HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0026352_Inspection_20020408A"711 /o NCDENR 'O North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Michael F: Easley, Governor - April8, 2002 Mr. Delane Jackson Town Administrator Town of Bladenboro P.O. Box_ 455 Bladenboro, NC 28320 SUBJECT: Compliance Evaluation Inspection Report Town of Bladenboro Wastewater Treatment Plant Pennit Number NC0026352 Bladen County Dear Mr. Jackson: William G. Ross Jr., Secretary Gregory J. Thorpe, Ph.D. Acting. Director Division of Water Quality On March 25, 2002, . I visited with Lynn Brisson (ORC) at the Town of . Bladenboro's Wastewater Treatment Plant. Based on . that visitthe following are observations : and recommendations. On or before. May 8. 2002 please send this officea written :statement concerning your resolutions regarding each of the' following items. 1) The . ORC collects. 001 plant outfall composite samples at ;.thepoint where the underground ductile pipe comes out of the ground approximately 100 yards from the effluentof the chlorine contact chamber. The ORC collects.` each of the 001 plant outfall grab samples at the endof the chlorine contact chamber. Please refer to Paul Rawls' Compliance Evaluation Inspection Report (CEI) dated March 28, 1995, in which he stated "The Town is reminded that all effluent samples should be obtained from "one". point and .should . be obtained in a representative manner." Please refer to Bladenboro's NPDES Permit, Part II, Section D, .1. Representative Sampling :which states, in part, that "Monitoring points shall not be changed without notification to and theapproval of the Permit Issuing Authority." A review of Regional files revealed that no such permission has been granted. 2) Mr. Brisson has been designated as the ORC for the Town of Bladenboro's Wastewater Treatment Plant. Please send an operator designation letter to the Operator Certifications Unit in Raleigh as soon as possible, and co -copy this office. 3) It' is my understanding that Hydro Management and the Director of Public Works are working on plans for sludge disposal and trying to find an applicator to take the sludge to the field site. Please implement sludge disposal as soon as possible, or by June 2002 as stated in your December 21, 2001 letter to DWQ- FRO. Fayetteville Regional Office 225 Green Street— Suite 714, Fayetteville, North Carolina 28301-5043 Phone: 910-486-15411 FAX: 910-486-07071 Internet: www.enr.state.nc.us/ENR An Equal Opportunity \ Affirmative Action Employer.— 50% Recycled 110% Post Consumer Paper, Mr. Jackson Page 2 of 4 April 8, 2002 4) The ORC said that he runs the de -chlorinating agent, sulfur dioxide, into the effluent ONLY during the days that aquatic toxicity samples are. collected. Please refer to Bladenboro's NPDES Permit, Part II, Section D, 1. Representative Sampling which states, in part, that "All samples shall be taken before the effluent joins or is diluted by any other .:. substance." Also, in the same part of the NPDES Permit: "Samples collected ... shall be characteristic of the.. nature of the permitted discharge." In keeping with the spiritand intent of the NPDES permit, consistent representative samples of the plant effluent should be taken which :would reveal the projected. impacts -that the. plant effluent waters .have - upon the receiving stream, this based upon continuous and consistent conditions within the plant. .If the facility chooses to use sulfur dioxide as a de -chlorinating agent, please do not useselective dosing of the agent. It is suggested that the sulfur dioxide dosage might , be adjusted according to the procedure in the attachment to this letter, which is taken from the "Operation Of Wastewater Treatment Plants" Volume 1, Third Edition, page 390. It is suggested that the two rotometers; chlorine: and sulfur dioxide; be placed at eye level -for accurate dosage readings of both chlorine and sulfur. dioxide., 5) Since the Total Chlorine reported on the- WWTP effluent. outfall 001 DMRs sometimes averages 0:8 mg/L, it is an aquatic toxicity concem of this office that chlorine levels might be too high in the effluent water going into the receiving stream, Bryant Swamp, during non-dechlorinating periods.: Please make the adjustments, if you deem it necessary. 6) According to the ORC, the 001 plant outfall composite sampler is. adjusted to collect 30 mL of sample at a rate of four samples per hour. Conceming composite samples, 15A NCAC 2B .0503 (4)(d) states, in part, that for "Constant time/constant volume - a series of grab samples of equal volume collected over a 24 hour per od:at a constant time interval. ... The grab samples shall be taken at intervals of no greater than 20 minutes apart during any 24 hour period and must be of equal size and of no less than 100. milliliters." This part also states that "Use of this method, requires prior approval by the Director." Please see the attachment to this letter, which includes parts (1) though (6) of 15A NCAC 2B .0503. 7) In part, 15A NCAC 2B (4)(d) states that permission for using the "constant time/constant volume method will be considered in situations where effluent flow rates vary less than 15 percent." However, it is my understanding that the 001 plant outfall flow rate varies greatly between the daytimeand the evening flows. A letter will soon leave DWQ-FRO stating that it will, be necessary for all facilities to do flow proportional sampling for their effluent composite samples, as required by 15A NCAC 2B .0503 (4). The deadline for the installation and initiation of flow proportional sampling equipment is March 31, 2003. Mr. Jackson. Page 3 of 4 April 8, 2002 If you have any question or comments concerning this letter please feel free to contact me at 910/486-1541, extension 712. Dale. Lopez • Environmental Specialist cc: Kevin Bowden, Aquatic Toxicity Unit Gary Stainback, Hydro. Management Services Lynn Brisson, ORC, Bladenboro, Hydro Management Services Enclosures: 15A NCAC 2B .0503 (4) Operation of Wastewater Treatment Plants, Vol. 1, 1990, page 390 Mr. Jackson Page 4 of 4 April 8, 2002 NPDES COMPLIANCE INSPECTION REPORT North Carolina Division of Water Quality Fayetteville Regional Office Section A. National Data System Coding Transaction Code: N NPDES NO. NC0026352 Date: 021902 Inspection Type: C Inspector: S Facility Type: 1 Reserved: Facility Evaluation Rating: 3 BI: N. QA: N . Reserved: Section B: Facility Data Name and Location of Facility Inspected: Town of Bladenboro WWTP = Entry Time: ,10:30 AM Permit Effective Date: 010901 Exit Time/Date:- 11:30 AM / 032502 Permit Expiration Date: 040731 Name(s), Title(s) of On -Site Representative(s): Lynn Brisson (Certified Grade IV) - ORC Phone Number: (910) 863-0102 Name, Title and Address of Responsible Official: Mr. Delane Jackson, Town Administrator P.O. Box 445 Bladenboro, NC 28320. Section C: Areas Evaluated during Inspection Contacted: No (S = Satisfactory, M = Marginal, U = Unsatisfactory, N = Not Evaluated, N/A =Not Applicable) onto Pretreatment = If onitoring- a: . sn...re....men..... ecerria tophao0 tow etrute w WOW! EHNR - ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT TI SA: 02B .0500 SECTION .0500 - SURFACE WATER MONITORING: REPORTING .0501 PURPOSE The purpose of this Section is to set forth the requirementsof the Environmental Management Commission for monitoring and reporting the quantity and quality of wastewater discharges to, and their effects. upon, the water resources of the state. History Note: Statutory Authority G.S. 143-215.64; 143-215.. 68; Eff February 1, 1976; Amended Eff December 1, 1984. .0502 SCOPE This Section shall apply to all persons subject to the provisions of G.S. _143-215.1. History Note: Statutory Authority G.S. 143-215.64; 143=215.68; Eff February 1, 1976. .0503 DEFINITIONS Unless the context otherwise requires, the terms used herein shall be as defined in G.S. 143-213 and as follows: (1) "Biological monitoring" shall mean the sampling or testing of the biological integrity of surface waters and measurements of impacts including accumulations of pollutants in tissue, .toxicity monitoring, and characterization of lustream biological populations. . (2) "Classifiedwater pollution control facility," means a treatmentworksclassifiedby the Water Pollution Control System Operator Certification Commission pursuant to Chapter 90A Of the North Carolina General Statutes as class I,' class II, class III,or class IV facility, or Such other classifications as the. Water Pollution Control System Operator Certification Commission may hereafter adopt: (3) "Commercial laboratory". means any laboratory which analyzes water samples for fee: (4) "Composite, sample" means:. a sample gathered over a 24 hour period by continuous sampling or combining grab samples in such a manner as to result in a total sample which is representative of the wastewater discharge during the sample period. This sample may be obtained by methods given below, however, the Director may designate the most appropriate method, number and°size of aliquots necessary and the time interval between grab samples on a case -by -case basis. Samples may be collected manually or automatically. (a) Continuous - a single, continuous sample collected over a 24 hour period proportional to the rate of flow, (b) Constant time/variable volume - a series of grab samples collected at equal time intervals over a 24 hour period of discharge and combined proportional to the rate of flow measured at the time of individualsample collection, or (c) Variable time/constant: volume - a series of grab samples of equal volume collected over a 24 hour period .with the time intervals between samples determined by a preset number of gallons passing the sampling point. Flow measurement between sample intervals shall be determined by use of a flow recorder and totalizer, and the preset gallon interval between sample collection fixed at no greater than 1/24 of the expected total daily flow at the treatment system, or. (d) Constant time/constant volume - a series of grab samplesof equal volume collected over a 24 hour period at a constant time interval: This method may be used in situations where effluent flow rates vary less than 15 percent. The grab samples shall be taken at intervals of no greater than 20 minutes apart during any 24 hour period and must be of equal size and of no less than 100 milliliters. Use of this method requires prior approval by the Director. (5) "Daily" means every day on which a wastewater discharge occurs except Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays unless otherwise specified by the Director. . (6) "Design flow" means the average daily volume of wastewater which a water pollution control facility was designed, approved and constructed to treat. NORTH CAROLINA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE 07/23/93 Page 1 390 Treatment Plants , 5 -Thepressure within the container bears a definite relation to the container's ambient temperature. This relationship, is very similar to chlorine. Sulfur dioxide is neither flammable nor explosive in either form, gas or liquid. Dry gaseous sulfur dioxide is not corrosive to most metals; however, in the presence of moisture it forms sulfuric acid (H2SO4) and is extremely corrosive. Due to this corrosive action, similar materials'and equipment are used -for the storage and application of both sulfur dioxide and chlorine. The sulfonator's diaphragms are manufactured to handle sulfur dioxide rather than chlorine. . Sulfur dioxide gas is moresoluble in .water than chlorine:. Approximately one pound per gallon can be absorbed at 60°F (16°C). As the temperature increases, sulfur dioxide's solubility in water decreases. When dissolved in water, sulfur dioxide forms a weak solution of sulfurous acid (H2S03). The density of sulfurdioxide.is very, similar to chlorine; so muchso, that it .is possible to use a .chlorine; rotameter to measure the flow of sulfur dioxide gas without :much difficulty.. When using the chlorine rotameter. multiply the ctilririnR, reading by 0.95 to obtain the pounds per day of sulfur: dioxide used. 10.811 Chemical Reaction of Sulfur Dioxide `with. Wastewater The chemical reaction of 'dechiorination results in the . conversion of all active positive chlorine ions to thenonactive negative chloride:ions, The reaction of sulfur dioxide (S02) with chlorine is as .follows: . • S02 + H2O -. HZS03 + HOCI 171,504 + HCi. The formation of sulfuric acid (H2SO4) and hydrochloric acid (HCI) from this reaction is not harmful because of the small amount of acid produced. The pH of the effluent is not changed significantly unless the alkalinity is very low. With combined chloramine, NH2CI + H2S03 + H2O •- NH4HSO4 + HCI.. Similar reactions are formed with dichloramine and nitrogen trichloride. If some organic materials are present, the reaction rate may change so that an excess of sulfur dioxide may.have to be applied. Unwarranted excess sulfur dioxide dosages should be avoided, not only because it is wasteful, but it may also result in dissolved oxygen reduction with a corresponding increase in BOD and COD, and a drop in the pH. The chemical reaction between chlorine and sulfur dioxide is approximately one to one. For example, a chlorine residual of 4 mg/L would require a sulfur dioxide dose of 4 mg/L. The chemical reaction occurs almost instantaneously. • Where it may be desirable not to use sulfur dioxide for safety reasons (use of a liquid rather than toxic S02 gas), it may be useful to substitute sodium sulfite (Na2S03). or sodium meta- bisulfite (Na2S205). The reaction then becomes: Na2S03 + CI, + H2O Na2SO4 + 2 HCI. Whenusing sodium sulfite, the reaction reqquires 1:78 'pounds of pure sodium sulfite per pound of chforine.The speed of reaction is similar to that of sulfur dioxide. Both sodium sulfite and sodium metabisulfite require liquid storage tanks and feed pumps, but evaporators are not needed. 10.812 Application Point The key control guidelines for the effective use of sulfur dioxide for dechiorination are (1) proper dosage based on precise monitoring of combined chlorine residual and (2) adequate mixing at the point of application. The typical appli- cation point is just prior to the discharge of the effluent to the receiving waters.This allows time for maximum disinfection of the effluent. The point ofapplication should tie where the flow is turbulent and short-circuiting should not exist. Since the dechiorination reaction requires"a relatively short time period, contact basins are not needed. Often it is not feasible to have the point of application at the remote location where the ef- fluent is discharged. to the receiving waters. Since the prime consideration is the removal of -chlorine. residual, this removal can be accomplished at the plant site when necessary. QUESTIONS Write your answers in a notebook and then compare your answers with those on page 404. 10.8A Why are the effluents from some treatment plants dechlorinated? 10.8B List the treatment processes that may be used to dechlorinate a plant effluent. 10.8C What happens when sulfur dioxide gas comes in contact with moisture? 10.8D The reaction of sulfur dioxide (S02) with chlorine produces sulfuric acid (H2SO4) and hydrochloric acid (HCI). Will these reactions cause a drop in the effluent pH? 10.82 Sulfur Dioxide Hazards 10.820 Exposure Responses to Sulfur Dioxide Sulfur dioxide is extremely hazardous and must be handled with caution. Exercise extreme caution when working with sulfur dioxide, just like you would when handling chlorine. REMEMBER: Never work alone on a sulfur dioxide leak, use the "buddy system."' Sulfur dioxide has a very strong, pungent odor. When you smell sulfur dioxide, notify your supervisor and get help. If qualified and authorized to do so, locate and repair the leak. If you inhale sulfur dioxide gas, sulfurous acid will form on the moist mucous membranes in your body and cause severe irritation or more serious harm. The greater the exposure, the more serious the damage to your body. Exposure to high doses of sulfur dioxide can cause death due to lack of oxygen, chemical bronchopneumonia with severe bronchiolitis may be fatal several days later. In the event sulfur dioxide is inhaled, remove the victim to fresh air, use artificial respiration if neces- Town of laden April 23, 2002 Mr. Dale Lopez NCDENR, Fayetteville Regional Office 225 Green Street, Suite 714 Fayetteville, NC 28301-5043 Dear Mr. Lopez, I am writing in response to .your April 8, 2002 letter regarding your March 25, 2002 Compliance Evaluation of the Town of Bladenboro Wastewater Treatment Plant. As you requested, I am providing a response to the items identified in your April 8, 2002 correspondence. The information is provided subsequently and numbered to correspondence with items in the inspection report. 1. As your report noted, operations staff at the Bladenboro :WWTR have collected "composite type" samples from the stationary composite sampler located at the location where the Effluent Discharge line turns up above ground level and travels above ground to: final: discharge: As you may know, to facilitate the sample tubing for the Effluent Composite. Sampler, a small 2.0-2.5 inch square was cut in the Effluent pipe- line (above ground level) to provide access of the sample tube to the Effluent: This hole size was minimized to avoid problems with effluent loss or spray during periods of increased hydraulic loading. As a result of this location being a challenge for "grab type" sample collection, the operators have collected the grab samples upstream at the Chlorine Contact/dechlorination discharge. There is no unit process between this locationand the "composite type" sample location. However, as the permittee we do acknowledge the • requirement and rationale of obtaining all effluent sample from one location. Qoe`rational., modifications have imrrrediately, been.,. i nplementedt to utilize -`a small tube like grab sample;coflection vessel too collect grab samples_l,_fr_om.the location, of the composite wsampler. This—p"r'esents 'a challenging grab sampling event. Therefore; thee staff ,will ,continue to evaluate this t issue; forwarding any,potential modificatonswto your officeforwconsideration.,and approval. 2. Mr. Brisson is the Operator -In -Responsible Charge (ORC) of theBladenboro WWTP. 4P�n operator designation #forTl/letter willfbe sent.;to,the :Operator Certifications Office in Raleigh: 3. The Town is currently evaluating information provided by Sludge Land Application Contractors, coordinating desired Land Application activities with the program land 305 South Main Street * Post Office Box 455 * Bladenboro, NC 28320 Phone (910) 863-3655 * Fax (910) 863-3738 owners and assessing the sludge stabilization analytical results. The;Town, with coordination by the landowner, 'will landrapply,sludge`: as soon as possible: • 4. The use of Sulfur Dioxide is a desired unit process in the current treatment scheme. While the Town's NPDES Permit does not currently include a Chlorine limit, the dechlorinating agent does eliminate excessive residual Chlorine levels, thus eliminating the disinfectant as a contributor to aquatic toxicity. The SulfurxDioxide will be;fd :co`ntmuously_.ona 'tlaily basis as a` permanent 14tlit process om: 5. Thee+kissue of Chlorine levels will be reviewed by the current operative staff. Apparently, there —have historicallybeenperiods when the pumping arrangement or p p� 9 9 water supply for the Chlorine and Sulfur Dioxide feed systems have experienced an imbalance in ejector flow, thus creating,, an;. imbalance in Chlorine and/or Sulfur Dioxide levels. As noted, thiSASibel nder-'evaluation to`_effectively reduckEffluent 6 Adjustments have been made <by the;ORC,.:.to increase the individual composite sample ,collection volume to ouet,,100, millilifers per sampling event. 7. The WWTP flow rates do vary during a typical twenty-four hour period. We do, however, feel that the Influent and Effluent Samples are representative of the Bladenboro WWTP wastestream. The Town,.will begin evaluation of the necessary modifications toupgrade :the;:existing compositsamplers to:flow_;proportionate capabilities., +. I hope this information is helpful in addressing your comments and concerns. The Town appreciates the assistance and guidance of your office regarding these issues. Sincerely, Town of Bladenboro Delane Jac on Town Administrator Cc: Paul Rawls Lynn Brisson Gary Stainback Town of Bladenboro July 18, 2002 Mr. Dale Lopez Environmental Specialist, DENR 225 Green Street, Suite 714 Fayetteville, NC 28301-5043 Re: Town of Bladenboro WWTP NPDES Permit No. NC0026352 - Dear Mr. Lopez: This is a follow-up to your inspection conducted at our wastewater treatment plant on March 25, 2002. One of the items of concern noted during the inspection was the disposal of sludge. As you are aware, the Town planned to land apply the sludge by June 2002. Unfortunately, we could not land apply the sludge due to a scheduling conflict with the landowner who planted crops on the site.. The land owner informed the Town that we could land apply the sludge in the fall. In the interim, the Town has contract with Synagro to evaluate alternative methods for disposal including pumping and hauling the sludge to another municipality and locating other possible land application sites. Please be assured that the Town is committed to removing and disposing the sludge. If you have any questions or require additional information, .please do not hesitate to give meacall.' inrerely, M CUILOA-/ Delane Jac on Town Marla er Cc: Lynn Brisson —. Hydro Management Services David McKew — Hydro Management Services Teresa Ayers — Synagro Southeast 305 South Main Street * Post Office Box 455 * Bladenboro, NC 28320 Phone (910) 863-3655 * Fax (910) 863-3738