HomeMy WebLinkAbout20120343 Ver 1_CAMA Application_20120404a 20120343 NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Coastal Management Beverly Eaves Perdue Braxton C Davis Dee Freeman Governor Director Sec, etary April 2012 MEMORANDUM V L5 TO Karen Higgins Division of Water Quality A PR 4 2012 FROM Doug Huggett Mayor Permits Processing Coordinator SUBJECT CAMA/DREDGE & FILL Permit Application Review Applicant UNC Institute of Marine Sciences c/o Niels Lindquist & Joel Fodrie Protect Location Carteret County, Middle Marsh within Back Sound and the Rachael Carson Estuarine Reserve, Carrot Island, Upper & Lower North River, and the Upper & Lower portions of Newport River Proposed Protect Proposes to construct a total of 104 reefs for oyster habitat, to establish cultch for oyster attachment and creation of fish habitat within the intertidal zone and estuarine waters of the Back Sound area, Newport River area and the North River area Please indicate below your agency's position or viewpoint on the proposed project and return this form by April 23 2012 If you have any questions regarding the proposed protect please contact Heather Styron Permit officer at (252) 808 2808 When appropriate in depth comments with supporting data is requested REPLY This agency has no objection to the project as proposed This agency has no comment on the proposed project This agency approves of the project only if the recommended changes are incorporated See attached This agency objects to the project for reasons described in the attached comments SIGNED DATE 400 Commerce Ave Morehead City NC 28557 NorthCarollna Phone 252 808 2808 1 FAX 252 247 3330 Internet www nccoastalmanagement net /� /yroli An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative Action Employer �O�yt�u ally 1S�Ll 1' --kT .l C!T ' -1 LIC _NT','i ba_ U It, ^ t J1\1a Ci,_ I'SL -r1c -i c-1, T, T 1 C " OJEC V irl,, B o1,r'a,dt P a c I Cup ion Fit hire I e _arch Rc _i� ° Cap~ -,r Island T )rpez and Loy er Nortr Pivn and the Uppci and Lo,,,,, pot ions 'NeuYort P v,,r Photo Index — ,No Pl otos aiai1a')1c State Plane Coor linates — (SS Set 1) Lat 34142'2140 Lon 76 °37'13 26 (SS Set 2) Lat 34 142'15 88 Lon 76 °37'24 82 (IRP Set 1) Lat 34 °41'56 20 Lon 76'36'4154 (IRP Set 2) Lat 34'41'2194 Lon 76 137'06 28 (IRP set 3) Lat 34 141'09 12 Lon 76 °36'34 29 (IRP Set 4) Lat 34 °41'00 94 Lon 76 136'40 75 (MRSNR Set 1) Lat 34 °41'10 89 Lon 76'36'5177 (MRSNR Set 2) Lat 34 147'23 22 Lon 76 136'17 37 (MRSNR Set 3) Lat 34 °47'38 29 Lon 76 136'10 91 (MRSNR Set 4) Lat 34 148'29 63 Lon 76 137'00 50 (MRSNR Set 5) Lat 34 °48'59 21 Lon 76 °37'2123 (MRSNPR Set 1) Lat 34 °43'26 26 Lon 76 140'53 95 (MRSNPR Set 2) Lat 34 146'33 17 Lon 76 °43'5419 (MRSNPR Set 3) Lat 34 °45'50 96 Lon 76 144'15 13 (MRSNPR Set 4) Lat 34 °45'56 83 Lon 76 °44'42 20 (MRSNPR Set 5) Lat 34 °45'36 85 Lon 76 145'04 83 3 INVESTIGATION TYPE CAMA/D &F 4 INVESTIGATIVE PROCEDURE Dates of Site Visit — scheduled for April 2 6 Was Applicant Present —Yes 5 PROCESSING PROCEDURE Application Received — 3/15/12 Office — Morehead City 6 SITE DESCRIPTION (A) Local Land Use Plan — Carteret County 12/22/2010 Land Classification from LUP — Conservation (B) AEC(s) Involved Public Trust Area Estuarine Water (shallow bottom) (C) Water Dependent Yes (D) Intended Use Public /Government Research (E) Wastewater Treatment Existing — none Planned — none (F) Type of Structures Existing — none Planned — 104 oyster reefs (G) Estimated Annual Rate of Erosion N/A L'i u e o L .11 r ic S, Pn(, -- I_i h S- 1° �,, vi, °oil R °x uL ct `�urL r 'i r I Pa_ 2 c ' I ' -Try " 1 ESC - 11,)", T (A) S -Ia iotiv Bc, to-n ConQtruc for ct o j,,*.x reefs 7 40DfL (D) Total Area Di6turbed 7 405 ft (E) Primary Nursery Area No (F) Water Classification (see below) Newport River (MRSNPR SET 1) SA/HQW Open Yes Newport River (MRSNPR SETS 2 5) SA/HQW Open No Back Sd /Middle Marsh (MRSNR SET 1) SA/HQW Open Yes North River /south side of North River Bridge (MRSNR SET 2) SA/HQW Open Yes North River /north side of North River Bridge (MRSNR SET 3) SA/HQW Open No Upper and Lower North River (MRSNR SETS 4 5) SA/HQW Open No Back Sound /Carrot Island (SS SETS 1 2) SA/HQW Open No Back Sound /Middle Marsh (IRP SETS 1 3) SA/HQW Open Yes 8 PROJECT SUMMARY The applicant proposes to construct a total of 104 reefs for oyster habitat to establish cultch for oyster attachment and creation of fish habitat within the intertidal zone and estuarine waters of the Back Sound area Newport River area and the North River area Depending on location the reefs would be constructed of different substrates such as oyster shell cultch crushed concrete granite cobble and marl rip rap 9 Narrative Description The applicant is proposing the placement of a total of 104 reefs for oyster habitat within the Back Sound Newport River and North River areas Some of the reef locations would be within existing shellfish lease areas with permission of the lease holders The current lease holders Mr Kevin B Lawrence (lease areas 647 and 703 within North River) and Mr David A Cessna Sr (lease area (15 66A within Newport Rivei) have given the applicants written permission for the reefs to be placed The reefs would be constructed of multiple substrates such as oyster shell cultch crushed concrete, granite cobble and marl riprap The shoreline stabilization (ss) reefs located along Carrot Island within Back Sound would be constructed of the 8 smaller reefs (60 bushel per reef) for zone 1 and the 8 larger reefs (600 bushels per reef) for zone 2 The IRP Sites (1 4) would consist of a total of (8) 60 bushel reef (2 at each location) The multiple reef substrate subprojects (MRSNR and MRSNPR) would build replica sets of 8 reefs at 5 stations for a total of 80 along the Newport River and North River area and would consist of varying substrates ( oyster cultch crushed concrete granite cobble and marl rip rap) They would be constructed in the sub tidal and inter tidal locations and all r i t 1 c! 1y Jr tt r i 11 1° rJ C S1 1( t i �� f� t r I -e i i 1, d i } r C rc 3 lr 1 tLo i 7a l ! 1 C T� i wu..,1d be -L dei;L'-is o' �i "1JOVe i,jw' ^ �� be' , ig c" locaL o 7 Z vtP ij iC ili -(I gloL,,-id detielol ment aa.o�lated w rp t, s li,,c,-t I h piop, -),ed i ,t'Fs N 11 be i -ca1eO it ti " in ert,dal zone and th-ie w�ll be no n �,t i L, or pilln�s oliter tha�i PVC, stakt, anal floatirg markers associated with these The waters of Back Sound Newport River and North River are classified as below Newport River (MRSNPR SET 1) SA/HQW Open Yes Newport River (MRSNPR SETS 2 5) SA/HQW Open No Back Sd /Middle Marsh (MRSNR SET 1) SA/HQW Open Yes North River /south side of North River Bridge (MRSNR SET 2) SA/HQW Open Yes North River /north side of North River Bridge (MRSNR SET 3) SA/HQW Open No Upper and Lower North River (MRSNR SETS 4 5) SA/HQW Open No Back Sound/Carrot Island (SS SETS 1 2) SA /HQW Open No Back Sound/Middle Marsh (IRP SETS 1 3) SA/HQW Open Yes Carteret County s Land Use Plan classifies this area as Conservation The substrate within these areas consists of sand and silt typical of intertidal flats 10 Project Description The applicant proposes the placement of 104 reefs for oyster habitat in the inter tidal and sub tidal areas located within Back Sound Newport River and North River The placement of the reefs per the applicant would enhance the ongoing research The reefs would be constructed of multiple substrates such as oyster shell cultch crushed concrete granite cobble and marl riprap The project would consist of the placement of 8 smaller reefs (60 bushel per reef) for zone 1 and the 8 larger reefs (600 bushels per reef) for zone 2 for the purpose of shoreline stabilization at the SS sites and would be located along Carrot Island within Back Sound The (8) 60 bushel reefs location in zone 1 of Carrot Island would be 3m x 5m x 15m high (9 x 15 x 45 ) with the remaining (8) 600 bushel reefs located in zone 2 of the SS sites at 3m x 5m x 5m high (9 x 15 x 1 5 ) The IRP Sites (1 4) would consist of a total of (8) 60 bushel reef (2 at each location) and would be located along the Middle Marsh area of Back Sound The multiple reef substrate subprojects (MRSNR and MRSNPR) would build replica sets of 8 reefs at 5 stations for a total of 80 reefs along the Newport River and North River area and would consist of varying substrates ( oyster (,ultch crushed concrete granite cobble and marl rip rap) The reefs would be at depths of +l above nlw to 3 below nlw depending on location The remaining reefs within the MRSNR and MRSNPR areas would be 2m x 2m x 15m high (6 x 6 x 6 inches) The shell for the SS sites would be transported by a shallow draft barge at high tide with the assistance of The NC Division of Marine Fisheries The shells UT, �C + L 1 e o I ti,, -L "r T3 -1-, �'-OU-,d , r -wpeIc r -t a p r tit Pale / c `4 �- ]A'do °p cerl -- 1 - -) r _ w, l J l.,r t! i �»1 ` c F i` L ' r 1? C/I S'V1 VOa J b�, trin,r�rLcd L y s a1 b ,,its cnri 1 r r.�cd tV t �e do rLd s'zc (2nl l � 11 `t ell The a✓era,,e ea isLing cep *1 p�,° tl e a Cpl ica it i�, ar a e, e o` 4 r1w Nwll a fin tl depth of +1 nl ✓ to 3 rclow n1w post reef place, -lent A total of 17 ac, Ls of 7 40D squ- e feet of bottom disturbance would occur during the placement of the reefs Post construction surveys would be performed to help evaluate restoration success The width of the water body within the Newport River reef areas range from 665 to 5 13 8 depending on location a range of 258 to 3 828 for North River and 1 572 to 3 497 for the Back Sound reef locations The reef area with the most waterward distance would be MRSNR set 1 along (shallow sand flat) Middle Marsh with a maximum distance of 1 325 from the existing marsh edge All reefs would remain on the designated intertidal and subtidal areas would not encroach within any navigable channels and would remain away from SAV habitat during placement Each reef would be marked with a PVC pole and float as a navigation aid to any boaters in these areas 11 Anticipated Impacts The project areas measure approximately 90 x 1 039 for the SS reefs along Carrot Island 3 095 x 5 475 for the reefs along the Middle Marsh area of Back Sound 100 x 3 551 for sets 4 and 5 reefs and 700 x 1 126 for sets 2 and 3 reefs within North River The final project areas within Newport River measure approximately 130 x 215 for MRSNPR set 1 and 4 700 x 7 900 for the remaining MRSNPR sets (2 5) Each set would not utilize all of the project area but would be spread within this area Depending on location as well as substrate type the reefs would disturb 3m x 5 x 5m 3m x 5m x 15m or 2m x 2m x 15m areas The project would change the bottom habitat from intertidal and subtidal shoals to oyster rock habitat There are SAV s within the middle marsh project area however there would be no direct impact from the reefs due to their location which would be outside of any SAV habitat The project should cause minimal increases in turbidity during construction however has the potential to cause future bottom disturbance from wave and currents without substrate containment by mesh bags or equivalent materials There should be no hindrance to navigation due to the project being located on the shallow shoals The placement and monitoring of the project has the potential to cause minimal impacts to the existing public uses The placement must be designed to prevent unreasonable and harmful obstruction to the alteration of the natural flow of tidal water as a result of the proposal The project should not increase erosion however does have the potential to cause shoaling HEATHER STYRON Morehead City March 29, 2012 J P I C i`IC C1 c I ii e r f P is is r . 1 'VI L U1c 1, L SubleLi r ci rr s or to c -si urt cYpE r-ert oyster reefs vin North R vcr snell,Ish lea es Dear Prof Lindquist I have great Interest In learning about how different materials act as substrates for oyster settlement and growth and how some substrates that cannot be penetrated by oyster boring sponge may help decrease oyster mortality This knowledge would help me and other shellfish lease holders better manage our plots and Improve yields To help your experimental efforts In the North River I am happy to offer your research group space on my two leases along the eastern shore of the river one ( #647) Immediately off the south side of the Hwy 70 North River causeway and the other ( #703) about % mile off the north side of the causeway By placing your reefs on my leased bottom you should have some protection against your reefs being disturbed by other people who gather shellfish from the river Good luck with your project I look forward to hearing progress reports as the reefs mature Sincerely Kevin Bradley Lawrence Commercial Fisherman (F 360180) 106 Landing Road Cedar Island North Carolina 28520 (252) 225 9967 T'o Dr 'N "16 Lindquist UINC Ch o -i Iiiii I i tt� o tiiarl t: j e--c,s F om DaviJ Clai im °ihead Ce,,gra Da ° 'ia J 27 2011 5 bjec,t to use Iv 1 ,rit -z ✓Fr she P e Dea Dr Lindquist From my woi k with your gi oup on the impact of boi ing sponges in oysters across much of the North Carolina coast I have seen firsthand the great damage the sponge can do to oysters and the influence that salinity has over where the sponge grows in great abundance I believe your new project to examine the how different foundation materials might inhibit boring sponge moving into reefs and oysters is important work that will benefit commercial oystennen and those working to restore oyster reef habitat in North Carolina Using information generated by your project I should be able to realize better yields from my Newport River shellfish lease particularly with your proposal to place a set of experimental reefs on my lease ( #15 66A) which I fully support I look forward to working with your group on this protect and seeing how the different substrates perform as oyster reef foundations Sincerely David A Cessna Sr The Clammerhead Gioup (F302711) 125 Doris Wills Lane Smyrna North Carolina 28579 GO IMP 1 (la.t revised 12/27/06) b 3 North Carolina DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT 1 Primary Applicant/ Landowner Information Business Name Project Name (if applicable) Unc Chapel Hill Institute Of Marine Sciences Construction of Oyster Reefs for Research Applicant 1 First Name MI Last Name Niels Agent/ Contractor 2 First Name Lindquist Applicant 2 First Name MI Last Name Joel City Fodrie If additional applicants please attach an additional page(s) with names listed Mailing Address PO Box City State 3431 Arendell Street Contractor # Morehead City NC ZIP Country Phone No FAX No 28557 Carteret 252 726 6841 ext 136 252 726 2426 Street Address (if different from above) City State ZIP Email nlindquist @unc edu 2 Agent/Contractor Information Business Name Na Agent/ Contractor 1 First Name MI Last Name Agent/ Contractor 2 First Name MI Last Name Mailing Address PO Box City State ZIP Phone No 1 ext Phone No 2 ext FAX No Contractor # Street Address (if different from above) City State ZIP Email <Form continues on back> 808 Form DCM MP 1 (Page 2 of 4) APPLICATION for Major Development Permit 3 Project Location County (can be multiple) Street Address State Rd # Carteret Pore all sound and estuarine sites none Subdivision Name City State Zip Phone No Lot No (s) (if manj attach additional page with list) ext a In which NC river basin is the project located? b Name of body of water nearest to proposed project e Newport River North River and Back Sound c Is the water body identified in (b) above natural or manmade? d Name the closest major water body to the proposed project site ®Natural ❑Manmade ❑Unknown Newport River North River and Back Sound e Is proposed work within city limits or planning jurisdiction? f If applicable list the planning jurisdiction or city limit the proposed ❑Yes ®No work falls within 4 Site Description a Total length of shoreline on the tract (ft) b Size of entire tract (sq ft ) none variable c Size of individual lot(s) d Approximate elevation of tract above NHW (normal high water) or NW L (normal water level) (If many lot sizes please attach additional page with a list) below ®NHW or ❑NW L e Vegetation on tract none f Man made features and uses now on tract none g Identify and describe the existing land uses adjacent to the proposed project site all sites are to be constructed (1) on public bottom (2) within the Rachel Carson National Estuarine Research Reserve or (3) on leased shellfish bottom with permission of lease holder h How does local government zone the tract? i Is the proposed project consistent with the applicable zoning? NA (Attach zoning compliance certificate if applicable) ❑Yes ❑No ®NA I Is the proposed activity part of an urban waterfront redevelopment proposal? ❑Yes ®No k Hasa professional archaeological assessment been done for the tract? If yes attach a copy ❑Yes ❑No ®NA If yes by whom? I Is the proposed project located in a National Registered Historic District or does it involve a ❑Yes ❑No ®NA National Register listed or eligible property? <Form continues on next page> 252 808 2808 1 888 4RCOAST vvvvw nccoastalmanagement net Form DCM MP 1 (Page 3 of I m (0 A -there wetlands on th 9 (u) Are there coas al iedanr o i the site (m) If yes to eith r (i) or (ii) ab,� has a delineation been conducted? (Attach docurentahon if a a i9ble) n Describe existir, Nastewater a ment facilities NA o Describe existing drinking water supply source NA p Describe existing storm water management or treatment systems NA APPLICATION for Major Development Permit ❑Yes ❑iAo ❑ es 0 D ❑Yes ❑M, 5 Activities and Impacts a Will the project be for commercial public or private use? ❑Commercial ®Public /Government ❑Private /Community b Give a brief description of purpose use and daily operations of the project when complete This permit covers the construction of multiple small (up to 3 m x 5 m) low profile (--0 15m or 0 5 m) foundation reefs for oyster reef research projects that seek to better inform coastal resource managers about efficient and practical methods for oyster resource enhancement within the State and for enhancing shoreline protection through the strategic construction of marsh fringing oyster reefs c Describe the proposed construction methodology types of construction equipment to be used during construction the number of each type of equipment and where it is to be stored Substrates for oyster settlement and reef growth Including oyster shell small marl rip rap crushed concrete and crushed granite will be deployed on either 3 m x 5 m or 2 m x 2 m plots to a height of 0 15 m except for eight reefs to be constructed on east end of Carrot Island that will be -0 5 m in height d List all development activities you propose small osyter reef construction only e Are the proposed activities maintenance of an existing project new work or both new work f What is the approximate total disturbed land area resulting from the proposed project? —0 17 acres of reef to be constructed ❑Sq Ft or ®Acres g Will the proposed project encroach on any public easement public accessway or other area ®Yes ❑No ❑NA that the public has established use of? h Describe location and type of existing and proposed discharges to waters of the state NA i Will wastewater or stormwater be discharged into a wetland? ❑Yes ❑No ®NA If yes will this discharged water be of the same salinity as the receiving water? ❑Yes ❑No ®NA I Is there any mitigation proposed? []Yes []No ®NA If yes attach a mitigation proposal <Form continues on back> 808 • Form DCM MP 1 (Page 4 of 4) APPLICATION for Major Development Permit 6 Additional Information In addition to this completed application form (MP 1) the following items below if applicable must be submitted in order for the application package to be complete Items (a) — (0 are always applicable to any major development application Please consult the application instruction booklet on how to properly prepare the required Items below a A project narrative b An accurat dated work plat (including plan view and cross sectional drawings) drawn to scale Please gi re the present status o the proposed project Is any portion already complete? If pre nously authorized work clearly indicate on maps plats drawings to distinguish between work completed and proposed c A site or location map that is sufficiently detailed to guide agency personnel unfamiliar with the area to the site d A copy of the deed (with state application only) or other instrument under which the applicant claims title to the affected properties e The appropriate application fee Check or money order made payable to DENR f A list of the names and complete addresses of the adjacent waterfront (riparian) landowners and signed return receipts as proof that such owners have received a copy of the application and plats by certified mad Such landowners must be advised that they have 30 days in which to submit comments on the proposed project to the Division of Coastal Management Name NA Phone No Address Name Phone No Address Name Phone No Address g A list of previous state or federal permits issued for work on the project tract Include permit numbers permittee and issuing dates CAMA Major Development Permit 89 10 for Middle Marsh Back Sound h Signed consultant or agent authorization form if applicable i Wetland delineation if necessary j A signed AEC hazard notice for projects in oceanfront and inlet areas (Must be signed by property owner) k A statement of compliance with the N C Environmental Policy Act (N C G S 113A 1 10) if necessary If the project involves expenditure of public funds or use of public lands attach a statement documenting compliance with the North Carolina Environmental Policy Act 7 Certification and Permission to Enter on Land I understand that any permit issued in response to this application will allow only the development described in the application The project will be subject to the conditions and restrictions contained in the permit I certify that I am authorized to grant and do in fact grant permission to representatives of state and federal review agencies to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this permit application and follow up monitoring of the project I further certify that the information provided in this application is truthful to the best of my knowledge Date _March 12 2012 Print Name _Niels in dquist Signature Please indicate application attachments pertaining to your proposed project ®DCM MP 2 Excavation and Fill Information ❑DCM MP 3 Upland Development ❑DCM MP 4 Structures Information ❑DCM MP 5 Bridges and Culverts 252 808 2808 1 888 41RCOAST www nccoastalrnanagernent not Form DCM MP 2 A, 4 Nom, (E ecep for brodge and culverts) attach this form to Joint Application for CAMA Major Permit Form DCM M" 1 Be sure to complete all other sections of the Joint Apolicatior inat relate o this proposed project Please include all cupplamenial irTrmaticn De cribe below the puroose of proposed excavation and /or fill activities All valises should be given in fe x 1 EXCAVATION ®This section not applicable a Amount of material to be excavated from below NHW or NWL in b Type of material to be excavated cubic yards (i) Does the area to be excavated include coastal wetlands /marsh (CW) submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) shell bottom (SB) or other wetlands (WL)? If any boxes are checked provide the number of square feet affected ❑CW ❑SAV ❑SB OWL ❑None (ii) Describe the purpose of the excavation in these areas d High ground excavation in cubic yards 12 DISPOSAL OF EXCAVATED MATERIAL ®This section not applicable a Location of disposal area b Dimensions of disposal area c (i) Do you claim title to disposal area? []Yes ❑No ❑NA (n) If no attach a letter granting permission from the owner e (i) Does the disposal area include any coastal wetlands /marsh (CW) submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) shell bottom (SB) or other wetlands (WL)2 If any boxes are checked provide the number of square feet affected ❑CW ❑SAV ❑SB OWL ❑None (n) Describe the purpose of disposal in these areas (i) Will a disposal area be available for future maintenance? ❑Yes ❑No ❑NA (ii) If yes where? f (i) Does the disposal include any area in the water? ❑Yes ❑No ❑NA (n) If yes how much water area is affected? 252 808 2808 1 888 -4 OAST www riccoastalmanagernent net revised 12/28106 Access Other Channel Canal Boat Basin Boat Ramp Rock Groin Rock (excluding (NLW or Breakwater shoreline NWL ) stabilization Length 15 ft or 6 ft Width 9 ft or 6 ft Avg Existing NA NA 0 4 ft below Depth NLW Final Project -1 ft above to Depth NA NA 3 ft below NLW 1 EXCAVATION ®This section not applicable a Amount of material to be excavated from below NHW or NWL in b Type of material to be excavated cubic yards (i) Does the area to be excavated include coastal wetlands /marsh (CW) submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) shell bottom (SB) or other wetlands (WL)? If any boxes are checked provide the number of square feet affected ❑CW ❑SAV ❑SB OWL ❑None (ii) Describe the purpose of the excavation in these areas d High ground excavation in cubic yards 12 DISPOSAL OF EXCAVATED MATERIAL ®This section not applicable a Location of disposal area b Dimensions of disposal area c (i) Do you claim title to disposal area? []Yes ❑No ❑NA (n) If no attach a letter granting permission from the owner e (i) Does the disposal area include any coastal wetlands /marsh (CW) submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) shell bottom (SB) or other wetlands (WL)2 If any boxes are checked provide the number of square feet affected ❑CW ❑SAV ❑SB OWL ❑None (n) Describe the purpose of disposal in these areas (i) Will a disposal area be available for future maintenance? ❑Yes ❑No ❑NA (ii) If yes where? f (i) Does the disposal include any area in the water? ❑Yes ❑No ❑NA (n) If yes how much water area is affected? 252 808 2808 1 888 -4 OAST www riccoastalmanagernent net revised 12/28106 3 SHORELINE STABILIZATION ®This section not applicable (If development is a wood groin use MP 4 — Structures) a Type of shoreline stabilization []Bulkhead ❑Riprap ❑BreakwatenSill ❑Other Average distance wateiward of NHW o NWL t e Type of stabilization material oyster shell loose NOT bagged g Number of square feet of fill to be placed below water level Bulkhead backfdl Riprap Breakwater/Sill Other I Source of fill material b Length t Width t d Maximum distance waterward of NHW or NWL t f (i) Has there been shoreline erosion during precedirg 12 months ❑Yes []No ❑NA (u) If yes state amount of erosion and source of erosion amount information f h Type of fill material 4 OTHER FILL ACTIVITIES [I This section not applicable (Excluding Shoreline Stabilization) a (i) Will fill material be brouqht to the site? ®Yes ❑No ❑NA b (i) Will fill material be placed in coastal wetlands /marsh (CW) If yes (ii) Amount of material to be placed in the water 1980 cu ft (iii) Dimensions of fill area multiple 9x15 ft or 6x6 ft reefs (iv) Purpose of fill budding oyster reefs for scientific research focused on oyster reef restoration and shoreline stabilization submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) shell bottom (SB) or other wetlands (WL)2 If any boxes are checked provide the number of square feet affected ❑CW ❑SAV ❑SB ❑WL ®None (u) Describe the purpose of the fill in these areas all reefs to be built on sand or sand /mud bottoms 5 GENERAL a How will excavated or fill material be kept on site and erosion b What type of construction equipment will be used (e g dragline controlled backhoe or hydraulic dredge) Reef building materials will be staged at the UNC IMS campus in small boat/barge transport of shell and other substrates and hand Morehead City NC and moved to reef budding sites in bushel forming of individual reefs loads with assistance from NC DMF c (i) Will navigational aids be required as a result of the project ❑Yes []No ®NA (u) If yes explain what type and how they will be implemented d (i) Will wetlands be crossed in transporting equipment to project site? ❑Yes ❑No ®NA (u) If yes explain steps that will be taken to avoid or minimize environmental impacts March 12 2012 Date Niels Lindquist Construction of Oyster Reefs for Research Applicant Name Project Name Applicant Signatur 252 808 2808 1 888- 4RCOAST wwvv asccoastalmana! ement net revised 12/28/05 i t c Z 1 4 c L Z C c c c 4 c 4. a 1 f a °c° E 1.1 O m v � v x VI W W Ln � a a a a z a 41 CL 3 ` v z r0 Ln vi c U-) (u6 + O + m f6 'n + +� m G O > C LJ N x aCJ c C D ^ o + o u c L 3 3 3 OA cc t70 C i f a z s i vii In va �cc m O a) a) -0 a1 > O A w L t L S L S -C a U U V1 -0 i s w �.. O m }+ a CU �n 0. aJ W 'n Q a) w vi ti al U 2 a/ o c O L m z3 a s a= Q s s n� OL v aJ w E ++ 7 +� �aJ u a C N c aJ c aJ C u�- O c C L n _ o s l..l U i QJ O� x 0- 0-0 m ro -0 +�+ -0 3 O L V` cu YO S2 4- a! v- a! .0 aJ ` N m= +' 0 a O N O a) cu O a) w O a) Q. P C 3 0 _a) � .� E O` G v w v C O -r v t v v Ln v L 0 L Ln m a1 v L m v N _ N a, v O v v H a a L o c 0 '^ o C° `^ o C `n O s '^ o O° x on Y a h _ Q Y .Q u w N N O N Lp x CU C p h m L O aJ o O1 o CU o a, x m m r+ O. (U CL V) V O O O O N H C m w O t u p O w E E C C O m C C O m C C O m C O m 3 H 7 0 7 0 v v, h w 3 3 3 3 3 00 Ln 00 m 0 Ln rn N Ln 00 ri C71 l0 M a' m m m m m M v c ° w �o rl z z z z z z z m 1 ­4 Ln Ln v N ^ 0 N O M 00 O O m m m m m m m a.. 1-4 Qj v N y v 1.1 N a m v � v x VI W W Ln � a a a a z a G O _0 c '^ t fCD h m O N (U c 41 CL 3 ` v z r0 Ln V 3 3 G O �- v > O� c C ac o t o 7 N u W ! 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E N A C1 �- Ln .- a L E N Cl L Vf « a L E LA > p_ L n `�- a o In ro a L Ln o V1 ro a L Ln o VI ro a L Ln p Vf ro a L Ln o " L ro a L Ln p Vf ro a L Ln o ro a L o n E s o n E s o a E t C) n E s p o E s p n E p n E t : "O w -O W Y 'a OD -O 00 � -O to � -O M -O o0 X C a x C a x C a x a>+ C a x C a x C a x a>+ C a N a ro N a ro N a ro N a m N a ro N a ro N a ro X N L a m "a x r-4 L a ro "O x N m `� a m 'O x N �-' a �o .O x@ N L a @ �O x N M L a 6 "O x@ N L a m 'a O-0 O M O-0 VI D d O- - O 0 .0- O-0 m. 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Q 4- L N O `1 O V7 CL E L Ln e-1 Ln L00 >>, .� tw >a. - c y v N c v Qj C N yJ 4J 'D 4L D O -0 V7 OU to U1 OU V1 3 3 r-1 N Ol U1 O m n n m m Lo w r- r� Z Z v 4.0 O m v M 00 00 ICT m m m m v in 4 v v VI N Z Z N N cc ct V1 Q+ G1 N 0) CA Ln L � L t O O Z Z v L v L > cu L N CR CL > a CR — Narrative for NC DCM CAMA Major Permit Application for the Project Oyster Reef Construction for Restoration and Shoreline Stabilization Reseorch Lindquist Niels et al UNC Chapel Hill Institute of Marine Sciences 3431 Arendell Street Morenead City NC 285 -)7 6a Project Narrative In Atlantic and Gulf coast states the eastern oyster Crassostrea virginica is an iconic estuarine species that is harvested commercially and recreationally for food Well developed oyster reefs also serve as ecosystem engineers that enhance water quality provide critical habitat for fish and crustaceans and stabilize shorelines against erosion and storms Regrettably C vlrginica populations have declined dramatically over the past couple of centuries due to multiple stressors such as overharvesting reef destruction disease and eutrophication To help restore oyster reefs their ecosystem services and the oyster fishery states spend millions of dollars each year to add suitable oyster settlement substrates in targeted estuarine locations These efforts have met with mixed success Oyster reef accretion is the sum of processes that add new oyster biomass to reefs (i e recruitment growth) and physical (e g mechanical harvest storms hypoxia) and biological (e g predation disease biofouling bioerosion) processes that inhibit reef development Today even on reefs in relatively clean coastal environments that are off limits to harvesting destructive biological processes appear to be outpacing rates of oyster recruitment and growth in many locations that once supported large healthy oyster reefs The intensity of biological stressors of oysters decreases with decreasing salinity and increasing intertidal elevation With substantial coastal re engineering including inlet dredging and inter coastal waterway development it is likely that estuarine salinity and tidal regimes have changed dramatically since these activities began in earnest in the early 20th century Thus gaining a rigorous knowledge of areas within today s estuarine environments where oyster growth and reef formation is optimized is critically important This information will allow coastal resource managers to site oyster reef restoration projects so that they are most likely to deliver projected benefits including enhancements in water quality fisheries yields and shoreline protection against rising sea levels and more intense coastal storms predicted under most climate change scenarios The confluence of coastal development estuarine shoreline erosion rising sea levels and degraded estuarine ecosystems have created a pressing need for a reevaluation of current approaches to estuarine shoreline stabilization and oyster reef conservation efforts UNC IMS /NCSU reef budding activities in 2012 have 3 main foci (1) building oysters reefs to stabilize saltmarsh shorelines (2) broadening our testing of the hypothesis that in high salinity waters there exists a narrow substrate depth zone within the intertidal region below which oyster reef formation does not occur and (3) testing for enhanced oyster reef development on non carbonate substrates impervious to carbonate (e g bivalve shells marl rip rap) boring /eroding sponges across estuarine salinity gradients Table 1 provides latitude /longitude numbers for reef building sites and a brief description of the reef plot sizes Figures 1 3 show the general regions of the Newport River North River and Back Sound where we propose to construct foundations for new oyster reefs Figures 4 6 show the vertical profiles of our proposed reefs relative to mean water levels Reef building locations are well away from federally maintained navigation channels (Figure 7) and outside of typical boating channels within their local vicinities Figure 8 15 offer close up views of each reef building site with proposed general reef plot locations 6b — Accurate Detailed Work Plan Before constructing reefs for the Shoreline Stabilization (SS) and Intertidal Reef Processes (IRP) research we will use a Trimble GPS high resolution mapping system (0 5 10 cm horizontal and 13 cm vertical) to survey the southeastern shoreline of Carrot Island and Middle Marsh within and adjacent to the areas 1 iJentified in csg 2 In a dition to generating baselin- data for the 20.L2 shor -line location wo will use the survey rraos to ide- rfy specific plots within each zone to build eight 60 busr'el and eight GOO bushel cys er reef -ntirely of oyster shed cultch Four of the 60 busre' eefs will ke guilt imrnedial ly idjacent to °narsh sc ps and the other four 60 bushel reefs wj'I be bu t on marsh ra np shorelin,. The eight 6r10 bushel reefs w0l be built as a porous reef sy tem to at ivata wave energ/ before reaming an eroding shoreline All re -f, will be co nstructec' on a 3m x 5rr footprint with the differences in shell volume tran lating to differences in initial reef height Th- smaller 60 bushel reefs will be ccn tructed by ferrying shell on small Loats from east end of Taylors Creek out to the reef sites Shell will be housed at IMS and transported to Taylor Creek as needed by truck and trailer The larger 600 bushel reefs will be constructed from oyster shell loaded onto a shallow draft barge either one owned by the NC DMF (used in 2011 for reef building in Middle Marsh) or locally contracted for the work Once the shell has been deposited on the sandy bottom (no seagrass is present on the proposed reef building plots) the shell will be hand raked to the 3m x 5m plot size Figures 4 and 5 show proposed vertical reef profiles relative to mean water levels The proposed SS and IRP reefs are not within local navigational channels Each reef will be marked with a PVC pole and a float as navigational aids to any boaters in the reef building areas For the Multiple Reef Substrate (MRS) subproject the general work approach will involve building replicate sets of 8 reefs (2 0 m x 2 0 m x 0 15 m) — 2 each of oyster shell and marl rip rap (our limestone based substrates) plus 2 each of granite cobble (-3 4 in diameter) and of crushed concrete (-3 4 in diameter) at 5 stations along the salinity gradient in both the Newport and North Rivers (Figures 1 3) These reefs will be constructed in completely subtidal locations (see Figure 6 for proposed vertical reef profiles relative to mean water levels) with foundations materials ferried to the reef construction sites by small boats 6c — site maps See Figures 13 and Figures 8 15 6d — copy of deed — NA 6f — list of adjacent waterfront landowners — NA 6g — list of previous state or federal permits CAMA Permit 89 10 6h —signed consultant /agent authorization NA 61— wetland delineation — NA 6j — signed AEC hazard notice for projects in oceanfront and inlet areas — NA 6k— statement of compliance with the NC Environmental Policy Act —for projects involving the expenditure of public funds or the use of public lands NA 2 North River Newport River MRSNPR M RSN PR —sites 2 -5 sites 2 -5 " sr 0 MMo head ity III Atlantic Beach Newport River MRSNPR = site 1 N s I Brgt fe7ft r0rr °h-al rt 0 � .°irnytrrlc� Sirars Glcurester Harkers Island v Bark 5oand r n North�River MRSNPR — site 1, SS sites 1 and 2, IRP sites 1 -4 cage , Lookout 4 it Figure 1 Map of the Newport River North River and Back Sound reef budding areas SS = Shoreline Stabilization IRP = Intertidal Reef Processes MRSNPR = Multiple Reef Substrates — Newport River and MRSNR = Multiple Reef Substrates — North River See Table 1 for a listing of site latitude longitude numbers and brief description of reef plot size 3 0 0,3P F7Qi 9 L „d ff �N �u j/r s C � 1 �G3�3G�3 Gotta � @GO 13 U, -15-401W. 11AeI Je .x Figure 2 Top locations of reef building sites for Shoreline Stabilization (SS) Intertidal Reef Processes (IRP) and Multiple Reef Substrate North River (MRSNR) research within Back Sound at Carrot Island and Middle Marsh Bottom locations of reef building sites for Multiple Reefs Substrates (MRS) within the upper North River estuary (MRSNR) Scale bar = 1 km See figures 8 9 10 and 10 12 for close up views of Shoreline Stabilization reef sites Intertidal Reef Processes reefs site and Multiple Reef Substrate reefs sites in the North River estuary respectively 4 Figure 3 Top location of reef building sites for Multiple Reef Substrate research within the lower portion of the Newport River estuary (MRSNPR) Bottom locations of reef building sites for Multiple Reefs Substrates the upper Newport River estuary (MRSNPR) Scale bar = 1 km See figures 13 15 for close up views of Multiple Reef Substrate reefs sites within the Newport River estuary 5 050 T normal high water E 00 00 ° ® ® ® ® ® ®® measured maximum intertidal reef height 00 a Z 025- V O -0 50 ' ®f ,f normal low water -075 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Horizontal Distance (m) Figure 4 Vertical profile (long axis of our 3 m x 5 m reefs) of Shoreline Stabilization (SS) reefs to be built adjacent to marsh edges on the east end of Carrot Island The vertical profile diagramed is also representative of reefs to be built at 4 separate sites (2 reefs per site) within Middle Marsh for Intertidal Reef Processes (IRP) studies Profile shown with a 4 1 vertical exaggeration The proposed SS and IRP reefs are not within local navigational channels and each reef will be marked with a PVC pole and a float 2. 050 1 normal high Water 025 E measured maximum intertidal reef height 00 00 - - - - -- -_tea - -___ -- Z 025- c O M r - h normal IOW Water m v -0 50 — — -7 — — — —— u - — — �— — — �r oyster shell cultch- '� -075 NORMNW M 5 -1 00 0 1 2 3 4 5 Horizontal Distance (m) D Figure 5 Vertical profile (long axis of our 3 m x 5 m reefs) of Shoreline Stabilization (SS) reefs to be built away from marsh edges on the east end of Carrot Island Profile shown with a 4 1 vertical exaggeration These proposed SS reefs are not within local navigational channels and each reef will be marked with a PVC pole and a float 7 WSJ U 00 -05 00 Q Z 10 c 0 4-J > 15 a) w -20 25 0 05 10 15 20 25 30 Horizontal Distance (m) Figure 6 Vertical profile of Multiple Reef Substrate (MRS) reefs (2 m x 2 m) to be built at 5 subtidal sites within the Newport River and the North River estuaries No vertical exaggeration shown for this profile The proposed MRS reefs are not within local navigational channels Figure 7 Locations of reef building sites for Shoreline Stabilization (SS) Intertidal Reef Processes (IRP) and Multiple Reef Substrate (MRS) projects relative to federally maintained navigation channels (black and blue lines — color differences for contrast against map colors) There are no federally maintained navigation channels in the North River Image date 12/31/2011 Ph'illps 151 rd tip F r, MRSNR sett 40 4v o F ,n f o Beaufoit S� Rad10 h, U • \ ' ♦ +'x72012 Gccgle �; �.: [. �: �Jt,li�'4ll AIN+T..Y... AFL- �1•r %1 r`J,, 4r' N "b 40 0 ft Eye al( 614 fl I&J A4 tt-- 1 RSNPR sett 2 rl M r t• ai MRSNPR set;4 IMRSNP,R set 5 .•�'° MRSNpR set 3' i IN MRSNR T. N� -} r� s i_t �`-:,, t�i,�-,� � y r w `?rte i!; % �t� „� �., ` �/,.•j Morehead•' o '�- � '� • ji uyarloaf,lsland ° 4w g, i - 34'45'2649'�N 7643'3506 W elev alt R f ZIRP set 1 IRP set 2 J ,4r rt MRSNR sett I IRPset3 IRPset 4 34 "41'45 06" N 76'36'5: OCrl W eiev O It ...,,000SLl Eye alt 133161t Figure S. Top panel: View of Shoreline Stabilization (SS) reefs (yellow rectangles) to be built along the saltmarsh scarp /sand ramp along the east end of Carrot Island. Bottom panel: View of SS reefs to be built as a porous reef complex along the east end of Carrot Island. All reefs are shown to scale - no horizontal exaggeration. Image date 12/31/2011. 10 Figure 9. Top panel: View of Intertidal Reef Processes (IPR) reefs (yellow rectangles) to be built in Middle Marsh zone 1 and Bottom panel in zone 2. Exact reef locations to be determined through an intertidal substrate elevation survey. Black and yellow arrows mark the locations of 7m x 9m and 3m x 5m IRP reefs, respectively, constructed in April /May 2011. Proposed reef shown to scale — no horizontal exaggeration. Image date 12/31/2011. 11 Figure 10. View of Intertidal Reef Processes (IRP) reefs (yellow rectangles) to be built in Middle Marsh zones 3 and 4. Exact reef locations to be determined through an intertidal substrate elevation survey. Black and yellow arrows mark the locations of 7m x 9m and 3m x 5m IRP reefs, respectively, built in April /May 2011. The group of 8 colored squares (2 each red, yellow, gold and pink - one color for each the 4 different reef substrate types) show the proposed general placement of Multiple Reef Substrate reefs. Exact locations to be determined after examining fine scale (m) variability in substrate firmness. The proposed IRP reefs are shown without a scale exaggeration. MRS reefs (2m x 2m) shown with a 2 times horizontal exaggeration. Image date 12/31/2011. 12 Figure 11. View of Multiple Reef Substrate (MRP) reefs to be built in zones 2 (top panel) and 3 (bottom panel) in the North River estuary. The group of 8 colored squares (2 each red, yellow, gold and pink - one color for each the 4 different reef substrate types)) show the proposed general placement of reefs. With his permission, these reefs will be placed within the shellfish bottom lease of Kevin Bradley Lawerence to minimize potential disturbance to the reefs in this intensely hand harvested shellfish area. Exact locations to be determined after examining fine scale (m) variability in substrate firmness. Proposed reefs shown to scale— no horizontal exaggeration. Image date 12/31/2011. 13 Figure 12. View of Multiple Reef Substrate (MRP) reefs to be built in zones 4 (top panel) and 5 (bottom panel) in the North River estuary. The group of 8 colored squares (2 each red, yellow, gold and pink - one color for each the 4 different reef substrate types)] show the proposed general placement of reefs. Exact locations to be determined after examining fine scale (m) variability in substrate firmness. Proposed reefs shown with a 2 times horizontal exaggeration. Image date 12/31/2011. 14 Figure 13. View of Multiple Reef Substrate (MRP) reefs to be built in zone 1 in the Newport River estuary. The group of 8 colored squares (2 each red, yellow, gold and pink - one color for each the 4 different reef substrate types)] show the proposed general placement of reefs. Exact locations to be determined after examining fine scale (m) variability in substrate firmness. Proposed reefs shown with no horizontal exaggeration. Image date 12/31/2011. 15 Figure 14. View of Multiple Reef Substrate (MRP) reefs to be built in zones 2 (top panel) and 3 (bottom panel) in the Newport River estuary. The group of 8 colored squares (2 each red, yellow, gold and pink - one color for each the 4 different reef substrate types)] show the proposed general placement of reefs. Exact locations to be determined after examining fine scale (m) variability in substrate firmness. Proposed reefs shown with a 4 times horizontal exaggeration. Image date 12/31/2011. 16 Figure 14. View of Multiple Reef Substrate (MRP) reefs to be built in zones 4 and 5 in the Newport River estuary. The group of 8 colored squares (2 each red, yellow, gold and pink - one color for each the 4 different reef substrate types)] show the proposed general placement of reefs. Exact locations to be determined after examining fine scale (m) variability in substrate firmness. Proposed reefs shown with a 3 times horizontal exaggeration. Image date 12/31/2011. 17