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STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET POST -CONSTRUCTION PERMITS PERMIT NO. SW DOC TYPE ❑CURRENT PERMIT ❑ APPROVED PLANS ❑ HISTORICAL FILE COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION DOC DATE YYYYMMDD New Hanover County Page 1 of 2 PARID:ROSS25-003-0,20-000 RB INDEPENDENCE LLC Parcel AMID Address Unit City Zip Code Neighborhood Class Land Use Code Living Units Acres Zoning Legal Legal DawriptIon Tax District Owners Owner City State Country Zip 312511.56.7808.000 3906INDEPENDENCE BLV WILM INGTON 6140 COM-Commercial 52&Neighborhood Retail 6.8203 CB -COMMUNITY BUSINESS (5,88 A) TR 3R HOLT/HARDEE DIVISION WM RB INDEPENDENCE LLC JAMESTOWN NC 27282 THE DATA IS FROM 2011 Sales 3905 INDEPENDENCE BLV Sale Dale Sale Price Grantee Grantor Book Page Sale Key 09•MAY-07 IRS INDEPENDENCE LLC RWT INDEPENDENCE COMMONS LLC 5179 2950 419783 09-MAY-07 $4,250,000 RB INDEPENDENCE LLC RWT INDEPENDENCE COMMONS LLC 5179 2944 419782 11-OCT-W $4.000,000 RWT INDEPENDENCE COMMONS LLC INDEPENDENCE COMMONS LLC 2819 0917 256431 091OCT-98 $D WILM CITY OF INDEPENDENCE COMMONS LLC 2448 0300 256430 23-JAN-98 $492.000 INDEPENDENCE COMMONS LLC FOOD LION INC 2300 0250 256429 23-JAN•98 $0 FOOD LION INC WIMINGTON CITY OF 2300 0239 256428 09-DEC-97 $0 HOLT DANIEL L JR FOOD LION INC 2279 0565 256427 01.IUL-96 $0 HOLT DANIEL L JR SUE B FOOD LION INC 2D53 1040 256426 01-JUL-96 $D HARDEE KENDALL JACKIE ETAL FOOD LION INC 2053 ID24 266426 01-JUL-96 $450,000 FOOD LION INC HARDEE KENDALL L JACKIE L 2053 0999 256424 01-JUL-90 $0 HARDEE KENDALL L JACKIE L HOLT DANIEL L JR SUE BENNETT 2053 0997 256423 01-MAR45 $16,0D0 HARDEE KENDALL L JACKIE L BERG STEVEN R LIBBY D 1281 1545 256422 3"EC-W $0 HARDEE KENDALL JACKIE L HOLT DANIEL LANE JR CHRISTINA 1179 0429 256421 2¢FES-W $W,000 HARDEE KENDALL L JACKIE 1, MELTON ALEDA E 1165 0414 256420 244AY46 $27,0D0 HOLT DANIEL LANE JR MCKENZIE S N 1064 0360 256419 Safe Details 1 0l 15 Sale Data 09-MAY-07 Sale Key 419783 Sale Price Grantee RB INDEPENDENCE LLC Grantor RWT INDEPENDENCE COMMONS LLC Sale Source - Baak 5179 Page 2950 Sale Validity U-Unquatilled Sale Type IMPROVED Sale Flag STEB C Instrument A' instrument Type Non, -Warranty Adj. Reason Adj_ Price Adj. Amount Commercial Card 1 Building Number 1 Structure Code/Descrlpbon cc -cc Improvment Name Unlb 1 Year Built 1998 Effective Year Built Grade C+ Chase C-COM Other Improvements Other Imp Value Total Under Root 46186 Building Factor 1 Peroent Complete % Peroent Good 92% http:lletax.nhcgov. com/Fornn s/PrintDataket. aspx?pi n=ROb515-003-020-000&gsp=PROFLL... 9/23/2011 New Hanover County Page 2 of 2 Notes Other Feature Details Card I nt/Ext Line Area Measurement 1 Measurement 2 Identical Units Summary of Interior/Exterior Data Card Line Number 1 1 Interior/Exterior Details Cant LIne Number Section From Floor To Floor Area Use Group Class Physlcai Condition Construction Was Height Interlor Wall Air Planning Unb Functional Depr. Economic Depr. Summary of All Other Features Card I nt/Fxt Line 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Misc. Improvements Card Dow Year Built 1 PA -PA 1998 1 YL-YL 1998 Valdes Year Total Land Total Buldings Appraised Total Section 1 From Floor 61 1 1 1 01 01 46.196 Cc G 5.5 18 2-2 1-1 0-0 THE DATA IS FROM 2011 Grade Width C C 6 THE DATA * FROM 2011 To Floor 01 Length 3 MARKET VALUE SHOWN - EXEMPnONS TO BE REFLECTED IN AUG BILLS THE DATA IS FROM 2D11 Area Area 46.186 Area 132.000 1 2011 $237,449 $2,691,636 $2,929,085 http:lletax.nhcgov. com/Form s/Pri ntDatal et. aspx?pin=R06515-003-020-000&gsp=PROFIL... 9/23/2011 un-05-01 03:16P 1st. Atlantic I S t t LiYttic 00 Kwom P R O P P R r I E 5 1442 Military Cutoff Road, Suite 30 Wilmington, NC 28403 Ph. 910-256-6999 Fax 910-256-6009 Im 910 256 6009 JON 0 5 zoo 1 Facsimile Cover Sheet Date: .tune 5, 2001 To: Mr. Rick Shiver, Water Quality Regional Supervisor Ms. Linda Lewis, Environmental Engineer Mr. Scott Vinson Fax: (910)350-2004 Sender. F. Spruill Thompson RE: Independence Commons Storm Water Permit No. SW8 970865 New Hanover County YOU SHOULD RECEIVE �_ PAGE (S), INCLUDING THIS COVER SHEET. IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE ALL OF THE PAGES, PLEASE CALL 910-256-6999. P. OIL BUSINESS BROKERAGE' BUSINE55 VALUATION' DEVELOPMENT - INVESTMENT PROPERTIES • PRryATE EQUITY PLACEMENT' PROPERTY MANAGEMENT' SALES A LEASWG - I0]I TAX EXCHANGES Jun-05-01 03:16P 1st Atlantic 910 256 6009 P.02 Is t Atlantic P R O P E R T I E 5 I442 Military Cutoff Road, Suite 30 Wilmington, NC 28403 Ph. 910-256-6999 Fax 91 0-256-6009 VIA FAX June 5, 2001 NCDENR Department of Environment and Mr. Scott Vinson Natural Resources NCDENR Mr. Rick Shiver, Water Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Regional Supervisor Wilmington, NC 28405 Ms. Linda Lewis, Environmental Engineer Mr. Scott Vinson, Dear Mr. Vinson, 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405 Thank you for taking the time to talk with me by telephone 910-395-3900 Phone regarding the situation referenced above. As we discussed, I am 910-395-2004 Fax waiting for my estimates from Freeman Landscaping as well as from Retention Pond Services so we can bring this pond into Inn Quinn compliance. Upon receipt of the estimates we will be able to City of Wilmington, Engineering submit a plan of action to resolve this matter. 2002 North 3fd Street P. O. Box 1810 Wilmington, NC 28402-1810 During our conversation, you indicated that this pond had never 910-341-7873 Phone been brought into compliance since the violations were noted in 910-341-7802 Fax the attached letter dated February 4, 2000 from Ms. Linda Lewis to the former owner of the property, Mr. William Mitchner. Owner's Attorne However, it is my understanding that Mr. Mitchner believes that W. Daniel Martin, III he did bring the pond into compliance and had the pond properly Ward & Smith, P.A. 127 Racine Drive certified prior to the conveyance of title in November 2000. Wilmington, NC 28406-7068 Please forward me any information icon your files to indicate 910-794-4800 Phone whether this pond was in compliance and properly certified prior 910-7944877 Fax to the conveyance in November 2000. Owners Investment Advisor I would also ask anyone else in the distribution list to provide any Mr. Bill Thornpson documentation regarding this matter, as' we are eager to bring Mr. Joseph Roper this matter to resolution. Franklin Street Partners 6330 Quadrangle Drive, Suite 200 Please call me with any questions. Your prompt attention to this Chapel Hill, NC 27514 matter will be greatly appreciated. 919403-3010 Phone 919-489-1666 Fax Sincerel , Owner's lutertnediaru Mr. James A. Black, Jr. F. S ruill Thompson Weaver, Grubar, Tyler & Black 324 West Wendover Avenue Suite231 Greensboro, NC 27408 cc: All Parties Involved 336-373-8800 Phone 336-373-0603 Fax Cods d—CommonsNCDENR Jun-05-01 03:16P lst Atlantic 910 256 6009 P_03 State of Nortb Carolina 7qG - l09t Department of Environment and Natural Resources 1 • • Wilmington Regional Ofricc Michael F. Easley, Governor NCDENR William G. Ross, Jr., Secretary Division of Water Quality MCrrr" CA"a " °t""rrmwwr c' Ea W1*CP" LWr AND NM%04^,L f rA3%JRca7 May 3, 2001 CERTIFIE ll MAIL 07000 2870 00001709 6687 RETURN RECEIPT REQUFSTED Mr. William Mitchener, Managing Partner Independence Commons, LLC PO Box 36799 Charlotte, NC 28236-6799 Subject: NOTICE OF VIOLATION Independence Commons Stormwatcr Permit No. SW9 970865 New Hanover County Dear Mr. Mitchener: On May 2, 2001, Wilmington Regional Office pcmonnet performed a Compliance Inspection of the project known as Independence Commons, located Corner of Carolina Beach Road and Indcpcndencc Boulevard in Ncw Hanover County, North Carolina- The inspection was performed to determine the status of compliance with Stormwater Permit Number SW8 970865, issued to you on January 28, 1998. The last compliance inspection was performed on February 4, 2000 by Ms. Linda Lewis. The compliance issues in that inspection have not fully bec-n addressed and are again repeated below as compliance issues. The project has been found in violation of Storrnwater Permit Number SW8 970865, issued Pursuant to the requirements of 15A NCAC 2H.1000. The violations found are: 1. Section 1. Part 5 - Failure to record the proper deed restricriom limiting the built -upon area on the outparcel. 2. Section H fart 2- Failure to provide the operalinn and maintenance necessary to assure the permitted seystem functions at optimum efficiency. The approved Operation and Maintenance Ilan mu.rl br, followed in its entirety and maintenance mull occur al the scheduled intervals including, but nor limited t«: a. Semiannual scheduled in pections (every 6 moruhl). b. Sediment removal. C. Mowing and revegoiat ion of side slopes. d. Immediate repair of eroded areas. e. Maintenance of side slopes in accordance with approved plans and specifications. f Debris removal and unclogging of outlet structwe, orlftce device and catch basins and piping. 127 Cardinal Dr. RM., Wilmiugtoa. Norrb Cmrotioa 2840 Telephone 910095-39W VAX 910-340-70W A6 Egnal Opportunity Affirmative Ackioa Employer 50% rfeycJcd110% post-caasumcr paper coo! 00-d Er5!# '0055Y X—T37700 �C9RCc4'�nIT TA:IT 7 r7'INM Jun-05-01 03:17P 1st Atlantic 910 256 6009 P-04 Mr. Mitchcncr ! May 3, 2001 Stormwater Permit No. SWA 970965 ---------------------------------------------- ' To correct these violations you must: . Provide a written "Plan ofAction" which outlines the ac L10fore ns you will take to correct the violation(s) and a time frame for completion of those actions, on or May 17, 2001 _ 2. The grass cover provided, love grass, is not an acceptahlI type of grass cover for the use of erosion control. Repair the eroded areas and reseed or sod the lopes with a stable non -clumping type of permanent vegetated cover. 3. Check the outlet orifice for clogging and clear away the muck and vegetation away from the outlet structure to prevent future clogging. 4. Tekc-depthmmm vurncnts thmagbou! d c pond :urd fo tty to dt tcrtninc,if the sedimcnrrt:maval benchmark has been reached. from the site inspecti n it is clearly evident from the sediment accumulation in fore bay that the fore bay most definitely nccds to be dredged out. If the pond volume has been reduced to 75% of the original dcsig then the main pond itself will need to be dredged. Supply this Office with a sketch of the pond welt the different depth measurements across the pond. 5. Provide a copy of the recorded outparcel deed restrictios;s including the statements required within the permit under Section 1, Part 5. 1, Failure to provide the "Plan of Action" by May 17, 2001, or to Irrect the violations by the date designated in the "Plan of Action", arc considered violations of 15A NCAC; 2 .1000, and may result in the initiation of enforcement action which may include recommendations for the assess nt ofcivil and criminal penalties, pursuant to NCGS 143-215.6A. By copy of this letter to the New Hanover County Building l�spcctor, this niiive is requesting that the Building Inspector consider withholding building permit,, and Certificates of Occupancy far this project until this matter is satisfactorily resolved, If you have any questions concerning this matter, please call M. Scott Vinson at (910) 395-3900. Sincerely, f , Ri4k Shiver Wlter Quality Regional Super -visor l 1 RSSlsav; S:IWQSISTORMWATINOTIC61970865.MAY cc: Phil Norris, P.E. Tony Roberts, Ncw i-Ianover County Building Inspccti ns Scott Vinson coo/Coo•d Ed57s ^Ossy ZZ31:10^ MgSSEE�OLT :o;c*. zooz.EZ'A►W Jun-05-01 03:17P 1st Atlantic FPOM : PETENTION POND SEWACES 910 256 6009 P.05 FA:; NO . 910 675 2920 riay. 29 2001 03:38Prf P? State of North CaroUse Department of Environment and Natural Resources wilssington Regioeal CHMCO Jame H. Hunt, Jr., Governor OW Hahne. Secrets" Division of Warta Qus6ty Mr. WiMem Miochener, Managing Pamwr Iebdepe A e Commons, LLC PO Box 36799 Charlotte, NC Z823"799 Dear Mr. Mitchenar: CAAOL A CWUMMoar eo CMMMOMMONr .fto KAFWUC WCOOVOICU February 4, 2000 Subject: CaNOUANCE INOMMON Indcpc*ic :ee Cott m=& ShoRping Center Stcrmwatarptoje«xo. SWg WOO New HWWWW County Piaui find attached a copy of the completed form eadded "Stormwaicr Complimwe ULVcc don Report". The report summarizes the flndiogs of a recent inspection of she prnjecrs storrww& er controls conducted on February 4, 2000, to dewrmine compliance with Storruwater Permit Numbrr SW8 970863 Issued on January 28, 1998. A santmary of the findinps and eomrneme are noted under Section 6 of the report. Please infnrtn this Office its writing before March 4, 2000 of the specific achom that will bC undcnlakm and tbo time frame ra uked to eoxeet the deficiencies. Failure to provide the requested information. wheys required, may Initiate Mforcemant action. If you have any questions please contact rate at 1he Wilruington Regioael Office, telephone number (910) 395-3900. Sincazly, 4 'e� "0 Linda Lewis EnvironawaW EnSmeex RSS/ai: S:1WQS%,STORMWAT%JNSPECT`.970865.FE13 cc: Phil Norris. Q.E. Cerstral Pita Linda Lewis 127 GvalMi ter. ltn. Wllsinffma, Irons CMWIS■ 284" Talorh"m 91t1.i93.3M TAX 97&MD.20W An t.quat Opportunity AMmotivv Action %later srA racyt&a Ile% pant nnommrr paper Jun-05-01 03:17P 1st Atlantic FPOM : PETENTION POND SEPVICES 910 256 6009 P_O6 FAX NO. : 910 675 ?QUO rlay. 29 2-Vol 03:37PM Pi My 4N W N"angton Marth Caroam Jmuay 31, 2000 IrJdependouce Commons, LLC do Holuumdee Div. 1228 E. Morehead St. *200 Chwintte, SIC 28204 taaw"MIrant Sarvte" 2M clone+ 39d 92M AO des ZBtt1 wunrpmn Me z&M-,Bee MIC) 3i1.7513 00 R-E: Su=n Water Mairtdenance Inspection - [adepeadoaa CowmonslFood Lion (Pared d 3125-S&M8.000) The City of Wilmington Storm Water Scrvicas Scction has recr� dy completed it routine inspection of the stotin water aunagernent facilities at SIC Indepeodence Blvd. For the above referenced sift. The facility toes inspected for comptiance with the operation and maintenance regvirements as outlined in the City's Technical Standards Mantra!, The City will be conducting these irrsptetions a min um oftwicc a year. Our December 1999 inspection itdie.stes that the ssorrn war facilities at the above property dote not comply with ewem maintetume Standards as list below- 1) Debris (vegetation- tr%sh) obstructing outlet stmenire 2) Retention pond slopes not properly rnaintainad Corrective sctiom require the following: 1) Rcmave excess sadimeat and vegetation wound oudet sbucture and lower orifice in order to allow watw flow into outlet structure. 2) ;Maintain graWgroundcover on sloped so as not to exceed a height of 15 Inches According to the storm water management speciftcadous and standards and the inspection and maintenance agremem from the responsible entities, corrective action must ba taken within a r4wonable time period The City will be neinspecting the above storm water facilities to track the Progress of any corrective action. i will be happy to work with you tov,watd a satisfactory resolution of this !Wetter. If you have questions, please ronzact ms of 341 Ab94. Your empertation and assist&= in the City's storm wwAr allowpmant efforts is S"Ily appmciated_ Sir�tcrety, J' Quinn ngineerir►g ecltnician II 121c) ..I.faw I.wpr.n.e tattl, s+e-5458 rsls„h*. & UoM Ui.T802 rdpfmae M61 3+ti-7801 hvcs.n/s L ry) (4 - 232- �j6 9 rB g„a+r,..►t� rar,,.reo.r,.++e ta+..p.rrn..� f91t� 3•tZ 7spy tarrp►ona RIO) 2SL49W WOPF a►w IMM 3A1.5e8i fscsi++ys {a10 G&. -Mes ►0c3ff'. Jun-05-01 03:18P 1st Atlantic 910 256 6009 P_O7 FP.CM PETENTION POND SERUICGS FAX NO. : 910 675 2920 tray. 29 2001 03:39PM P3 STOR.NiWATER COMPLIANCE iNSPECMON REPORT I . Project Name: Indcpctdence Commons Shopping Curter Project N, =bcr Sag 970865 Control Menswe: Wet Da =pion Pvsd Wrier Body: Bards Creek ClassiScsaion: "C SW' Directinas to site, addrem: Corns of Carolina Beach RoW and i Agmndemc Boulevard. 2- lthspection Date. February 4, 2000 Woad = Conditions: Sunny, cool 3. Comparison of Approved plane vs. As -$wilt: Sae belaw 4. Compliance Issues: a The grass cover provided : m the pond is of a clumpy name and does not provide oMcient slope stabilizai an. b(RfA+ Ile Designers Certification hag not bern mccivod. The deed renrictiom limiring the built -upon area on the outparrel have not been received. d. It Weared that the %vater level was above the Statc's temporary storage pool elevation. 5. PE Certification Received? NO Derd Rasuictions Received? NO 6. "uired Actions: t a. Repair eroded slopes and reseed or sod the slopes with a stable non -champing ripe perrnarmmt vegetated cc vcr. fb(lta)Piovide the Desipws Ccrdfication. Provide a copy of the recorded outparcei deed retrriet on. d. Flease check the orifice and downmeam conveyances for blocicage- Inspector: Linda Lm&ls ./ Water Quality. WiJmjMStoa Regional Ot'firzt(910) 395-3900 RSSad: S:%WQSNSTORMWA'nINSPECn970965-F B fM E la_,i•-24-01 08.53A 1st Atlantic 910 256 6009 P.01 IStAtlantic ad P R 0 P P R T I E 5 1442 Military Cutoff Road, Suite 30 Wilmington, NC 26403 Pk 910-256-6999 Fax 910-256-6009 Facsimile Cover Sheet Date: May 24, 2001 To: Rick Shiver Fax: (910)350-2004 Sender. F. Spruill Thompson RE: Independence Commons YOU SHOULD RECEIVE PAGE(S), INCLUDING THIS COVER SHEET. IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE ALL OF THE PAGES, PLEASE CALL 91 0-256-6999. Mr. Shiver, Pursuant to our telephone conversation this morning, this shall serve as our recognition of your letter dated May 3, 2001 regarding Independence Commons. As we discussed, this shopping center has been sold and 1st Atlantic manages it for the new owners. Your letter was forwarded to me Iast night via fax transmission. I appreciate the additional time you have granted for the written response indicated in your letter. We will endeavor to get this to you by June 4, 2001. If 1 find that we cannot respond by that date, I shall apprise you of our progress and our plan of action. Your consideration is greatly appreciated. BUSINESS BROKERAGE' $USINESS VALUATION . DEVELOPMENT' INVESTMENT PROPERTIES' PRIVATE EQUITY PLACEMENT' PROPERTY MANAGEMENT • SALES & LEASING . 1011 TAX EXCHANGES Ma.y-24-01 08:53A 1st A't;lantic 910 256 6009 P.02 4. FROM: © John Collett ❑ Robert Collett E3 Theresa Campbell ❑ George Cornelson ❑ Charlie Dulin ❑ Charlie Lllis ❑ Kim Fox ❑ Margaret Frye O Gwen Glaeser ❑ Prat Hamlet 0 Melissa Harrington )�_Margaret Huckabee ❑ Tom McMillan ❑ Bill Mitchener ❑ Angel Nolen O Jessica Peadon D Susan Scheinol ❑ ' Beverly Sloan O Jeff Sloop ❑ Donovan Smith ❑ Michael Smith ❑ Bob Stultz * Rv Winston ❑ Ali Witeck DATE .S 213 a I PAGES: (i) (ljtichsding Lover) TO: COMPANY: 910 FAX #: a" COMMENTS: CO.,^w►vy.S 1< r -1228 FAST MOREHEAL) STKEET, SUITE 200 CHARLOr4TB, NORTs CAKOUNA 282G4 (704)376-6523 FAX(704)335-8654 ww W . LO LLCTTA550Cl ATL• 5, C01f CONFIDENTIALITY NOTE '(he ii ormition cantaut.�d in [his 1E'Csimitc intu.ye is iegulty privdegcd iwd conl dantial infOFMA nh irroended only for the uvu ur•1h: ir,dividurl or onriry named umvc. If the rcudel of this mwisAgi: is mor [Lc inwndCd w6picnt, you wu hereby nolilrcd djw dissttmirtation, distrow'wili. of copy ul' this +ciccup) ;� strictly pmhibitt+d. If you hive mceivcd this telcoopy Its trror, pld:iso irnmelGltCly n(Altry ux by uaeplwn: 31nd !t-tum Ili original me> agr us us Lot the Wdress abowc vil IN UrliNd Sort:* I'n.ud ScrAix. 711ulk you. EoC1too'd Etst* ?Ossy ,LZ9770� �GHGCEfioCT Op:C: TO��.EZ'x'di•] Ma,v-24—01 08:54A 1st Atlantic 910 256 6009 P.03 ,, State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Wilmington Regional Office Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Rods, Jr., Secretary Division of Water Quality May 3, 2001 CERTIFIED MAIL #7000 2870 0000 1709 6687 RETURN RECEIPT REQUFSTED Mr. William Mitchencr, Managing Plainer Independence Commons, 1,1,C PO Box 36799 Charlotte, NC 28236-6799 Dear Mr. Mitchenev 1 � NCDENR F-�'�V�ia�NMC►fT AKR] W"%A,,L ;w_cc Foczz Subject: NOTICE OF VIOLATION Independence Commons Stormwater Permit No_ SW8 970865 New Hanover County On May 2, 2001, Wilmington Regional Office personnet performed a Compliance Inspection of the project known as Independence Commons, located Corner of Carolina Beach Road and Independence Boulevard in New Hanover County, North Carolina. The inspection was performed io determine the status of compliance with SWrmwater Permit Number SW8 970865. issued to you on January 28, 1998. The last compliance inspection was Performed on February 4, 2004 by Ms. Linda Levis. The compliance issues in that inspection have not fully been addressed and are again repeated below as compliance issues. The project has been found in violation of Stormwater Permit Number 5W8 970865, issued Pursuant to the requirements of ISA NCAC 2H.1000. The violations found are: l . Section 1. Part 5 - Failure to record the proper deed restrictions limiting the built -upon area on the oulparcel. 2. Section A Part 2- Failure to provide the operalinn and maintenance neees.vary lu assure the permitted systemjiunctions at optimum efficiency- The approved Operation and Maintenance Plan must he followed in its entirety and maintenance must occur at the scheduled intervals including, hart not limited to; a, Semiannual scheduled inspections (every 6 months)_ b. Sediment removal. c. Mowing and revegelation of side slopes. d. Immediate repair of eroded areas_ e. Maintenance ofsidr slopes in accordance with approved plans and specificadoRx. f. Debris removal and unclogging of outlet structure, orifice device and catch hasi►u and piping!. 127 Cardinal Dr. F.zt., Wilmington. North Carolina 2"05 Telephone 910-39R-Y" VAX 910-3.94-21)" An Equal Oppurwoity At1'irnta6ve Action Employer SO% recydW110% post-cousumcr paper c'0nl7.00'd E4gti 1059Y L121110G M985CE1'OiT 10:CI .k[ May-24--01 08:54A 1st Atlantic 910 256 6009 P.04 Mr. Mitchencr May 3, 2001 Stormwatcr Permit No. S WR 970865 fo correct these violations you must : Provide a written "Plan of Action" which oµtlines the act! and a time frame for completion of those actions, on or YOU will take to correct the violation(s) re May 17, 2001 _ The grass cover provided, love grass, is not an acceptabile type of grass cover for the use of erosion control. Repair the eroded areas and reseed or sod the Wlopes with a stable non -clumping type of permanent vegetated cover_ i Check the nutlet orifice for clogging and clear away the muck and vegetation away from the outlet structure to prevent future clogging. 4. Takc -depth miz-aswurnen ts duuaghvat-thcpond d rd torgbity to dt:tetm.ne-if th"ediment•rtmoval - benchmark has been reached. From the site inspectigr+ it is clearly evident from the sediment accumulation in fore bay that the fore bay most definitely needs to be dredged out. if the pond volume has been reduced to 75% of the original desigq then the main pond itself will need to be dredged. Supply this Office with a sketch of the pond the different depth measurements across the pond. 5. Provide a copy of the recorded outparcel deed reslhctio s including the statements required within the permit under Section 1, Part 5. Failure to provide the "Plan of Action" by May 17, 2001, or to c orrem the violations by the date designated in the "Plan of Action", arc considered violations of 1SA NCAC 2 .1000, and may result in the initiation of enforcement action which may include recommendations for the assessrr ent ofcivil and criminal penalties, pursuant to NCGS 143-215.6A. By copy of this letter to the New Ilanover County Building lnspector, this Office is requesting that the Building Inspector consider withholding building permit.,. and Certificates of Occupancy for this project until this matter is satisfactorily resolved. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please call RSSWv: S:IWQSIST0RMWATIN0T10E1970965.MAY cc: Phil Norris, P.E. Tony Roberts, New Hanover County Building In Scott Vinson Scott Vinson at (910) 395-3900. Shiver r Quality Regioiral Supeyvisof Eo0!Ecc'd EtStii ":�asgy ,LL3':10o b9965EEtOLT 10:LI T00z,Ez.Avx k r State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Wilmington Regional Office James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Bill Holman, Secretary Division of Water Quality February 4, 2000 Mr. William Mitchener, Managing Partner Independence Commons, LLC PO Box 36799 Charlotte, NC 28236-6799 1 • LU�� NCDENR NORTH CAROUNA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES Subject: COMPLIANCE INSPECTION Independence Commons Shopping Center 'Stormwater Project No. SW8 970865 New Hanover County Dear Mr. Mitchener: Please find attached a copy of the completed form entitled "Stormwater Compliance Inspection Report". The report summarizes the findings of a recent inspection of the project's stormwater controls conducted on February 4, 2000, to determine compliance with Stormwater Permit Number SW8 970865 issued on January 28, 1998. A summary of the findings and comments afe noted under Section 6 of the report. Please inform this Office in writing before March 4, 2000 of the specific actions that will be undertaken and the time frame required to correct the deficiencies. Failure to provide the requested information, when required, may initiate enforcement action. If you have any questions please contact me at the Wilmington Regional Office, telephone number (910) 395-3900. Sincerely, Linda Lewis Environmental Engineer RSS/arl: S:1WQSISTORMWATIINSPECT1970865.FEB cc: Phil Norris, P.E. Central Files Linda Lewis 127 Cardinal Dr. Ext., Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 Telephone 910-395-3900 FAX 910-350-2004 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycledl10% post -consumer paper r S STORMWATER COMPLIANCE INSPECTION REPORT l . Project Name: Independence Commons Shopping Center Project Number: SW8 970865 Control Measure: Wet Detention Pond Water Body: Bamards Creek Classification: "C Sw" Directions to site, address: Corner of Carolina Beach Road and Independence Boulevard. 2. Inspection Date: February 4, 2000 Weather Conditions: Sunny, cool 3. Comparison of Approved plans vs. As -Built: See below 4. Compliance Issues: a. The grass cover provided in the pond is of a clumpy nature and does not provide sufficient slope stabilization. b. The Designers Certification has not been received. C. The deed restrictions limiting the built -upon area on the outparceI have not been received. d. It appeared that the water level was above the State's temporary storage pool elevation. f 5. PE Certification Received? NO Deed Restrictions Received? NO 6. Required Actions: a. Repair eroded slopes and reseed or sod the slopes with a stable non -clumping type permanent vegetated cover. b. Provide the Designer's Certification. C. Provide a copy of the recorded outparcel deed restriction. d. Please check the orifice and downstream conveyances for blockage. Inspector: Linda Lewis A0___1 - Water Quality/Wilmington Regional Off ice/(910) 395-3900 RSS/arl: S:1WQSISTORMWATIINSPECT1970865.FEB Independence Commons Shopping Center New Hanover County Stormwater Project No. SW8 970865 Engineer's Certification I, , as a duly registered Professional Engineer in the State of North Carolina, having been authorized to observe (periodically/weekly/full time) the construction of the project, (Project) for (Project Owner) hereby state that, to the best of my abilities, due care and diligence was used in the observation of the project construction such that the construction was observed to be built within substantial compliance and intent of the approved plans and specifications. Please note any deviations from the approved plans below: Signature Registration Number Date t ,, COLLETT & ASSOCIATES 0(95 PO BOX 36799 CHARLOTTE, NC 28236 : PH. 704-376-6523 FAX 704-335-8654 bcsm, To: Rick Shriver-State Of NC Dept. of Fax: 910-350-2004 Environment & Natural Resources From: Randy Robinson Date: 04/07/00 Re: Retention Pond Maintenance Pages: 2 At independence Commons SC ❑ Urgent ❑ For Review O Please Commerrt ❑ Please Reply © Please Reeyd . . . . . . . . . . Dear Rick: Please find onclosed a copy of an inspection report from Linda Lewis regarding the retention pond at Independence Commons. I have circled an issue that appears to indicate that the weeping love grass on the slopes is not in compliance, which to our knowledge is approved by the State. We would like Ms. Lewis to contact and arrange to meet with our representative, Jim Freeman of Freeman Landscape, on the property so we can address all the items on the inspection. His phony number is 910-796-1166. We appreciate your assistance and let us know if you have any questions. Regards`(, Randy Robinson Collett & Assoicates Real Estate Management Z00/10C'd 6660# ' Dos sd 113`F'T03 tS98Sef60LT 6S:TT 000Z,L0'2IdV STORMWATER COMPLIANCE INSPECTION REPORT 2. 3 4 5. 6. Project Name: Independence Commons Shopping Center Project Number: SW8 970865 Control Measure: Wet Detention Pond Water Body: Bamards Creek Classification: "C Sw" Directions to site, address: Corner of Carolina Beach Road and Independence Boulevard. Inspection Date: February 4, 2000 Weather Conditions: Sunny, cool Comparison of Approved plans vs. As -Built: See below Compliance Issues: a. The grass cover provid�inhe pon�isol �clon�pynat�ureand �does �notovide sufficient slope stabilization. h The Designer's Certification has not been received. } The deed restrictions limiting the built -upon area on the outparcel have not been received. d. It appeared that the water level was above the State's temporary storage pool elevation. PE Certification Received? NO Deed Restrictions Received? NO Required Actions: �a.Repair eroded slopes and reseed or sod the slopes wit�astable ermannt non-clumping type pe vegetated cover. — — b,. `.. P,'Provide the Designer's Certification. X. Provide a copy of the recorded outparcel deed restriction. d. Please check the orifice and downstream conveyances for blockage. Inspector: Linda Lewis AV) --I Water Quality/Wilmington Regional Office/(910) 395-3900 RSS/arl: S:IWQSISTORMWATIINSPEC'n970865.FEB ZOO/Z00'a 6660# '00SS'd 113r1700 VGH SEEtCLT 00=ZT 000ZiL0'dd'd Compliance Inspection Report Permit: SW8970865 Effective: 01/28/98 Expiration: 10/28/12 County: New Hanover Region: Wilmington Contact Person: William Michener Title: Managing Partner Directions to Project: Type of Project: State Stormwater - HD - Detention Pond Drain Areas: 1 - On -Site Representative(s): Related Permits: Inspection Date: 09/27/2011 Entry Time: 11:00 AM Primary Inspector: Steven G Pusey Secondary Inspector(s): Reason for Inspection: Routine Permit Inspection Type: State Stormwater Facility Status: ■ Compliant ❑ Not Compliant Question Areas: State Stormwater (See attachment summary) Owner: Independence Commons LLC Project: Independence Commons Food Lion Exit Time: 11:30 AM Phone: Phone: Inspection Type: Transfer Renewal Page: 1 Permit: SVV8970865 Owner - Project. Independence Commons LLC Inspection Date: 0912712011 Inspection Type: Transfer Renewal Reason for Visit: Routine Inspection Summary: File Review Yes No NA NE Is the permit active? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ Signed copy of the Engineer's certification is in the file? ■ ❑ o ❑ Signed copy of the Operation & Maintenance Agreement is in the file? ®❑ ❑ ❑ Copy of the recorded deed restrictions is in the file? ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ Comment Built Upon Area Yes No NA NE Is the site BUA constructed as per the permit and approval plans? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ Is the drainage area as per the permit and approved plans? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ Is the BUA (as permitted) graded such that the runoff drains to the system? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ Comment: SW Measures - Yes No NA NE Are the SW measures constructed as per the approved plans? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ Are the inlets located per the approved plans? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ Are the outlet structures located per the approved plans? ■ ❑ ❑ 0 Comment: Operation and Maintenance Yes No NA -NE Are the SW measures being maintained and operated as per the permit requirements? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ Are the SW BMP inspection and maintenance records complete and available for review or provided to DWQ ❑ ❑ ❑ ■ upon request? Comment: Page: 2 Date Design Andrew and Kuske Sheet �l�f 7 - l /�/ CONSULTING ENGINEERS. INC. g 902 Market St. Wilmin ton. N.C. 28401 Of QE-0 Check Job For Job No. 01z5 q-? I I q, )?) -/V7*(.. -5/7Z� = CP 1.3 fit. a�v� r 7.�q STORMWATER E C E! V E --�vir<o•�C,s vg = DEC 01 1997 B�JO- -" ,fJ = (�(�DD dam'- PROJ nS �C70�CoS :. Tv / �i/ c-eJ� �✓�- �i8 r/��I �7- . 3 �#-t a S F 76. Fo 90 �- 7-55 ,ono,1.etr f-J/o �.. 1--LIP 1 0Z5 q,-7 ,4�0�E-0-� = �L ��15 �c �36� 3 �J 5 F 201 2Co 3 C� �rnr � �,�•�✓�o = 2 �r x' (1010&1 21, S� 1 5F Z j e Ae, tr- Pe STORMWATER SUBMITTAL REQUIRMAENTS UC7m (Y►�� S DETENTION POND ' A. Site Plan ✓ 1. Development/Project Name 2. Engineer name and firm. 3. Legend �^ 4. North Arrow 5. Location Map with direction, distance to named streets, NCSR numbers. 6. Scale ✓ 7. Date 8. Revision number and date. 9. Original contours, proposed contours, spot e shed floor elevations. )C' 10. Existing drainage, including off -site. a of offsite area? _ k 11. Property/Project boundary lines, dimension _U 12. Mean High Water Line, if necessary. �✓ 13. Drainage easements, pipe sizes. ✓' 14. Wetlands delineated, or a note on the plans tha one exist. 15, Details of the road, parking, cul-de-sacs, including sidewalks, curb and gutter.. u[A 16. Drainage area to each pond delineated. K 17. Dimensions of the permanent pool. QA 18 Vegetated filter detail if using 85 % TSS. This is NOT a connector ditch. 19. Dimensions of the road, parking cut -de -sacs, sidewalks, and curb and gutter. 20. Unit footprint with dimensions and concrete wood deck areas noted.for apartments or condo development. 21. Forebay at each inlet. Prefer one inlet x 22. Inlets located such that entire pond is used for treatment and no short-circuiting. t✓ 23. Pond section with: Bottom elevation Permanent pool elevation PP Storage pool elevation SP `- Slopes: 3:1 above permanent pool Vegetated shelf @6:1 slope, with begin and end elevations around pond. Forebay bottom elevation, 3:1 slopes, Forebay weir elevation between PP and SP. _ 24. Outlet structure detail with trash rack and orifice. t-&V 25. STORMWATER SUBMITTAL REQUIREVIENTS DETENTION POND (cont) B. Calculations ✓' 1. 85 % or 90 % TSS Chart noted. i/ 2. Pond depth. ✓' 3. SA/DA ratio calculation. 4. Required surface area at permanent pool. 5. Provided surface area at permanent pool (Based on pond dimensions) 6. Required volume. ✓ 7. Provided volume. ✓ 8. Orifice size based on provided volume. aI" 9. Engineer seal. til 10. Built -upon area to each pond. H . - Forebay designed to hold 20 % of the first inch. 12. Non -erosive flow in the vegetated filter, if using 85 % TSS. C. Supporting Documentation 2 1. Completed permit application < a. Is the person who signed the Iandowner or a leasee? Must be landowner. ✓ b. Section III completely filled in- can tailor this section for submittal type. C. Check signature per .1003 (e). Make sure title is provided. 0 d. If agent signs, signatory authorization from owner. e. Attachment A provided for subdivided lots, future development, outparcels. I f. Mailing address & phone of applicant- no CIO. J� g. Verify water body classification. ✓ 2. Signed Operation and Maintenance Plan to include all items on DWQ O & M form. Date Design Andrew and Kuske I Sheet 902 Market St. CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. Wilmington, N.C, 2B401 Of Check Job For Job No, !] J-Tb 0m vu4 Tee- � G/k—c v [_i4- Tt c7 S 14 r,7 E �S-pj D Lc-�C e, G0 rki m e "j S " e-- "0= `7/7 / 39 ',,6tUttUH�j�D' is a a 966 F ���+�itttttttt►� STARMWATER OCT 2 41997 D _ _. ._.PROJ #t e('95 Date Design Andrew and Kuske Sheet 902 Market St, CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC, Wilmington, N.C. 28401 pf Check Job For Job No. !/z J 4 ,wJr✓,C':� ;—ooOL�a.� F;--'oiTlon� = (p(�OJ �F E �z Fop `�- 7--5-,5 Flo ri rc-7, 5 FT 0C-Q7 2 !l qo g -s-F li L 1 f 5 F-}- Zo `83J Co 35 sue) 72J� Pr�.Jr/c0 _ 2rT 15p Date Design Andrew and Kuske Market St. CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. Wilmington, N.C. 28401 Check Job For ESheet902 -11-?�e og'jrlCE—� . % f2/- - !?/'/riVC'drJn.J iva- W 6 vrrr GF 77 r 5 P� 2P952 5F = j�o -�'f�� �j�b �1-�'� E: �-v �-i. c.�.-�3c.E �Fo !� Ccz'�r �� +.,'r-C•--r�-, 6:..� r - - - 28(.0 Qa • -rri�� ?`l o,J 0"i r» Ff %,, Z C �5 �,v f r 7 3q e—) pox, �=� �n o.� ��or-F = �9^. o OF6 De- Date Design Andrew and Kuske Sheet 'f / 7_ �''' �/� 902 Market St. CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. Wilmington, N.C, 28401 Of Check Job Eor JoNo. � /1� 4� �� ., •may, �r J Y.�-,�/-��� ,r�'J /��i �J�� Fa � d� e gib- L- Vic- I y-t (-f bU 1n)Tv Po-�JO ro' t�' x �5r� 6-'A-1G-�7 01 fi-7v2- m T L"1'` 19-ri nJv (A.) r--� vJ / F7r Nv /for 7T rvl�t_ f 9oTr-_LTr a -) ) C-0