HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0000272_1998 Color Tech Measures Report_19980601 Canton Mill Box C-10 Canton.North Carolina 28716 UChampion Champion International Corporation May 27, 1998 �iqy� Od Mr. Forrest Westall Asti�9rFq 9 NC Department of ��FgGOIi 0 Environment and Natural Resources FpoN rFC Division of Water Quality a�oFoy 59 Woodfm Place cF Asheville,NC 28801 RE: NPDES Permit Modification - Permit No. NC0000272 Dear Mr. Westall: In accordance with the above referenced permit, we are forwarding herewith the report to meet the requirements of Part III-E, Paragraphs 7, 8 and 9. Included with this is a progress report on Champion's Bleach Filtrate Recycling (BFRTm) technology demonstration. If you have any questions regarding this submittal, please contact me at(828)646-2033. Sincerely, _ Robert V. Williams Manager Environmental, Occupational Health& Safety Enclosure xc: EPA Technology Review Workgroup (Please see attached list) data\bobw\n pdes\mod it\west598 1998 COLOR TECHNOLOGY MEASURES REPORT PREPARED FOR NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 512 NORTH SALISBURY STREET RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA AND TECHNOLOGY REVIEW WORKGROUP ■ Champion Champion International Corporation MAIN STREET CANTON, NC 28716 JUNE 1 , 1998 1998 COLOR TECHNOLOGY MEASURES REPORT PREPARED FOR NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 512 NORTH SALISBURY STREET RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA AND TECHNOLOGY REVIEW WORKGROUP ■ Champion Champion International Corporation MAIN STREET CANTON, NC 28716 JUNE 1 , 1998 Table of Contents Executive Summary i 1.0 Introduction I 1.1 Purpose 1 1.2 Historical Background 2 2.0 1997 NPDES Permit Part III, Paragraph E 8 Requirements - 5 June 1, 1998 Report Submittal 3.0 1997 NPDES Permit Part III,Paragraph E 9 Requirements - 6 BMPs 3.1 Part III, Paragraph E 9-Best Management Practices(BMP) Required Projects 6 3.2 General Discussion 6 3.3 Replacement of Digester Recirculation Pumps 6 3.4 Double-Chambered Pine Courtyard Spill Collection Sump 7 3.4.1 Project Description 7 3.4.2 Project Justification 9 3.5 Weak Black Liquor Tank Containment Project 9 3.6 Additional Operational Measures 11 3.6.1 Correction of Evaporator Demister Set Clogging 11 3.6.2 Installation of Condensate Instrumentation and Sampling Ports for 12 Evaporator Set 3.6.3 Assurance of Continued Dry Conveying of Knot Rejects 12 4.01997 NPDES Permit Part 111,Paragraph E 7 Requirements - 14 Additional Color Reduction Measures 4.1 Part III,Paragraph E 7-Additional Color Reduction Measures 14 4.2 General Discussion 14 4.3 Further Upgrading and Integrating of Sewer Monitoring 16 4.3.1 Sewered Condensates 16 4.3.2 Chloride Removal Process (CRP) 17 4.3.3 Pine Bleach Plant Automatic Flow Meters 18 4.4 Automated Mill Process Control Systems ... 19 Is 4.4.1 Electrical and Instrumentation (E&I) 19 4.4.2 Fiberline Spill Tank Level Management Plan 20 4.5 Continued Operator Training 22 4.5.1 Pulp Mill 22 a) Operator Skills Training(OST)Program 22 b) On-the-Job Training(OJT)Program 23 4.5.2 Recovery 25 a) Operator Skills Training(OSI) Program 25 b) On-the-Job Training(OJT) Program 25 4.6 Additional Controls for Unmeasured Sources of Liquor Losses 27 4.6.1 Hardwood Secondary Knotter Accepts Tank Overflow 27 4.6.2 Miscellaneous Field Work 28 4.7 Diverting Clean Water Discharges 29 4.7.1 Digester Area Project 29 4.7.2 Oxidation Blower Coolers Project 29 4.8 Capturing&Recycling Liquors During Fiberline Disruptions 30 4.8.1 Detailed Scheduling of Planned Outages 30 4.8.2 Contingency Planning for Unplanned Outages 32 4.9 Primary Influent Turbidity Interference Study 33 4.10 Sewer Generated Color 35 4.10.1 General Discussion 35 4.10.2 Previous Research&Findings 36 4.10.3 Research Plan for 1998 37 5.0 Bleached Filtrate Recycling(BFRTm) Process on Pine Fiberline 39 6.0 Conclusion 41 LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix A: Pine-Courtyard Spill Collection Sump Appendix A-1: Engineering Drawing Appendix A-2: NPDES Permit Modification Letter Appendix B: Weak Black Liquor Containment Engineering Drawing Appendix C: E &I Critical Equipment PM Plan Appendix D: Pulp Mill Training Appendix D-1: OST Manual Summary Appendix D-2: OJT Training Session Appendix E: Recovery Operations Training Appendix E-1: OST Manual Summary Appendix E-2: OJT Training Session Appendix F: NCASI Turbidity Study Document Appendix G: Sewer Generated Color 1998 Study Plan Appendix H: Bleached Filtrate Recycling (BFRTm) Process Appendix H-1: "Initial Leamings from the BFR Demonstration' Appendix H-2: "Progress Report on the BFRTm Technology Demo: Dec 1996" t t June 1, 1998 NPDES Report 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Purpose This report on in-mill color reduction measures at Champion International Corporation's Canton, North Carolina integrated pulp and paper mill is submitted in accordance with the requirements of Part III, Section E, Paragraph 7, 8 and 9 of the mill's 1997 NPDES Permit (the 1997 Permit). Following a brief historical background of the 1997 modification of the NPDES permit and associated Color Variance, Sections 2.0, 3.0 and 4.0 of this report cover the specific requirements listed in Part III, Section E, Paragraphs 7, 8 and 9 of the 1997 Permit. All four Best Management Practices (BMP) projects required by Paragraph 9 of the 1997 Permit have been completed and are discussed in Section 3.0. Each of the projects listed in Paragraph 7 have been completed by the mill and are discussed in Section 4.0 of this report. The status of the Bleached Filtrate Recycling (BFRTm) process on the mill's pine fiber line is discussed in Section 5.0. Finally, the report concludes in Section 6.0, with a summary of the mill's overall color reduction efforts. The report identifies a strategy and timeline for each project to further reduce color discharges from the Canton Mill. Color reduction projects completed include: gathering more extensive and detailed data on sources of color within the Mill to substantially improve the accuracy of measurements; improvements in the Mill's existing Best Management Practices (BMP) program and completion of efforts to identify, quantify and improve the accuracy of a mass balance of sources of process black liquor losses, including unmeasured sources and discharges during periods of fiber line disruption. Each section includes an explanation of and rationale for the strategy being implemented. Although the BFRTM demonstration is not complete, the mill is currently meeting the effluent limitations set forth in Part III, Section E, Paragraph 10 of the 1997 Permit. 1 1.2 Historical Background Champion's Canton Mill discharges treated wastewater from pulp and paper production processes at the Mill to the Pigeon River about 37 miles upstream from the North Carolina-Tennessee border. In the mid-1980s, the State of Tennessee objected to the issuance of an NPDES permit for the Mill because of color in the effluent. As a result of Tennessee's objections, EPA withdrew permitting authority from North Carolina and proposed a true color limit of 50 platinum cobalt units at the point of discharge. Because there was no demonstrated and cost-effective technology capable of meeting such a limit at the point of discharge, Champion sought variances from the North Carolina and Tennessee water quality standards for color, both of which are narrative rather than numerical standards. North Carolina granted a variance in July 1988 (the 1988 Variance), but Tennessee did not. The North Carolina variance required the Canton Mill to meet the Tennessee water quality standard for color at the Tennessee border, using a predictive model. EPA approved the North Carolina variance in August 1988, and incorporated it into the federal NPDES permit issued to Champion in October 1989 (the 1989 Permit). Following administrative appeals filed by third parties representing a citizen group in Tennessee, the 1989 permit was upheld in 1992. In March 1990, prior to final approval of the 1989 permit, Champion began the Canton Modernization Project (CMP), a $330 million effort to dramatically improve the mill's effluent quality and meet the stringent new requirements of the variance and permit. The project, among other improvements, involved the elimination of elemental chlorine in the bleaching process with the complete substitution of chlorine dioxide and oxygen delignifrcation. Additional process changes were implemented to "tighten up" the Mill with regard to losses of colored process waters. Once completed in 1994, the CMP reduced the mill's wastewater discharge from an average of 45 Million gallons per day (mgd) to an average of less than 29 mgd, as well as reducing color in the Mill's effluent by almost 80 percent. Figure One illustrates the reduction in color discharges to the Pigeon River since 1988. Of particular note are the more recent reductions following successful implementation of the CMP in 1994. 2 Under the terms of the 1988 Variance, Champion was required to submit an annual review of developments in color reduction technologies to the North Carolina Department of Environmental Management (NCDEM). The 1988 Variance called for the establishment of a Variance Review Committee (VRC), consisting of water quality staff and experts in the pulp and paper industry, after startup and completion of the CMP. The VRC was charged with reviewing the variance and reporting to the North Carolina NPDES Committee regarding adequacy of the existing variance. The NPDES Committee reviewed the variance in 1993 and made no changes to it. In May 1995, in conjunction with the first triennial review of water quality standards following the completion of CMP, the NPDES Committee appointed the VRC to review the adequacy of the variance. After reviewing the variance in late 1995 and early 1996, the VRC recommended in March 1996 that the effluent limit for color at the point of discharge be reduced by 23 percent from the variance and 1989 Permit. Following public hearings on the recommended changes to the variance and draft NPDES -� permit, the NPDES Committee adopted the hearing officer's recommendations and modified the variance, establishing new limits for color discharge of 124,933 pounds per day (daily average on annual basis) and 132,341 pounds per day (monthly average) decreasing from 172,368 and 258,945 pounds, respectively. The modification of the variance was transmitted to EPA on October 17, 1996 and EPA advised the State of North Carolina that the agency would approve the variance modification. On December 11, 1996, following further discussions between Champion, EPA and the States of North Carolina and Tennessee, the NPDES Committee adopted an amended order for modification of the color variance, further reducing the discharge limit for color to 98,168 pounds per day (daily average on annual basis) and 125,434 pounds per day (monthly average). The amended order included numerous additional requirements for further color reduction. The Division of Water Quality issued the NPDES permit the next day, incorporating the variance as modified and amended. On December 26, 1996, EPA finally approved the changes to the variance. On January 13, 1997,the State of Tennessee filed a petition for a contested case in the North Carolina Office of Administrative Hearings challenging the NPDES permit and 3 the variance. Tennessee's objections, and those of other intervenors were resolved by issuance of the February 20, 1998, Settlement Agreement in State of Tennessee et al. v. North Carolina Dept of Environment and Natural Resources et al. Pursuant to that agreement, the 1996 permit was further modified providing for, beginning December 1, 1998, an annual average true color not to exceed 60,000 pounds per day and a monthly average not to exceed 69,000 pounds per day, unless Champion's patented Bleached Filtrate Recycling (BFRT") technology is not successful, with an ultimate target annual average true color loading within the range of 48,000 - 52,000 pounds per day. Additional study and reporting requirements, as stated in the Settlement Agreement and 1997 modified NPDES permit, are covered in Sections 2.0, 3.0 and 4.0 of this report. 4 2.0 1997 NPDES Permit Part III, Paragraph E 8 Requirements - June 1, 1998 Report Submittal The language of this paragraph of the 1997 Permit provides that: "The permittee shall provide a report to the Division of Water Quality, the Technology Review Workgroup and the NPDES Committee no later than June 1, 1998. This report will identify a strategy and time line for implementing those color reduction measures identified in Paragraph E 7 until the target effluent limitations in Paragraph E 12 [48-52,0001bs/day annual average] are met or all measures in Paragraph E 7 have been fully implemented. The report will include an explanation of and rationale for both the implementation strategy and the proposed time line. The report will also identify those measures which will be implemented in the event that the effluent limitations set out in Paragraph E 10 [60,000 Ibs/day annual, 69,000 Ibs/day monthly] are not achieved by the color reduction measures specified in that paragraph." This report fulfills the requirements of Part III, Paragraph E 8. Each of the projects listed in Paragraph E 7 has been completed or is currently under study. Although the BFRTm demonstration is not yet complete, the mill is currently achieving the effluent limitations set forth in Part 171, Section E, Paragraph 10 of the 1997 Permit. The requirement listed in Paragraph E 11 of the 1997 Permit [Hardwood Eo Recycle] will be completed in 1999 as a part of the continuing effort to meet the target effluent limitations established in Paragraph E 12. f 5 3.0 1997 NPDES Permit Part III,Paragraph E 9 Requirements - BMPs 3.1 Part III, Paragraph E 9 -Best Management Practices (BMP) Required Projects The language of this paragraph of the 1997 Permit provides that: "Four BMPs which have already been identified as having both a high potential for achieving color reduction and a high level of implement ability are: (a) installation of replacement digester recirculation pumps and a spill collection sump;" (b) [installation of a double-chambered courtyard sump]* ; "(c) installation of weak black liquor tank containment, and; (d) correction of evaporate set demister clogging , installation of condensate instrumentation and sampling ports for the evaporator set, and assurance of continued dry conveying of knot rejects. The permittee shall fully implement all four of these BMPs by June 1, 1998." 3.2 General Discussion Part III, Paragraph E 7 of the 1997 Permit requires the implementation of four Best Management Practices (BMP) projects by June 1, 1998. All four of the BMP's listed above were completed before June 1'. The digester spill collection sump and pine courtyard Parshall flume slide gate were combined into a single project involving the installation of a double-chambered sump in the pine courtyard and is discussed in Section 3.4. The color reduction benefits from these projects will be evaluated after collection of sufficient operational data. 3.3 Replacement of Digester Recirculation Pumps Approval to replace the black liquor recirculation pumps for all 18 batch digesters was received in early March 1996. Installation of these pumps began in April 1996 and took place during the annual inspection for each digester. All 18 recirculation pumps were installed and operating by February 1997 for a total cost of$537,000. The previous recirculation pumps were 1950's vintage centrifugal units unique to the Canton Mill. The * Justification and Technology Review Workgroup approval of this project are provided in Appendix A2. 6 replacement of these pumps has reduced the quantity of concentrated colored material from the digester area as shown in the secondary effluent trend in Figure 1. 3.4 Double-Chambered Pine Courtyard Spill Collection Sump 3.4.1 Project Description The pine courtyard and digester area of the mill did not have spill collection systems; such systems were incorporated as a BMP requirement of the 1997 Permit. The pine courtyard and digester area (2B area) includes the following source areas: the digester building including portions of the hardwood blow tank and accumulator, the hardwood brownstock building including the hardwood oxygen delignifrcation area and the pine blow tank and accumulator area. Based on a short-term color contribution mass balance performed within this area in April 1997, the digester area and hardwood brownstock area each contribute approximately 25% of the color while the remaining 50% of the color comes from the courtyard area. Therefore, two BMP projects for the digester and courtyard area were included in the 1997 Permit as covered in Section 3.1 of this report. The two projects were to install a digester spill collection sump and install a pine courtyard Parshall flume slide gate. In early 1998, with the approval of EPA, North Carolina and Tennessee, these two projects were combined into one project, a double- chambered courtyard sump. The justification for this project is discussed in the following section. Funding for the two-chambered pine courtyard sump was approved in February 1998 at a total cost of $275,000. The sump provides a system to detect, collect and reclaim colored materials from the digester building and pine courtyard area based on 7 conductivity control. The completed sump is located in the pine courtyard area. The sump is 8 ft. square x 10 ft. deep and constructed of reinforced concrete. The sump is divided into three sub-compartments. Two of the three sub-compartments are designed as pump compartments with the third serving as a discharge weir into the U-drain flowing to the 2B Parshall flume. The two pump compartments are the collection points for the two sources of flow in this area. One compartment receives flow from the digester building and the other compartment receives flow from the courtyard and hardwood brownstock area. Engineering drawings of this sump and U-drain system can be found in Appendix Al. The digester compartment and the pine courtyard compartment have independent conductivity monitoring. The digester area is typically a low volume, high concentration color contributor whereas the courtyard area is typically a low concentration, high volume contributor. Each compartment is designed to pump a maximum of 400 gallons per minute. Manual slide gates were installed which allow cross-connection of the sumps to facilitate maintenance activity in one of the compartments. In the event of upset conditions the manual gates may also be configured to briefly increase the total sump collection capacity to 800 gallons per minute. However, total typical flow from both the digester and courtyard area is approximately 425 gallons/minute. The sump is covered with a steel plate to allow maintenance traffic to pass over the sump area. The sump pumps for each of the two compartments are equipped with independent conductivity probes which are connected to the Distributive Control System (DCS). The conductivity set points trigger the sump pumps to turn on to minimize the loss of detected colored material. Collected material from the sump is pumped to the 8 hardwood brownstock spill collection tank. The sump compartments will normally overflow the third compartment's discharge weir to a U-drain flowing to the 213 Parshall flume. It is important to note that 50-100 gallons of clean, non-contact cooling (NCC) water no longer flow through the courtyard due to the diversion project discussed in Section 4.7.1. Details on this sump project are located in Appendix A. 3.4.2 Project Justification As stated in the 1997 modified NPDES Permit, the mill was required to install a digester spill collection sump and a pine courtyard Parshall flume slide gate by June 1, 1998. The mill concluded the above design was an improvement to the sump and Parshall flume slide gate conceptual design and submitted this design to the Technology Review Workgroup for approval. A copy of the documentation sent to NCDWQ and TRW in February 1998 for approval of the new sump design is located in Appendix A2. While this sump configuration cost more than the original conceptual design, it offers better operational performance and maintenance reliability. 3.5 Weak Black Liquor Tank Containment Project With the completion of the Canton Modernization Project in 1994, all of the black liquor storage tanks are contained and have reclaim sumps on conductivity control, with the exception of the hardwood weak liquor storage tank. Due to the potential for colored losses from this tank, a containment system was identified as a BMP during the 1997 Permit discussions. Funding to construct the hardwood weak black liquor(WBL) containment system r was approved in January 1998 at a total cost of $96,500. Work on this project 9 commenced immediately following project approval and was completed in May 1998. The containment volume is sufficient to contain most losses based on historical events. Additional containment capacity is constrained by existing process equipment in this area and maintenance of the WBL tank. This project provides a concrete containment wall for the WBL storage tank as well as the associated Soap tank. Within the containment area a new stainless steel sump was installed as a designed low point. Additional concrete work was required on the existing slab to control the direction of flow toward the new sump. A four inch Stainless Steel pipe connects the sump to the mill sewer. A manual valve and an automatic valve were installed in the sewer overflow connection to prevent released material from entering the mill sewer. The control systems for this project are a sump level switch, sump conductivity probe and tank overflow temperature switch. A level switch is installed on the containment wall above the sump in order to detect any fluid level within the area above the top of the sump and alarm the operators. The conductivity probe was installed in the sump to determine the presence of black liquor and initiate an operator alarm. A temperature switch was installed in the tank overflow line as an early warning of tank overflow. The operator alarms for all of the instrumentation are sent by the DCS to the Evaporator Control Room as well as the Hardwood Fiber Line Brownstock Operator's Station. The DCS simultaneously closes the sewer connection automatic control valve. The manual valve is a backup to the automatic valve and allows for maintenance of the automatic valve. 10 A piping connection for a portable sump pump was installed from the sump to the top of the WBL tank. This project provides detection, operator alarm(s), containment and reclaim capability to manage the infrequent colored losses from the weak black liquor storage tank. The engineering drawings for this BMP project are located in Appendix B. 3.6 Additional Operational Measures 3.6.1 Correction of Evaporator Demister Set Clogging Evaporator condensates are generated as a result of"boiling" the water out of the black liquor entering the evaporator set. Periodically, color is carried over into the evaporator condensates as a result of entrained black liquor in the water vapor (condensate) driven off the evaporator in the vapor dome. The primary source of the entrained black liquor is fouling of the leading-edge of the evaporator set demisters. When the demisters were washed, the evaporator condensate color concentration decreased. Operations determined that the black liquor fiber filter performance was important to prevent demister leading edge fouling. The recovery area operations staff addressed this issue and corrected the problem during the last quarter of 1997. Due to improved management of fiber filter up-time, communication and monitoring of the fiber filters, condensate color has decreased as demonstrated by the reduction in secondary effluent color. In addition, manways were installed in the evaporator vapor domes to provide access to wash the evaporator demisters. II 3.6.2 Installation of Condensate Instrumentation &Sampling Ports for Evaporator Set As discussed above, evaporator condensates can periodically carry over colored material as a result of entrained black liquor in the water vapor (condensate) driven off the evaporator in the vapor dome. The individual contributions of color from the sewered combined and contaminated condensates were previously unmeasured. To quantify the daily color contribution from these sources, automated solenoid valve samplers were installed on both the combined and contaminated evaporator condensate sewered streams in January 1998. These samplers collect a 24-hour composite which is analyzed for color concentration and incorporated into the mill's Plant Information (PIT") System for data analysis and trending. There are also eight conductivity probes within the evaporator condensate collection and segregation s stem that y provide operations notification of any change in operation that can cause an increase in sewered color. Corrective action to minimize the loss of colored material is initiated based on these internal conductivity readings. However, these probes cannot necessarily indicate gradual increases in sewered color from evaporator condensates. To identify such problems requires the information generated via the continuous samplers discussed above. The conductivity probes support the daily sewered condensate color data by providing the mill with information to respond to the performance of the evaporator systems and manage color for this source. 3.6.3 Assurance of Continued Dry Conveying of Knot Rejects Sealed pressure knotters were installed during the CMP in 1993 to minimize color losses from the knot system. The knotter is not designed to use water to transport knots 12 to the rejects bin. The cause of a stream of discolored water from the Hardwood fiber line Secondary Knotter into the rejects bin was identified and corrected in early 1998. Occasionally, a piece of foreign material would hang in the throat of the valve and damage the valve seat. A spare valve is maintained on-site for the Hardwood fiber line secondary knotter and the knotter is inspected during each shift in order to assure the valve is properly closing and sealing completely. In addition, flow from this area is discharged to the new double-chambered pine courtyard spill collection sump. 13 4.0 1997 NPDES Permit Part III, Paragraph E 7 Requirements - Additional Color Reduction Measures 4.1 Part I11, Paragraph E 7 -Additional Color Reduction Measures The language of this paragraph of the 1997 Permit provides that: "Working with the Technology Review Workgroup, Champion has already begun the process of identifying and implementing possible prevention and control measures which can be taken to further reduce color discharges from the mill. The permittee is directed to further evaluate mill operation so as to fully identify opportunities for preventing and controlling measurable black liquor leaks and spills (best management practices - BMPs). This evaluation will include gathering more extensive and detailed data on sources of color within the mill to substantially improve the accuracy of measurements, to improve the mill's existing BMP program, and to complete efforts to identify, quantify and substantially improve the accuracy of a mass balance of sources of leaks and spills of black liquors, including unmeasured sources and discharges during periods of fiber line disruption. Such BMPs include: further upgrading and integrating of sewer monitoring(e.g., additional flow measurement and sampling stations to facilitate more comprehensive and daily monitoring of sources) and automated mill process control systems with operational procedures and management oversight to reduce black liquor leaks and spills; continuing operator training; identifying and implementing additional controls for known but unmeasured sources (e.g., evaporator set, knot rejects bin, etc.) of liquor losses; modifying the digester area to facilitate capturing leaks and spills; diverting clean water discharges; and capturing and recycling liquors during fiber line disruptions through detailed scheduling of planned outages and contingency planning for unplanned outages. The permittee also is directed to thoroughly evaluate additional measures to modify its process operations and controls to remove or reduce sewer generated color." 4.2 General Discussion The Canton Mill has one of the most extensive sewer monitoring programs for color in the industry. The mill monitors, on a daily basis, the color load (lbs/day) contributions from the following sewer areas: 2B (Hardwood Brownstock washing, Digesters and Pine Blow Heat Recovery area), 3A (Pine and Hardwood Eo filtrate and Pine Brownstock washing and Oxygen Delignification), 5B (Recovery, Black Liquor Oxidation and Chloride Removal Process (CRP)),No. 1 (No 11 and 12 Paper Machines), Hardwood and Pine Acid and Alkaline bleach plant filtrates and Combined and 14 Contaminated Condensates. Other areas of the mill are measured on a concentration basis. The "unquantified" fraction of Primary Influent color was a focal point during the 1997 Permit discussions. The mill defines unquantified color as a component of primary influent color resulting from turbidity, sewer generated color and minor contributions from unmeasured areas of the mill. The discussions focused on quantifying "unquantified" color in order to evaluate the potential for additional color reduction activities. This "unquantified" portion accounts for approximately 40% of the mill's primary influent color. The "unquantified" fraction is attributed to three independent reasons; 1) turbidity (color test method interference which is a false-positive representation of true color), 2) sewer generated color and 3) color from unmeasured areas of the mill. In order to quantify this fraction, the mill increased its color monitoring program. Automated samplers were installed on the black liquor evaporator combined and contaminated condensates. Samples also are collected from the CRP purge stream. Automated flow meters were installed on the Pine Dl and Eo stages to provide sewered flow measurements for calculating bleach plant color loads to the wastewater treatment plant rather than using a mass balance approach. This new color data has reduced unquantified color. All major process areas now have daily color monitoring. The four BMPs discussed in Section 3.0 have addressed the evaporator set, knot rejects bin and digester area requirements. Current data indicates that the majority of the remaining "unquantified" primary influent color is due to the effects of turbidity and sewer generated color. Plans to further quantify and characterize turbidity q fy interference and 15 �- sewer generated color are discussed in Sections 4.9 and 4.10. Turbidity interference and sewer generated color research projects are scheduled for the summer of 1998. In addition, the mill is currently working in cooperation with NCASI on an industry sponsored turbidity interference study. 4.3 Further Upgrading and Integrating of Sewer Monitoring 4.3.1 Sewered Condensates Evaporator condensates are generated as a result of"boiling" the water out of the black liquor entering the evaporator set. Periodically, color is carried over into the evaporator condensates as a result of entrained black liquor in the water vapor (condensate) driven off the evaporator in the vapor dome. Historically, sewered combined and contaminated condensate were discharged to the main No. 4 sewer line where only the color concentration was measured. Therefore the color contribution from these condensate streams was not independently quantified. To quantify the daily color loadings from these streams, continuous samplers were installed on both the combined and contaminated condensate streams. Automated solenoid valve samplers were installed on both the combined and contaminated condensate sewered streams in the black liquor evaporator area in January 1998. These samplers collect a 24-hour composite which is analyzed for color concentration on a daily basis. The samples are analyzed for color concentration by wastewater treatment plant personnel, recorded in the laboratory data files and entered into the mill's PITH System. The color concentration is then multiplied by the calculated daily average sewer flow in 16 order to generate the daily combined and contaminated condensate color contribution in pounds per day. This value is monitored daily by both Operations and Environmental personnel. Data trends are available on the PITM System. 4.3.2 Chloride Removal Process (CRP) The Chloride Removal Process (CRP) is an integral component of the Bleached Filtrate Recycle (BFRTM) process at the Mill. Details of the BFRTM process, including CRP, are included in Appendix H. The Chloride Removal Process is designed to separate chlorides and potassium from the recovery boiler ash solution that contains primarily saltcake and black liquor. Colored material from the recovery boiler ash carries over into the salt cake filtrate which is then sewered to purge chloride and potassium. The salt cake is returned to the recovery boilers as a make-up chemical for the kraft process. In order to meet the required process levels of potassium and chlorides while maintaining an overall low level of process equilibrium, up to 15 gallons per minute of this filtrate is sewered. Since the amount of color from the CRP is variable, it is important to monitor the amount of color that enters the sewer from the CRP process. Color monitoring of this purge is accomplished in two ways. The first method looks at the amount of color in the 5B sewer before and after the CRP U-drain and uses the difference to calculate CRP color. The second method is to collect a grab sample from the"purge stream" daily and measure both the color concentration and sewered flow rate. A daily color mass (lbs/day) is calculated, trended and monitored. The CRP samples are analyzed for color concentration by wastewater treatment plant personnel, recorded in the laboratory data files and entered into the PITM System. 17 As with the condensates, an automated solenoid valve sampler was installed on the purge stream within the CRP building in September 1997. The sampler collected a 24-hour composite which was analyzed for color concentration on a daily basis. However, due to the nature of the purge stream the sampler became plugged and difficult to maintain after several months of operation. Based on insignificant differences between single grab and 24-hour composite sample color data, it was concluded that grab samples adequately characterized the color contributions from CRP. Thus, the use of the automated sampler was discontinued in March 1998. The concentration is then multiplied by the daily average CRP purge rate within the PITM System in order to generate a daily loading value in pounds of true color per day. This value is monitored and trended daily by both Operations and Environmental personnel. 4.3.3 Pine Bleach Plant Automatic Flow Meters Automatic flow meters were installed on the D100 and Eo stages of the Pine fiber line in June 1997. The flow meters measure the sewered flows from the pine fiber line D 100 and Eo filtrates. Data collection from the flow meters began in July 1997 and was integrated into the Pine fiber line's DCS. The flow data allows the Pulp Mill to control the degree of BFRTM closure by selecting the sewered flow of both D100 and Eo stage filtrates. Previously, the D100 and Eo sewered daily average flow rates were calculated based on filtrate mass flow balances. Direct measurement provides an accurate daily average flow rate to calculate the Pine bleach plant color loading. The BFRTM control strategy adjusts these flows through process operation and control in order to achieve a target closure on the Pine fiber line and simultaneously 18 prevent filtrate tank overflow during normal operation. The mill currently targets for 80% closure of the first two bleaching filtrate stages in the Pine fiber line. Higher closure rates introduce process variability which have resulted in an overall increased level of bleach plant color. The configuration of controlling the ratio of sewered DIN to Eo filtrate, and associated filtrate tank level override control, allows the mill to change the closure target and prevent filtrate tank overflow. The benefit to the mill is improved accountability of color discharge from the Pine bleach plant and the operation of a much more stable bleach plant and fiber line filtrate system. 4.4 Automated Mill Process Control Systems ... 4.4.1 Electrical and Instrumentation (E & 1) Preventative Maintenance Plan The Electrical and Instrumentation (E & 1) Section of the Canton Mill's Maintenance and Engineering Department is responsible for the maintenance and calibration of all control instrumentation within the mill such as conductivity probes, flow meters, temperature probes, level transmitters, etc. Some of these instruments are important for management of the process to minimize mill color losses. In order to assure this instrumentation is operating properly, the Canton Mill E & I Section developed a preventative maintenance program which is located in Appendix C. The program addresses two key elements: 1) the identification of equipment to minimize color losses and 2) a specific preventative maintenance program for such equipment. For the program the E & I, Environmental, Pulp Mill and Recovery Operations Departments developed a list of color control instrumentation including: conductivity transmitters, level transmitters, temperature probes and overflow alarms. The program 19 consists of a computerized instrument calibration system and routine check sheets for routine calibration which should increase the reliability of the instrumentation. The computerized instrument calibration system will store calibration specifications for each instrument, including calibration range and acceptable tolerance. Routine calibration schedules and manufacturer's specifications allow the technicians to determine the drift in each instrument and re-calibrate if necessary. The check lists will be used to schedule and document E & I preventative maintenance tasks and will be kept on file by the area maintenance planner. This program will be implemented by July 1, 1998. 4.4.2 Fiberline Spill Tank Level Management Plan Over the past two years the reduction in brown color losses from the pine fiber line has contributed to decreased effluent color as illustrated in Figure 1. Pulp Mill Operations and Environmental personnel worked on two projects to further minimize and control brown color losses from the pine fiber line. These projects are a spill tank level management plan and reconfiguration of the pine fiber line's spill collection sump. The final configuration of the spill collection sump was completed and operational during mid-November 1997 while the Spill Tank Level Management Plan went into effect in early December 1997. Both projects have resulted in reduced brown color losses from the pine fiber line. Data collected on color losses from the pine fiber line indicate that some of the mill's losses occur during mechanical failures (i.e. the primary knotter). Therefore, the availability of brownstock spill tank capacity is important to spill recovery and recycle. 20 As of December 1997, a spill tank management plan was implemented for the pine fiber line operators. The Spill Tank Level Management Plan requires the brownstock operators, at the first of each shift, to log the spill tank level on their daily logsheet. If the level is high, the operators will start slowly lowering the level in the tank by pumping its contents back into the process. This daily task was automated in March 1998. The operators are alarmed at the beginning of each shift by the DCS if the spill tank level exceeds the alarm level. The DCS checks the operator response three hours later by rechecking the tank level to assure that the tank level was addressed. By maintaining low spill collection tank levels, there should be adequate collection capacity in the tank. This management plan was incorporated into the Operator Training Program (Section 4.5.1) for the pine brownstock operators. As mentioned above, the success of the Spill Tank Level Management Plan is closely related to the performance of the sump pump as well as operator awareness. The east brownstock sump pump for the pine fiber line was reconfigured in mid-November 1997. Pulp Mill Operations felt the performance of the pump was critical prior to initiating the Spill Tank Level Management Plan. The redesigned sump pump now runs continuously so pump priming is no longer an inherent problem to reliable pump operation. The control system logic provides for recovery of material based on conductivity control. The conductivity probe is mounted within a newly installed recirculation line to improve the performance of the probe and reduce the potential for fiber to "blind" the probe. When the conductivity in the sump is low the pump recirculates flow back into the sump through the newly installed recirculation line. When 21 ' conductivity is above the set point, a newly installed automatic valve within the recirculation line will close and divert the material to the brownstock spill collection tank for recycle and recovery. Overall, the mill has seen a decrease in the daily brownstock color from the pine fiber line contributing to reduced secondary effluent color as shown in Figure 1. The new sump design and management plan have resulted in a reduction of color losses from the pine fiber line. 4.5 Continued Operator Training 4.5.1 Pulp Mill 4.5.1 a) Operator Skills Training(OST)Program The Pulp Mill Operator Skills Training (OST) Program has been updated to reflect the activities in this report. This program typically involves the operators studying and self-checking written material contained in manuals which cover specific components of Pulp Mill Operations. The pulp mill is currently revising the manuals covering processes which may contribute color to the sewer. The revisions will incorporate both general color reduction information as well as any new systems or procedures. Systems and procedures include, for example, the pine fiber line spill tank level management plan, new 3A sewer sump configuration and a new multi-chambered pine courtyard sump. Each process manual will discuss the implications of the specific process operation on colored discharges. The operators train on how to effectively minimize their area's impact on color discharges. Examples of such manuals include: 22 • Digester Contingency Operations • Explain and Operate Hardwood Brownstock Spill Collection System • Explain Hardwood Brownstock System Operating Concepts • Explain Hardwood Bleaching Operating Concepts • Explain and Operate Bleach Plant Spill Collection System • Explain Blow Heat System • Explain Pine Brownstock System In addition to updating the individual process manuals, the pulp mill is creating two new OST manuals for operator training. A learning guide was developed to explain the operation and logic for the multi-chambered pine courtyard sump system discussed in Section 3.4. Another learning guide was developed to outline the color impacts from the operation of the pulp mill in general. The "Explain Pulp Mill Area Compliance and Color Control' learning guide summary is located in Appendix D1. The learning guide covers the pulp mill's operating plan regarding color losses during normal operations as well as managing non-routine events. This learning guide provides training on the impact of the pulp mill on color variance compliance. This overall OST effort provides a foundation for color control and awareness which will be reinforced during the Pulp Mill's On-the-Job Training Program discussed below. 4.5.1 b) On-the-Job Training (OJT) Program Pulp Mill Operations developed an operator On-the-Job Training (OJT) Program which began in April 1998. The OJT operator program expands upon the new OST information to communicate the environmental impact of their operations in addition to the training programs currently in place. A training session was developed by the Pulp 23 Manufacturing and Environmental Departments to transfer general knowledge from the 1997 Permit and operational color impacts to the Pulp operators. The training session program is found in Appendix D2. Throughout the month of April 1998 each operating crew received this training. The training session begins with an overview of the 1997 Permit including the compliance limits and dates. This provides a timeline for the operators to understand mill effluent color limitations and future requirements. A performance history on brown and bleach plant color losses from each fiber line is compared to the current level of performance. This provides a benchmark for operating performance and the performance level required to maintain compliance. The current BMP projects are discussed to update the operators on progress, environmental impact and operational impact. The training session continues with a discussion of the potential sources of color in the pulp mill such as pump packing in the brownstock and digesters, screen rejects, bleach plant color (i.e. MRP operability), etc. The purpose of this is to stress the importance of day-to-day awareness of operations and maintenance issues which have the potential to result in colored discharges. The session covers the sources of color which contribute the greatest color loading to the treatment plant and the difference in wastewater treatment of bleach vs. brown color. Shift managers will periodically review new plans and procedures with their operators. This training allows the operators to understand the regulatory implications of the permit and their roles in managing and minimizing colored losses. 24 4.5.2 Recovery 4.5.2 a) Operator Skills Training(OST) Program The Recovery Area Operator Skills Training Program (OST) has been updated to reflect the activities in this report. This program typically involves the operators studying and self-checking on materials contained in manuals which cover specific components of Recovery Operations. In order to incorporate the color reduction activities discussed in this report, a learning guide was developed which covers recovery area processes which can contribute color to the sewer. The "Explain Recovery Area Compliance and Color Control" learning guide summary is located in Appendix El. The learning guide covers the recovery area's color sources, monitoring and control systems, preventative maintenance measures, spill collection systems and operating plans regarding color losses during normal operations and non-routine events. This learning guide provides an overall lesson on the impact of the recovery area on color variance compliance. This overall OST effort provides a sound environmental foundation which will be further enhanced in the Recovery Operations On-the-Job Training Program covered below. 4.5.2 b) On-the-Job Training (OJT) Program Recovery Operations developed an operator On-the-Job Training Program (OJT) which began in May 1998. The program expands upon the new OST guide information to communicate the environmental impact of their operations in addition to the traditional training programs currently in place. A training session was developed by the Recovery and Environmental Departments to transfer general knowledge from the 1997 Permit and operational color impacts to the recovery operators. The training session program can be 25 r found in Appendix E2. Throughout the month of May each operating crew received this training. The training session begins with an overview of the 1997 Permit including the compliance limits and dates. This provides a timeline for the operators to understand the mill effluent color limitations and future requirements. A performance history on Recovery, CRP and condensate color is compared to the current level of performance. This provides a benchmark for operating performance and the performance level required to maintain compliance. The current BMP projects are discussed to update the operators on progress, environmental impact and operational impact. This training allows the operators to understand the regulatory implications of the permit and their role to minimize color losses. The training session continues with a discussion of the potential sources of color in the recovery area such as pump packing, CRP and evaporator boilouts, sump operation, etc. The purpose of this is to stress the importance of day-to-day awareness of operations and maintenance issues which have the potential to result in colored discharges. The session covers the sources of color that have the potential to contribute the greatest color loading to the wastewater treatment plant. Shift managers will periodically review new plans and procedures with their operators. This training allows the operators to understand the regulatory implications of the permit and their role to manage and minimize color losses. 26 �- 4.6 Additional Controls for Unmeasured Sources of Liquor Losses 4.6.1 Hardwood Secondary Knotter Accepts Tank Overflow The Secondary Knotter Accepts Tank for the hardwood fiber line overflowed to the sewer twice in the past several years resulting in elevated color discharges. The overflows occurred when the tank level transmitter failed. In addition to the level transmitter preventative maintenance discussed in Section 4.4.1, the mill has installed a temperature probe with operator alarm for direct indication of tank overflow. The Secondary Knotter Accepts Tank overflow line runs from the tank, which is inside the hardwood fiber line brownstock washing building, to the sewer discharge point just upstream of the 2B Parshall flume. Due to its piping configuration this potential color source will not be collected by the new courtyard sump discussed in Section 3.4. An engineering solution to this potential color source was identified in early January 1998 and incorporated into the pine courtyard sump BMP project. The solution was to install a temperature probe in the overflow line. Output from the temperature probe is tied into the DCS. Under normal tank level conditions the temperature probe will read the ambient temperature indicating no tank overflow. If a tank overflow occurs, the increase in temperature will be detected by the temperature probe and the DCS will trigger an alarm at the hardwood brownstock operator station. This will give the operators notification to react to the situation and minimize process losses. This project was completed at the end of May 1998. 27 4.6.2 Miscellaneous Field Work Miscellaneous field work was conducted to improve the quantification of color contributions from several known color sources within the mill which flow to the sewer unmeasured. Between February 1997 and April 1997 flow measurements and color concentrations were collected to provide estimates of colored material from several areas of the mill including the Hardwood Bleach Plant overflow to the No. 4 sewer, 2B sewer constituents (which are measured in total by the 2B sampler), sewered black liquor condensates, Hardwood Accumulator losses to No. 4 sewer and both fiber line secondary knotters. The sewered condensates are now measured daily (Section 4.3.1) and the digester sump project provides for recovery of the 2B courtyard contributions (Section 3.4). Color contributions from the remaining color sources tested are minimal. The pine secondary knotter contribution can be picked up by the redesigned brown spill collection system (Section 4.4.2). The hardwood secondary knotter color contributions have been reduced by the project discussed in Section 3.6.3 and are diverted into the new courtyard sump discussed in Section 3.4. The hardwood bleach plant contribution is typically less than 100 pounds of true color per day. The hardwood accumulator losses are typically less than 100 pounds of true color per day, but can at times be greater. However, most of the flow from the hardwood accumulator area is either diverted into the new digester reclaim sump or the existing weak liquor storage reclaim sump. 28 4.7 Diverting Clean Water Discharges 4.7.1 Digester Area Project As part of the two-chambered Pine Courtyard Sump Project discussed in Section 3.4, a new U-drain was installed to divert 50-100 gallons per minute (gpm) of clean, non- contact cooling (NCC) water away from the new courtyard sump. This clean cooling water would have previously diluted any colored material flowing from the digester area. The new U-drain was installed to connect the existing clean cooling water U-drain outside of the digester building to the existing U-drain in the courtyard area downstream of the new digester sump. This connection eliminates 50-100 gpm of clean cooling water from diluting any colored material entering the digester area and the new sump. A permanent plug was installed to prevent the clean cooling water flow from entering the digester building. The diversion of this clean water source reduces the dilution of colored material from the digester area resulting in a higher concentration, lower volume of colored material for reclaim by the new digester sump. Therefore the amount of material to be reclaimed by the sump and recycled into the process as well as additional load to the black liquor evaporators are reduced. 4.7.2 Oxidation Blower Coolers Project A second clean water segregation project will soon be complete in the recovery boiler area. The Black Liquor Oxidation blowers each have an associated oil cooling system. These oil coolers together contribute approximately 50 gpm of clean, non-contact cooling water to the recovery boiler sump system. This source of dilution water will be hard-piped from each cooler into a common header downstream of the recovery boiler 29 sumps. Completion of this project will eliminate approximately 50 gpm of clean water from the reclaim sump and recovery systems. This segregation project will be installed and operational in June 1998. , 4.8 Capturing& Recycling Liquors During Fiberline Disruptions 4.8.1 Detailed Scheduling of Planned Outages Scheduled outages are standard industry practice for maintaining the performance of the pulp mill and recovery area operations. Fiber line outages occur about once every four weeks. Detailed and extensive outages are periodically scheduled whereby one-half of the pulping and recovery area is shut down for up to one week. Planning occurs prior to each outage regardless of the duration or complexity of the outage. Maintenance work schedules are prepared and flow-charts are prepared which illustrate when equipment is to be shut down, repaired and started back up. Semi-annual outage information and lists of personnel involved are generated and distributed throughout the mill. Key Performance Indicators (KPI) targets for Safety, Environmental, Planning, Execution and Cost are established before the outage, tracked to monitor outage performance and reviewed after the outage in order to identify key learnings. Colored losses are a focus of the outage planning. A tank draining schedule is generated prior to the start of any outage and includes the tank(s) to be drained including volume(s). Tanks and associated piping must be periodically cleaned for inspection and maintenance. Provisions are made to reduce the tank level as low as possible before shut down. Piping is emptied as much as possible prior to cleaning. 30 - Tank level and inventory management is a key tool the mill uses to minimize colored losses during outages. The color impact of various sources of colored losses has been estimated and incorporated into the OST learning guides for Pulp Mill and Recovery Operations areas as discussed in Sections 4.5.1 (a) and 4.5.2 (a). These color loss estimates are combined with the planned outage tank draining schedule to estimate the total outage color loss. The mill is currently developing a procedure to evaluate the color loss estimate based on the actual tank level(s) prior to the outage. This information is then communicated to the operations areas and wastewater treatment. Adherence to the established schedule and detailed communication of any schedule changes are important to minimize outage color. The mill is incorporating the existing kraft pulping chemical inventory management strategy as a component of the overall color management philosophy. The E & I preventative maintenance plan discussed in Section 4.4.1 addresses the reliability of critical color control instrumentation for outages. This equipment is inspected, calibrated and cleaned a week prior to each major annual or semi-annual outage. The mill began collecting hourly primary influent color measurements during specific outage periods in September 1997. The color concentration values are entered into the mill's PIT"' System and verbally communicated to the recovery and pulp mill shift supervisors. Currently, a tiered/triggered response procedure is under development to determine color levels of concern based on the measured values with associated response actions. This will focus mill resources on detecting and identifying sources of color to minimize colored losses. 31 The above mentioned efforts are incorporated into .the Pulp Mill and Recovery area On-the-Job Training Program covered in Sections 4.5.1 (b) and 4.5.2 (b). These efforts are being incorporated into the outage planning process and will be refined with experience. Many of the above procedures and strategies are also integral to address non- routine events and unplanned outages. 4.8.2 Contingency Planning for Unplanned Outages A variety of non-routine events can occur which require an unscheduled outage for repair. Events such as power and steam supply problems and mechanical issues are examples of such occurrences. Tank level and inventory management is a key tool the mill uses to minimize the color losses from such unplanned events. Minimizing tank r levels reduces the loss of colored material and increases the capacity for capturing ' colored material. The Fiber Line Spill Tank Level Management Plan discussed in Section 4.4.2 addresses this by controlling the level in the spill collection tanks. Tank levels are controlled by the management of chemical inventories between the pulp mill and recovery area operations. Targets are set for the weak liquor inventory for operators to adjust the feed rates to the black liquor evaporators to maintain recovery operations during upset conditions. Together, these two operational tools maintain the flow of black liquor through the recovery system to minimize the loss of colored material during non- routine events. In order to successfully manage color through an unplanned outage, clear and concise communication must be maintained between the pulp mill, recovery and the wastewater treatment plant. A release of colored material may require hourly monitoring 32 of the primary influent for color in order to enhance management of the situation. The wastewater treatment plant operators must remain aware of primary influent color and respond to elevated color. The operator must be able to respond to the situation at the treatment plant as well as notify supervision and operations of the problem via radio communication. Utilization of the DCS and PITH System in addition to radio communication with operations are important to minimize colored losses. 4.9 Primary Influent Color Turbidity Interference Study The Canton Mill has an intensive color monitoring program both within the mill and at the wastewater treatment plant. The in-mill sewer monitoring program provides color data used to break down the mill's process contributions to the primary influent. Primary influent color consists of contributions from 2B (Hardwood Brownstock washing, Digesters and Pine Blow Heat Recovery area), 3A (Pine and Hardwood Eo filtrate and Pine Brownstock washing), 5B (Recovery, Black Liquor Oxidation and CRP), No. 1 (No 11 and 12 Paper Machines), Acid Filtrate and Combined and Contaminated Condensates. As previously discussed, the remaining fraction of primary influent color is "Unquantified" color and consists of contributions from turbidity interference and sewer generated color. The turbidity interference occurs while measuring primary influent color concentration in the laboratory. The EPA approved standard NCASI test method for true color measurement requires sample filtration. There are various materials present in the mill environment that, when present in the primary influent, are suspended in the filtered 33 solution and scatter light. This scattered light is not read by the spectrophotometer and is interpreted as true color by the test method. These particles do not contribute to effluent color due to the fact that most of the turbidity interference is removed across the wastewater treatment plant. Therefore, the true color concentration of the primary influent is high biased by the turbidity interference effects and is not representative of the actual true color in the sample. Material such as Precipitated Calcium Carbonate (PCC), lime mud, dregs, Titanium Dioxide (Ti02)1 paper machine fillers, etc. contribute to this turbidity interference. A study will be conducted throughout the summer of 1998 to quantify the impact of various turbidity levels on primary influent color. The ultimate goal of this study is to account for the impact of turbidity interference on primary influent color in order to quantify a portion of the unquantifed color. In addition to this mill study, the mill participated in an industry sponsored turbidity study with NCASI from February 1998 through April 1998. The goal of the study is to modify the current test procedure to reduce and/or eliminate the current turbidity interference present in the test. A draft synopsis of the purpose, objectives, approach and outcomes of this work is included in Appendix F of this report. NCASI's final assessment will be published as a technical bulletin by late 1998 or early 1999. During the summer of 1998, the Canton Mill will conduct an independent turbidity study. The purpose of this study will be to evaluate: 1) The turbidity contributions from each of the individual in-mill sewers; 2) The turbidity contributions from various in-mill materials (i.e. dregs, Ti02, PCC, lime mud, etc.); and 34 3) The portion of primary influent color attributed to primary influent turbidity. Baseline in-mill sewer turbidity data is currently being collected and analyzed. The project will consist of laboratory bench-scale studies to determine the influence of turbidity on the color test method using known turbid materials such as dregs, TiO2, PCC, lime mud and paper machine headbox feed solutions. The collected data will be evaluated to quantify the effect of turbidity on primary influent color. A final turbidity report will be generated combining Champion's and NCASI's research. 4.10 Sewer Generated Color 4.10.1 General Discussion Sewer Generated Color (SGC) is a phenomenon which occurs due to wastewater interactions in the mill sewer system. SGC results in a higher color than is accounted for by the color contributions of all the individual wastewater streams. This phenomenon is attributed to chemical reactions that occur as the mill's acid sewer(Pine D1, Pine D2 and Hardwood D1 bleach plant filtrates) is introduced to the main mill sewer system. These acid filtrates react under elevated pH(10-11) and elevated temperature (120°F) within the sewer system prior to the wastewater treatment plant. The quantity of this "unmeasured" SGC color source is an issue for closure of the mill color balance. The Canton Mill has done most of the research on this relatively unknown color phenomenon within the industry. Canton's research efforts have included both mill and Corporate Technical engineers, summer interns and two Graduate students from Duke University's Nicholas School of the Environment. During the summer of 1998 additional research will be 35 i conducted at the Canton Mill. The study plan is outlined in Section 4.10.3. A brief discussion of past SGC research is presented in the following section. 4.10.2 Previous Research & Findings Champion's research into the SGC phenomenon began in the early 1990's. Champion showed that when acid filtrates from the bleach plant mix with the alkaline sewer effluent, the color of the resultant effluent was greater than expected based on a mass balance. Further work showed that irreversible color is created in the acid stream by raising the pH and temperature. Simultaneously, Canton Mill environmental engineer Susanne Koelsch began a series of experiments to analyze the impact of the wastewater treatment plant on color removal as well as probing into the phenomenon of SGC. These two concepts were brought together in the summers of 1994, 1995 and 1997 for further experimentation. Research during the summer of 1994 was conducted by Aimee McCord while the 1995 research was conducted by Chad Salisbury. Both research efforts covered a variety of color issues beyond SGC, however only the findings relevant to SGC are discussed. A McCord's work determined that the color removal mechanism across the wastewater 4LS treatment plant acts primarily on brown color sources, not on bleach plant color. <�� Salisbury's research was designed to address two questions: GG� 1) What is the maximum potential impact of sewer generated color on color loads to the Jv/ wastewater treatment plant? 2) Is sewer generated bleach color removed at the wastewater treatment plant? A small portion of SGC for all bleach plant filtrate combinations was found to be removed at the wastewater treatment plant. However pine, hardwood and total bleach 36 plant effluent flows experienced a net color increase across the sewer and wastewater treatment plant system. An undergraduate summer intern project during the summer of 1997 began the process of assessing the impact of SGC on primary influent color loads to the wastewater treatment plant and how to minimize SGC. The objective of this work was to determine if pH adjustment of the acid sewer prior to mixing with the alkaline sewer would: 1) minimize the effect of the sewer generated color phenomenon on primary influent color; and 2) result in an equivalent decrease in secondary effluent color after wastewater treatment. The operation of the BFRTm process at the Canton Mill was highly variable during this project. Limited laboratory data suggested possible color reduction benefits at both the primary influent and secondary effluent by specific wastewater stream pH adjustment. However, more laboratory work needs to be conducted, especially since the BFRTm process is currently stabilized at 80% bleach plant closure. The impacts of current, and possible increased, operational levels require further study. A graduate student began conducting additional research on sewer generated color in May 1998. 4.10.3 Research Plan for 1998 As stated in previous sections, the Canton Mill has conducted experimental bench scale work on the sewer generated color mechanism for three summers with the aid of summer college interns. This cooperative effort continues this summer with another graduate degree candidate conducting the research. The student will spend the summer 37 conducting laboratory experiments to evaluate two questions raised through previous research: 1) What effect does the color removal mechanism across the wastewater treatment facility have on sewer generated color? 2) What is the potential impact on sewer generated color of pH adjustment of the acid sewer prior to mixing with the mill's main alkaline sewer? The goal of this project is to quantify the percentage, if any, of sewer generated color which is removed across the wastewater treatment facility and to understand better if pH adjustment is a feasible option to reduce this color source. A description of the 1998 summer study plan is listed in Appendix G. 1 38 5.0 Bleach Filtrate Recycling(BFRTM)Process on Pine Fiberline A full scale demonstration of Champion's Bleach Filtrate Recycling (BFRTM) process was begun at the Canton Mill in 1995. Details of the BFRTM demonstration project are in Appendix H. The process has two major new components, the Chloride Removal Process (CRP) and Metals Removal Process (MRP). For the BFRTM demonstration the CRP and MRP become integral parts of the bleached kraft pulping and recovery process. Both processes are integral in the overall goal of BFRTM to achieve and sustain closure of the DIN and Eor bleach stages of the Pine fiber line at Canton. The CRP provides a system to purge chloride and potassium from the recovery boiler precipitator ash while the MRP removes minerals such as calcium, magnesium, etc. from the DI00 stage filtrate. The CRP is utilized to keep the liquor cycle chloride concentrations similar to or less than pre-BFRTM levels. The MRP is designed to reduce/control scale forming minerals while recycling bleach plant filtrates. The BFRTM process components were brought on-line and independently demonstrated by the mill prior to full BFRTM implementation. The various stages included: 1) Start-up of CRP in August 1995; 2) Initial start-up of MRP in November 1995 -D100 filtrate treated and sewered; 3) EoP filtrate recycle commenced in March 1996; 4) MRP-treated D 100 filtrate bleach plant recycle began in August 1996. Throughout the remainder of 1996 and through 1998 the mill continues the BFRTM demonstration process. Mechanical and process issues encountered continue to be addressed. The mill operated for several months at various closure levels while 39 attempting to attain full closure. To stabilize the BFRTM process, the mill currently targets for 80% closure of the first two bleaching filtrate stages of the pine fiber line. Two papers on the BFRTM process demonstration are located in Appendix H. One article is written by Bob Caron of Champion's Applied Technologies while the other article, written by Stratton (Champion AT) and Ferguson (Canton Mill Pulp Operations), received the Canadian Pulp and Paper Association's 1997 Douglas Jones Award. These articles cover the BFRTM process mechanics, operational history and environmental performance. 40 6.0 Conclusion The contents of this June 1, 1998 report fulfill all of the requirements of Part III, Section E, Paragraphs 7, 8 and 9 of the mill's modified 1997 Water Quality Color Variance and 1997 NPDES Permit effective December 31, 1997. All four of the Best Management Practices (BMP) Projects required by Paragraph 9 were completed by the mill before June I" and are discussed in Section 3.0. A list of projects, discussed in Section 4.0, was developed and implemented by the mill to satisfy all in-mill color reduction measures identified in Paragraph 7. Together with the continued demonstration of the Bleached Filtrate Recycling (BFRTm) Process on the mill's pine fiber line, these color reduction measures have resulted in color reductions in the secondary effluent as illustrated in Figure 1. 41 : 6 » § ° : \ � [ .... �* APPEND IX A - 7 A z } a APPENDIX "A — A � / � 'Jt L V 'Chami- ion February 10. 1998 Mr. Forrest Westall Regional Water Quality Supervisor North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources 59 Woodfrn Place Asheville. NC 28801 RE: NPDE4 PERMIT Mniitit~rreTI 1 PERMIT No. N(' 000 272 Dear Mr. Westall: Per the modified permit. Part III - Special Conditions, Section E. - Requirements for Compliance and Analysis, Paragraph 9, Champion International's Canton Mill is required to implement four BMPs which have a high potential for achieving color reduction and a high level of implementability. Items (a) and (b) of that paragraph specify: (a) installation of replacement digester recirculation pumps and a spill collection sump (b) installation of a pine courtyard Parshall flume slide gate These BMPs were reviewed with you and other members of EPA's Technology Review Team and submitted to Mr. Don Anderson, Team Leader, in May 1997. For reference, Attachment I is that portion of the submittal that addressed these specific BMPs. At the time of the review, all information was submitted as being in the "conceptual" phase of project engineering. Detailed engineering is now complete and an improved design is submitted for your approval as Attachment II. The improved design allows for a new sump with two (2) automatic pumps and new U- drains which will provide a reliable means of detecting any flow with elevated color content and reduce the possibility of release by pumping the fluid to the brownstock spill tank. Manual slide gates will also be installed to assure containment of this area. datalwinword\bobw\n pdeskmodifielwest2-10 cn"r S_ -a:ional "C orat.c- Forrest Westall February 10. 1998 . / Page 2 1 This design is a more reliable system than what was originally conceived with t he Parshall flume slide gate. comparison of the two attachments reflects that Champion, with this improved design, is prepared to commit approximately two times the expenditure of the original conceptual phase design. Please be advised that Champion has completed that portion of Item (a), requiring the replacement of the digester recirculation pumps. In order to meet the June 1, 1998 implementation deadline, we are requesting that this improved design satisfy Items (a) and(b) by February 23, 1998. If you have any questions, please call me at (704)646-2033. Sincerely, ,/ In/ V • Robert V. Williams Manager Environmental, Occupational Health& Safety datalwinword lbobwln pd eslmodif iclwest2-10 State of North Carolina Department of Environment • and Natural Resources Asheville Regional Office Division of Water Quality NCDENR James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor NOR,,,CAROLIWI DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES Wayne McDevitt, Secretary WATER QUALITY SECTION February 23 , 1998 .Mr. Robert V. Williams, Manager Environmental, Occupational Health & Safety Champion' International Corporation Canton Mill Box C-10- Canton, North Carolina 28716 Subject : NPDES Permit Settlement, Installation of BMPs Dear Mr. Williams : In response` to'your February 10, 1998 letter on this subject, the Division has reviewed your- request in consultation with the Technology Review Workgroup (TRW) . A copy of the material provided with the February 10 letter was sent to Mr. Don Anderson, Chair of the TRW. Champion provided a phone briefing ( February 11, 1998) to Mr. Anderson, Ms. Karrie-Jo Shell and myself about the current status of activities at the mill, including the Company' s proposed solution to comply with Parts (a) and (b) of Paragraph 21 of the Settlement Agreement (a portion of the BMP installation process) . Based on this information, Mr. Anderson and I concurred that the proposed two-chambered:•sump requested by Champion -is .actually a much better approach to minimizing the potential impacts of color losses in the digester and pine courtyard areas of the mill than - would be offered by a lone sump for the digester area and a Parshall flume slide gate to serve the pine courtyard area (as described in the Agreement) . It is also understood that the projected installation costs of the two-chambered sump is actually significantly higher than the projection made for the original proposal . The proposed system along with a summary analysis of the alternative was made available to the other members of the TRW by Mr. Anderson. He received from them their concurrence that the alternate BMP installation would more than meet the intent and.. objective of the Agreement language in Paragraph 21 that deals with BMPs in these two mill areas . As a result of these evaluations and the findings of the TRW, Champion should proceed with the installation of the proposed, 59 Woodfin Place, Asheville, North Carolina 28801 Telephone 704-251-6208 Fax 704-251-6452 _ An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer ATTACHMENT I One ChamOlon Plaza Slamtoro.Connecticut 06921 Ecwartl O.Clem 203 358.7847 vice Presiaent—Environmental Oualiry i r , U Champion Cnammon in,ernanc,i Ccroo,ancr•. May 0, 1997 Mr. Don Anderson U,S. Environmental Protection Agency Mail Code 4303 Room 195A, East Tower 401 M Street, SW Washington, D.C. 20460 RE: Section 308 request dated Feb. 6, 1997 Dear Mr. Anderson: Attached are copies of the information we shared with you, an Technology Review team, on d other members of EPA's May 8, 1997. I believe this material provides answers to all of the questions covered in the referenced Section 308 request, but if that is not the case, Please advise me at your earliest opportunity. It is my understanding that much of this material will be used to support the findings of the Technology team, and some of it may wind up in the public domain. With that understanding, you should consider that the information covering the expected operating costs (not the capital costs) for the BFR demonstration project on the pine line at the Canton mill is deemed by Champion to be Business Confidential, and should be protected by this designation: Champion's stated intention is to demonstrate whether this technology can be commercially proven to be viable at this location, and we are required to provide proof under existing provisions of the North Carolina color variance if this technology should prove not to be feasible. Since the cost numbers provided are tentative(reflecting only three months of operation, and not at full closure), the release of this information would be premature. Therefore, we are requiring that it not be released. None of the other information enclosed is claimed under this provision. Sincerely, CC: Dick Diforio Bill Manzer Canton Color Technology Assessment PRESENTED BY: Champion International Corporation Canton, North Carolina May 8, 1997 Spill COntrol/Collection Systems ■ Digester House Sump — Collect Black Liquor Losses from: » Digester House » Hardwood Blow Tank & Accumulator Area ■ Parshall Flume Slide Gate ■ Weak Black Liquor Tank Containment Project I : Digester Sump M mum" ■ Scope of Work: — Installation of: » 3 foot square, reinforced, lined concrete sump pit » Conductivity probe connected to automatic valve » Automatic sump pump with piping to: ■ Hardwood brown spill collection system ■ Pine blow tank — Collection and Diversion of Seal Water within Digester Building 1 Project I: DigesterSump (cont) ■ Cost of Project (+/. 25%) : — Labor — $41 ,000 — Equipment/Materials — $37,000 — Electrical/Instrument = 7 000 — TOTAL PROJECT COST — $855000 » Multiply by 2 to include Indirect Cost Project II: Parshall Flume ■ Scope of Work: — Installation of.- One 316 SS automatic slide gate valve: ■ at entrance of No. 2B Sewer Parshall flume ■ connected to existing conductivity probe — Relocation of existing piping — Modification of existing cover grating l Project II : Parshall Flume cont ■ Cost of Project (+/_ 25%) : — Labor = $251000 — Equipment/Materials = 20 000 — TOTAL PROJECT COST — $451000 » Multiply by 2 to include Indirect Cost ATTACHMENT II Chamcicr :r;?ma; --al CIrocranon CHAMPION INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION CANTON MILL PROJECT INSTALL SUMP SYSTEM FOR COLOR CONTROL IN DIGESTER/PINE COURTYARD ARA No. 5573 This appropriation for funding of$270,000 in capital and $5,000 in expense is submitted for the installation of a sump system in the digester and pine courtyard area to provide best management practices color control. The digester building and courtyard area adjacent to the pine blow tower was identified by the EPA technical review work group as a site in need of a process loss collection system. This area is a converging point for pine blow tower courtyard U-drains and the digester sewer. which are the two main flow sources in this area. Any unintended process loss generated in this area is primarily composed of black liquor and will flow directly to the mill sewer system. This project will provide the following equipment and facilities required to improve the process loss detection, collection, and removal in the digester building and pine courtyard areas: 1. A new U-drain will be installed to connect the existing U-drain which enters on the southwest side of the digester building to the existing U-drain in the #4 Boiler courtyard. A permanent plug will be installed to prevent the flow from entering the sewer which exists on the southeast end of the digester building. The flow in this existing U-drain is normally not a source of color and diverting it away from the new sump is necessary to eliminate a source of dilution. 2. A new sump will be installed in the open area in the pine courtyard west of the existing reject dumpsters. This pit will be 8' square x 10' deep in reinforced concrete construction, and will have three compartments, two of which will be pump chambers and one designed as a discharge weir. This sump will be the collecting point for the two main sources of flow in this area-- the digester sewer and the pine courtyard U- drain. These two sources will be routed into separate compartments in the sump to allow individual monitoring. Each compartment will be capable of handling flows up to 400 gal./min. in capacity and will be installed with three manual gates to allow cross flow between the compartments and isolation of each compartment from the discharge weir. These gates will increase the flow handling capability to 800 gals/min. (Normal flow into this area is 425 gal/min.) The manual gates will allow for the total isolation of this sump from the mill sewer. The sump will be designed to be covered with steel plate to allow vehicle traffic to pass over portions of the sump. data\winwo rdlbo bw%n pd eslmodificlwest2-10 Cha=c- - _ - _ .....,-ai Corc•zucn The manual gate operators will extend above the sump cover plate and block some areas from passage. r J. Two Goulds submersible sump pumps will be purchased and installed. These pumps will require 20 HP and have 400 GPM capacity, and will handle solids up to 3" in diameter. The pumps will be furnished in HC 600 (high chrome iron) construction, which will provide good corrosion resistance for a pH range of 5-12 and excellent abrasion resistance in a slum application. Three types of sump pumps were considered for this project: self-priming, submersible and vertical. The submersible Pump was selected for this project due to its superior reliability over the self-priming model and lower cost when compared to the vertical pump. 4. New 6"diameter 316, Sch. 10 stainless steel piping and valves will be installed to provide a common header from the two new vertical pumps. The combined flow will be discharged into the top of the brownstock spill tank(Eq#38S323011). 5. Painting services will be provided for all structural steel pipe supports installed on this project. Since the existing sump system in service (Ref. Eq. #648760020) does not have electric tracing or insulation installed on the discharge piping, this project will not provide electric tracing or insulation. 6. Electrical and instrumentation for this project will include new drives for the sump PUMPS, two float switches, two conductivity probes, a new temperature probe in the knotter reject line. and DCS control. The pumps will be installed to operate independently based on the conductivity of the flow entering either compartment of the sump. 7. All work on this project will be performed on a straight time basis by off-site contractors. Subsurface soil conditions in the location proposed for the sump have not been tested. These unknown conditions may or may not affect the construction of the sump. datalwinwordlb o bwln pdes\mod ificlwest2_10 2�\ » . � ��a \ �� « . * . � � w/ APPENDIX ( ) , \ A�� m aN"2�-1av ��. . wv ��. Electrical and Instrumentation Preventive Maintenance Plan For Color Control Enhancements While standard instrumentation preventive maintenance practices are adequate for most processes in the Canton Mill,the following enhancements shall be implemented to insure that all instrumentation associated with color control remains properly calibrated and reliable: 1. Instrumentation critical to color control shall be identified. 2. Preventive maintenance tasks shall be developed for each type of instrument. 3. Preventive maintenance tasks shall be scheduled using the Canton Mill computerized instrument calibration system or the Basic Care check sheets. 4. Calibration specifications shall be established in the computerized instrument calibration system for each instrument. 5. Calibration test results and routine checks shall be documented using the computerized instrument calibration system and the Basic Care check sheets,respectively. 6. Test results shall be reviewed periodically to refine calibration frequencies and required tasks to insure instrumentation remains within specification between calibration intervals. The following table contains instrumentation that is critical to color control in the Canton Mill. The preventive maintenance tasks and frequencies listed shall be established as the initial preventive maintenance routine. These tasks and frequencies shall be modified,based on test history,to insure that the instrumentation remains within specification during the calibration interval. 'M1wMT ' AT�11 LWNTP PII '4-M°tril:.',:;fF's; mrylnMen CRlactiMy Trwmeer Pine NxaolitrmmwN raL 9 penury WAY Weety Basic Cse fJierl StWW AT-l00(�p9 RBewer.Ev°poMor6]B Cu�d[t•AryTmlmNs' . � �• I Itl nevaery WeeW Weety Bue Cse ClrstBM AT•%l0(Llfi] iNTRwmeR °°m'Bn Ci9ee�de Rine. wN hMR.n nLnnb� Bnemury lw.3' Weddyewc Coe Glen SMe1 AT-XKKdl90 ]A Sewer.it fibwlineCmalcWayimanNR R�PoOe,NeN bN RRIR,nn4heW'W�T WeeF!/BaikCx LM[YBtnal AT-%1Wl(p( NSeev CRWuc4wyTraunrtln I 9teEe. nuer�mwN a, rmpraro I uo�q !9nentery �Wety iWeeky Bue CoeCMnSlml AT-)!IX�]OB �Tmerteaa �'tr� R• ec ,n rY Ienecmery elWaelay WmkyBne Coe C11M5nem AT-%W(df09 �CRiJEnityTmenillR Po nnermory er. a Weety W."BneCae Chsib AT-)OCUlld e°�i epR ,N rmba'm :Tmumlb Amwery IWeefry IWeeky Baee Cve CM4SMel AT.)=41917 I�B Canyie"Tmsnittr IEneRatry W.W Welly Bue Coe Clint Shd AT-) R IW �Bewc ixg m CRW.WN'T ru Pine.RlerYrilOnlo M.n nlitrale AT-AIX- Bnmeery Weep" WeeklyBue Coe Cned�&m( SRryv:aeRrA,y Bute CvqucNiryTnn�niEer PCEe.UennWretimeNi R, cet e sermon ana Amwery We9d/ AT-)=- IWeiiJ/Buic Cse CherY51m1 :Traiemnv P�e°e.Nett eYib'dlm v.M v, � _ iB�eeary Wmpy iWmky Bue Coe Ctle]1Slee AT-AlG(- ICRWueo-iyTm°mtler a Pit arnR PreGe, eai0nvn vM R, e ilneuaery W°dM Weeky Bue CveCMicSMa AT-Xp(- Su,Q CmOenetle ShfppRCmaaVyinneneeer B��Po°e• R• W �Y °°pi Weety Bane Coe CM451tn LT-@BBI118 iS° sY14i°aRARepb TRLL level TraiemmR Yuuelynepgy tl°alelmn RW MN�wmvalQ E wY°Waste Cmqulacee�Syelsn LT-0TBdO]G I1e151ege PPW9 F9bele TRlk lawlTmampd YleRty iupeR WyR,b°��,�� �Q E �°W®ke CmQllemee Lffiibaem Sypan LTA9BCOW �]M SWePieO]Fatrne TRlk lnM Traonms �YieuvP,•WPeekaeimvefWlluN ran win wdR Eve 4West° Cmpulviran caft mSyttee LT-@B % .3W Step PleO]Fubate TN lave Trmematy IYfue9,•iRlelp tuawbn eW fleN mOviNwIR Sy C C IE /—' AT-10ABT! �Tmanptr °� `�Ye Weeks mpNep>b a4trenm eteto �eewlY T�IBA°ry wM R� a W� IW�,,Buc Coe CtafYBney inallOmafe Tag - bacilPBan TW �.FnqualcT'- YnOL AT-038 W Fall Blwn SlarkS lean pv0e,ua..x ra;,papm wmoutta,6rd45rab I BYaI».... ,ulW CaawrveyTmammv Itlnemaary Waew iWaeky BaakC»CMckSMef AT-01 w 'NeetBmwIBWG Swp COttceMyTmumnbr es eG Wuwaem wN @. tfalp tlnersary Weekly WetlJyBatC»CMck Steel AT-0t00E98 BevElPan Sorry CmMlc4MyTmfmM am°• ;tlneuasry WeeMy iWeeky BacC»CNetl15Me1 LT-09Oa31 IrnotivAccega Tarttlny Tmsmmv IVifwNybsgGwWlnvlt alq Msk rag xM yaly E ala anlc0a0Oa fayeWVAfCmgaenraB CaGtae5al S]'aten TA-0091000( Tvlpvmae Veit'DCS slam pMMbrmeO EayB Weeks Cmptleee0 CMb®vl S)nlen LT-009 u 1sl SWWPleC]FI T"k Tmumev IVbuaMMsroMiummva alBikut o>o wNwMv Eaye We CaryMabeBDabavDam LT-W9-115 LW SIa9e PIe03�a Talk leW Trsumvv yslWll iupvl nfplulbtl atl ryyallry vMry fwly E aye Weelu CaIWIVRaO CeLBIe5Ol yyalan LT� ,Stage PleO]F�NMe Tmktaal Traummv IWIp:y WpeM tualMsrtfaIB 111sB celeEN wnv Eaye We iCmquletraO CM,be5a1 Syn1» LT-CV4e]5 eNBWePmOl F,kaleTN lmd Tmsmav YawN WPaaiummvn atl lliak ml rNwela E aye WeW CalpMapae Ca41aMv1 S]atvn LT-009-.w] SIa SpllCWl Tank T..vlh lYsueOy Fapvn YUOUMVII aq Oufh mO xMl volt' IEaye Wm4 I:alpulabatl CalEae yysl» AT-0O9551 BIaalSbrk U.pIMn SISTCadseJt/TmflliemlBmlma a W AT-0Og.T]5 ,Fnt I ry ^aNl Weakry BmcC»CNa35B! 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Eal UnnOdratl bpuv TaM LeM Tmemea ,VuuMy'aupeM MEWnary sal lYtsAcl wmwav Weeby IWeeklyBnkC»CIIerY 511ee1 LT-)OOFI000f Retl LIP—Stm TvkL"Traum0v �VuuMy MaPeM Wtameap Msllyd wmwvv jWeeNy IW I m4y BucC»CMck Sled AT-001-0191 Imam C0rekaB DOneauMCmnctary 'illlerme •tlixta(ba[mwTIMIa,LruGlyMe aq PlvBMv Tb Tmufktly ry, 1 IWeWy6 DMaBe BmieC»CBaft Day BM»ABoioM SIIeMa LT-0 14195 Swaum Cmbkatl Flask Tank Led TMnameer I Imamavlmtngwela Bata ra4MMetansmtivynemevy WmNY WeeNyBueC»CBert Slael AT-05142 la ..CallamlMeBCmMctiq Tmumac iG�Pma.W ku®rmmvrN EM/er.8rffitrMe WeeN/fBWetl,yll IVyeeky6CM�G lilnaeaary Et'Pmdennl•Tb ISBeMa Day BM»ABcdaB LT-0811D10 �.Tm ry tmfmts wMa av, i ICMLMe bafanEevtlnexaavy I'`I-W IWefMy BukC»CIIVJc51e! AT-051-0f07 Sweum FOE DonBauaM Cal Gen RMle,tlleQ miErellvlwN Mfa,draritrMe WcelaylBLWeektyll �sM Tralvrtea naaaary Eery PmblenOl•Tee IShee�6CMage BaticC»Cllvt De]BM»ABMIM IIInlgfelnaTp - - ',`.Bkacilptbm'- - �J � _ hat.. :•;F�Fn9uanryc sc u4ap ppcwoa LT-0Bt-0209 ae an uaummer�eaan w a 1 ua awl .•Traul,mnm ir�rne taanynadner�aryg q We . WeekydBnk Cae Cn Shea AT-NA4w Odrffii Sun9COMdu AVTra , P1Ote. �daDT,eery m6antrate ee � ne ry Naga nc e4 BeIOeA Bohn i5teaa LT-IGIX-%IgTI W�enmtltirsd L)guv TmtlewlTmunirta YuuapyWµy kammen aq MN ctlwtl�xata W °ea/ ,Wa4y Buk Cae Choy Sheet AT-DU4178 WGBCarttwp Cmtlenaale Cmdmtdy ;Clan pM�e.y,�myy-apm wN Wryer,6nlitrAe iWm�'�'We4lylf Tmamtta Bnaeaary EM Prmlmny•Th. 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AT-0824181 iWGSFOd Cmdeuaa Cm �iry NTmanner 'Ck�OaBe.aArA aalbmm wN bdb,BaakbMe IW° �W° a'll idnamery Evy Prvgmal•The I IS eea AGNapaBnk Caa GerA Ory Be1OVA Baden LT- 241U ;WGB Fad Cmdmam SUnckxo Lnd Tanamna l B°nanc�l°'nnpw a aawl ,a ae trmneaea rcmary Weld/ Weiy Bask Cae Chat AT-)OG(-)Ogct idlO Remaly Bola UdmrCmaCMljTrmamaei pace,tlle2a>dhefm wN hWer,Aadihrge OryB ACyJ a IW."&&Aap Buis CaeC Wuh Silemb AT-1G04%>JOt ref t Rawv Bala B-dM Cah, M Tm .,_,as Natal acNmm wN"..d rakl lEgY2Web•The Idrnaary OadB =ACydme IW AOaape BukC Ma IWo LT-)GB(-JGGB( 1p Raomm hh NcyT Leelhmames :YaueII,'WPea naNmnn atl MNoedviN waa �]mms pa'ae� iWeeky Bnk Cae ChedtSheb LT-%%%-xyGIX t1G ReareIYGOM Lytlae LeM TmumEa �YauaP/WPed kMmsk aq MN ce9viNww ]Nlo pawedl WaelddBukca chJ she LT-10G4xy0G( i/1l Rearwry NON CyTbw bat TrmankaaYiauedytupep kebrnva aw MN mawN was ]Enm I pav,edt WmMyBnk Cam CMASheea LT-AIX-%100t If1l Remlay SaM CyTJale Lead TmamOa IYnuap/WPed kaNmava a4MNrtl wN ceder ]Ivlm AT-)MG 170 !Ca Bn SeaaC �Y:ey{ WmtlW Bmk Caa CherA 5lreb mOc4x!/Tmamna iBnermaal' a. eJEa 2We WeekdBok Cav Oiay Shea Computerized Instrument Calibration System The computerized instrument calibration system will store calibration specifications for each instrument, including calibration range and acceptable tolerance. The system will schedule routine calibrations based on manufacturer's recommendations,technical experience,or analysis of previous test results. When an instrument is due for calibration,the technician shall download calibration information to a hand-held calibrator. The calibrator shall be used to record"as-found"calibration test data. If the test results are not within tolerance,the instrument shall be re-calibrated. After re-calibration,an"as-left"test shall be performed. If the"as-left"test is within tolerance,the test results shall be stored and the instrument rescheduled for calibration based on the predetermined interval. "As-found"calibration results shall be reviewed periodically to determine if the calibration interval should be revised to assure the instrument remains within tolerance between calibration checks. Basic Care Check Sheet The Basic Care check sheet will be used to schedule and document electrical and instrumentation preventive maintenance tasks. Each check sheet contains task descriptions and a weekly schedule of tasks to be completed. At the end of each week,the sheets shall be tiled by the area maintenance planner for historical record and work requests shall be initiated for any exceptions. Implementation Schedule The preventive maintenance enhancements described above shall be implemented by July 1, 1998. » aJ © , e \ �}�^ APPE }DIX " D ƒ Task FL20: Explain. Fiberline Area Compliance and Color Control Purpose: Understand mill effluent compliance as it pertains to color and explain the management and process tools to control color from the fiberline area. Performance Objective: Given the information on effluent compliance, You will explain discharge concerns and the actions taken to maintain compliance while completing the performance check without error. Learning Guide Contents: Page Terms and Definitions 2 Sub-Objectives: 01 Explain What Is Color and What Causes Color 3 02 Explain Routine Monitoring for Color Control 9 03 Explain Fiberline Area Monitoring and Controlling of Color Losses 13 04. Explain How To Manage Nonroutine Events 17 05. Prepare To Explain Fiberline Area Compliance and Color Control 20 Performance Check: Explain Fiberline Area Compliance and Color Control 21 Task Competency Form 24 Directions for Using This Learning Guide: If you can already perform this task, notify your trainer. If you cannot perform this task, complete the following items: 01. Study the terms and definitions. 02. Read the information for each sub-objective. 03. Complete the activities for each sub-objective. 04. Complete the self-checks. 05. Complete the performance check. 06. Consult with your trainer to review your performance check. 5113198 4710-PMG-FL20 Page I / �& �A &�) a � w� APPENDIX "T 492 PulpMill CTraining olor Impact ?'FP9t ' 'ale rr 17'f¢g'`i✓rz'l"'F�d''�+n* '�7n—n�d171'�'t + r5�,1' n a NPDE ■ 'S Permit Overview ' ■ Pulp Mill Color Performance ■ Pulp Mill Color Sources f� r i k �t 1997 NP � DES Permit Overview A ,.r ;rr- T;R 4.1 WIT 771 Dates and Effluent Limitations a. Mill Compliance Timeline June 1 1998 Report ecember 1 1998 Report ! � Hardwood Eo Recycle 1 1997 NPDES Permit Overview i .—.�..��'Yi tom..��.�I�A'h 9f�P�1ek7JtFRlFFci °AT�A iI"fiRR7ta`�'llf7A f a 1 ml e..`i`ymSELt'.1"'seF;l LY I-� fl i4,_,F kt ' y �3 _. JJ _ �'71j� ,:PYQl+�+J'+'E Pn 1�!"r•"�4"71�Y�'�`E$�' q{��rl..wv.R�`J Y7 1 �A`7 Y 'p h � J C "9'LIW.I��'� $7tt+1 `.rnE .0�.!`• t� :'� + sY. ,�'g ■ Effective December 31 , 1997 1 ■ Submit Re port on June 1 , 2001 for Permit y ri p Renewal recommendations ■ Expires November 30, 2001 az ■ GENERAL PROVISION:Z�. ON. X' {M — Mill Pulp Production capacity will not be increased unless done in a way to reduce color. Y e: 'a fR tci. ytri! A }' Dates and Effluent Limitations z. 0 Currently Monthly Avg = 95,000 lbs/day N As of December 1 , 1998 : — Monthly Avg = 69,000 lbs/day IP I — Annual Avg = 60,000 lbs/day Color at Hepco < 50 scu when flow > 214 mgd m As of May 1 , 2001 : Target Annual Avg = 48-52,000 lbs/day tfi� �� June lst Color Reduction Report ditional Color Reduction Measures : Enhanced Monitoring OST and E&I PM OJT Controls for Unmeasured Sources Digester Area Clean Water Segregation Outages .4 � �M June 1st Col or Reduction Report ------—---- N 9.tl:: "4'P"- 0 BMP Projects : Digester Recirculation Pumps r pile Pine Courtyard Sump WBL Tank Containment Additional Items Evaporator Set Demister Clogging it Condensate Instrumentation Dry Convey Hwd Knot Rejects ■ Sewer Generated Color Research V Dec 1 Low Flow Contingency Report N Plan to achieve additional color reduction at Hepco during low flow periods < 214 mgd z. Maintenance Scheduling Intermittent Treatment I A Production Curtailment ' Other Temporary Measures Stored & Timed Release Lake Logan Champion International Corporation - Canton, NC Annual Average Secondary Effluent Color Discharge (lbs/day) 400,000 Historical Database from 1987 through 1998 YTD 350,000 300,000 0 250,000 0 0 U E 200,000 w a $ 150,000 0 U N (/1 100,000 50,000 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 Section I: Figure 3 CMS 4/6/98 Champion International Corporation Color Discharged at the Canton Mill as Compared to Other Mills in the Fully Bleached Kraft Category Source: National Council for the Pulp and Paper Industry 100 90% ---- — v - 80% 70% f0 p, 60% U - C 50% y _ 40% --- ----- — 30% — m — 20% 10% C- U - 0% O � O O �('] 'a' O 00 ip p O O O h7 u'] O O O I C7 C7 .a. ��, O Ln Ln O O O O p V' ^ O !JCDO CD Final Effluent Color (pounds per ton of pulp produced) Section III: Figure 1 SKK/CMS 10/23/97 UIP Mill Color Sources 122'12 Pump Packing Brownstock Area Digesters creen Room Rejects ■ Operational Parameters ■ Bleach Plant Impact MRP APPE ƒD IX 'E - 7 A 4310-REC-ENVOV01 CJ Champion v -_ Champion internationai Corooranon Canton Mill • Recovery, Utilities, and Resource Utilization Department EXPLAIN RECOVERY AREA COMPLIANCE AND COLOR CONTROL or� Dare' APsil 6, 1998 Revised Date I i Too�'s U Champion Champion International Corporation 98 Champion Inteernatioona9 lCo Stamford. Connecticut maright,reserved,including n tyow of ttatulation. No part of this work reproduced b Y cans or used m any form without the written Permission of Champion International Corporation. w contents of this document must be used only in associanon with a training�o�� approved by Champion International Corporation. Printed in the United States of America Task ENVOVOI Explain Recovery Area Compliance and Color Control Purpose: Understand mill effluent compliance as it pertains to color and explain the management and process tools to control color from the recovery area Performance Objective: Given the information on effluent compliance.explain discharge concerns and the actions taken to maintain compliance while completing the performance check with 100%mastery. Learning Guide Contents: Terms and Definitions Sub-Objectives: 01 Explain What is Color and What Causes Color 02 Explain Routine Monitoring for Color Control 03 Explain Recovery Boiler Area Monitoring and Controlling of Color es 04. Explain Evaporator Area Monitoring and Controlling of Color Losses Loss 05. Explain How To Manage Nonroutine Events 06• Prepare To Explain Recovery Area Compliance and Color Control Performance Check: Explain Recovery Area Compliance and Color Control Task Competency Form April 6.1998 K � r � � � � � � � < � � . p Recove Color ImpactrY Training k F ■ NPDES Permit Overview ■ Recovery Color Performance ■ Recovery Color Sources y •� NI � 6Y v' 4k rj a� M E k ggi 1997 NPDES Pertuit Overview MIMM {4 ry qf ■ Dates and Effluent Limitations ■ Mill Compliance Timeline G` ■ June 1 , 1998 Report ■ December 1 , 1998 Report ■ Hardwood Eo Recycle , 1997 NPDES Pen-nit 'Overview gyp!L + 9. '97"�?Si' �.ifp.+xi�Cif s" e ' 2:7 apl+•�4 g o;i�t . +�,;a:,^^Rra±T`4 '�'':S,q'f.ip""i µ tF q ■ Effective December 31 , 1997 A u ■ Submit Report on June 1 , 2001 for Permit Renewal recommendations i ■ Expires November 30, 2001 ■ GENERAL PROVISION: Mill Pulp Production capacity will not be increased unless done in a way to reduce color. Dates and Effluent Limitations 0 Currently Monthly Avg = 95,000 lbs/day 0 As of December 1 ., 1998 : — Monthly Avg = 69,000 lbs/day — Annual Avg = 60,000 lbs/day — Color at HePco < 50 scu when flow > 214 mgd N As of May 1 , 2,00 1 : Target Annual Avg = 48-52,000 lbs/day Mill ComplianceTimeline I� rr •'�Pi!'�kP'�'.9pyF�jj �:�-vr.�oonr _ nil rri y r ➢ !I ■ June 1 , 1998 Color Reduction Report ■ Dec 1 , 1998 Low Flow Contingency Plan F r ■ Jan 1 , 1999 Hwd Eo Recycle Begins ■ Dec 1 , 1999 Report: — Hwd Eo Recycle �r.. f — Potential for full BFR on Hwd t ■ Jan 1 , 2001 48-52,000 lbs/day Report s ■ Mar 1 , 2001 End-of-Pipe Color Report June 1 st Color Reduction Report n „r...IIF 11G I, i! ■ Additional Color Reduction Measures : x — Enhanced Monitoring — OST and E&I PM — OJT — Controls for Unmeasured Sources — Digester Area 1 — Clean Water Segregation — Outages - b R June 1 st Color Reduction Report tRv t?+tf-'��, ^gp jar 77l:p:!i? k'�'F�f,S,:.li�""F+�"W'�:!'•'�1 ■ BMP Projects : s — Digester Recirculation Pumps — Pine Courtyard Sump — WBL Tank Containment — Additional Items » Evaporator Set Demister Clogging w Condensate Instrumentation » Dry Convey Hwd Knot Rejects ■ Sewer Generated Color Research 7 Dec 1 Low Flow Contingency genc y Report il r ■ Plan to achieve additional color reduction at a Hepco duringlow flow periods < rc� p ods 214 mgd t= — Maintenance Scheduling f — Intermittent Treatment — Production Curtailment a — Other Temporary Measures » Stored & Timed Release » Lake Logan Champion Internationa, t;orporation - Canton, NC Annual Average Secondary Effluent Color Discharge (lbs/day) 400,000 Historical Database from 1987 through 1998 YTD 350,000 300,000 T O "O N 250,000 0 0 U Z 200,000 150,000 0 U V) 100,000 50,000 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 Section I: Figure 3 CMS 4/6/98 Cumulative Percent of Mills in the Bleached Kraft Category 27 O O O O O O O O O O O CD 0-50 47 Canton Mill-BFR ° c � C e° y 50-100 V `d• I m o. , 22 100-150 n 0 150-200 b x a 0 200-250 n o a 250-300 b CL o b 300-350 350-400 400-450 i I 450+ I I I I I I i l 0 N W , J RecovervColor Sources `-�S!'N�'^1 � 'S�I�r�jS1'I`4'�'Y�il •�1'r�•Y 101 i '�'' wK' 1�'Ri"�+@�C4fl�WAf+�'�tRF�rn'c--' .:_��•';�sYS Trn '�r97°:^^�'il`�i;9 $C'24 Ri°d n g n g p ■ Pump Packing — Evaporator Area g k — Recovery Boilers ■ Combined & Contaminated Condensates ■ Operational Parameters ■ CRP �f. ■ Turbidity ���� B ( ' a��s ��f APPENDIX NCASI Projects 97.0124 and 98.0132 Brief Summary 1.0 Introduction The NCASI color method was initially proposed in the 1960s for the measurement of true color in pulp and paper mill effluents. Since then, the processes utilized to treat effluents and make pulp and paper have changed considerably. In recent years, new delignification and bleaching methods have resulted in significantly reduced color loads in mill effluents. Studies by a NCASI member company suggest that the NCASI color measurement method may be prone to interferences when used on influents from mills employing these new technologies. These interferences are thought to be caused by particulate matter suspended in the samples, which scatter fight and may affect the measurement of absorbance utilized to determine the true color value. NCASI is currently conducting studies to evaluate the performance of, and possible improvements to, NCASI Method 253 for the determination of true color in biologically treated mill effluents. These improvements include development of an effective procedure for stabilizing the sample pH and optimizing the process used to remove turbidity in the samples. An investigation into the effects of different sources of turbidity in pulp and paper mill treatment system influents and secondary biologically treated effluents and their effect on true color using the modifications developed during this study is also being conducted. 2.0 Objectives The NCASI research will address the following study objectives: • An evaluation of the performance of NCASI Method 253 for the measurement of color when used on influent and effluent samples from mills equipped with new delignification and bleaching methods that have resulted in significantly reduced color loads. • The development of techniques suitable to stabilizing sample pH during filtration and color measurement. • An investigation of the potential interferences in the color test method, including different sources of turbidity. • The development and evaluation of various approaches to overcome the interferences. In addition to these objectives, NCASI is working to provide a well-defined and documented method for the measurement of color that is consistent with EPA's method development guidelines and the current NPDES requirements of member companies by integrating the findings of this study into the existing color measurement procedure. The revised procedure will also incorporate appropriate quality control and quality assurance procedures into the NCASI method. Upon completion of the final modifications, NCASI may conduct a multi- laboratory precision and ruggedness evaluation of the final procedure. 3.0 Approach A list of mill candidates, from which four were selected, was reviewed to determine which mills would best fit the criteria of low color generating mills. Grab effluent samples and composite influent samples will be collected from the selected bleached and unbleached kraft mills and utilized in the studies. During the course of this research project, NCASI will conduct an evaluation of the performance of NCASI Method 253 for the determination of true color in the samples described above. The work will be initiated by performing replicate tests on effluents and influents, using NCASI Method 253 to determine the components of the method that may require further optimization in the low color value effluents. In addition to these initial evaluations, experiments will be conducted to determine the optimum spectrophotometer wavelength for the measurement of pulp and paper influent and effluent sample color, effects of pre-filtration of samples, filter porosity size for optimum removal of turbidity and minimal removal of true color, sample centrifugation versus filtration for the removal of turbidity, effects of sample volume, and procedures for the stabilization of sample pH. Initial research suggested the need to investigate suitable techniques to stabilize the pH of the sample before, during, and after filtration. To address pH stability, several different buffering systems will be investigated, including mono and dibasic sodium phosphate buffer solutions, commercially available pHydrion buffer capsules (Metrepak), and Piperazine-N,N"- bis[2-hydroxypropane-sulfonic acid] (POPSO) buffering solutions. Another objective is to investigate potential interferences in the color method and to develop and evaluate various approaches to overcome the interferences. One such interference is turbidity. Centrifugation will be investigated as an alternative to filtration with a 0.8 µm membrane filter to determine if the turbidity can be removed without removing true color. Additional experiments will be conducted using successively smaller pore size filters to assess the optimum filter size for removing particulate matter with minimum removal of true color. To investigate the potential sources of turbidity in influent and effluent samples, solutions of known turbidity-contributing substances such as titanium dioxide, lime, dregs, pulp fibers with water, and precipitated calcium carbonate (PCC) will be added to solutions of known color value. Experiments to determine the effects of various filter porosities or centrifugation on turbidity and true color will be conducted. The investigation into the effects of different materials that can contribute particulate matter and interfere with the measurement of true color will be performed on influent and effluent samples. 4.0 Study Outcomes One of the goals of the NCASI project is to provide a well-defined and documented method for the measurement of true color that is consistent with EPA method development guidelines and the current NPDES requirements of NCASI member companies. This method will provide recommendations for stabilizing sample pH and reducing interferences due to particulate matter in pulp and paper mill influent and effluent samples. The NCASI color measurement procedure will be updated to incorporate quality control and quality assurance procedures consistent with current analytical methods. In addition, an understanding of the relationship between the assessment of true color and different particulate matter that may be found in pulp and paper mill influent and effluent samples will be considered. ` �& APPENDIX � � EOHS Summer Intern Program & Duke Universitv Masters Project Water Quality- 1998 Supervised by: Chad Salisbury I. Introduction A) Canton Mill Orientation 1) Environmental Group Orientation 2) Standard Safety Orientation(I hour) 3) General Mill Tour a) Paper and Board Mill b) Pulp Mill c) Recovery and Utilities 4) Project Specific Tour a) Wastewater Treatment Plant(WTp) b) Mill Sewer System c) Bleach Plants d) Bleach Filtrate Recycline(131711W)Process B) Canton Mill Water Quality Issues 1) NPDES Permit and Color Variance a) History of Issue b) Read Permit and Variance(approved 12/97) c) 1995 RUST color technology report 2) Canton Color Reduction Efforts a) Bleach Filtrate Recycling(BFRTn Process on Pine Fiberline b) Spill Control c) Unaccounted Color Sources [I. Summer Project-Sewer Generated Color(SGC) A) Project Objective: The two objectives for this research are as follows: 1) Determine the effect of the color removal mechanism across the wastewater treatment facility on sewer generated color;and 2) Determine the impact of pH adjustment of the acid sewer prior to mixing with the mill's main alkaline sewer(see Keith's work). A) Preliminary Literature Review 1) Read Aimee McCord's Masters Project - With focus on Introduction through page 37, 62-71 2) Read Chad Salisbury's Masters Project- With focus on Sections 1.0(all), 2.0(2.1.1, 2.1.2,2.2(pages 8-10),2.4,2.5,3.3,3.41 4.0,5.0 and 6.0) 3) Read Keith Brook's 1997 Summer Intern Project 4) 1997 Color Pie Chart and"Unaccounted"chart 5) Color Test Procedure 6) Various Sewer Generated Color Research C) Preliminary Experimental Work: 1) Perfect Color Test Procedure-side-by-side analysis with operators at WTP 2) Set up laboratory work area at WTP-with support of Chad and John Pryately 3) Perform a couple of trials of SGC effect on acid filtrates using shaker water baths 4) Learn how to collect(ISCO sampler)and prepare(centrifugation) biosolids for bench-scale WTP simulation 5) Repeat jar testing color adsorption experiment-only biosolids and black liquor color D) Experimental Research-Objective I: I) Water bath experiments on individual filtrates,hardwood vs. pine, total SGC. 2) Bench-top jar tests F) Experimental Research-Objective 2: 1) Simulate Primary Influent at bench scale to determine how much SGC is controlled by pH adjustment- utilize operators, extra sewer samples collected and sewer flows from Datastream(WTP database) 2) Determine if the effect of pH adjustment on SGC is carried through the WTP resulting in equivalent color reduction in secondary effluent. G) Data Analysis,Results and Conclusions 1) Develop Tables and Figures to summarize collected data 2) Results may lead intern in new directions for additional experiments to answer questions as they arise. 3) What do these results mean for the Canton mill's efforts to reduce color loads to the Pigeon River? III. Final Report of Findings: A) Written Report - This document will be utilized as a technical document for the mill in support of its NPDES permit and serve as the intem's Duke Masters Project B) 15-20 minute Oral Presentation-Suggest the use of Powerpoint for ease of presentation 1V. Project Timeline: The summer intern is expected to complete all necessary literature and experimental research,data analysis and projectsummary one week prior to the individual's last day with a presentation to take place on the last working day of the summer. The presentation will be given to interested members of EOHS, Recovery(WTP), Pulp Mill, etc. A final report will be submitted to the mill when the final Masters Project is submitted to Duke University. As the report is written over th course of the student's final academic year, mill representatives will edit the report and providee necessary feedback. NOTE: Data analysis and literature research can be done throughout summer while experiments are running. Therefore at the end of the summer the intern should only need to compile and Polish the work into a final product and present it to EOHS. V. Additionalltems: A) One-day"River Run"with WTP operator to collect Pigeon River samples B) Attend Environmental Staff meetings C) Attend staff Safety training D) Participate in Canton Color Team meetings(once per month) � > ) : 2 & : e ,y APPENDIX INITIAL LEARNINGS FROM bleaching stage filtrates from an ECF sequence as THE BFR DEMONSTRATION these contain the majority of the waste material produced in bleaching. The BFR process and J. Robert Caron Gerald Delaney associated laboratory and pilot studies have been Senior Engineer BFR Product Manager thoroughly described in many recent papers [1,2,3,4]. Champion International Corp. U.S. FILTER/HPD The process is comprised of three major elements (see 375 Muscogee Road 55 Shuman Blvd. Figure 0. These are: 1) bleach filtrate recycle via Cantonment, FL 32533 Naperville, IL 60565 counter current washing, 2) removal and control of scale forming metals in the filtrate from the fast acidic bleach stage, and, 3) removal of chloride to ABSTRACT keep the liquor cycle chloride concentrations similar to pre-BFR levels. A full scale demonstration plant of Champion's Bleach Filtrate Recycle (BFRSM) process was Many lessons were leamed from the closure constructed in 1995 and started up in 1996 at the experiences of others, and no lesson was better taken Canton,North Carolina,bleached kraft pulp.In 1997, to heart than to expect the unexpected. Ibis is the the mill has achieved several months of operation main reason for the rigorous analytical testing with substantial closure of the first two stages of pine program employed immediately prior to, and during pulp bleaching (>80% closure). Several mechanical the BFR process evaluation. There are over 150 mill and process issues were encountered during the start- variables being routinely gathered including operating up phase, and most have since been corrected. As parameters, process chemistry, effluent data, part of the demonstration phase. Champion will equipment performance,as well as corrosion surveys. continue to resolve any additional process and This data collection and analysis will continue for mechanical issues as they arise. another several months. INTRODUCTION After several months of operation at a high degree of closure(>80%of D 100+EOP filtrates) in 1997, the Much of our industry is already aware that goal of the results look favorable for long-term success. Most of BFR process is to recycle the majority of the bleach the impacts on mill operation were anticipated, plant effluent into a mill's existing recovery cycle. although some were not. Champion has been able to BFR is primarily focused on recovery of the first two manage all impacts to date through process or equipment modifications as needed. Figure 1 BFR PROCESS FLOWSHEET BLACK CHLORIDE LIQUOR RECOVERY ESP REMOVAL EVAPS BOILER PROCESS CI&K CAUSTICIZING WATER COOKING/ OXYGEN WOOD WASHING/ DELIG. D EO D IDS SCREENING METALS REMOVAL Ca& PROCESS _ Mg RESULTS ' degree of closure has consistent) been Y greater than 80%, and has intermittently reacted 90-100%a.Degree of Filtrate Recycle However,at present a hydraulic bottleneck in the pulp washer train and/or water infiltration appear be Figure 2 shows the calculated degree of closure of the limiting our ability to sustain 100% of D100 + EOP D 100+ EOP stages. filtrate recycle. We expect this issue to be resolved soon. Fire 2 DEGREE OF D10000 a EDP CLOSURE Metals Management rF The key process component of the metals 3 management strategy with BFR is the metals removal 44 praeess,'or MRP, as shown in Figure 3. The MRP r , was started up in November, 1995, and since that time,several mechanical and process issues have been encountered that have limited the trill's ability to A.r s.F on N.. D. a. F6 Mr Ap Mq J. rr IM• IFfr utilize the MRP (utilization is a function of metals removal efficiency,throughput,and availability of the As can be seen in the graph, the Cost efforts to equipment). The time involved in discovering and substantially close the D100 + EOP stages began in correcting these problems accounts for most of the August of 1996. During the fall of 1996, some Periods of lower (i.e.<80%)closure between August significant mechanical and process issues associated 1996 and July 1997. Most of these issues have been the MRP were identified and resolved, allowing a resolved,although some are still outstanding. high degree of closure to be resumed within a few months. Figure 4 shows data that reflect the capability of the MRP, rather than the overall average for the key i In 1997, with the exception of the month of June, the performance indicators shown. BLEACH FILTRATE FROM DI STAGE F®ER RETURN r 1 lN•CB MEDIA FIBER FILTERS 1 STRAINER • • REGENFEANT WASTE SOFTENERS - ---- UNTREATED FILTERED TREATED TREATED DI FI MTETO BLEACH PLANT Figure 3. Schematic of Metals Removal Process(MRP) As can be seen, the MRP is capable of achieving a the D100 and EOP washer mats, however, is larger hardness removal efficiency, throughput and %r than anticipated, and probably due to mill efforts to uptime close to the design targets, maintain a high degree of closure while the MRP was experiencing throughput or uptime difficulties. The Figure.4 concentrations of aluminum and silicon in the weak IN Remits From Metals Removal Proem black liquor have not been impacted by BFR. I a at a v{at '0 - Bleach Chemical Requirement and Organic b N ........ .......... Carryover .. ........ .......... a ........ -......-.. .. The original BFR laboratory work showed that with e full recycle of the D100 and EOP stages, the 1121tam TW-War x upra carryover of dissolved organic material into the 13100. and EOP stages would increase dramatically; by a factor of approximately 2-3'times. However, due to During the research and design phase of the BFR the degree to which much of this material would project. it was predicted that the amount of non- already be oxidized, and due also to the high process metals(NPMs,comprised mainly of calcium; selectivity of CIO, toward pulp relative to the magnesium, manganese) tarried over'into the EOP dissolved organics, only a small increase in bleach and D2 stages would increase with the BFR process, chemical requirement would be expected (1-4 kg This increase, however, was expected to be small C102/odt). enough not to cause any negative effects (i.e. no impact on scaling, EOP H2O2 efficiency, or pulp Figures 6a and 6b show the increase in the amount of quality). Figures 5a and 5b show the.profiles of carryover from each of the washers listed, for total calcium and manganese across the bleach stages ofganic carbon (TOC) and chemical oxygen demand involved with the BFR process. (COD),respectively. Figure sa Figure 6a Calcium in Pulp Washer Mat Impact of HER on TOC Carryover isu F�_ It g 2N6_. ..... .-.....tff t ch.. o Ir' -:, ......... ............. iTiF7Pf^ e — e ...... ........... L a 6 su:.._. .... .....:... I a rR.elm .... -.... DIM EO 0 P 111 Bh Dlea rD Figure 5b Figure 6b ree Maagaume in Pulp Washer Mal Impact of BFR on COD Carryover ie ' € ...... ........... i e SN; ............ ....... ...:.:...:_ aaa�t04 O�oave. iS a 30 ...... :...... .}wx Ovm_ Iso- - a Ylei ....._ -........- ie .:.... ... E ........... ...-._ ......... ......_-. o is _.... .. ........ ........... .......... i ............ EO....... s OOOMO O u 1 ..._ Re Bk� ......-. ..._. DIM e Pia-Blaaan Dial DO Virtually all of the increase in NPMs in the pre- bleach washer pulp. mat arises from the use of tow As can be seen, the magnitude of the increase in D 100 filtrate on the pre-bleach washer upper pond, as carryover from the pre-bleach washer into the 13100 expected. The increase in calcium and manganese in stage is within the range of that predicted(from 2.4 to 6.4 kg TOC/ton, and from 10 to 20 kg COD/ton). chloride concentration dropped from 3.4 g/I to 1.6 g/1 Additionally,the increase in carryover from the EOP shortly after starting up the CRP system. washer into the final D2 stage is relatively low (from 3.5 to 4.1 kg TOC/odi, and from 9.1 to 12 kg COD/ton); this is also within the magnitude of the increase predicted. Figure 8. Chloride Removal Process The average bleach chemical application rates are Figure 7.The " Condenser in Fi g pre-BFR" values correspond to a period immediately prior to substantial closure efforts. Figure 7 Precipitator Impact of BFR on Bleach Chemical Usage Ash u = .nr.ela I 1rJ raJ . aa11►❑tun v: ...... i °aa 2tl 201 ..... ...... ..... ...... < 1 is ...... S o Strong wash ao° awl woo eaol Black Liquor . tftbh mKc w: r,oem.16J:efa.I re.l tso a.yam: ty.-ara.1u;aIx. Ica SaltrJke Saltcake The total CIO, requirement increased by 3.4 kg Filter CIO,/odt under conditions of >80% closure of the To Recovery D 100 and EOP stages.NaOH usage has also increased armlet slightly, although H2O,use is not affected and H,SO, usage has decreased slightly. So far, it appears that the bleach chemical costs have increased about 10- 15%a during periods of substantial closure. Chloride Management v . Chloride&Potassium Under BFR process conditions, the chloride recovered to Disposal with the bleach plant filtrates must be thatched in magnitude with the chloride purged, in order to This figure also shows that with a high degree of prevent elevation of chloride concentrations in the filtrate recycle, the chloride levels have risen but recovery cycle.. The Chloride Removal Process remain below pre-BFR levels.The BFR process was (CRP),shown in Figure 8, was developed by Sterling Pulp Chemicals Ltd, to provide this purge using Figure 9 selective crystallization of the electrostatic Results .From Chloride Removal Process precipitator ash. 1go aA.lm: ET e CRP was started up in August of 1995, and has ....._. ..... i m 61':..... :. ... ..... ..... met the performance expectations for chloride removal (see Figure 9), although the utilization of existing I0 process equipment has limited the actual throughput. r' r Sulfate recovery has been less than expected, due to 1 utilization of the CRP also for liquor inventory control. Figure 10 illustrates how the white liquor originally designed to achieve an equilibrium white or no recycle, the amount of COD discharged from liquor chloride concentration only slightly greater the pine bleach plant corresponds to approximately 20 than for pre-BFR levels,for 100%recycle of the to 25 thousand pounds per day. During periods of Figure 10 Figure 11 Impact of BFR on Chloride in While Liquor Impact of BFR on Bleach Plant COD S Jt 6 .. �9IDr.RecrdbtI I ....... _. up. ... Tt 25 < '1 ......... _ a29 . .. i ........... .�s.. ais CUP IAS S/f! e93 12M UM t/96 12J% 4/99 1M 6 DW DATE Jal A9t!, od N9r Dee J- Pe! Ma Apr May 10 is, 1996.199'r ' D100 and EOP stages for all pulp mill production(1). However, in the case of.the BFR demonstration as Figure 12 implemented at the Canton mill. where D100 and Impact or BFR on Bleach,plant color EOP filtrates ffon: only one of the rwo pulp 39 berlines are bein :2s ...... ........_.. h g recycled(about 45% of total pulp a 29 "_"""-' production), the equilibrium chloride concentration was predicted to be slightly less than pre-BFR levels. v u . ._ ..... ...._ ._ -- .. it ... .. ... ... Consequently,the white liquor chloride concentration ° .............. .............. ' S ... .. ... ... ........1 currently being achieved is within the range of that 9 predicted. Jr Art Sep Od Nee Dec to FA Mn AM My Jus J91 1996-1991 The potassium removal efficiency of the CRP is very similar to that for chloride. Since starting the CRP substantial recycle,the bleach plant COD discharge is system at Canton, the virgin black liquor potassium reduced to approximately 5 thousand pounds per day, concentration has decreased from 1.6% to less than or about 75-80%.The color discharged from the pine 0.8% (as is basis). bleach plant decreases from about 20 to about 5 thousand pounds per day. However, the treated, final The operation of the two recovery boilers has mill effluent may not realize all of this color benefit, improved since implementing the CRP. This is the due to the elusive behavior of a portion of bleach result of reduced chloide levels coupled with reduced plant color during biological effluent treatment. potassium levels in the liquor cycle, in addition to two other operational improvements made over the Pulp Quality course of the BFR demonstration: 1) installation of PLC-based control of sootblowing, and, 2) nxh,, i Pulp production on the Canton mill's softwood line variability of% solids in the firing liquor. Prior to has continued at normal operating rates with no CRP start-up and the above improvements, the steam decline in pulp quality.In the course of start-up of the superheater temperances would decline due to BFR process, bleaching control and filtrate pluggage requiring"chill and blow" cleaning every 2- management strategies had to be changed significantly 3 months. Today there is no detectable decline in to accommodate the effects of carryover and recycle superheater temperatures and the boiler is no longer of bleach filtrates. Without incorporating these subjected to "chill and blow" cleaning between changes, pulp quality would likely have suffered. normal outages. Since we have not seen any negative impact on pulp quality,we have concluded that our approach on this Effluent Benefits issue has been a successful one. Figures II and 12 show the total COD and color CONCLUSIONS discharged from the pine bleach plant, respectively. As one would expect. the reductions in COD and The main objective of the BFR project is to achieve color mirror the degree of D100 + EOP closure in and sustain 100% closure of the D100 and EOP Figure 2. The data show that during periods of little bleach stages of the Canton pine bleach plant, and to evaluate the impact of BFR on mill operations and 2. Caron, J. R., and Fleck, J. A., "Metals costs. This has not yet been achieved, but a high Management in a Closed Kraft Mill Bleach Plant", degree of D100 and EOP closure (>80%) has been proceedings from the 1994 Tappi Pulping maintained for most of 1997. At high levels of Conference, San Diego,California. closure, we have maintained pre-BFR levels of pulp production rate, fiberline equipment uptime, and 3. Caron, J. R.. and Williams, L. D., "Design and product quality. Positive impacts so far include a Integration of the Bleach Filtrate Recycle Process", reduced degree of recovery boiler generator bank proceedings from the 1996 Tappi Minimum Effluent pluggage, and substantial reductions in the discharge Mills Symposium, Atlanta, Georgia. of color and COD from the bleach plant. 4. Fleck, J. A., Earl, P. F., Fagan, M. J., "Kraft In order to achieve this, it was necessary to install Mill Bleach Filtrate Recycle and the Commercial new equipment (CRP, MRP, bleach filtrate Demonstration of Chloride and Potassium Removal', piping/controls), and to make process and mechanical proceedings from the 1996 Tappi Environment modifications to the new equipment based on first- Conference,Orlando,Florida. time learnings. All of this has been managed well, but nevertheless represents a net increase in mill costs relative to pre-BFR conditions. Some of the more significant BFR-related issues that are currently outstanding,include: •Improvement of MRP performance (throughput, reliability,and efficiency) •An accurate assessment of the costs to mill operation •An assessment of the impact on recovery boiler emissions (although no impact is expected) •An assessment of the impact of BFR on paper machine performance(none expected), and on corrosion and scaling potential throughout the pulp mill ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors are grateful to the many Champions that provided input to this paper, especially those at the Canton mill. BFR is a trademark of the Champion International Corporation. CRP is a trademark of Sterling Pulp Chemicals Ltd. The BFR and CRP trademarks ate licensed by Champion International Corporation and Sterling Pulp Chemicals Ltd. exclusively to U.S. Filter/HPD. References 1. Maples, G., Ambady, R., Caron, J. R.. Stratton, S. C., and Vega Canovas, R. E.. 'BFR: A New ` Process Toward Bleach Plant Closure", Tappi Journal, 77(11),pp. 71-80(1994). - �� APPENDIX "T 4&A '-Progress report CHLORINE FREE BLEACHING � on the BFRTM tee ooU�L� IfInner —1 hnology -- AW oJ0MES I demonstration: December 1996 Partial recycling of Filtrates has been achieved on an intermittent basis By S.C.STRATrON AND M.FERGUSO.N CHAMPION INTERNATIONAL CORPORATIO 'Inc,Oxa en is currently demonstrating a patented s g dehgntficaoon stage followed by three technologvwhose purpose is to recrner tages of post•oxagen washing a 350.ton brownstock waste materials from high density storage tower, and a medium consis- tpulps.The demonstration pit j e blehoungrof tenev D(EOP)D bleach plant followed jn•a 75pton pose is to show that the BFR process is a commer- bleached storage tower.All of the washers except ciallv viable method for re�LngECF.bleaztLn the screen decker arecom trates. is underway at Ch gfil filters. The new line Paction-baffle pressure in Champion's Canton. NC. ISO brightness produces 600 admvdav of 85 integrated bleached kraft mill.Facilities have been The old Pine pulp' installed that enable the reading of filtrates a have from Pine bleach line was rebuilt and an the first two bleaching stages of the 600 oxygen deh9ni ication stage pine bleach lanL admridav admt/day of ECF added ro provide 695 have been stoned u All of the component systems hard hardwood pulp capacity. The p.As of December 1996, gems hardwood configuration includes twostage knot- recvcling of the DI00 and EO s P ring, four brownstock been lachieved ing of the an 0 and EOintermitte stag, filtrates has tents.ory washers. medium of fin- '¢en eeli¢nifi xyg n. four stages of fine PROCESS 0 screening, three a lower.a washers, a 150.ton OVERVIEW brownstock storage tower.a medium consistence � T'te BFR Process is the result of some five years of D(EO)D bleach Plan, and tensive develnnme pulp storage tower. All the washers in bleached hard- _ )m Sterkn rat b`•Champion,with suerricpport wood tine are vacuum drum type. drew from the Iearuin ��e The development One of the nvo e operation at he le g Effluent Free Nlill installed in 1965 and the o recovery boilers was The baste to der Bay,,ON.in the 1970s and Bp,. have ceclone- they in yaP Both units rant upon which the process was d wet bottom n'Pe direct contact evaporators and oped is to avoid the buildup of non-process elements a Precipitators.As part of the mill uip mod- knawn to adversely effect mill o miution project.both boilers were BFR adds two new peraoons' tertian•air and the lower furnace se tionsa wwith ere mill:A chloride removal process to a bleached krah rebuilt with composite tubes to provide enhanced a purge of chloride and P ocess (CRP) Provides corrosion resistance.Additional screen and super. em boiler precipitator ash. and a mretals remrnal treater tubes were installed in the older boiler r Process iMRP) enables removal of scale-formmg The environmentally-d wood minerals, predominantly calcium, 'Deluded rebuildingof_ raven project also Filtrates from the DI00 and EO s sets and an odor aatement syst black eem.Aor ttmill waater OD(EO)D bleach sequence are used tages of an distribution and cooling system was installed to in the Pulp uence as wash water d P P washers following oxvgen deli ifica- ramatically reduce the water cue in the mill.The lion.In this way, gn chlorine dioxide bleachingbecome dissolved wute materials from additional ca generator way rebuilt to provide part of the black liquor. The was modifiedptoi ccom and the waste treatment plant organic fraction is destroved in the recover,fur- [ions in modate the major reciu, pace.and the usable chemicals are recovered.Fie- effluent flow and o S.C.MA ore 1 shows schematically These modifications achievedia 75%d decrease in TTON. of relevance to the BFR the major process flows mill color disch Senior engineer. process. Maples et al(I) effluent flow fro1.88 to j 27msthird reduction in Cantonment,Championint'l Corp., Provide a more detailed description of the process /s(43 to 29 MGD). and the associated development effort MILL DESCRIPTION NEW FACILITIES The BFR process equipment installed during The Canton mill manufactures 1994 includes a Chloride removal r rev 1360 admt/day of a9 removal process new, Process.a met- bleached board and printing and writing papers.In recycling filtrates as Piping and controls for hie the mill completed a major capital project tram well u which assured coine in fiance with P water from Provisions to remrne P th state and federal The chloride removal pro quality limits.The project replaced two old three-effect evaporative cnstallizer, and vacuum roes.which had(C+D process consists of a l ten one new,pulp 1EFID bleach sequences filter. Water replaced black liquor in the reel i. p p line,that incudes two stages of tator bottoms,and black liquor now flows d mecci p��I ERGUSON, knotting, three stages of brownstock washing, a from the oxidation system to P lourstage fine screening system a medium mnsis. P R process supt.. eva ntors to the direct contact Chain ion Int•I Corp., P° the recovery boiler. Canton,NC 1'alP 6 Paper Canada T 82