HomeMy WebLinkAbout20201842 Ver 1_Site Visit 01-27-2021 Summary_20210127Southern Environmental Group, Inc. 5315 South College Road, Suite E ∙ Wilmington ∙ North Carolina 28412 Ph: 910.452.2711 ∙ Fax: 910.452.2899 ∙ www.segi.us 29 January 2021 Electronic Mail RE: Cleveland Bluffs Johnston County, North Carolina Regulatory Site Visit 01-27-2021 Attendees: Mr. Shelton Sullivan NC DWR Mr. Rick Trone NC DWR Mr. Chris Hopper USACE Mr. Charles Pender Johnston County Mr. John Oglesby Coastal Site Design Mr. David Syster Southern Environmental Group Mr. David Scibetta Southern Environmental Group Summary of Items Covered: 1.) Tributary 1 Stream Restoration a. Need Erosion Control Plan with a pump around plan. b. Seed for final stabilization should be appropriate for the season. c. Timeline – Erosion Control Plan will be completed by February 12th. 2.) Pedestrian / Multi-use Path culvert at upstream end of Tributary 1 a. Confirm and document pre-construction crossing size. Ensure any additional impacts are included. b. Timeline – Research and documentation will be completed by February 5th. 3.) Swale on the Northwest corner of the property a. During the meeting, this feature was considered extending through Zones 1 & 2 of the buffer. It was later recalled that Tributary 1 is not Subject to the buffer rules and therefore the swale is not in non-compliance. 4.) Swale on the Northeast corner of the property a. Swale is scouring under silt fence and needs proper silt fence outlet / stabilization. b. Timeline – This will be repaired by February 12th. 5.) Impact 1B – Stream crossing to gravel parking area a. Confirm pipe size in regard to drainage area. b. Confirm pipe integrity and construction. c. In regard to 404 and 401 permitting: i. Pull riprap out of stream and streambank on upstream side. ii. In regard to purpose and need – provide statement of need for crossing and demonstrate why the area cannot be re-located to other upland locations on the property. d. Timeline – Pipe size and integrity will be confirmed by February 5th. Permitting questions will be addressed in the anticipated response to the agencies Request for Additional Information (RFAI). Cleveland Bluffs Regulatory Site Visit Summary SEGi 2 6.) Pond 1 a. Northwest pond finger – review LiDAR and aerial photography to determine if the area contained wetlands pre-construction. Chris has forwarded his LiDAR and aerial photography. b. Berm along western pond edge – review LiDAR and aerial photography to determine if the berm was constructed in wetlands. c. Timeline – A draft will be completed and delivered to the agencies by February 5th for comment. The final design will be completed and delivered with the response to the anticipated RFAI. 7.) Impact Area 5 (Aerial Sewer Crossing 1) a. The area around both piers are being eroded to some degree. An engineered plan to stabilize the piers is necessary. As part of that plan, riprap within the streambed needs to be justified by the plan. The plan needs to include stabilization of the riprap in the streambed and on the banks. b. There was some discussion on Johnston County’s role / responsibility with the crossing. This also needs to be determined. c. Timeline – A draft of the proposed stabilization plan will be completed by February 12th. Any impacts or modification to the existing proposed impacts will be included in the anticipated RFAI response. 8.) Impact Area 6 (Aerial Sewer Crossing 2) a. The area around west pier is being eroded to some degree. An engineered plan to stabilize the pier is necessary. As part of that plan, riprap within the streambed needs to be justified by the plan. The plan needs to include stabilization of the riprap in the streambed and on the banks. b. There was some discussion on Johnston County’s role / responsibility with the crossing. This also needs to be determined. c. Timeline – A draft of the proposed stabilization plan will be completed by February 12th. Any impacts or modification to the existing proposed impacts will be included in the anticipated RFAI response. 9.) Pond 2 a. Pond 2 dam is breached and is need of repair. Sediment from the breach is within the buffer. b. While a formal Stormwater Plan that includes a final dam design has been submitted to Johnston County, it will likely take weeks to be approved and implemented. To stop the erosion and restore the buffer a temporary plan is necessary. c. Timeline – John is currently working with Johnston County on the formal Stormwater Plan. A temporary plan will be designed and submitted to Johnston County (DWR and ACOE to be copied).