HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0000272_Cocke Co. vs. DEQ and BRPP_20120424 J v $TiT�4 N W� Gwv v4� awd State of North Carofina Department oflustice ROY COOPER 42 North French Broad Avenue Western Office Attorney General Asheville,NC 28801 Phone: (828)251-6083 Fax: (828)251-6338 24 April 2012 Ms. Kim Hausen By electronic transmission and first-class mail Chief Hearings Clerk oah.clerks(2ncmail.net Office of Administrative Hearings 6714 Mail Service Center Raleigh,North Carolina 27699-6714 RE: Cocke County TN v. DENR, DWQ, and Blue Ridge Paper Products, Inc. OAH File No 10 EHR 4341 Cocke County TN v. EMC,NPDES Committee and Blue Ridge Paper Products, Inc. OAH File No. 10 EHR 4982 (Consolidated for hearing) Dear Ms. Hausen: I have enclosed the original and two copies of a document for filing in the above-referenced contested case. Please return a file-stamped copy to me in the enclosed self-addressed envelope. Thank you for your help in this matter. Sincerely, Sueanna P. Sumpter Assistant Attorney General /SPS Enclosures xc: The Honorable J. Randall May(via e-mail: be .owens ,oah.nc.gou) Following via e-mail and first-class mail: Julia F. Youngman, Esq. Amelia Y. Burnette, Esq. Austin D. Gerken, Jr., Esq. Becky Jaffe, Esq. William Clarke, Esq. Dick Krieg, Esq. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA IN THE OFFICE OF COUNTY OF HAYWOOD ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS Cocke County, Tennessee, et al., ) Petitioners, ) V. ) North Carolina Department of Environment ) and Natural Resources— Division of Water ) Quality, ) Respondent, ) 10 EHR 4341 and ) Blue Ridge Paper Products Inc. ) Respondent-Intervenor. ) STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA IN THE OFFICE OF COUNTY OF WAKE ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS Cocke County, Tennessee, et al., ) Petitioners, ) V. ) Environmental Management Commission ) acting by and through its NPDES Committee, ) and the NPDES Committee, ) 10 EHR 4982 Respondents, ) and ) Blue Ridge Paper Products Inc., ) Respondent-Intervenor. ) Partial Settlement Agreement and Joint Stipulation to Stay Respondents North Carolina Division of Water Quality (the "Division"),North Carolina Environmental Management Commission acting by and through its NPDES Committee, and the NPDES Committee (the "NPDES Committee"), and Petitioners Cocke County, Tennessee, Clean Water Expected for East Tennessee, Clean Water for North Carolina, the Tennessee Chapter of the Sierra Club, Tennessee Scenic Rivers Association, and the Western North Carolina Alliance (collectively, the "Petitioners"), and Respondent-Intervenor Blue Ridge Paper Products, Inc., hereby enter into this Partial Settlement Agreement pursuant to N.C. Gen. Stat. § 15013-31(b). This matter arose out of the Petitioners' filing of a Petition for Contested Case Hearing (10 EHR 4341) on July 23, 2010, challenging the Division's issuance of NPDES Permit No. NC0000272 (the "Permit") to Respondent-Intervenor. The issues raised by Petitioners in their contested case against the Division relate to the Permit limits on Blue Ridge Paper's discharge into the Pigeon River. Petitioners filed a second Petition for Contested Case Hearing (10 EHR 4982) against the NPDES Committee on August 13, 2010, challenging its decision to grant a variance to Respondent-Intervenor from North Carolina's water quality standard for color. Without any contested case hearing, and without any admissions of liability, the Division, the NPDES Committee, Petitioners, and Respondent-Intervenor have reached the following Partial Settlement Agreement: A. Temperature: 1. Subject to Environmental Protection Agency ("EPA") approval, DWQ will modify the Permit so that the first sentence of Condition A. (1.) footnote 11 of the Permit reads as follows: "11. The weekly average instream temperature measured at a point 0.4 miles downstream of the discharge location shall not exceed 32°C during the months of July, August, and September and shall not exceed 29°C during the months October through June." 2. Respondent-Intervenor will prepare an updated Balanced Indigenous Population study ("BIP study") of the Pigeon River in accordance with the requirements of Section 316(a) of the Clean Water Act. The BIP Study will, among other study requirements: (1) survey mussels/shellfish as targeted species in the mainstem of the Pigeon River; (2) include detailed studies of macro-invertebrates and shellfish; (3) conduct thermal sampling at 20 locations in the Pigeon River and 2 locations in a reference river; and (4) intensively survey for fish, macro invertebrates/shellfish, and periphyton in accordance with standardized sampling protocols, and in some cases, sampling protocols developed in coordination with EPA and DWQ. Surveying will be done at 20 Pigeon River locations and 2 locations in a reference river. 3. Respondent-Intervenor will use its best efforts to submit a final BIP study report to the Division and to the EPA for review before January 1, 2014, unless river conditions in 2012 do not allow safe access for field sampling. Respondent- Intervenor will serve the completed study report on counsel for Petitioners at the same time it submits the final study to the Division and EPA for review. Respondent- I 2 Intervenor will notify counsel for Petitioners if delays in data collection planned for 2012 and early 2013 render submission of the study by January 1, 2014 not feasible. 4. Respondent-Intervenor has submitted a proposed 316(a) study plan to the Division and to EPA and provided a copy to counsel for Petitioners. 5. In reliance on these commitments, Petitioners agree to voluntarily dismiss (in accordance with section D, below) their claims relating to the current temperature limits in the Permit. B. Color 1. Respondent-Intervenor will, in accordance with the requirements of the 2010 Color Variance, fund a site-specific study of color in the Pigeon River in North Carolina. The study protocol shall be approved by DWQ and will generally be as outlined in EPA's letter of February 22, 2010 to DWQ. Respondent-Intervenor has submitted a draft protocol for such a study to the Respondents and to the EPA for comment. Respondent-Intervenor will exercise best efforts to complete the study and submit a report to Respondents before January 1, 2013. Respondent-Intervenor will serve a copy of the final study protocol and -completed report on counsel for Petitioners at the same time it submits the report to Respondents. 2. Because the color perception study currently being developed by Respondent- Intervenor may have bearing on the positions of the parties in these consolidated contested cases, the parties jointly agree and stipulate to a stay of the hearing in these consolidated contested cases until January 30, 2013. The parties jointly agree and stipulate to submit a joint status report to OAH on or before January 30, 2013, reporting on the status of the color perception study, whether a continued stay of this matter is required to allow Respondents and the EPA to review the study, and the appropriate scheduling of a hearing to resolve these contested cases, if necessary. C. Within three days of execution of this Partial Settlement Agreement, Respondents shall submit a draft revised NPDES permit reflecting the terms of this agreement to the EPA for approval of its terms. The parties understand and stipulate that approval of the draft revised pen-nit does not bind EPA or any party to approval of any of the future studies, or plans or protocols for future studies contemplated by this agreement. Furthermore, the parties understand and stipulate that, by entering into this Agreement, no party is bound 3 to approve any of the future studies, or plans or protocols for future studies contemplated by this agreement. D. Within ten days of being notified that EPA has approved a draft revised NPDES permit reflecting the terms of Partial Settlement Agreement, Petitioners shall file a Notice of Settlement and Partial Dismissal with the Office of Administrative Hearings ("OAH") for dismissal of only their temperature claims against the Permit in their Contested Case, Cocke County, Tennessee et al. v. NC DENR, Division of Water Quality, 10 EHR 4341, with prejudice, with each party to bear its own costs and attorney's fees. E. If the draft revised NPDES permit is disapproved by EPA such that any provision of this agreement cannot be implemented, the agreement shall be rendered void and the parties agree to negotiate in good faith to revise this agreement. F. The Parties agree to cooperate fully in executing any and all supplementary documents and in taking all additional actions that may be necessary to give full force and effect to the terms of this Partial Settlement Agreement. G. It is understood and agreed that this Partial Settlement Agreement is not to be construed as an admission by any party to this agreement and that this agreement is a compromise of disputed claims. H. This Partial Settlement Agreement may not be modified, altered or changed except in a written document that is signed by all Parties and that makes specific reference to this Partial Settlement Agreement. I. The Parties represent that any necessary corporate and governmental formalities have been complied with for purposes of signing and entering into this Partial Settlement Agreement. The persons executing this agreement represent and warrant that they have full authority to sign this agreement on behalf of the Parties for which they are acting. J. This Partial Settlement Agreement shall be binding upon the Parties, their successors and assigns. 4 This the��A—. of , 2012. Austin D. Gerken Jr., N.C. State Bar No. 32689 Amelia Y. Burnette, N.C. State Bar No. 33845 Rebecca Jaffe, N.C. State Bar No. 40726 Southern Environmental Law Center 22 S. Pack Square, Suite 700 Asheville, NC 28801 828-258-2023 Julia F. Youngman, N.C. State Bar No. 21320 Southern Environmental Law Center 601 W. Rosemary Street, Suite 220 Chapel Hill, NC 27516 919-967-1450 On behalf of Cocke County, Tennessee, Clean Water Expected for East Tennessee, Clean Water for North Carolina, the Tennessee Chapter of the Sierra Club, Tennessee Scenic Rivers Association, and the Western North Carolina Alliance Sueanna Sumpter, Esq. Assistant Attorney General N.C. Department of Justice 42 N. French Broad Ave. Asheville, NC 28801 828-251-6083 On behalf of North Carolina Division of Water Quality ar Esq. Spe i �pcasse, uty Attorney General North Carolina Department of Justice P.O. Box 629 Raleigh, NC 27602 919-716-6962 On behalf of North Carolina Environmental Management Commission acting by and through its NPDES Committee 5 L Will'am Clarke Roberts & Stevens, P.A. PO Box 7647 Asheville, NC 28802 828-252-6600 Richard W. Krieg, Esq. Lewis, King, Krieg & Waldrop, PC One Centre Square 620 Market Street, 5th Floor Knoxville, Tennessee 37902 865-546-4646 On behalf of Blue Ridge Paper Products, Inc. 6