HomeMy WebLinkAbout20111102 Ver 1_More Info Received_20120509(144 #R@Rfl�ft a MAY - o 2012 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA "-nA M SMAAi ,2 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION H BEVERLY EAVES PERDUE GOVERNOR U S Army Corps of Engineers Regulatory Field Office 151 Patton Avenue Room 208 Asheville NC 28801 5006 �- SCATE M rn' � Ww✓� ATTN Ms Sarah Elizabeth Hair NCDOT Coordinator Dear Madam and Sir EUGENE A CONTI 7R SECRETARY May 2, 2012 NC Dept of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality 1560 Mail Service Center Raleigh NC 27699 1560 I v I Q Mr Brian Wrenn Transportation Coordinator Subject Revised Individual Permit Application and Request for the lifting of "On Hold" Status for the Section 401 Certification for the upgrade of existing Mallard Creek Road (SR 2467) from H T Harris Boulevard (SR 2665) to the intersection of Hubbard Road (SR 2494) and continuing southeast on new location to Sugar Creek Road (SR 2480) with an additional extension from Rumple Road (SR 2501) to Neal Road (SR 2498) in Mecklenburg County Federal Aid Project No STPDA 5238 (4) & (5) Division 10 TIP U 2507 A WBS 348112 3 Reference Section 404 and 401 Permit Application dated December 16 2011 NC DWQ Incomplete Application Notification ( On hold Notice) dated Feb 15 2012 This letter is in response to the NC Division of Water Quality s Incomplete On Hold Notification, as well as to revise our application for the inadvertent omission of 16 feet of bank stabilization at Permit Site 6 This increases the overall bank stabilization to 147 linear feet The impacts to wetlands temporary stream impacts and mitigation numbers have not changed The concerns identified in the February 15 2012 on hold notification as well as the NCDOT s response are listed below MAILING ADDRESS NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS 1548 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH NC 27699 1548 TELEPHONE 919 707 6000 FAX 919 250 4224 WEBSITE WWW NCDOT ORG /DOH /PRECONSTRUCT /PE/ LOCATION CENTURY CENTER BUILDING A 1000 BIRCH RIDGE DRIVE RALEIGH NC 27610 NCDWQ Request 1 The plans depict a dissipator pad with Class B riprap at the end of a 30 CSP This CSP discharges to a relocated, iurisdictional stream DWQ prefers that all riprap be restricted to the streambanks If riprap is proposed in the streambed, it must be embedded below the streambed elevation to allow for low flow of water and aquatic passage Additionally, DWQ would prefer the use of larger riprap so that the riprap will not be moved downstream and into the stream during rain events NCDOT Response Site 1 has been changed to Class I and this outlet protection will line the banks only therefore no burial will be necessary Permit drawings sheets 4 and 5 have been revised to depict this change and are included in this response NCDWQ Request 2 As part of the relocation of the stream at Site 1, Class B riprap and filter stone rock check dams will be installed to slow the velocity of the water and provide grade control DWQ would prefer that filter stone be eliminated from the dams as it will usually move downstream in rain events, especially if the discharge rate is high, and that larger riprap be used DWQ would request that NCDOT investigate the use of larger riprap and coir fiber matting (in lieu of filter stone) to allow sediment to fill voids and promoting a more natural stream environment given the proposed slope of the relocated stream is 1 8% NCDOT Response The Check Dams were requested by the agencies at the 4B meeting because the topography did not allow for meanders Detail L has been revised to call for larger Class I Rip Rap The purpose of the filter stone is to fill the voids of the larger rip rap Otherwise the water would move through the riprap and not provide the ponding affect to hopefully reduce velocity and promote weir flow NCDWQ Request 3 I'Site 21 Class I riprap is proposed at the outlet of a 7x8 RCBC DWQ would prefer the use of Class I riprap at the higher end of the specification range or the use of Class II riprap at the outlet of the culvert NCDOT Response This site has been changed to larger Class II rip rap Permit drawings sheets 4 and 5 have been revised to depict this change and are included in this response NCDWQ Request 4 An eroding storm water outfall dischargers to the pond at Permit Site 3 During a site visit, DWQ requested that the storm water outfall be stabilized (within NCDOT s TDE) since a jurisdictional stream runs through the existing pond which is proposed to be temporarily impacted (drained) Provide a detail indicating that the storm water outfall will be stabilized NCDOT Request This note was added to the plans Stabilize drainage ditch with Class B Rip Rap from outlet of pipe to pond or channel after pond is drained The Final Design to be determined by Engineer in the field This will hopefully ensure a stable transition from this system into the new stream that appears once the pond is drained Permit drawings sheets 10 and 11 have been revised to depict this change and are included in this response NCDWQ Request 5 Based on a site visit, it was determined that the pond at Permit Site 3 is fed by a jurisdictional stream This stream must be depicted on the plans so as to avoid any impacts to the stream Impacts have not been requested as part of this application, nor are they authorized Additionally, the erosion control pans will need to clearly provide for a diversion and /or pump around during construction as the pond that is fed by this stream is proposed to be drained NCDOT Response Since the stream location is unknown until the pond is drained a note has been added to the drawings indicating Stabilize streams as they appear during dewatering The erosion control plans will provide the information regarding the pump around (or appropriate method) with the understanding that the system is Jurisdictional NCDWQ Request 6 Class I riprap is being proposed at the outlet of the 72 RCP DWQ would prefer Class I riprap at the higher end of the specification range or the use of Class II riprap at the outlet of the pipe NCDOT Response This site has been changed to Class II rip rap Permit drawings sheets 10 and 11 have been revised to depict this change and are included in this response NCDWQ Request 7 Permit Drawing Sheet 15 of 23 depicts indicates the use of Rip Rap Pad for Jur Stream and Rip Rap on Banks Only DWQ prefers that all riprap be restricted to the stream banks If riprap is proposed in the streambed, it must be embedded below the streambed elevation to allow for low flow of water and aquatic passage NCDOT Response Rip rap pad for Jurisdictional stream is another term for placing rip rap on the banks only NCDWQ Request 8 A stormwater ditch with a slope of 11% and a discharge angle of 90 degrees is proposed at the outlet end of the 48 PCP at Permit Site 4 DWQ is very concerned with stream stability due to the stormwater discharge in this area NCDOT is advised that if a streambank destabilization occurs as a result of this discharge, corrective actions to stabilize the stream will be required NCDOT Response NCDOT Hydraulics is comfortable with the existing design as the proposed ditches match the existing stable ditches alignment The existing and proposed ditches are rip rapped to prevent erosion There will be no significant increase in storm water quantity or velocity into the system NCDWQ Request 9 Permit Drawings Sheet 19 of 23 depicts a Class B riprap pad in the jurisdictional stream (Permit Site 6) The application indicates impacts to this stream of 12 linear feet for a pipe extension only If riprap is proposed, it must be placed on the stream banks only and accounted for the impact table as bank stabilization NCDOT Response The rip rap is necessary at this site The revised permit drawings (Sheets 19 and 20) are attached that depict this change as on banks only The additional rip rap increases the bank stabilization by 16 feet at Site 6 No additional mitigation is proposed A revised impact summary table (permit drawings sheet 23 of 23) is also included in this response Based on the information above the Department hereby requests the lifting of the On Hold Status and subsequent processing of the application thereof A copy of this request and its distribution list will be posted on the NCDOT Website at http / /www ncdot org /doh /preconstruct /pe /neu /permit html If you have any questions or need additional information please contact Michael Turchy at maturchv @ncdot gov or (919) 707 6157 Sincerely , AA Gregory J Thorpe Ph D Manager Project Development and Environmental Analysis cc NCDOT Permit Application Standard Distribution List AMAX NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Charles Wakild P E Dee Freeman Governor Director Secretary CERTIFIED MAIL 7009 2250 0004 3265 6698 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Dr Gregory J Thorpe North Carolina Department of Transportation 1548 Mad Service Center Raleigh NC 27699 D FEB 1 6 2012 D OFFICE OF NATURAL ENVIRONMENT February 15 2012 SUBJECT Proposed Upgrade of Existing Mallard Creek Road (SR 2467) from H T Harris Boulevard (SR 2665) to the Intersection of Hubbard Road (SR 2494) and Continuing Southeast on New Location to Sugar Creek Road (SR 2480) with an Additional Extension from Rumple Road (SR 2501) to Neal Road (SR 2498) Federal Aid Project No STPDA 5238(4) & (5) WBS 34811 2 3 TIP U 2507A Mecklenburg County, DWQ No 2011 1102 Dear Dr Thorpe The Division of Water Quality (DWQ) has reviewed your submittal for a 401 Water Quality Certification for the aforementioned project A review of your request revealed it is lacking the necessary information required for making an informed permit decision The permit application was deficient in the following areas 1 The plans depict a dissipator pad with Class B riprap at the end of a 30 CSP This CSP discharges to a relocated jurisdictional stream DWQ prefers that all riprap be restricted to the streambanks If riprap is proposed in the streambed it must be embedded below the streambed elevation to allow for low flow of water and aquatic passage Additionally DWQ would prefer the use of larger riprap so that the riprap will not be moved downstream and into the stream during rain events 2 As part of the relocation of the stream at Site 1 Class B riprap and filter stone rock check dams will be installed to slow the velocity of water and provide grade control DWQ would prefer that filter stone be eliminated from the dams as it will usually move downstream in rain events especially if the discharge rate is high and that larger nprap be Used DWQ would request that NCDOT investigate the use of larger riprap and coir fiber matting (in lieu of filter stone) to allow sediment to fill in the voids and promoting a more natural stream environment given that the proposed slope of the relocated stream is 18% 3 Class I riprap is proposed at the outlet of the 7 x8 RCBC DWQ would prefer the use of Class I riprap at the higher end of the specification range or the use of Class II riprap at the outlet of the culvert 4 An eroding stormwater outfall discharges to the pond at Permit Site 3 During a site visit DWQ requested that the stormwater outfall be stabilized (within NCDOT s TDE) since a jurisdictional stream runs through the existing pond which is proposed to be temporarily impacted (drained) Provide a detail indicating that the stormwater outfall will be stabilized 5 Based on a site visit it was determined that the pond at Permit Site 3 is fed by a jurisdictional stream This stream must be depicted on the plans so as to avoid any impacts to the stream Impacts have not been requested as part of this application nor are they authorized Mooresville Regional Office Location 610 East Center Ave Suite 301 Mooresville NC 28115 Phone (704) 663 16991 Fax (704) 663 60401 Customer Service 1-877 623 6748 Internet http //portal ncdenr orq /web/wo An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative Action Employer NorthCarohna Naturally Dr Gregory Thorpe Page Two Additionally the erosion control plans will need to clearly provide for a diversion and /or pump around during construction as the pond that is fed by this stream is proposed to be drained 6 Class I nprap is proposed at the outlet of the 72 RCP DWQ would prefer the use of Class I nprap at the higher end of the specification range or the use of Class II nprap at the outlet of the pipe 7 Permit Drawing Sheet 15 or 23 depicts indicates the use of Rip Rap Pad for Jur Stream and Rip Rap on Banks Only DWQ prefers that all nprap be restricted to the streambanks If nprap is proposed in the streambed it must be embedded below the streambed elevation to allow for low flow of water and aquatic passage 8 A stormwater ditch with a slope of 11 % and a discharge angle of 90 degrees is proposed at the outlet end of the 48 RCP at Permit Site 4 DWQ is very concerned with stream stability due to the stormwater discharge in this area NCDOT is advised that if streambank destabilization occurs as a result of this discharge corrective actions to stabilize the stream will be required 9 Permit Drawing Sheet 19 of 23 depicts a Class B nprap pad in the jurisdictional stream (Permit Site 6) The application indicates impacts to this stream of 12 linear feet for a pipe extension only If nprap is proposed it must be placed on the streambanks only and accounted for the impact table as bank stabilization Therefore pursuant to 15A NCAC 2H 0507(a)(5) we will have to place the permit modification request on hold until we are supplied with the necessary information You have 21 days to respond in writing with the requested information or notification to this office that the information is forthcoming If at the end of the 21 days this office has not received this information in writing we will assume you are withdrawing your application and it will be returned Furthermore until the information is received by the NC Division of Water Quality we request by copy of this letter that the US Army Corps of Engineers place the permit modification request on hold If you have any questions or require additional information please contact Polly Lespinasse at (704) 663 1699 Sincerely for Charles Wakild P E Director cc Sarah Hair US Army Corps of Engineers Asheville Field Office Michael Turchy NCDOT PDEA Sonia Carrillo NCDWQ Transportation Permitting Unit File Copy V a o �' N o hA Z s c M o i" 0. 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