HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW8980232_HISTORICAL FILE_20040803PERMIT NO. DOC TYPE DOC DATE STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET POST -CONSTRUCTION PERMITS SW C� ❑ CURRENT PERMIT ❑ APPROVED PLANS HISTORICAL FILE COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION YYYYMMDDr 4 RT:C�:IV�D MACTEC August 3, 2004 AUG 1 0 ���4 I3Y, Ms. Linda Lewis NCDENR — Stormwater Department 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 SUBJECT: Extended Stay America No. 1591 Jacksonville, North Carolina NCDENR Stormwater Project No. SW8 980232 MACTEC Project 6685-04-1401 Dear Ms. Lewis: MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, Inc. (MACTEC), on behalf of ESA Services, Inc., is pleased to submit information concerning correction of stormwater control deficiencies identified at the above project site. Stormwater control deficiencies were identified in a Stormwater inspection conducted by you on February 27, 2001 (reference your letter dated March 1, 2001). ESA Services, Inc. will develop corrective measures for the identified stormwater control deficiencies at the site, which are listed below: a) Repair the eroded slopes, reestablish the 6:1 shelf and the 3:1 slope, and immediately provide permanent vegetation b) Submit plans for the outlet structure revision. c) Provide a trash rack for the outlet structure. d) Submit the Designer's Certification as soon as the approved modifications are completed Corrective measures for items a, b, and c, are tentatively scheduled to be completed by November 30, 2004. Item d will be submitted upon your approval of the revised outlet structure plans, or upon reconfiguration of the outlet structure to the original design. An initial meeting with a contractor(s) to review the site conditions and implement corrective measures is being scheduled. If you have any questions concerning this letter, please contact us at (828) 252-8130, or Mr. Banks Griffith of ESA Services, Inc. at (864) 573-1854, Sincerely, MACTEC ENGINEERING AND CONSULTING, INC. Q �-l) .`Q00tak /O�Aj")r L QJ&— Andy M. Rodak, P.E. Matthew E. Wallace, P.E. Senior Engineer Principal Engineer AMR/MEW:mew Cc: Mr. Banks Griffith, ESA Services, Inc. MACTEC Engineering and Consulting 1308-C Patton Avenue • Asheville, NC 28806 828-252-8130 • Fax: 828-251-9690 �QF wArE, Michael F. Easley, Governor William G Ross, Jr., Secretary C p Nortn Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources lb 0 < Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director Division of Water Quality August 19, 2004 Mr. Andy M Rodak, P.E. MACTEC Engineering 1308-C Patton Avenue Asheville, NC 28806 Subject: Response to Inspection Report Extended Stay America Stormwater Project No. SW8 980232 Onslow County Dear Mr. Rodak: The Division is in receipt of the "Plan of Action" to address the deficiencies outlined in our inspection report dated March 1, 2001. 1 am a little concerned that after all this time, it will take and additional 90 days to complete this work. While I applaud the fact that the work is finally going to be done, three years would appear to be quite adequate to perform the necessary work. I am disinclined to allow an additional 90 days. August is a good time to establish vegetation before the cooler weather sets in. In November, your only option will be temporary seeding, and then you will need to provide permanent seeding in the spring. I am unwilling to allow this, since the pond's condition has not changed in the last three years. Please update the permittee information I have on file: Shawn Ruben, VP, ESA Management, Inc., 961 East Main Street, Spartanburg, SC, 29302. If any of this information has changed, please have Mr. Griffith complete the attached Name/Ownership change form and return it to me at the address at the bottom of this letter. Please have the necessary work completed by September 20, 2004. If the outlet structure will be revised, please submit the plan revision as soon as possible. Otherwise, my approval to restore the system to the permitted condition is not required. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me at (910) 395-3900. Sincerely, Linda Lewis Environmental Engineer RSS1arl: S:IWQSISTORMWATILETTERS120041980232.aug04 cc: Freeland & Kaufmann Banks Griffith, ESA Services, Inc. Linda Lewis Norm Carolina Division o! Water Ouality 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Phone (910) 395-3900 Customer 5efvioel-677-623$748 Wilmington Regional Olfice Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 FAX f919) 733-2496 Internet h2o.enr.state.nc.us No Carolina An Equal oppalunilylAf rmiative Action Employer - 50 m R .Naturally ecyGed110'K Pest Consumer Paper '�'jii� ice, '�x� - j � k ''I p�r• :k-F ,w�, r : ti State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Wilmington Regional Office James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Wayne McDevitt, Secretary Division of Water Quality June 30 1998 Ms. Suzann Pruitt, P.E. Freeland & Kaufmann 209 West Stone Avenue Greenville, SC 29609 O O NCDENVI NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOu Rc Es Subject: ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RECEIPT AND REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Stormwater Project No. SW8 980232 Extended Stay America Onslow County Dear Ms. Pruitt: The Wilmington Regional Office received previously requested information for the Stormwater Management Permit Application for Extended Stay America on May 26, 1998. A preliminary review of that information has determined that the application is not complete. The following information is needed to continue the stormwater review: The lengthening of the pond to the required 3:1 ratio was meant to provide a flow path from the inlet to the outlet of 3:1. The location of the inlet piping needs to be changed so that the piping enters at a point farthest from the outlet structure, and runoff travels down the length of the pond to the outlet. Please relocate the inlet piping to enter the forebay from the other catch basin shown along the northern pavement edge. 2. The positioning of the forebay along the long side of the pond does not lend itself to providing a 3:1 flow path through the main pond. Please relocate the forebay to the northeast side of the pond to provide the longest flow path possible. 3. Please seal the revised pond design calculations. These pages were not originally part of the booklet. 4. The basin cross-section detail shows the 1" storage elevation as 42.77, but you provide no orifice or weir in the outlet structure at this elevation to release the runoff. The riser detail indicates that water will pond to elevation 44 prior to release (other than the orifice). You must size the orifice for the volume actually stored in the pond between the permanent pool and the storage pool. If you provide another release at elevation 42.77, then the orifice is sized for the volume stored between 42 and 42.77, as long as it provides the minimum required. Please revise the details as needed. 127 Cardinal Dr. Ext., Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 Telephone 910-395-3900 FAX 910-350-2004 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/10% post -consumer paper D rt Ms. Pruitt June 30 1998 Stormwater Project No. SW8 980232 5. Please check your orifice sizing calculation again. I believe that there are 172,800 seconds in 2 days, not 7,200. This should significantly reduce the orifice size. Also, since the calculated flowrate is based on 2 days, the orifice is already as large as allowed. Please remember to either round down the final result, or repeat the calculation using the 5 day flowrate to determine the allowable orifice size range. Please revise the details as needed. Please note that this request for additional information is in response to a preliminary review. The requested information should be received by this Office prior to July 30, 1998, or the application will be returned as incomplete. The return of a project will necessitate resubrilittal of all required items, including the application fee.. If you have any questions concerning this matter please feel free to call me at (910) 395-3900. Sincerely, Ms. Linda Lewis Environmental Engineer RSSlarl: S:1WQSISTORMWATIADDINFO1980232.TUN cc: Linda Lewis Central Files 127 Cardinal Dr. Ext., Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 Telephone 910-395-3900 FAX 910-350-2004 An Equal opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycledll0% post -consumer paper State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Wilmington Regional Office James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Wayne McDevitt, Secretary Division of Water Quality June 30 1998 Ms. Suzanna Pruitt, P.E. Freeland & Kaufmann 209 West Stone Avenue Greenville, SC 29609 4 • o NCDENF1 NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES Subject: ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RECEIPT AND REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Stormwater Project No. SW8 980232 Extended Stay America Onslow County Dear Ms. Pruitt: The Wilmington Regional Office received previously requested information for the Stormwater Management Permit Application for Extended Stay America on May 26, 1998. A preliminary review of that information has determined that the application is not complete. The following information is needed to continue the stormwater review: 1. The lengthening of the pond to the required 3:1 ratio was meant to provide a flow path from the inlet to the outlet of 3:1. The location of the inlet piping needs to be changed so that the piping enters at a point farthest from the outlet structure, and runoff travels down the length of the pond to the outlet. Please relocate the inlet piping to enter the forebay from the other catch basin shown along the northern pavement edge. 2. The positioning of the forebay along the long side of the pond does not lend itself to providing a 3:1 flow path through the main pond. Please relocate the forebay to the northeast side of the pond to provide the longest flow path possible. ID 3. Please seal the revised pond design calculations. These pages were not originally part of the booklet. 4. The basin cross-section detail shows the 1" storage elevation as 42.77, but you provide no orifice or weir in the outlet structure at this elevation to release the runoff. The riser detail indicates that water will pond to elevation 44 prior to release (other than the orifice). You must size the orifice for the volume actually stored in the pond between the permanent pool and the storage pool. If you provide another release at elevation 42.77, then the orifice is sized for the volume stored between 42 and 42.77, as long as it provides the minimum required. Please revise the details as needed. 127 Cardinal Dr. Ext., Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 Telephone 910-395-3900 FAX 910-350-2004 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/10% post -consumer paper A"� Ms. Pruitt June 30 1998 Stormwater Project No. SW8 980232 5. Please check your orifice sizing calculation again. I believe that there are 172,800 seconds in 2 days, not 7,200. This should significantly reduce the orifice size. Also, since the calculated flowrate is based on 2 days, the orifice is already as Iarge as allowed. Please remember to either round down the final result, or repeat the calculation using the 5 day flowrate to determine the allowable orifice size range. Please revise the details as needed. Please note that this request for additional information is in response to a preliminary review. The requested information should be received by this Office prior to July 30, 1998, or the application will be returned as incomplete. The return of a project will necessitate resubmittal of all required items, including the application fee. If you have any questions concerning this matter please feel free to call me at (910) 395-3900. Sincerely, Ms. Linda Lewis Environmental Engineer RSS/arl: S:1WQSISTORMWATIADDINF01980232.JUN cc: Linda Lewis Central Files 127 Cardinal Dr. Ext., Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 Telephone 910-395-3900 FAX 910-350-2004 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/10% post -consumer paper MAY 217"�Affiliate FREELAND and KAUFFMAN, INFreeland-Kauffman &onvEER5 • LAND5c,4FEARcHir,-crS and I'redeen, Inc. Bentonville, Arkansas . Date: May 22, 1998 To: Ms. Linda Lewis Environmental Engineer NCDENR Land Quality Section 127 Cardinal Drive Ext.. ' Wilmington, NC 28405 . From:. Suzanna Pruitt, P.L. Subject: Jacksonville, North Carolina Stormwater :Project: SW8 980232 Extended Stay America Hotel - OESUBMITTAL FORAPPROVAL (LETTER OF REQUEST 4/24/98) In response to your letter dated April 24, 1998 concerning the above referenced project, we have revised the erosion control plans to address y6ur.comments as follows: (1) Three feet of pond depth'has been provided below, the permanent pool. ,The elevations of the pond are as follows: Top of pond- 45 Permanent Pool: 42 Bottom of Pond: 39 . 42) Using the attached chart, the SD / DA ratio was calculated for the project, Using a 3 foot permanent�pool and 42 percent impervious ratio, the ratio interpolated from the chart for the 90% TSS is 4.72. The required surface area for the pond is: (4.72 / 100) *(3.64 acres) = 0.172 acres -or 7,482 sf The surface area provided. at elevation 42.0 is-)4,550 sf, 14,550 > 7,482 therefore o.k. 209 West Stone Avenue • GreenWil e, South Carolina 29609 • Telephone 864-233-5497 • Fax 864-233-8915 - � � - ` L; � � - I � � , .. � S � - P � � ' - / ' 'V ' ... I I ,1 ,',I , r. ' - -' � ' _ . _ • - i - � - 3 _V � ; .Y 1 � � r - • - '(3) The forebay volume provided for the pond is 4,720 is NOT MORE THAN• 20% of the total'volume in the pond. (4) •There is a note on Sheet C5:1 stating no wetlands exist on site. (5) All sides of the figure created 6y the permanent pool have been delineated on sheet C5.1 (6) -The 90% TSS chart was used, therefore a vegetative.filter is not required. ' (7) . A 6:1 'vegetated shelf. has been provided below the Permanent pool elevation,: Above the permanent pool elevation the side slopes of the pond are 3:1. , .(8.). The basin length to width ratio for the pond is (9) The type -,of vegetation for the pond slopes is specified on sheet C5.1 .00) The attached calculation sheet indicates the draw down time far -the one inch runoff is 2. days• The pond. information. is also provided on this sheet.'.• 0:1) The front entrance has been re -graded so that the amount of runoff leaving the site via the driveway is insignificant and will not create any adverse affects on,the adjoining. roadway. (12) A detail of the pond cross-section and riser have been provided on sheet C5.1 ' (13) An outlet for the design storm is provided. This is included i6 the riser structure. If you need any additional information, please feel "free to call, me at (864) 233-5497. if }l April 24, 1998 Ms. Suzanna Pruitt Freeland & Kaufman 209 West Stone Avenue Greenville, SC 29609 Subject: ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RECEIPT AND REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Stormwater Project No. SW8 980232 Extended Stay America Onslow County Dear Ms. Pruitt: The Wilmington Regional Office received a Stormwater Management Permit Application for Extended Stay America on March 13, 1998. A preliminary review of that information has determined that the application is not complete. The following information is needed to continue the stormwater review: The minimum pond depth is 3' below the permanent pool. The supplement sheet indicates that only 2' is provided. 2. The SAIDA ratio provides the minimum amount of pond surface area that must be available at the permanent pool. 1t is a percentage of the drainage area based on the pond depth, TSS removal rate, and percent impervious. You show a "6:1" ratio. Enclosed is the SAIDA chart for the coastal counties. Please recalculate. 3. The forebay volume provided should be no more than 20 % of the total volume in the pond, (below permanent pool and the storage volume). Large forebays that are less than the design depth, take away from the surface area provided at the design depth, which affects the TSS removal. 4. Delineate all wetlands on site, or note on the plans that none exist. 5. Please dimension all sides of the figure created by the permanent pool. 6. A 30' vegetated filter is required for all ponds where the 85 % TSS chart is used for computing the SAIDA ratio. An existing ditch does not qualify as a vegetated filter. Please see the enclosed detail. This detail must be on the plans if the pond is designed to remove 85 % TSS. Use of the 90 % TSS chart does not require a vegetated filter. The required items checklist is just that -required items. You have shown several as not applicable, but have provided no justification as to why they are. A 6:1 vegetated shelf located below the permanent pool must be provided.You must provide a trash rack for the overflow and orifice. The basin length to width ratio must be at least 3:1. 9. You must specify the type of vegetation to used for the pond slopes. IF -1, Ms. Pruitt April 24, 1998 Stormwater Project No. SW8 980232 10. Your calculations must demonstrate that you have provided the required amount of surface area and volume, and that the orifice will provide a 2-5 day detention time for the volume provided above the permanent pool. See the enclosed volume calculation example. Please list the surface areas that are provided for the permanent pool and the design pool, based on the dimensions and slopes shown on the plans. 11. The proposed grading at the entrance appears to allow some of the runoff to escape without first being collected and treated in the pond. Please revise. 12, Please provide a detail of the pond section, forebay, and outlet structure. The pond detail must include the elevations of the bottom, permanent pool, storage pool, vegetated shelf, forebay bottom, note the required 6:1 slope on the vegetated shelf, and note the required 3:1 slope above the permanent pool. The outlet structure detail must include the orifice size and invert elevation (ie., the permanent pool), overflow elevation ie., the design pool), outlet pipe size, trash rack, etc. 13. An outlet for the excess design storm must be provided. Please note that this request for additional information is in response to a preliminary review. The requested information should be received by this Office prior to May 24, 1998, or the application will be returned as incomplete. The return of a project will necessitate resubmittal of all required items, including the application fee. If you have any questions concerning this matter please feel free to call me at (910) 395-3900. Sincerely, Ms. Linda Lewis Environmental Engineer RSS/arl: S:IWQSISTORMWATIADD1NFO1980232.APR cc: Linda Lewis Central Files Apr 271 '98 12:16 0 K �8-8642�338915 State of North Carolina Departrrierit'6f Environment and Natural Resources Wilmington Regional -Office James-B,..Hunt Go'Vernor Wayne McDevitt, Secretary FAVII..'COVElk': SHEET. 96 Z51L .'o Les 1� 7 P .:Date: 0- FAX # .9 E3 Gz k-,Z33- 7004 '127 Cardinal Qtp) 35q_;�04 An ' M Equal pp6rtunityrmadveAL;dOwEMplayer.. k F lit* 0 Log 0 a EXTENDEDSTAYAMERICA E F F I C I E N C Y S T U D I O S March 24, 1998 VIA AIRBORNE EXPRESS Ms. Linda Lewis North Carolina Department of Environmental and Natural Resources 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405 (910) 395.3900 STORMWATEk REC MAR 2 5 1998 �(z"oZ�. Re: PROJECT No. SW8 980232; Proposed Extended Stay America, Jacksonville, NC; ESA Site #1591 Dear Ms. Lewis: Enclosed please find a Stormwatcr Management Permit Application and a Pond Maintenance Requirement, executed on behalf of ESA. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Very truly yours,, Joy M. Belnavis Legal Assistant Enclosures cc: Lauren Bronfman, Esq. Brent Smith (w/encl. via facsimile) Suzanna Pruitt (wlencl via facsimile #864-233-8915) ESA Management, Inc. - 450 Gast Las Olas Boulevard, Suite 1100 1 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 - Y 954 713 1600 1 F 954 713 1665 RECEIVED ie -FREELAND and KAUFFMAW INC. Freeland -] Kauffman ENGINEERS LANDSGAPEARCH1TECT5. and Fredeen, Inc_ . BY. �rf vZ Bentonville, Arkansas Date: February27, ' 1998 To: Ms. Linda Lewis ` NCDEHNR Land Quality Section, From:, Suzanna Pruitt, Subject; , Storm' Water Review Fee ' Proposed Extended Stay America Jacksonville, NC 'Per Janet Pa6's request we are forwarding a check'for the.amount'of $385 to cover the review fee,for the,Storm-Water Management Plans for the ESA Hotel in Jacksonville, N.C. Janet should have forwarded you copies of the plans and report last week. Please call me at (864) 233-5497 if' - you have any questions,or require any additional information, ; i 209 West Stone Avenue • Greenville, South Carolina 29609 •Telephone 864-233-5497• Fax 864-233-8915 City of Jacksonville Public Works Engineering LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL Date: Febryzary 16 1998 TO: pivision of Environmental Management 127 CardinalDrive Extension Wilminaton, N.C. 28405 Phone 4 [910) 395-3900 Sir: WE ARE SENDING YOU PRINTS COPY OF LETTER DESCRIPTION: Attn : Ms. Linda Lewi,g -_ Ref. ErQg5i.on & Spdimentat_ion Control Plans for Extended Stav America Efficiency Studios XX ATTACHED C? PLANS OTHER THESE ARE TRANSMITTED AS CHECKED BELOW: UNDER SEPARATE COVER SPECIFICATIONS — FOR APPROVAL _ AS REQUESTED FOR REVIEW AND COMMENT XX. FOR YOUR USE DOCUMENTS ARE DUE TO BE RETURNED BY: PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US _,_, OTHER REMARKS: Tom Anderson, Engineering Specialist COPIES TO: File 4- Post Office Box 128 • Jacksonville, North Carolina 28541 • (910) 938-5332/5331 • TDD# (910) 455-8852 * Fax (910) 455-6761 State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Wilmington Regional Office Division of Land Resources Land Quality Section James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Wayne McDevitt, Secretary February 20, 1-998�� / NOTICE OF RECEIPT OF EROS 0 rI'NT T t ESA Management, Inc. Mr. Brent Smith 961 East Main Street Spartanburg SC 29302 Dear Mr. Smith: Vfjw� This office has received a soil erosion and sedimentation control plan for the project listed below which was submitted as required by the North Carolina Sedimentation Pollution Control Act (NCGS 113A-57). Please be advised that this Act requires that all persons disturbing an area of one or more acres of land must obtain approval of a soil erosion control plan prior to the commencement of said land disturbing activity (NCGS 1 13A-54(d)(4)). The act further states that this plan must be filed a minimum of 30 days prior to the activity and the approving authority must approve or disapprove the submitted plan within 30 days of receipt. Failure of the approving authority to approve or disapprove the submitted plan within the 30 day period will be deemed approval of the plan. Commencement or continuation of a land -disturbing activity under the jurisdiction of this Act prior to the approval of an erosion and sediment control plan is a violation of the Act. This land disturbing activity described in this plan is also subject to the Environmental Management Commission's review of their regulations to implement stormwater controls in coastal counties (1 5 NCAC 21H Section .1000). Contact the Water Quality Supervisor of the Division of Environmental Management to ensure this activity is in conformance with their rules. If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Your cooperation in this matter is appreciated and we look forward to working with you on this project. Sincerely, Janet L. Paith Environmental Technician JLPldbd cc: James Freeland, PE; Freeland and Kauffman, Inc. WiRO-LOS PROJECT NAME: Extended Stay America PROJECT NUMBER: 980120ON LOCATION: McDaniel Drive, Hwy 17 - Onslow County RIVER BASIN: White Oak SUBMITTED BY: Freeland and Kauffman, Inc. DATE RECEIVED BY LOS: February 20, 1998 127 North Cardinal Drive, Wilmington, N.C. 29405-3945 • Telephone 910-395-3900 • Fax 910-350-2004 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer ate FREELAND and KAUFFMAN., INC. Freeland-Kauffmanili ' ENGINEERS • LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS and Fredeen ' Inc. Bentonville, Arkansas L-1 1998. Date: March 12, 1998 BY- --_" To: Ms. Linda Lewis 'NCDENR Lana Quality section From: Suzanna Pruitt, P.E.' Subject: Storm Water Management Application Proposed Extended Stay America Jacksonville, NC PROJECT No: SW8 980232 Enclosed you will find two sets of plans, a completed application form and supporting documentation for the proposed Extended Stay America Site on McD_ aniel,Drive in Jacksonville, .'North Carolina. The application fee of $385 was sent previously per Janet Paith's request, This project involves the construction of one storm water management pond to control the 2,.10, 50 and 100 year storms from the acre hotel site. A single discharge pipe from the pond will control all -the storms. The outlet of the pipe will discharge to an existing drainage ditch at the rear of the property. The Qperation'and Maintenance plan for the project is located on -the Erosion Control sheet for the project. F if you have any questions or, require any additional information, please call me at (864) 233-5497. 209 West Stone Avenue • Greenville, South Carolina 29609 • Telephone 864233-5497 • Fax 864-233-8915 sroRMwArER RECEIVED MAR 13 1998 BY: SwSRSbZ STORM WATER REPORT for EXTENDED STAY AM ERICA I[] McDaniel Drive Jacksonville, NC (Onslow County) March 12, 1998 • Prepared By: Freeland & Kauffman, Inc. 209 West Stone Ave. Greenville, SC 29609 (864) 233-5497 0 0 Ll a 9 • Table of Contents Section Page Project Description ............................................ 1 Storm water Narrative ............................... ......... 1 Detention Facility Design ....................................... 2 • Storm Drain Pipe System ....................................... 2 Erosion Control Measures ...................................... 3 Appendix A TR-55 Results Appendix B - Hydraflow Results Hydrograph Summary Report .............................. B-1 Stage -Storage Graph for Retention Pond ..................... B-2 Stage -Discharge Graph for Retention Pond ................... B-3 Reservoir Report .................... ...................B-4 Post-2 Year Runoff Hydrograph ............................B-6 Post 10-Year Runoff Hydrograph ........................... B-7 Post-50 Year Runoff Hydrograph ........................... B-8 Post i 00-Year Runoff Hydrograph .......................... B-9 2 Year Runoff Thru Pond .................................. B-10 10 Year Runoff Thru Pond ................................. B-11 50 Year Runoff Thru Pond.................................B-12 100 Year Runoff Thru Pond................................B-13 Appendix C Storm Sewer Summary Report Appendix D Rip -Rap Apron Sizing Chart 0 • [7 J Extended Stay America McDaniel Drive Jacksonville, North Carolina Description The project consists of the construction of an Extended Stay America Hotel with associated parking and landscaping. The site is located on McDaniel Drive near the intersection of Highway 17 (Marine Blvd.). The total area of the site is 3.64 acres. Storm Water Narrative Storm water detention has been provided for the site. Due to the flat grades in the area, the system has been designed as a retention facility. The facility is a total of five feet deep and will control the 2, 10, 50 and 100 year storms. In the pre -developed state, the site was covered with brush and long grass. Using TR-55, a pre -developed curve number of 56 was calculated for the pre -developed site. The site slopes at 0.03% from McDaniel Drive to the rear of the site. In the post -developed state, approximately 3.12 acres of the site will be developed and the remaining area will remain undisturbed. The storm water runoff generated from the remaining area acre will continue to runoff it its natural direction and away from the building pad area. The runoff from the 3,12 acres of developed area will be directed to catch basins on site and released through storm drain pipe into the retention pond. Using TR-55, a curve number of 83 has been calculated for the developed property. TR-55 was used to calculate the pre and post -developed runoff for the site. A summary of the runoff is as follows (Refer to Appendix A): Pre Post Developed Developed 2-year 1 cfs (p. A-3) 11 cfs (p. A-6) 10-year 2 cfs (p. A-3) 17 cfs (p. A-6) 50-year 4 cfs (p. A-3) 24 cfs (p. A-6) 100-year Because the post -developed runoff is greater than the pre -developed runoff, a storm water retention facility was designed. 0 • • L Detention Faciii Design The design of the retention facility was checked using the Hydraflow Computer Program. Using the information from the TR-55 program, hydrographs were generated for the post -developed conditions. The post -developed hydrographs were then routed through the retention facility in order to determine the actual release rate from the site. The hydrographs for the site were calculated using the SCS method in conjunction with the Hydraflow Computer program for the 2, 10, 50 and 100 year storms. These hydrographs were then run through the detention pond in order to determine the actual release rate through the orifice provided. As shown by the calculations, the 2, 10, 50 and 100 year post developed runoff is released at or below the pre -developed rate. A summary of the storage provided by the retention pond is as follows: Elevation Area Storage 40 12,320 (This area not included in the storage volume because it 41 13,724 it for permanent retention and not included in the calculations) 42 15,200 0 43 16,748 15974 44 18,368 33532 45 20,060 52746 A summary of the results is as follows: RPIPACP frnrn 2-year storm: 10-year storm: 50-year storm: 100-year storm: Detention Facilitv 1.2 cfs 1.6 cfs 1.9 cfs 2.0 cfs As shown by the hydrographs, the outlet structure, which consists of one twelve (12) inch diameter pipe with a 7" diameter orifice plate (at elevation 42.0) to control the release of the 2, 10, 50 and 100 year storm to at or below the pre -developed rate. Storm Drain Pipe System The storm drain pipe system for the post -developed conditions was sized using the Storm Sewer Hydraflow program, The system was designed to carry the 10-year post developed runoff. Refer to Appendix C for a Summary Report of the pipe sizes, inverts and flow rates. 0 0 Erosion Contra! Measures In order to reduce the amount of sediment leaving the site several erosion control measures will be taken. Silt fence will be installed around the perimeter of the site as shown on the plans. A stone construction entrance, 24' wide by 50' long, is installed at the main entrance to the site to help reduce the amount of sediment leaving the site via construction vehicles. The storm water retention facility will act as a sediment basin during construction. The outlet pipe for the pond is two feet above the bottom of the retention pond. This will allow for the sediment will settle out and only storm water to leave the site. Per the City of Jacksonville's direction, a series of "baffle -like" sections of silt fence will be constructed in the retention pond. This will also help to trap the sediment and prevent any sediment from leaving the pond via the storm drain pipe. Any • sediment remaining in the pond at the end of construction will be cleaned out, allowing for the full depth of the pond to be utilized for storm water retention. Inlet protection will be installed around each of the proposed catch basins. Rip Rap aprons will be installed at the outlet side of the storm drain pipe as the pipe enters the detention pond and the existing ditch at the rear of the property. In addition, rip -rap will also be placed at the entrance to the drainage pipe for the retention basin. The rip -rap aprons were sized using the North Carolina Erosion Control Manual figure 8.06a. Due to the low discharge values for the site, a minimum of 6 inch rip -rap size has been specified for the average size. In addition, a minimum apron length of 10 feet will be used at each outlet location. The rip -rap placed at the entrance of the outlet pipe for the retention pond uses a minimum of five feet of length, for this rip -rap is only to protect the surrounding slope. P, 0 0 RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER COMPUTATION Version 2.00 Project : ESA - JACKSONVILLE,NC User: ssp Date: 01--31-98 County : ONSLOW State: NC Checked: Date: Subtitle: PRE -DEVELOPED RUNOFF Subarea : PRE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hydrologic Soil Group COVER DESCRIPTION A B C D Acres (CN) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OTHER AGRICULTURAL LANDS Brush - brush, weed, grass mix fair - 3.12(56) - 0 Total Area (by Hydrologic Soil Group) • 3.12 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBAREA: PRE TOTAL DRAINAGE AREA: 3.12 Acres WEIGHTED CURVE NUMBER: 56* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * - Generated for use by GRAPHIC method 0 • TIME OF CONCENTRATION AND TRAVEL TIME Version 2.00 Project : ESA - JACKSONVILLE,NC User: ssp Date: 01-31-98 County : ONSLOW State: NC Checked: Date: Subtitle: PRE -DEVELOPED RUNOFF ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Flow Type 2 year Length Slope Surface n Area Wp Velocity Time rain (ft) (ft/ft) code (sq/ft) (ft) (ft/sec) (hr) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sheet 5.0 300 .0003 J 1.505 Time of Concentration = 1.51* --- Sheet Flow Surface Codes --- A Smooth Surface F Grass, Dense Shallow Concentrated • B Fallow (No Res.) G Grass, Burmuda ___ Surface Codes ___ C Cultivated < 20 % Res. H Woods, Light P Paved D Cultivated > 20 % Res. I Woods, Dense U Unpaved E Grass -Range, Short J Range, Natural * - Generated for use by GRAPHIC method • • A- i GRAPHICAL PEAK DISCHARGE METHOD Version 2.00 Project : ESA - JACKSONVILLE,NC User: ssp County : ONSLOW State: NC Checked: Subtitle: PRE -DEVELOPED RUNOFF Data: Drainage Area 3.12 * Acres Runoff Curve Number 56 * Time of Concentration: 1.51 * Hours Rainfall Type III Pond and Swamp Area NONE Storm Number 1 2 3 4 Frequency (yrs) 2 10 50 100 • 24-Hr Rainfall (in) 5.0 7.0 9.0 10.0 Ia/P Ratio 0.31 0.22 0.17 0.16 Runoff (in) 1.04 2.22 3.61 4.36 Unit Peak Discharge 0.304 0.334 0.349 0.354 (cfs/acre/in) Pond and Swamp Factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.0% Ponds Used Peak Discharge (cfs) ------------------------------ 1 2 4 5 C: * - Value(s) provided from TR-55 system routines Date: 01-31-98 Date: s A,3 RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER COMPUTATION Version 2.00 Project : ESA - JACKSONVILLE,NC User: ssp Date: 01-31-98 County : ONSLOW State: NC Checked: Date: Subtitle: POST DEVELOPED RUNOFF Subarea : POST ------------------------------------------------- COVER DESCRIPTION A ------------------------------------------------- FULLY DEVELOPED URBAN AREAS (Veg Estab.) Open space (Lawns,parks etc.) Poor condition; grass cover < 50% - Impervious Areas ---------------------------- Hydrologic Soil Group B C D Acres (CN) ---------------------------- .81(79) W Paved parking lots, roofs, driveways - 1.54(98) OTHER AGRICULTURAL LANDS Brush - brush, weed, grass mix fair - 0.77(56) Total Area (by Hydrologic Soil Group) 3.12 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBAREA: POST ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL DRAINAGE AREA: 3.12 Acres WEIGHTED CURVE NUMBER: 83'* * - Generated for use by GRAPHIC method • • TIME OF CONCENTRATION AND TRAVEL TIME Version 2.00 Project : ESA - JACKSONVILLE,NC User: ssp Date: 01-31-98 County : ONSLOW State: NC Checked: Date: Subtitle: POST DEVELOPED RUNOFF ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Flow Type 2 year Length Slope Surface n Area Wp Velocity Time rain (ft) (ft/ft) code (sq/ft) (ft) (ft/sec) (hr) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sheet 5.0 160 .01 A 0.031 Open Channel 325 3.0 0.030 Time of Concentration = 0.06* --- Sheet Flow Surface Codes --- . A Smooth Surface F Grass, Dense -- - Shallow Concentrated --- B Fallow (No Res.) G Grass, Burmuda --- Surface Codes --- C Cultivated < 20 % Res. H Woods, Light P Paved D Cultivated > 20 p Res. I Woods, Dense U Unpaved E Grass -Range, Short J Range, Natural * - Generated for use by GRAPHIC method • U a-� 0 GRAPHICAL PEAK DISCHARGE METHOD Version 2.00 Project : ESA - JACKSONVILLE,NC User: ssp County : ONSLOW State: NC Checked: Subtitle: POST DEVELOPED RUNOFF Data: Drainage Area 3.12 * Acres Runoff Curve Number 83 * Time of Concentration: 0.06 * Hours Rainfall Type III Pond and Swamp Area NONE Storm Number 1 2 3 4 Frequency (yrs) 2 10 50 100 40 24-Hr Rainfall (in) 5.0 7.0 9.0 10.0 Ia/P Ratio 0.08 0.06 0.05 0.04 Used Runoff (in) Unit Peak Discharge ( cf s/acre/in ) Pond and Swamp Factor 0.0% Ponds Used ---------------------- Peak Discharge (cfs) ---------------- 0.10 5.03 1.110 I 1.00 17 0.10 6.94 1.110 1.00 24 0.10 7.90 1.110 1.00 27 * - Value(s) provided from TR-55 system routines 1• Date: 01-31-98 Date: U • H.ydrograph Summary Report Page 1 11 L Hyd. No. Hydrograph type (origin) Peak flow (cfs) Time interval (min) Time to peak (min) Volume (acft) Return period (yrs) Inflow hyd(s) Maximum elevation (ft) Maximum storage (cuft) Hydrograph description 1 SCS Runoff 12.0 1 725 0.85 2 — ---- ---- Post 2-year 2 SCS Runoff 18.6 1 724 1.35 10 — ------ ---- Post 10-year 3 SCS Runoff 25.3 1 724 1.86 50 --- --- — Post 50-year 4 SCS Runoff 28.7 1 724 2.12 100 -- — 100-YEAR STORM 5 Reservoir 1.2 1 778 0.80 2 1 43.09 17602 2-year thru po 6 Reservoir 1.6 1 783 1.21 10 2 43.77 29462 10-year thru p 7 Reservoir 1.9 1 795 1.61 50 3 44.46 42283 50-yr thru pon a Reservoir 2.0 1 802 1.80 100 4 44.80 48961 100-YR THRU PO Proj. file: ESAJACK.GPW IDF file: WILMNG.IDF Run date: 02-17-1998 0 • I• Stage 1 Storage 3.0 2.5 ' 2.0 Stage (ft) 1 5 i.0 0.5 - 0.0 0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 Storage (cuft) • �-a 0 • I• Stage 1 Discharge 3.0 2.5 2.0 Stage (ft) 1.5 1.0 0.s 0.0 - —I- 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 Discharge (cfs) 1• 1;-3 i L • Reservoir Report Page Reservoir No. 1 Retention Pond Culvert I Orifice Structures Weir Structures [A] [B] [C] [A] [B] [C] Rise (in) = 7 0 0 Crest Len (ft) = 0.0 0.0 0.0 Span (in) = 7 0 0 Crest El. (ft) = 0.00 0.00 0.00 No. Barrels = 1 0 0 Weir Coeff. = 3.00 3.00 3.00 Invert El. (ft) = 42.00 0,00 0.00 Eqn. Exp. = 1.50 1.50 1.50 Length (ft) = 220.0 0.0 0.0 Multistage = No No No Slope (%) = 0.50 0.00 0.00 N-Value = .013 .013 .013 Orif. Coeff. = 0.60 0.60 0.60 Multistage = - No No Tailwater Elevation = 0.00 ft Note. All outtlows have been analyzed under inlet and outlet control. Stage 1 Storage 1 Discharge Table Stage Storage Elevation Culy. A Culy. B Culy. C Weir A Weir B Weir C Discharge (ft) (cuft) (ft) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) 0.0 00 42.00 0.00 - - - - -- 0.00 0.1 1,597 42.10 0.29 --- --- - - - 0.29 0.2 3,195 42.20 0.41 - - --- -- - 0.41 0.3 4,792 42.30 0,50 - - - - - 0.50 0.4 6,390 42.40 0.57 - --- --- - --- 0.57 0.5 7,987 42.50 0.64 - -- - --- - 0.64 0.6 9,584 42.60 0.71 --- -- -- - - 0.71 0.7 11,182 42.70 0.82 - --- - - - 0.82 0.8 12,779 42.80 0.92 - --- - - --- 0.92 0.9 14,377 42.90 1.00 - --- - - - 1.00 1.0 15,974 43.00 1.08 - - -- --- --- 1.08 1.1 17,730 43.10 1.16 - - - -- --- 1.16 1.2 19,486 43.20 1.23 - - --- - - 1.23 1.3 21,241 43.30 1.29 - - --- - - 1.29 1.4 22,997 43.40 1.35 - - --- - - 1.35 1.5 24,753 43.50 1.41 - - - --- - 1.41 1.6 26,509 43.60 1.47 - - - --- - - 1.47 1.7 28,265 43.70 1.53 - - - -- --- 1.53 1.8 30,020 43.80 1.58 - -- -- - --- 1.58 1.9 31,776 .43.90 1.63 - --- - -- - 1.63 2.0 33,532 44.00 1.68 -- - --- - - 1.68 2.1 35,453 44.10 1.73 -- -- --- - - 1.73 2.2 37,375 44.20 1.78 - - - --- --- 1.78 2.3 39,296 44.30 1.82 - - - --- - 1.82 2.4 41,218 44.40 1.87 - - --- - --- 1.87 2.5 43,139 44.50 1.91 - - - --- - 1.91 x 4 Continues on next page... e Retention Pond Stage 1 Storage I Discharge Table Stage Storage Elevation Culy. A Culy. B Culy. C Weir A Weir B Weir C (ft) (cuft) (ft) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) 2.6 45,060 44.60 1.95 — — --- — --- 2.7 46,982 44.70 2.00 --- — --- -- — 2.8 48,903 44.80 2.04 — — — — -- 2.9 50,825 44.90 2.08 — — --- — — 3.0 52,746 45.00 2.12 -- -- — --- --- r • Page 2 Discharge (cfs) 1.95 2.00 2.04 2.08 2.12 • [I 1 - SCS Runoff - 2 Yr - Qp = 11.95 cfs 15 10 Q 5 0 -, 0 5 10 15 20 25 Time (Hrs) Hydrograph Report Page Hyd. No. 1 Post 2-year Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Peak discharge = 11.95 cfs Storm frequency = 2 yrs Time interval = 1 min Drainage area = 3.12 ac Curve number = 83 Basin Slope = .5 % Hydraulic length = 300 ft Tc method = USER Time of conc. (Tc) = 5 min Total precip. = 5.00 in Distribution = Type III Storm duration = 24 hrs Shape factor = 484 Total Volume = 37,034 cult, 0.850 acft 40 a—(0 E • • 2( 15 Q 10 5 0, 2 - SCS Runoff -10 Yr - Qp = 18.64 cfs 5 10 15 Time (Hrs) Hydrograph Report Hyd. No. 2 Post 10-year Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Storm frequency = 10 yrs Drainage area = 3.12 ac I Basin Slope = .5 % Tc method = USER Total precip. = 7.00 in Storm duration = 24 hrs 20 25 Page 1 Peak discharge = 18.64 cfs Time interval = 1 min Curare number = 83 Hydraulic length = 300 ft Time of conc. (Tc) = 5 min Distribution = Type III Shape factor = 484 Total Volume = 58,667 cult, 1.347 acft IN • • 3 - SCS Runoff - 50 Yr - Qp = 25.34 cfs 30 25 20 Q 15 - — -- 10 5- - 0 R - 0 5 10 15 20 25 Time (Hrs) Hydrograph Report Page 1 Hyd. No. 3 Post 50-year Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Storm frequency = 50 yrs Drainage area = 3.12 ac Basin Slope = .5 % Tc method = USER Total precip. = 9.00 in Storm duration = 24 hrs Peak discharge = 25.35 cfs Time interval = 1 min Curve number = 83 Hydraulic length = 300 ft Time of conc. (Tc) = 5 min Distribution = Type III Shape factor = 484 Total Volume = 80,943 cuff, 1.858acft ,' P • 30 25 20 Q 15 10 61 4 - SCS Runoff - 100 Yr - Qp = 28.68 cfs 5 10 15 Time (Hrs) Hydrograph Report Hyd. No. 4 100-YEAR STORM Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Storm frequency = 100 yrs Drainage area = 3.12 ac 40 Basin Slope = .5 % Tc method = USER Total precip. = 10.00 in Storm duration = 24 hrs 20 25 Page 1 Peak discharge = 28.69 cfs Time interval = 1 min Curve number = 83 Hydraulic length = 300 ft Time of conc. (Tc) = 5 min Distribution = Type III Shape factor = 484 Total Volume = 92,218 cult, 2.117 acft 140 • 15 10 Q 5 • • 01 0 5 - Reservoir - 2 Yr - Qp = 1.15 cfs 5 10 15 Time (Hrs) Hydrograph Report Hyd. No. 5 2-year thru pond Hydrograph type Storm frequency Inflow hyd. No. Max. Elevation Srorspe indice on method used. 20 25 Page t Reservoir Peak discharge = 1.15 cfs = 2 yrs Time interval = 1 min = 1 Reservoir name = Retention Pond = 43.09 ft Max. Storage = 17,602 cuft Total Volume = 34,W9 cult, 0.BW acft • • E 6 -Reservoir - 10 Yr - Qp = 1.56 cfs 20 15 Q ]0 5 01 0 5 10 15 20 25 Time (Hrs) Hydrograph Report Hyd. No. 6 10-year thru pond Hydrograph type Storm frequency Inflow hyd. No. Max. Elevation %Dm" IndmwWn rmdhod used, Page 1 = Reservoir Peak discharge = 1.56 cfs = 10 yrs Time interval = 1 min = 2 Reservoir name = Retention Pond 43.77 ft Max. Storage = 29,462 cuft Total Volume = 52,762 cult, 1.211 acft I0 • • • 7 -Reservoir - 50 Yr - Qp = 1.89 cfs 30 25 20 Q 15 10 5 0 5 10 15 20 25 Time (Hrs) Hydrograph Report Hyd. No. 7 50-yr thru pond Hydrograph type Storm frequency Inflow hyd. No. Max. Elevation ,%oWe IndaFtion method used, Page 1 = Reservoir Peak discharge = 1.89 cfs = 50 yrs Time interval = 1 min = 3 Reservoir name = Retention Pond = 44.46 ft Max. Storage = 42,283 cult Total Volume = 70,295 Cult, 1.814 aeft • 1C 0 8 - Reservoir - 100 Yr - Qp = 2.03 cfs 30 25 20 15 ]0 5 - —� Hydrograph Report Hyd. No. 8 100-YR THRU POND Hydrograph type = Reservoir Storm frequency = 100 yrs Inflow hyd. No. = 4 Max. Elevation = 44.80 ft SW(.ge Inftaton method used. 10 15 Time (Hrs) 20 25 Peak discharge Time interval Reservoir name Max. Storage Page 1 = 2.04 cfs = 1 min = Retention Pond = 48,961 cuft Total Volume = 78,523 tuft, 1.803 acft IS -is • • Plan View 4 2 7 5 6 9 Proj, file: ESAJACK.STM IDF file: WILMNG.IDF No. Lines: 9 03-12-1998 10 CI n N m In V h h OI a c � �' C7 C7 C7 C7 C7 C7 C7 C9 C9 Z; I O O O O O O O O CD r M, po t(�/� �(pp pp > > C IP f7p (7 l0 C N In C W r v v v a v v v a C W �_ V V V V V V 'NV VN Q CI I11 Ln u7 IA (n 0 fn fn W =gUl 8 8 8 8 8 c d u 0 N M N N o p pP Op Pp O O Op a C O N N cn O O 8 8 s s J 0-1CS0 O O O O O y y Ifs ft7 N (0 f6 (6 IC f0 N C a n 7 7 7-5 75 C a U U CU U U U U U C] CL �~ G N C N N m N In J 'iq — - 1' 0 J p p ' SCR p_� Q 0 0 pp 7 A� I0 1D O QI O- 3 a� r C � IA V (h h co N Of Q o 0 0 0 0 0 o a L I1 (D In v (o h m N co Om +, C � Cl) J 01 C f0 W II J = LL O _ L �p W Q m i F- D v z C J - a a, r Im o 9 a 1 O 11 N 67 7 N Z C I } 0 U c LL C7 8R z N ?-I II 7 O W � J fL � c m rn II 4J 11. G II (U }- N X a U a Q W w W J ❑ fL o F- U U z ui Vr o 0� W a ❑ d CD Io a L (N M — Ln Ir r- LD v v v v v H C `s$ Lei °ram° y v v v v D v v v 3— 0 0 0 g Lon. . rn C9 a� 8 8 8 8 8 8 [ri Z .. `� `� `� La `� `� `� Z LL S N In If) .- P7 N U) C M C M n (V FJ N n C3 O W m Y �+CLN O " N Q M r ( r` t, z 7 In C l Ln C C M N N O J a 0 Q 3e N N It'1 1n O b Itl to I� L pp pp ��pp pppp •K U U U U U U U U U II a N J Vl ,G V N N p? 00 N N Ln N N ' a E u. f) Ih :3 wp' V V V LO (D li l In mR M M V N N Oi U .m41 0? N L+ k lN� Q �? Q � 10 p o a 0 0 0 0 0 0 o z 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 J_ L O C C6 C) N aD V C? a0 Ln fp 0) 0) n m N co — O J + � L M O 0 O °' hV Irn n rn 0 r t C� DO W q: M o o � N G ti ID IL) In 0 Ln Lri Lri Ln ECI: p p N O n NV Ci 0 0 0 0 0 m u Q 00 V V t• Ln I- IA ti C C) N LD N N N O O O O O O O O O O G y p 07 N 0 II (i a u o 0 0 0 001. 0 0 0 Q7 0 0 n Ud U N w N � pp M N O Ln U a .w U Q II Q L oW Ln Nr M h 00 N Of DT .0 z O O O O O O O O .W_L n ♦- a tD Ln V l0 L� m N co U w iri w Lv O f- t O s rl C 8-2 TO i 48' C1 .5% 55 52 49 4 3 i nn f 25 50 75 ]00 Reach (R) C s 0 7-3TO2 - ` — Elcv. (ft) 55 94- @ .5% 52 49 46 3 - � 1 � 1 fi_ K�L 40 � E I 0 25 50 75 100 Reach 01) L C [A Elev. (ft) 55 52 E Go 46 4 40 6-7TO8 80' u, 1 % 9-8TO9 68' @ .5% IT 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 Reach (11) L Ll Glev, (ti) 53 50 47 W 5-6TO7 L. 0 25 50 75 100 Reach (11) • • • 4-4TO3 85' [1 .5% Elev. (tl) 54 51 48 4 2 — � za 0 25 50 75 100 Reach (P) 0 • • 3-5TO4 100' @ .5% Elev. (fl) 54 51 48 4 2— NFL za 0 25 50 75 100 (leach (ft) • • • 2-6TO5 Elev, (fl) 53 105' @ .25% 50 - 47 din �i, C�,-ale 4 1 - - 38 0 25 50 75 100 Reach (tl) C7 • Elcv. (ft) 53 1-POND TO6 40' a .25% I I 50 47 r-a 1�� � v 44 41 38 0 25 50 75 100 Reach (ft) LIM 20 US-e- --v 10 rn,n. 0 3e Outlet Iw = Do + La pipe 1 diameter (Do) La � 0.50p tr e� PQ so It 9 , : h, 3 5 50 100 200 Discharge (Olsec) Appendices 3 VIE � • vl WdIP �r..n:ue ra li:dll�ll:�'At, • ' 11EI1 ,lltlr,111q AN • ' I7111 IIII:IISIItQi Illal I��li'N �, 1171111 �:.rara : rilflHO iriInl!auhnl'ntuuul [Ii,gl'A ll1111111p1I�II111 1111lll�lll 11111111gtll11111 IIE111M tlpt 11111 u111111tl Ilalist UM iuu I -Bs 11 111 Curves may not be extrapolated. Figure 8.06a Design of outlet protection protection from a round pipe flowing full, minimum tailwater condition (T. < 0.5 diameter). Rev. 12M b— ( 8.06.3