HomeMy WebLinkAbout20070623 Ver 1_Year 3 Monitoring Report_20101201b� oda3 LITTLE WHITE OAK CREEK STREAM RESTORATION POLK COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA CONTRACT # D06027 -B 4�5oeoeeeeeee��i o' O, oe• .•• Q vp 71621 %,?��.• ticrrv��F Jac. Prepared For: Ecosystem Enhancement Program Department of Environment and Natural Resources 's��e1ll 1652 Mail Service Center Ebb Iai �'II�11 Raleigh, NC 27699 -1652 raocawr• ANNUAL MONITORING REPORT (YEAR 3 OF 5) DECEMBER 2010 LITTLE WHITE OAK CREEK STREAM RESTORATION POLK COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA CONTRACT # D06027 -B Prepared For: �- Ecosystem Enhancement Program Department of Environment and Natural Resources 1652 Mail Service Center �St�IIl Raleigh, NC 27699 -1652 1 ��. lay en�cnf PNOZNAIA ANNUAL MONITORING REPORT (YEAR 3 OF 5) DECEMBER 2010 Owner NCDENR Ecosystem Enhancement Program Department of Environment and Natural Resources 1652 Mail Service Center stem Raleigh, NC 27699 -1652 iii lair rcoavnn EEP Project Manager: Guy Pearce Phone: (919) 715 -1656 Design and Monitoring Firm Mulkey Engineers and Consultants M U L KEY 6750 Tryon Road E��. »EEas 6 �o�=� , <w,n Cary, North Carolina 27518 Phone: (919) 851 -1912 Fax: (919) 851 -1918 Project Manager: Wendee B. Smith Phone: (919) 858 -1833 Project Engineer: Emmett Perdue, PE Phone: (919) 858 -1874 Little White Oak Creek Annual Monitoring Report December 2010 Stream Restoration (Year 3 of 5) Table of Contents 1.0 Executive Summary ........................................ ............................... 1 2.0 Project Background ......................................... ............................... 2.1 Project Location and Setting 2.2 Project Goals and Objectives 2.3 Project Restoration Approach and Mitigation Type 2.4 Project History 2.5 Project Monitoring Plan View 3.0 Project Condition and Monitoring Results .............. ............................... 8 3.1 Project Vegetation Monitoring 8 3.1.1 Vegetation Monitoring Methodology 8 3.1.2 Vegetation Monitoring Success Criteria 9 3.1.3 Vegetation Monitoring Results for Year 1 of 5 10 3.1.4 Vegetation Monitoring Results for Year 2 of 5 10 3.1.5 Vegetation Monitoring Results for Year 3 of 5 11 3.2 Project Stream Monitoring 12 3.2.1 Stream Monitoring Methodology 12 3.2.2 Stream Monitoring Success Criteria 15 3.2.3 Stream Monitoring Results for Year 1 of 5 16 3.2.4 Stream Monitoring Results for Year 2 of 5 19 3.2.5 Stream Monitoring Results for Year 3 of 5 22 4.0 Project Monitoring Methodology ............................ ............................... 24 5.0 References ......................................................... .............................25 Figures Tables Figure 1. Location Map Table I. Project Restoration Approach and Mitigation Type Table II. Project Activity and Reporting History Table III. Project Contacts Table IV. Project Background Table V. Stem Counts Monitoring Year 3 for Each Species Arranged by Plot Table VI. Vegetative Problem Areas Table VII. Baseline Morphology and Hydraulic Summary Table VIII. Morphology and Hydraulic Monitoring Summary Table IX. BEHI and Sediment Transport Estimates Table X. Verification of Bankfull Events Table XI. Categorical Stream Feature Visual Stability Assessment Table XII. Stream Problem Areas Appendices Appendix A. Monitoring Plan View Appendix B. Vegetation Plot Photos Appendix C. Reference Point Photos Little White Oak Creek Annual Monitoring Report Stream Restoration (Year 3 of 5) Appendix D. Cross Section Photos Appendix E. Raw Data Appendix F. Year 3 Areas of Concern Photos December 2010 Little White Oak Creek Annual Monitoring Report December 2010 Stream Restoration (Year 3 of S) 1.0 Executive Summary This annual monitoring report details the third year monitoring activities and their results for the Little White Oak Creek Stream Restoration Site (LWOC). All of the monitoring activities were conducted and the subsequent results are reported in accordance with the approved mitigation plan (Mulkey Engineers and Consultants, 2008) for LWOC. The content and format of this report were developed in accordance with the contract requirements for the Full Delivery RFP 16- DO6027 (NCEEP, 2005). Accordingly, this report includes project background information, project monitoring results, and description of the project monitoring methodology. Mulkey Engineers and Consultants (Mulkey) submitted LWOC for the Full Delivery RFP 16- DO6027 to provide 18,200 Stream Mitigation Units (SMUs). Mulkey was awarded the stream restoration contract and began work on the project on May 16, 2007 The primary goals of LWOC were to improve water quality, to reduce bank erosion, to reestablish a floodplain along each of the stream reaches, and to improve the aquatic and terrestrial wildlife habitat. These goals were met through the following objectives: By using natural channel design to restore stable pattern, dimension, and profile for 18,290 linear feet of stream channel By establishing a conservation easement, which will protect the streams from cattle intrusion and future development activities By establishing a floodplain or reconnecting the stream back to its historic floodplain, or a combination of both, for each project stream reach By creating or restoring floodplain features such as vernal pools, off channel ponds, or riparian wetlands By increasing the amount of aquatic habitat through the addition of rock and wood structures By reestablishing native plant communities throughout the conservation easement, whereby reintroducing shading, cover areas, and travel corridors. LWOC is located in Polk County, North Carolina near the community of Mill Springs and is situated in the Broad River Basin. Past land use practices, including extensive cattle farming, stream channelization and dredging, and clearing of the riparian buffers resulted in substantial degradation of the stream systems at LWOC. LWOC is comprised of seven stream reaches totaling 18,290 feet of restored stream channel. All of the analyses, design, and restoration at LWOC were accomplished using natural stream channel design methods. In addition to stream channel restoration, the restored stream banks and the riparian and upland buffer areas along LWOC were also replanted with native species vegetation. The survivability of the planted vegetation at LWOC was monitored at representative vegetation plots as well as project -wide. Stem counts, photo documentation and comparison, and visual assessment were utilized. Bare root stock were planted at a density of 680 stems per acre (8 foot by 8 foot spacing) and live stakes were planted on the stream banks at a density of 1,742 stems per acre (5 foot by 5 foot spacing). A total of 24 representative vegetation plots were installed at LWOC based on the recommendations set Little White Oak Creek Annual Monitoring Report December 2010 Stream Restoration (Year 3 of 5) forth by EEP regarding the acreage contained in the conservation easement. The survivability of the planted woody vegetation at LWOC was monitored using annual stem counts at each of the plots. In addition to the stem counts, annual photos were taken at each of the plots and also from 14 other permanent photo reference points. The vegetation plot photos were used for photo documentation and comparison of the vegetation growth at each plot. The photo documentation at the reference points were employed to assist in a project - wide visual assessment of the vegetation at LWOC. Survivability will be based on achieving a minimum of 320 stems per acre after Year 3 and 260 stems per acre after Year 5, across the project site. The stem counts were conducted during the latter part of the growing season months (August, September, and October) to insure survival throughout a complete growing season while still allowing for relative ease in identification. In late August 2008, the vegetation monitoring for Monitoring Year 1 was conducted using the methodologies described above, including stem counts, photo documentation, and visual assessment. The stem counts resulted in the 24 vegetation plots having a survivability of planted woody stems ranging from 438 to 1000 stems per acre, with an average survivability of 713 stems, per acre. The results indicated the survivability of the planted woody vegetation at LWOC will meet the success criteria outlined above for Year 3 and Year 5. The comparisons of the baseline and Monitoring Year 1 photos at both the 24 vegetation plot photo reference, points and the 14 permanent photo reference points strongly complemented this suggestion, as no concerns, problems, or negative trends were documented. Similarly, the project -wide visual assessment provided further validation, as no vegetation problem areas were observed. In mid - October 2009, the vegetation monitoring for Monitoring Year 2 was conducted using the methodologies described above, including stem counts, photo documentation, and visual assessment. The stem counts resulted in the 24 vegetation plots having a survivability of planted woody stems ranging from 367 to 1000 stems per acre, with an average survivability of 670 stems per acre. As with the previous year, the results indicated the survivability of the planted woody vegetation at LWOC will meet the success criteria outlined above for Year 3 and Year 5. The comparisons of the baseline and Monitoring Year 2 photos at both the 24 vegetation plot photo reference points and the 14 permanent photo reference indicated the vegetation is moving in a positive direction. The project -wide visual assessment provided validated this positive trend, as no vegetation problem areas were observed. In early November 2010, the vegetation monitoring for Monitoring Year 3 was conducted using the methodologies described above, including stem counts, photo documentation, and visual assessment. The stem counts resulted in the 24 vegetation plots having a survivability of planted woody stems ranging from 327 to 917 stems per acre, with an average survivability of 557 stems per acre. The results indicated the survivability of the planted woody vegetation at LWOC met the success criteria outlined above for Year 3 and is on track to meet the criteria for Year 5. The comparison of the Monitoring Year 3 photos with all prior photos at both the 24 vegetation plots and the 14 permanent photo reference points indicated the vegetation is growing as expected. The vegetation is becoming well established and is steadily outcompeting many of the pioneer species such as grasses, briers, 2 Little White Oak Creek Annual Monitoring Report December 2010 Stream Restoration (Year 3 of 5) and weeds. The project -wide visual assessment also validated this positive trend, as no vegetative problem areas were observed. Stream dimension, pattern, profile, stream bed material, bank stability, and bankfull hydrology were monitored to evaluate the success of stream restoration at LWOC. The limits of the project stream reaches to be monitored at LWOC were determined using the sampling rates outlined by the USACE et al. (2003). The monitoring was conducted using annual field surveys, pebble counts, crest gage recordation, visual assessment and photo documentation. Baseline conditions for comparison of the stream parameters to be monitored were established from data gathered immediately after construction through the as -built survey process. Longitudinal profiles and Modified Wolman pebble counts were conducted for all reaches and a total of 13 permanent cross sections were surveyed and photo documented across LWOC. A total of eight crest gages across LWOC were installed for hydrologic monitoring to verify the occurrence of bankfull storm events. Annual photo documentation was used for stream monitoring to complement and validate the other stream monitoring practices from 14 permanent reference photo points. Annual project wide visual assessment was conducted using field observation and pedestrian surveys to identify any specific problem areas. Since it is only required during Monitoring Year 3 and Monitoring Year 5, the BEHI information was collected during this year. Stream restoration success at LWOC was evaluated by comparison of the annual monitoring results against those same parameters as predicted, specified, and required in the proposed design and as implemented during the construction process represented by the as -built or baseline conditions. Success was achieved when all such comparisons reveal positive trends toward overall stream stability. In late August 2008, the stream monitoring for Monitoring Year 1 was conducted using the methodologies described above. The results of the stream dimension, pattern, and profile monitoring demonstrated that all of the reaches were experiencing the expected minor adjustments indicative of movement toward increased stream stability and were attributed to vegetation establishment and natural channel adjustments. Fluctuations in bed materials were expected to occur during the early years following construction. Fining of the bed materials was documented by the stream bed material monitoring. The stream systems at LWOC appear to be sand - dominated and therefore coarsening of the bed may not occur. However, the monitoring results suggested on -site sediment supply from LWOC has been reduced as a result of the restoration. Fluctuations in bed materials are likely to continue and several years may be needed to observe a consistent bed material. Data collected at six of the eight on -site crest gauges provided evidence indicating a storm event producing a stage in excess of the bankfull storm occurred at LWOC during Monitoring Year 1. This documented the first of two required bankfull events over the five year monitoring period in order to achieve success with regards to hydrologic monitoring at LWOC. No stream problems were documented through the photo documentation comparison process. However, the project -wide visual assessment conducted along each of the project stream reaches revealed 12 specific stream problem areas which included in -stream structure failures and associated stream bank erosion, areas of floodplain and adjacent stream bank erosion, and an area of stream bank erosion. Mulkey elected to promptly address all of the observed stream problem areas and conducted construction repairs of each in October 2008. 3 Little White Oak Creek Annual Monitoring Report December 2010 Stream Restoration (Year 3 of 5) All of the in- stream structures and the areas of floodplain and stream bank erosion were repaired. The repairs to the all of the areas of eroded stream banks included re- grading, re- seeding with appropriate temporary and permanent seed, re- installing coir fiber matting, and re- planting with live stakes. Upon completion of the repair work, LWOC experienced no other stream problem areas and was deemed a success for Year 1 Monitoring. In mid - October and early November 2009, the stream monitoring for Monitoring Year 2 was conducted using the methodologies described above. The results of the stream dimension, pattern, and profile monitoring demonstrated that all of the reaches were experiencing the expected minor adjustments indicative of movement toward increased stream stability and were attributed to vegetation establishment and natural channel adjustments. Fluctuations in bed materials were expected to occur during the early years following construction. Fining of the bed materials was documented by the stream bed material monitoring. The stream systems at LWOC appear to be sand - dominated and therefore coarsening of the bed may not occur. However, the monitoring results suggested on -site sediment supply from LWOC has been reduced as a result of the restoration, particularly from increased native vegetation and soil stabilization. Fluctuations in bed materials are likely to continue and several years may be needed to observe a consistent bed material. Data collected at seven of the eight on -site crest gauges provided evidence indicating a storm event producing a stage in excess of the bankfull storm occurred at LWOC during Monitoring Year 2. This documented the second of two required bankfull events over the five year monitoring period in order to achieve success with regards to hydrologic monitoring at LWOC. No stream problems were documented through the photo documentation comparison process. However, the project - wide visual assessment conducted along each of the project stream reaches revealed 3 specific stream problem areas, all of which are associated with beaver dams constructed along reaches R1 and R2. Mulkey is actively coordinating with the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Wildlife Services under their Beaver Management Assistance Program (BMAP) to have the beavers and beaver dams removed, as well as to have site monitored for future beaver activity. In early November 2010, the stream monitoring for Monitoring Year 3 was conducted using the methodologies described above. Despite the site suffering a flood event from the remnants of a tropical storm, the overall stability of the six stream reaches has improved. The stream dimension, pattern, and profile remained consistent with the previous years' data and continue to remain within the tolerances of the design parameters. The bed material in the larger streams is beginning to coarsen to the projected design values while the smaller streams remain finer than anticipated. It must be noted that along R1 the visual assessment indicated multiple areas of bank, bench, and terrace scour. The scour was confined to R1 as there was no presence of scour along the other five reaches though they experienced the same event as indicated by the absence of the crest gauge or direct measurement of the crest gauge on each respective reach and apparent deposition of sediment on the benches. Although mostly along the terrace, Mulkey intends to repair the scour areas in early 2011 to ensure an ample amount of time is available for the regrowth of vegetation in the areas where significant disturbance will occur. However, even with this disturbance along R1, the Bank Erosion Hazard Index (BEHI) and Near Bank Shear stress (NBS) evaluation of all El Little White Oak Creek Annual Monitoring Report December 2010 Strewn Restoration (Year 3 of 5) reaches showed a significant reduction in sediment supply throughout the entire stream network. As a note, Mulkey performed the required fence reloc4tion to encompass a minimum 50 foot buffer as requested by NCEEP in late Spring of 2010. These changes are reflected on the plan sheets in Appendix A. Therefore, it is the determination of Mulkey, the LWOC has proven to be an overall success in both vegetative and stream monitoring for Year 3 monitoring (2010). Both the vegetative and stream monitoring depict a stable stream system despite being impacted by flood flows. As mentioned, Mulkey intends to correct several areas of scour, however these areas are restricted to the floodplain benches and terraces which did not reflect negative trends under the monitoring guidance. 2.0 Project Background 2.1 Project Location and Setting The Little White Oak Creek Stream Restoration Site is located in Polk County, North Carolina approximately 2.5 miles east/southeast from the community of Mill Springs along NC Highway 9 South, and approximately 0.5 mile northwest from the intersection of NC Highway 9 South and US Highway 74 (Figure 1). LWOC is situated in the Broad River Basin 8 -digit cataloging unit of 03050105 and the 14 -digit cataloging unit 03050105030010. Mulkey proposed to provide 18,200 Stream Mitigation Units (SMUs) with LWOC under the Full Delivery RFP 16- DO6027 issued by the Ecosystem Enhancement Program Department of Environment and Natural Resources ( NCEEP). Mulkey acquired and installed permanent fencing along an easement covering 55.3 acres, which encompasses the restored streams and associated buffers at LWOC. 2.2 Project Goals and Objectives The primary goals of LWOC were to improve water quality, to reduce bank erosion, to reestablish a floodplain along each of the stream reaches, and to improve the aquatic and terrestrial wildlife habitat. These goals were met through the following objectives: By using natural channel design to restore stable pattern, dimension, and profile for 18,290 linear feet of stream channel By establishing a conservation easement, which will protect the streams from cattle intrusion and future development activities By establishing a floodplain or reconnecting the stream back to its historic floodplain, or a combination of both, for each project stream reach By creating or restoring floodplain features such as vernal pools, off channel ponds, or riparian wetlands Little White Oak Creek Annual Monitoring Report December 2010 Stream Restoration (Year 3 of 5) By increasing the amount of aquatic habitat through the addition of rock and wood structures By reestablishing native plant communities throughout the conservation easement, whereby reintroducing shading, cover areas, and travel corridors. 2.3 Project Restoration Approach and Mitigation Type LWOC is comprised of three main reaches (R1, R2 Upper and R2 Lower) and four tributaries (R1A, R2A, R2B and R21)). Prior to construction, these seven reaches were identified and proposed for restoration due to their distinct stream characteristics and drainage areas. These seven existing reaches totaled approximately 15,487 linear feet. A total of 18,290 linear feet of stream channel was restored at LWOC within the 55.3 acre conservation easement. Analyses, design, and restoration of the stream channels at LWOC was accomplished using Natural Stream Channel design methods developed by Rosgen ( Rosgen, D. L., 1994, 1996, 1998). The proposed Rosgen channel type for two of the tributaries (R2A and R2B) was a C4 channel. The restoration of these tributaries was implemented using Priority Level I and II methodologies. The proposed stream classification for the majority of the reaches (R1, R1A, R2 Upper, and R2 Lower) was a C5 channel. A combination of Priority Level I and II methods were used to construct these reaches. The remaining reach (R2D) was proposed to be a C6 channel using the same methods previously mentioned. The most significant stream restoration component at LWOC involved the reconstruction of each of the stream reaches such that stream flows greater than bankfull are allowed to access the restored stream's floodplain. Two different approaches were used to insure such floodplain access. The first approach involved relocating and raising the stream bed such that the historic floodplain is accessed by stream flows greater than bankfull (the sections of the project stream reaches that were restored using Priority Level I methodologies). A second approach was used where site constraints prevented such relocation and raising of the stream bed. Therefore the second approach involved building a floodplain at a level lower than the historic floodplain through the construction of bankfull benches (the sections of the project stream reaches that were restored using Priority Level 11 methodologies). In- stream structures were installed along each of the stream reaches to provide grade control and stream bank protection, and to increase in -stream habitat diversity. The in- stream structures installed included rock cross vanes, j -hook rock vanes, rock vanes, constructed riffles, and root wads. Stream banks were further stabilized through the installation of coir fiber erosion control matting, temporary and permanent seeding, and the installation of native species vegetation in the form of transplants, live stakes, and bare root stock. All areas of the site that were disturbed during construction activities were stabilized using temporary and permanent seeding. The riparian and upland buffer communities along LWOC were also restored with native species vegetation using a target community which will emulate the PiedmonULow Mountain Alluvial Forest described by Shafale and Weakley (1990). The conservation easement was fenced to permanently protect the restored stream and buffer areas. Information regarding the restoration approach and mitigation type for each of the seven project stream reaches is detailed in Table 1. 0 Little White Oak Creek Annual Monitoring Report December 2010 Stream Restoration (Year 3 of 5) 2.4 Project History The existing conditions at LWOC prior to restoration were a result of cattle use for the past 50 years. When Mulkey initially became involved with this project, there were approximately 200 livestock (cattle and horses) utilizing the pastures. The livestock had never been fenced from any of the stream channels within LWOC. This continual livestock access to the streams resulted in substantial erosion along the stream banks, incision of the channels, channel widening in some areas, and heavy siltation throughout LWOC, as well as reduced water quality due to large quantities of fecal matter into the stream system. Based on information gained from the property owner, it was determined that many of the streams at the LWOC, particularly the smaller tributaries, were historically maintained through channelization, dredging, and clearing of the riparian buffer. As a result of these land and water quality issues, Mulkey submitted LWOC for the Full Delivery RFP 16- DO6027 to provide 18,200 Stream Mitigation Units (SMUs). Mulkey was awarded the stream restoration contract by the NCEEP and began work on the project on May 16, 2007. The project activity and reporting history are detailed in Table II. Table III lists the contacts for the designer, contractor, relevant suppliers, and monitoring firm for LWOC. Table IV provides a complete listing of project background information. 2.5 Project Monitoring Plan View Mulkey conducted monitoring baseline surveys along the entire length of each of the restored project stream reaches using total station survey equipment. These surveys were conducted to establish and document baseline conditions for the newly restored stream channels for future monitoring activities. As -built drawings were developed using the results of the monitoring baseline surveys. These drawing depicted the post construction condition of LWOC and are included in Appendix A. The as -built drawings consisted of plan sheets that include the following: Title sheet Legend sheet As -built planimetric drawing developed from aerial photography of LWOC after the completion of construction As -built planimetric drawings and profiles developed from the baseline monitoring field surveys The as -built drawings illustrate the location of all major project elements, including, but not limited to the: Restored stream channel thalweg, normal edges channel limits, and the constructed cut slope limits Conservation easement boundaries Permanent fencing limits Topography In- stream structures 7 of water, constructed bankfull Little White Oak Creek Annual Monitoring Report December 2010 Stream Restoration (Year 3 of 5) Photo points Crest gages Vegetation plots locations Permanent cross sections Project survey control Monitoring profile survey limits Relevant structures and utilities 3.0 Project Condition and Monitoring Results 3.1 Project Vegetation Monitoring 3.1.1 Vegetation Monitoring Methodology The survivability of the planted vegetation at LWOC, including both woody and herbaceous species, was monitored at representative vegetation plots as well as project -wide. Monitoring at representative vegetation plots focused primarily on planted woody vegetation and was conducted using stem counts and photo documentation. Project -wide monitoring of planted vegetation included both woody and herbaceous species and was accomplished using visual assessment as well as photo documentation. Major grading and channel construction was completed during the last week of November 2007. Throughout construction, appropriate temporary and permanent seeding was conducted to stabilize areas disturbed during construction. Appropriate existing native species vegetation was also salvaged, where feasible, in the form of transplants and live stakes, throughout the construction process. Immediately following the completion of the major grading and channel construction activities, all remaining plant material was installed during the months of November and December 2007. These remaining plant materials consisted of native species bare root seedlings and live stakes and were installed, as appropriate, to restore the riparian and upland buffer communities along LWOC within the conservation easement area. A complete listing of the planting zones, their corresponding acreages, and the corresponding vegetation species was included in the approved mitigation report (Mulkey Engineers and Consultants, 2008). The bare root stock were planted at a density of 680 stems per acre (8 foot by 8 foot spacing) and the lives stakes were planted on the stream banks at a density of 1,742 stems per acre (5 foot by 5 foot spacing). An As -Built Survey was initiated immediately following the installation of plant materials. In December 2007, during the as -built survey and after the completion of planting, a total of 24 representative vegetation plots (vegetation plots 1 through 24) were installed randomly across LWOC. An iron pipe was installed at each plot corner for monumentation and a polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipe, along with a label specifying the plot number, was also installed at one of the corners of each plot. The plot corners were strategically located such that each plot has a total area of approximately 100 square meters. Between January and February 2008, after the establishment of the plots, all stems contained in the plots were identified and tallied by species and plot, then marked with loosely tied survey flagging (on lateral branches) to facilitate future identification. This data was recorded to provide the E. Little White Oak Creek Annual Monitoring Report December 2010 Stream Restoration (Year 3 of 5) baseline survivability. The survivability of the planted woody vegetation at LWOC for the various monitoring periods was then calculated using annual stem counts at each of the plots and compared to the baseline data. During each of the annual stem counts, the planted stems were re- flagged as required to ensure that all planted stems were accounted for and considered in the survivability calculations. In addition to the stem counts, photos were taken at each of the plots. Where necessary, the corner of each plot was remarked with PVC pipe and the plot number relabeled. This PVC plot corner was used as the reference point from which the annual vegetation plot photos were taken such that the photos at each plot will have the same orientation. The photos were compared to the photos from the previous years to validate and document vegetation success. In addition to the photo reference points established at each of the vegetation plots, a total of 11 additional permanent photo reference points were installed across LWOC. Subsequently, three additional permanent photo reference points (photo points 2.5Y1, 3.5Y1, and 8.5Y1) were added during the Year 1 monitoring period to ensure adequate photo documentation would be conducted within the monitoring limits of the project stream reaches. These additional permanent photo reference points were monumented using steel rebar and PVC pipe. Photos were taken from each of the 14 permanent photo reference points with the same orientation each applicable year and used for photo documentation and annual comparison of the vegetation growth across LWOC. This exercise helped to further validate and document vegetation success at LWOC. Between January and February 2008, after installation of the described 11 permanent photo reference points, photos were taken from each of the permanent photo reference points to document the baseline conditions at LWOC with regards to planted vegetation. Monitoring Year 1 and Monitoring Year 2 photos were taken from all 14 photo points during the visit in August 2008 and October 2009, respectively. Project -wide visual assessment was also used for vegetation monitoring at' LWOC. A visual assessment was conducted using annual field observation and pedestrian surveys to identify any specific vegetation problem areas at LWOC during the monitoring period. Any problem areas where vegetation was lacking or exotic vegetation was present, was identified and categorized as bare bank, bare bench, bare floodplain, or invasive population. Such areas were documented using representative photos and their locations were identified on the Monitoring Plan View. 3.1.2 Vegetation Monitoring Success Criteria Vegetation success at LWOC was determined by stem survivability. Successful survivability is dependent upon achieving at least 320 stems per acre after three years and 260 stems per acre after five years across the project site. Therefore, survivability rates exceeding these requirements in previous years were deemed successful. The stem counts were conducted during the latter part of the growing season months (August, September, and October) to ensure survival throughout a complete growing season while still allowing for relative ease in identification. As described above, photo documentation and visual assessment was used to complement the stem counts as part of the vegetation monitoring protocol at LWOC. If during any given year, the planted species survivability was not anticipated to meet the final criteria established for vegetation; supplemental plantings were considered. In the event this occurred, a remedial planting plan was developed to achieve the survivability goals established for Years 3 and 5. 9 Little White Oak Creek Annual Monitoring Report December 2010 Stream Restoration (Year 3 of S) 3.1.3 Vegetation Monitoring Results for Year 1 of 5 In late August 2008, the vegetation monitoring for Monitoring Year 1 was conducted. The methodologies described in the Vegetation Monitoring Methodology Section above were used for the vegetation monitoring at LWOC for Monitoring Year 1. Stem counts were conducted at each of the 24 vegetation plots and the results are summarized in Table V. Photos were taken from the photo reference points at each of the 24 vegetation plots. Appendix B compares these photos with the initial baseline photos taken from the photo reference points at each of the 24 vegetation plots. Photos were also taken from each of the 14 permanent photo reference points. Appendix C compares these photos with the initial baseline photos taken from the original 11 permanent photo reference points and provided the baseline photos for the 3 points installed during the Monitoring Year 1. A project -wide visual assessment was also conducted to identify any specific vegetation problem areas. Table VI summarizes the results of the project -wide vegetation visual assessment. The results of the Monitoring Year 1 stem counts showed that the 24 vegetation plots had successfully achieved the survivability of planted woody vegetation with stem counts ranging from 438 to 1000 stems per acre, with an average survivability of 713 stems per acre. The results indicated the survivability of the planted woody vegetation at LWOC should meet the success criteria defined in Section 3.1.2. During the stem counts, it was noted no significant volunteer woody species were observed at any of the 24 vegetation plots. The comparison of the baseline and Monitoring Year 1 photos at both the 24 vegetation plot photo reference points and the 11 permanent photo reference points strongly complemented this suggestion, as no concerns, problems, or negative trends were documented. The project -wide visual assessment provided further validation, as no vegetation problem areas were observed. Based on the results of the vegetation monitoring for Monitoring Year 1 at LWOC, Mulkey did not propose any additional recommendations or actions other than to proceed with the annual vegetation monitoring. 3.1.4 Vegetation Monitoring Results for Year 2 of 5 In mid - October 2009, the vegetation monitoring for Monitoring Year 2 was conducted. The methodologies described in the Vegetation Monitoring Methodology Section were used for the vegetation monitoring at LWOC for Monitoring Year 2. Stem counts were conducted at each of the 24 vegetation plots. Table V presents the results of these stem counts for each of the plots. This table includes and compares the results of the initial stem counts from the original planting, the previous years, and Monitoring Year 2. Photos were taken from the photo reference points at each of the 24 vegetation plots and are compared to the previously collected photos in Appendix B. Photos were also taken from each of the 14 permanent photo reference points. Appendix C compares these photos with the initial baseline photos taken from the original 11 permanent photo reference points from Year 0 and the photos from the 14 total permanent photo reference points in Monitoring Year 1. A project -wide visual assessment was also conducted to identify any specific vegetation problem areas and is summarized in Table VI. The results of the Monitoring Year 2 stem counts continued to display successful survivability in all 24 vegetation plots with the counts ranging from 367 to 1000 stems per acre and an average survivability of 670 stems per acre. Therefore survivability of the planted woody vegetation at LWOC should meet the success criteria 1) 10 Little White Oak Creek Annual Monitoring Report December 2010 Stream Restoration (Year 3 of 5) established in Section 3.1.2. Similar to Monitoring Year 1, no significant volunteer woody species were observed at any of the 24 vegetation plots. The comparison of the Monitoring Year 2 photos to those previously collected at both the 24 vegetation plot photo reference points and the 14 permanent photo reference points suggested the vegetation was growing exceptionally well. Live stake vegetation has exceeded growth expectations and the bare root material is starting to overcome the weedy vegetation. A further review of the vegetation through the project -wide visual assessment validated this positive trend, as no concerns, problems, or negative trends were documented. Based on the results of the vegetation monitoring for Monitoring Year 2 at LWOC, Mulkey did not propose any additional recommendations or actions other than to proceed with the annual vegetation monitoring. 3.1.5 Vegetation Monitoring Results for Year 3 of 5 In early November 2010, the vegetation monitoring for Monitoring Year 3 was conducted. The methodologies described in the Vegetation Monitoring Methodology Section were used for the vegetation monitoring at LWOC for Monitoring Year 3. Stem counts were conducted at each of the 24 vegetation plots. Table V presents the results of these stem counts for each of the plots. This table includes and compares the results of the initial stem counts from the original planting, the previous years, and Monitoring Year 3. Photos were taken from the photo reference points at each of the 24 vegetation plots and are compared to the previously collected Ophotos in Appendix B. Photos were also taken from each of the 14 permanent photo reference points. Appendix C compares these photos with the initial baseline photos taken from the original 11 permanent photo reference points from Year 0 and the photos from the 14 total permanent photo reference points in Monitoring Year 1. A project -wide visual assessment was also conducted to identify any specific vegetation problem areas and is summarized in Table VI. The results of the Monitoring Year 3 stem counts continued to display successful survivability in all 24 vegetation plots with the counts ranging from 327 to 917 stems per acre and an average survivability of 557 stems per acre. Therefore survivability of the planted woody vegetation at LWOC meets the success criteria established in Section 3.1.2. for Year 3 and is on track for success in Year 5. Additional uncounted volunteer woody species were observed at all of the 24 vegetation plots. The comparison of the Monitoring Year 2 photos to those previously collected at both the 24 vegetation plot photo reference points and the 14 permanent photo reference points suggested the vegetation was growing exceptionally well. Live stake vegetation has exceeded growth expectations and the bare root material is starting to overcome the weedy vegetation. A further review of the vegetation through the project -wide visual assessment validated this positive trend, as no concerns, problems, or negative trends were documented. Based on the results of the vegetation monitoring for Monitoring Year 3 at LWOC, Mulkey did not propose any additional recommendations or actions other than to proceed with the annual vegetation monitoring. The only additional plantings that will be utilized are associated with the repair work discussed in Section 3.2.5. 11 Little White Oak Creek Annual Monitoring Report December 2010 Stream Restoration (Year 3 of S) 3.2 Project Stream Monitoring 3.2.1 Stream Monitoring Methodology Stream dimension, pattern, profile, stream bed material, bank stability, and bankfull hydrology were monitored to evaluate the success of the stream restoration activities at LWOC. The monitoring of stream dimension, pattern, and profile, or morphometric monitoring, along with the monitoring of stream bed material, were conducted using annual field surveys along with visual assessment. The morphometric, stream bed material, and stream bank stability monitoring were conducted along representative sections of the project stream reaches. Hydrologic monitoring consisted of field measurements of bankfull events using crest gages. Project -wide stream monitoring was accomplished using visual assessment as well as photo documentation. Major grading and channel construction were completed during the last week of November 2007. Immediately following the completion of the major grading and channel construction activities, all remaining plant material was installed during the months of November and December 2007. The as -built survey of all of the stream reaches at LWOC were initiated immediately following the installation of plant materials and were conducted utilizing aerial photography and total station surveys while following the protocols set forth by the 2003 USACE Stream Mitigation guidelines ( USACE et al., 2003). In addition to documenting the construction of LWOC for comparison to the proposed design, the results of the as -built survey were also used to establish baseline morphology for the proposed monitoring. This information is presented in Table VII. A summary of the restored stream channel lengths are outlined in Table I. A complete set of As -Built Drawings including a monitoring plan view and longitudinal profile for the as -built conditions of the restored channels can be found in Appendix A. After the completion of the as -built survey, the limits and corresponding lengths of the project stream reaches to be monitored at LWOC were determined using the sampling rates outlined by the USACE et al. (2003). A total of 5,893 linear feet (32 %) of all restored stream channels will be surveyed annually during the monitoring period. Based on these the sampling rates, the limits of the project stream reaches to be surveyed annually for monitoring are as follows: Reach R1 — 1,974 Linear Feet Total (Stations 14 +00 -R1- through 33 +74 -R1 -) Reach R I A — 500 Linear Feet Total (Stations 0 +00 -RIA- through 5 +00 -RIA -) Reach R2 — 2,047 Linear Feet Total (Stations 25 +13 -R2- through 45 +60 -R2 -) Reach R2A — 326 Linear Feet Total (Stations 0 +00 -R2A- through 3 +26 -R2A -) Reach R2B — 551 Linear Feet Total (Stations 9 +35 -R2B- through 14 +86 -R2B -) Reach R21) — 495 Linear Feet Total (Stations 2 +84 -R2D- through 7 +79 -R2D -) The upstream and downstream limits of these reaches were monumented in the field using steel rebar/PVC pins. Each pin was also labeled with an aluminum tag identifying the respective reach and the correct descriptor ( "begin' or "end "). A total of 13 permanent cross sections, consisting of both riffles and pools, were established across LWOC and surveyed during the as -built survey process. The number of cross 12 Little White Oak Creek Annual Monitoring Report December 2010 Stream Restoration (Year 3 of S) sections was determined using the sampling rates outlined by the USACE et al. (2003). The left and right ends of each cross section were monumented with a steel rebar pin and PVC pipe. An aluminum tag identifying the cross section number was also installed at the pin on the left side of the channel. In addition to the cross section surveys, photos were taken at each of the 13 cross sections, looking across the stream from left to right, to document the baseline conditions at each respective cross section. Specific stations along each permanent cross section were established during the as -built survey to promote replication and consistency during the subsequent annual cross section surveys. The stationing for each cross section was established to always begin on the left side of the channel, facing downstream, at the left rebar /PVC pin, and to continue across the stream channel to the rebar /PVC pin on the right side. The as -built survey of the 13 cross sections established the baseline conditions with regards to stream dimension. All of the 13 cross sections will be surveyed each year during the five -year monitoring period and the resulting parameters will be compared annually. The parameters to be monitored include bankfull width, floodprone width, bankfull cross sectional area, bankfull mean depth, bankfull max depth, width to depth ratio, entrenchment ratio, wetted perimeter, and hydraulic radius. Annually, photos will be taken at each of the 13 cross sections looking across the stream from left to right and compared to the photos from the previous years to document stream conditions at each respective cross section. The pattern for all of the stream reaches was surveyed and baseline conditions were established as part of the as -built survey. Monitoring surveys for stream pattern are limited to the project stream reaches specified above for annual monitoring surveys. The stream pattern parameters resulting from the annual monitoring surveys include sinuosity, belt width, radii of curvature, meander wavelength, and meander width ratio. These parameters will be compared annually. The as -built survey included a longitudinal profile survey along the entire length of all restored stream reaches. Longitudinal profiles were surveyed by identifying each stream feature (riffle, run, pool, or glide) and surveying specific points at each feature. These specific locations included top of bank, bankfull, water's edge or surface, and thalweg. The as -built survey were used to establish the baseline conditions with regards to monitoring the longitudinal profile within the project reaches described above. The longitudinal profiles surveys conducted each year are then limited to the project stream reaches specified above. The parameters resulting from these longitudinal profile surveys are compared on an annual basis to those of the baseline and previous years. The parameters to be monitored include bankfull slope, riffle length, riffle slope, pool length, and pool to pool spacing. During the as -built survey, Modified Wolman pebble counts were conducted at each of the project stream reaches to classify the stream bed materials. The pebble counts for the larger project stream reaches (R1 and R2) were conducted at each of the permanent cross sections by performing an equal number of counts at each cross section and then combining the results into a reach -wide count. A minimum of 100 counts were made for each of these larger reaches. Reach -wide pebble counts were conducted along the smaller project stream reaches (R1A, R2A, R213, and R2D). A minimum of-50 counts were made for each of these smaller reaches. The stream bed materials are monitored at LWOC by repeating the same 13 Little White Oak Creek Annual Monitoring Report December 2010 Stream Restoration (Year 3 of 5) pebble count procedures on an annual basis. The results of the pebble counts for each specified project stream reach are compared on an annual basis. BEHI information was collected during the existing condition surveys and sediment transport rates were subsequently developed. The resulting information -served as baseline data for stream bank stability at LWOC. Stream bank stability monitoring using these parameters is required in Monitoring Year 3 and 5. Data collected during these years will be compared with pre - construction conditions to determine the change in bank erosion hazard indices and sediment export rates for each reach assessed. Positive change, namely reduction, in both the stream bank erosion rates and sediment transport rates at LWOC are expected as a result of restoration and will be documented as described to demonstrate success. A total of eight crest gages, one at each reach and one at the confluence of Reaches R 1 and R2, were installed across LWOC during the as -built survey. At the base of each crest gage a permanent vertical datum was installed. The locations of each crest gage along with the elevation of the permanent vertical datum were surveyed during the as -built survey. The crest gages were used for the hydrologic monitoring at LWOC to verify the occurrence of bankfull storm events. Each crest gage was set during its initial installation and baseline photos were taken. The crest gages were checked annually and the flood stage(s) recorded by each gage and measured relative to the permanent vertical datum of the respective gage. The results of these measurements were used to document the occurrence of significant storm events, with the goal of specifically documenting the occurrence of bankfull and larger stream flow events. Photo documentation and project -wide visual assessment was used for stream monitoring at LWOC to complement the other stream monitoring practices. A total of 14 permanent reference photo points were installed across LWOC (11 during the as -built survey and 3 during the Year 1 monitoring period as described above). These photo points were monumented using steel rebar /PVC pins. Photos were taken at that time to provide photo documentation of baseline stream conditions. Photos were taken from each of the 14 permanent photo reference points with the same orientation each year and were used for photo documentation and annual comparison of the stream conditions across LWOC. This exercise helped to further validate and document stream restoration success at LWOC. The visual assessment was conducted using annual field observations and pedestrian surveys to identify any specific problem areas along the streams at LWOC during the monitoring period. Any such problem areas were identified and organized under appropriate categories. Such areas were documented using representative photos, where applicable, and their locations were mapped on the Monitoring Plan View. The suspected cause and appropriate remedial action for each problem was determined. If during any given year, the streams were not anticipated to meet the final established monitoring criteria, corrective actions were considered. Such modifications were documented and discussed with EEP. 14 Little Wliite Oak Creek Annual Monitoring Report December 2010 Stream Restoration (Year 3 of 5) 3.2.2 Stream Monitoring Success Criteria Stream dimension, pattern, profile, stream bed material, bank stability, and bankfull hydrology were monitored annually for the project stream reaches as described in detail above. Stream restoration success at LWOC was evaluated by comparison of the annual results against the same parameters as predicted, specified, and required in the proposed design. Success was achieved when all such comparisons reveal positive trends toward overall stream stability. Expectation was the stream monitoring results should confirm the stream channels at LWOC are of the proposed stream channel type (Rosgen 1994). Stream dimension parameters including bankfull width, floodprone width, bankfull cross sectional area, bankfull mean depth, bankfull max depth, width to depth ratio, entrenchment ratio, wetted perimeter, and hydraulic radius were measured and/or calculated for each of the permanent cross sections. The described dimension parameters were expected to remain consistent from year to year and should fall within the ranges established by the original proposed design parameters. It was expected and acceptable that minor adjustments in dimension will occur such as the development of point bars and the subsequent deepening of pools. As vegetation becomes established and the stream banks are stabilized, the anticipation was that the width depth ratios will decrease and the entrenchment ratios will increase slightly, both within the normal ranges for C and E stream channel types (Rosgen, 1994). Stream pattern parameters including sinuosity, belt width, radii of curvature, meander wavelength, and meander width ratio were measured and/or calculated. Stream pattern measurements were expected to remain consistent from year to year and to fall within the originally proposed design parameters. As vegetation becomes established and the stream banks are stabilized, it was anticipated that the sinuosity of the streams will also adjust, likely becoming more sinuous with time. Stream longitudinal profile parameters including bankfull slope, riffle length, riffle slope, pool length, and pool to pool spacing were measured. Longitudinal profiles parameters were expected to remain relatively consistent from year to year. The stream profiles should not show aggrading or degrading conditions during the five -year monitoring period, however, minor profile'adjustments such as deepening of pools was expected. Stream bed material was monitored using the described Modified Wolman pebble counts. The success criteria for the bed material will be determined at the end of the five -year monitoring period when data can be reviewed and compared to the proposed channel material types. Fluctuations in bed materials will likely occur during the early years following construction and several years may be needed to observe a consistent bed material. Bed materials should ultimately reflect the proposed design conditions for each reach at LWOC. Stream bank stability will be monitored using BEHI and sediment transport estimates during Monitoring Years 3 and 5. Data collected during these years will be compared with pre - construction conditions to determine the change in bank erosion hazard indices and sediment 15 Little White Oak Creek Annual Monitoring Report December 2010 Stream Restoration (Year 3 of 5) export rates for each reach assessed. Positive change, namely reduction, in both stream bank erosion rates and sediment transport rates at LWOC are expected as a result of restoration and will be documented as described to demonstrate success. Hydrologic monitoring success was based on the ability to document the occurrence of bankfull storm events at LWOC. A minimum of two bankfull events, each occurring in two separate monitoring years, are required to be documented within the five -year monitoring period. The described crest gauges were used to determine and document the occurrence of these bankfull events. As described above, photo documentation and visual assessment was used to complement the other stream monitoring practices as part of the stream monitoring protocol at LWOC. If during any given year, the streams were not anticipated to meet the final established monitoring criteria, corrective actions was considered. Such modifications were documented and discussed with EEP. 3.2.3 Stream Monitoring Results for Year 1 of 5 In late August 2008, the stream monitoring for Monitoring Year 1 was conducted. The methodologies described in the Section 3.2.1 were used for the stream monitoring at LWOC for Monitoring Year 1. Detailed surveys were conducted along the project stream reaches specified to be surveyed for annual monitoring. The results of these surveys were compared to the baseline data for the morphometric monitoring obtained during the as -built survey. All of the 13 cross sections were surveyed to measure the bankfull width, floodprone width, bankfull cross sectional area, bankfull mean depth, bankfull max depth, width to depth ratio, entrenchment ratio, wetted perimeter, and hydraulic radius. The results of the cross section surveys are presented in Table VIII. Appendix D compares photos taken during Monitoring Year 1 with the initial baseline photos at each of the 13 cross sections. Appendix E provides an overlay of the Monitoring Year 1 and baseline conditions along with the raw data for each cross section. The comparison of the baseline and Monitoring Year 1 stream dimension morphometric data for each of the project stream reaches showed very positive results, all of which were comparable to the originally proposed design parameters. The results showed that all of the reaches were experiencing the expected minor adjustments including decreasing width to depth ratios, increasing entrenchment ratios, and minor increases in depth. Each of these trends was indicative of movement toward increased stream stability and was attributed to vegetation establishment and natural channel adjustments. The comparison of the Year 1 Monitoring cross section photos to the as -built cross section photos strongly complemented these suggestions, as no concerns, problems, or negative trends were documented. The pattern for all of the stream reaches was surveyed to measure the parameters of sinuosity, belt width, radii of curvature, meander wavelength, and meander width ratio. The results of the pattern surveys are presented in Table VIII. The comparison of the baseline and Monitoring Year 1 stream pattern morphometric data for each of the project stream reaches showed very positive results, all of which were comparable to the originally 16 Little White Oak Creek Annual Monitoring Report December 2010 Stream Restoration (Year 3 of 5) proposed design parameters. The results showed that all of the reaches were experiencing the expected minor adjustment attributed to vegetation establishment and natural channel adjustments. This adjustment included slightly increasing radii of curvature, indicative of movement toward increased stream stability. These minor adjustments can be viewed through the overlays included in Appendix A. Longitudinal profile surveys were conducted along each of the project stream reaches specified for annual monitoring surveys. The surveys were performed to measure the parameters of bankfull slope, riffle length, riffle slope, pool length, and pool to pool spacing. The results of the longitudinal profile surveys are presented in Table VIII. The comparison of the baseline and Monitoring Year 1 longitudinal profiles for each of the monitored project stream reaches showed very positive results, all of which were comparable to the originally proposed design parameters. The results showed that all of the reaches were experiencing the expected minor adjustment attributed to vegetation establishment and natural channel adjustments. This adjustment included deepening of pools. The comparison of the baseline and Monitoring Year 1 longitudinal profiles did not show excessive aggrading or degrading. Overlays can be found in Appendix E along with the raw data from both the baseline and Monitoring Year 1 conditions. Modified Wolman pebble counts were repeated at each of the project stream reaches to classify the stream bed materials for comparison to the baseline conditions. The results of the pebble counts are presented in Table VIII while the raw data and overlays of the percent accumulation graphs can be viewed in Appendix E. Fluctuations in bed materials were expected to occur during the early years following construction. This expectation was observed in comparing the results of the baseline and Monitoring Year 1 pebble counts. Specifically, the bed material d50 and d84 for each of the stream reaches decreased. This trend may be observed during the five -year monitoring period. At this time it is believed that the original assumption that the stream bed materials would coarsen after restoration may have been incorrect. The stream systems at LWOC appear to be sand - dominated and therefore coarsening of the bed may not occur. The monitoring results do suggest, however that on -site sediment supply from LWOC has been reduced as a result of the restoration. As noted earlier, the success criteria for the bed material will be determined at the end of the five -year monitoring period when data can be reviewed and compared to the proposed channel material types. Fluctuations in bed materials will likely continue to occur and several years may be needed to observe a consistent bed material. Stream bank stability monitoring was not conducted, as this monitoring practice is scheduled to be performed using BEHI and sediment transport estimates during Monitoring Years 3 and 5. BEHI information was collected during the existing condition surveys and sediment transport rates were subsequently developed. The resulting information will serve as baseline data for stream bank stability at LWOC and is presented in Table IX. The raw data for this table can be viewed in Appendix E. Each of the eight crest gages were checked during the Monitoring Year 1 surveys to monitor hydrology at LWOC. Six of the eight crest gages recorded flood stages in excess of the bankfull stage. The two crest gages that did not record flood stages in excess of the bankfull 17 Little White Oak Creek Annual Monitoring Report December 2010 Stream Restoration (Year 3 of 5) stage were the crest gages at Reaches R2A and R2D. The crest gage at Reach R2A apparently did not record any evidence of a flood stage event, possibly due to problems with the cork or the gage itself. The crest gage at Reach R21) recorded a flood stage that was 0.26 feet below the bankfull stage. Each of the crest gages was reset after checking stage measurements, in order to record future events. Table X lists the information related to the verification of bankfull events at LWOC for Monitoring Year 1 while the raw data can be found in Appendix E. The evidence recorded by the crest gages indicated a storm event producing a stage in excess of the bankfull storm occurred at LWOC during Monitoring Year 1. This documentation of the first bankfull event at LWOC during the monitoring period suggests success with regards to hydrologic monitoring at LWOC. Photo documentation and project -wide visual assessment were used to complement the other Monitoring Year 1 stream monitoring practices. Photos were taken from each of the original 11 permanent photo reference points. Three additional photo points (photo points 2.5Y1, 3.5Y1, and 8.5Y1) were also added to ensure that adequate photo documentation would be conducted within the monitoring limits of the project stream reaches. Photo point 2.5Y1 was added for Reach R2, photo point 3.5Y1 for Reach R2B, and photo point 8.5Y1 for Reach R1A. After installation, photos were taken at each of the three added photo points. Appendix C includes all of the described photos and provides comparison of the photos with the initial baseline photos taken from the 11 permanent photo reference points. The new photos taken at three additional photo points will serve as supplemental baseline condition photos and subsequent photos at these same locations will be compared in Monitoring Years 2 through 5. No stream problems were documented through the photo comparison process. A project -wide visual assessment was conducted along each of the project stream reaches to identify any specific stream problem areas. Table XI presents the results of the project -wide visual assessment. The project -wide visual assessment revealed 12 specific stream problem areas. Each of these stream problem areas, including their description, location, and suspected cause, are listed in Table XII. The stream problem areas included eight in- stream structure failures and associated stream bank erosion, three areas of floodplain and adjacent stream bank erosion, and one area of stream bank erosion. Mulkey elected to promptly address all of the stream problem areas and conducted construction repairs of each in October 2008. The eight stream problem areas categorized as failures of in- stream structures and were determined to be caused by incorrect construction of the given in- stream structure. The failed in- stream structures included j -hook rock vanes and rock cross vanes. All eight of the structures and the associated areas of stream bank erosion were repaired. Several of the j -hook rock vanes were converted to rock vanes during the repairs to prevent future point bar erosion. The three stream problem areas categorized as floodplain and adjacent stream bank erosion were determined to be attributed to the incorrect installation of floodplain interceptors. All three of the eroded areas were repaired and floodplain interceptors were installed using both rock and log materials. The remaining stream problem area categorized as stream bank erosion was determined to be caused by a minor field adjustment made to the stream alignment in order to save an existing mature tree at the request of the landowner. This area of stream bank erosion was also repaired. The repairs to the all of the areas of eroded stream banks included re- grading, re- seeding with appropriate temporary and permanent seed, and re- installing coir fiber matting. Black willow (Salix nigra) and/or silky dogwood (Corpus amomum) live stakes were harvested on- 18 Little White Oak Creek Annual Monitoring Report December 2010 Stream Restoration (Year 3 of S) site and were installed at the repaired stream banks. Please note that the results shown in Table XI were updated such that the repairs to the stream problem areas described above are included. Based on the results of the stream monitoring for Monitoring Year 1 at'LWOC, as well as the subsequent corrective actions taken, Mulkey did not propose any additional recommendations or actions other than to proceed with the annual stream monitoring. 3.2.4 Stream Monitoring Results for Year 2 of 5 In mid - October and the beginning of November 2009, the stream monitoring for Monitoring Year 2 was conducted. The methodologies described in the Section 3.2.1 were used for the stream monitoring at LWOC for Monitoring Year 2. Detailed surveys were conducted along the project stream reaches specified to be surveyed for annual monitoring. The results of these surveys were compared to the previous data collected during prior monitoring periods, baseline conditions established through the as -built survey, and to the proposed design parameters calculated prior to construction. All of the 13 cross sections were surveyed to measure the bankfull width, floodprone width, bankfull cross sectional area, bankfull mean depth, bankfull max depth, width to depth ratio, entrenchment ratio, wetted perimeter, and hydraulic radius. The results of the cross section surveys are presented in Table VIII. Appendix D compares photos taken during Monitoring Year 2 with the initial baseline photos and the previous monitoring photos taken at each of the 13 cross sections. Appendix E provides an overlay of the Monitoring Year 2, the previous monitoring periods, and baseline conditions along with the raw data for each cross section. The comparison of Monitoring Year 2 to the previous surveys for stream dimension data for each of the project stream reaches showed very positive results, all of which were comparable to the originally proposed design parameters. Throughout all the cross sections, the bankfull cross sectional area and entrenchment ratios remained consistent indicating the channels were able to contain and convey all the flows experienced during Monitoring Year 2. However, the main channels R1 and R2 displayed typical signs of adjustment in their channel geometries. Both of these reaches have recently been impacted by beavers and some of these adjustments can be attributed to this recent development. In particular on R1, cross section 11 had a significant increase in the width to depth ratio due to the backwater of a downstream beaver dam causing the pool to experience siltation. On the other end, cross section 12 experienced the reverse because a beaver dam was located directly upstream and the cascading water created scour ultimately decreasing the width to depth ratio. Similarly, cross sections along R2 exhibited localized changes in channel geometries, some attributable to beaver activity and others to natural fluctuations, but all within the acceptable ranges of the design parameters. The one exception was cross section 1, with a width to depth ratio climbing up to 22 and the bankfull cross sectional area remaining consistent, a cursory analysis raised concern. However, the overlay of cross section 1 clearly demonstrated the channel developing opposing inner berms to better accommodate the low flow capacity. This effectively allowed the channel to deepen without creating a change in the cross sectional area causing the width to depth ratio to increase instead of decrease due to the derivation being based on the calculated value of mean depth. The results of the smaller tributaries R1A, R2A, R213, and R21) consistently exhibited minor natural adjustments typical of stable C type streams. The comparisons of the Monitoring Year 2 overlays and 19 Little White Oak Creek Annual Monitoring Report December 2010 Stream Restoration (Year 3 of S) cross sectional photos to the previous year's strongly substantiated these findings, as no concerns, problems, or negative trends were documented. The pattern for all of the stream reaches was surveyed to measure the parameters of sinuosity, belt width, radii of curvature, meander wavelength, and meander width ratio. The results of the pattern surveys are presented in Table VIII. The comparison of the Year 2 monitoring data to previous years stream pattern data for each of the project stream reaches showed very positive results, all of which were comparable to the originally proposed design parameters. The results showed that all of the reaches remained consistent to the design parameters with minor variations attributed to vegetation establishment, natural channel adjustments, and variance in measuring techniques. These minor variations can be viewed through the overlays included in Appendix A. Longitudinal profile surveys were conducted along each of the project stream reaches specified for annual monitoring surveys. The surveys were performed to measure the parameters of bankfull slope, riffle length, riffle slope, pool length, and pool to pool spacing. The results of the longitudinal profile surveys are presented in Table VIII. In comparing the data collected from Monitoring Year 2 to the previously collected data, the results followed the previous analysis. All reaches showed acceptable minor variations in all parameters monitored. These variations are within the design tolerances and are attributable to vegetation establishment, natural channel adjustments, and variance in measuring techniques. Overall, none of the longitudinal profiles showed excessive aggrading or degrading. Overlays of the longitudinal profiles can be found in Appendix E. Modified Wolman pebble counts were repeated at each of the project stream reaches to classify the stream bed materials and for comparison to the previous years' conditions. The results of the pebble counts are presented in Table VIII while the raw data and overlays of the percent accumulation graphs can be viewed in Appendix E. Fluctuations in bed materials were expected to occur during the early years following construction. Over time the expectation was for the stream to eventually coarsen, however, Monitoring Year 1 and Year 2 have shown the opposite to be true. Specifically, the bed material d50 and d84 for each of the stream reaches decreased. Therefore it is believed that the original assumption that the stream bed materials would coarsen after restoration may have been incorrect. The stream systems at LWOC appear to be sand - dominated and therefore coarsening of the bed may not occur. Nonetheless, the monitoring results do suggest on -site sediment supply from LWOC was reduced as a result of the restoration. As noted earlier, the success criteria for the bed material will be determined at the end of the five -year monitoring period when data can be.reviewed and compared to the proposed channel material types. Fluctuations in bed materials will likely continue to occur and several years may be needed to observe a consistent bed material. Stream bank stability monitoring was not conducted, as this monitoring practice is scheduled to be performed using BEHI and sediment transport estimates during Monitoring Years 3 and 5. BEHI information was collected during the existing condition surveys and sediment transport rates were subsequently developed. The resulting information will serve as 20 Little White Oak Creek Annual Monitoring Report December 2010 Stream Restoration (Year 3 of 5) baseline data for stream bank stability at LWOC and is presented in Table IX. The raw data for this table can be viewed in Appendix E. Each of the eight crest gages were checked during the Monitoring Year 2 surveys to monitor hydrology at LWOC. Seven of the eight crest gages recorded flood stages in excess of the bankfull stage. The one crest gage that did not record a flood stage in excess of the bankfull stage was at Reach R2D. Although, the region has seen a significant drought, the site has received large quantities of rain this monitoring year. Additionally, the R2D reach has a constant flow of water throughout its course. The crest gage at Reach R2D recorded a flood stage that was 0.10 feet below the bankfull stage this monitoring year. This information coupled with the other seven gauges having recorded a bankfull event during this monitoring year suggested that Mulkey needs to recheck the R21) crest gage in 2010 for elevation discrepancies with regard to its zero elevation. All of the crest gages were reset after checking stage measurements, in order to record future events. Table X lists the information related to the verification of bankfull events at LWOC for Monitoring Year 2 while the raw data can be found in Appendix E. The evidence recorded by the crest gages indicated a storm event producing a stage in excess of the bankfull storm occurred at LWOC during Monitoring Year 2. This documented the second and final required bankfull event at LWOC and therefore demonstrated success with regards to hydrologic monitoring per Section 3.2.2. Photo documentation and project -wide visual assessment were used to complement the other Monitoring Year 2 stream monitoring practices. Photos were taken from each of the 14 permanent photo reference points. Appendix C includes all of the described photos and provides comparison of the photos between the baseline conditions, Monitoring Year 1 and Monitoring Year 2 photos taken from the 14 permanent photo reference points. No stream problems were documented through the photo comparison process. A project -wide visual assessment was conducted along each of the project stream reaches to identify any specific stream problem areas (Table XI). During the project -wide visual assessment, along with the other Monitoring Year 2 field work activities, Mulkey noticed a significant increase in beaver activity at the site. Specifically, beaver dams have been constructed along Reaches RI, R2 Upper, and R2 Lower in several locations. Please note that Table XI and Table XII have been updated to reflect these observations. Mulkey is currently coordinating with the USDA Wildlife Services under BMAP to have the beavers and beaver dams removed, as well as to have the site monitored for future beaver activity. Mulkey has also observed cattle intrusion into the fenced buffers at LWOC. Mulkey is working with the landowner to prevent future cattle trespass from occurring. Other field observations made during the Monitoring Year 2 include the observation of the apparent restoration of wetland hydrology adjacent to Reach R1A. The restoration of Reach R1A appears to have reconnected the stream to its historic floodplain, as well as raise the groundwater table in the buffer areas adjacent to the reach. These observations are evidenced by the increase of wetland vegetation species and the saturation of the soils in the buffer areas adjacent to Reach R1A. The waste treatment outfall located on R1 reach and emanating from the nearby school appears to be functioning extremely well. Vegetation around the outfall is growing rapidly and helping to create a highly stable secondary treatment area. 21 Little White Oak Creek Annual Monitoring Report December 2010 Stream Restoration (Year 3 of 5) Based on the results of the stream monitoring for Monitoring Year 2 at LWOC, as well as the subsequent corrective actions being taken, Mulkey does not propose any additional recommendations or actions other than to proceed with the annual stream monitoring. NCEEP expressed concerns regarding the fencing of the conservation easement at LWOC to Mulkey in a letter dated May 26, 2009. Mulkey responded to NCEEP in a June 1, 2009 letter, urging NCEEP to consider several key exceptions for this particular case. These exceptions are explained in the referenced June 1, 2009 letter. Mulkey awaits response from NCEEP regarding the July 2009 letter before further addressing the concerns raised by NCEEP. 3.2.5 Stream Monitoring Results for Year 3 of 5 In early November 2010, the stream monitoring for Monitoring Year 3 was conducted using the methodologies described above. Despite the site suffering a flood event from the remnants of a tropical storm, the overall stability of the six stream reaches has improved. The stream dimension, pattern, and profile remained consistent with the previous years' data and continue to remain within the tolerances of the design parameters which is explained in detail below. However the visual assessment did reveal areas of scour along the banks, benches, and terraces confined mostly to reach R1. Mulkey intends to repair these areas in early 2011 to ensure ample time for the project to recover. Nonetheless, per the monitoring guidance, the overall stability of LWOC is within acceptable tolerances. LWOC experienced several storm events over the Year 3 monitoring period, the most extensive occurring from the remnants of a tropical storm occurring in late September of 2010. This event created storm flows well in excess of the bankfull 'stage evidenced by wrack lines along the terrace slopes. These lines were often above the measurable extent of the crest gages. In fact, the flows destroyed four of the eight crest gages across the site. The four destroyed crest gages existed on reaches which have achieved the two bankfull events in two separate years' hydrological monitoring success criteria. Overall, five of the six reaches on LWOC have achieved the hydrological success criteria for monitoring; therefore Mulkey intends to only continue monitoring R21). The visual assessment of LWOC supported the crest gage data with several areas of scour occurring along reach R1, vegetative matts being forced down, wrack lines along the terrace slopes, silt dispersed on the vegetation on the bench, deposition of sand/silt on the benches, and minor washing out of the fence. Most of this evidence can be viewed through the photo logs of the vegetation plots (Appendix B), photo points (Appendix C), and cross sections (Appendix D); however photos of the scour along R1 can be found in Appendix F as no existing photo points could capture the areas of concern. The scour occurred because back eddies were formed from the terrace slopes following the creek. In these areas the back eddies essentially drilled a hole in the bench and deposited the materials downstream. Areas of bank scour were located in the vicinity of these scour holes as heavy flows began re- entering the channel. There are also areas of scour around the structure tie -ins with the bench where unforeseen eddies began to develop downstream of structure arms. Due to the location of this disturbance occurring up on the bench or terraces, the monitoring does not 22 Little White Oak Creek Annual Monitoring Report December 2010 Stream Restoration (Year 3 of 5) reflect any instability from these areas of concern. Nonetheless, Mulkey perceived these areas of concern as detracting from the overall positive trends developing across LWOC and therefore intends to repair these areas in early 2011. The repairs will consist of a combination of grading and vegetative activities to minimize the effects of future excessive flows. Contrary to the visual assessment, the comparison of the 13 cross sections to previous monitoring data indicated stability across the site (Appendix E). The cross sections along R2 (1 -5) not only show signs of a stable channel, but they depict the expected tightening of the channel due to vegetation taking hold with aggradation along the banks occurring in all but 1 cross section. The cross section on R2A (6) also depicts this phenomenon while the cross sections for R1A (13), R213 (7) and R21) (8) show no significant change in shape or form. The cross sections along R1 (9 -12) show slight variation in shape and form that is indicative of a recent excessive storm event. However, upon comparison of all cross sections with past monitoring data and design tolerances, every measured variable is either varying within the design tolerance or migrating back towards an acceptable value. Therefore in terms of channel dimension, LWOC has been determined to be stable and meeting all monitoring success criteria. Similarly, the stream pattern for all reaches across LWOC portrayed a stable stream network. The meander length, belt width, and radius of curvature measurements for each reach remained within the design tolerances and showed no significant deviations from the previously collected monitoring data. The longitudinal profiles, found in Appendix E, depicted slight variations in each stream reach. Reaches R1 and R213 were consistent with previously collected data while R2 and R2A displayed degradation and R1A and R21) aggradation. These differences can be attributed to the dynamic nature of the stream system coupled with the system experiencing an intense storm event. Typically, the bed materials would correlate and support stream bed fluctuation with aggrading streams displaying an influx of finer materials and vice versa for degrading streams. This correlation is displayed in R1A and R21) where the finer sediments upstream are being slowed by the vegetation and aggrading the channel. Similarly, R2 is displaying the correlation in reverse with the bed material coarsening while the bed degrades exposing the larger substrate materials. R1 has a consistent longitudinal profile and is beginning to coarsen indicating the reach still moving towards an equilibrium between stream power and sediment transport. R2A with degradation in the longitudinal profile and fining of the bed materials is still trying to accommodate the sediment supply exposed upstream during the construction process. R2B displayed consistent bed slope and bed form thus indicating a balance reached between stream power and sediment transport. Therefore all of the reaches except R2B are still showing the expected signs of stream fluctuation indicative of a system trying to establish equilibrium. None of the described trends are representative of trends toward instability, rather they depict the natural development of a young stream network striking a balance between stream power and sediment transport. As detailed by the monitoring guidance, data was collected and analyzed for the Bank Erosion Hazard Index (BEHI) and Near Bank Shear Stress (NBS) in an effort to quantify the 23 Little White Oak Creek Annual Monitoring Report December 2010 Stream Restoration (Year 3 of S) sediment transport rate in tons /year for each reach in LWOC (See Table IX). The results of this process indicated a significant decrease across LWOC. Pre - construction data determined the sediment transport rate to be 1853 tons /year. Data collected in Monitoring Year 3 revealed a sediment transport rate of 342 tons /year or an 82% reduction in sediment in the system. Reach R1, the reach most affected by the storm event, showed a reduction in sediment transport from 455 tons /year to 189 tons /year or a 58% reduction. These individual reach trends and cumulative system wide trends show extremely positive results and are indicative of stream stability across the entire stream network at LWOC. In Spring of 2010, Mulkey relocated portions of the fence surrounding the easement around LWOC. This was performed at the request of NCEEP to ensure the entire easement was protected from cattle and to include the required 50 foot buffer established by the United States Army Corps of Engineers. The new fence locations have been incorporated and accurately depicted on the plan sheets found in Appendix B. In conclusion, Mulkey has determined that all monitoring aspects have met the monitoring success criteria established for LWOC. Mulkey does intend to perform some minor corrections to LWOC in early 2011 so as not to detract from the overall success of the project. These corrections are minor in scope and do not affect the overall stability of LWOC. Given the overall success and the prior fence relocation, Mulkey does not recommend any action except to proceed with the annual stream monitoring. 4.0 Project Monitoring Methodology Success criteria for stream mitigation sites are based on guidelines established by the USACE, US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), NC Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC) and the NCDWQ (USACE et. al, 2003). These guidelines establish criteria for monitoring both hydrologic conditions and vegetation survival. These same guidelines were used to develop the monitoring methods, frequencies, and success criteria discussed herein for LWOC and further described in detail in the approved mitigation report (Mulkey Engineers and Consultants, 2008). LWOC site conditions will be monitored annually during the latter part of the growing season months (August, September, and October) over the five -year monitoring period. This monitoring period complies with the requirements set forth in the Full Delivery RFP 16- D06027. Monitoring results will be documented on an annual basis, with the associated reports submitted to the NCEEP as evidence that the established project goals and objectives are being achieved. The results of annual monitoring will be used to evaluate the degree of success LWOC has achieved in meeting the said goals and objectives. In the event that goals are not being met, Mulkey will coordinate with the NCEEP to develop a plan for ameliorating the areas of concern. 24 Little White Oak Creek Annual Monitoring Report December 2010 Stream Restoration (Year 3 of 5) 5.0 References Mulkey Engineers and Consultants. 2008. Little White Oak Creek Stream Restoration Mitigation Report. August 2008. NCEEP. 2005. Content, Format, and Data Requirements for EEP Monitoring Reports. Version 1. 1, September 16, 2005. NCDENR, NCEEP. 17 pp. Rosgen, D.L. 1994. A Classification of Natural Rivers. Catena, 22:169 -199. Rosgen, D.L. 1996. Applied River Morphology. Wildland Hydrology, Pagosa Springs, Colorado. Rosgen, D.L. 1998. The Reference Reach — A Blueprint for Natural Channel Design. From Proceedings of the Wetlands and Restoration Conference, March 1998, Denver CO. Wildland Hydrology, Pagosa Springs, CO. Schafale, M.P. and A.S. Weakley. 1990. Classification of the Natural Communities of North Carolina, Third Approximation. North Carolina Natural Heritage Program, Division of Parks and Recreation, N.C. Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources. USACE, USEPA, NCWRC, and NCDWQ. 2003. Stream Mitigation Guidelines. April 2003. 25 -r`-� -. -�•_ _._ _- :.1 WATAUG NEW R NOKE CHOW N Lm i - \% - • l LITTLE F, CH CATAWBA YADKIN -pqM/ PASQUO ANK o BROA 7 C Ila '.(.J� T, -� ,•� *j + TENN SSEE r OqA NEUSE O `l))) ir, HIWA SEE F �" \` l {•'/ -"j - - }., S! �—•+1 �� SAVANNAH FqR WHI K i a0 tl •i z ar..no..y •�� l � -- � I 1 jf Y I` •'its —. \�'��� .��;��� LITTLE WHITE OAK ;w- • - - MITIGATION SITE i 35'17'21.1"N 80'07'00.4"W j TO CHARLOTTE ' ice• �. � Q� -mss•. :�� Oq rme !• - 74 an o TO (ASHEVILLE' `f ! 1 1:36,000 N r • - ,: Feet �`� ` �� � � •� /• �� , 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 . I USGS 7.5- Minute Topographic Quadrangles. • • ! ��i� • '•\ ,'` �- , Mill Spring &Pea Ridge',( C AL ontour Interval 40 Feet r� LOCATION MAP Figure �"En LITTLE WHITE OAK STREAM RESTORATION - LE }— MUKY POLK COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 7 PROJECT NO. D06027 -B March 20, 2008 Table I. Project Restoration Approach and Mitigation Type Little White Oak Creek Stream Restoration / D06027 -B Stream Reach Restoration Mitigation Linear S = Stabilization SS = Stream Banks Stabilization ID Approach Type Footage Stationing Comments Channel relocation with floodplain RI P2 R 7,543 0+00-75+43 excavation Includes 850 feet of P1 and 190 feet of R1A P1/P2 R 1,040 0+00-10+40 P2 channel relocation R2 (Upper Channel relocation with floodplain and Lower) P2 R 7,107 0+00-71+07 excavation Channel relocation with floodplain R2A P2 R 336 0+00-3+36 excavation Includes 250 feet of PI and 1224 feet of R2B P1/P2 R 1,474 0 +00 — 14 +74 P2 channel relocation Includes 100 feet of and 690 feet of R21) P1/P2 R 790 0+00-7+90 P2 channel relocation R = Restoration P1 = Priority I El = Enhancement I P2 = Priority II EI1= Enhancement 11 P3 = Priority Ill S = Stabilization SS = Stream Banks Stabilization Table II. Project Activity and Reporting History Little White Oak Creek Stream Restoration / D06027 -B Activity or Report Scheduled Completion Data Collection Completion Actual Completion or Delivery Restoration Plan Prepared Oct -06 Aug -06 12- Feb -07 Restoration Plan Approved Nov -06 N/A 30- Mar -07 Final Design - 90% Dec -06 N/A 16-May-07 Construction Jun -07 N/A 13- Nov -07 Temporary S &E mix applied to entire project area Jun -07 N/A 13- Nov -07 Permanent seed mix applied to entire project area Jun -07 N/A 13- Nov -07 Planting live stakes Dec -07 N/A I I- Jan -08 Planting bare roots Dec -07 N/A 1 I- Jan -08 End of Construction Dec -07 N/A 11- Jan -08 Survey of As -built conditions (Year 0 Monitoring - Baseline) Jan-08 Jan -08 9- Jan -08 Monitoring Year I - 2008 Dec -08 Sep -08 Dec -08 Year 2 - 2009 Dec -09 Oct -09 Dec -09 Year 3 - 2010 Dec -]0 Nov -10 Dec -10 Year 4 - 2011 Dec -] I N/A N/A Year 5 - 2012 Dec -12 N/A N/A Bolded items represent those events or deliverables that are variable. Non - bolded items represent events that are standard components over the course of a typical project. Table III. Project Contacts Little White Oak Creek Stream Restoration / D06027 -B Designer 6750 Tryon Road Mulkey Engineers Cary, NC 27518 and Consultants Contact: Emmett Perdue, PE Tel. 919.858.1874 Construction Contractor P.O. Box 796 Vaughan Contracting, LLC Wadesboro, NC 28170 Contact: Tommy Vaughan Tel. 704.694.6450 Planting Coordinator 150 Black Creek Road Bruton Nurseries and Landscapes Fremont, NC 27830 Contact: Charles Bruton, Jr. Tel. 919.242.6555 Seeding Contractor P.O. Box 796 Vaughan Contracting, LLC Wadesboro, NC 28170 Contact: Tommy Vaughan Tel. 704.694.6450 Seed Mix Sources P.O. Box 669 Evergreen Seed Willow Spring, NC 27592 Contact: Wister Heald Tel. 919.567.1333 Nursery Stock Suppliers 5594 Highway 38 South International Paper Blenheim, SC 29516 South Carolina SuperTree Nursery Contact: Geoffrey Hill Tel. 803.528.3203 762 Claridge Nursery Road North Carolina Forestry Service Goldsboro, NC 27530 Claridge Nursery Contact: James West Tel. 919.731.7988 Monitoring Performers 6750 Tryon Road Mulkey Engineers Cary, NC 27518 and Consultants Contact: Emmett Perdue Tel. 919.858.1874 Table IV. Project Background Little White Oak Creek Stream Restoration / D06027 -B Project County Polk County, North Carolina Drainage Area [sq. mi(acres)] RI 4.46 (2854) R I A 0.11 (70) R2 10.85 (6944) R2A 0.54 (355) R213 0.12 (77) R2D 0.05 (32) Drainage Impervious cover estimate ( %) RI 2 R1A 2 R2 2 R2A 2 R2B 2 R2D 2 Stream Order RI 3 R1A 1 R2 3,4 R2A 2 R2B 1 R2D 1 Physiographic Region Piedmont Ecoregion Southern Inner Piedmont Rosgen Classification (As- built) Rl, R1A, R2 C5 R2A, R2B C4 R2D C6 Cowardin Classification R3UB2* Dominat Soil Types Riverview - Chewacla- Buncombe Reference Site ID UT to Ostin Creek USGS HUC for Project and Reference Project 03050105 Reference 03050105 NCDWQ Sub -basin for Project and Reference Project 03 -08 -02 (Broad) Reference 03 -08 -03 ( Borad) NCDWQ Classification for Project and Reference Project C Reference C,Tr Any portion of any project segement 303d? No Any portion of any project segement upstream of a 303d listed segment? No Reasons for 303d listing or stressor N/A Percent of project easement fenced 100 (R) Riverine (3) Upper Perennial (UB) Unconsolidated Bottom (2) Sand �N Ev 00 r l�0 0�0 M M VQ'� U OO �rfi b r VMl 00 r `6 t� M_ O �y N 0 F oo �F r o w z m r r° d L C V xz Q � e c Ha N N — vryi R Ic x -o V zG O O b � O C s$y k O F§ C Q O G Q �µ r 00 r �O p M O M M M 0 E a c n nUU E~• uUU�i4 '4 04401 QI (zo nj Table VI. Vegetative Problem Areas Little White Oak Creek Stream Restoration / D06027 -B Feature/Issue Station / Range Probable Cause Photo No. (If Available) No vegetative problem areas observed (Year 1, 2008) All project reaches N/A N/A No vegetative problem areas observed (Year 2, 2009) All project reaches N/A N/A No vegetative problem areas observed (Year 3, 20 10) All project reaches N/A N/A m 10 "t "no M 2 N V N O R O M O x'o Vl 7 00 00 00 ;y N v N 0, 7 N �:Cr O N" �" C O 7 O a .M. ccl C q pp M V M N M N C m N" M r �C+ O N •mr r O r V O N 7 r 00 r T7 a, O d D C r N m N 'r �'" a O M `"� G O rl V`" G O 41 CD 00 C' O W N' 00 M •r-� Q — � C Co O " ^' v� oo V 00 �G+ r m 7 cr O O Ln N 3 'O in N M ct O m 00 'O O O °, O a O 'O ° o --� W) 00 U �C Oo N �O r x o o .--� C 'cE O, R Qa C v'1 °` 0 7 �O ,-• N •� cxr ON r M N ."-� v"i oo O N ° C m O O D` n C v U U C C N d' r V y m M m 00 00 O v� i4 0 �"� C 'O V •� m N a O b o0 r r N .�Gr O m O+ v oo a` 0o b oo m °' N o om v ao ON � cfi " " If) b °m`. oo m oro 7 �"° is _ O C r N N O <t O N C C V �D Q a LW ��C++ U Ol U y W rl �p N W W � � S Co 1 v Q 7 I TiTi 11 1 O O •--. r-. .. .-. p .. .-. .R 2 Y y C s Nssaa s � a w.c tb vas o'er aCi L C y b 'O C .J OA N 0,0 ..C., O V 'n 00 y V0 C W u) U � ca y w Ou C y V O �l y yy 'O A 0. 0. vo d r oo O M O r M o0 -�-. 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'O 7 KO ,� op d d dE�i h y G. V o w " c U ca �7 ca L t V w C O O O M r M 00 W V N O� U N D G 7 ON ZO /-. N N C, M O vrj U Q O O �C+ 00 C f_ M M r oo M In — o+ C P M N h 00 'O v1 N M 7 O M 00 N is � O M M N O 7 O M O c h M w r it '+� IO oN oo r- V M N r m r N v vp O - O oo K � O, oo o U y a, O �* C N N o C_++ O N r M C_ O O O C p M M •O A y } G r- N 1.0 O, M O 00 O c. 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C.. a ^� Q a G U GL � m E c G O } S. S 9 O L L O O O � O N ^ o O Y i a ^� U x t oC z 2 � A e E G , ¥ ! I ) $ }k § , ( , § -, H U \)U> \� ; k]]! ` ` a ) % % 7 ... ... / [) § £ ; ! 7 }! ) § @! ,, _ _ _ § \ , k ;Gy &5373[ ( _ ; 7 7 / [) § £ ; ! 7 }! ) § @! ,, _ _ _ § \ , k ;Gy &5373[ ( _ ; ) §> Ell, « % % Exhibit Table IX. BEHI and Sediment Export Estimates Little White Oak Creek Stream Restoration / D06027 -B Time Point Segment / I Reach Linear Footage or Acreage Extreme Very High High Moderate Low Very Low Sediment Export ft % ft % ft % ft % ft % ft % tons /yr Preconstruction 2006 RI 6530 5877 90 455 R1A 906 906 100 229 R2 5979 5381 90 767 R2A 625 625 100 32 R2B 1713 1 11713 100 120 R2D 526 526 100 1 1 250 TOTAL 16279 6813 42 6502 40 1713 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 1853 Monitoring Y3 2010 R1 7543 5280 70 2263 30 189 R1A 1040 1040 100 1 R2 7107 7107 100 123 R2A 336 336 100 3 R2B 1474 1474 100 LL 4 R2D 790 790 100 22 TOTAL 18290 0 0 0 0 0 0 12387 68 5903 32 0 0 342 Monitoring Y5 2012 (NOT APPLICABLE) R1 7543 R1A 1040 R2 7107 R2A 336 R2B 1474 R2D 790 TOTAL 18290 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Exhibit Table X. Verification of Bankfull Events Little White Oak Creek Stream Restoration / D06027 -B Date of Data Collection Date of Occurrence Method Photo No. (If Available) 8/25/08 - 8/27/08 Unknown Crest Guage N/A 10/13/09 - 10/14/09 Unknown Crest Guage N/A 1 ](01/10 - 1 1/03/10 Unknown Crest Guage N/A Table XI. Categorical Stream Feature Visual Stability Assessment Little White Oak Creek Stream Restoration / D06027 -B Reach RI (7543ft) Feature Initial MY -01 MY -02A MY -03a MY -04 MY -05 Riffles 100% 100% 100% 91% Pools 100% 100% 100% 84% Thalwegs 100% 100% 100% 100% Meanders 100% 100% 95% 95 % Bed General 100% 100% 100% 100% Structures 100% 100% 95% 88% Rootwads 100% 100% 95% 98% Reach R1A (1040ft) Feature Initial MY -01 MY -02 MY -03 MY -04 MY -05 Riffles 100% 100% 100% 100% Pools 100% 100% 100% 100% Thalwegs 100% 100% 100% 100% Meanders 100% 100% 100% 100% Bed General 100% 100% 100% 100% Structures 100% 100% 100% 100 % Rootwads 100% 100% 100% 100% Reach R2 (7107ft) Feature Initial MY -01 MY -02" MY -03 MY -04 MY -05 Riffles 100% 100% 100% 100% Pools 100% 100% 100% 100% Thalwegs 100% 100% 100% 100% Meanders 100% 100% 95% 95% Bed General 100% 100% 100% 100% Structures 100 % 100% 95% 95 % Rootwads 100% 100% 95% 95% Reach R2A (336ft) Feature Initial MY -01 MY -02 MY -03 MY -04 MY -05 Riffles 100% 100% 100% 100% Pools 100% 100% 100% 100% Thalwegs 100% 100% 100% 100% Meanders 100% 100% 100% 100% Bed General 100% 100% 100% 100% Structures 100% 100 %n 100% 100% Rootwads 100% 100% 100% 100% Reach R2B (1474ft) Feature Initial MY -01 MY -02 MY -03 MY -04 MY -05 Riffles 100% 100% 100% 100% Pools 100% 100% 100% 100% Thalwe s 100% 100% 100% 100% Meanders 100% 100% 100% 100% Bed General 100% 100% 100% 100 % Structures 100% 100% 100% 100% Rootwads 100% 100% 100% 100% Reach R2D (790ft) Feature Initial MY -01 MY -02 MY -03 MY -04 MY -05 Riffles 100% 100% 100% 100% Pools 100% 100% 100% 100% Thalwegs 100% 100% 100% 100% Meanders 100% 100% 100% 100% Bed General 100% 100% 100% 100% Structures 100% 100% 100% 100% Rootwads 100% 100% 100% 100% Notes: "The results shown above as less than 100% percent, reflect the construction of beaver dams on the respective reaches during MY -02 (2009). BThe entire project suffered a flood event during MY -03 (2010) causing damage along R1. Table XIL Stream Problem Areas (Year 3 of 5) Little White Oak Creek Stream Restoration / D06027 -B Photo No. Feature/Issue Station / Range Probable Cause (If Available) Right bench erosion Approximate station 2 +10 -RI - Flood Event N/A Appendix F Left terrace erosion Approximate station 3+75 -RI - Flood Event Photo 1 Appendix F Left bench and terrace erosion Approximate station 8 +75 -RI - Flood Event Photo 2 Right bench and terrace erosion Approximate station 10 +96 -RI - Flood Event N/A Appendix F Left bench and terrace erosion Approximate station 12 +10 -R l- Flood Event Photo 3 Appendix F Right terrace and streambank erosion Approximate station 16 +75 to 18+00 -RI - Flood Event Photo 4 Left bench and terrace erosion Approximate station 19 +10 -R I - Flood Event N/A Appendix F Left streambank erosion Approximate station 20 +05 to 20 +50 -RI - Flood Event Photo 5 Right bench and terrace erosion Approximate station 20 +25 -RI - Flood Event N/A Right bench, terrace, and streambank Approximate station 23 +90 -RI- Flood Event Appendix F erosion Photo 6 Appendix F Right streambank erosion Approximate station 25 +10 to 25 +35 -RI - Flood Event Photo 7 Left streambank erosion Approximate station 26+45 to 26 +55 -RI- Flood Event N/A Appendix F Right streambank erosion Approximate station 26 +75 to 27+45 -RI - Flood Event Photo 8 Right streambank scour Single Arm Vane Structure Number 26 Flood Event N/A Approximate station 28 +35 -R1- Right bench erosion Approximate station 29 +75 -R1- Flood Event Appendix F Photo 9 Left streambank scour Single Arm Vane Structure Number 28 Flood Event N/A Approximate station 30 +25 -RI - Appendix F Left bench and terrace erosion Approximate station 31 +35 -Rl- Flood Event Photo 10 Right streambank erosion Approximate station 31 +15 to 31 +75 -R1- Flood Event N/A Right streambank erosion Approximate station 34 +00 to 34 +50 -R1- Flood Event N/A Left bench erosion Approximate station 34+40 -Rl- Flood Event N/A Left terrace erosion Approximate station 36 +70 -R1- Flood Event N/A Appendix F Left bench erosion Approximate station 39 +70 -R1- Flood Event Photo I1 Right terrace erosion Approximate station 41+60 -RI- Flood Event N/A Left bench erosion Approximate station 42 +30 -R1- Flood Event N/A Right streambank erosion Approximate station 43 +50 to 44 +00 -RI - Flood Event N/A Right bench erosion Approximate station 44 +35 -R1- Flood Event N/A Right streambank erosion Approximate station 46 +95 to 47 +30 -Rl- Flood Event N/A Right streambank erosion Approximate station 58 +30 to 58 +70 -RI- Flood Event N/A Appendix F Right bench and streambank erosion Approximate station 61 +85 to 62 +75 -R1- Flood Event Photo 12 Right streambank erosion Approximate station 54 +60 to 55+40 -R2- Flood Event N/A Appendix F Left streambank erosion Approximate station 56 +10 to 57+00 -R2- Flood Event Photo 13 W O O O b W P 2� Q O 2 O � O �W w= ~M V 2 o O ¢ o� W O A O A O V U W O N � N n " O i v p �. .zo ,32 .15 � O1, CL N d Q6 `r} " � M Oi V Ot' al _Z O N N Z V W m O LL olI a � f N 0 0 W W W O z w w 0 a Lr W N ¢ w r_ _J z LLJ � w W m W W O Q m a° Yr~ `^Q r W o Y x J � Z z w w 0 a W U N ¢ w w r z LLJ � w W m W W O Q m a° Yr~ `^Q r W o Y x J � �m Z 7 wiJ o Z �0 m 7 � � o � U � NNmZ r wY W h tll z Z oommi a �mw Z W ajii ILIZ --3 Z 4 i i Z W 3 J Ox Q � U N N a s u V) I=11F, n r r W O 2 2 w F4 04 °1ri � ii i I 5 pII o I I I o o .}o��ol <0> i } I I Li W m t ° : o m : V ° :C3 c m m E o° (� c c > m W x= y Q ° 3 a °° x y o m ; o p) W O t C m m u m m L C y t C Oe W N % U 1H N J O L C C F •3 � C O m m � W d • sm ~ J m m , LO p) a '° LL Cl t w N„ F NN w IN r m O D N N Ce ° N O d O_ O_ OZ O dO d O I u � ow ❑w a I o I m w LL LL c e 7 m C u C O m LL m m m m z W -0 C O N W d p C C ° m m C C m 0 0C J C ° E ►• 00 p 0 U CL N C ° y O N p N Cp 7 C N S O O °° 3 o y o o E o 0 o m m o 0 0 o c 0 3, U H U e°e CE u� CL a- H CL CL a- ~ 3 CL. U U :7 IL U zz Ll I Z E : ►- CO rrww L m O O m Y p c N ; c c 0 °O m° m -~°o O s �i m° a �, m E o u c -° 0 q v m 3 C c 3 p o 0 u r �. > o° n= o vii a m W N W 5 m N U j= w LL o N H H m P• 99 ,o O I I I I 1 vl I •� ® �# O 0 I I 3 CL m c co o cm D m O : : a ° m c c : a c a- C °' p p a U C m C E -o o W ppc c o m m W �. m o CL m y E p m o O y ° DC Z IL LL m m H p Im W � o °m E l7 ' m y in d 0 m cm i 2 m 2 t ? CL °2 -0 � O o O cc Z O V m N 0 u ° $ 2 O o o o -o E m E m o , tp m e •� ) ce o oe N O U Oo o U m y m y L U U O H El 4 0 O ?J O 0 o •❑ O® z O O O = W Ow ° O O _m U m . m C Vy/ C O U 0 2 m J m m L m-C-C m m 0 c o o p U 0 m m o m o o y C7 (� 0 0- c 0 m p c m O O 1.- ~ W LL m3 .0 O U u C C t CL 0 m i O ° 0 m — m r m 0 u 0 U- N LU Z C C C m m U -0 m -0 m Z O O S o C L 'O m O _ O C S 0m O C C T T _2 o LU z- � 1 ` 12 c W Z J . m m GI m W m O m O m O m N 'p C c to O m om em W N N C °1ri � ii i I 5 pII o I I I o o .}o��ol <0> i } I I Li W m t ° : o m : V ° :C3 c m m E o° (� c c > m W x= y Q ° 3 a °° x y o m ; o p) W O t C m m u m m L C y t C Oe W N % U 1H N J O L C C F •3 � C O m m � W d • sm ~ J m m , LO p) a '° LL Cl t w N„ F NN w IN r m O D N N Ce ° N O d O_ O_ OZ O dO d O I u � ow ❑w a I o I m w LL LL c e 7 m C u C O m LL m m m m z W -0 C O N W d p C C ° m m C C m 0 0C J C ° E ►• 00 p 0 U CL N C ° y O N p N Cp 7 C N S O O °° 3 o y o o E o 0 o m m o 0 0 o c 0 3, U H U e°e CE u� CL a- H CL CL a- ~ 3 CL. U U :7 IL U zz Ll I Z E : ►- CO rrww L m O O m Y p c N ; c c 0 °O m° m -~°o O s �i m° a �, m E o u c -° 0 q v m 3 C c 3 p o 0 u r �. > o° n= o vii a m W N W 5 m N U j= w LL o N H H m G) 0 O Z F W W = Q 0 F Z Q F W, m Q 0 ID zz w C U to V 0 Nq•= w N CD A f0 r J NVOU� w ¢ a o a: W LZ:.�J W = M i pemii m s L9 0 1� O G; °m m ma W L�pO' w o a J maDm W W W . am A M m Q O • pl f > m W W I- I 03 I 1 W I I I \ X�I1 I , x \ \ I I \ X I \ \\ \ S\ x \ SS 01 NO NO j I 1 w i CD i CD,z �--=CD C� N. Q::� Q c QL,J Q LLJ LiJ �LLJ S? LLB �— L-LJ,O Q LLJ Lai El = L m � II' � 1 1 1 1 ■ ■ ■ t3l,iC C3wils : > tp 0 n m m m m Q 0 ID Q m fD Q N O n N Oi N. a N N CD A f0 CD m m w nnn n m ma °m m ma m W waD uj maDm . am . . . mm aDmmaDmmm 'I anD° J O r C7�°r�`�iinu e�vn. . . C4 O N O m O N Q ED n(((��� . W . n 11 N Z 1 p tOyl O � � y � Cp p O 11Wpp W 0 (m(pp tWtpp 0 0 rmrpp 0 0 (O(ppI {O{ppI 0 0 0 0 ttpp 0 0 ttpp 0 0 ((pp 11pp 0 0 ((pp 11pp 0 0 0 0 0 U NQ H 8 ,F �Q + W� m O m.-pof n O O� W O] 10 inn aD Q O� CND N O M h Cp O n p� _ N OQi � � = N N1 t"1 V7 n iG 1��p I� N O CO !{�hamJ O C� LL Z n n n n n n n toff tDt��P n n n n n n �G�JJ n n pa0� n n tNp n n n a Z N 1A ......... N N h N N N N 1A 0 d Q 0 0 f Q 0 0 Q Q 0 0 Q Q 0 0 Q Q 0 Q Q Q O m Q Q O tp f O n aD W d 0 0 II' � 1 1 1 1 ■ ■ ■ t3l,iC C3wils : O O 00 m Go co Go to 'I O r y I I LL + cir* l :ZDq- NQ 8 ,F �Q + r J Q-(n m t Q 1 � r Q o N j; 1' + I I, O r I' 1' I; M O r' + I S a °o co I _t � / O O � O i ;I I ,1 10 I 1 00 y 4 °o 1 ;1 �I �I c o M t > a J, V8 W > FO I" Z> O + 1' �a m N m o �I NU ,I a F � I' I 3 Z O ;i oa N O + Z Ujo r f JU 2; ow /a-, I� x a0 Z oow- ZQ O I. + w VM - W co OT W OD MMN W W O O .3113. .3.11. .3110' OZ m 0. Go Go ^ O H Ifl 2 co co co co W F + = / O W L V o M7y � u P m t P`r O npOZ w a K ptiPOY 11 ¢ o �W AZ.IJ v w nn� + w h: Z �s00E 3c 19 z o I w � W L 0 I. cr d J I O r_ ` + `U co ssb� a ,jl /ice + NO Co \\ �� I, kn (. \ 1 I, �� v. -�N A �W 25*9p l 1 I , 1 `• I; ww z: + K / I w I 1.1 x(/ / 1 CD Uzi / / z�O 1 1` P IN _1'I / z_ — t + N Q '1 LO cow O J T O m w a w >-- I O �O� I $ � W O �' a / / I I ,, J Lij Zw sw I U �� J o { oQ C �d Nz + LUO -0 VV r Jv \ 0 0 { Xx J ao C ww z °a C t + O �[f O off Ln co Go c c �soN maQMeQ n In Nfn in M.o W O 01 0 M J 0 m m m n O N n t00 m m 0 A m m CD OM1 Ono 0 0 Wm ao °Dmmao mco aomao aommao J O (�v+im�v'Dinv°'i m`D Unim�a �'r�m�nu�m O F— ap pQp Z � �'�pp im�pp �T�pp �T�pp O �O�ppl {00{pp1 O M Q � �O�ppD �OpDOp OND 1� �A�pp �tM�ppO �t�p0p Ab�pp �N�pp O a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 H U� 0) M N � � M N t0 M aD OO M 0 OD M N 0) d1 1f1 0 M 01 .- pp yy N n O N t0 N 0) r pp 0 0 y d1 W O n 0 T W 0 t0 0) + 0 0) N O M N V N N W � 2NVi vi lorilcrvaon oaoorvao 'mom O� N 0 N N M N n N 0 0 N O N0 � IlJ aD Q N OI 00 OJ N m 01 M M 01 N -- M M h 01 O) 01 M M M M M M M+ CL Z h h 10 N N N I(1 N N N N N N N N N N N N 1!1 rOO�NO a a � +In IOnOe °�!Mlln ln� aom O Z H w = to 'D m F Z F J m Q� z • Zo p n o w¢ V U O U r 4v naaZ_ r p Ol0 w Er o m R U Y W a= J N M o z ximiE � 3 m w Ol W LlNti (L t•I m o 5 W W i l l i� i� / P GN c� z zoo o-- �z zoo O :�E N Q n--<l aw>- w >- �- V� v� w v�w�- wl-O �oz Ozw zwo wo o z ww o=w .3111. .3.1- .311( ir) 0 Lrt o OD OD OD OD Cc i Ili I. M I� W I' O I I o I' I� I, I' I. I- I' f; r, I, I' I; i' . I 'I { t + Cm Cm Lm Cm m N 0 m Q Q N !0 Q � n N .... N m � N M J MI, V , 0 ti Oi Ol Oi ti t•I m o i' W m a o a o a m o I. J C7R��"1n mNm n Rm�"lm(nQN mn N N� N -N mmm-m m.- cr �J 0 0(V N 0 f7 O N Oy m n � - n m I� !� m N Ol N F� Z m N O A tNO 1n0 O 0 0 00 A y f0 Oni C r N A^ AM N N< n r b mp °O N O OO W8B8`8...0 OnD On ^0 ^0008o88B800 ONO I; �I �Q z H ;i QL- ° M U m M N M N m M m m M m m C 0 O m 0 W O n m O1 � 0 i0 m Q 0 m N 0 t7 N O N N m + Q°� tG n Y OG to (y a O Ofi a� O IA m m ? m i ° i N t•1 .- m m e' N N N� N N N N N N N� N N h N N N a Z �; mo Intl I, w� llnl a~O � CCCCCCCmmc. o ZZ 3 Z -N (n Qlmm�kkl + P GN c� z zoo o-- �z zoo O :�E N Q n--<l aw>- w >- �- V� v� w v�w�- wl-O �oz Ozw zwo wo o z ww o=w .3111. .3.1- .311( ir) 0 Lrt o OD OD OD OD Cc i Ili I. M I� W I' O I I o I' I� I, I' I. I- I' f; r, I, I' I; i' . I 'I { t + Cm Cm Lm Cm O O + is i' a m o I. d 'I ,I i I', O t + i is I, I; > + or_� eh I' I; �I �Q z ;i QL- ° M .i :I r 8 I. + qv I; ' ,1 8 + >- M r, I; moo: �o -1� + DCL C4 �; mo I, w� - aw o ZZ 3 Z ` oa L ,_�- Z + r M J° U- w I1 �x I _ ao f, z o f oa- I' ZZ O + a o LO 0 4 0 00 01) Go Go O O °z m 0 ul 0 w C7 �i 0 co 0 VV m apmZ r 1" z w O W AZ.., LL W e ; _ M z ximel n o e _.. I ■yaa w a �Z G` °° ' CP W d C r. l O CL 55+0o i 00 1• oo LLJ CD I' i xx 00 I; I/ <W%— I - /l�, Un I y - -_ —__ ,� O Z L_LJ W W m i; L_CJ � L: I fJ i 11 '� O I. I. 1' 1 I' I, O I,. I, 0 V7 co G OD .3113. t3W11c .31 In 0 10 g Go Go 8 O �o O O + a O O + co O 0 0 %O op N cG J + Ln S 07 O + M kn 0 O + N tn O 0 0 + O to S + Ln ,O co m a Ocr J O> pO zW a + JQ � 930 (/)U QW N= H ZN 3Z 8 Z OQ NZ + jU WW O XX ao WW oa- ZQ + wG Inn tN�f O 1p n V�y.1 N N T d N l�p+1 Vd C m m N J m LOW n n m m n r m m �' � a p. d J F— m N O N N m On N ON Nl 7 A o n Z ,¢0`8 `�00�00000�0�000 N O m 000 H U m M N h N m C7 m m t� m m N O pppp N N W T O 1l m m m m m n m d m h m m Ip N N 0 m C7 IA m Ol d N m d m N m r Q 0�umi�uNivumi�vvcoamm�mm N N n n n N N N N N ma n n a Z ..... lnt) Int) Int) Int) Int) d vv vv vv vv vv vv vv O'kI v v a e o e v e 11 '� O I. I. 1' 1 I' I, O I,. I, 0 V7 co G OD .3113. t3W11c .31 In 0 10 g Go Go 8 O �o O O + a O O + co O 0 0 %O op N cG J + Ln S 07 O + M kn 0 O + N tn O 0 0 + O to S + Ln ,O co m a Ocr J O> pO zW a + JQ � 930 (/)U QW N= H ZN 3Z 8 Z OQ NZ + jU WW O XX ao WW oa- ZQ + O Z m w m F Z N l7 O N w = N Q f, J m N Onl O N j C3 �1 a F ° I�r OD / -J Z Y U {� - U nam2 m°pm �'l wz < �'1 �C o m a PUW m ���Y W � "F �'im ( `J - LL w M 3 z xo;mm m m`y`ua �0z� 0 � GCpa� o�z -zo J V C�} N O aD N OI tp N Yl n O M m n N 10 Opp b n N N 10 l7 N O 7. N N Z. p n O� Ol � <' LLJ Zcr F-. t—ptpp pp tp,ptpp N Q W N OI O, OV O O 2 Y (f nt�yyV ���pp � n {yapppD �npp npp tttpp0 ��tNpp� �1�ppp N w W 0 0 0 0 0 U — 0 0 0 O - - O 0 0 - - 0 0 - - 0 0 - - H (� Q x_x / O,W t0 N m �y N =LLJ0 y� m � W I\ ch Oi n OD 0 0 O� W 1 I\ -\\ 1 W I- I aD Of ,G N O rO C! ,A a0 OOi N N O. O�� (OV 0:� 0;) 04 Od . N N N V N b 0 Y C�1I 0 0 � CI CSI � tO�l [O�J tOl O \ \\\ \\\ \ I F O N th Q \\ 6S I n o O! O W N v (7 O a ... ,A O n aG Oi v a e a�� `I i 1 I \\ �Km / / I I I I co> mw I � 60foo o A� CH 0 M SHEET � 1 1 1 1 1 1. 1 ■ • co w w I I 1 Y 1 O I, m I, _ 1 4U 1; Q 1" o I� 1; I� f 1", I I C / 1, 4 .1 •I 'l 1 1 •1 ,I I �4 ,I I, I� 1' 1 I' 11 .l _•1 ,I 1 o ,r O I, 0 1� A � I ;j �I 1 1 ,I .I 1 l w I 1 I. I; I• I� ,1 ,I ;I ,I I ,1 LO O Ln co co Go O O i3llit i3rvLLi i31Ya O Ln co Go 8 + Ln O n 0 + O 0 O + O O + n o� J ° 0 + co 10 O O %0 O O + •o %0 O �o S O NO co I+ a V)m o> �o OW Z> oQ o Ja N QW in= F 32 O Q Q v V)z + JO Ll OW Mx CLQ �a ZQ ° O N > O N l7 O N N O N Onl O N A t0 O OD m°pm W �roa�om �'im °$m°�mmmam W�mmanom J V C�} N O aD N OI tp N Yl n O M m n N 10 Opp b n N N 10 l7 N O 7. N N Z. p n O� Ol b ap ff) pp Zcr F-. t—ptpp pp tp,ptpp N r N N OI O, OV O O 2 Y (f nt�yyV ���pp � n {yapppD �npp npp tttpp0 ��tNpp� �1�ppp N O W 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O - - O 0 0 - - 0 0 - - 0 0 - - H (� i0 t7 N �`Y N t0 N m �y N ymp y� m � W W ch Oi n OD 0 0 O� W r Ol 10 N n Op O aD Of ,G N O rO C! ,A a0 OOi N N O. O�� (OV �OyR Od . N N N V N b 0 Y C�1I 0 0 � CI CSI � tO�l [O�J tOl O F O N th Q ,A i0 n o O! O W N v (7 O a ... ,A O n aG Oi v a e 1 1 1 1 1 1. 1 ■ • co w w I I 1 Y 1 O I, m I, _ 1 4U 1; Q 1" o I� 1; I� f 1", I I C / 1, 4 .1 •I 'l 1 1 •1 ,I I �4 ,I I, I� 1' 1 I' 11 .l _•1 ,I 1 o ,r O I, 0 1� A � I ;j �I 1 1 ,I .I 1 l w I 1 I. I; I• I� ,1 ,I ;I ,I I ,1 LO O Ln co co Go O O i3llit i3rvLLi i31Ya O Ln co Go 8 + Ln O n 0 + O 0 O + O O + n o� J ° 0 + co 10 O O %0 O O + •o %0 O �o S O NO co I+ a V)m o> �o OW Z> oQ o Ja N QW in= F 32 O Q Q v V)z + JO Ll OW Mx CLQ �a ZQ ° O N O Z m w = [1� v m F Z Q J 0 O o d � � U P -V pp�Z r z w a pJ N PP w Y ¢ o w = M �W i anD anD W anD osmii ID •i�PP �Op anD 10 �qNp CD w UM w � a_ cr a CD C�D mm aD 01 COD iW a V 1NA W a tG N N n O\ �0 /• �� �, y i is .3113. .3.1. OD co Go co Go 1 � r r ' r I, .I 1 0 'I I O 'I o ;t + .I N G 1' i'. I' I; o � o ;I r 'I 'I J I o o � ° c 'I r 'I '1 � III g i_ a I I .I ,I ;I �I O ao ;I _Q b � 1 l' lhr I, o + b' n �I p rl ,o I. II I' o r tn ,r I, I' II� O I� + I � 1 I O �r O > M I a r J 1 O> Z zoW l F� + I �a N I Ma. I 10 N aw ' N= °o I 3 Z O II V)Z + i JO 1 ow I O�x U-Q Z o I Hd ZQ + LO O Ln O in O 00 OD N N No h OD CD Go ao Go O O > N N l��l O � d � � On! V N ♦mom O W CD anD anD W anD N �Op anD 10 �qNp CD OOD mC� t+m�� CO CD CD C�D mm aD 01 COD J O a V 1NA m^ tG N N n S n O n O N 9 y 1D t"1 cc �Op CD CO�yI N N O 17 N O N N Ol d typ h N f�D N CG Cf Oi CII V fD O 7- Q QD n N N n N b n O O A n O A 0�D b DD N dD d N N O W ei (a1G o 0 0 0 8 8 0 0 0 8 0 8 0 0 o g o 8 U H C7 U W m N On N N fly aD � � O a 0! M N N N N n DD DD DD N O�Cta.VD� � aD 4p N N OC�N DD N N OI aD Ol OmNN aD N N A DD O �� m �Y .O�iD ta�D �Yy OOcc n n n n n n n ON a Z N N N N N N N N N N 0 d a 0 0 a a 0 v g N tD a a n CD a a W O a o � N a e N O v a N (O v e n aD W a a a .3113. .3.1. OD co Go co Go 1 � r r ' r I, .I 1 0 'I I O 'I o ;t + .I N G 1' i'. I' I; o � o ;I r 'I 'I J I o o � ° c 'I r 'I '1 � III g i_ a I I .I ,I ;I �I O ao ;I _Q b � 1 l' lhr I, o + b' n �I p rl ,o I. II I' o r tn ,r I, I' II� O I� + I � 1 I O �r O > M I a r J 1 O> Z zoW l F� + I �a N I Ma. I 10 N aw ' N= °o I 3 Z O II V)Z + i JO 1 ow I O�x U-Q Z o I Hd ZQ + LO O Ln O in O 00 OD N N No h OD CD Go ao Go O O O N Z o V Z w Q w F = W, mo Z � v 0 o x U C 4 t1 n■�Z r m N 61 00 w a 9 ¢ o W AZ' -J LLJ LL M z ximsi w �w Loa z w � W d l 0- J 1�1 W di SHEE -� 11 TO L 1 /� �` J 111x« j 1 � / /// • � // /J / J /5�. II ( ( I I iO °o.3 mw w \\ �O �P CD z C--- CD Poo � {vq¢ CD :E N r /y l I IQ LL QI W ' <I 1 t_)J UT V�W LLJ 0 °zw :El o wo o z W W W nE- m G > O N Cf O MA�CN N O N a! V N I N O O m Go W m m . . O O 01 h � X .001 COD COD . O m O Q O N {O 0 n O n °'D X N c O 01 N O 0 w CD I I I n O n I Ay I yN cyQy 10— z s CD 0 0 0 0 0 \ 11 CD CD 0 0 0 0 D �p0p N�pp O W O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O x / O O O ° -°cr H U CD I / I I / C N O p P O t7 D) O (2 N O O N 0 W �CD 0 1� CO 0 0 0 O1 01 t0 n CD Q N 01 O) N N O O Ol N 001 O LO 01 O O N 0 7 O COQ I"' N ON1 I i N^ N n N 0 r.: N O N 6l� N O / I (QO N N N N N N O N N h N Y f N N C0'l O N Q COI N / M i7 N I(] M Q N N a Z 1 � 1r[I r[ C4 1 II I \ \ \ L 1 /� �` J 111x« j 1 � / /// • � // /J / J /5�. II ( ( I I iO °o.3 mw w \\ �O �P CD z C--- CD Poo � {vq¢ CD :E N r /y l I IQ LL QI W ' <I 1 t_)J UT V�W LLJ 0 °zw :El o wo o z W W W nE- m G P 0 z w w N Z O V) w J U- 0 a. a N Ql- �1 1 1 1 1 III' ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ .31". CA( > O N Cf O Q N O N a! V N 0'n1 N N O O m Go W m m . . O O 01 h � � 0D .001 COD COD . O m O Q O N {O 0 n O n N N N N c O 01 N O 0 O CD n n O n r O N C1 N yN cyQy Ir z s CD 0 0 0 0 0 CD CD 0 0 0 0 D �p0p N�pp O W O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O ° -°cr H U CD 7 N C N O p P O t7 D) O (2 N O O N 0 W �CD 0 1� CO 0 0 0 O1 01 t0 n CD Q N 01 O) N N O O Ol N 001 O LO 01 O O N 0 7 O COQ I"' N ON1 I i N^ N n N 0 r.: N O N 6l� N O N A O I (QO N N N N N N O N N h N Y f N N C0'l O N Q COI N P in M i7 N I(] M Q N N a Z 1 � 1r[I r[ C4 P 0 z w w N Z O V) w J U- 0 a. a N Ql- �1 1 1 1 1 III' ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ .31". CA( O O Go c. Go Go co + p O M CZ 1. Ir I, Ir o + J i Ol N J �I ° -°cr ;1 LLJ N cr- �N I JIB C 1 � C4 O ,1 QZ I; N I' I: I' O o ►; + i N ;I g t v ' N II I I' O I + ` N f 1� I; 1' p I' I' N I' O I. + I, 1' J I. O ' Ir N N C d o m 'I ;1 o '1 S 1 4 0+. � I ot: I' % O O I Go r I a zw L ' O> ' FO I , z°> I; a + I. C°O I V) V)= ZVI + V) O V I, JV r 1' 0w 1' Ir WX �Q Z Lrjuj OCL O I za O �I + O OD LA N O LO NO Ln OD O co O O O z w w = N rrAA f V � z Q F J m z w `tl � w x � 0 U p �tl r w O� m ariuu w a W n n n n w o!��z b W 'W ■1 w w � z o w � a J m m W I s! �-o I w ,W V 1 O U Q J w O N e�1 O V n �- N co a O� �1 H �1 J m n n n n � N b W pN� O. m pm tm� O m Y imp Oi m W m m m m m m m m m m m m m m CO CD J 1 � 1 ow z f I; I. M /9'v/7 0C O 40+00 0 al vii �OOI °r°�'uQn`�i NOt7ON �npmnu�a`r' 1 Ild, N M n mnn O f�Onm N mN of x fV N T fV h TOAAO XX B�OOO I� fV ty7 ° U] m m O 1VVG mrAOm N m O. < M DOA 0 W00000'S'800000000`8`�0000 ano 3 Go `\ I- Go U 1 ti ;I yZ + - I CV) o I I J° ,I I U �m Cf N� � t0N c7m m c7 m GCS N�'im NOl w M A O O o O C \� •II mw LJ / J / / I � \ 1 0 SHEET MATH T CD CD z CD = z�0 CIL-0� 0 z �zo zCDo 0� � N � LJ_ Q � < LLJ Q W W>- U� ' I U-)�� /�I V / w W�— LLJ f-0 i-oz ozLLJ zwo wo o z LLJ LLJ o =w LLJ m—j /cr�y LL W �J 13l11. t3rvLLS .3 w O N e�1 O V n �- N co a K ��O-p O CO C� J m n n n n � N pO� I� m qN am 01 m pN� O. m pm tm� O m m imp Oi m W m m m m m m m m m m m m m m CO CD J � 1 ow z f I; I. M I; l' 0C O 0 al vii �OOI °r°�'uQn`�i NOt7ON �npmnu�a`r' O COn N M n mnn O f�Onm N mN Z [G �m fV N T fV h TOAAO IN Oi B�OOO I� fV ty7 ° U] m m O 1VVG mrAOm N m O. < M DOA 0 W00000'S'800000000`8`�0000 ano 3 Go {_ ,I 1 Go U 1 ti ;I yZ + - I CV) o I I J° ,I I U �m Cf N� � t0N c7m m c7 m GCS N�'im NOl w M A O O o O C 0 I; r� Z< 1; M ¢ °m uminvai�vO1i��a�avcmn�mc� n Ln 0 r N "f�cmima N to N N a z In(I ............ + I 1 CV) { pp 13l11. t3rvLLS .3 1 1+ IV a I; v co K K 10 108 CD am OD co c .. _ ...._. _._._.. I r + c �. _. I Ln f1 1 �o � 1 ow z f I; I. M I; l' 0C O 04 ;I I, 0 N M + ;I .I N oc _. I . __ -4w I. I; + o o I, 3 Go {_ ,I 1 Go O 1 ti ;I yZ + - I CV) o I I J° ,I I ow I I crx CL- ES Do r t ww + o O OCL I; r� Z< 1; M 0 Ln 0 1 1+ IV m I eh a I; v ,a I. I' S + t; + 1. M r 1, c �. _. I Ld 1' �o � 1 ow z M I; l' O O 04 ;I I, 0 N M mU ;I .I N oc _. 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O NN O IA n -C I' COQ .I °o jr F— �o F- CND min N O o�odpp Np ( . a a aD ;G Qn (n(yy N 2 nmtntppn V N N O m � Nrn N m N b Z O Do Quo o m io 0 0 m o nm.nn `8 O m m O O o 0 nm�n 0 0 co 0 eomco 0 0 mso 0 moo 0 U w 0 0 0 0 U Ur CD N N E � N N b N W W� m m N N T m N Oi W M O OI n O pp< Of Of T iD IA n d CD IA A 0 10 N N O (D M N m W d N W ep N CC h N N v (d� ta�D t1pp�1 N d O CC O 1� CNVp CD N t7 � M M cc l0 d 1m11 fO d d t7 a tm�l t�l d CL Z Lit O 0 d N 0 0 d d t7 V 0 d d �(1 tG 0 0 d d n CD 0 0 d d OI O 0 d a � N a a t0 O a a In tD e v n Cp O� e v a G) v I \ x V Qj l I1 1 I 45+00 // i„ 1 H�1 bW CD zoo CD �zo zo> o� � N � 1� Q LLl >- LIJ }— V) cn w U�LL� LIJ �— 0 f- o z ozw zwo LLl C:) C--) z LJ LLJ C:) = LIJ LLJ jcr_� LL 02 CJ �1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ■ i ■ .3111. i3Wlli .3110. 0 in a in OD + co 10 OD co ,II 'I o .h ' II QL I It 4 0. N ;I �I 'I 'I I' ! I' I' I. 0 0 l; r, j; N ZZ I, 0 I. I� t; ;1 .I II N I LO - ...._.. -.._ I�.. ... . O 1 I r O I' COQ .I °o I NQZ I; Do .I .j ;I ,I o 11 I la to O N N IA 10 OD OD OD .3111. i3Wlli .3110. 0 in a in OD + 10 C 'I o .h 0 QL I ti 0. N )) / 0 0 1 1, N ZZ I, 0 I� LO - ...._.. -.._ I�.. ... . O O I COQ .I °o I NQZ .I Do 1 �f �I C 'I o .h QL I ti )) / 1 1, N ZZ I, �o I� - ...._.. -.._ I�.. ... . In I COQ .I I NQZ .I Do .I .j ;I ,I LLJZ� 11 I la to O N N IA 10 OD OD OD o, 3 O �O a0 :a Cm C7 + O V) OD III Q J knm ZLU O> po 0 1 Z> o o a � + Ja F\ 511- m 10 NV QL Z{/1 =a O �z + JU V �w O Q:ia ao �a OCL Z< C N Z m ox o z w w U U P z na•i r w < < ¢ m � w a a hi aw:l W 11 x c \+ \\ oa \ \ db �\ " \ \\ mW w mo mW Q/ 65+00 CD -moo Fr o N -2:0 zo> CD rr �X ..� 60 s a Rd,i fix- x -x--x x- ---------- - --- LijC iCi o'R C4 do vpa C4 IR . .m .of (Y; 6 CD Of O, m aD m m O, J 0 N A N Ii m m m m t7 d N th A O l7 N m cc O O, I( G f O t7 O N d ,G fV N N n NN aAa IOIpp I� N t7 .- N (Oy 1pC IA CC Ol d t7 (n (C aC(pppp N n N O� O lml < Y 1p�p1pppp 1lpNp1'pDppl N �D lh A m ct o�tpppp n U O w 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 U �m 7N 7 N m 7mm 7 m W ttVV c�pp tt��m ..yy . . md (I m m m C4 m � F N ANN prp N s ns�� t Nt�� O t^O N O N i( m< N Obi m Q cc d m N N d v0I an d tm�l O d i7 tm'i d c r r n n n n n n n n r n n n r n n n n n a -L . N m h N N N N N F- O N l7 d m m I� m Of O W N f7 d m m f� m W 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 d d d d d d d d d d e e a a v a v a o e • � I / I I / I I, AT CH TO M x- ow ` 1-1 ICY • f C� W'zI W x--x t� w I I I SHEET 12 :1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ■ ■ ■ ■ 0 co co Em / `r - I I 0 I; + I; I' I� I; 1 .I ,I 1 - C D I, + ON P \ � J \ O !, + t , 3 %0 1� (l I G + co I 1' O I� I' C I' I ,I ,I o ;1 O -- - -- - - + J f � I; I' I. p I' 8 )lV 1 1 I + 02 1 f O I a M �O Nm o Fw I� i• po "C: I • Zw -I oQ O U d + I DC 1, aw JI oQ O \' NZ + JO � �w 0 Ccx I ao I Z LOW I ZQ �t __1ww r %0 V co OD c OD 4 O O �X ..� 60 s a Rd,i fix- x -x--x x- ---------- - --- LijC iCi o'R C4 do vpa C4 IR . .m .of (Y; 6 CD Of O, m aD m m O, J 0 N A N Ii m m m m t7 d N th A O l7 N m cc O O, I( G f O t7 O N d ,G fV N N n NN aAa IOIpp I� N t7 .- N (Oy 1pC IA CC Ol d t7 (n (C aC(pppp N n N O� O lml < Y 1p�p1pppp 1lpNp1'pDppl N �D lh A m ct o�tpppp n U O w 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 U �m 7N 7 N m 7mm 7 m W ttVV c�pp tt��m ..yy . . md (I m m m C4 m � F N ANN prp N s ns�� t Nt�� O t^O N O N i( m< N Obi m Q cc d m N N d v0I an d tm�l O d i7 tm'i d c r r n n n n n n n n r n n n r n n n n n a -L . N m h N N N N N F- O N l7 d m m I� m Of O W N f7 d m m f� m W 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 d d d d d d d d d d e e a a v a v a o e • � I / I I / I I, AT CH TO M x- ow ` 1-1 ICY • f C� W'zI W x--x t� w I I I SHEET 12 :1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ■ ■ ■ ■ 0 co co Em / `r - I I 0 I; + I; I' I� I; 1 .I ,I 1 - C D I, + ON P \ � J \ O !, + t , 3 %0 1� (l I G + co I 1' O I� I' C I' I ,I ,I o ;1 O -- - -- - - + J f � I; I' I. p I' 8 )lV 1 1 I + 02 1 f O I a M �O Nm o Fw I� i• po "C: I • Zw -I oQ O U d + I DC 1, aw JI oQ O \' NZ + JO � �w 0 Ccx I ao I Z LOW I ZQ �t __1ww r %0 V co OD c OD 4 O O • � I / I I / I I, AT CH TO M x- ow ` 1-1 ICY • f C� W'zI W x--x t� w I I I SHEET 12 :1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ■ ■ ■ ■ 0 co co Em / `r - I I 0 I; + I; I' I� I; 1 .I ,I 1 - C D I, + ON P \ � J \ O !, + t , 3 %0 1� (l I G + co I 1' O I� I' C I' I ,I ,I o ;1 O -- - -- - - + J f � I; I' I. p I' 8 )lV 1 1 I + 02 1 f O I a M �O Nm o Fw I� i• po "C: I • Zw -I oQ O U d + I DC 1, aw JI oQ O \' NZ + JO � �w 0 Ccx I ao I Z LOW I ZQ �t __1ww r %0 V co OD c OD 4 O O O O O 01 2 rA c V Z w � w = J N m b Q0 Z P <Y o U r �p wppOZ ZY° - Jma.aa� MATCH TO SHEET 5 uj ¢ o W W w M z QZeal LU o cr EL z� 0 �W o� -_j Lid �J W z � J O � Ct- LLJ Q � to O' w� 0 w� a� x0 �0 PQ::� u i � 5 +0o 0 \ \oo / i i N] G o' w� 00 �0 x O'� zo W a L_/) Ln v-)) --J F 0 Q L.L.JZ p LLJ _ F- 0 N LL) LLJ NN= Q = N CDc = L w X 0 =00� LL_ O — F.... 0:.. 1 O O W 1� 0 n Q I W-PA 0 0 W W S T; V / .3311. .3NI$ $. V) a J N� Zw O 0 F- pw Z> oa r- a _Jp. 5m m0 aw LnH Z N �? NZ w0 J ww 0 ao ww �_(L z Q 1D w O n t7 N lh CD fD O d n X(-D z� n Oi -- zoo N cU O N 17 17 amD m t7 WC2Cp W CO . n CD dp n n m CO . N O OI . IqG O m �Np 0� � pp m m .Oppf OD � Cy�p CO COO .0 W m J O cr y �(f (7 N �j b N N n O t7 > f0 n N fG t7 n � N O � n N N t7 O n n Ol O n i0 t0 CD I[l CD N OI N 7- Z FCDNO � C Q p A Q w a p Q I w >- loO Vw F- LLJ �__'o 0 �- o z 0 0 0 0 -ozw 0 0 0 0 zwa X O) wa � f7 N a z w CO (p 1.1 W o�w N O CO N O wLi N � O(�1 O I� dD O d O OI Ol O) N n a0 d CO N O� CO l0 N NNp O b t� N Z O1 d CO N Ol W fpl�pppi N N w Li N G1.1� N L.L.j LL Q n L_/) Ln v-)) --J F 0 Q L.L.JZ p LLJ _ F- 0 N LL) LLJ NN= Q = N CDc = L w X 0 =00� LL_ O — F.... 0:.. 1 O O W 1� 0 n Q I W-PA 0 0 W W S T; V / .3311. .3NI$ $. V) a J N� Zw O 0 F- pw Z> oa r- a _Jp. 5m m0 aw LnH Z N �? NZ w0 J ww 0 ao ww �_(L z Q 1D w O n t7 N lh CD fD O d n N p n Oi m O d N�1 0! CD /D N cU O N 17 17 amD m t7 WC2Cp W CO . n CD dp n n m CO . N O OI . 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-- M U LK EY PHOTOGRAPHIC LOG Little White Oak Creek Stream Restoration Vegetation Plot 8 As -built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: October 2009 Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: November 2010 Year 4 Monitoring: Year 5 Monitoring: - r= MULKEY PHOTOGRAPHIC LOG Vegetation Plot 9 As -built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: October 2009 Little White Oak Creek Stream Restoration Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: November 2010 Year 4 Monitoring: Year 5 Monitoring: -t= M U LK EY PHOTOGRAPHIC LOG Little White Oak Creek Stream Restoration Vegetation Plot 10 As -built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: October 2009 Year 4 Monitoring: 10 Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: November 2010 Year 5 Monitoring: _"MULKEY PHOTOGRAPHIC LOG Vegetation Plot 11 As -built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: October 2009 Year 4 Monitoring: 11 Little White Oak Creek Stream Restoration Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: November 2010 Year 5 Monitoring: -�- M U L K E Y PHOTOGRAPHIC LOG Little White Oak Creek Stream Restoration Vegetation Plot 12 As -built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: October 2009 Year 4 Monitoring: 12 Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: November 2010 Year 5 Monitoring: '-- M U LK EY PHOTOGRAPHIC LOG Little White Oak Creek —, ' I _ ' Stream Restoration Vegetation Plot 13 As -built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: October 2009 Year 4 Monitoring: 13 Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: November 2010 Year 5 Monitoring: _�.- M U L K E Y PHOTOGRAPHIC LOG Little White Oak Creek Stream Restoration Vegeation Plot 14 As -built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: October 2009 Year 4 Monitoring: 14 Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: November 2010 Year 5 Monitoring: - M U L K E Y PHOTOGRAPHIC LOG Little White Oak Creek Stream Restoration Vegetation Plot 15 As -built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: October 2009 Year 4 Monitoring: 15 Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: November 2010 Year 5 Monitoring: QA W, vtfI&I oJw— - 2010 11 i It" MULKEY PHOTOGRAPHIC LOG Little White Oak Creek 1 Stream Restoration Vegetation Plot 17 As -built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: October 2009 Year 4 Monitoring: 17 Year I Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: November 2010 Year 5 Monitoring: �=- M U L K E Y PHOTOGRAPHIC LOG Little White Oak Creek ti Stream Restoration Vegetation Plot 18 As -built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: October 2009 Year 4 Monitoring: 18 Year I Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: November 2010 Year 5 Monitoring: - }- MULKEY PHOTOGRAPHIC LOG Vegetation Plot 19 As -built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: October 2009 Year 4 Monitoring: 19 Little White Oak Creek Stream Restoration Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: November 2010 Year 5 Monitoring: MULKEY PHOTOGRAPHIC LOG Little White Oak Creek Stream Restoration Vegetation Plot 20 As -built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: October 2009 Year 4 Monitoring: 20 Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: November 2010 Year 5 Monitoring: - -MULKEY PHOTOGRAPHIC LOG Vegetation Plot 21 As -built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: October 2009 Year 4 Monitoring: 21 Little White Oak Creek Stream Restoration Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: November 2010 Year 5 Monitoring: 41 --MUL -KEY PHOTOGRAPHIC LOG Vegetation Plot 22 As -built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: October 2009 Year 4 Monitoring: 22 Little White Oak Creek Stream Restoration Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: November 2010 Year 5 Monitoring: - fi:- MULKEY 11 1 .11 PHOTOGRAPHIC LOG Vegetation Plot 23 As -built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: October 2009 Year 4 Monitoring: 23 Little White Oak Creek Stream Restoration Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: November 2010 Year S Monitoring: -#=-- M U LK EY PHOTOGRAPHIC LOG Little White Oak Creek ' Stream Restoration Vegetation Plot 24 As -built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: October 2009 Year 4 Monitoring: 24 Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: November 2010 Year 5 Monitoring: MULKEY PHOTOGRAPHIC LOG Photo Point 1; Looking Downstream on Reach R2 As -built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: October 2009 Little White Oak Creel: Sireani Restoration Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: November 2010 Year 4 Monitoring: Year 5 Monitoring: M U LK E Y PHOTOGRAPHIC LOG Little White Oak Creek Stream Restoration Photo Point 2; Looking Downstream on Reach R2 As -built Survey: January 2008 tir r. Year 2 Monitoring: October 2009 X� Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: November 2010 Year 4 Monitoring: Year 5 Monitoring: MULKEY PHOTOGRAPHIC LOG Photo Point 2; Looking Upstream on Reach R2 As -built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: October 2009 Little White Oak Creek Stream Restoration Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: November 2010 Year 4 Monitoring: Year 5 Monitoring: M U L K E Y PHOTOGRAPHIC LOG Little White Oak Creek Stream Restoration Photo Point 2; Looking upstream on Reach R2A As -built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: October 2009 Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: November 2010 Year 4 Monitoring: Year 5 Monitoring: MULKEY PHOTOGRAPHIC LOG Photo Point 2.5Y1; Looking Downstream Along R2 Not Applicable As -built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: October 2009 Little White Oak Creek Stream Restoration Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: November 2010 Year 4 Monitoring: Year 5 Monitoring: - -- M U L K E Y PHOTOGRAPHIC LOG Little White Oak Creek Stream Restoration Photo Point 2.5Y1; Looking Upstream Along Reach R2 Not Applicable As -built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: October 2009 Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: November 2010 Year 4 Monitoring: Year 5 Monitoring: M U L K E Y PHOTOGRAPHIC LOG Little White Oak Creek Stream Restoration Photo Point 3; Looking Downstream Along Reach R213 As -built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: October 2009 Year I Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: November 2010 Year 4 Monitoring: Year 5 Monitoring: M U LK E Y PHOTOGRAPHIC LOG Little White Oak Creek Stream Restoration Photo Point 3; Looking Upstream Along Reach R2B As -built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: October 2009 Year I Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: November 2010 Year 4 Monitoring: Year 5 Monitoring: M U L. K E Y PHOTOGRAPHIC LOG Little White Oak Creek Stream Restoration Photo Point 3.5Y1; Looking Downstream Along R2 &R2B Not Applicable As -built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: October 2009 Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: November 2010 Year 4 Monitoring: Year 5 Monitoring: M U L K E Y PHOTOGRAPHIC LOG Little White Oak Creek Stream Restoration Photo Point 3.5Y1; Looking Upstream Along R2 Not Applicable As -built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: October 2009 Year 4 Monitoring: 10 Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: November 2010 Year 5 Monitoring: -=- MULKEY PHOTOGRAPHIC LOG Photo Point 3.5Y1; Looking Upstream Along R2B Not Applicable As -built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: October 2009 Little "tie Oak Creek Stream Restoration Year I Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: November 2010 Year 4 Monitoring: Year 5 Monitoring: .. MULKEY PHOTOGRAPHIC LOG Photo Point 4; Looking Downstream Along R2 As -built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: October 2009 Year 4 Monitoring: 12 Little White Oak Creek Stream Restoration Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: November 2010 Year 5 Monitoring: MULKEY PHOTOGRAPHIC LOG Photo Point 4; Looking Upstream at Confluence ofRl &R2 As -built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: October 2009 Year 4 Monitoring: 13 Little White Oak Creek Stream Restoration Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: November 2010 Year 5 Monitoring: MULKEY PHOTOGRAPHIC LOG Photo Point 5; Looking Downstream Along R2 As -built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: October 2009 Year 4 Monitoring: 14 Little White Oak Creek Stream Restoration Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: November 2010 Year 5 Monitoring: MULKEY PHOTOGRAPHIC LOG Photo Point 5; Looking Upstream Along R2 As built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: October 2009 Year 4 Monitoring: K Little White Oak Creek Stream Restoration Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: November 2010 Year 5 Monitoring: M U L K E Y PHOTOGRAPHIC LOG Little White Oak Creek Stream Restoration Photo Point 6; Looking Downstream Along Reach RI As -built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: October 2009 Year 4 Monitoring: 16 Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: November 2010 Year 5 Monitoring: MULKEY PHOTOGRAPHIC LOG Photo Point 6; Looking Upstream Along Reach RI As -built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: October 2009 Year 4 Monitoring: 17 Little White Oak Creek Stream Restoration Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 • r- -awl • F " 2010 11'01 Year 3 Monitoring: November 2010 Year 5 Monitoring: 1, Year 2 Monitoring: October 2009 Year 4 Monitoring: 17 Little White Oak Creek Stream Restoration Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 • r- -awl • F " 2010 11'01 Year 3 Monitoring: November 2010 Year 5 Monitoring: M U L K E Y PHOTOGRAPHIC LOG Little White Oak Creek Stream Restoration Photo Point 7; Looking Downstream Along Rl As -built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: October 2009 Year 4 Monitoring: 18 Year I Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: November 2010 Year 5 Monitoring: M U LK E Y PHOTOGRAPHIC LOG Little White Oak Creek " Stream Restoration Photo Point 7; Looking Upstream Along R1 As -built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: October 2009 Year 4 Monitoring: 19 Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: November 2010 Year 5 Monitoring: - M U L K E Y PHOTOGRAPHIC LOG Little White Oak G-eek Stream Restoration Photo Point 8; Looking Downstream Along Rl As -built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: October 2009 Year 4 Monitoring: 20 Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: November 2010 Year 5 Monitoring: MULKEY PHOTOGRAPHIC LOG Photo Point 8; Looking Upstream Along R1 As -built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: October 2009 Year 4 Monitoring: 21 Little White Oak Creek Stream Restoration Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: November 2010 Year 5 Monitoring: M U LL K E Y PHOTOGRAPHIC LOG Little White Oak Creek Stream Restoration Photo Point 8; Looking Upstream Along R1A As -built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: November 2009 Year 4 Monitoring: 22 Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: November 2010 Year 5 Monitoring: M U L K E Y PHOTOGRAPHIC LOG Little White Oak Creek Stream Restoration Photo Point 8.5Y1; Looking Downstream Along R1A Not Applicable As -built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: October 2009 Year 4 Monitoring: 23 Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: November 2010 Year 5 Monitoring: M U LK E Y PHOTOGRAPHIC LOG Little White Oak G-eek Stream Restoration Photo Point 8.5Y1; Looking Upstream Along R1A Not Applicable As -built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: October 2009 Year 4 Monitoring: 24 Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: November 2010 Year 5 Monitoring: MULKEY PHOTOGRAPHIC LOG Photo Point 9; Looking Across Reach RI As -built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: October 2009 Year 4 Monitoring: 25 Little White Oak Creek Stream Restoration Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: November 2010 Year 5 Monitoring: = M U L K E Y PHOTOGRAPHIC LOG Little White Oak Creek Stream Restoration Photo Point 9; Looking Downstream Along Reach RI As -built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: October 2009 Year 4 Monitoring: 26 Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: November 2010 Year 5 Monitoring: MUL-KEY PHOTOGRAPHIC LOG Photo Point 9; Looking Upstream Along Reach RI As -built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: October 2009 Year 4 Monitoring: 27 Little White Oak Creek Stream Restoration Year I Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: November 2010 Year 5 Monitoring: M U L K E Y PHOTOGRAPHIC LOG Little White Oak Creek Stream Restoration Photo Point 10; Looking Across Reach R1 As -built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: October 2009 Year 4 Monitoring: 28 Year I Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: November 2010 Year 5 Monitoring: MULLKEY PHOTOGRAPHIC LOG Photo Point 10; Looking Downstream Along Reach R1 As -built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: October 2009 Year 4 Monitoring: 29 Little White Oak Creek Stream Restoration Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: November 2010 Year 5 Monitoring: M U LK E Y PHOTOGRAPHIC LOG Little White Oak Creek Stream Restoration Photo Point 10; Looking Upstream Along Reach RI As -built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: October 2009 Year 4 Monitoring: 30 Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 'r 2010.11.02 Year 3 Monitoring: November 2010 Year 5 Monitoring: -►=- M U L.K EY PHOTOGRAPHIC LOG Little White Oak Creek " Stream Restoration Photo Point 11; Looking Across Reach R 1 As -built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: October 2009 Year 4 Monitoring: 31 Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: November 2010 Year 5 Monitoring: --- MULLKEY PHOTOGRAPHIC LOG Little White Oak Creek NeLF" ° Stream Restoration Photo Point 11; Looking Downstream Along Reach R I As -built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: October 2009 Year 4 Monitoring: 32 Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: November 2010 Year S Monitoring: -r- MULKEY PHOTOGRAPHIC LOG Photo Point 11; Looking Upstream Along Reach RI As -built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: October 2009 Year 4 Monitoring: 33 Little White Oak Creek Stream Restoration Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: November 2010 Year 5 Monitoring: 4 M U L K E Y PHOTOGRAPHIC LOG Little White Oak Creek Stream Restoration Permanent Cross Section 1 As -built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: October 2009 Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: November 2010 Year 4 Monitoring: Year 5 Monitoring: M U L K E Y PHOTOGRAPHIC LOG Little White Oak Creek Stream Restoration Permanent Cross Section 2 As -built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: October 2009 Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: November 2010 Year 4 Monitoring: Year 5 Monitoring: M U LK E Y PHOTOGRAPHIC LOG Little White Oak Creek Stream Restoration Permanent Cross Section 3 As -built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: October 2009 Year 4 Monitoring: 3 Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: November 2010 Year 5 Monitoring: t= M U L K E Y PHOTOGRAPHIC LOG Little White Oak Creek Stream Restoration Permanent Cross Section 4 As -built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: October 2009 Year 4 Monitoring: 4 Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: November 2010 Year 5 Monitoring: 4--- M U L K E Y PHOTOGRAPHIC LOG Little ff'hite Oak Creek Stream Restoration Permanent Cross Section 5 As -built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: October 2009 Year 4 Monitoring: 67 Year I Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: November 2010 Year 5 Monitoring: - 4- MULKEY PHOTOGRAPHIC LOG Little White Oak Creek Stream Restoration Permanent Cross Section 6 As -built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: October 2009 Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: November 2010 Year 4 Monitoring: Year 5 Monitoring: 6 *— M U LK E Y PHOTOGRAPHIC LOG Little White Oak Creek Stream Restoration Permanent Cross Section 7 As -built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: October 2009 Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: November 2010 Year 4 Monitoring: Year 5 Monitoring: 7 - - M U LK E Y PHOTOGRAPHIC LOG Little White Oak Creek Stream Restoration As -built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: October 2009 Permanent Cross Section 8 Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: November 2010 Year 4 Monitoring: Year 5 Monitoring: A=- MULKEY PHOTOGRAPHIC LOG Permanent Cross Section 9 As -built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: November 2009 Little White Oak Creek Stream Restoration Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: November 2010 Year 4 Monitoring: Year 5 Monitoring: -t= M U LK EY PHOTOGRAPHIC LOG Little White Oak Creek Stream Restoration Permanent Cross Section 10 As -built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: November 2009 Year 4 Monitoring: 10 Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: November 2010 Year 5 Monitoring: 4.� d .. -F=- M U L K E Y PHOTOGRAPHIC LOG Little White Oak Creek Stream Restoration Permanent Cross Section 12 As -built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: November 2009 Year 4 Monitoring: 12 Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: November 2010 Year 5 Monitoring: - 4- MULKEY PHOTOGRAPHIC LOG Permanent Cross Section 13 As -built Survey: January 2008 Year 2 Monitoring: October 2009 Year 4 Monitoring: 13 Little White Oak Creek Stream Restoration Year 1 Monitoring: September 2008 Year 3 Monitoring: November 2010 Year 5 Monitoring: N .2 N N O m ( � N � � C _ II a) (1) N w u) x • ,L N o} U U) ^ ' N �{J O r- o o a�i 00 T U } + a) Co C u O o w a--� V x CU � C/) CD C/) co c O `m c U� �a CY N L��.( _O 'n `�i � M /11 ='1 N W � C II �i w Y x C f� cu 3 m d N � Np cr 2 0— M C i O } U Cc (11) UOIIEA913 0 0 0 O rn O 0 O n U C c� o � L p c o N � O o co O N 0 O RIVERMORPH CROSS SECTION SUMMARY River Name: Little white Oak Creek (Year 3) Reach Name: R2 Cross Section Name: (Year 3) cross Section 1 - Riffle (R2) Survey Date: 11/09/2010 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Cross Section Data Entry BM Elevation: 0 ft Backsight Rod Reading: 0 ft TAPE 0 I 10 I 15 I 25 I 35 I 40 I 44 I 48.5 I 51.5 I 52.5 I 53 I 54 1 55 56 57 58 l 60 62.5 64 65 67 69 72 76 78 82.5 92 97.5 104.5 110 =S ELEV NOTE ------------------------------------------------------- 877.077938 GS 876.48 876.741741 GS 873.27 876.262877 GS Floodprone width (ft) 874.161063 GS - - - -- 873.72517 GS 11.73 873.850267 GS 3.89 873.734995 LB Mean Depth (ft) 872.36849 GS 2.23 871.827762 GS 2.81 871.531669 GS 12.48 871.050844 GS Bankfull Area (sq ft) 870.820353 LEw 26.15 870.699815 GS 15.11 870.949956 GS 1.77 870.536388 GS Begin BKF Station 870.244861 GS 57.26 870.330971 GS 870.064136 Tw 870.490847 GS 871.045931 REw 872.702281 GS 873.271399 BKF 873.232246 GS 873.452167 GS 873.742915 GS 873.802471 GS 874.10567 GS 875.60042 GS 876.528036 GS 876.95486 GS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Cross Sectional Geometry ---------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- Channel Left Right Floodprone Elevation (ft) 876.48 876.48 876.48 Bankfull Elevation (ft) 873.27 873.27 873.27 Floodprone width (ft) 91.33 - - - -- - - - -- Bankfull width (ft) 23.46 11.73 11.74 Entrenchment Ratio 3.89 - - - -- - - - -- Mean Depth (ft) 1.88 1.53 2.23 Maximum Depth (ft) 3.21 2.81 3.21 width /Depth Ratio 12.48 7.67 5.26 Bankfull Area (sq ft) 44.12 17.97 26.15 wetted Perimeter (ft) 24.97 15.11 15.47 Hydraulic Radius (ft) 1.77 1.19 1.69 Begin BKF Station 45.53 45.53 57.26 End BKF Station 69 57.26 69 Entrainment Calculations Entrainment Formula: Rosgen Modified Shields Curve Channel Left Side Right Side Slope 0 0 0 Shear Stress (lb /sq ft) Movable Particle (mm) O O U) O O r U N N c M co •0^ II N U Cy } c X • 'A N r N s (, C a)} (n N �./ to - 0 2'5 U 0 L N O N °� U } � 0 �C n O o o w x 0 000 Q (n a> o ) L d U .o M y cz ^` co M W N W �c x C m � N O to O 20- UN ch c ca o t �S (11) UOIIBA913 O N O O Cl O O O 00 O N O CO O LO O It O M O N O CD U C (z Cl) 0 C O N L O No RIVERMORPH CROSS SECTION SUMMARY River Name: Little white oak Creek (Year 3) Reach Name: R2 Cross Section Name: (Year 3) Cross Section 2 - Pool (R2) Survey Date: 11/09/2010 Cross Section Data Entry BM Elevation: 0 ft Backsight Rod Reading: 0 ft TAPE FS ELEV NOTE 0 0 876.084001 GS 10 0 876.164913 GS 17 0 875.941231 GS 19 0 875.744862 GS 28 0 873.577713 GS 38 0 873.177689 GS 49 0 873.121267 LB 52.5 0 872.659279 GS 56 0 872.417024 GS 59 0 872.506682 GS 61 0 872.355958 GS 62 0 871.936833 GS 63 0 871.268923 GS 64.5 0 870.546761 LEw 65.5 0 869.589694 GS 67 0 869.866881 GS 70 0 869.593597 GS 73.5 0 869.159368 Tw 74 0 870.573002 LEw 76 0 872.66945 BKF 79 0 873.048082 GS 87.5 0 872.679629 GS 93.5 0 872.616596 GS 108.5 0 875.929642 GS 112 0 876.360059 GS 115 0 876.072211 GS 120 0 876.054147 GS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Cross Sectional Geometry ---------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- Channel Left Right Floodprone Elevation (ft) 876.18 876.18 876.18 Bankfull Elevation (ft) 872.67 872.67 872.67 Floodprone width (ft) 116.67 - - - -- - - - -- Bankfull width (ft) 23.5 11.75 11.75 Entrenchment Ratio 4.96 - - - -- - - - -- Mean Depth (ft) 1.56 0.45 2.67 Maximum Depth (ft) 3.51 2 3.51 width /Depth Ratio 15.06 26.11 4.4 Bankfull Area (sq ft) 36.66 5.28 31.38 wetted Perimeter (ft) 26.32 14.2 16.13 Hydraulic Radius (ft) 1.39 0.37 1.95 Begin BKF Station 52.5 52.5 64.25 End BKF Station 76 64.25 76 Entrainment calculations Entrainment Formula: Rosgen Modified shields curve channel Left side Right side slope 0 0 0 shear stress (lb /sq ft) Movable Particle (mm) m o rn o O IL ao U� o N C � cu O _ II } N N w Ch c N °� (D } �U) � E� O o 0 Uo O L C') 0 rn M 0 c U � � U) C4 n o CC w� N w :� o o x U � Co Q N . m as U) = O� L � r U 76o ir CL M czL � r ^' c6 W N C II w Y x c m S y O 'o 20- UM M C � O } (11) UOIIBA913 O r` 0 m 0 LO O v O r 0 0 0 0 C) a CD U C cz 00 N C) C O N L CO O Cl LO O CY) 0 N O O RIVERMORPH CROSS SECTION SUMMARY River Name: Little white oak Creek (Year 3) Reach Name: R2 Cross Section Name: (Year 3) Cross Section 3 - Pool (R2) Survey Date: 11/09/2010 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Cross Section Data Entry BM Elevation: 0 ft Backsight Rod Reading: 0 ft TAPE 0 I 10 I 20 1 24 32 l 38 l 48 53 55 56 58 60 60.5 62.5 63 65 66 68 68 71 75 81 86 96 114 120 126 138 148 157 164 =S ELEV ------------------------- 873.969054 873.666259 873.696899 873.658087 872.506864 872.248624 872.277731 872.117464 872.127393 871.387219 870.754577 870.335641 869.607094 868.063405 868.241002 868.685863 868.892668 869.016849 869.537405 871.144944 871.397353 872.017843 871.398239 871.509783 875.59945 875.771219 875.900292 873.576144 I 873.224619 I 873.365697 I 874.397008 NOTE GS GS GS GS GS GS GS GS LB GS GS GS LEW TW GS GS GS GS REW GS GS BKF GS GS GS GS GS GS GS GS GS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Cross Sectional Geometry ---------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- Channel Left Right Floodprone Elevation (ft) 875.98 875.98 875.98 Bankfull Elevation (ft) 872.02 872.02 872.02 Floodprone width (ft) 164 - - - -- - - - -- Bankfull width (ft) 25.7 12.85 12.85 Entrenchment Ratio 6.38 - - - -- - - - -- Mean Depth (ft) 1.59 2.43 0.74 Maximum De th (ft) 3.96 3.96 2.4 width /Depth Ratio 16.16 5.29 17.36 Bankfull Area (sq ft) 40.82 31.28 9.54 wetted Perimeter (ft) 28.11 17.23 15.68 Hydraulic Radius (ft) 1.45 1.81 0.61 Begin BKF Station End BKF Station 55.3 55.3 68.15 81 68.15 81 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Entrainment calculations ---------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- Entrainment Formula: Rosgen Modified Shields curve channel Left Side Right Side Slope 0 0 0 Shear Stress (lb /sq ft) Movable Particle (mm) d N O � U' v N c d 5 N }cam � T c co N o0) N o U� �o 1 c lC U C Ucc O �y +-� o V U� c N m O L N �0 U a. M L O C13 U W C Y c ro 00 N ti� O cr U� fO o } U CC ♦ co Ln I W x A a rn I W x A 0 N W x A 3 (11) U011RAO13 O N O O O 0 O 0 00 0 n N o U co co o ca LO C O N O CD 2 O ch 0 N 0 O RIVERMORPH CROSS SECTION SUMMARY River Name: Little white oak Creek (Year 3) Reach Name: R2 Cross Section Name: (Year 3) Cross Section 4 - Riffle (R2) Survey Date: 11/09/2010 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Cross Section Data Entry BM Elevation: 0 ft Backsight Rod Reading: 0 ft TAPE 0 8.5 18 23 33 41 43 45.5 48 50 51 53 56 57 58 58.5 59.5 64 68.5 78 86 96 106 116 120 S ELEV ------------------------ 874.265195 874.195697 872.042921 871.733904 871.859033 871.525668 871.023839 870.190093 868.885601 868.095984 868.000976 868.129993 868.335711 868.346019 868.881521 869.938739 869.751997 870.245416 872.203095 872.179994 872.123873 873.537267 872.987295 873.07339 872.609835 NOTE GS GS GS GS GS BKF GS GS LEW GS TW GS GS GS LEW GS GS GS RB GS GS GS GS GS GS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Cross Sectional Geometry ---------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Entrainment Calculations ---------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- Channel Left Right Floodprone Elevation (ft) 875.06 875.06 875.06 Bankfull Elevation (ft) 871.53 871.53 871.53 Floodprone width (ft) 120 - - - -- - - - -- Bankfull width (ft) 26.06 13.12 12.93 Entrenchment Ratio 4.61 - - - -- - - - -- Mean Depth (ft) 1.99 2.11 1.86 Maximum Depth (ft) 3.53 3.53 3.33 width /Depth Ratio 13.1 6.22 6.95 Bankfull Area (sq ft) 51.82 27.72 24.1 wetted Perimeter (ft) 27.86 17.13 17.38 Hydraulic Radius (ft) 1.86 1.62 1.39 Begin BKF Station 40.9 40.9 54.02 End BKF station 66.95 54.02 66.95 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Entrainment Calculations ---------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- Entrainment Formula: Rosgen Modified shields curve channel Left side Right side slope 0 0 0 shear stress (lb /sq ft) Movable Particle (mm) U) o rn o 00 o d U � � LO N } (D X N U) p N �} fLYL" (n N O2-60 in c c m O U) C\j u 0 w w +-, 26 x U Ua Q a� as c 0 c U _ �a co o cz M (D U CN II Y w x N p m 3 rn O N O oa U� M c O ) (11) UOiJEna13 0 0 0 0 CD O co r- 0 CD N U C (.- O C/) LO 0 N c O o N v 'L O 0 co O N 0 O RIVERMORPH CROSS SECTION SUMMARY River Name: Little white oak Creek (Year 3) Reach Name: R2 Cross Section Name: (Year 3) Cross Section 5 - Pool (R2) Survey Date: 11/09/2010 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Cross Section Data Entry BM Elevation: 0 ft Backsight Rod Reading: 0 ft TAPE 0 I 14 I 29 1 45 48 54 1 56 l 57 58 l 60 63 67 69 70 70.5 73 77 81.5 88.5 99 105 =S ELEV ------------------------- 871.298724 871.454868 871.303848 870.929709 871.075395 869.723203 869.355633 868.808855 868.606455 867.840918 867.854936 867.467667 867.689128 868.760152 869.571849 869.962148 870.688772 870.968285 871.00457 872.904581 873.387886 NOTE GS GS GS GS LB GS GS GS LEW GS GS TW GS LEW GS GS BKF GS GS GS GS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Cross Sectional Geometry ---------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Entrainment Calculations ---------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- Entrainment Formula: Rosgen Modified Shields Curve Channel Left Side Right side Channel Left Right Floodprone Elevation (ft) 873.91 873.91 873.91 Bankfull Elevation (ft) 870.69 870.69 870.69 Floodprone width (ft) 105 - - - -- - - - -- Bankfull width (ft) 27.31 13.65 13.66 Entrenchment Ratio 3.84 - - - -- - - - -- Mean Depth (ft) 1.71 1.64 1.78 Maximum Depth (ft) 3.22 2.87 3.22 width /Depth Ratio 15.97 8.32 7.67 Bankfull Area (sq ft) 46.75 22.45 24.3 wetted Perimeter (ft) 28.8 16.96 17.57 Hydraulic Radius (ft) 1.62 1.32 1.38 Begin BKF Station 49.71 49.71 63.36 End BKF Station 77.02 63.36 77.02 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Entrainment Calculations ---------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- Entrainment Formula: Rosgen Modified Shields Curve Channel Left Side Right side Slope shear stress (lb /sq ft) Movable Particle (mm) m e 0 OC rn U ' M co N C rn Q } Cn W x a QCD ° N ' O N O O O ,o �i./ '^ p } U Q a� mac_ c m o U co a) 0 L N c M , L O c U C Y C ca m d N_ O U� co c `m a Q } a) CC �c I- 11 w x A 0 m I W x A 3 (11) UOIIBA913 0 rn 0 00 O I- O CD U Q� U C (z U) C) c 0 N �L O I M O N O 0 RIVERMORPH CROSS SECTION SUMMARY River Name: Little white Oak Creek (Year 3) Reach Name: R2A Cross Section Name: (Year 3) Cross Section 6 - Riffle (R2A) Survey Date: 11/08/2010 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Cross Section Data Entry BM Elevation: 0 ft Backsight Rod Reading: 0 ft TAPE 0 l 20 l 20 l 28.5 38.5 42 47 50 52 54 56 56 57 58 58 58.5 59 60 64 65 73 79 84 90 =S ELEV ------------------------- 880.257537 880.380444 880.380462 880.097987 876.998672 876.395067 876.432554 876.191129 875.836549 875.660304 874.926806 874.18215 873.818284 874.19652 874.597959 874.601007 874.816608 875.313228 875.625679 875.911569 876.452247 878.889882 879.680163 879.83018 NOTE GS GS GS GS GS GS GS LB GS GS LEW GS TW GS GS GS LEW GS GS BKF GS GS GS GS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Cross Sectional Geometry ---------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Entrainment Calculations ---------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- Channel Left Right Floodprone Elevation (ft) 878 878 878 Bankfull Elevation (ft) 875.91 875.91 875.91 Floodprone width (ft) 41.55 - - - -- - - - -- Bankfull width (ft) 13.41 6.7 6.7 Entrenchment Ratio 3.1 - - - -- - - - -- Mean Depth (ft) 0.7 0.86 0.54 Maximum Depth (ft) 2.09 2.09 1.31 width /Depth Ratio 19.16 7.79 12.41 Bankfull Area (sq ft) 9.39 5.76 3.62 wetted Perimeter (ft) 15.05 9.44 8.22 Hydraulic Radius (ft) 0.62 0.61 0.44 Begin BKF Station 51.59 51.59 58.29 End BKF Station 64.99 58.29 64.99 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Entrainment Calculations ---------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- Entrainment Formula: Rosgen Modified Shields Curve Channel Left Side Right Side Slope 0 0 0 Shear Stress (lb /sq ft) Movable Particle (mm) m O o[ U r� N C d+ O N - m I }Cnc w x K4 m c) N °' 0m O N CD Er N OE c o o} N m C: UCj O Ch O � U U � U) O U� M y (� o Z U_ W � C c co m N ti O U� CO c - m O CO a) aa) � .� co .� Ln u w x A 0 co II x ,n 3 (11) UOIIBA913 0 0 Lol n. CD 8 LO C: (d N 0 0 c o 0 2 0 M N 7 RIVERMORPH CROSS SECTION SUMMARY River Name: Little white Oak Creek (Year 3) Reach Name: R2B cross section Name: (Year 3) Cross Section 7 - Riffle (R2B) Survey Date: 11/09/2010 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Cross Section Data Entry BM Elevation: 0 ft Backsight Rod Reading: 0 ft TAPE 0 10 19 25 33 36 40 42 44 47 49 50 51 52 52.5 54 55 57 58 59 61 64 67 69 73 80 90 S ELEV ------------------------ 874.740362 874.803279 874.61007 874.597095 874.560587 874.491044 874.454251 873.927287 873.293239 872.96995 872.731264 872.668255 872.596297 872.344637 871.815305 871.790267 871.849961 872.008623 872.47748 872.625695 872.713116 872.577514 872.904667 873.662504 874.004544 873.923606 873.881421 NOTE GS GS GS GS GS GS GS GS GS GS GS GS LB LEW GS TW GS REW GS BKF GS GS GS GS GS GS GS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Cross Sectional Geometry ---------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- Channel Left Right Floodprone Elevation (ft) 873.47 873.47 873.47 Bankfull Elevation (ft) 872.63 872.63 872.63 Floodprone width (ft) 25.05 - - - -- - - - -- Bankfull width (ft) 8.47 3.97 4.5 Entrenchment Ratio 2.96 - - - -- - - - -- Mean Depth (ft) 0.51 0.53 0.5 Maximum Depth (ft) 0.84 0.84 0.81 Width /Depth Ratio 16.61 7.49 9 Bankfull Area (sq ft) 4.36 2.1 2.26 wetted Perimeter (ft) 8.86 5.04 5.44 Hydraulic Radius (ft) 0.49 0.42 0.42 Begin BKF Station 50.53 50.53 54.5 End BKF station 59 54.5 59 Entrainment Calculations Entrainment Formula: Rosgen Modified shields Curve Channel Left side Right side slope 0 0 0 shear stress (lb /sq ft) Movable Particle (mm) N O Er U ' N C � N U) � A N N o} CDo U N N Al O E �• t O O cu d M p } W O U) CC O ." }� O Ei U UiT N OC() CD C� M c `} U Y c cd m m U)_ o U� ch c x.00 U N 4-4 x A D II 4-i X A 3 (11) UOIIBA913 0 O Lo O It 9 U c to O c c 0 0 0 N O J ON RIVERMORPH CROSS SECTION SUMMARY River Name: Little white oak Creek (Year 3) Reach Name: R2D Cross Section Name: (Year 3) Cross Section 8 - Riffle (R2D) Survey Date: 11/10/2010 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Cross Section Data Entry BM Elevation: 0 ft Backsight Rod Reading: 0 ft TAPE 0 I 5 1 10 l 16 22 28.5 29 l 30.5 31 31.5 32.5 33.5 35 36 36.5 37 38 39 42 49 59 65 70 =S ELEV ------------------------- 871.542239 871.444674 871.273228 870.972042 870.70704 870.642531 870.635602 870.088088 869.955404 869.606895 869.712753 869.770743 869.783584 869.87344 869.897699 870.095923 870.425439 870.487743 870.840767 870.988172 870.904198 870.856729 870.774037 NOTE GS GS GS GS GS GS BKF GS LEW GS GS GS TW GS REW GS GS RB GS GS GS GS GS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Cross Sectional Geometry ---------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Entrainment Calculations ---------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- Entrainment Formula: Rosgen Modified Shields Curve Channel Left Right Floodprone Elevation (ft) 871.67 871.67 871.67 Bankfull Elevation (ft) 870.64 870.64 870.64 Floodprone width (ft) 70 - - - -- - - - -- Bankfull width (ft) 11.1 5.23 5.87 Entrenchment Ratio 6.31 - - - -- - - - -- Mean Depth (ft) 0.59 0.7 0.48 Maximum Depth (ft) 1.03 1.03 0.86 width /Depth Ratio 18.81 7.47 12.23 Bankfull Area (sq ft) 6.5 3.67 2.83 wetted Perimeter (ft) 11.46 6.33 6.86 Hydraulic Radius (ft) 0.57 0.58 0.41 Begin BKF Station 29 29 34.23 End BKF Station 40.1 34.23 40.1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Entrainment Calculations ---------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- Entrainment Formula: Rosgen Modified Shields Curve Channel Left Side Right Side Slope 0 0 0 Shear Stress (lb /sq ft) Movable Particle (mm) cn 75 2 CL U ,n N C M } N T W U) x � A �\ C T O N d } `./ U to O UO O � CL 1 C" O N T O co V� 5 } i ) pc� y _ W a„ _, a o x U 0n Q N . U) aD N CO U) = m L d c c) 3:a M L p n czrn C II w �c x � A m � En O O O O n U� M C If O N (14) UOIIEA913 0 Cl) 0 N T O O O O m O 00 O n U C cd O N 4- c C) O to N O 2 0 O co 0 N 0 T O RIVERMORPH CROSS SECTION SUMMARY River Name: Little white Oak Creek (Year 3) Reach Name: R1 Cross Section Name: (Year 3) Cross Section 9 - Pool (R1) Survey Date: 11/09/2010 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Cross Section Data Entry BM Elevation: 0 ft Backsight Rod Reading: 0 ft TAPE FS ELEV NOTE ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 0 888.47913 GS 5 0 888.572354 GS 10 0 888.511825 GS 15 0 888.34598 GS 20 0 887.836966 GS 25 0 886.538971 GS 30 0 884.6788 GS 33 0 883.826213 GS 42 0 883.175455 GS 48 0 883.05673 GS 52 0 882.910264 GS 56 0 882.700029 LB 58 0 881.991422 GS 60 0 880.269024 GS 61 0 879.618628 LEw 61.5 0 878.725333 GS 63.5 0 878.651034 GS 64 0 878.647769 Tw 65 0 878.736895 GS 66 0 878.907932 GS 67 0 878.928064 GS 67.5 0 879.382256 GS 68 0 879.625813 GS 69 0 881.029214 GS 70.5 0 881.454256 GS 74 0 882.05077 GS 76.5 0 882.335479 BKF 79 0 882.279817 GS 85 0 882.269851 GS 91 0 883.001258 GS 96 0 884.033747 GS 100 0 885.011109 GS 105 0 886.397563 GS 112 0 887.980946 GS 116 0 888.442301 GS 120 0 888.609257 GS 130 0 888.778565 GS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Cross Sectional Geometry ---------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- Floodprone Elevation (ft) Bankfull Elevation (ft) Floodprone width (ft) Bankfull width (ft) Entrenchment Ratio Channel Left Right 886.03 886.03 886.03 882.34 882.34 882.34 77.32 - - - -- - - - -- 19.48 14.82 4.66 3.97 - - - -- - - - -- Mean Depth (ft) 1.82 2.29 0.3 Maximum Depth (ft) 3.69 3.69 0.66 width /Depth Ratio 10.7 6.47 15.53 Bankfull Area (sq ft) 35.4 34.01 1.39 wetted Perimeter (ft) 22 17.95 5.37 Hydraulic Radius (ft) 1.61 1.89 0.26 Begin BKF Station 57.02 57.02 71.84 End BKF Station 76.5 71.84 76.5 Entrainment calculations Entrainment Formula: Rosgen Modified shields curve channel Left Side Right side Slope 0 0 0 Shear Stress (lb /sq ft) Movable Particle (mm) O 41 O to O Uo . N C M O (D tT II �cn 44 x • A T 00 c`v - N } N ON _ O p O U0 00 O C i 0 d N O w }� 2'5 A U Ua Q CO C Co ch O v, L � � .o cy • r L- 0 W U � `✓ C II W � x A c 3 of m O O O to d O U° M o � U r } c (11) UOIIBA913 O CIO 0 N O O O O O O O CIO o � U O in CO Q c 0 0 LO N 0 0 O ('7 0 N O r 0 RIVERMORPH CROSS SECTION SUMMARY River Name: Little white oak Creek (Year 3) Reach Name: R1 Cross Section Name: (Year 3) Cross Section 10 - Pool (R1) Survey Date: 11/09/2010 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Cross Section Data Entry BM Elevation: 0 ft Backsight Rod Reading: 0 ft TAPE 0 4 I 9 I 19 24 I 29 I 34 I 44 I 49 I 54 I 59 I 64 I 67 I 69 I 70 I 71 72 74 1 75 1 75 76 l 76.5 77 80 t 81 82 83 83 84 86 87.5 93 99 104 106 110 116 119 130 =S ELEV NOTE ------------------------------------------------------- 886.345723 GS 885.824 GS 884.698386 GS 882.626846 GS 881.565434 GS 881.595007 GS 881.767258 GS 881.749858 GS 881.985365 GS 881.538707 GS 881.359276 GS 881.435774 GS 881.404951 GS 881.308515 GS 881.315598 BKF 881.261262 GS 880.676991 GS 879.31185 GS 879.027186 LEw 878.680899 GS 878.405048 GS 878.54975 GS 878.539544 GS 878.386016 GS 878.334285 GS 877.376296 Tw 877.387325 GS 879.033263 REw 879.391491 GS 880.639867 GS 882.106927 RB 882.088673 GS 881.939318 GS 882.057804 GS 882.187411 GS 883.379207 GS 885.415107 GS 886.222416 GS 886.276029 GS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Cross Sectional Geometry ---------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- Channel Left Right Floodprone Elevation (ft) 885.26 885.26 885.26 Bankfull Elevation (ft) 881.32 881.32 881.32 Floodprone width (ft) 109.06 - - - -- - - - -- Bankfull width (ft) 16.69 7.41 9.28 Entrenchment Ratio 6.53 - - - -- - - - -- Mean Depth (ft) 2.08 1.61 2.45 Maximum Depth (ft) 3.94 2.91 3.94 width /Depth Ratio 8.02 4.6 3.79 Bankfull Area (sq ft) 34.66 11.91 22.74 wetted Perimeter (ft) 20.46 11.24 14.82 Hydraulic Radius (ft) 1.69 1.06 1.53 Begin BKF Station 70 70 77.41 End BKF Station 86.69 77.41 86.69 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Entrainment Calculations ---------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- Entrainment Formula: Rosgen Modified Shields Curve Channel Left Side Right Side Slope 0 0 0 Shear Stress (lb /sq ft) Movable Particle (mm) O U) O O EL N U T . N T o c � � p cli.d T II -� CC w x • A T c0 cC �i U cn .r cr O o— O O U a° r T C O N T 0 N C: Q l w U) x +� 2-5 A U U0 ° c VJ U c O co ^� L M r i cz p UN ` '0 II w � x A M m O to O y O Ur M � �^ CD v }U� (4) UOIIUA913 O C7 O N O O O O O O co C U C co CD U) (D Q c 0 0 L N 0 O CO 0 N O O RIVERMORPH CROSS SECTION SUMMARY River Name: Little White Oak Creek (Year 3) Reach Name: R1 Cross Section Name: (Year 3) Cross Section 11 - Pool (R1) Survey Date: 11/09/2010 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Cross Section Data Entry BM Elevation: 0 ft Backsight Rod Reading: 0 ft TAPE FS ELEV NOTE ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 0 885.860499 GS 5 0 885.954149 GS 14 0 885.523811 GS 19 0 885.360982 GS 24 0 884.850953 GS 26 0 884.695566 GS 29 0 883.740645 GS 34 0 882.187127 GS 38 0 880.940862 GS 42 0 880.705761 GS 48 0 880.642966 GS 52 0 880.729534 GS 56 0 880.617989 GS 58.5 0 880.575273 LB 59.5 0 880.401963 GS 62 0 878.871729 GS 63 0 878.601415 GS 64 0 878.455667 GS 65 0 877.898983 LEW 65.5 0 876.40614 TW 66 0 877.185615 GS 67.5 0 877.538002 GS 69 0 877.546547 GS 71 0 877.570611 GS 72 0 877.517195 GS 73 0 877.52271 GS 74 0 877.585256 GS 75 0 877.574535 GS 78 0 877.605742 GS 79.5 0 877.843412 REW 79.5 0 877.826467 GS 81 0 878.12024 GS 85 0 879.574055 GS 86 0 880.434286 BKF 91 0 880.337327 GS 96 0 880.545149 GS 101.5 0 881.569489 GS 106.5 0 882.827563 GS 111.5 0 883.988447 GS 116.5 0 884.77074 GS 121.5 0 885.034564 GS 130 0 885.176403 GS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Cross Sectional Geometry ---------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- Channel Left Right Floodprone Elevation (ft) 884.45 884.45 884.45 Bankfull Elevation (ft) 880.43 880.43 880.43 Floodprone width (ft) 87.72 - - - -- - - - -- Bankfull width (ft) 26.66 16.8 9.86 Entrenchment Ratio 3.29 - - - -- - - - -- Mean Depth (ft) 2.27 2.42 2.01 Maximum Depth (ft) 4.02 4.02 2.84 width /Depth Ratio 11.74 6.94 4.91 Bankfull Area (sq ft) 60.51 40.74 19.77 wetted Perimeter (ft) 29.46 21.81 13.34 Hydraulic Radius (ft) 2.05 1.87 1.48 Begin BKF Station 59.34 59.34 76.14 End BKF Station 86 76.14 86 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Entrainment Calculations ---------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- Entrainment Formula: Rosgen Modified Shields Curve Channel Left Side Right Side Slope 0 0 0 Shear Stress (lb /sq ft) Movable Particle (mm) co co Er O U cm �T N � C � .0 II } N T W N r T c ca >- N r N O �o N O } - cin T u jr O w �.:.i O A N . U) a� U) -C 0 3 L .N U M �I, CZ ai N W C w Cfj A m N O UN CV) C � O U U r rU,oc I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I (11) uOiI 'en213 0 -o T O _ O - 0 _o (D LO U O C (o 4— U) O N L- 0 2 0 N - O r 0 I I r I i I� 1 * f ; i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I (11) uOiI 'en213 0 -o T O _ O - 0 _o (D LO U O C (o 4— U) O N L- 0 2 0 N - O r 0 RIVERMORPH CROSS SECTION SUMMARY River Name: Little white oak Creek (Year 3) Reach Name: R1 Cross Section Name: (Year 3) Cross Section 12 - Riffle (R1) Survey Date: 11/09/2010 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Cross Section Data Entry BM Elevation: 0 ft Backsight Rod Reading: 0 ft TAPE 0 I 8 t 11 I 15 I 20 I 25 I 31 I 35 1 37.5 1 38 40 t 41 41.5 1 42.5 43 45 46 47 49 49 50 51.5 52.5 54 56 57 59 61.5 62.5 63.5 64.5 69.5 73.5 78.5 84 90 95 100 =S ELEV NOTE ------------------------------------------------------- 885.050579 GS 883.68 884.326429 GS 879.64 883.283706 GS Floodprone width (ft) 881.855269 GS - - - -- 880.051583 GS 11.29 879.638414 GS 879.710466 GS 878.925684 GS 879.637126 BKF 879.364497 GS 878.227061 GS 877.87767 GS 877.585521 LEw 876.131511 GS 875.595617 Tw 876.041597 GS 876.29106 GS 876.463696 GS 877.444476 GS 877.549631 REw 877.910347 GS 878.122473 GS 877.875294 GS 878.103052 GS 878.434225 GS 878.40966 GS 878.764094 GS 880.078619 GS 880.406568 GS 880.787485 RB 880.917988 GS 880.687149 GS 880.646076 GS 880.342149 GS 882.081119 GS 883.66376 GS 884.28379 GS 1 884.406182 GS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Cross Sectional Geometry ---------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- Channel Left Right Floodprone Elevation (ft) 883.68 883.68 883.68 Bankfull Elevation (ft) 879.64 879.64 879.64 Floodprone width (ft) 80.32 - - - -- - - - -- Bankfull width (ft) 23.05 11.29 11.76 Entrenchment Ratio 3.48 - - - -- - - - -- Mean Depth (ft) 1.91 2.5 1.34 Maximum Depth (ft) 4.04 4.04 2.3 width /Depth Ratio 12.07 4.52 8.78 Bankfull Area (sq ft) 43.98 28.25 15.73 wetted Perimeter (ft) 25.43 15.4 14.63 Hydraulic Radius (ft) 1.73 1.83 1.07 Begin BKF Station 37.5 37.5 48.79 End BKF Station 60.55 48.79 60.55 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Entrainment Calculations ---------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- Entrainment Formula: Rosgen Modified Shields curve Channel Left Side Right Side Slope 0 0 0 Shear Stress (lb /sq ft) Movable Particle (mm) N N � O r N C M f6 O N U Q II }�C w X • 1] r T cif T p } �a O CO o 0 o} r N Q II C: Ir w Ox N A 2= n VJ v O L a) c U CL M U) Ln Ln Y v r CZ W C II - w Y A C co m d N O � Ch U M C co O Q O V T } cn (11) UOIIBA913 O co T O N O O O O O O 00 C) CD U C co C) U) C O Q LO 'L O 0 O c+) O N O O RIVERMORPH CROSS SECTION SUMMARY River Name: Little white Oak Creek (Year 3) Reach Name: R1A Cross Section Name: (Year 3) Cross Section 13 - Riffle (R1A) Survey Date: 11/08/2010 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Cross Section Data Entry BM Elevation: 0 ft Backsight Rod Reading: 0 ft TAPE 0 10 25 30 34 39 47 53 55 57 58 59 60 61 63 69 74 79 89 99 109 125 =S ELEV ------------------------- 887.807646 887.610973 887.697326 887.564138 887.668765 887.5075 887.379413 887.578973 887.911016 887.211508 886.914573 886.951896 887.251344 887.3577 887.762267 887.585651 887.652452 887.659217 887.648803 887.798802 887.49785 887.576212 NOTE GS GS GS GS GS GS GS GS LB LEW GS TW REW GS BKF GS GS GS GS GS GS GS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Cross Sectional Geometry ---------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Entrainment Calculations ---------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- Entrainment Formula: Rosgen Modified Shields Curve Channel Left Right Floodprone Elevation (ft) 888.61 888.61 888.61 Bankfull Elevation (ft) 887.76 887.76 887.76 Floodprone width (ft) 125 - - - -- - - - -- Bankfull width (ft) 7.55 7.02 0.53 Entrenchment Ratio 16.56 - - - -- - - - -- Mean Depth (ft) 0.46 0.49 0.05 Maximum Depth (ft) 0.85 0.85 0.11 width /Depth Ratio 16.41 14.33 10.6 Bankfull Area (sq ft) 3.47 3.44 0.03 wetted Perimeter (ft) 7.78 7.35 0.65 Hydraulic Radius (ft) 0.45 0.47 0.04 Begin BKF Station 55.44 55.44 62.46 End BKF Station 62.99 62.46 62.99 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Entrainment Calculations ---------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- Entrainment Formula: Rosgen Modified Shields Curve channel Left side Right side slope 0 0 0 shear stress (lb /sq ft) Movable Particle (mm) o • o • O♦ ♦ • o o' 0 o 0 i °_ O 0 ( 48) 814!8 - Z 4 U01joes SsaO (£ JaeA)- o¢ — 0 O• A�� ♦ O 1 ` + 0• M ' M °• 1 °♦ 1 � O ♦ O O (t H) 100d - 4 4 UOIPGS SsaO (£ JB8A)– : — + ♦O � b T • O O O U) `^ `• O W ' ♦ N— O •° L.L ♦ O °♦ (18) I00d - 0 4 Uo!loeS ssaO (£ JEW– � o � O ' ° J • O T O• Cc O M °. L 0 (z o } (W) 100d - 6 UO!I38S ssaO (£ Ju8A) o — 04 ' • 0 O • o o' S� o • • o • ro w (4) U01I2A913 0 Cl U) co 0 0 Cl) 0 0 m co 0 0 co O O O Cl) 0 0 N CD O co O CD N O (OD N LO 0 N O a N O O N O 0 N N O N O 0 N CD CDO 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 r 0 ov 0 n N CD o ¢�o wo o + Nary > o j UJ • d O O +;F l< o C? N � 2 oaa� } G ~ c) J S E (z Q� L N 0) 0 m a) U C � m cn Ir p O m J LL Y m U) 3 0 S U RIVERMORPH PROFILE SUMMARY River Name: Little white oak Creek (Year 3) Reach Name: R1 Profile Name: (Year 3) R1 Long. Profile (STA 14 +00 -- 33 +74) Survey Date: 11/19/2010 Survey Data DIST CH wS BKF LB RB ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1400 879.305 1400 880.875 1400.69 882.297 1401.113 883.956 1409.081 880.805 1409.332 879.022 1426.471 879.874 1426.577 880.875 1427.864 882.949 1433.57 882.983 1441.8 880.857 1441.985 879.386 1454.112 880.809 1454.254 879.12 1454.686 883.042 1463.477 880.806 1463.922 878.738 1463.922 882.759 1478.154 880.821 1478.289 880.083 1486.026 883.006 1486.879 882.531 1501.822 880.629 1501.951 880.234 1517.192 880.133 1517.25 880.415 1520.837 882.642 1531.374 880.414 1531.652 879.69 1544.071 883.444 1551.119 878.163 1551.287 880.102 1551.287 878.163 1562.002 879.34 1562.238 880.162 1564.77 883.08 1585.017 882.414 1587.148 880.109 1587.487 880.073 1588.157 882.67 1588.157 879.238 1595.411 882.583 1606.783 880.043 1606.783 879.342 1615.292 882.306 1628.557 880.061 1628.564 879.028 1628.564 882.126 1641.237 878.694 1641.507 881.874 1641.646 880.028 1656.86 878.853 1657.008 880.043 1662.626 882.166 1665.433 882.606 1667.12 880.051 1667.228 879.152 1690.123 880.066 1690.199 879.564 1690.894 882.74 1694.633 882.234 1709.874 879.952 1710.052 878.961 1716.208 882.498 1720.27 879.926 1720.902 878.918 1720.902 882.741 1730.16 879.734 1730.239 877.723 1732.822 882.314 1737.917 879.25 1738.425 879.745 1739.845 - 882.41 1746.444 882.788 1752.091 879.013 1752.195 879.676 1754.423 882.887 1770.815 878.862 1770.815 882.702 1770.968 879.645 1772.94 881.679 1786.062 878.648 879.619 882.051 882.7 1815.892 878.842 1816.845 879.612 1824.917 882.571 1841.048 882.71 1841.052 879.546 1841.442 878.807 1846.375 882.054 1846.375 879.559 1846.375 878.682 1865.826 882.129 1872.617 878.253 1873.174 879.545 1890.649 882.431 1890.649 879.061 1890.9 879.513 1898.914 879.477 1902.577 878.738 1918.921 881.634 1925.352 878.431 1925.352 879.479 1940.392 882.105 1940.392 878.381 1940.585 879.5 1945.861 879.349 1946.119 877.702 1953.66 879.338 1953.758 879.007 1972.436 879.303 1972.763 877.989 1972.763 882.52 1978.982 882.296 1993.181 879.269 1993.324 878.645 2004.459 881.724 2016.603 879.222 2017.185 878.502 2033.198 882.255 2042.614 879.228 2043.035 878.39 2059.702 879.23 2060.029 878.04 2062.94 882.073 2067.685 882.979 2072.424 879.171 2072.747 877.944 2078.022 879.203 2078.085 877.934 2091.385 879.202 2091.541 878.579 2100.641 881.99 2110.951 878.305 2110.951 882.487 2110.951 879.131 2123.214 879.119 2123.574 877.886 2145.681 879.133 2145.853 878.212 2150.155 882.014 2159.859 879.117 2160.114 877.917 2163.992 882.098 2182.713 879.118 2182.781 878.032 2184.255 881.303 2196.945 881.703 2200.078 881.393 2210.997 878.53 2211.234 879.077 2229.159 878.45 2229.283 879.137 2236.976 881.654 2250.308 879.089 2250.36 877.8 2254.085 881.325 2255.462 881.205 2267.038 882.057 2276.365 877.376 879.027 882.107 881.316 2289.254 877.832 2289.696 879.018 2295.292 881.532 2307.732 876.993 2307.942 878.996 2309.872 881.55 2323.921 878.25 2324.089 879.019 2326.563 880.843 2330.1 881.09 2335.793 879.012 2335.846 877.871 2338.949 880.96 2351.644 878.827 2351.899 877.939 2357.453 880.918 2369.522 881.21 2377.29 880.771 2383.071 878.791 2383.244 878.799 2383.555 877.84 2395.99 881.431 2396.464 878.792 2396.824 877.869 2418.047 878.785 2418.336 878.008 2425.984 881.141 2427.496 881.182 2431.466 878.781 2432.305 877.969 2441.897 877.19 2441.909 878.576 2449.112 878.214 2449.665 874.949 2459.079 877.168 2459.405 878.167 2463.285 881.224 2475.421 878.174 2475.773 877.314 2481.146 881.185 2499.742 878.183 2499.852 877.142 2511.414 880.587 2516.866 881.249 2520.462 876.914 2520.676 878.042 2537.988 878.072 2538.706 876.313 2543.768 880.807 2548.291 878.088 2548.6 877.374 2574.479 878.053 2574.491 877.177 2577.835 881.059 2580.252 880.448 2585.5 876.971 2586.154 878.028 2600.602 877.156 2600.769 877.973 2615.1 880.658 2628.76 877.385 2628.862 877.983 2637.08 880.421 2643.118 877.881 2643.118 876.751 2663.021 880.612 2663.418 876.919 2663.683 877.901 2670.04 880.656 2673.994 877.966 2673.996 877.448 2688.513 880.791 2690.29 876.914 2690.513 881.023 2690.533 877.817 2709.315 880.846 2717.576 877.918 2717.99 876.229 2720.655 880.678 2729.238 880.548 2731.92 877.885 2736.244 876.406 877.899 880.434 880.575 2760.776 877.88 2761.162 876.695 2765.576 880.653 2768.358 880.068 2781.803 877.829 2782.024 876.545 2791.734 880.242 2803.036 876.881 2803.375 877.791 2813.151 880.054 2825.369 880.344 2827.604 877.818 2828.011 876.836 2838.162 876.72 2838.229 877.791 2842.037 874.763 2842.274 877.685 2851.658 877.683 2851.724 876.969 2856.235 880.283 2858.773 880.09 2875.263 876.375 2875.263 877.638 2887.482 879.782 2887.606 880.431 2893.154 876.44 2893.745 877.632 2913.325 877.625 2913.34 876.957 2916.853 880.382 2922.137 880.191 2944.439 880.148 2944.439 876.79 2944.446 877.727 2955.818 877.676 2955.969 876.369 2956.485 880.184 2969.866 876.747 2969.978 877.643 2985.795 877.639 2985.815 876.982 2995.019 880.076 2996.128 880.49 3010.951 877.639 3011.383 876.567 3020.575 879.984 3039.566 880.189 3045.08 877.632 3062.681 877.629 3063.293 876.405 3072.627 877.593 3073.097 875.797 3073.097 878.949 3104.016 877.584 3104.371 876.983 3104.371 879.928 3114.565 875.753 3114.565 879.7 3114.565 877.571 3118.732 875.596 877.586 880.787 879.637 3127.227 877.549 3127.29 876.751 3128.956 879.606 3144.334 880.318 3157.894 877.547 3158.084 876.799 3162.357 879.25 3180.365 880.175 3187.889 877.563 3188.228 876.378 3206.456 879.582 3215.425 876.663 3215.466 877.535 3218.525 880.18 5. 3239.168 876.279 3239.237 877.52 3244.919 879.984 3250.606 876.843 3250.606 879.391 3250.73 877.488 3263.68 879.337 3275.18 876.806 3275.28 877.32 3285.914 879.763 3287.759 878.701 3287.759 876.33 3288.604 876.908 3294.124 875.067 3294.277 876.153 3303.856 879.557 3305.386 876.088 3305.512 874.489 3324.267 880.016 3326.752 876.027 3327.441 874.656 3342.26 879.684 3344.049 875.984 3344.693 875.178 3354.153 875.959 3354.235 875.159 3359.016 879.38 3368.195 879.12 3374.329 875.94 3374.744 875.103 3385.978 875.947 3386.368 874.759 3387.669 879.839 3393.429 878.506 3399.487 875.935 3399.887 875.134 3414.768 879.317 3416.719 875.937 3416.785 874.489 . 3425.285 878.868 3426.289 879.615 3437.443 875.912 3437.505 875.217 3451.665 874.968 3452.102 875.895 3456.622 878.626 3463.885 879.213 3473.861 875.856 3473.892 874.368 3481.772 879.384 3485.346 878.474 3491.48 874.708 3491.885 875.843 3505.538 878.217 3508.578 879.222 3509.476 875.806 3509.476 874.884 Cross section / Bank Profile Locations Name Type Profile station ---------------------------------------------------------------------- (Year 3) Cross section 9 - Pool (R1)Pool XS 1786 (Year 3) Cross Section 10 - Pool (Rl)POOI XS 2276 (Year 3) Cross section 11 - Pool (R1)Pool XS 2736 (Year 3) cross Section 12 - Riffle (Rl)Riffle XS 3118 Measurements from Graph Bankfull slope: 0.00183 Variable Min Avg Max ---------------------------------------------------------------------- S riffle 0.00093 0.00797 0.01777 S pool 0 0 0 S run 0 0 0 S glide 0 0 0 P - P 49 87.47 149.04 Pool length 14.29 33.57 69.42 Riffle length 12.25 19.69 29.05 Dmax riffle 0 0 0 Dmax pool 0 0 0 Dmax run 0 0 0 Dmax glide 0 0 0 Low bank ht 0 0 0 Length and depth measurements in feet, slopes in ft /ft. 0 LEW 1846.375 LEW RIVERMORPH PROFILE SUMMARY Notes River Name: Little white oak creek (Year 3) Reach Name: R1 Profile Name: (Year 3) R1 Long. Profile (STA 14 +00 -- 33 +74) Survey Date: 11/19/2010 DIST Note ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1400 LEW 1409.081 LEW 1426.577 LEW 1441.8 LEW 1454.112 LEW 1463.477 LEW 1478.154 LEW 1501.822 LEW 1517.25 LEW 1531.374 LEW 1551.287 LEW 1562.238 LEW 1587.148 LEW 1587.487 LEW 1606.783 LEW 1628.557 LEW 1641.646 LEW 1657.008 LEW 1667.12 LEW 1690.123 LEW 1709.874 LEW 1720.27 LEW 1730.16 LEW 1738.425 LEW 1752.195 LEW 1770.968 LEW 1786.062 XS9 - Tw Intersect @ station 1786.062 1816.845 LEW 1841.052 LEW 1846.375 LEW 1873.174 LEW 1890.9 LEW 1898.914 LEW 1925.352 LEW 1940.585 LEW 1945.861 LEW 1953.66 LEW 1972.436 LEW 1993.181 LEW 2016.603 LEW 2042.614 LEW 2059.702 LEW 2072.424 LEW 2078.022 LEW 2091.385 LEW 2110.951 LEW 2123.214 LEW 2145.681 LEW 2159.859 LEW 2182.713 LEW 2211.234 LEW 2229.283 LEW 2250.308 LEW 2276.365 XS10 2289.696 LEW 2307.942 LEW 2324.089 LEW 2335.793 LEW 2351.644 LEW 2383.071 LEW 2383.244 LEW 2396.464 LEW 2418.047 LEW 2431.466 LEW 2441.909 LEW 2449.112 LEW 2459.405 LEW 2475.421 LEW 2499.742 LEW 2520.676 LEW 2537.988 LEW 2548.291 LEW 2574.479 LEW 2586.154 LEW 2600.769 LEW 2628.862 LEW 2643.118 LEW 2663.683 LEW 2673.994 LEW 2690.533 LEW 2717.576 LEW 2731.92 LEW 2736.244 XSll 2760.776 LEW 2781.803 LEW 2803.375 LEW 2827.604 LEW 2838.229 LEW 2842.274 LEW 2851.658 LEW 2875.263 LEW 2893.745 LEW 2913.325 LEW 2944.446 LEW 2955.818 LEW 2969.978 LEW - TW Intersect @ station 2276.365 - TW Intersect @ station 2736.244 2985.795 LEW 3010.951 LEW 3045.08 LEW 3062.681 LEW 3072.627 LEW 3104.016 LEW 3114.565 LEW 3118.732 x512 3127.227 LEW 3157.894 LEW 3187.889 LEW 3215.466 LEW 3239.237 LEW 3250.73 LEW 3275.28 LEW 3288.604 LEW 3294.277 LEW 3305.386 LEW 3326.752 LEW 3344.049 LEW 3354.153 LEW 3374.329 LEW 3385.978 LEW 3399.487 LEW 3416.719 LEW 3437.443 LEW 3452.102 LEW 3473.861 LEW 3491.885 LEW 3509.476 LEW - TW Intersect @ station 3118.732 0 In 1 O O O /F- ♦� v! W O I..V 0) C O J Q M I` cu Q� (11) UOIILDAG13 O O in 0 0 v 0 0 c7 O N ¢=O a` + 0 m of Q o macro Y oy + J In • Q N 'w0 00 ra + 0 m tT Q o (Dc�o J ri) Q � i cc_ O O °ao � o1Q o (DcHo o J - t n E co (D L in 0) U C cz cn CO cr 0 m J O LL o Y m U) 0 2 U 0 RIVERMORPH PROFILE SUMMARY River Name: Little white oak Creek (Year 3) Reach Name: RlA Profile Name: (Year 3) RlA Long. Profile (STA 0 +00 -- 5 +00) survey Date: 11/19/2010 survey Data DIST CH WS BKF LB RB ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 891.031 0 891.923 1.708 891.969 1.981 891.848 7.68 891.679 7.914 891.196 15.958 891.163 16.377 890.742 16.413 891.585 25.373 891.802 30.573 891.491 31.022 890.633 38.612 891.226 43.97 890.983 43.97 891.344 57.889 890.848 57.99 890.306 71.795 890.764 72.169 890.278 73.443 891.246 75.74 890.665 76.85 890.311 86.944 890.193 87.342 890.634 101.945 889.945 102.077 890.52 104.65 890.499 109.576 890.367 109.718 889.73 110.019 890.701 122.553 889.806 122.553 890.369 124.074 890.576 129.57 889.805 129.996 890.33 136.799 890.267 137.654 890.346 140.204 890.088 140.369 889.839 158.516 889.471 158.516 889.16 169.72 889.439 171.677 889.175 171.734 888.828 171.812 888.832 171.812 889.755 182.697 888.932 182.929 888.646 190.749 888.504 190.909 888.923 191.852 202.444 888.327 202.658 888.759 214.484 888.669 214.788 888.308 220.703 888.549 220.809 888.083 228.791 888.547 228.992 888.448 232.645 233.196 888.324 233.551 888.095 239.423 244.691 887.633 244.691 888.038 250.239 251.685 887.554 251.752 888.003 253.563 259.325 887.884 259.455 887.529 270.227 887.392 270.227 887.86 279.427 887.408 279.681 887.867 282.454 290.354 290.354 887.388 290.422 887.785 298.923 887.188 299.12 887.8 300.881 308.888 309.553 887.482 309.868 887.087 321.172 323.408 887.153 323.408 323.663 887.454 332.817 333.892 887.122 333.892 887.376 342.382 343.13 887.331 343.41 886.866 343.704 350.321 350.339 887.272 350.592 886.8 351.735 355.896 886.748 356.269 887.243 361.464 887.259 361.855 886.521 366.475 886.704 366.475 366.619 887.189 371.55 887.004 371.921 887.225 375.594 886.915 887.212 387.527 886.617 389.255 887.001 396.265 400.128 886.989 400.306 886.43 404.088 889.348 888.785 888.832 ::: 888.465 888.41 888.222 888.379 887.877 887.705 887.871 887.603 887.771 888.02 887.716 888.001 887.924 887.762 887.579 887.62 887.523 it 413.779 886.671 414.072 Min Avg 886.97 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- S riffle 414.512 0 0 887.739 422.017 886.547 0 S run 422.232 0 886.962 S glide 431.165 886.423 0 P- P 431.681 0 886.936 Pool length 442.419 0 886.931 Riffle length 442.419 886.611 0 Dmax riffle 451.303 0 0 887.529 451.303 886.428 0 Dmax run 451.535 0 886.776 Dmax glide 454.111 0 0 887.424 458.29 0 886.836 Length and depth 458.514 886.618 feet, slopes in ft /ft. 0 470.75 886.78 470.794 886.621 PROFILE SUMMARY 479.978 887.247 480.054 886.706 480.582 886.444 481.969 887.091 488.069 886.214 488.069 887.198 488.369 886.51 490.847 887.023 496.328 885.927 496.393 886.462 500.621 886.84 501.622 886.499 501.747 886.795 501.747 886.105 cross Section / Bank Profile Locations Name Type Profile Station ---------------------------------------------------------------------- (Year 3) cross Section 13 - Riffle (R1A)Riffle XS 375 Measurements from Graph Bankfull Slope: 0 variable Min Avg Max ---------------------------------------------------------------------- S riffle 0 0 0 S pool 0 0 0 S run 0 0 0 S glide 0 0 0 P- P 0 0 0 Pool length 0 0 0 Riffle length 0 0 0 Dmax riffle 0 0 0 Dmax pool 0 0 0 Dmax run 0 0 0 Dmax glide 0 0 0 Low bank ht 0 0 0 Length and depth measurements in feet, slopes in ft /ft. 0 RIVERMORPH PROFILE SUMMARY Notes River Name: Little white oak creek (Year 3) Reach Name: RlA Profile Name: (Year 3) RlA Survey Date: 11/19/2010 DIST Note 0 LEW 7.68 LEW 16.413 LEW 30.573 LEW - 43.97 LEW 57.889 LEW 71.795 LEW 87.342 LEW 102.077 LEW 109.576 LEW 122.553 LEW 129.996 LEW 140.204 LEW 158.516 LEW 171.677 LEW 171.734 LEW 182.697 LEW 190.909 LEW 202.658 LEW 214.484 LEW 220.703 LEW 228.791 LEW 233.196 LEW ,244.691 LEW 251.752 LEW 259.325 LEW 270.227 LEW 279.681 LEW 290.422 LEW 299.12 LEW 309.553 LEW 323.663 LEW 333.892 LEW 343.13 LEW 350.339 LEW 356.269 LEW 361.464 LEW 366.619 LEW 371.921 LEW 375.594 xS13 389.255 LEW 400.128 LEW 414.072 LEW 422.232 LEW 431.681 LEW 442.419 LEW 451.535 LEW 458.29 LEW 470.75 LEW 480.054 LEW 488.369 LEW 496.393 LEW 501.622 LEW Long. Profile (STA 0 +00 -- 5 +00) - TW Intersect @ station 375.594 W LO 1 M r U') F- U) W O /1 .0) c O J N M (4) UOIIEn813 0 0 co v O 0 In v 0 0 v v 0 0 O V O O d' O O V O O co O 0 m M O O r- co O (O M O O LO co O O M 0 M M 0 O N M 0 0 co O O co 00 rn N O co N to0 0 N O O N N O O N m co 2 + Nd N(O } o ~Ln d O � Q. Ln Y o UJ N co 62 0- (D oF� z_c C CTJ m 0 ca CD U c m cn m Q o m J U- Y m U) O U RIVERMORPH PROFILE SUMMARY River Name: Little white oak creek (Year 3) Reach Name: R2 Profile Name: (Year 3) R2 Long. Profile (STA 25 +13 -- 45 +60) Survey Date: 11/19/2010 Survey Data DIST CH wS BKF LB RB ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 2513 869.834 2513 870.991 2513 873.449 2513.334 872.486 2525.359 868.714 2525.359 872.267 2526.388 871.11 2527.778 872.452 2549.761 873.389 2552.838 871.178 2553.774 873.623 2553.774 869.284 2583.918 873.226 2586.041 871.057 2587.715 873.685 2587.715 869.373 2604.391 869.666 2604.391 871.036 2604.391 873.645 2608.619 873.063 2642.347 870.064 870.82 873.271 873.735 2677.993 872.553 2679.808 870.972 2682.045 869.531 2682.045 873.427 2714.73 873.528 2718.491 870.939 2721.168 869.34 2721.168 873.262 2747.834 873.35 2749.053 869.418 2752.321 870.974 2756.056 873.597 2778.865 873.727 2790.25 869.56 2790.25 873.515 2829.386 869.573 2829.386 873.211 2833.032 870.798 2837.068 873.13 2855.351 873.431 2858.942 870.805 2860.518 869.463 2861.693 873.168 2888.819 873.148 2892.536 870.836 2892.536 869.742 2892.536 873.183 2919.333 870.84 2919.333 872.932 2919.333 2924.183 2944.19 2945.328 2947.401 2947.401 2975.615 2975.615 2978.878 2982.37 2997.657 3000.958 3000.958 3000.958 3027.106 3028.587 3031.836 3031.836 3064.177 3065.68 3067.691 3073.355 3116.413 3120.726 3127.972 3132.029 3132.029 3165.554 3166.929 3168.003 3168.003 3198.711 3199.076 3199.606 3202.861 3222.49 3233.357 3233.357 3233.443 3253.525 3253.525 3253.525 3256.577 3269.67 3270.945 3274.526 3274.526 3298.641 3308.111 3308.111 3308.111 3342.062 3345.168 3345.168 3345.168 3390.501 3394.136 3394.888 3395.849 3428.742 3432.977 3436.213 3436.213 3455.756 3455.756 3458.349 870.686 869.494 869.375 870.55 869.341 870.655 870.662 869.294 869.473 870.664 869.159 870.547 870.617 869.311 870.388 869.715 870.282 868.949 868.752 870.351 870.41 868.395 E :% IWWOI 868.707 870.397 870.335 870.332 869.341 868.305 869.795 868.416 868.06 869.792 869.584 872.579 872.94 872.929 873.106 873.921 873.299 873.064 872.546 872.635 872.755 873.324 872.669 873.121 872.921 872.789 872.625 873.17 873.036 872.787 872.781 872.403 872.948 872.862 872.077 872.749 872.181 872.391 872.488 872.619 872.885 872.185 872.231 872.716 872.669 3463.281 872.069 3477.905 872.516 3482.549 869.67 3484.654 868.265 3486.48 872.236 3502.164 872.278 3502.837 868.591 3506.463 869.613 3509.923 872.371 3540.131 868.637 3540.131 872.574 3540.774 869.636 3541.816 872.046 3581.253 872.043 3581.253 868.705 3581.253 869.727 3585.959 871.885 3624.362 868.063 869.607 872.018 872.127 3645.959 871.547 3651.414 869.315 3656.305 871.843 3656.305 867.927 3689.642 871.02 3690.402 869.437 3691.864 871.684 3691.864 868.289 3733.507 870.489 3734.503 868.412 3735.27 869.454 3736.937 871.895 3771.204 871.766 3773.433 869.284 3775.022 866.773 3775.022 871.661 3796.58 871.764 3796.58 868.033 3800.99 869.334 3809.61 871.827 3842.045 871.697 3846.422 867.239 3849.396 869.245 3851.776 871.856 3852.542 871.853 3854.614 869.314 3857.782 871.512 3857.782 867.277 3886.202 871.72 3886.202 868.41 3886.202 869.371 3888.625 871.782 3921.127 871.815 3924.98 871.673 3924.98 868.049 3926.432 869.274 3950.133 870.699 3952.234 869.105 3953.942 865.614 3955.797 871.768 3979.903 870.605 3980.057 869.19 3981.014 868.189 3981.014 871.853 4009.738 867.862 4009.738 871.625 4011.842 869.03 4013.261 870.474 4040.612 871.493 4040.612 868.084 4043.542 869.006 4043.822 871.477 4072.772 868.001 868.886 872.203 871.526 4107.045 871.547 4110.32 868.977 4113.538 871.162 4113.538 868.109 4130.595 871.303 4135.158 868.955 4138.885 867.348 4138.885 871.065 4163.484 871.002 4164.621 868.919 4168.007 871.24 4168.097 867.176 4193.703 870.536 4195.382 868.802 4201.098 870.931 4201.098 867.098 4233.983 871.422 4233.983 867.989 4236.78 868.816 4240.742 871.06 4262.379 870.961 4262.532 867.981 4263.523 868.825 4264.793 871.074 4288.229 871.215 4294.065 868.85 4294.065 867.828 4294.754 870.832 4310.311 866.952 4310.311 870.62 4312.926 868.862 4315.98 870.448 4340.014 870.991 4344.36 868.716 4348.44 870.645 4348.44 867.422 4374.905 867.622 4374.905 870.753 4379.912 868.662 4383.567 870.753 4420.003 871.019 4421.208 867.867 4421.478 868.792 4423.441 870.937 4437.49 870.54 4440.355 868.764 4443.529 870.246 4443.529 867.111 4466.365 867.33 4466.365 870.541 4470.793 868.758 4474.168 870.59 4504.463 868.743 4509.442 870.582 4509.442 867.319 4521.913 870.741 4525.447 867.468 868.606 870.689 871.075 4564.219 867.323 4564.219 868.605 4564.219 870.789 4571.201 871.533 4577.503 870.379 4580.146 867.877 4580.146 871.322 4580.146 868.61 4599.377 870.641 4602.905 867.937 868.561 869.592 Cross Section / Bank Profile Locations Name Min Avg Max ---------------------------------------------------------------------- S riffle Type Profile Station ---------------------------------------------------------------------- (Year 3) Cross section 1 - Riffle (R2)Riffle xS 2642 (Year 3) Cross Section 3 - Pool (R2)Pool XS 3116 (Year 3) Cross Section 2 - Pool (R2)Pool XS 3624 (Year 3) Cross section 4 - Riffle (R2)Riffle XS 4072 (Year 3) Cross Section 5 - Pool (R2)Pool XS 4525 Measurements from Graph Bankfull Slope: 0.00116 Variable Min Avg Max ---------------------------------------------------------------------- S riffle 0.00314 0.00568 0.01194 S pool 0 0 0 S run 0 0 0 S glide 0 0 0 P - P 61.25 129.41 200.08 Pool length 20.42 35.18 65.33 Riffle length 22.46 32.26 38.79 Dmax riffle 0 0 0 Dmax pool 0 0 0 Dmax run 0 0 0 Dmax glide 0 0 0 Low bank ht 0 0 0 Length and depth measurements in feet, slopes in ft /ft. 0 RIVERMORPH PROFILE SUMMARY Notes River Name: Little white Oak Creek (Year 3) Reach Name: R2 Profile Name: (Year 3) R2 Long. Profile (STA 25 +13 -- 45 +60) Survey Date: 11/19/2010 DIST Note ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 2513 LEW 2526.388 LEW 2552.838 LEW 2586.041 LEW 2604.391 LEW 2642.347 XS1 - TW Intersect @ station 2642 2679.808 LEW 2718.491 LEW 2752.321 LEW 2833.032 LEW 2858.942 LEW 2892.536 LEW 2919.333 LEW 2945.328 LEW 2978.878 LEW 3000.958 LEW 3028.587 LEW 3067.691 LEW 3116.413 XS2 - Tw Intersect @ station 3116 3127.972 LEW 3166.929 LEW 3199.076 LEW 3233.443 LEW 3253.525 LEW 3270.945 LEW 3308.111 LEW 3345.168 LEW 3394.888 LEW 3432.977 LEW 3458.349 LEW 3482.549 LEW 3506.463 LEW 3540.774 LEW 3581.253 LEW 3624.362 XS3 - Tw Intersect @ station 3624 3651.414 LEW 3690.402 LEW 3735.27 LEW 3773.433 LEW 3800.99 LEW 3849.396 LEW 3854.614 LEW 3886.202 LEW 3926.432 LEW 3952.234 LEW 3980.057 LEW 4011.842 LEW 4043.542 LEW 4072.772 XS4 - Tw Intersect @ station 4072 4110.32 LEW 4135.158 LEW 4164.621 LEW 4195.382 LEW 4236.78 LEW 4263.523 LEW 4294.065 LEW 4312.926 LEW 4344.36 LEW 4379.912 LEW 4421.478 LEW 4440.355 LEW 4470.793 LEW 4504.463 LEW 4525.447 XS5 - Tw Intersect @ station 4525 4564.219 LEW 4580.146 LEW � N + M O O + O � Cc/) m O � � � O J Q N cr- Cyr) cz ¢ � )uq O CD Rl «e. § ScN t\ \/ Mk/ 723 t\\/ k2 Cc c: \ \ k a. E ca 2 � 2 § 2 ¢ co D � M o • k U) 0 § RIVERMORPH PROFILE SUMMARY River Name: Little white oak Creek (Year 3) Reach Name: R2A Profile Name: (Year 3) R2A Long. Profile (STA 0 +00 -- 3 +26) survey Date: 01/19/2011 Survey Data DIST CH WS BKF LB RB ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 874.449 0 877.113 0.157 876.887 0.295 876.057 10.55 876.823 10.946 877.378 11.503 875.005 11.661 876.118 21.753 876.805 22.299 875.125 22.299 876.082 25.484 877.149 40.891 875.987 41.93 876.948 41.93 874.902 46.612 876.948 49.095 876.987 51.277 875.185 51.943 876.034 52.155 877.117 63.589 875.917 63.589 874.891 63.589 876.97 66.304 877 76.745 876.667 78.276 875.656 79.771 874.507 79.8 876.884 87.47 874.113 87.47 877.002 88.148 875.655 90.897 876.906 94.397 876.641 94.698 874.161 94.981 875.666 100.241 875.45 100.241 876.291 100.241 874.1 103.015 876.66 124.478 873.818 874.927 875.912 876.191 142.082 873.715 142.082 876.08 142.505 874.481 143.171 875.86 151.53 875.819 155.677 873.147 155.677 874.406 155.677 875.664 168.355 874.164 168.842 876.007 168.842 872.893 170.417 0 875.569 182.4 873.356 Max ---------------------------------------------------------------------- S riffle 0 182.497 0 874.093 0 0 182.515 S run 0 0 875.342 183.511 0 0 875.342 P- P 197.549 0 0 875.467 0 198.161 0 874.248 0 0 198.534 872.818 0 0 0 198.534 875.112 211.425 875.268 214.915 872.712 215.015 874.771 215.667 873.974 226.177 873.716 226.177 874.65 226.177 872.577 230.893 874.84 241.876 874.365 243.176 873.25 243.912 874.319 243.912 872.369 256.015 874.317 258.712 871.94 , 259.488 873.179 260.368 874.021 270.245 874.202 273.906 872.237 273.906 873.882 274.558 287.185 873.687 287.745 872.357 287.856 872.627 289.079 874.319 297.85 871.834 297.85 873.396 298.306 873.641 298.484 872.744 310.486 870.873 311.484 872.462 315.204 874.69 316.786 873.868 317.284 873.861 318.497 871.367 Cross Section / Bank Profile Locations Name Type Profile Station ---------------------------------------------------------------------- (Year 3) Cross Section 6 - Riffle (R2A)Riffle XS 124 Measurements from Graph Bankfull slope: 0 variable Min Avg Max ---------------------------------------------------------------------- S riffle 0 0 0 S pool 0 0 0 S run 0 0 0 S glide 0 0 0 P- P 0 0 0 Pool length 0 0 0 Riffle length 0 0 0 Amax riffle 0 0 0 Dmax pool 0 0 0 Dmax run 0 0 0 Dmax glide 0 0 0 Low bank ht 0 0 0 Length and depth measurements in feet, slopes in ft /ft. D XS6 - TW Intersect @ station 124.478 142.505 LEW 155.677 LEW RIVERMORPH PROFILE SUMMARY Notes River Name: Little white oak Creek (Year 3) Reach Name: R2A Profile Name: (Year 3) R2A Long. Profile (STA 0 +00 -- 3 +26) Survey Date: 01/19/2011 DIST Note 0.295 LEW 11.661 LEW 22.299 LEW 40.891 LEW 51.943 LEW 63.589 LEW 78.276 LEW 88.148 LEW 94.981 LEW 100.241 LEW 124.478 XS6 - TW Intersect @ station 124.478 142.505 LEW 155.677 LEW 168.355 LEW 182.497 LEW 198.161 LEW 215.667 LEW 226.177 LEW 243.176 LEW 259.488 LEW 274.558 LEW 287.856 LEW 298.484 LEW 311.484 LEW 00 T LO M a U) O L c C O J m N M L cz a) w 0 L O< O (14) UOIILIAG13 O O O r O O 0 N 0 0 m 0) i Ir O m N R f0 p) Q 000 • me 07 IZ O m ^a + rnF `m M. o dc + } J T m N N m = m ° a rn mc of Q oo d cF + J m E co CD co 0) C ca Qi U C � o m J <L Y m O D. O O In O 2 U Cl rn Go RIVERMORPH PROFILE SUMMARY River Name: Little White Oak Creek (Year 2) Reach Name: R2B Profile Name: (Year 2) R2B Long. Profile (STA 9 +35 -- 14 +86) survey Date: 11/18/2009 Survey Data DIST CH WS BKF LB RB P3 P4 924.61 877.23 924.61 878.28 924.61 877.98 925.679 878.11 933.761 877.87 935.004 877.49 935.004 878.13 936.758 878.45 941.173 878.31 943.268 877.58 943.795 877.79 945.385 877.7 945.857 877.43 953.135 878.64 955.511 878.3 958.117 877.31 958.58 876.96 965.379 878.43 967.252 876.81 968.21 877.26 972.1 878.17 973.197 878.17 976.199 877.17 977.147 876.99 981.288 878.19 987.126 877.99 988.087 877.06 988.183 876.57 990.685 877.66 998.28 877 998.579 876.49 998.862 877.44 1002.065 877.58 1007.894 877.52 1008.257 876.98 1008.503 876.63 1015.368 876.87 1016.127 876.55 1016.51 877.37 1017.003 877.59 1028.669 876.51 1028.721 876.23 1028.721 876.96 1034.535 877.52 1035.896 876.34 1036.589 876.22 1042.318 876.98 1044.857 876.84 1044.857 875.75 1045.16 875.98 1051.886 876.43 1052.112 875.8 1053.059 875.62 1054.044 876.51 1064.07 876.46 1064.07 875.41 1064.171 875.77 1065.01 876.91 1076.668 876 1080.245 875.41 1080.245 876.07 1080.245 875.59 1092.231 876.05 1095.112 874.78 1095.112 875.79 1095.191 875.25 1104.18 876.21 1104.557 875.11 1106.005 874.66 1106.005 875.65 1118.173 875.13 1118.173 876.46 1118.173 874.53 1121.504 876.08 1125.567 876.12 1129.724 876.07 1129.724 874.5 1129.724 875 1137.277 876.03 1138.117 874.82 1138.117 874.44 1139.334 875.92 1149.049 875.7 1150.107 874.37 1151.385 874.71 1151.478 875.74 1163.11 875.23 1164.93 874.67 1169.904 874.07 1169.904 875.28 1177.929 874.63 1179.61 875.21 1179.841 874.18 1183.142 875.2 1192.223 874.81 1192.323 874.52 1193.25 874.1 1193.729 875.01 1206.618 874.93 1207.98 873.86 1208.38 875.04 1209.471 874.23 1217.616 873.71 1217.616 875.11 1217.616 874.18 1219.635 874.8 1229.62 874.12 1229.62 874.4 1229.62 873.93 1230.876 874.46 1242.49 874.17 1243.605 873.43 1243.605 873.17 1243.605 874.12 1254.865 873.36 1255.71 873.95 1255.71 872.9 1256.951 873.96 1263.43 873.97 1263.43 872.89 1265.268 873.26 1268.413 873.9 1269.283 873.99 1278.311 873.7 1279.697 873.1 1279.798 873.67 1279.798 872.84 1295.728 872.79 1297.505 873.28 1297.505 872.21 1301.036 873.64 1311.743 873.3 1315.122 873.37 1315.122 872.44 1315.142 872.73 1328.975 871.88 872.14 872.73 872.71 1340.098 872.87 1340.623 871.84 1341.215 872.04 1342.305 872.59 1349.141 872.9 1349.141 871.48 1349.81 871.64 1352.01 872.45 1360.588 871.05 1360.958 870.88 1361.215 871.76 1361.74 871.94 1375.751 870.08 1375.751 871.29 1376.583 870.45 1377.717 871.61 1386.652 871.49 1389.809 870.9 1390.288 870.56 1390.288 869.99 1401.083 870.1 1401.288 870.95 1401.304 870.26 1404.106 871.14 1413.858 870.78 1415.061 870.09 1415.603 869.51 1415.603 870.87 1425.579 870.98 1428.077 869.21 1433.106 870.54 1433.565 869.92 1442.854 870 1443.387 869.34 1446.568 870.34 1448.881 870.02 1468.562 870.52 1470.06 870.02 1470.809 868.95 870.15 1476.969 866.12 cross section / Bank Profile Locations Name Type Profile Station ---------------------------------------------------------------------- (Year 2) cross Section 7 - Riffle (R2B)Riffle xS 1328 Measurements from Graph Bankfull slope: 0.01641 Variable Min Avg Max ---------------------------------------------------------------------- S riffle 0.01252 0.03485 0.04758 S pool 0 0 0 S run 0 0 0 S glide 0 0 0 P - P 30.37 42.24 55.12 Pool length 13.5 17.51 23.62 Riffle length 5.06 7.76 10.69 Dmax riffle 0 0 0 Dmax pool 0 0 0 Dmax run 0 0 0 Dmax glide 0 0 0 Low bank ht 0 0 0 Length and depth measurements in feet, slopes in ft /ft. 0 REW 1243.605 REW RIVERMORPH PROFILE SUMMARY Notes River Name: Little white oak Creek (Year 2) Reach Name: R2B Profile Name: (Year 2) R2B Long. Profile (STA 9 +35 -- 14 +86) survey Date: 11/18/2009 DIST Note ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 924.61 REW 933.761 REW 943.795 REW 945.385 REW 958.117 REW 968.21 REW 976.199 REW 988.087 REW 998.28 REW 1008.257 REW 1015.368 REW 1028.669 REW 1035.896 REW 1045.16 REW 1052.112 REW 1064.171 REW 1080.245 REW 1095.191 REW 1104.557 REW 1118.173 REW 1129.724 REW 1138.117 REW 1151.385 REW 1164.93 REW 1177.929 REW 1192.323 REW 1209.471 REW 1217.616 REW 1229.62 REW 1243.605 REW 1254.865 REW 1265.268 REW 1279.697 REW 1295.728 REW 1315.142 REW 1328.975 XS7 1341.215 REW 1349.81 REW 1360.588 REW 1376.583 REW 1390.288 REW 1401.304 REW 1415.061 REW 1433.565 REW 1448.881 REW 1470.06 REW - TW Intersect @ station 1328 AV I 1 1 1 �M W N Q F- N O 1` CL C O J N Cl) L cz 04 O O♦ a d 1` W n W (14) UOIIEA913 0 0 0 0 n° O O (D O 0 LO 0 0 a> I ¢ 'a Op N (L N _ N C U U) I } J I + • O co N p� 3— O N _ 6 O 000 O IL N % O ~ + E co m L cn 0) c 0 a) U C fib m 6 ¢ 0 m J LL Y m O � O C.) m 3 0 x U • 0 0 N O 00 co RIVERMORPH PROFILE SUMMARY River Name: Little white Oak Creek (Year 3) Reach Name: R2D Profile Name: (Year 3) R2D Long. Profile (STA 2 +84 -- 7 +79) Survey Date: 11/19/2010 Survey Data DIST CH WS BKF LB RB ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 276.5 869.371 276.5 869.996 276.5 870.904 278.759 870.852 290.016 869.607 869.955 870.488 870.636 298.559 870.704 299.905 870.437 300.239 869.908 300.403 869.442 308.902 868.723 308.902 870.213 310.758 869.863 313.312 870.753 330.559 870.763 331.716 869.782 331.788 869.502 333.038 870.751 347.678 870.301 347.678 868.804 348.118 869.751 349.219 870.109 359.131 868.952 359.131 870.006 359.331 869.696 364.333 870.502 376.003 870.043 378.023 869.656 378.144 869.222 378.555 869.92 391.534 869.874 393.84 868.909 393.84 869.938 394.041 869.243 404.799 869.688 405.936 869.106 - 406.049 869.602 406.049 868.794 418.274 868.567 418.274 869.637 418.416 868.946 419.683 869.346 433.053 869.48 437.601 867.923 437.601 869.187 437.673 868.59 448.187 869.046 448.761 868.599 448.889 868.017 449.95 869.105 461.898 868.048 462.023 868.389 462.084 868.811 464.746 869.129 471.737 868.989 471.737 867.863 471.799 868.157 473.926 868.74 480.264 868.824 483.534 867.992 483.878 868.753 483.878 867.287 495.885 867.808 495.885 867.491 496.197 868.475 497.293 868.629 511.558 868.23 511.558 867.287 511.634 867.61 513.324 868.024 520.661 868.066 521.71 867.108 521.856 867.829 521.856 866.796 535.383 866.514 535.383 867.367 535.797 866.774 537.972 868.134 547.702 866.875 548.054 867.459 548.054 866.755 550.099 867.733 554.242 867.526 554.557 866.237 554.665 865.293 555.219 867.722 561.849 867.544 563.333 865.254 563.375 866.231 563.415 867.23 563.834 867.36 567.536 866.2 569.477 865.658 569.477 867.41 569.477 867.076 573.034 865.76 573.317 866.155 587.857 866.507 588.3 866.777 588.409 866.013 588.608 865.736 609.591 865.662 609.695 865.878 609.695 865.387 614.734 866.132 625.257 866.12 628.543 866.089 628.543 865.502 628.543 865.186 638.94 865.484 639.359 866.028 639.366 865.176 641.905 865.989 646.268 865.513 646.588 865.894 647.413 865.026 648.452 866.046 659.331 Min Avg 865.415 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- S riffle 0 659.44 865.057 S pool 0 0 659.44 S run 0 866.13 0 662.366 0 0 0 865.968 669.849 0 0 865.786 0 670.5 865.002 Riffle length 0 0 670.708 Amax riffle 865.173 0 0 670.894 0 0 0 865.845 682.312 0 0 Amax glide 866.044 682.312 864.159 Low bank ht 0 0 682.611 Length and depth 864.87 measurements in feet, slopes in ft /ft. 686.193 866.009 696.493 RIVERMORPH PROFILE SUMMARY 865.779 697.906 864.556 698.017 864.744 699.132 865.719 711.112 865.364 712.439 864.477 712.439 865.333 712.511 864.554 722.905 865.233 722.905 864.083 723.453 864.45 724.203 865.338 732.937 864.799 732.954 865.237 733.409 864.081 733.508 864.222 735.848 865.483 736.136 862.683 736.201 863.704 736.419 864.963 742.222 865.424 747.982 865.428 748.193 863.155 863.496 cross section / Bank Profile Locations Name Type Profile Station ---------------------------------------------------------------------- (Year 3) Cross Section 8 - Riffle (R2o)Riffle XS 335 Measurements from Graph Bankfull Slope: 0 Variable Min Avg Max ---------------------------------------------------------------------- S riffle 0 0 0 S pool 0 0 0 S run 0 0 0 S glide 0 0 0 P- P 0 0 0 Pool length 0 0 0 Riffle length 0 0 0 Amax riffle 0 0 0 Amax pool 0 0 0 Amax run 0 0 0 Amax glide 0 0 0 Low bank ht 0 0 0 Length and depth measurements in feet, slopes in ft /ft. 0 RIVERMORPH PROFILE SUMMARY Notes River Name: Little white Oak creek (Year 3) Reach Name: R2D Profile Name: (Year 3) R2D Long. Profile (STA 2 +84 -- 7 +79) S Survey Date: 11/19/2010 DIST Note 276.5 LEW 290.016 xS8 - Tw Intersect @ station 290 300.239 LEW 310.758 LEW 331.716 LEW 348.118 LEW 359.331 LEW 378.023 LEW 394.041 LEW 405.936 LEW 418.416 LEW 437.673 LEW 448.761 LEW 462.023 LEW 471.799 LEW 483.534 LEW 495.885 LEW 511.634 LEW 521.71 LEW 535.797 LEW 547.702 LEW 554.557 LEW 563.375 LEW 567.536 LEW 573.317 LEW 588.409 LEW 609.591 LEW 628.543 LEW 638.94 LEW 646.268 LEW 659.331 LEW 670.708 LEW 682.611 LEW 698.017 LEW 712.511 LEW 723.453 LEW 733.508 LEW 736.201 LEW L O) C U- C: N U i U d (Year 3) R1 Reachwide Pebble Count 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Particle Size (mm) ♦ (Year 3) R1 Reachwide Pebble Count (PC) ♦ (Year 0) R1 Reachwide Pebble Count (PC) ♦ (Year 1) R1 Reachwide Pebble Count (PC) • (Year 2) Rt Reachwide Pebble Count (PC) River Name: Reach Name: Sample Name: Survey Date: Size (mm) RIVERMORPH PARTICLE SUMMARY Little white R1 (Year 3) R1 11/03/2010 Oak Creek (Year 3) Reachwide Pebble Count TOT # ITEM % CUM 0 - 0.062 24 23.53 23.53 0.062 - 0.125 1 0.98 24.51 0.125 - 0.25 9 8.82 33.33 0.25 - 0.50 14 13.73 47.06 0.50 - 1.0 13 12.75 59.80 1.0 - 2.0 17 16.67 76.47 2.0 - 4.0 1 0.98 77.45 4.0 - 5.7 4 3.92 81.37 5.7 - 8.0 6 5.88 87.25 8.0 - 11.3 6 5.88 93.14 11.3 - 16.0 4 3.92 97.06 16.0 - 22.6 3 2.94 100.00 22.6 - 32.0 0 0.00 100.00 32 - 45 0 0.00 100.00 45 - 64 0 0.00 100.00 64 - 90 0 0.00 100.00 90 - 128 0 0.00 100.00 128 - 180 0 0.00 100.00 180 - 256 0 0.00 100.00 256 - 362 0 0.00 100.00 362 - 512 0 0.00 100.00 512 - 1024 0 0.00 100.00 1024 - 2048 0 0.00 100.00 Bedrock 0 0.00 100.00 D16 (mm) 0.04 D35 (mm) 0.28 D50 (mm) 0.62 D84 (mm) 6.73 D95 (mm) 13.53 D100 (mm) 22.6 Silt /Clay (%) 23.53 Sand (%) 52.94 Gravel (%) 23.53 cobble (%) 0 Boulder (%) 0 Bedrock ( %) 0 Total Particles = 102. RIVERMORPH PARTICLE SUMMARY River Name: Little white oak Creek (Year 3) Reach Name: RlA Sample Name: (Year 3) RlA Reachwide Pebble Count Survey Date: 11/03/2010 Size (mm) TOT # ITEM % CUM ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 - 0.062 39 78.00 78.00 0.062 - 0.125 0 0.00 78.00 0.125 - 0.25 5 10.00 88.00 0.25 - 0.50 3 6.00 94.00 0.50 - 1.0 1 2.00 96.00 1.0 - 2.0 2 4.00 100.00 2.0 - 4.0 0 0.00 100.00 4.0 - 5.7 0 0.00 100.00 5.7 - 8.0 0 0.00 100.00 8.0 - 11.3 0 0.00 100.00 11.3 - 16.0 0 0.00 100.00 16.0 - 22.6 0 0.00 100.00 22.6 - 32.0 0 0.00 100.00 32 - 45 0 0.00 100.00 45 - 64 0 0.00 100.00 64 - 90 0 0.00 100.00 90 - 128 0 0.00 100.00 128 - 180 0 0.00 100.00 180 - 256 0 0.00 100.00 256 - 362 0 0.00 100.00 362 - 512 0 0.00 100.00 512 - 1024 0 0.00 100.00 1024 - 2048 0 0.00 100.00 Bedrock 0 0.00 100.00 D16 (mm) 0.01 D35 (mm) 0.03 D50 (mm) 0.04 D84 (mm) 0.2 D95 (mm) 0.75 D100 (mm) 2 silt /Clay ( %) 78 sand ( %) 22 Gravel (%) 0 Cobble (%) 0 Boulder (%) 0 Bedrock (%) 0 Total Particles = 50 (need at least 60). L U C LL C U L ^CD I - (Year 3) R2 Reachwide Pebble Count Particle Size (mm) ♦ (Year 3) R2 Reachwide Pebble Count (PC) ♦ (Year 0) R2 Reachwide Pebble Count (PC) ♦ (Year 1) R2 Reachwide Pebble Count (PC) • (Year 2) R2 Reachwide Pebble Count (PC) RIVERMORPH PARTICLE SUMMARY River Name: Little white Oak Creek (Year 3) Reach Name: R2 sample Name: (Year 3) R2 Reachwide Pebble count Survey Date: 11/03/2010 Size (mm) TOT # ITEM % CUM --------------------------------------------------- 0 - 0.062 19 19.00 19.00 0.062 - 0.125 4 4.00 23.00 0.125 - 0.25 10 10.00 33.00 0.25 - 0.50 21 21.00 54.00 0.50 - 1.0 11 11.00 65.00 1.0 - 2.0 11 11.00 76.00 2.0 - 4.0 3 3.00 79.00 4.0 - 5.7 5 5.00 84.00 5.7 - 8.0 4 4.00 88.00 8.0 - 11.3 5 5.00 93.00 11.3 - 16.0 4 4.00 97.00 16.0 - 22.6 1 1.00 98.00 22.6 - 32.0 2 2.00 100.00 32 - 45 0 0.00 100.00 45 - 64 0 0.00 100.00 64 - 90 0 0.00 100.00 90 - 128 0 0.00 100.00 128 - 180 0 0.00 100.00 180 - 256 0 0.00 100.00 256 - 362 0 0.00 100.00 362 - 512 0 0.00 100.00 512 - 1024 0 0.00 100.00 1024 - 2048 0 0.00 100.00 Bedrock 0 0.00 100.00 D16 (mm) 0.05 D35 (mm) 0.27 D50 (mm) 0.45 D84 (mm) 5.7 D95 (mm) 13.65 D100 (mm) 32 Silt /Clay ( %) 19 sand (%) 57 Gravel ( %) 24 cobble (%) 0 Boulder (%) 0 Bedrock (%) 0 Total Particles = 100. N C IL C U (Year 3) R2A Reachwide Pebble Count Particle Size (mm) ♦ (Year 3) R2A Reachwide Pebble Count (PC) ♦ (Year 0) R2A Reachwide Pebble Count (PC) ♦ (Year 1) R2A Reachwide Pebble Count (PC) • (Year 2) R2A Reachwide Pebble Count (PC) RIVERMORPH PARTICLE SUMMARY River Name: Little white oak Creek (Year 3) Reach Name: R2A Sample Name: (Year 3) R2A Reachwide Pebble Count survey Date: 11/03/2010 size (mm) TOT # ITEM % CUM ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 - 0.062 29 58.00 58.00 0.062 - 0.125 0 0.00 58.00 0.125 - 0.25 5 10.00 68.00 0.25 - 0.50 0 0.00 68.00 0.50 - 1.0 1 2.00 70.00 1.0 - 2.0 2 4.00 74.00 2.0 - 4.0 0 0.00 74.00 4.0 - 5.7 1 2.00 76.00 5.7 - 8.0 1 2.00 78.00 8.0 - 11.3 3 6.00 84.00 11.3 - 16.0 3 6.00 90.00 16.0 - 22.6 3 6.00 96.00 22.6 - 32.0 2 4.00 100.00 32 - 45 0 0.00 100.00 45 - 64 0 0.00 100.00 64 - 90 0 0.00 100.00 90 - 128 0 0.00 100.00 128 - 180 0 0.00 100.00 180 - 256 0 0.00 100.00 256 - 362 0 0.00 100.00 362 - 512 0 0.00 100.00 512 - 1024 0 0.00 100.00 1024 - 2048 0 0.00 100.00 Bedrock 0 0.00 100.00 D16 (mm) 0.02 D35 (mm) 0.04 D50 (mm) 0.05 D84 (mm) 11.3 D95 (mm) 21.5 D100 (mm) 32 silt /Clay (%) 58 sand ( %) 16 Gravel ( %) 26 Cobble ( %) 0 Boulder ( %) 0 Bedrock ( %) 0 Total Particles = 50 (need at least 60). U C LL C U U d (Year 3) R213 Reachwide Pebble Count 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Particle Size (mm) ♦ (Year 3) R2B Reachwide Pebble Count (PC) ♦ (Year 0) R2B Reachwide Pebble Count (PC) ♦ (Year 1) R28 Reachwide Pebble Count (PC) • (Year 2) R21B Reachwide Pebble Count (PC) RIVERMORPH PARTICLE SUMMARY River Name: Little white Oak Creek (Year 3) Reach Name: R2B sample Name: (Year 3) R2B Reachwide Pebble Count Survey Date: 11/03/2010 Size (mm) TOT # ITEM % CUM ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 - 0.062 50 100.00 100.00 0.062 - 0.125 0 0.00 100.00 0.125 - 0.25 0 0.00 100.00 0.25 - 0.50 0 0.00 100.00 0.50 - 1.0 0 0.00 100.00 1.0 - 2.0 0 0.00 100.00 2.0 - 4.0 0 0.00 100.00 4.0 - 5.7 0 0.00 100.00 5.7 - 8.0 0 0.00 100.00 8.0 - 11.3 0 0.00 100.00 11.3 - 16.0 0 0.00 100.00 16.0 - 22.6 0 0.00 100.00 22.6 - 32.0 0 0.00 100.00 32 - 45 0 0.00 100.00 45 - 64 0 0.00 100.00 64 - 90 0 0.00 100.00 90 - 128 0 0.00 100.00 128 - 180 0 0.00 100.00 180 - 256 0 0.00 100.00 256 - 362 0 0.00 100.00 362 - 512 0 0.00 100.00 512 - 1024 0 0.00 100.00 1024 - 2048 0 0.00 100.00 Bedrock 0 0.00 100.00 D16 (mm) 0.01 D35 (mm) 0.02 D50 (mm) 0.03 D84 (mm) 0.05 D95 (mm) 0.06 D100 (mm) 0.06 silt /Clay (%) 100 sand ( %) 0 Gravel (%) 0 Cobble (%) 0 Boulder (%) 0 Bedrock (%) 0 Total Particles = 50 (need at least 60). L U C LL C 0) U L a_ (Year 3) R2D Reachwide Pebble Count Particle Size (mm) 00 ♦ (Year 3) R21D Reachwide Pebble Count (PC) ♦ (Year 0) R21) Reachwide Pebble Count (PC) ♦ (Year t) R2D Reachwide Pebble Count (PC) • (Year 2) R2D Reachwide Pebble Count (PC) RIVERMORPH PARTICLE SUMMARY River Name: Little white oak Creek (Year 3) Reach Name: R2D Sample Name: (Year 3) R2D Reachwide Pebble Count Survey Date: 11/03/2010 Size (mm) TOT # ITEM % CUM ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 - 0.062 46 92.00 92.00 0.062 - 0.125 0 0.00 92.00 0.125 - 0.25 2 4.00 96.00 0.25 - 0.50 0 0.00 96.00 0.50 - 1.0 2 4.00 100.00 1.0 - 2.0 0 0.00 100.00 2.0 - 4.0 0 0.00 100.00 4.0 - 5.7 0 0.00 100.00 5.7 - 8.0 0 0.00 100.00 8.0 - 11.3 0 0.00 100.00 11.3 - 16.0 0 0.00 100.00 16.0 - 22.6 0 0.00 100.00 22.6 - 32.0 0 0.00 100.00 32 - 45 0 0.00 100.00 45 - 64 0 0.00 100.00 64 - 90 0 0.00 100.00 90 - 128 0 0.00 100.00 128 - 180 0 0.00 100.00 180 - 256 0 0.00 100.00 256 - 362 0 0.00 100.00 362 - 512 0 0.00 100.00 512 - 1024 0 0.00 100.00 1024 - 2048 0 0.00 100.00 Bedrock 0 0.00 100.00 D16 (mm) 0.01 D35 (mm) 0.02 D50 (mm) 0.03 D84 (mm) 0.06 D95 (mm) 0.22 D100 (mm) 1 Silt /Clay ( %) 92 Sand M 8 Gravel M 0 cobble M 0 Boulder M 0 Bedrock M 0 Total Particles = 50 (need at least 60). z E m � E 7 S : @ § m 3 o I I E 3$ � \ \ � k \ � � \ R \ f � < < E / Q % i § � $ k � j / &� 2 CO CO CO CO) m CO CO _ \ » ■ a 6 0 \ 9 a @ ^ \ CD x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0\ C \ 0 } 0 G J o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0) m \ 0 C E C) { ƒ 2 3 E ) E q � 6 \ \ cn 2 , \ = 0 a § I \ 0 f � _ G cz E § _ o o / -6 q % $ k > �o f ZD f o \ {\ cl $ f 00 < < < « « « < < 0 2 E \ 2 2 2 y 2 2 z— \ 2 .2 0 / nE § D §® f z 3 q% \ L o % \/ ) f 0 \\ a) 2 o w 3 w 3 a) �\ \ CL 2 I % \ L E \ I $ / ] \ § 2` LLI \ : :- c ClJ 3 % ° % q °f \ 0 lid ° a w d a 3 \ $ 3\ 2 E 2� 2 q \ $ 2 =cac / / {U �> L §b /o 8 (D .: 0$$2 IL L) � ■ ) = »E _ C\l CY) ® (D It- 00 i & E CCU CL k co <E . . s 0 4'- M U L K E Y PHOTOGRAPHIC LOG Little White Oak Creek ..11. f - " Stream Restoration Year 3 Areas of Concern Photo 1: Station 3 +75 -R1- looking downstream Photo 3: Station 12 +10 -Rl- looking downstream Photo 2: Station 8 +75 -Rl- looking downstream Photo 4: Station 18 +00 -R1- looking upstream Photo 5: Station 20 +05 -Rl- looking downstream Photo 6: Station 23 +90 -Rl- looking across channel --- M U LK E Y PHOTOGRAPHIC LOG Little White Oak Creek """ `" ` - ; Stream Restoration Year 3 Areas of Concern Photo 7: Station 25 +10 -Rl- looking downstream Photo 9: Station 29 +75 -Rl- looking across channel Photo 11: Station 39 +70 -Rl- looking downstream 2 Photo 8: Station 26 +75 -Rl- looking downstream Photo 10: Station 31 +35 -R1- looking downstream Photo 12: Station 54 +60 -RI- looking downstream -�_- M U L K E Y PHOTOGRAPHIC LOG Little White Oak Creek " Stream Restoration Year 3 Areas of Concern Photo 13: Station 56 +10 -Rl- looking downstream