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HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQCS00221_Regional Office Historical File Pre 2018 (2)FILE CERTIFIED ![NAIL #: 7017 2620 0000 6788 9731 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED August 22, 2019 Jason A Brown, City -Manager City of Claremont PO Box 446 Claremont, NC 28610-0446 SUBJECT: NOTICE OF VIOLATION Tracking Number: NOV-2019-DV-0330 Sanitary sewer Ovefflows - une 2019 - - - - - --Collection--System -Perm it -No-- WQC-SO0221 Claremont Collection System Catawba County Dear Mr. Brown: The self -reported Sanitary Sewer Overflow (SSO) 5-Day Report submitted by City of Claremont indicates violations of permit conditions stipulated in the subject permit and North Carolina G.S. 143-215.1. Violations include failing to effectively manage, maintain, and operate the subject collection system so that there is no SSO to the land or -- - -surface waters and -making -an outlet to waters of the State for purposes -of G.S.-143=2-15.1(a)(1)�-for which -a- -- permit is required. Specific incident(s) cited in the subject report include the following: Total Vol Total Surface Incident Start Duration Vol Water Plumber Date (Mina) Location Cause (Gals) (Gals) DWR Action 201901058 6/8/2019 180 3382 N Oxford St Debris in line, Pump 2,400 2,400 Notice of Violation station equipment Flood condition failure, Severe Natural Condition Remedial actions, if not already implemented, should be taken to correct the above noncompliance. Please submit a written response to this Notice -of Violation. Your response is to be received by the regional office within 15 business days following receipt of this violation. Please include any additional documentation about this incident(s) in the response. The submittal will be considered in determining whether the Division will assess a civil penalty for the cited violations. If you should have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Michael Meilinger or me in the Mooresville Regional Office at 704-663-1699 or via email at or corey.basinger(a) Sincerely, DocuSigned by: A14CC681 AF27425... W. Corey Basinger, Regional Supervisor Water Quality Regional Operations Section Mooresville Regional Office Division of Watel Cc: Mooresville Regional Office - WQS File Central Files, Water Quality Section Dostal Service'M TI;FIFn MAIL® RE'CEW Domestic Mail Only For delivery information, visit.our website at www.usps.Com C0 co >F A Certified Mail Fee /-) $ n [/ C/ Extra Services & Fees (check bcx, add fee as appropriate) ❑ Return Receipt (hardcopy) $ •� C3 a ❑ Return Receipt (electronic) $ ❑ Certified Mail Restricted Delivery $ l3 E] Adult Signature Required $ Adult Signature Restricted Delivery $ C3 Postage I nj $ rru T $ CITY OF CLAREMONT r— s p0 13OX 446 o s. CLAREMONT NC: 28610-0446 ATTN: JASON BROWN, CITY MGR. c. Dwr/mm 8/22/19 4&G'-"p2 Postmark Here Ps a Q E U 4) 0 ri m Iti co Er CA' . 9 cp o q a^i co o c°', `a 0 . p "' o z E Im a . O to o p N I �i nj 3 ru r E T Z ri M IL 0 r7. s. u Water Resources ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY May 25, 2017 Catherine Renbarger, City Manager City of Claremont PO Box 446 Claremont, NC 28610 SUBJECT: Sanitary Sewer Overflows - April 2017 Collection System Permit No. WQCS00221 Claremont Collection System Catawba County _ Dear Ms. Renbarger: ROY COOPEV Governor MICHAEL S. REGAN Seemary S. JAY ZIMMERMAN Director A review has been conducted of the self -reported Sanitary Sewer Overflow (SSO) 5-Day Report submitted by City of Claremont. This review has shown the City of Claremont to be in violation of the requirements found in the subject permit and/or North Carolina G.S. 143-215.1(a)(1). The violations that occurred are summarized below: Incident Start Number Date 201700646 4/24/2017 Duration (Mins) Location 30 3000 Cloniger St Cause Debris in line, Grease Total Vol Total Surface Vol Water (Gals) (Gals) DWR Action 150 150 No Further Action Remedial actions, if not already implemented, should be taken to correct the above noncompliance. If you should have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Lon Snider with the Water Quality Section in the Mooresville Regional.Office at 704-663-1699 .or via email at Sincerely, i� U,,,y -W. Corey Basinger, Regional Supervisor Water Quality Regional Operations Section Mooresville Regional Office Division of Water Resources,. NCDEQ Cc: Mooresville Regional Office - WQS File Central Files, Water Quality Section State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality I Water Resources 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301, Mooresville, NC 28115 704-663-1699 Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification Collection System: Number and Name WQCS# 000/ Incident Number from BIMS 20140 0 ,7.zo Incident Reviewed (Date): Incident Action Taken: ?/ BPJ NOV-2014-DV DV-2014- ■ e n a o e a e n u e o u e o o i m u o f n e o w i e e e x G e■ ®� ■ O e e B■ ®� ■ G i l P Spill DateTime l� 3� am pm Reported Date �/ �/ % Time o� ` L7 aOpm Reported To SWP Staff or EM Staff '80(.(t:1i?it Reported By cz-� ACW) ��'i� `/ Phone Address of Spill Eoo . County 4�kCity Cause of Spill � A Total Estimated Gallons Est. Est. Gal to Stream fit} Stream Fish Kill: Yes No Number Species Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time minutes Zone Map Quad 1 �. 40- e Apr 17 14 11:,18a 828-322-1405 p.1 H.IC,KORY Fax TransmittaC City of Hickory Pu6Cic UtiCities Department PO Box 398 - 3-Cickory, NC 28603 (828) 323-7427 To: Fro Pages (including cover sheet): b� Date: Comments: npr 17 14, 11:,18a 828-322-1405 p.2 i Form CS-SSO Collection System Sanitary Sewer Overflow Reporting Form PART I This form shall be submitted to the appropriate DWQ Regional Office within five days of the first knowledge of the sanitary sewer overflow (SSO). Permit Numab r . QG5a07, ` QCS# if active, otherwise use treatment plant NC/WQ#) Facility: ~ `+ 6 Incident # Owner: Region: City: iY! County. Source of SSO (check applicable) : Ix Sanitary Sewer 11 Pump Station SPECIFIC location of the SSO (be consistent in description=/t ports documentation - i.e. Pump Station 6, Manhole at Westall $ Bragg Street, etc.) : Latitude (degreeslminutelsecond): Longitude(degrees/minute/second) Incident Started Dt V 0 Id Time .. l' v Incident End Dt U •�o2ol Tim (mm-dd-yyyy) hh:mm AMIPM (mm-dd-yyyy) hh:mm AMfPPA Estimated volume of the SSO: gallons Estimated Duration (Round to nearest hour): i e� t.Ldr!4 iif 8 y Pak - Describe haw the volume was determizip g ned: - Weather conditions during SSO event: <& -& Did SSO reach surface waters? ' KYesE1NoF-1 Unknown Volume reaching surface waters (gallons): 7i�a Surface water name: /i 4y1fe 6re4 -- Did the SSO result in a fish kill? 0 Yes Zo 0 Unknown If Yes, what is the estimated number offish killed? SPECIFIC cause(s) of the SSO: Severe Natural Condition Grease El Roots Inflow and Infiltration E3 Pump Station Equipment Failure 11 Power outage Vandalism ❑ Debris in line R1 Other (Please explain) Immediate 24-hour verbal notification reported to: CRn DWQ 0 Emergency Mgmt. Date (mm-dd-yyyy): d / Time (hh:mm AWPM): ." If an SSO is ongoing, please notify Regional Office on a daily basis until SSO can be stopped. Per G.S. 143-215.1 C(b), the responsible party of a discharge of 1,000 gallons or more of untreated wastewater to surface waters shall issue a press release within 24-hours of first knowledge to all print and electronic news media providing general coverage in the county where the discharge occurred. When 15,000 gallons or more of untreated wastewater enters surface waters, a public notice shall be published within 10 days and proof of publication shall be provided to the Division within 30 days. Refer to the referenced statute for further detail. The Director Division of Water Quality, may take enforcement action for SSOs that are required to be reported to Division unless it is demonstrated that: 1) the discharge was caused by severe natural conditions and there were no feasible alternatives to the discharge; or 2) the discharge was exceptional, unintentional, temporary and caused by factors beyond the reasonable control of the Permittee and/or owner, and the discharge could not have been prevented by the exercise of reasonable control. Part II must be completed to provide a justification claim for either of the above situations. This information will be the basis - for the determination of any enforcement action_ Therefore, it is important to be as complete as possible. WHETHER OR NOT PART Il IS COMPLETED, A SIGNATURE IS REQUIRED AT THE END OF THIS FORM. CS-SSO Form October 7, 2003 Page 1 Apr 17 14 11:,18a L. 828-322-1405 p.3 1 When was the area last checkedlcleaned? Have cleaning and inspections ever been increased at this location due to previous problems with debris? ❑Yes❑ No ❑ NA ❑ NE Explain: Are appropriate educational materials being developed and distributed to prevent future similar ❑Yes❑ No❑NA ❑NE occurrences? Comments: Other (Pictures and a police report should be available upon request.) Describe:�{G .1219 i tAl Were adequate equipment and resources avail ie to fix the problem? Yes❑ No ❑ NA ❑NE if Yes, explain: &&, k &-ds w-fdfc. �n if the problem could not be immediately repaired, what actions were taken to lessen the impact of the SSO? Comments: For DWQ Use Only: DWQ Requested an Additional Written Report: If Yes, What Additional Information is Needed: Comments: CS-SSO Form October 7, 2003 ❑Yes❑ No ❑NA ❑NE Page 7 Apr 17 10 11:.19a 828-322-1405 p.4 As a representative for the responsible party, I certify that the information contained in this report is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge_ Z/ Person submitting claim: /4( �` �G Date: % Signature: Telephone Number: Title: Any additional information desired to be submitted should be sent to the appropriate Division Regional Office within five days of first knowledge of the SSO with reference to the incident number (the incident number is only generated when electronic entry of this form is completed, if used). CS-SSO Form October 7, 2003 Page 8 Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification Collection System: Number and Name WQCS# D 0 oZ;� Incident Number from BIMS 20130 11� 5- Incident Reviewed (Date): Incident Action Taken: / BPJ NOV-2013-DV DV-2013- n n aNIB NilMEa as aIBMa as a MEN Ono 0 amMEN WEam a am a am an MR NOON a a a a a sunsman 0 am a a am t E m Spill Date ! 3 Time . 3 m Reported Date /5 Time v m pm � Reported To SWP Staff or EM Staff Reported By 4 bin -el Phone Address of Spill ee,.x -f ,e� a%ell ����%% itw►t G�r�' County . �GL �Gc/ City t C-40 Cause of Spill �2�,t,c Total Estimated Gallons 5B6 Est. Gal to Stream 0�5a Stream Fish Kill: Yes No Number Species. Non Required Information and .other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time minutes Zone Map Quad vlv_� �,ok5 a Q�aF wAr�,�Qp Form CS-SSO Collection System Sanitary Sewer Overflow Reporting Form Q '< PART I This form shall be submitted to the appropriate DWO Regional Office within five days of the first knowledge of the sanitarysewer overflow �(SSOI). Permit Number: -��y�. 1 (WQCSit if active, otherwise use treatment plant NCIWQ10 l J l d �-els Facility: I incident# — U `'IE (') Region:. Owner, t l� City: ��I County: � [� Es ,S10t, . Source of SSO (check applicable) : VX Sanitary Sewer ❑ Pump Station SPECIFIC location of the SSO (be consist rat in �c{ja�scnpfi n fr. m pas�(reports or documentation - i.e. Pr mp Station 1 Manhole at Westall &� Bragg Street, eic.) : C'j1'� II(J�� 11 ti��(� � Latitude (degrees/minutt�e/second): ca Incident Started Dt: � © � �Q �� Time' QV `10At rl (mm-dd-yyyy) t'hh:mm AMiPM Estimated volume of the 5S0: ';�Oo — gallons Longitude(deg rees/mi nutelsecond) incident EndDt: - Nro 2C(� Time � � Q Al (rnm-dd-yyyy) hh:mm AMIPM Estimated Duration (Round to nearest hour): 0 r Describe how the volume was determined:. 000 Clr t Lien Weather condltions during SSO event: Did SSO reach surface waters? ' 0 Yes No ❑ Unknown Volume reaching surface waters (gallons): Surface water name: Did the SSO result in a fish kill? ❑ Yes � No ❑ Unknown If Yes, what is the estimated number of fish killed? SPECIFIC cause(s) of the SSO: ❑ Severe Natural Condition ❑ Grease ❑ Roots ❑ inflow and Infiltration �❑{ Pump Station Equipment Failure ❑ Power outage ❑ Vandalism l Debris in line ❑ Other (Please explain) i Immediate 24-hour verbal notification reported to: t—c' I ���������� DWQ ❑ Emergency MgmL Date (rnm-dd-yyyy):�--`� Time (hh:mrnAt+NPM): r A - If an SSO is ongoing, please notify Regional Office on a daily basis until SSO can be stopped. Per G.S. 143-215.1 C(b), the responsible party of a discharge of 1,000 gallons or more of untreated wastewater to surface waters shall issue a press release within 24-hours of first knowledge to all print and electronic news media providing general coverage in the county where the discharge occurred. When 15,000 gallons or more of untreated wastewater enters surface waters, a Public notice shall be published within 10 days and proof of publication shall be provided to the Division within 30 days. Refer to the referenced statute for further detail. The Director, Division of Water Quality, may take enforcement action for SSOs that are required to be reported to Division unless it is demonstrated that: 1) the discharge was caused by severe natural conditions and there were no feasible alternatives to the discharge; or 2) the discharge was exceptional, unintentional, temporary and caused by factors beyond the reasonable control of the Permittee and/or owner, and the discharge could not have been prevented by the exercise of reasonable control. Part li must be completed to provide a justification claim for either of the above situations. This information will be the basis for the determination of any enforcement action. Therefore, it is important to be as complete as possible. WHETHER OR NOT PART If IS COMPLETED, A SIGNATURE IS REQUIRED AT THE END OF THIS FORM. CS-SSO Form October 7, 2003 Page 1 Power outage (Documentation of testing, records, etc., should be provided of alternative power source upon request.) What is your alternate power or pumping source? Did it function property? ❑Yes❑ No❑NA❑NE Describe? When was the alternate power or pumping source last tested under load? If caused by a weather event, how much advance warning did you have and what actions were taken to prepare for the event? Comments: Vandalism Provide police report number: Was the site secured? ❑Yes❑ No❑NA ONE If Yes, how? Have there been previous problems with vandalism at the SSO location? ❑Yes❑ No ❑NA ❑NE If Yes, explain: What security measures have been put in place to prevent similar occurrences in the future? ❑Yes] No ❑NA ❑NE Comments: Debris in line (Rocks, sticks, rags and other items not allowed in the collection system, etc.) What type of debris has been found in the line? a� - C.QU LL•lN W L tfY✓l �l-e0-Vh 1 VN' a How could it aver 4en there? Are manholes in the area secure and intact? Yes❑ No ❑NA ❑NE CS-SSO Form October 7, 2003 Page 6 When was the area last checked/cleaned? G�Jcc�� �� •'Z � 2©l3 �•�r�7uhto�3 Have cleaning and inspections ever been increased at this location due to previous problems with debris? Ely.0 No ❑NA ❑NE Explain: Are appropriate educational materials being developed and distributed to prevent future similar ❑Yes❑ No ❑ NA ❑NE occurrences? 'Arm . Other (Pictures and a police report snouia ue avaname upuir reques►. j - Describe: I/ adequate equipment and resourcbs available to fix the problem? ❑Yes❑ No DNA If Yes, explain: If the problem could not be immediately repaired, what actions were taken to lessen the impact of the SSO? Comments: For DWQ Use Only: DWQ Requested an Additional Written Report: ❑Yes❑ No ❑ NA ❑NE If Yes, What Additional Information is Needed: Comments: CS-SSO Form October 7, 2003 Page 7 e As a representative for the responsible party, I certify that the information contained in this report is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. Person submitting claim: �' �n ��,� , 0ec Signature: Xal Telephone Number: �a� -323 Date: g/Q 61- W Title: �Gtf2ud `� Any additional Information desired to be submitted should be sent to the appropriate Division Regional Office within five days of first knowledge of the SSO with reference to the incident number (the incident number is only generated when electronic entry of this form is completed, if used). CS-SSO Form October 7, 2003 Page 8 Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification O o 'ZZ l Collection System: Number and Name WQCS# CgIX j Incident Number from BIMS z&(zCx:�9)-Ln Incident Reviewed (Date): Incident Action Taken: -PJ NOV-2012-DV i ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ m ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ o e ■ c ■ ■ o ® ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ o c ■ c ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ a o ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ m ■ ■ ■ v e ■ ■ a a c ■ ■ o ■ u G ■ o ■ ■ e o Spill Date 2 r2 Timepm Reported Date 2 Time `�- S J am/ lid Reported To SWP Staff or EM Staff LS Reported By :l4"Ipj P. Phone Address of Spill 3-c>0 Alpf- County CityRrcr�^� Cause of Spill �0 �S Total Estimated Gallons 1�t(oo Est. Gal to Stream � (O O Stream 07— t� (-4- Fish Kill: Yes No umber Species Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time minutes Zone Map Quad Mao 00 12 01:50uD 32P itnc n 0f!•Jr17���G Form CS-SSO a Collection System Sanitary Sewer Overflow Reporting Form PART l This form shall be submitted to the appropriate DWQ Regional Office within five days of the first knowledge of the sanitary sewer overflow (SSO). Permit Number: (WQCS# if active, otherwise use treatment plant NCJ1NQ#�7 Facility: 6 u e Incident# (� Owner: Region: City: IUeCf4Z�it County: �'Cvtrl.i S cC -- Source of SSO (check applicable) : 0 Sanitary Sewer ❑ Pump Station SPECIFIC location of the SSO (be consistent in descrjption from past reports or documentation - i.e. Pump Station 6, Manhole at Westali & Bragg Street, etc.) : d b Latitude (degrees/minute/second): Longitude(degrees/minute/second)- Incident StartedDt: 123fzaI7- Time- D0;U0'40y1 Incident End Dt:l�'3a Time- V&Z. (mm-dd-yyyy) hh:mm AM/PM (mm-dd-yyyy) hh:mm AM/PM Estimated volume of the SSO: f - gallons Estimated Duration (Round to nearest hour): "s Describe how the volume was determined: �- 0 '1 —60e Weather conditions during SSO event: Did SSO reach surface waters? Yes❑No❑ Unknown Volume reaching surface waters (gallons): Surface water name: 1�&T CJ/P� � Did the SSO result in a fish kill? ❑ Yes W No ❑ Unknown If Yes, what is the estimated number offish killed? SPECIFIC cause(s) of the SSO: ❑ Severe Natural Condition ❑ Grease Roots ❑ Inflow and Infiltration ❑ Pump Station Equipment Failure ❑ Power oulage ❑ Vandalism ❑ Debris in line ❑ Other (Please explain) Immediate 24-hour verbal notification reported to: ZAw DWQ ❑ Emergency Mgmt. Date (mm-dd-yyyy): d Z mjZ Time (hh:mm AM/PM): If an SSO is ongoing, please notify Regional Office on a daily basis until SSO can be stopped. Per G.S. 143-215.1 C(b), the responsible party of a discharge of 1,000 gallons or more of untreated wastewater to surface waters shall issue a press release within 24-hours of first knowledge to all print and electronic news media providing general coverage in the county where the discharge occurred. When 15,000 gallons or more of untreated wastewater enters surface waters, a public notice shall be published within 10 days and proof of.publicalion shall be provided to the Division within 30 days. Refer to the referenced statute for further detail. The Director, Division of Water Quality, may take enforcement action. for SSOs that are required to be reported to Division unless it is demonstrated that: 1) the discharge was caused by severe natural conditions and there were no feasible alternatives to the discharge; or 2) the discharge was exceptional, unintentional, temporary and caused by factors beyond the reasonable control of the Permittee and/or owner, and the discharge could not have been prevented by the exercise of reasonable control. Part 11 must be completed to provide a justification claim for either of the above situations- This information will b'e the basis for the determination of any enforcement action. Therefore, it is important to be as complete as possible. WHETHER OR NOT PART II IS COMPLETED, A SIGNATURE IS REQUIRED AT THE END OF THIS FORM. CS-SSO Form October 7, 2003 Page 1 p May 00 12- 01-50p 820 022 From: Tax 1 �- a iSrri%i LIU.. Public UtiCities Department J PO BO_ use Hickory, NC 286o3 (828) 323-7427 Pages (including cower sheet): `f Date:�ss 7i Comments- May 30 12 01:51lo 828-322-1405 p.3 Have educational materials about grease been distributed in the past? When? and to whom? Explain? If the SSO occurred at a pump station, when was the wet well and pumps last checked for grease accumulation? Were the floats clean? Comments: Roots ❑Yes❑ No❑NA❑NE ❑YesO No❑NA❑NE Do you have an active root control pro/gram? WiYes❑ No❑NA❑NE C/' ,YLifrGS Opa C�117i�f /5 Sc!'lG4GCI� �U �G /f7 �%7G �( 66 Describe TUhr 41 eo 41IE614- VpAdVM.71--Y 5.3 00 lrC06 sou Have cleaning and inspections ever been increased at this location because of roots? ❑Yesg NoONA ❑NE Explain: What corrective actions have been accomplished at the SSO location (and surrounding system if associated with the SSO)? What corrective actions are planned at SSO locpt'on to re�uce ro t intrusion? f 1 Q� �` Ss4rrcjA'( w/ y-ec��rl{z° ,y j'u7c Has the line been smoke tested or videoed within the past year? If Yes, when? Comments: Inflow and Infiltration MYesO No❑NAONE cbi- 2dtt Are you under an SOC (Special Order by Consent) or do you have a schedule in any permit that ❑.Yes❑ No ❑ NA ❑NE addresses 1117 CS-SSO Form October 7, 2003 Page 3 a 1 r- May 30 12 01:51p 828-322-1405 p.4 As a representative for the responsible party, I certify that the information contained in this report is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. // ---- Person submitting claim: M, �i'f�1Vt. %1/7iG Date: Signature: �jt � �� "" Title: O2 C Telephone Number: gag --3 Z 3 -71SP7 Any additional information desired to be submitted should be sent to the appropriate Division Regional Office within five days of first knowledge of the SSO with reference to the incident number (the incident number is only generated when electronic entry of this form is completed, if used). CS-SSO Form October 7, 2003 Page 8 Collection System. SSO 24-Hour Notification ZZ� Collection System: Number and Name WQCS# (3 Incident Number from BIMS UC)OZ,17L Incident Reviewed (Date): Incident Action Taken: 'BPJ 1 . NOV-2010-DV .....:;.. Spill Date C Time r,l pm orted Date Time Re S aml: r P 8' Reported To SWP Staff.or.EM.Staff L� ed B J0 Phone . Report Y LS Address of Spill'-� ::.. ' City Count Y Cause -of Spill Est. Total Estimated Gallons S o n .Gal to Stream Stream �' Fish Kill: Yes Number Species. Non Reou'red Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: I. Response time minutes Zone Map Quad. Permit # .. Owner and Facility Name WQCS00253 Bradfield Farms Water Company CS WQCS00196 Carolina Water Service Cabarrus Woods CS Wo CS00233 Carolina Water -Service Hemby Acres CS WQCS00001 Chadolte-Mecklenburg CS WOCS00016 City of Albemarle CS WQCS00046 City of Belmont CS WQCS00107 City of Bessemer Cily CS WOCS00089 City of Cherryville CS- WQCS00221 City of Claremont CS WOCS00326 City of Concord CS VVQCS00088 City of Conover CS WOCS00017 City of Gastonia CS WQCS00020 City of Hickory CS WQCS00327 City of Kannapolis CS WQCS00036 ' City of K a Mountain CS WQCS00040 City of. Lincolnion CS . WQCS00164 City.of Lowell CS WQCS00026 ' City of Monroe CS WQCS00059 -City of Mount Holly CS WQCS00044 ':City of Newton CS WQCS00019 . .City of Salisbury CS WQCS00037 City of Shelby CS WQCS00030 . Cily of Slalesviile CS WQCSOOi 49 ' East Lincoln CS Deemed Permitted. Permit# Owner and Facility Name WQCS00130 Brooks Food Group -Brooks Food Group WQCSDO114 Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools - Misc Laterals WQCSDO057 City of High Shoals CS WQCSD0117 Duke Energy Marshall Steam Station WOCSDO257 Fallslon • WOCSDO116 Gopse Creek Utilities Fair'iOd Plarilation VFW T P bVQCSD0101 Hzrborside Dev LLC-Midtown T CS WQCSDO095 Kennerly Dev..Group.LLGe•oardwalkvii!as CS WQCSDO098 Kennerly Dev, Group LLC Kings Point CS WQCSDO105 Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Moon Bay Condos CS WQCSDO107 Kennelly Dev. Group LLC-Schooner Bay CS ' WOCSDD099 Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Spinnaker Point CS WQCSD0258 Kingstown WQCSDO112 Lake Norman -South Point CS - WQCSD0104. Lake Norman -'villas S Harbour CS WQCSDO102 Lake Norman -Vineyard Pl Resort CS Permit # Owner and Facility Name WQCS00171 Greater Badin CS WQCS00322 Aqua Country Woods East CS WQCS00222 : Town•of Boiling Springs CS WQCSOD341 Town of China Grove CS WQCS0023i !Town.of Cleveland CS WQCS00058 Town of Cramerton CS . WQCS00165 Town of Dallas CS ' WQCS00342 Town of E: Spencer CS VVQCS00328 Town of Harrisburg CS 'WQCS00343 Town of Landis CS WQCS00310 Town of Longview CS WQCSob120 "'Town of'Maiden CS WQCS00344. Town of Marshville-CS WQCS00043 Town of Mooresville CS WQCS00125 Town of Mt Pleasant CS. VJQCS00153 Town of Norwood CS WQCS00190 Town of Oakbbro CS VVQCSOD325 Town of Stanfield CS -WQC800180 Town of Stanley CS WQCS00135 Town of Taylorsville CS WQCS00258 • Town of Troutman CS WQCS00345 Town o(Wingate CS .WQCS00054 Union County CS WQCS00009 - WSA Cabarrus Co. CS Permit# Owner and Facilify Name WOCSDO064 'Lincoln County CS WQCSDO097 Martin Dev Gp-N Point & Portside CS WQCSD0120 Martin Marietta Mallard Creek ' WQCSD0019 Town of Richfield CS WOCSDO024 Town of Grover CS WOCSDO038 Town of fAcAdenville CS WQCSDO002 Town of Ranlo CS VVQCSDO049 Town of Spencer Mountain CS WQCSD0252 All spills which do not have a permit number assigned T 08/11/2010 13:13 8284590596 CITY OF CLAREMONT PAGE 01 � f W Aq G Form CS-SSO ? Collection System Sanitary Sewer Overflow Reporting Form t? C PART 1 This form shall be submitted to the appropriate DWQ Regional Office within five days of the first knowledge of the sanitary sewer overflow (SSO). Permit Number: S per'L-0-- 1 (W(QCS# if active, otherwise use treatment plant NC/WQ#) Facility: t lncident# -. Owner: 1 J!, (r1e103aMo�l� Region: M150L-tSd;11& City: 4mn��i County: (24N.APA Source of SSO (check applicable), ❑ Sanitary Sewer Pump Station SPECIFIC location of the SSO (be consistent in description from past reports or documentation - i.e. Pump Station 6, Manhole at Westall & 8ragg Street, etc.) : Lust p ap8�a�ninti irk m, Latitude (dagraes/minute/second): Lon Incident Started Dt; Mi09 Time- OB1 , Awl incident Iwnd Dt; �(0 Time: (mm-ac-yyyy) hh:mm AM/PM (MM-dd-yyyy) hh:mrq AMIPM Estimated volume of the SSO: 16000 gallons Eetimated Duration (Round to nearest hour): Describe how the volume was datemilned: Weather conditions during SSO event: Did SSO reach surface waters? LK Yes ❑ No ❑ Unknown Volume reaching surface waters (gallons): p(� d Surface water name; Did the SSO result in a fish ki117 ❑ Yes (A No ❑ Unknown. If Yes, what is the estimated number of fish killed? SPECIFIC cause(s) of the SSO- ❑ Severe Natural Condition ❑ Grease © Roots ❑ Inflow end Inftltraficn Pump Station Equipment Failure ❑ Power outage ❑ Vandatiarn ❑ Debris in line El Other (Please explain) Immediate 24-hour verbal notification reported to' "w UD DWQ ❑ 5rnaMancy Mgmt. Date (mm-dd-yyyy): o 2O4(O Time ( AM/PM): o;L'.--1"pt-#� If an SSO is ongoing, please notify Regional Office on a daily basis until SSO can be stopped, Per G.S. 1 3-215.1C(b), the responsible party of a discharge of 1,000 gallons or more of untreated wastewater to surface waters shall issues PFe53T5leZ1&e within 244hours of first knowledge to all print and electronic news media providing general coverage in the county w are the ischarge occurred. When 15.000 gallons or more of untreated wastewater enters Surface waters, a public notice shall be published within 10 days and proof of pubiication shall be provided to the Division within 30 days_ Refer to the referencad statute for further detail_ The Director, Division of Water Quality, may take enforcement action for SSDs that are required to be reported to Division unless it Is demonstrated -that: 1) the discharge was caused by severe natural conditions and there were no feasible alternatives to the discharge; or 2) the discharge was exceptional, unintentional, temporary and caused by factors beyond the reasonable control of the Perrnittee and/or owner, and the discharge could not have been prevented by the exercise of reasonable control, Part II must be completed to provide a Justtficalion claim for either of the above situations. This information wilt be the basis for the determination of any enforcement action. Therefore, it is important to be as complete as possible_ WHETHER OR NOT PART II IS COMPL,ETI-D, A SIGNATURE IS RF-QUIRED AT THE ENO OF THIS FORM. CS-SSO Form October 7, 2003 Page 1 .r 08/11/2010 13:13 8284590596 CITY OF CLAREMONT PAGE 02 Explain it Yes: What corrective actions have been Taken to reduce or eliminate 1 & I related overflows at this spill location within the last year? Has there been any flow studies to determine III problems in the collection system at the SSO location? ElyaE No QNA ❑NE If Yes, when was the study completed.and what actions did It eacornmend? Has the line been Smoke tested or videced within the past year? 11YeSO No ❑NA ❑NE If Yes, when and indicate what actions are necossary and the status of such actions: Are there III related projects In your Capital IrnprovEArA$nf Plan? 1-1Y980 No ❑NA ©NE If Yes, explain: t�� yI ��11 [I Rave there been any grant or loan applications for III reduction projects? t_.uYeO No IJNA ©N6 If Yes, explain, Do you suspect any major sources of inflow or Cross connectlona with storm sewers? 11Y110 No [DNA ONE Have all lines contacting suffice waters in the SSO location and upstream been inspected recently? El YeSD NOD NA 13NE If Yes, explain: If YeLs, explain: What other corrective actions are planned to prevent future 1/1 related SSOs at this location? Commanis: Pump Station Equipment Faifure (Documentation of testing, records etc. shoul be provided upon re uest.) What kind of notMGabon/alarm systems are present? N(Ad • I S�rsu a� Auto-dieladtelematry (on6-way communication) LLYYOS CS-SSO Form October 7, 2003 ' Page 4 08/11/2010 13:13 8284590596 CITY OF CLAREMONT PAGE 03 IYQs Audible Visual l� Ye9 SCADA (two-way communication) /Yes 1= 1Yes Pmergenq Contact Signage Other ❑Yea Describe the equipment that failed? M 41 D � r�lo r� t�jlXiClr ��St�� r— inu � hCyhut �►7 ryie� What kind of situations trigger' an alarm condition at this station O.e, pump failure, power failure, high water, etc.) / �j f ( >P � «-g— 1p " r 6-C FFI Were notificationlalarrn systems operable? rp{ ��- IL�IY90 No ❑NA ONE If no, expiatn: If a pump failed, when was the last maintenance and/or Inspection performed? u Cfi cc�t// at eci calls was hc cedlrha ntaelnad? �i�ndrir /S 3 /L WLJr /(ysLOT 65Gt c-Af{a!ti !�G .0 I-1k e tWl , Ala 9,1 2V8A— If a valve failed, when was it last exercised? Artd�'� 4�c#� d�+ NA Were all pumps set to alternate? 9)YsaD No I !NA QNI; Did any pump show abase normal run times prior to and during the SSO event? ElYea No I INA DNE Were adequate spare parts on hand to fix the equipment (switch, fuse, valve, seal, etc,)? 0Yeaf-1 No ONA ONE Was a spare or portable pump immediately available? LpjYeso No IJNA ❑NE If a float problem, when were the floats last tested? How? MIA If an auto -dialer or SCADA, when was the system last tested? Howl 17raftc 15 6hcacj v[,V&1q. a LVPlzz_, Lut.. a w '.5A us efa►`4. Comments: GS-SSO Form October 7, 2003 Page 6 08/11/2010 13:13 8284590596 CITY OF CLAREMONT PAGE 04 As a representative for the rospnnsibie party, (certify That iha information contained in this report is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. Person submitting claim: Signature: c )'.4 ,,' " in Date: { t A G c 10 'Title: i �J7e'Q I I"^ C'' v M if 01A6t* Telephone Number. 8z8 - c45 f --/W I Any additional Information desired to be submitted should be sent to the appropriate Division Regional Office within five days of first knowledge of the SSO with reference to the incident number (the incident number is only generated when electronic entry of this form is completed, if used). CS-SSO Form October 7. 2003 Pegg 8 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301 Mooresville, North Carolina 28115 Telephone: 704-663-1699 Fax: 704-663-6040 FDER resville Regional Office To: �5 LA f From: Fax- —r �� Pages: Phone: Date: Re: l & J2 LIX e7Ef CC: ❑ Urgent ❑ For Review ❑ Please Comment ❑ Please Reply ❑ Please Recycle Collection System SSO 24-Hour Notification Collection System: Number and Name WQCS# o t Incident Number from BIMS.OI��P Incident Reviewed (Date): Incident Action Taken BPJ f NOV-2010-DV S,J_ i a � � � � � ■ � � � � � t � � � � � � � r � � � s c ®� � o � � � � e o e a c � � � � � � � � e � � s � � � o � � � � � � e � s n � � � e � ® ■ Spill Date�,� Reported Date` 4« O Time ��� am/ rri Time am r pm Reported To SWP Staff or EM Staff Reported By c�lY1 Phone Address of Spill ��` VbUt-n ' County Cause of Spill Total Estimated Gallons Stream City. 15C)C) Est. Gal to Stream 50O Fish Kill: Ye QO umber Species Non Required Information and other comments relating to SSO incident: Response time minutes Zone Map Quad Permit # Owner and Facility Name WQCS00253 Bradfield Farms Water Company CS WQCS00196 Carolina Water Service Cabarrus Woods CS WQCS00233 Carolina Water Service Hemby Acres CS WQCS00001 Charlotte -Mecklenburg CS WOCS00016 City of Albemarle CS WQCS00046 City of Belmont CS WQCS00107 City of Bessemer City CS WQCS00089 City of Cherryville CS- WQCS00221 City of Claremont CS WQCS00326 City of Concord CS WQCS00088 Ciiy of Conover CS WQCS00017 City of Gastonia CS WQCS00020 City of Hickory CS WQCS00327 City of Kannapolis CS WQCS00036 City of Kings Mountain CS WQCS00040 City of Lincolnton CS WQCS00164 City of Lowell CS WQCS00026 , City of Monroe CS WQCS00059 City of Mount Holly CS WQCS00044 City of Newton CS WQCS00019 City of Salisbury CS WQCS00037 City of Shelby CS WQCS00030 - City of Statesville CS WQCS00149 East Lincoln CS Deemed Permitted Permit # Owner and Facility Name WQCSDO130 Brooks Food Group -Brooks Food Group WQCSDO114 Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools - Misc Laterals WQCSDO057 City of High Shoals CS WQCSDO117 Duke Energy Marshall Steam Station WQCSD0257 Fallston WQCSD0116 Gopse Creek Utilities Fairfield Plantation WWTP WQCSDO101 Harborside Dev LLC-Midtown T CS WQCSDO095 Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Boardwalk Villas CS WQCSDO098 Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Kings Point CS WQCSDO105 Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Moon Bay Condos CS WQCSDO107 Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Schooner Bay CS WOCSDO099 Kennerly Dev. Group LLC-Spinnaker Point CS WQCSD0258 Kingstown WQCSD0112 Lake Norman -South Point CS WQCSDO104 Lake Norman -Villas S Harbour CS WQCSDO102 Lake Norman -Vineyard Pt Resort CS Permit # Owner and Facility Name WQCS00171 Greater Badin CS WQCS00322 Aqua Country Woods East CS WQCS00222 Town of Boiling Springs CS WQCS00341 Town of China Grove CS WQCS00231 Town.of Cleveland CS WQCS00058 Town of Cramerton CS WQCS00165 Town of Dallas CS WQCS00342 Town of E. Spencer CS WQCS00328 Town of Harrisburg CS WQCS00343 Town of Landis CS WQCS00310 Town of Longview CS WQCS00120 Town of Maiden CS WQCS00344 Town of Marshville CS WQCS00043 Town of Mooresville CS WOCS00125 Town of Mt Pleasant CS WQCS00153 Town of Norwood CS WQCS00190 Town of Oakboro CS WOCS00325 Town of Stanfield CS WQCS00180 Town of Stanley CS WQCS00135 Town of Taylorsville CS WQCS00258 Town of Troutman CS WQCS00345 Town of Wingate CS WQCS00054 Union County CS WQCS00009 WSA Cabarrus Co. CS Permit # Owner and Facility Name WQCSDO064 Lincoln County CS WQCSDO097 Martin Dev Gp-N Point & Portside CS WQCSDO120 Martin Marietta Mallard Creek WOCSDO019 Town of Richfield CS WQCSDO024 Town of Grover CS WQCSDO038 Town of McAdenville CS WQCSD0002 Town of Ranlo CS WQCSDO049 Town of Spencer Mountain CS WQCSD0252 All spills which do not have a permit number assigned