HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0000272_EPA Letter State-adopted Color Variance_19941129 }-N`Ifo Sr" ' ;�`� J= UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY I REGION IV 345 COURTLAND STREET.N.E. /S ATLANTA.GEORGIA 30365 / NOV 29 1994 I- Mr. A. Preston Howard, Jr. , Director North Carolina Department of Environment, �S IDJ Health and Natural Resources OEC 3 1994 Division of Environmental Management P.O. Box 29535 North OIV. OF ENVIRONMENTAL MGMNT. Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 DIRECTORS OFFICE Dear Mr. Howard: This is in reference to the State-adopted variance for the instream color criterion for the Pigeon River. The variance was initially adopted by the State on July 13, 1988, and was continued by the Environmental Management Commission NPDES Committee on May 12, 1993 . The conditions of the initial variance require reconsideration by the State during each subsequent triennial review conducted by the State. . r The continuati6n ;of the variance was submitted for EPA review as a water' quafity standard by letter dated June 11, 1993. The State's request for review included the necessary certification that the variance was duly adopted and promulgated in accordance with applicable statutory and regulatory provisions of the State: _ The variance was submitted for Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) review in conjunction with the triennial review of water quality standards for the State. On November 2, 1993, EPA acted on the revisions adopted by the State during the triennial review, with the exception of the color variance for the Pigeon River. Action on the variance was deferred by EPA pending a review of the variance by the us Fish. and Wildlife (FWS) pursuant to the provisions of the July 27, 1992 Memorandum of Agreement for coordination between the EPA, the FWS, and the National Marine Fisheries Service. That review is now complete. The letter dated March 31, 1994 summarizing the conclusions of the FWS review of the variance is enclosed for your information: The conclusion of the' FWS regarding the color variance is -as follows: "Based on the .absence of listed.species in the project area; continuation of Champion International's color variance.of- 5 o .true-.color---units -at-the Canton Mill :is -not likely-to, adversely ;impact•. ang;-.:Federally-listed or.•proposed. species: in the Pigeon.,River:from the discharge location-Ito the North Carolina/Tennessee state line. Therefore, the `1i (2) requirements of Section 7 of the Act have been satisfied. However, obligations under Section 7 of the Act must be reconsidered if: (1) new information reveals impacts of the identified action that may affect listed species or critical habitat in a manner not previously considered; (2) this action is subsequently modified in a manner which was not considered in the document; or (3) a new species is listed or critical habitat determined that may be affected by the identified action. " The applicable federal regulation regarding the State's obligation in the review and reassessment of variances is contained in 40 CFR Section 131.20(a) which states: "The State shall from time to time, but at least once every three years, hold public hearings for the purpose of reviewing applicable water quality standards and, as appropriate, modifying and adopting standards. Any water body segment with water quality standards that do not include the uses specified in Section 101(a) (2) of the Act shall be re-examined every three years to determine if any new information has become available. If such new information indicates that the uses specified in Section 101(a) (2) of the Act .are attainable, the State shall revise its standards accordingly. " This -provision applies to "water quality standards that do not include the uses specified in Section 101(a) (2) of the Act. " This includes State-adopted variances from water quality - criteria for specific water body segments. Title 40 .CFR..Section 131.20(c) provides, in pertinent part: "The State shall submit the results of the review, any supporting analysis for the use attainability analysis. . . to the Regional Administrator for review and approval. . . " In she context of the federal regulations, EPA considers the variance to be an action taken by the State to modify a use included in Section 101(1) (2) of the Act to require less stringent criteria. The requirements for such an action are the same as for any other standards which are required to be supported by.a use attainability analysis. The information provided by Champion includes an update of the previous analysis used as a demonstration of meeting the provisions of 40 CPR Section 131.10(g) (6) . This portion of the regulation allows a revision to water quality criteria when controls more" stringent than those -required by Sections 301(b) and 306-- of the-Clean Water Act would result in substantial widespread social and economic impact. The analysis is based on the configuration of the Cantos Mill prior to the modernization program, which was recently completed. (3) EPA understands that, at the time of the update to the previous analysis, production and wastewater treatment operations at the Canton Mill were in a state of flux, and that no data were available under the modernized configuration of the mill for: 1) the influent color loadings to the wastewater treatment facility, (2) the color removal efficiency of the wastewater treatment operations, (3) actual effluent color levels, (4) plant economics under the new production scenario, or (5) the effect of reduced wastewater 'flow on the previous wastewater treatment operations and in relation to available space at the current site for future incorporation of operations specifically designed for removal of effluent color. Based on our conversations with representatives from Champion, we also understand that the above information will be available for at least one year of operation of the modernized mill after May 1995. In reaching a determination on the color variance, it is EPA's determination that the information provided by Champion and submitted to. EPA by the State is the beat approximation of the economics and treatment operations of the Canton Mill at the time that the variance was continued by the State. Also, new information is not available at this time which is sufficient to indicate that the statewide color criterion is attainable in the Pigeon River. It is EPA's determination that the State's continuation of the variance complies with Section 303 of the Clean Water Act and 40 CPR Part. 131. Therefore, EPA is approving the State's continuance of the variance as a revision to State water" ' quality standards. We .understand that Champion has announced an intention to implement anew technology to recycle the bleaching wastewaters within the operations at the Canton Mill. This step will significantly reduce wastewater flows and the influent color loading to the treatment operations, and is consistent with EPA's position that reasonable progress must be demonstrated toward meeting the statewide color criterion for the Pigeon River in order for EPA to accept and approve a continuation of the color :variance. Regarding the state's next review of the color variance, it is EPA's expectation that a detailed analysis of the economics and treatment operations at the .Ca4iton Mill will be submitted to the State for consideration in the next triennial review. Since the previous variance was continued by the State on May 12, . 1993, the variance should be reviewed and appropriate revisions be adopted by-the State no later than May 12, 1996. The analysis must account for new information based on. operation of the modernized facility, including the following: (1) influent color loadings-to.the wastewater treatment facility, (2) color removal efficiency- of the wastewater (4) treatment operations, (3) actual effluent color levels, (4) the economic information necessary to reevaluate the provisions of the variance pursuant to 40 CFR Section 131.10(g) (6) under the new production scenario, and (5) the effect of reduced wastewater flow on the previous wastewater treatment operations in relation to available space at the current site for operations specifically designed for removal of effluent color. The list of treatment technologies should be agreed upon by the State and EPA prior to initiation of the evaluation of alternatives. The analysis should also address potential color prevention technologies in addition to wastewater color removal technologies. The analysis should be based on full attainment of the statewide color criterion in the Pigeon River. Should full attainment not be demonstrated to be economically achieveable, the analysis should also address interim levels of compliance with the statewide color criterion, including but not limited to: (1) attainment of the statewide criterion at a point further upstream of the North Carolina/Tennessee state line, (2) achieving a color level at the North Carolina/Tennessee state line which is more stringent than the current NPDES permit requirement, i.e. , less than 50 true color units, or (3) an instream color level at or near the discharge which will result in reduced color -levels in downstream segments of the river. In order for the above information to be timely and useful in the nest triennial review, especially relative to-passible revisions to the variance and further-progress towards meeting the statewide color standard, EPA is requesting the State of North Carolina to require Champion International to submit the above information no later than September 1, 1995. This should allow Division of Environmental Management staff ample time to review the information and include a recommendation on any further continuance of the variance 'prior to the three year deadline for reconsideration of the variance. If you have questions regarding EPA's approval of the Pigeon River color variance or the information outlined for continuation of the variance during the State's neat triennial review, please contact me at 404/347-3555, extension 6544. . Sincerely, CE Robert F. McGhee Acting Director Water Management Division Enclosure cc: Mr. Steve Tedder State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources • • Division of Environmental Management _ James B. Hunt,Jr.,Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary ID E I-J N F=11 A. Preston Howard,Jr., P.E., Director December 19, 1994 Mr. Derric Brown Environmental Supervisor Champion International Corporation -Canton Mill Box C-10 Canton, North Carolina 28716 Dear Mr. Brown, The United States Environmental Protection Agency(EPA)has reviewed the color variance for the instream color criterion for the Pigeon River and determined that the state's continuation of the variance complies with Section 303 of the Clean Water Act and 40 CFR Part 131. The EPA recently approved the continuance of the color variance in a letter dated November 29, 1994 to A. Preston Howard, Jr., Director of the Division of Environmental Management. A copy of the letter has been enclosed for your information. We are pleased that EPA has approved the continuance of the variance and attribute much of their decision to the enormous improvements that your company has made to the Canton Mill. We applaud your efforts and look forward to working with you in the coming years to ensure protection of the environment is maximized. I would like to take this opportunity to outline the schedule of major milestones and to summarize information that should be submitted to us as part of our Triennial Review of water quality standards. In accordance with the existing variance agreement, "Champion shall continue to study and evaluate other color removal technologies and shall report its findings to the Division of Environmental Management immediately upon discovery and annually on or before April 30 of each year.„ In its letter of November 29, 1994, EPA has requested that the state require you to submit specific information to us. I refer you to pages 3 and 4 of their letter 1 for the details of this requested information. In general,you are requested to provide detailed information on economics and treatment operations at the Canton Mill. I suspect that you will provide much of this information to us in your report which is due April 30, 1995. Any information which has been requested and not submitted as part of this April 30th report shall be due to us no later than September 1, 1995. After you have had a chance to review the enclosed letter and scope of information requested, please feel free to call Forrest Westall in our Asheville Regional Office or me if you have questions. P.O.Box 29535.Raleigh,North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-7015 FAX 919-733-2496 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50%recycled/10%postconsumer paper Mr. Derric Brown December 19, 1994 Page Two As we have discussed with you in previous conversations, we expect to convene the NPDES Committee of the Environmental Management Commission(EMC) in early 1995 to begin the variance review process. The NPDES Committee will select members for a special variance review committee which will have the task of evaluating technical and economic data and other information submitted on the color variance issue. We expect to have this special committee assembled in early 1995. Our tentative schedule for other related activities include the following: • seeking permission from the EMC for approval of the French Broad River basinwide plan in April 1995, • submitting our annual status summary report to the NPDES Committee on color removal at the Canton Mill plant in June 1995, • submitting a report to EPA on the status of the variance review in December 1995, • giving public notice for the Champion permit and variance in late spring or early summer 1996, and • issuing NPDES permits for the Pigeon River drainage in October 1996. I hope that this tentative schedule will be useful to you. We look forward to working with you in the next phase of the variance review process. Sincerely, 0011 v�dx— Steve W. Tedder, Chief Water Quality Section Enclosure cc: Forrest Westall Paul Davis Fritz Wagner