HomeMy WebLinkAbout20141132 All Versions_Other Agency Comments_20120410UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Am REGION ATLANTA FEDERAL. CENTER 01R}RSYTHSTREET pfjo�_01 ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30303-8960 [)u1c: April g`Z0l2 Dr. Gregory J. Thorpe, Ph.D., Manager Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch North Carolina Department ofTransportation 1548 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-I548 SUBJECT: Federal Final Environmental Impact Statement, LS l Improvements Project, Richmond County, North Carolina; CEQ No.: 20120054; TIP Project No.: R-2501 l)ourDcThornc The U.S. Environmental 9rotoo1mo Agency (EPA) Region 4()[ficc has received and reviewed the subject document and is commenting in accordance with Section 309 of the Clean Air Act and Section lO2(2)(C)of the National Environmental Policy /\c{ . The Federal Final Environmental Impact StuioozonL (FBCS) include US l improvements Ofl4 miles ofaozolti)unc,median-divided facility oo new location and 5.3 miles of widening along existing US l between SandhiURoad (SD 1971) to north of Fox Road (SR 1606). The total proposed project length is approximately 19.3 miles. EPA staff has been participating io the NBPA/Scc1 on4O4 Merger process for the proposed project. EPA provided ommozcnio on the Draft Euvinnnznoutal Tnrnuc1 S1a]cnzoot(0B[S) ou September 23, 1999. A Snpp\cmcn1a]DBlS (SDB|S) was issued io 2001 and lTpA provided written comments on September 4, 2001 (Included in Appendix /\.l\.N[l)()T and Ff{nV/\ have provided u response to EPA's I)ElS comments onpages 7-5 to 7-7 of the P]BlS. Specific technical review cocucoouta on the PElS are attached to this letter (See Attachment A). EPA rated the I}ElS alternatives as 'Environmental Concerns' (EC-2), with concerns for impacts to jurisdictional wetlands and streams and impacts to the human environment. The rating qF`2' indicates that [)ETS information and environmental analysis was not sufficient and that additional information and analysis was required. EPA maintained its rating of|BC-2 on the S[)BIS recognizing that additional information had been provided by the transportation agencies. |ntemat Addmss(UPL)°hftp://www.epa.gow Recycled/Recyclable - Printed with Vegetable 00 Based Inks on Recycled Paper (Minimurn 30% Postconsurner) EPA along with other agencies elevated Merger Concurrence Point 2A14A, Bridging Decision and Alignment Review and Avoidance and Minimization Measures, on September 3, 2009. Based upon additional coordination and project environmental conflict resolution, EPA concurred on CP 2A14A on April 2, 2011. Additional documentation for these Merger team efforts is included in Appendix AA of the FEIS. In summary, EPA requests that the transportation agencies continue to look for opportunities to avoid and minimize impacts to jurisdictional aquatic resources during final project design. EPA also requests that the remaining technical comments included in the attachment be addressed in the Record of Decision (ROD). Mr. Christopher Militscher of my staff will continue to work with you as part of the NEPAJSection 404 Merger Team process during the hydraulic review and final project design. Should you have any questions concerning these comments, please feel free to contact him at Militscher.chrisgepa.gov or (919) 856-4206 or (404) 562-9512. Sincerely, Heinz J. Mueller Chief, NEPA Program Office w/Attachment Cc: J. Sullivan, FHWA-NC S. McClendon, USACE R. Smith, USACE B. Wrenn, NCDWQ G. Jordan, USFWS T. Wilson, NCWRC Attachment A Technical Review Comments on the FEIS US 1 Improvements Richmond County TIP No.: R-2501 Project Impacts The preferred altemative/Least Environmentally Damaging Practicable Alternative (LEDPA) include the following impacts: Residential relocations: 97 Business relocations: 8 Stream impacts: 3,717 linear feet Wetland impacts: 40.5 acres Floodplain impacts: 9.8 acres Noise Receptor impacts: 167 Terrestrial forests: 483.5 acres Prime/Statewide Important Farmlands: 345.2 acres Endangered species: 1 (MA-NLAA) Section 4(0 resource: I (WRC Pee Dee River Game Land — 2.4 acres) EPA notes the comments in Section concerning Farmlands. The information provided in this section of the FEIS does not correspond to the impact table information of 345.2 acres of impact. The Farmland Protection Policy Act (FPPA) does not require 'mitigation' but 'compensation' for prime farmland losses. EPA requests that efforts to minimize potential impacts to prime farmlands as defined under Title 7, CFR Part 657 be addressed during final project design. EPA notes the transportation agencies' information on Mobile Source Air Toxics (MSATs) in Section of the FEIS. EPA continues to not concur with the qualitative analysis and generalized assessment approach and requests that the identification of potential near-roadway sensitive receptors (e.g., Hospitals, daycare facilities, nursing homes, and schools) be included in Record of Decision (ROD). Project Commitments The transportation agencies' project commitments ("Green Sheet") are included in the FEIS. The project commitments concerning impacts to the flood hazard areas, the McDonald's Pond Ecosystem Enhancement Program (EEP) wetland mitigation site, an archeologically significant cemetery, potential noise abatement measures, and the WRC Pee Dee River Game Land are noted. EPA recommends that these project commitments, where relevant and appropriate, be finalized during final project design and be included in the ROD. Avoidance and Minimization Measures and Compensatory Mitigation Stream and wetland avoidance and minimization measures and compensatory mitigation are addressed in Section of the FEIS. Avoidance and minimization efforts are identified on page 4-22, including the avoidance of 13 of 24 streams in the corridor, 36 of the 55 wetland sites, and 7 out of 10 ponds. Bridge lengths at major stream and wetland crossings are also identified and include the reductions in potential impacts at these locations. EPA requests that the transportation agencies include the specific peel ic recommendations identified on pages 4-22 and 4-23, including the re-design of the US 74 Bypass interchange, in the project commitments for the ROD. Additional efforts to avoid and minimize impacts, especially wetland site #W 18 (5.3 acres), #W21 (8.0 acres), #W26 (7.6 acres), and #W37 (5.0 acres), also be considered during final project design (e.g., Use of steeper slopes and retaining walls where feasible). EPA acknowledges the efforts to avoid and minimize the impacts to the EEP McDonald's Pond wetland mitigation site and requests that improved coordination to avoid these potential conflicts in the future be considered by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, FHWA and NCDOT. EPA requests that compensatory mitigation for unavoidable impacts to jurisdictional urisdictional aquatic resources through the EEP be 'in-kind' and within the hydraulic units (i.e., HU 03050103 and 03040105) of the Yadkin-Pee Dee River Basin.