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(� ' "t � o W Ps �v a 4o 'fo ► -�s b,5 atui 0 /A /Ub e/W j ,cgkt ej- qo Cwt Wlabw)-A-U� towxp-C4 L4"c'--coc ,* &ObG- a� Iva" usck -Q d,toc.c.a.da tl Pz'1 a t a oul 0 I" WW( mro ag"ZwA-" 0- tJc7,¢ aAL UU,6L" d-l-U +b ' ` t5� ,33v Au�+ ,u--Lqw* --�- 5 01;t4 NORTH CAROLli"JA Turnpike Authority Gaston East -West Connector Gaston and Mecklenburg Counties STIP No U -3321 Merger Process Concurrence Point 2a - Bridging Decision Information - NCTA'S Response to Agency Requests from the March 4, 2008 Meeting A TEAC Meeting for the proposed Gaston E W Connector was held on March 4 2008 The purpose of the meeting was to achieve agreement /concurrence on the bridging decisions for streams and wetlands crossed by the Detailed Study Alternatives (Concurrence Point 2a) Action items from that meeting addressed in this memo are listed below Discussions of these items are provided in this memorandum along with NCTA s proposed action regarding each of them ACTION ITEMS FROM THE MARCH 4, 2008 TEAC MEETING Requests for additional bridges and for wildlife crossings in addition to the additional bridges already agreed to during the CP2a meeting (Crossings HD27 HD32 HD17 and HD48) the NCTA was to consider the following 1 NCTA will consider providing wildlife passage structures at JD6 JD19 and JD31 2 NCTA will consider the additional bridging recommendations made during the meeting These include changing a culvert to a bridge for Crossing JD9 and extending the bridges at J132 KD3 /KD17 to span high value /high quality wetlands Request for additional cost estimate 3 NCTA will prepare a cost estimate for Crossing H131 for extending /providing bridges over Crowders Creek for the mainlines WB on ramp loop and WB off ramp to span Wetland 12 Requests for alignment shift investigations and other design changes During the March 4 2008 TEAC meeting NCTA agreed to evaluate the feasibility of eliminating the US 29 74 interchange for all DSAs The NCTA will present this concept to the public at the citizens information workshops tentatively scheduled for this summer and will work with the Gaston Urban Area MPO to receive their input on the potential interchange elimination A final decision on the removal of this interchange would occur after the Preferred Alternative is selected and additional traffic and revenue studies are performed The potential elimination will be discussed in the DEIS In addition to the potential elimination of the US 29 74 interchange the agencies requested NCTA to evaluate the following design changes NCTA to consider eliminating the Corridor Segment H1A /US 29 74 interchange ramp that provides access from US 29 74 to WB Connector This ramp crosses over W 12 ��A Memorandum — March 13 2008 Gaston East West Connector STIP Project U 3321 5 NCTA will investigate the feasibility of shifting alignments at the following locations a) Mainline shift at HB3 east to avoid W51 b) Mainline shift at JD17 to avoid parallel impacts to S146 c) Mainline shift at KD3 to avoid the easternmost finger of W248 d) Y line shift at KD31 to avoid confluence of Beaverdam Creek and Legion Lake Stream DISCUSSION OF ACTION ITEMS AND NCTA'S RECOMMENDATIONS 1 CONSIDER PROVIDING WILDLIFE PASSAGE STRUCTURES AT JD6, JD19 AND JD31 The NCTA agrees to consider wildlife passage structures at these crossings during final design if they are part of the Preferred Alternative This will be included as a commitment in the DEIS • Crossing JD6 is crossing of Stream S156 on Corridor Segment J1C (west of Robinson Rd) • Crossing JD19 is a crossing of Stream S156 on Corridor Segment JX1 (west of Robinson Rd) • Crossing JD31 is a crossing of Stream S 156 on Corridor Segment J2C (west of Robinson Rd) 2 CONSIDER ADDITIONAL BRIDGING BEYOND WHAT IS REQUERED FOR HYDRAULIC CONVEYANCE The additional bridges already agreed to during the CP2a meeting are listed below • Crossing HD27 is a crossing of Bessemer Branch located along Corridor Segment 1-12A It is on a service road between 185 and US 29 74 The structure will be changed from a triple 7 x10 box culvert to a bridge • Crossing HD32 is a crossing of Stream S70 adjacent to Chapel Grove Road along Corridor Segment H2C The structure will be changed from a triple 7 x10 box culvert to a bridge The bridge will be an extension of the mainline crossing bridges over Chapel Grove Road • Crossing HD 17 is a crossing of Stream S79 adjacent to Camp Rotary Road along Corridor Segment HX2 The structure will be changed from a double 8 xl0 box culvert to a bridge The bridge will be an extension of the mainline crossing bridges over Camp Rotary Road • Crossing HD48 is a crossing of Stream S135 (Blackwood Creek) along Corridor Segment H3 The structure will be changed from a triple 1 1 x10 box culvert to a bridge As agreed to in the March 4 2008 TEAC meeting NCTA considered the following changes to the recommended major structure and NCTA agrees to make all the bridging changes requested These are listed below • Crossing J132 is located across Crowders Creek along Corridor Segment J3 west of US 321 NCTA will extend the mainline bridges to span Wetland 103 in addition to Crowders Creek • Crossing JD9 is a crossing of Stream S178 on Corridor Segment J1C (west of Bud Wilson Rd) NCTA will change the recommended structure from a triple 7 x10 box culvert to a bridge I Memorandum —March 13 2008 Gaston East West Connector STIP Project U 3321 • Crossings KD3 and KD17 are bridge crossings of Stream S259 (Catawba Creek) along Corridor Segment K3A (x ing KD3) and Corridor Segment KiB (x ing KD17) NCTA will extend the bridges over Catawba Creek at these locations to span the main body of Wetland W248 in addition to Catawba Creek 3 COST ESTIMATE FOR BRIDGE AT CROSSING HB1 Mayor Hydraulic Crossing HB 1 is located at Crowder s Creek dust south of US 29 74 along Corridor Segment HIA The alignment in this location is constrained to the east by a new public elementary school directly to the east on the north side of US 29 74 and by the presence of the existing 185 /Edgewood Road interchange To the west is a small subdivision with a church on the north side of US 29 74 South of US 29 74 there is a perennial stream (S17) parallel to the alignment that would be impacted by a shift to the west Amore drastic shift to the west could result in impacts to Crowders Mountain State Park and the confluence of Crowders Creek with Abernethy Creek There was a general discussion about the need for this interchange on any of the Detailed Study Alternatives (DSAs) Currently the interchanges proposed along the Connector are consistent with the interchanges proposed in the Long Range Transportation Plan The Gaston MPO stated they could consider eliminating this interchange depending on the forecasted traffic volumes The NCTA will review all interchanges for the Preferred Alternative and additional traffic and revenue studies will be completed for the Preferred Alternative to determine if any should be eliminated Wetland 12 (4 2 acres in size with a rating of high quality) is located between US 29 74 and Crowders Creek in the center of the proposed alignment of Corridor Segment H1 A The resource agencies stated this wetland provides an important function for maintaining water quality in Crowders Creek and impacts should be avoided or minimized The agencies requested a cost estimate for bridging the wetland if it is feasible to do so from a design perspective r S t ail V wL , W12 t 'Gra ;lde[rs�Creek N tl l t ij As shown in the graphic bridges that would span Wetland W12 are shown in red The loop bridge would be about 40 ft wide and 530 ft long The ramp bridge would be about 60 ft wide and 275 ft long The mainline bridges spanning Crowder s Creek and Wetland W12 would be about 60 ft wide and 905 ft long each In 2007 dollars the total cost of these new bridges would be $15 5 million The original cost estimate for shorter mainline bridges was $2 1 million If the interchange is eliminated the cost of the extended mainline bridges (no ramps) would be $11 4 million Memorandum — March 13, 2008 Gaston East -West Connector - ST /P Project U -3321 Recommendation. The NCTA recommends not including the additional bridging over Wetland W 12 due to the large cost increase ($2.1 million vs $15.5 million with an interchange or $11.4 million without the interchange). 4. CONSIDER ELIMINATING THE US 29 -74 INTERCHANGE RAMP THAT PROVIDES ACCESS FROM US 29 -74 TO WB CONNECTOR FOR CORRIDOR SEGMENT 111A Recommendation. The NCTA will evaluate eliminating this ramp after the Preferred Alternative is selected and additional traffic and revenue studies are performed. 5. ALIGNMENT SHIFT INVESTIGATIONS a. Mainline shift at HB3 east to avoid W51 (,0 Major Hydraulic Crossing HB3 is located at Crowders Creek, just south of US 29 -74 along Corridor Segments H2A and H3. The alignments in this location are constrained north of US 29 -74 by the presence of the I- 85 /Edgewood Road interchange, Bessemer Branch to the west, and the existing 1 -85/NC 274 (Bessemer City Road) interchange to the east. Also, in this area are moderate - income, minority communities located on both sides of Shannon Bradley Road north of US 29 -74. -4- There are three junkyards in this area of US 29 -74 identified as Sites 18 (Putnam Auto Body), Site 19, and Site 20 in the GeoEnvironmental Impact Evaluation Memorandum ( NCDOT, 1/28/08). The NCDOT identifies these as having low - medium impact. Medium impact means additional costs and time may be incurred by the project due to handling of contaminate materials and a need for special construction techniques and /or products. The alignment was placed to minimize relocations in these minority communities and minimize encroachment into the junkyards. The current preliminary designs impact only Site 19, with a minor encroachment into the Putnam Auto Body junkyard. The agencies requested that a shift in Corridor H3 be investigated to move H3 to the east to have the ramps avoid Wetland 51. Memorandum — March 13, 2008 Gaston East -West Connector - STIP Project U -3321 In order to avoid Wetland 51, the interchange for Corridor Segment H3 would need to be shifted about 240 feet to the east. This would encroach directly on the Putnam Auto Body junkyard and also would increase impacts to Stream S54 from 188 if to about 575 If. If the interchange at US 29 -74 is eliminated, no impacts would occur to Wetland W51 under the current preliminary design. Recommendation. NCTA recommends not shifting the alignment at this time since the current alignment minimizes impacts to hazardous materials sites and the NCTA will evaluate eliminating the interchange altogether (which would eliminate the wetland impact). b. Mainline shift at JD17 to avoid parallel impacts to S146 Major Hydraulic Crossing JD17 is located on Stream S146, just west of US321 along Corridor Segment J 1 B. The proposed crossing is a bridge over S146. The alignment in this location is constrained by the proposed interchange at US 321, the existing rail line and businesses along US 321, the streams in the area, and the ACC Industrial Park to the south of the alignment. Alignment shifts to the north and the south were investigated. These are the purple lines in the first two graphics below. The third graphic showing the yellow corridor boundary provides a better view of the environmental features in the area. i r 7- ACC Ind Alignment Park shift to south Crossing JD17 at S146 7 --1Z- N — A� T Alignment shift to north r� m, \ yt, \ N Memorandum — March 13, 2008 Gaston East -West Connector - STIP Project U -3321 J. 1 `: • s 4 1.112 d ' - 41p. ACC I Ind Pak \` Crawford Rd ; �,�� r \n t. An alignment shift to the north would result in parallel stream impacts to the entire lengths of S138 (4,550 linear ft) and 5150 (1,700 linear ft). At the TEAC meeting, the agencies did not support a shift to the north. An alignment shift to the south would impact the northern half of the ACC Industrial Park (about 10 parcels), would create a much less desirable skew for the interchange at US 321, and would place the southern interchange ramps closer to the curve in US 321. These were the primary constraints in determining the placement of the current preliminary engineering design. In addition, an alignment to the south would avoid Wetland W134 (0.5 acres), but impact all of Wetland W131 (0.1 ac) and Wetland W132 (0.3 ac). Additional impact also would occur with the reconnection of Crawford Road (shown near the red square in the third graphic). The Crawford Road reconnection would need to be extended southeast around a residential subdivision to maintain its spacing from the interchange ramps. t The southern realignment also would move the mainline alignment and ramps for the Robinson Road interchange on to or near the confluence of Stream S 156 and Stream S 163. Recommendation. NCTA recommends not shifting the alignment to the north at this time due to a substantial increase in stream impacts. NCTA recommends not shifting the alignment to the south at this time because it would create a less desirable interchange design at US 321, it would impact approximately 10 parcels in the ACC Industrial Park (currently avoided) and the increased cost and impact of extending the Crawford Road reconnection. II I, I r � � F -6- c. Mainline shift at KD3 to avoid the easternmost finger of W248 Catawba Creek is a 303d listed stream. The KD3 crossings of Catawba Creek are located at the southern tip of the Catawba Land Conservancy easement property. Wetland 248 is a 4.76 acre high - value, high - quality wetland. At the March 4, 2008 TEAC meeting, the USACE stated this is the second of the two highest value wetlands in the study corridors (the other is at Crossing .1132). The floodplain limits for Catawba Creek include this wetland. The USEPA and NCWRC also thought this was a high value wetland that should be bridged. The resource agencies, including the USACE, requested that the bridge be extended to include the Memorandum — March 13, 2008 Gaston East -West Connector - STIP Project U -3321 Catawba Creek floodplain and Wetland 248 due to the large size and high value of this wetland adjacent to a 303d listed stream. The agencies requested that the NCTA investigate the feasibility of shifting the alignment for Corridor Segment K3A north to avoid the easternmost finger of W248. In order to avoid the eastern finger of Wetland W248, Segment K3A would need to be shifted north about 300 feet. This shift would encroach on the Catawba Land Conservancy easement (shown in salmon on the graphic). The shift would pass through W244 (.06 ac), S279 (intermittent stream, 320 linear ft), W245 (0.59 ac), W249 (0.18 ac), and W252 (0.29 ac). With a bridge over Catawba Creek on this realignment, W252, W244 and S279 likely would still be impacted. Some impacts to W245 also likely would occur, and W249 likely could be spanned. Recommendation. The NCTA recommends not shifting the alignment at this time since the NCTA has committed to bridging the main body of Wetland W248 as part of the current alignment, and the shift would encroach on Catawba Land Conservancy lands. 44� V� d. Y -line shift at KD31 to avoid confluence of Beaverdam Creek and Legion Lake Stream Major Hydraulic Crossing KD31 is a y -line crossing (Dixie River Road realignment) of Beaverdam Creek for Corridor Segment K4 east of Catawba River. The y -line realignment is adjacent to the north side of the existing Dixie River Road crossing of Beaverdam Creek. It appears to be located at the confluence of Beaverdam Creek and Legion Lake Stream. Dixie River Road was realigned in this area to create a better angle heading into the interchange area to the north. The realignment was located to the north due to maintenance of traffic issues. A shift of the Dixie River Road realignment to the south was investigated. The centerline of this shift is shown in purple in the graphic below. -7- Memorandum —March 13, 2008 Gaston East -West Connector - STIP Project U -3321 A shift to the south would have greater maintenance of traffic issues, but would still be constructable. However, with this alignment, the radius causes the superelevation of Dixie River Road to be at its maximum allowable (0.08), which is not a desirable situation to create at this stage of design. This realignment could be revisited if this alternative is selected as the Preferred Alternative and more refined mapping is available. Recommendation. The NCTA recommends that the alignment not be shifted at this time because it would result in a maximum allowable superelevation at the preliminary design stage. The NCTA recommends that this alignment, if it is selected as the Preferred Alternative, be revisited during final design when more refined mapping is available. 0 -8- U 3321 Gaston East West Connector Streams Earth Te h Stream ID Stream Name Intermittent / perennial ILIn..,fe.t P °tact St Area Bank Height (ft) A erage Width (ft) Depth (n) S bstrate Water Quality Classificat on NCDWQ Score 1 Abernethy Creek Perennial 491 4 5 30 40 2 36 Cobble C 42 2 UT to Crowders Creek Pe ennial 2422 4 5 5 15 2 24 Cobble sand C 455 3 UT to Crowders Creek Perennial 123 1 3 1 1 Silt C 26 4 UT to Crowders Creek Pere n al 2439 4 6 15 2 42 Cobble bedrock C 425 5 UT to Crowders Creek P en al 362 1 3 3 1 Cobble gra el C 31 6 UT to Crowders Creek Intermittent 187 1 3 3 0 4 Cobble s nd C 225 7 UT to Crowders Creek Intermittent 80 1 1 1 sand C 22 8 UT to Crowd rs Creek Perennial 1608 1 4 3 4 Cobble gra el C 39 9 UT to Crowders Creek Intermittent 138 1 2 2 1 2 Cobble gra el C 405 9 UT to Crowders Cre k P re al 6801 2-4 3-8 2 12 Bed ock cobble C 405 9A UT to Crowders Creek Intermittent 29 4 2 1 Sand gra el C 20 10 UT to Crowders Creek Perennial 171 3 3 2 Cobble gravel C 245 10A UT to Crowders Creek Perennial 83 1 1 1 gra el C 22 11 UT to Crowders Creek Intermittent 57 4 2 1 Sand gra el C 19 12 UT to Crowders Creek Int rm ttent 113 1 2 0 2 Silt C 20 5 13 UT to Crowders Creek Perennial 534 2 4 2 5 2 4 Cobble gra el C 355 14 Crowders Creek Perenn al 12684 10 15 40 55 12 Sand cobble bedrock C 34 5 52 5 15 UT to Crowd rs Creek Peen al 716 3 3 1 Silt sand C 275 16 UT to Crowders Creek Perennial 120 2 2 1 S It sa d C 275 17 UT to Cr wd rs Creek Perenn al 5480 2 5 4 4 Cobble gra el s It C 44 18 UT to Crowders Creek Inte m ttent 66 2 3 1 Cobble s It C 30 5 18 UT to Crowd rs C eek Perennial 140 2 3 1 Cobble s It C 30 5 19 UT to Crowders Cre k Perenn at 49 8 4 1 Gra at C 30 5 20 UT to Crowders Creek Pee n I 270 1 2 1 Cobble sand C 32 21 UT to Crowders Creek Pere al 1177 4 7 4 2 Cobble gra at silt C 365 22 UT to Oates Branch Inte mittent 177 10 25 4-8 4 Cobble gra el bedrock C 38 22 UT to Oates Branch Perenn al 2305 10 25 4-8 4 Cobble gra at bedrock C 38 22A UT to Oates Branch Peren al 62 1 3 4 2 Gravel C NA 23 UT to Oates Branch Intermittent 57 5 4 1 Silt C 24 24 Oates B anch Perennial 3196 4 8 6 Cobble C 44 25 8 me Branch Perennial 3604 2 4 5 14 2 6 S It sa d cobble bed ck C 27 47 26 UT t Bessemer Branch Interim ttent 241 5 15 4 1 3 Sand gra el cobble C 275 27 UT to Bessemer Branch Pe ennial 3300 5 8 2 Gravel cobble C 435 28 UT to Bessemer Branch Perennial 6510 1 2 4 8 4 S It C 48 29 UT to Besseme Bra h Int rm ttent 884 1 2 4 6 S It C 25 5 30 UT t B m 8 h I t mtt t 117 1 4 3 2 Silt C 24 5 31 UT to B s mer 8 ch I to mtt nt 183 5 3 1 Sand silt C 22 32 UT to B s mer Branch Perennial 813 2 4 2 Gravel sand C 32 33 UT to B m Branch Int m tte t 97 15 8 1 S nd C 195 34 UT to Besseme Bra h P al 595 3 4 6 6 S It sand C 375 35 UT to Bessemer Bra ch Inte m tt t 255 2 3 1 Sand C 38 5 35 UT to Bessemer Branch Perenn al 674 2 3 1 Sand C 38 5 36 UT to Crowders Creek Perenn at 3073 2 8 2 Sand gra at C 37 37 UT to Crowders C ek Pee n al 435 4 6 1 Sand gra el C 30 38 UT to Crowders Creek Perennial 422 1 4 1 Sand C 34 5 39 UT to Crowders Creek Perennial 1785 2 4 4 Sand C 41 40 UT to Crowders Creek Perennial 356 10 4 1 Gravel cobble C 295 41 UT to Long Creek Inte mittent 165 15 4 2 IS It C 31 5 41 UT to Long Creek Pe arm al 334 15 4 2 Silt C 31 5 42 UT to Long Creek Per 547 5 20 8 12 2 Sand cobble C 36 5 43 UT to Ka for B anch Perennial 792 4 15 1 12 4 Sand bo Iders C 33 5 Streams 1 U 3321 Gaston East West Connector Streams Earth h Tech St earn ID Stream Name Interm ttent / Perennial feet p oJect Stu Area Bank Height (ft) A erege Width (ft) Depth (in) Substrate Water Quality Class ficatlon NCDWI] S ore 44 UT to Ka I Bra ch P n al 3099 5 15 8 12 6 Sand gra 1 cobble C 36 45 UT to Ka Io Branch Perenn at 14 3 3 3 Cobble gra el C 26 46 UT to Crowders Creek P re coal 3891 1 4 8 3 Sdt sand C 325 46A UT to Crowders C eek Interm dent 28 2 3 1 S it C 205 47 UT to Crowders Creek Interm ttent 116 5 4 1 Gra at C 28 48 UT to Crowders Creek Intermittent 95 1 4 1 Silt C 235 49 UT to Crowders Creek Pere mat 803 1 6 3 S It C 16 50 UT to Crowders Creek I termittent 117 1 6 4 Sit C 16 51 UT to Crowders Creek Pe enmal 694 2 5 1 S nd C 24 52 UT to Crowders Cre k Perenn at 3712 8 16 3 Gravel C 485 53 UT to Crowders Creek Pe a nial 82 4 6 2 Gra el C 30 54 UT to Crowd rs Creek Perenn al 1377 3 6 4 Sand gravel C 37 55 UT to Crowders Creek Pere :at 765 1 2 3 1 sit C 26 58 UT to Crowders Creek I terrmttent 79 2 5 4 Sand C 37 56 UT to Crowders Creek Perenn at 2 5 4 Sand C 37 57 UT to Crowders Creek Pere n at 1 8 4 8 1 Gra el sand C 383 58 UT to Crowders C eek Perenn at P22 3 3 1 Sand C 265 59 UT to Crowders Creek Perennial 4 4 16 8 Cobble avel bedrock C 445 45 60 UT to Crowders C eek Interm ttent 3 3 1 Sand C 22 61 UT to Crowders C eek Intermittent 4 2 0 Sand C 19 62 UT to Crowders Creek Interm He t 67 4 2 0 S It C 185 63 UT to Crowders Creek Peren al 340 3 3 2 Cobble s It C 345 64 UT to Crowders Creek Inte m ttent 76 3/3 3 / 3 1/2 Cobble s It C 33 64 UT to Crowders Creek Pe enn al 116 3 3 1/2 Cobble ill C 33 65 UT to C owders Creek Peen al 1016 1 2 2 Gra el C 35 66 UT to Crowd rs Cre k P renn at 639 5 4 8 4 Sad cobble bedrock C 39 67 UT to Crowders Creek Interm dent 402 2 5 5 10 2 Cobble C 195 68 UT to Crowders Creek Perenn at 728 1 4 1 4 4 Sand gravel C 35 69 UT to Crowders Creek Pere nial 2493 2 7 4 8 2 4 113edmck gravel C 41 70 UT to C owders Creek Perennial 12186 4 8 6 24 3 5 Cobble gra at C 42 455 70A UT to Crowders Creek Interm tt t 34 3 4 1 Sand cobble C 24 71 UT to Crowders C eek Pe enniai 163 4 4 2 Sand cobble C 32 71A UT to Crowders Creek Interm ttent 368 2 4 1 Sand cobble C 16 7275 Not Used 76 UT to Crowders C ek Perenn al 376 15 4 1 Sand are at C 29 76A UT to Crowders Creek Interm Rent 117 10 4 2 Sand C 355 76A UT t C wd rs Cre k P 1 41 10 4 2 S d C 355 76B UT t C owd rs Cre k P re I 111 1 3 2 S It C 355 77 UT to Crowd rs Creek P re 1 285 1 3 2 S It C 30 78 UT to Crowders Creek Peen at 158 1 1 1 Sa d C 18 79 UT to Crowders Creek P e 1 2083 1 4 8 10 2 5 Gra at bble C 405 50 80 UT to Crowders Creek Inte mittent 124 5 2 2 Sand gravel C 245 81 UT to Crowders Creek Perennial 245 2 2 2 Sand C 23 82 UT to Crowders Creek Interm ttent 61 4 10 4-8 4 Sand bedrock C NA 82 UT to Crowders C e k Perennial 1402 410 4-8 4 Sand bedrock C 40 83 UT to C owders Creek Pe enmal 314 15 2 6 4 S It ra at C 28 84 UT to Crowders Creek l 44 3 2 2 Silt C 245 85 UT to Crowders Creek l gInterm 2917 4 4 8 3 Gra el cobble C 435 86 UT to C owders Creek nt 533 2 1 6 6 Silt C 25 87 UT to Crowders Creek l 260 3 2 3 Sand C 23 88 UT to Crowders Creek Intermittent 202 8 4 5 1 Isit C 255 89 UT to Crowders C eek Perennial 1 3259 1 1 15 1 5 1 4 ISand gravel bedrock C 31 5 St eams 2 U 3321 Gaston East West Connector Streams Earth Tech Stream ID Stream Name Interm ttent I Perennial project Linear feet i Stu Area Bank Height (ft) Average Width (ft) Depth (in) S bat W ter Quality Classification NCDWI] Score 90 UT t Crowd rs Cre k Pere n at 78 3 1 4 1 gravel C 275 91 UT to Crowders Creek Perennial 76 4 3 4 1 Silt C 195 92 UT to Crowders Creek Pere n at 2360 3 8 3 Gra el It C 445 92A UT to Crowders Creek Intermittent 179 5 8 14 3 Silt C 225 93 UT to Crowders C ek Pe enmal 921 1 7 2 4 Gra el cobble C 455 94 UT to Crowders Creek Perenn at 203 1 6 1 S It C 278 95 UT to Crowders Cr ek Perennial 1311 1 5 1 2 Sand s It C 365 96 UT to Crowders C eek Perenn at 9813 1 6 4 20 3 4 Sand gravel cobble bedrock C 38 53 96A UT to Crowders Creek Interm ttent 167 3 3 1 Silt C 20 97 UT to Crowders Creek Perennial 479 1 4 3 Gravel cobble C 49 98 UT to Crowders Creek P renn at 256 6 1 1 S It gravel C 345 99 UT to Crowders Creek Perenn at 593 1 5 2 Sand cobble C 21 100 UT to Crowders Creek Perenn at 464 5 2 1 Silt C 19 101 UT to Crowders C eek Perennial 123 1 10 2 4 Sand gravel C 345 102 UT to Crowders Creek Pe enmal 256 1 5 1 Silt C 35 103 UT t Crowd rs Creek Perennial 2801 1 2 5 1 4 Silt sand gra I C 26 27 104 McGill Branch Perenn at 5831 4 6 2 5 Cobble sand C 38 104A UT to McG II Branch Into m ttent 146 7 2 1 Sand C 21 5 105 UT to McG II B anch Interm ttent 226 3 2 1 1 3 Sand gravel C 185 106 UT to McG II B anch I tennrttent 324 4 3 1 Gra at C 28 107 UT to McG II Branch Perennial 418 8 4 6 1 Sand cobble C 20 108 UT to McGill Branch Perenn at 109 7 3 1 3 Cobble sand C 265 109 UT to McGill Branch Perennial 3118 3 4 2 Sand gravel C 425 110 UT to McG II Branch Intermittent 112 5 3 1 Sand C 195 111 UT to McGill B anch Pe enn at 165 4 2 1 2 S It cobble C 345 112 UT to McGill Branch Pere n al 3660 2 3 1 3 Gra el cobble C 395 113 UT to McGill Branch Perenn at 1454 2 3 2 Cobble g a el C 365 114 UT to McGill Branch Pere n at 804 1 1 5 1 Cobble g a el C 428 115 UT to McG II Branch Perennial 809 2 6 1 Cobble C 495 116 UT to McGill Branch Perenn al 198 2 4 2 Cobble C 455 117 UT to M Gill Branch Perenn at 502 3 5 1 Sand gra el C 25 118 UT to McGill Branch Perennial 3387 1 5 1 3 Sand then c bble bo Ider C 35 119 UT to McG 11 Branch I to m ttent 862 4 4 3 Sand cobble C 275 120 UT to McG II Branch Perennial 2677 1 5 3 Cobble bo Ider C 385 121 UT to McGill Branch Pe enmal 529 1 4 2 3 Cobble silt gra el C 30 122 UT t McG 11 B anch Interm ttent 235 4 4 3 Sand C 175 123 UT t C wd rs C k P re 1 2177 1 4 1 3 S d C 363 124 UT to Crowders Creek P re 1 473 1 1 6 2 4 Silt C 438 125 Ferg son Bra h P 1 3385 4 8 4 12 4 C bbl bo Ider b d ock C 53 126 UT to Ferg son Branch P ran 1 126 4 4 3 S It cobble C 275 127 UT to Crowders C ek P n at 216 3 4 1 4 3 Sand C 23 128 UT to Crowders C ek I t m ttent 249 1 4 1 4 Sa d C 27 129 UT to Crowders Creek Perennial 587 1 6 4 Sand C 23 130 UT to Crowders C eek Perennial 881 8 10 4 6 1 Sand C 29 5 131 UT to Crowd rs C eek Perenn at 4918 3 5 2 1 Gra el C 26 132 UT to Crowders Creek Interm ttent 50 2 4 4 12 6 Bedrock boulder sand C 44 133 UT to Crowders Creek Perennial 3121 1 2 2 4 2 Sand gra at C 39 134 UT to Blackwood Creek Perenn at 1206 4 4 8 6 Silt C 26 135 Blackwood C eek Perenn at 1646 8 24 32 6 Sand gra el C 40 136 UT to McG 11 Branch Perenn at 226 1 2 2 S It C 40 137 UT to Crowders Creek Perenn al 856 1 4 6 2 Sand gra at C 37 138 UT to Crowders Creek Perennial 4556 1 4 4 Bedrock bo Ider gra el C 52 St eams 3 U 3321 Gaston East West Connector Streams Earth Tech Stream ID Stream Name Interm ttent / perennial Linear feet n Project Stud Area Bank He ht ft g (� Average Width (ft) � Depth ( n) S bstrate Water Q slily Class flcation NCDWC Score 139 UT to C owd rs C eek P enn al 37 1 3 1 Cobbl C 38 140 UT to Crowders Creek Interm Its t 270 1 2 1 sit C 20 141 UT to Crowders C eek trite mittent 122 4 4 1 Silt C 16 142 UT to Crowders Creek Interm ttent 466 1 2 4 5 fne/co rse sand C 25 26 142 UT to Crowders Creek Perenn at 1891 25 5 5 sand gra at cobble rock C 46 143 UT to C owders C eek I term ttent 284 2 23 2 fne /co rse sand C 25 144 UT to Crowders Creek Peren at 133 26 23 1 sand gra el C 31 25 145 UT to Crowders C eek Interm ttent 1284 3 7 4 5 0 1 sand gravel C 21 28 146 UT to Crowders C eek Perenn at 4831 7 12 12 30 8 10 sad g a el cobble rock C 53 147 UT to Crowders Creek Perennial 2061 46 10 8 sand gra el rock C 46 148 UT to Crowders Creek Perennial 1780 1 23 4 fi e/course sand C 3925 149 Not Used 150 UT to C owders Creek Interm ttent 570 36 4 1 sand gravel cobble rock C 295 150 UT to Crowders C eek Perennial 1698 anes 35 6 sand gra at C 41 151 UT to Crowders Creek Interm tte t 231 2 2 1 sand gravel C 2925 152 UT to Crowders Creek Intermittent 228 7 4 0 fine /course sand C 175 153 UT to Crowders Creek Intermittent 246 NA NA NA NA C NA 153 UT to Crowders Creek Perennial 2382 1 10 3 6 0 6 sand gra at C 22 40 154 UT to C owders C eek Interm ttent 124 2-4 45 2 fine /co rse sand C 26 155 UT to Crowders Creek Perennial 1484 0 5 1 5 3-4 4 sand ra el C 435 156 UT to Crowders Creek Perennial 6167 1 3 8 10 12 12 sand gra el cobble boulder C 5025 157 UT to Crowders Creek Perennial 2883 2-4 3d 4 sand gra at cobble ock C 45 158 UT to C owders Creek Intermittent 221 58 3 0 fne /co rse s d C 11 5 159 UT to Crowders Creek Intermittent 1238 1 2 5 4 0 fne /co rse sand C 2075 160 Not Used 161 UT to Crowders Creek Intermittent 471 1 2 2 1 sand q a at C 49 161 UT to Crowd rs C ek Perenn at 2567 37 48 4 sand gra el cobble rock C 4875 162 UT to C owders Cr ek Perennial 624 1 2 3 3 sand gra at C 33 163 UT to Crowders Creek Pee n at 5309 255 6-8 1 5 sand gravel cobble rock C 5175 164 Not Used 165 Not Used 166 UT to Crowders Creek 332 1 1 5 2 fine homo eneo s C 23 167 Not Used 168 UT to Crowders Creek APentn 848 3 5 3 3 6 sand ravel rock C 43 169 UT t Crowders Creek 99 NA NA NA NA NA NA 170 UT to Crowd rs C eek 79 NA NA NA NA NA NA 171 UT t C wd rs Cre k P I 1 2272 5 1 2 5 f e/co rs sand C 26 172 UT t Crowd rs C eek I t rm ttent 992 1 2 1 2 2 f d/ I y C 245 173 UT to Crowders Creek Perenn at 83 NA NA NA NA C NA 174 UT to Crowders C eek Per ial 1189 1 2 2 2 sand gra at C 345 175 UT to Crowders Creek Perennial 461 5 3 3 isand gravel rock C 355 176 UT to Crowders Creek Interm ttent 405 5 2 1 sand gra el C 225 177 UT to Crowders Creek Perennial 2543 26 4-8 7 sand gravel rock boulder C 51 178 UT to Crowders C k Perenn at 4780 4 7 6 15 6 12 sad gra at rock boulder C 445 50 179 UT to Crowders C eek Interm ttent 460 3-4 3 1 fne /co rse sand C 245 180 UT to Crowders Creek Interm ttent 256 2 3 2 1 1 fine sand/clay C 245 181 UT to Crowders C eek Perenn al 2966 47 12 10 isand gravel rock boulder C 55 182 UT to Crowders Creek Intermittent 183 1 5 2 0 fine sand/clay C 175 182 UT to Crowders Creek Perenn at 1866 15 35 1 sand gravel cobble C 305 183 UT to Crowders Creek Perennial 1474 37 4 5 sand gra el cobble rock C 485 184 UT to Crowders Creek Perennial 121 NA NA NA NA C NA 185 1 UT to C owders Creek Perennial 992 24 3-4 1 2 sand g a at cobble C 39 Streams 4 U 3321 Gaston East West Connector Streams Earth Tech Stream ID Stream Name Intermittent/ perennial L near feet In project Stud A ea gook Height ft 9 (� A era ge Width ft l j D pth (in) Substrate Wate Quality Classification NCDWI] Score 186 UT to Crowders Creek I term ttent 864 3 3 0 f e/co rse sand C 235 187 UT to Crowders Creek Peren al 2715 35 4 2 fi e/co se sand C 305 188 UT to Crowders Creek Intermittent 253 6 35 1 sad gra el C 27 188A UT to Crowders Creek Perennial 73 NA NA NA NA C NA 189 UT to Crowders C eek Perennial 616 NA NA NA NA C NA 190 UT to Crowders C eek Perennial 638 1 5 2 3 sand gra at cobble C 385 191 UT to Crowders Creek Intermittent 431 052 1 5 2 1 IF e /co rs sand C 21 192 UT to Crowders Creek Per nn al 940 235 2-0 3 sand gravel cobble C 405 193 UT to Crowders Creek Perennial 409 3.6 2 3 sand gravel C 325 194 UT to Crowders Creek Perenn al 1894 3 6 3-4 5 sand gra el cobble C 38 195 UT to Crowders Creek Perennial 911 2 3 235 4 sand gravel rock C 395 196 UT to Crowders Creek P ren at 7189 4-6 12 12 sand gra el rock boulder C 51 197 UT to Crowders Creek Pe n is[ 619 052 3 4 isand gra el C 405 198 UT to Crowders Creek Perennial 1368 053 2 3 4 sand pra el C 45 199 UT to Crowders Creek Interco ttent 311 052 2 2 sand gravel C 28 5 200 UT to Crowders Creek Interm ttent 562 1 2 2 1 fine /course sand C 245 201 UT to Crowders C eek I term ttent 236 1 2 0 fne sand rock C 15 202 UT to Crowders Creek Pere mal 487 3-4 253 5 sand gra el C 33 203 UT to Crowders C eek Perennial 326 3-4 3 3 sand ore el cobble C 38 204 UT to Crowders Creek Perennial 439 3 3 3 sand gra el cobble C 375 205 UT to Crowders Creek I to m ttent 213 1 2 1 2 1 fne sand/clay C 195 205 UT t Crowd rs Creek Perenn at 1917 1 2 235_ 4 sand gravel cobble C 40 206 UT to Crowders Creek Perennial 105 NA NA NA NA C NA 207 UT to Crowders Creek Perennial 833 3 4 3-4 1 4 s d q el cobble C 395 208 UT to Crowders Creek Perenn al 470 1 5 3 2 3 3 sand gra el cobble ck C 385 209 UT to Crowders Creek Perennial 746 4 2 5 2 sand revel cobble C 385 210 UT to M II Creek P renmai 3615 0535 2 7 5 6 sand gravel cobble boulder C 385 445 211 UT to Mill Creek P renn at 1223 355 3 3 fine /course sand re el C 30 37 39 5 212 UT to M I I Creek P renn al 317 1 5 2 2 3 3 fine /co rse sand re at C 35 213 M II Creek Peren ial 4663 1 4 2 10 2 8 sand ra el rock boulder C 34 5 39 5 214 UT to Mill Creek Perenn al 329 1 2 2 3 3 fne /course sand C 40 215 UT I: M II C eek Pe enmal 1188 1 2 2 3 3 fne /co rse sand C 425 216 UT to Mill Creek Perennial 387 1 3 3 sad g avel C 395 217 UT to Mill Creek Intermittent 322 1 2 2 2 fine /co rse sand C 27 218 UT to M II C ek Perennial 468 1 3 4 sand gra el C 315 219 UT to Mill Creek Perenn at 601 1 2 2 5 4 sand gravel C 34 25 220 UT t M II C k Pe at 3881 1-4 4-6 4 5 sand gravel cobble bedrock C 42 435 221 UT to M II C k Perenn al 731 1 3 5 3 sand gravel C 35 222 UT t M II C ek I term tte t 1442 1 2 2 fine sand/day C 285 222 UT to M II Creek P renn al 778 1 3 5 4 sand gra at cobble C 41 25 223 UT to M II Creek Per 1 238 1 1 5 35-45 7 fne /course sand C 34 25 224 UT to Mill Creek Pere n at 148 2 2 2 fne/co rse sand C 33 225 UT to Mill Creek Perennial 621 1 2 1 3 2 fine /co rse d C 3425 226 UT to Catawba Creek Perennial 5607 1 4 2 10 2 8 sand gra el cobble bed ock C 335 485 227 UT to Catawba Creek Perenn al 767 3 5 1 3 4 Isand gravel cobble C 38 25 228 1 UT to Catawba Creek Perennial 1110 2 6 3-6 3 sand gravel, rock C 31 34 229 UT to Catawba Creek Perennial 299 NA NA NA NA C NA 230 UT to Catawba Creek Perenn at 853 1-0 1 3 4 fine /course sand C 34 25 231 UT to Catawba Creek Inte m ttent 474 4 1 1 fine sa d/clay C 2475 232 UT to Catawba Creek Perennial 641 1 3 3 sand gravel C 3575 232A UT to Catawba C eek Perennial 1322 1 2 5 10 1 6 sand gravel cobble bedrock C 45 5 23213 UT to Catawba Creek Perennial 735 2 2 5 3 5 4 sand ravel cobble bedrock C 28 Streams 5 U 3321 Gaston East West Connector Streams Earth Tech Stream ID Stream Name Intern Rent / perennial L rise feet n Project Study Area Bank Height (ft) Average Width (ft) Depth (in) S bstrate Water Q ality Classification NCDWQ Score 233 UT t C tawba Cr k P n 1 3614 3 4 35 10 3 7 sad g a el cobble boulder C 365 42 234 UT to Catawba C eek Pere nial 2496 16 4 5 sand gra el cobble rock C 465 235 UT to Catawba Creek Perennial 1089 25 3-6 4 fine /course sand C 36 236 UT to Catawba Creek Int rm tte t 118 1 1 2 fne /course sand C 23 UT to Cata wba Creek —Pere Pen: n al_ — 5954 -- —2 6_2 20 3 8 sand gravel cobble bedrock C 455 55 238 UT to M II Creek Intern ttent 168 1 1 2 fine sand/clay C 195 238 UT to M II Creek Perennial 3108 1 3 23 4 6 sad g avel cobble C 345 3575 239 UT to M 11 Creek Interm ttent 249 1 1 2 sad g avel C 205 240 UT to Mill Creek I to mittent 178 1 1 23 2 Ifine sand/clay C 295 241 UT to M 11 C eek Interm ttent 381 1 25 3 Isand qravel C 225 242 UT to Catawba Creek Perennial 3115_ —14_ 35 3 4 _ s It sad gra at rock C _ _ 34 47 243 UT to Catawba Creek Intermittent 516 1 1 2 2 3 sad g avel rock C 255 26 243 UT to Catawba Creek Perenn al 154 1 1 3 3 sad gra el cobble C 34 5 244 UT to Catawba Creek Perenn al 403 1 2 3 3 sand g a el C 33 245 UT to Catawba Creek Intermittent 98 1 5 1 34 1 sand gra el cobble C 195 246 UT to Catawba Creek Intern ttent 114 1 2 2 3 1 sand gravel C 295 247 UT to Catawba Creek Interm ttent 125 1 1 5 2 fine sand/clayC 2— 7 25 247 UT to Catawba Creek Perenn all 3158 1-4 412 4 sand gra el cobble b drock C 44 248 UT to Catawba Creek Pere n al 2921 1 3 1 4 3 5 sand gra el cobble ro k C 32548 249 UT to Catawba Creek Perennial 1 171 1 1 2 3 sand g a el C 3225 249A UT to Catawba Creek Perennial 487 1 3.4 4 sand gra el cobble C 34 5 250 UT to Catawba Creek Pere ni 1 489 3-45 25-4 4 sand gra el C 415 250A UT to Catawba Creek Perennial 1637 2-4 355_ 4 sad gra el rock C 455 251 UT to Catawba Creek Perennial 363 1 2-4 4 sad gravel cobble C 44 5 251A UT to Catawba Cre k Pere n at 3052 1-4 4 5 1 6 sand gra el rock C 495 252 UT to Catawba Creek Intermittent 1 126 1 1 3 fine /co rse sand C 2825 252 UT to Catawba C eek Pe ennial 482 2 2 3 4 sad g a el cobble C 42 252A UT to Catawba C eek Pe enn al 1565 1 2 5 4 5 a d gravel cobble C 46 253 UT to Catawba Creek Interm ttent 233 1 2 2-4 1 sand gravel C 215 254 UT to Catawba Creek Interm ttent 356 1 1 2 2 sand gravel C 27 255 UT t Catawba Cre k Inte m ttent 246 1 3.4 2 fne /course sand C 26 5 256 UT to C tawba C eek P re at 846 1 2 2 3 sand g a el cobble C 425 257 UT to C tawba C k Pere 1 385 1 2 1 3 2 sand gra el C 395 258 UT to Catawba Creek Interm tt nt 114 1 2 2 sand gravel C 27 259 Catawba C eek Pee n al 4867 3 6 25 50 14 15 sand gra el cobble C 51 575 259A UT to Catawba Creek Pee n al 892 3 7 12 s dement sand C 33 259B UT to C tawb Cre k P re 1 187 3 15 12 sed ment sand C 34 5 259C UT to Catawba C eek P r nn al 288 3 15 12 sediment sand C 34 5 260 UT t C tawba C ek Perennial 409 2 3 3 5 5 5 f e /course sand C 355 261 UT to Catawba C eek Perenn al 894 1 2 5 3 2 sand gravel C 31 262 UT to Catawba Creek Into m ttent 944 1 5 3 2 3 3 Isand ara el C 20 263 UT to Catawba Creek Perenn al 3499 1 2 5 2-4 5 sand gra el ock C 405 264 UT to Catawba Creek Interm ttent 278 2 2 3 1 sand gravel C 19 264 UT to Catawba Creek Perennial 2145 1 6 3 16 4 10 s nd gra of ock bo Ide C 41 5 555 265 UT to Catawba Creek Perenn al 540 1 2 5 34 2 sand g avel ock C 34 5 266 UT to Catawba Creek Perenn at 938 1 2 34 1 5 sand gravel rock C 47 267 UT to Catawba Creek Intermittent 441 2 3 34 2 sediment sand gra el C 1 235 268 UT to Catawba Creek— — Perennial 3245 2 4 2 10 2 5 sand gravel cobble rock C 3525 52 _269 r —UT to Catawba Creek— — Perenn al-- ._1975. —. ,— 1 3.— _34_ _4_ sand g a all cobble rock _ _C_ 505 270 UT to Catawba Creek Perennial 2345 4 8 6 9 8 sand gravel cobble rock C 50 271 UT to Catawba Creek Perennial 15654 8 3-6 4 sand gravel cobble rock C 465 272 UT to Catawba Creek Perennial 474 1 1 2 1 2 5 1 1 sand gravel cobble C 3575 Streams 6 U 3321 Gaston East West Connector Streams Earth Tech Stream ID Stream Name I tern ttent / Perennial Linear feet I project Studv Area Bank Height (ft) A erage Width (ft) Depth (in) Substrate Water Quality Classific ton NCDWQ Score 273 UT to Catawba C ek Pere 1 371 1 2 2 sand gra at cobbl C 355 274 UT to Catawba C k P re at 1272 1 3 1 535 4 sand gra el cobble C 38 5 275 UT to Catawba Creek Pe ennial 345 1 1 5-3 2 fine /course sand C 35 276 UT to Catawba Creek Peren al 1892 2 3 3 7 4 sand g a at cobble C 42 277 UT to Catawba Creek Perenn at 242 1 2 2 3 sand gra at C 4075 278 UT to Catawba Creek Interm ttent 78 1 2 5 2 sand gra at C 225 279 UT to Catawba Creek I term ttent 321 1 1 2 3 fine /course sand C 285 280 UT to Catawba Creek Interm ttent 843 1 1 5 1 sand gra el C 22 5 281 UT to Catawba Creek Perennial 1 428 1 2 2 1 3 sand gravel rock C 30 282 UT to Catawba C eek Interm ttent 306 1 2 34 1 sand gravel C 435 282 UT to Catawba Creek Perenn at 1330 2-4 3 4 sand gra el cobble C 435 x283 UT to Catawba C eak_ _Intermittent 283 2 5 34— _2— sand gra el_ C 295 284 UT to S F Catawba River Intermittent 208 1 2 3 Silt sand WS-V 26 284 UT to S F Catawba Ri er Perennial 254 2 3 4 5 Sand qra el cobble boulder WS V NA 285 UT to S F Catawba R ve Interm ttent 1123 1 2 24 ___36 1 3 Sand gravel WS V 245 285 UT to S F Catawba R er Perennial 1817 1 3 2 5 6 Sand gravel cobble boulder WS V NA 286 UT to S F Catawba R er Intern ttent 84 1 1 2 1 S It sand gravel WS V 21 275 286 UT to S F Catawba Ri a Peren al 1110 1-4 2 7 4 6 S It sad gra el cobble WS V 31 286A UT to S F Catawba R ve Interm ttent 1 30 1 1_2 1 Silt sand WS V NA 287 UT to S F Catawba Ri er Intermittent 193 1 1 2 3 4 Sift sand WS V 23 287 UT to S F Catawba River Perenn at 213 6 4-6 1 4 Sand g a at WS V NA 288 UT to S F Catawb R Intern tt t 286 1 13 2 4 S it sand gra at cobble WS V 255 288 UT to S F Catawb R Perenn al 1339 1 1 3 4 S It sand gra at cobble WS V NA 288A UT to S F Catawba R er I t rmittent 190 1 2 1 S It sand gra at WS V 21 5 288A UT to S F Catawba R er Perenn at 582 24 4 7 2 6 S It to cobble boulder WS V 28 289 UT to S F Catawba Ri er I term ttent 373 1 2 1 2 1 Sift sand gra at WS V 225 289 UT to S F Catawba R or Perennial 1036 2 3 2-6 2 6 Sit sand gra el cobble bo Id i WS V 31 345 290 UT to S F Catawba R e Intermittent 125 1 1 2 1 Sit sand gravel WS V 21 25 291 UT to S F Catawba RI er Perennial 372 1 3 34 2 5 Sit sand gra at obble WS V 28 5 292 UT to S F Catawba Ri a Intern tent 1027 1 2 2 S it sand WS V 21 5 293 UT to S F Catawba R er Intermittent 229 1 2 2 2 Silt Sand gra el WS V 21 293A UT to S F Catawba Ri er Into mite t 22 1 1 2 1 S It sand WS V 2275 293A UT to S F Catawba RI er Perennial 65 1 2 3 34 Silt Sand gra el WS V NA 2938 UT to S F Catawba R r Intermittent 120 1 2 2 3 1 2 5 Silt sand WS V 23 293C UT to S F Catawba Ri er Perenn at 660 24 3 5 26 S It to cobble bo Ider WS V 3375 293C UT to S F Catawba R er I term ttent 185 1 2 2 3 25 Silt sand WS V 2525 294 UT t S F C tawb R Int rm It t 747 3-4 3-6 2 Silt to cobble boulder WS V 21 294 UT t S F C tawb RI er Pe enn at 951 1 3 4 7 1 3 S It to cobble boulder WS V 345 294A UT to S F C tawb R I to m tt t 635 1 2 1 3 S It sand gravel cobble WS V 25 294A UT to S F C tawba Ri er P at 404 NA NA NA NA NA NA 295 UT to S F Catawba R Into mdtent 563 1 3 3 1 2 Silt Sand gra el WS V 20 5 295 UT to S F C tawba River Perenn al 901 24 3 5 14 S It sand gra at cobble WS V 32 3225 295A UT to S F Catawba Ri er Interm ttent 242 1 2 24 1 2 S It sand gra I b Ider WS V 23 295A UT to S F Catawba R er Perennial 436 1 2 24 1 3 Silt to cobble boulder WS V 30 296 UT to S F Catawba R er Perennial 2543 4 6 24 S It Sand gra at WS V 34 296A UT to S F Catawba River Perennial 1973 1 5 2-6 1 2 6 Slt sand gravel cobble WS V 325 297 UT to S F Catawba River Perenn at 3485 14 3.6 14 S It to cobble bo Ider WS V 31 5 297A UT to S F Catawba R er Intermittent 217 4 6 3 5 24 S it Sand gravel WS V 255 297A UT to S F Catawba R ver Perenn at 1335 34 34 26 Silt to cobble boulder WS V 35 298 UT to S F Catawba R er Intermittent 202 1 2 3 1 S It sand gravel WS V 19 298 UT to S F Catawba River Perennial 45 NA I NA NA NA NA NA 299 UT to S F Catawba River I Interm ttent 1 279 1 2 1 3 1 2 Silt Sand gra el WS V 265 Streams 7 U 3321 Gaston East West Connector Streams Earth Tech Stream ID Stream Name Intermittent / perennial L near feet In p OJect Stu Area Bank Height ft g () A e age Width k () Depth (in) Substrate Water Qual ty Classification NCDWQ Score 299 UT t S F C tawb Rry P 1 572 23 34 1-4 S It Sand gra at WS V NA 300 UT to S F Catawba R er trite mrttent 2176 3 3 1 3 Silt sand gra el cobble WS V 235 300 UT to S F Catawba R er Pe ennial 526 3 3 5 1 3 S It sad gravel cobble WS V 33 300A UT to S F Catawba Ri a trite mrttent 42 6 3 1 3 Silt Sand ra at WS V 21 301 UT to S F Catawba Ri a Intermittent 167 4 3-6 1 2 S It Sand reel WS V 23 301 UT to S F Catawba R e Pe enrnal 1065 34 47 1-6 Silt sand ravel cobble WS V 285 301A UT to S F Catawba River Intermdt nt 49 5 3 1 3 Sand ravel WS V 195 3018 UT to S F Catawba R trite m Kent 22 5 3 1 3 S It Sand gra at WS-V 1 195 302 UT to Catawba River Interm Kent 161 24 1 3 1 2 IS It sand WS V B 195 303 UT to Catawba River Intermittent 31 1 2 1 Sand gra at WS V B 23 303 UT to Catawba River Perennial 236 23 24 1 3 S It sand gra at cobble WS V B 31 304 UT to Catawba R er Intermittent 260 1 3 1 2 Silt sand WS V 22 304 UT to Catawba River Perennial 1889 3 35 14 Silt and gra at cobble WS V 31 305 UT to Catawba River Perenn at 748 34 4.6 3 10 S It sand gra el cobble WS V 8 315 306 UT to Catawba R ver Interm ttent 888 1 1 1 2 1 ISand gra at coal WS V B 19 307 UT to Catawba River Interm ttent 418 35 45 46 IS It sad ravel C NA 307 UT to Catawba R er Perenn at 244 1 2 4-6 26 Silt to cobble bo Ider WS V 8 31 5 308 UT to Catawba R er I to m ttent 763 1 2 2 3 1 3 S It sand gra at WS V B 20 309 UT to Catawba RI er Inte m tt nt 297 1 3 24 24 S It sand gra at WS V B 225 309 UT to Catawba Ri er Perennial 640 27 3-6 1.6 Silt to cobble boulder WS V B 355 310 UT to Catawba R ver Interm tt nt 167 1 2 1 3 1 2 Silt sand gra at WS V B NA 311 UT to Catawba R e I term Kent 81 1 12 1 Silt sand gra at WS V B 19 311 UT to Catawba River Perennial 1525 1 4 3 10 2 12 Sad gravel cobble bo [der WS V B 35 39 311A UT to Catawba Ri er Interm ttent 60 1 1 2 1 2 Silt sand WS V B 235 312 UT to Catawba Ri er trite m ttent 596 1 23 1 Silt sand WS V B 235 312A Beaverdam Creek Perennial 8227 35 810 212 S It to cobble boulder C 50 312B UT to Catawba R er Interm Kent 25 1 2 2 S It sand C 19 313 UT to Catawba R er Int rm tte t 324 1 3 3 1 3 Silt sand gra at WS V B 22 313 UT to Catawba R er Peren al 1644 4 28 2-6 S It sad gra at WS V B 34 313A UT to Bea erdam Creek Interm tt nt 571 1 3 35 2 S It Sand g a of C 19 314 UT to Catawba Ri e I t rmittent 591 1 3 3 24 Sit sand g avel WS 21 5 314A UT to Bea erdam C eek Interm ttent 226 1 3 45 1 3 Silt sand re at cobble 21 75 314A UT to Beaverdam Creek Perenn at 969 1 2 24 1 2 S It sand ra all cobble dB 33 315 UT to Catawba Ri e I termittent 331 1 1 2 1 3 Sit sand a at cobble WS 27 315A UT to Bea erdam C eek I termittent 630 1 2 24 1 2 S It and re el cobble NA 316 UT to Catawba R er Interm Kent 777 1 1 1 2 1 3 Silt sand WS V B 25 316 UT t C tawba R er Perenn al 668 46 4-6 2-6 ISO to cobble boulder WS V B 325 316A UT to Bea a dam C eek Intermittent 487 1 2 3 1 2 Silt sand gra I C 235 317 UT t Bea erd m Creek I termittent 485 1 1 23 1 2 Silt sand gra at C 225 318 UT to B a e dam C eek Interm It t 1099 1 3 25 1 3 Silt to cobble boulder C 25 318 UT to B a e dam Creek Pe 1 49 NA NA NA NA C NA 318A UT to Bea erdam Creek I t m tt nt 573 24 35 26 Sit Sand gra at C 2575 3188 UT to Be erdam C ek trite mittent 150 1 3 1 2 1 IS It Sand gra at C 21 5 318C UT to Bea erdam C eek Intermittent 229 1 3 35 3 S It Sand cira I C 21 5 318D UT t Bea erdam C ek I t m Kent 102 24 2 3 Sit s nd C 25 319 UT to Bea erdam Creek Interm ttent 96 1 2 12 2 Silt sand gra I C 19 320 1 UT to Bea erdam Creek Interm ttent 217 1 1 3 25 Silt sand C 19 320A UT to Beaverdam Creek Interm ttent 667 1 4 1 24 S It sand C 22 321 Legion Lake Stream Interm ttent 598 1 3 3$ 1 6 IS It sand gra at I C 24 321 Legion Lake Stream Perennial 7302 24 5-8 1 12 S It to cobble boulder C 33 322 UT to Leg on Lake St earn Intermittent 488 1 3 3 14 S It sand gra at C 241 322 UT to Legion Lake Stream Perennial 664 NA NA NA NA NA NA Streams 8 U 3321 Gaston East West Connector Streams Earth Tech Stream ID Stream Name Intermittent / Perennial Linea feet) project Study Area Bank Height (ft) Average Width (h) Depth (in) Substrata Water Quality Class fication NCDWI] Score 323 UT to Beaverdam Creek Perennial 2234 35 3-6 2-4 Silt sand gra el cobble C 38 323A UT to Bea erdam Creek Interm ttent 40 1 12 1 S It sand C 195 324 UT to Beaverdam Creek Intermittent 378 1 2 5 2 Silt sad gra el cobble C 255 325 UT to Be erdam Creek Interm ttent 456 1 12 1 3 Silt sand C 23 326 UT to Bea erdam Creek Interm ttent 352 1 2 1.4 1 5 S It sand gravel cobble C 21 25 326 UT to Bea erdam Creek Perenn al 1 829 4 34 1.4 Silt sand gra el cobble C 3075 327 UT to Legion Lake Stream Intermittent 535 14 3 24 Sit sad gra el C 305 328 UT to Legion Lake Stream Interm ttent 496 1 13 1 S It sand gravel C 235 328 UT to Legion Lake Stream Peren ial 1994 34 4 14 Sit sand gravel cobble C 335 328A UT to Legion Lake Stream Interm ttent 43 NA NA NA NA C NA 329 UT to Legion Lake Stream Intermittent 104 1 23 1 2 S It sand gra el C 24 330 UT to Legion Lake Stream Interm ttent 175 34 35 1 3 Silt to cobble bo Ider C 26 330 UT to Leg on Lake Stream Perennial 1258 34 35 1 3 S It to cobble boulder C NA 330A UT to Legion L ke Stream Interm ttent 80 34 2 1 1 2 Silt sand gra el C 205 331 UT to Legion Lake Stream Interm ttent 580 1 3 23 1 2 Silt sand ra el C 27 331 UT to Leg on Lake St am Perennial 1 1067 24 35 23 Sit sand gra el cobble C 34 332 UT to Leg on Lake Stream Perenn al 2210 1 36 2-6 14 Silt sand gra el cobble C 41 333 UT to Leg on Lake Stream Intermittent 283 24 23 1 3 S It sand gravel C 245 334 UT to Legion Lake Stream Interm ttent 153 1 2 1 2 1 2 Silt sand gra el C 21 335 1 UT to Legion Lake Stream Pe enn al 1385 24 35 25 Sand gravel boulder bedrock C 34 338 1 UT to Leo on Lake St earn Intermittent 546 23 23 24 Silt sand gra el C 205 337 UT to Leg on Lake Stream Interm tent 94 1 2 1 3 1 3 S It sand gra el C 235 337 UT to Legion Lake Stream Perennial 1197 1 14 24 14 Silt sand gra el C 26 337A UT to Leg on Lake Stream Intermittent 264 23 3 1 2 Silt sad gra el C 235 338 UT to Legion Lake Stream Intermittent 136 14 24 14 Sit sand gravel C 245 338A UT to Legion Lake Stream Interm ttent 34 1 2 1 2 Silt sand C 19 3388 I UT to Legion Lake Stream Intermittent 68 1 2 1 2 Silt sand C 205 339 UT to Legion Lake Stream I term ttent 1 2178 1 2 23 4 S It sand gra el C 235 339A UT to Leg on Lake Stream Intermittent 63 1 1 2 1 2 Silt sand C 19 340 UT to Leg on Lake Stream I t rm tt t 1082 2-4 35 2-6 S It d q I bbl C 285 340 UT to Legion Lake Stream Peen al 1825 2-4 4-6 2-6 Sit sand gra el cobble C 34 340A UT to Legion Lake Stream Interm ttent 359 1 2 3 1 3 S It Sand gravel C 25 341 1 UT to Lea on Lake Stream Intermittent 282 1 2 2 2 S It sand ga I cobble C 21 342 UT to L g n Lake Stream Intermittent 137 1 2 2 1 3 Sit sand ra el C 195 343 UT to Coffey Creek Interm dent 731 1 2 2 1 2 IS It sand ra el C 20 5 344 UT to Beaverdam C eek Pere al Stream o tside stud oor do added from USGS m n C NA 345 UT t Catawba Cre k Perennial Istrea. is de std coondor added from USGS ma in C NA Streams 9 U 3321 Gaston East West Connector Wetland Impacts by Altemahve (Acres) W M i 0�- -����� r r• � r• r �• r„ r r• � r• 1 r, r i W M i U 3321 Gaston East West Connector Wetland Impacts by Alternative (Acres) W 0 M 2 U 3321 Gaston East West Connector Wetland Impacts by Altemabve (Acres) W and 3 U 3321 Gaston East West Connector Wetland Impacts by Alternative (Acres) w M ®- rr rr rr rr rr rr rr rr rr rr rr rr �- rr rr rr � rr rr rr rr rr rr rr rr rr �- rr rr rr � rr rr rr rr rr rr � rr rr rr r r _� r r• r r �- r r• r r -- r r• r r -- " w M U 3321 Gaston East West Connector Wetland Impacts by Attemabve (Acres) N rM 5 ® r� �r r� rr rr ri rr ri r� rr r� rr N rM 5 r E U 3321 Gaston East -West Connector Ponds Earth Tech Pond ID Consultant Pond ID Consultant Acres within Corridor Cowardin Classification 1 W2 S &ME 058 PUB3Hh 2 W3 S &ME 044 PUBHh 3 W4 S &ME 054 PUBHh 4 W64 S &ME 131 PEM1 /PUBHh 5 W68 S &ME 156 PUBHh /PEM1Fh 6 W26 S &ME 057 PUBHh 7 W34 S &ME 135 PUBHh /PSS1Fh 8 W35 S &ME 054 PUBHh /PEM1Fh 9 W101 S &ME 293 PUB3Hh 10 W94 S &ME 082 PUB3Hhx 11 W93 S &ME 093 PUB3Hhx 12 W121 S &ME 123 PUB3Hh 13 W109 S &ME 052 PUB3Hh 14 W99 S &ME 054 PUB3Hh 15 W112 S &ME 018 PUB3Hh 16 W116 S &ME 024 PUB3Hh 17 W143 S &ME 026 PUBM 18 W141 S &ME 007 PUB3Hh 19 W128 S &ME 046 PUB3Hh 20 W132 S &ME 081 PUB3Hh 21 W146 S &ME 011 PUB3Hh 22 W149 S &ME 012 PUB3Hh 23 D13 Pond JCA 171 PUBHh 24 D24 Pond JCA 143 PUBHh 25 D16 Pond JCA 193 PUBHh 26 N/A JCA 027 PUBHh 27 D28 Pond JCA 072 PUBHh 28 D21 Pond JCA 090 PUBHh 29 D25 Pond JCA 017 PUBHh 30 D23 Pond JCA 068 PUBHh 31 W2 027 JCA 008 PUBHh 32 D26 Pond JCA 030 PUBHh 33 D31 Pond JCA 126 PUBHh 34 D35 Pond JCA 034 PUBHh 35 D42 Pond JCA 077 PUBHh 36 D47 Pond JCA 1 50 PUBHh 37 D53 Pond JCA 047 PUBHh 38 D64 Pond JCA 054 PUBHh 39 D70 Pond JCA 1 38 PUBHh 40 D77 Pond JCA 041 PUBHh 41 D96 Pond JCA 065 PUBHh 42 D90 Pond JCA 079 PUBHh 43 D112 Pond JCA 006 PUBHh 44 D105 Pond JCA 242 PUBHh 45 Pond 1 Catena 1 00 PUBHh 46 Pond 2 Catena 1 04 PUBHh 47 Pond 3 Catena Oil PUBHh Ponds 1 U -3321 Gaston East -West Connector Ponds Earth Tech Pond ID Consultant Pond ID Consultant Acres within Corridor Cowardin Classification 48 Pond 4 Catena 076 PUBHh 49 Pond 5 Catena 073 PUBHh 50 Pond 6 7 8 Catena 619 PUBHh 51 Pond 10 Catena 016 PUBHh 52 Pond 9 Catena 020 PUBHh 53 Pond 11 Catena 032 PUBHh 54 Pond 12 Catena 003 PUBHh 55 Pond 13 Catena 008 PUBHh 56 Pond 14 Catena 1 06 PUBHh 57 Pond 15 1 Catena 1 006 IPUBHh 58 Pond 16 1 Catena 1 1 063 IPUBHh Ponds 2 J 3321 Gaston East West Connector Pond Impacts by Alternative (Acres) ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ®® P d i -J F E B 2 7 2008 rNORTH CAROLINA Turnpike Authority NC DENR MRo Gaston East -West Conff &- ell tff 6 �rr �rPr�t tion Gaston and Mecklenburg Counties STIP No U -3321 Merger Process Concurrence Point 2a - Bridging Decision Information In accordance with NCDCIT guidelines on information to be presented at a Concurrence Point 2a meeting the following tables are attached Hydraulic Table — This table includes the crossing ID streams /wetlands /ponds crossed stream /wetland /pond impacts existing structures recommended preliminary hydraulic structure size estimated cost and for selected crossings the cost if the crossing was bridged 2 Existing Stream Characteristics — This table lists the characteristics of streams in the study corridor boundaries including intermittent /perennial bank height average width and depth substrate water quality classification and NCDWQ score 3 Stream Impacts — This table lists the stream impacts by DSA 4 Existing Wetland Characteristics — This table lists the characteristics of wetlands in the study corridor boundaries including wetland size Cowardm classification NC DWQ rating and wetland quality rating 5 Wetland Impacts — This table lists the wetland impacts by DSA Maps available to aid in discussions include 1 11x17 overview map showing the locations of recommended major preliminary hydraulic structures 2 A set of 11x17 maps (23 sheets per set) showing the preliminary engineering designs corridor boundaries surveyed streams /wetlands /ponds major roadways recommended major preliminary hydraulic structures (labeled with ID structure size and impacts to wetlands and streams) The purpose of this map set is to be able to readily see each wetland and stream crossing of the preliminary engineering designs J 3 A set of 11x17 maps (23 sheets per set) with all environmental features displayed along with the other information listed in item 2 above 4 A set of 11x17 aerial photographs (35 sheets and a key sheet) with the preliminary engineering designs 5 A large scale Environmental Features Map with the corridor boundaries preliminary designs and recommended major preliminary hydraulic crossings Spotlighted Major Hydraulic Crossings Due to the large size of the project NCTA implemented a methodology to focus on the major hydraulic crossings to be discussed at the CP2a meeting The approach summarized below resulted in the identification of the following forty (40) crossings proposed to be spotlighted at the March 5 2008 TEAC Meeting • Bridge Locations There are seventeen (17) crossings having a bridge as the recommended preliminary crossing structure based on hydraulic considerations (Note that in the February 5 2008 TEAC Meeting 20 bridge crossings were mentioned This included bridge crossings for Corridor Segment K1D which has been eliminated from further study) • Triple Box Culverts There are six (6) crossings having a triple box culvert as the recommended preliminary crossing structure based on hydraulic considerations • High Quality Wetland Crossings Twelve (12) high quality wetlands are crossed by the preliminary engineering designs Of these twelve six (6) are not at a recommended bridge or triple box culvert location (crossings already identified in the bullets above) and were added to the list of crossings to be discussed • 303d Listed Stream Crossings Each crossing of a 303d listed stream that has a major hydraulic structure recommended will be discussed Within the project study area three water resources Abernethy Creek Catawba Creek and Crowders Creek are designated as biologically unpaired water bodies regulated under the Final 2006 provisions of the Clean Water Act (CWA) 303(d) (NCDENR 2006b) Abernethy Creek is not crossed by the proposed preliminary engineering designs Crossings of Catawba Creek and Crowders Creek are recommended to be bridges so they are included in the list of crossings to discuss • Major Non Bridge Crossings Each major non bridge crossing not already included from the bullets above was reviewed by the project s engineering team to identify those where a bridge may be more cost effective than the culvert or pipe recommended for hydraulic purposes The engineering team used engineering judgment and review factors such as the height of fill at the crossing 2 the existing topography potential length of a bridge and the length of stream impact to identify locations where a cost comparison should be conducted Based on these criteria eleven (11) crossings were identified for discussion These included two (2) crossings near y line grade separations where an extension of the grade separation bridge to clear the stream was evaluated and nine (9) crossings that were double box culverts over streams with NCDWQ ratings of 40 or greater Additional information for the forty spotlighted crossings is provided on the following pages 3 Spotlighted Major Hydraulic Crossing Information Sheet REFERENCE DATA Crossing Bridge Length / Width Estimated Bridge Cost Reference Fi re Sheets Waters of US Design Plan ID Segment Location Peren (feet) / (inches) Figure Sheet HBI HIA West side of project, just south of US 29 -74 3C 1-11-2 HYDRAULIC STRUCTURE DETAILS Currently Recommended Bridge Length / Width Estimated Bridge Cost Hydraulic Structure Substrate Class 3- span Bride 120 ft / 172 ft $2,167,200 STREAM IMPACTS Stream Stream Name Int / Width / Depth Substrate Class NCDWQ Impact ID Peren (feet) / (inches) Rating (lin ft) Sand, S14 Crowder Creek P 40-55/12 Cobble, C 34.5 -52.5 0 Bedrock Spotlighted Major Hydraulic Crossing Information Sheet REFERENCE DATA Crossing Bridge Length / Width Estimated Bridge Cost Reference Fi re Sheets Waters of US Design Plan ID Segment Location Peren (feet) / (inches) Figure Sheet Rating (lin ft) West side of project, south of US 29 -74. On ramp HB2 H2B from US 29 -74 3C H2 -2 HYDRAULIC STRUCTURE DETAILS Currently Recommended Bridge Length / Width Estimated Bridge Cost Hydraulic Structure Substrate Class 3- span Bride 160 ft / 32 ft $537,600 STREAM IMPACTS Stream Stream Name Int / Width / Depth Substrate Class NCDWQ Impact ID Peren (feet) / (inches) Rating (lin ft) Sand, S14 Crowders Creek P 40-55/12 Cobble, C 34.5 -52.5 0 Bedrock Photos from S &ME. Looking upstream Looking downstream Spotlighted Major Hydraulic Crossing Information Sheet REFERENCE DATA Crossing Bridge Length / Width Estimated Bridge Cost Reference Fi ure Sheets Waters of US Design Plan ID Segment Location Peren (feet) / (inches) Figure Sheet Rating (lin ft) West side of project, south of US 29 -74. Mainline HB3 H2B and off ramp. 3 C H2 -2 HYDRAULIC STRUCTURE DETAILS Currently Recommended Hydraulic Structure Bridge Length / Width Estimated Bridge Cost 3- span Bride 160 ft / 120 ft $2,016,000 STREAM IMPACTS Stream Stream Name Int / Width / Depth Substrate Class NCDWQ Impact ID Peren (feet) / (inches) Rating (lin ft) Sand, S14 Crowders Creek P 40-55/12 Cobble, C 34.5 -52.5 0 Bedrock Photos from S&ME. Looking upstream Looking downstream Spotlighted Major Hydraulic Crossing Information Sheet REFERENCE DATA Crossing Cost comparison Culvert Reference Figure Sheets Waters of US Design Plan ID Segment Location Cost Length / Width Cost Figure Sheet HD10 HIB West side of project, just south of Camp Rotary Rd. 3E H1 -3 HYDRAULIC STRUCTURE DETAILS Currently Recommended Cost comparison Culvert Estimated Culvert Bridge Estimated Bridge Hydraulic Structure Impact Length Cost Length / Width Cost 2 — (8'x8') RCB 320 ft $1,414,720 240 ft / 120 ft $3,024,000 STREAM IMPACTS Stream Stream Name Int / Width / Depth Substrate Class NCDWQ Impact ID (acres) Peren (feet) / (inches) PFOI C 34 Rating (lin ft) S79 UT Crowders Creek P 8-10/2-5 Gravel, C 40.5, 50 418 Cobble S94 I UT Crowders Creek P 6/1 Silt C 27.8 203 WETLAND IMPACTS Wetland ID Total Size Cowardin NC DWQ Rating Impact (acres) Classification (acres) W89 0.19 PFOI C 34 .05 Photos from hydraulic shidy. Pond P9 Stream S79 near Camp Rotary Road Spotlighted Major Hydraulic Crossing Information Sheet REFERENCE DATA Crossing Cost Com arison Culvert Reference Figure Sheets Waters of US Design Plan ID Segment Location Cost Length / Width Cost Figure Sheet HD17 HX2 West side of project, just south of Camp Rotary Rd. 3E HX2 -1 HYDRAULIC STRUCTURE DETAILS Currently Recommended Cost Com arison Culvert Estimated Culvert Bridge Estimated Bridge Hydraulic Structure Impact Length Cost Length / Width Cost 2 — (8'x8') RCB 262 ft $743,670 160 ft / 120 ft $2,016,000 STREAM IMPACTS Stream Stream Name Int / Width / Depth Substrate Class NCDWQ Impact ID Peren (feet) / (inches) Rating (lin ft) S79 UT Crowders Creek P 8-10/2-5 Gravel, C 40.5, 50 350 Cobble Photos from S&ME Looking upstream Looking downstream Spotlighted Major Hydraulic Crossing Information Sheet REFERENCE DATA Crossing Currently Recommended Int / Peren Reference Figure Sheets Waters of US Design Plan ID Segment Location UT Bessemer Branch Length Cost Figure Sheet HD26 I 1-12A West side of project, just north of 1 -85 3B 1-12 -1 STREAM IMPACTS HYDRAULIC STRUCTURE DETAILS Currently Recommended Int / Peren Cost Comparison Culvert Estimated Culvert Bridge Estimated Bridge Hydraulic Structure UT Bessemer Branch Length Cost Length / Width Cost 48 405 ft. S31 UT Bessemer Branch 1 6'x6' RCB Sand, Silt $2,986,043 840 ft / 60 ft $5,728,685 extension Existing culvert runs under existing interstate highway, making bridge option unpractical STREAM IMPACTS Stream ID Stream Name Int / Peren Width / Depth (feet) / (inches) Substrate Class NCDWQ Rating Impact (lin ft) S28 UT Bessemer Branch P 4-8/4 Silt C 48 2231 S31 UT Bessemer Branch 1 3/1 Sand, Silt C 22 183 WETLAND IMPACTS Wetland ID Total Size Cowardin NC DWQ Rating Impact (acres) Classification (acres) W35 1.17 PEM1 /SS1 C 78 1.2 Photos from S &ME Stream S31 - intermittent Spotlighted Major Hydraulic Crossing Information Sheet REFERENCE DATA Crossing Cost Com arison Culvert Length Reference Figure Sheets Waters of US Design Plan ID Segment Location 225 ft / 30 ft $708,750 This crossing is located in an area where a large fill would be required increasing the cost of a culvert Figure Sheet HD27 H2A West side of project, between 1 -85 and US 29 -74 3A/3C H2 -2 HYDRAULIC STRUCTURE DETAILS Currently Recommended Hydraulic Structure Cost Com arison Culvert Length Estimated Culvert Cost Bridge Length / Width Estimated Bridge Cost 3- (7'x10') RCB 340 ft $1,143,930 225 ft / 30 ft $708,750 This crossing is located in an area where a large fill would be required increasing the cost of a culvert STREAM IMPACTS Stream Stream Name Int / Width / Depth Substrate Class NCDWQ Impact ID Peren (feet) / (inches) Rating (lin ft) Silt, Sand, S25 Bessemer Branch P 5-14/2-6 Cobble, C 27,47 Bedrock Photo from S &ME Stream S25 — looking downstream south of I -85 Spotlighted Major Hydraulic Crossing Information Sheet REFERENCE DATA Crossing Cost Com arison Culvert Length Reference Fi re Sheets Waters of US Design Plan ID Segment Location N/A N/A The US 29 -74 stream crossing cannot be bridged due to proximity to ramp terminal intersection Figure Sheet HD29 H2B West side of project, just south of US 29 -74 3C H2 -2 HYDRAULIC STRUCTURE DETAILS Currently Recommended Hydraulic Structure Cost Com arison Culvert Length Estimated Culvert Cost Bridge Length / Width Estimated Bridge Cost TxT RCB 265 ft $737,172 N/A N/A The US 29 -74 stream crossing cannot be bridged due to proximity to ramp terminal intersection STREAM IMPACTS Stream Stream Name Int / Width / Depth Substrate Class NCDWQ Impact ID (acres) Peren (feet) / (inches) PFO1C 70 Rating (lin ft) S46 UT Crowders Creek I P 4-8/3 Silt, Sand C 32.5 1773 WETLAND IMPACTS Wetland ID Total Size Cowardin NC DWQ Rating Impact (acres) Classification (acres) W51 2.07 PFO1C 70 2.1 Photos from S &ME Looking upstream at US 29 -74 culvert Looking downstream Spotlighted Major Hydraulic Crossing Information Sheet REFERENCE DATA Crossing Cost Com arison Culvert Reference Figure Sheets Waters of US Design Plan ID Segment Location Cost / Width Cost Figure Sheet HD29 H3 West side if project, just south of US 29 -74 3C 1-13 -1 HYDRAULIC STRUCTURE DETAILS Currently Recommended Cost Com arison Culvert Estimated Culvert Bridge Estimated Bridge Hydraulic Structure Impact Length Cost / Width Cost T xT RCB 240 ft $493,621 -Length 225 ft / 31 ft $732,375 Bridge cost only includes bridge at the ramp stream crossing, the US 29 -74 crossing cannot be bridged due to proximity to the ramp terminal intersection. STREAM IMPACTS Stream Stream Name Fp,, t / Width / Depth Substrate Class NCDWQ Impact ID (acres) re n (feet) / (inches) PFOI C 70 Rating (lin ft) 546 UT Crowder Creek P 4-8/3 Silt, Sand C 32.5 923 WETLAND IMPACTS Wetland ID Total Size Cowardin NC DWQ Rating Impact (acres) Classification (acres) W51 2.07 PFOI C 70 1.4 Photos front S &ME Spotlighted Major Hydraulic Crossing Information Sheet REFERENCE DATA Crossing Cost Com arison Culvert Reference Figur e Sheets Waters of US Design Plan ID Segment Location Cost Length / Width Cost Figure Sheet HD31 H2C West side of project, just south of Carson Road 3D H2 -3 HYDRAULIC STRUCTURE DETAILS Currently Recommended Cost Com arison Culvert Estimated Culvert Bridge Estimated Bridge Hydraulic Structure Impact Length Cost Length / Width Cost 2 — (8'x7') RCB 414 ft $1,008,019 180 ft / 148 ft $2,797,200 STREAM IMPACTS Stream Stream Name Int / Width / Depth Substrate Class NCDWQ Impact ID Peren (feet) / (inches) Ratin (lin ft) S59 UT Crowder Creek I P 4-16/6 1 Bedrock I C 45.5, 45 1 539 Photos from S&ME Looking upstream Looking downstream Spotlighted Major Hydraulic Crossing Information Sheet REFERENCE DATA Crossing Cost Comparison Culvert Reference Figure Sheets Waters of US Design Plan ID Segment Location Cost Length / Width Cost Figure Sheet HD32 1-12C West side of project, just northwest of Chapel UT Crowder Creek P 6-24, 3 -5 Cobble, Grove Rd. 3E H2 -3 HYDRAULIC STRUCTURE DETAILS Currently Recommended Cost Comparison Culvert Estimated Culvert Bridge Estimated Bridge Hydraulic Structure Impact Length Cost Length / Width Cost 3- (7'x10') RCB 325 ft $1,183,603 170 ft / 120 ft $2,142,000 STREAM IMPACTS Stream Stream Name Int / Width / Depth Substrate Class NCDWQ Impact ID Peren (feet) / (inches) Rating Gin ft) S70 UT Crowder Creek P 6-24, 3 -5 Cobble, C 42, 45.5 374 Gravel t'hotos wont S &ME Looking upstream Looking downstream Spotlighted Major Hydraulic Crossing Information Sheet REFERENCE DATA Crossing Stream Name Currently Recommended Reference Figure Sheets Waters of US Design Plan ID Segment Location Hydraulic Structure Peren Length Figure Sheet HD35 H2C West side of project, just north of 3G / 3H H2 -4 $1,512,000 Sand Courtney Cove Ct. 36.3 389 STREAM IMPACTS HYDRAULIC STRUCTURE DETAILS Stream Name Currently Recommended Cost Com arison Substrate Culvert Estimated Culvert Bridge Estimated Bridge Hydraulic Structure Peren Length Cost Length / Width Cost 6'x5' RCB 254 ft $384,209 120 ft / 120 ft $1,512,000 STREAM IMPACTS Stream Stream Name Int / Width / Depth Substrate Class NCDWQ Impact ID (acres) Peren (feet) / (inches) PFOI C 65 Rating (lin ft) S123 UT Crowders Creek I P 1 4/1-3 Sand I C 36.3 389 WETLAND IMPACTS Wetland ID Total Size Cowardin NC DWQ Rating Impact (acres) Classification (acres) W96 0.20 PFOI C 65 0.1 Photos from hydraulic study. Spotlighted Major Hydraulic Crossing Information Sheet REFERENCE DATA Crossing Cost Comparison Culvert Reference Figure Sheets Waters of US Design Plan ID Segment Location Cost Length / Width Cost Figure Sheet HD48 H3 West side of project, just south of Stable ate Dr. 3F 1-13 -2 HYDRAULIC STRUCTURE DETAILS Currently Recommended Cost Comparison Culvert Estimated Culvert Bridge Estimated Bridge Hydraulic Structure Impact Length Cost Length / Width Cost 3- (11'x10') RCB 251 ft $1,459,567 250 ft / 120 ft $3,215,660 STREAM IMPACTS Stream Stream Name Int / Width / Depth Substrate Class NCDWQ Impact ID Peren (feet) / (inches) Rating (lin ft) S134 UT Blackwood Creek P 4-8/6 Silt C 26 296 S135 Blackwood Creek P 24-32/6 Sand, C 40 304 Gravel Photos from S &ME S135 — Blackwood Creek looking upstream S134 — Unnamed tributary looking downstream Spotlighted Major Hydraulic Crossing Information Sheet REFERENCE DATA Crossing Bridge Length / Width Estimated Bridge Cost Reference Figure Sheets Waters of US Design Plan ID Segment Location (acres) Peren (feet) / (inches) Figure Sheet HD59 H3 West side of project, just south of Linwood Road 3D H3 -2 HYDRAULIC STRUCTURE DETAILS Currently Recommended Bridge Length / Width Estimated Bridge Cost Hydraulic Structure Substrate Class 3- span Bride 120 ft / 84 ft $1,058,400 STREAM IMPACTS Stream Stream Name Int / Width / Depth Substrate Class NCDWQ Impact ID (acres) Peren (feet) / (inches) PSSl B 32 Rating (lin ft) Sand, S14 Crowders Creek P 40-55/12 Cobble, C 34.5-52.5 0 Bedrock WETLAND IMPACTS Wetland ID Total Size Cowardin NC DWQ Rating Impact (acres) Classification (acres) W84 0.06 PSSl B 32 0 Photos front hydraulic study. Spotlighted Major Hydraulic Crossing Information Sheet REFERENCE DATA Crossing Currently Recommended Hydraulic Structure Cost Comparison Reference Figure Sheets Waters of US Design Plan ID Segment Location $3,232,119 800 ft / 120 ft $10,080,000 Figure Sheet JB1 J1A West side of project, west of US 321 3J Ji -1 STREAM IMPACTS HYDRAULIC STRUCTURE DETAILS Currently Recommended Hydraulic Structure Cost Comparison Bridge Length / Width Estimated Current Bridge Cost Bridge Length / Width Estimated Extended Bridge Cost 3-span Bride 160 ft / 120 ft $3,232,119 800 ft / 120 ft $10,080,000 STREAM IMPACTS Stream Stream Name Int / Width / Depth Substrate Class NCDWQ Impact ID (acres) Peren (feet) / (inches) PFO1Cd 61 Ratin (lin ft) Sand, S14 Crowders Creek P 40-55/12 Cobble, C 34.5-52.5 0 Bedrock WETLAND IMPACTS Wetland ID Total Size Cowardin C N DWQ Rating Impact (acres) Classification (acres) W127 2.38 PFO1Cd 61 1.7 Photos from hydraulic shidy. Spotlighted Major Hydraulic Crossing Information Sheet REFERENCE DATA Crossing Currently Recommended Hydraulic Structure Cost Com arison Reference Figure Sheets Waters of US Design Plan ID Segment Location $2,517,782 525 ft / 120 ft $6,615,000 Figure Sheet JB2 J3 West side of project, west of US 321 3H J2 -1 STREAM IMPACTS HYDRAULIC STRUCTURE DETAILS Currently Recommended Hydraulic Structure Cost Com arison Bridge Length / Width Estimated Current Bridge Cost Bridge Length /Width_ Estimated Extended Bridge Cost 3-span Bride 160 ft / 120 ft $2,517,782 525 ft / 120 ft $6,615,000 STREAM IMPACTS Stream Total Size Int / Width / Depth Impact NCDWQ Impact Stream Name W103 6.70 Substrate Class 1.7 -1.9 ID Peren (feet) / (inches) Rating (lin ft) Sand, S14 Crowders Creek P 40-55/12 Cobble, C 34.5-52.5 0 Bedrock WETLAND IMPACTS Wetland ID Total Size Cowardin NC DWQ Rating Impact (acres) Classification (acres) W103 6.70 PF01C 83 1.7 -1.9 Photos from hydraz,zlic stwdy. T r Spotlighted Major Hydraulic Crossing Information Sheet REFERENCE DATA Currently Recommended Bridge Length / Width Estimated Bridge Cost Reference Figure Sheets Crossing 3-span Bride Waters of US Design Plan ID Segment Location Substrate Class Figure Sheet JD4 J1 B Middle of project, east of US 321 3J Ji -1 / JXI -1 HYDRAULIC STRUCTURE DETAILS Currently Recommended Bridge Length / Width Estimated Bridge Cost Hydraulic Structure 3-span Bride 31, o 1.9e ft / 120 ft $4,662,000 STREAM IMPACTS Stream Int / Width / Depth NCDWQ Impact Stream Name Substrate Class ID Peren (feet) / (inches) Rating (lin ft) Sand, Gravel, 5146 UT Crowders Creek P 12-30/8-10 C 53 0 Cobble, Rock Photos from hydraulic study. Spotlighted Major Hydraulic Crossing Information Sheet REFERENCE DATA Crossing Cost Comparison Culvert Reference Figure Sheets Waters of US Design Plan ID Segment Location Cost Length / Width Cost Figure Sheet JD6 I J1C Middle of project, northwest of Robinson Road 31 / 3K JI -1 HYDRAULIC STRUCTURE DETAILS Currently Recommended Cost Comparison Culvert Estimated Culvert Bridge Estimated Bridge Hydraulic Structure Impact Length Cost Length / Width Cost 2 - (8'x8') RCB 328 ft $827,618 165 ft / 148 ft $2,564,100 STREAM IMPACTS Stream Stream Name Int / Width / Depth Substrate Class NCDWQ Impact ID Peren (feet) / (inches) Rating (lin ft) Sand S156 UT Crowders Creek P 10-12/12 Gravel, C 50.25 445 Cobble, Boulder Spotlighted Major Hydraulic Crossing Information Sheet REFERENCE DATA Crossing Cost Comparison Culvert Reference Figure Sheets Waters of US Design Plan ID Segment Location Cost Length / Width Cost Figure Sheet JD9 J1C Middle of project, west of Bud Wilson Road 3L J1 -2 HYDRAULIC STRUCTURE DETAILS Currently Recommended Cost Comparison Culvert Estimated Culvert Bridge Estimated Bridge Hydraulic Structure Impact Length Cost Length / Width Cost 3- (7'x10') RCB 346 ft $991,813 140 ft / 120 ft $1,827,945 STREAM IMPACTS Stream Stream Name Int / Width / Depth Substrate Class NCDWQ Impact ID Peren (feet) / (inches) Rating (lin ft) Sand, S178 UT Crowders Creek P 6-15/6-12 Gravel, C 445, 50 478 Rock, Boulder Sand, S185 UT Crowders Creek P 3-4/2 Gravel, C 39 261 Cobble Spotlighted Major Hydraulic Crossing Information Sheet REFERENCE DATA HYDRAULIC STRUCTURE DETAILS Currently Recommended Hydraulic Structure Cost Com arison Reference Figure Sheets Crossing Bridge Length / Width Estimated Extended Bridge Cost Waters of US Design Plan ID Segment Location Substrate Class Figure Sheet JD17 JXl Middle of project, east of US 321 3J J1 -1 STREAM IMPACTS HYDRAULIC STRUCTURE DETAILS Currently Recommended Hydraulic Structure Cost Com arison Bridge Length / Width Estimated Current Bridge Cost Bridge Length / Width Estimated Extended Bridge Cost 3-span Bride 385 ft / 120 ft $10,045,162 1145 ft / 120 ft $14,427,000 STREAM IMPACTS Stream Int / Width / Depth NCDWQ Impact Stream Name Substrate Class ID Peren (feet) / (inches) Rating (lin ft) Sand, Gravel S146 UT Crowders Creek P 12-30/8-10 C 53 0 Cobble Rock Sand, 5153 UT Crowders Creek P 3-6/0-6 C 22-40 392 Gravel Photos from hydraulic study. Spotlighted Major Hydraulic Crossing Information Sheet REFERENCE DATA Crossing Cost Comparison Culvert Reference Figure Sheets Waters of US Design Plan ID Segment Location Cost Length / Width Cost Figure Sheet JD19 JXl Middle of project, west of Robinson Road 3K JXl -1 HYDRAULIC STRUCTURE DETAILS Currently Recommended Cost Comparison Culvert Estimated Culvert Bridge Estimated Bridge Hydraulic Structure Impact Length Cost Length / Width Cost 2- (8'x7') RCB 484 ft $2,118,570 450 ft / 120 ft $5,670,000 STREAM IMPACTS Stream Int / Width / Depth NCDWQ Impact Stream Name Substrate Class ID Peren (feet) / (inches) Rating (lin ft) Sand, Gravel, S156 UT Crowders Creek P 10-12/12 C 50.25 658 Cobble Boulder Sand, 160 S157 UT Crowders Creek P 3-4/4 C 45 Cobble, Rock Spotlighted Major Hydraulic Crossing Information Sheet REFERENCE DATA Crossing Cost Comparison Culvert Reference Figure Sheets Waters of US Design Plan ID Segment Location Cost Length / Width Cost Fi re Sheet JD21 J21) Middle of project, east of Robinson Road 3K 12 -2 HYDRAULIC STRUCTURE DETAILS Currently Recommended Cost Comparison Culvert Estimated Culvert Bridge Estimated Bridge Hydraulic Structure Impact Length Cost Length / Width Cost 2- (8'x7') RCB 244 ft $608,753 150 ft / 132 ft $2,079,000 STREAM IMPACTS Stream Stream Name Int / Width / Depth Substrate Class NCDWQ Impact ID Peren (feet) / (inches) Rating (lin ft) Sand, S178 UT Crowders Creek P 6-15/6-12 Gravel, C 44.5, 50 391 Rock , Boulder Photo from JH Carter and Assoc. Spotlighted Major Hydraulic Crossing Information Sheet REFERENCE DATA Crossing Cost Comparison Culvert Reference Figure Sheets Waters of US Design Plan ID Segment Location Cost Length / Width Cost Fi re Sheet JD26 J5A Middle of project, east of NC 274 3M J2 -4 HYDRAULIC STRUCTURE DETAILS Currently Recommended Cost Comparison Culvert Estimated Culvert Bridge Estimated Bridge Hydraulic Structure Impact Length Cost Length / Width Cost 72' RCP 305 ft $496,450 185 ft / 132 ft $2,564,100 STREAM IMPACTS Stream Stream Name Int / Width / Depth Substrate Class NCDWQ Impact ID Peren (feet) / (inches) Ratin (lin ft) Sand, 5228 UT Catawba Creek P 3-6/3 Gravel, C 31, 34 516 Rock S229 I UT Catawba Creek P I N/A I N/A C N/A 83 ft-- =—E J 3 g ;r ! rA Spotlighted Major Hydraulic Crossing Information Sheet REFERENCE DATA Crossing Bridge Length / Width Estimated Bridge Cost Reference Figure Sheets Waters of US Design Plan ID Segment Location Peren (feet) / (inches) Figure Sheet JD29 J213 Middle of project, cast of US 321 3H J2 -1 HYDRAULIC STRUCTURE DETAILS Currently Recommended Bridge Length / Width Estimated Bridge Cost Hydraulic Structure Substrate Class 1-span Bride 311 ft / 120 ft $3,918,600 STREAM IMPACTS Stream Stream Name Int / Width / Depth Substrate Class NCDWQ Impact ID Peren (feet) / (inches) Ratin.g (lin ft) Sand, S146 UT Crowder Creek P 12-30/8-10 Gravel, C 53 0 Cobble, Rock Photo front hydrattlic study. Spotlighted Major Hydraulic Crossing Information Sheet REFERENCE DATA Crossing Cost Com arson Culvert Reference Figure Sheets Waters of US Design Plan ID Segment Location Cost Length / Width Cost Figure Sheet JD31 J2C Middle of project, west of Robinson Road 3K J2 -2 HYDRAULIC STRUCTURE DETAILS Currently Recommended Cost Com arson Culvert Estimated Culvert Bridge Estimated Bridge Hydraulic Structure Impact Length Cost Length / Width Cost 2- (8'x7') RCB 353 ft $1,406,685 270 ft / 120 ft $3,402,000 STREAM IMPACTS Stream Stream Name Int / Width / Depth Substrate Class NCDWQ Impact ID Peren (feet) / (inches) Rating (lin ft) Sand, S156 UT Crowders Creek P 10-12/12 Gravel, C 50.25 603 Cobble, Boulder Spotlighted Major Hydraulic Crossing Information Sheet REFERENCE DATA Crossing Bridge Length /Width Estimated Bridge Cost Reference Fi re Sheets Waters of US Design Plan ID Segment L ocation Peren (feet) / (inches) Fi re Sheet KB3 K4A Middle of project, west of NC 279 3R K4 -1 HYDRAULIC STRUCTURE DETAILS Currently Recommended Hydraulic Structure Bridge Length /Width Estimated Bridge Cost Bride 1725 ft / 120 ft $21,735,000 STREAM IMPACTS Stream Stream Name Int / Width / Depth Substrate Class NCDWQ Impact ID Peren (feet) / (inches) Ratin (lin ft) - South Fork Catawba I - 0 Photos from hydraulic study Spotlighted Major Hydraulic Crossing Information Sheet REFERENCE DATA Crossing Bridge Length/ Width Estimated Bridge Cost Reference Figure Sheets Waters of US Design Plan ID Segment Location Peren (feet) / (inches) Figure Sheet KB4 K4A East side of project, west of Dixie River Road 3U K4 -2 HYDRAULIC STRUCTURE DETAILS Currently Recommended Bridge Length/ Width Estimated Bridge Cost Hydraulic Structure Substrate Class Bride 2645 ft / 120 ft $33,327,000 STREAM IMPACTS Stream Stream Name Int / Width/ Depth Substrate Class NCDWQ Impact ID Peren (feet) / (inches) Rating (lin ft) Catawba I - I - 0 Photos from hydraulic studs/ Spotlighted Major Hydraulic Crossing Information Sheet REFERENCE DATA Crossing Bridge Length / Width Estimated Bridge Cost Reference Figure Sheets Waters of US Design Plan ID Segment Location Stream Name Figure Sheet KB5 K3A East side of project, east of NC 279 3Q K3 -1 HYDRAULIC STRUCTURE DETAILS Currently Recommended Bridge Length / Width Estimated Bridge Cost Hydraulic Structure Bride 1555 ft / 120 ft $19,593,000 STREAM IMPACTS Stream Int / Width/ Depth NCDWQ Impact Stream Name Substrate Class ID Peren (feet) / (inches) Rating (lin ft) - South Fork Catawba I - 0 Spotlighted Major Hydraulic Crossing Information Sheet REFERENCE DATA Crossing Bridge Length / Width Estimated Bridge Cost Reference Fi re Sheets Waters of US Design Plan ID EK3C Location Peren (feet) / (inches) Figure Sheet KB6 (lin ft) East side of project, east of NC 273 1 3S K3 -3 HYDRAULIC STRUCTURE DETAILS Currently Recommended Bridge Length / Width Estimated Bridge Cost Hydraulic Structure Substrate Class Bride 2292 ft / 120 ft $34,655,040 STREAM IMPACTS Stream Stream Name Int / Width / Depth Substrate Class NCDWQ Impact ID Peren (feet) / (inches) Rating (lin ft) Catawba I - 0 Photos from hydraulic shtdy Spotlighted Major Hydraulic Crossing Information Sheet REFERENCE DATA Crossing Bridge Length /Width Estimated Bridge Cost Reference Figure Sheets Waters of US Design Plan ID Segment Location Stream Name Figure Sheet KB7 K2A East side of project, cast of NC 279 3Q K2 -2 HYDRAULIC STRUCTURE DETAILS Currently Recommended Bridge Length /Width Estimated Bridge Cost Hydraulic Structure Bridge 1880 ft / 120 ft $23,688,000 STREAM IMPACTS Stream / Width / Depth NCDWQ Impact Stream Name Substrate Class ID ren (feet) / (inches) Rating (lin ft) - South Fork Catawba 1 0 Spotlighted Major Hydraulic Crossing Information Sheet REFERENCE DATA Currently Recommended Cost Comparison Culvert Reference Figure Sheets Crossing Estimated Bridge Hydraulic Structure Waters of US Design Plan ID Segment Location 3- (7'x10') RCB 387 ft $2,111,053 Figure Sheet KD2 K1A Middle of project, just east of Rufus Ratchford Rd. 3P KI -1 HYDRAULIC STRUCTURE DETAILS Currently Recommended Cost Comparison Culvert Estimated Culvert Bridge Estimated Bridge Hydraulic Structure Impact Length Cost Length / Width Cost 3- (7'x10') RCB 387 ft $2,111,053 310 ft / 120 ft $3,906,000 STREAM IMPACTS Stream Int / Width / Depth NCDWQ Impact Stream Name Substrate Class ID Peren (feet) / (inches) Rating (lin ft) Sand, Gravel, S237 UT Catawba Creek P 2-20/3-8 C 45.5 -55 565 Cobble, Bedrock Spotlighted Major Hydraulic Crossing Information Sheet REFERENCE DATA Crossing Cost Com arison Bridge Length / Width Reference Figure Sheets Waters of US Design Plan ID Segment Location 625 ft / 120 ft $7,892,611 (feet) / (inches) Fi re Sheet KD3 K3A Middle of project, west of NC 279 3P /3R K3 -1 HYDRAULIC STRUCTURE DETAILS Currently Recommended Hydraulic Structure Cost Com arison Bridge Length / Width Estimated Current Bridge Cost Bridge Len th / Width Estimated Extended Bridge Cost Bride 230 ft / 120 ft $3,846,967 625 ft / 120 ft $7,892,611 STREAM IMPACTS Stream Stream Name Int / Width / Depth Substrate Class NCDWQ Impact ID .03 Peren (feet) / (inches) PF01Ah 93 Rating Gin ft) Sand, 5259 Catawba Creek P 25 -50 /14-15 Gravel, C 51, 57.5 0 Cobble WETLAND IMPACTS Wetland ID Total Size (acres) Cowardin Classification NC DWQ Rating Impact (acres) W246 0.08 PFOIAh 77 .03 W248 4.76 PF01Ah 93 1.5 Photos from hydraulic studs/ Spotlighted Major Hydraulic Crossing Information Sheet REFERENCE DATA Crossing Cost Com arison Culvert Reference Fi re Sheets Waters of US Design Plan ID Segment Location Cost Length / Width Cost Figure Sheet KD7 K3C East side of project, east of Dixie River Road 3V K34 HYDRAULIC STRUCTURE DETAILS Currently Recommended Cost Com arison Culvert Estimated Culvert Bridge Estimated Bridge Hydraulic Structure Impact Length Cost Length / Width Cost 2 — (8'x8') RCB 581 ft $1,645,286 175 ft / 186 ft $3,417,750 STREAM IMPACTS Stream Stream Name Int / Width / Depth Substrate Class NCDWQ Impact ID Peren (feet) / (inches) Classification Rating (lin ft) 0.02 Palustrine 14 .02 Silt to S312A Beaverdam Creek P 8-10/2-12 Cobble, C 50 770 Boulder Silt, Sand, S315 UT Catawba River 1 1-2/1-3 Gravel, WS -V, B 27 290 Cobble WETLAND IMPACTS Total Size Cowardin Impact Wetland ID NC DWQ Rating (acres) Classification (acres) W321 0.02 Palustrine 14 .02 Spotlighted Major Hydraulic Crossing Information Sheet REFERENCE DATA Crossing Cost Com arson Culvert Reference Figure Sheets Waters of US Design Plan ID Segment Location Cost Length / Width Cost Figure Sheet KD16 K4A East side of project, east of Dixie River Road 3W K4 -2 HYDRAULIC STRUCTURE DETAILS Currently Recommended Cost Com arson Culvert Estimated Culvert Bridge Estimated Bridge Hydraulic Structure Impact Length Cost Length / Width Cost 2- (9'x8')RCB 445 ft $1,943,039 300 ft / 190 ft $5,985,000 STREAM IMPACTS Stream Stream Name Int / Width / Depth Substrate Class NCDWQ Impact ID (acres) Peren (feet) / (inches) Palustrine 23 Rating (lin ft) Silt to S312A Beaverdam Creek P 8-10/2-12 Cobble, C 50 660 Boulder S318A UT Beaverdam Creek 1 3-5/2-6 Silt, Sand, C 25.75 158 Gravel S318C UT Beaverdam Creek I 3-5/3 Silt, Sand, C 21.5 97 Gravel WETLAND IMPACTS Wetland ID Total Size Cowardin NC DWQ Rating Impact (acres) Classification (acres) W316D 0.004 Palustrine 23 <.01 dam hydraulic St"dy _,. a. 404 Spotlighted Major Hydraulic Crossing Information Sheet REFERENCE DATA Crossing Cost Com arison Culvert Reference Fi re Sheets Waters of US Design Plan ID Segment Location Cost Length / Width Cost Figure Sheet $926,300 415 ft / 40 ft East side of project, just northeast of Palustrine Peren KD31 K4A 3W K4 -2 Dixie River Rd. Silt to HYDRAULIC STRUCTURE DETAILS Currently Recommended Cost Com arison Culvert Estimated Culvert Bridge Estimated Bridge Hydraulic Structure Impact Length Cost Length / Width Cost 3- (7'Xl2')RCB 162 ft $926,300 415 ft / 40 ft $1,743,000 STREAM IMPACTS Stream Total Size Int / Width / Depth Impact Wetland ID NCDWQ Impact NC DWQ Rating Stream Name (acres) Substrate Class (acres) W315 ID Palustrine Peren (feet) / (inches) Rating (lin ft) Silt to S312A Beaverdam Creek P 8-10/2-12 Cobble, C 50 255 Boulder Silt to S321 Legion Lake Stream P 5-8/1-12 Cobble, C 33 220 Boulder WETLAND IMPACTS Total Size Cowardin Impact Wetland ID NC DWQ Rating (acres) Classification (acres) W315 1.28 Palustrine 31 .01 Spotlighted Major Hydraulic Crossing Information Sheet REFERENCE DATA Crossing Cost Comparison Culvert Reference Fi re Sheets Waters of US Design Plan ID Segment Location Cost Length / Width Cost Figure Sheet KD54 K2A Middle of project, west of Union New Hope Road 30 K2 -1 HYDRAULIC STRUCTURE DETAILS Currently Recommended Cost Comparison Culvert Estimated Culvert Bridge Estimated Bridge Hydraulic Structure Impact Length Cost Length / Width Cost (6'x5')RCB 267 ft $863,760 302 ft / 120 ft $3,805,200 STREAM IMPACTS Stream Stream Name Int / Width / Depth Substrate Class NCDWQ Impact ID Peren (feet) / (inches) Classification Rating (lin ft) 2.42 PF01A 67 0.6 Sand, S251 UT Catawba Creek P 4-5/6 Gravel, C 49.5 1 988 Rock 5254 UT Catawba Creek 1 1-2/2 Sand, C 27 70 Gravel 5255 UT Catawba Creek 1 3-4/2 Fine /Cour C 26.5 39 se Sand Sand, S256 UT Catawba Creek P 2/3 Gravel, C 42.5 679 Cobble WETLAND IMPACTS Total Size Cowardin Impact Wetland ID NC DWQ Rating (acres) Classification (acres) W268 2.42 PF01A 67 0.6 Spotlighted Major Hydraulic Crossing Information Sheet REFERENCE DATA Crossing Currently Recommended Hydraulic Structure Cost Com Reference Figure Sheets Waters of US Design Plan ID Segment Location Bride 230 ft / 120 ft $3,351,477 Figure Sheet KD17 K1B Middle of project, west of NC 279 3P /3R KIA STREAM IMPACTS HYDRAULIC STRUCTURE DETAILS Currently Recommended Hydraulic Structure Cost Com arson Bridge Length / Width Estimated Current Bridge Cost NCDWQ Bridge Length / Width Estimated Extended Bridge Cost Bride 230 ft / 120 ft $3,351,477 Substrate 600 ft / 120 ft $7,560,000 STREAM IMPACTS Stream Total Size (acres) Int / Width / Depth Impact (acres) W246 NCDWQ Impact 77 Stream Name W248 4.76 Substrate Class 1.2 ID Peren (feet) / (inches) Ratin (lin ft) Sand, S259 Catawba Creek P 25 -50 / 14 -15 Gravel, C 51, 57.5 0 Cobble WETLAND IMPACTS Wetland ID Total Size (acres) Cowardin Classification NC DWQ Rating Impact (acres) W246 0.08 PFOIAh 77 0.1 W248 4.76 PFO1Ah 93 1.2 Photos from hydraulic studs/ Spotlighted Major Hydraulic Crossing Information Sheet REFERENCE DATA Currently Recommended Bridge Length / Width Estimated Bridge Cost Reference Fi re Sheets Crossing Class 3- span Bride Waters of US Design Plan ID Segment Location Rating Figure Sheet KD25 I K2A Middle of project, east of Union New Hope Rd 1 30 K2 -1 HYDRAULIC STRUCTURE DETAILS Currently Recommended Bridge Length / Width Estimated Bridge Cost Hydraulic Structure Substrate Class 3- span Bride 278 ft / 120 ft $3,502,800 STREAM IMPACTS Stream Stream Name Int / Width / Depth Substrate Class NCDWQ Impact ID Peren (feet) / (inches) Rating (lin ft) Sand, S259 Catawba Creek P 25 -50 / 14 -15 Gravel, C 51, 57.5 0 Cobble Photos from hydraulic studio Spotlighted Major Hydraulic Crossing Information Sheet REFERENCE DATA Crossing Cost Comparison Culvert Reference Figure Sheets Waters of US Design Plan ID Segment Location Cost Length / Width Cost Figure Sheet KD29 K3C East side of project, east of Dixie River Road 3W K3 -3 HYDRAULIC STRUCTURE DETAILS Currently Recommended Cost Comparison Culvert Estimated Culvert Bridge Estimated Bridge Hydraulic Structure Impact Length Cost Length / Width Cost 2- (9'x8') RCB 201 ft $677,146 367 ft / 30 ft $1,156,050 STREAM IMPACTS Stream Total Size Int / Width / Depth Impact Wetland ID NCDWQ Impact NC DWQ Rating Stream Name (acres) Substrate Class (acres) W317 ID Palustrine Peren (feet) / (inches) Rating (lin ft) Silt to S312A Beaverdam Creek P 8-10/2-12 Cobble, C 50 260 Boulder Silt, Sand, S318A UT Beaverdam Creek 1 3-5/2-6 C 25.75 158 Gravel WETLAND IMPACTS Total Size Cowardin Impact Wetland ID NC DWQ Rating (acres) Classification (acres) W317 4.78 Palustrine 62 0.5 Spotlighted Major Hydraulic Crossing Information Sheet REFERENCE DATA Crossing Cost Comparison Culvert Reference Figure Sheets Waters of US Design Plan ID Segment Location Cost Length / Width Cost Figure Sheet KD29 K4A East side of project, east of Dixie River Road 3W K4 -2 HYDRAULIC STRUCTURE DETAILS Currently Recommended Cost Comparison Culvert Estimated Culvert Bridge Estimated Bridge Hydraulic Structure Impact Length Cost Length / Width Cost 2- (9'x8')RCB 201 ft $658,286 364 ft / 30 ft $1,146,600 STREAM IMPACTS Stream Total Size Int / Width / Depth Impact Wetland ID NCDWQ Impact NC DWQ Rating Stream Name (acres) Substrate Class (acres) W317 ID Palustrine Peren (feet) / (inches) Rating (lin ft) Silt to S312A Beaverdam Creek P 8-10/2-12 Cobble, C 50 195 Boulder Silt, Sand, S318A UT Beaverdam Creek I 3-5/2-6 C 25.75 158 Gravel WETLAND IMPACTS Total Size Cowardin Impact Wetland ID NC DWQ Rating (acres) Classification (acres) W317 4.78 Palustrine 62 0.4