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North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Division of Water Quality
Beverly Eaves Perdue Charles Wakild P E Dee Freeman
Governor Director Secretary
April 12 2012
Dr Greg Thorpe PhD Manager
Planning and Environmental Branch
North Carolina Department of Transportation
1598 Mail Service Center
Raleigh North Carolina 27699 1598
Subject The proposed improvements to US 70 from the existing four lanes at Radio Island to US 70 north of S R
1429 in Carteret County Federal Aid Project No STPNHF 70(43) State Project No 8 116250 TIP R
NCDWQ Project No 20111003
Dear Dr Thorpe
The Division of Water Quality is in the process of reviewing your submittal for a 401 Water Quality Certification
and Isolated Wetlands Permit for the aforementioned project Because this project was applied for as an individual
Permit (IP) State statutes require the NCDWQ to post a public notice for the project and allow the public and other
stakeholders to comment on the proposed project The NCDWQ received comments from two stakeholders that the
NCDWQ deems relevant to the protect and may ultimately have a bearing on the issuance of a 401 Water Quality
Certification from the NCDWQ
• Please review the two attached comment letters and supply the NCDWQ with a suitable and acceptable
Pursuant to 15A NCAC 2H 0507(e) we will have to place the permit application on hold until we receive a suitable
response to the comments You have 21 days to respond in writing with the requested information or notification to
this office that the information is forthcoming If at the end of the 21 days this office has not received this
information in writing we will assume you are withdrawing your application and it will be returned Furthermore
until the information is received by the NC Division of Water Quality we request (by copy of this letter) that the US
Army Corps of Engineers place the permit application on hold
If you have any questions or require additional information please contact David Wamwright at (919) 807 6405 or
David Wainwright @ncdenr gov
Sincerely /
n Charles Wakild
cc Tom Steffens US Army Corps of Engineers Washington Field Office
Chris Militscher USEPA Region IV Atlanta
Steve Sollod Division of Coastal Management
Garcy Ward DWQ Washington Regional Office
File Copy
Transportation and Permitting Unit One
1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh North Carolina 276991617 NorthCarohna
Location 512 N Salisbury St Raleigh North Carolina 27604
Phone 919- 807 -63001 FAX 919 -807 64921 Customer Service 1877-623-6748 �%t�19`!�
Internet www ncwaterguality orq
An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative Action Employer
North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Beverly Eaves Perdue
Division of Marine Fisheries
Dr Louis B Daniel III
Dee Freeman
TO Tom Steffens, Corps of Engineers
THROUGH Anne Deaton, DMF Habitat Section Chief
FROM Jessi Baker DMF Marine Habitat Biologist
SUBJECT US 70 Improvements from Radio Island to Olga Road, Carteret County
DATE March 28, 2012
The North Carolina Division of Marine Fisheries (DMF) submits the following comments
pursuant to General Statute 113 131 DMF has reviewed the revised CAMA Major permit
application from the NCDOT regarding the proposed US 70 Improvements including the
replacement of the bridge over Gallants Channel
The in water construction of this project is not scheduled to be completed outside of a
moratorium The in water work moratorium utilized by DMF is in place to protect fish species
during the most productive portion of their growing season Dredging during this time period
would result in significant adverse impacts to the fish and fish habitats in this area
DMF will approve this project only if the requirement of the in water work moratorium of April
1St to July 31" is included as a permit condition Please feel free to contact Jessi Baker at (252)
808 8064 or lessi baker@ncdenr gov if you have any further questions or concerns
5285 Hwy 70 West Morehead City North Carolina 28557
Phone 252 808 80661 FAX 252 727 51271 Internet www ncdmf net
Ar Equal Oppoftndy 1 A firmahve Action Emoloyer
Noi thCaroln a
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Southeast Regional Office
263 13th Avenue South
St Petersburg, Florida 33701 5505
(727) 824 5317, FAX (727) 824 -5300
http //sero nmfs noaa gov/
April 2012
(Sent via electronic mail)
Colonel Steven A Baker Commander
US Army Corps of Engineers Wilmington District
69 Darlington Avenue
Wilmington North Carolina 28403 1398
Attention Tom Steffens
Dear Colonel Baker
F /SER4 RS /pw
NOAA s National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) reviewed Action ID No SAW- 2010 -02125
dated March 1 2012 The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) proposes to
increase the traffic carrying capacity of US 70 through the Town of Beaufort by replacing the
existing drawbridge over Gallants Channel and related approaches with a longer high -rise fixed
bridge and improving US 70 to a multilane facility The proposed 3 395 foot bridge would carry
a four lane divided roadway with 12 foot travel lanes 8 -foot bridge offsets a 4 foot raised
island and a 1 foot offset on each side In addition improvements to Turner Street include a 40-
foot, three -lane curb and gutter section with two 12 -foot travel lanes and a 12 -foot center turn
lane A 585 foot bridge with 8 foot offsets is proposed to replace the 61 -foot box culvert on
Turner Street Total project length is 3 6 miles The Wilmington District's initial determination
is the proposed project would adversely impact essential fish habitat (EFH) or associated
fisheries managed by the South Atlantic Fishery Management Council Mid - Atlantic Fishery
Management Council, or NMFS As the nation s federal trustee for the conservation and
management of marine estuarine and diadromous fishery resources the following comments
and recommendations are provided pursuant to the authorities of the Fish and Wildlife
Coordination Act and the Magnuson Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act
(Magnuson Stevens Act)
Essential Fish Habitat in the Project Area
The site of the proposed project includes estuarine emergent vegetation marsh edge and
intertidal mudflats the South Atlantic Fishery Management Council (SAFMC) identifies these
habitats as EFH for white shrimp (Litopenaeus setiferus) and brown shrimp (Farfantepenaeus
aztecus) Coastal salt marshes are EFH for these species because larvae and juveniles
concentrate and feed extensively within these habitats Consequently growth rates are high and
predation rates are low which makes these habitats effective nursery areas for shrimp The
s �
waters of Town Creek and Gallant Channel are not officially designated as a primary nursery
area however the habitats within the project area provide nursery services SAFMC provides
detailed information on types and locations of EFH in a comprehensive amendment that applies
to all fishery management plans prepared by SAFMC
Other species of commercial recreational or ecological importance found in the project area
include red drum blue crab Atlantic croaker spot Atlantic menhaden striped mullet and
weakfish Several of these species are prey for fish managed by SAFMC (e g king mackerel
Spanish mackerel and cobra)
Impacts to Essential Fish Habitat
Based on the information provided in the public notice and during NCDOT Merger Team
meetings NMFS believes NCDOT has adequately avoided and minimized impacts to wetlands
that support NOAA trust resources The unavoidable impacts to coastal habitats would be offset
by 156 acres of on site restoration from causeway removal on Turner Street While NMFS
supports the approach we cannot conclude it is acceptable until we have had an opportunity to
review the monitoring plan that will gauge whether the performance of the mitigation is meeting
restoration targets Compensatory mitigation for the unavoidable impacts to riparian non-
riparian and isolated wetlands and streams would be accomplished through the North Carolina
Ecological Enhancement Program NMFS will abstain from commenting on this portion of the
EFH Conservation Recommendations
NMFS finds the proposed project would adversely affect EFH and federally managed fishery
species Section 305(b)(4)(A) of the Magnuson- Stevens Act requires NMFS to provide EFH
conservation recommendations when an activity is expected to adversely impact EFH Based on
this requirement NMFS provides the following
EFH Conservation Recommendation
Authorization of the project shall be held in abeyance until NMFS has reviewed and approved a
detailed mitigation plan that includes monitoring that will be done to gauge whether causeway
removal on Turner Street is generating sufficient benefits to offset the impacts from replacing the
drawbridge and realigning the highway
Section 305(b)(4)(B) of the Magnuson Stevens Act and its implementing regulations at 50 CFR
600 920(k) requires your office to provide a written response to our EFH recommendations
within 30 days of receipt If it is not possible to provide a substantive response within 30 days
in accordance with our findings with your Regulatory Functions Branch an interim response
should be provided to NMFS A detail response must then be provided prior to final approval of
the action Your detail response must include a description of measures proposed by your
agency to avoid, mitigate, or offset the adverse impacts of the activity If your response is
inconsistent with our EFH conservation recommendations, your must provide a substantive
discussion justifying the reasons for not following the recommendation The detail response
should be received by the NMFS at least ten days prior to final approval of the action
Thank you for the opportunity to provide these comments Related questions or comments
should be directed to the attention of Mr Ronald Sechler at our Beaufort Field Office 101 Pivers
Island Road Beaufort North Carolina 28516 9722 or at (252) 728 5090
COE, Thomas A Steffens @usace army mil
USFWS Pete_Benjamm @fws gov
NCDCM, Doug Huggett@ncmail net
EPA, Fox Rebecca @epa gov
SAFMC Roger Pugliese @safmc net
F /SER4, David Dale @noaa gov
F /SER47 Ron Sechler @noaa gov
/ for
Virginia M Fay
Assistant Regional Administrator
Habitat Conservation Division