HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW8980103_Historical File_1998120490% TSS REMOVAL NO VEGETATED FILTER REQUIRED DEPTH 3' 3.5' 4.0' 4.5' 5.0 5.5' 6.0' 6.5' 7.0' 7.5' EAP % 1 0 % 1.3 1.0 .8 .7 .6 .5 .4 .3 .2 .1 20 % 2.4 2.0 1.8 1.7 1.5 1.4 1.2- 1.0 .9 .6 3 0 % 3.5 3.0 2.7 2.5 2.2 1.9 1.6 1.3 1.1 .8 40 % 4.5 4.0 3.5 3.1 2.8 2.5 2.1 1.8 1.4 1.1 50 % 5.6 5.0 4.3 3.9 3.5 3.1 2.7 2.3 1.9 1.5 60 % 7.0 6.0 5.3 4.8 4.3 3.9 3.4 2.9 2.4 1 1.9 70 % 8.1 7.0 6.0 5.5 5.0 4.5 3.9 3.4 2.9 2.3 80 % 9.4 8.0 7.0 6.4 5.7 5.2 4.6 4.0 3.4 2.8 90 % 10.7 9.0 7.9 7.2 6.5 5.9 5.2 4.6 3.9 3.3 100 % 12.0 10.0 8.8 1 8.1 17.3 6.6 5.8 5.1 4.3 3.6 7] Note: The required surface area calculated from the tables is to be provided at the permanent pool elevation. Actual Impervious = 35.99 % or 36 % Interpolation at 6.5 Feet yields SA/DA = 1.6 Therefore Minimum SA = .016 X 23.42 X 43,560 = 16,323 S.F. Storage Required for Stormwater Detention Pond Q=CIA C = Weighted runoff co -efficient I = 1 inch per hour A = Drainage Area in square feet C x I x A = CF Roof Areas 1.00 x .08333 x 4.37 (43,560) = 15,862 Paved Area 0.95 x .08333 x 4.06 (43,560) = 14,000 Grass Area 0.20 x .08333 x 14.99 (43,560) = 10,882 40,744 Summerlin Engineering Facility Design and Development PO Box 1067 Kinston, NC 28503 309 Summit Avenue Kinston, 28501 Phone (252)526- 5055 12-04-98 Ms. Linda Lewis Environmental Engineer NCDENR 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405 Dear Ms. Lewis: Fax (252)527-5358 RECEIVE DEC 0 71998 BY; The enclosed documentation is in response to your request for additional information for the Britthaven of Newport permit. I have addressed each of the items in your memorandum as follows: A letter of authorization from Britthaven, Inc. and the Mar-Stal partnership is enclosed. 2. The calculations have been combined for the entire proposed project as you have suggested. As indicated on the previous plan, the Britthaven site has replaced 18 building lots and a section of Coachman Lane. 3. I have inspected the as built drainage system in the subdivision. Lots 1 through 12 are connected to the detention pond. For the purpose of calculating the pond size all proposed lots are included. 4. The subdivision plan made available to me in the first review is the water and sewer drawing dated 6-24-98. 1 have subsequently obtained from the city of Newport the original street and drainage plan dated 8-24-95. The drawings are essentially the same with the exception being the original proposed cul-de-sac centers and the lot numbers are different. The cul-de-sac on Coachman Lane was replaced by the Britthaven site. The cul-de-sac on Foxhall at M.H. 2 has been paved. The cul-de-sac proposed on Huntmaster Court has not been constructed. However, I will assume it will, in lieu of grass centers, be paved also. The impervious calculations have been revised to include two paved cul-de-sacs. 5. The offsite supplement form has been completed and signed by Robert Hill, Jr. The wet pond supplement has been completed and signed by the Mar-Stal partnership. 6. The true elevation of the storage pool is 26 MSL. The true elevation of the permanent pool is 24 MSL. The true elevation of the 2.75 inch orifice is 23 MSL. I have inspected the riser and barrel construction and can verify the 2.75" orifice is working as designed. 7. The 18,000 S.F. permanent pool area was specified as the original design area. However, the surveyor's determination of 17,510 was an actual measurement and is used in the calculations. 8. Before completing the impervious calculations, I walked over this project to be sure of the location of the drainage system. All proposed building lots are included in the impervious area. Incidentally, only 27 houses have been built on the 68 available lots and the streets have not been constructed for 44 of the remaining lots. At the present rate, it will take several years for the detention pond to reach its design capacity. The drainage swales in this subdivision are well constructed, have good ground cover and have an average depth of 3 to 4 feet. 9. Mar-Stal has signed the O & M statement as required in the wet pond supplement and will be responsible for the pond maintenance as owners of the site. 10. I am enclosing recent photographs taken at the site for your interest. 11. The building inspector has approved all construction items for Britthaven and he is withholding a final certification of occupancy pending the Britthaven stormwater permit. Thank you for cooperation on this matter. Please call me personally, if you have any questions at 252-526-5055. State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Wilmington Regional Office James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Wayne McDevitt, Secretary Division of Water Quality November 23, 1998 Mr. John Summerlin, P.E. Summerlin Engineering PO Box 1067 Kinston, NC 28502 WA NCDENR NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES Subject: ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RECEIPT AND REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Stormwater Project No. SW8 980103 Britthaven of Newport Carteret County Dear Mr. Summerlin: The Wilmington Regional Office received a Stormwater Management Permit Application for Britthaven of Newport on October 7, 1998. A preliminary review of that information has determined that the application is not complete. The following information is needed to continue the stormwater review: Per NCAC 2H.1003 (e), the signature of the consulting engineer can be accepted on the application only if accompanied by a signed letter of authorization from the owner. 2. The calculations for required surface area have been done separately. The drainage and impervious areas for Britthaven and Sand Ridge should be added together to make the calculations. Doing them separately generally results in a larger surface area and volume than are needed. Please note that the Town of Newport has alleged that drainage changes have been made such that Lots 1-12 now drain to the detention pond. The revised permit for Sand Ridge issued on October 20, 1995, did not include these lots as part of the drainage area to the pond. I had requested that Mr. Stallings address this issue in a September 18, 1996, compliance inspection report, but have received no answer to date. For purposes of pond sizing, I have included all lots covered by the original permit. 4. The plans you submitted do not show the planted islands in the cul-de-sacs, and have a revision date of 6/24/96. The original approved plans indicated that there would be planted :islands in the cul-de- sacs, and are dated 10/19/95. I will request that Sand Ridge submit a modification to their current permit to account for this change, and to modify the overall subdivision approval due to the selling of a portion of the permitted site area, and the reduction in the permitted surface area (see #7 on the following page). 5. Please complete the offshe supplement form, enclosed, for Britthaven. The wet pond supplement you submitted will need to be revised to include all of the drainage area to the pond, not just what Britthaven contributes. The wet pond supplement should be included as part of the modification for Sand Ridge. 127 Cardinal Dr. Ext., Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 Telephone 910-395-3900 FAX 910-350-2004 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/10% post -consumer paper Mr. Summerlin November 23, 1998 Stormwater Project No. SW8 980103 6. The pond has been certified by a design professional who is not qualified to design detention ponds. Please have a registered NC Professional Engineer provide the certification. Please include verification of the presence of the 2.75" small diameter orifice to provide .the required 2-5 day drawdown. The certification submitted by the surveyor only refers to a watei level that is currently 12" below the riser opening. Please verify the actual elevations of the permanent pool and storage pool. 7. The surveyor has indicated that 17,510 square feet of surface area has been provided at the permanent pool elevation, but you still use 18,000 in the supplement and in the calculations. Unless Mr. Stallings is planning to excavate the pond to provide the additional 490 square feet, please use the 17,510 figure in the calculations and in the supplement. 8. The impervious area breakdown does not match up with mine. This is partly due to the fact that I deleted the 31,200 square foot pond area as impervious. The runoff generated within the pond area is considered negligible. If the cul-de-sacs in Sand Ridge no longer have planted islands, additional pavement must be accounted for. If the drainage for Lots 1-20 has been altered to flow into the pond, additional impervious area must also be accounted for. Please check and verify the cul-de-sac design, and the drainage routing for Lots 1 20. A modification to Sand Ridge must be submitted by Mr. Stallings to account for these discrepancies. 9. The agreement between MAR-STAL and Britthaven makes no mention of maintenance responsibility or compensation made to MAR-STAL for maintaining the pond. Since MAR-STAL is currently responsible for maintenance of the pond, the permit for Britthaven will be written to reflect this. Please note that this request for additional information is in response to a preliminary review. The requested information should be received by this Office prior to December 23, 1998, or the application will be returned as incomplete. The return of a project will necessitate resubmittal of all required items, including the application fee. The Division is allowed 90 days from the receipt of a completed application to issue the permit. If you have any questions concerning this matter please feel free to call me at (910) 395-3900. Sincerely, Ms. Linda Lewis Environmental Engineer RSS/arl: S:1WQSISTORMWATIADDINFO1980103.NOV cc: Linda Lewis Robert Hill Central Files RECEIVED OCT 0 7 1998 John D. Summerlin P.E. Facility Design and Development PO Box 1067 Kinston, NC 28503 309 Summit Avenue Kinston, NC 28501 Phone (252) 526-5055 October 1,1998 Ms. Linda Lewis Environmental Engineer NC Dept. of Environment & Natural Resources 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405 Re: Sand Ridge Modification for Britthaven of Newport Stormwater Project No. SW8980103 Carteret County Dear Ms. Lewis: Fax (252) 527-5358 -U The enclosed package is in response to your request for additional items to clarify the Britthaven request for the Sand Ridge Modification permit. Britthaven purchased eighteen (18) single-family lots from the developer, MAR-STAL Partnership, including a cul-de-sac for the construction of the Britthaven nursing home. The items submitted for your consideration include the following: 1. A check for the application fee in the amount of $385.00. 2. Two sets of sealed plans showing the site improvements, finished elevations, building location, stormwater out fall, and the location of the existing retention pond. 3. Sealed design calculations based on data from Britthaven and Barker Engineering. 4. Application form and the wet detention supplement sheet. 5. Agreement with MAR-STAL to permit the stormwater discharge into the existing retention pond. 6. Sand Ridge drawing of lots, water, sewer and streets by Barker Engineering. 7. No wetlands are indicated on this site. 8. A sealed letter from the surveyor confirming the surface area of the existing pond. Our staff computed the data for the Britthaven site. The data for the Sand Ridge development was taken from the Sand Ridge Project Data Stormwater Permit No. SW8931006. This project is nearing completion and a review of this application is requested as soon as possible. Please advise if you have any additional questions or comments. Thank you for your assistance. JDS/dc 1-7 John D. Summerlin P.E. Facility Design and Development OCT 0 5 1998 PO Box 1067 Kinston, NC 28503 , 309 Summit Avenue Kinston, NC 28501 1BY: Phone (252) 526-5055 Fax (252) 527-5358 September 27, 1998 Mr. Rick Shiver Water Quality Regional Supervisor NC Dept. of Environment and Natural Resources 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405 Re: Sand Ridge Modification for Stormwater Permit SW8-980103 Britthaven of Newport Carteret County Dear Mr. Shiver: This letter is in response to your notice to Mr. Robert Hill of September 18, 1998. We are in the process of submitting the information requested by Ms. Linda Lewis in her letter of September 10, 1998. In addition to the final site plan layout and design calculations, an agreement must be executed by and between Britthaven and the Sand Ridge subdivision developers (MAR-STAL Partnership) granting permission to discharge the nursing home site stormwater into the permitted retention pond. Hopefully, I will have this documentation forwarded to Linda Lewis, as per her request, before October 10, 1998. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Very truly yours, ?Joh mmerl' P.E. c: Linda Lewis JDS/dc State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Wilmington Regional Office James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Wayne McDevitt, Secretary Division of Water Quality September 10, 1998 Mr. John Summerlin, P.E. Facility Design and Development PO Box 1067 Kinston, NC 28501 NCDENEZ NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES Subject: REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Stormwater Project No. SW8 980103 Britthaven of Newport Carteret County Dear Mr. Summerlin: The Wilmington Regional Office received a plan and unsealed calculations for Britthaven of Newport on August 31, 1998, in response to this Office's requests for a Stormwater Management Permit Application. A preliminary review of that information has determined that the application is not complete. The following information is needed to continue the stormwater review: 1. A $385.00 application fee to modify the existing Sand Ridge permit to allow Britthaven to discharge into it. 2. Two sets of sealed plans showing the proposed site layout for Britthaven, including buildings, parking, sidewalks, dimensions, existing and proposed contours, spot elevations to clarify drainage patterns, vicinity map, wetlands, roads, etc., as listed in 2H.1003 (g). 3. Sealed design calculations. The calculations submitted are lacking in several areas. Please show the new minimum surface area required based on the new impervious total and SA/DA ratio, the as -built pond criteria, ie., the existing surface area, volume and orifice, as required by the October, 1995 permit, and verify that the existing orifice is still sufficient to handle the increased volume. Based on the numbers you provided, the SA/DA ratio is 1.623 %. You need to accurately calculate the ratio, not state that it is greater than 1.5 %. The percent impervious is 36.5 %, not 36, based on a total impervious of 8.54 acres and a drainage area of 23.42 acres. 4. A completed application and wet detention supplement sheet. The built -upon area numbers for the subdivision need to be separate from the proposed Britthaven built -upon area. Please use both drainage basin columns to convey this. 127 Cardinal Dr. Ext., Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 Telephone 910-395-3900 FAX 910-350-2004 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/10% post -consumer paper Mr. Summerlin September 10, 1998 Stormwater Application No SW8 980103 5 A signed Operation and Maintenance plan, if maintenance of the pond will be performed by a parry other than MAR-STAL Partnership. If Britthaven and MAR-STAL can come to terms on having MAR-STAL continue to maintain the pond, then no additional documentation is needed. 6. Delineate all wetlands on site, or note on the plans that none exist. 7. Since construction is currently underway enforcement action has been initiated for failing to secure the required permit. 8. The original pond was permitted for 174,294 sf of buildings, which included 66 lots at 2,050 sf each, and the apartment buildings. By subtracting the 18 lots now encompassed by Britthaven, (2050 x 18 = 36,900 ) the minimum building total, excluding Britthaven, is 137,394 sf. The revised calculations only account for 98,010 sf. Please explain how 39,384 sf of building has disappeared. 9. The same logic applies to the pavement, only in reverse. The original pond was permitted. for 130,372 square feet of pavement, including roads and parking at the apartments. By subtracting the road area now encompassed by Britthaven, the minimum pavement area is 117,196 sf, but you have accounted for 273,992 sf. Is Britthaven proposing 156,796 sf of parking? I am unable to verify without a site plan for Britthaven. Please note that this request for additional information is in response to a preliminary review of an incomplete application. All requirements cannot be covered at this time without complete plans to review. The requested information should be received by this Office prior to October 10, 1998, or the application will be returned as incomplete. The return of a project will necessitate resubmittal of all required items, including the application fee. If you have any questions concerning this matter please feel free to call me at (910) 395-3900. Sincerely, Ms. Linda Lewis Environmental Engineer RSS/arl: S: \WQS\STORMWAT\ADDINFO\980103. SEP cc: Linda Lewis Mr. Robert Hill Central Files John D. Summerlin P.E. Facility Design and Development PO Box 1067 Kinston, NC 28503 309 Summit Avenue Kinston, NC 28501 Phone (252)526-5055 August 24, 1998 Ms. Linda Lewis Environmental Engineer NC Dept. of Environment & Natural Resources 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405 Re: Sand Ridge Detention Pond for Britthaven of Newport Stormwater Project No. SW8980103 Carteret County Dear Ms. Lewis: Fax (252)527-5358 I have received the information submitted for this project including the State Stormwater Management Permit granted to the MAR-STAL partnership for the development of the Sand Ridge Subdivision. For your use, please find enclosed a copy of the Site Plan (SP-1) along with a map of the subdivision lots and streets. Britthaven purchased eighteen lots in the highlighted area for the development of the nursing home. We have calculated the increase in the stormwater run-off as a result of the nursing home construction. The revised calculations for the storage required for Stormwater Detention Pond is enclosed. The minimum SA of the original plan = 15,302 S.F. The minimum SA of the revised plan = 16,935S.F. The actual measurement of the detention pond as -built is 17,465 S. F. The required design volume for the original plan was 38,440 C.F.. The required design volume for the revised plan is 40,127 C.F.. The calculated design volume of the existing pond is 40,896 C.F.. The existing pond is adequate to accept the increase resulting from the Britthaven development. Britthaven will obtain an agreement from the MAR-STAL Partnership for the developed nursing home site to discharge stormwater into the existing detention pond. Please advise if this is acceptable to NCDEHR and we will secure the agreement with MAR-STAL. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Very trul Vours, John D. Summerlin P.E. JDS/dc I Storage Required for Stormwater Retention Pond Revised 08/21/98 Q = CIA C = Weighted runoff co -efficient I = 1 inch per hour A = Drainage Area in square feet C x I x A = CF Roof Tops 1.00 .08333 2.25 (43,560) 8,167 Paving 0.95 .08333 6.29 (43,560) 21,690 Grassed Area 0.20 .08333 14.88 (43,560) 10,802 23.42 40,659 Determine Pond Size Roof Tops 2.25 Acres Pavinc 6.29 Acres Impervious 8.54 Acres 8.54 = .36Impervious 23.42 SA / DA - > 90% TSS REMOVAL FOR WET DETENTION WITHOUT VEGETATIVE FILTER Per Water Quality Section NC DEHNR Impervious % 3.0' 3.5' 4.0' 4.5' 5.0' 5.5' 6.0' 6.5' 7.0' 7.5' 10 1.3 1.0 .8 .7 .6 .5 .4 .3 .2 .1 20 2.4 2.0 1.8 1.7 1.5 1.4 1.2 1.0 .9 .6 30 3.5 3.0 2.7 2.5 2.2 1.9 1.6 1.3 1.1 .8 40 4.5 4.0 3.5 3.1 2.8 2.5 2.1 1.8 1.4 1.1 50 5.6 5.0 4.3 3.9 3.5 3.1 2.7 2.3 1.9 1.5 60 7.0 6.0 5.3 4.8 4.3 3.9 3.4 2.9 2.4 1.9 70 8.1 7.0 6.0 5.5 5.0 4.5 3.9 3.4 2.9 2.3 80 9.4 8.0 7.0 6.4 5.7 5.2 4.6 4.0 3.4 2.8 90 10.7 9.0 7.9 7.2 6.5 5.9 5.2 4.6 3.9 3.3 100 12.0 10.0 8.8 8.1 7.3 6.6 5.8 5.1 4.3 3.6 Actual % = 36% Interpolate between 30% and 40% Pond Depth of Permanent Pool = 6.5 SA / DA must be 1.5 or greater Minimum SA = .0165 x 23.42 x 43,560 = 16,832 S.F. MarStal Partnersip PO Box 778 Havelock, North Carolina 28532 252-447-0865 December 3, 1998 Ms. Linda Lewis Environmental Engineer NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources 701 Cardinal Drive Wilmington, NC 28405 Re: Storm Water Project No. SW8-980101 Britthaven of Newport Carteret County Dear Ms. Lewis: In compliance with the statue NCAC 2H.1003(e), the signature of NC professional engineer John D. Summerlin, P,E. 5387, is authorized to submit engineering documents on behalf of MarStal Partnership. Very truly yours, Dr. Frank A. Marmarose North Carolina Craven County I, Hazel B. Magee, a Notary Public for said County and State, do hereby certify that Dr. Frank A. Marmarose personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing instrument. Witness my hand and official seal, this the 3,d o,ecmber,1998. •• �. V V � rr (Official Seal) My Commission expires C Wyc� grittlhavelf, Jac. December 2, 1998 Ms. Linda Lewis Environmental Engineer N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources 701 Cardinal Drive Wilmington, N.C. 28405 Re: Storm Water Project No. SW8-980103 Britthaven of Newport Carteret County Dear Ms. Lewis: P.O. Sox 6159 Kinston, NC 28501-0159 Telephone: (252) 523-9094 Fax: (252) 939-9519 In compliance with the statue NCAC 2H.1003(e), the signature of N.C. professional engineer John D. Summerlin, P.E. 5387, is authorized to submit engineering documents on behalf of Britthaven, Inc. Carolina Very Truly Yours, Robert Hill Jr., PrV'dent Britthaven, Inc. Public for said County and State, do hereby certify tha V*AVQ, personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing Instrument. Witness my hand and official seal, this the Ok day orl. c -I & (Official Seal) A'aha otar�ublic My commission expires 1 "1 `Journey 'I'mard greatness" John D. Summerlin P.E. Facility Design and Development OCT 2 6 1998 PO Box 1067 Kinston, NC 28503 309 Summit Avenue Kinston, NC 28501 Phone (252) 526-5055 Fax (252) 527-5358 October 22, 1998 Mr. Rick Shiver Water Quality Regional Supervisor NCDEHR Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405 Re: Britthaven of Newport Nursing Home Stormwater Permit No. SW898103 Newport, NC (Carteret County) Dear Mr. Shiver: The above referenced facility is nearing completion this month. I need your assistance in expediting the permit approval process. I understand there was a delay in the submittal of the original stormwater application. However, the reality is that the N.C. Division of Facility Services and Britthaven, Inc. are expecting the use of the building for patient care in November. Please advise if you can expedite the review of the stormwater permit. c: Linda Lewis JDS/DC S wI a,-za 16 3 ROY COOPER Governor MICHAEL S. REGAN Secr»►y BRIA1N WRENN Director October 14, 2020 Ms. Tammy Blizzard, Executive Director Crystal Coast Habitat for Humanity 5898 Hwy 70W, PO Box 789 Newport, NC 28570 NORTH CAROLINA Emironmestal Quality Subject: Crystal Coast Habitat for Humanity — Newport Project State Stormwater Permitting Carteret County Dear Ms. Blizzard: Thank you for contacting the Wilmington Regional Office of the Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources (DEMLR) for guidance on how to obtain State Stormwater permitting for your property. The Division has reviewed the relevant documents. The following is a summary of the situation and a recommendation which you can forward to your consultant. A summary diagram is also enclosed. History: There are three impacted permits: SW8 931006 (Sand Ridge Single Family), SW8 980103 (Britthaven), and SW8 000533 (Courtesy Village) 1. Sand Ridge Subdivision (SW8 931006): a. 11/15/1993: The Sand Ridge Subdivision project, which was originally called "Newport Sands" was originally issued a Certification of Compliance under .1003(a)(3) (1988 Rules), which appears to be Non -SA 30% LD development, with runoff treated by a 5:1 grassed swale. The original plans or Certification of Compliance are not on file. It is not clear whether the permit covered just the 20 lots in Phase I or all 86 lots. b. 7/12/1994: A modification approved to add two (2) additional grassed swales noted in an NOV issued that same year. c. 3/17/1995: A modification was approved 10 add Lots 21-83 with runoff from those lots draining to a single wet detention pond and Lots 1-20 still draining to the grassed swales as previously permitted. The plans for this modification were not in the file. d. 10/20/1995: Another modification was approved to combine this project with a multifamily project approved under SW8 950508. It appears the pond was slightly modified as well. The area for the multifamily section was not clear in this issuance, as it was all lumped together. i. Deed Restrictions: It is unknown if the following deed restrictions were recorded, or if they were simply intended: 1. Lots 1-20 (Phase I) were previously platted and are restricted to 1950 sf BUA; 2. Lots 21-86 are restricted to 2050 sf BUA. ii. Pond Design: The total BUA for the pond was 335,866 A, which accounted for 148,950 sf from the lots; 25,344 sf for the eight apartment buildings; 92,292 sf for the roads; and 38,080 sf for the parking lots. The application also included the pond's surface area of 31,200 sf as BUA, which we do not require. e. 12/21/1998: The project was modified to include the Britthaven of Newport project. North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Divi3ion of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources D E ( Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Extension I Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 NOr .. I CARC" INA o.n.e.oemr�ean� /� 910.796.7215 State Stormwater Permit No. SW8 931006, SW8 000533, and SW8 980103 Page 2 of 4 i. Britthaven: 1. Area Removed from SW8 931006: Eighteen lots (25-28, 67-80) and a portion of Coachman Lane were eliminated to create the Britthaven Tract. 2. New Offsite Permit: Britthaven of Newport received a separate Offsite permit (SW8 980103). The Britthaven area was the area previously approved to contain Lots 25-28 and 67-80 of the Sand Ridge Subdivision. ii. Pond Design: The total BUA for the pond was 340,687 sf, which accounted for 112,050 sf for 59 lots (not all of the lots drained to the pond); 79,436 for the roads; 25,344 sf for the apartment buildings; 38,080 sf for the parking lots; and 85,777 sf for Britthaven as offsite. f. Since 1998: There have been several letters and a Notice of Inspection were sent between the 12/21/98 approval and now. An engineer's certification was received on January 31, 2001. This project is still owned by MAR-STAL Partnership, however, there is no area still owned by MAR- STAL Partnership and no HOA was formed for this community. This permit also expired on 12/21/2012, and so it will need to be renewed. g. Sand Ridge Multi -Family Permit (SW8 950508 Inactive): i. 6/13/1995: The Sand Ridge Multi -Family project was issued a Certificate of Compliance for a multifamily project consisting of 75,136 sf draining to a wet detention pond. ii. 10/17/2007: SW8 950508 was combined with SW8 931006 and the runoff from this project was directed into the pond permitted under SW8 931006 instead of constructing the originally approved pond. SW8 950508 was rescinded and is no longer active. 2. Britthaven of Newport (SW980103): a. 5/28/1998 & 9/18/1998: The Britthaven of Newport project was issued a Notice of Violation and subsequently a "Notice of Recommendation for Enforcement" for constructing without a permit. b. 12/21/1998: An Offsite permit was approved to drain to the runoff from 85,777 sf of BUA to the pond permitted under SW8 931006. This permit needs to be transferred to the new owner. i. Permittee: This permit is issued to Britthaven, Inc., which is still and active entity with the NC SoS. ii. Property Owner: The property is now owned by Neuse River Corporation (deed transferring property between Britthaven, Inc. and Neuse River Corporation is recorded in Bk: 892 Pg: 2 with the Carteret County Register of Deeds). Courtesy Village (SW8 000533): a. 2/15/2001: An Offsite permit was issued to Mr. Leonard Farrugia. There are three central issues: i. Permittee: The application submitted indicated that an offsite permit was appropriate. However, it appears that Mr. Farrugia's company L&L Developers, LLC may have been the actual property owners and therefore should have been the permittee. ii. Permit Summary: 74,424 sf of BUA was allocated for SW8 000533. The BUA maximum assigned to Britthaven was computed by adding the original 25,344 sf for the buildings, the original 38,080 sf for the parking lots, and 11,000 sf for Lincoln Road, which was taken from the 79,436 sf road total for Sand Ridge in the December 1998 permit. The SW8 931006 permit should have been "modified" yet again to show Courtesy Village as offsite, in addition to Britthaven, but that did not occur. iii. Pond Maintenance: This file contains a narrative statement and maintenance plan sealed by C.T. Clayton, Sr. P.E., on October 25, 2000. This document indicates that the "Owner" shall maintain the pond during and after construction and shall be responsible for all routine and non -routine maintenance and for the "perpetual care of the stormwater retention pond". It is unclear to whom the term "Owner" applies, Courtesy Village or Sand Ridge, although it is noted here that the maintenance plan was written for Courtesy Village. State Stormwater Permit No. SW8 931006, SW8 000533, and SW8 980103 Page 3 of 4 iv. Additional Issues: 1. Permit Overlap: This project overlaps the multifamily area previously approved under SW8 931006. 2. Unpermitted Modifications: a. This permit indicates that 74,424 square feet of BUA was allocated to this project by SW8 931006, however that number is not stated in permit number SW8 931006 because SW8 931006 was never modified to include the SW8 000533 area as a separate project. b. The area covered under this permit also includes the wet pond permitted under SW8 931006. Again, SW8 931006 was never modified to address this issue. c. This project was then split in half, without a permit modification, with "Courtesy Village I" containing the area including 5 duplexes on the western side of Lincoln Dr. and the 2 northeastern -most duplexes on the eastern side of Lincoln Dr. d. The rest of the permitted area, referred to as "Courtesy Village II", including the pond area permitted under SW8 931006, was sold by L & L Developers, LLC to Crystal Coast Habitat for Humanity (Bk: 1470 Pg:259). Each of the duplex buildings in "Courtesy Village I", were platted as individual lots. Lots 1-5 (which are the 5 duplexes on the western side of Lincoln Dr.) are now owned by Tandy Limited, LLC (Bk:1370 Pg:106). Lot 6 is now owned by Willard and Cynthia Capps (Bk: 1394 Pg: 187). Lot 7 is now owned by Wesley and Teresa Piner (Bk: 1422 Pg: 145). The three aforementioned property transfers were from L & L Developers, LLC. Path Forward and Recommendation: Crystal Coast Habitat for Humanity would now like to proceed with the development of the subject property and needs to become the master permittee because they own the pond. 1. Clarification: SW8 150203 was a permit number that was originally issued related to this permit. But it has been withdrawn, and a new permit number will be issued. Specifically, based on the February 4, 2015 letter from the Division, this number was used as a "place holder" for a permit that was proposed to be submitted. The permit number was later withdrawn because no application was submitted. This permit was intended to cover the area, referred to as "Courtesy Village II". It was purchased by Crystal Coast Habitat for Humanity from L&L Developers, LLC (Bk: 1470 Pg: 259). 2. Challenges: b. Deed Restrictions: If the appropriate modifications had been completed, then the individual lots would have deed restrictions limiting their impervious area per lot. It is unknown if the intended deed restrictions were recorded. It also appears that there are lots (at least the seven duplexes) that do not appear to have any record of intended deed restrictions. c. SW8 931006: If there is no HOA, there is no one to take responsibility for this permit or its requirement to limit the impervious area inside its permitted area. State Stormwater Permit No. SW8 931006, SW8 000533, and SW8 980103 Page 4 of 4 3. Options: d. Pond Re -Design: Per 15A NCAC 02H .1003(3)(b), the pond could be designed to treat water at the drainage area's full built -out potential. Unfortunately, that is likely to be a large pond. What that means is that your engineer will have to determine the maximum amount that could be built in the drainage area and then design the pond to hold that volume. i. Deed Restricted Areas: These areas would have a set amount of impervious area. ii. Non -Deed Restricted Areas: This is the difficult part. Other projects have used zoning impervious area limits to establish the maximum impervious that could drain from non - deed restricted areas. e. Other: There may be other ways to solve this problem. If your consultant has another idea, please have him/her contact me to discuss. If you have any questions, please contact me at the Wilmington Regional Office, telephone number (910)- 796-7335 or via email at kelly.p.johnson@,ncdenr.gov. Sincerely, K I1 Johns'9q Environmental Engineer DES\kpj: \\\Stormwater\Permits & Projects\ 1 993\93 1006 HD\2020 10 letter 931006 \\\Stormwater\Permits & Projects\2000\000533 Offsite\2020 10 letter 000533 \\\Stormwater\Permits & Projects\ 1 998\980103 Offsite\2020 10 letter 980103 \\\StormWater\Permits & Projects\Application Requests\2020 10 Crystal Coast Habitat for Humanity Newport enc: Summary Diagram cc: WiRO Stormwater Permit File � CL 0 ¥ � » _ § f k § ak > cca, > % C rn$ o \ k 2f ( 0 k k _ 2 c o _ 0 cc> § \ S 2 m . . § o te te k �^CL m � k \ / / k 0 0 2 § 0 E v & } ^ 2 cc3 ° < � > 2 CD\ k \ \ Kƒk k ca§ k ] \\ m / &Q J G f/ o a)co f E a / _ m �__ 3 e 0 [@ %{§ u u j 00 E�0 Ln k Id k CA Io 0— 2 00 § 00 K K � Fri" 0 Wi NORTH CAROLINA N E C E I V E AGREEMENT CARTERET COUNTY D OCT 0 71998 PROJ #. 'W;FTzG/03 THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into this Z day of QGfyfj,c- 1998, by and between the BRITTHAVEN, INC. (herein referred to as "Britthaven"), party of the first part, and MAR-STAL, a North Carolina general partnership (herein referred to as "MAR-STAL"), party of the second part; W I T N E S S E T H: WHEREAS, Britthaven is the owner of certain real property described in Book 807, Page 624, Carteret County Registry, which real property includes Lots 25-28 and 67-80 of Sand Ridge Subdivision as described in Map Book 29, Page 124, Carteret County Registry; WHEREAS, MAR-STAL is the developer of Sand Ridge Subdivision; and WHEREAS, Britthaven has constructed a nursing home facility on the real property; and WHEREAS, Britthaven is in need of additional means of diverting and retaining storm water runoff and MAR-STAL is the owner of a storm water runoff retention pond located in Sand Ridge Subdivision; and WHEREAS, MAR-STAL has agreed to allow Britthaven to channel its storm water runoff from its property to the storm water runoff retention pond owned by MAR-STAL; NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the sum of $1.00 and other valuable consideration paid to it by Britthaven, MAR-STAL does hereby agree to allow Britthaven to channel and divert the storm water runoff from the real property owned by Britthaven to the storm water runoff retention pond owned by MAR-STAL. The parties both further agree to execute any and all documents or other instruments, without limitation, that are reasonably necessary to �e Britthaven to channel and divert WHITE & ALLEN, P.A. ATTORNEYS AT LAW KINSTON, N.C. its storm water runoff to the storm water runoff retention pond, including, but not limited to, any easement agreements necessary to allow Britthaven to use the drainage and utility easements described in Book 804, Page 190, Carteret County Registry and shown on that map recorded in Map Book 29, Page 124, Carteret County Registry. MAR-STAL warrants that it owns the land upon which the retention pond is located in fee simple and free and clear of all liens and encumbrances. The parties acknowledge that this Agreement shall in no way affect MAR-STAL's right or ability to develop the lots and apartments permitted under the storm water permit No. 8- 931006 for the Sand Ridge Subdivision. This Agreement shall be binding upon the parties hereto, their heirs, successors and assigns, and said Agreement will run with the real property referenced herein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Britthaven has caused this instrument to be signed in its corporate name by its duly authorized officers and its seal to be hereunto affixed by authority of its board of directors and MAR-STAL has caused this instrument to be executed in the appropriate partnership name by its duly authorized general partners, and has adopted as its seal the typewritten word "Seal" appearing beside its name, all being done the day and ye (CORPORATE SEAL) ATTEST: aj �bc --ref ary WHITE J ALLEN,P.A. ATTORNEYS AT LAW KINSTON, N.C. 2 NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY I, MAR-STAL By: (SEAL) Frank A. Marmarose, General Partner By: (SEAL) es M. Stall' , General Partner. is ay and acknowledged that is ITTHAVEN, INC., a North Carolina , certify that personally came before me the of corporation, End that by authority duly given and as the act of the corpo ation, the foregoing instrument was signed in its name by i s , sealed with its corporate seal, and attested by self as its Secretary. f W'tness my hand and otarial seal, this eJ day of 19qA. 4,L, N ary Public My commission expires: 8S- O3 - q 1 3 WHITE J ALLEN, P.A. ATTORNEYS AT LAW KINSTON, N.C. NORTH CAROLINA GAAfEjeE7' COUNTY Personally appeared before me this day FRANK A. MARMAROSE and JAMES M. STALLINGS and acknowledged to me that they are all the general partners (or that he/she is the sole general partner) of MAR-STAL, a North Carolina general partnership, and further acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing instrument on behalf of the partnership for the terms and purposes therein set forth. Witness my hand and notarial seal, this day of OGTOA AR1997. Notary Public My commission expires: y- p6 - .2Gib2. RJA/dh 25205t WHITE & ALLEN,P.A. ,1TTORNEYS AT LAW KINSTON, N.C. 4 IPM:0 0'1. , -/11/2003- 09:52 m " Aug-31-98 3.4-.: : �;5 VON, 9194472579 NEUSE BUILDERS OF NB PAGE 01 W. U1 Jahn D. Summerlin, P.E. Facility Design and Development PO Box 1067 Kinston, NC 28501 309 Summit Avenue Kinstan,NC28501 Phona: (202)520-5055 FAX TRANSMITTAL SHEET Date: 08-31-98 To. Jim Stallings Frarr: i: John Sumnerlin Num:[,ar of pages including cover shoat, — 3 Fax: .(,252)527-5358 Per Your request, we are proviain You a Copy of the letter to Linda Lewis. Vwould I 111M to have In our file an agreementwith MAR-STAL i granting us permission to discharge i4to the existing pond. THANYQUI N01'E: i If you do not receive all of the pages of this transmission, please call �52-526-5055. wh Ok co� V4 W-- C/- AS 01/11/2001 09:52 9194472579 NEUSE BUILDERS OF NB PAGE 02 Auk- 31- 98 4 :135 P . 02 i Phone (25k,526-5055 Augu,$t 21`4. 1998 John D. Summeriin P.E. Facility Design and Development PC Box 1057 Kinston, NC 28503 309 Summit Avenue Kinston, NC 28501 Ms. L ind8 Lewis Envir.znr�l ental Engineer NC Depti. of Environment &Natural Resources 127-k:arcilinal Drive Extension Wilmingtbn. NC 28405 Re; Sanod Ridge Detention Pond for Britthaven of Newport :3to�mwater Project No. SWSSBD103 c.a4eret County fax (252)527-5358 Dear Msi Lewis: I hays9 received the information submitted for this project including the State Stormwajter Management Permit granted to the MAR-STAL partnership for the developrhent of the Sand Ridge Subdivision. For uaurjuse, please find enclosed a copy of the Site Plan (SP-111) along with a map Of ti!ta subdivision lots and streets. Britthaven purchased eighteen lots in the highiight6, d area for the development of the nursing home. We t1avo calcuiated the increase in the stormwater run-off as a (result of the nursing Dome construction, The revised calculations for the stoage required for Stormwater Detention Pond is enclosed. The -ni+um SA of the original plan = 15,302 S.F. The ninimum SA of the revised plan = 16,935S. F. The actyal measurement of the detention pond as -built is 17,485 S. F. The squired design volume for the origins! plan was 38.440 C.F.. The required design volume for the revised plan is 40,127 C.F. The c;alduiated design volume of the existing pond is 40,896 C.F.. The �axis'�ting pond is adequate to accept the increase resultingrom the Britt;. avon development.. I . i i 41 q�e 611,1112661 09:52 9194472579 NEUSE BUILDERS OF NB PAGE 63 Aug-31-98 14;AS P-03 i i Britthaver4 will obtain an agreement from the MAR-STAL Partnership for the develcppe6 nursing home site to discharge stormwater into the existing detention pond. i Pleav-s, advise if this is acceptable to NCDENR and we will secyre the agreement with IWAF -STAL. Than!:: you for your assistance in this matter Very twl�ours, / John ED. Surnmerlin P.E.