HomeMy WebLinkAbout20030909 Ver 1_Year 3 Monitoring Report_20110224Monitoring Firm Landmark Center II, Suite 220 4601 Six Forks Road Raleigh, NC 27609 Phone (919) 278 2514 Fax (919) 783 9266 Protect Contact Adam Spiller Email adam spiller(iMci com KCI Protect No 12071067C_BC11 Design Farm Environmental Services, Inc 524 South New Hope Road Raleigh NC 27610 Phone (919) 212 1760 UT Bear Creek KC1 Associates of North Carohna EEP Project #92719 2011 MY03 TABLE OF CONTENTS 10 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY / PROJECT ABSTRACT 1 20 METHODOLOGY 2 30 REFERENCES 2 APPENDIX A — Protect Vicinity Map and Background Tables Figure 1 Site Vicinity Map Table la and b Project Restoration Components Table 2 Project Activity and Reporting History Table 3 Protect Contacts Table Table 4 Project Attribute Table APPENDIX B — Visual Assessment Data Figure 2 Current Condition Plan View Table 5a and b Visual Stream Morphology Stability Assessment Table Table 6 Vegetation Condition Assessment Table Stream Station Photos Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos APPENDIX C — Vegetation Plot Data Table 7 Vegetation Plot Mitigation Success Summary Table Table 8 CVS Vegetation Metadata Table Table 9 CVS Stem Count Total and Planted by Plot and Species Table 10 APPENDIX D — Hydrologic Data Verification of Bankfull Events 4 5 6 6 7 9 11 13 14 21 26 27 28 30 UT Bear Creek KC1 Assoctates of North Carohna EEP Project #92719 2011 MY03 10 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY / PROJECT ABSTRACT In 2002 the North Carolina Department of Transportation identified the Unnamed Tributary (UT) to Bear Creek Site (Phillips) in Chatham County North Carolina as a potential stream restoration project The 17 square mile watershed is located within the USGS 8 digit HUC 03030003 and the NCDWQ Sub basin 03 06 12 of the Cape Fear River Basin The project restored approximately 2 378 linear feet of channel 1921 feet on UT Bear Creek and 457 feet on unnamed tributary 2 (UT2) and enhanced an additional 935 feet of channel on UT2 The NCDOT completed project construction in 2006 after which the project was transferred to the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (EEP) Project goals and objectives are listed below Project Goals • Improve water quality • Improve riparian and in stream habitat Project Objectives • Excluding cattle from the stream channels • Increasing channel stability • Restoring dimension pattern and profile to UT Bear Creek and UT 2 The riparian buffer was planted with five different species of bare root trees and two different species of live stakes Seven vegetation monitoring plots were established in 2009 the first year of monitoring These plots were set up following the Carolina Vegetation Survey (CVS) vegetation monitoring protocol Based on the seven monitoring plots the third year monitoring counted an average of 399 planted stems /acre across the site Plot 7 is the only plot that has a planted stem density less than the year three success criterion of 320 stems /acre and the year five success criteria of 260 stems /acre This plot has 202 planted stems /acre and 931 total stems /acre including volunteers The site s average stem density including volunteers is 1 497 stems /acre with all of the vegetation plots having densities above 320 stems /acre There are a few areas mostly along UT 2 with low planted stem densities These areas have been mapped on the Current Condition Plan View (CCPV) Three prominent exotic invasive species are found within the project buffer are Chinese privet (Llgustrum slnense) Japanese honeysuckle (Lonlcera japonica) and microstegium (Mlcrosteglum vimineum) with the privet being especially thick in certain areas The areas of privet have been mapped on the CCPV There are two hydrologic features on the site The first UT Bear Creek has been restored by altering the dimension pattern and profile and is controlled vertically by numerous bedrock outcrops and cross vanes The second feature is UT 2 and it has been divided into two reaches UT 2A which was enhanced and UT 2B which was restored UT 2A is a straight channel that begins at Station 30 +00 This reach already had banks stabilized by the mature trees that line both sides of the channel for the length of the reach This reach was enhanced by planting native vegetation in the riparian buffer beyond the top of bank UT 2B begins where UT 2A ends at the ford crossing at Station 39 +75 This reach was restored by changing the dimension pattern and profile of the channel from the ford to the confluence with UT Bear Creek During the third year monitoring the site was also examined for stream stability and potential problem areas UT Bear Creek is predominantly stable throughout the project There is one area of floodplain erosion that has been noted in previous reports and is still active Also noted in last year s monitoring report and still present is a beaver dam downstream of the site that is creating backwater conditions in the lower portions of UT Bear Creek up through the ford crossing at Station 25 +30 and the downstream portion of UT 2 UT 2 is also predominantly stable with one area of erosion at the cross vane at Station 39 +75 and two areas of bed degradation at the bottom of the reach UT Bear Creek KCi Associates of North Carolina EEP Project #92719 1 2011 MY03 Summary information/data related to the occurrence of items such as beaver or encroachment and statistics related to performance of various project and monitoring elements can be found in the tables and figures in the report appendices Narrative background and supporting information formerly found in these reports can be found in the Baseline Monitoring Report (formerly Mitigation Plan) and in the Mitigation Plan (formerly the Restoration Plan) documents available on the EEP s website All raw data supporting the tables and figures in the appendices are available from EEP upon request 20 METHODOLOGY The Level 2 CVS EEP protocol (http / /cvs bio unc edu/methods Min was used to collect vegetation data from UT Bear Creek 30 REFERENCES Lee M T R K Peet S D Roberts and T R Wentworth 2006 CVS EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation Version 4 0 (http / /cvs bio unc edu/methods htm) Weakley A S 2006 Flora of the Carolinas Virginia Georgia and Surrounding Areas (http / /www herbarium unc edu/FloraArchives/WeakleyFlora 2006 Jan pdf) UT Bear Creek KC1 Associates of North Carolina EEP Pr4lect #92719 2 2011 MY03 Appendix A Project Vicinity Map and Background Tables UT Bear Creek KCI Associates of North Carolina EEP Project #91719 3 2011 MY03 DIRECTIONS TO UT BEAR CREEK SITE From Raleigh take US 440 West towards US 1 South Take the exit for 64 East, then take 15 /501 South towards Pittsboro At the circle take a right onto West St. Then take a left onto NC 902 After going through the community of Bear Creek take a right onto Edwards Hill Church Rd The site is on the eastern side of the road Enter the site through gate Project Location C�-, Edwards Hill Church Rd I Bonlee School Rd I NC 902 Figure 1 Site Vicinity Map UT Bear Creek, Chatham County, EEP Project # 92719 4 N �® &gmeht OS 025 0 OS I w E KCI Miles I I S ASSOCIATES OF NC z 0 U s i d n 5 5 e tn Ol n a d� U� d m� W :L 5 � m m _v p� e� � N N m b � � C C L U o 0 N C o ° C 0 o X X a7 c�0 Cl N m C � u R m � W L y w � 4. L C 7 u as Q R E M M d � u O y b0 rl �i Q w C s y u a - — R o s. aN. a a z U o a w a ao o a� - Q Q ° O v o z O w�Tw 'p U e v � O � do z A. 3 m z 0 U s i d n 5 5 e tn Ol n a d� U� d m� W :L m L �a m � u R C R E d � u �i C O z - Q � 3 m c � R a � a N � O r N d C 'O N N � R R _yEyEE OC W W W U 4 x z 0 U s i d n 5 5 e tn Ol n a d� U� d m� W Table 2 Project Activity and Reporting History Project Number and Name 92719 UT Bear Creek (Phillips) Elapsed Time Since Grading Complete 5 yr Elapsed Time Since Planting Complete 5 yr Number of Reporting Years 3 Activity or Report Data Collection Complete Actual Completion or Delivery Concept Plan 2002 Restoration Plan Contact Mr Ron Spears Jun 03 Final Design 90% Construction Contractor Unknown Construction Unknown 2006 As Built Survey KCI Associates of NC Mar 06 Live Stake Planting 4601 Six Forks Rd lb anan Buffer Planting Raleigh NC 27609 Year 1 Monitoring Oct 09 Dec 09 Year 2 Monitoring Oct 10 Dec 10 Year 3 Monitoring Oct 11 Dec 11 Table 3 Project Contacts Table Project Number and Name 92719 UT Bear Creek (Phillips) Design Firm Environmental Services Inc 524 South New Hope Road Raleigh North Carolina 27610 Contact Mr Ron Spears Phone (919) 212 1760 Construction Contractor Unknown Planting Contractor Unknown Monitoring Performers MY 01 03 KCI Associates of NC Landmark Center 11 Suite 220 4601 Six Forks Rd Raleigh NC 27609 Contact Mr Adam Spiller Phone (919) 278 2514 Fax 919 783 9266 UT Bear Creek KC1 Associates offorth Carolina EEP Pr4lect #92719 6 2011 MY03 Table 4 Project Attribute Table ro ect Number and Name 92719 UT Bear Creek (Phillips) Project County Chatham County Pbysiographic Region Piedmont Ecore ►on Carolina Slate Belt Project River Basin Cape Fear USGS HUC for Project (14 digit ) 03030003070050 NCDWQ Sub basin for Project 03 06 12 Within extent of EEP Watershed Plan? U WRC Class Warm Cool Cold Warm % of project easement demarcated 100% Beaver activity observed during design hase'? Yes Restoration Component Attribute Table UT Bear Creek UT 2 Drainage Area l7sq mi 0 15 sq mi Stream Order Second First Restored length feet 1921 457 Perennial or Intermittent Perennial Perennial Watershed Type (Rural Urban Developing etc ) Rural Watershed LULC Distribution Urban Ag Row Crop Ag Livestock Forested Water/Wetlands U U U U U Watershed im ervious cover % <10% NCDWQ AU/Index Number U NCDWQ Classification C T Bear Creek 303d listed? No Upstream of a 303d listed se ment9 No Reasons for 303d Listing or Stressor Total acreage of easement 119 Total vegetated acreage within the easement 119 Total planted acreage as part of the restoration l 1 0 Ros en Classification of pre existing Ros en Classification of As built C4 /:) C4/5 Valley Type U U Valley Sloe U U Valley side slope ranee g 2 3 %) U U Valley toe slope range (e g 2 3 %) U U Trout waters designation No Species of concern endangered etc? (YN) No Dominant soil series and characteristics Series Cid Li gnu Complex Depth Cla /o K T N/A is for items that do not apply is for items that are unavailable U is for items that are unknown UT Bear Creek KC1 Associates of North Carolina EEP Project #92719 7 2011 MY03 Appendix B Visual Assessment Data UT Bear Creek KCI Associates of North Carolina EEP Pr4lect #92719 8 2011 MY03 r i V r 0 u a 0 h e U O. a d� U� d i O Cl � w 8 �3g =d h E c �3 a° h e � � y O O O O z�3> w ee q z z z z z a d a � e � o u � a � v y IM O O 4 F F a� ►�. � is v a vi u P3 0 � 0 5 ❑ °' y A aGi C 6 � u u LD c j, S a O o zi O L U — Ci w o N y EE 3 N >o u DD L 5 u �a cvi y° ? 5 Al W) w° o v a i° eE d o 2�5 e4 tq "I Gy y W N g V U d S� .0. O yV C ccc 01 Z d e e o O o Im C o a ffi b g e d 483 .0 N M U — N E H �z OOWq � O W m C1 F Q. �! N M V} r i V r 0 u a 0 h e U O. a d� U� d i O Cl � Y C L U L 3 1 a Y Y U Y L E g� 0 A � 0 1O u6: 6 .Q Y 5 L �s C � O � Q Y r O U r i z 0 Q O 5 e U N a a d� Ud � o m � 0 Q � 9 � u = _ L � 3 Y o 0 0 0 8 g Y 00 'O r O^ z z z z z \ V Y 0. u u pe o u � a = O N O O ^ e F a v a v M z �a C_ p7 F° N $ m OG 'O a Z a [ky1 G7 aCi C ti ctl y N �^ y s N Lj 5 !7 E g 5 0 0 ° 5 G v O .° O n YCI OG C 9 Q ° o r 5 = O W L no R? � u Al n 7 G y U m° L L m N cu d d C C p to N L d O L 7 6 O Y Y 00 p y O L C O °' i/J �S L .-- w N .-- .- O N L C N A G A 'T to t07tl fA B V eVtl V1 Ct6 c07C CI G O. � r°i� Q r ♦+ r tu a a M ME .-. CA z C% w y n r r rn e 1y r � z C y ow -100 V C Y C L U L 3 1 a Y Y U Y L E g� 0 A � 0 1O u6: 6 .Q Y 5 L �s C � O � Q Y r O U r i z 0 Q O 5 e U N a a d� Ud � o m � 0 e 0 U s i z 0 d Q 0 e M a N d 0 4 Q WO v� v1 O v� vi O a w 0 o d � O L O N N O N N O E u O d O O O O O O O U O q y O 'a z p O O d O U u L u o s QL y r N v N lam. 1 fs. Vi N rol l0 y cu U s o E E E u > y E E 73 0 E h IN b b L z 4 'o O �, y ca u w Q f4 0 e 0 U s i z 0 d Q 0 e M a N d 0 4 Stream Station Photos PP #1 -MY01 - 11/17/09 PP #2d - MY01 - 11/17/09 PP #2u - MY01 - 11/17/09 UT Bear Creek EEP Project #92719 PP# 1 - MY03 -11 /18/2011 PP #2d - MY03 - 11/18/2011 PP #2u - MY03 - 11/18/2011 KCI Associates of North Carolina 14 2011 - MY03 PP #3d — MY01 — 11/17/09 PP #3u — MY01 — 11/17/09 PP #4d — MY01 — 11/17/09 PP #3d — MY03 — 11/18/2011 PP #3u — MY03 — 11/18/2011 PP #4d — MY03 — 11/18/2011 UT Bear Creek KC1 Associates of North Carolina EEP Project #92719 15 2011- MY03 PP #4u -MY01 - 11/17/09 PP #5d - MYO I - 11/17/09 PP #5u - MY01 - 11/17/09 PP #4u - MY03 - 11/18/2011 PP #5d - MY03 - 11/18/2011 PP #5u - MY03 - 11/18/2011 UT Bear Creek KCI Associates of North Carolina EEP Project #92719 16 2011- MY03 PP #6 - MY01 - 11/17/09 PP #7d - MY01 - 11/17/09 PP #7u - MY01 - 11/17/09 PP #6 - MY03 - 11/18/2011 PP #7d - MY03 - 11/18/2011 PP #7u - MY03 - 11/18/2011 UT Bear Creek KCI Associates of North Carolina EEP Project #92719 17 2011 - MY03 PP #8d- MY01 - 1 1/17/09 PP #8u - MYO 1 - 11/17/09 PP #9d - MY01 - 11/17/09 PP #8d - MY03 - 11/18/2011 PP #8u - MY03 - 11/18/2011 PP #9d - MY03 - 11/18/2011 UT Bear Creek KCI Associates of North Carolina EEP Project #92719 18 2011 - MY03 PP #9u - MY01 - 11/17/09 PP #10d - MYOI - 11/17/09 PP #10u -MY01 - 11/17/09 PP #9u - MY03 - 11/18/2011 PP# l Od - MY03 - 11/18/2011 PP# l Ou - MY03 - 11/18/2011 UT Bear Creek KCI Associates of North Carolina EEP Project #92719 19 2011 - MY03 PP #11 -MY01 - 11/17/09 PP #11 -MY03 - 11/18/2011 UT Bear Creek KCI Associates of North Carolina EEP Project 492719 20 2011- MY03 Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos Vegetation Plot 1: 8/16/11 — MY -03 Vegetation Plot 2: 8/16/11 — MY -03 UT Bear Creek KCI Associates of North Carolina EEP Project #92719 21 2011 - MY03 yid 9. Yid R•' ... '.Uf ..�.' " \... a °M �f. -y i Y.� i I» NI IRMAIMM lot —4 - wv. WAr � ` '1 ♦ f � 5 . . Vegetation Plot 5: 8/16/11 — MY -03 Vegetation Plot 6: 8/16/11 — MY -03 UT Bear Creek KCI Associates of North Carolina EEP Project #92719 23 2011- MY03 Vegetation Plot 7: 8/16/11 — MY -03 UT Bear Creek EEP Project #92719 24 KCI Associates of North Carolina 2011 - MY03 Appendix C Vegetation Plot Data UT Bear Creek KCI Associates of North Carolina EEP Project 992719 25 2011 MY03 TWO 7 Vegetation Plot Mitigation Success Summary Table Protect Number and Name 92719 UT Bear Creek (Phillips) Vegetation Plot ID Monitoring Year 03 Planted Stem Density (stems /acre) Vegetation Survival Threshold Met? 1 364 Yes 2 364 Yes 3 324 Yes 4 405 Yes 5 526 Yes 6 607 Yes 7 202 No UT Bear Creek KCI Associates of North Carolina EEP Project #92719 26 2011 AIY03 Table 8 CVS Vegetation Plot Metadata Pro ect Number and Name 92719 UT Bear Creek (Phillips) Report Prepared By April Helms Date Prepared 12/5/20119 42 database name KCI 2011 A mdb database location M\2007\12071067 2007 EEP OPEN END \Veg_database computer name 112 CV76KF1 file size 159768832 DESCRIPTION OF WORKSHEETS IN THIS DOCUMENT Metadata Description of database file the report worksheets and a summary of project(s) and project data Prol, planted Each project is listed with its PLANTED stems per acre for each year Tins excludes live stakes Prol, total stems Each project is listed with its TOTAL stems per acre for each year This includes live stakes all planted stems and all natural/volunteer stems Plots List of plots surveyed with location and summary data (live stems dead stems missing, etc Vigor Frequency distribution of vigor classes for stems for all plots Vigor by Spp Frequency distribution of vigor classes listed by species Damage List of most frequent damage classes with number of occurrences and percent of total stems impacted by each Damage bv Spp Damage values tallied by e for each species Damage by Plot Damage values tallied by e for each plot Planted Stems by Plot and Spp A matrix of the count of PLANTED living stems of each species for each plot dead and missing stems are excluded ALL Stems by Plot and spp A matrix of the count of total living stems of each species (planted and natural volunteers combined ) for each plot, dead and missina stems are excluded PROJECT SUMMARY Protect Code 92719 Pro ect Name UT Bear Creak (Phillips) Description Stream Restoration and Enhancment in Chatham County, NC River Basin Cape Fear len th ft —.),.)13 stream to edge width ft 40 areas m 22294 Required Plots (calculated) 7 Sampled Plots 17 UT Bear Creek KCI Associates of North Carolina EEP Project #92719 27 2011 W03 7 v a F°- Po r_ m C 4 �w ��II IO�CII III OIC991111111110��O�i ��11111111111111111111111119��C� 111111111111111111111 loll 11 IIH UP.. 7 v a F°- Po r_ m C 4 �w Appendix D Hydrologic Data UT Bear Creek KCI Associates of North Carolina EEP Project #92719 29 2011— MY03 Table 10 Verification of Bankfull Events Protect Number and Name 92719 UT Bear Creek (Phillips) Date of Data Collection Date of Occurrence Method Photo Number 11/17/2009 11/13/2009 Site visit to evaluate indicators of stage after storm events N/A 10/8/2010 9/30/2010 Site visit to evaluate indicators of stage after storm N/A 8/16/2011 unknown Crest au a N/A UT Bear Creek KCI Associates of North Carolina EEP Project #92719 30 2011 — MY03