HomeMy WebLinkAbout20110984_Environmental Assessment_20100210Bladen Couoty Bridnc �o.'s l2, 18 and 42 on NC 11 over Cape Pear River and overflo�v Fcderal AiU Project No. BRSTP-OOtt (9) W.B.S. A0.33395.1.1 S[ate Projec[ No. 8.1421401 S.T.I.P. ro. I3-4028 ADMINISTRATNE ACTI04 GV V IRONMLT'fAL ASSE55ME�'9� UNITED STATHS DPPARTMFFI' Of TH! VSYONTAT[ON PI!IJP.12,1L I IICI IN�AY AUMINISIRA'fIGN nno NOR'CH CNiOLIN 4 DkPA1i7M5VT OP "CItANSPOR'fA'I IOV �IV ISIO� OF HIGH W AYS Svbmined Pnrsunvt to a2 G S0. 4332 (2)(C) lllz/JQ_ �.��' ��loN"^„� 5TS c Flnre«,rv�. Tn��m�, rn o_ Lnviron�nc¢tal Managcnc�t Dircuoq PDEA I ���D /J {-r�l/� �! � �.'>. �ATE lNjo�F-Sulliveqlll.I'_E6ins4nrtA�ministvemv V Ful_�rul Hfe]nvayAd�ninis0ation Bladen County Bridge No.'s I2, 18 and 42 on NC 11 over Cape Fear River and ocerflow Federal Aid Project No. BRSTP-O011 (9) W.B.S. �o. 333951.1 State Project Vo. 5.1421401 S.TCP. No. 6�028 A�MI66TRATIVfi ACTIOV ENVIItONMLVTAL ASSP54yIFNT Dac an�v�ioo I'mpnibd in PcoJ� Dcvciopmanv�d fim,irur,mental Analysisllrench BY. oi�z/�.o � � DAiG Tra.}' . W:�itci Pen � a Plunning F yineer �ndsc Pmi�r� Developmeoi Unit ; � ��H C;�.8,0l� "',, D,�� za,o ij � '�`::o,et���;" � _. Hn'ai�Rlud•.ucl'L��L— ��6� .��z °- SF�L p - Pmjca Fnunev ; 0268P _ 8ndgcPro�ICm�cvclopmcnlUr.it �O'•.,Fj✓GI�:�¢0.,sp3 =.9y •.....d... . �`�q�' �. K�`��:>. PROJECT COMMITMENTS: Bladen County Bridge No.'s 12, 18 and 42 on NC 11 Over Cape Fear River and overflow Federal Aid Project No. BRSTP-O011 (9) W.B.S. No. 33395.1.1 State Project No. 8.1421401 S.T.I.P. No. B-4028 All Design Groups/ Division Resident Construction Engineer — Anadromous Fish A moratorium on in-water construction will be in place from January 15 to June 30 of any given year. Stream Crossing Guidelines for Anadromous Fish will be implemented in the design and construction ofthis project. PDEA Human Environment Unit — Historic Bridge Bridge No. 12 has been determined eligible for the National Register and removal will be considered an Adverse Affect. PDEA will advertise for the truss bridge to be salvaged as described in the anticipated MOA. Division Resident Engineer's Office — Geodetic Markers There is a Geodetic survey marker on existing Bridge No. 12 that will be impacted by this project. The NC Geodetic Survey will be contacted one month prior to the start of construction. Bladen County Bridge No.'s 12, 18 and 42 on NC 11 over Cape Fear River and overflow Federal Aid Project No. BRSTP-O011 (9) W.B.S. No. 33395.1.1 State Project No. 8.1421401 S.T.I.P. No. B-4028 INTRODUCTION: Bridge No.'s 12, 18 and 42 are included in the latest approved North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDO� Transportation Improvement Program and are eligible far the Federal-Aid Bridge Replacement Program. The location is shown in Figure 1. L PURPOSE AND NEED STATEMENT NCDOT Bridge Management Unit records indicate the sufficiency ratings for Bridge No.'s 12, 18, and 42 are 4, 6, and 40.7 (respectively) out of a possible 100 for a new structure. The bridges are considered structurally deficient due to superstructure condition ratings of 4 out of 9, according to Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) standards, and therefore eligible for FHWA's Bridge Replacement Program. Bridge No.'s 12, 18 and 42 have fifty-seven year old superstructure and substructure components which have experienced an increasing degree of deterioration that can no longer be addressed by maintenance activities. Bridge No. 12 consists of a Pennsylvania thru-truss span and reinforced concrete deck girder approach spans superstructure supported by both reinforced concrete post and beam substructure and reinforced concrete cap / pile substructure. Components of the thru-truss have been damaged on numerous occasions by log trucks due to the low clearance the truss provides. Steel crutch bents have been added to two spans. Bridge Nds 18 and 42 consist of reinforced concrete deck girder superstructures supported by reinforced concrete cap / pile substructures. Bridge No. 18 has required shoring to support spalled girder ends to allow the bridge to remain open. The posted weight limit on Bridge No. 12 is 40 tons for single vehicles and 43 tons for truck-tractor semi-trailers. These bridges have reached the end of their useful life. Replacement of the bridges will result in safer traffic operations. IL EXISTING CONDITIONS The project is located approximately 5 miles east northeast of East Arcadia, outside of any city limits, just north of the Pender County line (see Figure 1). Development in the area is agricultural and residential in nature. NC 11 is classified as a major collector in the Statewide Functional Classification System and it is not a National Highway System Route. In the vicinity of these bridges, NC 11 has a 22-foot pavement width with 2-foot grass shoulders (see Figure 3). The roadway grade is in a vertical curve through the project area. The existing bridge is on a tangent. The roadway is situated approximately 58.0 feet above the river bed at Bridge No. 12, 18.0 feet above the river bed at Bridge No. 18, and 17.0 feet above the river bed at Bridge No. 42. There are no utilities attached Bridge No.'s 12 and 42. Bridge No. 18 has utilities attached, but they are not in use. Overhead power lines cross the river and overflow just north of the bridge. Utility impacts are anticipated to be high. The current (2009) estimated traffic volume of 3,240 vehicles per day (VPD) is expected to increase to 6,900 VPD by the year 2035. The projected volume includes twenty-eight percent truck-tractor semi-trailer (TTS� and six percent dual-tired vehicles (DT); a large percentage being associated with hog and logging industry. The posted speed limit is 55 miles per hour in the project area. School buses cross the bridge daily on their morning and afternoon routes. There were six accidents reported in the vicinity of Bridge No.'s 12, 18 and 42 during a recent three-year period. None of the six accidents were associated with the alignment or geometry of the bridge or its approach roadway. Bridge No. 12 spans waters considered to be navigational by the United States Coast Guard. A navigational channel is delineated by both buoys in the water and navigational lights attached to the bridge. IIL ALTERNATIVES A. Project Description The replacement structures for Bridge No.'s 12, 18 and 42 will consist of a bridge approximately 1,260-foot long, 360-foot, and 360-foot respectively. These bridge lengths are based on preliminary design information and are set by hydraulic requirements. The bridges will be of sufficient width to provide for two 12-foot lanes with 4-foot offsets on each side. The roadway grade of each new structure will be approximately the same as the existing grade. The existing roadway will be widened to a 24-foot pavement width to provide two 12-foot lanes. Two-foot paved shoulders will be provided on each side. The project area is not along a designated bicycle route and there is no indication that an unusual number of bicyclists and/or pedestrians use this roadway. Therefore, bicycle and/or pedestrian accommodations have not been provided. B. Reasonable and Feasible Alternatives One alternative for replacing Bridge No.'s 12, 18 and 42 was studied in detail as described below. Alternate 1 Alternate 1 involves replacement of the existing structures along a new roadway alignment to the west. Approach roadways will be required for a distance of approximately 1,215-feet to the south of Bridge No. 12 and 1,885-feetto the north of Bridge No. 42. This alternate will be designed using AASHTO guidelines with a design speed of 60 miles per hour. Trafiic will be maintained onsite during the construction period. NCDOT Guidelines for Evaluation of Offsite Detours for Brid�e Replacement Projects considers multiple project variables beginning with the additional time traveled by the average road user resulting from the offsite detour. Because of the limited number of structures crossing the Cape Fear River in this area, the use of an offsite detour would require road users to travel an additiona130 miles, adding an additional 45 minutes of travel time. Based on the guidelines, use of an offsite detour is unacceptable. Bladen County Emergency Services has also indicated that if an offsite detour is used, an additional facility would need to be constructed in East Arcadia. Bladen County School system indicated that an off-site detour would require school children to remain on the bus a minimum of an additional hour in each direction. In addition, Bladen County Schools uses the same busses to transport school children to all of the different school systems (grade school to high school) which would cause some children to be picked up as much as three hours prior to the beginning of the school day and remain at the school possibly two hours past the end of the school day. Additionally, activity busses utilize the bridge for school related activities. While project costs and environmental impacts will be higher, maintenance of traffic onsite during construction is essential. C. Alternatives Eliminated From Further Consideration The "do-nothing" alternative will eventually necessitate closure of the bridges. This is not acceptable due to the traffic service provided by NC 11. "Rehabilitation" of the old bridges is not practical due to their age and deteriorated condition. Each bridge would require ea�tensive rehabilitation to both the superstructure and the substructure. Rehabilitation would require temporary structures to be constructed to maintain traffic since traffic would not be able to be maintained on the existing structures. Staged Construction is not possible due to the superstructure types and narrow existing bridge widths. Bridge No. 12 has a truss span which can't be partially removed and Bridge No.'s 18 and 42 are deck girder bridges with deck girders spaced so as not to provide adequate bridge width after partial removal to maintain traffic. Replacement of each bridge in its existing location while maintaining traffic using temporary structures was considered. This alternative was considered unfavorable due to the anticipated cost of the temporary structures and approach work. Replacement of Bridge No. 12 in its existing location and replacing Bridge No.'s 18 and 42 with one single bridge, along the existing alignment, while maintaining traffic using temporary structures was considered. This alternative was also considered unfavorable due to the anticipated cost of the temporary structures and approach work. Replacement of Bridge No. 12 along a new alignment to the west and replacing Bridge No.'s 18 and 42 with one single bridge, along a new alignment to the west, while maintaining traffic on the existing structures was considered. Because of the difficulty of maintaining the existing causeway between the two bridges while removing the causeway area for the single bridge, this alternative was eliminated. Replacement of the three bridges with one single bridge along a new alignment to the west was considered. This alternative was considered unfavorable due to the high cost of such a long structure. D. Preferred Alternative Bridge No.'s 12, 18 and 42 will be replaced along a new alignment to the west as shown by Alternative 1 in Figure 2. Removal of the existing causeways will reduce the final environmental impact amount. NCDOT Division 6 Construction Engineer concurs with the selection of Alternative 1 as the preferred alternative. IV. ESTIMATED COSTS The estimated costs, based on 2009 prices, are as follows: Alternative 1 Preferred Structure $ 6,653,000 Roadway Approaches $ 2,193,000 Detour Structure and Approaches - 0- Structure Removal $ 575,000 Misc. & Mob. $ 1,529,000 Eng. & Contingencies $ 1,650,000 Total Construction Cost $ 12,600,000 Right-of-way Costs $ 40,000 Utilit Costs $ 590,000 Total Pro'ect Cost $ 13,230,000 V. NATURAL ENVIRONMENT Physical Characteristics The proposed project lies in a rural area of southeastern Bladen County within the Coastal Plain physiographic province of the eastern portion of North Carolina. Elevations in the area range from approximately 10-feet on the river floodplain to 40-feet on the bluffs south of the Cape Fear River. Land use in the project vicinity is mainly agricultural and forestry; interspersed with rural residential development. Water Resources The project is located in the Cape Fear River Basin (CFR 17 sub-basin, HUC 0303005). The Cape Fear River originates at the confluence of the Haw River and Deep River 100 miles northwest of the project area. From the project area, the river meanders in a southwest direction about 38 miles to the Atlantic Ocean. The Cape Fear River [Index # 1&(59)] is classified as a WS-IV Sw water body. There are no waters classified as High Quality Water (HQW), Water Supplies (WS-I or WS-I� or Outstanding Resource Waters (ORW) that occur within 1.0 miles of the project area. Biotic Resources Seven terrestrial communities were identified within the project area: disturbed roadside, mixed pine-hardwood forest, residential-agricultural, river bluff, levee forest, bottomland hardwood, and floodplain slough-roadside canal. In the project area, the Cape Fear River supports populations of largemouth bass, spotted bass, redbreast sunfish, spotted sucker, creek chubsucker, chain pickerel, bowfin, American eel, flathead catFish, channel catfish, and various other sunfish, suckers, minnows, and catFish. This area of the river also supports anadromous species such as striped bass and American shad. Moratorium An in-stream moratorium should be observed from January 15 to June 15 for anadromous fish. Surface Waters and Wetlands Jurisdictional wetlands occur within the project area and will be impacted by project construction. Wetlands are present on both sides of NC 11 on the Cape Fear River floodplain. Permits In accordance with provisions of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 USC 1344), an individual permit (IP) is anticipated to be required for this project. Coordination with the United States Coast Guard (LTSCG) has determined a need for a Coast Guard Permit far this project. NCDOT will be submitting a request for the USCG to publish a "Preliminary Public Notice for Navigational Opening" for this project to inform the local citizens and the appropriate agencies of our intent to replace the bridge and reduce the existing navigational opening. Existing Bridge Removal The existing structures will be removed using the guidelines established within the Best Management Practices for Construction and Maintenance Activities. Federally Protected Species Plants and animals with a federal classification of Endangered or Threatened are protected under the provisions of Section 7 and Section 9 of the Endangered Species Act of 1973. The United States Fish and Wildlife Service (LTSFWS) list six species under federal protection for Bladen County as of November 6, 2009. American Alligator Biological Conclusion: Not required Species listed as threatened due to similarity of appearance do not require Section7 consultation with the USFWS. Red-Cockaded woodpecker Biological Conclusion: No Effect A search of the NHP files found no occurrences of the red-cockaded woodpecker in the project vicinity. A field survey of the project area did not reveal any mature pine habitat necessary for this species. Shortnose Sturgeon Biological Conclusion: Unresolved A search of the NHP files reveals several occurrences of shortnose sturgeon in the project area. American Chaffseed Biological Conclusion: No Effect A search of the NHP files found no occurrences of American chaffseed in the project vicinity. A field survey of the project area did not reveal any American chaffseed or suitable habitat for this species. Pondberry (Southern Spicebush) Biological Conclusion: Unresolved A search of NHP files found no occurrences of pondberry in the project vicinity. A field survey of the project area did not reveal any specimen but potential habitat was found. A survey of the project area will be conducted during the flowering season; which is between February and March. Rough-leaved loosestrife Biological Conclusion: No Effect A search of the NHP files found no occurrences of Rough-leaved loosestrife in the project vicinity. A field survey of the project area did not reveal any rough-leaved loosestrife or suitable habitat for this species. Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act Habitat for the bald eagle primarily consists of mature forest in proximity to large bodies of open water for foraging. Large dominate trees are utilized for nesting sites, typically within 1.0 mile of open water. No potential foraging or nesting areas are located within the project vicinity. Suitable habitat for the bald eagle is not present in the study area. A review of NCNHP records, indicates no known bald eagle occurrence within 1.0 mile of the study area. VL HUMAN ENVIRONMENT Section 106 Compliance Guidelines This project is subjectto compliance with Section 106 ofthe National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended, and implemented by the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation's Regulations for Compliance with Section 106, codified at Title 36 CFR Part 800. Section 106 requires Federal agencies to take into account the effect of their undertakings (federally funded, licensed, or permitted) on properties included in or eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places and afford the Advisory Council a reasonable opportunity to comment on such undertakings. Historic Architecture The Historic Preservation Office (HPO) reviewed the subject project and determined Bridge No. 12 to be eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places (see letter dated May 15, 2008). It has also been determined that removal of the existing structure will have an Adverse Effect to the historic structure, which will require a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA). The MOA will be included in the final environmental document. Archaeology The State Historic Preservation OfFice (HPO) reviewed the subject project. There are no known archaeological sites within the proposed project area, and no archaeological investigation need to be conducted (see letter dated May 15, 2002). Section 4 (� Section 4(� of the Department of Transportation Act of 1966 (49 U. S.0 303) protects the use of publicly owned parks, recreational areas, wildlife/waterfowl refuges, and historic properties. The proposed project requires the use of Bridge No. 12, a National Register of Historic Places eligible historic bridge. The existing bridge cannot be preserved due to the ea�tent of rehabilitation. In addition, the bridge is so structurally deficient that it cannot be rehabilitated to meet acceptable load requirements. The "do nothing" alternative does not correct the problems causing the bridge to be considered deficient and the bridge will eventually need to be closed. Specific measures to minimize harm will be identified in the final environmental document. A Programmatic 4(� will be prepared and included in the FoNSI. Community Impacts No adverse impact on families or communities is anticipated. Right-of-way acquisition will be limited. No relocates' are expected with implementation of the proposed alternative. No adverse effect on public facilities or services is expected. The project is not expected to adversely affect social, economic, or religious opportunities in the area. The project is not in conflict with any plan, existing land use, or zoning regulation. No change in land use is expected to result from the construction of the project. The Farmland Protection Policy Act requires all federal agencies ar their representatives to consider the potential impact to prime farmland of all land acquisition and construction projects. There are no soils classified as prime, unique, or having state or local importance in the vicinity of the project. Therefore, the project will not involve the direct conversion of farmland acreage within these classifications. The project will not have a disproportionately high and adverse human health and environmental effect on any minority or low-income population. Noise & Air Quality The project is located in Bladen County, which has been determined to comply with the National Air Quality Standards. The proposed project is located in an attainment area, therefore, 40 CFR Parts 51 and 93 are not applicable. This project is not anticipated to create any adverse effects on the air quality of this attainment area. This project will not result in any meaningful changes in traffic volume, vehicle mix, location of the existing facility, or any other factor that would cause an increase in emissions impacts relative to the no-build alternative. As such FHWA has determined thatthis project will generate minimal air quality impacts for Clean Air Act criteria pollutants and has not been linked with any special MSAT concerns. Consequently this effort is exempt from analysis for MSAT's. Noise levels may increase during project construction; however, these impacts are not expected to be substantial considering the relatively short-term nature of construction noise and the limitation of construction to daytime hours. The transmission loss characteristics of nearby natural elements and man-made structures are believed to be sufficient to moderate the effects of intrusive construction noise. VIL GENERAL ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS The project is expected to have an overall positive impact. Replacement of an inadequate bridges will result in safer traffic operations. The bridge replacement will not have an adverse effect on the quality of the human or natural environment with the use of the current North Carolina Department of Transportation standards and specifications. An examination of records at the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Environmental Management, Groundwater Section and the North Carolina Department of Human Resources, Solid Waste Management Section revealed no underground storage tanks or hazardous waste sites in the project area. Bladen County is a participant in the National Flood Insurance Program. There are no practical alternatives to crossing the floodplain area. Any shift in alignment will result in an impact area of aboutthe same magnitude. The proposed project is not anticipated to increase the level or ea�tent of upstream flood potential. VIIL COORDINATION & AGENCY COMMENTS NCDOT has sought input from the following agencies as a part of the project development: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, NC Department of Natural Resources, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, N.0 Wildlife Resource Commission, N.C. Division of Coastal Management, N.C. Division of Parks & Recreation, North Carolina State Historic Preservation Office, Bladen County Planning Department, N.C. Division of Marine Fisheries, National Marine Fisheries Service. The N.C. Wildlife Resource Commission requested an in-stream moratorium for this project due to the presence of shortnose sturgeon. This commitment has been added to the project commitment green sheet. IX. PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT A letter was sent by the Location & Surveys Unit to all property owners affected directly by this project. Property owners were invited to comment. No comments have been received to date. X. Public Hearing A newsletter will be distributed to residents directly impacted by the proposed project, to determine the need for a public hearing. If a public hearing is required, more detailed information about the proposed improvements will be made available far the publia The public will be invited to make comments or voice concerns regarding the proposed action. A final decision with regard to the preferred alternative will not be made until all public hearing comments are fully evaluated. If it is determined that a public hearing is not required, comments provided by the public will be included in the FONSI. lo �. . _ 4 NOkTH CAkOLINADEPAkTMENT OF TRAIJSPORTATION DMSION OFHIGHWAYS Pk0]ECTDEVEIAPMENT& ENVIkONMENTALANALY5I5B2A1JCH BLADENCOUNLY RaPLACE BxiDGE NO'9. 12, 18, & 42 ON NC 11 OVER CAPE N�AR RNER &4028 Figure 1 F�F_._ . ��♦J, � ' ``� . � � � • �, �, ,' . � � � J�� • . �° . ��' ��'� 9 � � �� � �._�. , � ,� �.... �` � . - -- -- �, �h ' •_ ' L�"�� , ' . • • ..,�.�+r�. �. —�,e��. � . . . � �� . . �. .: .. �-�. -�� : t� ,; . �. • ' ... .� ' 1 h� _ �--, � , 4 , . � � - . . : .�� ��` �- • ' • • • �. 5 4 � • '� - � � ,. ,,, ; �� . . . � • ' • . � a. i• z .. , � � . c ,' f =; � •� S •, � � '�; r.� � .�: .�� . ::�.�.� �, �:.� ;., � . , � ,.� , ��� Bridge No. 12 over Cape Fear River Looking north Bridge No. 12 over Cape Fear River Loola�►g west -°� �.�, �� .�r�-�.e �'.�� � ���� '�=-��� :,'� � —._ � ,����R- R 1 Y �—`��� � ,{��;} � ..,� �Y I �:�I . .y �i � �'` � ��� `�1 �� '��s i������'d����, ' ,�'������i�� � ` +�,,-�. yr � , �. � I ,. ,^— � " � � p , tr �,�,: k • , �,,, "'�;� �\��t'�Af�.*� �'nrr'� � . a ��"T'•.a. °�'� .. �„ �w<. a . ;,� �:.,, , � .. 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