HomeMy WebLinkAbout20120387 Ver 1_Major Variance_20120419Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA 11010 Raven Ridgc Road Raleigh North Carolina 27614 Phone (919) 846 -5900 Fax (919) 846 -9467 wtivw SandEC coin To o' We Transmit to you Herewith Transmittal Project # � 18 3 ' ' Date L-I - 1 C'-"> - 17 Project Name 52u 0Gk.14la VrN•rc Mc-)u, y�r,Grce p l cc,lnl� -. File ❑ Drawings ❑ For your information and files ❑ Specifications ❑ For comment or approval ❑ Brochures or photos ❑ Returned for correction resubmit ❑ Correspondence ❑ Approved as noted As per your request Under Separate Cover ❑ By mail By courser ❑ By express No Copies Document No Date Description Ip 1 3-4 LA t8 tZ n - Ma)o, Remarks k- ' C4.C-- -A Are U c , e o ne hna u r � yc,r,c,v)ce a �icc�l�l,,n bor SZ.Io Oco. \C.I1 or 14C 1 proy"Ae.� L, ex�*'a. U Ov, VSe- It enclosures are not as listed as above kindly notify us at once By ?-::> °h cc ZUC Z ec.k \ ¢oe¢ APR 1 9 2012 �I &AV 20920387 MEW North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Charles R Wakild Dee Freeman Governor Director Secretary Variance Request Form (For Minor and Mayor Variances) Protection and Maintenance of Riparian Areas Rules NOTE This form may be photocopied for use as an original Check the appropriate box below X Major Variance ❑ Minor Variance Please identify which Riparian Area Protection Rule applies (Note this must be one of North Carolina s four buffered river basins The River Bain map is available at http //h2o enr state nc us /admen /maps/ ) X Neuse River Basin Nutrient Sensitive Waters Management Strategy Protection and Maintenance of Riparian Areas Rule (15A NCAC 02B 0233) ❑ Tar - Pamlico River Basin Nutrient Sensitive Waters Management Strategy Protection and Maintenance of Riparian Areas Rule (15A NCAC 02B 0259) Part 1 General Information (Please include attachments if the room provided is insufficient) Applicant s name (the corporation individual etc who owns the property) Lindsay Veit & John Bayei 2 Print owner /Signing official (person legally responsible for the property and its Name Lindsay Veit & John Bayei Title Oxk nei s Street address 712 1 uckei Sti eel, Apt 450 City State Zip Ralei.,h, NC 2760.) Telephone (919) 961 3644 Fax (888) 807 6712 Contact person who can answer questions about the proposed project Name Bob Zarzecki , Soil & EnN nonmental Consultants PA (S&I Telephone (919) 846 5900 Fax (919) 846 9467 Email bzarzecki(a,sandec com Version 6 July 2009 4 Project name (Subdivision facility or establishment name consistent with project name on plans specifications letters operation and maintenance agreements etc ) 526 Oakland Drive Project location Lot 3, D L Jordan Subdivision Street address 526 Oakland Drive City State Zip Raleigh, NC 27609 County Wake Latitude /longitude 35 8256 / 078 6282 Date property was purchased At the time of this application Ms Veit and Mr Bayer were not the owners of the property, but have a contract to purchase the property prior to the WQC May 9" meeting and will be the owners at the time the variance is heard by the WQC Note The previous owner, Mr Melton E Valentine, III, purchased the property on November 11 2004 and the previous owner to hun, Ms Karla B Hehl, purchased the property on November 21 2003 All three owners purchased after the effective date of the rule However, the lot was originally recorded in 1965 (Book 1965 Page 216) and was always intended as a residential lot See attached deed records 7 Directions to site from nearest major intersection (Attach an 8 t/z x 11 copy of the USGS topographic map indicating the location of the site) From 1440 and Six Forks Road, head south towards downtown Raleigh on Six Forks Road, turn left on Oakland Drive, turn left on Cheswick Drive, the proposed driveway would access the property from the current dead end of Cheswick Drive 8 Stream to be impacted by the proposed activity Stream name (for unnamed streams label as UT to the nearest named stream) No direct impacts are proposed to the stream The riparian buffers proposed to be impacted apply to Big Branch (Index No 27 33 17 Classification C NSW ) which runs thru the lot 9 Which of the following permits /approvals will be required or have been received already for this project Required Received Date received Permit Type CAMA Major CAMA Minor 401 Certification /404 Permit _ On site Wastewater Permit NPDES Permit (including stormwater) Non discharge Permit Water Supply Watershed Variance Erosion /Sedimentation Control Others (specify) Note None of these peimlts /appio\ als ate ieguned foi this piotect A Cit) of Raleii:h buildin- peimit is all that xn ill bL reguned Liosion and sediment control meastues v ill be taken to ensure no erosion NN tthin the buffet of sedimentation to the stream Protective fencing, NN ill be used to demarcate the i elamed, av oided poi tions of the pr otected buffet s dui in, consh action Variance Request Form page 2 Vernon 6 July 2009 Part 2 Proposed Activity (Please include attachments if the room provided is insufficient) Description of proposed activity [Also please attach a map of sufficient detail (such as a plat map or site plan in Adobe (pdf) format) to accurately delineate the boundaries of the land to be utilized in carrying out the activity the location and dimension of any disturbance in the riparian buffers associated with the activity and the extent of riparian buffers on the land Include the area of buffer impact in ft2 The proposed activity includes the construction of a single family home per the attached Plot Plan Impacts include the home, driveway, sidewalk and necessary clearing to construct the home All rain water from the home will be captured using rain barrels or cisterns and used to irrigate vegetated and landscaped areas on the property 2 Fill in the table below to identify the square footage of impact to Zones 1 & 2 in the protected riparian buffers and the required mitigation (Fill in the impacts portion of the table, even if mitigation is not required) Zone of Impact Impact in Square Feet Buffer Impact Number (Indicate on Plan Sheet Purpose for the Impact Multiplier Required Mitigation Zone 1 290 House 3 870 362 Drive Lot 3 1 086 195 Drive (R/W) 3 893 Pervious Clearing 3 2 679 Zone 2 1 009 House 1 5 1 513 5 420 Drive Lot 1 5 630 119 Drive (R/W) 1 5 609 Pervious Clearing 15 Total 3 897 6 778 5 'Zone t extends out 30 feet perpendicular from the most landward limit of the top of bank or the rooted herbaceous vegetation Zone 2 extends an additional 20 feet from the edge of Zone 1 Note As discussed and a reed to bN DWQ Staff, miti -ation «as not pioposed lot impacts off piopeitZ v, ithin the R/W because of the extstin- conditions of the R/W (-i avel diit etc) Mitigation NNas also not proposed lot peiN ious cle-ii in_ v ithin Zone 2 State reasons why this plan for the proposed activity cannot be practically accomplished reduced or reconfigured to better minimize or eliminate disturbance to the riparian buffers 1 he maiorith of the pi opei ty is encumber ed bN the pi otected i ipai tan buffet s and creek I he pioposed applicant has utilized all available buildable area on the piopeit� outside of the protected buffets and is pioposui a home of ieasonable si .-e and coniiLuiation to others m the, nei_hborhood Description of any best management practices to be used to control impacts associated with the proposed activity (i e control of runoff from impervious surfaces to provide diffuse flow re planting vegetation or enhancement of existing vegetation etc ) All rain watei fi om the home ,Ad] be captured usin„ lain bariels or cisterns and used to imp -ate Ne�-etated and landscaped aieas on the property Erosion and sediment control measures will be taken to ensure no erosion A ithin the buffer or sedimentation to the stream Protective fencing will be used to demarcate the retained, avoided portions of the protected buffers dui in- consti uction Variance Request Form page 3 Version 6 July 2009 5 Please provide an explanation of the following (1) The practical difficulties or hardships that would result from the strict application of this Rule The property could not be developed for the use intended since it was recorded in 1965, v ithout impacts to the protected riparian buffeis The intended use beinf, the construction of a reasonably sized, single family home (2) How these difficulties or hardships result from conditions that are unique to the property involved This is one of the last remaining lots in the subdivision and the only buildable lot encumbered by riparian buffers (3) If economic hardship is the mayor consideration then include a specific explanation of the economic hardships and the proportion of the hardship to the entire value of the project Economic hardship is not the mayor consideration, other than the fact that if this variance were not approved, the lot v ould not be buildable Part 3 Stormwater Provide a description of all best management practices (BMPs) that will be used to control nutrients and sedimentation impacts associated with the proposed activity Please ensure to include all applicable operation & maintenance agreements and worksheets for the proposed BMPs Also include the BMPs on your plan sheets Total impervious area = 3,593% or <10% All rain water from the home will be captured using rain barrels or cisterns and used to irrigate vegetated and landscaped areas on the property Frosion and sediment control measures v ill be taken to ensure no erosion within the buffet or sedimentation to the stream Protective fencing v ill be used to demarcate the retained, avoided portions of the protected buffers during construction 2 Attach a description of how diffuse flow will be maintained through the protected riparian buffers Please ensure to include all applicable operation & maintenance agreements and worksheets for the proposed diffuse flow measure(s) Also include the diffuse flow measure(s) on your plan sheets See 1 abox e 3 What will be the annual nitrogen load contributed by this site after development in pounds per acre per year without structural BMPs (stormwater pond wetland infiltration basin etc)? Attach a detailed plan for all proposed structural stormwater BMPs n/a Drainage Size of Post - development BMP nitrogen Final Final basin drainage nitrogen6loading removal nitrogen nitrogen basin rate without BMPs4 efficiency' loading rate loading (ac) (Ibs/ac/yr) (%) (lbs/ac/yr) from drainage basin bs 1 Totals Attach calculations and references ' Attach calculations and references 6 Include Phosphorus to the Tar Pamlico Basin 4 Attach all applicable supplement form(s) and Inspection and Maintenance (I &M) Form(s) to this completed application The applicable supplemental form(s) and I &M form(s) for the proposed BMPs noted in your application can be downloaded from the following website n/a http //h2o enr state nc us /su/bmp forms him Variance Request Form page 4 Version 6 July 2009 U4 LU LUlL L 1 `1d JJJL LLJV M\dL U1. Ul Part 4 Proposed Impacts and Mitigation Provide a description of how mitigation will be achieved at your site pursuant to 15A NCAC 23 0242 for the Neuse Basin and 15A NCAC 2B 060 far the Tar Pamlico Bann If buffer restoration is the method you are requesting, be sure to include a detailed planting plan to include plant type date of plantings the date of the one time fertilization in the protected riparian buffets and a plan sheet showing the proposed location of the plantings A guide to buffer restoration can be downloaded at the following website bttn ANmw neeeu net/news/rgports/buflers vdf If payment into a buffer restoration fund is how you plan to achieve your mitigation requirement, then include an acceptance letter from the mitiption bank you propose to use stating they have the mitigation credits available for the mitigation requested. 7 he applicant proposes oaymtnt into the N C EEP for anv.regwred mitigation The anticipated tnitiLahon bema _778 5 or S$6.710 72 at the cutn.nt LbPxate of $0 991st Part 5 ]Deed Restrictions By your signature in Part 6 of this application, you certify brat all structural stormwater BMPs required by this variance shall be located in recorded storm.water easements, that the easements will run with the land that the easements cannot be changed or deleted without concurrence from the State and that the easements wilt be recorded prior to the sale of any lot The gaRliganta-grew to place deed restnctlons on the properW. Part 6 Applicant's Certification i Lindsay Veit & John Bayer (print or type name of person fisted m Part i Item 2) certify that the information included on this permit application form is correct, that the project will be constructed in conformance with the approved plans and that the deed restrictions in accordance with Part 5 of this form will be recorded withyall required jeer it conditions Signature Date Title Part 7 Plan Situ Be sure to include a copy of all of your completed application form plan sheets and maps to Adobe (pdt) format on a CD or floppy disk LISGS. Soil Survey,, Photoc,, Lq Plan_ &_Ikcds_attoched. Vanance Request Form page 5 Vernon 6 July 2009 Part 8 Checklist A complete application submittal consists of the following components Incomplete submittals will be returned to the applicant The complete variance request submittal must be received 90 days prior to the EMC meeting at which you wish the request to be heard Initial below to indicate that the necessary information has been provided Applicant's Item Initials BZ • Original and two copies of the Variance Request Form and the attachments listed below BZ • A vicinity map of the project (see Part 1 Item 5) BZ • Narrative demonstration of the need for a variance (see Part 2) BZ . A detailed narrative description of stormwater treatment /management (see Part 4) n/a • Calculations supporting nitrogen (phosphorus in the Tar Pamlico Basin) loading estimates (see Part 4) n/a • Calculations and references supporting nitrogen (phosphorus in the Tar Pamlico Basin) removal from proposed BMPs (see Part 4) n/a n/a • Location and details for all proposed structural stormwater BMPs (see Part 4) . Three copies of the applicable Supplement Form(s) and I &M Form(s) for each BMP and /or narrative for each innovative BMP (see Part 4) 0 Three copies of plans and specifications including BZ 0 Development/Project name n/a 0 Engineer and firm BZ 0 Legend and north arrow BZ 0 Scale (1 = 50 is preferred) BZ 0 Revision number & date n/a 0 Mean high water line (if applicable) BZ 0 Dimensioned property /project boundary BZ 0 Location map with named streets or NC State Road numbers n/a 0 Original contours proposed contours spot elevations finished floor elevations n/a 0 Details of roads parking cul de sacs sidewalks and curb and gutter BZ 0 Footprint of any proposed buildings or other structures BZ 0 Wetlands delineated or a note on plans that none exist n/a 0 Existing drainage (including off site) drainage easements pipe sizes runoff calculations B Z B 0 Drainage basins delineated BZ 0 Perennial and intermittent streams ponds lakes rivers and estuaries 0 Location of forest vegetation along the streams ponds lakes rivers and estuaries Variance Request Form page 6 Version 6 July 2009 A f�st iF rrujecti numver: 11837 Project Manager: BZ Scale: 1 ° = 500' Date: 04/04/12 rewr Map Title: Figure I - USGS Topographic Map 526 Oakland Drive Raleigh, Wake Co., NC 2010 Raleigh East Quadrangle North Hj"ills P�OSt. ,Office Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA 11010 Revm Rids Rd- RaIWO, NC 27614 (919) 8465900 • (919) W9467 web Pape: www.SwidEC.com aAIL �r kt,. a t t �1 zti,. , r Yi A71 A VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE 0 SITE 3e � a ��5° rk Fo PAP NOTE pO Rkg RD -NOT FOR RECORDATION CONVEYANCES OR SALE - PROPERTY SUBJECT TO ANY EASEMENTS OF RECORD -TITLE SEARCH NOT PERFORMED BY THIS OFFICE - PRELIMINARY PLAT - BUILDER TO VERIFY HOUSE DIMENSIONS AND BUILDING SETBACKS - PROPERTY LINE INFORMATION CAME FROM BOOK OF MAPS 1999 PG 603 ENTITLED BELVIN DRIVE & OAKLAND DRIVE RIGHT -OF -WAY REVOCATION AND RECOMBINATION MAP - PROPERTY ZONED R -4 AREAS IN THE RIPARIAN BUFFER. �N1 - RIPARIAN BUFFER IS 50 FROM THE TOP OF THE BANK AS DETERMINED BY S &EC AREA IN ZONE i R/W = RIGHT OF WAY HOUSE =290 SF CA = CENTER LINE / DRIVE(LOT) =362 SF BEIP = BENT EXISTING IRON PIPE DRIVE(R/W) =195 SF EIP = EXISTING IRON PIPE PERVIOUS CLEARING =893SF NIP = NEW IRON PIPE AREA IN ZONE 2 ( ) = FIELD MEASUREMENTS A,� 7C� / HOUSE -1009 SF �$ = SEWER MANHOLE W V"7 DRIVE(LOT) =420 SF = UTILITY/LIGHT POLE /S 0 59 4V DRIVE(R/W) =119 SF PERVIOUS CLEARING =609SF 00 /� cy LOT 3 / 32 705 SF 0° / 0 751 AC E� / LOT 2 QD 12 2 MZ /(� s�1Q Q 30 UTILITY EASEMENT (TAKEN FROM BM1965 PG216) LOT 19 C2 Cl IMPERVIOUS- AREA - CALCULATIONS - - -- i% `- BARRICADE ! O$ OAKLAND DRIVE HOUSE /PORCHES = 2500 SO FT / Y\ DRIVEWAY /SIDEWALK = 781 SO FT DECK/PATIO = 312 SO FT - TOTAL IMP AREA = 3593 SO FT OR 10996 I W ► / \`�� '� i AREA OF DISTURBANCE = 7 487 SF U / I THIS PROPERTY IGNATED DS ACCORDING TO FLOOD INSURAN EFFECTIVE DA LOT 3 BLOCK D SECTION PLOT PLAN SUBDIVISION D L JORDAN ( *SEE NOTE *) RECORDED IN BOOK OF MAPS 1999 PAGE 603 WAKE COUNTY REGISTRY SAW 2oi2oos SONYA A WARD HEREBY CERTIFY SURVEY FOR THA IS MAP IS CORRECT THAT PREWITT CUSTOM HOMES THE BU GS LIE WHOLLY ON LOT AND T THERE ARE CITY OF RALEIGH WAKE COUNTY NC ENCROACHMENT 0 BUILDINGS ON THE SAID LOT AS SHOWN SCALE 1 =40 WARD SURVEYING SERVICES, PLLC DATE 03/16/12 LAND SURVEYING & PLANNING BOOK APEX, NC (919) 367 -7858 CURVE TABLE CURVE LENGTH RADIUS CHARD BEARING CHORD C1 3818 256 38 S79 20 02 W 3814 C2 66 40 89 40 N62 19 20 E 64 88 C3 80 47 286 38 N76 09 44 W 80 21 y. 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Z d �L C Y 0 �O N N Ownership History - 0037785 Home Wake County Real Estate Data Real Estate ID 0037785 WAULocation Address S26 OAKLAND DR COUNTY NOR i It c h Rt lt_I Account I Buildings] Lan Ownership History PIN # 1715052514 Property Description L03 PROP D L JORDAN SUB BM196"0216 Pin /Parcel History New Search Land Deeds I Notes I sales I Photos I Tax Bill I Map Page I of 1 !M Tax Bills Account Search 0 For questions regarding the information displayed on this site, please contact the Revenue Department at RevHelp(c_wakegov.com or call 919 - 856 -5400. http: / /services.wakego-v .comlrealestatelDeeds .asp ?id = 0037785 &cd =01 &loc= 526++OAKL... 4/5/2012 0 M O U 1 b C4 W (D Q a er) J O ro • J r-1 LA `V w CL M J O > LO tp OJ CO w , O g- ,!,I V 4 ' �•_ �' J O.S, i - - � 0 9 0 I U ` x • +iiY --t —e �� V Yx- S \: XQ1 Iyw �, �r tier it .3. t.lt� � I{ �;� �.; M1 W • I 1 tit tY I3' CO t ;x LO - - � 0 9 0 yt�, ,, s � • j M ;?' � r.w tip.. .�,, 1 AA ,r f •ir ijy j� t al 1. • • vt �� ,.., - +', 'tip �`• 1 ;��` _ � • �y• • { Y1�` Yr �.• 5 art � �C , , •s�y fir. �.'�'r1 � � ,� !r y ♦ (i� 4\ 1 1 1 V n• _ i ,fir �'�� • • (_ 1 � � � s, Ito d Ty I 41. 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