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North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Division of Water Quality
Beverly Eaves Perdue Charles Wakild P E Dee Freeman
Governor Director Secretary
March 15 2012
Mr Bob Kessler
Greenvest/Flat Swamp LLC
4405 Dewees Ct
Raleigh NC 27612
DWQ Project # 07 0747
Craven County
Re Flat Swamp Neuse River Riparian Buffer and Nutrient Offset Mitigation Banlung
Instrument (MBI)
Flat Swamp Bank Parcel Credit Release Task 6
Dear Mr Kessler
On January 5 2012 the Division of Water Quality (DWQ) received the Year Three Monitoring Report,
dated January 2 2012 for the Flat Swamp Bank Parcel in Craven County North Carolina On January
31 2012 Katie Merritt with DWQ requested that you identify the actual date monitoring was performed
and to revise text concerning adding additional acreage to the nutrient offset and buffer mitigation bank
Additionally Ms Merritt asked for you to include a statement in the report regarding any encroachment
of the conservation easement It was also requested that you revise Table 2 to include common names
of all of the species that were counted and then identify which tree species were planted and which were
volunteers On March 12 2012 DWQ received a satisfactory response to the requests and appreciates
your cooperation On March 14 2012 Ms Merritt visited the site to do an overall assessment of how the
mitigation site is functioning DWQ has the following additional comments
• At this time the mitigation site is doing very well and is on target for being a successful
mitigation site at the end of the 5th year monitoring period However during the site visit it was
determined that the monitoring plot data submitted in the annual report was inconsistent with
what was present in the monitoring plots onsite Scott Frederick with Soil Water &
Environment Group PLLC assisted DWQ on the site Mr Frederick acting as the consultant for
GV/FS for the Flat Swamp mitigation site responded to the inconsistencies by saying it was an
oversight issue and that the monitoring plots had been previously renumbered He was confident
that the monitoring data collected was correct but that the data was misplaced in the tables Ms
Merritt accepted this as a reasonable explanation and determined that the monitoring report
excluding the inconsistencies of Table 2 and Table 3 did provide a good assessment of how the
mitigation site was functioning overall
DWQ requests that you please revise Table 2 and Table 3 of the monitoring report to reflect the
actual numbers of live planted stems present in the monitoring plots onsite Please resubmit a
revised Table 2 and Table 3 ro DWQ within 30 days from the date of this correspondence
Wetlands Buffers Stormwater Compliance & Permitting Unit
1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh North Carolina 276991650
Location Archdale Bldg 9" Floor 512 N Salisbury St Raleigh NC 27604
Phone 919 -807 63001 FAX 919 -807 6494
Internet http / /portal ncdenr org/web/wglswp/ws/webscape
An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative Action Employer
GreenVest/Flat Swamp LLC
Page 2 of 2
March 15 2012
According to the MBI the following Project Milestone has been met and the corresponding credits shall
be released
6) Submittal and approval of Year 3 Monitoring Report w/ Conditions 10%
By copy of this correspondence DWQ confirms that you have satisfied the above requirements for the
above referenced tract and an additional 10% of your nutrient offset credits (0 1 x 649,87914 lb-N =
64,987 91 lb -N) are now available for sale Also, an additional 10% of your riparian buffer credits
(0 1 x 886,010 04 ft2 = 88,601 04 ft2) are now available for sale One square foot of riparian buffer
restoration for mitigation equals one riparian buffer credit
A total of 80% of the available nutrient offset credits (519,903 31 lb N) and 80% of the available
riparian buffer credits (708,808 32 ft2) have been released for this site
Please note that credits generated at this site must be used for impacts in HUC 03020202 of the
Neuse River Basin
As always, please copy DWQ on all correspondence related to credit sales, referencing the DWQ protect
number associated with the impacts for which credits are being purchased as compensatory mitigation
Please feel free to contact Katie Merritt at (919) 807 6371 if you have any questions regarding this
��— Karen iggms Supervisor
Wetlands, Buffers Stormwater, Compliance and
Permitting Unit
File Copy Katie Merritt