HomeMy WebLinkAbout20120285_Alternatives Report_200509151 1 REVIEW BOARD SUMMARY OF THE EVALUATION OF IMPROVE EXISTING ROADWAYS ALTERNATIVES GASTON COUNTY EAST -WEST CONNECTOR STUDY T.I.P. PROJECT NO. U -3321 Prepared For w%, uEPT OP FNViRotl [,,�_ t AND NATPRAP AES©URRU S MOORESV11- 'CL WA Tr North Carolina Department of Transportation Protect Development and Environmental Analysis Branch Prepared By a 1616 East Nhllbrook Road Raleigh, NC 27609 (919) 876 6888 June 10, 2005 SEP 1 5 200 TABLE OF CONTENTS Review Board Summary of the Evaluation of Improve Existing Roadways Alternatives Gaston County East -West Connector Study TIP Protect Number U -3321 10 Introduction 1 1 Background 12 Purpose of Report 13 Purpose and Need for the Project 14 Basic Types of Alternatives 3 3 3 3 3 2 0 Memo from FHWA and FTA General Councils on Planning Process Integration 4 3 0 NEPA/404 Merger Process Summary El 3 1 Concurrence Point 1 (Purpose and Need) — Achieved July 24 2002 4 32 Concurrence Point 2 (Alternatives for Detailed Study) — In process 4 33 Review Board 5 4 0 Travel Demand and Traffic Operations Modeling 5 4 1 Travel Demand Model Scenarios 5 4 2 Traffic Operations Analyses 8 4 3 Conclusions from the Travel Demand Modeling and Traffic Operations Analyses 8 5 0 Potential Impacts 5 1 Potential Environmental Impacts 5 2 Potential Engineering Issues 0 10 12 6 0 Inconsistency with Local Thoroughfare Plans and Comprehensive Land Use Plans 14 6 1 Thoroughfare Planning Process 6 2 Comprehensive Land Use Plans 14 14 7 0 Inability of Improve Existing Roadways to Meet the Project s Purposes and Needs 14 8 0 Summary 15 10 Introduction 11 Background The North Carolina Department of Transportation ( NCDOT) proposes to improve east west travel between 185 west of Gastonia in Gaston County and I 485/NC 160 in Mecklenburg County The Gaston County East West Connector Study is designated as TIP Project No U 3321 in the NCDOT s 2004 2010 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) The TIP shows Project U 3321 as a multi lane highway on new location from 185 west of Gastonia to NC 160 in Mecklenburg County The project study area consists of the following general boundaries in Gaston and Mecklenburg Counties * 185 to the north * the South Carolina State line to the south * the Charlotte Douglas International Airport to the east and * the 185 and US 29 74 junction to the west 12 Purpose of Report The purpose of this report is to explain why the studies and analyses that have been completed to date sufficiently demonstrate that the Improve Existing Roadways (IER) alternatives should be eliminated from further study These alternatives do not meet the critical elements of the purpose and need for the proposed project and they are not consistent with the local thoroughfare plans and comprehensive land use plans 13 Purpose and Need for the Protect The purpose of the proposed action is to improve east west transportation mobility in the area around the City of Gastonia between Gastonia and the Charlotte metropolitan area in general and particularly to establish direct access between the rapidly growing area of southeast Gaston County and west Mecklenburg County This project purpose is based on the following needs * Need to improve mobility access and connectivity within southern Gaston County and between southern Gaston County and Mecklenburg County Need to reduce congestion and improve traffic flow on the sections of 185 US 29 74 and US 321 in the project study area improve high speed safe regional travel service along the US 29 74 intrastate corridor and generally improve safety and reduce above average accident rates in the study area 14 Basic Types of Alternatives The NCDOT considered the following basic types of alternatives in accordance with FHWA Guidelines (Technical Advisory T6640 8A) 3 1 No Action 2 Transportation System Management (TSM) and Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Measures 3 Mass Transit 4 Improve Existing Roadways (Improve 185 Improve US 29 74 or Improve Both 185 and US 29 74) 5 New Location 2 0 Memo from FHWA and FTA General Councils on Planning Process Integration A recent draft memorandum from the General Councils of FHWA and FTA dated September 20 2004 discusses the integration of the transportation planning process which includes Thoroughfare Plan development and the NEPA process The transportation planning process required by 23 USC 134 and 135 and 49 USC 5303 5306 is designed to set the parameters for the project development process Projects must come from the transportation improvement program (TIP or STEP) established to implement the plan As a result much of the data and decision making undertaken by state and local officials during the planning process carry forward into the project development activities that follow the TIP or STIP This means that the planning process and the environmental assessment required during project development by the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA) (42 U S C 4231 et seq ) must work in tandem with the results of the transportation planning process feeding into the NEPA process To a much greater degree than other Federal programs Congress has put great emphasis on the transportation planning process for shaping transportation decisions and has retained and refined that emphasis in surface transportation law over decades 3 0 NEPA/404 Merger Process Summary 31 Concurrence Point 1 (Purpose and Need) — Achieved July 24, 2002 32 Concurrence Point 2 (Alternatives for Detailed Study) — In process Because of the project scope and size of the project study area the merger team leaders decided to break Concurrence Point 2 into sections to make the process more manageable February 17, 2004 Pre Concurrence Point 2 meeting Identified which new location alternatives NCDOT should prepare functional designs prior to the new location Concurrence Point 2 meeting H August 17, 2004 Partial Concurrence Point 2 meeting The purpose of this merger meeting was to achieve concurrence on the non new location alternatives to be carried forward for detailed study Agreement on the Improve 185 and US 29 74 Alternative could not be reached and the decision was made to elevate to the Review Board 33 Review Board September 14, 2004 — Elevation Meeting #1 Merger Team members attended Concurrence was not achieved September 29, 2004 — Elevation Meeting #2 The supervisors of the Merger Team members attended Concurrence was not achieved Agencies not concurring with NCDOT agreed to prepare a list of items they would need to enable them to come to a decision Week Ending, October 8, 2004 The following agencies provided lists of information and questions to NCDOT USACE USFWS USEPA NCDWQ and NCWRC Week Ending October 15, 2004 NCDOT provides a response to the information requested by USACE USFWS USEPA NCDWQ and NCWRC October 27, 2004 — Elevation Meeting #3 On October 27 2004 the Review Board met to discuss the project and the issues that the Merger Team had not reached consensus on February 8, 2005 Elevation Meeting #4 The Review Board met to continue discussion of the protect issues 4 0 Travel Demand and Traffic Operations Modelin 41 Travel Demand Model Scenarios As described below a variety of scenarios were modeled in the regional travel demand model to estimate traffic volumes and changes in travel patterns that would occur The results from the travel demand model also were used to evaluate traffic operations along 185 and US 29 74 5 A No Build Alternative (Scenario 1) was modeled as a basis for comparison Scenario 5 and Scenario 5a are the New Location Alternatives scenarios Scenarios 2 3 4 4+ 4a and 8 are various combinations of improving existing roadways Scenarios 6 and 7 not reported here were various runs to support the development of functional designs for the preliminary new location alternatives Scenario 1— No Build Alternative No capacity improvements to 185 or to US 29 74 The addition of traffic signals at six (6) currently unsignalized intersections Scenario 2 — Improve 185 to 8 lanes Widen 185 to eight lanes in each direction (addition of one through lane in each direction) from the existing 8 lane area at Exit 26 (Belmont) west through Gastonia to the interchange of US 29 74 and 185 This scenario does not include any improvements to ramps or overpasses in the 185 corridor Scenario 3 — Improve US 29 74 to 6 lanes Widen the bridges over the Catawba River and the South Fork Catawba River to six lanes Widen the four lane section that exists west of Gastonia from Myrtle School Road west to 185 to six lanes This scenario does not include any turn lane improvements on US 29 74 or on any other arterials in the project study area Scenario 4 — Improve 185 to 8 lanes and US 29 74 to 6 lanes Scenario 4 is a combination of Scenarios 2 and 3 Scenario 4+ Improve 185 to 8 lanes and US 29 74 to 6 lanes with TSM type measures (See Figure 1) Based on the results of the corridor level traffic operations analysis (CORSIM) for Scenario 4 a list was developed of additional improvements that would be needed along and in the direct vicinity of the 185 and US 29 74 corridors that would help maximize the efficiency of traffic operations along the corridor This list included approximately 70 TSM type measures such as adding turn lanes or additional lanes in interchange ramps The scenario that included these TSM type measures was called Scenario 4+ Scenario 4a Improve Existing 185 to 10 lanes (See Figure 1) Scenario 4a is Scenario 4+ with the following modifications • 10 lanes on 185 from Exit 21 east to Exit at I-485 (widen 185 to 8 lanes from Exit 14 east to Exit 21 and widen to 6 lanes on US 29 74) • Capacity increases on the following road segments that connect 185 and US 29 74 • NC 279 (New Hope Rd) Widen to 6 lanes from dust north of 185 to US 2974 • Cox Rd widen to 6 lanes from dust north of 185 to US 29 74 • Cox Rd widen to 4 lanes from US 29 74 south to Garrison Blvd/Armstrong Park Drive /Gardner Park Ave (this rd has 3 names in cox rd vicinity) • Redbud Drive widen to 4 lanes from US 29 74 south to NC 279 • NC 7 at Exit 26 widen to 4 lanes from north of 185 to US 29 74 T • Considerations were included in the model to account for intersection improvements along US 29 74 and at interstate ramps that would result from implementing the intersection improvements recommended in Scenario 4+ Scenario 5 Build a 4 lane New Location Freeway Build a new location freeway south of 185 from 185 west of Gastonia to 1 485 No improvements would be made to existing 185 or US 29 74 Scenario 5a Build a 6 lane New Location Freeway Scenario 5a a 6 lane new location freeway is a modification of the Scenario 5 (4 -lane new location freeway) The PM peak hour traffic volume results for Scenario 5 indicated a 6 lane freeway on new location would be needed so the regional travel demand was rerun with a 6 lane new location freeway Scenario 8 Scenario 4a plus capacity improvements to north/south feeder roads (See Figure 2) Scenario 8 started with Scenario 4a (Improve Existing 185 to 10 lanes) Added to this were capacity improvements (one lane in each direction) to north/south roads that connect southern Gaston County to US 29 74 and 185 as have been suggested in a general way by some of the resource agencies Below is a list of the roadways where capacity improvements were added in the regional model The list was developed with input from the Gaston Urban Area MPO It does not include all the feeder roads that have exits on 185 For future reference the list was numbered from 1 through 10 based on the roadway section Section 1 NC 273 south all the way to NC 279 at the Botanical Garden (4 lane divided) 2 NC 7 from Exit 27 south to NC 273 (4 lane divided) 3 NC 279 (New Hope Rd) from Exit 20 on 185 south all the way to NC 273 at the Botamcal Garden (5 lanes) 4 Redbud Dr from Exit 22 at 185 south to NC 279 (4 lane divided) 5 NC 274 (Union New Hope Rd) Robmwood Rd south past the airport continuing on Union/New Hope Rd swinging northwest to NC 279 (4 lane divided) 6 Robmwood Rd from NC 279 New Hope Rd south to NC 274 (4 lanes) 7 Robinson Rd from NC 274 south to US 321 (5 lanes) 8 NC 274 at Exit 14 south to Myrtle School Rd continuing south on Myrtle School Rd all the way to US 321 This road changes names to David Rd then Stagecoach Rd before meeting up with US 321 (4 lane divided or 5 lane) 9 NC 274 from State Line to Union/S New Hope (4 lane divided) 10 US 321 widened to 6 lanes from State Line to 185 (Note This project impacts the City s Main Historic District but the widening is necessary to handle existing and projecte d future traffic ) 7 4 2 Traffic Operations Analyses In order to evaluate Scenarios 1 5 corridor level traffic operations analysis was performed using a traffic micro simulation model — CORSIM This operational analysis evaluated future 2025 peak hour operations of the Improve Existing Roadways Alternatives (Scenarios 2-4) as compared to Scenario 5 (New Location) and Scenario 1 (No Build) 4 3 Conclusions from the Travel Demand Modeling and Traffic Operations Analyses Latent demand for Interstate travel exists in the area The regional travel demand model showed that as capacity was increased on 185 and US 29 74 (1 a more lanes added to 185 and US 29 74) more people would use it For example if 185 was widened to eight lanes through the study area (Scenarios 4 4a and 4 +) this would attract up to 1 000 more vehicles during the PM peak hour over the estimates for the No Build scenario If 185 was widened to 10 lanes (Scenario 8) this would attract up to 1 600 more vehicles per hour during the PM peak Substantial diversion of traffic off of 185 and US 29 74 projected to occur if a New Location roadway were built Up to 20 25 percent of the traffic on 185 would be diverted to a new location Gaston Connector if one were constructed (Scenarios 5 and 5a) This means that 185 would carry up to 1 400 less vehicles per PM peak hour compared to the No Build scenario and up to 2 800 vehicles per PM peak hour less compared to widening 185 to 10 lanes Regional network statistics demonstrate a reduction in congested travel for a New Location roadway and for Scenario 8 (Widen 185 to 10 lanes and widen feeder routes) Statistics for the entire modeled roadway network were generated from the regional travel demand model These statistics are for AM and PM peak periods and include vehicle miles traveled vehicle hours traveled congested vehicle miles and congested vehicle hours Building a new location roadway resulted in lower vehicle hours traveled lower congested vehicle hours and lower congested vehicle miles on the roadway network than widening 185 to 8 lanes (Scenario 4) Building a new location roadway reduced congested vehicle miles traveled as effectively as widening 185 to 10 lanes (Scenarios 4a and 4 +) Only when all the north/south feeder roads were widened (Scenario 8) does the non new location alternative reduce congested vehicle hours substantially more Traffic operations would be generally better or as good on 185 with a new location freeway in place Building a new location roadway (Scenario 5a) generally resulted in better or equal average levels of service on 185 and US 29 74 than improving these existing roadways (Scenario 4a and 8) even to 10 lanes See Exhibit 1 EXHIBIT 1 Level of Service 5F 4 OF 3 D/E 2 C/D 1C 0 Levels of Service on 1 -85 Westbound PM Peak Hour in 2025 13 14 17 19 20 21 22 23 26 27 29 1485 Interchange West to East 5 0 Potential Impacts Scenario 1 No Budd Scenario 4a 1 85 to 10 lanes Scenario 5a New location 6 lane freeway Scenario 8 1 85 to 10 lanes With Y lme Improvements Several potential impacts were considered in the evaluation of the improve existing roadways alternatives Impacts analyzed were for Scenario 8 since this scenario (which improved the north/south feeder roads [or y lines]) provided the best opportunity to meet the purpose and need out of all the Improve Existing Roadways Alternatives Scenario 8 includes numerous improvements to north/south feeder roads in southern Gaston County as shown in Figure 2 Most of these improvements would be widening existing US and NC routes such as US 321 NC 7 NC 273 NC 274 and NC 279 to four or five lane roadways Figure 2 also shows a representative index of the approximate location in the project study area of Figures 3 -6 0 The estimates of potential impacts were based on information obtained from NCDOT and Gaston County GIS databases aerial photography and preliminary field observations Potential impacts for Scenario 8 have been organized into two categories environmental and engineering Potential impacts from improving the existing east west roadways 185 and US 29 74 are discussed for both categories along with impacts due to the feeder route improvements The following table illustrates the potential impacts from the feeder route improvements for the 10 roadway sections described above in Section 41 Further discussion is provided below 51 Potential Environmental Impacts Human Environment In general improvements to existing 185 and US 29 74 likely would have an overall lesser impact on the natural environment than a new location alternative However impacts to the human environment may be equal to or greater than a new location alternative for Scenario 8 Potential impacts to the human environment would be greatest for improvements along US 321 NC 279 and NC 273 The following human environment impacts along the feeder routes would be in addition to the human environment impacts associated with improvements along 185 and US 29 74 Relocations Widening sections of the feeder routes would impact churches residences businesses churches community facilities parks and historic districts along these roadways NC 279 (Section 3) and NC 274 (Section 8) could potentially impact 20 churches along the approximate 16 miles of improvements In general potential residential impacts are greatest along existing two lane routes such as NC 273 NC 279 and NC 274 where single family homes and their individual driveways are located on both sides of the roadway Potential business impacts would be greatest near or between 185 and US 29 74 such as along US 321 (Section 10) and NC 7 (Section 2) Figures 3 and 4 show the high density development along US 321 and NC 7 where business impacts could occur respectively Potential community facility impacts would be greatest along NC 279 (Section 3) and NC 274 (Section 5) Figure 5 shows a section of NC 279 (Section 3) with a high potential for impacts to community facilities churches and potential historic properties Parks Two roadway sections have the potential to impact parks based on additional roadway widening Widening of NC 7 through Belmont could impact Crescent Park (Figure 4) and the widening of NC 279 could impact the Daniel Stowe Botanical Garden Historic Sites and Districts A Phase I survey of historic architectural resources was conducted in May 2003 for the new location study area The study also identified known historic sites and districts on or eligible for the National Register of Historic Places located in the 185 and US 29 74 corridors full 0 0 x d b w bA C C 6� b �C G O ewe., CJ e4 a W) to bA aA N �c 'Itt N N 00 V') 00 M N V Cr M M N 'C r-a N .� �i V h b r, 3 "' M M N -- O -- O cd U 00 00 b a tw "O a� 00 00 b -- \ 0000 app �4 ~ I 00 O C' M O -- N � .O b 00 x N -+ N O -. r-1 00 � N �t b N N -- O O y bA Q V�1 CC h Q1 \ h y iw � �r �y :i O r ., u �" O h V m rA ~ r W a a,�c y h a a ev y G 3 � b so rA *a H� v�bw o'A PLO aAroA m x Historic sites are located along existing US 29 74 (Franklin Boulevard) and US 321 (York Street) Where these two roadways intersect in Gastonia is the Downtown Historic District (National Register of Historic Places) which could not be avoided by improvements Figure 3 shows the Downtown Historic District in Gastonia Improvements to US 29 74 (Wilkinson Boulevard) through Belmont could impact the Belmont Historic District There are six potential historic sites along NC 279 (Section 3) and US 321 (Section 10) that could be impacted by improvements Figure 5 shows some of the potential historic sites along NC 279 Natural Environment Potential impacts to the natural environment could be high along existing US 29 74 where approximately 6 3 miles of improvements would be necessary to upgrade to six lanes along the corridor Where improvements are necessary there are several stream and floodplain crossings Six new bridge crossings would be required one over the Catawba River one over the South Fork of the Catawba River and four west of Myrtle School Road Potential impacts to the natural environment would be greatest for improvements along US 321 (Section 10) and NC 273 (Section 1) due to the stream crossings and bridge replacements Improvement to US 321 would require crossing two streams (one crossing is an existing potentially historic bridge) with three new bridges Also four floodplains would potentially be crossed and two known hazardous material sites could be impacted The two hazardous material sites are RCRA or CERCLA sites A B Carter Inc and Woody s Tire Fire The A B Carter Inc site generated treated and land disposed of wastewater and sludge from a chroming and nickel plating operations for the textile machinery The Woody s Tire Fire site was used to store used tires with roughly 50 000 to 100 000 tires that caught on fire Improvements to NC 273 would require crossing two streams with two new bridges one of which will be over the South Fork of the Catawba River Air Quality The current NCDOT Transportation Planning TransCad model includes all current TIP projects At this time a new location roadway such as the one represented on the Gaston Urban MVO Thoroughfare Plan is modeled Without updating the model it is unknown what will happen to air quality if the new location freeway represented in the model is replaced with improve existing I 85/US 29 74 for TIP Project U 3321 the Gaston County East West Connector Study 5 2 Potential Engineering Issues Constructability 185 would require widening to a minimum of eight to ten lanes throughout the study area under Scenario 8 The total length of proposed improvements along 185 would be approximately 20 5 miles All interchanges along 185 in the project study area (a total of 11) would need to be reconstructed in order to meet current AASHTO design standards In addition to work at the eleven interchanges in the project study area there are fifteen (15) cross street bridges and six railroad bridges that would need to be replaced because of inadequate horizontal clearances for additional lanes Figure 6 shows an example of one of the substandard interchanges in the 12 project study area (I 85 at Ozark Avenue [Exit 19]) where an interchange and a railroad bridge would have to be reconfigured if improvements were made to existing 185 Maintenance of Traffic(MOT) and Travel Delays The re construction of interchanges and replacement of structures along 185 would result in lengthy construction periods with significant driver delay through these construction zones and would require complex maintenance of traffic plans to allow for the safety of the motorists and the construction workers In order to maintain existing traffic patterns these new bridge structures would need to be constructed on new alignments and where possible adjacent to the existing structures These reconstructions and realignments would impact adjacent businesses Safety Bridge Replacement and Construction Schedule The construction of new bridge structures would result in increased driver delay and could impact driver safety during the construction period In order to attempt to minimize these delays it would be recommended to stagger the replacement of these bridges within the project study area limits By staggering this construction there could be a delay of 10 years or more before widening of 185 could be completed resulting in continued driver delays This estimate of construction schedule was based on the local knowledge of the NCDOT Division Construction Engineer Diversion of Traffic Patterns While structural issues of bridges would not be as prevalent along US 29 74 as compared to 185 there would likely be increased driver delays and potential economic impacts to local merchants due to changes in travel patterns because of construction along a majority of this east west corridor Construction of feeder route improvements outside of the urban areas would be disruptive to traffic patterns in southern Gaston County which currently suffers from the lack of east west connectivity Improving the feeder routes while constructing or making improvements along existing 185 and US 29 74 would reduce mobility and increase travel times between Gaston and Mecklenburg County Waiting until the 185 and US 29 74 improvements were completed would extend the already extremely lengthy construction period Cost Preliminary construction cost estimates were developed by NCDOT in September 2004 for Scenario 4+ The estimated construction cost was $2919 million dollars However right of way (r /w) and utility costs were excluded from the estimate Based on the additional length of improvements along existing 185 (approximately 4 9 miles) and feeder route improvements for Scenario 8 it is anticipated that the cost estimate (exclusive of r/w and utility costs) would be higher and could come close to or exceed the costs of the New Location route 13 6 0 Inconsistency with Local Thoroughfare Plans and Comprehensive Land Use Plans 61 Thoroughfare Planning Process The Gaston Urban Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (WO) recommends a new location highway to improve east west mobility in southern Gaston County This new highway is shown on the Gaston Urban Area Thoroughfare Plan and is locally known as the US 321/74 Bypass and the Garden Parkway The Garden Parkway is the number one priority on the MPO s Unmet Needs List which is a subset of the Gaston Urban Area Thoroughfare Plan The Mecklenburg Union WO Thoroughfare Plan also identifies a transportation need for an additional crossing of the Catawba River 6 2 Comprehensive Land Use Plans The comprehensive land use plans of both Gaston County and Mecklenburg County show southeast Gaston County and western Mecklenburg County as high growth areas Both comprehensive plans show a new roadway connection across the Catawba River between these two high growth areas Western Mecklenburg County and the Charlotte Douglas Airport are expected to be or already area mayor employment centers The Charlotte Douglas International Airport is proposing a new mtermodal facility in the southwest portion of their property 7 0 Inability of Improve Existing Roadways to Meet the Project's Purposes and Needs The project s purpose and need has two critical basic elements 1) improve east west mobility and connectivity within southern Gaston County and between southern Gaston County and west Mecklenburg County and 2) improve traffic flow on 185 and US 29 74 (the only existing east west corridors in the study area) The following summarizes the inability of the Improve Existing Roadways Alternatives (Renanos 4 4+ 4a and 8) to meet the project s purposes and needs J Q-7 South of US 29 74 there are no continuous east west roadways in the southern half of Gaston County Improvements to 185 US 29 74 and north/south feeder roads proposed under Scenario 8 would not improve east west mobility in southern Gaston County [2 1 Geographically southern Gaston County and western Mecklenburg County are completely isolated from each other by the Catawba River JThere are no crossings,-of the) Catawba River south of -US 29 74 until the dge NC 49 Buster Boyd Bri m York South Carolina -about 11 miles downstream from US 29 74 - Improvements to 185 US 29 74 and north/south feeder roads would not provide the needed connectivity between southeastern Gaston County and western Mecklenburg County 14 3 The regional travel demand model runs show that improvements Made to US 29 74 ands existing I 85_continue to attract more traffic due to the latent travel demand in the area resulting-in a _build it and they-will c6ntinue to come_ situation 4 The regional travel demand modeling and corridor level operations analyses (described in Section 3) demonstrate that the diversion of- traffic achieved by 9--new location roadwayD (Scenario S) is more effective or as effective at improving traffic flow-on I-85 and US 29D 74 than providing direct improvements to these roadways Improving existing 185 and US 29 74 would not meet the need for connectivity and) would only minimally-improve traffic flow on existing 185 and US 29_7_4 People would still have to travel north on two lane roadways many through downtown areas and some through historic districts to go east and west Even when improvements to north/south feeder roads were added to create Scenario 8 additional traffic is attracted to 185 during the peak hour because of the latent demand As a result the levels of service along 185 cdegrade for Scenario 8 as compared to Scenario 4a- , 6 While improving existing 185 would improve traffic capacity and operations along 185 in the study area it is not a reasonable alternative due to travel delays during construction long construction duration and community disruption caused by the required improvements to existing 185 and the north south feeder routes in the study area to improve access to the interstate Scenario 8 would require construction at 11--) interchanges and 15 cross street bridges along I 85= replacing six (6) bridges along US) 29 74 and replacing -10 bridges along the y lmes'--1 7 Scenario 8 (Improve 185 to 10 lanes US 29 74 to 6 lanes and improve feeder roads) will significantly impact the human environment within the entire project study for businesses residences community facilities safety travel patterns and historic sites Potential impacts to the human environment would be greatest for improvements along US 321 NC 279 and NC 273 Potential impacts to the natural environment would be greatest for improvements along US 321 and NC 273 due to the stream crossings and bridge replacements Potential impacts to the natural environment could be high along existing US 29 74 where six new bridge crossing would be required 8 Scenario 5 (Build a New Location Freeway) satisfies the critical elements of the purpose and need statement because it 1) improves east west mobility and connectivity within southern Gaston County and between southern Gaston County and west Mecklenburg County and 2) Improves traffic flow along 185 and US 29 74 8 0 Summary As described above the NCDOT believes the studies and analyses that have been completed to date sufficiently demonstrate that the Improve Existing Roadways (IER) alternatives should be eliminated from further study These alternatives do not meet the critical elements of the purpose and need for the proposed project and they are not consistent with the local thoroughfare plans and comprehensive land use plans 15 LEGEND 40.V 6 LOVEMENTS TO 1 -85 - SCENARIO 4A y v 40V 8 La NO U 3321 GASTON and MECKLENBURG X11 Wid, COUNTIES EAST WEST CONNECTOR STUDY SCE �t tO4 W1d W, TR, �$CEI FIGURE 1 d `'y F LEGEND A& 6 ROVEMENTS TO 1 -85 - SCENARIO 8 8 ECT NO U 3321 GASTON and MECKLENBURG WI COUNTIES EAST WEST CONNECTOR STUDY (S WI f (S FIGURE 2 r pil- NA Yw IMN 4 / ' / ` 1 z a . ' J � 4\y c ate, \` /� �" y' •� z;� '� =Iroo— >e w 41 ® b r w Y -1 t ]\ k JJJ � � 4 J t, 4 t _ t: 4 f f aim Vil r � S ate' 9j]4 i S i t v i ■®i ®r�� ao�f J ol n _ "C rte.: Fmi SCENARIO DESCRIPTIONS GASTON COUNTY EAST -WEST CONNECTOR STUDY TIP PROJECT NO U -3321 GASTON AND MECKLENBURG COUNTIES FEDERAL PROJECT NUMBER STP- 1213(6) STATE PROJECT NUMBER 8 2812501 Below is a summary of the scenarios discussed at the August 17 2004 Merger Team Meeting Scenario 1— No Build Alternative No capacity improvements to I 85 or to US 29 74 Scenario 2 — Improve I -85 Widen I 85 to eight lanes in each direction (addition of one through lane in each direction) from the existing 8 lane area at Exit 26 (Belmont) west through Gastonia to the interchange of US 29 74 and 185 This scenario does not include any improvements to ramps or overpasses in the I 85 corridor Scenario 3 — Improve US 29 -74 Widen the bridges over the Catawba River and the South Fork Catawba River to six lanes Widen the four lane section that exists west of Gastonia from Myrtle School Road west to 185 to six lanes This scenario does not include any turn lane improvements on US 29 74 or on any other arterials in the project study area Scenario 4 — Improve both I -85 and US 29 -74 Scenario 4 is a combination of Scenarios 2 and 3 Scenario 4+ — Improve I -85 and US 29 -74 and include TSM Measures Based on the results of the corridor level operations analysis for Scenario 4 a Scenario 4+ was developed Scenario 4+ includes the improvements from Scenario 4 plus • Additional through lane in each direction on I 85 (widen to 10 lanes) from Exit 21 (Cox Road) to Exit 27 (NC 273) • Intersection ramp and cross street improvements along entire length of I 85 and US 29 74 in study area (the long list in the meeting packet) Scenario 5 — Build a New Location Freeway Build a new location freeway south of 185 from I 85 west of Gastonia to 1485 No improvements would be made to existing I 85 or US 29 74 Merger Review Board Elevation Meeting Gaston East -West Connector TIP No U -3321 October 27 2004 AGENDA 10 00 am Welcome Roger Sheats 10 05 am Introductions Roger Sheats 10 10 am Project History Derrick Weaver 10 15 am Member Brief's Drew Joyner (time keeper) GUMPO MUMPO NCDOT FHWA NCWRC NCDWQ USFWS USEPA USACE 10 45 am Review Board Questions 1145 am Summary / Closing Remarks Roger Sheats 12 00 am Adjourn Section 4041 EPA .merger Project Team Meeting Agreement Concurrence Point No I - Purpose .cud N' eed Proieet No ITIP'No Vame/bescrtptton Federal Project Nurnber STP 12 13'(6) State P'rotect'rumber S 2812501 TIP Number U 3321 Dcscriptsort Gaston Edyt- 'West Cofndar 5tudv 3n brtston and Mceltlenburg Counties Purpose and Need +ofPrapo5edProject 1 he purpose of the proposed action is to Improve east West trart�portatton nwblllt� rn the area around the City of Gastonia. betweell stoma and the Charlotte metropolitan area In general, and pa4 muLarly to establish dirLct access between'the rapidly growing area of southeast Gaston Count} and'west iMecklenburg County' ThL-. project purpose Is based on the foLlovying Need to impro -ve 1110btitty access and connectivity wtthm'southem Gaston County and betwecn southern Gaston Counq and Mecklenburg County on A Need to reduce congest= and improve traffic tIo%V the sections of I -85 US 29 -74 and QS 321 in the project studv area improve high -s eed safe regional travel service along the GS 29 -74 tntmiate corridor and generally improve sarety and reduce abo�rr aNera,2e accident rates to the Study area The -project stud) area consists of the"lollowing generAJ boundaries- 1-85 to the north the SOL'th CVohna State lime to the south, the Charlotte -C uglas International Airport to the east and the 1 -85 ,anA US 29 -74 junction to the'west Me Project Team concurred an this date of � � O,� Z with the purpose of grid geed for the prpposed project as stated abo -ve USACEAi DO % X NCDWQ (Vb"J 'L Notes for Presentation Two fundamental concerns with a premature elimination of alternatives 1) Circumvents Avoidance and Minimization Process 2) Delays in Permitting 404/401 (3rd Party intervention) Purpose & Need • Broad versus Strict interpretation • Recollection of DWQ staff • Written meeting minutes Impacts & Modeling • Modeling for 4+ not performed • Assessment of impacts for New Location done, Non - Location not done Threatened and Endangered Species • Protection of Existing Uses • Wildlife listed specifically as an existing use • Defer to WRC, DMF, and USFWS • All have expressed concerns at this time • If don't eliminate non -New Location properly Dead in the water if T &E issue arises LOS • Even new location alternative need upgrades to I -85 • Not assessed at this time Conclusion • Not necessarily opposed to a new location alternative • However, need to do full and fair assessment of alternatives to eliminate SCENARIO DESCRIPTIONS GASTON COUNTY EAST -WEST CONNECTOR STUDY TIP PROJECT NO U -3321 GASTON AND MECKLENBURG COUNTIES FEDERAL PROJECT NUMBER STP- 1213(6) STATE PROJECT NUMBER 8 2812501 Below is a summary of the scenarios discussed at the August 17 2004 Merger Team Meeting Scenario I — No Build Alternative No capacity improvements to 185 or to US 29 74 Scenario 2 — Improve I -85 Widen I 85 to eight lanes in each direction (addition of one through lane in each direction) from the existing 8 lane area at Exit 26 (Belmont) west through Gastonia to the interchange of US 29 74 and I 85 This scenario does not include any improvements to ramps or overpasses in the I 85 corridor Scenario 3 — Improve US 29 -74 Widen the bridges over the Catawba River and the South Fork Catawba River to six lanes Widen the four lane section that exists west of Gastonia from Myrtle School Road west to I 85 to six lanes This scenario does not include any turn lane improvements on US 29 74 or on any other arterials in the project study area Scenario 4 — Improve both I -85 and US 29 -74 Scenario 4 is a combination of Scenarios 2 and 3 Scenario 4+ — Improve I -85 and US 29 -74 and include TSM Measures Based on the results of the corridor level operations analysis for Scenario 4 a Scenario 4+ was developed Scenario 4+ includes the improvements from Scenario 4 plus • Additional through lane in each direction on I 85 (widen to 10 lanes) from Exit 21 (Cox Road) to Exit 27 (NC 273) • Intersection ramp and cross street improvements along entire length of I 85 and US 29 74 in study area (the long list in the meeting packet) Scenario 5 — Build a New Location Freeway Build a new location freeway south of 185 from I 85 west of Gastonia to 1485 No improvements would be made to existing 1 85 or US 29 74 Merger Review Board Elevation Meeting Gaston East -West Connector TIP No U -3321 October 27, 2004 AGENDA 10 00 am Welcome Roger Sheats 10 05 am Introductions Roger Sheats 10 10 am Project History Derrick Weaver 10 15 am Member Brief s Drew Joyner (time keeper) GUMPO MUMPO NCDOT FHWA NCWRC NCDWQ USFWS USEPA USACE 10 45 am Review Board Questions 1145 am Summary / Closing Remarks Roger Sheats 12 00 am Adjourn Section 404INEPA Merger Project Teams. Meeting Agreement Concurrence Point No I - Purpose and Need Prot Na ITIF No /farrne/ escrtpoon Federal Project Number S`I'P- 1213 {6} Slate Project Ni umber 8 2912501 TIP Number U 3321 R Description Gaston East -West Corridor Studv in Or'ston and Mecklenburg Counties PuZpose and Need of Proposed'.Project the purpose of the proposed action is to improve cast `%cst traq► portat►on mobility in the area around the City of Gastania. betwe -en ChWonia and the Charlotte metropolitan area in genera), and par vaitarly to establish dirLct access bete °een'the rapidly grawtnWarea of southeast Gaston Courit.3 and w= Mecklenbuq� County This project pilrpose is based on the following Need 10 tmprave Mobiltty access and connectivity %kithin southem Gaston. County and between wvthem Gaston Count) and 1\4Cd Lnburg CoUMV Need�to reduce congest= and improve tr -ifc flow � f the sections of I -85 ILJS 29 -74 and DS 321 in the project studv area Improve high - speed, safe regional travel service-along the US 29 -74 intraslate corridor and generally improc,sarety and reduce above ai emge accident rate in the study area The project study area consists of the tollowing general bowi€laries I -85 to the north the South Carolina State line to the south, the Charlotte- Douelas International Airport to the east and thL I -8.) an'd US 29'74 function to the -,Nest the Prnjeet "foam concurred on this date of I � q ,� � with Ibe purpose of and need for the proposed pkgeet a- stated above Ir �1 Notes for Presentation Two fundamental concerns with a premature elimination of alternatives 1) Circumvents Avoidance and Minimization Process 2) Delays in Permitting 404/401 (3rd Party intervention) Purpose & Need • Broad versus Strict interpretation • Recollection of DWQ staff • Written meeting minutes Impacts & Modeling • Modeling for 4+ not performed • Assessment of impacts for New Location done, Non - Location not done Threatened and Endangered Species • Protection of Existing Uses • Wildlife listed specifically as an existing use • Defer to WRC, DMF, and USFWS • All have expressed concerns at this time • If don't eliminate non -New Location properly Dead in the water if T &E issue arises LOS • Even new location alternative need upgrades to I -85 • Not assessed at this time Conclusion • Not necessarily opposed to a new location alternative • However, need to do full and fair assessment of alternatives to eliminate ate pa" k / -.(' :1 i1�fi(rA dn Michael F Easley Gov OR William G Ross Jr Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W Klimek P E Director Division of Water Quality Briefing Paper for Review Board October 27, 2004 Primary Issues — The DWQ has two fundamental concerns associated With the premature elimination of alternatives Circumvents the Avoidance and Minimization Process Delays in 404/401 permitting due to incomplete alternative analysis Purpose and Need Approved Purpose and Need The purpose of the proposed action is to improve east west transportation mobility in the area around the City of Gastonia between Gastonia and the Charlotte metropolitan area in general and particularly to establish direct access between the rapidly growing area of southeast Gaston County and west Mecklenburg County The project purpose is based on the following • Improve mobility access and connectivity in southern Gaston County and between southern Gaston County and Mecklenburg County • Reduce congestion and improve traffic flow on the sections of 185 US 29174 and US 321 in the project study area improve high speed safe regional travel service along the US 29 74 intrastate corridor and generally improve safety and reduce above average accident rates in the project study area Prior to agreeing to the Purpose and Need statement, the DWQ asked if the statement as written would preclude a fair assessment of non new location alternatives DWQ was assured both orally and in writing that a broad interpretation of the Purpose and Need would be employed during the planning of the protect, and that a full and fair assessn of all alternatives would be considered / The following statement is taken from the official May 15 2002 meeting minutes The Statement of Purpose and Need repeatedly uses the term southern Gaston the area we re talking about south of 185 Southern Gaston County is expected to receive the most growth based on the Land Use Plan but we are referring to east west transportation needs and no Gaston County It was not the intent to pre suppose any alternatives at a sp/ as ruling out alternatives for improved connectivity north of 185 The docu/ in this light and revised accordingly Transportation Permitting Unit 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh North Carolina 27699 1650 2321 Crabtree Boulevard Suite 250 Raleigh North Carolina 27604 Phone 919 733 1786/ FAX 919 733 6893/ Internet htto //h2o enr state nc us /ncwetlands An Equal Opportunity /Affirmative Action Employer -50/ Recycled /10/ Post Consumer Paper Impacts and Alts Developed At this time we do not believe that the non -new location alternatives have received a full and fair assessment when compared to the new location alternatives • In the position paper submitted by the DOT it was stated that traffic modeling on 4+ alternative was not developed It was assumed that the alternative would not work See statement below Because of operational deficiencies Identified in Scenario 4, numerous TSM type Improvements along US 29 74 were incorporated into Scenario 4, resulting In Scenario 4+ The corridor level model was not rerun for these improvements It is likes that makin these improvements would simply shift the con estion f y g demand model runs W oul d g archer downstream The regional already completed show that improvenents made to US 29 74 and existing 185 continue to attract resulting in a more traffic due to the lat, i travel recommended imprlovemen s Will continue to come demand In the area making those Improvements thunning the model Identi sitiatzon The cycle o P running the,riodela �g new areas of congeSQ °n g adequately evaluate the ability project u of the Im rove gait was not necessary to P rpose and need It would si, p Existing h'oad Scenario 4+ I?� addmore1 waYsAlternatives to meet the mprovements to the listfor • In the position paper submitted b for Potential thdOT location alternatives as for othe 94 n� n alter W as stated that See statement below l emativ at the sa arson Segments s not Performed level of analy is s or Only a curso were assess d o the not] -neW These impacts level impact anal)4r do e y the team pacts are not at the sam /o nefOy'the alternative Impacts Therefore Inc 'Yetail4s�he Improve exlstl 'r�,,._ _ . trnctive t� �orrldOr levP� ng alteynat I l� Level of Service (LOS) • According to the documentation presented the LOS would be improved if a new location alternative is built and would not be improved if a non new location alternative is built However for both new location and non new location alternatives certain sections of I 85 and US 29/74 would have failing LOS in the design year 2025 • Improvements would need to be made to 185 and US 29/74 regardless of the alternative chosen • Most of the deficiencies in LOS on 185 are a result of poor service on surface streets adjacent to 185 interchanges Thus it appears that much of the congestion on 185 could be reduced by improvements to secondary roads rather than by improvements to 185 (DOT Information Package for U 3321 July 14 2004) • Given this information it is not clear that alternative 4+ would not meet the east west transportation needs of the area In our opinion additional information is needed to demonstrate the effectiveness of the 4+ alternative Conclusion The DWQ is not necessarily opposed to the construction of a new location alternative In fact it is likely that a new location alternative will ultimately be chosen and built However issuance of the 401 Water Quality Certification and the Catawba Buffer Authorization requires the avoidance and minimization of impacts that can only be accomplished through a full and equitable assessment of all �G Michael F Easley Governor William G Ross Jr Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W Klimek P E Director Division of Water Quality Primary Issues — The DWQ elimination of alternatives Briefing Paper for Review Board 4 October 27, 2004 �� , has two fundamental concerns associated kith the premature Circumvents the Avoidance and Minimization Process Delays in 404/401 permitting due to incomplete alternative analysis Purpose and Need Approved Purpose and Need The purpose of the proposed action is to improve east west transportation mobility in the area around the City of Gastonia between Gastonia and the Charlotte metropolitan area in general and particularly to establish direct access between the rapidly growing area of southeast Gaston County and west Mecklenburg County The project purpose is based on the following • Improve mobility access and connectivity in southern Gaston County and between southern Gaston County and Mecklenburg County • Reduce congestion and improve traffic flow on the sections of 185 US 29174 and US 321 in the project study area improve high speed safe regional travel service along the US 29 74 intrastate corridor and generally improve safety and reduce above average accident rates in the project study area Prior to agreeing to the Purpose and Need statement, the DWQ asked if the statement as written would preclude a fair assessment of non new location alternatives DWQ was assured both orally and in writing that a broad interpretation of the Purpose and Need would be employed during the planning of the protect, and that a full and fair assessment of all alternatives would be considered The following statement is taken from the official May 15 2002 meeting minutes The Statement of Purpose and Need repeatedly uses the term southern Gaston County is that the area we re talking about south of 185 9 Southern Gaston County is expected to receive the most growth based on the Comprehensive Land Use Plan but we are referring to east west transportation needs and notjust southern Gaston County It was not the intent to pre suppose any alternatives at a specific location such as ruling out alternatives for improved connectivity north of 185 The document will be reviewed in this light and revised accordingly No e hCarolhna Transportation Permitting Unit Naturally 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh North Carolina 27699 1650 2321 Crabtree Boulevard Suite 250 Raleigh North Carolina 27604 Phone 919 733 1786 / FAX 919 733 6893 / Internet http / /h2o enr state nc us /ncwetlands An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer —50/ Recycled /10/ Post Consumer Paper Impacts and Alts Developed At this time we do not believe that the non new location alternatives have received a full and fair assessment when compared to the new location alternatives In the position paper submitted by the DOT it was stated that traffic modeling on 4+ alternative was not developed It was assumed that the alternative would not work See statement below Because of operational deficiencies identified in Scenario 4 numerous TSM type improvements along US 29 74 were incorporated into Scenario 4 resulting an Scenario 4+ The corridor level model was not rerun for these improvements It is likely that making these improvements would simply shaft the congestion farther downstream The regional demand model runs already completed show that improvements made to US 29 74 and existing 185 continue to attract more traffic due to the latent travel demand to the area, resulting an a build at and they will continue tocome sittaatzon The cycle of making recommended improvements running the mode tdent0tttg new areas of congestion making those improvements then running theaodel agaaaz was not necessary to adequately evaluate the ability of the ImproveExtsttng Roadways Alternatives to meet the ad protect purpose and need It would simply more improvements to the lost for Scenario 4+ In the position paper submitted by th)?OT it was stated for potential impacts on non new locon alternatives the same level of analysis location alternatives as foi the 94 nfocatlo rnatr was not Performed n Segments that were assessed for the non new See statement below y the team Only a cursory level impact analyzS done These impacts are not at the same o for the improve These � ,fdetaal alternative imnacty Thorofnro ,t �„--, as the corr,a v ng alternan„on Level of Service (LOS) • According to the documentation presented the LOS would be improved if a new location alternative is built and would not be improved if a non new location alternative is built However for both new location and non new location alternatives certain sections of I 85 and US 29/74 would have failing LOS in the design year 2025 • Improvements would need to be made to 185 and US 29/74 regardless of the alternative chosen • Most of the deficiencies in LOS on 185 are a result of poor service on surface streets adjacent to I 85 interchanges Thus it appears that much of the congestion on 185 could be reduced by improvements to secondary roads rather than by improvements to 185 (DOT Information Package for U 3321 July 14 2004) • Given this information it is not clear that alternative 4+ would not meet the east west transportation needs of the area In our opinion additional information is needed to demonstrate the effectiveness of the 4+ alternative Conclusion The DWQ is not necessarily opposed to the construction of a new location alternative In fact it is likely that a new location alternative will ultimately be chosen and built However issuance of the 401 Water Quality Certification and the Catawba Buffer Authorization requires the avoidance and minimization of impacts that can only be accomplished through a full and equitable assessment of all O�0F W A TF9QG Michael F Easley Governor WilliamG Ross Jr Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Briefing Paper for Review Board October 27, 2004 Alan W Klimek P E Director Division of Water Quality Primary Issues — The DWQ has two fundamental concerns associated with the premature elimination of alternatives Circumvents the Avoidance and Minimization Process Delays in 404/401 permitting due to incomplete alternative analysis Purpose and Need Approved Purpose and Need The purpose of the proposed action is to improve east west transportation mobility in the area around the City of Gastonia between Gastonia and the Charlotte metropolitan area in general and particularly to establish direct access between the rapidly growing area of southeast Gaston County and west Mecklenburg County The project purpose is based on the following • Improve mobility access and connectivity in southern Gaston County and between southern Gaston County and Mecklenburg County • Reduce congestion and improve traffic flow on the sections of 185 US 29174 and US 321 in the project study area improve high speed safe regional travel service along the US 29 74 intrastate corridor and generally improve safety and reduce above average accident rates in the project study area Prior to agreeing to the Purpose and Need statement, the DWQ asked if the statement as written would preclude a fair assessment of non new location alternatives DWQ was assured both orally and in writing that a broad interpretation of the Purpose and Need would be employed during the planning of the protect, and that a full and fair assessment of all alternatives would be considered The following statement is taken from the official May 15 2002 meeting minutes The Statement of Purpose and Need repeatedly uses the term southern Gaston County is that the area we re talking about south of 185 Southern Gaston County is expected to receive the most growth based on the Comprehensive Land Use Plan but we are referring to east west transportation needs and not just southern Gaston County It was not the intent to pre suppose any alternatives at a specific location such as ruling out alternatives for improved connectivity north of 185 The document will be reviewed in this light and revised accordingly No e hCarohna Transportation Permitting Unit Na%urallly 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh North Carolina 27699 1650 2321 Crabtree Boulevard Suite 250 Raleigh North Carolina 27604 Phone 919 733 1786 / FAX 919 733 6893 / Internet http //h2o enr state nc us /ncvvetlands An Equal Opportunity /Aff irmative Action Employer — 50 / Recycled /10 / Post Consumer Paper Impacts and Alts Developed At this time we do not believe that the non new location alternatives have received a full and fair assessment when compared to the new location alternatives • In the position paper submitted by the DOT it was stated that traffic modeling on 4+ alternative was not developed It was assumed that the alternative would not work See statement below Because of operational deficiencies identified to Scenario 4 numerous TSM type improvements along US 29 74 were incorporated into Scenario 4 resulting an Scenario 4+ The corridor level model was not rerun for these improvements It is likely that making these improvements would simply shaft the congestion farther downstream The regional demand model runs already completed show that improvements made to US 29 74 and existing 185 continue to attract more traffic due to the latent travel demand an the area resulting an a build at and they will continue to come situation The cycle of making recommended improvements running the model identifying new areas of congestion making those improvements then running the model again was not necessary to adequately evaluate the ability of the Improve Existing Roadways Alternatives to meet the project purpose and need It would simply add more improvements to the last for Scenario 4+ • In the position paper subnutted by the DOT it was stated that the same level of analysis for potential impacts on non new location alternatives was not performed for the non new location alternatives as for the 94 new location segments that were assessed by the team See statement below Only a cursory level impact analysis was done for the improve existing alternatives These impacts are not at the same level of detail as the corridor level new location alternative impacts Therefore at as not constructive to draw a comparison Threatened and Endangered Species • EMC Rules require protection of existing uses with the issuance of the 401 WQC • Wildlife is explicitly listed as an existing use to be protected • We typically rely on the expertise of WRC and USFWS to fulfill this requirement • At present the WRC has concerns about the full and fair assessment of alternatives • Failure to due an assessment of a full range of alternatives can result in failure to do avoidance and minimization Thus causing permit delays at best and denial at worst • Potential for impacts to federally listed endangered species with new location alternatives Level of Service (LOS) • According to the documentation presented the LOS would be improved if a new location alternative is built and would not be improved if a non new location alternative is built However for both new location and non new location alternatives certain sections of I 85 and US 29/74 would have failing LOS in the design year 2025 • Improvements would need to be made to 185 and US 29/74 regardless of the alternative chosen • Most of the deficiencies in LOS on 185 are a result of poor service on surface streets adjacent to 185 interchanges Thus it appears that much of the congestion on 185 could be reduced by improvements to secondary roads rather than by improvements to 185 (DOT Information Package for U 3321 July 14 2004) • Given this information it is not clear that alternative 4+ would not meet the east west transportation needs of the area In our opinion additional information is needed to demonstrate the effectiveness of the 4+ alternative Conclusion The DWQ is not necessarily opposed to the construction of a new location alternative In fact it is likely that a new location alternative will ultimately be chosen and built However issuance of the 401 Water Quality Certification and the Catawba Buffer Authorization requires the avoidance and minimization of impacts that can only be accomplished through a full and equitable assessment of all September 27 2004 Ms Knstma Solberg P E NCDOT Project Manager PDEA North Carolina Department of Transportation 1584 Mail Service Center Raleigh North Carolina 27699 1584 RE Written Brief to Merger 01 Process Review Board NCDOT Elevation Process for TIP Number U 3321, Gaston East West Corridor Study (Proposed "Gaston Freeway" or "Garden Parkway "), Gaston and Mecklenburg Counties, Federal Protect Number STP 1213(6), State Protect Number 8 2812501 Dear Ms Solberg This letter and attachment represents the U S Environmental Protection Agency s (EPA) formal response and written brief to the North Carolina Department of Transportation s ( NCDOT) notice of potential elevation for the above referenced Merger 01 project By copy of this letter EPA is providing the same information to the Merger 01 Process Review Board members consistent with the Implementation Guidance for Conflict or Dispute Resolution executed on October 20 2003 It is my understanding that this is the first formal elevation of a NCDOT Merger 01 project While EPA has not yet been offered the opportunity to be a formal signatory agency to the Merger 01 Implementation Guidance EPA believes that the Conflict or Dispute Resolution agreement is a reasonable method of trying to resolve issues when the Merger team agency representatives can not agree or reach consensus However EPA and NCDOT are bound to the Inter Agency Agreement (IAG #RW NC- 94591501 0) provisions regarding disputes contained at Item VI 4 a Mutually Understood Conditions It is recognized in the IAG that the NEPA/404 merger process was being updated and may include specific dispute resolution guidelines that could include EPA EPA management officials were not invited to review the Merger 01 Conflict or Dispute Resolution Implementation Guidance prior to its execution by NCDOT the North Carolina Department of Natural Resources (DENR) the U S Army Corps of Engineers (ACE) and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) As stated in the IAG resolution of the issue will require mutual cooperation by both parties After the Interim Concurrence Point 2 meeting on September 9 2004 and the notice of potential elevation by the NCDOT Mr Militscher of my staff went to your office on September 10`h to request that another Merger meeting be scheduled the week September 13`h to try to reach a compromise amongst the Merger team agencies Mr Mihtscher also requested the same of Mr Derrick Weaver PDEA Unit Head With the exception of the Division of Water Quality (DWQ) representative who was not able to attend the September 14'h meeting due to late notice that pre elevation Merger meeting ended without the interim concurrence which NCDOT (and FHWA) is seeking The attachment to this letter outlines EPA s specific concerns and rationale for its position The scope and magnitude of the proposed project will result in irreversible changes to the nature and character to half of Gaston County and the regional planning area The proposed Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) should rigorously explore and objectively evaluate all reasonable alternatives [CEQ 43 FR 55994 Section 1502 14(a)] EPA is convinced that a combination of potential improvements to the existing failing facilities (I -85 and US 29/74) along with other possible system improvements is a feasible alternative worthy of further consideration EPA has in the past supported the elimmation of alternatives for numerous Merger projects where the detailed transportation and environmental analysis conducted by NCDOT clearly shows that these alternatives do not justify further consideration under NEPA and clearly do not meet the purpose and need However NCDOT has not conducted even a cursory environmental analysis for the other No build Alternatives There are over 70 potential Transportation System Management (TSM) measures which have not been discussed by the Merger team representatives in any detail Furthermore EPA disagrees with some of the key assumptions in the preliminary transportation analysis and some of the necessary analyses have not been conducted (e g Mass Transit Alternative Future Transit Ridership Assumptions in MPO s Travel Models Gaston N/A - Not specifically included in models) In summary and conclusion EPA would encourage NCDOT and FHWA to consider a compronuse position to dropping all of the alternatives except for the No -build and Build a New Location Freeway at this stage of the NEPA process EPA believes that some of the No build Alternatives (e g Scenario 4+ and Mass Transit with TSM for I -85 and US 29/74) do meet the stated purpose and need in total or in part Thus all reasonable and feasible alternatives should be carried forward for detailed study to the DEIS stage in order to allow the public and decision makers the opportunity to comparatively evaluate a full range of alternatives Furthermore performing detailed environmental studies for a full range of alternatives by NCDOT is consistent with past efforts for proposed new location highway projects under the Merger process EPA would be willing to sign a Partial Concurrence Point 2 form which includes at least some No build Alternatives We appreciate your consideration in this matter Thank you Sincerely Heinz J Mueller Chief NEPA Program Office Office of Policy and Management Attachment Review Board Members S Kenneth Jolly Chief Regulatory Division U S Army Corps of Engineers Wilmington District Dempsey E Benton Chief Deputy Secretary North Carolina Department of Natural Resources Roger E Sheats Jr Deputy Secretary North Carolina Department of Transportation Don Voekler Assistant Division Administrator Federal Highway Administration cc A Stanley Meiburg EPA Deputy Regional Administrator Russell L Wright EPA Assistant Regional Administrator Gregory J Thorpe Ph D NCDOT PDEA Director ATTACHMENT Clarification on Concurrence NCDOT has provided a misstatement of fact in its September 9 2004 e mail regarding the Notice of Potential Elevation following the August 17 2004 Partial Concurrence Point 2 meeting EPA has not agreed that Mass Transit or combinations of other No build Alternatives do not meet the purpose and need (P /N) for the project and should not be carried forward as Detailed Study Alternatives (DSA) At no time during the August 17th meeting or subsequent to that meeting has EPA s Merger team representative stated verbally (or provided in writing) that Mass Transit or a potential combination of the No build Alternatives do not meet the purpose and need statement Mr Militscher left the meeting in order not to be late for the scheduled 100 pm Merger meeting (R -2597) NCDOT did not allow sufficient time for the August 17th meeting for agency comments on the No build Alternatives and a large part of the 3 -hour meeting was consumed by the several PBS &J consultants Subsequent to the August 17th meeting NCDOT did provide a copy of the Gaston County Air Conformity Analysis as requested However NCDOT has not addressed the specific issue raised by Mr Militscher during the August 17th meeting regarding induced travel from a New Location facility This information and the underlying assumptions involving promoting increased traffic within the project study area are critical in understanding and analyzing future air pollutant emissions The responses EPA received regarding potential air quality issues for the New Location Alternative within the Charlotte- Gastonia Rock Hill Subpart 2 Moderate 8- hour Ozone Non attainment Area were curt and non - responsive Project History EPA is concerned that some of the verbal commitments to the resource agencies including EPA by the former NCDOT Project Manager (Ms Jennifer Hams P E ) for this project are not being taken seriously by the current NCDOT Project Manager Ms Hams assured Mr Militscher and other agency representatives during the P/N meetings that all No build Alternatives including Mass Transit would be given full consideration during the development of alternatives EPA understood this prior commitment to mean an equitable environmental analysis of these alternatives as well This comnutment has not been met in EPA s view of NCDOT s refusal to provide detailed study for one or two of the No build Alternatives (Scenarios described as 2 3 4 and 4+ in the August 17th handout and the TSM/TDM Alternative and the Mass Transit Alternative) The No Build Alternatives NCDOT has not provided an equitable environmental analysis of the No build Alternatives For example for the Mass Transit Alternative the Pros and Cons are cursory not supported by coordinated planning studies and generally inaccurate In addition to providing increased mobility and connectivity Mass Transit would also provide potentially less capacity demand at peak hours on current failing roadways Mass Transit is generally more environmentally friendly and would potentially result in less impacts to the human and natural environment (e g Less business and residential relocations less wetland and stream impacts etc ) Mass Transit is potentially safer than a New Location Freeway Mass Transit if designed properly is a more efficient means of transportation Connection of a Light Rail system to the Charlotte International Airport at the eastern termini with bus connections to other points around Charlotte would be an ideal commuter station None of these Pros made it into the meeting materials Ridership studies were not performed by Gaston County in their model and NCDOT has very possibly underestimated future ridership interest between the commuting areas of Gastonia and Charlotte To the contrary of NCDOT s post meeting e mail comments EPA believes that a Mass Transit Alternative combined with specific Traffic System Management (TSM) measures and some Improve Existing options fully meets the P/N and is a reasonable and feasible alternative which should be given full and equitable consideration in the DEIS Similarly the analysis provided for the Scenario 4+ Alternative (r e Improve Existing Roadways Alternative with TSM measures) also understates the benefits derived from this alternative compared to a New Location Facility In addition to maintaining level of service (LOS) and reducing accident rates after the construction period this alternative would also potentially improve connectivity between Gaston and Mecklenburg Counties by widening existing bridges over the South Fork of the Catawba River and the main stem of the Catawba River With TSM measures there would also be improved mobility within the project study area This alternative may also be more environmentally friendly and result in less induced travel and air pollution less wetland and stream impacts etc This alternative may be more cost effective than a New Location Freeway NCDOT points to the Con of not providing connectivity to southern Gaston County The P/N does not state that this is where the connectivity must occur and that the existing facilities are located in the agreed to project study area However without a full NEPA analysis NCDOT proposes to eliminate this alternative from further detailed study by rhetorically stating it does not meet the P/N EPA believes that an Improve Existing Alternative combined with specific TSM measures fully meets the P/N and is a reasonable and feasible alternative which should be given full and equitable consideration in the DEIS Another issue of concern for EPA is the idea that even with the construction of a $600 million New Location Freeway the LOS for critical segments along 185 and US 29/74 in the 2030 design year will continue to be LOS F (F+ as qualified by FHWA) Thus the New Location Freeway does not completely improve conditions along the failing roadways in the design year and NCDOT acknowledges that additional TSM and other improvements will be necessary even after the New Location Freeway is constructed Because of the full scope and intent of the P/N can not be met even with the New Location Alternative in the design year of 2030 NCDOT needs to fully consider and evaluate additional reasonable and feasible alternatives The Merger Process EPA is very disappointed that consensus could not be reached at the Partial Concurrence Point 2 meeting EPA is equally disappointed that NCDOT and its consultant have not efficiently used resource agency time during the Merger Process Most significantly EPA was very troubled by the method in which NCDOT developed the New Location Freeway corridors at the February 17 2004 Partial Concurrence Point 2 meeting for the New Location corridors EPA and other resource agencies were asked to review and eliminate corridor segments from over 90 individual roadway segments EPA s representative to the Merger team is not a highway design engineer It was not an efficient use of his time to painstakingly go over more than 90 permutations of roadway segments to develop the New Location Corridors The NCDOT consultant also had last minute revisions which were not provided ahead of time to the resource agency representatives who tele conferenced into the meeting (e g FWS WRC) This further confused and delayed this process An indeterminate number of segments were eliminated based upon highway esign criteria and not environmental constraints This multi agency /multi discipline method of developing NCDOT highway corridors is not consistent with current Merger 01 Implementation Guidance or TEA 21 streamlining initiatives On other large scale proposed new location Merger projects NCDOT develops a dozen or so viable transportation corridors based upon highway design criteria identifies the environmental constraints and the Merger agencies work together to modify delete add or adjust these NCDOT proposed corridors based upon the environmental constraints EPA s representative cooperated fully with NCDOT during this highway corridor development meeting but found it to be a very inefficient method EPA understands that other resource agency representatives shared similar concerns The current Merger 01 Implementation Guidance does not specifically address Partial Concurrence Points EPA acknowledges the potential scope and magnitude of the proposed project and the complexity of issues However EPA does not prefer this piecemeal concurrence approach EPA would prefer that several days (if needed) be scheduled in advance (e g In May of 2005 when NCDOT has identified another Partial Concurrence Point 2 meeting to further eliminate New Location Corridors) to identify all reasonable and feasible alternatives needed to be evaluated in detail in the DEIS The U -3321 project is listed as an NCDOT priority project for Division 12 and is assigned to a TIP Program Manager EPA has not seen any difference in PDEA/NCDOT resource commitment or priority of scheduling from that of any other Merger project There are 3 pages of identified TSM locations provided in the August 17th Merger team meeting handout (Pages 7 10 from July 14`h Partial concurrence Point 2 meeting package) The Merger team has not discussed any specifics of these potential improvement CORSIM analysis targets Unlike the efforts to identify New Location Corridors NCDOT has not allowed sufficient time nor emphasized the approximate 70 TSM improvement options included in the handouts NEPA/CEQ Regulations Under Section 1502 14 of the CEQ regulations Alternatives including the Proposed Action the first sentence stresses This section is the heart of the environmental impact statement EPA believes that a true comparative form for the alternatives can not be obtained as addressed in this section of the CEQ regulations by eliminating all but a No Action and Build a new Freeway alternatives without providing a detailed environmental analysis for all reasonable and feasible alternatives Furthermore NCDOT and FHWA have verbally identified that even with a new Freeway alternative an undisclosed number of TSM measures and other improvements will eventually be required for the existing roadways (I 85 and US 29/74) although this issue has not been confirmed in writing Under EPA s NEPA regulations under 40 CFR Part 6 Section 6 506(5) it further addresses the issue of alternatives covered in the NEPA document including the reasons for rejecting an alternative and disclose any significant environmental benefits precluded by such refection The decision makers and the public will be unaware of any potential environmental benefits from other No build alternatives if they are eliminated at this stage of NEPA planning Public Disclosure EPA is concerned that a full public disclosure of the reasonable and feasible alternatives will not be included in the DEIS The proposed new Freeway represents a potential $600 mullion investment in public dollars which will irreversibly and permanently alter the character and quality of life in half a county and the Gastonia region For NCDOT and FHWA to dismiss Mass Transit and other reasonable and feasible alternatives without providing a detailed environmental analysis and without first obtaining public feedback from the DEIS is premature and contrary to the spirit and intent of NEPA Air Quality Gaston County is located in the Gastonia Charlotte Rockhill Subpart Moderate 8 hour Ozone non attainment area under the Clean Air Act EPA requested during the August 17th meeting some indication from FHWA and NCDOT on the potential for induced travel with the New Location Freeway alternative It is understood by EPA that there will be offsetting gains /losses in air pollutant emissions To date EPA has not seen a specific traffic analysis showing induced travel from the New Location Freeway Alternative Threatened & Endangered Species EPA has learned from FWS and WRC that there may be a potential for threatened and endangered mussels to exist within the project study area including the streams and tributaries to the South Fork of the Catawaba River and the main stem to the Catawba River FWS has indicated during past meetings that biological surveys need to be conducted and a true avoidance alternative should be developed consistent with Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act The No -build or No Action alternative is not viewed by EPA as an avoidance alternative (Contrary to statements from NCDOT and FHWA) The No Action does not satisfy the P/N The No Action is not viewed by EPA as an avoidance alternative as it does not commit any action to solve the identified transportation needs EPA and other agencies have signed Concurrence Point 1 acknowledging that there is a demonstrated transportation problem along the I -85 and US 29/74 corridors and the No Action does not address this need If the threatened or endangered species are found within the New Location Freeway corridors (which all cross the Catawba River South Fork & main stem) there will be no reasonable and feasible avoidance alternative to evaluate Other Issues (Funding, Toll Authority, and Economic Development) Apparently this project has only funding for planning and environmental studies Therefore it is unclear why this TIP project has taken on such a priority for Merger Process Concurrence Point decision making when it is not programmed for funding through the 2004 2008 TIP There have been newspaper accounts that the proposed Garden Parkway or Gaston Freeway is to be the top priority for the NCDOT to create a toll road This issue was not addressed during the August 17th Partial Concurrence Point 2 meeting or other Merger meetings EPA was not aware that the NC Legislature created a toll authority ( Turnpike Authority ) in October of 2002 which would seek funding from the NC Legislature and administer the proposed New Location Freeway NCDOT needs to discuss and explore this issue with the resource agencies and other interested parties Any foreseeable actions regarding a possible toll facility should be fully disclosed in the NEPA process and should be considered in the traffic and environmental analyses for the alternatives During the August 17"' and September 14`h meetings it became apparent to EPA and other agencies that the Gaston MPO representative stressed that a fairly good part of the need for the proposed New Location Freeway is for economic development in southern Gaston County Economic development was not substantiated during the P/N concurrence process and has not been documented by neither NCDOT /FHWA nor local planning officials This underlying desire to accommodate additional development and sprawl by providing the access and right of -way would require that a full Indirect and Cumulative Impact analysis be performed by NCDOT Briefing Paper for Dempsey October 25, 2004 Primary Issues — The DWQ has two fundamental concerns associated with the premature elimination of alternatives Circumvents the Avoidance and Minimization Process Delays in 404/401 permitting due to incomplete alternative analysis 4, a, C2J The Statement of Purpose and Need repeatedly uses the term southern Gaston County as that the area we re talking about south of 185 Southern Gaston County as expected to receive the most growth based on the Comprehensive Land Use Plan but we are referring to east west transportation needs and not just southern Gaston County It was not the intent to pre suppose any alternatives at a specific location such as ruling out alternatives for improved connectivity north of 185 The document will be reviewed an this light and revised accordingly Purpose and Need 3 Approved Purpose and Need rThe purpose of the proposed action as to improve east west transportation mobility an the area around the City of Gastonia between Gastonia and the Charlotte metropolitan area an general and particularly to establish direct access between the rapidly growing area % of southeast Gaston County and west Mecklenburg County The project purpose as based on the following j ■ Improve mobility access and connectivity an southern Gaston County and between southern Gaston County and Mecklenburg County F ■ Reduce congestion and improve traffic flow on the sections of 185 US 29174 and US 321 an the project study area improve high speed safe regional travel service along the US 29 74 intrastate corridor and generally improve safety and reduce above saverage accident rates an the project study area Prior to agreeing to the Purpose and Need statement, the DWQ asked if the statement as written would preclude a fair assessment of non new location alternatives DOT committed to a full and fair assessment of all alternatives The following statement is taken from the official May 15 2002 meeting minutes The Statement of Purpose and Need repeatedly uses the term southern Gaston County as that the area we re talking about south of 185 Southern Gaston County as expected to receive the most growth based on the Comprehensive Land Use Plan but we are referring to east west transportation needs and not just southern Gaston County It was not the intent to pre suppose any alternatives at a specific location such as ruling out alternatives for improved connectivity north of 185 The document will be reviewed an this light and revised accordingly Only a cursory level impact analysis was done for the improve existing alternatives These impacts are not at the same level of detail as the corridor level new location alternative impacts Therefore it is not constructive to draw a comparison Threatened and Endangered Species EMC Rules require protection of existing uses Wildlife is explicitly listed as an existing use Failure to due an assessment of a full range of alternatives can result in failure to do avoidance and minimization Thus causing permit delays at best and denial at worst Potential for impacts to federally listed endangered species with new location alternatives CEQ Guidance on P &N and Alternatives ti As importantly the project purpose and need drives the process for alternatives consideration in depth analysis and ultimate selection The Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) regulations require that the EIS address the no action alternative and rigorously explore and objectively evaluate all reasonable alternatives ---57c� g�s ­-7 Impacts and Alts Developed ,�'t At this time we do not believe that the non -new location alternatives have received a full and fair assessment when compared to the new location alternatives �L ti • DOT admittedly did not run traffic modeling on 4+ alternative Assumed it Z 4 would not work Because of operational deficiencies identified in Scenario 4 numerous TSM type improvements C i along US 29 74 were incorporated into Scenario 4 resulting in Scenario 4+ �. The corridor level model was not rerun for these improvements It is likely that making these improvements would simply shaft the congestion farther downstream The regional demand model runs already completed show that improvements made to US 29 74 and existing 185 continue to attract more traffic due to the latent travel demand in the area resulting in a build it and they will continue to come situation The cycle of making recommended improvements running the model identifying new areas of congestion making those improvements then running the model again was not necessary to adequately evaluate the ability of the Improve Existing Roadways Alternatives to meet the project purpose and need It would simply add more improvements to the last for Scenario 4+ • DOT admittedly did not provide the same level of analysis for potential impacts on non new location alternatives as they did for the 94 new location segments that were assessed by the team Only a cursory level impact analysis was done for the improve existing alternatives These impacts are not at the same level of detail as the corridor level new location alternative impacts Therefore it is not constructive to draw a comparison Threatened and Endangered Species EMC Rules require protection of existing uses Wildlife is explicitly listed as an existing use Failure to due an assessment of a full range of alternatives can result in failure to do avoidance and minimization Thus causing permit delays at best and denial at worst Potential for impacts to federally listed endangered species with new location alternatives Level of Service (LOS) • DOT contends that the LOS would be improved if a new location alternative is built and would not be improved if a non new location alternative is built However for both new location and non new location alternatives certain sections of 185 and US 29/74 would have failing LOS in the design year 2025 • Improvements would need to be made to I -85 and US 29/74 regardless of the alternative chosen • Most of the deficiencies in LOS on I -85 are a result of poor service on surface streets adjacent to 185 interchanges Thus it appears that much of the congestion on 185 could be reduced by improvements to secondary roads rather than by improvements to 185 (DOT Information Package for U -3321 July 14 2004) Toll Road Issue NCDWQ and other resource agencies understand that the East West Connector is slated to be a toll road However DOT has not confirmed this fact Typically toll road usage is less than public- funded free road usage Therefore the traffic reduction to 185 US 29/74 due to a new location facility would be less than anticipated DOT s current traffic models do not reflect the road usage as a toll road This could affect the LOS ratings of 185 US 29/74 for the design year Information Packages • DOT Information Packages (July 14 2004) distributed to the Merger Team prior to the August 17 2004 Partial Concurrence Point #2 meeting indicated that pertinent information for developing alternatives (road lengths relocatees parks and recreation areas historic sites stream and wetland impacts etc ) would be provided This information was not provided at the Partial Concurrence meeting or at any subsequent meetings • In the September 29 2004 Elevation Process Meeting NC DWQ and the other resource agencies requested a variety of information including the information promised in the Information Package DOT s responses to the information requests still did not include the data promised in the Information Package DOT staff have stated that they do not think this information is necessary for eliminating the non new location alternatives I, Additional Items to Consider from FHWA website & guidance If an alternative does not satisfy the purpose and need for the project as a rule it should not be included in the analysis as an apparent reasonable alternative There are times when an alternative that is not reasonable is included based on the request of another agency or due to public expectation In such cases it should be clearly explained why the alternative is not reasonable (or prudent or practicable) why it is being analyzed in detail and that because it is not reasonable that it will not be selected As importantly the project purpose and need drives the process for alternatives consideration in depth analysis and ultimate selection The Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) regulations require that the EIS address the no- action' alternative and ' rigorously explore and objectively evaluate all reasonable alternatives Other times the cost or level of environmental impact are not acceptable and an alternative that only partially meets the purpose and need or the no build alternative must be considered If the costs are .justified in relation to the transportation benefits then a less than full build alternative may be acceptable NRDC v Morton (458 F2d 827 (D C Cir 1972)) thusly It is also inappropriate to disregard alternatives merely because they do not offer a complete solution to [the] problem From this could one assume that an alternative that meets 5 of 6 project needs merits analysis and discussion in the DEIS and that it would be premature to preclude such a discussion from the DEIS? GUIDANCE FOR PREPARING AND PROCESSING ENVIRONMENTAL AND SECTION 4(F) DOCUMENTS FHWA TECHNICAL ADVISORY T 6640 8A October 30 1987 All reasonable alternatives under consideration (including the no build) need to be developed to a comparable level of detail in the draft EIS so that their comparative merits may be evaluated (40 CFR 1502 14(b) and (d)) GASTON EAST WEST CONNECTOR DRAFT Briefing Paper October 19, 2004 Introduction Through several meetings held since August 2004 the NEPA/404 Merger Team has been unable to reach consensus on a portion of Concurrence Point 2 for TIP Project U 3321 the Gaston East West Connector This briefing paper is organized as follows • Issue Being Elevated in the NEPA/404 Merger Process • Project History in the Thoroughfare Planning Process • Project History in the NEPA Process • Purpose and Need Statement • Summary of the Inability of Improve Existing Roadway Alternatives to Meet Purpose and Need • Summary of Traffic Analyses Results • Other Considerations Issue Being Elevated in the NEPA/404 Merger Process The NCDOT considered the following basic types of alternatives in accordance with FHWA Guidelines (Technical Advisory T6640 8A) 1 No Action 2 Transportation System Management (TSM) and Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Measures 3 Mass Transit 4 Improve Existing Roadways (Improve 185 Improve US 29 74 or Improve Both 185 and US 29 74) 5 New Location The Merger Team could not agree on which non new location alternatives should be carried forward as Detailed Study Alternatives The NCDOT believes the studies and analyses that have been completed to date sufficiently demonstrate that TSM/TDM measures mass transit and improvements to existing roadways do not meet the critical elements of the purpose and need for the proposed project and should be eliminated from further study The NCDOT Federal Highway Adrmmstration (FHWA) Gaston Urban Metropolitan Planning Organization (GUMPO) Mecklenburg Union Metropolitan Planning Organization (MUMPO) and State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) agree that no non new location alternative should be carried forward as a Detailed Study Alternative The US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) NC Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ) NC Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC) US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) and US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) support retaining some or all of the non new location alternatives as Detailed Study Alternatives In accordance with CEQ and FHWA regulations the No Action (or No Build) Alternative is always carried forward as an alternative in the Draft Environmental Impact Statement Summary of the Inability of Improve Existing Roadway Alternatives to Meet Purpose and Need The FHWA provides guidance relating to the role of the Purpose and Need Statement in the alternatives development process (FHWA Memorandum titled The Importance of Purpose and Need in Environmental Documents September 18 1990) Based on this guidance the following points were considered in evaluating the ability of the Improve Existing Roadways Alternatives to meet the project s purpose and need 1 The project purpose and need drives the process for alternatives consideration in depth analysis and ultimate selection 2 If an alternative does not satisfy the purpose and need for the project as a rule it should not be included in the analysis as an apparent reasonable alternative The purpose and need should be as comprehensive and specific as possible This will assist in pinpointing and refining the alternatives which should be analyzed Further it will in a sense protect those viable alternatives from sniping by external interests and capricious suggestions to study something else If the purpose of and need for the proposed project are rigorously defined the number of solutions which will satisfy the conditions can be more readily identified and narrowly lirruted 4 The purpose and need define what can be considered reasonable prudent and practicable alternatives 5 At times it is possible that no alternative meets all aspects of the projects purpose and need In such a case it must be determined if the alternatives are acceptable and worthwhile pursuing in light of the cost environmental impact and less than optimal transportation solution To properly assess this it is important to determine the elements 1 of the purpose and need which are critical to the project as opposed to those which may be desirable or simply support it the critical elements are those which if not met at least to some mammal level would lead to a no build decision The project s purpose and need has two critical basic elements 1) improve east west mobility and connectivity within southern Gaston County and between southern Gaston County and west a Mecklenburg County and 2) improve traffic flow on 185 and US 29 74 (the only existing east west corridors in the study area) Improving existing 185 and US 29 74 (under Scenario 4 or Scenario 4 +) would not meet the need for connectivity and would only minimally improve traffic flow on existing 185 and US 29 74 The travel demand modeling and corridor level operations analyses (described in a subsequent section) show that the diversion of traffic achieved by a new location roadway is more 2 effective at improving traffic flow on 185 and US 29 74 than providing direct improvements to these roadways South of US 29 74 there are no continuous east west roadways in the southern half of Gaston County Improving US 29 74 and 185 would not improve connectivity in this area Drivers would still have to travel north on two lane roadways many through downtown areas to go east and west The need for a new connection between Gaston and Mecklenburg Counties is clearly demonstrated in the purpose and need statement Geographically southern Gaston County and western Mecklenburg County are completely isolated from each other by the Catawba River There are no crossings of the Catawba River south of US 29 74 until the NC 49 Buster Boyd Bridge to York South Carolina about 11 miles downstream from US 29 74 The comprehensive land use plans of both Gaston County and Mecklenburg County show southeast Gaston County and western Mecklenburg County as high growth areas Both comprehensive plans show a new roadway connection across the Catawba River between these two high growth areas Western Mecklenburg County and the Charlotte Douglas Airport are expected to be or already are mayor employment centers The Charlotte Douglas International Airport is proposing a new mtermodal facility in the southwest portion of their property The Gaston Urban Area Thoroughfare Plan identifies a new location roadway in southern Gaston County with a new crossing of the Catawba River as their top priority in the MPO s unmet needs list The Mecklenburg Union Thoroughfare Plan also identifies a transportation need for an additional crossing of the Catawba River The current travel demand model shows a new location freeway would attract about 55 000 vehicles per day in 2025 A recent draft memorandum from the General Councils of FHWA and FIFA dated September 20 2004 discusses the integration of the transportation planning process which includes Thoroughfare Plan development and the NEPA process The transportation planning process required by 23 USC 134 and 135 and 49 USC 5303 5306 is designed to set the parameters for the project development process Projects must come from the transportation improvement program (TIP or STIP) established to implement the plan As a result much of the data and decisionmaking undertaken by state and local officials during the planning process carry forward into the project development activities that follow the TIP or STIP This means that the planning process and the environmental assessment required during project development by the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA) (42 U S C 4231 et seq ) must work in tandem with the results of the transportation planning process feeding into the NEPA process To a much greater degree than other Federal programs Congress has put great emphasis on the transportation planning process for shaping transportation decisions and has retained and refined that emphasis in surface transportation law over decades 3 Protect History in the Thoroughfare Planninu Process The Gaston Urban Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) recommends a new location highway to improve east west mobility in southern Gaston County This new highway is shown on the Gaston Urban Area Thoroughfare Plan and is locally known as the The Garden Parkway The Garden Parkway is the number one priority on GUMPO s Unmet Needs List which is a subset of the Gaston Urban Area Thoroughfare Plan The need for improved east west mobility and the bypass concept was first identified in 1989 during the citizen participation process associated with the update of the Gaston Urban Area Thoroughfare Plan The Gaston Urban Area MPO held five citizen workshops six public meetings and 13 formal public hearings before adopting the locally named Garden Parkway as a part of their 1991 Plan In 1994 the Mecklenburg Union MPO Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) adopted a conceptual regional thoroughfare plan that included the Garden Parkway Protect History in the NEPA Process Study Initiation Studies for TIP Project U 3321 began in July 2001 using grant funds obtained by The Honorable Sue Myrick (US House of Representatives) Concurrence Point 1 May _15, 2002 Initial Concurrence Point 1 meetin g Concurrence on the purpose of and need for the project was not reached at this meeting and the Merger Team requested the following additional information • economic data related to the agricultural industry in Gaston County • the need for improved connectivity between Gaston and Mecklenburg Counties July 24, 2002 Second Concurrence Point 1 meeting The additional information requested by the Merger Team was presented and Concurrence Point 1 was achieved Concurrence Point 2 February 17, 2004 Pre Concurrence Point 2 meeting The purpose of this meeting was to attain agreement for which new location alternatives NCDOT should prepare functional designs prior to the new location Concurrent Point 2 meeting Approximately 92 miles of new location roadway segments were presented to the team (1200 foot wide corridors) and on February 17 2004 the team identified 72 0 mules of new location roadway to carry forward for functional design These functional designs are currently being worked on An agreement on alternatives that were eliminated from further consideration was signed by all Merger Team members at the August 17 2004 meeting August 17, 2004 Partial Concurrence Point 2 meetme The purpose of this merger meeting was to achieve concurrence on the non new location alternatives to be tamed forward for detailed study Because of the project scope and size of the project study area the merger team leaders decided to break Concurrence Point 2 into sections to make the process more manageable The meetings were scheduled as information became available The alternatives presented at the August 17 2004 included No Build (Scenario 1) Maas Transit 1 talIic 5tistc n Man tgetnent ("I SM) I r iv tJ Dc ill tnd Man tgc ment (TDM) Improve existing 185 (Scenario 2) Improve existing US 29 74 (Scenario 3) and Improve Both 185 and US 29 74 (Scenario 4) and Improve Both 185 and US 29 74 plus TSM Type Measures (Scenario 4 +) and a new location freeway (Scenario 5) The NCDOT presented travel demand projections and traffic operations data on the No Build Alternative Improve Existing 185 Improve Existing US 29 74 and Improve Both Existing 185 and US 29 74 The travel demand information was from the regional travel demand model prepared in TransCad The corridor level traffic operations data was based on CORSIM The NCDOT and FHWA proposed that none of the non new location alternatives be carried forward because the data collected indicates these alternatives do not meet the Purpose of and Need for the project These alternatives include Mass Transit Traffic System Management (TSM) Traffic Demand Management (TDM) Improvements to I 85 Improvements to US 29 74 and Improvements to 185 and US 29 74 The Merger Team was not able to reach concurrence at the Partial Concurrence Point 2 meeting for the Gaston East West Connector Study Therefore the North Carolina Department of Transportation ( NCDOT) and FHWA made a decision to elevate Concurrence Point 2 to the Review Board for resolution NCDOT Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Gaston Urban Metropolitan Planning Organization (GUMPO) and Mecklenburg Union Metropolitan Planning Organization (MUMPO) and State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) agree that none of the non new location alternatives meet purpose and need and therefore should not be carried forward as Detailed Study Alternatives (DSAs) US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) NC Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ) NC Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC) US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) NC Division of Cultural Resources (NCDCR) and US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) agree that some or all of the Scenarios presented meet purpose and need and should be carried forward as Detailed Study Alternatives Elevation Meetings for Concurrence Point 2 September 14, 2004 — Elevation Meeting #1 5 Merger Team members attended Concurrence was not achieved September 29, 2004 — Elevation Meeting #2 The supervisors of the Merger Team members attended Concurrence was not achieved Agencies not concurring with NCDOT agreed to prepare a list of items they would need to enable them to come to a decision Week Ending October 8, 2004 The following agencies provided requests for information and questions to NCDOT USACE USFWS USEPA NCDWQ and NCWRC Week Ending October 15, 2004 NCDOT provided a response to the information requested by USACE USFWS USEPA NCDWQ and NCWRC TIP Protect U 3321 Purpose and Need Statement The purpose of the proposed action is to improve east west transportation mobility in the area around the City of Gastonia between Gastonia and the Charlotte metropolitan area in general and particularly to establish direct access between the rapidly growing area of southeast Gaston County and west Mecklenburg County This project purpose is based on the following needs • Need to improve mobility access and connectivity within southern Gaston County and between southern Gaston County and Mecklenburg County • Need to reduce congestion and improve traffic flow on the sections of 185 US 29 74 and US 321 in the project study area improve high speed safe regional travel service along the US 29 74 intrastate corridor and generally improve safety and reduce above average accident rates in the study area The project study area consists of the following general boundaries 185 to the north the South Carolina State line to the south the Charlotte Douglas International Airport to the east and the 185 and US 29 74 function to the west R Summary of Traffic Analyses Results Regional travel demand modeling and corridor level traffic operations analyses for the year 2025 were performed for the following scenarios to evaluate traffic flow in the study area Scenario 1 —No Build Alternative No capacity improvements to 185 or to US 29 74 Scenario 2 — Improve 185 Widen 185 to eight lanes in each direction (addition of one through lane in each direction) from the existing 8 lane area at Exit 26 (Belmont) west through Gastonia to the interchange of US 29 74 and 185 This scenario does not include any improvements to ramps or overpasses in the 185 corridor Scenario 3 — Improve US 29 74 Widen the bridges over the Catawba River and the South Fork Catawba River to six lanes Widen the four lane section that exists west of Gastonia from Myrtle School Road west to 185 to six lanes This scenario does not include any turn lane improvements on US 29 74 or on any other arterials in the project study area Scenario 4 — Improve both 185 and US 29 74 Scenario 4 is a combination of Scenarios 2 and 3 Scenario 5 — Build a New Location Freeway Build a new location freeway south of 185 from 185 west of Gastonia to I-485 No improvements would be made to existing 185 or US 29 74 Regional Travel Demand Model Scenarios 2 and 3 were run to provide an evaluation of the relative influence of improvements on 185 versus improvements on US 29 74 Based on these two scenarios improvements on 185 had the most influence on travel patterns and volumes although improvements to US 29 74 did have some effect The Merger Team agreed that improvements to one of these roadways alone (Scenarios 2 and 3) did not meet purpose and need Therefore the discussions that follow focus on comparing Scenario 4 to Scenarios 1 and 5 The travel demand model provided the following information for each scenario • Average daily traffic volumes for mayor roadways in the study area • Peak hour traffic volumes for mayor roadways in the study area • Volume to capacity ratios (a measure of congestion) on mayor roadways • Regional Statistics • Vehicle miles traveled (VMT) daily on roads in the region • Congested vehicle miles traveled (Congested VMT) daily on roads in the region • Vehicle hours traveled (VHT) daily on roads in the region • Congested vehicle hours traveled (Congested VHT) daily on roads in the region 7 General Conclusions from the Regional Travel Demand Model • Improving 185 and US 29 74 attracted three to four percent more traffic to the existing corridor • Building a new location roadway diverted 20 percent of the existing traffic volume from 185 and 12 percent from US 29 74 • Building a new location roadway resulted in better volume to capacity ratios on 185 and US 29 74 than improving the existing roadways (Can you give the v/c ratio Also a brief explanation of what v/c ratios are? • Building a new location roadway is approximately twice as effective at reducing regional vehicle hours traveled congested vehicle miles traveled and congested vehicle hours traveled (Again do you think your audience will know what you are talking about ?) Corridor Level Traffic Operations Analysis Using traffic volume information from the regional travel demand model the CORSIM computer model was used to evaluate traffic operations along the 185 and US 29 74 corridors for the 2025 peak periods that would occur under each scenario Results from the CORSIM analysis were consistent with the results from the travel demand model The CORSIM model produced a series of corridor level statistics for each modeled scenario These included vehicle hours traveled hours of delay and average speed General Conclusions from the Corridor Level Analysis • Increasing capacity on 185 and US 29 74 result in only slight improvements in vehicle hours traveled hours of delay and average travel speeds along the corridor • Diverting traffic to a new location freeway results in substantial improvements in vehicle hours traveled hours of delay and average travel speeds along the 185 US 29 74 US 321 and I-485 corridors due to the reductions in traffic volumes on these roadways Based on the results of the CORSIM analysis for Scenario 4 a list of additional improvements that would be needed along and in the direct vicinity of the 185 and US 29 74 corridors to help maximize the efficiency of traffic operations along the corridor was developed This TSM list included approximately 70 improvements such as adding turn lanes or additional lanes in interchange ramps Other Considerations I IS 29 74 Because of operational deficiencies identified in Scenario 4 numerous TSM type improvements along US 29 74 were incorporated into Scenario 4 resulting in Scenario 4+ The corridor level model was not rerun for these improvements It is likely that making these improvements would simply shift the congestion farther downstream The regional demand model runs already completed show that improvements made to US 29 74 and existing 185 continue to attract more traffic due to the latent travel demand in the area resulting in a build it and they will continue to come situation The cycle of making recommended improvements running the model identifying new areas of congestion making those improvements then running the model again was not necessary to adequately evaluate the ability of the Improve Existing Roadways Alternatives to meet the project purpose and need It would simply add more improvements to the list for Scenario 4+ 185 185 would require widening to a minimum of eight lanes throughout the study area under Scenario 4 or 4+ All interchanges along 185 in the project study area would need to be reconstructed in order to meet current design standards Also structures over 185 within the project study area do not have sufficient horizontal clearances to allow for additional lanes thereby requiring replacement of these structures The re construction of interchanges and replacement of structures would result in lengthy construction periods and driver delays through these construction zones and would require complex maintenance of traffic plans to allow for the safety of the motorists and the construction workers In addition to work at the eleven interchanges in the project study area there are fifteen cross street bridges and six railroad bridges that would need to be replaced because of inadequate horizontal clearances In order to maintain existing traffic patterns these new bridge structures would need to be constructed on new alignments and where possible adjacent to the existing structures The construction of these bridges would result in increased driver delay and could impact driver safety during the construction period In order to attempt to minimize these delays it would be recommended to stagger the replacement of these bridges within the project study area limits By staggering this construction there could be a delay of 10 years or more before widening of 185 could be completed While structural issues of bridges would not be as prevalent along US 29/74 there would be driver delays and potential economic impacts to local merchants due to changes in travel patterns There is an existing Freeway Management System (Intelligent Transportation System [ITS] technology) in Mecklenburg County If a new location alternative were selected as the preferred alternative this new location route would be used as an alternate route during incidents on 185 (I don t think the merger team cares if the project affects the equity formula or not 9 INFORMATION /QUESTIONS REQUESTED BY MERGER TEAM GASTON COUNTY EAST WEST CONNECTOR STUDY TIP PROJECT NO U 3321 GASTON AND MECKLENBURG COUNTIES FEDERAL PROJECT NUMBER STP 1213(6) STATE PROJECT NUMBER 8 2812501 WBS ELEMENT 34922 1 1 The following requests for information and questions were submitted by the non concurring agencies (USACE USFWS NCWRC NCDWQ EPA) from the U -3321 Merger Team for Partial Concurrence Point #2 Information or questions have been compiled by NCDOT and grouped by topics they are as follows 1 Mass Transit 2 Information on Other Road Projects 3 Tolls 4 Funding 5 NEPA Regulations 6 Scenario 4+ Impacts 7 Constructability and Facility Size 8 Expanded Alternatives 9 T &E Species 10 Other Under each request or group of sinular requests is a response reference to where an answer is located or why we could or could not provide responses The subsequent responses will hopefully provide an opportunity for the Merger Team to achieve Partial Concurrence Point #2 MASS TRANSIT • Information on all existing mass transit in the study area and projections for future mass transit improvements and ridership (WRC) Existing mass transit consists of local bus service connecting Gaston and Mecklenburg Counties Current Mass Transit ridership in Mecklenburg County is 2 6% and 0 3% in Gaston County Mecklenburg County assumes future transit ridership to be between 2% and 5% of total trips Because of the low transit ridership in Gaston County future ridership is not projected or included in the Gaston MPO model Expansion of mass transit in the study area includes the West Corridor which will be comprised of either Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) or Light Rail Transit (LRT) The EIS for this corridor is expected to begin this month • NCDOT should provide information on the following (a detailed explanation and analysis on how these Mass Transit initiatives may effect predicted traffic volumes in the design year for 185 and US 29/74 and how a New Location Freeway alternative U 3321 Gaston East West Connector Study I Response to Merger Team Requests might potentially reduce future ridership assumptions for Mecklenburg County) (EPA) - Gastonia Express or Route 85X express service from Gastonia to Charlotte Current and future predicted ridership June 03 thru May 04 — 28 453 CATS does not prepare future ridership projections for individual routes - Future Transit Ridership Assumptions in MPO s Travel Models for Gaston County Gaston MPO does not include a transit component in their model because of insignificant ridership numbers in the county There is no indication in the county that these numbers will increase in the near future The ridership assumptions for Mecklenburg County is 2 5% - NC Passenger Rail Service (AMTRAK) between Charlotte and Gastonia Current and predicted ridership number of stations between Gastonia and Charlotte width of existing right of way and plans for any service expansion Currently there is only one option to travel from Gastonia to Charlotte via Amtrak The northbound Crescent Line leaves Gastonia at 12 41 PM and arrives in Charlotte 1 23 PM The southbound Crescent Line leaves Charlotte at 3 25 PM and arrives in Gastonia at 3 52 PM It is a professional opinion that ridership between Charlotte and Gastonia via AMTRAK is very low and should not be considered a valid transportation option Future service expansion is unknown - Proposed Airport People Mover between Charlotte Int Airport and 185 Current status The West Corridor Major Investment Study (MIS) prepared Sept 25 2002 for the Charlotte Area Transit System identified a January 1998 update to the Charlotte /Douglas International Airport Master Plan This update identified the construction of a new airport expressway connecting 185 to the existing passenger terminal and also identified a people mover to connect the terminal satellite parking and a relocated rental car facility north of Wilkinson Boulevard There are no current plans to extend the people mover further north - LRT /BRT Alternatives 2A & 213 from Charlotte to Gaston County line Current status and future ridership projections The preparation of the Environmental Impact Statement for the West Corridor is expected to begin this month The EIS will identify an alternative to move forward into design with The West Corridor Major Investment Study (MIS) U 3321 Gaston East West Connector Study 2 Response to Merger Team Requests prepared Sept 25 2002 for the Charlotte Area Transit System identified future ridership projections for Alternatives 2A and 2B as follows Alternative Bus BRT LRT BRT - (Morehead St - Wilkinson Bv) 2000 7000-8000 N/A LRT - (Morehead St - Wilkinson Bv) 2000 N/A 7000-8000 BRT - (Mint St - Wilkinson Bv) 2000 5000-6000 N/A LRT (Mint St -Wilkinson Bv) 1 20001 N/A 1 5000-6000 - LRT/BRT Alternatives 3A & 3B from Charlotte to Dixie River Road Current status and future ridership projections The preparation of the Environmental Impact Statement for the West Corridor is expected to begin this month The EIS will identify an alternative to move forward into design with The West Corridor Mayor Investment Study (MIS) prepared Sept 25 2002 for the Charlotte Area Transit System identified future ridership projections for Alternatives 3A and 3B as follows Alternative Bus BRT LRT W 3A BRT - (Mint St - West Bv) 2000 4000-5000 N/A W 3A LRT - (Mint St - West Bv) 2000 N/A 4000-5000 W 3B BRT - (Morehead St - Clanton Rd - West By - Tyvola Rd ) 2 500 7000-8000 N/A W 3B LRT (Morehead St - Clanton Rd - West By - Tyvola Rd ) 2 500 N/A 7000-8000 INFORMATION ON OTHER ROAD PROJECTS • Other TIP projects in the area NCDOT should provide a status of the following projects and provide detailed traffic information on how these improvements reflect on increased mobility reduced congestion and improved safety in the Project Study Area (EPA) R -2608 4 lane new location route from 185 west of Gastonia to US 321 north of Gastonia for approximately 7 5 miles U -2408 NC 274 widening to 4 lanes for approximately 2 8 miles U 3405 NC 274 widening to 5 lane for approximately 14 miles U 3321 Gaston East West Connector Study 3 Response to Merger Team Requests TIP Project Number R 2608 is an unfunded project as lasted in the 2004 2010 TIP Only a portion of this proposed project near 185 is within the U 3321 project study area Projects U 3321 and R 2608 were developed from the thoroughfare plan alignment for the Garden Parkway which is and has been the number one priority project for the Gaston Urban Area MPO for several years This project is not included in the regional model however it is anticipated that it will be included for the 2030 model with the Detailed Study Alternatives Currently no traffic information is available for this project anticipated benefits of this project such as increased mobility or reduced congestion would be speculative See additional information from Newsletter #2 TIP Projects U 2408 and U 3405 are funded projects in the TIP and were included in the regional model for the Gaston Urban Area MPO The regional model accounts for the effects of the traffic distribution U 2408 Gastonia — From NC 274 (Bessemer City Rd) To US 29 74 (Franklin Blvd) R/W 12 /20 /02 LET 11 /16/ 04 U 3504 Bessemer City — NC 274 (Gastonia Hwy) From SR 1484 (Maine Ave) To west of NC 275 R/W 08 /20 /04 LET 07 /18 /06 • Information on other road projects in the area and how they affect future traffic conditions (WRC) Provide information about other road projects in the study area (either currently in planning or those funded) and how those improvements will influence future traffic and congestion (FWS) Programmed improvements in the TIP are accounted for in the regional models of the Gaston and Mecklenburg MPOs These improvements are thereby included for the No Build and Build Scenarios The No Build Alternative always assumes that projects will move forward to completion U 3321 Gaston East West Connector Study 4 Response to Merger Team Requests TOLLS • Evaluate the traffic and congestion improvements to I -85 and US 29/74 assuming the new location alternative is a toll road (FWS) • Scenario 5 as a toll road (WRC) • The percentage for truck traffic on 185 is estimated at 20 percent (Pages 34 and 35) What is the estimated truck traffic on a New Location Freeway that is a toll road? (EPA) • Analysis of the LOS and traffic volumes for 185 US 29/74 and the new location with the assumption that the new location facility would be a toll road (DWQ) • NCDOT should provide a revised traffic analysis for the New Location Freeway alternative based upon the likelihood that the Gaston Freeway is proposed to be a toll road by the N C Turnpike Authority (EPA) It has not been determined that this project will be a toll facility A toll would be one funding option Traditionally funding has not been an element of the alternative selection process FUNDING • Given the limited resources available for planning projects please explain why an unfunded project is receiving priority (DWQ) NCDOT received a Congressional mandate to being planning and environmental studies on this project • This facility is presently not funded in the TIP Please identify the funding source for the new location facility (DWQ) It is anticipated that this project will be eligible for Highway Trust Funds and Federal Aid funding Funding for construction has not been identified in the TIP at this time NEPA REGULATIONS • Why does the NCDOT believe that the widen existing alternatives do not meet the purpose and need? What part of the purpose and need statement is not mete Agencies feel that this has not been answered to their satisfaction (WRC) U 3321 Gaston East West Connector Study 5 Response to Merger Team Requests The widen existing alternatives do not meet the critical elements of the Purpose and Need Statement • Under NEPA and Section 404 does an alternative have to fully meet the exact letter of the purpose and need statement to be considered reasonable and feasible9 Or is the ability of an alternative to meet the project purpose subject to a broader interpretations (USACE) An alternative has to meet the critical elements of the Purpose and Need Statement as identified by the lead agencies • Document the need for an additional crossing of the Catawba River (USACE) The need for an additional crossing has been documented through the Thoroughfare Plan development process for both the Gaston and Mecklenburg MPOs Both planning organizations show an alignment (based on transportation need) across the Catawba Raver SCENARIO 4+ IMPACTS Has DOT evaluated the environmental and social impacts from improvements to 185 and US 29/74 on any lever If so will DOT share that information with the merger team so it can be considered in concert with traffic modeling data? (USACE) Per the July 14 2004 Partial Concurrence Point 2 meeting handout (Item 7 of the agenda Page 26) EPA is requesting that NCDOT provide the impact information for Scenario 4+ as shown in this pre meeting package Impacts for this alternative to wetlands streams historic properties relocations etc are listed on Page 26 and were to be reported to the agencies at the 8/17 Merger meeting (EPA) • Impacts of Improve Existing Roadways as indicated in Section 7 (page 26) of the meeting information packet for the August 17 2004 meeting that were to be provided at the meeting (WRC) • Potential impacts to streams (linear feet) wetlands (acres) and other water bodies (acres) due to improvements to 185 and US 29/74 Landscape scale assessment is acceptable (DWQ) • Provide the impact data for improve existing scenario 4+ as described on pages 26 27 of the July 14 2004 handout (FWS) • Potential impacts to park and recreation areas community facilities and historic sites due to improvements to 185 and US 29/74 Also the number of residences and businesses to be relocated by proposed improvements to 185 and US 29/74 (DWQ) U 3321 Gaston East West Connector Study 6 Response to Merger Team Requests Only a cursory level impact analysis was done for the improve existing alternatives These impacts are not at the same level of detail as the corridor level new location alternative impacts Therefore it is not constructive to draw a comparison Additionally impacts are not used in determining whether alternatives meet Purpose and Need or which alternatives should be carried forward CONSTRUCTABILITY AND FACILITY SIZE The size of the facility (no of lanes on and off -ramp lanes etc ) needed for an improve existing alternative (I -85 and US 29/74) Include constructability issues and estimated costs (DWQ) • Bridge replacements (auto and railroad) due to improvements to 185 and US 29/74 Include constructability issues with parallel bridges (DWQ) This information is not necessary in determining if a proposed alternative meets the project s Purpose and Need This type of analysis would be done during the Detailed Study Alternatives (DSAs) stage EXPANDED ALTERNATIVES • Document the issues /problems with improvements /widening of the main arterial routes that currently serve southern Gaston County This would include US 321 NC 274 NC 279 NC 273 Look beyond just improving the intersections with I -85 and US 29/74 DOT s consultant touched on this during the meeting on August 17 talking about congestion issues but did not provide any information (USACE) • An additional multi modal scenano that would evaluate Scenario 4 Plus and incorporate mass transit improvements TDM and any other TSM improvements that together would provide a best case scenario for Non New Location alternatives Assumptions and variables put into the model for the above analysis (WRC) Further analysis of the multi -modal alternative that explores creative combinations of improve existing TSM mass transit improvement of Y lines and build alternatives to meet the Purpose and Need of the project (DWQ) NCDOT should identify and specifically review with Merger team members the 70 TSM location improvements identified in the July 14th package (Pages 7 through 10) (EPA) U 3321 Gaston East West Connector Study 7 Response to Merger Team Requests Evaluate Scenario 4+ with the TSM measures described on pages 7 10 of the July 14 2004 handout and any other TDM and/or mass transit measures to achieve a best case scenario for an improve existing alternative (FWS) • Scenario 4 Plus which includes the TSM improvements described in Section 5 1 of the meeting information packet for the August 17 2004 meeting (WRC) If connectivity is a failing of improvements to 185 and US 29/74 did the NCDOT evaluate improvements to existing arterial routes beyond interchanges (such as US 321 NC 274 NC 7 and/or NC 273) that could serve to connect southern Gaston County to 185 and US 749 If so what are the impacts from such improvements? (USACE) In order for a new location facility to carry an estimated 50 000 vehicles per day at an acceptable level of service (LOS) a full control access freeway is needed Mass transit is included in the model for all scenarios ME SPECIES • Does suitable habitat exist for the federally endangered Carolina heelsplitter within any of the new location comdors9 Do ES populations exist in these same corridors Is DOT prepared to revisit Concurrence Point 2 if an ES avoidance alternative is prematurely elirmnated9 (USACE) • Provide survey data for federally listed species in the project study area including both the new location corridors and the improve existing scenarios (FWS) The natural resources investigation will commence after Detailed Study Alternatives are selected Therefore it is unknown at this time whether suitable habitat exists If protected mussels are found within the project study area NCDOT will address any impacts to project alternatives at that time Natural resource data is not necessary in determining if a proposed alternative meets the project s Purpose and Need This type of analysis would be done during the Detailed Study Alternatives (DSAs) stage OTHER • Scenario 1 - No Build as a true Do Nothing Alternative without the minor improvements used in the original analysis that are considered TSM improvements (WRC) The Do Nothing Alternative does not include TSM improvements U 3321 Gaston East West Connector Study 8 Response to Merger Team Requests From the July 3 2002 Purpose and Need package Section 9 3 2 Design Year Traffic Volumes for 2025 are shown on page 35 ADT volumes are expected to increase from 19 to 64 percent on 185 31 to 329 percent on US 29/74 and 8 to 88 percent on US 321 EPA would like to know why there is such an unpredictable wide range of ADT volume percentages in the design year and which percentages were used in the traffic models for the alternatives considered (EPA) The project study area is 20 miles wade and there are variations that depend on where you re looking For example a 329 percent increase on US 29 74 is attributed to where 1 485 (a new highway) will intersect U 3321 Gaston East West Connector Study 9 Response to Merger Team Requests e Gaston Urban Area Metropolitan Planning Organization 181 South Street P O Box 1748 Gastonia, NC 28052 Gastonia, North Carolina 28053 MEMORANDUM L To Knstina Solberg PE Project Development Engineer NCDOT From Hank Graham AICP Senior Transportation Planner Gaston MPO Re Gaston Urban Area MPO Position Paper for Partial Concurrence Point #2 regarding TIP Project U 3321 Date October 19 2004 TIP Pr_oiect U 3321 Purpose and Need Statement Position The purpose of the proposed action is to improve east west transportation mobility in the area around the City of Gastonia between Gastonia and the Charlotte metropolitan area in general and particularly to establish direct access between the rapidly growing area of southeast Gaston County and west Mecklenburg County This project purpose is based on the following • Need to improve mobility access and connectivity within southern Gaston County and between southern Gaston County and Mecklenburg County • Need to reduce congestion and improve traffic flow on the sections of I -85 US 29/74 and US 321 in the project study area improve high speed safe regional travel service along the US 29 74 intrastate corridor and generally improve safety and reduce above average accident rates in the study area FINDING The Gaston Urban Area MPO attest that the No Action and the proposed New Location alternative are the only alternatives that satisfy the purpose and needs statements referenced above for TIP Protect U 3321 The new location alternative is the only alternative that provides direct access and connection between Southern Gaston and Mecklenburg Counties Subsequently the new location alternative will improve mobility for 185 and US 29/74 by providing an alternative route for the County's growth areas Gaston County Project History and Summary Future traffic congestion is the maJor reason for constructing this roadway The Gaston Urban Area MPO held five citizen workshops six public meetings and 13 formal public hearings 1 before adopting the locally named US 321/74 Bypass on their 1991 Plan however the line on the Map was conceptual and had not been subject to a feasibility study In 1997 the Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) of the Gaston Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) created the US 321/74 Bypass Citizen s Committee The first step for the Committee was to establish an alignment for the Parkway The preferred alignment recommendation was completed on August 1998 and adopted by the Gaston MPO TAC in January 1999 Second the Bypass Committee staff examined the existing and potential land development issues within the corridor and developed an evaluation report The Committee not staff wished to be educated on and subsequently recommended and promoted SMART GROWTH land use and development principals along the proposed corridor The Committee finally developed a land use recommendations report for the corridor in 2001 The TAC changed the project s name from the US 321/74 Bypass to the Garden Parkway in November 2001 because of its close proximity and easy access to the Daniel Stowe Botanical Garden (DSBG) Citizens US 321/74 Bypass Committee Composition The committee was comprised of representatives from each of the affected planning jurisdictions and other interest groups Gastonia 3 Belmont -2 Gaston County -2 Dallas -2 Bessemer City -1 Cramerton 1 and the Gaston County Quality Natural Resources Commission -1 the Gaston County Economic Development Commission -1 and the Gaston County Historic Preservation Commission 1 The Commmttee underwent an extensive educational process using visual preference surveys and/or visioning exercises Two (2) public forums were held to give citizens the chance to hear and voice ideas Organized educational symposiums were conducted for the first two or three meetings to discuss land use topics related to sprawl retail in suburb areas and traffic on minor arterial and collector streets transit oriented development conventional suburban growth traditional neighborhood development smart growth etc The Comrruttee conducted approximately 18 20 meetings workshops and public hearings over a two year and 6 month time period The Gaston Urban Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) recommends a new four lane divided roadway with fully controlled access to improve east -west mobility in southern Gaston County This new highway is shown on the Gaston Urban Area Thoroughfare Plan and is locally known as the US 321/74 Bypass and The Garden Parkway The Garden Parkway is the number one priority on the MPO s Unmet Needs List which is a subset of the Gaston Urban Area Thoroughfare Plan Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Status Two segments of the bypass are currently listed in the Unfunded Projects section of the State of North Carolinas Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) The first is the Gaston East West Connector from the end of West Boulevard in Charlotte to Interstate 85 in Gaston County The second segment is the US 321 Bypass from 185 to US 321 North There is no funding associated with either of these roadway segments therefore the inclusion in the TIP is wishful thinking The East West Connector would provide an excellent connection to the Charlotte Douglas International Airport The preferred alignment researched and established by the Gaston Bypass Committee proposed nine (9) interchanges for the roadway segment currently known as the Gaston East West Connector 2 The Gaston Urban Area traffic simulation model indicates that both 185 and US 29/74 will be at or over capacity in 20 years even with the Connector in place Therefore improvements to either of these two roadways will not be a feasible alternative for the East -West Connector as all improvements will be necessary in the future Summary • The US 321 Bypass was first identified in 1989 during the process to update the Thoroughfare Plan • Updated Thoroughfare Plan adopted in 1991 included the bypass • 1994 Committee of 100 includes the bypass as part of the Metropolitan Roadway Plan • 1994 Mecklenburg -Union MPO revises its thoroughfare plan to include the bypass • 1997 Bypass Committee formed by the MPOs Transportation Advisory Committee begins meeting to refine the bypass alignment to provide an alternative travel corridor through Southern Gaston County • August 1998 - Bypass Committee completes its work and sends recommendation to the TAC • January 1999 TAC takes final vote on alignment of the bypass • March 1999 TAC votes to adopt revised Thoroughfare Plan which includes new bypass alignment • November 1999 local mutual adoption process of the Thoroughfare Plan is complete which signifies support for the bypass • 2001 Bypass Committee completes Land Use Study with recommendations for affected municipalities • Studies for TIP Project U -3321 which is a portion of the Garden Parkway began in July 2001 using grant funds obtained by Ms Sue Myrick (US House of Representatives) FINDING In conjunction with the clearly defined "Purpose and need" statement, the volume of data and work conducted by the Bypass Citizen's committee is a testament to the amount of public, private and political support for the proposed project Issue Being Elevated in the NEPA /404 Merger Process — Concurrence Point #2 The NCDOT considered the following basic types of alternatives in accordance with FHWA Guidelines (Technical Advisory T6640 8A) 1 No Action — Gaston MPO concurs that this should remain as an alternative for the proposed project 2 Transportation System Management (TSM) and Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Measures — Gaston MPO does not concur that this alternative group is a feasible alternative for the proposed project 3 Mass Transit Gaston MPO does not concur that this alternative group is a feasible alternative for the proposed project 4 Improve Existing Roadways (Improve 185, Improve US 29/74 or Improve Both 185 and US 29/74) — Gaston MPO does not concur that this alternative group is a feasible alternative for the proposed project 5 New Location Gaston MPO concurs that this should remain as an alternative for the proposed project 3 FINDING The Gaston MPO believes that the studies and analyses that have been completed to date sufficiently demonstrate that TSM/TDM measures, mass transit, and improvements to existing roadways do not meet all critical elements of the purpose and need for the proposed protect and should be eliminated from further study The Gaston MPO agrees that Mass Transit, TSM, TDM, Improvements to 185, and Improvements to US 29 74 do not meet purpose and need and should not be carried forward as Detailed Study Alternatives for this proposed Protect U 3321 FINDING A different protect purpose and need for another geographic study area, a different population base with different land use patterns should and would yield the need to include 185 and /or US 29/74 as protect alternatives, but not for TIP Protect U 3321 E F Y��, MEMORANDUM TO Kristina Solberg PE Project Development Engineer North Carolina Department of Transportation FROM Robert W Cook AICP Transportation Program Manager Charlotte Mecklenburg Planning Commission /MUMPO SUBJECT Position Paper TIP Project U 3321 Further Study of Non New Location Alternatives DATE October 18 2004 It is the position of the Mecklenburg Union Metropolitan Planning Organization (MUMPO) that none of the non new location alternatives merit further analysis as part of the evaluation of U 3321 and therefore should be eliminated from further study The text that follows will elaborate on why this position is being taken Purpose & Need The mutually agreed upon Purpose and Need for this project states as follows The purpose of the proposed action Is to Improve east west transportation mobility in the area around the City of Gastonia between Gastonia and the Charlotte metropolitan area In general and particularly to establish direct access between the rapidly growing area of southeast Gaston County and west Mecklenburg County This project purpose is based on the following Need to improve mobility access and connectivity within southern Gaston County and between southern Gaston County and Mecklenburg County Need to reduce congestion and improve traffic flow on the sections of l 85 US 29 74 and US 321 in the project study area improve high speed safe regional travel service along the US 29 74 intrastate corridor and generally improve safety and reduce above average accident rates in the study area In determining whether to further study the identified non new location alternatives one must focus on the established purpose of and need for the project None of the non new location alternatives will succeed in providing direct access between southern Gaston County and Mecklenburg County Any improvements associated with the non new location alternatives will of course be limited to existing facilities 1 85 US 29 74 and the Norfolk Southern rail line These three facilities fixed to a narrow corridor running through the middle of Gaston County Only a facility constructed on new location as has been proposed by U 3321 will meet purpose and need by providing the direct access explicitly mentioned in the Purpose and Need statement iv rte. One of the primary reasons for the need to provide direct access is the substantial employment in southwestern Mecklenburg County combined with the steady population increases in southern Gaston County Many of the people choosing to reside in Gaston County are employed at or in the vicinity of Charlotte Douglas International Airport The airport itself is the third largest employer in Mecklenburg County and employment in the airport area is expected to grow significantly due to planned airport expansions and the development of an intermodal facility Employment in the area will also be bolstered by the strategies approved by the Charlotte City Council when it adopted the Dixie Berryhill Strategic Plan Much of the land within the study area was zoned residential but is now planned for employment/mixed use The approved Purpose and Need statement further notes the need `to improve east west transportation mobility in the area around the City of Gastonia With the exception of the 185 /US 29 74 corridor east west routes in Gaston County are virtually non existent and the problem is particularly acute in the southern part of the county Project U 3321 will correct that situation and significantly improve mobility within the county without affecting corridors that are projected to be highly congested in the future I -85 The scope of improvements that would be required along 1 85 would have a tremendous �3 negative impact on the physical and social environment Every interchange would have to be reconstructed as would virtually all overpasses Much development has taken 7� place in close proximity to the corridor this is especially true near the interchanges The required reconstruction of interchanges and overpasses would require a great deal of oZ Oadditional right of way which in turn would likely require the relocation of a significant number of homes and businesses Moreover nearby homes not acquired for right of way could be greatly impacted temporarily by construction and permanently by the noise associated with the increased traffic volumes \\�C US 29 -74 This facility is becoming less a road for regional travel and more a road for local �S residents to use for shopping and other similar trips Evidence of this can be seen clearly in Gastonia in the area of Franklin Square and Eastridge Mall but also in Belmont where a large regional shopping center is to be built and on Gastonia s west side where a Wal Mart Supercenter recently opened Introducing regional traffic that could use U 3321 to US 29 74 will exacerbate worsening congestion Feeder Roads Relying upon 1 85 and US 29 74 to accommodate traffic that would use U 3321 will not only affect those facilities but will also affect their feeder roads Unfortunately few of them are designed for the increased volumes that would be realized by motorists attempting to access them Most pass through existing neighborhoods that would be negatively impacted by the increased traffic volumes and there is little room for increasing capacity without causing great harm to the those neighborhoods For example those wishing to reach Exit 23 would have to pass through the cores of Lowell and McAdenville Those using Exit 17 would have to pass through two historic districts I n Gastonia and a neighborhood that would potentially generate environmental justice concerns A- ri The first milestone in the environmental analysis of this project was reaching concurrence on Purpose and Need The agreed upon Purpose and Need definitively states that the purpose of the project is to provide access between southeast Gaston County and Mecklenburg County and to improve east west mobility around Gastonia Since the non new location alternatives fail to meet these tests the only logical conclusion to be reached is to eliminate them from further consideration a] US Army Corps of Engineers W Im ngton Distnct � �x� Gaston E -W Connector Study, U -3321 Gaston/Mecklenbug Counties, NC • Elevation Procedure under Section 404 /NEPA Merger Process • Ability of Improvements to Existing Roads to Meet Project Purpose and Need 1 The subject study concerns a proposal to improve east west transportation mobility in the area between the Gastonia and Charlotte metropolitan areas in general and between southeast Gaston County and western Mecklenburg County in particular The project study area is bounded by 185 on the north the South Carolina State Line on the south the Charlotte Douglas Airport on the east and the 185 /US 29 74 intersection and Crowder's Mountain State Park on the west A Purpose and Need Statement for the project was signed by the Merger Team on July 24 2002 2 A Merger Team meeting was held on August 17 2004 to consider whether proposed improvements to the existing east west routes of Interstate Highway 85 and US Highway 29 74 would meet the project purpose In summary traffic modeling data was presented which showed that widening 185 and US 29 74 would nominally reduce congestion improve traff ic flow and reduce vehicle travel times but would probably not address the regional needs to improve mobility and connectivity It was NCDOT s opinion that if an alternative did not fully meet all aspects of the purpose and need statement that it should not be carried forward for additional study Considering the multi faceted P & N Statement the merger team members with the exception of FHWA and the MPOs rejected this position stating that widening still met the overall purpose of the project and it would be premature to eliminate it at this point in the process Connectivity was not fully addressed because NCDOT did not evaluate improvements to existing arterial routes beyond interchanges that could serve to connect southern Gaston County to 185 /US 29 74 The meeting adjourned without agreement 3 On September 8 2004 NCDOT notified merger team members that it intended to elevate the issue of the ability of a widened 185 and US 29 74 to meet the project purpose and need We believe that this is an issue oriented elevation request and not a concurrence point elevation 4 On September 14 2004 the merger team reconvened as the first step in the elevation process The NCDOT reiterated its position in Item #2 above No additional information was presented The merger team requested that NCDOT provide the GIS level impact data for the widening alternative that was described in Item 7 of the August 17 2004 meeting handout so that it could be considered in concert with the traffic data NCDOT declined to provide this information indicating that the decision must be made on purpose and need alone No agreement was reached 5 On September 29 2004 a meeting of Merger Team Supervisors was held as the next step in the elevation process No concurrence was reached on the issue of whether or not to carry forward any non new location alternatives The NCDOT agreed to provide a written response to questions and requests for additional information by non concurring merger team members This response was a mailed to agencies on October 15 2004 This response contained no new information sufficient to change our position 6 The NCDOT has not clearly demonstrated that improvements to existing east west routes of Interstate 85 and US 29 74 would not meet the basic purpose of the project NCDOT s data show that these improvements would meet some but not all of the facets of the P &N Statement The issue of connectivity has not been fully addressed There is insufficient information on record to demonstrate that improvements to existing routes is not a practicable alternative or that these improvements would have unacceptable environmental impacts It is recommended that Scenario 4+ (improve both 185 and US 29 74 and potentially include improvements to connecting routes) be carried forward for additional study and documentation of transportation benefits as well as impacts 10/19/04 POC Steven Lund (828) 271 7980 extension 223 ® North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission KN Richard B Hamilton Executive Director TO Knstina Solberg P E Project Manager Project Development & Environmental Analysis Branch NCDOT FROM Marla Chambers Highway Projects Coordinator Habitat Conservation Program NCWRC THROUGH David Cox Supervisor Habitat Conservation Program NCWRC DATE October 19 2004 SUBJECT Partial Concurrence Point 2 on non -new location alternatives for the proposed Gaston East West Connector Gaston and Mecklenburg Counties TIP No U 3321 Staff biologists with the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission ( NCWRC) have participated in the NEPA/404 Merger process and attended Merger Team meetings including two meetings of Partial Concurrence Point 2 on non new location alternatives for the proposed Gaston East West Connector We have the following comments regarding the subject concurrence point These comments are provided in accordance with the provisions of the National Environmental Policy Act (42 U S C 4332(2)(c)) and the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (48 Stat 401 as amended 16 U S C 661 667d) The NCDOT proposes to improve east west transportation mobility between Gaston County and western Mecklenburg County During the alternatives development phase of this project TIP Project No U 3321 both new location and non new location alternatives were considered Due to the size of the project Concurrence Point 2 has been divided into two Partial Concurrence or Pre Concurrence points New location corridor segments were agreed upon at the first Partial Concurrence Point 2 meeting on February 17 2004 At issue in the second Partial Concurrence Point 2 meetings held on August 17 2004 and September 14 2004 was whether any non new location alternatives meet the purpose and need of the project Gaston East West Connector 2 October 19 2004 Gaston & Mecklenburg Counties In the project area Gaston and Mecklenburg Counties are separated by the Lake Wylie portion of the Catawba River The existing crossings of the waterway in the project study area 185 and US 29 74 cross approximately 1 mile apart and pass dust to the north of Charlotte Douglas International Airport New location corridors would carry traffic through southern Gaston County near the state line crossing both the South Fork Catawba River and Catawba River arms of Lake Wylie terminating southwest of the airport Both the new location and non new location preliminary alternatives would connect to 1485 currently under construction which will run north and south between the airport and Lake Wylie Other crossings of the main stem of the Catawba River lie within three miles of the project study area to the north NC 27 and approximately 3 miles to the south of the study area NC 49 Careful and serious consideration must be given to a full range of possible alternatives at this stage of the project s development in order to arrive at the Least Environmentally Damaging Practical Alternative at Concurrence Point 3 Highly valuable natural recreational and cultural resources exist in the project study area and every effort should be made to avoid unnecessary impacts Crowders Mountain State Park Daniel Stowe Botanical Garden and Lake Wylie are found in the study area Lake Wylie is a very popular lake for fishing and boating and is also used for water supply The internationally renowned Bass Masters Classic fishing tournament was held at Lake Wylie this year In addition many streams flow through the study area some of which have the potential to be inhabited by the federal and state Endangered mussel the Carolina heelsplitter (Lasmigona decorata) which was recently found in the Catawba River basin in the upstate of South Carolina Non new location alternatives avoid many of the impacts to the area s valuable resources that would occur with the new location alternatives and therefore should receive serious consideration as project alternatives to be carried forward for detailed study New location alternatives would have much greater direct impacts to aquatic and terrestrial wildlife habitats and recreational resources and have the potential for much greater secondary and cumulative impacts to those resources considering the proximity to Charlotte and Lake Wylie and therefore should be regarded as a last resort As development in the area increases water quality will likely decrease impacting the water supply quality of recreational experiences on Lake Wylie and possibly further jeopardize the survival of the Carolina heelsplitter It would be premature to eliminate alternatives that avoid potential impacts to this species without thorough mussel surveys in areas likely impacted by a new location alternative directly or indirectly Computer models were used to predict traffic characteristics in the year 2025 and compare five scenarios including the No Build non new location Scenarios 2 3 and 4 and the new location Scenario 5 The No Build or Do Nothing alternative Scenario 1 as described in the meeting information packet that was received prior to the August 17 2004 meeting included several minor improvements involving the addition of traffic signals at six currently unsignalized intersections Scenario 2 improves 185 Scenario 3 improves US 29 74 and Scenario 4 improves both roadways but the analysis of these three scenarios did not include any improvements to ramps or overpasses in the 185 corridor nor any turn lane improvements on US 29 74 or any other arterials Scenario 5 locally known as the Garden Parkway was not analyzed as a toll road although it has been reported that the proposed Garden Parkway is in the lead for one of the three toll road projects being selected by the North Carolina Turnpike Gaston East West Connector 3 October 19 2004 Gaston & Mecklenburg Counties Authority A toll road would likely attract less traffic from 185 and US 29 74 than a non toll alternative Scenario 4 Plus which adds Transportation System Management (TSM) improvements to Scenario 4 such as improvements to ramps turn lanes and adjoining roads was mentioned but not included in the traffic analysis NCWRC believes that Scenario 4 meets the purpose and need of the project Additional strategies could be added to Scenario 4 Plus that may increase its potential to improve the Level of Service (LOS) and safety on the existing highways which would provide a best case scenario for the non new location alternatives These include Transportation Demand Management (TDM) strategies (some of which are currently being implemented) Mass Transit strategies (which are currently being studied) and possibly additional TSM improvements beyond those listed in the meeting packet A more accurate and appropriate comparison of preliminary alternatives would include the analysis of Scenario 4 Plus and Scenario 5 as a toll road however NCDOT is unwilling to provide this additional analysis requested by NCWRC and other resource agencies The traffic operations analyses predict that by constructing a new roadway traffic flow on 185 and US 29 74 can be improved to a level similar to that achieved by widening 185 and US 29 -74 That being the case it stands to reason that both new location and non new location alternatives meet the project purpose and need similarly Differences in traffic characteristics should not be used to select or eliminate alternatives on the basis of which is better at this stage in the Merger Process but rather to answer the basic question of whether an alternative meets the project purpose and need None of the scenarios presented for comparison including the new location alternative fully eliminated failing (LOS F) road segments from the target roadways however Scenario 4 provided considerable LOS improvement over the no -build scenario (Scenario 1) We believe with the additional strategies of Scenario 4 Plus this alternative adequately meets the purpose and need of the project by improving east west transportation mobility in the area around the City of Gastonia and between Gastonia and the Charlotte metropolitan area We believe that Scenario 4 Plus will reduce congestion and improve traffic flow on the sections of I 85 and US 29 74 improve high speed safe regional travel service along the US 29 -74 intrastate corridor and will generally improve safety and reduce the above average accident rates in the project study area and will do so to an extent similar to Scenario 5 It is anticipated that additional improvements to I 85 and US 29 -74 corridors will be necessary under Scenario 5 particularly as a toll road NCDOT indicated that improvements to the existing east west corridors could be handled through a separate project however it is the purpose and need of this project to address those deficiencies Making those additional improvements under a separate project would basically be constructing both a new location alternative and a non -new location alternative greatly increasing the impacts and the costs when we feel that improving existing roadways will address the project needs Portions of the project s purpose and need statement refer to the need to improve mobility access and connectivity within southern Gaston County and between southern Gaston County and Mecklenburg County and particularly to establish direct access between the Gaston East West Connector 4 October 19 2004 Gaston & Mecklenburg Counties rapidly growing area of southeast Gaston County and west Mecklenburg County The main population centers in Gaston County generally surround the parallel east west corridor of 185 and US 29 74 Southern Gaston County is generally rural except the rapidly growing area closest to Lake Wylie While an additional crossing of the Catawba River would provide a convenient access to Charlotte for those living close to the lake in southeast Gaston County the negative impacts to the southern portion of the county Lake Wylie and the water supply in the form of increased development and urban sprawl and associated habitat fragmentation and decreases in wildlife habitat water quality and open space out weigh the benefit of convenience The closest existing crossings of the Catawba River to the rapid growth area in southeast Gaston County are approximately 10 miles apart US 29 -74 to the north and NC 49 to the south not far from the Gaston County /South Carolina state line Access to these east west roadways that provide direct access to Charlotte is currently provided via NC 273 and/or NC 279 As long as the connecting roadways are maintained to adequately carry the area s traffic load the access connectivity and mobility issues for the targeted areas of the two counties will be resolved For the above mentioned reasons NCWRC therefore maintains that non new location alternative Scenario 4 Plus meets the purpose and need of the subject project Thank you for the opportunity to provide our agency s position on this matter If you have any questions regarding these comments please contact me at (704) 485 2384 ec Brian Wrenn NCDWQ Chris Militscher USEPA Marella Buncick USFWS Steve Lund USACE October 19 2004 Ms Knstina Solberg Project Manager North Carolina Department of Transportation PDEA 1548 Mail Service Center Raleigh North Carolina 27699 -1548 Dear Ms Solberg Subject Comments About Information /Questions Requested By Merger Team Document and Position Briefing Paper for the Elevation to Resolve Nonconcurrence of the Merger Team at Partial Concurrence Point 2 for TIP Project No U 3321 Gaston County East West Connector Study Gaston and Mecklenburg Counties North Carolina As a result of the September 29 2004 elevation meeting the NCDOT requested that the U S Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) provide a list of questions or requests for further information regarding Project U -3321 by October 7 2004 We provided our request for information via a mail on that date (copy enclosed) On October 18 2004 we received the NCDOT s responses We have reviewed the responses to our requests and the requests and questions of the other resource agencies and are providing the following comments and an overall briefing regarding our reasons for nonconcurrence The information in your document does not provide the level of detail necessary for us to change our position regarding concurrence with the NCDOT s selection of Detailed Study Alternatives (DSAs) We continue to support an improve existing scenario as an important component for evaluating avoiding and mininuzmg the environmental impacts of this project COMMENTS REGARDING THE NCDOT'S OCTOBER 18, 2004, DOCUMENT In the subject document there are references to certain alternatives meeting or not meeting critical elements of the current purpose and need The purpose and need as written has no critical elements defined and the merger team never discussed any part of the purpose and need as being critical When determining DSAs there is flexibility in the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) to add DSAs for a variety of reasons public input level of controversy additional knowledge natural resource concerns and we believe the Service s input and that of other resource agencies is adequate justification to maintain an improve existing scenario as a DSA An improve existing scenario is part of a reasonable range of alternatives providing a valuable basis for comparison and potentially environmentally positive attributes not found in new location alternatives We believe at least one of the scenarios should be carried forward as a DSA Specific concerns include the following 1 Provide survey data for federally listed species in the project study area including both the new location corridors and the improve existing scenario (FWS) The natural resources investigation will commence after Detailed Study Alternatives are selected Therefore it is unknown at this time whether suitable habitat exists If protected mussels are found within the project study area NCDOT will address any impacts to project alternatives at that time Natural resource data is not necessary in determining if a proposed alternative meets the project s Purpose and Need This type of analysis would be done during the Detailed Study Alternatives (DSAs) stage As we have stated previously the Service has concerns regarding the possibility of impacts to federally listed species for the new location alternatives At this early point in the process elimmatmg all of the improve existing scenarios leaves only no build as a potential avoidance alternative for impacts to federally listed species if such species are discovered in the new location corridors Our request was not intended to provide a purpose and need fitness test Rather it is a way to help ensure that the process can continue past Concurrence Point 2 without having to stop and pick up a new alternative for detailed study if there are significant impacts to listed species associated with the other alternatives Analysis of a broad range of alternatives including an alternative that avoids impacts may be a very important factor in ensuring compliance with the Endangered Species Act of 1973 as amended (Act) We remind you that section 7(d) of the Act prohibits any irreversible or irretrievable commitment of resources with respect to the agency action which has the effect of foreclosing any reasonable and prudent alternative measures which would not violate subsection 7(a)(2) 2 Provide the impact data for improve existing scenario 4+ as described on pages 26 -27 of the July 14 2004 handout (FWS) Only a cursory level impact analysis was done for the improve existing alternatives These impacts are not at the same level of detail as the corridor level new location alternative impacts Therefore it is not constructive to draw a comparison Additionally impacts are not used in determining whether alternatives meet Purpose and Need or which alternatives should be carried forward We believe it is important to gather the data display these impacts and make a true comparison Again the request for these data is not a fitness test for purpose and need PA 3 Evaluate the traffic and congestion improvements to 185 and US 29/74 assuming the new location alternative is a toll road (Service) It has not been determined that this project will be atoll facility Atoll would be one funding option Traditionally funding has not been an element of the alternative selection process Regardless of the funding mechanism for this highway paying a toll to use a road versus using a public non toll road will influence what and how much traffic uses the new road versus existing 185 Given that there is a proposal for this road to be a toll road we believe it could alter the traffic numbers enough to force improvements to I -85 and US 29/74 even with the new highway In addition this is anything but a traditional situation the Turnpike Authority is less than 2 years old and toll roads have not been analyzed as possible funding sources for roads in North Carolina POSITION BRIEFING PAPER The following describes our reasons for not concurring with the request to eliminate all non new location alternatives for the subject project prior to signing Concurrence Point Two Merger Process History May 15 2002 — First meeting to discuss Purpose and Need July 24 2002 — Concurrence reached on Purpose and Need February 17 2003 — A meeting to review and discuss the preliminary new location corridor segments and identify those that should be carried forward for functional design as potential candidates for Detailed Study (January 14 2004 memo) August 17 2004 First Partial Concurrence meeting to evaluate scenarios involving non new location alternatives September 15 2004 — First elevation meeting regarding Partial Concurrence for the subject project Listed Species At this time we believe there is the potential for federally listed species to occur within the impact area of the new location corridors Our records indicate occurrences of the federally endangered Schwemnitz s sunflower (Helaanthus schweanatzaa) and the federally threatened bald eagle (Halaaeetus eucocephalus) within the defined study area in the vicinity of the new location alternatives We are aware of no occurrences of listed species in the vicinity of the non -new location alternative scenarios 3 The first obligation of the action agency is to avoid impacts to listed species Currently there is no site specific biological data for the new location alternatives Without these data it would be premature to eliminate alternatives that potentially provide the only opportunities to avoid and minimize project impacts to listed species In addition as described in an a mail to the Merger Team on August 31 2004 a new population of the federally endangered Carolina heelsplitter (Lasmigona decorata) mussel was discovered in the Fishing Creek system in the upstate of South Carolina in the Catawba River basin This is the first find of this species on the west side of the Catawba in recent history The extent of stream miles occupied by the heelsplitter is unknown at this time but it could be fairly extensive given the habitat and the lack of survey data None of the streams in the general new location corridor proposed for this project have had recent mussel surveys Given this new information the Service strongly recommends stream surveys to determine the habitat suitability for and the presence of any sensitive aquatic species in the new location corridor alternatives before the non -new location alternative scenarios are eliminated Streams, Wetlands, and Wildlife Habitat New location highway projects permanently alter streams wetlands and wildlife habitat configuration and function directly through destruction or fragmentation and indirectly and cumulatively by providing access to previously undeveloped or moderately developed land With the rapid development occurring in this region we have concerns about putting forward a set of alternatives that will only serve to facilitate development and sprawl Again the non new location alternative scenarios present the most likely opportunity to avoid and minimize impacts We acknowledge that southern Gaston County is growing without the new location Gaston East West Connector Project However we believe that a new highway will induce a higher rate of development in the area and further degrade the natural environment Process Issues Merger Process The Merger Team has been asked to concur and sign a concurrence form at a point that is not part of the first Merger Process or the draft revised Merger 01 Process The information presented thus far clearly outlines the complexity of the project and we agree that looking at it in pieces may make the information easier to sort through However we do not believe that another signatory concurrence point is appropriate without a formal revision of the Merger 01 Process Is the NCDOT proposing to add the Partial Concurrence Point as a step la to the Merger 01 process? Purpose and Need In the August 2004 meeting the NCDOT presented the non new location scenarios and reasons to eliminate each of them The primary reason for eliminating these scenarios in the NCDOT s opinion is that they do not meet the purpose and need for the project because they do not sufficiently improve traffic capacity and eliminate congestion However traffic numbers presented at the same meeting indicate that even with the completion of the new location facility a portion of existing 185 would still operate at a Level of Service F or failing in the design year With that information it would appear that none of the alternatives fully meet the purpose and need in When the team wrote the purpose and need statement and agreed to its language there were no measures or thresholds (such as sufficiently ) in the statement Further there is no language in the CEQ regulations for NEPA that measures how much an alternative meets the purpose and need Conversely the regulations do require that the agencies shall Rigorously explore and objectively evaluate all reasonable alternatives (40 CFR 1502 14(a)) In our opinion the current treatment of the non new location scenarios is neither rigorous nor objective In summary we are concerned about potential direct indirect and cumulative impacts to listed species and fish and wildlife habitat Our comments on this and other projects have consistently favored non -new location alternatives as a way to avoid and minimize impacts Given that environmental impacts of the new location alternatives will be substantial we believe that at least one non new location scenario needs to be evaluated in order to provide an appropriate comparison of impacts and a reasonable range of alternatives We believe that the non new location scenario 4+ likely provides less potential for impacts to our trust resources and meets the stated purpose and need If you have questions about these comments please contact Ms Marella Buncick of our staff at 828/258 3939 Ext 237 In any future correspondence concerning this project please reference our Log No 4 -2 02 444 Sincerely Brian P Cole Field Supervisor Enclosure cc Mr Steve Lund U S Army Corps of Engineers Asheville Regulatory Field Office 151 Patton Avenue Room 208 Asheville NC 28801 5006 Mr Chris Militscher U S Environmental Protection Agency Terry Sanford Federal Courthouse 310 New Bern Avenue Room 206 Raleigh NC 27601 Mr Brian Wrenn North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Wetlands Section 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh NC 27699 1621 Ms Marla J Chambers Highway Projects Coordinator North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission 12275 Swift Road Oakboro NC 28129 5 USFWS Request for Additional Information Regarding Project U -3321 The US Fish and Wildlife Service requests the following 1 Provide the impact data for the improve existing scenario 4+ as described on pages 26 27 of the July 14 2004 handout 2 Provide information about other road projects in the study area (either currently in planning or those funded) and how those improvements will influence future traffic and congestion 3 Evaluate Scenario 4+ with the TSM measures described on pages 7 10 of the July 14 2004 handout and any other TDM and/or mass transit measures to achieve a best case scenario for an improve existing alternative 4 Evaluate the traffic and congestion improvements to 185 and US 29/74 assuming the new location alternative is a toll road 5 Provide survey data for federally listed species in the project study area Including both the new location corridors and the improve existing scenarios O CO L O U c c O U >o j ca W C O cts N M M a N O Q O O L ca c U U U c0 W c ca .O N N Z a c ca (D V) O CL L O U) U N Q U Q U Cl) O ca L >+ _ O N O N c O Z N O N N O O O c6 N i- L L p..� O O U � c cu cu CU N cu O cn U) (j) U) N o c Z N N N �- N 0 o N QC. O —0) ` C � N N � U e N Lf O N v N > c fn O D Z a) a) �- O rn 0 D �n Wa)UE 0 01cca 2) "ate OU) O O o cu U cU N U c c o 0 Z 0 Z 0 Z 0 Z O to N CO O O L- O O N -0 � Y c U EEcucc cu(Dcu U m N W O M �-c 0 c cU c 2wmw�,Cc >>o O Z O Z O Z O Z N } ca.Q U N-p �3 :� CL a0WcN0 c a) -a m a) C7 ca U c O +. CU c U C O O a) a) a) 0 C c Q Z ` ~' c .Q fu fA � ui cv ( N co IT LO O O O O O O L cu L cu L cu L m L cu L m a) (D a) a) a) U w U 0 U w U w U 0 U w b z cz cz 0 a N N 0 0 a� U W Q b 0 U N O U i 3 w 0 I� V N M M C n r Michael F Easley Governor William G Ross Secretary '1 North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources 1 J Alan W Klimek P E Director �� I w/ Division of Water Quality 0,,4 Pd /' � ) S 1 October 22 200e4� G(lrw �t ,)' � s Ix To Knstma Solberg P E Project Manager Project Development and Environmental Analysis NC DOT Y%P °4f From Brian Wrenn y {it o(la Transportation Permitting Unit DWQ Through John Hennessy Supervisor I></ Transportation Permitting Unit DWQ it Subject Position Briefing Paper for the Elevation Process to Resolve Non Concurrence at Partial Concurrence Point #2 for TIP Project U 3321 Gaston County East West Connector Study Gaston and Mecklenburg Counties The purpose of this document is to provide the position of the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (DWQ) on TIP Project No U 3321 East -West Gaston Connector in Gaston County The project history is as follows 4V /a,/= , • May 15 2002 The 404 /NEPA Merger Project Team met to discuss the statement of,"" 1 � ° Purpose and Need of the project o Concurrence was not achieved o Additional information was requested for the agricultural economy in Gaston ✓� `�'" 1 f c ` f44S1� County and for the need of improved connectivity between Gaston and �-•'�` Q' Mecklenburg Counties o NC DOT promised the Merger Team fair and equal analysis for all alternatives • July 24 2002 The 404 /NEPA Merger Project Team signed Concurrence Point #1 for Purpose and Need of the project �� S o The purpose of the proposed action is to improve east west transportation f4l �(r mobility in the area around the City of Gastonia between Gastonia and the & Charlotte metropolitan area in general and particularly to establish direct access ' d between the rapidly growing area of southeast Gaston County and west VA, Mecklenburg County The project purpose is based on the following ■ Improve mobility access and connectivity in southern Gaston County and G Ioaf n�o a t�f between southern Gaston County and Mecklenburg County f ■ Reduce congestion and improve traffic flow on the sections of 185 US a� S `c✓ 29174 and US 321 in the project study area improve high speed safe [� /r/ °L regional travel service along the US 29 74 intrastate corridor and generally improve safety and reduce above average accident rates in the E� project study area I" I-rr ` t i 1- NJl 54111 ire' Y'Y _L J' I ��N �, dA( T PJ P)64- Gf ITS Pv- NorthCarohna Transportation Permitting Unit Naturally 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh North Carolina 27699 1650 CB h C Sid N Ass All 2321 Crabtree Boulevard Suite 250 Raleigh North Carolina 27604 Phone 919 733 1786 / FAX 919 733 6893 / Internet hhtt //h2o enr state nc us /ncwetlands An Equal Opportunity /Affirmative Action Employer-50/ Recycled /10 / Post Consumer Paper r/ rs i-sk r tmMicc • February 17 2004 - A Pre Concurrence Point #2 Meeting was held to discuss new alignment alternatives • August 17 2004 - A Partial Concurrence Point #2 Meeting was held to discuss possible elimination of non new location alternatives Several agencies voiced concerns about eliminating all non new location alternatives Specifically DWQ felt that a full assessment of the traffic and environmental analyses was not presented at the meeting Concurrence was not reached • September 14 2004 The first meeting in the elevation process took place to reopen discussions on the non new location alternatives Concurrence was not reached DWQ was not present at this meeting • September 29 2004 - The second meeting in the elevation process took place This meeting included the next level of supervisors for the resource agencies involved in the Merger Process The end result of this meeting consisted of the resource agencies submitting a list of information requests to DOT Information requested by the resource agencies included impacts to streams wetlands historic and archaeological sites revised traffic analyses based on the new location facility being a toll road potential combinations of non new location alternatives to meet the purpose and need etc Position Statement DWQ feels that it is inappropriate to eliminate the non new location alternatives at this time Early elimination of the non new location alternatives would not allow for an appropriate assessment of the full range of alternatives DWQ has two fundamental concerns with early elimination of the non new location alternatives 1 It would circumvent the avoidance and minimization process 2 It would provide the potential for delays during the 404/401 permitting process This opinion is expressed in discussions of the following issues Purpose and Need Impacts Information Threatened and Endangered Species and Partial Concurrence Points These issues are discussed below Purpose and Need The Merger Team agreed to a purpose and need statement that is unduly narrow During the team s discussions concern about the restrictive nature of the purpose and need was expressed Concurrence on the statement was finally achieved through a commitment made by NC DOT that the specific language would not limit the assessment of non new location alternatives nor would it pre suppose any alternative at a specific location The following statement is taken from the May 15 2002 Concurrence Point #1 Meeting Minutes The Statement of Purpose and Need repeatedly uses the term southern Gaston County as that the area we re talking about south of 185 � Southern Gaston County is expected to receive the most growth based on the Comprehensive Land Use Plan but we are referring to east west transportation needs and not just southern Gaston County It was not the intent to presuppose any alternatives at a specific location such as ruling out alternatives for improved connectivity north of 185 the document will be reviewed an this light and revised accordingly In Merger Process meetings and Elevation Process meetings at which DWQ has been present this commitment has not been fulfilled DWQ is of the opinion that an overly restrictive interpretation is being used to judge each alternative s ability to meet the purpose and need particularly in light of previous commitments made by NC DOT Using this narrow interpretation NC DOT asserts that the non new location alternatives do not sufficiently meet the purpose and need However this assertion is based on cursory analyses using a combination of the non new location alternatives (known as the Multi Modal alternative) and is done so without the benefit of environmental analyses to support this position By not fully exploring Multi Modal combinations the spectrum of non new location alternatives is arbitrarily limited thus making these alternatives appear inconsistent with the purpose and need DWQ feels that this places qualifiers for meeting purpose and need that are not defined within the purpose and need statement nor within the Merger Process Although DWQ agrees that the new location alternatives better satisfy the purpose and need as written DWQ feels that this course of action would circumvent the required avoidance and minimization analysis and potentially result in difficulties during permitting Impacts Information The primary responsibility of DWQ is to protect the streams wetlands and other water bodies of the State of North Carolina DWQ must consider a project s purpose and need and the subsequent project alternatives in relation to the avoidance and minimization of impacts In accordance with the Merger 01 agreement a preliminary assessment of natural and human environments using landscape scale assessment practices is required prior to agreement on Concurrence Point No 2 #-2—To date the Merger Team has not been provided with sufficient data as promised (July 14 2004 Information Package) regarding impacts to streams wetlands historic and archaeological sites parks and recreational areas residences businesses community facilities etc Without estimates of these impacts to consider in conjunction with traffic analysis data DWQ cannot make an informed decision regarding the elimination of the non new location alternatives This has the potential to create a possible situation where the NEPA process may conflict with the 404/401 permitting process a situation whie#that the Merger Process was created to avoid Threatened and Endangered Species Issuance of the 401 Water Quality Certification in accordance with 15A NCAC 2H 0500 requires that DWQ ensure that the existing uses of waters of the State are protected Consideration of wildlife resources is specifically required in the protection of existing uses US Fish and Wildlife Service and NC Wildlife Resources Conumssion feel that the potential for the federally endangered Carolina Heelsphtter (Lasmigona decorata) to be present in the NC sections of the Catawba River Basin provides sufficient incentive to retain a non new location alternative until a full biological assessment can be made of the study area Biological assessments are underway but until final results of the studies are submitted it would be unwise to eliminate the avoidance alternative available through the non new location alternatives In addition retaining a non new location alternative would be in keeping with Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act which requires an avoidance alternative when threatened or endangered species are present within a project study area If the non new location alternatives are eliminated prior to the biological assessment and the Carolina Heelsplitter is found within the project study area and an avoidance strategy cannot be developed to properly mitigate the impacts to this population then the only avoidance alternative would be a No Build alternative This would severely delay the construction of any facility to meet the purpose and need of the project Partial Concurrence Points DWQ does not agree with the proposal to achieve signed partial concurrence for Concurrence Point #2 DWQ feels that this would short- circuit the Merger Process by elimnating alternatives without proper evaluation and comparison to the full scope of the alternatives Although DWQ agrees that this is an extremely complex project it feels that signed concurrence is not appropriate for partial concurrence points By eliminating all non new location alternatives through signed concurrence before the new location alternatives can be evaluated the Merger Team is locked in to a new location regardless of the impacts resulting from the new location alternative This does not meet the spirit of the Merger Process and can lead to conflicts with the 404/401 permitting process DWQ is willing to break concurrence points up into multiple meetings to accommodate complexity but providing written concurrence on partial concurrence points unnecessarily lirmts the alternatives and the avoidance and minimization strategies of the Merger Team PEFo'n E W Connector TIP U 3321 Subject Gaston E -W Connector, TIP U -3321 From Marella_Buncick @fws gov Date Mon, 19 Dec 2005 16 21 57 -0500 To dweaver @dot state nc us, militscher chns @epamail epa gov, chambersmj@vnet net, steven w lund @saw02 usace army mil, polly lespmasse @ncmail net sarah mcbnde @ncmail net CC Brian Cole @fws gov, Gary_Jordan@fws gov On December 8 2005, the USFWS abstained from signing Concurrence Point 2 for the Gaston East -West Connector Project, Gaston and Mecklenburg Counties, NC, for the following reasons 1 According to discussions at the last Merger meeting for this project U -3321 is being "handed off' to the NC Turnpike Authority Since this project is now an NC Turnpike Authority study project, we believe it is no longer in the Merger Process Merger is a process for which decisions are made in a building block fashion, each subsequent step dependent on the previous step Therefore, we believe it is inappropriate for our Agency to sign off on alternatives when we will not be involved in selecting a LEDPA (CP 3) or in Avoidance and Minimization considerations (CP4) We have provided input that a deciding official can use to help determine an appropriate range of alternatives 2 Our understanding is that the study of potential turnpike projects will include an analysis of economic considerations to determine a project's feasibility Thus far, economic considerations beyond the cost to build a project have rarely been discussed relative to the feasibility of a project If econonuc viability is to be considered a criterion used to determine feasibility for this particular protect, we believe that the current Purpose and Need should be re- visited to include economic considerations If, in the future the NC Turnpike Authority adopts the Merger Process and current merger team members are tasked by NCDOT to participate in another dual, merger process we will revisit our abstention from this concurrence point decision Thank you marella buncick USFWS 160 Zillicoa St Asheville, NC 28801 828 -258 -3939 ext 237 1 of 1 12/19/2005 4 40 PU S STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION MICHAEL F EASLEY LYNDO TIPPETT GOVERNOR September 15 2005 SECRETARY STATE PROJECT 34922 1 1 (U 3321) F A PROJECT STP 1213 (6) COUNTY Gaston Mecklenburg DESCRIPTION Gaston County East West Connector from 185 West of Gastonia to NC 160 in Mecklenburg County MEMORANDUM TO Mr Gregory J Thorpe PhD Director Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch , 0.� FROM John L Pilipchuk LG PE Western Regional Geotechnical Manager Geotechmcal Engineering Unit eer & ` o'' "` G�"vv,— Gregory A Smith LG PE GeoEnvironmental Supervisor Geotechmcal Engineering Unit SUBJECT Allen Steam Plant Fly Ash Basins The GeoEnvironmental Section performed a non intrusive investigation of two fly ash basins immediately south of Duke Power s Allen Steam Plant property near Belmont Our findings are to partially assist in determining the suitability of Segments K1B K1C KID for additional study The northern basin is inactive and vegetated while the southern basin currently receives approximately 12 000 gallons of fly ash slurry per day The above segment alignments cross a portion of the northern basin Fly ash was placed in the basin via water slurry the solid material settled out and the water was discharged from the basin into the Catawba River Typical of such operations Duke Power practiced no engineering control over consolidation of the ash The resulting material has low strength and is generally unsuitable as a structural foundation without modifications Roadway construction across the basin must therefore include considerable in situ modifications to the ash s physical properties necessary for improved constructability or its excavation and replacement with suitable embankment material MAILING ADDRESS NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING UNIT GEOENVIRONMENTAL SECTION 1589 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH NC 27699 1589 TELEPHONE 919 250 -4088 FAX 919 250 -4237 WEBSITE WWW DOH DOT STATE NC US LOCATION CENTURY CENTER COMPLEX BUILDING B 1020 BIRCH RIDGE DRIVE RALEIGH NC 27610 Mr Gregory J Thorpe PhD September 15 2005 Page 2 Fly ash usually exhibits physical properties suitable for embankment material when it has been properly dried and compacted Environmental impacts regarding contaminant concentrations within fly ash generally are not a mayor concern as with bottom ash but appropriate chemical analyses must be performed prior to acceptance of the material A geotechnical/geoenvironmental field investigation can be scheduled if more detailed information is needed to make a final decision regarding the status of the segments in question Please contact Greg Smith GeoEnvironmental Supervisor at (919) 250 4088 for additional geoenvironmental information or John Pilipchuk Western Regional Geotechnical Manager at (704) 455 8902 for additional geotechnical information EVALUATION MATRIX FOR PRELIMINARY FUNCTIONAL DESIGNS Tv PT TF R/W w u M C uNTI LI. w I.R. CT Tu EVALUATION MATRIX FOR PRELIMINARY FUNCTIONAL DESIGNS W CT D T uN PT' w W Cr TU lF S INDEX OF DATA CALCULATIONS AND NOTES T 1) n� n N m n m 1 51 R/W m r R/W u R(W ec rc R/W Sc ne R/W m R/w R/W 1 ) ( n ) W ( rc W rc W Flaad 1 m ()) Fliad ( ru ) Flm ( ) ( ) rc 1 ro ) gl W M /W W /W M R N Q W n Q an ( ) l) Do S a S n R/W u R/W ogn R/W po rm bau roa wa an N cd ha r rn r r ror p s. Whcrc pn ed he h u wa ed ed ryrc o na as ma ud roprud nc n ma ed ud mpn r ud oa fim gn gh -o gh. W ) f -o be baud n w, ropned F. nn I d gn - f 1 par« rma ma ed umber baud qua mpmed gn wa 1 az Pane mi) ma ed =be baud mposed de gn o wa 1 u pane f mu ma Mud- proW,s dr. band Wp d nc o ed mpnud rc ma ed ud mprud ru n ma ud W mr—d ric o ma ed mpn nc n o ma W be bu posed ope ed ma ed —be baud d q .n m)nu de po- f rn ed U G rn -US aams) ma ed bu baud ed pmpou Isca rd NW we ) be baud ed ua wi popoud ^I'e as f den W we 1 baud - Pnrpoud urc ngn ma m ng rn ed ma ed baud - mpnud nc na des ma ed based ropoud nc of sed ropnsed f nc ru gh o ma cd sed -p—d f az ma W sed mr. ed mpr n of m d p d ma ud apnu fwa bash P u ma ed baud opnu I n gn h f bosh Pmpnud rc g mad bu ed f ne gh a wa L ma ed be baud W qua posed f .1 gn gh �f y( 1 I d u d parcel f mu 1 ma cd ber baud ed w, pmpnad gn gh -a wa u nd pane E ma be base va h ih pmj re f .1 gn gh rof way ( u P.— omu 1 v 0) N o d m � E � o o E m F F m d D7 OI N T a v d « c � m — X w N x Z O Q Z U Lli fA j Z Z m O O y Z 2 a a w W U O' O LL, i Z� uj CO O y F w CL xa O u a F u 0 a U= N N N O n M y N N N N C (O M 0 7 V M y l0 d Z � O Q S U x + d (O (O V M r O� c0 N O r '- 0 y O N IO N S O N y O} Z O N O A Co Q 2 X 2 m � N a O a N r y f Mc0 007 O} y N NN O O O O �O y M i Z M O x Q x U N x m N M a 10 10 M LO M m N O M 10 O h N O O 0 N 0 M O y d } N M "M a O N N O O N O N N d 0 Z N N O x fA N Q x v M N p M m r O) M OM M 7 O o N Z o Z N M � N Q N x C O `d cl N y C y O V d Im 9 n` o m Nc E ar d _ r C y y cm y i c y c E 2 «« o c y N 3 rn °- u d N yq 10 C N —_ O O ` c L E L Q v O y y° �w C O ik cc d c d v y Z Y U m 3 i O s ; u C O O 0 0— C y O y y E C m Q E y d y cr. y J 2 E¢ v y •• C C c u E` w y y •• m E J w C L m y C y O D y c Z C Q C `� T� R' V O N 3 yp IL r r 3 3 E O` N y C 3 E m d m E 9 L c u 7 y 0 t ` y y O U y y O y m 'O 'C d Im g U 9 E m y C U 3 y C d U m c C y u m 3 y d d x u t0 y j J c 2 Wa ~ C w y y m C C m y cL m a c C A d 'L" D o V d IEO lE0 t0 t0 9 O E 9 10 W (A d J 3 Zf� an d K d U K[O 7 d O. d L woo m o O. 0 J W. y y O d LL ZOOOMC L L L MD 0 0 O(�Z COMPARISONS SECTION J PROJECT NO TIP NO COUNTY DESCRIPTION DATE PREPARED BY 82812501 FHWA STP 1213(6) U 3321 GASTON AND MECKLENBURG COUNTIES GASTON COUNTY EAST WEST CONNECTOR STUDY 8/19/2005 PBS& R to dbyM g T m D taI dSt dy BOTANICAL GARDEN AREA Elm t dbyM g T m( .13 t 1 d St dy J SEGMENTS o fn N a � ❑ E Q E E N� � K N OF .. W U z z - E O Q d W U U C7 ~ d N � W m3 z d J y Y W Q W 3 �z x ❑zo Q U zoo co o maa�m �(D 0�d W W N � N y ti 4, O ❑ O m ct 2 Q U F Z' O Z N F W Q V d U aFVoo�d UY M Y m Q v NY jY( Q v ryY xY m Y v TITT- p Y U m Y n a Y y m Y n n } y } M Y m o o Z } ryY xY n Y a Y m N Y o Z Y ryY Y Y ^ > o Z > rym Y P z E � EE - E E � a 3 N -❑ ; ; d ; - P E E Q E 2C t E� N 3 E a r GC K_� f u 3 3 S. E d m 4 U U Ea U E aN n v t tp w z ; E u J E E a 9 'a a v _ J 3 m N a i x w E E 3 E E E t r s n E N Z f ` V t 3 3 u Z 0 M K O U 2 0 ! w r 47��1�� Ij rz f r ,g z a �'WR erg cn Al 'lhl 7. X a 11 yf c CIO m ri Uk V4 1r J h/i, ,?T F, }7 5 v 14F 1 f r - ;M b tJ� n;� � f �I ( pl 3tll /tea fd�t i� A , 2b, �!t { eft �! ✓�` ` � _ �j l � 1 m ��,.- � � � � � B_�_ -� L L � / �-� � \ D e 8$€ 8 �Sda4 1 1 Alunoo puBIanal0,J ���,I El Section 404/NEPA Merger Team Meeting Agreement Concurrence Point No 2 — Detailed Study Alternatives Protect No /TIP No /Name/Description Federal Project Number STP 1213(6) State Project Number 8 2812501 TIP Number U 3321 Description Gaston East West Connector Study in Gaston and Mecklenburg Counties Alternatives Carried Forward for Detailed Study Non New Location Alternatives None to be carried forward for detailed study in accordance with NEPA/404 Merger Process Review Board Decision (see separate signed partial Concurrence Point #2 forms for non new location alternatives from July 2005) New Location Alternatives Alt # H Segments J Segments K Segments 4 1-12A H3 J4a J4b J2c J2d J5a J5b K2A KX I K313 K3C 5 1-12A H3 J4a J2b J2c J2d JX4 JIe J I f KIA KIB KIC K4A 6 H2A H3 J4a J2b J2c J2d JX4 JIe J I f KIA KIB KIC KID 9 H2A H3 J4a J2b J2c J2d JX4 J I e J l f KIA K3A K313 K3C 22 H2A 1-1213 H2C J3 J2c J2d JSa J5b K2A KX I K313 K3C 23 H2A 1-1213 H2C J3 J2c J2d JX4 JIe J If KIA KIB KIC K4A 24 H2A 1-1213 H2C J3 J2c J2d JX4 JIe JIf KIA KIB KIC KID 27 H2A 1-1213 H2C J3 J2c Rd JX4 JIe J If KIA K3A K313 K3C 58 MIA HIB HIC Jla JXI J2d JSa J5b K2A KXI K313 K3C 64 MIA HIB HIC Jla Jlb Jlc Jld Jle Jlf KIA KIB KIC K4A 65 MIA HIB HIC Jla Jlb Jlc Jld Jle Jlf KIA KIB KIC KID 68 MIA HIB HIC Pa J1b Jlc Jld Jle Jlf KIA K3A K313 K3C 76 MIA HX2 J2a J2b J2c J2d JSa J5b K2A KX 1 K313 K3C 77 MIA HX2 J2a J2b J2c J2d JX4 JIe J I f KIA KIB KIC K4A 78 MIA HX2 J2a J2b J2c J2d JX4 JIe Jlf KIA KIB KIC KID 81 MIA HX2 J2a J2b J2c J2d JX4 J I e J l f KIA K3A K313 K3C The Project Team concurred on this date of 9/20/05 with the Detailed Study Alternatives listed above to be carried forward in the Draft EIS for the proposed project USACE USEPA NCDOT USFWS NCDWQ NCWRC NCDCR FHWA GUMPO MUMPO FINAL MINUTES NEPA1404 MERGER TEAM MEETING — CONCURRENCE POINT 2 GASTON COUNTY EAST WEST CONNECTOR STUDY TIP Protect U 3321 Gaston and Mecklenburg Counties, North Carolina Date September 20 2005 Time 1 00 PM Place Board Room — Transportation Building I S Wilmington Street Raleigh NC Subject Concurrence Point #2 Meeting for TIP Project U 3321 Attendees Ron Lucas — Aldie Whitmore Dan Grissom — Michael Holder — Derrick Weaver — Shannon Lasater — Teresa Hart Tony Houser — Lee Moore — Brian Hanks — Chris Manley — Ed Lewis Mary Pope Furr Michael Wray Shannon Ransom Mark Staley Robert Memory Sarah McBride Chris Militscher Brian Wrenn Polly Lespinasse John Hennessy Marla Chambers Steve Lund Hank Graham Robert Cook Gail Grimes Anne Redmond — Jill Gurak — David Bass — Lou Raymond Lauren Wolfe — Mark Stephens Glenda Gibson — Mike Pekarek — FHWA NCDOT Division 10 NCDOT Division 12 NCDOT Division 12 NCDOT PDEA NCDOT PDEA NCDOT PDEA NCDOT Roadway Design NCDOT Roadway Design NCDOT Structure Design NCDOT Natural Environment Unit NCDOT Human Environment Unit NCDOT Human Environment Unit NCDOT Transportation Planning NCDOT Transportation Planning NCDOT Roadside Environmental NCDOT Utilities Coordination Unit SHPO EPA NCDWQ NCDWQ NCDWQ WRC USACE Gaston Urban Area MPO Mecklenburg Union MPO NCTA HNTB PBS &J PBS &J PBS &J PBS &J PBS &J Gibson Engineers Gibson Engineers September 20 2005 TIP Protect U 3321 NEPA1404 Merger Team Meeting Gaston County East West Connector Study Attendees via Videoconference Marella Buncick USFWS Introduction Mr Weaver began the meeting with the introduction of everyone in attendance and participating via videoconference The purpose of this meeting was to decide which of the 90 preliminary new location alternatives should be carried forward for detailed study The packet distributed to the Merger Team prior to the meeting included the initial recommendations of the FHWA NCDOT Gaston MPO and Mecklenburg Union MPO Those recommendations narrowed down the 90 preliminary alternatives to 16 Detailed Study Alternatives Ms Gurak noted that the elevation process for the non new location alternatives was completed in July 2005 in accordance with the NEPA/404 Merger Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) The decision by the elevation process Review Board (consisting of executive management representatives from FHWA NCDOT USACE and NC DENR) was to eliminate non new location alternatives from detailed study as part of Concurrence Point #2 (signed concurrence forms were included in the packet in Appendix A) Meeting Displays The following items were displayed during the meeting to facilitate decision making • A map (included in the packet as Figure 2) showing the critical nodes and alternatives A map with the functional design segments overlaid with environmental features (included in the packet as Appendix C) A map provided by the Gaston Urban Area MPO showing planned and platted development in the area that had not yet been included in the County s downloadable GIS database Also shown on the map were the functional design alternatives and the original Gaston MPO preferred alignment Background Issues Some background issues were brought up at the start of this meeting by Merger Team members and are documented below 1 Ms Chambers expressed concern about decisions made for this project at the elevation Review Board meetings held prior to this meeting She stated she had received no minutes to these meetings and knew nothing about why or how the Review Board decisions were made She stated she would like a Review Board meeting summary to aid in making decisions about this project Several other Merger Team members stated they also had not received any information about the Review Board meetings or the Board s decision Mr Militscher noted that the Merger Process MOA requires the Merger Team to be immediately notified of Review Board decisions Both Mr Militscher and Mr Hennessy stated that something needed to be done about the lack of communication Some Merger Team members had copies of a summary prepared by PBS &J for the Review Board There was some misunderstanding that this document was meeting minutes to the final Review Board meeting where the Board made its decision The Review Board meeting at which the decision was made was not attended by staff and meeting minutes are not available The summary document was provided to the Review Board at its request prior to their final meeting At their request the attendees from the resource 14 September 20 2005 NEPA1404 Merger Team Meeting TIP Project U 3321 Gaston County East West Connector Study agencies (EPA USFWS USACE NC DWQ SHPO NC WRC) will be emailed a copy of this summary document NCDOT apologized about the miscommunication noting this project was the first to be elevated to the Review Board level Mr Weaver stated a copy of the Review Board summary document would be sent to them by PBS &J Mr Militscher stated that since US EPA was not included in the elevation process he does not feel his agency is bound by this decision He indicated he will be commenting on the Draft EIS with this in mind 2 Ms Buncick brought up the fact that since this project is now a NC Turnpike Authority (NCTA) project she wanted to know how this would affect the merger process and the decisions made by the Merger Team She and Mr Militscher wanted to know if decisions (including past decisions) would be made based on different criteria now that this project is a NCTA project Ms Buncick expressed concern that the Detailed Study Alternatives decided on at this meeting may not be carried forward due to the economic component of a toll road project Mr Militscher wanted to know why this project was still going through the merger process if it was being turned over to NCTA The North Carolina Turnpike Authority (NCTA) explained that toll projects do not pay for themselves initially and that they are all candidate projects at this time subject to traffic revenue studies to determine their economic feasibility If the project is deternuned to be infeasible as a toll project it will then be turned back over to the NCDOT to be planned and constructed as a free (non toll) facility Mr Weaver stated that a NEPA document must be done whether this is a toll project or not The NCTA and NCDOT will carry forward the alternatives recommended for Detailed Study decided on at today s meeting through the DEIS and the project will continue to follow an interagency process NCTA stated that an agency coordination process will be implemented for NCTA projects but that the process has not been finalized NCTA currently is working with the executive management of other resource agencies on a process Review of Decision Making Methodology Ms Gurak explained the decision making methodology for identifying alternatives for detailed study She referred to the large maps showing the segments of the alternatives as well as the environmental features maps displayed The decision making methodology requires eight key decisions between pairs of nodes (options) along the functional designs segments There are seven (7) nodes 185 (85E and 85W) US 321 (321N and 3215) a point west of the South Fork Catawba River (CTR N and CTR S) and at 1485 (485) The basic premise of this comparison/decision making methodology is that if possible at least one connection between critical pairs of nodes should be maintained and redundant connections should be eliminated There are enough planning and design data available to be able to narrow choices but still keep all or most basic options open (in case a fatal flaw is later found along a corridor segment) The eight key decisions under this methodology are listed below Key Decision # Node to Node Decision Needed 85E to 321N Choose from two options 3 September 20 2005 TIP Project U 3321 NEPA1404 Merger Team Meeting Gaston County East West Connector Study 2 321N to CTR N Choose from two options 3 321N to CTR S Choose from two options 4 321S to CTR N Choose from two options 5 321S to CTR S Choose from two options 6 CTR N to 485 Choose from four options 7 CTR S to 485 Choose from three northern options 8 CTR S to 485 Choose from two southern options Mr Hennessy asked if the impacts were based on GIS data Ms Gurak stated that impacts were based on GIS data and functional roadway designs and that this is the same level of data that is usually available at this stage in the planning process Discussion of Key Decisions The Merger Team discussed the eight key decisions to identify the alternatives to carry forward as Detailed Study Alternatives In some cases decision points were combined or added onto The decisions are listed below AREA WEST OF US 321 Decision Point 1(Nodes 85E and W to Nodes US 321N and S) The Merger Team compared all the H segment combinations and for the 85E 321N routes decided to keep both the western option (H2A +H3B +H2C +J3) and the eastern option (H2A +H3 +J4a) as Detailed Study Alternatives for the following reasons The eastern option has higher human environment impacts but the western has higher natural environment impacts Keeping both options allows the Merger Team to make a decision when more detailed information about impacts is available Both options have potential environmental justice (EJ) issues Keeping both options available allows for more design options later to avoid the EJ areas The Merger Team also decided to eliminate the segment combination from 85E to 321 S (H2A +H2B +HX1 +H1C +Jla) This option was not originally included as part of Decision Point 1 because it is the only option to get from 85E to 3215 The Merger Team elirmnated it because this alternative has substantially more stream impacts than other H segment combinations reaching from 185 to US 321 (about 4 080 linear feet more than the next highest impacts) and would be substantially more expensive (about $41 million more in construction costs than the next highest costs) Summary of Decision Point I (Nodes 85E and W to Nodes US 321 N and S) The Merger Team decided to retain the following segment combinations for detailed study • H2A H3 J4a • H2A H2B 1-12C J3 • H1A H1B H1C Jla • H1A HX2 J2a September 20 2005 TIP Project U 3321 NEPA1404 Merger Team Meeting Gaston County East West Connector Study CENTRAL AREA Decision Points 2 (Nodes 321N to CTR N), 3 (Nodes 321N to CTR S), 4 (Nodes 321S to CTR N), and 5 (Nodes 321S to CTR S) The Merger Team decided to keep the options recommended in the packet for Decision Points 2 through 5 as combinations to include in the Detailed Study Alternatives which are • Decision Point 2 — northern alternative (J4b J2c J2d J5a J5b K2A) • Decision Point 3 — northern alternative (J4b J2c J2d JX4 Jle Jlf K1A) • Decision Point 4 — northern alternative (JX1 J2d J5a J5b K2A) • Decision Point 5 — southern alternative (JIb Jlc Jld Jle J I f K1A) For Decision Points 2 and 3 (which begin at Node 321N) the segment combinations that include JX7 (JX2 for alignments using J2a) have a functional design that is not desirable to NCDOT The design in this area involves a half clover interchange at US 321 as a result of a railroad crossing Segment JX7 would cause back to back horizontal curves in this interchange area and super elevations of the ramps and the mainline would be in opposite directions which make it difficult to tie the ramps into the mainline This combination of design issues makes the design potentially unsafe These design problems were not apparent until the functional designs had been completed r � ;�2 8X1-- J J/ti s \ J3a -''Ky` b J� Mr Hennessy asked if the functional design for segment JX7 meets AASHTO standards Mr Houser stated that although it does it is not a preferable design Mr Houser stated the AASHTO standards are guidelines and that meeting the minimum AASHTO requirements may not result in good designs in individual cases such as segment JX7 Mr Houser noted that at this stage in the planning process he would like to elirrunate poorer designs where possible Mr Weaver stated that it was important to narrow down the number of alternatives carried forward for detailed study in order for this project to move forward quickly and be easier to present to the public Mr Weaver also noted that the impacts were similar for the segment combination options between 321N CTRN and 321N CTRS The Merger Team agreed to eliminate those alternatives using segment JX7 As a consequence of eliminating segment JX7 segments JX2 and JX5 would consequently be eliminated since they follow the same alignment as JX7 (Note that segment JX5 is an outdated segment not used by any of the alternatives ) The group reviewed the impacts for the segment combinations included in Decision Point 4 (3215 CTRN) and Decision Point 5 (321S CTRS) and agreed with the original recommendations to retain segment combinations JX1 J2d J5a J5b K2A and Jlb Jlc Jld Jle Jlf K1A for detailed study September 20 2005 NEPA1404 Merger Team Meeting TIP Project U 3321 Gaston County East West Connector Study For Decision Point 4 JX1 J2d J5a J5b K2A was retained for detailed study and Jlb Jlc JX6 J5b K2A was eliminated because JX1 J2d J5a J5b K2A was less expensive ($194 million vs $212 million) and more direct Other impacts were very similar For Decision Point 5 Jlb Jlc Jld Jle Jlf K1A was retained for detailed study and JX1 J2d JX4 Jle Jlf K1A was eliminated because Jlb Jlc Jld Jle Jlf K1A has about 855 less linear feet of stream impact and less floodplain impact Other impacts and the costs were similar Also retaining segment combination Jlb Jlc Jld Jle Jlf K I A provided an alternate route Summary of Decision Points 2, 3, 4, and 5 (Between Nodes 321N and S and Nodes CTR N and S) The Merger Team decided to retain the following segment combinations for detailed study • J4b J2c J2d J5a J5b K2A • J4b J2c J2d JX4 Jle Jlf K1A • JX1 J2d J5a J5b K2A • Jlb Jlc Jld Jle Jlf K1A Decision Point 6 (Node CTR N to Node 1485) The Merger Team decided to retain segment combination KX 1 K3B K3C for detailed study and eliminate segment combinations K2B K2C K2D and K2B KX4 K3C and KX1 KX3 K2D Segment combinations using K2D were eliminated for the following reasons Designs that use segment K3C are better than designs that use segment K2D Segment K2D has a less desirable design due to a curve immediately east of the Catawba River bridge and just west of 1485 This curve cannot be flattened due to space constraints related to tying into I-485 Segment combinations using K2D had about 2 500 to 3 100 more linear feet of stream impact than the segment combinations that use K3C Segment combination K2B KX4 K3C was eliminated from further consideration in comparison to segment combination KX1 K3B K3C because it had more residential relocations (155 vs 107) with most of these additional relocations in one subdivision on the west side of Southpomt Road Summary of Decision Point 6 (Between Node CTR N and Node 1485) The Merger Team decided to retain the following segment combination for detailed study • KX1 K3B K3C in September 20 2005 NEPA1404 Merger Team Meeting TIP Project U 3321 Gaston County East West Connector Study Decision Point 7 (Node CTR S to Node 1 485 (northern options]) The Merger Team decided to retain segment combination K3A K313 K3C for detailed study and eliminate segment combinations K3A KX3 K213 and K1B KX2 K21) for the following reasons • Designs that use segment K3C are better than designs that use segment K21) Segment K21) has a less desirable design due to a curve immediately east of the Catawba River bridge and just west of 1485 This curve cannot be flattened due to space constraints related to tying into 1485 • K3A K313 K3C has 2 100 to 2 200 fewer linear feet of stream impacts During these last discussions (Decision Points 7 and 8) the videoconference connection with the USFWS was lost Although K3A K313 K3C has a better design at 1485 (does not use segment K2D) it does impact a potential historic site located at the NC 279 interchange area (Segment K3A) The impact to the potential historic site is unavoidable with this option If this option needs to be eliminated later due to the potential historic site other alternatives to get from Node CTR S to Node I-485 will be available through the segment combinations retained under Decision Point 8 The potential historic site will be evaluated in a Phase II historic architectural survey that will be prepared for the Detailed Study Alternatives in the Draft EIS Mr Hennessy stated that most of the options for Decision Points 6 and 7 were very close to one another location wise and likely would have similar impacts /issues associated with water quality Therefore it is a good idea to eliminate any alternatives that are not preferable based on other issues (less desirable design relocations etc ) Summary of Decision Point 7 (Between Node CTR S and Node 1485) The Merger Team decided to retain the following segment combination for detailed study • K3A K313 K3C Decision Point 8 (Node CTR S to Node 1 485 [southern options)) The Merger Team decided to retain both the northern option (segment combination K1B K1C KID) and the southern option (segment combination K1B K1C K4A) for detailed study Segment combination K1B K1C KID has a straighter alignment and fewer stream impacts but it has more residential relocations (141 vs 91) and is dependent on the ability to construct a roadway over or through the Allen Steam Station s retired (dormant) fly ash basin Mr Raymond stated that based on the geotechmcal report prepared by NCDOT s Geotechmcal Unit (attached) and discussions with the Steam Station plant manager constructing a roadway through the fly ash basin may have constructability issues and may interfere with the Steam Station operations The plant manager Mr Immel stated in a telephone conversation that a roadway through the fly ash basin would be a fatal flaw to the operation of the Steam Station Mr Militscher noted that a fly ash basin is not ajurisdictional resource and the Merger Team should not be avoiding or minimizing impacts to it at this point Summary of Decision Point 8 (Between Node CTR S and Node 1485) The Merger Team decided to retain the following segments combination for detailed study • KIB KIC KID • K1B K1C K4A September 20 2005 NEPA 1404 Merger Team Meeting TIP Project U 3321 Gaston County East West Connector Study Conclusion At the end of the meeting with the elimination of segment combinations described above the Merger Team had narrowed down the 90 preliminary new location alternatives to 16 recommended Detailed Study Alternatives The Merger Team did not sign a Concurrence Point 2 form but agreed to sign it once the form was updated to list the 16 Detailed Study Alternatives that the team agreed upon The form has been updated with the recommended Detailed Study Alternatives and is attached for reference NCDOT will call the USFWS for comment/concurrence on the last few decisions made at the meeting The 16 Detailed Study Alternatives recommended by the Merger Team to be carried forward for detailed study are Alt # H Segments J Segments K Segments 4 H2A H3 J4a J4b J2c J2d J5a J5b K2A KX1 K3B K3C 5 H2A H3 J4a J2b J2c J2d JX4 Jle JIf K1A K1B K1C K4A 6 H2A H3 J4a J2b J2c J2d JX4 Ae Af KI A K1B K1C KID 9 H2A H3 J4a J2b J2c J2d JX4 Ae Af K1 K3A K3B K3C 22 H2A H2B H2C J3 J2c J2d J5a J5b K2A KX1 K3B K3C 23 H2A H2B H2C J3 J2c J2d JX4 Jle Af K1A K1B KIC K4A 24 H2A H2B H2C J3 J2c J2d JX4 Jle Af K1A K1B K1C KID 27 H2A H2B H2C J3 J2c J2d JX4 Jle Af K1 K3A K3B K3C 58 H1A H1B H1C A JX1 J2d J5a J5b K2A KX1 K3B K3C 64 H1A H1B HIC J1a Jib Jic Ad Ae Af KIA K1B K1C K4A 65 H1A H1B H1C Jia Jib Ac Jid Ae Af K1A K1B K1C KID 68 H1A HIB H1C Jia Ab Ac Ad Ae Af K1A K3A K3B K3C 76 H1A HX2 J2a J2b J2c J2d J5a J5b K2A KX1 K3B K3C 77 H1A HX2 J2a J2b J2c J2d JX4 Ae Af KIA K1B K1C K4A 78 H1A HX2 J2a J2b J2c J2d JX4 Ae Af K1A K1B K1C KID 81 H1A HX2 J2a J2b J2c J2d JX4 Ae Af K1 K3A K3B K3C Attachments 1 Table showing the total estimated impacts for each of the 16 recommended Detailed Study Alternatives 2 Excel spreadsheets showing the segment combinations retained/eliminated for each area of the project (H segments J segments and K segments) and their estimated impacts 3 Figure 3 — showing the recommended Detailed Study Alternatives CC Meeting Attendees Minutes Prepared by PBS &J z O ti m m m 3 z D a r z m m z 1 N N m n 0 x a z IT B.._' 1.1 7_v ...d (10117/03) son III ) • • • • 1 rn c- 0 m Ile .� 4n l • I �\ IIIIi.If11 `� �i 11 III��li11j1 s� � 1 40 • IF Ike" �j _ i►� � X11 - � �5} �� w�j� �i�1�1 � � i■ � , 1 ale: �!. �•1,� � 7 ,� � a i �� ��'' ���I f ���11Lii a �mOEM! ���- � °11 \. ■fad O ��� ' � � �- o.�� m � Q'U MAIN .❖ Lam r 0 'cklenbv N -- C'l r i w � Ry• I _ ' OTA tz ►6 A 0 'cklenbv N -- C'l r i w �