HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180919 Ver 1_REVISED AMP Review SAW-2017-01509_20210211Strickland, Bev From: Browning, Kimberly D CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) <Kimberly.D.Browning@usace.army.mil> Sent: Thursday, February 11, 2021 1:29 PM To: Haywood, Casey M CIV (USA); Tugwell, Todd J CIV USARMY CESAW (US); Davis, Erin B; cmhaywood.usace@gmail.com; Hamstead, Byron A; Bowers, Todd; Wilson, Travis W.; Munzer, Olivia Cc: Wiesner, Paul; Tsomides, Harry; Cidney Jones; Jake Byers Subject: [External] REVISED Adaptive Management Plan Review/ NCDMS Meadow Brook Mitigation Site/ Yadkin County/ SAW-2017-01509 Attachments: Meadow Brook_100024_AMP_Feb. 11 2021_Revised.pdf Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spa m.<mailto:report.spam@nc.gov> Hi All, EPR has submitted a revised AMP based on comments from a few IRT members (attached). I've already heard from Todd Bowers and Olivia. I would like to request that when submitting comments on draft mitigation plans and adaptive management plans that you send your comments to me only and I will compile them all and forward them to the provider. Hopefully this will help eliminate confusion. The comment deadline is still February 20, but if I hear from all IRT members interested in commenting sooner, I will forward the comment memo to DMS/EPR so they can move forward with supplemental planting. Thanks Kim Kim Browning Mitigation Project Manager, Regulatory Division I U.S. Army Corps of Engineers -----Original Message ----- From: Haywood, Casey M CIV (USA)<Casey.M.Haywood@usace.army.mil> Sent: Friday, February 05, 2021 2:37 PM To: Tugwell, Todd J CIV USARMY CESAW (USA)<Todd.J.Tugwell@usace.army.mil>; Browning, Kimberly D CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) <Kimberly.D.Browning@usace.army.mil>; Davis, Erin B <erin.davis@ncdenr.gov>; Casey Haywood <cmhaywood.usace@gmail.com>; Byron Hamstead <byron_Hamstead@fws.gov>; Twyla Cheatwood <twyla.cheatwood@noaa.gov>; Bowers, Todd <bowers.todd@epa.gov>; Wilson, Travis W. <travis.wilson@ ncwild life.org> Cc: Wiesner, Paul <paul.wiesner@ncdenr.gov>; Tsomides, Harry <harry.tsomides@ncdenr.gov>; Cidney Jones <cjones@eprusa.net>; Jake Byers <jbyers@eprusa.net> Subject: Notice of Adaptive Management Plan Review/ NCDMS Meadow Brook Mitigation Site/ Yadkin County/ SAW-2017-01509 Good afternoon IRT, The below referenced Adaptive Management Plan review has been requested by NCDMS. A copy of this AMP is attached. Per Section 332.8(o)(9) of the 2008 Mitigation Rule, this review follows the streamlined review process, which requires an IRT review period of 15 calendar days from this email notification. Please provide any comments by 5 PM on February 20, 2021. Comments provided after the 15-day comment deadline may not be considered. Given how extensive this re -planting is, please indicate whether you feel it will be necessary to extend monitoring (currently in MY2). At the conclusion of this comment period, a copy of all comments will be provided to NCDMS and the NCIRT along with District Engineer's intent to approve or disapprove this AMP. 15 Day Comment Start: February 05, 2021 15-Day Comment Deadline: February 20, 2021 45-DE Decision: March 22, 2021 Project Information: Meadow Brook Site DMS Project # 100024 USACE # SAW-2017-01509 fi]TiT il".WOF:i11-63Vil RFP: 16-006993 - Issued 09/16/2016 Institution Date: 05/22/2017 - Full Delivery Yadkin River Basin Cataloging Unit 03040101 Yadkin County, North Carolina z Proposed Assets: 3,409.333 SMUs (warm) FD Provider: EPR - Contact: Cidney Jones, PE & CFM, cjones@eprusa.net <mailto:cjones@eprusa.net> 919- 388-0787 (office), 925-337-1470 (cell) NCDEQ - DMS PM: Harry Tsomides; harry.tsomides@ncdenr.gov<mailto:harry.tsomides@ncdenr.gov> , (828) 545-7057 The Adaptive Management Plan can be accessed directly on the DMS SharePoint site here: IRT-DMS SharePoint Page: https://urldefense.com/v3/_https://ncconnect.sharepoint.com/sites/I RT- DMS/SitePages/Home.aspx_;!!HYmSToo!NsSyIFZPQj25JQHt8WJyzKdA93yOFKjxu36eWQtpmCuXgcGIMcFrUw NAywg-Y48ej_Y$ <Blockedhttps://ncconnect.sharepoint.com/sites/IRT-DMS/SitePages/Home.aspx> Meadow Brook_100024_AMP_Feb. 2021 https://urldefense.com/v3/_https://ncconnect.sharepoint.com/sites/I RT- DMS/Misc*20Documents/Forms/Allltems.aspx?id=*2Fsites*2FIRT*2DDMS*2FMisc*20Documents*2FMeadow *20Brook*5F100024*5FAMP*5FFeb*2E*202021*2Epdf&parent=*2Fsites*2FIRT*2DDMS*2FMisc*20Documen ts_;JSUIJSUIJSUIJSUIJSUIJSUIJQ!!HYmSToo!NsSyIFZPQj25JQHt8WJyzKdA93yOFKjxu36eWQtpmCuXgcGIMcFrU wNAywg-HTktb2c$ <Blockedhttps://ncconnect.sharepoint.com/sites/IRT- DMS/Misc%20Documents/Forms/Allltems.aspx?id=%2Fsites%2FIRT%2DDMS%2FMisc%20Documents%2FMea dow%20Brook%5FlOOO24%5FAMP%5FFeb%2E%202021%2Epdf&pa rent=%2Fsites%2FIRT%2DDMS%2FMisc%2 ODocuments> Please contact the Mitigation Office if you have any questions. V/r, Casey Haywood Mitigation Specialist, Regulatory Division I U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 3331 Heritage Trade Dr, Ste. 105 1 Wake Forest, NC 27587 1 BUILDING STRONG (r) Ecosystem Planning and Restoration, LLC ECOSYSTEM 1150 SE Maynard Road, Suite 140 PLANNING & Cary, NC 27511 RESTORATION Phone: (919) 388-0787 Ira www.eprusa.net Adaptive Management Plan for Meadow Brook Stream Restoration Project February 11, 2021 The Meadow Brook Stream Restoration Project (Project, Site) is a DIMS Full -Delivery located in Yadkin County, NC. The site is currently in MY2 (2021). Riparian herbaceous vegetation that was established after construction appears to be flourishing throughout the Site. Additionally, no invasive species were noted within the conservation easement. All restored streams meet the success criteria as established in the Final approved Mitigation Plan (2018). The site has withstood multiple storm events in MY1 and has held up extremely well. EPR is proposing to conduct supplemental planting across a portion of the site in early 2021 during dormant season. Riparian vegetation monitoring evaluates the growth and development of planted and volunteer vegetation across the Site. Six (6) permanent vegetation monitoring plots were established across the Site. The individual trees within each permanent plot were flagged and identified to facilitate repeat monitoring each year. In addition to the 6 permanent plots, 6 randomly placed vegetation plots are established each year and the location of these plots is recorded using a GPS. All vegetation plot locations for MY1 are shown in the current conditions plan view (CCPV; Attached). The vegetation performance criteria, as established in the Final approved Mitigation Plan (2018), are listed below: • Vegetation success criteria of 320 native stems/acre in Year 3, 260 native stems/acre in Year 4 and 210 native stems/acre in Year 7. • Trees must average 7 feet in height at Year 5, and 10 feet in height at Year 7. • Any single species can only account for 50% of the required stems per monitoring plot. Data from MY1 is summarized in the table on the following page, Tables 6 and 7 from the MY1 Report are also provided in the attachments. Ira. ECOSYSTEMPLANNING PLANNING & RESTORATION Ecosystem Planning and Restoration, LLC 1150 SE Maynard Road, Suite 140 Cary, NC 27511 Veg Plot ID MY1 Stem Count MY1 Stems/AC Dominant Species Composition (%) VPF-1 8 324 25 VPF-2 21 850 18 VPF-3 5 202 29 VPF-4 9 364 22 VPF-5 13 526 31 VPF-6 3 121 67 VPR-7 1 40 100 VPR-8 6 243 33 VPR-9 8 324 25 VPR-10 3 121 67 VPR-11 4 162 50 VPR-12 11 445 36 Phone: (919) 388-0787 www.eprusa.net As indicated by the low planted stem count numbers found in many vegetation plots, much of the planted areas are not meeting the performance criteria. Six out of twelve of the riparian plots are already below the interim success criteria for density in year 3 and three more plots (shown in yellow) are not expected to meet the interim success criteria. Table 5 in Appendix A of the MY1 Report indicates that 8.80 acres of the 11.2-acre easement (78.6%) can be described as low stem density areas. The CCPV provided in the attachments shows the vegetation problem areas. The high woody species mortality documented in the MY1 Report is likely due to 2 reasons: Very thick herbaceous vegetation competition 2. Very wet conditions Supplemental planting efforts are currently being planned to re -plant certain areas of the site where mortality is high so that the site will meet the interim success criteria. This will include re -planting the available species included in the Final approved Mitigation Plan (2018) which were generally based on species suggested by Schafale and Weakly (1990) for Piedmont/Low Mountain Alluvial Forest and Schafale (2012) for Piedmont Alluvial Forest. The planting plan and planting zones from the plan set are provided in the attachments. Also, as part of these efforts, the planting contractor has suggested/requested using some additional native species that were not originally proposed in the Final approved Mitigation Plan (2018). The contractor is confident that these species will improve success. The additional species are listed in the table on the following page and revised vegetation plan tables are provided in the attachments. 2 1 P a g e Ira. ECOSYSTEMPLANNING PLANNING & RESTORATION Ecosystem Planning and Restoration, LLC 1150 SE Maynard Road, Suite 140 Cary, NC 27511 Phone: (919) 388-0787 www.eprusa.net Cephalanthus occidentalis OBL Buttonbush Physocarpus opulifolius FACW Nine Bark Alnus serrulate OBL Tag Alder Hamamelis virginiana FACU Witch hazel Quercus michauxii FACW Swamp chestnut oak Liriodendron tulipirera FACU Tulip poplar Lindera benzoin FAC Spicebush Carpinus caroliniana FAC American Hornbeam Planting zones will loosely follow the zones shown in the Plans (Zone 1 along the streambanks, Zone 2 in the riparian wetlands, and Zone 3 in the Uplands). However within Zone 2, the FACW and OBL species listed in the table above will also be planted within areas of consistent standing water identified in the field. Also, approved species included in Zone 1 will be planted in these areas. The upland zone shown in the original planting plan generally did well and only accounts for 0.9 acres of planting. Individual species will be selected and planted per specific site conditions under the supervision of a qualified planting contractor. The maximum percent any species will encompass is provided in the revised vegetation plan in the Attachments. Green Ash will continue to be limited to 5% and the proposed diverse list will help ensure that no species is dominant. EPR is making every effort to address the vegetation issues reported above in MY2 (2021) with more wet tolerant species. As it is very early in the monitoring, EPR does not believe that additional monitoring is warranted at this time. 3 1 P a g e Ira. ECOSYSTEMPLANNING PLANNING & RESTORATION Ecosystem Planning and Restoration, LLC 1150 SE Maynard Road, Suite 140 Cary, NC 27511 Phone: (919) 388-0787 www.eprusa.net Attachments for the Adaptive Management Plan for Meadow Stream Restoration Project 1. Current Condition Plan View (CCPV) — Figures 2, 2A — 2C from Final Monitoring Year 1 Report (Dec 2020) 2. Vegetation Plot Data — Table 6 from Final Monitoring Year 1 Report (Dec 2020) 3. Vegetation Performance Standards Summary Table —Table 7 from Final Monitoring Year 1 Report (Dec 2020) 4. Revised Vegetation Plan — Created for this AMP 5. Vegetation Selection Plan Sheet — Sealed construction plan set, identical content to Appendix 9 from Final approved Mitigation Plan (2018) 6. Vegetation Plan Sheets — Sealed construction plan set, identical content to Appendix 9 from Final approved Mitigation Plan (2018) 4 1 P a g e f Reach 1 VPF-5 4 -' 2 _ ? Low planted stem density, dense 1 A herbaceous vegetation growth. 0:- w Culvert Nil {w. . Legend Top of Bank (ASB) Existing Wetlands = Fixed Veg Plot - Unsuccessful Rain Gauge Farm Path ® Vegetation Problem Area Stream Centerline Q Conservation Easement Fixed Veg Plot - Successful — Fencing ® Unfilled Ditches his Pre -Existing Streams ----- Cross Sections 0 Random Veg Plot - Unsuccessful Stream Gauge — Fence Gates ® Filled Ditches Structures O Photo Points Random Veg Plot - Successful Wetland Gauge NC OneMap Orthoimagery (2018) 0 100 N MEADOW BROOK STREAM MITIGATION PROJECT DMS PROJECT FEET CURRENT CONDITION PLAN VIEW: ASSET MAP ID# 100024 1 inch = 100 feet MY 1: 2020 WN'M.Se"x., DEC 2020 ECOSYSTEM FIGURE 2A YADKIN COUNTY, NC PLANNING& RESTORA 1 FON VPF-4 f/ s.000F s Reach 2 % 6 VPR-11 !' Reach 1 VPF-2 4. _ Y; �. Low planted stem density, dense ` - • _ -> :�. �: �• -• � '•'u.- ,herbaceous vegetation growth. •� - - �, -• . . Reach 3 - 12 VPF-1 VPR-12 . f •'�• � �'•� •�.; N � ; Reach 4 } r L _ Legend Top of Bank (ASB) Existing Wetlands Fixed Veg Plot - Successful Stream Gauge = — = Stream Crossing ® Vegetation Problem Area Stream Centerline Q Conservation Easement Random Veg Plot - Unsuccessful Farm Path ® Unfilled Ditches Pre -Existing Streams ----- Cross Sections (_ Random Veg Plot - Successful Wetland Gauge �• Fencing ®Filled Ditches Structures 0 Photo Points Reach Breaks Fence Gates NC OneMap Orthoimagery (2018) 0 100 N MEADOW BROOK STREAM MITIGATION PROJECT DMS PROJECT FEET CURRENT CONDITION PLAN VIEW: ASSET MAP ID# 100024 1 inch = 100 feet MY 1 : 2020 DEC 2020 ECOSYSTEM FIGURE 2B YADKIN COUNTY, NC PLANNING& ARESTORATION Culvert UT Low planted stem density, dense y - herbaceous vegetation growth. 1 � VPF-4 - Reach 2 / + 6- % Reach 1 / �-. VPF-2 Legend Top of Bank (ASB) Existing Wetlands - Fixed Veg Plot - Unsuccessful Stream Gauge - --- Stream Crossing ® Vegetation Problem Area Stream Centerline Q Conservation Easement Fixed Veg Plot - Successful Farm Path ® Unfilled Ditches Pre -Existing Streams ----- Cross Sections 0 Random Veg Plot - Unsuccessful Wetland Gauge Fencing ® Filled Ditches Structures O Photo Points Random Veg Plot - Successful Reach Breaks Fence Gates NC OneMap Orthoimagery (2018) 0 100 N MEADOW BROOK STREAM MITIGATION PROJECT DIMS PROJECT FEET CURRENT CONDITION PLAN VIEW: ASSET MAP ID# 100024 1 inch = 100 feet MY 1: 20220 DEC 2020 ECOSYSTEM FIGURE 2C YADKIN COUNTY, NC PLANNING& RESTORA 1 FOv Table 6. Vegetation Plot Data Meadow Brook Stream Restoration Project (NCDMS Project No. 100024) Planted Acreage 11.2 Date of Initial Plant 2020-01-20 Date(s) of Supplemental Plant(s) #N/A Date(s) Mowing #N/A Date of Current Survey 2020-10-27 Plot size (ACRES) 0.0247 Scientific Name Common Name Tree/Shrub Indicator Status Veg Plot 1 F Veg Plot 2 F Veg Plot 3 F Veg Plot 4 F Veg Plot 5 F Veg Plot 6 F Veg Plot 7 R Veg Plot 8 R Veg Plot 9 R Veg Plot 10 R Veg Plot 11 R Veg Plot 12 R Planted Total Planted Total Planted Total Planted Total Planted Total Planted Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Betula nigra river birch Tree FACW 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 1 1 1 Celtis laevigata sugarberry Tree FACW 1 1 1 1 Cercis canadensis eastern redbud Tree FACU 3 3 1 1 1 1 Cornus amomum silky dogwood Shrub FACW 4 4 1 1 4 4 1 4 Diospyros virginiana common persimmon Tree FAC 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 Fraxinus pennsylvanica green ash Tree FACW 2 2 3 3 2 2 1 1 2 2 Species Included in Liriodendron tulipifera tuliptree Tree FACU 1 1 3 3 2 Approved Platanus occidentalis American sycamore Tree FACW 3 3 1 1 1 1 2 Mitigation Plan Quercus alba white oak Tree FACU 1 1 Quercus nigra water oak Tree FAC 1 1 Quercus phellos willow oak Tree FAC 2 Quercus rubra northern red oak Tree FACU 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 Salix nigra black willow Tree OBL 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 Sambucus canadensis American black elderberry Tree 1 1 Ulmus americana American elm Tree FACW 1 1 1 Sum Performance Standard 8 8 21 21 5 5 9 9 13 13 3 3 1 6 8 3 4 11 Post Mitigation Plan Acerrubrum red maple Tree FAC 2 2 Species Alnus serrulata tag alder Tree OBL 1 1 Sum Proposed Standard 8 8 21 21 5 5 9 9 13 13 3 3 1 6 8 3 4 11 Current Year Stem Count 8 21 5 9 13 3 1 6 8 3 4 11 Stems/Acre 324 850 202 364 526 121 40 243 324 121 162 445 Mitigation Plan Performance Species Count 5 8 4 7 7 2 1 5 6 2 3 6 Standard Dominant Species Composition (%) 25 18 29 22 31 67 100 33 25 67 50 36 Average Plot Height 3 1 1 2 3 6 2 2 3 3 3 2 Invasives ML 0 0 dw 6m 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1). Bolded species are proposed for the current monitoring year, italicized species are not approved, and a regular font indicates that the species has been approved. 2). The "Species Included in Approved Mitigation Plan" section contains only those species that were included in the original approved mitigation plan. The "Post Mitigation Plan Species" section includes species that are being proposed through a mitigation plan addendum for the current monitoring year (bolded) , species that have been approved in prior monitoring years through a mitigation plan addendum (regular font), and species that are not approved (italicized). 3). The "Mitigation Plan Performance Standard" section is derived only from stems included in the original mitigation plan, whereas the "Post Mitigation Plan Performance Standard" includes data from mitigation plan approved, post mitigation plan approved, and proposed stems. Appendix B Meadow Brook Stream Restoration Project ECOSYSTEM DMS # 100024 Ar PLANNING & RESTORATION Table 7. Vegetation Performance Standards Summary Table Meadow Brook Stream Restoration Project (NCDMS Project No. 100024) Vegetation Performance Standards Summary Table Veg Plot 1 F Veg Plot 2 F Veg Plot 3 F Stems/Ac. Av. Ht. (ft) # Species % Invasives Stems/Ac. Av. Ht. (ft) # Species % Invasives Stems/Ac. Av. Ht. (ft) # Species % Invasives Monitoring Year 7 Monitoring Year 5 Monitoring Year 3 Monitoring Year 2 Monitoring Year 1 324 5 0 850 9 0 202 Monitoring Year 0 809 6iL 0 1174 10 0 728 Veg Plot 4 F Veg Plot 5 F Veg Plot 6 F Stems/Ac. Av. Ht. (ft) # Species % Invasives Stems/Ac. Av. Ht. (ft) # Species % Invasives Stems/Ac. Av. Ht. (ft) # Species % Invasives Monitoring Year 7 Monitoring Year 5 Monitoring Year 3 Monitoring Year 2 Monitoring Year 1 364 7 0 526 0 121 2 0 Monitoring Year 0 7 0 728 r 8 1 0 688 3 0 Veg Plot 7 R Veg Plot 8 R Veg Plot 9 R Stems/Ac. Av. Ht. (ft) # Species % Invasives Stems/Ac. Av. Ht. (ft) # Species % Invasives Stems/Ac. Av. Ht. (ft) # Species % Invasives Monitoring Year 7 Monitoring Year 5 Monitoring Year 3 Monitoring Year 2 Monitoring Year 1 0 40 1 0 243 5 0 324 6 0 Monitoring Year 0 Veg Plot 10 R Veg Plot 11 R Veg Plot 12 R Stems/Ac. Av. Ht. (ft) # Species % Invasives Stems/Ac. Av. Ht. (ft) # Species % Invasives Stems/Ac. Av. Ht. (ft) # Species % Invasives Monitoring Year 7 Monitoring Year 5 Monitoring Year 3 Monitoring Year 2 Monitoring Year 1 121 2 0 162 3 0 445 6 Monitoring Year 0 *Each monitoring year represents a different plot for the random vegetation plot "groups". Random plots are denoted with an R, and fixed plots with an F. Appendix B ECOSYSTEM Meadow Brook Stream Restoration Project .. f� RESTORATION ANNING & DMS # 100024 1\ ET�RATI`i REVISED VEGETATION SELECTION MEADOW BROOK ADAPTIVE MANAGEMENT PLAN, FEB 2021 Zone 2 - Riparian Wetlands Vegetation -Riparian vegetation species shall be planted in the areas designated. The planting density will depend on availability of larger stock If bare -root stock are used then supplemental planting will be performed to reach 680 stems/acre. If larger stock are available, high risk areas will be targeted and a lower density will be installed. -All species will be planted according to the plans, details, and construction specifications. Not all of the species listed may be planted. A minimum of 6 species will be planted. Commercial availability may dictate which species and size are actually planted. Maximum Wetland Indicator Scientific Name Common Name % by Species Status A/ ALM OBL Betula nigra River Birch 10% FACW Geltis-laevicgata Sugarberry 5-0l6 FACW Diospryos virginiana Persimmon 10% FAC Fraxinus pennsylvanica Green Ash 5% FACW FACW Platanus occidentalis Sycamore 10% FACW FACW Quercus nigra Water Oak 5% FAC Quercus phellos Willow Oak 5% FAC Ulmus americana American Elm 5% FACW Total 100% Zone 3 - Upland Vegetation -Riparian vegetation species shall be planted in the areas designated. The planting density will depend on availability of larger stock. If bare -root stock are used then supplemental planting will be performed to reach 680 stems/acre. If larger stock are available, high risk areas will be targeted and a lower density will be installed. -All species will be planted according to the plans, details, and construction specifications. Not all of the species listed may be planted. A minimum of 6 species will be planted. Commercial availability may dictate which species and size are actually planted. Wetland n ica or Scientific Name Common Name Maximum Status Carya glabra Pignut Hickory 10% FACU Carya tomentosa Mockernut Hickory 10% NI Redbud 5-06 FACU Corpus florida Flowering Dogwood 15% FACU Diospyros virginiana Persimmon 15% FAC i1exepasa A^,o:Gan �^ Hell 5-06 FACU Emaste.rn oed redn 5% FAQ 1 Lidodendron tulipifera Tulip Poplar 15% FACU Seurweed 5-06 UP-L D.-.ntiq Rpn fi Quercus alba Quercus falcata Quercus rubra War GhenFy " FACU White Oak 5% FACU Southern Red Oak 5% FACU Northern Red Oak 5% FACU NI = No indicator status Total 100% VEGETATION SELECTION Temporary Seeding Temporary herbaceous seed mixtures for the restoration site shall be planted in all disturbed areas. Temporary seed shall be applied according to the construction specifications and the information specified below. Scientific Name Common Name Rate Oates Secale cereale Cereal Rye Grain 130 Ibslacre September to March (Cool Season) Urochloa ramosa Browntop Millet 30 Ibslacre April to August (Warm Season) Total Planting Area for Temporary Seeding 13.5 acres) Zone 2 - Riparian Wetlands (Permanent Seeding) This permanent seed mixture shall be planted in all disturbed areas as specified on the plans as Zone 2. This permanent seed rnixhire shalf be appfied with temporary seed, as defined in the construction specifications. Permanent seed shall be applied at a rate of 25 Ibslacre. Wetland Indicator Scientific Name Common Name °% by Species Status Panicum Vrgatum Switchgrass 23 % FAC Etymus riparius Riverbank Witdrye 20% FACW Panicum dichotomiflorum Smooth Panicgrass 14% FACW Carex vulpinoidea Fox sedge 12% OBL Panicum rigdulum Redtop Panicgrass 6% FACW Dichanthelium clandestinum Deer -tongue 8% FAC 8idens frondosa (or adstosa) Beggars Tick 7°% FACW Junes effusus Soft Rush 4°% FACW Persicaria pensylvanice Pennsylvania smartweed 2°% FACW sparganium americanum American Bur Reed 2% OBL Total 100% Total Planting Area for Permanent Seeding: 10.3 acre(s) Zone 3 - Uplands (Permanent Seeding) This permanent seed mixture shall be planted in all disturbed areas as specified on the plans as Zone 3. This permanent seed mixture shall be applied with temporary seed, as defined in the construction specifications. Permanent seed shall be applied at a rate of 25 Ibslacre. Wetland Indicator Scientific Name Common Name a% by Species Status Elymus virgnicus Virginia W[drye 15% FACW Tripsacum dactyloides Eastern Gamma Crass 13% FACW Agrostis scabra Rough benlgrass 12% FAC Panicum virgatum Swtchgrass 12% FAC Carex vulpinoidea Fox Sedge 10% OBL Tridens flavus Purple Top 10% FACU Schizachyrium scopardum Little Blue Stem 8% FACU Coreopsis lanceolata Lance -Leaved Tick Seed 5°% FACU Elymus hystrix Sottiebrush Grass 5% UPL Sorghastrum nutans Yellow Indian Grass 5% FACU Festuca ovins var. duriuscala Hard Fescue 4% UPL Rudbeckia hirta Black -Eyed Susan 1 % FACU Total 100% Total Planting Area for Permanent Seeding: 0.9 acre(s) Zone 4 - Areas Outside of Easement Permanent Seeding) This permanent seed mixture shall be planted in all disturbed areas as specified on the plans as Zone 4. This permanent seed mixture shall be applied with temporary seed, as defined in the construction specifications. Permanent seed shall be applied at the rate shown below. Scientific Name Common Name Rate Oates Poa pratensis Kentucky Bluegrass 1 Ibil,000 sq.ft. August -September (Cool Season) Schadonorus arundioalceus Tall Fescue 5 Ibll,000 sq,ft Total 616s11.000 sq,ft Total Planting Area for Permanent Seeding: 3.3 acre(s) REVISIONS NO. ❑FSCRIPTION ENGR APPROV DATE 1 DRAFT MITIGATION PLAN CJ KLT 3/2/ 1 B 2 FINAL MITIGATION PLAN CJ KIT 9/TO/18 3 LAND OUALITY PERMITTING CJ KLT 0/24/16 4 CONSfRUC70N PLAN SET CJ KLT 1 2/7/ 18 :ZFPARED FOR NC DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DIVISION OF MITIGATION SERVICES 1652 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEiGH, NC 27699-1652 Zone 1 - Live Staking Stream Banks Live stakes will be installed along all stabilized bank areas, as indicated on the planting plan sheets, details, and according to the construction specifications. Live stake all disturbed banks with a single row at a 1,742 live stakes per acre (S' x 5' spacing). Not a8 of the species listed may be planted. Commercial availability may dictate which species are actually planted. Approx. Number of Wetland Indicator Scientific Name Common Name % by Species Stems Status Corpus amomum Silky dogwood 40% 766 FACW Salix sericea Silky w )low 30% 575 OBL Salix nigra Black willow 20% 383 OBL Sambucus canadensis Etdorberry 10% 192 FAG Total 100% 1916 Total Planting Area for Livestakes 1.1 acre(s) Zone 2 - Riparian Wetlands Vegetation Riparian vegetation species (bare -roots) shall be planted in the areas designated on the plans using the species mixture and percentages listed below. Riparian species shali be planted at an overall density of 680 stems per acre (8' x 8' spacing). Al species Wit be planted according to the plans, details, and construction specifications. Not all of the species listed may be planted - a minimum of 6 species will be planted- Commercial availability may dictate which species are actually planted. Wetland Indicator Scientific Name Common Name % by Species Status Bel nigra River Birch 20% FACW CelNs laevigata Sugarberry 5% FACW Diospryos wrg'niaria Persimmon 10°% FAC Fraxinus pennsylvanica Green Ash 10% FACW Platanus occidentalis Sycamore 20°% FACW Quercus nigra Water Oak 10% FAC Quercus phellos Willow Oak 15% FAC Ulmus americana American Elm 10% FACW Total 100% Total Planting Area for Riparian Vegetation F 9.2 acre(s) Zone 3 - Upland Vegetation Upland vegetation species (bare -roots) shall be planted in the areas designated on the plans using the species mixture and percentages listed below. Species shall be planted at an overall density of 680 stems per acre (8' x 8' spacing). All species will be planted according to the plans, details, and construction specifications. Not all of the species listed may be planted - a Minimum of 6 species will be planted. Commercial availability may dictate which species are actually planted. Wetland Indicator Scientific Name Common Name % by Species Status Carya g'abra Pignut Hickory 10°% FACU Carya tomentosa Mockernut Hickory 10°% NI Cercis canadensis Redbud 5°% FACU Corns tlorida Flowering Dogwood 5% FACU Diospyros virg'niana Persim ion 10% FAC 11ex opaca American Holly 51% FACU Juniperus virgintana Eastern Red Cedar 5°% FACU Liriodendron tulipifera Tulip Poplar 10% FACU Oxydendrum arboreum Sourwood 5°% UPL Primus serotine Black Cherry 5°% FACU Quercus alba White Oak 10% FACU Quercus falcata Southern Red Oak 10% FACU Quercus rubra Northern Red Oak 10% FACU Ni = No Indlwtor status Total 100% Total Planting Area for Upland Vegetation F 0.9 acre(s) MEADOW BROOK YADKIN COUNTY, NC IN THE OFFICE OF ECOSYSTEM PLANNING & ria RESTORATION 559 JONES FRANKLIN RD, SUITE 150 RALEIGH, NC 27606 LICENSE # P-1 182 PROJECT # SHEET NO. 082 28 VEGETATION SELECTION \`�►11r1A a g r SEAL • +ill ? y affm REVISIONS NO. DESCRIPTION ENGR, APPROV DATE 1 DRAFT MITIGATION PLAN CJ KLT 3/2/ 1 $ 2 FINAL MITIGATION PLAN CJ KLT 9/10/18 3 LAND QUALITY PERMITTING CJ KLT 0/24/18 4 CONSTRUCTION PLAN SET C.1 KLT 12/7/ 18 SWIMMER I ZONE 2 - RIPARIAN WETLANDS ZONE3-UPLAND l I ZONE .4-AREAS OUTSIDE EASEMENT (PERMANENT SEEDING) REPAIRED FOR' . NC DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DIVISION OF MITIGATION SERVICES 1652 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH. NC 27699-1652 MEADOW BROOK YADKIN COUNTY, NC PREPARED IN THE OFFICE OF: ECOSYSTEM PLANNING & RESTORATION 559JONES FRANKLIN RD. SUITE 150 RALFIGH. NC 27606 LICENSE # P-1 182 PROJECT # SHEET NO. , 082 12 VEGETATION PLAN m Iu Iu In w z J S U t- Q 2 40 20 0 40 80 SCALE (Fn .o111III!, ////, 0 2 a SEAL 0 3187 i C' ' • �G'fiV�� •.5 � REVISIONS III NO. DESCRIPTION ENGR JAPPROV DATE 1 DRAFT MITIGATION PLAN CJ KLT 3/2/ 18 2 FINAL MITIGATION PLAN CJ KLT 9/4O/18 3 LAND OUALITY PERMITTING CJ KLT t 0/24/18 4 CONSTRUCTION PLAN SET CJ KLT 1 2/7/ 18 NC DEPARTMENTOF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DIVISION OF MITIGATION SERVICES 1 652 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH, NC 27699-1 652 MEADOW BROOK YADKIN COUNTY, NC PREPARED IN THE OFFICE OF: rAECOSYSTEM PLANNING & 0 RESTORATION 559 JONES FRANKLIN RD, SUITE 150 RALEIGH, NC 27606 LICENSE # P-1 182 PROJECT # SHEET NO 3 JN �11'I'Irtl^rrl// -%PR O.kU}ECTs•.eNG [ o��s�o• �2 SEAL 43187 i C' '• NGIEV�� •'• , i I , ,