HomeMy WebLinkAbout20120285_Gaston East-West Corridor Email_20110823Gaston East-West Connector Indirect and Cumulative Effects Water Quality Analysis - Draft Cleveland, Gaston, and Mecklenburg Counties, North Carolina; York County, South Carolina (STIP U-33211 Prepared for the North Carolina Turnpike Authority � NO^nTH CA401_IfJA � Tuwnpike Authority Prepared by nTKi N s 1616 East Millbrook Road, Suite 310 Raleigh, North Carolina 27609 August 2011 Gaston East-West Connector Water Quali ty Analysis Aug ust 2011 - Draft EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The North Carolina Turnpike Authority (NCTA), operating as part of the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT), proposes the Gaston East-West Connector as a controlled-access toll road from I-85 west of the City of Gastonia in Gaston County, NC to I-485 near the Charlotte Douglas International Airport in Mecklenburg County, NC. The purpose of the Gaston East-West Connector (the Project) is to improve east-west transportation mobility in the area around the Gastonia and other municipalities in southern Gaston County to the City of Charlotte metropolitan area. Importantly, the project will establish direct access between the rapidly growing areas of southeast Gaston County and western Mecklenburg County. The Gaston East-West Connector, which is locally known as the Garden Parkway, is included in the State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) as project U-3321. The Gaston East-West Connector Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS), circulated in April 2009, included a summary of the qualitative indirect and cumulative effects (ICE) analysis prepared for the Detailed Study Alternatives (Indirect and Cumulative Effects Assessment for the Gaston East-West Connector, Louis Berger Group, Inc., March 2009). The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR), and N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC) provided comments on the DEIS. Regarding indirect and cumulative effects, the Resource Agencies requested additional quantitative data on the Preferred Alternative. A quantitative indirect and cumulative effects study was prepared for the Preferred Alternative (Gaston East- West Connector Quantitative Indirect and Cumulative Effects Analysis, Louis Berger Group, Inc., August 2010). This report is summarized in the ProjecYs Final EIS, circulated in December 2010. In a comment letter on the Final EIS dated February 21, 2011, the NCDENR Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ) noted that "NCDWQ will require additional modeling of pollutant loadings for this project." This report presents a quantitative water quality analysis performed in response to NCDWQ's requirement, and to determine how estimated induced land use changes resulting from the Project may affect water quality throughout the 265-square mile Study Area defined for this analysis. The water quality analysis involved constructing watershed models for the nine 12-digit hydrologic units (HUs) comprising the Study Area using the BasinSim build of the Generalized Watershed Loading Functions (GWLF) model. The watershed models were used to estimate annual runoff and annual overland pollutant loading rates of total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP), total suspended sediment (TSS) produced from the three land use scenarios: a year 2006 baseline condition (Baseline Condition), year 2035 future condition without the Project (2035 No Build), and year 2035 future condition with the Project (2035 PA). Five of the nine HUs composing the Study Area contain streams or waterbodies on the 2010 North Carolina or South Carolina 303(d) list (NCDWQ 2010a, SCDHEC 2010): Catawba Creek, Duharts Creek-South Fork Catawba River, Lower Crowders Creek, Mill Creek-Lake Wylie, and Upper Crowders Creek. The Project alignment intersects all five HUs. Further, interchanges are planned in all five HUs. The watershed model results for these five HUs indicate increased runoff and TN and TP loads in the 2035 PA scenario compared to the 2035 No Build scenario, while a decrease in TSS load is predicted for four of the five HUs, the exception being the Upper Crowders Creek HU. Of the five HUs, the Catawba Creek HU experiences the largest indirect effects: the HU incurs the greatest increase in urban land use and, in turn, the largest increase in impervious surface coverage. As a result, the Catawba Creek HU is projected to have the greatest increases in runoff and nutrient loading rates. Gaston East-West Connector Water Quali ty Analysis Aug ust 2011 - Draft For the Study Area as a whole, all nine HUs are anticipated to experience some degree of direct or indirect effects from the Project. Direct effects result from the additional paved surface and right-of-way associated with the Project alignment. Indirect effects are in the form of increased residential development or commercial/industrial/office development. The result of these effects are apparent in the increases in runoff and nutrient loading rates projected for all HUs. As mentioned above, the Catawba Creek HU experiences the largest indirect effect and is projected to have the largest increase in runoff and nutrient loadings. Over 80 percent of the land consumed by the direct and indirect effects of the project is forecasted to come from existing forest and pasture lands. It should be noted that the analysis documented in this report was not conducted for the purpose of predicting the specific amount of pollutants delivered at the outlet of each modeled HU. Rather, the aim of the analysis was to determine the magnitude of runoff and pollutant change between the 2035 No Build and 2035 PA scenarios. This measurement indicates the trend of water quality over time in each HU and the Study Area as a whole. Also, in terms of BMPs, the analysis only considered riparian buffers. No site-specific BMPs - bioretention basins, stormwater ponds, grass swales, etc. - are accounted for in the results. Consequently, the watershed model overestimates pollutant loadings from areas that would otherwise receive stormwater treatment. Site-specific BMPs were omitted due to a lack information regarding the projected future development. However, the three of the four counties intersected by the Study Area -Gaston and Mecklenburg Counties, NC and York County, SC-are NPDES Phase II communities. Under this designation, the counties must require land disturbances greater than or equal to 1 acre to implement runoff and pollutant reduction measures (USEPA 2005). Compliance with Phase II rules would likely result in reduced runoff and nutrient loading rates compared to those produced by the modeled 2035 No Build and 2035 PA scenarios. � Gaston East-West Connector Water Quali ty Analysis Aug ust 2011 - Draft TABLE OF COIVTEIVTS ExecutiveSummary .....................................................................................................................................................i Tableof Contents ......................................................................................................................................................iii Figures....................................................................................................................................................................... iv Tables iv Appendices................................................................................................................................................................ iv 1.0 Introduction ................................................................................................................................................... 1 2.0 Study Area ...................................................................................................................................................... 2 2.1 Study Area Definition ................................................................................................................................ 2 2.2 Water Resources ....................................................................................................................................... 1 2.2.1 Existing Water Quality ....................................................................................................................... 5 2.2.2 Existing Water Quality Measures ...................................................................................................... 7 3.0 Water Quality Analysis Approach ................................................................................................................ 11 3.1 BasinSim Description ............................................................................................................................... 11 3.2 Input Parameters ..................................................................................................................................... 12 3.2.1 Land Use .......................................................................................................................................... 14 3.2.2 Soils ..................................................................................................................................................15 3.2.3 Curve Numbers ................................................................................................................................ 16 3.2.4 Streams ............................................................................................................................................16 3.2.5 Weather Stations ............................................................................................................................. 16 3.2.6 Point Sources ................................................................................................................................... 17 3.2.7 Surface Elevation ............................................................................................................................. 17 3.2.8 Erosion and Sediment Yield ............................................................................................................. 17 3.2.9 SepticAreas .....................................................................................................................................18 3.2.10 Best Management Practice (BMP) Implementation ....................................................................... 18 3.3 Model Calibration .................................................................................................................................... 21 4.0 ResultsandDiscussion .................................................................................................................................23 4.1 Baseline Condition ................................................................................................................................... 26 4.2 2035 No Build .......................................................................................................................................... 27 4.3 2035 Preferred Alternative (PA) .............................................................................................................. 27 4.4 ResultsTables ..........................................................................................................................................28 5.0 Conclusions ..................................................................................................................................................33 6.0 References ................................................................................................................................................... 35 � Gaston East-West Connector Water Quali ty Analysis Aug ust 2011 - Draft FIGURES Figure 1: GWLF surface and sub-surface hydrology and loading pathways (adapted from Haith et al. 1992)....... 12 Figure 2: Calibration and Validation Model Monthly Streamflows Plotted with Observed Monthly Streamflow. 23 TABLES Table 1: Land Use Scenarios Considered in the Quantitative Water Quality Analysis .............................................. 2 Table 2: Study Area Hydrologic Units (HUs) .............................................................................................................. 1 Table 3: Classifications and Use Support Ratings of Named Study Area Waterbodies in North Carolina ................ 2 Table 4: Classifications of Study Area Waterbodies in South Carolina ..................................................................... 4 Table 5: Study Area Waterbodies on the North Carolina 2000- 2010 303(d) Lists ................................................. 6 Table 6: Study Area Waterbodies on the South Carolina 2000- 2010 303(d) Lists ................................................. 7 Table 7: Study Area Stormwater BMPs ................................................................................................................... 10 Table 8: Model Inputs and Data Sources ................................................................................................................. 13 Table 9: NCLD Land Cover Categories for the Study Area ....................................................................................... 14 Table 10: Quantitative ICE Land Use Class CN Assignments ................................................................................... 16 Table11: USLE Cover factors ................................................................................................................................... 17 Table 12: Study Area Regulated Buffer Widths ....................................................................................................... 19 Table 13: Average Buffer Width by HU ................................................................................................................... 20 Table 14: GWLF Buffer Reduction Efficiencies ........................................................................................................ 20 Table 15: CN and Nitrogen and Phosphorus Buildup Rates for Urban Areas for the Baseline, 2035 No Build (Build), and 2035 PA (PA) Scenarios ........................................................................................................................ 25 Table 16: Reported Significant Figures .................................................................................................................... 28 Table 17: Comparison of Annual Runoff Results for Baseline Condition, 2035 No Build, and 2035 PA Scenarios. 29 Table 18: Comparison of Annual Total Nitrogen (TN) Results for Baseline Condition, 2035 No Build, and 2035 PA Scenarios . ................................................................................................................................................................ 30 Table 19: Comparison of Annual Total Phosphorus (TP) Results for Baseline Condition, 2035 No Build, and 2035 PAScenarios ............................................................................................................................................................ 31 Table 20: Comparison of Annual Total Suspended Sediment (TSS) Results for Baseline Condition, 2035 No Build, and2035 PA Scenarios ............................................................................................................................................ 32 APPEIVDICES A. Large Format Figures B. Select Figures from the Gaston East-West Connector Quantitative Indirect and Cumulative Effects Analysis C. GWLF-E and RUNQUAL-E Input Parameters D. Correspondence with N.C. Division of Water Quality Regarding Analysis Methodology iv Gaston East-West Connector Water Quali ty Analysis Aug ust 2011 - Draft 1.0 IIVTRODUCTIOIV The North Carolina Turnpike Authority (NCTA), operating as part of the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT), proposes the Gaston East-West Connector as a controlled-access toll road from I-85 west of the City of Gastonia in Gaston County, NC to I-485 near the Charlotte Douglas International Airport in Mecklenburg County, NC. The purpose of the Gaston East-West Connector is to improve east-west transportation mobility in the area around the Gastonia and other municipalities in southern Gaston County to the City of Charlotte metropolitan area. Importantly, the project will establish direct access between the rapidly growing areas of southeast Gaston County and western Mecklenburg County. The Gaston East-West Connector, which is locally known as the Garden Parkway, is included in the State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) as project U-3321. For the purposes of this report, the Gaston East-West Connector will be referred to as the Project. The Gaston East-West Connector Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS), circulated in April 2009, included a summary of the qualitative indirect and cumulative effects (ICE) analysis prepared for the Detailed Study Alternatives (Indirect and Cumulative Effects Assessment for the Gaston East-West Connector, Louis Berger Group, Inc., March 2009). The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR), and N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC), collectively referred to as the Resource Agencies hereafter, provided comments on the DEIS. Regarding indirect and cumulative effects, the Resource Agencies requested additional quantitative data on the Preferred Alternative. A quantitative indirect and cumulative effects study was prepared for the Preferred Alternative (Gaston East- West Connector Quantitative Indirect and Cumulative Effects Analysis, Louis Berger Group, Inc., August 2010). This report is summarized in the projecYs Final EIS, circulated in December 2010. In a comment letter on the Final EIS dated February 21, 2011, the NCDENR Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ) noted that "NCDWQ will require additional modeling of pollutant loadings for this project." Subsequent to the August 2010 version of the quantitative ICE assessment report circulated with the Final EIS, the quantitative ICE assessment was updated (Gaston East-West Connector Quantitative Indirect and Cumulative Effects Analysis, Louis Berger Group, Inc., July 2011) to include the Fites-Creek Catawba River subwatershed (Hydrologic Unit Code [HUC] 030501011405). This report presents a quantitative water quality analysis performed in response to NCDWQ's requirement, and to determine how estimated induced land use changes resulting from the Project may affect water quality throughout the 265-square mile Study Area defined for this analysis. The water quality analysis involved constructing watershed models for the nine 12-digit hydrologic units (HUs) comprising the Study Area. The watershed models were used to estimate annual runoff and annual overland pollutant loading rates of total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP), total suspended sediment (TSS) produced from the three land use scenarios described in Table 1. Comparison of the runoff and pollutant loading rates projected for the 2035 No Build Alternative (No Build) and 2035 Preferred Alternative (PA) scenarios provides an indication of the ProjecYs potential water quality effects. Gaston East-West Connector Water Quali ty Analysis Aug ust 2011 - Draft Table 1: Land Use Scenarios Considered in the Quantitative Water Quality Analysis . . . �.. -. �- . Baseline Condition Baseline Land use conditions existing in 2006 2035 No Build Alternative Year 2035 Preferred Alternative (PA) 2035 No Build 2035 PA Forecasted land use for the year 2035 without construction of the Project Forecasted land use for the year 2035 with construction of the PA as presented in the FEIS The watershed model selected for this analysis was the Virginia lnstitute of Marine Science BasinSim 1.0 (VIMS 2000) build of the Generalized Watershed Loading Functions model (Haith and Shoemaker 1987, Haith et al. 1992). GWLF is considered an effective tool for watershed planning efforts where runoff and overland pollutant loadings are primary concerns (EPA 2008) as it simulates runoff and overland nutrient (TN and TP) and sediment (TSS) loading by considering variable land uses. In this analysis, land use is isolated as the experimental variable. As such, the difference between runoff and loadings calculated by GWLF for the 2035 No Build and 2035 PA scenarios is dictated by the direct effects of the Project and Project induced development (indirect effects) captured in the 2035 PA scenario. The water quality analysis scope, study area, and model selection were coordinated with NCDWQ at a meeting held on October 18, 2010. Minutes from this meeting and follow-up emails regarding the Fites Creek-Catawba River subwatershed are included in Appendix C. The Fites Creek-Catawba River subwatershed was initially excluded from the quantitative ICE assessment study area used by Louis Berger Group, Inc. (Berger) due to a lack of substantial changes in travel times for the majority of this area with the completion of the Gaston East-West Connector. However, due to the proximity of the southern boundary of the subwatershed to the Preferred Alternative, it was decided that this subwatershed should be included to capture any potential induced growth that may occur in this subwatershed. This water quality analysis also includes the Fites Creek-Catawba River subwatershed. 2.0 STUDY AREA The Study Area marks the extent of the water quality analysis. The following sections describe the process by which the Study Area was defined and the condition of the Study Area water resources. 2.1 Study Area Definition This water quality analysis adopted the Study Area developed for the Gaston East-West Connector Quantitative Indirect and Cumulative Effects (ICE) Analysis performed by (Berger) (Berger 2011). The primary factors considered in the defining the Study Area included the following: the Natural Resources Conservation Service Watershed Boundary Dataset (NRCS WBD) Subwatershed boundaries (12-digit HUs), potential changes in accessibility, and potential changes in travel times. By considering these and other factors in combination, Berger determined the Study Area to be the aggregate extent of the nine 12-digit HUs listed in Table 2. The Study Area is 265 square miles and contains portions of North Carolina and South Carolina. From west to east, the Study Area extends from Cleveland County, NC, through Gaston County, NC, into western Mecklenburg County, NC. From south to north, it extends from the Town of Clover, SC to the Town of Spence Mountain, NC. The North Carolina portion composes 207 square miles (78 percent) of the Study Area, while South Carolina portion constitutes 58 square miles (22 percent). Municipalities located in the Study Area include the Cities of 2 Gaston East-West Connector Water Quali ty Analysis Aug ust 2011 - Draft Belmont, Bessemer City, Charlotte, Gastionia, Kings Mountain, Lowell, and Mount Holly and Towns of Cramerton, McAdenville, Ranlo, and Spencer Mountain in North Carolina. The Town of Clover is the only municipality in South Carolina included the Study Area. The extent of the Study Area as well as municipalities and roads are depicted in Figure Al, Appendix A. 2.2 Water Resources The Study Area is located on the border of North and South Carolina within the Catawba-Santee River Basin. The entirety of the Study Area is located within the Catawba River Basin (0305) and includes portions the Catawba River Headwaters Subbasin (USGS Hydrologic Unit [HUC] 03050101) and the South Fork Catawba River Subbasin (USGS HUC 03050102) (NCDWQ 2010b). The Study Area includes the nine 12-digit HUs listed in Table 2. Streamsin the North Carolina portion of the Study Area represent 76 percent of the total stream footage; South Carolina contains 24 percent of the Study Area stream footage. The Study Area contains 36 named streams (Table 3) from both North and South Carolina. The headwaters of 26 streams occur within the Study Area: Abernathy Creek, Anthony Creek, Beaverdam Creek, Blackwood Creek, Camp Run, Catawba Creek, Crowders Creek, Duharts Creek, Ferguson Branch, First Creek, Fites Creek, Little Paw Creek, McGill Creek, Mill Creek, Neal Branch, Oates Creek, Paw Creek, Porter Branch, Rocky Branch, Shoal Branch, South Crowders Creek, Spring Creek, Squirrel Branch, Stowe Branch, Studman Branch, and Ticer Branch. Classifications are assigned to waters of the State of North Carolina based on the existing or contemplated best usage. Thirty of the named streams within the Catawba Study Area are Class C streams. Class C streams are protected for secondary recreation, fishing, wildlife, fish and aquatic life propagation, and other uses (NCDWQ 2009). The Study Area also includes three WS-IV (Water Supply IV) streams, and three WS-V (Water Supply V) streams. Water Supply III and IV streams are used as sources of water supply for drinking, culinary, or food processing purposes and are protected through restrictions on development and waste water discharges. Water Supply V streams are also used as sources of water supply but have no categorical restrictions on watershed development or wastewater discharges. Local governments are not required to adopt watershed protection ordinances for Water Supply V streams but are required to do so for WS-III and WS-IV streams (NCDWQ 2009). Of the streams with Water Supply classifications, four are also assigned a CA (Critical Area) designation. CA refers to an area adjacent to the water supply intake where risk associated with pollution is greater than from the remaining portions of the watershed (NCDWQ 2007a). CAs require additional restrictions on watershed development beyond those required for a WS classification. Table 3 lists the best usage classifications for all named streams within the North Carolina portion of the Study Area. 1 Gaston East-West Connector Water Quali ty Analysis Aug ust 2011 - Draft The North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ) has initiated a whole-basin approach to water quality management for the 17 river basins within the state. Water quality for the Study Area is summarized in the Catawba River Basinwide Water Quality Plan (NCDWQ 2010b). Water quality within the Catawba River Basin is assessed by sampling of fish and benthic macroinvertebrates, and data collected at ambient (chemical and physical water quality) monitoring stations. The collected data is compared against water quality standards in order to evaluate the various best uses of North Carolina waters including aquatic life or biological integrity, recreation or swimming, and water supply. Table 3 lists the use support categories for aquatic life, recreation, and water supply use for all NCDWQ evaluated waterbodies within the Study Area. Blank cells indicate use support category was not rated. Similarly, the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (SCDHEC) assigns use classifications to waters of the state. The classifications establish the general rules and specific water quality criteria applicable to a given waterbody for protecting its classification and existing use. All Study Area streams in South Carolina carry the Freshwaters (FW) classification. Freshwaters are suitable for primary and secondary contact recreation; as a source of drinking water supply after conventional treatment; for fishing and the survival and propagation of aquatic fauna and flora; and for industrial and agricultural uses (SCDHEC 2006a, 2008a). Table 4 presents the named waterbodies of the Study Area located in South Carolina. Stream classifications are included, but use support ratings are not. Table 3: Classifications and Use Support Ratings of Named Study Area Waterbodies in North Carolina . . ... ... �- . . 11-135-4a AbemethyCreek FromsourcetoFirst C Supporting Creek 11-135-4b AbemethyCreek FromFirstCreekto C Supporting Crowders Creek 11-130-2-�1) AnthonyCreek FromsourcetoDamat C (Robinwood Lake) Robinwood Lake 11-130-2-�2) Anthony Creek From Dam at C Robinwood lake to Catawba Creek 11-126 BeaverdamCreek FromsourcetoLake C Wylie, Catawba River 11-135-5 Bessemer Branch From source to C Crowders Creek 11-135-7 Blackwood Creek From sourceto C Supporting Supporting Crowders Creek 11-130a Catawba Creek From sourceto C Supporting Supporting SR2446, Gaston 11-130b Catawba Creek From SR2446, Gaston C Supporting Supporting to SR2439, Gaston 11-130c Catawba Creek From5R2439to Lake C Supporting Wylie 11-�117) CATAWBA RIVER From Mountain Island WS-IV;CA Supporting Supporting Supporting (LakeWyliebelow Damtolnterstate elevation 570) Highway 85 Bridge at Belmont 11-�122) CATAWBA RIVER From I-85 bridgeto WS-IV,B;CA Supporting Supporting Supporting (Lake Wylie below the upstream side of elevation 570) Paw CreekArm of Lake Wylie, Catawba River 2 Gaston East-West Connector Water Quali ty Analysis Aug ust 2011 - Draft ... . . ... �- . . 11-�123.5) CATAWBA RIVER From the upstream WS-V, B Supporting Supporting Supporting (LakeWyliebelow sideofPawCreekArm elevation 570) of Lake Wylie to North North Carolina Carolina-South portion Carolina State Line 11-135a CrowdersCreek Fromsourceto C Supporting SR1118 11-135b Crowders Creek From State Route C Supporting 1118 to State Route 1122 11-135c Crowders Creek From State Route C Supporting 1122 to State Route 1131 11-135d Crowders Creek From State Route C Supporting 1131to5tate Route 1108 11-135e Crowders Creek From State Route C Supporting Supporting 1108 To NC 321 11-135f Crowders Creek From State Route 321 C Supporting Supporting to State Route 2424 11-135g Crowders Creek From State Route C Supporting Supporting 2424 to North Carolina-South Carolina State Line 11-129-19 DuhartsCreek Fromsourceto5outh WS-V Supporting Supporting Supporting Fork Catawba River 11-135-8 Fergumn Branch From sourceto C Crowders Creek 11-135-4-1 FirstCreek Fromsourceto C Abemethy Creek 11-121-�1) FitesCreek Fromsourcetoapoint WS-IV Supporting Supporting Supporting 03 mile downstream of N.C. Hwy. 273 11-121-�2) FitesCreek Fromsourcetoapoint WS-IV;CA 03 mile downstream of N.C. Hwy. 273 to Lake Wylie, Catawba River 11-129-17 HousersBranch Fromsourceto5outh C Fork Catawba River 11-126-1 LegionLakeand Entirelakeand C ShoafLake mnnectingstreamto Beaverdam Creek 11-125 Little Paw Creek From source to Lake C (Danga Lake) Wylie, Catawba River 11-132 LongCove FromsourcetoLake C Wylie, Catawba River 11-135-9 McGill Branch From sourceto C Supporting Supporting Crowders Creek 11-135-2 McGill Creek From sourceto C Supporting Crowders Creek 11-131 Mill Creek From sourceto North C Carolina-South Carolina State Line Gaston East-West Connector Water Quali ty Analysis Aug ust 2011 - Draft ... . . ... �- . . 11-128 Neal Branch From sourceto Lake C (Armour Creek) Wylie, Catawba River 11-135-6 Oakland Lake Entire lake and C mnnecting stream to Crowders Creek 11-135-5-1 OatesCreek Fromsourceto C Bessemer Branch 11-124 PawCreek FromsourcetoLake C Wylie, Catawba River 11-133 Porter Branch From source to Lake C Wylie, Catawba River 11-135-11 Rocky Branch From source to North C Carolina-South Carolina State Line 11-130-4 ShoalBranch From sourceto C Catawba Creek 11-135-10-1 SouthCrowders Fromsourceto5outh C Impaired Supporting Creek ForkCrowdersCreek 11-129-�15.5) South Fork From a point 0.4 mile WS-V Impaired Supporting Supporting Catawba River upstream of Long Creekto Cramerton Dam and Lake Wylie at Upper Armstrong Bridge (mouth of South Fork Catawba River) 11-135-10 South Fork North Carolina Portion C Supporting Crowders Creek 11-135-1 Squirrel Branch From sourceto C Crowders Creek 11-127 Stowe Branch From sourceto Lake C Wylie, Catawba River 11-134 Studman Branch From sourceto Lake C Wylie, Catawba River 11-124-1 Ticer Branch (Tiser From source to Paw C Branch) Creek ts: rnmary necreanon, rresn water C: Aquatic Life, Semndary Recreation, Fres CA: Critical Area WS-IV: Water Supply IV - Highly Developed WS-V: WaterSupplyV-Upstream Gaston East-West Connector Water Quali ty Analysis Aug ust 2011 - Draft 2.2.1 Existing Water Quality NCDWQ and SCDHEC are required by Clean Water Act Section 303(d) and 40 CFR 130J to maintain a list of impaired waterbodies. Commonly referred to as the 303(d) list, the list is typically complied every two years, with the last effective final list dated 2010 for North Carolina and South Carolina. These lists are a comprehensive accounting of all impaired waterbodies. An impaired waterbody is one that does not meet water quality standards including designated uses, numeric and narrative criteria, and anti-degradation requirements defined in 40 CFR 131. The standard violations may be due to an individual pollutant, multiple pollutants, or an unknown cause of impairment. The impairment could come from point sources, non-point sources, and/or atmospheric deposition. In both states, inclusion to the 303(d) list is based upon use-support guidelines in Section 305(b) (USEPA-841-B- 97-002A and -002B). Those waterbodies only attaining Partially Supporting or Not Supporting status are included on the 303(d) list. Tables 5 and 6 list the Study Area waterbodies that are found on the year 2000 to 2010 303(d) lists for North and South Carolina. The waterbodies occur in the Catawba Creek, Duharts Creek — South Fork Catawba River, Lower Crowders Creek, Mill Creek-Lake Wylie, and Upper Crowder Creek HUs (Figure A2, Appendix A). Review of current and past 303(d) lists as well as the NCDWQ Catawba River Basinwide Water Quality Plan and SCDHEC Catawba River Basin Watershed Water Quality Assessment provide an indication of water quality trends in the Study Area. Based on inspection of Tables 5 and 6, it is apparent the number of Study Area waterbodies listed as impaired by North Carolina has increased slightly over the period from 2000 (12 listed waterbodies) to 2010 (14 listed waterbodies) (NCDWQ 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007b, 2010a, 2010c). In contrast, South Carolina has seen a marked reduction in the number of impaired waterbodies, from six in 2000 to two in 2010 (SCDHEC 2000, 2002, 2004, 2006b, 2008b, 2010). In all cases, the waterbodies delisted by South Carolina between 2008 and 2010 were removed because water quality standards were attained (SCDHEC 2010). Additionally, Clean Water Act Section 303(d) requires states to develop Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) for impaired waterbodies. A TMDL establishes 1) the maximum amount of a pollutant a waterbody can receive and still comply with water quality standards and 2) pollutant loading limits on known sources. By accounting for and limiting loadings of a pollutant, steps can then be taken to restore the waterbody to its assigned uses (USEPA 1991, from Crowders Creek TMDL). The following waterbodies in the Study Area have existing TMDLs: Crowders Creek, Lake Wylie, Beaverdam Creek, and Brown Creek. In 2004, NCDWQ in coordination with SCDHEC developed a TMDL for fecal coliform bacteria (FCB) for the last four miles of Crowders Creek from State Route 1108 to the North Carolina/South Carolina state line (classification indexes 11-135e-g). This section of Crowders Creek in North Carolina as well as the remainder in South Carolina has historically experienced elevated FCB concentrations, as indicated by its listing on the North and South Carolina 303(d) lists for over a decade and the implementation of a previous TMDL in 1996. Sources of FCB are attributed to discharge from multiple waste water treatment plants, faulty sewage collection system lines, septic systems, biosolids application, and livestock. Lake Wylie has a history of nutrient enrichment problems. In 1992, a report authored by the NCDWQ and SCDHEC concluded the lake's assimilative capacity for nutrients was exhausted. Subsequently, the Lake Wylie Nutrient Management Plan and accompanying TMDL was implemented in 1996. The nutrient management 5 Gaston East-West Connector Water Quali ty Analysis Aug ust 2011 - Draft strategy established by the TMDL targeted non-point source reductions and placed stringent nutrient removal requirements on point source dischargers to the most highly eutrophic arms of the lake (NCDWQ 2010b). The latest water quality data reported in the 2010 Catawba River Basinwide Water Quality Plan (NC DWQ 2010b) indicates nutrient enrichment remains a problem in the lake. Samples of the main stem of Lake Wylie produced no chlorophyll a standard exceedances, yet all samples demonstrated elevated chlorophyll a. Further, sampling from the Crowders Creek and South Fork Catawba arms of the lake suggested localized areas of eutrophication. In addition to nutrient enrichment, portions of Lake Wylie have more recently been cited as impaired for aquatic life support due to water quality standard exceedances of low pH, copper, chlorophyll a, and high water temperature. SCDHEC developed FCB TMDLs for two streams in the Study Area - Beaverdam Creek and Brown Creek - in 2001. For Beaverdam Creek, runoff from livestock pastures and built-up land were noted as the primary and secondary FCB sources (SCDHEC 2001a). In the case of Brown Creek, urban runoff as well as failing septic systems and direct sewage discharges were described as the principal sources of FCB (SCDHEC 2001b). Table 5: Study Area Waterbodies on the North Carolina 2000-2010 303(d) Lists • ��� �� ��� ��. ��: � � .- ... �- . . . 11-135-4b Abemethy Creek From First Creekto Impaired biological integrity No No No Yes Yes No Crowders Creek 11-130a CatawbaCreek Fromsourceto5R2446, Unknown�2000-02),impaired Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Gaston biologicalintegrity�2004-10) 11-130b Catawba Creek From SR2446, Gaston to Unknown (2000-02), impaired Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes SR2439, Gaston biological integrity (2004-10) 11-130c CatawbaCreek From5R2439toLake Unknown�2000-02),impaired Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Wylie biologicalintegrity�2004-10) 11-�117) Catawba River (Lake From I-85 bridge to the Low pH No No No No Yes Yes Wylie below elevation upstream side of Paw 570) CreekArm of Lake Wylie, Catawba River 11-�123.5)b Catawba River (Lake South Fork Catawba Copper, chlorophyll a(2008), No No No No Yes Yes Wylie South Fork RiverArm of Lake Wylie turbidity (2008), high water Catawba arm) North temperature (2010) Carolina portion 11-135a CrowdersCreek Fromsourceto5R1118 Unknown�2000-02),impaired Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes biological integrity (2004-10) 11-135b CrowdersCreek From State Route 1118 Unknown (2000-02), impaired Yes Yes Yes No Yes No to State Route 1122 biological integrity (2004,2008) 11-135c CrowdersCreek From State Route 1122 Unknown (2000-02), impaired Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes to State Route 1131 biological integrity (2004-10) 11-135d CrowdersCreek From State Route 1131 Unknown (2000-02), impaired Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes to State Route 1108 biological integrity (2004-10) 11-135e CrowdersCreek From State Route 1108 Fecal Coliform, impaired biological Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes To NC 321 i ntegrity (2004-06, 2010) 11-135f CrowdersCreek From State Route 321to Fecal Coliform, impaired biological Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes State Route 2424 i ntegrity (2004-06, 2010) 11-135g CrowdersCreek From State Route 2424 Fecal Coliform (2000-06, impaired Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No toNC/SCLine biologicalintegrity�2006-08) 11-135-2 McGiIlCreek Fromsourceto Unknown�2000-02),impaired Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Crowders Creek biological integrity (2004-10) 11-135-10-1 South Crowders Creek From source to South Low Dissolved Ouygen No No No No No Yes Fork Crowders Creek 11-129-�15.5) South ForkCatawba From a point0.4 mile Turbidity, low pH (2010) No No No No Yes Yes River upstream of Long Creek 0 Gaston East-West Connector Water Quali ty Analysis Aug ust 2011 - Draft 2.2.2 Existing Water Quality Measures As part of the preparation for the modeling effort, and in order to determine whether existing regulations and ordinances are sufficient to protect water quality, Atkins inventoried the variety of protective measures for riparian buffer widths and stormwater requirements of the different planning jurisdictions within the Study Area. Government organizations that were considered include the North Carolina municipalities of Belmont, Bessemer City, Charlotte, Cramerton, Gastionia, Kings Mountain, Lowell, McAdenville, Mount Holly, Ranlo, and Spencer Mountain. In South Carolina and the Town of Clover was considered . Additionally, EPA Phase I or Phase II Stormwater Rules are in effect in nearly the entire Study Area (99 percent). NCDWQ identifies the City of Charlotte as a Phase I stormwater permittee by the EPA as of 1993. As required by National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) regulations, Charlotte must develop and implement a storm water program including public education, illicit discharge detection and elimination, storm sewer system and land use mapping, and analytical monitoring. Gaston County, NC and York County, SC are both Phase II stormwater permittees. NPDES regulations require them to, at a minimum, develop, implement, and enforce a storm water program designed to reduce the discharge of pollutants from the municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4). Stormwater best management practices (BMPs) drafted by Gaston and Mecklenburg Counties are provided in Table 7. 7 Gaston East-West Connector Wa ter Quali ty Analysis Aug ust 2011 — Draft Table 7: StudY Area Stormwater BMPs • Establishes minimum post-construction storm water management standards and design criteria for the regulation and control of storm water runoff quantity and quality Mecklenburg County' • Establishes design and review criteria for the construction, function, and use of structural storm water best management practices (BMPs) • Provides pollutant removal efficiency requirements of BMPs for TSS and TP • Establishes stormwater management regulations to control the adverse effects of stormwater runoff associated with new development Gaston County (except the Mount Holly, . Establishes design and review criteria for promoting sound development practices that meet the minimum Kings Mountain, and properties with water supply watersheds)Z stormwater management standards • All structural storm water treatment systems used to meet these requirements shall be designed to have a minimum of 85% average annual removal for TSS "Stormwater Post Construction Controls Ordinance Administrative Manual (Charlotte Mecklenburg July 2009) �Gaston County Stormwater Ordinance (Gaston County, NCJuIy 2007) 10 Gaston East-West Connector Water Quali ty Analysis Aug ust 2011 - Draft 3.0 WATER QUALITY AIVALYSIS APPROACH This section outlines the methodology used to quantify the ProjecYs potential water quality effects. The BasinSim GWLF watershed model employed in the analysis is discussed in detail. The procedures used to derive model input parameters, special model considerations, and model calibration are also presented. 3.1 BasinSim Description BasinSim is a desktop simulation system that predicts sediment and nutrient loads for small to mid-sized watersheds. The simulation system is based on the Generalized Watershed Loading Functions (GWLF), a tested watershed model developed by Dr. Douglas Haith and his colleagues at Cornell University, New York (Haith and Shoemaker 1987, Haith et al. 1992). BasinSim 1.0 integrates an easy-to-use graphic Windows interface, extensive databases (land uses, population, soils, water discharge, water quality, climate, point nutrient sources, etc.), and the GWLF model (with modifications) into a single software package. It was designed to enable resource managers to visualize watershed characteristics, retrieve historic data (at the county and sub- watershed levels), manipulate land use patterns, and simulate nutrient (N, P, and organic C) and sediment loadings under various scenarios. The latest version of BasinSim, version 1.0.0, was released in April 1999. The GWLF model, developed by Haith and Shoemaker (1987), is currently used in different platforms under different names (Dai et al. 2000; Schneiderman et al. 2002; Evans et al. 2002; Hong and Swaney 2004; Morth et al. 2007). Each version has particular modifications but all follow the same conceptual framework. GWLF simulates runoff, sediment delivery, and average nutrient concentration based on land use. Figure 1 depicts the major components of GWLF. The model uses daily steps for weather data and water balance calculation. Evapotranspiration is determined using daily weather data and a cover factor dependent upon land use/land cover type. Sediment and nutrient loads are estimated monthly, based on the daily water balance accumulated to monthly values. GWLF has been described as an "engineering compromise between the empiricism of export coefficients and the complexity of chemical simulation models" (Haith and Shoemaker, 1987). GWLF is considered a combined distributed/lumped parameter watershed model. For surface loading, it is distributed in the sense that it allows multiple land use/land cover scenarios, but each area is assumed to be homogenous with regard to various attributes considered by the model. The model does not spatially distribute the source areas, but simply aggregates the loads from each area into a watershed total; in other words there is no spatial routing. Groundwater runoff and discharge are obtained from a lumped-parameter watershed water balance for both shallow saturated and unsaturated zones. Runoff is calculated by means of the U.S. Soil Conservation Service's (SCS) curve number equation (SCS 1986). The Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) is applied to simulate erosion. Rural nutrients are estimated using empirical concentrations of each land use, which are based on both dissolved concentration in runoff and solid concentration in sediment. Urban nutrient loads are computed by exponential accumulation and washoff functions. Nutrient loads from septic systems are calculated by estimating the per capita daily load from each type of septic system and the number of people in the watershed served by each type. Sub-surface losses are calculated using dissolved N and P coefficients for shallow groundwater contributions to stream nutrient loads, and the sub-surface sub-model only considers a single, lumped-parameter contributing area, as mentioned previously. GWLF does not include instream flow and transport of loads. However, GWLF provides for ground water discharges to stream systems, offering an opportunity for calibrating instream flow volume. 11 Gaston East-West Connector Water Quali ty Analysis Aug ust 2011 - Draft Figure 1: GWLF surface and sub-surface hydrology and loading pathways (adapted from Haith et al. 1992). BasinSim's implementation of GWLF has incorporated a variable seepage control into the model, replacing a constant seepage coefficient, to help with calibration of streamflow. GWLF in BasinSim also supplies a time- delay feature which postpones the effect of weather events on stream responses, a population growth function which permits the nutrient contribution by septic systems to change over time, and the ability to assign variable nutrient concentrations as a function of streamflow. 3.2 Input Parameters Spatial (GIS data layers) and non-spatial data were used to derive input parameters for the GWLF watershed model. Data sources are listed in Table 8 and their use is described in the following sections. Table 8 also lists the units, significant figures, and decimal places used for the model inputs. Significant figures are not relevant to some of the data listed, such as the aerial photography, and sewer service extent data. With the exception of the Study Area land use, the significant figures and decimal places listed are determined by the data provider. 12 Gaston East-West Connector Wa ter Quali ty Analysis Aug ust 2011 - Draft Table 8: Model Inputs and Data Sources �. . �- Study Area land use The Louis Berger Group, Inc Area: Acres Area: Generally 3 figures Area: 0 2009NationalAgriculturelmagery USDepartmentofAgriculture NotApplicable NotApplicable NotApplicable Program aerialphotography NationalHydrographyDatasetstream U5G5 NotApplicable NotApplicable NotApplicable flowlines NationalOceanicandAtmospheric Temperature:°Fahrenheit Temperature:2 Temperature:0 Weatherstation locations and data qdministration and U5G5 Precipitation: inches Precipitation:3 Precipitation:2 Cleveland, Gaston, and Mecklenburg North Carolina Floodplain Mapping Co., NC digital elevation model Program Elevation: feet Elevation: 5 Elevation: 2 York Co., SC digital elevation model U5G5 Elevation: meters Elevation: 5 Elevation: 2 Sewerserviceareas TheLouisBergerGroup,lnc NotApplicable NotApplicable NotApplicable Streamflowdata U5G5 Streamflow:feet'/semnd Streamflow:lto3 Streamflow:Oto2 SoilSurveyGeographic�55URG0) NaturalRemurceConservation AvailableWaterStorage:centimeters AvailableWaterStorage:4 AvailableWaterStorage:2 Database Service Soil Erodibility Factoc unitless Soil Erodibility Factoc 2 Soil Erodibility Factoc 2 Point source dischargers location and Total nitrogen: milligrams/Liter Total nitrogen:2 Total nitrogen:Oto 1 NCDWQ discharges in NC Total phosphorus milligrams/Liter Total phosphorus 2 Total phosphorus Oto 1 Point source dischargers location and discharges in SC SCDHEC Total phosphorus milligrams/Liter Total phosphorus 2 Total phosphorus Oto 1 13 Gaston East-West Connector Water Quali ty Analysis Aug ust 2011 - Draft 3.2.1 Land Use Study Area land use for the Baseline Condition, 2035 No Build, and 2035 PA scenarios was provided by Berger and described in the Gaston East-West Connector Quantitative Indirect and Cumulative Effects Analysis (Berger 2011). The land use datasets were developed as part of the Gaston East-West Connector quantitative ICE analysis. A spatially-explicit Baseline Condition land use dataset was produced for the year 2006 condition of the Study Area by using high resolution aerial photography to update the 2001 National Land Cover Database (NLCD) (USGS 2003). The NLCD is a spatially-explicit, gridded dataset with a 30-meter resolution. That is, each 30 meter-by-30 meter grid cell in the dataset is assigned a land cover category. The update process focused on identifying large areas of land, such as subdivisions and shopping centers, that converted from forest to developed land cover in the interim time period. The land cover categories of the NLCD grid cells were modified to reflect areas of land use conversion. Fifteen NLCD 2001 land cover categories occur in the Study Area (see Table 9). Land use forecasts for the 2035 No Build and 2035 PA scenarios, in contrast, were developed as non-spatially explicit datasets. In other words, the individual 30 meter-by-30 meter grid cells of the spatially-explicit Baseline Condition land use dataset were not changed to reflect a land use conversion in the future scenarios. Instead, the land use forecasts were performed at the scale of Traffic Analysis Zones (TAZs). The Study Area was found to encompass 275 TAZs. The TAZ boundaries, however, did not necessarily conform to the HU boundaries of the Study Area. To summarize the TAZ land use forecasts by HU, the 275 TAZs were intersected with the nine Study Area HUs. The result was 387 forecasting zones, with each zone corresponding to exactly one TAZ and one HU. The forecasting zones provided the geographic framework for the 2035 No Build and 2035 PA land use forecasts and are the smallest unit for which land use change results are reported. Figures depicting the forecasting zones and results of the quantitative ICE analysis are provided in Appendix B. Further explanation of the land use forecast can be found in the Gaston East-West Connector Quantitative Indirect and Cumulative Effects Analysis ( Berger 2011). Table 9: NCLD Land Cover Categories for the Study Area � •. �- . . All areas of open water, generally with less than 25% cover of Open Water vegetation or soil. Includes areas with a mixture of some constructed materials, but mostly vegetation in the form of lawn grasses. Impervious surfaces Developed, Open Space accountforlessthan 20% oftotalcover.These areas most commonly include large-lot single-family housing units, parks, golf courses, and vegetation planted in developed settings for recreation, erosion control, or aesthetic purposes. Includes areas with a mixture of constructed materials and vegetation. Impervious surfaces account for 20-49%of total cover. Developed, Low Intensity These areas most commonly include single-family housing units. Includes areas with a mixture of constructed materials and vegetation. Impervious surfaces account for 50-79%of the total Developed, Medium Intensity �over. These areas most commonly include single-family housing units. 14 Gaston East-West Connector Water Quali ty Analysis Aug ust 2011 - Draft � •. �- . . Includes highly developed areas where people reside or work in high numbers. Examples include apartment complexes, row houses Developed, High Intensity and commercial/industrial. Impervious surfaces account for 80- 100% ofthetotalcover. Barren areas of bedrock, desert pavement, scarps, talus, slides, Barren Land (Rock/Sand/Clay) volcanic material, glacial debris, sand dunes, strip mines, gravel pits and other accumulations of earthen material. Generally, vegetation accounts for less than 15%of total cover. Areas dominated by trees generally greater than 5 meters tall, and greaterthan 20% oftotalvegetation cover. Morethan 75% ofthe Deciduous Forest tree species shed foliage simultaneously in response to seasonal change. Areas dominated by trees generally greater than 5 meters tall, and greater than 20% of total vegetation cover. More than 75% of the Evergreen Forest tree species maintain their leaves all year. Canopy is never without green foliage. Areas dominated by trees generally greater than 5 meters tall, and greaterthan 20%oftotal vegetation cover. Neitherdeciduous nor Mixed Forest evergreen species are greater than 75% of total tree cover. Areas dominated by shrubs; less than 5 meters tall with shrub ca nopy typical ly greater than 20% of total vegetation. This class Shrub/Scrub includes true shrubs, young trees in an early successional stage or trees stunted from environmental conditions. Areas dominated by grammanoid or herbaceous vegetation, generally greater than 80% of total vegetation. These areas are not Grassland/Herbaceous subject to intensive management such as tilling, but can be utilized for grazing. Areas of grasses, legumes, or grass-legume mixtures planted for livestock grazing or the production of seed or hay crops, typically on Pasture/Hay a perennial cycle. Pasture/hay vegetation accounts for greater than 20% of total vegetation. Areas used for the production of annual crops, such as corn, soybeans, vegetables, tobacco, and cotton, and also perennial Cultivated Crops woody crops such as orchards and vineyards. Crop vegetation accounts for greater than 20%of total vegetation. This class also includes all land being actively tilled. Areas where forest or shrubland vegetation accounts for greater than 20%ofvegetative cover and the soil or substrate is Woody Wetlands periodically saturated with or covered with water. Areas where perennial herbaceous vegetation accounts for greater than 80%ofvegetative cover and the soil or substrate is Emergent Herbaceous Wetlands periodically saturated with or covered with water. 3.2.2 Soils Spatial and tabular Soil Survey Geographic (SSURGO) soil information was downloaded from NRCS (NRCS 2010) for Cleveland, Gaston, and Mecklenburg Counties, NC as well as York County, SC. The soils were clipped to the 15 Gaston East-West Connector Water Quali ty Analysis Aug ust 2011 - Draft Study Area boundary. Soil series, or map units, which occurred in the Study Area, were assigned available water-holding capacity, soil erodibility (K) factor, dominant hydrologic soil group, and organic matter content as required by GWLF. Available water-holding capacity was assigned by using the Available Water Storage 0-100 cm - Weighted Average value provided for each map unit in the Mapunit Aggregated Attribute table. Soil erodibility (K) factor was assigned using the Kf value provided for the top horizon in the Horizon table for each map unit. Dominant hydrologic soil group was assigned by using the Hydrologic Group - Dominant Conditions value provided for each map unit in the Mapunit Aggregated Attribute table. Organic matter content is not currently used by the model and was not assigned a value. 3.2.3 Curve Numbers GWLF computes runoff from each land use class using the SCS Curve Number Equation (Ogrosky and Mockus, 1964, SCS 1986). Curve Numbers (CNs), an essential component to this method, were assigned to each land use class by relating the individual classes to a cover type and hydrologic condition category described in Soil Conservation Service Technical Release 55 (SCS 1986). CNs assignments are presented in Table 10. The GWLF model used in this analysis only accepts one CN per land use class. As such, a single, area-weighted average CN was calculated for each land use class of each HU based on the area of the land use class overlying the four hydrologic soil groups. The resultant average CN value was provided to GWLF. 3.2.4 Streams The stream layer was derived from the National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) (USGS 2010) by extracting the high resolution NHD flow lines from the prestaged Edisto-Santee subregion. The merged streams were then clipped to the Study Area boundary. The clipped streams were used in delineating the extent of existing riparian buffers. 3.2.5 Weather Stations The location of weather stations with daily temperature (maximum and minimum) and precipitation records for the period 1999-2010 were retrieved from State Climate Office of North Carolina (SCO) (SCO 2011). Weather data from the Gastonia Municipal Airport (KAKH) in Gaston County was formatted for use by BasinSim. 16 Gaston East-West Connector Water Quali ty Analysis Aug ust 2011 - Draft 3.2.6 Point Sources Location of point source dischargers within the Study Area were identified by retrieving NPDES permits from NCDWQ (NCDWQ 2011a) and SCDHEC (Larry Turner, SCDHEC, personal communication, 6/20/2011). Monthly discharge reports for all dischargers were retrieved from NCDWQ for 2009 (NCDWQ 2011b). Additionally, monthly discharge permits for dischargers in the calibration watersheds were retrieved for the calibration and validation periods, 1999-2003 (Jaeha Ho, SCDHEC, personal communication, 10/7/2010). 3.2.7 Surface Elevation A 20-foot resolution Digital Elevation Model (DEM) was constructed for the Study Area. Elevation data for the North Carolina portion of the Study Area were obtained from N.C. Floodplain Mapping Program (NCFMP) (NCFMP 2007). Elevation data for the portion of the Study Area extending to South Carolina was obtained from the U.S. Geologic Survey National Elevation Dataset (USGS 2009). 3.2.8 Erosion and Sediment Yield GWLF computes erosion using the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE), and the sediment yield is the product of erosion and sediment delivery ratio. Models derived from USLE are some of the most widely applied tools for predicting sediment yield from catchments. USLE factors K, LS, C and P must be specified as the product K* LS * C* P for each rural runoff source area. Erosion from urban land is not explicitly handled by GWLF. For sediment loading from urban land uses, some applications of GWLF (e.g., Schneiderman et. al, 2002) use the accumulation and washoff functions given for nutrients in the original model (Haith et al., 1992), substituting sediment accumulation rates given in Haith et al. (1992) for particulate nutrient accumulation rates. In this application of GWLF, USLE was used to compute erosion from urban areas as well. Residential and rural residential land uses are not addressed directly by USLE though a number of studies have successfully applied USLE to catchments containing an urban component (Ricker et. al, 2008, Jackson et. al, 2005, Fu et. al, 2005, and Boyle et. al, 2011). Estimates of the percent tree cover, bare soil, grass, and relative herbaceous cover based on Study Area observations and land use descriptions were used to estimate the appropriate C factors for urban land covers in this study (Table 11) in a manner similar to the method used to calculate C factors for rural land uses. USLE K, LS, and P factors for urban land use were estimated in the same manner as for rural land uses (Appendix B). Table 11: USLE Cover factors 17 Gaston East-West Connector Water Quali ty Analysis Aug ust 2011 - Draft 3.2.9 Septic Areas GIS layers describing the extent of current and future sewer systems for the Study Area were supplied by Berger (Tidd, Louis Berger Group, Inc., personal communication, 10/15/2010). Current septic service was assumed to occupy the portion of the Study Area not served by the current sewer system and likewise for the future septic service. The population served by current and future septic systems was derived from population data supplied by Berger (Tidd, Louis Berger Group, Inc., personal communication, 1/10/2011). The septic population estimates assumed that the Project will not make southern Gaston County more attractive to the types of facilities counted as group quarters (i.e., college dorms, prisons, nursing homes etc.) and that the future group quarters population is the same in the No Build and Build scenarios. The group quarters facilities are assumed to be distributed proportional to land area for TAZs only partially contained within the Study Area. Population in households was assumed to take into account the trend of decreasing household sizes over time in the forecasts. Therefore, the future population in the Study Area is based on the relationship between future population in households and future households in Metrolina Travel Demand Model estimates. The analysis assumes no changes to septic areas between the future land use scenarios. 3.2.10 Best Management Practice (BMP) [mplementation The BasinSim GWLF build does not account for pollutant load reductions provided by BMPs. For this study, pollutant load reductions attributable to riparian buffers (buffers) BMPs were instead accounted for in a post-processing effort in which GWLF-calculated TN, TP, and TSS loads for a given HU were reduced according to the existing buffer characteristics of the HU. The implementation of the buffer post-processing calculations is described below. Existing buffers were delineated and characterized in portions of the Study Area with legally-protected buffers, such as the main stem of the Catawba River. The process was initiated by identifying buffer regulations in the various planning jurisdictions of the Study Area. Table 12 summarizes the Study Area buffer regulations. Using GIS, the stream network represented by the NHD flowlines was buffered based on the buffer requirements applicable to the stream location. The resulting buffer layer establishes the extent of regulated buffers in the Study Area. However, the buffer layer does not necessarily reflect the existing extent of intact buffers. To delineate the existing extent of intact buffers, the buffer layer was overlaid on 2009 National Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP) aerial photography (USDA 2009a, 2009b, 2009c). Areas of disturbed buffer were removed from the buffer layer, leaving only intact buffers within regulated buffer areas. The final buffer layer represents the Baseline Condition buffer extent. It should be emphasized that only buffers in areas with legal protection were delineated. Further, the buffers were only delineated to their legally-protected width. For example, a riparian buffers along the Catawba River would only be delineated to 50 feet, even if the vegetated area extends beyond 50 feet. This judgment was made because the vegetated area beyond 50 feet is not protected and consequently not guaranteed to persist in the 2035 No Build and 2035 PA scenarios. m Gaston East-West Connector Water Quali ty Analysis Aug ust 2011 — Draft Table 12: Study Area Regulated Buffer Widths. , • Main Catawba River stem and the 7 main stem , Catawba River' lakes below Lake James south to the NC/SC 50 border WS-III, 1 dwelling units (DU)/ac or 12% built Gaston County, NCZ upon area (low density), 0.5 mile critical area, 30 perennial stream Gaston County, NCZ WS-III, 1 du/0.5 ac or 24% built upon area (low 30 density), Rest of watershed, perennial stream Z WS-IV, 1 du/0.5 ac or 24% built upon area (low Gaston County, NC density), 0.5 mile critical area, perennial stream 30 WS-IV, (1 du/0.5 ac or 24% built upon area with Gaston County, NCZ �urb and gutter) or (1 du/033 ac or 36% built 30 upon area with no curb and gutter), Protected Area, perennial stream Gaston County, NCZ WS-III, 12-30% built upon area, 0.5 mile critical 100 area, perennial stream Gaston County, NCZ WS-III, 24-50% built upon area, Rest of 100 watershed, perennial stream Gaston County, NCZ WS-IV, 24-50% built upon area, 0.5 mile critical 100 area, perennial stream Gaston County, NCZ WS-IV, 24-70% built upon area, 0.5 mile critical 100 area, perennial stream Mecklenburg County, NC3 Drainage area >= 100 acres 35 Mecklenburg County, NC3 Drainage area >= 300 acres 50 MecklenburgCounty,NC3 Drainagearea>=640acres 100+50%floodplainfringe York County, SC° Lake Wylie 50 York County, SC° Catawba River 100 Perennial streams draining directly to the York County, SC° Catawba River or Lake Wylie. Perennial streams 50 are defined as solid blue lines on USGS topographic maps. �Catawba River Basin Buffer Rules (15a ncac 026 .0243) �Gaston County, NC (2011) 3Mecklenburg County, NC (1999) °York County, SC (2009) 19 Gaston East-West Connector Water Quali ty Analysis Aug ust 2011 - Draft The buffered stream fraction and average buffer width was determined for each Study Area HU using the Baseline Condition buffer extent described above. The buffered stream fraction was calculated as follows: Buf fered Stream Length in HU Buf fered Stream Fraction = Total Stream Length in HU The NHD flowlines were used to determine the total HU stream length value in the above equation. The average buffer width in each HU was calculated as a weighted average based on the length of the buffered stream segments. Again, only buffers in areas with legal protection were considered. Average buffer widths calculated for the HUs ranged from 0 feet to 76 feet. The buffered stream fraction and average buffer width determined for each HU are presented in Table 13. The average buffer width for Beaverdam Creek-Catawba River is reported as 0 feet because no buffer protection ordinances are in effect in this HU. The NCDWQ Stormwater Best Management Practices Manual (2007c) provides pollutant reduction efficiencies for 50-foot riparian buffers (Table 14). The reduction efficiencies were applied in the post-processing of the GWLF-calculated TN, TP, and TSS loads to account for pollutant reduction by buffers as follows: Reduced Pollutant Loading = GWLF Loading x Buf fered Stream Fraction x Reduction Ef ficienry Pollutant reduction by buffers was only considered for HUs with an average buffer width of 50 feet or greater. Upper Crowders Creek and Beaverdam Creek-Catawba River HUs do not meet this criterion. As such, the GWLF- calculated loads for these HUs were not modified. Table 14: GWLF Buffer Reduction Efficiencies. 20 Gaston East-West Connector Water Quali ty Analysis Aug ust 2011 - Draft Riparian buffers were the only BMP considered in this analysis. Implementation of other BMPs - bioretention basins, stormwater ponds, grass swales, etc. - requires site-specific information unavailable at this time. Atkins believes that, without site-specific information, simulating such BMPs for developed areas in the future land use scenarios amounts to applying a blanket pollutant loading reduction to all runoff from these areas. Substantial pollutant load reductions beyond those provided by the simulated riparian buffers could be realized if the EPA Phase I and II Stormwater Rules, in effect through 99 percent of the Study Area, and locally-mandated stormwater treatment requirements are enforced. 3.3 Model Calibration A modeling analysis of any type may include a calibration procedure in which model parameters are adjusted to achieve a best-fit model, or a model that best accords with observed data. This process occurs in two steps: calibration and validation. Before either is performed, the observed data record is split into corresponding calibration and validation periods. The observed record for model calibration consisted of daily streamflow (USGS 2010) at USGS gage 02145642 Crowders Creek (RD 1104) near Clover, SC in the Lower Crowders Creek watershed (HU 030501011504) for the period 10/1/1999 through 9/30/2003. Missing observations (July 11, 2000 and 17 dates in August 2000) were replaced with streamflow for same day in 2001. Since the headwaters of Crowders Creek are also contained within the Study Area (Upper Crowders Creek HU), Upper and Lower Crowders Creek were modeled and their output combined to compare to the observed streamflow from the USGS gage. GWLF reports streamflow in depth (centimeters) over the modeled area. As such, total catchment streamflow was calculated as the area-weighted average of the two watersheds. This approach uses area to scale the contribution of each watershed to the total streamflow. Pollutant loadings were not calibrated due to the lack of adequate monitoring data. The goal of the calibration effort for this analysis was to produce the best fit between modeled monthly streamflow and observed monthly streamflow for the validation period. The observed period of record was divided evenly to establish the calibration (10/1/1999 through 9/30/2001) and validation periods (10/1/2001 through 9/30/2003). During calibration, model parameters are adjusted within reasonable ranges until the model results best fit the observed data of the calibration period. The performance of the calibrated model is then tested in the validation step by executing the model for the validation period and comparing the results to observed data (EPA 2008). In watershed modeling studies, the scope of the calibration effort depends in part on the nature of the analysis and the availability of observed data. Comparative analysis such as one the described in this report often do not require a rigorous calibration effort as model error is expected to affect the study scenarios equally. Calibration involved adjusting the GWLF parameters of the Upper and Lower Crowders Creek watershed models to achieve better agreement between the model monthly streamflow and observed streamflow. Evapotranspiration and seepage coefficient parameters were adjusted during calibration. Dai et al. (2000) recommended calibrating streamflow by adjusting the seepage parameters. Seepage flow in GWLF represents the water lost to the deep saturated zone (aquifer), and it may remain in the aquifer or exit the aquifer in areas other than the watershed being studied. The final parameter values are listed in Appendix B. The Nash-Sutcliffe statistic (Nash and Sutcliffe 1970), a goodness-of-fit statistic recommended by the American Society of Civil Engineers (1993) for hydrologic studies, was used to evaluate the fit of the modeled streamflow to observed stream. The Nash-Sutcliffe statistic (N-S value) can range from -� to 1. The statistic measures the models predictive performance relative to the mean of the observed data. A value of 1 indicates a perfect fit, while a value of 0 indicates the model is predicting no better than mean of the observed data. 21 Gaston East-West Connector Water Quali ty Analysis Aug ust 2011 - Draft Modeled streamflows produced for Upper and Lower Crowders Creek watersheds correlated poorly with the observed monthly streamflow (N-S value = 0.26) for the calibration period. Low flows during the period made the calibration difficult. The root mean square error (RMSE) between the modeled and observed monthly streamflows for the calibration watershed was 0.9 cm; however, modeled streamflow did not provide a satisfactory fit for the calibration period (Moriasi et al. 2007). RMSE-observations standard deviation ratio (RSR = 0.84) (Moriasi et al. 2007) was relatively small indicating that, while the RMSE was small, low flow rates were the major reason and RSR was within acceptable limits. Percent bias (PBIAS = 37) measures the average tendency of the simulated data to be smaller than their observed counterparts and indicates that the underestimation provides an unsatisfactory fit. Modeled streamflow generally replicated the observed streamflow response peaks and valleys (Figure 2). Modeled streamflows for the validation period correlated well with the observed monthly streamflow (N-S value = 0.89). The RMSE between the modeled and observed monthly streamflows for the calibration watershed was 1.4 cm. RSR was acceptably small (0.33). PBIAS (0.18) indicates minimal underestimation. Modeled streamflow provided a satisfactory fit for the validation period (Moriasi et al. 2007). Modeled monthly flows are plotted against the observed monthly streamflows of the calibration and validation periods in Figure 2; monthly precipitation is plotted along the top axis. In general, the peaks of the modeled streamflow align with the observed streamflow in terms of magnitude and duration; although, the amplitudes of the modeled peaks are often larger than those of the observed streamflow in the later portion of the calibration period. The monthly streamflow values estimated by the final calibration and validation models are plotted in Figure 2. Ultimately, it was concluded the watershed models constructed for the Upper and Lower Crowders Creek watersheds performed adequately well in calibration and validation procedures. The ET and seepage coefficient parameter values used in the best-fit models were incorporated in the watershed models constructed for the nine 12-digit HUs composing the Study Area. 22 Gaston East-West Connector Water Quali ty Analysis Aug ust 2011 - Draft Calibration Period 10/1/1999 through 9/31/2001 Observed Monthly StreamFlow vs. Modeled StreamFlow 0 v � 15 ,� 3 10 0 0 10 v 0 a 5 20 � a� �f i^ 0 ���_ .- � _ � _�--r�. . _ . . . _ 'r.�—H—HH�'�~ 30 3 E 3 a E a � 15 10 5 0 Precipitation �Observed Streamflow Modeled Flow Validation Period 10/1/2001 through 9/31/2003 Observed Monthly StreamFlow vs. Modeled StreamFlow � Precipitation �Observed Streamflow Modeled Flow 0 v 'm 10 0 w 20 � 3 30 � Figure 2: Calibration and Validation Model Monthly Streamflows Plotted with Observed Monthly Streamflow. 4.0 RESULTS A1VD DISCUSSIOIV GWLF was run for three land use scenarios: Baseline Condition, 2035 No Build, and 2035 PA. Between scenarios, land use was modified to reflect forecasted land use conversions. Other input parameters (Appendix B) remained constant for all modeled scenarios. Simulations were run for two years using weather data for the period 2008 to 2010. Runoff and loading rates of TN, TP, and TSS (referred to cumulatively as "pollutants") vary as land use patterns change within the Study Area. In both future scenarios, increased coverage by impervious surfaces resulted in increases in runoff. These results are expected as increased urbanization occurs. Higher pollutant loads are anticipated as currently undeveloped, unmanaged land use categories (namely forest lands) are converted to residential, commercial, and industrial categories. Nutrient export loads from forest lands are significantly less than export loads from commercial and industrial parcels. The change from undeveloped but managed land use categories (agriculturalland and pasture) to developed land use categories can resultin decreased pollutant loads but increases in runoff. In reviewing the GWLF model output, patterns emerged between the calculated runoff and nutrient loading rates and the average HU CN, nitrogen buildup rate for urban areas, and phosphorus buildup rate for urban areas. The CN and nitrogen and phosphorus buildup rates for urban areas are parameters considered by GWLF in calculating runoff, TN loading, and TP loading, respectively. In general, runoff increases as CN increases; TN loading increases as the nitrogen buildup rate increases; and TP increases as the phosphorus buildup rate increases. These observations are a gross simplification of the relationship between land use and runoff and pollutant loads, yet the pattern generally bears out in the model results reported in Tables 17-19. Table 15 23 Gaston East-West Connector Water Quali ty Analysis Aug ust 2011 - Draft presents the CN, nitrogen build rates, and phosphorus buildup rates for the Baseline, 2035 No Build, and 2035 PA scenarios. The values are helpful in explaining differences between the 2035 No Build and 2035 PA scenarios and will be referred to throughout this section. A similar trend was not found for the TSS loading rate. The TSS loading rate is determined by a more complicated relationship of model parameters, which makes it difficult to isolate any one parameter as a controlling factor. The results of the water quality analysis are discussed individually for the three modeled land use scenarios. Tables comparing the streamflow and pollutant loadings for the three scenarios are provided (Tables 17-20). The presentation format of the tables is discussed in section 4.4. Analysis results are graphically presented in Figures A4-A6 in Appendix A. 24 Gaston East-West Connector Wa ter Quali ty Analysis Aug ust 2011 - Draft 25 Gaston East-West Connector Water Quali ty Analysis Aug ust 2011 - Draft 4.1 Baseline Condition The Study Area primarily consists of suburban and rural land uses (Berger 2011). Urban and suburban land uses are concentrated around Gastonia, NC in the north-central portion of the Study Area - an area corresponding to the Catawba Creek, Duharts Creek-South Fork Catawba River, and Upper Crowders Creek HUs. In the northeastern portion of the Study Area, Belmont, NC and the western extent of Charlotte, NC impart an urban character to the Fites Creek-Catawba River and Paw Creek-Lake Wylie HUs (Figures A1 and A2, Appendix A). HUs containing a high percentage of impervious surface, as described in Berger (2011), and high average CN value (Table 15) were found to produce the most runoff on a per acre basis (e.g., Lake Wylie-Catawba River, Fites Creek-Catawba River, and Paw Creek-Lake Wylie). As expected, these HUs correspond to the urban areas of Belmont, Gastonia, and Charlotte, NC. The Mill Creek-Lake Wylie HU was found to have the second highest runoff rate, despite having only the third highest percentage of impervious surface. This result is explained by the large proportion of the HU comprised by Lake Wylie. In the GWLF model, water surfaces, such as lakes, yield high amounts of runoff because, unlike soils, water is not considered to have any absorptive capacity. In effect, all precipitation falling on a waterbody is treated as runoff. High rates of TN loading may be attributable to several factors: agricultural land, high-density urban land uses, septic systems, and point source discharges. In the case of the Duharts Creek-South Fork Catawba River HU, the high TN loading rate is caused by the presence of septic systems and multiple point source dischargers, three of which are waste water treatment plants (WWTPs). The Fites Creek-Catawba River HU has the second highest TN and TP loading rates of the Study Area. Here, the high loadings are attributable to a combination of two WWTPs, urban runoff, and septic systems. Compared to other HUs, the TN loading rate from the Paw Creek- Lake Wylie HU is seemingly lower than expected: the HU has the highest percentage of urban land uses, but generates a relatively low amount of TN. Other HUs with lower concentrations of urban land use exceed the TN loading rate of the Paw Creek-Lake Wylie HU because of the presence of septic systems. The pattern of TP loading rates in the HUs closely follows the average phosphorus buildup for urban areas: the TP loading rate increases as the average phosphorus buildup rate increases. Deviations from this relationship are the result of point source dischargers, namely WWTPs. For instance, the Paw Creek-Lake Wylie HU has the highest average phosphorus buildup rate and produces the highest rate of TP loading among the HUs without WWTPs. The Duharts Creek-South Fork Catawba River and Fites Creek-Catawba River HUs have high average phosphorus buildup rates and both contain WWTPs. Discharge from the WWTPs causes these HUs to surpass the TP loading rate of the Paw Creek-Lake Wylie HU. TSS is calculated as a proportion of overland erosion by GWLF. Overland erosion is related to runoff, but is also influenced by watershed specific conditions such as slope, soil properties, and land use practices. Agricultural lands used for crop cultivation in particular are major generators of overland erosion. In urban areas, developed open space and developed low-intensity land uses are the largest generators of overland erosion, but produce much less erosion than agricultural land uses. Accordingly, these land uses have the comparatively high TSS loading rates. Due to watershed conditions and a relatively high composition of developed open space and developed low-intensity land uses, the Duharts Creek-South Fork Catawba River, Fites Creek-Catawba River, and Upper Crowders Creek produce the highest TSS concentrations. The Paw Creek-Lake Wylie HU is notable here because the high percentage of developed open space and developed low-intensity land uses would suggest that the HU rank as one of the highest TSS exporters. However, the slopes and soil properties of the HU are less conducive to erosion and serve to moderate the erosive potential of these land uses. 26 Gaston East-West Connector Water Quali ty Analysis Aug ust 2011 - Draft 4.2 2035 No Build Developmentis predicted to increase throughout the Study Area. The greatestincrease in households and residential land use acreage is expected around Gastonia, NC, in the Catawba Creek, Duharts Creek-South Fork Catawba River, and Upper Crowders Creek HUs (Figure A2, Appendix A). The attendant increase in impervious area results in increased modeled runoff and TN and TP loading rates across all HUs. In contrast, TSS loading rates decrease in all but the Beaverdam Creek-Catawba River HU as a result of the conversion of agricultural land uses, which generate large amounts of overland erosion relative to urban land uses. The major contributors of runoff do not change between the Baseline and 2035 No Build scenario. HUs with high impervious percentages and high average CN values (Table 15) continue to contribute high runoff (Lake Wylie-Catawba River, Fites Creek-Catawba River, and Paw Creek-Lake Wylie). The Paw Creek-Lake Wylie and Upper Crowders Creek HUs are projected to experience relatively large increases in urban land uses under the 2035 No Build scenario. Consequently, these two HUs are predicted to experience the greatestincrease in runoff. The largest TN exporters are unchanged in the 2035 No Build Scenario: the Duharts Creek-South Fork Catawba River HU remains the largest exporter of TN, and the Fites Creek-Catawba River and Upper Crowders Creek HUs are also still among the largest exporters. However, in a departure from the Baseline scenario, the Paw Creek- Lake Wylie and Lake Wylie-Catawba River HUs transition from low to moderate TN exporters. These HUs experience the largest increase in TN loading rate as a result of relatively high increases in urban land uses. A similar pattern was observed for the TP loading rates as well. The Duharts Creek-South Fork Catawba River HU is still projected to have the largest TP loading rate, just as in the Baseline scenario. Yet, as explained above for TN, increases in urban land use cause the Paw Creek-Lake Wylie and Lake Wylie-Catawba River HUs to experience the greatest increase in TP loading rate. Six of the nine HUs experience an increase in TSS loading rate as a result of the conversion of less erosive, undisturbed land uses, namely forest, to more erosive developed land uses. The overall pattern of TSS exporters changes only for the highest generators - Upper Crowders Creek, Duharts Creek-South Fork Catawba River HUs, and Fites Creek-Catawba River. 4.3 2035 Preferred Alternative (PA) The land use condition captured by the 2035 PA scenario is differentiated from the 2035 No Build scenario by construction of the Project. In aggregate, The 2035 PA scenario would see approximately 1,100 additional acres of residential development and approximately 100 fewer acres of commercial/industrial/office development in the Study Area as compared to the 2035 No-Build scenario. The increase in residential development is expected to produce 3,300 additional households. Most of the resident development (70 percent) is forecasted to occur in the Catawba Creek and Lower Crowders HUs (Berger 2011). Additionally, 1,500 acres of direct impacts resulting Gaston East-West Connector right-of-way are expected. Direct impacts will be distributed among the six HUs traversed by the proposed alignment: Catawba Creek, Duharts Creek-South Fork Catawba River, Lake Wylie-Catawba River, Lower Crowders Creek, Mill Creek-Lake Wylie, and Upper Crowders Creek HUs. Five of the nine Study Area HUs add impervious surface cover in the 2035 PA scenario (Berger 2011): Beaverdam Creek, Catawba Creek, Lake Wylie-Catawba River, Lower Crowders Creek, and Mill Creek-Lake Wylie. The Catawba Creek and Lower Crowders Creek experience the largest area of change between the 2035 No Build and the 2035 PA scenarios. Of these HUs, Catawba Creek is projected to have largest increase in development density as measured by change in impervious surface coverage (Berger 2011) and further evidenced by the increase in the 2035 No Build and 2035 PA CN values reported in Table 15. 27 Gaston East-West Connector Water Quali ty Analysis Aug ust 2011 - Draft The HU runoff and pollutant loading rates in the 2035 PA scenario for the most part mirror the pattern observed for the 2035 No Build scenario: Lake Wylie-Catawba River is still the largest generator of runoff, Duharts Creek- South Fork Catawba River still has the highest TN loading rate, and so on. While the relationship among the HUs remains unchanged in terms of which HUs generate the largest runoff and nutrient exports, the predicted runoff and nutrient loading rates have changed. Differences in runoff and pollutant loading rates observed between the 2035 PA scenario and 2035 No Build scenarios reflect changes in development density and the type of land use converted. Specifically, differences in runoff and nutrient loads (TN and TP) are caused by increased impervious surface coverage in the 2035 PA scenario. HUs with large increases in the highest density development are projected to experience the largest increase in runoff and nutrient loading. The Catawba Creek HU, which experiences the largest increase in impervious surface coverage, demonstrates this point: Catawba Creek is projected to have the largest the increase in nutrient loads and second largest increase in runoff. It is more difficult to identify such a simple relationship between TSS loading rates and other model parameters as TSS loading trends are confounded by the number of factors involved in computing sediment yield. Sediment transport capacity is proportional to runoff and watershed size as reflected in the sediment delivery ratio. Runoff and erosion change between the No Build and Build scenarios. The degree in land use change is reflected in the erosion load factors; however, the magnitude of that change does not directly map to the magnitude of changein TSSload. 4.4 Results Tables The water quality analysis results are compared in the series of tables that follow (Tables 17-20). Each table presents the results of a single experimental parameter for the nine HUs composing the Study Area. The percent difference between the 2035 No Build and 2035 PA results are reported in the rightmost column of the tables, with the heading "2035 PA - 2035 No Build". The values in this column quantify the water quality effects of the Project as measured by this analysis. GWLF consumes the data listed in Table 8 to produce runoff and pollutant loads. The number of decimal places and significant figures generally used by GWLF for reporting various model outputs are displayed in Table 16. The significant figures listed in Table 16 determined the significant figures used to report the analysis results in Tables 17-20. Some pollutant loads are presented as annual loading per unit HU area. In these cases, pollutant load value is divided by the HU area, which has fewer significant figures. The resulting quotient should contain five significant figures as the HU area does. However, reported values have been truncated to three or four significant figures (i.e., three decimal places) to avoid excessively long decimal values. Table 16: Reported Significant Figures �- Runoff (centimeters/ year) 2 5 Total Nitrogen (tons/year) 4 7 Total Phosphorus (tons/year) 4 6 Total Suspended Sediment 1 5 (ton x 1000/year) Area (hectares) 1 5 m Gaston East-West Connector Wa ter Quali ty Analysis Aug ust 2011 - Draft Table 17: Comnarison of Annual Runoff Results for Baseline Condition. 2035 No Build. and 2035 PA Scenarios. Paw Creek-Lake Wylie 30501011404 0.00058 0.00111 0.00 89.93 0.00111 0.00 90.07 Fites Creek-Catawba River 30501011405 0.00123 0.00160 0.00 30.43 0.00159 0.00 29.69 Lake Wylie-Catawba River 30501011406 0.00210 0.00267 0.00 2735 0.00275 0.00 30.88 Upper Crowders Creek 30501011501 0.00012 0.00023 0.00 89.88 0.00024 0.00 97.55 Catawba Creek 30501011502 0.00030 0.00038 0.00 24.08 0.00041 0.00 33.97 Beaverdam Creek-Catawba 30501011503 0.00023 0.00029 0.00 2633 0.00032 0.00 3737 River Lower Crowders Creek 30501011504 0.00011 0.00012 0.00 1130 0.00013 0.00 19.41 Mill Creek-Lake Wylie 30501011505 0.00165 0.00181 0.00 931 0.00183 0.00 10.96 DuhartsCreek-SouthFork 30501020605 0.00037 0.00048 0.00 28.62 0.00049 0.00 30.10 Catawba River 1Centimeters per year per acre zDifference between future condition and Baseline Condition: future condition - Baseline Condition 3Percent difference between future condition and Baseline Condition: (future condition - Baseline Condition) = Baseline Condition x 100 °Percent difference between 2035 PA and 2035 No Build: (2035 PA- 2035 No Build) = 2035 No Build x 100 29 Gaston East-West Connector Wa ter Quali ty Analysis Aug ust 2011 - Draft Table 18: Comnarison of Annual Total Nitroeen fTNI Results for Baseline Condition. 2035 No Build. and 2035 PA Scenarios. Paw Creek-Lake Wylie 30501011404 2.475 4.052 1.578 63.8 4.053 1.578 63.8 Fites Creek-Catawba River 30501011405 4.000 5.242 1.242 31.1 5.215 1.215 30.4 Lake Wylie-Catawba River 30501011406 2.208 3.902 1.694 76.7 4.107 1.899 86.0 Upper Crowders Creek 30501011501 3.251 4.135 0.883 27.2 4.184 0.932 28.7 Catawba Creek 30501011502 3.235 3.794 0.558 173 3.996 0.761 23.5 Beaverdam Creek-Catawba 30501011503 2.267 2.517 0.250 11.1 2.618 0352 15.5 River Lower Crowders Creek 30501011504 2.994 3.192 0.197 6.6 3305 0310 10.4 Mill Creek-Lake Wylie 30501011505 2.763 3.538 0.775 28.1 3.655 0.892 323 DuhartsCreek-SouthFork 30501020605 6.881 7.734 0.853 12.4 7.781 0.900 13.1 Catawba River 1Kilograms per year per acre zDifference between future condition and Baseline Condition: future condition - Baseline Condition 3Percent difference between future condition and Baseline Condition: (future condition - Baseline Condition) = Baseline Condition x 100 °Percent difference between 2035 PA and 2035 No Build: (2035 PA- 2035 No Build) = 2035 No Build x 100 30 Gaston East-West Connector Wa ter Quali ty Analysis Aug ust 2011 - Draft Table 19: Comnarison of Annual Total Phosnhorus fTPI Results for Baseline Condition. 2035 No Build. and 2035 PA Scenarios. Paw Creek-Lake Wylie 30501011404 0381 0.623 0.241 633 0.623 0.242 63.4 Fites Creek-Catawba River 30501011405 0391 0.577 0.186 47.5 0.570 0.179 45.6 Lake Wylie-Catawba River 30501011406 0327 0.586 0.259 79.4 0.616 0.290 88.8 Upper Crowders Creek 30501011501 0350 0.487 0.137 39.1 0.495 0.144 41.2 Catawba Creek 30501011502 0365 0.453 0.088 24.0 0.484 0.119 32.7 Beaverdam Creek-Catawba 30501011503 0.266 0306 0.041 153 0323 0.057 21.4 River Lower Crowders Creek 30501011504 0.291 0322 0.031 10.8 0340 0.049 16.9 Mill Creek-Lake Wylie 30501011505 0320 0.436 0.116 363 0.453 0.133 41.6 DuhartsCreek-SouthFork 30501020605 0.524 0.654 0.129 24.7 0.661 0.136 26.0 Catawba River 1Kilograms per year per acre zDifference between future condition and Baseline Condition: future condition - Baseline Condition 3Percent difference between future condition and Baseline Condition: (future condition - Baseline Condition) = Baseline Condition x 100 °Percent difference between 2035 PA and 2035 No Build: (2035 PA- 2035 No Build) = 2035 No Build x 100 31 Table 20: Comnarison of Annual Total Gaston East-West Connector Wa ter Quali ty Analysis Aug ust 2011 - Draft Sediment fTSSI Results for Baseline Condition. 2035 No Build. and 2035 PA Scenarios. Paw Creek-Lake Wylie 30501011404 380.699 388326 7.627 2.0 389.615 8.915 23 Fites Creek-Catawba River 30501011405 424.103 423.727 -0376 -0.1 422.851 -1.252 -03 Lake Wylie-Catawba River 30501011406 334.567 343.188 8.621 2.6 335.807 1.240 0.4 UpperCrowdersCreek 30501011501 419.609 483.732 64.123 153 485.675 66.066 15.7 Catawba Creek 30501011502 300.437 319.820 19383 6.5 327.526 27.089 9.0 Beaverdam Creek-Catawba 30501011503 312.975 331329 18354 5.9 337.982 25.007 8.0 River Lower Crowders Creek 30501011504 386.523 402.779 16.257 4.2 411.901 25.379 6.6 Mill Creek-Lake Wylie 30501011505 347.174 355.615 8.441 2.4 352.184 5.010 1.4 DuhartsCreek-SouthFork 30501020605 426326 437.216 10.890 2.6 439.951 13.625 3.2 Catawba River 1Kilograms per year per acre zDifference between future condition and Baseline Condition: future condition - Baseline Condition 3Percent difference between future condition and Baseline Condition: (future condition - Baseline Condition) = Baseline Condition x 100 °Percent difference between 2035 PA and 2035 No Build: (2035 PA- 2035 No Build) = 2035 No Build x 100 32 Gaston East-West Connector Water Quali ty Analysis Aug ust 2011 - Draft 5.0 CONCLUSIONS The water quality analysis described in this report was performed in response to the Resource Agencies request for additional quantitative data on the Preferred Alternative, particularly NCDWQ's request for additional modeling of pollutant loadings attributable to the Project. As such, the analysis sought to determine how estimated induced land use changes resulting from the Project may affect water quality throughout the 265- square mile Study Area defined for the analysis. The analysis was performed by constructing watershed models for nine 12-digit hydrologic units (HUs) composing the Study Area (Figure A2, Appendix A) using the BasinSim build of GLWF. Model estimates of annual runoff and annual overland pollutant loadings of total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP), and total suspended sediment (TSS) loads produced from three land use scenarios - Baseline Condition, 2035 No Build, and 2035 PA (Table 1) - were reviewed to assess the Project effects. Specifically, model results of the 2035 No Build and 2035 PA scenarios were compared. Five of the nine HUs composing the Study Area contain streams or waterbodies on the 2010 North Carolina or South Carolina 303(d) list (NCDWQ 2010a, SCDHEC 2010) (Figure 2A, Appendix A): Catawba Creek, Duharts Creek-South Fork Catawba River, Lower Crowders Creek, Mill Creek-Lake Wylie, and Upper Crowders Creek. The Project alignment intersects all five HUs. Further, interchanges are planned in all five HUs. The watershed model results for these five HUs indicate increased runoff and TN and TP loads in the 2035 PA scenario compared to the 2035 No Build scenario. In contrast, a decrease in TSS load is predicted for four of the five HUs, the exception being the Upper Crowders Creek HU. Of the five HUs, the Catawba Creek HU experiences the largest indirect effects of the Project: the HU incurs the greatest increase in urban land use and, in turn, the largest increase in impervious surface coverage. As a result, the Catawba Creek HU is projected to have the greatestincreasesin runoff and nutrientloading rates. For the Study Area as a whole, all nine HUs are anticipated to experience some degree of direct or indirect effects from the Project. Direct effects result from additional paved surface and right-of-way associated with the Project alignment. Indirect effects are in the form of increased residential development or commercial/industrial/office development. The result of these effects are apparent in the increases in runoff and nutrient loading rates projected for all nine HUs. As mentioned above, the Catawba Creek HU experiences the largest indirect effect and is projected to have the largest increase in runoff and nutrient loadings. Over 80 percent of the land consumed by the direct and indirect effects is forecasted to come from forest and pasture lands. Lastly, several further points warrant mentioning. First, the analysis documented in this report was not conducted for the purpose of predicting the specific amount of pollutants delivered at the outlet of each modeled HU. Rather, the aim of the analysis was to determine the magnitude of runoff and pollutant loading change between the 2035 No Build and 2035 PA scenarios. These measurements indicate the trend of water quality over time in each HU and the Study Area as a whole. And second, in terms of BMPs, the analysis only considered riparian buffers. No site-specific BMPs, such as bioretention basins, stormwater ponds, grass swales, etc., are accounted for in the results. Consequently, the watershed model overestimates pollutant loadings from areas that would otherwise receive stormwater treatment. Site-specific BMPs were omitted due to a lack information regarding future development. However, the three of the four counties intersected by the Study Area - Gaston and Mecklenburg Counties, NC and York County, SC - are NPDES Phase II communities. Under this designation, the counties must require land disturbances greater than or equal to 1 acre to implement runoff and pollutant reduction measures (USEPA 2005). Compliance with Phase II rules would likely 33 Gaston East-West Connector Water Quali ty Analysis Aug ust 2011 - Draft result in reduced runoff and nutrient loading rates compared to those produced by the modeled 2035 No Build and 2035 PA scenarios. 34 Gaston East-West Connector Water Quali ty Analysis Aug ust 2011 - Draft 6.0 REF ASCE Task Committee on Definition of Criteria for Evaluation of Watershed Models of the Watershed Management Committee, Irrigation and Drainage Division. 1993. Criteria for evaluation of watershed models. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 199(3). Beutow, W.S., 2002. 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Available at: htt p://www.yorkcou ntygov.com/Li n kCl ick.aspx?fi leticket=2CqZGx3faa8%3 D&tabid=561&mid=1203 40 Appendix A Large Format Figures �e�e — PA@ntedine OStuMArea 'L__�I �unTyBOUntlary — Inters[ate — US Poute NC Route �! �����11�{L���1 y 11�� �a��R ����I� ra1 i�[�=T ►, i����I j Y� � i��� �fj��-���A+ r�rrl �;�+.�yY=r.r�i � �+� t° ~� Turnpike Authority Gaston East-West Connector (STIP U-3321) Qeveland, 6aston, and Mecklenburg Counties, NC York County, SC iiFk Water Quality Analysis Study Area Figure A1 Legend PA Centerline 303 (d)-List Streams - 2010 Named Streams � Waterbody OStudy Area Roads L_ j County Boundary Location Map - Study Area �Gaston and Mecklenburg Counties, NC York County, SC Project ��NORTH CAROLINA Turnpike Authority Gaston East-West Connector (STIP U-3321) Cleveland, Gaston, and Mecklenburg Counties, NC York County, SC Title Study Area Hydrologic Units & Water Resources Figure A2 Le9end — PACenterline Runoff (cm/acre/year�* 0 0.00010 - 0.00020 0 >0.00020 - 0.00030 � >0.00030 - 0.00040 - >0.00040 - 0.00050 - >0.00050 - 0.00060 - >0.00100 - 0.00200 - >0.00200 - 0.00300 Percent Change % -From Baseline to Future Scenario % -Increase from 2035 No Build to 2035 PA %-Decreasefrom 2035 No Build to 2035 PA *Note: Intervals not equally distributed. Prale[[ � NOrsTH UROUNn ; � Turnpike Authority Gaston East-West Connector (STIP U-3321) Cleveland, Gaston, and Mecklenburg Counties, NC York County, SC Ti[le Annual Runoff for 3 Modeled Scenarios Figure A3 Le9end — PACenterline TN (kg/acre/year) � 2.000-2.500 � >2.500 - 3.000 � >3.000 - 3.500 � >3.500 - 4.000 - >4.000 - 4.500 - >4.500 - 5.000 - >5.000 - 5.500 - >6.000 - 7.000 - >7.000 - 8.000 Percent Change % -From Baseline to Future Scenario % -Increase from 2035 No Build to 2035 PA % -Decrease from 2035 No Build to 2035 PA *Note: Intervals not equally distributed. Prale[[ � NOrsTH <�ROUNn ; / Turnpike Authority Ti[le Gaston East-West Connector (STIP U-3321) Cleveland, Gaston, and Mecklenburg Counties, NC York County, SC Annual Total Nitrogen for 3 Modeled Scenarios Figure A4 Le9end — PACenterline TP(kg/acre/year) � 0.200 - 0300 � >0300-0.400 � >0.400 - 0.500 � >0.500 - 0.600 - >0.600-OJ00 Percent Change % -From Baseline to Future Scenario % -Increase from 2035 No Build to 2035 PA % -Decrease from 2035 No Build to 2035 PA *Note: Intervals not equally distributed. Prale[[ � NOrsTH <�ROUNn ; / Turnpike Authority Ti[le Gaston East-West Connector (STIP U-3321) Cleveland, Gaston, and Mecklenburg Counties, NC York County, SC Annual Total Phosphorus for 3 Modeled Scenarios Figure A5 Le9end PA Centerline TSS (kg/acre/year) 0 300.000 - 325.000 0 >325.000 - 350.000 0 >350.000 - 375.000 0 >375.000 - 400.000 - >400.000 - 425.000 - >425.000 - 450.000 - >450.000 - 475.000 - >475.000 - 500.000 Percent Change % -From Baseline to Future Scenario % -Increase from 2035 No Build to 2035 PA % -Decrease from 2035 No Build to 2035 PA *Note: Intervals not equally distributed. Prale[[ � NOrsTH <�ROUNn ; / Turnpike Authority Gaston East-West Connector (STIP U-3321) Cleveland, Gaston, and Mecklenburg Counties, NC York County, SC Ti[le Annual Total Suspended Sediment Load for 3 Modeled Scenarios Figure A6 Appendix B Select Figures from the Gaston East-West Connector Quantitative Indirect and Cumulative Effects Analysis Appendix C GWLF-E and RUNQUAL-E Input Parameters . . . Max. seepage meffcient 0.0092 0.0092 unitless BasinSim addition to�GWLF 2.0, default Calibration and Dai et. al 2000 Daily seepage 0.031 0.031 cm BasinSim addition to�GWLF 2.0, default Calibration and Dai et. al 2000 Annual seepage 7.84 7.84 cm BasinSim addition to�GWLF 2.0, default Calibration and Dai et. al 2000 Sediment N 1400 1400 mg/L Dai et. al 2000 Sediment P 352 352 mg/L Dai et. al 2000 groundwater N 0.42 0.42 mg/L Spruil et. al 1998 groundwater P 0.04 0.04 mg/L Spruil et. al 1998 Number of areas had manure 0 0 Not a major problem in the study area Cathey, NRCS, permnal mmmunication, 1/13/11 application start month 1 1 month Cathey, NRCS, permnal mmmunication, 1/13/11 end month 2 2 month Cathey, NRCS, permnal mmmunication, 1/13/11 N mncentr Ition in runoff for rural z 59 0 mg/L Varies by land use Tetra Tech 2005 and NCDWQ 2007d andtypes. P mncentration in runoff for rural 0.4 0 mg/L Varies by land use Tetra Tech 2005 and NCDWQ 2007d andtypes. N build-up ratefor urban land types. 0.219 0.191 kg/ha/day Varies by land use NCDWQ2007d P build-up ratefor urban land types. 0.04 0.029 kg/ha/day Varies by land use NCDWQ2007d MonthlyNloadsfrompointsources 13318 0 kg/mo Variesbywatershed NCDWQ2011b MonthlyPloadsfrompointmurces 695 12 kg/mo Variesbywatershed NCDWQ2011b Number of people that use normal Tidd, Louis Berger Group, permnal septicrystems 8190 0 people Variesbywatershed mmmunication,l/10/2011 Assume failure rate of 15%, equally Number of peoplethat use ponding Tidd, Louis Berger Group, permnal septicrystems 615 0 people dividedbetweenpondingandshort- mmmunication,l/10/2011 cicuit . . . Numberofeolethatuseshort- Assumefailurerateofl5%,equally Tidd,LouisBererGrou P P 615 0 people divided between pondingand short- g P, Permnal circuit septic rystems mmmunication, 1/10/2011 cicuit Number of peoplethat use direct 0 0 people Assume no illegal directdischarges Tidd, Louis Berger Group, permnal septic rystems mmmunication, 1/10/2011 PercapitatankeffluentloadforN 1233 1233 g/day Beutow2002 PercapitatankeffluentloadforP 1J5 1J5 g/day Beutow2002 plant uptake for N 1.6 1.6 g/day Dai et. al 2000 plant uptake for P 0.4 0.4 g/day Dai et. al 2000 Calculated for calibration watersheds Recession mef. 0.5 0.5 and held mnstantfor remaining Calibration and Amold et. al 1995 watersheds initial unsat. storage 10 10 cm Effects of initial mnditions diminish Dai et. al 2000 after 3 months initial saturated storage 0 0 cm Effects of initial mnditions diminish Dai et. al 2000 after 3 months initial mow 0 0 cm Effects of initial mnditions diminish Dai et. al 2000 after 3 months sedimentdeliveryratio 0.1592804 0.098 none Basin5im5DRtool unsaturated zone available water Calculated for calibration watersheds 1431706709 1431706709 cm andheldmnstantforremaining CalibratedandNRC52010 capacity watersheds Antecedent precipitation for day d Effects of initial mnditions diminish to day -5 0 0 cm after 3 months Dai et. al 2000 Monthly ET mver mef. 1.08 03 unitless Area weighted average by month Calibration and Dai et. al 2000 Monthly day hours 143 9.6 hours Dai et. al 2000 Monthlygrowingseamn�l=yes/ 1 0 Boolean SC51989.SoilSurveyofGastonCounty,NC. 0=no) erosivitymeffcient 033 0.12 none ValuesforCharlotte,NC Daiet.a12000 curve number 100 48 none Varies by land use USSCS 1975 . . . USLE—Kfactor 031 0.19 tons/acre/unit Variesbywatershed NRC52010 area USLE—LSfactor 5.904 3.111 unitless Variesbywatershed LauraGarrett,NEDandNCFMPDEMs USLE—Cfactor 1 0 unitless Seesection3.2.8 Wischmeir,W.H.,andD.D.Smith1978 Worst case assumption of no support USLE—Pfactor 1 1 unitless practicesareappliedtoattenuatemil Wischmeir,W.H.,andD.D.Smith1978 erosion landtypearea 7268.66 0 hectare 1 Berger2011 Appendix D Correspondence with 1V.C. Division of Water Quality Regarding Analysis Methodology 0 I � an Atkins company To: Polly Lespinasse, Brian Wrenn, Colin Mellor From: Brad Allen CC: Christy Shumate, Jennifer Harris, Jill Gurack, David O'Loughlin Date: October 22, 2010; Updated h�il�►�i[�7:7_1�1�1�1►�il Re: Minutes for Gaston ICE Water Quality Analyis Meeting with NCDWQ Attendees: • Polly Lespinasse (NCDWQ) • Brain Wrenn (NCDWQ) • Colin Mellor (NCDOT • Dave O'Loughlin (PBS&J) • Brad Allen (PBS&J) On October 18, 2010, the above personnel from the NC Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ), NC Department of Transportation (NCDO�, and PBS&J met at the NCDWQ Winston-Salem, NC office. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss issues related to the Gaston East/West Connector (the Project) indirect and cumulative effects (ICE) water quality analysis (Analysis). The meeting started with PBS&J summarizing the status of the Analysis. PBS&J explained work had begun to develop the Analysis methodology, but they had reached a point at which they would like to receive NCDWQ's approval on several key elements of the proposed Analysis before moving forward. The focus of the meeting was then turned to the following six questions identified by PBS&J as requiring resolution. Is it acceptable to use the quantitative ICE boundary for the Analysis? The Gaston East-West Connector Quantitative lndirect and Cumulative Effects Analysis (August 3, 2010) was prepared by Louis Berger Group. The report was posted on the NCTA website and environmental resource and regulatory agencies were nofified and asked to review and comment. To date, no commenfs have been received. 2. Are the 12-digit Hydrologic Units (HUs) acceptable reporting units forthe Analysis results? 3. Is focusing the Analysis on non-point source nitrogen, phosphorus, and sediment adequate for addressing regulatory agency concerns over the ProjecYs ICE? • Page 1 4. Is it acceptable to only consider the effect of riparian buffer best management practices (BMPs) in the Analysis? 5. Is the resolution of the forecast-zone scale for which No Build and Build land use forecasts are reported adequate for the Analysis? 6. Is PBS&J's recommended approach for processing the forecast data of the future land use scenarios acceptable? The resolution and discussion corresponding to each question are summarized below. 1. ls it acceptab/e to use the quantitative lCE boundary for the Analysis? Resolution: No resolution was reached during the meeting. Resolution Update: Brian Wrenn of NCDWQ responded to this issue in an email on October 22, 2010. In the email, he requests that the Fites Creek-Catawba River 12-digit hydrologic unit (H UC 30501011405) be included in the study area of the ICE quantitative land use and water quality analysis. Brian's email is included at the end of this memorandum as a record of documentation. NCDWQ had questions regarding the quantitative ICE boundary and requested to withhold comments on the matter until those questions are answered . Specifically, NCDWQ questioned why the 12-digit H Us highlighted in green and marked with asterisks in the below figure were not included in the quantitative ICE analysis. The point was made that both HUs are in the vicinity of the proposed roadway alignment, and both appear to have open space available for development. Neither Colin nor PBS&J could provide an answer, but agreed to find out why the HUs were not considered. PBS&J will inform NCDWQ of the findings. At which time, NCDWQ will then provide an opinion on the suitability of the quantitative ICE boundary for the Analysis. • Page 2 In answer to NCDWQ's questions concerning the quantitative ICE boundary, PBS&J has identifi�' that sections 2.1.1 ano' 2.1.2 of the Gaston East- West Connector Quantitative Indirect and Cumulative Effects Analysis explain the exclusion of the HUs. The content of both s�tions is provid�' below. PBS&J requests that NCDWQ reply to indicate if the explanations are sufficient. 2.1.1 Gaston County In Gaston County, a small portion of the northwest corner of the qualitative ICE study area was removed, including the northern half of Bessemer City and part of Gastonia. To the east of Gastonia, a portion of Belmont and an adjacent unincorporated area along the 1-85 corridor was removed. The transportation modeling conducted for the project with the Metrolina Travel Demand Model shows that the TAZs in these areas would notexperience any substantial change in travel times as a result of the Gaston East- West Connector and thus are unlikely to experience growth pressures attributable to the project. The reason this area would not experience substantial changes in accessibility is that it is already in close proximity to 1-85, which is the existing primary east-west roadway and crossing of the Catawba River in Gaston County. The study area was expanded to the north to include the entirety of the Duharts Creek-South Fork Catawba River subwatershed (030501020605). The expanded area includes parts of Gastonia, Lowell, McAdenville, Ranlo and Spencer Mountain. This expansion of the study area was made only for the purpose of including the entire watershed in the study area, not because of accessibility changes in this area. 2.1.2 Mecklenburg County In Mecklenburg County, the study area was expanded to include the entire Paw Creek-Lake Wylie subwatershed (030501011404). Although there are not substantial accessibility changes for this watershed, it does contain part of two important No Build condition projects-- the Charlotte- Douglas International Airport third runway and intermodal freight facility. A portion of the study area to the east of 1-485 was removed based on the results of the projected travel time improvements being the greatest around and to the east of the Gaston East- West Connector's interchange with 1-485. The subwatersheds in this location (030501030103- Upper Sugar Creek and 030501030108- Steele Creek) are within a heavily developed portion of the City of Charlotte and would be unlikely to experience further environmental impacts from land use change because the majority of the land in these subwatersheds is already developed. While a portion of the Charlotte-Douglas International Airport is within the Upper Sugar Creek watershed, the primary considerations in terms of cumulative impacts (the new runway and the proposed intermodal facility) are not and remain within the study area for the quantitative ICE assessment. Additionally, NCDWQ mentioned that a population of Carolina heelsplitter (Lasmigona d�orata) may have been found in the Catawba River; although, they were not sure of the details. The heelsplitter has hereunto not been mentioned as an issue for this project. PBS&J will investigate this matter and inform NCDWQ of the findings. • Page 3 2. Are the 12-digit HUs acceptable reporting units for the Analysis results? Resolution: NCDWQ confirmed that the 12-digit HUs are acceptable. This question generated little discussion as it is typical to report the results of such analyses at the 14- digit or 12-digit HU scale. 3. Is focusing the Analysis on non-point source nitrogen, phasphorus, and sediment adequate for addressing regulatory agency concems over the ProjecYs ICE? Resolution: NCDWQ confirmed that modeling non-poir�t source nitrogen, phosphorus, and sedimer�t is adequate, but the analysis may need to be expanded to include metal loadings. The topic of inetal pollution came up while reviewing impaired parameters for 303(d)-listed water s in the project study area; the Catawba River is impaired in part for copper standard violations. Colin meritioned metal pollution (such as copper and zinc) from highway runoff has become an issue of increasing concern at NCDOT. Yet, no previous water quality analyses performed in support of roadway ICE analyses in North Carolina have considered metal loadings. In fact, it is still unclear how metals should be addressed in such analyses or if they should be considered at all. Colin and PBS&J will continue to irrvestigate the issue. NCDWQ recommended contacting Cindy Moore or Carol Hollenkamp in NCDWQ's Aquatic Toxicology unit for assistance. Depending on the findings, the metal loadings may be incorporated into the analysis. 4. Is it acceptable to only consider the effect of riparian buffer BMPs in the Analysis? Resolution: NCDWQ confirmed that considering only riparian buffer BMPs is acceptable. PBS&J discussed the uncertainty involved in modeling structural stormwater BMPs — bioretention basins, stormwater ponds, grass swales, etc —for future land use conditions. It was PBS&J's conterition that such BMPs should not be considered in the water quality model. Instead, a qualitative discussion of these BMPs will be provided in the Analysis report. NCDWQ agreed. 5. Is the resolution of the traffic analysis zone (TAZ) (or forecast-zone) scale for which No Build and Build land use forecasts are reported adequate for the Anal ysis? Resolution: NCDWQ confirmed that the forecast zones used to report the No Build and Build land use forecasts were adequate. Further, NCDWQ requested that the Existing land use be aggregated to the forecast-zones too. The purpose in normalizing all the land use datasets to the forecast zones is to provide consistent reporting scale for all land use scenarios. PBS&J discussed the format of the Existing, No Build, and Build land use datasets developed by the Louis Berger Group. It was noted that the Existing land use was formatted as a spatially-explicit raster dataset with a 30-meter resolution. In contrast, the No Build and Build land use datasets are not spatially explicit and are constructed at the much coarser resolution of the forecast zones. Because of the varying resolutions of the land use datasets, separate techniques would need to be used to generate model parameters and the reporting of results would differ too. NCDWQ expressed concern over this seeming disparity between the Existing dataset and future land use forecasts, stating that it creates doubt that a direct comparison of pollutant loadings can be made. Esseritially, the Analysis would not provide an "apples to apples" comparison if the land use datasets are not normalized to a • Page 4 consistent scale. PBS&J and Colin acknowledged as much. Two solutions were then discussed: 1) spatially-explicit future land use forecasts could be generated to match the format of the Existing dataset or 2) the spatially-explicit Existing dataset could be aggregated to the forecast-zone scale to match the format of the future land use forecasts. Ultimately, it was decided to pursue the second option. 6. Is PBS&J's recommended approach forprocessing the forecast data of the future land use scenarios acceptable? Resolution: NCDWQ suggested the approach detailed in question 5 above. NCDWQ, as well as Colin and PBS&J, felt that PBS&J's initial recommendation to process the lower resolution future land use datasets in a different manner than the Existing dataset would introduce unnecessary confusion ir�to the Analysis and subsequer�t report. All attendees concluded an alternative approach in which the Existing dataset would be aggregated to the forecast-zone scale to match the lower resolution format of the future land use forecasts should be used. By processing the Existing dataset to match the format of the future land use forecasts, the same techniques can be used to calculate the water quality model parameters for all three land use scenarios. This will eliminate the need to explain and justify the use of separate modeling techniques for the Existing and future land use scenarios. • Page 5 Allen, Thomas B From: Wrenn, Brian Sent: Friday, October 22, 2010 10:26 AM To: Allen, Thomas B; Lespinasse, Polly; Mellor, Colin Cc: jsgurak,; Shumate, Christy; Harris, Jennifer; O'Loughlin, David K Subject: RE: Minutes for Gaston WQ Analysis Meeting I have one comment regarding the minutes. For the explanation of excluding the watersheds in Gaston Co. near Bessemer City, although I can understand the travel time savings will not be significantly increased for the northern portion of the HUC, surely there will be some induced growth south of 85 and 29. I think this HUC should be included in the analysis. Several of the HUCs included in the analysis have portions that will not experience significant travel time savings, but they are still part of the study area. No reason for this HUC to be excluded. That being said, Polly holds the trump card in this, so if she disagrees with me, I will concede. Brian Wrenn Transportation Permitting Unit, Supervisor NC Division of Water Quality brian.wrenn @ncdenr.¢ov 585 Waughtown Street Winston-Salem, NC 27107-2241 336-771-4952 (Winston-Salem no.) 336-771-4631(Fax) or 2321 Crabtree Blvd., Ste 250 Raleigh, NC 27103 919-733-5715 (Raleigh no.) 919-733-6893 (Raleigh Fax) From: Allen, Thomas B [mailto:TBAllen@pbsj.com] Sent: Friday, October 22, 2010 10:02 AM To: Wrenn, Brian; Lespinasse, Polly; Mellor, Colin Cc: jsgurak,; Shumate, Christy; Harris, Jennifer; O'Loughlin, David K Subject: Minutes for Gaston WQ Analysis Meeting Polly, Brian, Colin: Please find attached the minutes for the Gaston East/West Connector water quality analysis meeting held on October 18, 2010. Perhaps the largest outstanding question from the meeting was why were 12-digit HUs 030501011405 (Fites Creek-Lake Wylie) and 030501030103 (Sugar Creek Headwaters) excluded from the study area? An explanation to this question is provided in the minutes. Brian and Polly, would you please review the explanation and let me know if it is sufficient. Feel free to contact me if you have any further questions or comments. Thanks, Brad Allen, E.I. Senior Scientist PBS&J - Mid-Atlantic Sciences 1616 E. Millbrook Road, Suite 310 Raleigh, NC 27609 Office: 919.876.6888 (Main) Office: 919.431.5222 (Direct) Fax: 919.878.6848 tballenCa)pbsi.com www.pbsi.com