HomeMy WebLinkAbout20050661 Ver 1_More Info Letter_20060712ATF9
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Michael F. Easley, Governor
William G. Ross Jr., Secretary
North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director
Division of Water Quality
July 12, 2006
DWQ Project # OS-0661
Mitchel County
Mr. Neil O' Rourke
Communities of Penland, L.L.C.
135 Crown Ridge
Spruce Pine, NC. 28777-9412
Subject Property: Village of Penland Development
Dear Mr. Rourke:
On July 6, 2006, the Division of Water Quality (DWQ) received your Stormwater Plan, for the Village of
Penland from your Engineer Mr. Ashton Smith. However, the DWQ has determined that your plan
remains incomplete and/or provided inaccurate information as discussed below. The DWQ will require
additional information in order to continue to review your stormwater design. Therefore, unless we
receive the additional information requested below, we will have to move toward denial of your
application as required by 15A NCAC 2H .0506 and will place this project on hold as incomplete until we
receive this additional information. Please provide the following information so that we may continue to
review your project.
Additional Information Requested:
1. Please provide stormwater plan as per your 401 approval conditions # 3 a, b, c, & d, of 10/13/05.
2. Please provide the location of any proposed stormwater management practices for the entire
ro'ect on the site plan as required by GC3402. Please be advised per GC3402, that you must
utilize extended detention wetlands, bio-retention, or, ponds, followed by forested filter strips for
this project.
3. Please provide detail for the stormwater management practices for the entire nroiect as required
by GC3402. Also. Please provide a signed Operations and Maintenance Agreement for the
proposed stormwater BMPs.
4. Please specify the percent of project imperviousness area based on estimated built-out conditions
and provide an inventory of all impervious surfaces (building footprints, roads, driveways, decks,
sidewalks, gravel-covered areas, etc.).
5. Please indicate all stormwater outfalls on the site plan.
401 OversighUExpress Review Permitting Unit
1650 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1650
2321 Crabtree Boulevard, Suite 250, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604
Phone: 919-733-1786 /FAX 919-733-6893 /Internet: httn://h2o.enr.state,nc.us/ncwetlands
An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer - 50% Recycled/10% Post Consumer Paper
Communities of Penland LLC.
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July 12, 2006
6. Please indicate the diffuse flow measures on the site plan, and provide level spreader worksheets
and a signed Operations and Maintenance Agreement for the level spreaders, if any.
7. Please, note that Sand Filter designs will not be adequate for this site, as per GC 3402.
Please respond within three weeks of the date of this letter by sending this information to this office in
writing. If we do not hear from you within three weeks, we will assume that you no longer want to
pursue this project and we will consider the project as withdrawn.
This letter only addresses the stormwater review and does not authorize any impacts to wetlands, waters
or protected buffers. Please be aware that any impacts requested within your application are not
authorized (at this time) by the DWQ. Please call Ms. Cyndi Karoly, Sam Aghimien, or Mr. Ian
McMillan at 919-733-1786, or 919-733-3574 if you have any questions regarding this matter.
Cyndi Karoly, Supervisor
401 Oversight/Express Review Permitting Unit
cc: DWQ Asheville Regional Office
USACE Asheville Regulatory Field Office
File Copy
Central Files
Ashton Smith, Village of Penland, Inc., P.O. Box 567, Spruce Pine, NC. 28777
Filename: OS-0661 village of Penland BMP(Mitchel)On_Hold2 7-12-06