HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0002616_Regional Office Historical File Pre 2018P 704.984.9634 F 704.984.9606 e� ALBEM"ARLE.. NORTH CAROLINA Aatew Ale Laad, 0#0,-ewmi February 5, 2020 Greetings, ^ � Q www.albemarlenc.gov PO Box 190 Albemarle, NC 28002 RECEtVEDINCDENRIDWR FEB d 5 19-020 MOORESVILLE REGIONAL OFFICE �isch Unit l,e�i',ting On behalf of The City of Albemarle, Permit No. WQ0002616, please accept the attached annual report for CY 2019. During the CY 2019, no biosolids were produced by the source (NPDES# NC0024,244). No biosolids were applied to the permitted land.' If any additional information is needed regarding this, please feel free to contact Brandon W. Plyler via email bpllylergalbemarlenc.gov or telephone 704-984-9634. C PO r'y ,, A:,,,,, La,/ FEB 1 2020 Ir forw**A 1 ? ? C•s.;. Sincerely, Brandon W. Plyler City of Albemarle Long Creek WWTP Treatment Plant Supervisor . 1 ' ANNUAL LAND APPLICATION CERTIFICATION FORM WQ Permit#: WQ0002616 County: Stanly Year: 2019 Facility Name (as shown on permit): City of Albemarle RLAP Land Application of Class B Residuals Land Application Operator: Brandon W. Plyler Phone: 704-984-9634 Land application of residuals as allowed by the permit occurred during the past calendar year? ❑ Yes 0 No - If No, skip Part A, and Part B and proceed to Part C. Also, If residuals were generated but not land applied, please attach an explanation on how the residuals were handled. Total number of application fields in thepermit: Total number of fields utilized for land application during the year: Total amount of dry tons applied during the year for all application sites: Total number of acres utilizes for land application during the year: Part B - Annual Compiance Statement: Facility was compliant during calendar year with all conditions of the land application permit (including but not limited to items 1-13 below) issued by the Division of Water Resources. ❑ Yes ❑ No If no please, provide a written description why the facility was not compliant, the dates, and explain corrective action taken. 1) Only residuals approved for this permit were applied to the permitted sites. 2) Soil pH was adjusted as specified in the permit and lime was applied (if needed) to achieve a soil pH of at least 6.0 or the limit specified in the permit. 3) Annual soils analysis were performed on each site receiving residuals during the past calendar year and three (3) copies of laboratory results are attached. 4) Annual TCLP analysis (if required) was performed and three (3) copies of certified laboratory results are attached. 5) All other monitoring was performed in accordance with the permit and reported during the year as required and three (3) copies of certified laboratory results are attached. 6) The facility did'not exceed any of the Pollutant Concentration Limits in 15A NCAC 02T .1105(a) or the Pollutant Loading Rates in 15A NCAC 02T .1105(b) (applicable to 40 CFR Part 503 regulated facilities). 7) All general requirements in as specified in the Land Application Permit were complied with (applicable to 40 CFR Part 503 regulated facilities). 8) All monitoring and reporting requirements in 15A NCAC 02T .1111 were complied with (applicable to 40 CFR Part 503 regulated facilities). 9) All operations and maintenance requirements in the permit were complied with or, in the case of a deviation, prior authorization was received from the Division of Water Resources. 10) No contravention of Ground Water Quality Standards occurred at a monitoring well or explanations of violations are attached to include appropriate actions and remediations. 11) Vegetative cover was maintained and proper crop management was performed on each site receing residuals, as specified in the permit. 12) No runoff of residuals from the application sites onto adjacent property or nearby surface waters has occurred. 13) All buffer requirements as specified on the permit were maintained during each application of residuals. Part C - Certification: "I certify, under penalty of law, that the above information is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." Michael J. Ferris, City Manager Permittee Name and Title (type or print) Signs re of P rmitt Date Signature of Preparer* Date Signature of Land Applier Date (if different from Permittee) (if different from Permittee and Preparer) * Preparer is defined in 40 CFR Part 503.9 (r) and 15A NCAC 02T .1102 (26) DENR FORM ACF (12/2006) Schutte, Maria From: Schutte, Maria Sent: Monday, February 26, 2018 2:23 PM To: mleonas@ci.albemarle.nc.us' Cc: 'bplyler@ci.albemarle.nc.us' Subject: WQ0002616 Albemarle WWTP Residuals 2017 Annual Report Mr. Leonas, This email will serve as the Acknowledgement of Receipt for the referenced annual report. The report, received in the Mooresville Regional Office on February 26th, 2018, indicates there was no land application activity conducted under this permit in 2017. Sincerely, Maria Maria Schutte Environmental Specialist Water Quality Regional Operations Section Division of Water Resources North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality 704 663 1699 office 704 235 2184 direct Maria. schutte(o),ncdenr.gov 610 East Center Avenue Suite 301 Mooresville, NC 28115 - Nothing Compares —,—,- Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may he disclosed to third parties. f ANNUAL LAND APPLICATION CERTIFICATION FORM WQ Permit#: WQ0002616 County: Stanly Year: \ 2017 Facility Name (as shown on permit): Albemarle Residuals Land Application Program Land Application of Class E Land Application Operator: Brandon W. Plyler Phone: RE%4E984Q963.43/DWR Land application of residuals as allowed by the permit occurred during the past calendar year?=I8 2 6 101 ❑ Yes R1 No - If No, skip Part A, and Part B and proceed to Part C. Also, If residuals were generated but not land applied, please attach an explanation on how the residuals were handeR�svIWQRos �� �LL Part A -Residuals Application Summary: LLGr: IONAL OFFICE Total number of application fields in thepermit: 3 Total number of fields utilized for land application during the year: I LU A0 Total amount of dry tons applied during the year for all application sites: D�JVR aECT10\! Total number of acres utilizes for land application during the year: IPkLIW,,11 Part B - Annual Compiance Statement: Facility was compliant during calendar year with all conditions of the land application permit (including but not limited to items 1-13 below) issued by the Division of Water Resources. ❑ Yes ❑ No If no please, provide a written description why the facility was not compliant, the dates, and explain corrective action taken. 1) Only residuals approved for this permit were applied to the permitted sites. 2) Soil pH was adjusted as specified in the permit and lime was applied (if needed) to achieve a soil pH of at least 6.0 or the limit specified in the permit. 3) Annual soils analysis were performed on each site receiving residuals during the past calendar year and three (3) copies of laboratory results are attached. 4) Annual TCLP analysis (if required) was performed and three (3) copies of certified laboratory results are attached. 5) All other monitoring was performed in accordance with the permit and reported during the year as required and three (3) copies of certified laboratory results are attached. 6) The facility did not exceed any of the Pollutant Concentration Limits in 15A NCAC 02T .1105(a) or the Pollutant Loading Rates in 15A NCAC 02T A 105(b) (applicable to 40 CFR Part 503 regulated facilities). 7) All general requirements in as specified in the Land Application Permit were complied with (applicable to 40 CFR Part 503 regulated facilities). 8) All monitoring and reporting requirements in 15A NCAC 02T .1111 were complied with (applicable to 40 CFR Part 503 regulated facilities). 9) All operations and maintenance requirements in the permit were complied with or, in the case of a deviation, prior authorization was received from the Division of Water Resources. 10) No contravention of Ground Water Quality Standards occurred at a monitoring well or explanations of violations are attached to include appropriate actions and remediations. 11) Vegetative cover was maintained and proper crop management was performed on each site receing residuals, as specified in the permit. 12) No runoff of residuals from the application sites onto adjacent property or nearby surface waters has occurred. 13) All buffer requirements as specified on the permit were maintained during each application of residuals. Part C - Certification: "I certify, under penalty of law, that the above information is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." Michael L. Leonas Permittee Name and Title (type or, print) Sign ure of Pennittee Date Signature of Preparer* Date (if different from Permittee) * Preparer is defined in 40 CFR Part 503.9 (r) and 15A NCAC 02T Signature of Land Applier Date (if different fiom Permittee and Preparer) .1102(26) DENR FORM ACF (12/2006) P 1 704.984.9634 F 1 704.984.9606 ALBEMARLE NORTH CAROLINA hlaiew 41,- Laud �ppowta�tit� www.albemarlenc.gov PO Box 190 Albemarle, NC 28002 To whom it may concern: 100% of all biosolids produced during 2017 from The City of Albemarle Long Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant (NPDES # NC0024244) were hauled to The Water and Sewer Authority of Cabarrus County Rocky River Regional Wastewater Plant for dewatering and incineration. If you need any additional information regarding this feel free to call 704-984-9634 or email bplylerkalbemarlenc. gov Thank you, 7 Schutte, Maria From: Schutte, Maria Sent: Monday, April 17, 2017 9.:25 AM To: 'Leonas, Michael L.' Cc: 'bplyler@ci.albemarle.nc.us' Subject: RE: Land Application Report Long Creek WWTP WQ0002616 Mike, Thank You very much! And, I would likemyresponse to serve as the Acknowledgement of Receipt here in the Mooresville Office. I have,no-further questions on this 2016 Annual Report. Have a Great Day! Maria From: Leonas, Michael L. [ma ilto:mleonas@ci.aIbemarle.nc.us] Sent: Friday, April 14, 2017 1:19 PM To: Schutte, Maria <maria.schutte@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Ferris, Michael <mferris@ci.albemarle.nc.us>; Plyler, Brandon W <bplyler@ci.albemarle.nc.us> Subject: Land Application Report - Long Creek WWTP WQ0002616 Good Morning Maria, Please find attached a copy of the Annual Report for the referenced Land Application System. As you are aware, Long Creek did not apply any biosolids during the previous year. The City sent the information under the same letter of transmittal which included the Tuckertown facility. I guess we will need to send it under separate cover next year. My apologies for the oversight on needing three copies..... Please feel free -to contact me if you need any additionalinformationor have any questions: Thanks Mike www.albemarlenc.gov 1 Date: February 27, 2017 9w a E ALBEMARLE Letter of Transmittal NORTH CAROLINA A&I- Al, Carw To: NC Department of Environmental Quality Division of Water Resources 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 ATN: Information Processing Unit Enclosed please find the following: From: Michael Leonas Albemarle Public Utilities Department PO Box 190 Albemarle, NC 28002-190 704.984.9605 mleonas(Dalbemarlenc.eov • One - Annual Report for Land Application System - Tuckertown WTP (WQ0000759) One - Annual Report for Land Application System - Long Creek WWTP (WQ0002616) Please advise if there is any additional information needed or if there are any questions concerning the i enclosed information. 1 Thank You I j Mike Leonas lf��C�IVEorNCOENRrDW� WORos i MOOREsVILLS REGIONAL OFFICE . ANNUAL LAND APPLICATION CERTIFICATION FORM WQ Permit#: WQ0002616 County: Stanly Year: . 2016 Facility Name (as shown on permit): City of Albemarle Residuals Land Application Program (503) Land Application Operator: - City of Albemarle Phone: 704-984-9634 Land application of residuals as allowed by the permit occurred during the past calendar year? ❑ Yes El No - If No, skip Part A, and Part B and proceed to Part C. Also, If residuals were generated but not land applied, please attach an explanation on how the residuals were handled. Part A - Residuals Application Summa Total number of application fields in thepermit: Total number of fields utilized for land application during the year: Total amount of dry tons applied during the year for all application sites: Total number of acres utilizes for land application during the year: Part B - Annual Compiance Statement: Facility was compliant during calendar year with all conditions of the land application permit (including but not limited to items 1-13 below) issued by the Division of Water Resources. ❑ Yes ❑ No If no please, provide a written description why the facility was not compliant, the dates, and explain corrective action taken. 1) Only residuals approved for this permit were applied to the permitted sites. 2) Soil pH was adjusted as specified in the permit and lime was applied (if needed) to achieve a soil pH of at least 6.0 or the limit specified in the permit. 3) Annual soils analysis were performed on each site receiving residuals during the past calendar year and three (3) copies of laboratory results are attached. 4) Annual TCLP analysis (if required) was performed and three (3) copies of certified laboratory results are attached. 5) All other monitoring was performed in accordance with the permit and reported during the year as required and three (3) copies of certified laboratory results are attached. 6) The facility did not exceed any of the Pollutant Concentration Limits in 15A NCAC 02T .I 105(a) or the Pollutant Loading Rates in 15A NCAC 02T. 1105(b) (applicable to 40 CFR Part 503 regulated facilities). 7) All general requirements in as specified in the Land Application Permit were complied with (applicable to 40 CFR Part 503 regulated facilities). 8) All monitoring and reporting requirements in 15A NCAC 02T . I I I I were complied with (applicable to 40 CFR Part 503 regulated facilities). 9) All operations and maintenance requirements in the permit were complied with or, in the case of a deviation, prior authorization was received from the Division of Water Resources. 10) No contravention of Ground Water Quality Standards occurred at a monitoring well or explanations of violations are attached to include appropriate actions and remediations. 11) Vegetative cover was maintained and proper crop management was performed on each site receing residuals, as specified in the permit. 12) No runoff of residuals from the application sites onto adjacent property or nearby surface waters has occurred. 13) All buffer requirements as specified on the permit were maintained during each application of residuals. Part C - Certification: "I certify, under penalty of law, that the above information is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the poss/ibbiility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." of ul Tvii£[s Permittee Name and Title (type or print) Signature o ermittee Date 1441 �1 Signature of Preparer* Date Signature of Land Applier Date (if different from Permittee) (if different from Permittee and Preparer) * Preparer is defined in 40 CFR Part 503.9 (r) and 15A NCAC 02T .1102 (26) DENR FORM ACF (12/2006) P 1704.984.9634 F 704.984.9606 ALBEMARLE NORTH CAROL.INA �t/tew i� lad 0??a eaveg Public Utilities Department To whom it may concern: www.albernarlenc.gov PO Box 190 144 North Second Street Albemarle, NC 28002-0190 No residuals were applied to the land permitted for The City of Albemarle of Albemarle Residuals Land Application Program (503) permit # WQ0002616. All residuals generated at The City of Albemarle Long Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant NPDES # NCO024244 were hauled to The Rocky River Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant (WASACC) for dewatering and incineration. If you need any additional information feel free to ask by calling.704-984-9634 or emailing bpl ler@albemarlenc.gov Thank you, Brandon W. Plyler City of Albemarle Long Creek W WTP Treatment PIant Supervisor ZIj P 704.984.9634 �'� r F 704.984.9606 ALUB E M A R L E NORTH CAROLINA fr/tev- A.- Laird 0powta��t� 6(DS—(�-11" 'V` www.albemarlenc.gov PO Box 190 Albemarle, NC 28002 Enclosed please find the Annual Land Application form for the City of Albemarle Long Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant nondischarge permit number WQ0002616 for the 2015 calendar year. During the 2015 calendar 100% of the biosolids generated at the City of Albemarle's Long Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant were transported to the Water and Sewer Authority of Cabarrus County's Rocky River Regional Wastewater Plant for dewatering and incineration. No biosolids were land applied. If you need any additional information regarding the 2015 Land Application Annual Report feel free to contact me at 704-984-9634 Sincerely, Brandon Plyler ORC/Plant Supervisor City of Albemarle L+ RECEIVED/NC DEN ROW- FEB 9 wQROS MOORESVILLE REGIONAL FED ®,4 2016 P=crinIv "I`oI>t7aior� I�I CCcSSING UNIT AININ UAl. LA1NL AFFLIUA IUN C UUTiFICAT1ON FORM x� `—WQ Permit#: WQ0002616 County: Facility Name (as shown on permit): Land Application Operator: Stanly Year: 2015 City of Albemarle Land Application of Class B Residuals Brandon Plyler Phone: 704-984-9634 Land application of residuals as allowed by the permit occurred during the past calendar year? ❑ Yes ❑ No - If No, skip Part A, and Part B and proceed to Part C. Also, If residuals were generated but not land applied, please attach an explanation on how the residuals were handled. Part A - Residuals Annlication Summarv- Total number of Total number of fields utilized for land Total amount of dry tons applied during the :ion fields in the permit: lication during the year: for all application sites: Total number of acres utilizes for land application during the year: 1 0 Part B - Annual Compiance Statement: Facility was compliant during calendar year -) ®15- with all conditions of the land application permit (including but not limited to items 1-13 below) issued by the Division of Water Resources. 21 Yes ❑ No If no please, provide a written description why the facility was not compliant, the dates, and explain corrective action taken. 1) Only residuals approved for this permit were applied to the permitted sites. 2) Soil pH was adjusted as specified in the permit and lime was applied (if needed) to achieve a soil pH of at least 6.0 or the limit specified in the permit. 3) Annual soils analysis were performed on each site receiving residuals during the past calendar year and three (3) copies of laboratory results are attached. 4) Annual TCLP analysis (if required) was performed and three (3) copies of certified laboratory results are attached. 5) All other monitoring was performed in accordance with the permit and reported during the year as required and three (3) copies of certified laboratory results are attached. 6) The facility did not exceed any of the Pollutant Concentration Limits in 15A NCAC 02T .1105(a) or the Pollutant Loading Rates in 15A NCAC 02T .1105(b) (applicable to 40 CFR Part 503 regulated facilities). 7) All general requirements in as specified in the Land Application Permit were complied with (applicable to 40 CFR Part 503 regulated facilities). 8) All monitoring and reporting requirements in 15A NCAC 02T. I I 11 were complied with (applicable to 40 CFR Part 503 regulated facilities). 9) All operations and maintenance requirements in the permit were complied with or, in the case of a deviation, prior authorization was received from the Division of Water Resources. 10) No contravention of Ground Water Quality Standards occurred at a monitoring well or explanations of violations are attached to include appropriate actions and remediations. 11) Vegetative cover was maintained and proper crop management was performed on each site receing residuals, as specified in the permit. 12) No runoff of residuals from the application sites onto adjacent property or nearby surface waters has occurred. 13) All buffer requirements as specified on the permit were maintained during each application of residuals. Part C - Certification: "I certify, under penalty of law, that the above information is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." Permittee Name and Title (type or print) Signature of Nrmittee Date 4" �/ - A6, / _13 - /4 1y/4 Signature of Preparer* Date Signature of Land Applier Date (if different from Permittee) (if different from Permittee and Preparer) * Preparer is defined in 40 CFR Part 503.9 (r) and 15A NCAC 02T .1102 (26) DENR FORM ACF (12/2006) I/ 1 F NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Pat McCrory Governor March 4, 2015 Mr. Michael L. Leonas, Director of Public Utilities City of Albemarle P.O. Box 190 Albemarle, North Carolina 28002-0190 Dear Mr. Leonas: Donald van der Vaart Secretary Subject: Acknowledgement of Receipt of the 2014 Annual Report City of Albemarle — Permit No.: WQ0002616 Land Application of Residuals Stanly County The Mooresville Regional Office received and reviewed the 2014 Annual Report for the above permit. The form submitted indicates there was no land application activity during 2014. Please contact me at (704) 663-1699, should you have any questions or concerns about this permit Sincerely, j, Maria Schutte, Environmental Specialist Mooresville Regional Office Water Quality Regional Operations Section Division of Water Resources, NCDENR CC: Brandon Plyler, City of Albemarle, Waste Water Treatment Plant Supervisor (Email) Ed Hardee, LAU Compliance, CO -Raleigh (Email) Mooresville Regional Office 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301, Mooresville, North Carolina 28115 Phone: 704-663-1699 / Fax: 704-663-6040/Customer Service 1-877-623-6748 Internet: www.ncdenr.gov An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative Action Employer— Made in part by recycled paper r ANNUAL LAND APPLICATION CERTIFICATION FORM WQ Permit#: WQ0002616 County: Stanly Year: 2014 Facility Name (as shown on permit): City of Albemarle Long. Creeek Wastewater Treatment Plant Land Application Operator: Phone: 704-984" 0,6S4-'D ALI�Y � ��c � �..! Land application of residuals as allowed by the permit occurred during the past calendar year? I�I!/iSli)il K!�' ts�ra,� Yes ff No - If No, skip Part A, and Part B and proceed to Part C. Also, If residuals were J01 2 6 2015 generated but not land applied, please attach an explanation on how the residuals were handled`. cVVP SECTION Part A - Residuals Application Summary: MOORESVILLE REGIONAL OFFICE Total number of application fields in the permit: Total number of fields utilized for land application during the year: Total amount of dry tons applied during the year for all application sites: Total number of acres utilizes for land application during the year: Part B - Annual Compiance Statement: Facility was compliant during calendar year with all conditions of the land application permit (including but not limited to items 1-13 below) issued by the Division of Water Quality. ® Yes ❑ No If no please, provide a written description why the facility was not compliant, the dates, and explain corrective action taken. 1) Only residuals approved for this permit were applied to the permitted sites. 2) Soil pH was adjusted as specified in the permit and lime was applied (if needed) to achieve a soil pH of at least 6.0 or the limit specified in the permit. 3) Annual soils analysis were performed on each site receiving residuals during the past calendar year and three (3) copies of laboratory results are attached. 4) Annual TCLP analysis (if required) was performed and three (3) copies of certified laboratory results are attached. 5) All other monitoring was performed in accordance with the permit and reported during the year as required and three (3) copies of certified laboratory results are attached. 6) The facility did not exceed any of the Pollutant Concentration Limits in 15A NCAC 02T A 105(a) or the Pollutant Loading Rates in 15A NCAC 02T .1105(b) (applicable to 40 CFR Part 503 regulated facilities). 7) All general requirements in as specified in the Land Application Permit were complied with (applicable to 40 CFR Part 503 regulated facilities). 8) All monitoring and reporting requirements in 15A NCAC 02T .1111 were complied with (applicable to 40 CFR Part 503 regulated facilities). 9) All operations and maintenance requirements in the permit were complied with or, in the case of a deviation, prior authorization was received from the Division of Water Quality. 10) No contravention of Ground Water Quality Standards occurred at a monitoring well or explanations of violations are attached to include appropriate actions and remediations. 11) Vegetative cover was maintained and proper crop management was performed on each site receing residuals, as specified in the permit. 12) No runoff of residuals from the application sites onto adjacent property or nearby surface waters has occurred. 13) All buffer requirements as specified on the permit were maintained during each application of residuals. Part C - Certification: "I certify, under penalty of law, that the above information is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." Michael L. Leonas, Director of Public Utilities Permittee Name and Title (type or print) r Signature of Permittee Date N/A Signature of Preparer* Date Signature of Land Applier Date (if different from Permittee) (if different from Permittee and .Preparer) * Preparer is defined in 40 CFR Part 503.9 (r) and 15A NCAC 02T .1102 (26) DENR FORM ACF (12/2006) Of ce of Public Utilities Plants Division (704) 984-9630 NCDENR-DWQ Non -Discharge Permitting Unit 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 RE: City of Albemarle City of Albemarle North Carolina January 20, 2015 Long Creek Waste Water Treatment Plant (LCWWTP) Land App Permit #WQ0002616 Annual Certification Form Mailing Address P. O. Box 190 Albemarle, N. C. 28002-0190 Enclosed please find the Annual Land Application Certification Form for the Long Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant indicating no land application of residuals occurred during 2014. The centrifuge at LCWWTP operated from January through March, 2014 and all dewatered solids were transported to the City of Albemarle Landfill. After March, 2014, transportation of all bio- solids from LCWWTP to Rock River resumed. The City will continue the transportation of bio-solids from LCWWTP to Rocky River for incineration until a better solution can be found. If you have any questions, please contact me at 704-984-9634. Sincerely, Brandon W. Plyler ORC, LCWWTP Cc: Ed Hardee, NCDENR /7 ®EHR FILE North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Resources Pat McCrory Thomas A. Reeder John Skvarla Governor Director Secretary February 28, 2014 Mr. Raymond I. Allen, City Manager City of Albemarle P.O. Box 190 Albemarle, North Carolina 28002-0190 Subject: Acknowledgement of Receipt of the 2013 Annual Report City of Albemarle WWTP - Permit No.: WQ0002616 Land Application of Residuals Stanly County Dear Mr. Allen: The Mooresville Regional Office (MRO) received and reviewed the 2013 Annual Report (AR) for the above permit. The form submitted indicates there was no land application activity during 2013. The MRO plans to conduct an on -site facility inspection within the calendar year; however, if you have any immediate concerns or questions, please contact me at (704) 663-1699. Sincerely, ��' cL,#— Maria Schutte Environmental Specialist CC: Brandon Plyler, City of Albemarle, Waste Water Treatment Plant Supervisor (email) Chonticha McDaniel, Residuals Management, CO-LAU (email) Division of Water Resources / Water Quality Regional Operations Section / Mooresville Regional Office �n0 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301, Mooresville, North Carolina 28115 TAT®�'thC'a�'®I11�S Phone:: www.ncwater.org 1 Fax: 704 663 60401 Customer Service: 1-877-623 6748 Internet: www.ncwater.org [�6 An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative Action Employer .�, ANNUAL LAND APPLICATION CERTIFICATION FORM NQ Permit#: W Q 0 0 0 2 616 County: S t a n l y Year: 2 013 Facility Name (as shown on permit): City of Albemarle Long Creek Wastewater Treatment Plan Land,Application Operator: Phone:;,,7.Q..4,,..e9,$ 4...,9 6.3.4. Land application of residuals as allowed by the permit occurred during the past calendar year? Yes [3K No - If No, skip Part A, and Part B and proceed to Part C. Also, If residuals wow , generated but not land applied, please attach an explanation on how the residuals were handled E" ` I L HFEB- 5 2014. t Part A - Residuals Anulication Summary:' Total number of application fi Total number of fields utilized for land application during the year. Total amount of dry tons applied during the year for all application sites: Total number of acres utilizes for land application during the year: elds in the permit: u �r err i P • �_ili -. -'i ]i'.Ca.iC'fl Part B - Annual Comaiance Statement: Facility was compliant during calendar year with all conditions of the land application permit (including but not limited to items 1-13 below) issued by the Division of Water Quality. Yes No If no please, provide a written description why the facility was not compliant, the dates, and explain corrective action taken. 1) Only residuals approved for this permit were applied to the permitted sites. 2) Soil pH was adjusted as specified in the permit and lime was applied (if needed) to achieve a soil pH of at least 6.0 or the limit specified in the permit. 3) Annual soils analysis were performed on each site receiving residuals during the past calendar year and three (3) copies of laboratory results are attached. . 4) Annual TCLP analysis (if required) was performed and three (3) copies of certified laboratory results are attached. 5) All other monitoring was performed in accordance with the permit and reported during the year as required and three (3) copies of certified laboratory results are attached. 6) The facility did not exceed any of the Pollutant Concentration Limits in 15A NCAC 02T .1105(a) or the P(&tant Loading Rates in 15A NCAC 02T .1105(b) (applicable to 40 CFR Part 503 regulated facilities). R 7) All general requirements in as specified in the Land Application Permit were complied with (applicable to LeCFRtPart�- 503 regulated facilities). LU N ca) 8) All monitoring and reporting requirements in 15A NCAC 02T .I I I I were complied with (applicable to 40QFR 't C3 503 regulated facilities). t.t.g z .2B 9) All operations and maintenance requirements in the permit were complied with or, in the case of a deviati�q pn`o¢ � authorization was received from the Division of Water Quality. tV C" 10) No contravention of Ground Water Quality Standards occurred at a monitoring well or explanations of violations are attached to include appropriate actions and remediations. 11) Vegetative cover was maintained and proper crop management was performed on each site receing residuals, as specified in the permit. 12) No runoff of residuals from the application sites onto adjacent property or nearby surface waters has occurred. 13) All buffer requirements as specified on the permit were maintained during each application of residuals. Part C - Certification: "I certify, under penalty of law, that the above information is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations/ I i Raymond I. Allen, City Manager Permittee Name and Title (type or print) lam / !7-/ of Permittee 1162911 Date Signature of Preparer* , Date Signature of Land Applier Date (if different from Permittee) (if different from Permittee and .Preparer) . * Preparer is defined in 40 CFR Part 503.9 (r)and 15A NCAC 02T. 1102 (26) DENR FORM ACF (12/2006) elds in the permit: u �r err i P • �_ili -. -'i ]i'.Ca.iC'fl Part B - Annual Comaiance Statement: Facility was compliant during calendar year with all conditions of the land application permit (including but not limited to items 1-13 below) issued by the Division of Water Quality. Yes No If no please, provide a written description why the facility was not compliant, the dates, and explain corrective action taken. 1) Only residuals approved for this permit were applied to the permitted sites. 2) Soil pH was adjusted as specified in the permit and lime was applied (if needed) to achieve a soil pH of at least 6.0 or the limit specified in the permit. 3) Annual soils analysis were performed on each site receiving residuals during the past calendar year and three (3) copies of laboratory results are attached. . 4) Annual TCLP analysis (if required) was performed and three (3) copies of certified laboratory results are attached. 5) All other monitoring was performed in accordance with the permit and reported during the year as required and three (3) copies of certified laboratory results are attached. 6) The facility did not exceed any of the Pollutant Concentration Limits in 15A NCAC 02T .1105(a) or the P(&tant Loading Rates in 15A NCAC 02T .1105(b) (applicable to 40 CFR Part 503 regulated facilities). R 7) All general requirements in as specified in the Land Application Permit were complied with (applicable to LeCFRtPart�- 503 regulated facilities). LU N ca) 8) All monitoring and reporting requirements in 15A NCAC 02T .I I I I were complied with (applicable to 40QFR 't C3 503 regulated facilities). t.t.g z .2B 9) All operations and maintenance requirements in the permit were complied with or, in the case of a deviati�q pn`o¢ � authorization was received from the Division of Water Quality. tV C" 10) No contravention of Ground Water Quality Standards occurred at a monitoring well or explanations of violations are attached to include appropriate actions and remediations. 11) Vegetative cover was maintained and proper crop management was performed on each site receing residuals, as specified in the permit. 12) No runoff of residuals from the application sites onto adjacent property or nearby surface waters has occurred. 13) All buffer requirements as specified on the permit were maintained during each application of residuals. Part C - Certification: "I certify, under penalty of law, that the above information is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations/ I i Raymond I. Allen, City Manager Permittee Name and Title (type or print) lam / !7-/ of Permittee 1162911 Date Signature of Preparer* , Date Signature of Land Applier Date (if different from Permittee) (if different from Permittee and .Preparer) . * Preparer is defined in 40 CFR Part 503.9 (r)and 15A NCAC 02T. 1102 (26) DENR FORM ACF (12/2006) i „ �►�' ' �. Office of Public Utilities Plants Division (704) 984-9630 NCDENR-DWQ Non -Discharge Permitting Unit 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 RE: City of Albemarle City of Albemarle North Carolina January 17, 2014 Long Creek Waste Water Treatment Plant (LCWWTP) Land App Permit #WQ0002616 Annual Certification Form Mailing Address P. O. Box 190 Albemarle, N. C. 28002-0190 Enclosed please find the Annual Land Application Certification Form for the Long Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant indicating no land application of residuals occurred during 2013. Until September 2013, all bio-solids produced at Long Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant were transported to the Water and Sewer Authority of Cabarrus County's Rocky River Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant for incineration. In September 2013, the centrifuge at LCWWTP was placed back in operation and a portion of the bio-solids are now dewatered on site and transported to the City of Albemarle's Solid Waste Facility. In 2013, a bio-solids management study was completed by Municipal Engineering and the results are currently being reviewed by City of Albemarle staff. The City will continue the transportation of bio-solids from LCWWTP to Rocky River for incineration and continue to operate the centrifuge until a better solution can be found. If you have any questions, please contact me at 704-984-9634. Sincerely, Brandon W. Plyler ORC, LCWWTP JAB 2 2014 dater Cc: Ed Hardee, NCDENR Sec percc►���n9 on 1 aQ NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Pat McCrory Governor . Ellen Huntley City of Albemarle Post Office Box 190 Albemarle, NC 28002 Division of Water Quality Charles Wakild, P. E. Director May 16, 2013 Subject: NOTICE OF DEFICIENCY (NOD-2013-PC-0185) .FAILURE TO SUBMIT ANNUAL REPORT Permit No. WQ0002616 City of Albemarle Residuals Land Application Program -Stanly County Dear Ms. Huntley: John E. Skvarla, III 9, M AY 2 0 2013 NCDE;'P,t:'L\i I ®i:'' D - This Notice of Deficiency is being sent to you for failure to submit the 2012 annual report. One of the requirements of your non -discharge permit is the submittal of an annual report to the Division of Water Quality by March 1st of each year. As of this date, our records indicate that the 2012 annual report has not been submitted for the subject facility. Failure to act in accordance with the terms, conditions, or requirements of your permit may result in a recommendation of enforcement action, in accordance with North Carolina General Statute § 143-215.6A. Please respond to this Notice of Deficiency within 15 calendar days of its receipt, either by submitting three copies of the annual report or records. indicating'ihe report was submitted. Submit to: Ed Hardee Division of Water Quality Aquifer Protection Section 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1636 Location: 512 N. Salisbury St. Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Phone: 919-807-64641 FAX: 919-807-64801FAX: 919-807-6496 Internet: www.ncwaterouality.org An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative Action Employer NofthCarohna NaAfrd71iff - a Nothing in this letter should be taken as relieving from you the responsibility for failing to submit the annual report in a timely manner. A decision as to the appropriateness of an enforcement action will be made following the receipt of your response. If you have any questions regarding this letter, please contact Ed Hardee of our Central Office staff at (919) 807-6319. Sincerely, Jon Risgaard, Supervisor Land Application Unit cc Moor" Rlle RegronalOW-,e SPA Permit Files WQ0002616 ANNUAL LAND APPLICATION CERTIFICATION FORM WQ Permit#: WQ0002616 County: Facility Name (as shown on permit): Stanly Year: 2012 Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant d Application Operator: Phone: _ ILd application of residuals as allowed by the permit occurred during the past calendar year? ❑ Yes No - If No, skip Part A, and Part B and proceed to Part C. Also, If residuals were generated but not land applied, please attach an explanation on how the residuals were handled. I Total number of application fields in the permit: I I Total number of fields utilized for land application during the year: Total amount of dry tons applied during the year for all application sites: Total number of acres utilizes for land application during the year: Part B - Annual Compiance Statement: Facility was compliant during calendar year with all conditions of the land application permit (including but not limited to items 1-13 below) issued by the Division of Water Quality. ® Yes [] No If no please, provide a written description why the facility was not compliant, the dates, and explain corrective action taken. 1) Only residuals approved for this permit were applied to the permitted sites. 2) Soil pH was adjusted as specified in the permit and lime was applied (if needed) to achieve a soil pH of at least 6.0 or the limit specified in the permit. 3) Annual soils analysis were performed on each site receiving residuals during the past calendar year and three (3) copies of laboratory results are attached. 4) Annual TCLP analysis (if required) was performed and three (3) copies of certified laboratory results are attached. 5) All other monitoring was performed in accordance with the permit and reported during the year as required and three (3) copies of certified laboratory results are attached. 6) The facility did not exceed any of the Pollutant Concentration Limits in 15A NCAC 02T .1105(a) or the Pollutant Loading Rates in 15A NCAC 02T .1105(b) (applicable to 40 CFR Part 503 regulated facilities). 7) All general requirements in as specified in the Land Application Permit were complied with (applicable to 40 CFR Part 503 regulated facilities). 8) All monitoring and reporting requirements in 15A NCAC 02T .1111 were complied with (applicable to 40 CFR Part 503 regulated facilities). 9) All operations and maintenance requirements in the permit were complied with or, in the case of a deviation, prior authorization was received from the Division of Water Quality. 10) No contravention of Ground Water Quality Standards occurred at a monitoring well or explanations of violations are attached to include appropriate actions and remediations. 11) Vegetative cover was maintained and proper crop management was performed on each site receinV9sidualsF- as ---- specified in the permit. 12) No runoff of residuals from the application sites onto adjacent property or nearby surface waters liar:o"ccurred. 13) All buffer requirements as specified on the permit were maintained during each application of residuals: P,I al 3 0 2013 Part C - Certification: "I certify, under penalty of law, that the above information is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." Permittee Name and Title (type or print) Signature of Permittee Date .� �, Il, w � ��, ��,�,��� ,.� Sal• J3 Si n�kure o afar' AX " Date Signature of Land Applier Date (if diffetentJV Permittee) (if different from Permittee and Preparer) * Prepar is defined in 40 CFR Part 503.9 (r) and 15A NCAC 02T .1102 (26) DEN FORM ACF (12/2006) 't�v yk AIP �sret Office of Public Utilities City of Albemarle Plants Division (704) 984-9630 North Carolina May 23, 2013 Mr. Ed Hardee Division of Water Quality Aquifer Protection Section 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC, 27699 RE: Response to letter on NOD-2013-PC-0185 ,Failure to Submit Annual Report s Permit No. WQ0002616 City of Albemarle Residuals Land Application Program Stanly County Dear Mr. Hardee: Mailing Address P. 0. Box 190 Albemarle, N. C. 28002-0190 RDC&EDIDENRI ft IWAY28?,013 The City of Albemarle did not submit the Annual Land Application Certification Form due to the fact thatthe City of Albemarle. did not land apply during 2012. During 2012, all bio-solids from Long Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant (LCWWTP) were transported to the Water and Sewer Authority of Cabarrus County's Rocky River Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant for incineration. The City will continue the transportation of bio-solids from LCWWTP to Rocky River for disposal until a better solution can be found. Enclosed please find the Annual Land Application Certification Form indicating no land application occurred at the LCWWTP facility during 2012. 1 If you have any questions, please contact me at 704-984-9630. Sincerely, 4641 W. Holly L. Overcash City" of Albemarle Superintendent; of Plants Division . NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Charles Wakild, P.E. Dee Freeman Governor Director Secretary June 5, 2012, CERTIFIED MAIL # 70081300 00001106 5598 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Raymond Allen City of Albemarle Post Office Box 190 Albemarle, NC 28002 Subject: NOTICE OF DEFICIENCY (NOD-2012-PC-0060) FAILURE TO SUBMIT ANNUAL REPORT Permit No. WQ0002616 City of Albemarle Residuals Land Application Program Stanly County Dear Mr. Allen: z� i' u L_" l R. IV K") . -VVQ...'4C-iAt` I_ l Ic?L7. ticlli_ _. This Notice of Deficiency is being sent to you for failure to submit the 2011 annual report. One of the requirements of your non -discharge permit is the submittal of an annual report to the Division of Water Quality by March 1st of each year. As of this date, our records indicate that.the 2011 annual report has not been submitted for the subject facility. Failure to act in accordance with the terms, conditions, or requirements of your permit may result in a recommendation of enforcement action, in accordance with North Carolina General Statute § 143-215.6A. Please respond to this Notice of Deficiency within 15 calendar days of its receipt, either by submitting three copies of the annual report or records, indicating the report was submitted. Submit to: Ed Hardee Division of Water Quality Aquifer Protection Section 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina'27699-1636 Location: 512 N. Salisbury St, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Phone: 919-807-64641 FAX: 919-807-6496 Internet www.ncwatergualitv.om An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative Action Employer ..one :::::::....... NorthCarolina �aturq!! Nothing in this letter should be taken as relieving from you the responsibility for failing to submit the annual report in a timely manner. A decision as to the appropriateness of an enforcement action will be made following the receipt of your response. If you have.any questions regarding this letter, please contact Ed Hardee of our Central Office staff at (919) -807-6319. Sincerely, r Jon Risgaard, Supervisor Land Application Unit cc: VNroregis�nal[�fC A Permit Files WQ0002616 .—I• I---ILc .a 11V1\ <.L`1\ l AX, 11JL111V1\ 1%VPxxavx WQ Permit#: WQ0002616 County: Facility Name (as shown on permit): Stanly Year: 2011 Long Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant Land Application Operator: Phone: =— . LgAnd application of residuals as allowed by the permit occurred during the past calendar Yes ff No - If No, skip Part A, and Part B and proceed to Part C. Also, If resid generated but not land applied, please attach an explanation on how the residuals were It. Part A Residuals Application Summary: Total number of application fields in the permit: Total number of fields utilized for land application during the year: -- - --_— Total amount of dry tons applied during the year for all application sites: �� `� 1- A;--°,: Total number of acres utilizes for land application during the year: Part B - Annual Compiance Statement: Facility was compliant during calendar year with all conditions of the land application permit (including but not limited to items 1-13 below) issued by the Division of Water Quality. Yes Q No -If no please, provide a written description why the facility was not compliant, the dates, and explain corrective action taken. 1) Only residuals approved for this permit were applied to the permitted sites. 2) Soil pH was adjusted as specified in the permit and lime was applied (if needed) to achieve a soil pH of at least 6.0 or the limit specified in the permit. 3) Annual soils analysis were performed on each site receiving residuals during the past calendar year and three (3) copies of laboratory results are attached. 4) Annual TCLP analysis (if required) was performed and three (3) copies of certified laboratory results are attached. 5) All other monitoring was performed in accordance with the permit and reported during the year as required and three (3) copies of certified laboratory results are attached. 6) The facility did not exceed any of the Pollutant Concentration Limits in 15A NCAC 02T .1105(a) or the Pollutant Loading Rates in 15A NCAC 02T .1105(b) (applicable to 40 CFR Part 503 regulated facilities). 7) All general requirements in as specified in the Land Application Permit were complied with (applicable to 40 CFR Part 503 regulated facilities). 8) All monitoring and reporting requirements in 15A NCAC 02T .1111 were complied with (applicable to 40 CFR Part 503 regulated facilities). 9) All operations and maintenance requirements in the permit were complied with or, in the case of a deviation, prior authorization was received from the Division of Water Quality. 10) No contravention of Ground Water Quality Standards occurred at a monitoring well or explanations of violations are attached to include appropriate actions and remediations. 11) Vegetative cover was maintained and proper crop management was performed on each site receing residuals, as specified in the permit. 12) No runoff of residuals from the application sites onto adjacent property or nearby surface waters has occurred. 13) All buffer requirements as specified on the permit were maintained during each application of residuals. Part C - Certification: "I certify, under penalty of law, that the above information is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." � �.►.-.�N �v, c��R, o � -�3-12 Permittee Name and Title (type o 'nt)�I.$.Lc-s��,jLSignature ofPermittee Date Signature ZPm arer* Date Signature of Land Applier Date (if differe t Permittee) (if different from Permittee and Preparer) * Preparer is defined in 40 CFR Part 503.9 (r) and 15A NCAC 02T .1102 (26) DENR FORM ACF (12/2006) k�°ryy�i. Office of Public Utilities Plants Division (704) 984-9630 Mr. Ed Hardee Division of Water Quality Aquifer Protection Section 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC, 27699 City of Albemarle North Carolina June 12, 2012 RE: Response to letter on NOD-2012-PC-0060 Failure to Submit Annual Report Permit No. WQ0002616 City of Albemarle Residuals Land Application Program Stanly County Dear Mr. Hardee: Mailing Address P. O. Box 190 Albemarle, N. C. 28002-0190 "Jar PfOtOdabn section The City of Albemarle did not submit the Annual Land Application Certification Form due to the fact that the City of Albemarle did not land apply during 2011. During 2011, all bio-solids from Long Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant (LCWWTP) were transported to the Water and Sewer Authority of Cabarrus County's Rocky River Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant for incineration.' The City will continue the transportation of bio-solids from LCWWTP to Rocky River for disposal until a better solution can be found. Enclosed please find the Annual Land Application Certification Form indicating no land application occurred at the LCWWTP facility during 2011. If you have any questions, please contact me at 704-984-9630. Sincerely, Holly L. Overcash City of Albemarle Superintendent of Plants Division Page 1 of 1 Rogers, Brian From: hazel, wnod Philip;_ Sent: Monday, March 24, 2008 10:47 AM To: Rogers,. Brian Cc: rs,_E nie- Subject: Fecal Possible Violation for February Brain, We have a possible violation on Fecal for the week of February 25, 2008. If the numbers I received on fecal for the month of February are correct. If they are correct then this problem needs to be solved. We can not have permit violations. — - The situation needs to be corrected. Was�th'efilterbypass open n fecal samples where grabbed during this week in question? The flow ranged from 6.14 mgd to 9.49 mgd that week. This could have been prevented. This will not happen again or someone will have to answer for this problem. Philip Hazelwood Water & Wastewater Superintendent City of Albemarle Phone: 704-984-9630 Fax: 704-984-9629 Email: phazelwood ci.al,bemarle.nc..us 4AJ A ts6--�!(f 4/11/2008 ` North Carolina Philip Hazelwood Water & Sewer Plants Superintendent Phone: 704-984-9630 Fax: 704-984-9629 Email: phaze1wood@ci.albemarle.nc.us Central Files Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Subject: 2008 Land Application Report To whom it may Concern: Public Utilities Department P. O. Box 190 Albemarle, NC 28002-0190 www.ci.albemarle.nc.us Enclosed is The City of Albemarle's Long Creek WWTP, nphcation~�rz�""uai Report. The City's Land Application Program is out of compliance for sampling for the 2008 year. I have relied on the people that were here running the land application program, the in house lab, chief operator and land appliers to make sure all the sampling and testing was done. I have learned that sampling was not done on a quarterly basis in 2008 on the Biosoilds, as required. I have shut down our lab. I am sending all samples to an out side lab that has a guaranteed 10 day turn a round on all samples. I am in the process of hiring an assistant to help to ensure that everything gets completed. All personal had access to the requirements so they had no excuses for not getting the sampling done. I have included copies of all tests that were done from the lab TCLP, fecal, solids analysis, SOUR. The SOUR should not have been run per the instructions I have found on the states web site since then, but since it was all ready run, I included it with all the paper work. If you have any questions feel free to contact me at (704) 984-9630. Any comments you may have are welcome. _ - -- Sincerely, Philip azelwood Water & Sewer Plants Superintendent Enclosure ail ���°� ptOGessic�9 unit 1nf°�`atp�� 01goG ANNUAL LAND APPLICATION CERTIFICATION FORM WQ Permit#: WQ0002616 County: Stanly Year: Facility Name (as shown on permit): City of Albemarle 2008 Land Application Operator: Philip Hazelwood Phone: 704-984-9630 Land application of residuals as allowed by the permit occurred during the past calendar year? ® Yes ❑ No - If No, skip Part A, and Part B and proceed to Part C. Also, If residuals were generated but not land applied, please attach an explanation on how the residuals were handled. Part A - Residuals Application Summary: Total number of application fields in the permit: 6 Total number of fields utilized for land application during the year: 6 Total amount of dry tons applied during the year for all application sites: 385.08 Total number of acres utilizes for land application during the year: 188.16 Part B - Annual Compiance Statement: Facility was compliant during calendar year 2008 with all conditions of the land application permit (including but not limited to items 1-13 below) issued by the Division of Water Quality. ❑ Yes 0 No If no please, provide a written description why the facility was not compliant, the dates, and explain corrective action taken. 1) Only residuals approved for this permit were applied to the permitted sites. 2) Soil pH was adjusted as specified in the permit and lime was applied (if needed) to achieve a soil pH of at least 6.0 or the limit specified in the permit. 3) Annual soils analysis were performed on each site receiving residuals during the past calendar year and three (3) copies of laboratory results are attached. 4) Annual TCLP analysis (if required) was performed and three (3) copies of certified laboratory results are attached. 5) All other monitoring was performed in accordance with the permit and reported during the year as required and three (3) copies of certified laboratory results are attached. 6) The facility did not exceed any of the Pollutant Concentration Limits in 15A NCAC 02T .1105(a) or the Pollutant Loading Rates in 15A NCAC 02T .1105(b) (applicable to 40 CFR Part 503 regulated facilities). 7) All general requirements in as specified in the Land Application Permit were complied with (applicable to 40 CFR Part 503 regulated facilities). 8) All monitoring and reporting requirements in 15A NCAC 02T .1111 were complied with (applicable to 40 CFR Part 503 regulated facilities). 9) All operations and maintenance requirements in the permit were complied with or, in the case of a deviation, prior authorization was received from the Division of Water Quality. 10) No contravention of Ground Water Quality Standards occurred at a monitoring well or explanations of violations are attached to include appropriate actions and remediations. 11) Vegetative cover was maintained and proper crop management was performed on each site receing residuals, as specified in the permit. 12) No runotf of residuals from the application sites onto adjacent property or nearby surface waters has occurred. 13) All buffer requirements as specified on the permit were maintained during each aitl "I certify, under penalty of law, that the above information is, to the best of my kn l�dg� LaUief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information inclgi g the Information processing ni DWQIBOG rnuip ttazemooa water tts Newer Plants Jupertntenaent Signatui�50Preparer*' /Date' Signature of Land Applier mate (if different from Permittee) (if different from Permittee and Preparer) T iulimui ro ucuucu in VTI%- 1-air J3j.7 ki I aiiu 1-�� .1 1vy. ��v DENR FORM ACF (12/2006) ANNUAL RESIDUAL SAMPLING SUMMARY FORM Please note that your permit may contain additional parameters to be analyzed. The parameters can be reported in FORM RSSF - B WQ Permit Number: WQ0002616 Facility Name: City of Ablemarle Residual Source WQ # or NCO024244 NPDES #: WWTP Name: Long Creek WWTP Laboratory: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Tritest Inc. Pace, Analytical Parameter (mpg) Ceiling Cone. Limit Sample or Composite Date 3/3/08 3/3/08 3/3/08 3/3/08 3/3/08 3/3/08 3/3/08 3/3/08 3/3/08 3/3/08 3/3/08 3/3/08 Percent Solids (%) NA 3.76 3.76 3.76 3.76 3.76 3.76 3.76 3.76 3.76 3.76 3.76 3.76 Arsenic 75 5.78 5.78 5.78 5.78 5.78 5.78 5.78 5.78 5.78 5.78 5.78 5.78 Cadmium 85 1.93 ,,.1:93`- 1.93 1.93 1.93 1.93 1.93 1.93 1.93 1.93 1.93 1.93 Copper 4,300 3920 20 3920 3920 3920 3920 3920 3920 3920 3920 3920 3920 Chromium NA 1040 1040 1040 1040 1040 1040 1040 1040 1040 1040 1040 1040 Lead 840 /4:6 2� , 46.2 46.2 46.2 46.2 46.2 46.2 46.2 46.2 46.2 46.2 46.2 n s Mercury 57 1.35 1 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 135 Molybdenum 75 �7-.71 7.71 7.71 7.71 7.71 7.71 7.71 7.71 7.71 7.71 7.71 7.71 Nickel 420 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 Selenium 100 5.78 5,,7�L 5.78 5.78 5.78 5.78 5.78 5.78 5.78 5.78 5.78 5.78 Zinc 7,500 1180 (r1180 �l180 1180 1180 1180 1180 1180 1180 1180 1180 1180 Total Phosphorus NA TKN NA Ammonia -Nitrogen NA Nitrate and Nitrite NA "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false informatio cluding the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." J le:2,9- Signature of arer * ate *Preparer is defined in 40 CFR Part 503.9(r) and 15A NCAC 2T .1102 (26) DENR FORM RSSF (12/2006) ANNUAL, METALS FIELD LOADING SUMMARY FORM* Attach this form to the corresponding Field Loading Summary Form to be submitted in Annual Report Facility Name: Permit #: Operator: Acres Used: of Albemarle Total Dry Tons Applied (Annual): 21.48 WQ0002616 Philip Hazelwood Owner: 21.7 Acres Permitted: Cation Exchange Capacity (non 503 only): 188.16 Site #: Predominant Soil Series: 1 Field #: Residual Analysis Data (Heavy Metals and Total Phosphorus use mg/kg, % Solids use Raw Percent ft Sample or Com- posite Date 1 J 3/3/08 _2j 3/3/08 3 3/3/08 4 3/3/08 5 3/3/08 6 j 3/3/08 7j 3/3/08 8 3/3/08 9 3/3/08 10 3/3/08 11 3/3/08 12 3/3/08 % Solids 3.76 3.76 3.76 1 3.76 3.76 3.76 3.76 3.76 1 3.76 3.76 3.76 1 3.76 Arsenic 1 5.78 5.78 5.78 5.78 5.78 5.78 5.78 5.78 5.78 5.78 5.78 5.78 Cadmium 1.93 1.93 1.93 1.93 1.93 1.93 1.93 1.93 1.93 1.93 1.93 1.93 Copper -3920 3920 3920 3920 3920 3920 3920 3920 3920 3920 3920 3920 Chromium 1040 1040 1040 1040 1040 1040 1040 1040 1040 1040 1040 1040 Lead 46.2 46.2 46.2 46.2 46.2 46.2 46.2 46.2 46.2 46.2 46.2 46.2 Mercury 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 Molyb- denum 7.71 7.71 7.71 7.71 7.71 7.71 7.71 7.71 7.71 7.71 7.71 7.71 Nickel 25 25 25 25 25 1 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 Selenium 5.78 5.78 5.78 5.78 5.78 5.78 5.78 5.78 5.78 5.78 5.78 5.78 Zinc 1180 1180 1180 1180 1180 1180 1180 1180 1180 1180 1180 1180 Total Phos- phorus Annual Heavy Metal Field Loadings (Calculated in lbs/acre): Total 2j 3 4j 5 j61 7 8 9 10 11 12 DT/Ac./ _IJ APP- 14 Event 0.66 0.33 Arsenic 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.008 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.004 0.000 0.011 Cadmium 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.003 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.000 0.004 Copper 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 5.174 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.587 0.000 7.762 Chromium 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.373 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.686 0.000 2.059 Lead 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.061 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.030 0.000 0.091 Mercury 0.000 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.002 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1 0.001 0.000 0.003 Molybdenurn 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.010 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.005 0.000 0.015 enum .0.000 Nickel 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.033 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.017 0.000 0.050 Selenium 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.008 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.004 0.000 0.011 Zinc 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.558 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.779 0.000 2.336 Total Phos- 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 horus "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for wing violations". Sienatu a DDlier Date DENR FORM MFLSF (12/2006) ANNUAL LAND APPLICATION FIELD SUMMARY FORM PLEASE MAKE A COPY OF THIS BLANK FORM TO BE COMPLETED AND SUBMITTED FOR EACH FIELD APPLIED ON Facility Name: Long Creek WWTP Land Owner: City of Albemarle Operator: Philip Hazelwood Crop 1 Name: PLACE A "N/A" IN A BLANK OR BOX WHEN NOT APPLICABLE. WQ Permit #: WQ0002616 Field #: I Annual Dry Tons Applied: 67.7341 Site #: 1 Predominant Soil Series: Crop 1 Max. PAN: Acres Utilized: 21.7 Acres Permitted: 188.16 Cation Exchange Capacity (non 503): Crop 2 Name: Crop 2 Max. PAN: 0 .� O +5 y r~ Q Volume applied PP (enter one) Solids/ Liquid Cu. Yds Gallons % Solids Volume Applied per Acre (Dry Tons/Ac) Residual Sources (NPDES #, WQ#, Fert., Animal Waste, etc) Soil Cond. (Dry, Wet' Moist) Precip. Past 24 Hrs. inches a � 'd cc b F• a a o w �' o o' x � w ., w * w' * =' TKN mg/kg Z �� i~• o ao o R. mglkg Nitrate and Nitrite mg/kg PAN Applied (lbs/acre) Name of Crop Type Receiving Residual Application Crop 1 Crop 2 Crop 1 Crop 2 Jan-07 3.76 0.000 WWTP S 0.5 0.3 1 0.000 NA Fescue Feb-07 3.76 0.000 WWTP S 0.5 0.3 0.000 NA Fescue Mar-07 3.76 0.000 WWTP S 0.5 0.3 0.000 NA Fescue Apr-07 3.76 0.000 WWTP S 0.5 0.3 0.000 NA Fescue May-07 3.76 0.000 WWTP S 0.5 0.3 0.000 NA Fescue Jun-07 288000 3.76 2.081 WWTP S 0.5 0.3 0.000 NA Fescue Jul-07 3.76 0.000 WWTP S 0.5 0.3 0.000 NA Fescue Aug-07 3.76 0.000 WWTP S 0.5 0.3 0.000 NA Fescue Sep-07 3.76 1 0.000 WWTP S 0.5 0.3 0.000 NA Fescue Oct-07 3.76 0.000 WWTP S 0.5 0.3 0.000 NA Fescue Nov-07 144000 3.76 1.040 WWTP S 0.5 0.3 0.000 NA Fescue Dec-07 3.76 0.000 WWTP S 0.5 0.3 0.000 NA Fescue Residuals Applications totals on FORM FSF supp ( attach FORM FSF supp to this form): TOTALS: 01 As Cd Cu Cr Pb Hg Mo Ni Se Zn P 0.0o0 0.0oo Lime Applied Annuallbs/acre 0.011 0.004 7.762 2.059 0.091 0.003 0.015 0.050 0.011 2.336 0.000 Date lbs/ac Prior Years Cumulative lbs/ac 0.839 1.406 462.689 214.978 10.537 0.09 0.907 6.033 0.938 157.937 Current Cumulative lbs/ac 0.850 1.410 470.451 217.037 10.628 0.093 0.922 6.083 0.949 160.273 Permitted C. P. L. R.**** 1 36 34 1 1338 2677 267 15 n/a 374 89 2498 Permit PAN Limit I st/2nd Crop 250 "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility„of fines �n#imprisonment for knowing violations." *Application Method: S - Surface, IN - Injection, INC - Incorporation **Volatilization Rate: Surface - 0.5, Injection/Incorporation - 1.0 of Land 1� Date *** Mineralization Rates: Compost -0.1, anaerobially digested -0.2, aerobically digested -0.3, raw sludge -0.4 ****C.P.L.R.: Cumulative Pollutant Loading Rate DENR FORM FSF (12/2006' ANNUAL METALS FIELD LOADING SUMMARY FORM* Attach this form to the corresponding Field Loading Summary Form to be submitted in Annual R por-t� Facility Name: City of Albemarle Total Dry Tons Applied (Annual): 73.31 Permit #: WQ0002616 Cation Exchange Capacity (non 503 only): Operator: Philip Hazelwood Owner: City of Albemarle Predominant Soil Series: Acres Used: 13.28 Acres Permitted: 188.16 Site #: 2 Field #: �-2---" Residual Analysis Data (Heavy Metals and Total Phosphorus use mg/kg, % Solids use Raw Percent #): Sample or Com- posite Date LIJ 3/3//08 2 3/3//08 _3j 3/3//08 4 3/3//08 5 3/3//08 6 3/3//08 7 3/3//08 8 3/3//08 9 3/3//08 10 3/3//08 11 3/3//08 12 3/3//08 % Solids ' 3.76 3.76 3.76 3.76 3.76 3.76 3.76 3.76 3.76 3.76 1 3.76 3.76 Arsenic 5.76 5.76 5.76 5.76 5.76 5.76 5.76 5.76 5.76 5.76 ' 5.76 5.76 Cadmium 1.93 1.93 1.93 1.93 1.93 1.93 -1.93-:_ �, 1,.93 1.93 1.93 1.93 1.93 Copper 3290 3290 3290 3290 3290 3296..... 3290- -�290 3290 3290 3290 3290 Chromium 1040 1040 1040 1040 1040 1040 1040 1040 1040 1040 1040 1040 Lead 46.2 46.2 46.2 46.2 1 46.2 46.2 46.2 46.2 46.2 46.2 46.2 46.2 Mercury 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 Molyb- denum 7.71 7.71 7.71 7.71 7.71 7.71 7.71 7.71 7.71 7.71 7.71 7.71 Nickel 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 Selenium 5.76 5.76 5.76 5.76 5.76 5.76 ,,5: 76 5.76 5.76 5.76 5.76 Zinc 11.8 11.8 11.8 11.8 11.8 11.8 11.8 JA.8 11.8 11.8 11.8 11.8 Total Phos- horus Annual Heavy Metal Field Loadings (Calculated in lbs/acre): Total 1 _2j 3 4 5 6 71 8 _9j 10 1111 12 DT/Ac./ App• m Event 2.64 1.04 1.84 Arsenic 0.000 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.030 0.000 0.000 1 0.012 0.02 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.06 Cadmium 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.010 0.000 0.000 0.604 0.01 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.02 Copper 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 17.371 0.000 0.000 6.843 12.11 0.000 0.000 0.000 36.32 Chromium 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 5.491 0.000 0.000 2.163 3.83 0.000 0.000 0.000 11.48 Lead 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.244 0.000 0.000 0.096 0.17 0.000 1 0.000 0.000 0.51 Mercury 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.007 0.000 0.000 0.003 1 0.00 0.000 1 0.000 0.000 0.01 Molyb- 0.000 0.000 6.000 0.000 0.041 0.000 0.000 0.016 0.03 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.09 denum Nickel 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.132 0.000 0.000 0.052 0.09 0.000 6.000 0.000 0.28 Selenium 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.030 0.000 0.000 0.012 0.02 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.06 Zinc 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.062 0.000 0.000 0.025 0.04 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.13 Total Phos- 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.00 horus "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations". Signature' and Applier ate DENR FORM MFLSF (12/2006) ANNUAL LAND APPLICATION FIELD SUMMARY FORM PLEASE MAKE A COPY OF THIS BLANK FORM TO BE COMPLETED AND SUBMITTED FOR EACH FIELD APPLIED ON PLACE A "N/A" IN A BLANK OR BOX WHEN NOT APPLICABLE. Facility Name: Long Creek WWTP Land Owner: City of Albemarle Operator: Philip Hazelwood WO Permit #: WQ0002616 Field #: 2 Acres Utilized: 13.28 Annual Dry Tons Applied: 73.3787 Site #: 2 Acres Permitted: Predominant Soil Series: Cation Exchange Capacity (non 503): Crop 1 Name: Fescue Crop 1 Max. PAN: Crop 2 Name: Crop 2 Max. PAN: 188.16 1. Volume applied Volume Residual Sources Conld Precip. -b c F. r Nitrate PAN Applied Name of Crop Type (enter one) Solids/ % Applied per (NPDES #, WQ# Past 24 co ' ?; TKN o o and _ (lbs/acre) Receiving Residual Liquid Solids Acre Fert., Animal (Dry' Wet ems• p R. Nitrite Application Crop 1 Crop 2 Crop 1 Crop 2 A Cu. Yds Gallons (Dry Tons/Ac) Waste, etc) Moist) inches * r3 # a mg/kg mglkg mg/kg Jan-07 3.76 0.000 WWTP S 0.5 0.3 1 1 0.000 NA Fescue Feb-07 3.76 0.000 WWTP S 0.5 0.3 0.000 NA Fescue Mar-07 3.76 0.000 WWTP S 0.5 0.3 0.000 NA Fescue Apr-07 3.76 0.000 WWTP S 0.5 0.3 0.000 NA Fescue May-07 224000 3.76 2.645 WWTP S 0.5 0.3 0.000 NA Fescue Jun-07 3.76 0.000 WWTP S 0.5 0.3 0.000 NA Fescue Jul-07 3.76 0.000 WWTP S 0.5 0.3 0.000 NA Fescue Aug-07 88000 3.76 1.039 WWTP S 0.5 0.3 0.000 NA Fescue Sep-07 156000 3.76 1.842 WWTP S 0.5 0.3 0.000 NA Fescue Oct-07 I 3.76 0.000 WWTP S 0.5 0.3 0.000 NA Fescue Nov-07 1 3.76 0.000 WWTP S 0.5 1 0.3 0.000 NA Fescue Dec-07 3.76 0.000 WWTP S 0.5 1 0.3 0.000 NA Fescue Residuals Applications totals on FORM FSF supp ( attach FORM FSF supp to this form): TOTALS: 0 46s000 , ._ , : As Cd Cu Cr Pb H Mo Ni Se Zn P 0.000 0.000 Lime Applied Annuallbs/acre 0.064 0.021 :36.322 11.482 0.510 0.015 0.085 0.276 0.064 0.130 0.000 Date lbs/ac Prior Years Cumulative lbs/ac 0.761 0.756 342.945 153.051 7.946 0.103 1.51 4.387 0.525 122.26 ' 122.390 2498 Current Cumulative lbs/ac 0.825 0.777 379.267 164.533 8.456 0.118 1.595 . 4.663 0.589 Permitted C. P. L. R.**** 36 34 1338 2677 267 15 n/a 374 89 Permit PAN Limit lst/2nd Crop T777,7T 250 "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evalua the information submitted. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines a9d i3tiprisonment for knowing violations." e*Application Method: S - Surface, IN - Injection, INC - Incorporation **Volatilization Rate: Surface - 0.5, Injection/Incorporation -1.0 Signature of an plier Date Mineralization Rates: Compost -0.1, anaerobially digested -0.2, aerobically digested -0.3, raw sludge -0.4 ****C.P.L.R.: Cumulative Pollutant Loading Rate DENR FORM FSF (1212006) ANNUAL METALS FIELD LOADING SUMMARY FORM* Attach this form to the corresponding Field Loading Summary Form to be submitted in Annual Report Facility Name: City of Albemarle Total Dry Tons Applied (Annual): Permit #: WQ0002616 Cation Exchange Capacity (non 503 only): Operator: Philip Hazelwood Owner: City of Albemarle Predominant Soil Series: Acres Used: 18.74 Acres Permitted: 188.16 Site #: 2 Field 9: 33.22 3 Residual Analysis Data (Heavy Metals and Total Phosphorus use mg/kg, %Solids use Raw Percent #): Sample or Com- posite Date 1 3/3//08 2 3/3//08 _3j 3/3//08 4j 3/3//08 5 3/3//08 6 3/3//08 7 3/3//08 L8J 3/3//08 9j 3/3//08 101 3/3//08 IIJ 3/3//08 12 3/3//08 % Solids 3.76 3.76 3.76 3.76 3.76 3.76 3.76 3.76 3.76 3.76 3.76 3.76 Arsenic 5.76 5.76 5.76 5.76 5.76 5.76 5.76 5.76 5.76 5.76 5.76 5.76 Cadmium 1.93 1.93 1.93 1.93 1.93 1.93 -L93 _ `- .93 1.93 1.93 1.93 1.93 Copper 3290 3290 3290 3290 3290 3,290 3290- 3290 3290 3290 3290 3290 Chromium 1040 1040 1040 1040 1040 040 -ltM 1040 1040 1040 1040 1040 Lead 46.2 46.2 46.2 46.2 46.2 46.2 46.2 46.2 46.2 46.2 46.2 46.2 .'Mercury 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 Molyb- denum 7.71 7.71 7.71 7.71 7.71 7.71 7.71 7.71 7.71 7.71 7.71 7.71 Nickel 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 Selenium 5.76 5.76 5.76 5.76 5.76 5.76 5J6 5.76 5.76 5.76 5.76 Zinc 11.8 11.8 11.8 11.8 11.8 11.8/1'11.8,-r`11.8 11.8 11.8 11.8 11.8 Total Phos- phorus .... Annual Heavy Metal Field Loadings (Calculated in lbs/acre): Total 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 jj 10 11 12 _jj DT/Ac./ App- Event 0.47 0.60 0.70 Arsenic 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.005 0.007 0.000 0.008 0.000 0.000 0.020 Cadmium 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.002 0.002 0.000 0.003 0.000 0.000 0.007 Copper 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 3.079 3.961 0.000 4.624 0.000 0.000 11.665 Chromium 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.973 1.252 0.000 1.462 0.000 0.000 3.687 Lead 0.000 0.000 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.043 0.056 1 0.000 0.065 1 0.000 0.000 0.164 Mercury 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.002 0.000 0.002 0.000 0.000 1 0.005 Molyb- 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.007 0.009 0.000 0.011 0.000 0.000 1 0.027 denum Nickel 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.023 0.030 0.000 0.035 0.000 0.000 0.089 Selenium 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.600 0.000 0.005 0.007 0.000 0.008 0.000 0.000 0.020 Zinc 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.011 0.014 0.000 0.017 0.000 0.000 0.042 Total Phos- 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 horus "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonme for knowing violations". // r Signati, of Land Applier ate DENR FORM MFLSF (12/2006) ANNUAL LAND APPLICATION FIELD SUMMARY FORM PLEASE MAKE A COPY OF THIS BLANK FORM TO BE COMPLETED AND SUBMITTED FOR EACH FIELD APPLIED ON Facility Name: Long Creek WWTP Land Owner: City of Albemarle PLACE A "N/A" IN A BLANK OR BOX WHEN NOT APPLICABLE. WQ Permit #: WQ0002616 Field #: 3 Annual Dry Tons Applied: 33.2399 ' Site #: 2 Operator: Philip Hazelwood Predominant Soil Series: Crop 1 Name: Crop 1 Max. PAN: Crop 2 Name: Acres Utilized: 18.74 Acres Permitted: 188.16 Cation Exchange Capacity (non 503): Crop 2 Max. PAN: w .c 15 Ca Volume applied (enter one) Solids/ Liquid Cu. Yds Gallons % Solids Volume Applied per Acre (Dry Tons/Ac) Residual Sources (NPDES #, WQ#, Fert., Animal Waste, etc) Soil Cond. D ( �' Mist) Precip. Past 24 ems• inches Y � b c� C �C a * p o w w R # p %e cc i , Q * �' w * °a TKN mg/kg Z � o o oo p w• mg/kg Nitrate and Nitrite mg/kg PAN Applied PP . (lbs/acre) Name of Crop Type Receiving Residual Application Crop 1 Crop 2 Crop 1 Crop 2 Jan-07 3.76 0.000 WWTP S 0.5 0.3 0.000 NA Fescue Feb-07 3.76 0.000 WWTP S 0.5 0.3 0.000 NA , Fescue Mar-07 3.76 0.000 WWTP S 0.5 0.3 0.000 NA Fescue Apr-07 3.76 0.000 WWTP S 0.5 0.3 0.000 NA Fescue May-07 3.76 0.000 WWTP S 0.5 0.3 0.000 NA Fescue Jun-07 3.76 0.000 WWTP S 0.5 0.3 0.000 NA Fescue Jul-07 56000 3.76 0.469 WWTP S 0.5 0.3 0.000 NA Fescue Aug-07 72000 3.76 0.602 WWTP S 0.5 0.3 0.000 NA Fescue Sep-07 3.76 0.000 WWTP S 0.5 0.3 0.000 NA Fescue Oct-07 84000 3.76 0.703 WWTP S 0.5 0.3 0.000 NA Fescue Nov-07 3.76 0.000 WWTP S 0.5 0.3 0.000 NA Fescue Dec-07 TOTALS: 0 212000 3.76 0.000 As WWTP I S 0.5 0.3 Residuals Applications totals on FORM FSF supp ( attach FORM FSF supp to this form): Cd Cu Cr Pb H Mo Ni Se Zn P 0.000 0.000 NA 0.000 Fescue Lime Applied Annuallbs/acre 0.020 0.007 11.665 1 3.687' 0.164 0.005 0.027 0.089 0.020 0.042 0.000 250 _? Date lbs/ac Prior Years Cumulative lbs/ac 0.063 0.591 280.45 106.617 5.926 0.11 1.722 4.536 0.0517 95.821 Current Cumulative lbs/ac 0.083 0.598 292.115 110.304 6.090' 0.115 1.749 4.625 0.072 95.863 Permitted C. P. L. R. 36 34 1338 2677 267 15 n/a 374 89 2498 Permit PAN Limit I st/2nd Crop "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, ingluding the possibility of fin nd imprisonment for knowing violations." *Application Method: S - Surface, IN - Injection, INC - Incorporation **Volatilization Rate: Surface - 0.5, Injection/Incorporation - 1.0 *** Mineralization Rates: Compost -0.1, anaerobially digested -0.2, aerobically digested -0.3, raw sludge -0.4 ****C.P.L.IL: Cumulative Pollutant Loading: Rate DENR FORM FSF (12/2006) ANNUAL METALS FIELD LOADING SUMMARY FORM* Attach this form to the corresponding Field Loading Summary Form to be submitted in Annual Report Facility Name: Long Creek WWTP Total Dry Tons Applied (Annual): Permit #: WQ0002616 Cation Exchange Capacity (non 503 only): Operator: :2nfSmith Owner: City of Albemarle Predominant Soil Series: Acres Used: W5_Ac es Permitted: 188.16 Site #: 2 Field #: 27.44 Residual Analysis Data (Heavy Metals and Total Phosphorus use mg/kg, % Solids use Raw Percent #): Sample or Com- posite Date --IJ 3/3//08 L2J_3j 3/3//08 3/3//08 4 J 3/3//08 5j 3/3//08 6 3/3//08 7j 3/3//08 81 3/3//08 9j 3/3//08 101 3/3//08 ILI 3/3//08 12 3/3//08 % Solids 3.76 1 3.76 3.76 3.76 3.76 3.76 3.76 3.76 3.76 3.76 1 3.76 3.76 Arsenic 5.76 5.76 5.76 5.76 5.76 5.76 5.76 5.76 5.76 5.76 5.76 5.76 Cadmium 1.93 1.93 1.93 1.93 1.93 1.93 1.93 1.93 1.93 1.93 1.93 1.93 Copper 3290 3290 3290 3290 3290 3290 3290 3290 3290 3290 3290 3290 Chromium 1040 1040 1 1040 1040 1040 1040 1040 .1040 1 1040 1040 1040 1040 Lead 46.2 46.2 46.2 46.2 46.2 46.2 46.2 46.2 46.2 46.2 46.2 46.2 Mercury 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 L35 1.35 Molyb- denum 7.71 7.71 7.71 7.71 7.71 7.71 7.71 7.71 7.71 7.71 7.71 7.71 Nickel 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 Selenium 5.76 5.76 5.76 5.76 5.76 5.76 5.76 5.76 5.76 5.76 5.76 5.76 Zinc 11.8 11.8 11.8 11.8 11.8 11.8 11.8 11.8 11.8 11.8 11.8 11.8 Total Phos- horus Annual Heavy Metal Field Loadings (Calculated in lbs/acre): Total LIJ 2 3j 4, 5 6 7 Bj 9 10 11 12 DT/Ac./ 0 App. Event 0.05 0.13 0.27 14 Arsenic 0.000 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.002 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.003 0.000 0.000 0.005 Cadmium 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.002 Copper 0.000 0.329 0.000 0.000 0.882 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.770 0.000 0.000 2.981 Chromium 0.000 0.104 0.000 0.000 0.279 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.560 0.000 0.000 0.942 Lead 0.000 0.005 0.000 0.000 0.012 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.025 0.000 0.000 0.042 Mercury 0.000 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.001 1 0.000 0.000 0.001 Molyb- 0.000 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.002 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.004 0.000 0.000 0.007 denum .0.000 Nickel 0.000 0.003 0.000 0.000 0.007 0.000 0.000 ' 0.000 .0.000 0.013 0.000 0.000, 0.023 Selenium 0.000 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.002 0.000 "0.000 0.'000 0.000 0.003 0.000 0.000 0.005 Zinc 0.000 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.003 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.006 0.000 0.000 0.011 Total Phos- 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 horus "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations". U .� Sign a of Land Appher ate DENR FORM MFLSF (12/2006) ANNUAL LAND APPLICATION FIELD SUMMARY FORM PLEASE MAKE A COPY OF THIS BLANK FORM TO BE COMPLETED AND SUBMITTED FOR EACH FIELD APPLIED ON Facility Name: Long Creek WWWTP Land Owner: City of Albemarle Operator: Gary Smith Crop 1 Name: Fescue PLACE A "N/A" IN A BLANK OR BOX WHEN NOT APPLICABLE. WQ Permit #: WQ0002616 Field #: 4 Annual Dry Tons Applied: 27.5954 Site #: 2 Predominant Soil Series: Crop 1 Max. PAN: Acres Utilized: 60.58 Acres Permitted: 188.16 Cation Exchange Capacity (non 503): Crop 2 Name: Crop 2 Max. PAN: ° *� ° � QLiquid Volume applied (enter one Solids/ Cu. Yds Gallons % Solids Volume Applied per Acre (Dry Tona/Ac) Residual Sources (NPDES #, WQ#, Fert., Animal Waste, etc) Soil Cond. (Dry,e Moist) Precip. Past 24 Hrs• inches Y b 0 �, �. °� o d o .r w �. �: * w p 7y 5 ?: �, �, * TKN mg/kg z a o � o p w mglkg Nitrate and Nitrite mglkg PAN Applied (]bs/acre) Name of Crop Type Receiving Residual Application Crop 1 Crop 2 Crop 1 Crop 2 Jan-06 3.76 0.000 WWTP S 0.5 0.3 0.000 NA Fescue Feb-06 20000 3.76 0.052 WWTP S 0.5 0.3 0.000 NA Fescue Mar-06 3.76 0.000 WWTP S 0.5 0.3 -0.000 NA Fescue Apr-06 3.76 0.000 WWTP S 0.5 0.3 0.000 NA Fescue May-06 52000 3.76 0.135 WWTP S 0.5 0.3 0.000 NA Fescue Jun-06 3.76 0.000 WWTP S 0.5 0.3 0.000 NA Fescue Jul-06 3.76 0.000 WWTP S 0.5 0.3 0.000 NA Fescue Aug-06 3.76 0,000 WWTP S 0.5 0.3 0.000 NA Fescue Sep-06 3.76 0.000 WWTP S 0.5 0.3 0:000 NA Fescue Oct-06 104000 3.76 0.269 WWTP S 0.5 0.3 0.000 NA Fescue Nov-06 3.76 0.000 WWTP S 0.5 0.3 0.000 NA Fescue Dec-06 3.76 0.000 WWTP S 0.5 0.3 0.000 NA Fescue TOTALS: 0 176000 } As Residuals Applications totals Cd Cu Cr on FORM FSF supp (attach FORM FSF supp to this form): Pb Hg Mo Ni Se Zn P moo 0.000 M" , Lime Applied � Annuallbs/acre 0.005 0.002 2.981 0.942 0.042 0.001 0.007 0.023 0.005 0.011 0.000 58.956 58.967 i` 2498 250 Date lbs/ac Prior Years Cumulative lbs/ac 0.336 0.198 180.266 97.642 5.417 0.043 0.065 2.718 0.0349 Current Cumulative lbs/ac 0.341 0.200 183.247 98.584 5.459 0.044 0.072 2.741 0.040 Permitted C. P. L. R.**** Permit PAN Limit Ist/2nd Crop 36 34 1338 x x 2677 367 15 374 89 F r ... "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, includi the possibility of fines and1 imprisonment for knowing violations." *Application Method: S - Surface, IN - Injection, INC - Incorporation **Volatilization Rate: Surface - 0.5, Injection/Incorporation - 1.0 ature of Land Date * �* Mineralization Rates: Compost -0.1, anaerobially digested -0.2, aerobically digested -0.3, raw sludge -0.4 ****C.P.L.R: Cumulative Pollutant Loading Rate DENR FORM FSF (12/2006) ANNUAL METALS FIELD LOADING SUMMARY FORM* Attach this form to the corresponding Field Loading Summary Form to be submitted in Annual Report Facility Name: City of Albemarle Total Dry Tons Applied (Annual): 91.47 Permit #: WQ0002616 Cation Exchange Capacity (non 503 only): Operator: Philip Hazelwood Owner: City of Albemarle Predominant Soil Series: Acres Used: 39.19 Acres Permitted: 188.16 Site #: 2 Field #: 5 Residual Analysis Data (Heavy Metals and Total Phosphorus use mg/kg, % Solids use Raw Percent #): Sample or Com- posite Date 1 3/3//08 2 3/3//08 _.2j 3/3//08 4 3/3//08 5 3/3//08 6 3/3//08 7 3/3//08 8 3/3//08 9j 3/3//08 10 3/3//08 11j 3/3//08 12 3/3//08 % Solids 3.76 3.76 3.76 3.76 3.76 3.76 3.76 3.76 1 3.76 3.76 1 3.76 3.76 Arsenic 5.76 5.76 5.76 5.76 5.76 5.76 5.76 5.76 5.76 5.76 5.76 5.76 Cadmium 1.93 1.93 1.93 1.93 1.93 1.93 1.93 1.93 1.93 1.93 1.93 1.93 Copper 3290 3290 3290 3290 3290 3290 3290 3290 3290 3290 3290 3290 Chromium 1040 1040 1040 1040 1040 1040 1040 1040 1040 1040 1040 1040 Lead 46.2 46.2 46.2 46.2 '46.2 46.2 46.2 46.2 46.2 46.2 46.2 46.2 Mercury 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 Molyb- denum 7.71 7.71 7.71 7.71 7.71 7.71 7.71 7.71 7.71 7.71 7.71 7.71 Nickel 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 Selenium 5.76 5.76 5.76 5.76 5.76 5.76 5.76 5.76 5.76 5.76 5.76 5.76 Zinc 11.8 11.8 11.8 11.8 11.8 11.8 11.8 11.8 11.8 11.8 11.8 11.8 Total Phos- phorus Annual Heavy Metal Field Loadings (Calculated in lbs/acre): Total 1 2 j3 4 5 6 7j 8j 9 j10 2j H DT/Ac./ C App- Event 0.21 0.43 0.74 0.67 0.29 Arsenic 0.002 1 0.005 0.008 0.008 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.003 0.000 0.000 0.027 Cadmium 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.003 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.009 Copper 1.369 2.843 4.843 4.409 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.895 0.000 0.000 15.358 Chromium 0.433 0.899 1.531 1.394 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.599 0.000 0.000 4.855 Lead 0.019 0.040 0.068 0.062 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.027 0.000 0.000 0.216 Mercury 0.001 0.001 0.002 0.002 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.006 Molyb- 0.003 0.007 0.011 0.010 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.004 0.000 0.000 0.036 denum ' 1 Nickel 0.010 0.022 0.037 0.034 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.014 0.000 0.000 0.117 Selenium 0.002 0.005 0.008 0.008 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.003 0.000 0.000 0.027 Zinc 0.005 0.010 0.017 0.016 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.007 0.000 0.000 0.055 Total Phos- 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 horus "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations". g"nat dg n4 AppIier 1-11 ate DENR FORM MFLSF (12/2006) ANNUAL LAND APPLICATION FIELD SUMMARY FORM PLEASE MAKE A COPY OF THIS BLANK FORM TO BE COMPLETED AND SUBMITTED FOR EACH FIELD APPLIED ON Facility Name: Long Creek WWTP Land Owner: City of Albemarle Operator: Philip Hazelwood Crop 1 Name: PLACE A "N/A" IN A BLANK OR BOX WHEN NOT APPLICABLE. WQ Permit #: WQ0002616 Field #: 5 Annual Dry Tons Applied: 91.5665 Site #: 2 Predominant Soil Series: Crop 1 Max. PAN: Crop 2 Name: Acres Utilized: 39.19 Acres Permitted: 188.16 Cation Exchange Capacity (non 503): Crop 2 Max. PAN: .c a0i � Q Volume applied (enter one) Solids/ Liquid Cu. Yds Gallons % Solids Volume Applied per Acre (Dry Tons/Ac) Residual Sources (NPDES #, WQ#, Fert., Animal Waste, etc) Soil Cond. D ( ry' Wet, Moist) Precip. Past 24 H's• inches Y b � � o ?' ac' o .� w * *C °p 7� cc * N' 1?' T� mg/kg Z Ft � o �' mg/kg Nitrate and Nitrite mg/kg PAN Applied PP (lbs/acre) Name of Crop Type Receiving Residual Application Crop 1 Crop 2 Crop 1 Crop 2 Jan-07 52000 3.76 0.208 WWTP S 0.5 0.3 0.000 NA Fescue Feb-07 108000 3.76 0.432 WWTP S 0.5 0.3 0.000 NA Fescue Mar-07 184000 3.76 0.736 WWTP S 0.5 0.3 0.000 NA Fescue Apr-07 168000 3.76 0.672 WWTP S 0.5 0.3 0.000 NA Fescue May-07 3.76 0.000 WWTP S 0.5 0.3 0.000 NA Fescue Jun-07 3.76 0.000 WWTP S 0.5 0.3 0.000 NA Fescue Jul-07 3.76 0.000 WWTP S 0.5 0.3 0.000 NA Fescue Aug-07 3.76 0.000 WWTP S 0.5 0.3 0.000 NA Fescue Sep-07 3.76 0.000 WWTP S 0.5 0.3 0.000 NA Fescue Oct-07 72000 3.76 0.288 WWTP S 0.5 0.3 0.000 NA Fescue Nov-07 3.76 0.000 WWTP S 0.5 0.3 0.000 NA Fescue Dec-07 3.76 0.000 WWTP S 0.5 0.3 0.000 NA Fescue TOTALS: 0 584000 W AS Residuals Applications totals on FORM FSF supp ( attach FORM FSF supp to this form): Cd Cu Cr Pb H Mo Ni Se Zn P o.000 0.00o Lime Applied Annual lbs/acre 0.027 0.009 15.358 - 4.855 0.216 0.006 0.036 0.117 0.027 0.055 0.000 k r Date lbs/ac Prior Years Cumulative lbs/ac 0.412 0.416 175.005 54.948 3.416 0.054 0.438 2.688 0.338 88.691 Current Cumulative lbs/ac 0.439 0.425 190.363 59.803 3.632 0.060 0.474 2.805 0.365 88.746 Permitted C. P. L. R.**** 36 34 1338 2677 267 15 n/a 374 89 2498 Permit PAN Limit 1st/2nd Crop # .H., . :. .,. , _. , 250 "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibilitf tjnes and imprisonment for ljnowing violations." *Application Method: S - Surface, IN - Injection, INC - Incorporation **Volatilization Rate: Surface - 0.5, Injection/Incorporation - 1.0 *** Mineralization Rates: Compost -0.1, anaerobially digested -0.2, aerobically digested -0.3, raw sludge -0.4 ****C.P.L.R.: Cumulative Pollutant Loading Rate DENR FORM FSF (12/2006) ANNUAL METALS FIELD LOADING SUMMARY FORM* Attach this form to the corresponding Field Loading Summary Form to be submitted in Annual Report Facility Name: City of Albemarle Total Dry Tons Applied (Annual): 91.27 Permit #: WQ0002616 Cation Exchange Capacity (non 503 only): Operator: Philip Hazelwood Owner: City of Albemarle Predominant Soil Series: Acres Used: 34.67 Acres Permitted: 188.16 Site #: 3 Field #: 6 Residual Analysis Data (Heavy Metals and Total Phosphorus use mg/kg, % Solids use Raw Percent #): Sample or Com- posite Date 1 3/3/08 2 3/3/08 3 3/3/08 4 3/3/08 5 3/3/08 _6j 3/3/08 7 3/3/08 8 3/3/08 9 3/3/08 101 3/3/08 11 3/3/08 12 3/3/08 % Solids 3.76 3.76 3.76 3.76 1 3.76 3.76 3.76 3.76 3.76 3.76 3.76 3.76 Arsenic 5.76 5.76 5.76 5.76 5.76 5.76 5.76 5.76 5.76 5.76 5.76 5.76 Cadmium 1.93 1.93 1.93 1.93 1.93 1.93 1.93 1.93 1.93 1.93 1.93 1.93 Copper 3290 3290 3290 3290 3290 3290 3290 3290 3290 3290 3290 3290 Chromium 1040 1040 1040 1040 1040 1040 1040 1040 1040 1040 1040 1040 Lead 46.2 1 46.2 46.2 46.2 46.2 46.2 46.2 46.2 46.2 46.2 46.2 46.2 Mercury 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 Molyb- denum 7.71 7.71 7.71 7.71 7.71 7.71 7.71 7.71 7.71 7.71 7.71 7.71 Nickel 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 Selenium 5.76 5.76 5.76 5.76 5.76 5.76 5.76 5.76 5.76 5.76 5.76 5.76 Zinc 11.8 11.8 11.8 11.8 11.8 11.8 11.8 11.8 11.8 11.8 11.8 11.8 Total Phos- horus Annual Heavy Metal Field Loadings (Calculated in lbs/acre): Total 2 3 4 5 6 7j 8j 9 10 11 12 _Lj DT/Ac./ APP• V Event 1.18 1.15 0.31 Arsenic 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.014 0.013 0.004 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.030 Cadmium 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.005 0.004 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.00.0 0.010 Copper 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 7.732 7.567 2.023 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 17.322 Chromium 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.444 2.392 0.640 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 5.476 Lead 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.109 0.106 0.028 0.000 0.000 1 0.000 0.000 0.243 Mercury 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.003 0.003 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1 0.007 Molyb- 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.018 0.018 0.005 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.041 denum Nickel 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.059 0.058 0.015 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.132 Selenium 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.014 0.013 0.004 0.000 0.000 .0.000 0.000 0.030 Zinc 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.028 0.027 0.007 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.062 Total. Phos- 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 horus "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. I am aware that there are significant penalties fo s bmitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment f r knowing violations". Signa and Applier ate DENR FORM MFLSF (12/2006) ANNUAL LAND APPLICATION FIELD SUMMARY FORM PLEASE MAKE A COPY OF THIS BLANK FORM TO BE COMPLETED AND SUBMITTED FOR EACH FIELD APPLIED ON PLACE A "N/A" IN A BLANK OR BOX WHEN NOT APPLICABLE. Facility Name: Long Creek WWTP Land Owner: City of Albemarle Operator: Philip Hazelwood Crop 1 Name: WQ Permit #: WQ0002616 Field #: 6 Annual Dry Tons Applied: 91.5665 Site #: 3 Acres Permitted: 188.16 Predominant Soil Series: Cation Exchange Capacity (non 503):' Crop 1 Max. PAN: Crop 2 Name: Acres Utilized: 34.67 Crop 2 Max. PAN: o 5. Q Volume applied (enter one) Solids/ Liquid Cu. Yds Gallons % Solids Volume Applied per Acre (Dry Tons/Ac) Residual Sources (NPDES # WQ#, Fert., Animal Waste, etc) Soil Cond. - D ( (Dry, Moist) Precip. Past 24 ems• inches Y co b c a * c w * * °a S ^y 1 * w 0 TKN mg/kg Z o c as ; w' mg/kg Nitrate and ' Nitrite mg/kg PAN Applied (lbs/acre) Name of Crop Type ReceivingResidual Application Crop I Crop 2 Crop 1 Crop 2 Jan-07 3.76 0.000 WWTP S 0.5 0.3 0.000 NA Fescue Feb-07 3.76 0.000 WWTP S 0.5 0.3 0.000 NA Fescue Mar-07 3.76 0.000 WWTP S 0.5 0.3 -0.000 NA Fescue Apr-07 3.76 0.000 WWTP S 0.5 0.3 0.000 NA Fescue May-07 3.76 0.000 WWTP S 0.5 0.3 0.000 NA Fescue Jun-07 260000 3.76 1.176 WWTP S 0.5 0.3 0.000 NA Fescue Jul-07 256000 3.76 1.158 WWTP S 0.5 0.3 0.000 NA Fescue Aug-07 68000 3.76 0.308 WWTP S 0.5 0.3 0.000 NA Fescue Sep-07 3.76 0.000 WWTP S 0.5 0.3 0.000 NA Fescue Oct-07 3.76 0.000 WWTP S 0.5 0.3 0.000 NA Fescue Nov-0 7 3.76 0.000 WWTP S 0.5 0.3 0.000 NA Fescue Dec-07 3.76 0.000 WWTP S 0.5 0.3 0.000 NA Fescue Residuals Applications totals on FORM FSF supp ( attach FORM FSF supp to this form): TOTALS: 0 584000 5_: AS Cd Cu Cr Pb H Mo Ni Se Zn P o.000 O.oOo Lime Applied Annuallbs/acre 0.030 0.010 17.322 5.476 0.243 0.007 0.041 0.132 .0.030 0.062 0.000 ' Date lbs/ac Prior Years Cumulative lbs/ac Current Cumulative lbs/ac 0.774 0.804 0.501 0.511 186.972 204.294 51.209 56.685 3.625 3.868 0.1 0.107 1.785 1.826 2.358 2.490 0.622 56.381 0.652 56.443 89 2498 �' Permitted C. P. L. R.**** Permit PAN Limit 1st/2nd Crop„ 36 34 1338 2677 w 267 ..� 15 �. n/a 374 250 "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated theYformation. submitted. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and impr,X6nment for knowingVolations." *Application Method: S - Surface, IN - Injection, INC - Incorporation **Volatilization Rate: Surface - 0.5, Injection/Incorporation -1.0 lure of Land App ' Date Mineralization Rates: Compost -0.1, anaerobially digested -0.2, aerobically digested -0.3, raw sludge -0.4 ****C.P.L.R.: Cumulative Pollutant Loading Rate DENR FORM FSF (12/2006) ANNUAL PATHOGEN AND VECTOR ATTRACTION REDUCTION FORM (503 Rules) Facility Name: City of Albemarle WQ Permit Number: WQ0002616 WWTP Name: Long Creek WWTP NPDES Number: NCO024244 Monitoring Period: From l/l/2008 To 3/31/2008 Pathogen Reduction (40 CFR 503.32) - Please indicate level achieved and alternative performed: Class A: Alternative 1 ❑ Alternative 2 ❑ Alternative 3 ❑ Alternative 4 ❑ Alternative 5 ❑ Alternative 6 ❑ r. If applicable to alternative performed (Class A only) indicate "Process to Further Reduce Pathogens": Compost 01 Heat Drying ❑ Heat Treatment ❑ Thermophilic ❑ Beta Ray ❑ Gamma Ray ❑ Pasteurization ❑ d"la�. Alternative 1 ❑ Alternative 2 ❑ ® If aapplicable to alternative performed (Class B only) indicate "Process to Significantly Reduce Pathogens": Lime Stabilization ❑ Air Drying ❑ Composting ❑ JAerobie Digestion ❑ Anaerobic Digestion ❑ If applicable to alternative performed (Class A or Class B) complete the following monitoring data: Allowable Level Pathogen Density Number of Frequency Sample Analytical Parameter in Sludge Excee- of Analysis Tech - Parameter Minimum Geo. Mean Maximum Units e Y Type �-- �2 x 10 to the niaue MPN _ - 6thP, ower per gram of Fecal Coliform total solids CFU I000 mpn per gram -/� of total solid (dry weight) Salmonella bacteria 3 NTN per 4 grams (in lieu of fecal total solid (dry V fg, r 7 9+T" `ti5MRIedvirtion (40 CFR 503.33) - Please indicate option Derformed: Alt.l (VS reduction) ❑ Alt. 2 (40-day bench) ❑ Alt. 3 (30-day bench) ❑ Alt. 4 (Spec. Oz uptake) Alt. 5 (14-Day Aerobic) ❑ Alt. 6 (Alk. Stabilization ❑ Alt 7 (Drying - Stable) ❑ JAlt. 8 (Drying - Unstable) ❑ Alt. 9 (Injection) ❑ Alt. 10 (Incorporation) ❑ No vector attraction reduction alternatives were performed ❑ CUTAFICATION STATEMENT (please check the appropriate statement) ❑ "I certify, under penalty of law, that the pathogen requirements in 40 CFR 503.32 and the vector ttraction reduction requirement in 40 CFR 503.33 have been met." ❑ eI certify, under penalty of law, that the pathogen requirements in 40 CFR 503.32 and the vector attraction reduction requirement in 40 CFR 503.33 have not been met." (Please note if you check this statement attach an explanation why you have not met one or both of the requirements.) "This determination has been made under my direction and supervision in accordance with the system designed to ensure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information used to determine that the pathogen and vector attraction reduction requirements have been met. I am aware that there are significant penalties for false certification including fine and imprisonment." Philip Hazelwood Water & Sewer Superintendent Preparer Name and Title (type or print) Land Applier Name and Title (if applicable)(type or print) -21 Signature Mf eparer* ate Signature of Land Applier (if applicable) Date *Preparer is defined in 40 CFR Part 503.9(r) and 15A NCAC 2T .1102 (26) DENR FORM PVRF 503 (12/2006) 'ANNUAL PATHOGEN AND VECTOR ATTRACTION REDUCTION FORM (02T Rules) Facility Name: City of Albemarle WWTP Name: Long Creek WWTP Monitoring Period: From 1/1/2008 To WQ Permit Number: NPDES Number: 3/31/2008 WQ0002616 NCO024244 . Alt.I (VS reduction) ❑ Alt. 2 (40-day bench) ❑ Alt. 3 (30-day bench) ❑ Alt. 4 (Spec. OZ uptake) 0 Alt. 5 (14-Day Aerobic) ❑ Alt. 6 (Alk. Stabilization ❑ Alt 7 (Drying - Stable) ❑ JAIL 8 (Drying - Unstable) ❑ Alt. 9 (Injection) ❑ JAIL 10 (Incorporation) ❑ No vector attraction reduction alternatives were performed ❑ CERTIFICATION STATEMENT (please check the appropriate statement) ❑ "I certify, under penalty of law, that the pathogen requirements in 15A NCAC 02T .1106 and the vector attraction reduction requirement in 15A NCAC 02T .1107 have been met." ❑ "I certify, under penalty of law, that the pathogen requirements in 15A NCAC 02T .1106 and the vector attraction reduction requirement in 15A NCAC 02T .1107 have not been met." (Please note if you check this statement attach an explanation why you have not met one or both of the requirements.) "This determination has been made under my direction and supervision in accordance with the system designed to ensure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information used to determine that the pathogen and vector attraction reduction requirements have been met. I am aware that there are significant penalties for false certification including fine and imprisonment." Philip Hazelwood Water & Sewer Superintendent Preparer Name and Title (type or print) Land Applier Name and Title (if applicable)(type or print) ell Signat reparer* „- *ate4�Signature of Land Applier (if applicable) Date *Preparer is defined in 40 CFR Part 503.9(r) and 15A NCAC 2T .1102 (26) DENR FORM PVRF 02T (12/2006) ANNUAL PATHOGEN AND VECTOR ATTRACTION REDUCTION FORM (02T Rules) Facility Name: City of Albemarle WWTP Name: Long Creek WWTP Monitoring Period: From 10/1/2008 To Pathogen Reduction (15A NCAC 02T .1106) - Please indicate level achieved and alternative performed: Class A: Alt. A (time/temp) ❑ 1 Alt B (Alk Treatment) ❑ 1 Alt. C (Prior Testing)❑ fi A1t.D (No Prior Test) ❑ Process to Further Reduce Pathogengs [3 If applicable to alternative performed (Class A only) indicate "Process to Further Reduce Pathogens": Compost ❑ Heat Drying ❑ Heat Treatment ❑ Thermophilic ❑ Beta Ray ❑' Gamma Ray ❑ Pasteurization ❑ „ Alt. (1) Fecal Density 0 Alt. (2) Process to Significantly Reduce Pathogens ❑ If applicable to alternative performed (Class B only) indicate "Process to Significantly Reduce Pathogens": Lime Stabilization ❑ Air Drying ❑ Composting ❑ jAerobic Digestion ❑ Anaerobic Digestion ❑ 7 If applicable to alternative performed (Class A or Class B) complete the following monitoring data: Allowable Level Pathogen Density Number ot Frequency Sample a ica Parameter Ex in of Analysis T Tech - in Sludge Minimum Geo. Mean Maximum, aximum Units c Type niclue 2 x 10 to the MPN 6th power per gram of CFU 2.63E+04 3.08E+04 7.89E+04 CFU/g 0 7 days Grab 9222D Fecal Coliform total solids 1000 mpn per gram of total solid (dry Imonella bacterial 3 MPN per 4 grams (in lieu of fecal I total solid (dry NCAC 02T .1107) - WQ Permit Number: WQ0002616 NPDES Number: NCO024244 12/31/2008 Alt.l (VS reduction) ❑ Alt. 2 (40-day bench) ❑ Alt. 3 (30-day bench) ❑ jAlt. 4 (Spec. 02 uptake) p Alt. 5 (14-Day Aerobic) ❑ Alt. 6 (Alk. Stabilization ❑ Alt 7 (Drying - Stable) ❑ Alt. 8 (Drying - Unstable) ❑ Alt. 9 (Injection) ❑ Alt. 10 (Incorporation) ❑ lNo vector attraction reduction alternatives were performed ❑ CERTIFICATION STATEMENT (please check the appropriate statement) ❑ "I certify, under penalty of law, that the pathogen requirements in 15A NCAC 02T .1106 and the vector attraction reduction requirement in 15A NCAC 02T .1107 have been met." ❑ "I certify, under penalty of law, that the pathogen requirements in 15A NCAC 02T .1106 and the vector attraction reduction requirement in 15A NCAC 02T .1107 have not been met." (Please note if you check this statement attach an explanation why you have not met one or both of the requirements.) "This determination has been made under my direction and supervision in accordance with the system designed to ensure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information used to determine that the pathogen and vector attraction reduction requirements have been met. I am aware that there are significant penalties for false certification including fine and imprisonment." Philip Hazelwood Water & Sewer Plants Superintendent Preparer N, and Title (type or print) Land Applier Name and Title (if applicable)(type or print) Sign a of Preparer* ate Signature of Land Applier (if applicable) Date *Preparer is defined in 40 CFR Part 503.9(r) and 15A NCAC 2T .1102 (26) DENR FORM PVRF 02T (12/2006) ANNUAL PATHOGEN AND VECTOR ATTRACTION REDUCTION FORM (503 Rules) Facility Name: City of Albemarle WQ Permit Number: WQ0002616 WWTP Name: Long Creek WWTP NPDES Number: NCO024244 Monitoring Period: From 10/1/2008 To 12/31/2008 Pathogen Reduction (40 CFR 503.32) - Please indicate level achieved and alternative performed: Class A: Alternative 1 ❑ Alternative 2 [3Alternative 3 ❑ Alternative 4 ❑ Alternative 5 ❑ Alternative 6 ❑„ , If applicable to alternative performed (Class A only) indicate "Process to Further Reduce Pathogens": Compost 01 Heat Drying ❑ Heat Treatment ❑ Thermophilic ❑ Beta Ray ❑ Gamma Ray ❑ Pasteurization ❑ t Alternative 10 Alternative 2 ❑ x: If applicable to alternative performed (Class B only) indicate "Process to Significantly Reduce Pathogens": Lime Stabilization ❑ Air Drying ❑ Composting ❑ jAerobic Digestion ❑ .. r,. Anaerobic Digestion ❑ ,`Y , ';`; If applicable to alternative performed (Class A or Class B) complete the following monitoring data: Allowable Level Pathogen Density Number ot Frequency Sample Analytical Tech Parameter in Sludge Minimum Geo. Mean Maximum Units - Excee- of Analysis dences y Type nioue 2x10tothe WN 6th power CFU 2.63E+04 3.08E+04 7.89E+04 CFU/g 0 7 days Grab 9222D per gram of Fecal Coliform total solids 1000 mpn per gram of total solid (dry weight) Salmonella bacteria 3 NTN per 4 grams (in lieu of fecal total solid (dry coliform) weight) Vector Att action RedTc-tfon (40 CFR 503.33) - Please indicate option performed: Alt.l (VS reduction) ❑ Alt. 2 (40-day bench) ❑ Alt. 3 (30-day bench) ❑Alt. 4 (Spec. Oz uptake) ❑ Alt. 5 (14-Day Aerobic) ❑ Alt. 6 (Alk. Stabilization ❑ Alt 7 (Drying - Stable) ❑ 1 Alt. 8 (Drying - Unstable) ❑ Alt. 9 (Injection) ❑ Alt. 10 (Incorporation) ❑ No vector attraction reduction alternatives were performed ❑ CERTIFICATION STATEMENT (please check the appropriate statement) 0 "I certify, under penalty of law, that the pathogen requirements in 40 CFR 503.32 and the vector attraction reduction requirement in 40 CFR 503.33 have been met." ❑ "I certify, under penalty of law, that the pathogen requirements in 40 CFR 503.32 and the vector attraction reduction requirement in 40 CFR 503.33 have not been met." (Please note if you check this statement attach an explanation why you have not met one or both of the requirements.) "This determination has been made under my direction and supervision in accordance with the systc:= .. designed to ensure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information used to determine the pathogen and vector attraction reduction requirements have been met. I am aware that there are .ificant penalties for false certification including fine and imprisonment." Philip Hazelwood Water & Sewer Plants Superintendent Preparer Na e and Title e r print Land Applier Name and Title (if applicable)(t , or print) ; i Signa to Preparer ate Signature of Land Applier (if applicable) *Preparer is defined in 40 CFR Part 503.9(r) and 15A NCAC 2T .1102 (26) Date DENR FORM PVRF 503 (12/2006) City of Albemarle WWTP Sludge Fecal Coliform & Vector Reduction Data Conducted by City of Albemarle Wastewater Laboratory Date Colony Count ml sample %solids CFU/g Statistics (CFUIg) 0.001 #DIV/O! Minimum #DIV/O! Geo. Mean #DIV/O! Maximum #DIV/O! 0.001 #DIV/O! 0.001 #DIV/O! 0.001 #DIV/O! 0.001 #DIV/O! 0.001 #DIV/O! 0.001 #DIV/0! 0.001 #DIV/O! Minimum #DIV/O! Geo. Mean #DIV/O! Maximum #DIV/O! 0.001 #DIV/O! 0.001 #DIV/O! 0.001 #DIV/O! 0.001 #DIV/OI ` 0.001 #DIV/O! 0.001 #DIV/O! 11/12/07 < 1 0.001 3.8 < 2.67E+04 Minimum 2.63E+04 Geo. Mean 3.11E+04 Maximum 8.00E+04 11/13/07 < 1 0.001 3.8 < 2.63E+04 11/05/071 3 0.001 3.8 8.00E+04 11/06/07 < 1 0.001 3.8 < 2.67E+04 11/07/07 1 0.001 3.8 2.67E+04 11/08/07 < 1 0.001 3.8 < 2.67E+04 11/09/07 < 1 0.001 3.8 < 2.67E+04 0.001 #DIV/O! Minimum #DIV/0! Geo. Mean #DIV/O! Maximum #DIV/O! 0.001 #DIV/O! 0.001 #DIV/O! 0.001 #DiV/01 0.001 #DIV/0! 0.001 #DIV/O! 0.001 #DIV/0! . 30 day Aerobic Bench Scale Digestion for Vector Reduction Start Date % Vol. Sol. Finish % Vol. Sol. % Volatile Solids Reduction M o b o r� � a � � J 2 `00 1 N Q i $01h+ ooLQ'C -+ 1,)10 go v�qI a LC CL � � Yl . 'XI 733.265� �nnsv�P.sa�[=.ca�rr}9ag}¢�rs�s91 grortomic, ➢e�vosam� I®4fE itli,aii )arvice Ce6li6r, Ra@eia h i�G 27pa0-1040.4 1 -- din tine Soil Test RemrtUnderstan.y ,r www.ncagr.com/agronomi/uyrst.htm Steve Troxler, Commissioner of Agricultur® This cover sheet briefly explains the measurements, abbreviations and units found on NCDA&CS soil test reports. For more details, visit www.ncagr.com/agronomi/uyrst.htm. Along with the report and this covet sheet, you probably also received one or more trifold Notes that address nutrient issues relevant to the crops) specified on your information sheet(s). The "Test Results" section of the report lists values for up to 21 factors. The first seven [soil class, HM%, W/V, CEC, BS%, Ac and pH] describe the soil and its degree of acidity. The other 14 [P-I, K-I, Ca%, Mg%, Mn-I, Mn-AI (1), Mn-AI (2), Zn-I, Zn-AI, Cu-I, S-I, SS -I, NO3-N, Na] indicate levels of plant nutrients or other fertility measurements. If testing indicates that soil pH is too low for the crop(s) you indicated, there will be a little recommendation on your report. The recommendation is given in units of either M (1b/1000 ft2) or T (ton/acre). For best results, mix the lime into the top 6 to 8 inches. of soil several months before planting. For no -till or established plantings where this is not possible, apply no more than 50M (or 1 to 1.5T) at one time, even if your report recommends more. You can apply the rest in similar increments every six months until the full rate is applied. Fertilizer recommendations for small areas, such as home lawfas/gardens, appear in parentheses after the lime recommendation,and are listed in units -of lb/1000 R . If you cannot find -the exact fertilizer recommended, visit www.ncagr.comiagronorhliobpart4.htm#fs to find information that may help you choose an alternate grade.Refer also to A Homeowner's Guide •to Fertilize!, available at www.ncagr.comiagronomilpdfflleslsfn8.pdf. Fertilizer recommendations for field crops or other large areas are listed separately for each nutrient to be added (in units of lb/acre unless otherwise specified). NCDA&CS soil reports provide a recommendation for N (and sometimes for B) that is based on research/field studies for the crop being grown, not on soil test results. K-I and P-I values are based on test results and should r > being If they are not, follow the fertilizer recommendations given, NO3-N is analyzed by request only. SS -I levels appear only on•reports for greenhouse soil or 13roblci�z samples. Fanners and other commercial producers should pay special attention to anicro�taitrietat levels. If $, pH$, $pH, C or Z notations appear on the soil report, refer to $Note: ,Secondary Nutrients and Microutrients(enclosedwithyourreport)orvisitwww.ncagr.comiagrw-nLp aiil;yr?3 gi llst'? o�•°r�' trients IYepo 4 Abbrev atigns . Ac exchangeable acidity g boron : BS%. % CEC occupied bybasiie cations Ca% % CEC occupied by calcium . CEC cation exchange capacity: CU-I: • , ,copper index 1jM% . percent humic matter - K-I .:: potassium. index K.0 . potash M pounds per .1000 square feet W/o % CEC occupied by rnagnesiuin MIN. mineral soil class Mn-Al. manganese availability index Mn-1 manganese index M-O mineral -organic soil class N nitrogen Na sodium . N0; N nitrate nitrogen ORG organic soil class pH current soil pH p,I phosphorus index 2,05 phosphate ppm parts per. million S-1 sulfur index SS -I soluble salt index T. tons per acre W/V weight per volume &cnrO Zn-AI zinc availability index Zit -I zinc index I pd1 In general. homeowners do not need to be concerned�a out micionu-- "—" y - 50,000 Copies of this public document were printed at a cost of WiB.33 or $0.02 per copy. May 2007 Grower, City of Albemarle (WWTP) Copies To; PO Box 190 Albemarle, NC 28002 �<iVoil 14est Retiort Farm.' ATTN:BRIAN ROGERS 11/6/2008 SERVING N.C. RESIDENTS FOR OVER 60 YEARS Stanly County Agronomist Comments C -- 12, $ �: t. '(yA rutdu4'�.9' -P:.1 >', Ir.••,• Crylri it 1 t {: 1, }. �. 41.:. ., �, I'1 �. •v;' c n ; ".dy. .dv�.at,: ^t.+,� 83 'tc. I � .... If r. ,. h .n '� .i S I { r U, ., .iN �. ,.t,. u . l., L. s .0 s. t.. 2„ 4r 1. .. .., ..5 t �. .... ,., ,fl_ ..,. , •-w .. R, ..rr M .. , I. u .., , 41: 1 .. A,,nk, { r ,i� d u.,., ,. I 1.. I rs,. « � ,. l l I 1. ,..111 , ,, ,`2., ,.. I .,,tt< . �,• It ! i ,ll ll i. . l{,^ e YY: rtna ot1. � � �, �. "l$�•�d; ><me '�te� mmei�c�a ons, ,:,1 L�� ,I, : � � >t � 1.7�'��I�, �f;�. I IIII ,1 IIr ,1 �; .L-., .� I..I I' i. I. :I• t r I {, ,I:I I n •.,. .,.1�I� Sample No, Last Crop Mo Yr T/A Crop or Year Le r; jv P205 Kjo Mg S Cu Zn B Mn See Note R�W'rt 11 2007 1.0 1st Crop; Fes/0G/T1m,M 0 120-200 50.70 90-110. 0 0 0 0 .0 0 12 2nd Crop:. 0 Test Results Soil Class HM% W/V CEC BS% Ac pH P-I K I Ca% 11gg% Mn-I Mn-AI(1)Mn-AI(2) Zn-1 Zn-AI Cu-1 S-1 SS-1 NO3-N NH4-N Na MIN 0.41 1.12 9.4 81.0 1.8 6.2 31 21 59.0 20.0 242 159 86 86 820 90 0.2 •,�. .. ..... ,. ., n.._ :. .. •. �. ..:.y .. .�-.._• .; .., :-, ..., � .,, l ..f.i bA' ,I. 71Mi .4.`.: Y�! ,.0 Y,.�.. 1 i �I 'I � I: 'p �I11 Iit ;: I� i,7. .. Jy�3. LI�Ii€' t'I L i i- L:CI I� b I' • ? IJJ IE,i'IIF rA!e. e t ��8, . o .gal. i I:��€:1: k€,,� �1,.71 I alt r._.. ,.e . t .: elu 1 k .�II ke Sample No. Last Crop Mo Yr T/A Crop or Year Lime IV P205 K20 Mg S CU Zn B Mn See Note W1YIP 1st Crop: Fes/OG/CIm,E 0 50.70 120.140 50-70 0 0 0 0 .0 pH$ 12 2nd Crop: Fes/OG/rim,M 0 120-200 120.140 90-110 - 0 -0 0 0 .0 pH$ 12 test Results Soil Class HM% W/V CEC BS% Ac pH P I K-1 Ca% M496 Mn-1 Mn-AI(1)Mn-A1(2) Zn-I Zn-AI Cu-1 8-1 SS-1 NO3-N NH4-N Na MIN 0.22 1.08 12.6 92.0 t.0 6.6 6 22 63.0 28.0 539 331 331 .46 46 - 540 149 0.3 :... .:. Yat : s.n u c:�.� a-ta �kv .o--.•,...�. t. nt •il ray (, +� ,znlrrIa, .,.._.,...,. r. ,, .,, ,. ADD a,,, , 1 .+ . A7��S�13ed�L� of�,f .., t� a'itu ,..r. ,:. an;'a n.:• c 1 t a1`A.�i�✓r.:.E eo a t�A`�5: C, � ;I?�G1� "N: sn .il,k.'4� �f �v5 ��:.�,..0 �� r,l6,,.' .}' v,. ..� � ^t :1 d.��1.I'41.. +,$.%.�nt'E�5 £'1 �Lr�E ���I �I: C�Isll 'I r...� l ;��. rr.,l.:f.l fd £:,1_ ln... 1 � �. {. •... I t ', .: ,.��- .�> �l(�.)<...,.A.^,,,b1Lla.,t,._.hC�FY.,, wpm" ..L...,....,(1,,.r, :..:.,.yl],:.i,l,��.IJr.L_la:a.,t::.tl, i..... ,,. Sample No. Last Crop Mo Yr T/A . Crop or Year Lime P205 K20 Mg S Cu Zn B His See Note WWTf 1st Crop; Fes/OG/1'Im,E 2T 50-70 110-130 50-70 0 0 0 0 .0 0 12 2nd Crop: Fes/OG/r1m,M 0 120-200 . 110-130 80-100 0 0 0 0 .0 0 12 Test Results Soil Class HM% W/V CEC BS% Ac pH P-1 &I Ca% Mg% Mn-1 Mn-AI(1)Mn7A1(2) Zn-1 Zn-AI Cu-I S-I SS4 NO3-N NH4-N Na MIN 0.22 1.06 9.1 76.0 2.2 5.2 10 23 47.0 27.0 709 435 435 98 98 472 312 0.3 _..,.-. ,.... .. ,. ,, ,__. ...., :. �. � � . s .. 1-` ..r .. .. ... ,._ ..1 .•: ,. 11 .. Ea i. ..1 L + .k L, i .,� .1,.•. 1 .{ ?I :€ Ic.: L :I. .n I I1., �,� I ,•:fr pplaedLyme a.l;;I,,I I, I 1 .. ... 9 r Ao, H k d e7cal FI {.., � �,�1l f, 1: ,qI ..11: .1,1�. i I 1 I '..a 1 , I I I.. t..i��,i t., L. II : �!._ �I,Ce I, �M1`Lr I. r 6Iv:: ; xl �, hn4in L.,•i'ti>zv .. .Id,. �I �,�.,� 4r� I.. ,��k�.�I��,� ��:�61�... y.VA,�.d�Je.l� tl,,� , 1 :1,;..rr IlYield�Iu�ori�natl�n;,,^ rl .;�•eemmitten��tiod�9„11 :� .,I.:I Sampl No. Last Crop Mo Yr T/A Crop or Year Lime �1WI'1?4 1st Crop: Fes/0G/rlm,E 1:7T IV P20s K20 Mg S 50-70 110-130 40-60 0 0 Cu Zu 0 0 B .0 Mn 0 See Note 12 2nd Crop: Fes/0G/1'lm,M 0 120-200 100-120 80-100 . '0' 0- 0 0 .0 0 12 Test Results Soil Class HM% W/V CEC BS% Ac pH P-1 KI Ca% Mg% Mn.1 Mn-AI(1)Mn-AI(2) Zn4l Zn-AI Cu-1 S-1 SS-1 NO3-N NH4-N Na MIN 0.22 1.13 15.3 87.0 2.0 6.0 12 26 41,0 45.0 909 555 555 49 49 371 78 0.3 Vest Results soil class HM% MIN n_fn LAND APPLICATION NPDES PERMIT NO. FACILITY NAME NCO074268 City of Albemarle Long Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant 11: z A o A W x A a o A A A � GALLONS GALLONS GALLONS GALLONS GALLONS GALLONS GALLONS 1 52000 2 20000 108000 3 184000 4 168000 5 224000 52000 6 288000 260000 7 56000 256000 85000 g 88000 72000 68000 285000 9 156000 265000 10 84000 104000 245000 11 144000 72000 95000 12 1 85000 OTAL NUMBER GALLONS 432000 468000 212000 176000 584000 584000 1060000 axium ga lon limit 50000 81()000 2000000 1784000 1 3125000 Page 1 of 7 Dec 29 08 10:08p Tritest Clemmons: 3367GG2314 p-6 ° 0 Page 1 of 2 Lm TE ST Laboratory Report .. _. ..--- —`.... s C=!:{ClAale 'C' !90 iC%(i?i%i�:%1w, .:; R' �1 NCAMN Cert.# 067 NC/DW Cert.#: 37731 NCI MI Cert* 103 NC/DW Cent.#: 37733 NCIWW Cert.#: 075 NC/DW CertA 37721 L 6701 Conference Dr, Raleigh, NC 27607 6300 Ramada Dr, Suite C2, Ciemmons, NC 27012 6624 Gordon Rd, Unit G, Wilmington, NC 28411 Ph: (919) 8344984 Fax: (919) 834-6497 Ph: (336) 766-7046 Fax: (336) 766-2514 Ph: (336) 766-7846 Fax: (336) 766-2514 Project No.: Report Date: 12119/2008 Project ID: FULL TCLP ANALYSIS Date Received: 11/2612008 — Prepared for -- Philip Hazelwood Albemarle, City of P.O. Box 190 Albemarle, NC 28002 Work order #: 0812-00090 Cust. Code: 800809 Cust. P.O.#: W No. Sample ID Date Sampled Time Sampled Matrix Sample Type Condition 001 SLUDGE 11/24/2008 7:40 Sludge Grab 4 +1- 2 deg C Test Performed Method Results Lab Loc Da�edTme Qualifier Metals TCLP Package EPA 1311 R 12/11108 3:59 TCLP Arsenic EPA 200.8 <0.060 mg1L R 12/11108 3:59 TCLP Barium EPA 200.8 <1.0 mg1L R 12l11108 3:59 TCLP Cadmium EPA 200.8 <0.010 mg/L R 12/11/08 3:59 TCLP Chromium EPA 200.8 <0.050 mg/L R 12/11/08 3:59 TCLP Lead EPA 200.8 <0.050 mg1L R 12/11/08 3:59 TCLP Selenium EPA 200.8 <0.010 mg/L R 12/11/08 3:59 TCLP Silver EPA 200.8 <0.050 mg1L R 12/11/08 3:59 TCLP Mercury Analysis EPA 245.1 <0.2 ug1L R 1215108 10:26 TCLP Pesticides; Liquids EPA 8081A R 1215108 16:00 gamma-BHC (Lindane) EPA 8081A <0.05 ug/L R 1215108 16:00 Chlordane EPA 8001A <0.2 ug/L R 1215108 16:00 Endrin EPA 8081A <0.06 ugll. R 1215108 16:00 Heptachlor EPA 8081A <0.05 ug/L R 12/5108 16:00 Heptachlor Epoxide EPA 8081A <0.8 ug1L . R 1215108 16:00 Methoxychlor EPA 8081A <0.5 ug/L R 12/5108 16:00 Toxaphene EPA 8081A <2.4 ug1L R 1216108 16:00 TCLP Volatiles by 82608 EPA 8260B R 12/4108 9:57 Benzene EPA 8260B <5 uglL R 1214108 9:57 Carbon tetrachloride EPA 8260B <5 ug/L R 12/4108 9:57 Chlorobenzene EPA 8260B <5 ug/L R 1214108 9:57 Chloroform EPA 8260E <5 ug1L R 1214108 9:57 1,2-Dichloroethane EPA 8260E <5 ug1L R 12/4108 9:57 1,1-Dichloroethene EPA 8260E <5 ug1L R 1214108 9:57 Methyl ethyl ketone (MEK) EPA 8260E <50 ug/L R 1214108 9:57 Tetrachloroethene EPA 8260B <5 ug1L R 1214108 9:67 Trichloroethene EPA 8260B <5 ug/L R 1214/08 9:57 Vinyl chloride EPA 8260B <10 ug/L R 1214108 9:57 TCLP 8270 EPA 8270C R 1218108 14:00 1,4-Dichlorobenzene EPA 8270C <0.050 mg/L R 1218108 14:00 2,4-Dinitrotoluene EPA 8270C <0.050 mg/L R 12/8108 14:00 Hexachlorobanzene EPA 8270C <0.050 mg1L R 1218/08 14:00 Dec 29 08110:08p Tritest Clemmons� 3367662314 p.7 O _ o r l'ITE�T 6701 Conference Drive Page 2 of 2 Raleigh, NC 27607 Telephone: (919) 834-4984 NcNM CerL M 067 Telephone: (919) 834-4984 Fax: (919) 834-6497 NC1DW Cert. #: 37731 Fax: (919) 834-6497 Laboratory Report Work Order #: 0812-00090 Condition Date Sampled Time Sampled Matrix Sample Type No. Sample ID 11124/2008 7:40 Sludge Grab 4 +1- 2 deg C 001 SLUDGE Method Results Lab Loc I ed ---- Daj� Time Qualifier Test Performed EPA 8270C <0.050 mg/L R 1218108 14:00 Hexachlorobutadiene EPA 8270C <0.050 mg/L R 1218108 14:00 Hexachlorcethane EPA 8270C <0.050 mglL R 1218/08 14:00 2-Methylphenol , EPA 8270C <0.100 mg1L R 1218108 14:00 3- & 4-Methylphenol EPA 8270C <0.050 mg/L R 1218108 14:00 Nitrobenzene EPA 8270C <0.250 mg/L R 1218108 14:00 Pentachlorophenol EPA 8270C <0.050 mg/L R 1218108 14,00 Pyridine 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol EPA 8270C <0.050 mglL R 12/8108 14:00 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol EPA 8270C <0.050 mg/L R 1218108 14:00 TCLP Herbicides by 8151 EPA 81511 R 1219108 15:56 EPA 8150 <5.0# mg/L R 1219108 16:55 2,4-D 2,4,5-TP (Silvex) EPA 8150 <0.5# mg/L R 1219108 15:55 Flashpoint (Setaflash) EPA 1020 >140# deg-F R 1213/08 15:55 Reactive Cyanide EPA 4500C&E<0.5# mglkg R 12/9108 15:55 Reactive Sulfide SW846-9030A <25.0# mglkg R 1219108 15:55 Corrosivity to Steel SW846-1110 7.1 su _19.4C# R 1214108 15:55 #Analyzed by Summit Environmental Technologies,inc., Akron, Ohio Reviewed by: for Tritest, —Uaf Fecal Collform Bench Sheet Form City of Albemarle Wastewater Treatmnet Laboratory Sample ID Collection Date & Time Chlorine Preenet ®s/no Volumr of Sample in ml A Count B Fecal Collform Colonies/100 ml c % Total Solids D Fecal Collform Colonies (g) CID Commonts )p, ODDalO • 0 S U..ci b' illll .Cd/%/0 61L-i d Water Bath Date/Time In ►r ++ nor( Temp. of Bath Wf P Date/Time Out Temp. of Bath Calculations 1. Count In range (20.60) 6. counts above and below C a B/A x 100 range, none within C = EBIEA x 100 2. All Counts below 20 C = EBIEA x 100 B..AII Counts tnta "Too numerous to count" 3. ALL COUNTS 0 C = >60/A1 x 100 C = <11A2x100 " A notation of "NT" should be recorded 4. All counts > 60 when non -typical colonies are oberserved. C = >131/A1x100 Al Sama est volume A2 = Largest Volume B1= Counts In Sam sleet Volume Setup By:Date: +, 1►+ Read By: _ Date:_ _ Page � of � Fecal Coliform Bench Sheet Form City of Albemarle Wastewater Treatmnet Laboratory Sample ID Collection Date & Time Chlorine Presnet es/no Volumr of Sample in ml A Count B Fecal Coliform Colonies/100 ml c % Total Solids p Fecal Collform Colonies (g) C/D Commonts -5f coovolo l� > b J S c o /'D 0D1D 3 V ater Bath Date/Time In 7 �� 3� Temp. of Bath Date/Time Dut Jr�� l3 Temp. of Bath Calculations 1. Count In range (20.60) S. counts above and below G - B/A x 100 range, none within C = F8/EA x 100 2. All Counts below 20 C = EB/EA x 100 S..All Counts tnto "Too numerous to count" 3. ALL COUNTS 0 C = >601M x 100 C = <11A2x100 "A notation of "NT" should be recorded 4. All counts > 60 when non -typical colonies are oberserved. C = >B11A1x100 A t3ama est vo ume A2 = Largest Volume B1= Counts In Samelest Volume. Setup By:�10ate: / 7 Read By: Date; W Page % of � Fecal Collforl1"tl City of Albemarle Bench Sheet Form Wastewater Trestmnet Laboratory Sample ID Collection Date & Time Chlorine Presnet es/no Volumr of Sample in ml A Count B Fecal Coliform Colonies/100 ml c % Total Solids D Fecal Coliform Colonies (g) CID Commonts tf 07os • d©o /� � . ,1/1, 070s- Water ®ath Date/Time In lr b ///s" Temp. of Bath �'._ _ Date/Time Out fill G li _ Temp. of Bath 44/0 Galoula�lGlons 1. Count In range (20-60) 5. counts above and below C = B/A x 100 range, none within C = IBIZA x 100 2. All Counts below 20 C = IB/EA x 100 a. Ali Counts tntc "Too numerous to count" 3. ALL COUNTS 0 C = >,60/A1 x 100 C = <11A2x100 " A notation of "NT" should be recorded 4. All counts > 60 when non -typical colonies are oberserved. C = >BilA1x100 Al = 6ama est vo ume A2 = Largest Volume B1= Counts.in SamelestVolume setup By: Date; rt�e ,s Read By: 954Uc4, Date: ct�� Page .2 of � Fecal Coliform City of Albemarle Bench ghost Form Wastewater Treatmnet Laboratory Sample ID Collection Date & Time Chlorine Presnet es/no Volumr of Sample in ml A Count B Fecal Collform Colonies/100 ml c % Total Solids D Fecal Coliform Colonies (g) CID Commonts 0-7 3 v . nuo�/c G S3 o a (O t e / Date/Time In r` 1 l Temp. of Bath �K Date/Time Out fib` Temp. or Bath �' Caic I s 1. Count In range (20.60) 8, counts above and below C = b/A x 100 range, none within C = JB/gA x 100 2. All Counts below 20 C = JBIFA x 100 6.. Ail Counts Into "Too numerous to count" 3. ALL COUNTS 0 C : >80/A1 x 100 C = <1/A2x100 "A notation of "NT" should be recorded 4. All counts > 60 when non -typical colonies are oberserved. C = >Bi1A1x100 Al = Sam I I est vo ume A2 = Largest Volume 61= Counts In Sam sleet Volume Setup By: — Date: _ Read By: — �r Date: /- G Page -2 o1,,_. Fecal C®tiform City of Albemarle Bench Sheet Form Wastewater Treatmnet.Laboratory Sample ID Collection Date & Time Chlorine Presnet es/no Volumr of Sample In ml A Count B Fecal Coliform Colonlesl100 ml c % Total Solids D Fecal Collform Colonies (g) CID Commonts sl Paolo t� pp t r Bat Date/Time in j q :40 Temp. of Bath W" Date/Time Out P r 6t ;,a Temp. of Bath , Catculatlons 1. Count In range (20•00) s, counts above and below C = B1A x 100 range, none wlthln C = EBIJA x 100 2. All Counts below 20 C = YB/jA x 100 G., All Counts trite "Too numerous to count" 3, ALL COUNTS 0 C = >60W x 100 C = <11A2x100 " A notation of "NT" should be recorded 4. All counts > 60 when non -typical colonies are oberserved. lRead C = >131IA1x100 Al Barnallest volume A2 F Largest Volume 61= Counts in Sam alest Volume Setup By: /9 - Date: //, By: Date: Page of. a oo S Fecal Collfol'm City of Albemarle Bench Sheet Farm Wastewater Treatmnet Laboratory Sample ID Collection Chlorine Volumr of Count Fecal Coliforrn % Total Solids Fecal Coliform Commonts Date & Time Presnet Sample In ml Colonlesl100 ml Colonies (g) eslno A B c l3 CID u �1t'3 v�15 . oopo,o � Si lAd J113 W S S#tLd id1a od1s' nvvla c7 t at Calculations Al = Sama ast vo ume 1. Count in range (20.60) 6. counts above and below DatelTime In fl'3 11 C o B1A x 100 range, none within A2 = Largest Volume C = EB1FA x 100 _ Temp. of Bath `� _ �' 2. All Counts below 20 131= Counts In Samaleat Volume C = JBIT_A x 100 6..All Counts tnto DateMme Out tiny h,�4� "Too numerous to count' 3. ALL COUNTS 0 C = 401A1 x 100 Setup By:_�-� Temp. of Bath C = <1/A2x100 � .� "A notation of "NT" should be recorded 4. All counts > 60 when non -typical colonies are oberserved. Read By: Date: C = >1311A1x100 Page of npr 16 09 02:56p Tritest Clemmons npr. ). LUUO I:viriri Iritesl lax Q IrmuD-uTEST Telephone; (919) 834-4984 Fax: (919) 834-6497 6701 Conference Drive Raleigh, NC 27607 Laboratory Report Work Order#: 0803-00482 3367662314 DATA REPORTING QUALIFLERS No.l849 P. 3 Page 2 of 2 NCMfW cork. #. 067 NCF0W Cert, W 37731 Any values on the Tritest Laboratory Report that are flagged under the column labeled "Qualifier" are considered qualified data. Please refer to the list below for interpretation of such flags. Please note that Tritest is required to notify the state of any compliance samples received outside the established protocol. In the opinion of this laboratory, values subject to these qualifiers are acceptable but qualified. A: The sample was improperly preserved at the time of collection. Tritest added the appropriate preservative and analyzed per customer request. B: The sample was received outside the established protocol for temperature and was analyzed per customer request. C: Insufficient sample volume provided. D: The sample was received and analyzed outside the holding time per customer request. E: The holding time expired prior to analysis due to laboratory error. F: The sample tested present for residual chlorine when received at the laboratory. G: The sample tested present for residual chlorine when checked by the technician at room temperature. H: Matrix interference. I: Matrix interference; Duplicate RPD outside the acceptable range. 1: Matrix interference; Surrogate recovery outside the acceptable range. K: Matrix interference; Matrix spike recovery outside the acceptable range. L: The duplicate RPD was outside that acceptable range. M: Estimated value. N: The oil & grease value exceeds method specification of 1000 mg/L maximum. 0: Excessive oil and grease noted ( �. P: The GGA standard for BOD was outside the acceptable range, Q: The technician was required to add stronger sodium sulfite solution than acceptable for BOD to neutralize excessive chlorine level. R: The seed control for BOD was outside the acceptable range. S: The control blanks for BOD were outside the acceptable range. T: Other: I.MTEST 6.761 Conference D►, Raleigh; NC 2161)7 ' ph: (919) 934�4984. fax: (919) 834-6497- ChMn of Its tO y Tritest W.O.# NCWW CerWA NCDW Ced937T31 Report Results : Bill To: Company,. Gi,NANGC T_ Project Reference: Address: �4 �o>� ��� Project Number: l �[aC l�-T f�?i Purchase Order M Attn: CI Standard ReportDelivery Phone: ax: D `ISW g0- ❑ Rush Report Delivery w surcharge) ^Rush proloeb am sublad ro pdar approval by the laboratory Sampled by (signature): Requested Due Dale: I- jlri �_ _____ 5� '� Jd lv ,g 1,V Al W PJ TP u }�s �Gr� Ca�C - Gr,� , Pb /i'% , /i7d, 1�3 / r r � i ' IWw7FP A , rho se-, 6E- by (slgnalure) -�4, , Relinquished by (signature) Reotived y (signature) v ae,- Received by (slgnalure' Rec ' ed by (stgnapre) . Date Time Date Time 3 1-D Date Time r• cF M LA rr C� M 3 3 0 3 LIP Receipt Conditions (Lab Use Only) ❑ 4±2°C ❑ Temp: S °C a Res. Chlorine �isentt 11 Present ❑ n/a Acid preserv. <2? CJ Yes ❑ No .❑n/tea Base preserv. >12? ❑ Yes ❑ _, No 1� Na Apr 16 09 02:53p Tritest Clemmons TRITEST Www.tritesti nC.com April 9, 2008 CLIENT NAME CLIENT NUMBER SAMPLE NUMBER COLLECTED DATE RECEIVED DATE DESCRIPTION TEST 3367662314 CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS CITY OF ALBEMARLE 800809 278517 -313/08 314/08 SLUDGE UNITS RESULTS DATE ALUMINUM MG1KG AMMONIA-N MG/KG 4737 03/11108 ARSENIC MG1KG ` CADMIUM MG/KG CHROMIUM MG1KG COPPER MG/KG LEAD MG/KG MAGNESIUM MG/KG MERCURY UG/KG MOLYBDENUM MG1KG NICKEL MG1KG NITRATE+NITRITE-N MG1KG 2605 03/07108 POTASSIUM MG1KG SELENIUM MG1KG SILVER MG1KG SODIUM MG/KG TKN MG/KG 71053 03/11/08 ZINC MG/KG TOTAL PHOSPHORUS MG/KG 26315 03/11108 % SOLIDS PERCENT 3.8 03/05/08 *attached' p.2 CERTIFICATION # NC 103 NC 37733 CERTIFIED BY: MORGAN TOWE - 6701 Conference Drive, Raleigh, NC 27607 6300 Ramada Dr., Suite C2, Clemmons, NC 27012 6624 Gordon Road, Unit G, Wilmington, NC 28411 Ph: (919) 834-4984, Fax: (919) 834-6497 Ph: (336) 766-7846, Fax: (336) 766-2514' Ph: (910) 763-9793, Fax: (910) 343-9683 Apr 16 09 02:54p Tritest Clemmons -Apr. J. BUC I:U1rNl IrlleST Tax b 4QOTEST 6701 Conference Drive Raleigh, NC 27607 Telephone: (919) 634-491114 Fax: (9191834-M7 3367662314 p.3 No.1U49 P. 1 Page 1 of 2 NCANw Cert. M 087 NC1Dw Cert. #: 37731 Laboratory Report ... Preparedfor -- MORGAN TOWE-LA13 MGR. TRITEST 1 CLEMMONS 6300 RAMADA DRIVE C-2 CLEIIMMONS, NC V012 Report Date: 4/2/2008 Data Received: 317MODS Work Order0: 0803.00482 Cuss. Code: CL7046 Project No., 01 Cust P.D.if Project ID: SLUDGE METALS. Sample ID Date Sampled Time Sampled Matrix Sample Type condition No. 001 27851T - 30 . 31=008 14:30 Sludge Grab Ambient Analyzed Test Performed Method Results Date Time Qualifier Percent Dry Weight SM 25405 2.76 % 31`12108 14AS 3MUOB 13:22 E Aluminum EPA 0020 40300 mglkg Arsenio EPA 6020 5.78 mglkg 3M1108 13:22 Cadmium EPA 6020 1.93 mglkg 3111108 13:2.2 Calcium EPA 6020 22400 mgfkg 412MB 11:45 ' Chromium EPA 6020 1040 m9*9 3filM 13:22 Copper t-PA 8020 3920 mglkg 3111= 13:22 Lard EPA 6020 46.2mglkg 3111MO 13:22 Magnesium EPA6020 3"0mgtk9 412108 11:45 Mercury EPA 74718 1350 uglkg 3M4106 10:33 Molybdenum EPA 607A 7.71 mgfkg 3M 1108 1322 Nickel EPA6020 26Amgikg 311IMB 13:22 Potassium WA 6020 2750mglk9 V2108 11:45 Selenium EPA 6020 5.78mglkg 3M1106 13:22 Silver EPA 50" 64.6 mgft 3M1106 13:22 sodium EPA 6020 2590 mglkg 41M 11:45 Zinc EPA 6020 1180mg" 3tt1NB 13:22 t+pr, i. iuvo i:ufrm Irltest lax a No.1649 P. j 7' OT S1` 6701 Conference Drive Page 2 of 2 Raleigh, NC 27607 Telephone: (919)834-4884 NC*067 Fax: (919) 834-6497 tiGDwCew GerLtk 37731 Laboratory Report Work Order# 0803-OOM DATA REPORTING QLJALIFIERS Any values on the Tritest Laboratory Report that are flagged under the column labeled "Qualifier" are considered qualified data. Please refer to the fist below for interpretation of such flags. Please note that Tritest is required to notify the state of any compliance samples received outside the established protocol. In the opinion of this laboratory, values subjecttD these qualifiers are acceptable but qualified. A: The sample was improperly preserved at the time of collection. Tritest added the appropriate preservative and analyzed per customer request_ 8: The sample was received outside the established protocol for temperature and was analyzed per customer request. C: Insufficient sample volume provided. D: The sample was received and analyzed outside the holding time per customer request. E: The holding time expired prior to analysis due to laboratory error. F: The sample tested present for residual chlorine when received at the laboratory. (_• -rhe a ^tm 4erieei nrnenni inr rn i`i, mI rhlnrina whon rthPr imrr by the fA..Mnirian At 3367662314 p.2 NO. 1047 r. I Apr 09 08 01:20p Tritest Clemmons --�- npr. ). [uuo l:urrrri Iriiesl iax b 7 R 0 TEST Telephone: (919) 834.4904 Fax: 1919) 834-6497 6701 Conference Drive Raleigh, NC 27607 Laboratory Report ••- Prepared for --- MORGAN TOWS -LAB MGR. TRITEST 1 CLEMMONS 6300 RAMADA DRIVE C-2 CLEMMONS, NC 27012 xt�41 rv�c&uk' Page 1 of 2 NC1WW Cert. #: 067 I( { NC1DW Cert. #-. 37731 Project No.: 01 CUS%. CL7 Project l *:: SL GGE MESA Cust. P.D.#: Report Date: code• 4/212008 Date Received: W1 00,E work Order #: 0603-00462 gas No. Semple ID Date Sampled Time Sampled Matrix Sample Type Condition 001 278517 - 30 31312008 14:30 Sludge Grab Ambient Analyzed Test Performed Method Results Date Time Qualifier Percent Dry Weight S'M 25408 3.76 °% 3112/08 14:45 E Aluminum_ _--_ _—EP-A-6020 - 40300_mgi,kg.—.__ 3111/0B 13:22 ____ Arsenic EPA 6020 5.75 mglkg 3111108 13:22 Cadmium EPA 6020 1.93 mglkg 3111108 13:22 Calcium EPA 6020 22400 mglkg 412108 11:45 Chromium EPA 6020 1040 mg/kg 3111108 13:22 1EQ 15 o.a Cea „�u _ 3 0 6 - _EPA 6020 __—.__—_-- —3920 mglkg^_--- 3111108 13:22 _Capper Lead EPA 6020 46.2mg►kg 3111108 13:22 \ Magnesium \ Mercury C_ EPA 6020 EPA7471B_ 3940 mglkg 350_uglhg 412108 11:45 3114108 10:33 r CIR n'3 �S Molybdenum EPA $020 7.71 mglkg 3111108 13-22 Nickel EPA 6020 25.0 mglkg 31111.03 13:ZZ Potassium 1;PA 6020 3750 mglkg 412108 11:46 Selenium EPA 6020 5.78 mg/kg 3/11108 13:22 Silver EPA 6020 64.6 mg/kg 3111103 13:22 Sodium EPA 6020 2590 m91kg 412108 11:45 J Zinc EPA 6020 1160 mg/kg 3111108 13:22 Reviewed by: �i for Tritest, Inc, GW-59A COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM Permit # N 4 OVO zo/y (Submv one each mnrr}roving period with Gil! 59formc) MG pvo,2 1 Enter date monitoring results were due, i1 WWII this monitoring report (GW59 and GW-59A) NO be submitted after the established due date? i Was a" required information missing on the GW-59 report forms? yys IF the answer to question I or 2 is 'YES, list in the space provided below the well identification numbers) and explain the problems encountered in obtaining the required informahorr. 3 Are any of the monitor welt/ in need of repair or maintenance (damaged casing, unlocked or missing cap, missing YES identification plate, area overgrown, etc.)? If the answer is "Yes", contact the Regional Officefor guidance. 4 Are any monitored constituents equal to or above the established'standards? yFs if the answer to question 4 is NO , skip to section B. N the answer W question 4 is "YES" list the affected wells individuaV with constituents) and concentration(s) exceeding standards in the space provided below.• 5 For the constituents Identified in question 4 above, have standards been exceeded previously for the YES NO same consdtuent(s) in the same well(s) In the last two years? if the answer to question 5 is 'NO*, slip to section 8. H the answer to question 5 is "YES", list in the space provided below, each well with constituents) exceeding standards, concentrabon(s) reported, and sample collection date for each occurrence (for the last two years). Are the monitoring wells listed in section 5 located at or beyond the review boundary? YES NO If the answer Is "YES", a groundwater quality problem may be occurring. CONTACT THE REGIONAL OFFICE IMMEDIATELY FOR GUIDANCE. Nthe answer is NO", monitoring wells may be improperly located; contact the Regional Office. 7 is the pennittae implementing previously approved actions required by the Division involving this YES NO groundwater quality problem? if the answerto question 7 is 'YES", describe those actions in the space provided below. If the answer to question 7Is NO", 92nfact the Regional Offfca within 98 days., an evaluation may be teaulred to determine the Impact She wa= WAgEnr system is having at fFs review and c2M "ago boundaries surround/na this facility Failure !o do so may sublect the vermit tee to a Notice of V/olatlon fines. andforgenaltim 8 The person completing this portion (G W-59A) of the monitoring report should sign below and submit this form with GW-59 forms for required wells to fire address provided at the top of the current GW-59 form. I hereby aeknowled a thatt� above lnf6mand thA`[nfo— oration submhted ihi t(ils . report (Comptiane:8 Reporl,9W-69A) Is true andWrhptete to the boat of: my knowledge. Signature of Pormmtee (or Authorized Agent) Date GW-59A 12/8/2003 SUBMIT ILocaldrard/Sab ATER QUAUTY MONITORING: Not WATER owu?rauwRw►TKu+ CE REPORT FORM allWJLSEttyi ECM'ER.*RAMol6rlcrnerao-t„° "' tg73»7l7 ge.sevdntaeadraryao PERMRNumbar. ExpiretlonDale: : ; � OF 14 bp,1 BCI.. to w w-rP NPDES charge I e- 7 0oa /` ulc Qf different): NPDES NG tl a 1'1 yet Other s; / D 'ft7 D b lc �1" L E�* TYPE OF PERMITTED OPERATION BEING MONITORED /yl �) "b NC Ldn0) County STA�a)l►O Lagoon Remediallon: Infiltration Gallery ,i� ;;.,,,� inp•) ❑ Spray Field Remediatlon: on: 141Ill D .1dr- ,A.s L% Telephone#: 70 y7 y 6 ❑ RotaryDistributor ORtand Application of Sludge NSab Name: I-?-- &J w-17P No, of wells to be sampled: � . ❑ Water Source Heat Pump ❑ OlhW -� EMNO INFORMATION ID NUMBER (from Psmtlq: WGI� I Date sample cofleded: FIELD ANALYSES: (o_'�untte Temp. DRY of e0 Depth: 63 fL Well Diameter.. in. PH µMhos tirtre of . Depth to Water Level: below measuring point Screened Interval; 2 8 tl to S R Spec. Cond. NONE �ppn8 —3�R aeudng Point b `' 7 'it above land surface Relative M.P. Elevation: t/05• b tL Odor C l�A r here: share of water pumped/balled befofe sampling: gallons Appearance ❑ gas for Mots were collected uMilterad• BYE ❑ NO and field acidifled: OYES ❑ NO Laboratory Name: Tn i1 e, � 4A 8 �2NG � � /03 certlnatton No. J03 Date sample analyzed: ARAMETERS NOTE: Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal concentrations. �II3Ili Pb mgA COD mgA Nitrite(NO2) as N• p, &-4 mgA -Lead Collorm: MF Fecal 1100ml Nitrate (NO3) asNmgd Zn-Zinc G I It 00ml1448111 Phosphorus: Total as P mail Colifonn: MF Total (No*: Uu MPNmrWdfor NpAy NG W*") Orthophosphate mgA other (Specify Compounds and Concentration Units): Dissolved Solids: Total 541 M94 llI r { ll At - Aluminum m9A pH (when analyzed) units 13 % r l Be - Barium mgA mgA . TOC ,1 , l0 moll N Ca - Calcium Chloride mgA Cd - Cadmium m911 Arsenlc mgA mgA Chromium: Total Cu - Copper _Mon mg/I ORGANICS: (by GC; GC/MS, HPLC) Grease and Oils Fe - Iron mgA (Specify tat and method S. ATTACH LAB REPORT.) Phenol Mon sulfate mgA Ho - Mercury �_mgA Report Attached? ❑ Yes (1) ElNo (0) Specific Conductance µMhos 14 K - Potassium mgA mgfl VOC method # method # Total Ammonis n ( Mgn lilt Mg - Magnesium trnuaM wlrW, Myu N: anroN. Ntt IM TOW Mn - Manganese mgA method #_ ,•.. 1 - .. .nnn NI - Nickel mgA , method # For Remsdlatlon Syswns Oery V.k acn aao Kaporwr: - 'tcl:.., I� 411 GW-5a Rev.1/2007 aunMl l rUMM ON=6 raw PAPER ONLY QUALITY MONITORING: !PORT FORM Name: Cii�/ o A �bP.r,,tir1�� C s�+0. &C,44 W w-no Name (if different): rrrwn.aric Me County mm"*-2V act Person: __ 11�/ Odee-e&s, .Telephone#: Locetion/Slte Name: I— C IAJ VMf No. of wells to be sampled: PILING INFORMATION LID NUMBER (from Permit): Gib % Date sample collected: /d/zeI/ Depth: 50 f) Well Diameter. In. h to Water level: h S A below measuring point Screened Interval: 35 ' ft. to 50 fL luring Point is 1J` R above land surface RelativeM.P. Elavatlon: q03: GV fL no of water pumped/ballad before sampling: gallons N WIT Number, Expl.radanDate: 7/3 laot0 in-Dl3ch2rge WQ00O2*10 UIC PDES AP6 00024.29!/ Other PE OF PERMITTED OPERATION BEING MONITORED ❑ Lagoon ❑ Ramedlalion: Infiltration Gallery ❑ Spray Field ❑ Remadlallon: ❑ Rotary Diatributor MLend Application of Sludge ❑ Water Source Heat Pump ❑Other. FIELD ANALYSES: WAS PH 6-3-unit Temp, 14 "C DRY at Spec, Cond. µMhos time of samOdor A7oN6 check he ; dt Appearance 21C40- here: ❑ r sample analyzed: Laboratory Name: T0a'1'6 t LAB 3-Nd CartlNceUon No. tAMETERS NOTE: Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal concentrations. / COD mgn Nitrite (NO2) as N 0 • b y mgg it/J q Pb - Lead moll Coliform: MF Fecal /100m1 Nlf % (NOa) ae.N7mgll Zn - Zinc mgq Coliform: MF Total < I 1100mV4W///Phosphorus: Total as P mg/I Mm.; Use aPNm.modrorNolrymoaas.reloq Orthophosphate mgA Other (Specify Compounds and Concentration Units): Dtaolved Solids: Total 234 mgn Idol !/ AI -Aluminum moll pH (when analyzed) unit rl/3 Be - Barium moll TOO < 1.0 moll Ca- Calcium mgll Chloride moll Cd - Cadmium mgli Arsenic mgll Chromium: Total mgA Grease and Oils mgn Cu - Copper mgn ORGANICS: (by GC, GGIMS, HPLC) Phenol mgll Fe - Iron mgA (Specify test and method & ATTACH LAB REPORT.) Sulfate mgfl Ho - Mercury mgn Report Attached? ❑ Yes (1) ❑ No (0) Specific Conductance µMhos Total Ammonia e•! mgn lr�r II K - Potassium Mg Magnesium mpll . VOC method # (M ffft N1QM MI,o R Plow" Nftm Tau) - mg/1 method# Mn - Manganese mgA . method # TM as N moll NI - Nickel m9A method # , v. ,.v,u...,wun v>r.wn-� .raver iwuarn eau FiA r.� RI14rJ PWmICae(crAulh,,' a An d)NameaMTitle-PWnPdniort e GW-59 Rev.1/2007 EmOelt Total VOCs: mg/L. VOC Uri MONITORING: INFORMATION . memo rnmramWor,yps. PERMITNumber. Expiration Date: ad ity Nam*: -, f OF AftCAd d r IC L G &Vurr to Non -Discharge UIC ermit Name (if di ferant): NPDES Other ectUly Addrea : !s go Co dle 4,te, e4L. TYPE OF PERMITTED OPERATION BEING MONITORED Albeena "—,, NC 24ve1 County ST4u(f ❑lagoon ❑Remedlation:Infiltration Gallery . M.1y) )5wie) uir) ❑ Spray Field ❑ Remedlation: ct Person: 404V D ✓r!r ASS Telephonak o y W ID ❑ Rotary Distributor ❑ Lend Application of Sludge sfi Loallon/Site Name: ai�fi- L-t t- W •t'f° No. cf wells to be sampled: ❑ Water Source Heat Pump ❑ Other. -LING INFORMATION 10 NUMBER (from Permlt): WG1J 1J 3 Date sample collected: <bI2'-/ flt:LD ANALYSES: ELL ItI S sA Depth: Wag Diameter 3 In. pH �O_j units Temp. !S °C DRY et -"�f epth to Water Leval: !1' I1 R below measuring point Screened Interval: 3y IL to 59 tt. Spec. Cond. IrMhos of as,Point Is o , 5 it above land surface Relative M.P. Elevation: t%o• 6, tt Odor CI uI' /n+ere'check plume of water pumped/balled befoie sampling: _ gallons _ _ Appearance Gl tsi hero: n 1'ampls analyzed: ` Laboratory Name: I_Pv eS-f GA�� T-NL Certffiatlon No. 10 AMETERS NOTE: ValuM should reflect dissolved and colloidal concenbatlons. COD mgn Nitrite (NO2) ae N 0.0 y mgA 11MI1J Pb - Lead mgA 'Colfform: MF Fecal /100ml Nitrate (NO3) as.N mgA Zn-Zinc mgA. Collform: MF Total < I YI00ml 14144 Phosphorus: Total as P mg/l (N*:Use MPNmtlMdfor NOtyuW aw4gu) Orthophosphate mgn Other (SpedyCompounds and Concentration Units); Dissolved Solids: Total /00 mon w3d), AI -Aluminum mgn pH (when analyzed) unite Be - Barium mgA TOO <I.0 moll 1113,11 Ca -Calcium mgn Chloride mgn Cd - Cadmium mgA Arsenio mgn Chromium: Total mgA Grease and Olie mgn Cu - Copper moll ORGANICS: (by GC, GCIMS, HPLC) Phenol mg/l Fe - Iron mgA (Specify tat and method IR ATTACH LAB REPORT.) Sulfate moll Hg - Mercury m9A Report Attached? O Yes (1) O No(Q) Specific Conductance µMhoa 111 K- Potassium mgn VOC method * TOW Ammonia C e.1 mg/I 1111 Mg - Magnesium moll method 0 Wmnma MOM W3" R AMYWU wVOM Ta.q Mn - Manganese mgA method S TKN as N mgn NI - Nickel mgA method# GW-59 Rev.1/2007 r Is SUBMIT FORM ON YELLOW PAPER ONLY ROUNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING: OMPRLIANCE REPORT FORM ILITY INFORMATION mease t-nnt ueany. or Type ity Name: Q y OF dAepwk 46nq Cree K W W TP lit Name (if different): 4-1 ity Address:Xltle. i4em-ri(r NC $ ®o e' County_ S�Otr./w lr..ty) / / ;State) :.,,rl act Person: {ol/y Overc.L-:Ir� Telephone#:_7dti'-fl ro Location/Site Name:_ VV k/ f No. of wells to be sampled: 3 L ID�NUMBERrfrom Permit Lie , e, �� ( ) _ _T Date sample collected: Depth: S3 ft, Well Diameter: 3 in. n to Water Level: ft. below measuring point Screened Interval:42f-ft. to.L3 ft. wring Point is 1-5—ft above land surface Relative M.P. Elevation: S '02 ft. ne of water pumped/bailed before sampling gallons �,� )les for metals were collected unfiltered: YES El NO and field aridifiari- ivl YFc r'I nin r.Arn mtw rUr twvIRon1MENT & NATURAL RESOURCES 48I6N OF WATER QUAL1TY=iNFORMATION'PROCESSING UNIT I7 MAIL SERVICE'CENTER, RALEIGH; NC°27699.1817 .phone:,,.(819) 733.3221 :RMIT Number: Expiration Date: Jeri a/o - in -Discharge WQ000�Gf` UIC 'DES OO..)YaY / Other 'PE OF PERMITTED OPERATION BEING MONITORED ❑ Lagoon ❑ Remediatlon: infiltration Gallery ❑ Spray Field ❑ Remediation: ❑ Rotary Distributor 91-and Application of Sludge ❑ Water Source Heat Pump ❑ Other': If WELL FIELD ANALYSES: WAS pH units Temp. l� °C DRY at Spec. Cond. µMhos time of Odor p7 { sampling, check Appearance here: ❑ to sample analyzed: RAMETERS Laboratory Name: 711. 7C514.6. -Z e. C64* IDS Certification No. Uj NOTE: Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal concentrations. COD mg/I Nitrite (NO2) as N , p� f mg/l��'B' Pb - Lead mg/1 Coliform: MF Fecal 1/1 00ml Nitrate (NO3) as. mg/I Zh - Zinc mg/I Coliform: MF Total a /100ml 4j7 1 bhosphorus: Total as P mg/I (Note: Use MPN method for highly turbid samples) OrthO hos hate P „ P ~ "_' ,_— =.;'~;, l m n 9 Other (Specify Com ounds and nCentration`iUnits): (P fY P. Dissolved Solids: Total -S6 o mg/I �'�� AI - Aluminum_ �> =m ` -� ' ,� mg/1 ``` ft""- 's pH (when analyzed) units Ba - Barium' mg/l � � TOC a , i mg/l q-a 0') ( Ca - Calciwm 3 P mg/I 11 lnformatif. Chloride mgli Cd -Cadmium Pi z mg/l n •cs" Dl�t��Rr,.. �9 Unit Arsenic mgA ChromlumTofal mg/1 _7----- Grease and Oils mg/I Cu -Copper o mg/I ORGANICS: (by GC, GC/MS, HPLC) Phenol mg/1 Fee -Prod mg/l (Specify test and method #. ATTACH LAB REPORT.) Sulfate mg/1 Hg - Mercury ` ' G mgll Report Attached? ❑ Yes (1) ❑ No (0) Specific Conductance µMhos K - Potassium -~-x mg/I VOC method # Total Ammonia ' (Ammonia Nitrogen; NH3 as N; Ammonia Nitrogen, Total) mg/1 I I g-3- " Mg - Magnesiurri'" a - =-- R-= _mg/1 , '. method # Mn - Mang�nese `s.,._�_,-_.._:.�� �mg/1 � �r` ^�mg/l ,method # TKN as N mg/l _ NJ_ i -Nickel � method # Fnr 92nmarfln4lnn C,.c4­ n-h, /A"--&. 1 _cs__��_.. GW-59 Rev. 1 /2007 M SUBMIT FORM ON YELLOW PAPER ONLY GROUNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING: i`• • COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM imme FACILITY INFO Please Print Clearly or Type Facility Name: TTI-fr1-CM a K ww ! >r EPARTMENTOFENVIRONMENT&NATURALRESOURCES '. VISION OF, WATER QOALITYINFORMATION PROCESSINGUNIT' 17 MAIL SERVICE CENTER, RALEIGH,,NC 27699-181T ,Phoneq.(919) 7333221 ..., PERMIT Number: Expiration Date: o Non -Discharge VV1R Vt ba 4 iL UIC Permit Name (if different): • Facility Address: �bY� Cv /L �J✓t. NPDES /_I/ Y Other - bt) County ��.sao�- S .� �, TYPE OF PERMITTED OPERATION BEING MONITORED El Lagoon ElRemediation: Infiltration Gallery / Contact Person: _ l ly ANC I` Chi Cs CQ "O Telephone#: 7 oy ` 5 V& 30 0 Spray Field ❑ Remediation: ❑ Rotary Distributor 19 Land Application of Sludge Well Location/Site Name: (/L/ 1-% 7-P No, of wells to be sampled: _3 ❑ Water Source Heat Pump ❑ Other: aHmr INU nVrOMMATION WELL ID NUMBER (from Permit): tf'i Date sample collected: � FIELD ANALYSES: If WELL Well Depth: ir0 ft. Well Diameter: 3 in. pH units Temp. 14 oC WAS DRY at Depth to Water Level: _ o� ft. below measuring point Screened Interval:��ft. t0S O ft. Spec. Cond. µMhos time of Measuring Point is • 3 ft. above -land surface Relative M.P. Elevation: 1103. 4 ft. Odor sampling,' Volume of water pumped/bailed before sampling: gallons Appearance 6fk31- check here: Samples for metals were collected unfiltered: YES ❑ NO LABORATORY INFORMATION and field acidified: YES ❑ NO ❑ Date sample analyzed: PARAMETERS NOTE: Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal Laboratory Name: 71h I K51 LDS concentrations. _ Certification No. !p 3 CDD mg/l Nitrite (NO2) as N ®t%oZ mg/I 7LO tf Pb - Lead mg/I Coliform: MF Fecal /100m1 Nitrate (NO3) as .N mg/I Zn - Zinc mg/I C I'f MF om. To o l rtal /100MIq-D-7- IlPhosphorus: Total as P (Note: Use MPN method for highly turbid samples) mg/1 Dissolved Solids: Total c2 & mg/I zi��7- II Orthophosphate mg/1 AI Other (Specify Compounds and Concentration Units): - pH (when analyzed) units Ba - Barlum TOC < j, D mg/1 *--j Ca - Calcium Chloride mg/l Cd - Cadmium - r mgp Arsenic mg/I Chromium: Total !"�mg/I Grease and Oils mg/l Cu - Copper `''.' ORGANICS: (by GC, GC/MS, HPLC) Phenol mg/1 Fe - Ir ( o mg/l (Specify test and method #. ATTACH LAB REPORT.) Sulfate mg/1 H Mercu, `---4 9 - $ fY _ ^� p,__� � > ,•mgl( Report Attached? ❑ Yes(!) ❑ No (0) Specific Conductance µMhos K -Potassium ,; - i '�q/I VOC method # Total Ammonia • O a mg/I S-,f- 11 Mg - Magnesium ;r, ;i i In , (Ammonia Nitrogen; NH3as N; Ammonia Nitrogen, Total) k r . Mn - Manganese �.� _ �°.. r n z t , method # , method # TKN as N mg/l Ni - Ni el_= �- method # For Remediation Systems Only (Attach Lab Reports): Influent Total VOCs: - Please print or type Signature of GW-59 Rev.1/2007 Effluent Total VOCs: (or Authorized VOC Removal% (Date) SUBMIT FORM ON YELLOW PAPER ONLY UNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING: PLIANCE REPORT FORM I I Y INi ISMA I ION nn twase t-nnr weeny or /ype Name: Cl bF 00 �WCAwk 1-02q 6e-K tooTP Name (if different): ,,c;r,mo NC ME County act Person: p/��, DV le1'k Telephone#: Location/Site Name: &ULV No. of wells to be sampled: _3 PERMIT Number: Expiration Date: ,- y _? �cPo Non -Discharge 1/✓a000�`11. UIC -�— NPDES /W-- 00>14_-XY f Other TYPE OF PERMITTED OPERATION BEING MONITORED ❑ Lagoon ❑ Remediation: Infiltration Gallery ❑ Spray Field ❑ Remediation: ❑ Rotary Distributor 90ther: L:and Application of Sludge El Water Source Heat Pump LL ID NUMBER (from : ( ) � L'`' � Date sample collected: y � %% L• 3 FIELD I Depth: 5-9 ft. th to Water Level: ft. below measuring Well Diameter: 3 in. ANALYSES: pH .4v-. jts Temp. 17 °C point surfing Point Is D,_' .ft above.land surface Screened Interval: 31-ft. to 12ft. Relative M.P. Elevation: & d' ft. Spec. Cond. Odor µMhos ,3-t-20, ime of water pumped/bailed befofe sampling: _0 gallons /j%m C Appearance 4bW 1ples for metals were collected unfiltered: YES ❑ NO (ORATORY INFORMATION and field acidified: CUES ❑ NO I sample analyzed: IAMETERS Laboratory Name: ,i�CST Zz Certification No. b3 NOTE: Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal concentrations. COD mg/I Nitrite (NO2) as N .67 mg/( c(-� 4- it Pb -Lead mg/I Coliform: MF Fecal h00m1 Nitrate (NO3) as. mg/I ZO - Zinc mg/I. Goliform: MO Total / /1Mn Omi 1,,j irnMphorus: Total as P (Note: Use MPN method for highly turbid samples) mgp Dissolved Solids: Total /6 mg/I gi�gx It Orthophosphate AI mgll Other (Specify Compounds and Concentration Units): - Aluminum_. mgA PH (when analyzed) units TOC '� .y Ba -Barium Ca Calcium,_ " ` mg/I -- w,.� _ - mg/I Chloride /I m9 Cd -Cadm iium. s�• Arsenic mg/I Chromium:; Total: c = ,'mg/I Grease and Oils mg/I Cu - Co er ph . , ;... `' mg/l ORGANICS: (by GC, GC/MS, HPLC) Phenol m /l 9 Fed=;:Iron;_ smg/I (Specify test and method #. ATTACH LAB REPORT.) Sulfate mg/I Specific Conductance µMhos Hg - Mercury, a ; K - Potassium`_ " 6- - a F E �� mg/I Report Attached? ❑ Yes*(!) ❑ No (0) N of Total Ammonia < . 0A mg/I%�3 S•3 t 1 Mg - Magnesium" : Pm t. 6 , 9mg/l VOC method # (Ammonia Nitrogen; Mass N; Ammonia Nitrogen, Total) - Pr s =,y Mn - Man4a tesee ; 4„nn ,method # TKN as N mg/I For Remedlation Systems Only (Attach Lab Reports): Permittee (or Authorized Agent) Name and Title - Please prin GW-59 Rev.1/2007 NI - Influent Total VOCs: Of Effluent Total VOCs: method IF method # VOC Removal% el 2 WELL at Of a GW-59A COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM Permit #'�V�looa�6�6 (Submit one each monitoring period with GIV-59 forms.) j Enter date monitoring results were due.( 5 Will this monitoring report (GW-59 and GW-59A) YES NO be submitted after the established due date? 2 Was any required information missing on the GW-59 report forms? YES IF the answer to question 1 or 2 is "YES", list in the space provided below the well identification number(s) and explain the problems encountered in obtaining the required information. 3 Are any of the monitor wells in need of repair or maintenance (damaged casing, unlocked or missing cap, missing YES NO identification plate, area overgrown, etc.)? If the answer is "Yes", contact the Regional Off ce for guidance. 4 Are any monitored constituents equal to or above the established standards? YES If the answer to question 4 is 'NO", skip to section B. If the answer to question 4 is "YES" list the affected wells individually with constituent(s) and concentration(s) exceeding standards in the space provided below. 5 For the constituents identified in question 4 above, have standards been exceeded previously for the YES NO same constituent(s) in the same well(s) in the last two years? if the answer to question 5 is "NO", skip to section 8. If the answer to question 5 is "YES", list in the space provided below, each well with constituent(s) exceeding standards, concentration(s) reported, and sample collection date for each occurrence (for the last two years). Are the monitoring wells listed in section 5 located at or beyond the review boundary? YES NO If the answer is "YES'; a groundwater quality problem maybe occurring. CONTACT THE REGIONAL OFFICE IMMEDIATELY FOR GUIDANCE. If the answer is "NO". monitoring wells maybe improperly located, contact the Regional Office, 7 Is the permittee implementing previously approved actions required by the Division involving this YES NO groundwater quality problem? If the answer to question 7 is "YES" describe those actions in the space provided below. If the answer to question 7 is "NO", contact the Reuional Office within 90 days: an evaluation may be required to determine the impact the waste disposal system is having at the review and compliance boundaries surrounding this facility. Failure to do so may subiect the permittee to a Notice of Violation tine% and/or penalties. g The person completing this portion (GW-59A) of the monitoring reporf should sign below and submit this form with GW-59 forms for required to the addre5§provided at_the'top the GW-59 form. wells of current I herebyackn6.Wledge that the.above information,Was evalu &d anil'the information submitted in this;" report (Coin liarice Report GW-69A) is true and complete to:tire best of my knowledge. Signature of Permittee (or Authorized Agent) r h Date v -6i -0�I GW-59A 12/8/2003 ��� .t ,emu SUBMIT FORM ON YELLOW PAPER ONLY ROUNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING: OMPLIANCE REPORT FORM LITY INFORMATION I measeenntcreanyor type tyName: ef& Of /Q'%1l1em m (NW?fp iit Name (if different): ty Address: /d Yo G/ab/t gve. exi. /4/ mm� /,e- NC 2 flee/ County 577}N ly act Person: 9,4r CA% '41I tom Telephone#: 10V 9py 9� s Y Location/Site Name: W WTo No. of wells to be sampled: .3 IIVISION OF WATER QUALITY 617. MAIL_SERVICE CENTER, IG UNIT Phone: (919) 733.3221 PERMIT Number: Expiration Date: J14IV 3/, 20/a Non -Discharge Wl?ova 2(./p UIC NPDES Jut &Ot912 yJ( Other TYPE OF PERMITTED OPERATION BEING MONITORED ❑ Lagoon ❑ Remediation: Infiltration Gallery ❑ Spray Field ❑ Remediation: ❑ Rotary Distributor Q 'Land Application of Sludge ❑ Water Source Heat Pump ❑ Other: WELL ID NUMBER (from Permit): W#1 3 Date sample collected: /0-24-1 D Well Depth: . 4 ft. Well Diameter: 3 in. Depth to Water Level: 26. 519 ft. below measuring point Screened Interval: 3q ft. to 59 ft. Measuring Point is D• 5 ft. above land surface Relative M.P. Elevation: 1/30-&N ft. Volume of water pumped/bailed before sampling: /S 9 gallons Samples for metals were collected unfiltered: DYES ❑ NO and field acidified: ❑ YES ❑ NO FIELD ANALYSES: pH & - 0 units Temp. 1:9 °C Spec. Cond. µMhos Odor NONd Appearance d/04fl- LABORATORY INFORMATION Date sample analyzed: G•yt,� 0 F Laboratory Name: /4/hopi pole / / 7-o4*s r PARAMETERS NOTE: Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal concentrations. COD mg/I Nitrite (NO2) as N mg/l Coliform: MFFecal /100ml Nitrate (NO3) as N mg/l /n/0hp Coliform: MFTotal 3 /100mHZ#110 Phosphorus: Total as P mg/I (Note: Use MPN method for highly turbid samples) Orthophosphate mg/I Ott Dissolved Solids: Total $y mg/I I0,12.11 ! AI -Aluminum mg] pH (when analyzed) units Ba - Barium mg/l . TOC mg/I P1310 Ca - Calcium mg/l _ Chloride mg/I Cd - Cadmium mg/I _ Certification No. /0.3 Pb - Le mg/I Zn - 1qV mg/I and Concentration Units): F ; WELL at of 7 Arsenic mg/I Chromium: Total mg/I Grease and Oils mg/l Cu - Copper mg/l ORGANICS: (by GC, GC/MS, HPLC). `` :.:: '; _. •, Phenol m /I 9 Fe -Iron m /I g I (Specify test and method #. ATTACH LAB REF�RT.) Sulfate mg/l Hg - Mercury mg/l Report Attached? ❑ Yes (1 ; No ('._"'• Specific Conductance µMhos K- Potassium mg/I _❑ VOC method ' # �:- v; : o Total Ammonia -/"o. I mg/I 1112110 Mg - Magnesium m /I g method #' :• (Ammonia Nitrogen; NH,as N; Ammonia Nitrogen, Total) Mn - Manganese mg/I _,method ) --- -�-- TKN as N mg/I Ni - Nickel mg/I method! i For Remediation Systems Only (Attach Lab Reports): Influent Total VOCs: GW-59A COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM Permit # 012 000 26/A, (Submit one each monitoring period with GW-59 forms.) 1 Enter date monitoring results were due. I! o ) Will this monitoring report (GW-59 and GW-59A) YES IV be submitted after the established due date? 2 Was any required information missing on the GW-59 report forms? YES iF the answer to question 1 or 2 is "YES", list in the space provided below the well identification number(s) and explain the problems encountered in obtaining the required information. 3 Are any of the monitor wells in need of repair or maintenance (damaged casing, unlocked or missing cap, missing YES identification plate, area overgrown, etc.)? If the answer is "Yes", contact the Regional Office for guidance. 4 Are any monitored constituents equal to or above the established standards? YES NO if the answer to question 4 is "NO", skip to section 8. If the answer to question 4 is "YES" list the affected wells individually with constituent(s) and concentration(s) exceeding standards in the space provided below: 5 For the constituents identified'in question 4 above, have standards been exceeded previously for the YES NO same constituent(s) in the same well(s) in the last two years? If the answer to question 5 is "NO", skip to section 8. If the answer to question 5 Is "YES". list in the space provided below, each well with constituent(s) exceeding standards, concentration(s) reported, and sample collection date for each occurrence (for the last two years). Are the monitoring wells listed in section 5 located at or beyond the review boundary? YES NO If the answer is "YES", a groundwater quality problem maybe occurring. CONTACT THE REGIONAL OFFICE IMMEDIATELY FOR GUIDANCE. If the answer is "NO'; monitoring wells maybe improperly located; contact the Regional Office. 7 is the permittee implementing previously approved actions required by the Division involving this YES NO groundwater quality problem? If the answer to question 7 is "YES", describe those actions in the space provided below. If the answer to question 7 is "NO" contact the Regional Office within 90 days: an evaluation may be . required to determine the impact the waste disposal system is having at the review and compliance boundaries surrounding this facility. Failure to do so may subject the permittee to a Notice of Violation. fines. and/or penalties. g- The person completing this portion-(GW--59A) of the monitoring report should sign below and submit this form with GW-59 forms for required wells to the address provided at the top of the current GW-59 form. I hereby acknoiivledge that the above information was evaluated and the mformation submitted m thin, report(Compliance Report GW-59A) is true and complete to'the best of my knowledge. //f 23 bo Signature of Permittee (or Authorized A ent) F Date GW-59A 12/8/2003 SUBMIT FORM ON YELLOW PAPER ONLY ROUNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING: IVISION;OF WATER QUALITY -INFORMATION PROCESSING UNIT ' OMPLIANCE REPORT FORM 617 MAIL SERVICE CENTER,.RALEIGH NC'27699-1617 Phone: (919) 7333221. ICILITY INFORMATION Please Print Clearly or Type PERMIT Number: Expiration Date: t j �, 2010 Icility Name: Cr V L/yf19� /N l�iT� Non -Discharge (A.)Q Dom 2 (o I & UIC )rmit Name (if different): NPDES At _ eso 2 42S1q Other Icility Address: /P S/D eohle Ali/C. a 7; TYPE OF PERMITTED OPERATION BEING MONITORED NC 2 8oa I County Sn*N l y ❑ Lagoon ❑ Remediation: Infiltration Gallery ElSpray Field ❑ Remediation: )ntact Person: l 4y-e nJ W/lam% Telephone#: �d ✓9�!/ �(� 38 ❑ Rotary Distributor 5iLand Application of Sludge ell Location/Site Name: W W T-P No._ of wells to be sampled: 3 ❑ Water Source Heat Pump ❑ Other: aFim1-'Wr4%3 IIVrVKnrlAI IVN WELL ID NUMBER (from Permit): yvd// AL f Date sample collected: / 0 - 2 & - i C Well Depth: 53 ft. Well Diameter: _.in. Depth to Water Level: 5 2 5 ft. below measuring point Screened Interval: 28 ft. to 5 3 ft. Measuring Point is L . $r ft. above land surface Relative M.P. Elevation: q03. d 7. ft. of water pumped/bailed before sampling: ff 9 gallons ❑ El Samples for metals were collected unfiltered: YES NO and field'acidified: El YES ElNO FIELD ANALYSES: pH &5 units Temp. j8 °C Spec. Cond. µMhos Odor NbNt Appearance ale4e- If WELL WAS DRY at time of sampling, check here: ❑ LABORATORY INFORMATION Date sample analyzed: Laboratory Name: e lei Certification No. '59 16 3 PARAMETERS NOTE: Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal concentrations. COD mg/I Nitrite (NO2) as N mg/I Pb - Lead mg/I Coliform: MF Fecal /100m1 Nitrate (NO3) as N < o, 0 S- mg/I !0 jai 0 Zn - Zinc mg/I Coliform: MF Total (SP O /100m1101211VAP Phosphorus: Total as P mg/I ' (Note: Use MPN method for highly turbid samples) Orthophosphate mg/I Other (Specify Compounds and Concentration Units): Dissolved Solids: Total qT1 mg/I tVI271IN Al -Aluminum mg/I pH (when analyzed) G.5 units 101141"0 Ba - Barium mg/I TOC ,?.:i 3 mg/I 1113110 Ca - Calcium mg/I Chloride mg/I Cd - Cadmium mg/I Arsenic mg/l Chromium: Total mg/I Grease and Oils mg/I Cu - Copper mg/I ORGANICS: (by GC, GC/MS, HPLC) Phenol mg/l Fe - Iron mg/I (Specify test and method #. ATTACH LAB REPORT.) Sulfate mg/I Hg - Mercury mg/I Report Attached? ❑ Yes (1) ❑ No (0) Specific Conductance µMhos K - Potassium mg/I VOC method # Total Ammonia I mg/I 11112110 Mg - Magnesium mg/I method # (Ammonia Nitrogen; NH3 as N; Ammonia Nitrogen, Total) Mn - Manganese mg/I method # TKN as N mg/l Ni - Nickel mgA method # For Remediation Systems Only (Attach Lab Reports): Influent Total VOCs: mg/L Effluent Total VOCs: mg/L VOC Removal% rermmee for Aumonzea Agem) Name and I itle - Please pnnt or type GW-59 Rev.1/2007 Signature of for AUtnorized Agent) SUBMIT FORM ON YELLOW PAPER ONLY UNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING: PLIANCE REPORT FORM TY INFORMATION Please Print Clearly or Type Name: Ci 7 f GF p1beiriat a WOJTt* Name (if different): Address: /d y0 dvble fine. EbT NC 2 yo o l County SrjW act Person: t tl"CtJ l4-IIQn Telephone#: fjD'l IM/ 963d( Location/Site Name: W W Tp No. of wells to be sampled: .3 DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY -INFORMATION PROCESSING UNIT 1617 MAIL SERVICE CENTER, RALEIGH; NC 27699-1617 Phone: (919) 7333221. PERMIT Number: Expiration Date: ql�/ 3/2o/a Non -Discharge Wtj 0002(i/G UIC, NPDES We- Co ZV 1 W Other: TYPE OF PERMITTED OPERATION BEING MONITORED ❑ Lagoon ❑ Remediation: Infiltration Gallery ❑ Spray Field ❑ Remediation: ❑ Rotary Distributor [Y] Land Application of Sludge ❑ Water Source Heat Pump ❑ Other:' WELL 1D NUMBER (from Permit): Well it 2• Date sample collected: /D IZGI/O Well Depth: 50 ft. Well Diameter: 3 in. Depth to Water Level: 7S ft. below measuring point Screened Interval: 25 ft. to So ft. Measuring Point is /• ft above land surface Relative M.P. Elevation: (103•!► ft. Volume of water pumped/bailed before sampling: 1.5 gallons for metals were collected unfiltered: ❑❑ YES NO and field acidified: El YES NO FIELD ANALYSES: pH 'T o units Temp. / Z °C Spec. Cond. µMhos Odor NeN6— Appearance C/ta r If WELL WAS DRY at time of sampling,check here: ElSamples LABORATORY INFORMATION Date sample analyzed: Laboratory Name: er d0PAlbta &r/t 17'a4leS7— Certification No. S //03 PARAMETERS NOTE: Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal concentrations. COD mg/l Nitrite (NO2) as N mg/I Pb - Lead mg/I Coliform: MF Fecal /100ml Nitrate (NO3) as N mg/I 10/i4A0 Zn - Zinc mg/I Coliform: MF Total / /100m116%40 Phosphorus: Total as P mg/l (Note: Use MPNmethod for highly turbid samples) Orthophosphate mg/I Other (Specify Compounds and Concentration Units): Dissolved Solids: Total mg/l /ol-1110 AI -Aluminum mgA pH (when analyzed) units Ba - Barium mg/I / TOC _ < I. o mg/I f l / 311V Ca - Calcium mg/I Chloride mg1l Cd - Cadmium mg/I Arsenic mg/I Chromium: Total mg/I Grease and Oils mg/I Cu -Copper mg/I ORGANICS: (by GC, GC/MS, HPLC)' Phenol mg/I Fe.- Iron mg/I (Specify test and method #. ATTACH LAB REPORT.) Sulfate mg/I Hg - Mercury mg/I Report Attached? ❑ Yes (1) ❑ No (0) Specific Conductance µMhos K - Potassium mgA VOC method # Total Ammonia < O.1 mg/I I14111 Mg - Magnesium mg/I method # (Ammonia Nitrogen; NH�as N; Ammonia Nitrogen, Total) Mn - Manganese mgA method # TKN as N mg/I Ni - Nickel mgA method # ' • ... ..�...`...oa.va vYaw vuly kPULOL,rl L.C7U 1%UPUR5): innuerII i oiai vuL:s: m /L Effluent Total VOCs: o 9 mg/L VOC Removal/e AI I RII�IAA���I���A1•���I���� _ GW-59 Rev.1/2007 (Date) SUBMIT FORM ON TER QUALITY MONITORING: f= REPORT FORM Name: C i G A 16�►euotrlY orr �r i. JW Name (if different); Address: I t? ye A County u:a>y :5e�a} t:{icl act Person: -, eL-v1's CD oh C1 Location/Site Name; t,j Telephone#: ? e - - No. of wells to be sampled: 3 j:lal� rro am uu L 10 NUMBER (from Permit): 3 Depth: S ft. Date sample collected: h to Water Well Diameter: In, ,fit. b ow measuring point Screened Interval:3V ft. ,wring Point Is ft. above land surface to no of water pumped/balled before sampling: - Relative M.P, Elevation; le a ft. dtallons ONLY UNIT ERMIT Number: Expiration Date: an -Discharge %#&000a`1L UIC 'DES �►i��j0ayray Other PPE OF PERMITTED OPERATION BEING MONITORED ❑ Lagoon ❑ Remedlallon: Infiltration Gallery ❑ Spray Field G1 Remedlation: ❑ Rotary Distributor IRL and Application of 1. Sludge ❑ Water Source Heat pump' ❑Omer; FIELD ANALYSES: PH cS-units Temp. % _7 'C Spec. Cond. µMhos Odor np �eA Appearance rG�• sample analyzed: Laboratory Name: /f%�6GH1 �f/L� �IIAETERS NOTE; Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal concentrations. Certification No. COD mg/l Nitrite (NO,) as N / Colfform: IVIF Fecal /100m1gA Pb - Lead Nitrate (NO3)NOas.N_ p, m A y�.?-fD.-------mgn Coliform: IMF Total C /100m1 � n►'��phosphorus: Total as P m� �n -Zinc (Note: Uae MPN method far highly turbid samples) Q Dissolved Solids: Total _.._ _.Mg/l 4/49_ /D PH (when analyzed) units TOC <1 mgA N-.� 3 • t Chloride mgA Arsenic mg/l Grease .and Oils mg/I Phenol mgA Sulfate mg/l Specific Conductance µMhos TotalArnmonia < , l mg/1 i/-mtv-110 (Ammonia Nitrogen; NH'®s N; AMMoniTNltrog—m Tetel) TKN as N mga For Remediation litystems Only (Attach Lab Reports): r Orthophosphate mgA AI - Aluminum _, mgA Ba - Barium mgA Ca - Calcium mgA Cd - Cadmium mgA Chromium: Total mg/f Cu - Copper mg/I Fe - Iron mg/I Hg - Mercury mg/I K - Potassium mgA Mg - Magnesium mgfi Mn - Manganese mgA N1- Nickel mg/I Influent Total VOCs: gnu nua - rJusse Print or wo , - -/_ GW-59 Rev.1/2007 Other (Specify Compounds ee and oncentratlon' jn�ts�: ' o E Ty ;� ORGANICS: (by t3C, GC/MS, HPLC) (Specify test test and method X ATTACH LAB PORT.) Report Attached? ❑ Yes (1) ❑ Nor VOC , method # method # method # , method # Effluent Total VOCs: VOC R®— m-- c— v_ al/, at Of F ()8JALITY MONITORING: Nr.rrte. ► o _f11 *rerfi► LV_ erce L Ja;'ne (if differ,�nt): Addre!;s: W10 Cnb1r► �iar�. � _. County` ON YELL= PAPER ONLY acl;Por;o!7: GiJYYS rot, e<Telephone: 7VY 9V.?-k Locst on/;Site Name: l,J �19 No. of wells to be sampled, �3 LLIII NufU11VIBER (frorxl Permit): pate Sample collected: Y- /&rid Ii ft Well Diameter: )th to Vyater Level: EaDt. below measuring point Screened Interval:,�,5 ft to :SV 4t. Rsurinj Point is 3 = _.,.-,ft. above land surface /6" .S` Relative M.P. Elevation: 0-16 6% ft. 'me of water purnfedlitailed befoPe sampling: p gallons —.s,yrMAlUNALRESOURCES OF WATER QUALITY 114FARMAY(OKi Prd60ES5ING't1�7tT „ HRMIT Number: Expiration Date: in -Discharge w ftbo ,b i UIC 'DES W— Other 'PE OF PERMITTED OPERATION BEING MONITORED 13 Lagoon ❑ Remediation: infiltrmfon Gallery Ca Spray Field ❑ Remediation 12 Rotary Distributor Land Application of Sludge Ll Water Source Heat Pump ❑ Other: PIE D ANALYSES: PH 6,- � ,units Temp. �� °C Spec, Cond, µMhos Odor _�-�+� Off Appearance Lfear METE enalyxed< Laboratory Name: kflnr C / , 7L �er� Certification No, X �� VIE IEF �i hiOl'E: Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal concentrations. " CCl) mg/1 Nitrite (NOS) as N�mg/I Pb - Lead mg/I Coliform MF Fecal 11'00ml Nitrate (N Oz) as N- C .yA mg/I'1 I� 0 .fin - Zinc ' CI. iifoi°m: MF Total I �1100mi L1- /6•A%i ---- mgll . iosphorus, Total asp (11100We pgPN Method for highly turbid samples) Orthophosphate mq/l; Dislsoh�ed Solitls: Tct,ai 7 ,� mg/l t� 14.10 AI _mgll Other (Specify Compounds and Concentration Units)': I�MI initn analyzed) units - Aluminum - -�_ Sa - Barium- _ _ _� mgn mg/I TO(. /• 3 M mgll y-- 3 ro Ca - Calcium mgll Chloride mg/I Cd- Cadmium.. mgA Arsenic --mg/I Chromium: Total mg/I err apse and Oils mgll u - Copper,- � Mg/l ORGANICS: (by GC, GC/MS, HPLC) Phshol mg/I Sulfate Fe - Iran mg/I (Specify test and method #. ATTACH LAB REPORT.) mg/1 SP9641c C; onductanco µMho:~ Hg - Mercury _ K - Potassium mgH Report Attached? ❑ yes(l) ❑ No (0) iotalAmmonia ,O( ••ZO,P mg/) Y Mg mg/l VOC ,method# (/+.mn,urils Nitrogen; t iH3aa N; Ammonia Nitrogen, Total) -Magnesium mg/I, method #,� TKN as N mg/l Mn - Manganese NI - Nickel moll ,method _- ,mgll , method t;e Fo Remediat,lon Systems Only (Attach Gab Reports): Influent Total VOC i0ial fj5 .t} ti ! . :.. r , , mg/L Effluent Total VOCs: mg/L, VOC Removal% at Of ®® x GW59 Rev.1/2.007 SUBMIT FORM ON YELLOW PAPER ONLY EPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT & NATURAL RESOURCES GROUNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING: EM,617 IVISION OF WATER QUALITY INFORMATION PROCESSING UNIT: COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM MAIL SERVICE CENTER, RALEIGH, NO 27699.1617 ;Phone: (919) 733-3221. FACILITY INFORMATION Please PrintctearlyorType PERMIT Number: Expiration Date: % ,A4 Facility Name: C r'jy aF /7� � /_CReeli Q P _ Non -Discharge K OOOZ4& UIC Permit Name (if different): NPDES NC 002 42 q_y other Facility Address: /OY6 cabk Ave Eyt TYPE OF PERMITTED OPERATION BEING MONITORED IL " ' NC x9o0a County i Irrr ❑ Lagoon ❑ Remediation: Infiltration Gallery El Spray Field ❑ Remediation: yr Contact Person: ' �''� Dante Telephone#: ❑ Rotary Distributor WLand Application of Sludge Well Location/Site Name: V✓ W T? No, of wells to be sampled: 3 ❑ Water Source Heat Pump ❑ Other: from Permit SAMPLING INFORMATION � 2 -/ fb'�o q If WELL WELL 1D NUMBER (from Permit): we -it Date sample collected: FIELD ANALYSES: WAS Well Depth: =0 ft. Well Diameter: 3 in. pH units Temp. /-s °C DRY at Depth to Water Level: I ft. below measuring p g point _ Mhos Screened Interval: ft, to 3.3 ft. Spec. Cond. µ time li sampling, Measuring Point is ft above land surface Relative M.P. Elevation: YaSO,. ft. Odor t 2 t no vetor- check olume of water pumped/bailed before sampling: I b . 5 gallons Appearance G%r n a d or here: M Sam les for metals were collected unfiltered: DYES ❑ NO and field acidified: ❑ YES ❑ NO LABORATORY INFORMATION Date sample analyzed: �t Laboratory Name: 6Li sa F A /^� __// lie #Wk / / � -*31- Certification No. ,X96a PARAMETERS NOTE: Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal concentrations. COD mg/1 Nitrite (NO2) as N mg/I Pb -Lead mgll Coliform: MF Fecal /100ml Nitrate (NO3) as N 1p. oA mg/I y-.U-M Zn - Zinc mg/l Coliform: MF Total /100m1*/06 Phosphorus: Total as P mg/I (Note: Use MPN method for highly turbid.sarwes — Orthophosphate mg/1 Other (Specify Compounds and Concentration Units): �� Dissolved Solids: Total' S11? mg/I y-m-10 AI -Aluminum mg/l pH (when analyzed) f units Ba - Barium mg/I TOC mg/l 4_,340 Ca - Calcium mg/i Chloride mg/I Cd - Cadmium mg/I Arsenic mg/I Chromium: Total mg/l Grease and Oils mg/I Cu - Copper mg/I ORGANICS: (by GC, GC/MS, HPLC) Phenol mg/I Fe - Iron mg/I (Specify test and method A ATTACH LAB REPORT.) Sulfate mg/1 Hg - Mercury mg/I Report Attached? ❑ Yes (1) ❑ No (0) Specific Conductance µMhos K - Potassium mg/I VOC method # Total Ammonia O• j mg/I y-;0.1b Mg - Magnesium mg/I , method # (Ammonia Nitrogen; NHses N; Ammonia Nitrogen, Total) Mn - Manganese mg/I method # TKN as N mg/l Ni - Nickel mg/l , method # GW-59A COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM Permit # An 0001616, (Submit one each monitoring period with GW-59 forms.) Al p beS `,e 0 0 ®1 y 2 q 1 Enter date monitoring results were due. ( S— 31-10) Will this monitoring report (GW-59 and GW-59A) YES: NO be submitted after the established due date? x 2 Was any required information missing on the GW-59 report forms? YES' IF the answer to question 1 or 2 is "YES", list in the space provided below the well identification number(s) and explain the problems encountered in obtaining the required information. 3 Are any of the monitor wells in need of repair or maintenance (damaged casing, unlocked or missing cap, missing 'YES NO identification plate, area overgrown, etc.)? If the answer is "Yes", contact the Regional Office for guidance. 4 Are any monitored constituents equal to or above the established standards? YES NQ X If the answer to question 4 is "NO", skip to section 8. if the answer to question 4 is "YES" list the affected wells individually with constituent(s) and concentration(s) exceeding standards in the space provided below. 5 For the constituents identified in question 4 above, have standards been exceeded previously for the YES NO same constituent(s) in the same well(s) in the last two years? If the answer to question 5 is "NO; skip to section 8.. If the answer to question 5 is "YES'; list in the space provided below, each well with constituent(s) exceeding standards; concentration(s) reported; and sample collection date for each occurrence (for the last two years). Are the monitoring wells listed in section 5 located at or beyond the review boundary? YES NO If the answer is "YES','; a groundwater quality problem maybe occurring. CONTACT THE REGIONAL OFFICE' IMMEDIATELY FOR GUIDANCE. If the answer is "NO". monitoring wells may be improperly located; contact the Regional Office. 7 Is the permittee implementing previously approved actions required by the Division involving this YES NO groundwater quality problem? If the answer to question 7 is "YES", describe those actions in the space provided below. If the answer to question .7 is "NO" contact the Regional Office within 90 days; an evaluation may be. required to determine the impact the waste disposal system is having at the review and compliance boundaries surrounding this facility: Failure to do so may subiect.the permittee to a Notice of Violation, fines, and/or pena/ties. g The person completing this portion (GW--59A) of the monitoring report should sign below and submit this form with GIN-59 forms_ for required wells to the address provided at the top of the current GW-59 form. 'I hereby acknowledge that the above information was evaluated and the information submitted in this report (Compliance Report GWI-59A) is true and complete to the,best of my knoWledg, . z nature of'Pea i a (or ut orized Agent) Date I/ GW-59A 12/8/2003 GW-59A COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM ;4 D Permit # k4 000ol69 (Submit one each monitoring period with GW-59 forms.) 1 Enter date monitoring results were due. (_LLZ?O_j Will this monitoring report (GW-59 and GW-59A) YES NO be submitted after the established due date? X 2 Was any required information missing on the GW-59 report forms? YES 1W IF the answer to question I or 2 is "YES" list in the space provided below the well identfication number(s) and explain the problems encountered in obtaining the required information. 3 Are any of the monitor wells in need of repair or maintenance (damaged casing, unlocked or missing cap, missing YES NO identification plate, area overgrown, etc.)? If the answer is "Yes", contact the Regional Officefor guidance. 4 Are any monitored constituents equal to or above the established standards? YES 1 if the answer to question 4 is "NO", skip to section B. If the answer to question 4 is "YES" list the affected wells individually with constituent(s) and concentrations) exceeding standards in the space provided below. 5' For the constituents identified in question 4 above, have standards been exceeded previously for the YES NO same constituent(s) in the same well(s) in the last two years? If the answer to question 5 is 'NO", skip to section 8. if the answer to question 5 is "YES", list in the space provided below, each well with constituents) exceeding standards, concentration(s) reposed, and sample collection date for each occurrence (for the last two years). Are the monitoring wells listed in section 5 located at or beyond the review boundary? '-NO If the answer is `YES". a groundwater quality problem may be occurring. CONTACT THE REGIONAL OFFICE IMMEDIATELY FOR GUIDANCE if the answer is "NO" monitoring wells may be jmprope° y z� � located; contact the Regional Office. 7 Is the pennittee implementing previously approved actions required by the Division -involving thig 0 w AYES NO groundwater quality problem?i; If the answer to question 7 is "YES", describe those actions in the space provided below. if the answer to question 7 is "NO", contact the Regional Office within 90 days. an evaluationmail, recuired to determine the impact the waste disposal system is having at the review and compfjance boundaries surrounding this facility. Failure to do so may subject the permittee to a Notice of Violation fines, and/or penalties. f sV• DEC Yt P 8 The person completing this portion (GW-59A) of the monitoring report should siggpWaiV9k r r `+t this form with GW-59 forms for required wells to the address provided at the top of the curren form. I hereby acknowledge that the abovi%information was evaluated and the inf®rmation submitEed m-this report (Compliance- Report GW-59A) is true and complete to the best of my knowledge. Signature ofPermittee(or Authorized Agent) kate GW-59A 12/8/2003 V, SUBMIT FORM ON YELLOW PAPER ONLY o u DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT & NATURAL RESOURCES GROUNDWATER QUALOTY MONITORING: �:r �=o a oDIVISION OF WATER QUAUTYdNFORMAirION PROCESSING UNIT COMPLIANCE REPOKi FORS u 1617. MAIL SERVICE CENTER, RALEIGM, NC 27699-�(6.17 Phrona:�(919)733.3221 EACIt TY 111 FORfIII,�ON Please PERMIT Number. Expiration Date: Truly I rl b 1p Facility Name: _ C ; 0%, 0-14.9/h'__-11111/e P/WiP y Non -Discharge P Q 000 A(l6 UIC Permit Name (if different): NPDES V0021,041 Other Facility Address: �C g b fie Avg-P h u e Qet. TYKE OF PERMITTED OPERATION BEING MONITORED a wp/e NC Qo1 County SI4 It/ El Lagoon ❑Remediaticn:Infiltration Gallery I., ❑ Spray Field ❑ Remedlation: Contact Person: A/a, C, -r Telephone#: ❑ Rotary Distributor R Land Application of Sludge Well Location/Site Name: w w r p No. of wells to be sampled: 3 ❑ Water Source Heat Pump ❑ Other: from Pormll SAMPLINr INFORMAT Oil WELL ID NUMBER (from hermit): Weft 4t- Date sample collected: 1OLiV0g FIELD ANALYSES: If WELL WAS Well Depth: 5'3 ft. Well Diameter: 3 in. pH 6. L units Temp. la eC DRY at Depth to Water Level: 7 ft, below measuring point Screened Interval: t,? ft. to 5�� ft. Spec. Cond, EtMhos time of Measuring Point is 1. S ft. above land surface Relative M.P. Elevation: 941K Bo'l ft. Odor sampling, check Volume of water pumped/bailed before sampling: / 6, 66 gallons Appearance here: samples for metals were collected unfiltered: EYES ❑ NO and field acidified: ❑ YES IR NO ❑ L,qi 0-R& OI Y E021 R A`I'ION Date sample analyzed: Laboratory Name: - (; rV p?i'�/des�,av /Pire' �� Certification No. �q PARAMETERS NOTE: Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal concentrations. COD mg/I Nitrite (NO2) as N mg/I Pb - Lead mg/I Coliform: MF Fecal /100ml Nitrate (NO3) as N ®, p 6 mg/I 1011610 9 Zn - Zinc mg/l Coliform: MF Total =- /100m1IplIr/.,Phosphorus: Total as P (Note; Use MPN method for highly lurgld samples) Orthophosphate mg/I mg/I �q F Other (Specify Compounds and Conca r@ to i )a F t / . Dissolved Solids: Total 695 mg/I 10120101 Al - Aluminum mg/I v, pH (when analyzed) units Be - Barium DEC --1 200 TOG 3079 mg/l /o/fIA? Ca - Calcium mg/I Chloride mg/l Cd - Cadmium mg/I OG Arsenic mg/I Chromium: Total mg/I errs rmatir�rt f r;., Grease and Oils mg/I Cu - Copper mg/I ORGANICS: (by GC, GC/MS; HPLC) Phenol mg/I Fe - Iron mg/I (Specify test and method #. ATTACH LAB REPORT,) Sulfate mg/I Hg -Mercury mg/I Report Attached? ❑ Yes (1) ❑ No (0) Specific Conductance µMhos K- Potassium mg/I VOC method # Total Ammonia < all mg/I 10/4009 Mg - Magnesium mg/I method # (Ammonia Nitrogen; NH, as R. Ammonia Nitrogen, Total) Mn - Manganese mg/I method # TKN as N mg/I Ni - Nickel mg/I method # FrrPes�orG�eis /Ji.eCfor B Pi�/,'a Permittee (or Authorized Agent) Name and Title - Please print or type GW-59 Rev.112007 SUBMIT FORM ON YELLOW PAPER ONLY GROUNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING: o DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT B NATURAL RESOURCES OF WATER 00ALITY-IN0611I49ATION! PROCESSING UNIT COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM o �DIVISION 1617 MAIL SERVICE CENTER, RALEIGH, NC 27699.1617 Pho111e:t9191733.3221 FACIUTY INFORMATION PERMIT PERMIT Number: Expiration Date: !� Facility Name: 14/ /TP Non -Discharge Gr/Q 000o2416 UIC Permit Name (if different): NPDES NC 00 d y a y!y Other Facility Address: _I_(%® C o b fe �vP_ of r� e Cx Z; TYPE OF PERMITTED OPERATION BEING MONITORED d e Apia NC vat County 1 ❑ Lagoon ❑ Remediation: infiltration Gallery ❑ Spray Field ❑ Remediation: Contact Person: A I C. � G� o%r►i.'r Telephone#: i/ 7. ❑ Rotary Distributor ® Land Application of Sludge Well Location/Site Name: W W 7* P No, of wells to be sampled: ❑ Water Source Heat Pump ❑ Other: from parmtl SAMPLING INFORM TION WELL ID NUMBER (from Permit): We of Date sample collected: I B//3 f 0 Q FIELD ANALYSES: If WELL WAS Well Depth: 5 _ft. Well Diameter: 3 In. pH 6, y units Temp. « °C DRY at Depth to Water Level: _ 5.3 ft, below measuring point Screened Interval: A5 ft. to Sb ft. Spec. Cond. EtMhos time of Measuring Point is 1. 3 ft, above land surface Relative M.P. Elevation: Y03, 6Y ft, Odor sampling, check Volume of water pumped/balled before sampling: 3 7. S gallons Appearance here: Samples for metals were collected unfiltered: MYES ❑ NO and field acidified: ❑YES ONO LASQRATQRY INFORMATION Date sample analyzed: Laboratory Name: �,'fy p1//,e.►,or/� �'7`,-,'fes7` Certification No. PARAMETERS NOTE: Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal concentrations. COD mg/I Nitrite (NO2) as N mg/I Pb - Lead mg/I Coliform: MF Fecal /100ml Nitrate (NO3) as N 4 0, 0 5 mg/I 10/1610 q Zn - Zinc mg/I Coliform: MF Total 1 /100ml1®//5/d9 Phosphorus: Total as P mg/I (Note: Use MPN method for highly turbid samples) Orthophosphate mg/I Other (Specify Compounds and Concentration Units): Dissolved Solids: Total a /!� mg/I /01Q0/0 q Al -Aluminum mg/l pH (when analyzed) units Be - Barium mg/I TOC 1113 mg/I /0//y/BR Ca - Calcium mg/I Chloride mg/I Cd - Cadmium mg/I Arsenic mg/l Chromium: Total mg/I Grease and Oils mg/I Cu - Copper mg/l ORGANICS: (by GC, GC/MS, HPLC) Phenol mg/l Fe - Iron mgll (Specify test and method #. ATTACH LAB REPORT.) Sulfate mg/I Hg - Mercury mg/I Report Attached? ❑ Yes (1) ❑ No (0) Specific Conductance µMhos K - Potassium mg/I VOC method # Total Ammonia mg/l 1,0/ad/0� Mg -'Magnesium . mg/l method # (Ammonia Nitrogen: NH3as N: Ammonia Nitrogen, Total) Mn - Manganese mg/l method # TKN as N mg/I N1- Nickel mg/I method # For Remediation Systems Only (Attach Lab Reports): Influent Total VOCs: mg/L Effluent Total VOCs; mg/L VOC Removal%a_ Ei n es* -go rWerr ,,'ree'tar- of l'wid,e. 14— ,'Lf,'es Permittee (or Authorized Agent) Name and Title - Please print or type l GW-59 Rev.1/2007 SUBMIT FORM ON YELLOW PAPER ONLY f o ` u DEPAF:TtJIENY OF ENUIRONPJIENT fA NATURAL FtESQUFCE9 GROUNDWATER QUALOTYMOHIIORII�iG: �`', o 00 0 IVISiONOFWATERGlIIALITY•1NFOR711AYIONt'ROOESStNGUNIT COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM E97. MAtL SERVICE GHNTEtt, RALEIGbI, NC 27699.1G17 Phan®; [91rJ) 733 3221 or Name: it Name (If different); ty Address: ' to C p b !e /A e A U e 4-y 1. V/dNC 2 riaof County Si��o-C:lv act Person: /7 /0, o �a� r/• �s Telephone#: 3US -."61 ^ 9179 Location/Site Name: la/ W r P No, of wells to be sampled: Number; Expiration Date: Non -Discharge P14 DDp R61 a UIC r NPDES NC Dd ALIA liq Other TYPE OF PERMITTED OPERATION 13EIMG MONITORED ❑ Lagoon ❑ Remedlation: Infiltration Gallery ❑ Spray Field ❑ Remediation: ❑ Rotary Distributor N Land Application of Sludge ❑ Water Source Heat Pump ❑ Other: L ID�NUMBER •from Permit : �1%� 11 ( ) 3 Date sample collected: /0/15/09' MELD ANALYSES: Depth: - - ';' q �ft. Well Diameter: 3 in. pH 6,1 units Temp.. /a QC h to Water Level• S. ft. below measuring point Screened Interval: 311 ft. to -59 ft, Spec, Cond, µMhos curing Point is 0. 5- ft, above land surface Relative M.P. Elevation: 1130, 68 ft. Odor Tie of water pumped/balled before sampling: 5`0 gallons Appearance oles for metals were collected unfiltered: ❑YES ❑ NO and field acidified: ❑ YES ❑ NO ORATotay 113t aR TION sample analyzed: Laboratory Name: _ C; fy %'e-,'�-esy Certification No,q p,� AMETERS NOTE: Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal concentrations. COD mg/I Nitrite (NO2) as N mg/I Pb - Lead moll Coliform: MF Fecal /100ml Nitrate (NO3) as N LI,18 moll 10/16/eq Zn - Zinc mg/I Coliform: MF Total 4-1 1100m11411§/Qq Phosphorus: Total as P moil (Nola: Use MPN Method for Nghly turbid samples) Orthophosphate moll Other (Specify Compounds and Concentration Units): Dissolved Solids: Total /Oo1 moil /06/01 pH (when analyzed) units TOG -2, G mg/I to q Chloride mg/I Arsenic mg/1 Grease and oils mg/I Phenol mg/I Sulfate mg/I Specific Conductance µMhos Total Ammonia 6, a mg/I /d/a%g (Ammonla Nllrogen: NH3 as h: Ammonla Nitrogen, Total) TKN as N mg/I At - Aluminum mg/I Ba - Barium mg/I Ca - Calcium mg/I Cd - Cadmium mgh Chromium: Total moll Cu - Copper mg/1 Fe - Iron mg/I Hg - Mercury moll K - Potassium mg/I Mg - Magnesium mgll Mn - Manganese —moll Ni - Nickel mg/l For Remediation Systems Only (Attach Lab Reports): Influent Total VOCs: ORGANICS: (by GC, GC/MS, HPLC) (Specify test and method #. ATTACH LAB REPORT,) Report Attached? ❑ Yes (1) ❑ No (0) VOC method 0 method # method 0 method * mg/L Effluent Total VOCs: VOC Removal% Ei-&a s I so.-64'-s D:i•� c�or a'� l�� bl, c t17t.'l�'fi rs' �� 444c 41 l/ /34 Permiitee (or Authorized Agent) Name and Title -'Please print or type Signature of Permittee (or Authorized Anent) (Datel GW-59 Rev.1/2007 at of FNI � VROa TEST Page 1 of 2 Laboratory Repa_rt.. ic7h Iocalion'R' '5 Lob LOcOIioll `C' Lob Locolion'W` NC/WW Cert.#: 067 NC/DW Cert.#: 37731 1 NC/UWV Cent.#: 103 NC/DW Cert.#: 37733 NC/VW Cert.#: 075 NC/DW Cert.#: 37 6701 Conference D,-, Raleigh, NC 27607 § 6300 Ramada Dr, Suite C2, Clemmons, NC 27012 6624 Gordon Rd, Unit G, Wilmington, NC 28 Ph: (919) 834-4984 Fax (919) 834-6497 - Ph: (336) 766-7846 Fax (336) 766-2514 Ph: (910) 763-9793 Fax. (910) 343-968 ..- ....:....__ . Project No.: Project ID: GROUNDWATER — Prepared for — Holly Overcash Albemarle, City of P.O. Box 190 Albemarle, NC 28002 Report Date: Date Received: 10/15/2009 Work Or #: 0910-0-t42 'CusL-=Code: ;80b>3t19 Cust. P.O.#: No. Sample ID Date Sampled Time Sampled Matrix Sample Type Condition 001 WELL #1 10115/2009 10.40 GW Grab 4 +1- 2 deg Test Performed Method Results Lab Loc DairedTime Qualifi Total Dissolved Solids SM 2540C 665 mg/L C 10/20/09 8:45 Ammonia SM 4500 NH3 F <0.1 mg/L as N C 10/20/09 11:30 Nitrate -Nitrite SM 4500 NO3 E 0.06 mg/L as N C 10/16/09 10.30 Total Organic Carbon SM 5310C 3.74 mg/L R 10/19/09 14:55 Fecal Coliforms/IVIF SM 9222D <1 CFU/100mL C 10/15/09 14:20 No. Sample ID 002 WELL #2 Date Sampled Time Sampled Matrix Sample Type Condition 10/15/2009 11:20 GW Grab 4 +1- 2 deg Test Performed . ,.:.::. Method :..:..:........... ... � b .Loc a ed Total Dissolved no ids SM 2540C 248 mg/L C 10/20/09 8:45 Ammonia SM 4500 NH3 F <0.1 mg/L as N C 10/20/09 11:30 Nitrate -Nitrite SM 4500 NO3 E <0.05 mg/L as N C 10/16/09 10.30 Total Organic Carbon SM 5310C 1-13 mg/L R 10/19/09 14:55 Fecal Coliforms/MF SM 9222D <1 CFU/100mL C 1Oil 5/09 14:20 No. Sample ID Date Sampled Time Sampled Matrix Sample Type Condition 003 WELL #3 10/15/2009 11:50 GW Grab 4 +1- 2 deg Test Performed Method Lab Loc -Date edMme Qualifie 4500 NH3 F — 0.2 mg/L as N � C .Awva wSM 10120109 0:q0 11:30 Nitrate -Nitrite trite Total Organic Carbon SM 4500 NO3 E 0.18 mg/L as N C 10/16/09 10.30 Fecal Colifomrs/MF SM 5310C <1.0 mg/L R 10/19/09 14:55 SM 9222D <1 CFU/100mL C .10115109 14:2A . SUBMIT FORM ON YELLOW PAPER ONLY GROUNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING: e . EPARTMN7 OF ENVIRONMENT:$ NATURAL- RESOURCES IVISIONOFWY TEROUAUTYINFQRMATIQNPROCESSINGUNIT COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM 617:MAl SgRUICECENTER RALEIGH, N027699.1617 Phorie: (919) 733.322t FACILITY INFORMATION Please P,tntCteanyorType PERMIT Number: Expiration Date::) � 3 1 v IO Facility Name: G ..� c F Oand-k- WO I P Non-Discharge'wM060 b 1 b UIC Permit Name (if different): NPDES IV!L� � K y Other Facility Address: J D y 0 C,ob It 1411 C.AO TYPE OF PERMITTED OPERATION BEING MONITORED (r;'r,an (-e NC 01po ov I County SJlG lu ❑ Lagoon ❑ Remediation: Infiltration Gallery f ,."' ❑ Spray Field ❑ Remediation: Contact Person: 1111 D o-"; �� �,i sic Telephone#:L�- % s y'��3 O ❑ Rotary Distributor XLand Application of Sludge Well Location/Site Name: w E,3 ? No. of wells to be sampled: j _ ❑ Water Source Heat Pump ❑ Other: from Permit) SAMPLING INFORMATIONjj j WELL ID NUMBER (from Permit): Date A=_- If WELL AS Well Depth: 13 ft. sample collected: NALYSES: Well Diameter: � in. � �eC DRY at units Temp. Depth to Water Level: `/ ft. below measuring point Screened Intervala_ft. to 6 3 ft. Spec. Cord. µMhos time Measuring Point is I• ft above land surface Relative M.P. Elevation: ft Odor sampling, check Volume of water pumped/bailed before sampling: gallons Appearance here: ❑ Samples for metals were collected unfiltered: YES ❑ NO and field acidified: ElYES NO LABORATORY INFORMATION Date sample analyzed: _ Laboratory Name: _ v /if ,.n/e /r-,r`�-e �� Certification No. PARAMETERS NOTE: Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal concentrations. COD mg/I Nitrite (NO2) as N mg/I Pb - Lead mg/I Coliform: MF Fecal /100ml Nitrate (NO3) as N C 0.!r- mg/I 11/� Zn - Zinc Coliform: MF Total < l /100m1 / //),Phosphorus: Total as P mg/I '� !E (Note: Use MPNmethod for highly to id samples) Orthophosphate mg/I Other (Specify CompoundnZ0tPat6n ns: Dissolved 3 Solids: Total mg/I f /�� AI - Aluminum mgA pH (when analyzed) units Ba -Barium E I 1 2 2009 ) TOC ,trio mg/I 13 / 5- `1 Ca - Calcium Chloride mg/I Cd - Cadmium mg4 Arsenic mg/I Chromium: Total m11r] - A,,� 0-r Protection Grease and Oils mg/I Cu -,Copper mg/l.,\qo, ORGANICS: (by GC, GC/ PLC) Phenol mg/I Fe - Iron _Car (Specify test and method #. ATTACH LAB REPORT.) Sulfate mg/I $ Hg - Mercury r I Report Attached? ❑ Yes (1) El No (0) "per Specific Conductance 7 µMhos / �I� K - Potassium mg/1 VOC method # Total Ammonia Q, mg/I Mg - Magnesium mg/I method # (Ammonia Nitrogen; NH3 as N; Ammonia Nitrogen, Totet) Mn - Manganese mg/I , method # TKN as N mg/1 Ni - Nickel mg/I , method # For Remediation Systems Only (Attach Lab Reports): Influent Total VOCs:. mg/L Effluent Total VOCs: mg/L - VOC Removal% I certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the information submitted in this report DWQ-certified laboratory� I am aware that there are siqnificant i)enalties for SUbmittiiQ is IrUe, aCCUrate, and complete, and (hat the laboratory analytical data was produced using approveci methods of analysis by a false itfornattot,- iticludiut thp. **%sihilitv if fiipq 2&d inariqaimoit car �isvjiiri xiial�tis­ eN ' 41b-n L46 I-e-e-GI Permittee (or Authorized Agent) Name and Title - Please print or type Signature of GW-59 Rev.1/2007 c SUBMIT FORM ON YELLOW PAPER ONLY GROUNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING: e EPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT &NATURAL RESOI�RCES (VISION WAMU INFORMA7IQN PROCESSIHfa UNIT COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM . s1i,Mgl1. RR ncECEN R, RALEIGH, NC 27699.1617. Phone: (919) 733.3221.:. FACILITY INFORMATION Please FrfatClearly orType PERMIT Number: Expiration Date: Facility Name: _-L"44 p y- 'j l L e-ty a4-ig- i J Lo i -P Non -Discharge t J 4OL60 � b l i'o UIC Permit Name (if different): NPDES /,/t-,Doay �r-j Other Facility Address: I C �i0 Gr 61e e2n�r� G TYPE OF PERMITTED OPERATION BEING MONITORED _ NC 00 1 County_1., � El ❑ Remediation: Infiltration Gallery ❑ Spray Field ❑ Remediation: Contact Person: p �►; I ; d ��2>rl 0 00 Telephone#: 70 q- e' %g- q 63o ❑ Rotary Distributor .Land Application of Sludge Well Location/Site Name: W 49 T A No. of wells to be sampled: _3 ❑ Water Source Heat Pump ❑ Other: from Permit SAMPLING INFORMATION I' WELL ID NUMBER (from Permit): 11 Date sample collected: 1' I 0� FIELD ANALYSES: If WELL AS Well Depth: t Well Diameter: ,,�_in. / pH units Temp. % eC DRY at Depth to Water Level:. ft below measuring �_ g point Screened Interval: ft. to So ft. Spec. Cond. µMhos time of Measuring Point is . { ft. above land surface Relative M.P. Elevation: 1p3 - ft. Odor sampling, check olume of water pumped/balled before sampling: ,�$� gallons Appearance here: Samples for metals were collected unfiltered: EIYES ❑ NO and field acidified: ❑ YES ❑ NO LABORATORY INFORMATION Date sample analyzed: Laboratory Name: C f off' A1.hen' 1 c4,c,/ n: T Certification No. 5` 110-3 PARAMETERS NOTE: Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal concentrations. COD mg/l Nitrite (NO2) as N mg/l Pb - Lead mg/I Coliform: MF Fecal /100ml Nitrate (NO3) as N p - mg/I )���L Zn - Zinc mg/I. Coliform: MF Total C ) /100ml l ��� %hosphorus: Total as P mg/I (Note: use MPN method for highly turbid samples) Dissolved Solids: Total y Z~) mg/l r 11z Orthophosphate mg/I Al - Aluminum mg/1 Other (Specify Compounds a n its): pH when analyzed) units � 5 Ba - Barium rig/I�— TOC 1.13 mg/I �a Ca - Calcium mg/l Chloride mg/l Cd - Cadmium mg/I Pssing Unit Arsenic mg/l Chromium: Total mg/I nt �NQ/BOG Grease and Oils mg/I Cu - Copper mg/I ORGANICS: (by GC, GC/MS, HPLC) Phenol mg/I Fe - Iron mg/l (Specify test and method #. ATTACH LAB REPORT.) Sulfate mg/I Hg - Mercury mg/I Report Attached? ❑ Yes (1) El No (0) Specific Conductance y) s µMhos K - Potassium mg/I VOC , method # Total Ammonia mg/I �� /�� Mg - Magnesium mg/I , method # (Ammonia Nitrogen; NH,as N; Ammonia Nitrogen, Total) Mn - Manganese mgll , method # TKN as N mg/1' Ni - Nickel mg/l method # For Remediation Systems Only (Attach Lab Reports): Influent Total VOCs:. mg/L Effluent Total VOCs: _mg/L VOC Removal% 1Q. e4, flee (or Authorized Agent) Name and Tide - Please print or type L y of Permittee /,2`3 i (Date) SUBMIT FORM ON YELLOW PAPER ONLY UNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING: PLIANCE REPORT FORM - TY INFORMATION i-wase rnnr c:reany or Type Name: C t 14 oT A.Ibe-,kre- W IA/ TO Name (if different): VI 0 nnL 1,e A U e. NC Z SO o) County 3. TZ IM act Person: P h 1 le Telephone#: 7 Lf- � ° R 63 a Location/Site Name: W W .` P No. of wells to be sampled: PERMIT Number: Expiration Date:"TQt7 Non-Dischargevy O' D'D UIC NPDES '4/L D Q `-) N y Other TYPE OF PERMITTED OPERATION BEING MONITORED ❑ Lagoon ❑ Remediation: Infiltration Gallery ❑ Spray Field ❑ Remediation: ❑ Rotary Distributor Land Application of Sludge ❑ Water Source Heat Pump ❑ Other: U INtURDIATIUN WELL ID NUMBER (from Permit): Wed -3 Date sample collected: % Y O 8 FIELD ANALYSES: If WELL WAS Well Depth: S9 ft. Well Diameter: Sin. pH units Temp. /3 °C DRY at Depth to Water Level: _ft. below measuring point Screened Intervai:3yt . ft. to5,�ft. Spec. Cond. µMhos time of sampling, Measuring Point is ,,�ft. above land surface Relative M.P. Elevation: 436. tog ft. Odor check olume of water pumped/bailed before sampling: 45 gallons Appearance here: ❑ Sam les for metals were collected unfiltered: ❑YES ElNO and field acidified: ❑ YES ❑ NO sample analyzed: Laboratory Name: C-4U D� �j�_�n��r(�� / �cs� Certification No.�o-3 tAMETERS NOTE: Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal concentrations. COD mg/I Nitrite (NO2) as N mg/I Pb - Lead mg/l Coliform: MF Fecal /100ml Nitrate (NO3) as N �, rp mg/l IV a6 Zn - Zinc mg/l: Coliform: MF Total < if /100ml l�l��Phosphorus: Total as P mg/1 (Note: Use MPN method for highly turbid samples) Orthophosphate mg/I Other (Specify Compounds and Concentration s)/ Dissolved Solids: Total. % 4 mg/I I I, 2S Al -Aluminum mg/l ��,� �A ED pH (when analyzed) units ' 5- Ba - Barium mg/I TOC O, % I mg/I Ca - Calcium mg/I s Chloride mg/I Arsenic mg/I Grease and Oils mg/I Phenol mg/I Sulfate mg/l q Specific Conductance 6 µMhos I I , Total Ammonia 0,1 mg/l I 1p 25 (Ammonia Nitrogen; N1­13as N; Ammonia Nitrogen, Total) TKN as N . mg/I Cd - Cadmium mg/1 Chromium: Total mg/l Cu -.Copper mg/I Fe - Iron mg/I Hg - Mercury mg/I K - Potassium mg/I Mg - Magnesium mg/l Mn - Manganese mg/l Ni - Nickel mg/l Unit tn,orma hvnjnieOG ORGANICS: (by GC, GC/MS, HPLC) (Specify test and method #. ATTACH LAB REPORT.) Report Attached? ❑ Yes (1) ❑ No (0) VOC method # method # method # method # t-or Kemeamation systems Only (Attach Lab Reports): Influent Total VOCs: . mg/L Effluent Total VOCs: mg/L VOC Removal% GW-59 Rev.1/2007 a S �A�;.a��e r� r z.s es t✓ t,J �0 1 GW-59A COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM Permit # (Submit one each monitoring period with GW-59 forms:) -oter uate momtonng results were due. " be submitted after the established due date? report (GW-59 Was any required information missing on the GW-59 report forms? YES IF the answer to question 9 or 2 is `YES" list in the space provided below the well identification number(s) and explain the problems encountered in obtaining the required information. 2 W015 Sti1-$4 �c-%ie beev, S,t,,pled l,, 0c4obe_ t,.5�eg4 -og 3 Are any of the monitor wells in need of repair or maintenance (damaged casing, unlocked or missing cap, missing YES NO identification plate, area overgrown, etc.)? If the answer is "Yes", contact the Regional Of ce for guidance. 4 Are any monitored constituents equal to or above the established standards? YES NO/ If the answer to question 4 is 'NO", skip to section 8. if the answer to question 4 is "YES" list the affected wells individually with constituents) and concentration(s) exceeding standards in the space provided below.- 5 For the constituents identified in question 4 above, have standards been same constituent(s) in the same well(s) in the last two,years? the I YES I NO If the answer to question 5 is "NO; skip to section 8. If the answer to question 5 is "YES", list in the space provided below, each well with constituent(s) exceeding standards, concentration(s) reported, and sample collection date for each occurrence (for the last two years). 6 I Are the monitoring wells listed in section 5 located at or beyond the !f the answer is "YES" a groundwater quality problem maybe occurring. CONTACT THE REGIONAI OFFICE IMMEDIATELY FOR GUIDANCE, if the answer is "NO". monitoring wells maybe improperly located, contact the Regional Office, 7 Is the permittee implementing previously approved actions required by the Divisio groundwater quality problem? If the answer to question 7 is 'YES", describe those actions in the space provided below. if the answer to question 7 is "NO ;contact the Regional of it a urifhin on , r Vc �o 11 O M. o 8 The person comp Ling is on (GW-59A) of the mor, form with G W-59�r ns for rred wells to the address I hereby acknowledge that the above information was:e�r r .P . (Compliance.Report GW 9A) is.true and t omoletE (or Agent) Coring report should sign below and submit this provided at the top of the current GW-59 form. luated and -the mformatiori submitted its this ia-tfie best of my knowledge Date YES I NO YES I NO L C''_WJCOA ,vor�nne