HomeMy WebLinkAbout20021157 Ver 4_Pre-Filing Meeting Information_20210213DWR Pre-Fil ing Meeting Req u est Form
Contact Name *
Contact Email Addre ss *
Proje ct Owne r *
Proje ct Name *
Proje ct County *
Owne r Addre ss:*
Is this a transportation proje ct?*
Type (s) of approv al sought from the DWR:
Doe s this proje ct hav e an e xisting proje ct ID#?*
Ple ase list all e xisting proje ct ID's associate d with this proje cts.*
Do you know the name of the staff me mbe r you would like to re que st a me e ting with?
Ple ase giv e a brie f proje ct de scription be low.*
Brian Rubino
Sarah and Christopher Folliard
Lot 66 Beachside Extension
Amelia Courthouse
State / Province / Region
Postal / Zip Code
Street Address
7751 Cheathams Rd.
Address Line 2
Yes No
401 Water Quality Certification -
401 Water Quality Certification -
Individual Permit Modification
Shoreline Stabilization
Yes No
401 Cert 02-1157
Chris Pullinger
Please give a couple of dates you are available for a meeting.
Ple ase attach the docume ntation you would like to hav e the me e ting about.
Signature *
Submittal Date
This is a lot that had a prior 401 cert in 2006 for the previous owner.
Authorized 404 fill impacts for this lot at that time were 0.05 acres of
404 wetlands. The prior owner performed the permitted fill (but did
not build) after fulfilling mitigation requirements through NCEEP
(currently NCDMS). The 401 approval for this project included Lots
66 and 58 (both owned by Ann Warner at the time). Total permitted
fill was 0.09 acres in 2006 (0.05 acres for Lot 66 and 0.04 acres for
Lot 58). This also received a Nationwide 18 Permit.
Now, the owners of Lot 66 are Sarah and Chris Folliard. They would
like to build a residential home that has been designed, and in order
to do this, they propose to fill and additional 400 sq.ft. (.009 ac) of
404 wetlands as shown on the attached plan. I have been in
communication with Billy Standridge, USACE about this current
request. This is not a waterfront property and constitutes less than
0.1 ac of wetlands total (past and current permit request combined). I
believe this to be notification to DWR only, but am available to meet if
Brian Rubino
hines-pamlico point-lot 66-rev prelim-01-31-
NRCS_Soil_Map.pdf 320.16KB
pdf only
By digitally signing below, I certify that I have read and understood that per the Federal Clean Water Act Section
401 Certification Rule the following statements:
· This form completes the requirement of the Pre-Filing Meeting Request in the Clean Water Act Section 401 Certification
· I understand by signing this form that I cannot submit my application until 30 calendar days after this pre-filing
meeting request.
· I also understand that DWR is not required to respond or grant the meeting request.
Your project’s thirty-day clock started upon receipt of this application. You will receive notification regarding meeting location
and time if a meeting is necessary. You will receive notification when the thirty-day clock has expired, and you can submit an