HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210099 Ver 1_Pre-Filing Meeting Request_20210114ID#* 20210099 Version* 1 Regional Office* Fayetteville Regional Office - (910) 433-3300 Reviewer List* Chad Turlington Pre -Filing Meeting Request submitted 1/14/2021 Contact Name * Contact Email Address* Project Name* Project Owner* Project County* Owner Address: Brady Dodd brady.dodd@usda.gov Moccasin Creek Stream Enhancement Project James Melonas, USDA Forest Service, National Forests in North Carolina Montgomery Street Address 160 Zillicoa Street Address Line 2 aty Asheville Rbstal / Zip Code 28801 Is this a transportation project?* r Yes r No Type(s) of approval sought from the DWR: W 401 Water Quality Certification - F- 401 Water Quality Certification - Regular Express r- Individual Permit r- Modification r- Shoreline Stabilization Does this project have an existing project ID#?* r Yes r No State / Frovince / Region NC Country USA Do you know the name of the staff member you would like to request a meeting with? Please give a brief project description below. * The proposed work is intended to improve the health of the stream ecosystem by improving channel stability and habitat quality, along with improving riparian and streamside vegetation conditions. This will be accomplished with the construction of instream structures using trees found on site fashioned in the channel to protect eroded stream banks and create high quality aquatic habitat features. The desired condition is to have high quality riparian areas and aquatic habitat features that maintain hydrologic function, floodplain connectivity, enhance stream stability, and minimize erosion. The proposed action is needed at this time, at these locations, because taking no action would lead to further erosion and sedimentation which, in turn, would cause further damage to aquatic habitat and the maintenance of state designated uses. The following channel enhancement and stabilization techniques are planned in this reach to improve degraded conditions and reverse the trend to improving conditions: 1) With a medium sized trackhoe construct channel features, e.g. point bars and floodplain (bankfull benches) where appropriate. Access for the equipment would be from a Forest Service road and off -road on the floodplain without construction of a road bed. Only vegetation would be cleared for equipment access and any compaction would be obliterated as the equipment leaves the area and access would be blocked. 2) Fell live trees from within 100 feet of the stream and incorporate large wood structures into the channel at designed locations to enhance channel stability and aquatic habitat diversity, e.g. riffles and pools. 3) Erosion control measures would be implemented on all disturbed soil. Please give a couple of dates you are available for a meeting. 1 /21 /2021 1 /28/2021 Please attach the documentation you would like to have the meeting about. Moccasin Crk StrmEnhmmnt_ProjectDescriptio... 1.66MB pdf only By digitally signing below, I certify that I have read and understood that per the Federal Clean Water Act Section 401 Certification Rule the following statements: • This form completes the requirement of the Pre -Filing Meeting Request in the Clean Water Act Section 401 Certification Rule. • I understand by signing this form that I cannot submit my application until 30 calendar days after this pre -filing meeting request. • I also understand that DWR is not required to respond or grant the meeting request. Your project's thirty -day clock started upon receipt of this application. You will receive notification regarding meeting location and time if a meeting is necessary. You will receive notification when the thirty -day clock has expired, and you can submit an application. Signature Submittal Date 1/14/2021 Moccasin Creek Stream Enhancement Project Uwharrie Ranger District, National Forests in North Carolina Submitted by: Brady Dodd, NFsNC Hydrologist, April 2020 & January 2021 Existing Condition: The Moccasin Creek drainage is within the Outlet Uwharrie River Watershed (Hydrologic Unit Code 030401030505) in the Badin Lake Recreation Area (Figure 1). This area of Moccasin Creek is a priority for restoration and enhancement because there is a need to restore hydrologic function and aquatic habitat within these headwater reaches and reduce sedimentation to downstream reaches of Moccasin and McLeans Creeks, both streams classified by the state as Class C, WS-IV water supply use. .Moccasin Creels Stream Enhancement Project - Project Area inclusn-e of Reset on m ] 1%I ccasin -Fnnhe Sale?u•eas I-V Fmtn ngi 4 r A .� ' r-WA ARRlE 1 I.4 , Project Area :.r r � i � r � �. --•N A T 1 N A I-� \_ �� F O R E S I t I Figure 1. Map of Moccasin Creek Stream Enhancement project area. See zoom -in in Figure 2. Moccasin Creek Stream Enhancement Project 2021 1 1 P a g e Moccasin Creek Strean-i Enhancement Project - Strean-1 Reaches N z 1 �• MOtCUM VOO Rapt AM = 12 MMS — svrans 1 ham N Fs A Pao$ 17 .: �91 - ow.�.. a�: •'� ., i _r,--� s -µme Figure 2. Map of enhancement project stream reaches. This stream network of Moccasin Creek extends approximately 3 miles from the Forest Service Road FS597 crossing downstream to just below FS544 at the junction with West Branch, a drainage area of 2.44 square miles (Figure 2). The channel is a Rosgen "C" stream type, experiencing a degraded condition/function in stream ecosystem health because of past management activities, including tree harvest in the riparian area, farming, increases in stream peak flows from forest roads, and loss of large woody debris. These influences have caused channel down -cutting and a loss of floodplain accessibility during frequent flooding (25-year flood and less), resulting in excessive channel bank erosion (Figure 3). Evidence of recent gold panning was found on the stream bank, but this activity appears to be a small contributor to erosion. Figure 3. Photo of typical stream channel condition in Moccasin Creek. Moccasin Creek Stream Enhancement Project 2021 2 1 P a g e Proposed Action: Based on field assessments of stream conditions, erosion and sedimentation are the largest stressors on the aquatic environment. The proposed work is intended to improve the health of the stream ecosystem by improving channel stability and habitat quality, along with improving riparian and streamside vegetation conditions. This will be accomplished with the construction of instream structures using trees found on site fashioned in the channel to protect eroded stream banks and create high quality aquatic habitat features. The desired condition is to have high quality riparian areas and aquatic habitat features that maintain hydrologic function, floodplain connectivity, enhance stream stability, and minimize erosion. The proposed action is needed at this time, at these locations, because taking no action would lead to further erosion and sedimentation which, in turn, would cause further damage to aquatic habitat and the maintenance of state designated uses. The following channel enhancement and stabilization techniques are planned in this reach to improve degraded conditions and reverse the trend to improving conditions: 1) Using Regional Curve data (Appendix A) for the proposed channel dimensions are as follows: a. Moccassin Creek at confluence with McLeans Creek (Sites 10-20), 2.44 square mile drainage: i. Bankfull Cross -Sectional Area: 39.3 feet2 ii. Bankfull Discharge: 169.2 cfs iii. Bankfull Width: 17.4 feet iv. Bankfull Mean Depth: 2.0 feet b. Moccasin Creek upstream reaches (Sites 1-9 & 21-28), 0.9 square mile drainages: i. Bankfull Cross -Sectional Area: 19.9 feet2 ii. Bankfull Discharge: 82.5 cfs iii. Bankfull Width: 11.4 feet iv. Bankfull Mean Depth: 1.45 feet Proaosed chanizes in several cross -sections and lonizitudinal Drofile are Dresented in Appendix B. 2) With a medium sized trackhoe construct channel features, e.g. point bars and floodplain (bankfull benches) where appropriate. Access for the equipment would be from a Forest Service road and off -road on the floodplain without construction of a road bed. Only vegetation would be cleared for equipment access and any compaction would be obliterated as the equipment leaves the area and access would be blocked. 3) Fell live trees from within 100 feet of the stream and incorporate large wood structures (Figures 5 - 6) into the channel at designed locations to enhance channel stability and aquatic habitat diversity, e.g. riffles and pools. Moccasin Creek Stream Enhancement Project 2021 3 1 P a g e 4) Erosion control measures would be implemented on all disturbed soil. Table 1 summarizes project site information and Figure 4 shows general site locations within each sub -reach. Table 1. Proposed action description of sites, location and planned activities, see also Figure 4. Site # & Condition GPS Location Proposed Action (Area of Disturbance) MC 1- Old Road & Horse Trail (#708) 35.44004,-80.05283 Pull back road crossing fill material and stabilize horse trail crossing (-1,800 feetz of disturbance) MC 2 - Eroding stream bank 35.43921,-80.05226 Construct an in -stream log structure (-400 ftz) MC 3 - Eroding stream bank 35.43900,-80.05219 Construct an in -stream log structure (-400 ftz) MC 4 - Eroding stream bank 35.43817,-80.05020 Construct an in -stream log structure (-400 ftz) MC 5 - Eroding stream bank 35.43781,-80.04990 Construct an in -stream log structure (-400 ftz) MC 6 - Eroding stream bank 35.43751,-80.05015 Construct an in -stream log structure (-400 ftz) MC 7- Eroding stream bank 35.43695,-80.04975 Construct an in -stream log structure (-400 ftz) MC 8 - Eroding stream bank 35.43682,-80.04948 Construct an in -stream log structure (-400 ftz) MC 9 - Eroding Horse Trail crossing (not on Trail System) 35.43817,-80.05020 Stabilize with large gravel (-2 yards3) on approaches to crossing (-200 feetz of disturbance) MC 10 - Eroding stream bank 35.43359,-80.03457 Construct an in -stream log structure (-400 ftz) MC 11- Eroding stream bank 35.43335,-80.03248 Construct an in -stream log structure (-400 ftz) MC 12 - Eroding stream bank 35.43355,-80.03230 Construct an in -stream log structure (-400 ftz) MC 13 - Eroding stream bank 35.43367,-80.03224 Construct an in -stream log structure (-400 ftz) MC 14 - Eroding stream bank 35.43409,-80.03225 Construct an in -stream log structure (-400 ftz) MC 15 - Eroding stream bank 35.43433,-80.03191 Construct an in -stream log structure (-400 ftz) MC 16 - Eroding stream bank 35.43427,-80.03137 Construct an in -stream log structure (-400 ftz) MC 17- Eroding stream bank 35.43454,-80.03105 Construct an in -stream log structure (-400 ftz) MC 18 - Eroding stream bank 35.43460,-80.03072 Construct an in -stream log structure (-400 ftz) MC 19 - Eroding stream bank on West Br 35.43467,-80.03088 Construct an in -stream log structure (-400 ftz) MC 20 - Eroding stream bank 35.43469,-80.03072 Excavate upper bank on the "sliver" of land between the Moccasin Cr. and West Br. channels, creating a bankfull bench to reduce erosion and promote floodplain access (-1,000 feet2 of disturbance) MC 21- Eroding stream bank 35.42939,-80.04129 Construct an in -stream log structure (-400 ftz) Moccasin Creek Stream Enhancement Project 2021 4 1 P a g e MC 22 - Eroding stream bank 35.43012,-80.04094 Construct an in -stream log structure (-400 ft2) MC 23 - Eroding stream bank 35.43050,-80.04051 Construct an in -stream log structure (-400 ft2) MC 24 - Eroding stream bank 35.43131,-80.04051 Construct an in -stream log structure (-400 ft2) MC 25 - Eroding stream bank 35.43223,-80.04027 Construct an in -stream log structure (-400 ft2) MC 26 - Eroding stream bank 35.43304,-80.04001 Construct an in -stream log structure (-400 ft2) MC 27- Eroding stream bank 35.43345,-80.03948 Construct an in -stream log structure (-400 ft2) MC 28 - Eroding stream bank 35.43385,-80.03902 Construct an in -stream log structure (-400 ft2) General Project -wide Erosion control measures will be taken on all soil disturbed by the proposed work, including seed, pine - mulch, and Coir matting on stream banks Figure 4. Summary of sites within three sub -reaches of Moccasin Creek Stream Enhancement project, see also Table 1. Moccasin Creek Stream Enhancement Project 2021 5 1 P a g e 118 TO 114 OF END OF LOGS BURIED IN STREAM BED WITH BOULDER ON TOP AT BED ELEVATIDN AS NEEDED NONWOVEN TEXTILE FABRIC LOGS Constructed Constructed pool PLACED RIVER ROCK TOPS OF TREES BURIED UNDER FABRIC R RIVER ROCK Log Vane Detail LOGS PLACED AT A20 —300 ANGLE FROM BANKAND AT A 2-6% SLOPE FROM APPROX. Vl BANKFULL ELEVATION. EXTENDING FROM BANK TO TO 113 OF CHANNEL WIDTH Figure 5. Typical detail and photo of existing Log Vane Instream Structure to be installed in Moccasin Creek to stabilize stream channel and improve quality of aquatic habitat. (Photo of Crow Creek Stream Enhancement Project, Uwharrie RD). Moccasin Creek Stream Enhancement Project 2021 6 1 P a g e Construction of TOE WOOD (with Transplants) & Bankfull Bench Typical Structure will be constructed using Wildland Hydrology 2012 design Pre-r�nstructon Channel Bank EXCAVATED BANK MATERIAL 21 CONSTRUCTION]FFEMS AND !E UENCE: .. Ex vateupperbankta construct. minimum —lope from bankfull to terrace elevation. x. ➢h ert streamflow fmm bank- 3. Excavate& constnrcttoe wood benchandnew channelpcol featurebased on -f—ri—poel dimensions. 4 Placefour'ation lags on benchig.s-zg° angle from bank and place root wad lags cantdevered over foundation logs } Place filler material (e.g., trees. logs, tops (woody debris)parallel to root wads. 5. Add temporarycounter weight to submerge logs &placeshallow backfill on lags. y_ Remove temporary weight & placelhe stake cuttmg3 on toe wood, andplace backfill over cuttings. S. Place coin matt rig back to the bank, leaving remaining matting hanging over the front of the toe n—d to be pulled up over the transplantslsoilihay bales in a "Eurrito'. g. Excavate shrub transplants (e.g.. alder, spicebush, �rllow) and place on toe wood up to banldull elevation; these may need is be layered is reach bankfull elevation_ Place live stake cuttings beN een layers (when available). m. Seed bank—th naive seed& cover transplants and slopedbank with coin erosion control matting. n. Plant Ir a stakes into transplanWhay bales and bank to help -pin" and into bank. rx. Plant trees and shrubs on upper bank WOOD BENCH Cross Section UPPER BANK LIVESTAKES Bankfull �-�...................................................................................... TRANSPLANTSlSOILlHAY BALES 3ACKFiLi A fi fID1+LGS- - - - -- Low Flow Stage or Pre mnslruction Channal Bottom TOE WOOD -�- CONSTRUCTED CHANNEL BOTTOM Brady Nerd NFNC Nydro Figure 6. Toe -wood Revetment and Bankfull bench to be installed in Moccasin Creek to rehabilitate and stabilize streambanks and to revegetate riparian area and streamside. Moccasin Creek Stream Enhancement Project 2021 7 1 P a g e APPENDIX A - PIEDMONT REGIONAL CURVE DESIGN CALCULATIONS Piedmont (Rural) Regional Curve Equations (NCSU website): Bankfull Cross -Sectional Area vs. Drainage Area: y = 21.43x1.61 Bankfull Discharge vs. Drainage Area: y = 89.04x0.72 Bankfull Width vs. Drainage Area: y = 11.89xo.43 Bankfull Mean Depth vs. Drainage Area: y = 1.5xo.32 Moccasin Creek Stream Enhancement Project 2021 8 1 P a g e Moccasin Creek Stream Enhancement Project 2021 9 1 P a g e APPENDIX B - PROPOSED CHANGES IN CROSS SECTIONS AND LONGITUDINAL PROFILE Regional Curve Estimates: a. Moccassin Creek at confluence with McLeans Creek (Sites 9-201, 2.44 square mile drainage: i. Bankfull Cross -Sectional Area: 39.3 feet' ii. Bankfull Discharge: 169.2 cis iii. Bankfull Width: 17.4 feet v. Bankfull Mean Depth: 2.9 feet h. Moccasin Creek upstream reaches (Sites 1-8 & 21-29), 0.9 square mile drainages: I. Bankfull Cross -Sectional Area: 19.9 feet' ii. Bankfull Discharge: 82.5 cfs i. Bankfull Width: 11.4 feet iv. Bankfull Mean Depth: 1.45 feet CROSS SECTIONS Cross Section -Typical RIFFLE just upstream of Log Vane Structure rotor TERRACE ELEVATION I rvi.00 73ANKEX�VATED Bankiu E[E€evation � �� BANK EXCAVATTM OOR—.Jjll razor ____ _________________________ MASHED DOWNBY rmm _ _ EXCAVATOR _ OR tutu 'MASHED DOWN BY — — — — — — — - — - — — —— tN ou IXCAVATOR STRUCTURE SIDE OF `- CROSSSECTION -----------� WS.W qq 99 gg Cross Section -Typical RIFFLE to POOL Conversion Log Vane Structure �W90 i roe. TERRACE ELEVATION TERRACE ELEVATION ------------------------------------------ Dankfull Elevation rwm STRIICTIIRE LOCATION —� BANK EXCAVATED OR BANK EXCAVATED OR I MASHED DOWN BY roS.00 MASHED DOWN BY — EXCAVATOR EXCAVATOR — 3vsvv -------------------------- ---Nm+«rB �rmurs New POOI Dimensions: Bankfull Width: 17.5' Bankfull Max. Depth:5.5' Bankfull Mean Depth: 4.0' Moccasin Creek Stream Enhancement Project 2021 10 1 P a g e Cross Section -Typical RIFFLE to POOL Conversion @ Toewood Revetment Structure TERRACE ELEVATION- wi oo - Bankfull Elevation .-— io�oo -- SLCPE BANK --.-------�..--- .. ...... ........ ...... .---------------- I SOIL &TRANSPLANTEO _ SLOPE BANK TO 1.5:1 SLOPE a� ...............................................................Residual Pwf_epth....................................I VEGETATION T01.5;1 SLOPE, .oam _ TOnVOOD MATERIALS ' TOEvv000 REVETMENT _ BRANCHES STRUCTURE LOCATION L0 00 FI NE VEG ETAT ION IM Oo gg gg g g gg gg LONGITUDINAL PROFILE LOG VANE INVERT Longitudinal Profile -Typical @ Lag Vane & Toewood Structures B.anl'-Al Els,tion I I I ----------------- �� RIFFLE ALAI —__'___^_� a. Q g I I ---PNpmN � tlatiM Moccasin Creek Stream Enhancement Project 2021 111 Page