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HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQCS00221_Regional Office Historical File Pre 2018 (4)Page 1 of 1 I/mar/08/furniture-maker-lease-claremont-plant-ar-844853/ N ISM, s N, Published: March 08, 2011 Home / news / local / Furniture maker to lease Claremont plant By John Dayberry A furniture manufacturer that said it would create hundreds of Catawba County jobs has agreed to lease a 411,706- square-foot distribution warehouse in Claremont. Sutter Street Manufacturing, a division of California -based Williams -Sonoma, has agreed to lease the Kelly Boulevard building previously owned by Collezione Europa USA Inc. Sutter Street Manufacturing plans to use the facility for warehousing, manufacturing and distribution, according to JER Partners, a Virginia -based commercial real estate management company that announced the lease agreement. Sutter Street Manufacturing provides upholstered furniture to Williams -Sonoma. "Williams -Sonoma recognizes the superior quality of the Kelly Boulevard warehouse and the benefits of being located in Catawba County," said Jim Smith, managing director of U.S. funds at JER Partners. "We are extremely pleased to have attracted such a high quality tenant during challenging economic times, and we believe this transaction reflects the strengthening of the local market." The building is owned by Kelly Boulevard Associates, LLC, a joint venture of JER Partners of and Fulcra Enterprises, headquartered in Cornelius. JER Partners/Fulcra Enterprises purchased the distribution warehouse in late 2008 under bankruptcy proceedings. Sutter Street Manufacturing announced in April 2008 that it would open a distribution and manufacturing center in Hickory, creating 820 jobs. Sutter Street said it would invest $2.7 million in the facility and create the 820 jobs over a five-year period. The state of North Carolina agreed to provide up to $8.96 million in tax incentives over a 10-year period. It is believed that Sutter Street Manufacturing currently employs about 270 people at its facility in southeast Hickory. Company officials declined to comment. Scott Millar, president of the Catawba County Economic Development Corp., which worked to bring Sutter Street Manufacturing to the county, would not speculate as to whether the company's Claremont lease agreement indicates an expansion or more jobs. Hickory Daily Record C Copyright 2011 Media General Communications Holdings, LLC. A Media General company. http://www2.hickoryrecord.comlmember-center/share-this/print/?content=ar844853 3/11/2011 City of Claremont, NC Spill Control Plan for Wastewater Treatment Facilities and Lift Stations Operated By: . -A � WOODARD &CURRAN City of Claremont, NC Spill Response Plan Table of Contents Section 1 Overview . 1.1 Purpose of Document 1.2 Overview of System 1.3 Equipment 1.4 Spare Parts Section 2 Prevention of Spills 2.1 Causes of Spills 2.2 Lift Station Inspections 2.3 Lift Station Maintenance 2.4 Collection System Maintenance 2.5 Wastewater Treatment Plant Inspections and Maintenance Section 3 Identification of Spills 3.1 Alarms 3.2 ORC Contact and Response Time 3.3 Customer Call -In Section 4 Initial Spill Response 4.1 Cause Assessment and Alleviation 4.2 Notifications 4.3 Contact List (Contractors) 4.4 Contact List (City of Claremont) 4.5 Contact List (Woodard & Curran) 4.6 Contact List (Vendors) 4.7 Access to Cleaning Equipment 4.8 Catastrophic Damage/Emergency Fund Section 5 Spill Clean -Up Procedures 5.1 Procedures 5.2 Clean -Up Supplies Section 6 Reporting Requirements 6.1 Immediate Reporting 6.2 Report Submittal 6.3 Form CS-SSO (Attached) 1.0 Overview 1.1 Purpose of Document 1.1.1 The purpose of this document is to establish general procedures for response to spills of wastewater. These procedures will include practices for the prevention of these events, as well as recognition of spills, initial response, notification procedures, and clean-up procedures. 1.2 Overview of Collection System 1.2.1 The City of Claremont, located in Catawba County, NC, operates a wastewater collection system that consists of approximately 20 miles of gravity sewer, approximately 2.5 miles of force main, five (5) duplex pump stations, and associated appurtenances commonly found in a complete and operational wastewater collection system. 1.2.2 Collected wastewater is treated at either the City of Claremont's North Wastewater Treatment Facility or the City's McLin Creek Wastewater Treatment Facility. 1.2.3 The lift stations and the wastewater treatment facilities are contract operated by Woodard & Curran, Inc. 1.3 Equipment Name of Station Number of Pumps Cargo Pump Station 2 State Pump Station 4 School Pump Station 2 Mom & Pop's Pump Station 2 Smyres Pump Station 2 1.4 Spare Parts 1.4.1 Currently, spare parts are located at the McLin Creels Wastewater Treatment Facility. They consist of fuses, electrical relays, and assorted gaskets and seals for lift station pumps. Spare fuses may be kept inside lift station control cabinets as well. 2.0 Prevention of Spills 2.1 Causes of Spills 2.1.1 While some spills may be unavoidable due to abnormal weather conditions, electrical outages, or catastrophic system damage, proper maintenance of lift stations and wastewater treatment plants could be considered a best management practice for the prevention of wastewater spills. 2.2 Lift Station Inspections 2.2.1 Lift stations should be inspected daily in order to identify any abnormal conditions that may lead to overflow of process tanks or to identify spills in progress. Daily checks of lift stations should include: Inspection of pumps for leaks, overheating, broken belts, etc. Inspection of wet well level Inspection of wet well floats for accumulation of grease (which may weigh down floats, preventing actuation) Inspection of pump control panel for abnormalities, burning wire smell, etc. Manual activation of pumps to check operation Recording pump runtimes 2.3 Lift Station Maintenance Other lift station maintenance activities throughout the year should include: Cleaning inside pump station and wet well Inspection and exercise of valves Inspection and lubrication of pumps Verification of float switch/level control operation Verification of alarm systems 2.4 Collection System Maintenance 2.4.1 Cleaning and inspection of sewer lines, force mains, and manholes should be an ongoing program throughout the year. 4.2.3 Operator in Responsible Charge can also notify City of Claremont Maintenance personnel as needed (See Contact List) 4.2.4 When the spill is under control, the ORC should contact the following people: 4.2.5 Thomas Winkler, City of Claremont, Public Works Director 4.2.6 Doris Bumgarner, City of Claremont, City Manager 4.2.7 Eric Teittinen, Woodard & Curran Area Manager 4.2.8 Bill Luksha, Woodard & Curran Compliance Manager 4.2.9 After the spill condition has been alleviated and the above notifications have been made, spill clean-up should begin (See Section 6). 4.2.10 After spill clean-up or within 24 hours of spill, notification to the State of North Carolina should be made 4.3 Contact List (Contractors) Company Purpose Office Cell Pager IEM Electrical 828-459-1654 Sanitary Septic Tank Service Septage Hauler 828-294-1831 828-312-9626 828-345-0662 Ronnie Turner Construction Structural 828-294-1844 4.4 Contact List (City of Claremont Personnel) Name Title Home Cell Pager Doris Bumgarner City Manager 828-459-7009 Office Thomas Winkler PW Director 828-241-3754 828-312-8977 828-261-3631 Tim Taylor 828-478-9380 828-261-3629 Shannon Dickerson 704-924-6800 828-261-3628 William Stout 1 828-478-2507 1 1 828-261-3626 Ashley Sweet 1 828-632-6785 1 1 828-261-3627 4.5 Contact List (Woodard & Curran) Name Title Office Cell Eric Teittinen Area Manager 770-396-0073 770-296-4601 Bill Luksha Compliance Mgr. 800-426-4262 207-632-1578 5.0 Spill Clean -Up 5.1 Procedures 5.1.1 When possible, standing water may be pumped back into the station from which it overflowed. 5.1.2 All solid materials from the spill should be collected and disposed of at a landfill. 5.1.3 All areas of the ground which has come into contact with the spilled wastewater should be neutralized/sanitized by application of lime or soda ash. 5.1.4 Spills on private property should be cleaned up to the satisfaction of the property owner. 5.2 Clean -Up Supplies 5.2.1 Spill clean-up supplies should include, but not be limited to: Sandbags Straw/Hay Bales Storm Drain Covers (optional) Lime and/or Soda Ash Personal Protective Gear such as gloves, rubber boots, coveralls, etc. Hand Sanitizer Shovels, Rakes, and other Hand Tools 5.2.2 Adequate supplies of lime and/or soda ash will be maintained at the McLin Creek and North Wastewater Treatment Facilities. 5.2.3 Straw/hay bales will be maintained at the McLin Creels Wastewater Treatment Facility. 5.2.4 Sandbags will be maintained at the McLin Creek Wastewater Treatment Facility. 6.0 Reporting Requirements 6.1 Immediate Reporting 6.1.1 The regional office of the North Carolina Department of Water Quality should receive verbal notification within 24 hours of spill discovery. 6.2 Report Submittal 6.2.1 The North Carolina Department of Water Quality requires that Form CS-SSO be submitted within five days of discovery of spill. This form can be found at the following web address: pdf 63 Form CS-SSO (Attached) 4/17/2008 Ordinance City Council of the City of Claremont Catawba County, North Carolina Ordinance No. AN ORDINACE OF THE CITY OF CLAREMONT AMENDING CLAREMONT MUNICIPAL CODE, CHAPTER , THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CLAREMONT DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1: Scope and purpose 1. The objective of this section is to aid in preventing the introduction and accumulation of fats, oils, and greases into the municipal wastewater system, which will or tend to cause or contribute to sanitary sewer blockages and obstructions. Food Service Establishments and other industrial or commercial establishments generating wastewater containing fats, oils or greases are subject to this section. This section regulates such users by requiring that grease interceptors and other approved strategies be.installed, implemented, and. maintained in accordance with the provisions hereof. _Definitions. 1. The definitions contained in Section 36-172 and the following terms, when used in this section, shall apply. A. Action Level means the concentration based numeric value that the Grease interceptor effluent, at the device's outlet tee and prior to mixing with any other waste water from the contributing establishment's property, are expected to achieve on a consistent or stipulated basis. B. Common interceptor means one or more interceptors receiving FOG laden wastewater from more than one establishment. Common interceptors may be located at shopping centers, malls, entertainment complexes, sporting arenas, hotels, multi -tenant "flex" spaces, mixed -use spaces, and other sites where multiple establishments are connected to a single grease interceptor. The owner of the property on which the common grease interceptor is located shall be primarily responsible for the maintenance, upkeep, and repair of the common interceptor. C. Fats, oils, and greases means organic polar compounds derived from animal and/or plant sources that contain multiple carbon chain triglyceride molecules. These substances are detectable and measurable using analytical test procedures established in 40 CFR 136, as may be amended from time to time. All are sometimes referred to herein as "grease" or "greases." or "FOG". 4/17/2008 D. Food Service Establishments or "FSE" means those establishments primarily engaged in activities of preparing, serving, or otherwise making available for consumption foodstuffs and that use one or more of the following preparation activities: Cooking by frying (all methods), baking (all methods), grilling, sauteing, rotisserie cooking, broiling (all methods), boiling blanching, roasting, toasting, or poaching, and infrared heating, searing, barbecuing, and any other food preparation or serving activity that produces a consumable food product in or on a receptacle requiring washing to be reused. E. FOG enforcement response plan means the document and written plan and procedures by which the director implements an enforcement strategy applicable to the FOG control and management program established herein. The plan applies to FOG program violations and matters of program noncompliance. Stipulated penalties for specific and programmatic infractions are addressed in the plan and set forth in the Town's annual budget ordinance. The director shall make site and case specific determinations of program non-conformance in accordance with this Division 2. F. Grease trap or interceptor means a device for separating waterborne greases and grease complexes from wastewater and retaining such greases and grease complexes prior to the wastewater exiting the trap and entering the sanitary sewer collection and treatment system. Grease traps also serve to collect solids that settle, generated by and from activities that subject Users to this section, prior to the water exiting the trap and entering the sanitary sewer collection and treatment system. Grease traps and interceptors are sometimes referred to herein as "grease interceptors." G. Minimum design capability means the design features of a grease interceptor and its ability or volume required to effectively intercept and retain greases and settled solids from grease -laden wastewaters discharged to the public sanitary sewer. H. Non -cooking establishment means those establishments primarily engaged in the preparation of precooked foodstuffs that do not include any form of cooking: but that may produce a consumable food product in or on a receptacle requiring washing to be reused. On -site grease interceptor treatment (sometimes "Onsite Treatment') means mechanisms or procedures utilized by a User to treat grease interceptor contents on the User's site, followed by the reintroduction of such treated wastewater back into the interceptor. A User may only accomplish on -site grease interceptor treatment if the NC Division of Waste Management as a septage management firm permits the User or the User's contract service provider or service provider. Program Acknowledgement Certificate means program confirmation documentation issued by the Director. The User is required to keep 4/17/2008 Program Acknowledgement Certificate on premises and produce it upon request of City of Claremont. K. Service provider means any third party not in the employment of the User that performs maintenance, repair, and other services on a User's grease interceptor at the User's directive. L. User is as defined in Section 36-172 for the purpose of this Section. Users include property owners who provide common interceptors for one or more independent establishments, including tenants. Grease interceptor installation, maintenance, record . keeping, and grease removal 1. Grease interceptors shall be installed and maintained at the User's expense, when a User operators a food service establishment. Grease interceptors may be required in non -cooking or cold dairy and frozen foodstuffs establishments and other industrial or commercial establishments when the establishment generates wastewater containing fat or grease and the director determines an interceptor is necessary to prevent contribution or accumulation of grease to the sanitary sewer collection and treatment system. Upon notification by the Director or designee that the User is subject to the terms of an enforcement action, as stipulated in the FOG Enforcement Response Plan, said user shall not allow wastewater discharge concentration from subject grease interceptor to exceed an establishment action level of 200 milligrams per liter, expressed as Hexane Extractable Material. All grease interceptors shall be of a type, design, and capacity approved by the director and shall be readily and easily accessible for maintenance and repair, including cleaning and for town inspection. All grease interceptors shall be serviced and emptied of accumulated waste content as required in order to maintain minimum design capability or effective volume of the grease interceptor, but not less often than every sixty (60) days or as permitted in a valid program modification. Users who are required to pass wastewater through a grease interceptor shall: A. Provide for a minimum hydraulic retention time of 24 minutes at actual peak flow between the influent and effluent baffles, with twenty-five percent (25%) of the total volume of the grease interceptor being allowed for any food -derived solids to settle or accumulate and floatable grease derived materials to rise and accumulate, identified hereafter as a solids blanket and grease cap respectively." B. Remove any accumulated grease cap and solids blanket as required, but at intervals of not longer than sixty (60) days at the user's expense, or in accordance with a valid program modification or other director's requirements. Grease interceptors shall be kept free of inorganic solid materials, such as grit, rocks, gravel, sand, eating utensils, cigarettes, shells, towels, rags, etc., which could settle into this solids blanket and thereby reduce the effective volume of the grease interceptor. C. If the User performs on -site grease interceptor treatment pursuant to a modification granted fewer than 36-183(g) (5) below, User shall 4/17/2008 a. Prior to commencement of Onsite Treatment, obtain written approval by and from the Director of all processes utilized in said Onsite Treatment. b. If any pumped wastes or other materials removed from the grease interceptor are treated in any fashion on -site and reintroduced back into the grease interceptor as an activity of and after such on -site treatment, the user shall meet the criteria contained in (c) (1) (c) (3) below. c. Attain and adhere to the criteria listed below: I. Within and not more than 24 hours after onsite grease interceptor servicing, not more than 2" (inches) of settlable solids and/or grease shall be allowed to have accumulated therein as a result of said operations. D. Operate and maintain the grease interceptor to achieve and consistently maintain any applicable grease action level. "Consistent" shall mean any wastewater sample taken from such grease interceptor must meet the terms of numerical limit attainment described in subsection (c) (1). If a User documents that conditions exist ("space constraints") on their establishment site that limit the ability to locate a grease interceptor on the exterior of the establishment, the User may request an interior location for the interceptor. Such request shall contain the following information: E. The use of biological or other additives as a grease degradation or conditioning agent is permissible only upon prior written approval of the director. Any User using biological or other additives shall maintain the trap or interceptor in such a manner that attainment of any grease wastewater, action level, solids blanket or grease cap criteria, goal or directive, as measured from the grease interceptor outlet or interior, is consistently achieved. F. The use of automatic grease removal systems is permissible only upon prior written approval of the director, the lead plumbing inspector of the town, and the Wake County Department of Environmental Services or the US Department of Agriculture. Any user using a grease interceptor located on the interior of the site shall be subject to any operational requirements set forth by the North Carolina Division of Waste Management. Any User using this equipment shall operate the system in such a manner that attainment of the grease wastewater discharge limit, as measured from the unit's outlet, is consistently achieved as required by the Director. G, The director may make determinations of grease interceptor adequacy need, design, appropriateness, application, location, modification(s), and conditional usage based on review of all relevant information regarding 4/17/2008 grease interceptor performance, facility site and building plan review by all regulatory reviewing agencies and may require repairs to, or modification or replacement of grease interceptors. 2. The user shall maintain a written record of grease interceptor maintenance for three years. All such records will be available for inspection by the town at all times. These records shall include: o FSE name and physical location o Date of grease interceptor service o Time of grease interceptor service o Name of grease interceptor Service Company o Name and signature of grease interceptor service company agent performing s aid service o Established service frequency and type of service: full pump -out, partial pump - out, on -site treatment (type of nature of operations) o Number and size of each grease interceptor serviced at FSE location o Approximated amount, per best professional judgment of contract service provider, of grease and solids removed from each grease interceptor o Total volume of waste removed from each grease interceptor o Destination of removed wastes, food solids, and wastewater disposal o Signature and date of FSE personnel confirming service completion o Such other information as required by Director 3. A User may request a modification to the following requirements of this ordinance. Such request for a modification shall be in writing and shall provide the information set forth below. A. The user's grease interceptor pumping frequency. The Director may modify the 60 day grease interceptor pump out frequency when the User provides data and performance criteria relative to the overall effectiveness of a proposed alternate and such can be substantiated by the Director. Proposed alternatives may include: grease interceptor pumping or maintenance matters, bioremediation as a complement to Grease interceptor maintenance, Grease interceptor selection and sizing criteria, onsite grease interceptor maintenance, and specialized ware washing procedures B. Grease interceptor maintenance and service procedures. The Director may modify the method(s) or procedure(s) utilized service a grease interceptor when the User provides data, and performance criteria relative to the overall 4/17/2008 effectiveness of a proposed alternate method or procedure and such can be substantiated by the Director. If a modification to maintenance and service procedures is permitted it shall be a conditional discharged permit approval. C. Any modification must be approved by the Director in written form before implementation by the User or the user's designated service provider. The User shall pay modification fees as set forth in the Budget Ordinance Fee Schedule. Section 3 Violations and Penalties 1. Any User failing to submit the "Grease Trap Service Record", due by the first of each month, to the Pretreatment Staff by the 7`1' day of the month, may be fined $100.00 per week until said document is submitted. 2. It shall be a violation of this ordinance for any user to allow floatable oils, fats, or greases to enter the Claremont City wastewater collection or treatment system, in excess of the limits outlined in section 1 of Grease interceptor installation, maintenance, record keeping, and grease removal, because of Grease Interceptors or other Grease handling facilities being inadequately serviced or maintained. 3. Users receiving unsatisfactory evaluations during inspections may be required, at the users expense, to sample its Grease Interceptor discharge and have it analyzed for oil and grease. Results of such analyses shall be reported to the Pretreatment Staff. Any User found to be in violation shall be notified in writing of any noncompliance and will be required to provide a schedule whereby corrections will be accomplished. Users known to be in violation shall be subject to fines of $500.00 per day until actions are taken to prevent said violations from recurring. 4. Users who continue to violate the Claremont City oil and Grease Control Ordinance may be considered from discontinuance of sewer services 5. Users whose operations cause or allow excessive grease to discharge or accumulate in the Claremont City wastewater collections and treatment system may be liable to the City for costs related to service calls for sewer line blockages, line cleaning, line and pump repairs, etc. including all labor, materials, and equipment. Failure to pay all service related charges may also be grounds for sewer service discontinuance. Section 2 Severability. If any court of competent jurisdiction invalidates any provision, paragraph, word, section or article of this division, the remaining provisions, paragraphs, words, sections, and chapters shall not be affected and shall continue in full force and effect. Section 3 Conflict. All other ordinances and parts of other ordinances inconsistent or conflicting with any part of this division are hereby repealed to the extent of such inconsistency or conflict. INTRODUCED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Claremont on 52008. ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Claremont on , 2008 by the following vote: 4/17/2008 ATTEST: MAYOR , City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: , City Attorney Re: Claremont Grease Issues Subject: Re: Claremont Grease Issues From: John Lesley <> Date: Wed, 07 Mar 2007 08:51:45 -0500 To: Deborah Gore <> CC: Barbara Sifford <>, Jeff Poupart <>, Dana Folley <> Thanks Deborah, I am going up there next week for a PCI and will try to do a quick look at the WWTP and pop open some manholes. I will work toward getting their attention from the SUO side of things, and WWTP impacts..Barbara Sifford, the collection system person in MRO, will assist you from our end of things with any collection system permitting issues. Deborah Gore wrote: John, When I looked in BIMS it says an application was received on July 15, 2005. I had a file drawer full of first rounds with problems and renewals. I took a bunch of them home to try to get caught up and I think the Claremont folder is there. So, I'll have to look at it tomorrow and get back to you to let you know where we are with it. My next thought was that they would be deemed permitted if they don't have an individual permit, but the rule (2T .0403) says systems with average daily flow less than 200,000 gpd are deemed permitted. So are systems above 200,000 gpd that haven't received an individual permit just allowed to do whatever they want - I don't think so, but I'm not really sure if we can fall back on the deemed permitted thing. I talked to Dana a little bit and we can fall back on the current SUO. It has language about controlling discharges to the WWTP, interference, etc. It has a specific prohibition against discharging grease of animal or vegetable origin in amounts greater than 100 mg/l. So I think there are plenty of options to make them comply, but I guess the best thing is to get them permitted and make them get started on the grease control and take enforcement against Claremont for SSOs. I'll get back to you tomorrow regarding the status of their collection system permit and we'll work on a definite plan. Deborah John Lesley wrote: Deborah, the ORC at Claremont has reported some issues related to grease from a number of restaurants that discharge to the Claremont North WWTP Plant. The WWTP is heavily impacted by the grease buildup. What do we need to do to require Claremont to enforce a grease program? The restaurants tell the WWTP staff to get lost, the Town will not do anything because the Mayor owns one of the restaurants... are they deemed permitted? I have no reported SSOs for Claremont, but I am sure they have some with that much of a grease problem. Barbara tells me that even with a permit they have 12 months to implement an oil and grease program... Any ideas? thanks JL John Lesley - North Carolina Dept. of Environment & Natural Resources Div. of Water Quality 610 E. Center Ave., suite 301 Mooresville, NC 28115 Ph: (704) 663-1699 Fax: (704) 663-6040 1 of 1 3/8/2007 8:58 AM . q 0 Performance Annual Report L General Information Facility / System Name: Claremont — McLin Creek Responsible Entity: City of Claremont Person in Charge/Contact: Jonathan Graaa Applicable Permit(s): NCO081370 Description of Collection System or Treatment Process: DEFT. OF BMRmG MENT G t�D NATURAL RESOURCES NMRESVILI 7. OFFICE E00e y Z Ill (' WA,T r; l The City of Claremont has a series of sewer lines and pump stations that carry wastewater to a treatment facility on McLin Creek. The wastewater is treated at the treatment facility by units that remove pollutants before the water flows into McLin Creek. IL Performance Text Summary of System Performance for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2003. All the wastewater is treated and tested to meet specific state requirements. Weekly samples analyzed showed the treated water to be in compliance with the permitted limits for each month during the fiscal year ending June 30, 2003. List (by month) any violations of permit conditions or other environmental regulations. Monthly Lists should include discussion of any environmental impacts and corrective measures taken to Address violations. There were no violations of permit conditions for the City of Claremont — McLin Creek Plant for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2003. M. Notification State how this report has been made available to users or customers of the system and how those users have been notified of its availability. A copy of this report will be available in the city office and printed in the city newsletter for users awareness. IV. Certification I certify under penalty of law that this report is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I further certify that this report has been made available to the users or customers of the name system and that those users have been notified of its availability. 1� Respon ible Pers Date Title Entity (� Performance Annual Report L General Information Facility / System Name: Claremont — McLin Creek Responsible Entity: City of Claremont Person in Charge/Contact: Jonathan Gragg Applicable Permit(s): NCO081370 Description of Collection System or Treatment Process: The City of Claremont has a series of sewer lines and pump stations that carry wastewater to a treatment facility on McLin Creek. The wastewater is treated at the treatment facility by units that remove pollutants before the water flows into McLin Creek. H. Performance Text Summary of System Performance for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2003. All the wastewater is treated and tested to meet specific state requirements. Weekly samples analyzed showed the treated water to be in compliance with the permitted limits for each month during the fiscal year ending June 30, 2003. List (by month) any violations of permit conditions or other environmental regulations. Monthly Lists should include discussion of any environmental impacts and corrective measures taken to Address violations. There were no violations of permit conditions for the City of Claremont — McLin Creek Plant for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2003. III. Notification State how this report has been made available to users or customers of the system and how those users have been notified of its availability. A copy of this report will be available in the city office and printed in the city newsletter for users awareness. IV. Certification I certify under penalty of law that this report is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I further certify that this report has been made available to the users or customers of the name system and that those users have been notified of its availability. Respo W e Pe o Date Title Enti .? Performance Annual Report L General Information Facility / System Name: Claremont — North Plant Responsible Entity: City of Claremont Person in Charge/Contact: Jonathan Graau Applicable Permit(s): NCO032662 Description of Collection System or Treatment Process: OFFUCp JUL 3 1 2003 , 1 l i Moz 9 z J n r The City of Claremont has a series of sewer lines and pump stations that carry wastewater to a treatment facility on Mull Creek. The wastewater is treated at the treatment facility by units that remove pollutants before the water flows into Mull Creek. H. Performance Text Summary of System Performance for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2003. All the wastewater is treated and tested to meet specific state requirements. Weekly samples analyzed showed the treated water to be in compliance with the permitted limits for each month during the fiscal year ending June 30, 2003. List (by month) any violations of permit conditions or other environmental regulations. Monthly Lists should include discussion of any environmental impacts and corrective measures taken to Address violations. There were no violations of permit conditions for the City of Claremont — North Plant for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2003. III. Notification State how this report has been made available to users or customers of the system and how those users have been notified of its availability. A copy of this report will be available in the city office and printed in the city newsletter for users awareness. IV. Certification I certify under penalty of law that this report is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I further certify that this report has been made available to the users or customers of the name system and that those users have been notified of its availability. c � a RespoWPers Date Title t�Entity a a Performance Annual Report L General Information Facility / System Name: Claremont — North Plant Responsible Entity: City of Claremont Person in Charge/Contact: Jonathan Graga Applicable Permit(s): NCO032662 Description of Collection System or Treatment Process: moz 9z � n r The City of Claremont has a series of sewer lines and pump stations that carry wastewater to a treatment facility on Mull Creek. The wastewater is treated at the treatment facility by units that remove pollutants before the water flows into Mull Creek. II. Performance Text Summary of System Performance for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2003. All the wastewater is treated and tested to meet specific state requirements. Weekly samples analyzed showed the treated water to be in compliance with the permitted limits for each month during the fiscal year ending June 30, 2003. List (by month) any violations of permit conditions or other environmental regulations. Monthly Lists should include discussion of any environmental impacts and corrective measures taken to Address violations. There were no violations of permit conditions for the City of Claremont — North Plant for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2003. III. Notification State how this report has been made available to users or customers of the system and how those users have been notified of its availability. A copy of this report will be available in the city office and printed in the city newsletter for users awareness. IV. Certification I certify under penalty of law that this report is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I further certify that this report has been made available to the users or customers of the name system and that those users have been notified of its availability. G !��yA-4—v3 Respo si4le erson Date Title Entity "OF W A v� T�99 �5 O `C Michael F. Easley, Governor William G: Ross Jr.,"Secr.0ary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural, Resources Alan W. Klimek; P.E'jDirector Division of Water Quality:, June 27, 2005 CERTIFIED MAIURETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED M Dean McGinnis, City Manager. City of Claremont P.O. Box 446 Claremont, NC 28610-0446 Dear Mr. McGinnis: JUN 2 9 20M SUBJECT: Notice of Violation NOV-2005-OP-0014 Failure to Submit Application for a System Wide Wastewater Collection System Permit (WQCS00221) Pursuant to General Statute 143-215.913 and 15A NCAC 2H .0227(a), the Division shall issue a system -wide collection system permit to any collection system owner conveying or permitted for over 200,000 gallons per day of wastewater. On December 30, 2004 a letter and permit application was sent certified mail to the City of Claremont requesting submittal of the permit application within 60 days of receipt. Records reflect the City signed for this letter on January 3, 2005. To date, no application has been submitted. The City has violated 15A NCAC 2H .0227(c) by failing to submit a completed application within 60 days of receipt. It is imperative that the system wide collection system permit application be completed and submitted to the letterhead address within 15 days of receiving this letter to avoid future enforcement actions. A copy of the application can be downloaded from 001.doc. If you have any questions regarding this Notice of Violation please contact Daryl Merritt at (919) 733-5083 ext. 554 or via E-mail at If you have any questions regarding the permit application, please contact Marie Doklovic at 919-733-5083 ext. 371 or via E-mail at Sincerely, � e re o part Supervisor Cc: Barbara-Sifford,: Mooresville-Regior 0 _-Office Central Files — WQCS00221 One Pretreatment, Emergency Response and Collection Systems Unit Internet NOrthCarohna 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 An Equal Opportunity Action Employer N%{ura//ff Telephone (919) 733-5083 Fax (919) 733-0059 50% recycled/10% post -consumer paper Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources March 28, 2005 M Dean McGinnis, City Manager City of Claremont PO Box 446 Claremont, NC 28610-0446 Alan W. Klimek, P.E., Director Division of Water Quality MAP , Subject: Delinquent Application Claremont Wastewater Collection System Application Number WQCS00221 Dear Mr. McGinnis: On December 30, 2004, an application to obtain a collection system permit was sent by certified mail to your facility. Our records indicate that receipt of the application package was acknowledged by the City of Claremont on January 3, 2005. Statutes provided for 60 days from the date of receipt to submit the completed application. For your Claremont Collection System collection system, the due date was March 4, 2005. To date, we have not received your application nor have any record of an extension request exceeding today's date. As stated in the permit application cover letter, failure to apply for a collection system permit within 60 days as required may subject your facility to a civil penalty and other enforcement actions for each day the facility is operated following the due date of the application. Please submit your completed application no later than April 22, 2005 to avoid further action which may include permit issuance or a Notice of Violation. This permit is for the operation and maintenance of your collection system. The person responsible for the wastewater collection system should review and complete this application and review the permit shell. If for some reason the permit application was misplaced, the application and draft permit shell are available from our web site at or by calling the contact number below. The original application signed by an authorized signing official, one copy of the signed application and two copies of any attachments must be returned to complete the application package. Please note the requirements for an authorized signing official on the last page of the application. Public Works Directors are not authorized signing officials for this application unless otherwise delegated. If you have any questions concerning this letter, please call Marie Doklovic at (919)733-5083 extension 371 or E-mail at cc: Claremont Collection System j?ermit"File _ _ bara-Slfford� Mooresville, egional-Offce7 Non -Discharge Permitting Unit 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 DENR Customer Service Center An Equal Opportunity Action Employer Sincerely, t_'A !~y'3 ! for Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Internet Telephone (919) 733-5083 Fax (919) 715-6048 Telephone 1 800 623-7748 50% recycled/10% post -consumer paper r -11)s � 1 F WATF fvlichael F. Easley. Governor rd �; OG William G. Ross Jr., Secretary i North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources r Alan W. Klimek, P.E.. Dircctnr w nt:nr R_ _Division of Water Quality _ AND,9ryTi_7" ^fTt,_�a=� December 30, 2004 CERTIFIED MAIL/RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED nVIs4W�J Current Collection System O erap tor, Administrator/Manager or Mayor ® 3 2 010 r City of Claremont PO Box 446 Claremont, NC, 28610 r F SUBJECT: System -Wide Collection System Permitting for the Claremont Collo.;Lm, n��5y�ste Catawba County Application Number WQCS00221 Dear Mr. McGinnis: You are hereby notified that in accordance with the North Carolina G.S. 143-215.9B and 15A NCAC 2H .0227, an application for coverage under a System -Wide Wastewater Collection System Permit for the subject collection system must be submitted.; Upon receipt of this letter, your facility has sixty (60) days to submit the attached application and all supporting documentation. This permit is for the operation and maintenance of your collection system. The person responsible for the wastewater collection system should review and complete this application and review the permit shell. This application and draft permit shell are also available electronically on our web site at h,us/ndpu/ndpuapps.hfml. Note the pre -assigned application number in the subject heading. Please reference this number in any collection system correspondence, including Sanitary Sewer Overflow (SSO) reporting. This number will become your permit number upon permit issuance. The original application signed by on authorized signing official, one copy of the signed application and two copies of any attachments must be returned to complete the application package (i.e. all application materials submitted in duplicate). The completed package should be sent to the following address: North Carolina Division of Water Quality Pretreatment, Emergency Response & Collection Systems Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 ATTN: M. Doklovic It is imperative that you respond to this request within the timeframe provided. If you have any questions concerning this letter, please call Marie Doklovic at (919)733-5083 extension 371 or E-mail at Sincerely, for Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Enclosures cc: Permit File (w/o encl.) n1n'�ra':t i14� R 7 n7rel (?ffire (w/n Pnrl I One NorthCarolina Pretreatment, Emergency Response and Collection Systems Unit Internet va f / t,f/ I 1617 Mill Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 An Egnal Opportunity Action Employer �/ bl[l L� Telephone (919) 733-5053 Fax (919) 733-0059 50% recycled/I O% post -consumer paper C�Ceoq ) SIZZ, jel� 3`� � 9z, E G�PFIEMpHT o � v a2 1893 CITY OF CLAREMONT P.O. Box 446 3288 EAST MAIN STREET CLAREMONT, N.C. 28610 828/459-7009 • FAX 828/459-0596 May 12, 2000 Mr. G.T. Chen NCDENR 919 North Main Street Mooresville, N.C. 28115 Dear Mr. Chen: ��-fti°�1�C➢Ia�fl�%F'!C� �1.�/�,IC.°II'7 My 16 2000 "•�i' R N, 41� a This letter is in reply to your letter of May 3, 2000, concerning the NON -Discharge Facility Inspection of the Sewer Collection System of the City of Claremont on April26, 2000. We are very pleased that the inspection revealed that the sewer collection system of the City of Claremont is being properly operated and maintained. The City has worked very hard to maintain and improve the sewer collection system We noted the deficiencies listed and plan to respond as follows: GRAVITY SEWERS I I.4. The City will correct this deficiency by June 2, 2000. I.8. The City will install new pumps in the Cloninger Street pump station and remove the bar screen and remove solids from the closest manhole to the Pembrook pump station by June 2, 2000 I.9. Prepare a sewer system map showing the vents currently in the system, PUMP STATIONS/SIPHONS 3. The City will complete the replacement of the old pumps at the Catawba and Cloninger Street pump stations by June 16, 2000. a 4. The City will remove the accumulated solids by June 16, 2000. 5. The City will remove the accumulated solids/debris by June 16, 2000. 7. The City will make all necessary additions and repairs by June 16, 2000. Please note that the systems were not broken - they simply did not have a test button. 8. The City is setting up a maintenance documentation log. 9. The City Manager will ask the City Council to include funding for telemetry systems at all pump station in the 2000-2001 City Budget. The City Budget is effective July 1, 2000. 11. The City will include air relief valves on the next update sewer system map. 12. The City has a system in place which inspections all pump stations twice a day, including opening the top and looking into the wet well. The City also has a septic hauler which responses 24 hours a day 365 days a year to pump and haul sewer when we have a pump go out at a pump station. The stations are checked more often if we have bad weather. The City plans to remove all but one of the exist in pump stations within six years and does not believe we need to spend $50,000 per station to install generators. 13. The signs will be installed by June 16, 2000. 18. The City will install hour meters at all pump stations by June 16, 2000. COLLECTION SYSTEM FILE REVIEW 3. The City will document regular and/or annual inspections of all sewer lines. 4. The City will document maintenance of right-of-ways. 5. The City is budgeting $30,000 in the 2000-2001 Budget for a sewer line cleaning machine and will develop and document regular cleaning of the lines. 6. The City will develop a spare parts inventory list. 8. The City will document all maintenance, inspections and tests for its pump stations. 9. We will develop a correct trouble log. The City has worked very hard to maintain and improve it's entire wastewater system and will continue to do so in the future. Please call me at 1828-459-7009 if you need additional information. Cordially, c M.D. McGinnis City Manager G�= NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY MOORESVILLE REGIONAL OFFICE DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY JAMES B. HUNT JR. GOVERNOR Mr. M. Dean McGinnis, City Manager City of Claremont BILL HOLMAN Post Office Box 446 SECRETARY Claremont, North Carolina 28610 May 3, 2000 Subject: Non -Discharge Facility Inspection Sewer Collection System City of Claremont Catawba County, NC This letter transmits a copy of the inspection report covering the inspection of the subject sewer collection system conducted on April 26, 2000 by Mr. G. T. Chen of this Office. Mr. Chen was accompanied by Mr. Thomas Winkler, Director of Public Works. Generally, the inspection revealed that the sewer'collection system of the City of Claremont is being properly operated and maintained. However, there were some deficiencies noted that are set forth under "Additional Comments " in the attached inspection report. The Town needs to take action to correct the noted deficiencies. It is also requested that you _ "respond to this matter in writing by no later than May 17, 2000, indicating actions taken to correct the deficiencies. Please address your response to Mr. Chen. If you have any questions regarding to this matter, please contact Mr. Chen or me at (704) 663- { ' 7 1699. Sincerely, r D. Rex Gleason, P.E. Water Quality Regional Supervisor Attachments cc: Catawba County Department of Environmental Health Dennis Ramsey, Non -Discharge Branch gtc Arra 2 0 1 0 919 NORTH MAIN STREET, MOORESVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 281 15 PHONE 704-663-1699 FAX 704-663-6040 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY / AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER - 50% RECYCLED/10% POST -CONSUMER PAPER State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Bill Holman, Secretary Kerr T. Stevens, Director 1•• 0004% NCDENR NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES NON -DISCHARGE COMPLIANCE INSPECTION GENERAL INFORMATION City/Town/Owner: City of Claremont NPDES Permit No.: NC0081370/NC0032662* NPDES Issuance Date: 06-26-95/05-30-95 NPDES Expiration Date: 06-30-00/06-30-00 SOC Issuance Date: N/A Permittee Contact: M. Dean McGinnis ORC Name: Thomas Winkler 24-hr Contact Name: Thomas Winkler County: Catawba Non -discharge Permit No.: See attached Non -discharge Issuance Date: See attached Non -discharge Expiration Date: N/A SOC Expiration Date: N/A Telephone No.: (828, 45) 9-7800 Telephone No.: (828) 241-2098 Telephone No.: (704) 241-2098 Reason for Inspection X ROUTINE COMPLAINT FOLLOW-UP OTHER Type of inspection X Collection System Spray Irrigation Sludge Other Inspection Summary: (additional comments may be included on attached pages) *NPDES Permit No. NCO081370 was issued on June 26, 1995, with an expiration date of June 30, 2000, for the operation of the McLin Creek WWTP, and NPDES Permit No. NCO032662 was issued on May 30, 1995, with an expiration date of June 30, 2000, for the operation of the North WWTP. Is a follow-up inspection necessary X yes no Inspector(s) Names)/Title(s): Gong-Tseh Chen/Environmental Specialist II Telephone No.: (704) 663-1699 Fax No.: (704) 663-6040 Date of Inspection: April 26, 2000 Permittee: City of Claremont Facility: Catawba Pump Station, Cloniger Street Pump Station, Pembrook Pump Station, Pierre Foods (formerly Western Steer Mom N Pop's Inc.) Pump Station, and School Pump Station. Permit: No permits were found for the Catawba, Cloniger Street, and Pierre Foods pump stations. The School pump station was permitted under Permit No. WQ0006391 issued on March 31, 1994 for the replacement of an existing pump station. The Pembrook pump station was permitted under Permit No. WQ0007656. According to Mr. Thomas Winkler, Director of Public Works, the Catawba pump station was built approximately15 years ago, the Cloniger Street pump station 30 years ago, and the Pierre Foods pump station 20 — 30 years ago. Facility Location: The Catawba pump station is located in a wooded area adjacent to Catawba Trucking Company on the east side of North Oxford Road, approximately 0.3 mile north of the intersection with I-40 WB; the Cloniger Street pump station is located in a wooded area near the junction of Cloniger Street and Carpenter Street; the Pembrook pump station is located behind the Progressive Furniture Company on an unpaved drive adjacent to the railroad tracks, at the end of Penny Road; the Pierre Foods pump station is located inside the Pierre Foods, Inc.'s business compound on WSMP Road; and the School pump station is located in a wooded area near the junction of Byrd Street and Calvin Street. Gravity Sewers I. Manholes 1. Are manholes accessible? 2. Are manhole covers above grade? Visible signs of overflow? Sinkholes or depressions? 3. Are manhole covers missing or improperly seated? 2 Yes ® No ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Yes ❑ No Yes ❑ No Yes ❑ No City of Claremont Sewer Collection System April 26, 2000 4. Are manholes in need of repair? Yes ® No ❑ Due to normal wear and tear? Yes ® No _ ❑ Due to vandalism? Yes ❑ No ❑ 5. Are inverts in need of repair? Yes ❑ No 6. Is there evidence of collection system deterioration? Yes ❑ No Z 7. Is flow visibly restricted in pipe or manhole? Yes ❑ No 8. Is there an excessive amount of grease? Yes ❑ No Roots? Yes ❑ No Sand? Yes ❑ No 9. Is there evidence of submergence of vents? Yes ❑ No ❑ 10. Are bypass structures or pipes visible in manhole? Yes ❑ No ADDITIONAL COMMENTS RELATIVE TO ITEMS OF MANHOLE INSPECTION: *I. 2. Some manhole covers are above grade. *I. 4. The City needs to grout the closest manhole to the Pierre Foods pump station. The City needs to raise the first manhole up -line from the School pump station to prevent infiltration/inflow and/or overflow. *I. 8. The closest manhole to the Cloniger Street pump station has a screen built into the bottom, while the screen can prevent solid waste from entering the wet -well it also can restrict the flow. The City needs to routinely/frequently remove the solids from this manhole to prevent overflow. The City also needs to remove solids from the closest manhole to the Pembrook pump station. *I. 9. There were no vents for the manholes inspected. II. Lines/Right-of-Ways 1. Are easement, right-of-ways, in need of mowing or clearing? Yes ❑ No 2. Are sinkholes or depressions observed above line? Yes ❑ No 3. Is there evidence of leakage or seepage from the line? Yes ❑ No 3 City of Claremont Sewer Collection System April 26, 2000 4. Are there areas of exposed line? Yes ® No ❑ Are exposed lines constructed of material other than ductile iron? Yes ® No ❑ 5. Are stream/ditch crossings and aerial supports in need of repair? Yes ❑ No 6. Are right-of-ways being used for roads? Yes ❑ No 7. Do lines show evidence or history of damage? Yes ❑ No ADDITIONAL COMMENTS RELATIVE TO ITEMS OF LINES/RIGHT-of-WAYS INSPECTION: *II. 4. There were seven stream/ditch crossings; the total length of exposed line (polyvinyl chloride pipe in steel casing) is approximately 150 feet. Pump Stations/Siphons 1. Are any pump station/siphon sites difficult to access? Yes ❑ No 2. Does general housekeeping need improvement? Yes ❑ No 3. Are there any missing pumps? Yes ❑ No 4. Do wet wells/siphons have accumulations of debris that could potentially affect the operation of the unit? Yes ® No ❑ 5. Does the first manhole up line from the pump station or siphon show signs of backup, overflow, debris originating from the line? Yes ® No ❑ 6. Are there any floats/controls for pumps, alarms or alternators that do not work? Yes ❑ No ❑ 7. Did high water alarms fail to work when tested? Yes ® No ❑ 8. Did ORC fail to produce maintenance log? Yes ® No ❑ 9. Is telemetry, SCADA present? Yes ® No ❑ Operable? Yes ® No ❑ Gd City of Claremont Sewer Collection System April 26, 2000 10. Are backflow devices in place and operable? Yes ® No ❑ 11. Where necessary are air relief valves present and operable? Yes ❑ No ❑ 12. Are standby generators present? Yes ❑ No Operable? Yes ❑ No ❑ Is fuel tank full? Yes ❑ No ❑ 13. Is there a 24-hr notification sign? Yes ❑ No 14. Is public access limited? Yes ® No ❑ 15. Is there any bypass mechanism present? Yes ❑ No 16. Any signs of overflow at the station/siphon? Yes ❑ No 17. Is there chemical addition capability for: Odor control Yes ❑ No _ pH control Yes ❑ No _ Other, explain? Yes ® No ❑ 18. Does the pump station have a flow meter, pump counter or other means to measure flow? Yes ❑ No ADDITIONAL COMMENTS RELATIVE TO ITEMS OF PUMP STATIONS/SIPHONS INSPECTION: *3. The City is in the process of replacing old pumps at the Catawba and Cloniger Street pump stations. Therefore, there was only one functional pump at each of the two stations on the day of the inspection. The City needs to complete this work as soon as possible. *4. The City needs to remove accumulated solids from the wet -wells of the Cloniger Street, Pierre Foods, and School pump stations. *5. The City needs to remove solids/debris from the closest up -line manholes of the Cloniger Street and Pembrook pump stations. *6. Refer to *7. 5 City of Claremont Sewer Collection System April 26, 2000 *7. There were no high water alarms (visual and/or audible) at the Cloniger Street pump station. There were only visual high water alarm systems at the Catawba, Pembrook, and Pierre Foods pump stations. The alarm system at the Pierre Foods pump station operated when tested, the other two failed (probably due to burnt light bulbs). The School pump station has an audible alarm system and it was in good working order. The City needs to install and/or repair both visual and audible high water alarm systems at its pump stations. *8. The City needs to document. maintenance activities for all its pump stations. *9. The School pump station has a telemetry system which was tested and found to be in good working order (Norman Security, Inc. in Sherrills Ford responded to the signal from the pump station by telephone). No telemetry systems are installed on the other pump stations. The City should install telemetry systems at all its pump stations. * 11. None observed. * 12. The City needs to provide portable generators for all its pump stations. * 13. There were no signs at the pump stations regarding the need to report spills within 24 hours. The Town needs to provide a 24-hr notification sign at each pump station. * 17. No specific chemical addition facilities at the pump stations. However, chemicals and degreasing agents can be added to the wet wells from the top of the pump stations. * 18. The City should install flow measuring devices for all its pump stations. Collection System File Review 1. Does DWQ Database indicate repetitive overflows at any point? Yes ❑ No If yes is there a corrective action plan? Yes ❑ No ❑ 2. Do records include a map of the collection system? Yes ® No ❑ 3. Are there records of annual visual inspections of all lines not visible from normal public access? Yes ❑ No Regular visual inspections of high priority areas? Yes ❑ No 4. Do records indicate that right of ways are maintained to allow access? Yes ❑ No 5. Are there areas of regular or scheduled cleaning? Yes ❑ No n City of Claremont Sewer Collection System April 26, 2000 6. Is there a spare parts inventory and list of contractors? Yes ❑ 7. Is the spare parts inventory adequate? Yes 8. Are maintenance logs up-to-date and include inspections, tests, maintenance? Yes ❑ 9. Is there a trouble log of all problems that include the following information? Yes ❑ Overflow locations, who responded. Time/date, action taken, cause of problem/overflow. Was problem resolved. 10. Does the Town have a Sewer Use Ordinance? Is the SUO being enforced? 11. Does the system have any known points of bypass? If yes describe type of bypass and location. 12. Is there records of pump station telemetry/SCADA notifications? Yes Yes Yes ❑ No No ❑ No No ❑ No ❑ No ❑ No Yes ❑ No ADDITIONAL COMMENTS RELATIVE TO ITEMS OF COLLECTION SYSTEM FILE REVIEW: *3. The City needs to document regular and/or annual inspections of all sewer lines. *4. The City needs to document maintenance of right-of-ways. *5. The City needs to develop and document regular or scheduled cleaning of sewer lines. *6. No spare parts inventory list was available. The City needs to develop a spare parts inventory list. *7. Spare parts appeared to be adequate at the time of inspection. *8. The City needs to document all maintenance, inspections, and tests for its pump stations. *9. The City uses the "Sewage Spill Response Evaluation" records as a trouble log. 7 ti NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF A4 ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES NCDENRDIVISION OF WATER QUALITY MOORESVILLE: REGIONAL OFFICE DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY JAMES B. HUNT JR. May 3, 2000 GOVERNOR Mr. M. Dean McGinnis, City Manager of Claremont BILL HOLMAN "Post Office Box 446 SECRETARY Claremont, North Carolina 28610 Subject: Non -Discharge Facility Inspection Sewer Collection System City of Claremont KERR T. STEvE"*;"��f_' DIRECTOR Catawba County, NC Dear Mr. McGinnis: This letter transmits a copy of the inspection report covering the inspection of the subject :sewer collection system conducted on April 26, 2000 by Mr. G. T. Chen of this Office. Mr. Chen was accompanied by Mr. Thomas Winkler, Director of Public Works. -collection system of the City Claremont Generally, the inspection revealed that the sewer of C emont is being properly operated and maintained. However, there were some deficiencies noted that are set forth under "Additional Comments in the attached inspection report. The Town needs to take action to correct the noted deficiencies. It is also requested that you respond to this matter in writing by no later than May 17, 2000, indicating actions taken to correct the deficiencies. Please address your response to Mr. Chen. If you have any questions regarding to this matter, please contact Mr. Chen or me at (704) 663- 1699. Sincerely, D. Rex Gleason, P.E. Water Quality Regional Supervisor ;7 �H- Attachments cc: Catawba County Department of Environmental Health Dennis Ramsey, Non -Discharge Branch gtc 2 919 NORTH MAIN STREET, MOORESVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 28115 -663-1699 PHONE704 FAX 704-663-6040 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER - 50% RECYCLED/10% POST -CONSUMER PAPER State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Bill Holman, Secretary Kerr T. Stevens, Director sLTWA•• NCDENR NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES NON -DISCHARGE COMPLIANCE INSPECTION GENERAL INFORMATION City/Town/Owner: City of Claremont County: Catawba NPDES Permit No.: NC0081370/NC0032662* Non -discharge Permit No.: See attached NPDES Issuance Date: 06-26-95/05-30-95 Non -discharge Issuance Date: See attached NPDES Expiration Date: 06-30-00/06-30-00 Non -discharge Expiration Date: N/A SOC Issuance Date: N/A SOC Expiration Date: N/A Permittee Contact: M. Dean McGinnis Telephone No.: (828) 459-7800 ORC Name: Thomas Winkler Telephone No.: (828) 241-2098 24-hr Contact Name: Thomas Winkler Telephone No.: (704) 241-2098 Reason for Inspection X ROUTINE COMPLAINT FOLLOW-UP OTHER Type of inspection X Collection System Spray Irrigation Sludge Inspection Summary: (additional comments may be included on attached pages) Other *NPDES Permit No. NCO081370 was issued on June 26, 1995, with an expiration date of June 30, 2000, for the operation of the McLin Creek WWTP, and NPDES Permit No. NCO032662 was issued on May 30, 1995, with an expiration date of June 30, 2000, for the operation of the North WWTP. Is a follow-up inspection necessary des no Inspector(s) Name(s)/Title(s): Gong-Tseh Chen/Environmental Specialist II Telephone No.: (704) 663-1699 Fax No.: (704) 663-6040 Date of Inspection: April 26, 2000 Permittee: City of Claremont Facility: Catawba Pump Station, Cloniger Street Pump Station, Pembrook Pump Station, Pierre Foods (formerly Western Steer Mom N Pop's Inc.) Pump Station, and School Pump Station. Permit: No permits were found for the Catawba, Cloniger Street, and Pierre Foods pump stations. The School pump station was permitted under Permit No. WQ0006391 issued on March 31, 1994 for the replacement of an existing pump station. The Pembrook pump station was permitted under Permit No. WQ0007656. According to Mr. Thomas Winkler, Director of Public Works, the Catawba pump station was built approximately15 years ago, the Cloniger Street pump station 30 years ago, and the Pierre Foods pump station 20 — 30 years ago. Facility Location: The Catawba pump station is located in a wooded area adjacent to Catawba Trucking Company on the east side of North Oxford Road, approximately 0.3 mile north of the intersection with I-40 WB; the Cloniger Street pump station is located in a wooded area near the junction of Cloniger Street and Carpenter Street; the Pembrook pump station is located behind the Progressive Furniture Company on an unpaved drive adjacent to the railroad tracks, at the end of Penny Road; the Pierre Foods pump station is located inside the Pierre Foods, Inc.'s business compound on WSMP Road; and the School pump station is located in a wooded area near the junction of Byrd Street and Calvin Street. Gravity Sewers Manholes 1. Are manholes accessible? 2. Are manhole covers above grade? Visible signs of overflow? sinkholes or depressions? 3. Are manhole covers missing or improperly seated? 01 Yes ® No ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Yes ❑ No Yes ❑ No Yes ❑ No .n City of Claremont Sewer Collection System April 26, 2000 4. Are manholes in need of repair? Yes ® No ❑ Due to normal wear and tear? Yes ® No ❑ Due to vandalism? Yes ❑ No ❑ 5. Are inverts in need of repair? Yes ❑ No 6. Is there evidence of collection system deterioration? Yes ❑ No 7. Is flow visibly restricted in pipe or manhole? Yes ❑ No 8. Is there an excessive amount of grease? Yes ❑ No Roots? Yes ❑ No Sand? Yes ❑ No 9. Is there evidence of submergence of vents? Yes ❑ No ❑ 10. Are bypass structures or pipes visible in manhole? Yes ❑ No ADDITIONAL COMMENTS RELATIVE TO ITEMS OF MANHOLE INSPECTION: *I. 2. Some manhole covers are above grade. *I. 4. The City needs to grout the closest manhole to the Pierre Foods pump station. The City needs to raise the first manhole up -line from the School pump station to prevent infiltration/inflow and/or overflow. *I. 8. The closest manhole to the Cloniger Street pump station has a screen built into the bottom, while the screen can prevent solid waste from entering the wet -well it also can restrict the flow. The City needs to routinely/frequently remove the solids from this manhole to prevent overflow. The City also needs to remove solids from the closest manhole to the Pembrook pump station. *I. 9. There were no vents for the manholes inspected. H. Lines/Right-of-Ways 1. Are easement, right-of-ways, in need of mowing or clearing? Yes ❑ No 2. Are sinkholes or depressions observed above line? Yes ❑ No 3. Is there evidence of leakage or seepage from the line? Yes ❑ No 3 City of Claremont Sewer Collection System April 26, 2000 4. Are there areas of exposed line? Yes ® No ❑ Are exposed lines constructed of material other than ductile iron? Yes ® No ❑ 5. Are stream/ditch crossings and aerial supports in need of repair? Yes ❑ No 6. Are right-of-ways being used for roads? Yes ❑ No 7. Do lines show evidence or history of damage? Yes ❑ No ADDITIONAL COMMENTS RELATIVE TO ITEMS OF LINES/RIGHT-of-WAYS INSPECTION: *II. 4. There were seven stream/ditch crossings; the total length of exposed line (polyvinyl chloride pipe in steel casing) is approximately 150 feet. Pump Stations/Siphons 1. Are any pump station/siphon sites difficult to access? Yes ❑ No 2. Does general housekeeping need improvement? Yes ❑ No 3. Are there any missing pumps? Yes ❑ No 4. Do wet wells/siphons have accumulations of debris that could potentially affect the operation of the unit? Yes ® No ❑ 5. Does the first manhole up line from the pump station or siphon show signs of backup, overflow, debris originating from the line? Yes ® No ❑ 6. Are there any floats/controls for pumps, alarms or alternators that do not work? Yes ❑ No ❑ * 7. Did high water alarms fail to work when tested? Yes ® No ❑ * 8. Did ORC fail to produce maintenance log? Yes ® No ❑ * 9. Is telemetry, SCADA present? Yes ® No ❑ Operable? Yes ® No ❑ M City of Claremont Sewer Collection System April 26, 2000 10. Are backflow devices in place and operable? Yes Z No ❑ 11. Where necessary are air relief valves present and operable? Yes ❑ No . ❑ 12. Are standby generators present? Yes ❑ No Operable? Yes ❑ No ❑ Is fuel tank full? Yes ❑ No ❑ 13. Is there a 24-hr notification sign? Yes ❑ No 14. Is public access limited? Yes ® No ❑ 15. Is there any bypass mechanism present? Yes ❑ No 16. Any signs of overflow at the station/siphon? Yes ❑ No 17. Is there chemical addition capability for: Odor control Yes ❑ No _ pH control Yes ❑ No _ Other, explain? Yes ® No' ❑ 18. Does the pump station have a flow meter, pump counter or other means to measure flow? Yes ❑ No ADDITIONAL COMMENTS RELATIVE TO ITEMS OF PUMP STATIONS/SIPHONS INSPECTION: *3. The City is in the process of replacing old pumps at the Catawba and Cloniger Street pump stations. Therefore, there was only one functional pump at each of the two stations on the day of the inspection. The City needs to complete this work as soon as possible. *4. The City needs to remove accumulated solids from the wet -wells of the Cloniger Street, Pierre Foods, and School pump stations. * 5. The City needs to remove solids/debris from the closest up -line manholes of the Cloniger Street and Pembrook pump stations. *6. Refer to *7. 5 9 City of Claremont Sewer Collection System April 26, 2000 *7. There were no high water alarms (visual and/or audible) at the Cloniger Street pump station. There were only visual high water alarm systems at the Catawba, Pembrook, and Pierre Foods pump stations. The alarm system at the Pierre Foods pump station operated when tested, the other two failed (probably due to burnt light bulbs). The School pump station has an audible alarm system and it was in good working order. The City needs to install and/or repair both visual and audible high water alarm systems at its pump stations. *8. The City needs to document maintenance activities for all its pump stations. *9. The School pump station has a telemetry system which was tested and found to be in good working order (Norman Security, Inc. in Sherrills Ford responded to the signal from the pump station by telephone). No telemetry systems are installed on the other pump stations. The City should install telemetry systems at all its pump stations. * 11. None observed. * 12. The City needs to provide portable generators for all its pump stations. * 13. There were no signs at the pump stations regarding the need to report spills within 24 hours. The Town needs to provide a 24-hr notification sign at each pump station. * 17. No specific chemical addition facilities at the pump stations. However, chemicals and degreasing agents can be added to the wet wells from the top of the pump stations. * 18. The City should install flow measuring devices for all its pump stations. Collection System File Review 1. Does DWQ Database indicate repetitive overflows at any point? Yes ❑ No If yes is there a corrective action plan? Yes ❑ No ❑ 2. Do records include a map of the collection system? Yes ® No ❑ 3. Are there records of annual visual inspections of all lines not visible from normal public access? Yes ❑ No Regular visual inspections of high priority areas? Yes ❑ No 4. Do records indicate that right of ways are maintained to allow access? Yes ❑ No 5. Are there areas of regular or scheduled cleaning? Yes ❑ No 2 City of Claremont Sewer Collection System April 26, 2000 6. Is there a spare parts inventory and list of contractors? Yes ❑ 7. Is the spare parts inventory adequate? Yes 8. Are maintenance logs up-to-date and include inspections, tests, maintenance? Yes ❑ 9. Is there a trouble log of all problems that include the following information? Yes ❑ Overflow locations, who responded. Time/date, action taken, cause of problem/overflow. Was problem resolved. 10. Does the Town have a Sewer Use Ordinance? Is the SUO being enforced? 11. Does the system have any known points of bypass? If yes describe type of bypass and location. 12. Is there records of pump station telemetry/SCADA notifications? Yes Yes Yes ❑ No No ❑ No No ❑ No ❑ No ❑ No Yes ❑ No ADDITIONAL COMMENTS RELATIVE TO ITEMS OF COLLECTION SYSTEM FILE REVIEW: *3. The City needs to document regular and/or annual inspections of all sewer lines. *4. The City needs to document maintenance of right-of-ways. *5. The City needs to develop and document regular or scheduled cleaning of sewer lines. *6. No spare parts inventory list was available. The City needs to develop a spare parts inventory list. *7. Spare parts appeared to be adequate at the time of inspection. *8. The City needs to document all maintenance, inspections, and tests for its pump stations. *9. The City uses the "Sewage Spill Response Evaluation" records as a trouble log. 7 r OF W ATF9 State of North Carolina \O� QG Department of Environment and Natural Resources cry Division of Water Quality Flow Tracking/Acceptance for Sewer Extension Permit Applications (FTSE—10/07) Project Applicant Name: City of Claremont Project Name for which flow is being requested: North Plant Flow Tracking More than one FTSE-10107 may be required for a single project if the owner of the WWTP is not responsible for all pump stations along the route of the proposed wastewater flow. I. Complete this section only if you are the owner of the wastewater treatment plant. a. WWTP Facility Name: Claremont North Plant b. WWTP Facility Permit #: NC0032662 All flows are in MGD c. WWTP facility's permitted flow 0.100 MGD d. Estimated obligated flow not yet tributary to the WWTP 0 MGD e. WWTP facility's actual avg. flow 0.083 MGD f. Total flow for this specific request 0 MGD g. Total actual and obligated flows to the facility 0.083 MGD h. Percent of permitted flow used 83% Note: WWTP's actual flow dates are from March 1, 2010 thru February 28, 2011. II. Complete this section for each pump station you are responsible for along the route of this proposed wastewater flow. List pump stations located between the project connection point and the WWTP Pump Station Name Approx. Capacity, MGD Approx. Current Avg. (Fin- /Design) Daily Flow, MGD Catawba Truck . 0.032 MGD 0.002961 III. Certification Statement: I, Doug Barrick,. City Manage certify that, to the best of my knowledge, the addition of the volume of wastewater to be permitted in this project has been evaluated along the route to the receiving wastewater treatment facility and that the flow from this project is not anticipated to cause any capacity related sanitary sewer overflows or overburden any downstream pump station en route to the receiving treatment plant under normal circumstances. This analysis has been performed in accordance with local established policies and procedures using the best available data. This certification applies to those items listed above in Sections I and II for which I am the responsible party. Signature of this form `indicates acceptance of this was w. / i Signing Official Signature 6 Dhte Instructions for: Flow Tracking/Acceptance for Sewer Extension Permit Applications (FTSE—10/07) Section I a. WWTP Facility: Enter the name of the WWTP that will receive the wastewater flow. b. WWTP Facility Permit #: Enter the NPDES or Non -Discharge number for the WWTP receiving the wastewater flow. c. WWTP facility's permitted flow, MGD: From WWTP owner's NPDES or Non -Discharge permit. d. Estimated obligated flow not vet tributary to the WWTP, MGD: This includes flows allocated to other construction projects not yet contributing flow to the collection system. Flows allocated through interlocal agreements or other contracts not yet contributing flow to the collection system are also included. For POTWs that implement a pretreatment program, include flows allocated to industrial users who may not be using all of their flow allocation. Please contact your Pretreatment Coordinator for information on industrial flow tributary to your WWTP. As of January 15, 2008 the POTW should have reviewed flow allocations made over the last two years and reconciled their flow records, to the best of their ability, so it is known how much flow has been obligated and is not yet been made tributary to the WWTP, in accordance with local policies and procedures employed by the reporting entity. The obligated flow not yet tributary plus actual flow will be reconciled annually for systems at less than 60% of pennitted flow used. Annual updates shall be submitted to the appropriate Regional Office by January 15 of each year and cover the previous calendar year. Semi -Annual updates shall be required when the percent of permitted flow used reaches 60%. Semi- annual time period are defined as January 1 through June 30 and July 1 through December 31. Semi- annual updates shall be submitted to the appropriate Regional Office by July 15 and January 15 of each year. Quarterly updates shall be required when the percent of permitted flow used reaches 80%. Quarters are defined as Qtrl (Jan -Feb -Mar); Qtr2 (Apr -May -Jun); Qtr3 (Jul -Aug -Sep); Qtr4 (Oct -Nov -Dec). Quarterly updates shall be submitted to the appropriate Regional Office by April 15, July 15, October 15 and January 15 of each year. e. WWTP facility's actual avg. flow, MGD: Previous 12 month average. f. Total flow for this specific request, MGD: Enter the requested flow volume. g. Total actual and obligated flows to the facility, MGD Equals [d + e + f] h. Percent of permitted flow used: Equals [(g / c)*100] _S For example: On January 15 a POTW with a permitted flow of 6.0 MGD, reported to the Regional Office that there is 0.5 MGD of flow that is obligated but not yet tributary. The annual average flow for 2007 is 2.7 MGD. The first Form FTSE-10/07 submitted after January 15, 2008 may have numbers like this: c. = 6.0 MGD d. = 0.5 MGD e. = 2.7 MGD f. = 0.015 MGD g. = 3.215 MGD h. = 53.6 % The next Form FTSE-10/07 may be updated like this: c. = 6.0 MGD d. = 0.515 MGD e. = 2.73 MGD f. = 0.102 MGD g. = 3.349 MGD h. = 55.8 % Each subsequent Form FTSE-10/07 will be updated in the same manner. Section II List the naive, approximate pump station firm (design) capacity and approximate current average flow (previous 12 months) through the pump station for each pump station that will be impacted by the proposed sewer extension project. Include the proposed flow for this project and other flows that have been approved for the pump station but are not yet tributary. Finn (design) capacity is the design average daily flow of the pump station as calculated by the design engineer or the station capacity with the largest pump out of service as per the Minimum Design Criteria if the design capacity is unknown. Section III Form FTSE-10/07 must be signed by the appropriate official as per 15A NCAC 02T .0106. OF W ATFR State of North Carolina O� QG Department of Environment and Natural Resources c� r Division of Water Quality p '< Flow Tracking/Acceptance for Sewer Extension Permit Applications (FTSE—10/07) Project Applicant Name: City of Claremont Project Name for which flow is being requested: McLin Creek WWTP Flow Tracking More than one FTSE-10107 may be required for a single project if the ovvner of the YVYVTP is not responsible for all pump stations along the route of the proposed wastewater flow. I. Complete this section only if you are the owner of the wastewater treatment plant. a. WWTP Facility Name: Claremont McLin Creek WWTP b. WWTP Facility Pen -nit #: NC0081370 All flows are in MGD c. WWTP facility's permitted flow 0.300 MGD d. Estimated obligated flow not yet tributary to the WWTP 0 MGD e. WWTP facility's actual avg. flow 0.151 MGD f. Total flow for this specific request 0 MGD g. Total actual and obligated flows to the facility 0.151 MGD h. Percent of permitted flow used 50% Note: WWTP's actual flow dates are from March 1, 2010 thru February 28, 2011. II. Complete this section for each pump station you are responsible for along the route of this proposed wastewater flow. List pump stations located between the project connection point and the WWTP Pump Station Name Approx. Capacity, MGD Approx. Current Avg. (Firm/Design) Daily Flow, MGD School Lift Station 0.058 MGD 0.010172 MGD State Lift Station 0.127 MGD 0.005844 MGD Mom and Pops 0.058 MGD 0.004895 MGD Smyre Lift Station 0.045 MGD 0.004850 MGD III. Certification Statement: I, Doug Barrick, City Manager, certify that, to the best of my knowledge, the addition of the volume of wastewater to be permitted in this project has been evaluated along the route to the receiving wastewater treatment facility and that the flow from this project is not anticipated to cause any capacity related sanitary sewer overflows or overburden any downstream pump station en route to the receiving treatment plant under normal circumstances. This analysis has been performed in accordance with local established policies and procedures using the best available data. This certification applies to those items listed above in Sections I and II for which I am the responsible party. Signature of this form indicates acceptance of this wastew-Aaw. , Signing Official Signature 'P 11 Date Instructions for: Flow Tracking/Acceptance for Sewer Extension Permit Applications (FTSE—10/07) Section I a. WWTP Facility Name: Enter the name of the WWTP that will receive the wastewater flow. b. WWTP Facility Permit #: Enter the NPDES or Non -Discharge number for the WWTP receiving the wastewater flow. c. WWTP facility's permitted flow, MGD: From WWTP owner's NPDES or Non -Discharge permit. d. Estimated obligated flow not yet tributary to the WWTP, MGD: This includes flows allocated to other construction projects not yet contributing flow to the collection system. Flows allocated through interlocal agreements or other contracts not yet contributing flow to the collection system are also included. For POTWs that implement a pretreatment program, include flows allocated to industrial users who may not be using all of their flow allocation. Please contact your Pretreatment Coordinator for information on industrial flow tributary to your WWTP. As of January 15, 2008 the POTW should have reviewed flow allocations made over the last two years and reconciled their flow records, to the best of their ability, so it is known how much flow has been obligated and is not yet been made tributary to the WWTP, in accordance with local policies and procedures employed by the reporting entity. The obligated flow not yet tributary plus actual flow will be reconciled annually for systems at less than 60% of permitted flow used. Annual updates shall be submitted to the appropriate Regional Office by January 15 of each year and cover the previous calendar year. Semi -Annual updates shall be required when the percent of permitted flow used reaches 60%. Semi- annual time period are defined as January 1 through June 30 and July 1 through December 31. Semi- annual updates shall be submitted to the appropriate Regional Office by July 15 and January 15 of each year. Quarterly updates shall be required when the percent of permitted flow used reaches 80%. Quarters are defined as Qtrl (Jan -Feb -Mar); Qtr2 (Apr -May -Jun); Qtr3 (Jul -Aug -Sep); Qtr4 (Oct -Nov -Dec). Quarterly updates shall be submitted to the appropriate Regional Office by April 15, July 15, October 15 and January 15 of each year. C. WWTP facility's actual avg. flow, MGD: Previous 12 month average. f. Total flow for this specific request, MGD: Enter the requested flow volume. g. Total actual and obligated flows to the facility, MGD Equals [d + e + f] h. Percent of pennitted flow used: Equals [(g / c)*100] For example: On January 15 a POTW with a permitted flow of 6.0 MGD, reported to the Regional Office that there is 0.5 MGD of flow that is obligated but not yet tributary. The annual average flow for 2007 is 2.7 MGD. The first Form FTSE-10/07 submitted after January 15, 2008 may have numbers like this: c. = 6.0 MGD d. = 0.5 MGD e. = 2.7 MGD f. = 0.015 MGD g. = 3.215 MGD h. = 53.6 % The next Form FTSE-10/07 may be updated like this: c. = 6.0 MGD d.=0.515MGD e. = 2.73 MGD f. = 0.102 MGD g. = 3.349 MGD h. = 55.8 % Each subsequent Form FTSE-10/07 will be updated in the same manner. Section II List the name, approximate pump station firm (design) capacity and approximate current average flow (previous 12 months) through the pump station for each pump station that will be impacted by the proposed sewer extension project. Include the proposed flow for this project and other flows that have been approved for the pump station but are not yet tributary. Firm (design) capacity is the design average daily flow of the pump station as calculated by the design engineer or the station capacity with the largest pump out of service as per the Minimum Design Criteria if the design capacity is unknown. Section III Form FTSE-10/07 must be signed by the appropriate official as per 15A NCAC 02T .0106. C Month of March 2011 Claremont - North Day Flow (MGD) Rain (Inches) 1 0.105 0.90 2 0.094 0.00 3 0.083 0.00 4 0.087 0.00 5 0.085 0.00 6 0.116 1.40 7 0.117 0.80 8 0.136 0.00 9 0.093 0.00 10 0.148 0.80 11 0.144 0.10 12 0.112 0.00 13 0.105 0.00 14 0.095 0.00 15 0.097 0.00 16 0.104 0.10 17 0.079 0.00 18 0.088 0.00 19 0.091 0.00 20 0.088 0.00 21 0.073 0.00 22 0.083 0.00 23 0.083 0.00 24 0.079 0.20 25 0.084 0.00 26 0.077 0.00 27 0.090 0.40 28 0.072 0.10 29 0.084 0.00 30 0.087 0.80 31 0.095 0.00 Total 2.974 5.60 Min. 0.072 0.00 Max 0.148 1.40 Average 0.096 0.18 Month of March Flow 0.16 0.14 _ 0.12 0 0.10 0.08 p 0.06 u" 0.04 0.02 0.00 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Claremont - North Month of March Rainfall 4.00 3.50 3.00 t 2.50 2.00 1.50 1.00 0.50 0.00 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Claremont - North Day Flow (MGD) Rain (Inches) 1 0.060 0.00 2 0.122 0.60 3 0.069 0.00 4 0.087 0.10 5 0.119 0.70 6 0.103 0.00 7 0.089 0.00 8 0.082 0.00 9 0.080 0.00 10 0.072 0.00 11 0.077 0.00 12 0.075 0.00 13 0.081 0.00 14 0.076 0.00 15 0.087 0.00 16 0.086 0.00 17 0.075 '0.00 18 0.087 0.00 19 0.083 0.00 20 0.078 0.00 21 0.079 0.00 22 0.092 0.00 23 0.076 0.00 24 0.074 0.40 25 0.090 0.00 26 0.081 0.00 27 0.083 0.00 28 0.085 0.00 Total 2.348 1.80 Min. 0.060 0.00 Max 0.122 0.70 Average 0.084 0.06 Month of February 2011 Claremont - North Month of February Flow 0.14 0.12 0.10 13 0.08 0.06 0 u- 0.04 0.02 0.00 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Claremont - North Month of February Rainfall 4.00 3.50 Cn (D 3.00 t 2.50 2.00 CU 1.50 cs 1.00 0.50 0.00 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Claremont - North Day Flow (MGD) Rain (Inches) 1 0.120 0.00 2 0.127 0.00 3 0.115 0.30 4 0.082 0.00 5 0.086 0.00 6 0.078 0.00 7 0.088 0.00 8 0.087 0.00 9 0.084 0.00 10 0.062 0.20 11 0.068 0.20 12 0.076 0.00 13 0.083 0.00 14 0.081 0.00. 15 0.072 0.00 16 0.075 0.00 17 0.077 0.00 18 0.078 0.10 19 0.080 0.00 20 0.072 0.00 21 0.081 0.00 22 0.070 0.00 23 0.069 0.00 24 0.059 0.00 25 0.070 0.00 26 0.095 0.70 27 0.094 0.00 28 0.079 0.00 29 0.084 0.00 30 0.083 0.00 31 0.075 0.00 Total 2.550 1.50 Min. 0.059 0.00 Max 0.127 0.70 Average 0.082 0.05 Month of January 2011 Claremont - North Month of January Flow 0.14 0.12 0.10 0.08 0.06 0 0.04 0.02 0.00 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Claremont - North Month of January Rainfall 4.00 3.50 cn cD 3.00 s = 2.50 2.00 1.50 C .� 1.00 0.50 0.00 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Claremont - North Day Flow (MGD) Rain (Inches) 1 0.112 1.70 2 0.124 0.00 3 0.109 0.00 4 0.109 0.00 5 0.110 0.00 6 0.099 0.00 7 0.111 0.00 8 0.096 0.00 9 0.109 0.00 10 0.111 0.00 11 0.115 0.00 12 0.109 0.20 13 0.106 0.10 14 0.111 0.00 15 0.109 0.00 16 0.124 0.10 17 0.104 0.00 18 0.121 0.00 19 0.123 0.00 20 0.122 0.00 21 0.121 0.00 22 0.115 0.00 23 0.132 0.00 24 0.116 0.00 25 0.123 0.00 26 0.109 0.30 27 0.115 0.00 28 0.115 0.00 29 0.118 0.00 30 0.117 0.00 31 0.124 0.00 Total 3.539 2.40 Min. 0.096 0.00 Max 0.132 1.70 Average 0.114 0.08 Month of December 2010 Claremont - North Month of December Flow 0.14 0.12 p 0.10 0.08 0 0.06 LL 0.04 . 0.02 0.00 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011 12131415161718192021 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Claremont - North Month of December Rainfall 4.00 3.50 3.00 t = 2.50 2.00 1.50 1.00 0.50 0.00 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Claremont - North Day Flow (MGD) Rain (Inches) 1 0.077 0.00 2 0.104 0.00 3 0.088 0.00 4 0.110 0.20 5 0.107 0.00 6 0.100 0.00 7 0.102 0.00 8 0.097 0.00 9 0.103 0.00 10 0.104 0.00 11 0.095 0.00 12 0.096 0.00 13 0.116 0.00 14 0.097 0.00 15 0.076 0.10 16 0.117 0.60 17 0.118 0.00 18 0.104 0.00 19 0.105 0.00 20 0.103 0.00 21 0.098 0.00 22 0.106 0.00 23 0.117 0.00 24 0.103 0.10 25 0.123 0.00 26 0.082 0.00 27 0.133 0.00 28 0.067 0.00 29 0.116 0.00 30 0.128 0.40 Total 3.092 1.40 Min. 0.067 0.00 Max 0.133 0.60 Average 0.103 0.05 Month of November 2010 Claremont - North Month of November Flow 0.14 0.12 p 0.10 C� 0.08 3 0.06 O �- 0.04 0.02 0.00 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Claremont - North Month of November Rainfall 4.00 3.50 3.00 s 2.50 2.00 1.50 1.00 0.50 0.00 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Claremont - North D��—I < o CD X QL) W CW N N IV N N N N N N N - -- -s -- DO O CO W -4W mW N O 0 m --4 m Cn A W N -� O CO W O Cn A W N Cu (0 CD TI O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O W O N W CO O N O O O O O O W- s - - -• O O O O o 0 0 CO W O s M s O N O 0 00 W-4 N W" Cn 00 Cn O W (0 O) -4 Cn Cn -I W4�L" v 0 Cn O N E 00 G) O W CO 00 0) CO 0 00 . N W C O O -� N O O O O O O O O O O o O O O O O O O'= O O O Cn O 0) O O o o O 0 0 0 0 0 0) O O O O O O O O O N O O O=3 O N O Cn o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O CD O O O Rainfall (Inches) O Cn O Cn O m o Cn o OCOOCCOCC N w rn 00 (0 0- 0 O ^ ,I 3 N O r� T nd �p w O " h 0 O m 0 1 (n � Z O 0) - 00 0 N O N N N N W N -P N Cn N CA N 4 N 00 N CO W O W 0 O N Flow (MGD) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N � CA Cb O N •P w .p cn rn 00 0 o -� � O O cp w O h 0 O r* Cn O Cr 1 Z °) 0 � -1 �_ 00 CO C (O N 0 N N N N W N •P N Cn N O N V N 00 N CO W O W C� 0 n a� 0 <D OO O 0 Z a O CD S� O O Day Flow (MGD) Rain (Inches) 1 0.096 0.00 2 0.090 0.00 3 0.085 0.00 4 0.095 0.00 5 0.083 0.00 6 0.064 0.00 7 0.080 0.00 8 0.082 0.00 9 0.085 0.00 10 0.092 0.00 11 0.113 0.00 12 0.064 0.10 13 0.094 0.00 14 0.091 0.00 15 0.110 1.00 16 0.068 0.00 17 0.097 0.00 18 0.109 0.00 19 0.092 0.00 20 0.080 0.00 21 0.097 0.00 22 0.100 0.00 23 0.081 0.00 24 0.102 0.00 25 0.106 0.50 26 0.089 0.00 27 0.128 2.00 28 0.131 1.60 29. 0.113 0.00 30 0.112 0.70 Total 2.829 5.900 Min. 0.064 0.000 Max 0.131 2.000 Average 0.094 0.197 Month of September 2010 Claremont - North Month of September Flow 0.16 0.14 0.12 0.10 0.08 0 0.06 1i 0.04 0.02 0.00 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Claremont - North Month of September Rainfall 4.00 3.50 3.00 = 2.50 2.00 �a 1.50 W 1.00 0.50 0.00 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Claremont - North D K � o a) (0- X W W N N PON N N N N N N --- 1- ---� -' CO CYO -1 CA Ui p, W N �� N O O W v M M 4�, W N O O M -,1 O M -P W N O CO CD T O O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O N 1 CO Cn A W W - CO -I CO " O W (0 (fl M M CO W CO -I W -I CO O O o0 00 CO �l 00 O" O W N O W • W (0 -A W m� W P CO CO O -1 -I N W v W 'A -1 -I CIl O N N W (D N G) O 41 W W � ;U O O O O O O O O O O O O - O O O O O O O O O O O O N O 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O m" O P O O O O O O O O O (O O O O O'" n- o 0 0 0 0 CD O O O O O O O C 0 0 C 0 0 0 O O O 0 0 0 0 C 0 0 0 0 O N O .A S _ CD M O O O Rainfall (Inches) O O N N W W-r�--N M O a O U1 O M O M O Ui O O O CD O O O O O CD O O N W -P CSl CA CO O O 0 � N 0 -� W 0 4�1 � > N 0 YI cc N O N N N N W N �P N U1 N CA N 4 N OD N O W CO.) 1 N Flow (MG®) O O O O O O O O O N 4�- M 00 O N -P O 0 CO -A CJ7 (A v CO CO O 0 CD CA) 0 0 P D � ^to L _ Z m 0 in r-11. n CO 0 N O N 3 N N N W N �P N Cn N O N N 00 N CO W O W 1 J Month of July 2010 Claremont - North Day Flow (MGD) Rain (Inches) 1 0.055 0.000 2 0.066 0.000 3 0.051 0.000 4 0.053 0.000 5 0.048 0.000 6 0.059 0.000 7 0.062 0.000 8. 0.054 0.000 9 0.062 0.000 10 0.082 0.300 11 0.059 0.000 12 0.048 0.000 13 0.084 2.200 14 0.070 0.000 15 0.063 0.000 16 0.067 0.000 17 0.067 0.000 18 0.086 2.300 19 0.075 0.000 20 0.074 0.000 21 0.093 0.700 22 0.073 0.000 23 0.075 0.000 24 0.071 0.000 25 0.093 0.000 26 0.061 0.800 27 0.102 1.600 28 0.092 0.000 29 0.081 0.100 30 0.075 0.000 31 0.079 0.000 Total 2.180 8.000 Min. 0.048 0.000 Max 0.102 2.300 Average 0.070 0.258 Month of July Flow 0.12 0.10 0.08 0.06 o 0.04 FL 0.02 0.00 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Claremont - North Month of July Rainfall 5.000 4.500 4.000 v 3.500 a 3.000 2.500 2.000 1.500 1.000 0.500 - A A 0.000 ..... I i JON, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Claremont - North Day Flow (MGD) Rain (Inches) 1 0.067 0.50 2 0.057 0.00 3 0.058 0.00 4 0.060 0.00 5 0.074 0.00 6 0.046 0.10 7 0.068 0.50 8 0.061 0.00 9 0.064 0.00 10 0.060 0.00 11 0.060 0.00 12 0.065 0.00 13 0.050 0.00 14 0.061 0.10 15 0.054 0.10 16 0.064 1.00 17 0.047 0.00 18 0.052 0.00 19 0.050 0.00 20 0.058 0.00 21 0.048 0.00 22 0.059 0.00 23 0.060 0.00 24 0.063 0.10 25 0.068 0.50 26 0.069 0.00 27 0.059 0.00 28 0.049 0.00 29 0.065 0.10 30 0.053 0.10 Total 1.769 3.10 Min. 0.046 0.00 Max 0.074 1.00 Average 0.059 0.10 Month ®f June 2010 Claremont - North Month of June Flow 0.10 0.09 0.08 ® 0.07 (D 0.06 0.05 0 0.04 LL, 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.00 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Claremont - North Month of June Rainfall 4.00 3.50 v 3.00 W v 2.50 2.00 = 1.50 QC 1.00 0.50 0.00 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Claremont - North fh Diversified Integration, Inc. Service Report Date: October 1, 2009 2113 Fries Road, Galax, VA 24333 Phone: (276) 236-7211 Fax: (276) 236-0170 Service by: Bryan Dillon/Greg Kimble Customer: City of Hickory — Claremont WWTP Total Hours: 5.0 Address: Attn: Shawn Pennell Mileage, 7 233 $ 0.00 P.O. Box 398 Total Labor: $ 350.00 Hickory, NC 28603 Total Expenses: $ 0.00 Project: 09049 Total Parts: $ 0.00 Phone: (828) 323-7590 Total Cost: $ 350.00 Parts Item Qty Manufacturer Part Number Description Net Extended 1 2 3 4 5 Services Provided Left office at 7:00 AM. Arrived at the North WWTP at 8:30 AM. Calibrated Claremont North Plant Effluent Flow Transmitter and recorder. It was within recommended operating tolerance at normal flow ranges. The ultrasonic transmitter is a Stevens AXSYS CCR Flowmeter with an integral circular chart recorder. The effluent flume is a PlastiFab 60 deg V-Trapezoidal Flume. The flow transmitter- measured the level in the flume within 0.01 inches, and the flow output corresponds within 1 GPM of the ISCO flow measurement table for this type of flume. 0.5 Feet is maximum head in flume, and is equal to 116.3 GPM. Went to McLin Creek WWTP to look at the Influent Flow transmitter and flume. The transmitter was manufactured by Advanced Instrumentation, Inc Model 315GPD. It is monitoring an ' 11.5" Subsize Flume'. We do not have a measurement table for this type flume. There is no manual or information on this equipment. We could not locate any information on the internet. We cannot check the calibration of this flow transmitter. 9.75" Inches is maximum head in flume, and is equal to 700 GPM. Left McLin Creek WWTP at 12:00 PM. Looked into problems with Claremont Water Distribution SCADA system. There is no charge for the evaluation, since we were close to the location. Left public works at 2:00 PM. Arrived at office at 3:30 PM. Diversified Integration, Inc. 2113 Fries Load, Galax, VA 24333 Phone: (276) 236-7211 Fax: (276) 236-0170 Service Report Date: April 21, 2010 Service by: Greg Kimble Customer: City of Hickory — Claremont WWTP Total Hours: 6.5 Address: Attn: Shawn Pennell Mileage: 1 233 $ 0.00 P.O. Box 398 Total Labor: $ 455.00 Hickory, NC 28603 Total Expenses: $ 0.00 Project: 10024 Total Parts: $ 34.00 Phone: (828) 323-7590 Total Cost: $ 489.00 Parts Item Qty Manufacturer Part Number Description Net Extended 1 1 Andrews F4PNF-C Female antenna connector $34.00 2 3 4 5 Services Provided Left office at 6:30 AM. Arrived at the valve vault at 8:30 AM. Worked with Michael on antenna testing. First we tried aiming the antenna in different directions and the radio would not link up. Next we made a jumper and tried raising the antenna 16' higher than the top of the pole, the radio would not link in any direction. We bypassed the polyphaser and radio jumper with new ones to eliminate any possible problems, there was no change. We removed the radio from the vault and took it to another site to eliminate any radio problems. When installed the radio linked up and immediately began transnutting and receiving signals from the public works tank. Left valve vault at 1:00 PM. 0- Diversified In tegra ti®n, Inc, 2113 Fries Road, Galax, VA 24333 Phone: (276) 236-7211 Fax: (276) 236-0170 Service Report Date: July 13, 2010 Service by: Greg Kimble Customer: City of Hickory — Claremont WWTP Total Hours: 4.0 Address: Attn: Shawn Pennell Mileage: 1 233 $ 0.00 P.O. Box 398 Total Labor: $ 280.00 Hickory, NC 28603 Total Expenses: $ 0.00 Project: 10024 Total Parts: $ 0.00 Phone: (828) 323-7590 Total Cost: $ 280.00 Parts Item Qty Manufacturer Part Number Description Net Extended 1 2 3 4 5 Services Provided Arrived at the North WWTP at 10:00 AM. Calibrated Claremont North Plant Effluent Flow Transmitter and recorder. It was within recommended operating tolerance at normal flow ranges. Flow measurements taken were 53.40 GPM at .37 foot of head and 83.40 GPM at 0.44 foot of head. These measurements correspond with the ISCO Open Channel Flow Handbook table 17-1. Went to McLin Creek WWTP. Checked calibration of the Influent flume and recorder. It was within recommended operating tolerance at normal flow ranges. Flow measurements taken were 227.1 GPM at 0.499 feet of head and 257.3 GPM at 0.523 feet of head. These measurements correspond to the flow table provided for this flume in the Advanced Instrumentation manual provided with the flowmeter. Travel time is split with Catawba WWTP. Left McLin Creek WWTP at 12:00 PM. Diversified Integration, Inc. 2113 Fries Road, Galax, VA 24333 Phone: (276) 236-7211 Fax. (276) 236-0170 Service Report Date: January 3, 2011 Service by: Greg Kimble Customer: City of Hickory — Claremont WWTP Total Hours: 4.0 Address: Attn: Shawn Pennell Mileage: 1 109 $ 0.00 P.O. Box 398 Total Labor: $ 280.00 Hickory, NC 28603 Total Expenses: $ 0.00 Project: 11007 Total Parts: $ 0.00 Phone: (828) 323-7590 Total Cost: $ 280.00 Parts Item Qty Manufacturer Part Number Description Net Extended 1 2 3 4 5 Services Provided Arrived at the North WWTP at 11:45 AM. Calibrated Claremont North Plant Effluent Flow Transmitter and recorder. It was within recommended operating tolerance at normal flow ranges. Flow measurements taken were 93.60 GPM at .46 foot of head and 74.40 GPM at .42 foot of head. These measurements correspond with the ISCO Open Channel Flow Handbook table 17-1. Went to McLin Creek WWTP. Checked calibration of the Influent flume and recorder. It was within recommended operating tolerance at normal flow ranges. Flow measurement taken was 114.8 GPM at .391 feet of head. This measurement corresponds to the flow table provided for this flume in the Advanced Instrumentation manual provided with the flowmeter. Travel time is split with Catawba WWTP. Left McLin Creek WWTP at 2:00 PM. i w oNr, No��ti C� n J ,ate/ • 1893 CITY OF CLAREMONT April 14, 2011 Robert B. Krebs, Regional Supervisor NCDENR Surface Water Protection 610 East Center Ave. Suite 301 Mooresville, NC 28115 Dear Mr. Krebs, RECEIVED DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY APR 15 2011 SWP SECTION MOORESVILLE REGIONAL OFFICE Subject: Notice of Violation — Effluent Limitation Tracking #: NOV-2011-LV-0096 North WWTP — NPDES Permit NCO032662 The City of Claremont has been actively working to find a point source or reason for the change in influent flows to the Claremont North WWTP. The City of Claremont in conjunction with our contract operator the City of Hickory have seen the trend line for this plant creep upward since July 2010 with a peak in December 2010. The City of Claremont is very concerned about this situation and has been actively working to pinpoint a source or explanation for these higher flows, as the City has not added any major users or additional customers to this plant during this time. The City has taken the following actions to address the flow issue. We have inspected all of the outfall lines that flow into the plant looking for any infiltration or inflow issues as well as any maintenance issues with the manholes or lines. Upon our inspections we did not find any evidence of inflow due to creek rise, we did find three manholes with infiltration issues and two manholes that needed to be raised. The City has ordered the material needed to perform these maintence issues and will be preforming this work during the month of April. We have found an inflow and infiltration study that was performed in 2003 for the North WWTP but never implemented. This study recommended installing raincaps on some manholes and fixing some older bricked manholes. We have ordered 45 manhole rain covers for various in street manholes that flow to the North Plant. According to the study, these covers should save at least 23,000 G.P.D during rainfall events. The issues that were found during the inspection above where also listed in the study with 5,000 G.P.D. in savings upon completion. The City has also been working with the City of Hickory to pin point flows and peak flows at the North Plant. Staffs from both cities have tracked flows during peak run times, by pulling manholes and tracking the flows back to the potential source points. Staff has also tested the interconnect system to insure that they are working correctly, which they are both flowing to the McLin Plant. The attached maps show the entire system and how each drainage area and pump station areas flow to our two plants. Also included with this map are enlarged maps that show how theiSchool Street pump station and the Rest Area Pump Station now flow to the McLin Plant. Both of these. interconnects have valves to switch flow back to the North Plant if needed but they are both operational and have flow going in the appropriated directions. We have also begun monitoring monthly water bills to look for peak usage and any higher 828-459-7009 City Hall • 828-459-0596 Fax 3288 East Main Street • Post Office Box 446 • Claremont, NC 28610 than average usages. The City of Claremont has also purchased a portable flow meter to deploy in the outfall lines to establish some base flow data that can be used to track some possible points of increased flow. As we have studied this issue, we have also seen the flow numbers begin to recede from the high experienced in December 2010. 1 have included our internal flow data charts from June 2010 — March 2011 for the North Plant to show that flows have begun to recede from the high average of 114,000 G.P.D. to a current figure for March of 96,000 G.P.D. While the City realizes that this flow is still above the 80/90 rule we do want to note that flows are within the permit limits and that the City will continue to investigate this issue and begin the installation of the measures listed above to reduce flow. The City of Claremont does take the higher flow numbers extremely seriously as the area that this plant serves is one of the areas that the City has targeted for future growth. Knowing that the City needs to begin looking at how we handle future development and the associated sewer flows the City has entered in to a partnership with Catawba County, the City of Hickory and the City of Conover. Catawba County has hired Davis & Floyd Engineers to lead this group through a Preliminary Engineering Report to address future sewer flows and how those flows are treated in the study area. I have included a map of the study area that includes both the North and McLin WWTP's and two other WWTP's in eastern Catawba County. Once this report is completed, the group will discuss and pinpoint the best option and begin an environmental assessment on that design option. The Preliminary Engineering Report is tracking to be completed in mid -May and currently all of the options on the table address the North WWTP in some format. The City of Claremont expects to move forward under the chosen option and begin working towards a more permanent solution for our wastewater as a direct result of this study. Commitment to this can be found in our proposed Capital Improvement Plan to be adopted as part of the Enterprise Fund Fiscal Year 2012 budget. This will mark the first time that the City of Claremont has actively engaged in long term capital planning for this fund and addresses future needs of the system as a whole. As requested, we have also submitted the flow meter calibration reports for the North WWTP. This calibration work is contracted with Diversified Integration, Inc..which is the contactor that the City of Hickory uses for all facilities. This calibration found that the meter was slightly out of calibration but still within the allowable specification range recommended by the Manufacturer. The contractor made a 1/16th of and inch adjustment, which would result in minimal flow differential on this installation. The last calibration prior to the Janurary 2011 recalibration was in July 2010, therefore it was within the last 6 months. The City of Claremont in conjunction with City of Hickory Staff analyzed the City of Claremont System to determine the actual conditions under which it is operated. The Wastewater Treatment Facilities and tributary Collection System does operated as previously described. The North Wastewater Treatment Facility serves primarily the northwest quadrant of Claremont, as reflected in the attached maps. The only Lift Station tributary to this facility is the Catawba Truck Lift Station which is located on the north side of US 1-40. This facility has experienced a trend of unexplainable increasing flows; however the attached Flow Tracking Form (FTSE- 10/07) annualizes the daily discharge for this facility from March 1, 2010 thru February 28, 2011 and reflects an average -day of 0.083 MGD. Staff from both municipalities has also analyzed the comparable statistics for the McLin Wastewater Treatment Facility, which serves the southeast and southwest quadrants of Claremont and the NCDOT Rest Area along US 1-40, as reflected in the attached maps. The McLin Wastewater Treatment Facility has four (4) Lift Stations tributary, which include School Lift Station, State Lift Station, Mom and Pops Lift Station and Smyre Lift Station. The attached Flow Tracking Form (FTSE- 10/07) reflects the annualized daily discharge for this facility from March 1, 2010 thru February 28, 2011 and reflects an average day of 0.151 MGD. The City of Claremont is not aware of any wastewater flow obligated but not yet tributary to either of these facilities. The completed Flow Tracking Forms for the respective facilities will be maintained and updated from this point forward to ensure adequate treatment capacity remains available to serve the customers of the City of Claremont. The City of Claremont also hopes to gain a higher understanding of the flow as we continue to receive survey data back from our commercial and industrial users. The City is working directly with the City of Hickory to administer the Industrial Pretreatment program information request from the State. We have taken the advice of the State and will be gathering data on the entire system and have sent surveys to all clients regardless of which plant their flows are allocated. With the understanding that the City is taking proactive steps to address the flow concerns and address the future needs of our system we would respectively ask NCDENR to work with the City has we navigate these issues and help us deploy our assets towards a solution for this issue rather than potential fines. As previously stated the City does take this issue seriously and we will continue to work towards a resolution for these flows and our future utility needs. Sincerely, Q�D Doug Barrick City Manager City of Claremont Enclosures: Original NCDENR NOV Letter Dated March 14, 2011 Claremont Sewer Map Claremont Rest Area Pump Station Map Claremont School Street Pump Station.Map Claremont North Plant Flow Data June 2010 — March 2011 McLin/Lyle Creek Preliminary Engineering Report Study Area North WWTP Flow Meter Calibration Reports North Wastewater Treatment Facility Flow Tracking Form (FTSE-10/07) McLin Wastewater Treatment Facility Flow Tracking Form (FTSE-10/07) cc: Marcia Allocco, SWP Dana Foley, PERCS Kevin Greer, City of Hickory Honorable David Morrow, Mayor AZYA NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Coleen H. Sullins Dee Freeman Governor Director Secretary March 14, 2011 Mr. Doug Barrick, City Manager City of Claremont Post Office Box 446 Claremont, North Carolina 28610 Subject: Notice of Violation — Effluent Limitation Tracking #: NOV-2011-LV-0096 Claremont North WWTP NPDES Permit No. NCO032662 Catawba County Dear Mr. Barrick: A review of the December 2010 self -monitoring report for the subject facility revealed a violation of the following parameter at Outfall 001: Date Parameter Reported Value Permit Limit 12/31/10 Flow 0.114 MGD 0.1 MGD (Monthly average) This is the third consecutive month with violations of the monthly average flow limit in NC0032662. A review of your submitted DMRs for calendar year 2010 indicated the average flow calculated for this period was 0.0766 MGD, and represented 76.6% of the current treatment capacity at the North WWTP. The Environmental Management Commission adopted 15A NCAC 02T .0118 (formerly codified as 15A NCAC 02H .0223) entitled, "Demonstration of Future Wastewater Treatment Capacities," to ensure that wastewater treatment systems owned or operated by municipalities, counties, sanitary districts, or public utilities do not exceed their hydraulic treatment capacities. Please be advised that this Rule (known as the 80/90 Rule) specifies that no permits for sewer line extensions (a moratorium) will be issued by the Division of Water Quality (DWQ) to facilities exceeding 80% of their hydraulic treatment capacity unless specific evaluations of future wastewater treatment needs have been completed. Facilities exceeding 90% of their hydraulic treatment capacity must submit plans and specifications and obtain all permits needed for expansion of the wastewater treatment system before permits for sewer line extensions may be issued. The Division will complete a review of the average flow at the Claremont North WWTP again at the end of 2011. The City of Claremont North WWTP has been the subject of scrutiny for flow with regard to the 80/90 rule and has received prior moratorium letters from DWQ in the 1990s. At that time the City of Claremont was to explore measures to shift flow from the North `JWV P to McLin Creek (higher capacity) to avoid flow issues at the North WWTP. It is the Division's understanding that an interconnect was installed between the two plants owned by the City of Claremont to achieve this purpose. Enclosed is a graph of the North WWTP flow data from 2006 through the end of 2010 taken from the data reported on the monthly DMRs submitted to the Division. The data indicate that flow increased to the plant starting in early 2007 but drastically increased from July 2010 to December 2010. During this time it appears that flow was decreasing at the McLin Creek WWTP as noted by Mooresville Regional Office Location: 610 East Center Ave., Suite 301 Mooresville, NC 28115 One Phone: (704) 663-16991 Fax: (704) 663-60401 Customer Service: 1-877-623-6748 NorthCarohna Internet: http:llportal.ncdenr.orglwebhNq ���9�N��� An Equal Opportunity \ Affirmative Action Employer— 30% Recycledi10% Post Consumer paper y i y Mr. Doug Barrick, City of Claremont NOV-201 1 -LV-0096, Page 2 March 14, 2011 the trend lines in the enclosed graph comparing the flow at the two Claremont WWTPs. Although the City of Claremont has investigated the source of the elevated flow as noted on the October through December Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs) a definitive source of the additional flow to the plant has not been discovered. Therefore, the Division is requesting additional information including: ® The December 2010 North WWTP DMR notes that the flow meter was recently calibrated and found to be "slightly out of calibration." Please submit the calibration data to this Office detailing whether the meter was reading high or low before the calibration by Diversified Integration, Inc. and by what amount. • Please describe the measures the City of Claremont uses to reduce the flow tributary to the North WWTP. Specifically, has an interconnect been installed in the collection system between the North WWTP and the McLin Creek WWTP? How is it operated? This Office issued a Notice of Violation for the March 23, 2010, collection system inspection conducted by Barbara Sifford. The inspection report noted that a flow tracking form was submitted by the City of Claremont in June 2008 in relation to a sewer -extension permit application. The flow tracking form noted that all five of the City's pump stations flow to the McLin Creek WWTP which is incorrect. In addition, the form noted that the approximate current average daily flow through the five pump stations was 0.097 MGD. However, the average flow data reported on the May 2008 DMRs notes that the total average flow to the two Claremont WWTPs at the time was 0.201 MGD (0.147 MGD to McLin Creek WWTP and 0.054 MGD to the North WWTP). This is inline with data obtained from the Public Water Supply section of DENR stating the City of Claremont supplies approximately 0.2 to 0.25 MGD of potable water. Please submit revised flow tracking forms for each of the Claremont WWTPs noting, which pump stations are associated with each WWTP and include updated current average daily flow data for each pump station. Because of the recent flow violations at the North WWTP a review of the data reported on the monthly DMRs was initiated. The review of the influent total suspended solids concentrations found they ranged from 57 mg/L to 2,170 mg/L whereas the influent BOD concentrations ranged from 115 mg/L to >2,040 mg/L. The review found that the wastewater entering the plant had pollutant loadings well beyond the expected range of domestic wastewater. Enclosed is a comparison of the influent BOD concentrations for the two Claremont WWTPs. While the increased BOD concentrations to the McLin Creek WWTP seem to be a recent occurrence the elevated BOD concentrations to the North WWTP occurred during the entire review period. This Office sent the City of Claremont a letter on February 9, 2011, pertaining to the City's inactive Industrial Pretreatment program requesting information for updated industrial user information, sampling data, and a subsequent evaluation of the sampling data to determine if reactivation of the Industrial Pretreatment program was warranted. This letter was prompted by the recent non- compliance issues at the City's McLin Creek WWTP. In light of the above noted elevated concentrations of wastes entering the North WWTP, this Office wants to emphasize that the entire collection system should be reviewed as part of your response to that letter. As per the fee schedule in G.S. §143-215.3D permits that are associated with a publicly owned treatment works (POTW) that administers a POTW pretreatment program as defined in 40 Code of Federal Regulations §403.3 (July 1, 1996 edition) is considered a major individual permit with an annual fee of $3,440 (compared with the City's current permit fees of $860 for each of the City's Mr. Doug Barrick, City of Claremont NOV-201 1 -LV-0096, Page 3 March 14, 2011 WWTPs. Should the City of Claremont need to reactivate the approved Industrial Pretreatment Program, each of the City's WWTPs receiving industrial waste from a significant industrial user will be reclassified as a major facility subject to the increased annual fee. In addition, you would most likely need to obtain coverage for each affected WWTP under the associated industrial stormwater general permit (NCG110000) for owners or operators of stormwater point source discharges associated with activities classified as treatment works treating domestic sewage or any other sewage sludge or wastewater treatment device or system that is required to have an approved pretreatment program under Title 40 CFR Part 403. Finally, you should be aware the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) reviews the compliance history of permitted facilities on a quarterly basis. Their current emphasis is on major facilities with non-compliance issues but they are contemplating expanding their review to minor facilities. If the City of Claremont's WWTPs are reclassified as major permits, the compliance history at each plant would be subject to greater scrutiny from the EPA. The Mooresville Regional Office currently has one major facility under an EPA Administrative Order for recurrent DMR permit limit violations. Remedial actions, if not already implemented, should be taken to correct any problems related to the issues noted with the North WWTP. The Division of Water Quality may pursue enforcement actions for this and any additional violations. If the violations are of a continuing nature, not related to operation and/or maintenance problems, and you anticipate remedial construction activities, then you may wish to consider applying for a Special Order by Consent. Please respond by April 15, 2011, providing the information requested on page 2 of this letter. You should respond to the address noted at the bottom of the cover page and address your response to Ms. Marcia Allocco of this Office. If you have questions concerning this letter, please do not hesitate to contact Ms. Allocco or me at (704) 663-1699. Sincerely, Robert B. Krebs Surface Water Protection Regional Supervisor Enclosures: Claremont North WWTP Flow 2006-2010 Claremont WWTP Flows June — December 2010 Claremont WWTPs Influent BOD 2006 — 2010 cc: Point Source Branch Dana Foley, PERCS Kevin Greer, City of Hickory Honorable David Morrow, Mayor MA 1/1/06 4/1/06 7/1/06 10/1/06 1/1/07 4/1/07 7/1/07 10/1/07 1/1/08 4/1/08 7/1/08 10/1/08 1/1/09 4/1/09 7/1/09 10/1/09 1/1/10 4/1/10 7/1/10 10/1/10 MG® 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O r1i -P m 00 F-' N A 01 00 CL r 0 0 O F� 6/1/10 6/15/10 6/29/10 7/13/10 7/27/10 8/10/10 8/24/10 9/7/10 9/21/10 10/5/10 10/19/10 11/2/10 11/16/10 11/30/10 12/14/10 12/28/10 MGD 0 i-� Ui 0 O Iv N Ln mg/L NJ Ln Ni Ln � N N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1/4/06 4/12/06 7/19/06 10/13/06 0 1/10/07 , s 3/22/07 a 6/20/07 9/5/07 12/12/07 3/12/08 6/18/08 o ■ h 8/26/08 12/3/08 z 0 0 0 C ,t r 3/10/09 r n rD 6/9/09 9/8/09 12/8/09 3/9/10 5/25/10 8/10/10 11/5/10 ,w,