rn T V CA m O Fri A z n z D �? 0 r n "'Si , N V � DEL WEBB 0 y ftb .� o z z y p `j N� 0"- ~ T ♦ / ♦ / Q �ZO oEjz O SW 0 �"� �_ 3 � DURHAM 0 �_� n < 2 C� ( ?D;M C o m D� .��. « O �. m n D �oOm ° y LEESVILLE ROAD Z a O3 u' Y m z rC DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA w 4 rn T V S: \Drawings \1 1 \1121 Del Webb Site Design \SITE PLAN WORKING \1121 C532- C5331MPACTS.dwg, C532 -24X36 (C-D),5/25/20122:38:03 PM, 1:1 0 N _O N C9 c m v m v z m m x O 0 m O n x O QN A x m 0 z O v c O z 3E O x O x f x z n O z N m F, rn z O x CD v CJ W N n D m m O CJ W N ti n D m m O V I /V rn D n 0 n rn < no n D n D rn D O 0 C„ O O O O O + Cl O O u ° 70 0 + rn 0 < m N + O O N + Cn O W + O W + Cn O W N V + O O + cn O ■ ■ ■ ■ W N D m TI X, `1 rn O n TI 1 r Z < m � O O D° r rn I I � A O O 00 O 0 m m ;v y 2 � m m M rn 0 � N� •o � no �n n y n Cr W N cn n D m m 0 n V_ n z m O O O . .................... ...... m mm. ..... .. O em `IO D =o m 70 �' �C CA z o� z ,.�....�'+a,_ rn rn DEL WEBB o �0 =z Z o �, 0 aox � O nw R1 ='�� O n n Q �Z� ��Z o = -� 3 INS 0 DURHAM 0 Z n < C� o ,,� rn = x .. wcM C� C� " C O rt O W O o y N ° M C N LEESVILLE ROAD O Z a z rC DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA w 4 m T V S: \Drawings \l 1\1121 Del Webb Site Design \SITE PLAN WORKING \11210532- C5331MPACTS.dwg, C533 -24X36 (E-F),5/30/20121:42:40 PM, 1:1 W N W cn — n D r � ` f II /V rn D rn —0 70 0 n rn h no � � � � O 1 N W O O O O W � o W � cn n D — r n p O � O 0 v , /V rn V + 0 D 01 0 (� N V ED + 0 o rn < E. + 0 rn 0 + O O + 0 N O + O O N O + O _N + O O _N + rs O ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ W W W W m J co CO O O O O W W cn — n D m m �..� `�J /V rn D rn r D z rn ► . O D r rn I I � A O O 00 O O 00"% CA m ;v y 2 � M M M rn 0 � N� no y gw� I W to — n D m �..� `�J rn D r D z rn n O n V_ n z m ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ..�- o �, rn rn DEL WEBB C a0x y y p mow'»= Q, _ T l J rn l J o 8Z° �� O INS ;a 0 ;�= 3 � � DURHAM 0 �_� 2 o m D Z m w m PIK n D N \ rn �~~ w �oO LEESVILLE ROAD Z a z rC DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA w 4 rn T V CA m O � A o n Z 0 v , 0 (� N V W W cn — n D m m �..� `�J /V rn D rn r D z rn ► . O D r rn I I � A O O 00 O O 00"% CA m ;v y 2 � M M M rn 0 � N� no y gw� I W to — n D m �..� `�J rn D r D z rn n O n V_ n z m ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ..�- o �, rn rn DEL WEBB C a0x y y p mow'»= Q, _ T l J rn l J o 8Z° �� O INS ;a 0 ;�= 3 � � DURHAM 0 �_� 2 o m D Z m w m PIK n D N \ rn �~~ w �oO LEESVILLE ROAD Z a z rC DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA w 4 rn T V S: \Drawings \1 1 \1121 Del Webb Site Design \SITE PLAN WORKING \1121 C534- C5361MPACTS.dwg, C534 -24X36 (G-H),5/25/20122:54:20 PM, 1:1 l J � N W D < r m II O II — n C 7 7( C r n n W GJ W W m J Co CO O O O O Cp C„ O O O n Cr � W O n C) D O r ` ^J� �J O < ` f + _ > °O rn cp D + C„ C) O n N r o rn m K) N 01 O Cn W + O O CA W + Cn O Cn O O CTY + 01 O Cn Cn 0 0 J cc CA CA CD O O O O n D rn D r Z rn O D r rn I I � A O O 00 O V 0 m m ;v y 2 � M M M rn I o N� •o � n0 �n y Uri W W to n D m �..� `�J rn D Elmo r D z rn n O N D r rn I I � A O O 00 O 0 n V_ n Z m s S v s s n m N 000" o �, m 70 NO n, DEL WEBB 0 a0� .0 A %a -4 y y p .� . Z N Q Al. V 10, ;�= 3 c� D U R HAM 2 �_� n < 2 C G %. C o m D ' �. m n D N \ ~~ w w �oOm PIK LEESVILLE ROAD Z a O O 3 u' > m z rC DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA w 4 rn T V CA m O � A o n Z D 0 r n "'Si , �? N V 000" o �, m 70 NO n, DEL WEBB 0 a0� .0 A %a -4 y y p .� . Z N Q Al. V 10, ;�= 3 c� D U R HAM 2 �_� n < 2 C G %. C o m D ' �. m n D N \ ~~ w w �oOm PIK LEESVILLE ROAD Z a O O 3 u' > m z rC DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA w 4 rn T V 0 0 n � N W Cr cn — n + D o r m T ` ^J� �J o � ` f _ O TT O /V m D + ch 0 D n �w m 0 m w ch O :I (A ti n D r m O D n D rn D • m no h no n 0 0 0 O O cil O ol 0 0 ol 0 V 0 0 0 0 0 0 W W W W � U) O) J O O O O n CJi W Cr cn — n D r m T `�J /V m D r Z m O m m ;v y 2 � m m M rn 0 � N� •o � no �n n y N (A U1 ti n D r m W\ T� V I /V m D r Z At E4! N D° r rn I I � O ° 00 0 O n V_ n z m 2 p i N u (n O O TT1 S TT1 S A D O C ffT7T1 c- r f l '''..■un qh... /V /V W W _ (n z m Z •��o�..• • .: ���. rn rn DEL WEBB z c) p o •� 0 Do �:�, . n n `o m° `SOD CD : = =:m oD - 3 DURHAM y 70 r ■, fTl O m O,,r 0 o m D D —< ;u W �L :' a• O� Z (D W �o 0 m (n N '••.;:� •••........• ,.•• L E E S V I L L E ROAD bo Z c- o z rG DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA _ m m ow - s v s s v n s S: \Drawings \11 \1121 Del Webb Site Design \SITE PLAN WORKING \11210534- C5361MPACTS.dwg, C536 -24X36 (K-L),5/31/2012 11:21:01 AM, 1:1 W N 011 cn — n D ` ^J� �J o � ` f II /V rn D 70 O n rn h no n D /V rn D r -0 70 O n rn h no n 19 II O V_ c Z 0 m O CJi O V + O V + O OD + 0 00 + O 10 + O O 10 + Cil O cri O + 0 O rs O Cil O O O O O C-) 01 CA) O O 01 W + Cn O 01 + O O + 0 cri 01 + 0 0 cn + 01 O Cn 01 + O Ul 01 + O V + O 01 V 01 O CA CSI O CA O CA UI O CA O O C�J CA C,1 CSI W cn O O O O O O m m ;v y 2 � m m M rn 0 � N � 0 y c�T �O V T s�T� \\ a Nr1s] V T 1 IV <O Z m D Z m m c n TI m 70 p LINE Di w ♦�♦ N O%, �►♦ �, m M �. ♦ `' O 0 /V rn D N � D \ \ I I O O . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CA m O � 7v 0 n Z rmm>> r n "'Si , �? Zrrn�� * 3: D > > CA m � — Z M * rri > m r � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p so meow .............. o D D =o -0 D= 220 CA ..�- o �, rn rn DEL WEBB C a0x � y y p > > > > :2 mow'»= Q, _ r o �Z° �Eiz O fa W �n � = ,� 3 DURHAM 2 n < 2 Cm. » .. C o m D N \ m �~~ w w �oOm PIK N\ a LEESVILLE ROAD Z a O O 3 u' > m z rC DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA w 4 m T V . . . CA m O � A o n Z D 0 r n "'Si , �? 011% N V p so meow .............. o D D =o -0 D= 220 CA ..�- o �, rn rn DEL WEBB C a0x � y y p > > > > :2 mow'»= Q, _ r o �Z° �Eiz O fa W �n � = ,� 3 DURHAM 2 n < 2 Cm. » .. C o m D N \ m �~~ w w �oOm PIK N\ a LEESVILLE ROAD Z a O O 3 u' > m z rC DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA w 4 m T V . . . 360 116101 340 330 «�r 1 IMPACT AREA M- PLAN VIEW 0 20 40 80 C537 SCALE' 1 "= 40' SCALE: 1" = 40' 2 --�IMPACT AREA M - PROFILE VIEW C537JSCALE: 1 "= 40'V, 1 " =4'H FOR PARALLEL IMPACT AREAS (SEE SHEET C529A/B) TPF = LIMIT OF DISTURBANCE ©COPYRIGHT 2012 THIS DOCUMENT AND THE DESIGN ARE THE PROPERTY OF HORVATH ASSOCIATES, P.A. ANY REPRODUCTION WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT IS PROHIBITED ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ H 00"' R V AT H A S S a C 0 A T E S 16 CONSULTANT PLACE, SUITE 201 DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA 27707 P 919.490.4990 F 919.490.8953 P.O. BOX 970 HARNSON, TENNESSEE 37341 P 423.266.4990 www.horvathassociates.com IMPACT AREA M E�1 NARY P R `NI � FoR oN N TRV CTI (;Ot is ,...,......,. •`�� �N• CARO� ���'•. Q �! C ' SEAL 10376 c r ��•�• •ENGINEER '•`��: 0 L� �tiaR$i1e, DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: RH / TS DATE DECEMBER 20, 2011 SCALE PROJECT NO. 1121 SHEET NO. C537 <I M PACT MAPS> z 0 L-" < 0 u J0 z Lu s ® J !1� IMPACT AREA M E�1 NARY P R `NI � FoR oN N TRV CTI (;Ot is ,...,......,. •`�� �N• CARO� ���'•. Q �! C ' SEAL 10376 c r ��•�• •ENGINEER '•`��: 0 L� �tiaR$i1e, DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: RH / TS DATE DECEMBER 20, 2011 SCALE PROJECT NO. 1121 SHEET NO. C537 <I M PACT MAPS> (4) 2 x 12 PT GIRDER PIN: 0769 -0341 -8938 PIN: 0769 -03-41 -6932 PIN: 0769-03-414887 PIN: 0769-04-42-5588 PIN: 0769-03-44-6000 PIN: 0769-03 -33 -2232 PIN: 0769-03 -24 -8486 PIN: 0769 -03-05 -7254 PIN: 0769 -01-05 -3524 PIN: 0769 -01 -26 -9080 PIN: 0769 -01 -06 -9898 Parcel ID: 194413 Parcel ID: 194412 Parcel ID: 194411 Parcel ID: 194383 Parcel ID: 194384 Parcel ID: 193264 Parcel ID: 193265 Parcel ID: 210697 Parcel ID: 193271 Parcel ID: 193270 Parcel ID: 193320 2 x 6 PT DECKING (2) 2 x 12 PT POST @ 16" O.C. MIN. BEARING 2 1/4" W /HUS210 -2 HANGERS SOLID BLOCKING BETWEEN JOIST @ POST LOCATONS 1' -3" 10' -0" CLEAR 6' -0" 2 x 8 PT TOP PLATE @ 301 2 x 6 PT HORIZ. RAILING 4 x 6 PT POST @ 5-0" O.C. — 2 x 6 HANDRAIL W/ 3/4" RADIUS (2) 5/8" BOLTS $" TIMBER PILE 0.$0 CCA ( SIMPSON H2.5 (4) PER PILE PT (NO. 25R, WET) FASTEN TO EACH SIDE OF BEAM PER MANUFACTURER R EC-)I 11 R F AA FNlC 1/2" CARRIAGE BOLTS @ 24" O.C. 4 x 6 PT CURB GIRDER 1 TYPICAL SECTION 0807 SCALE: N.T.S NOTES: 1. ALL FASTENERS AND HANGERS TO BE HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED (AT A MINIMUM) 2. ALL WOOD TO BE PRESSURE TREATED SOUTHERN YELLOW PINE (SYP) NO. 2 OR HIGHER 3. PRESERVATIVE PRESSURE TREATMENTTO BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH AWPA STANDARD M4 -06 & U1 -07. MINIMUM FOR GROUND CONTACT FOR USE GROUP 4B PERSOUTHERN PINE COUNCIL. ALL OTHER WOOD MEMBERS 0.40ACQ 4. FASTEN JOIST HAMGERS PER MAN U FACTU RER'S SPECIFICATONS: (4) 1DD COMMON NAILS TO JOIST (4) 1 DD COMMON NAILS TO BEAM 5. DESIGN CRITERIA PERAASHTO: LIVE LOAD: 85 PSF DEAD LOAD: 20 PSF SNOW LOAD: 12 PSF WINS SPEED: 100 MPH HORIZONTAL WIND: 35 PSF VERTICAL LOAD: 2500 LBS 6. PROVIDE SOLID BLOCKING BETWEEN JOISTATPOSTLOCAS11ONS 7. ECONOMIC SUBSTITUTES MUST BE APPROVED BY ENGINEERING RECORD 8. CONCRETE, FC:3000PSI s -�CURB / NO RAILING DETAIL C8Q7 SCALE: N.T.S NOTES: 30" MAX. TO GROUND / WATER SURFACE WITHOUT RAILING 0 00 (2)2x12PTA @ 16" O.C. Iv W -1 (3) - 2 x12 BEAM (3) - 1 DD NAILS EACH JOIST 2 PLAN VIEW C8Q7 SCALE: N.T.S BRACING DETAIL C� 8Q7% SCALE: N.T.S N OTES: BRACING REQUIRED WHERE BOTTOM OF SUBSTRUCTURE IS 6-0" OR HIGHER ABOVE GROUND LEVEL DRAWINGS PROVIDED BY: JEROME RUFARO REDMOND, PE PRINCIPAL STRUCTURAL ENGINEER 8209A MARKET STREET SUITE 222 WILMINGTON, NC 28411 910-915-6529 J RU FARO @J R U FA ROA E.COM OCOPYRIGHT 2012 THIS DOCUMENT AND THE DESIGN ARE THE PROPERTY OF HORVATH ASSOCIATES, P.A. ANY REPRODUCTION WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT IS PROHIBITED ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ A S S O C I A T E S 16 CONSULTANT PLACE,SUITE 201 DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA 27707 P 919.490.4990 F 919.490.8953 P.O. BOX 970 HARRISON, TENNESSEE 37341 P 423.266.4990 www.horvathassociates.com NORTH CAROLINA BOARD OF EXAMINERS FOR ENGINEERS AND SURVEYORS LICENSE NO.: C-0676 SITE DETAILS CA R pz oFESS i(IL, Ap� ps t4 R� - 0 DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: LRS RHAS DATE APRIL 25, 2012 SCALE AS NOTED PROJECT NO. 1121 SHEET NO. C807 CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS PHASE 1 0 W < 9 Cn fieJL 0 ® 0 "ie®� Lu J Lu V) LU LU SITE DETAILS CA R pz oFESS i(IL, Ap� ps t4 R� - 0 DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: LRS RHAS DATE APRIL 25, 2012 SCALE AS NOTED PROJECT NO. 1121 SHEET NO. C807 CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS PHASE 1