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SW8960903_HISTORICAL FILE_20160829
STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET POST -CONSTRUCTION PERMITS PERMIT NO. SW Q�I�pOgO�J DOC TYPE ❑ CURRENT PERMIT ❑ APPROVED PLANS HISTORICAL FILE ❑ COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION DOC DATE �Jl(OUg�id% YYYYMMDD PAT McCRORY Governor iL" v ik fi �i i�ty�. 93 Energy, Mineral & Land Resources ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY August 29, 2016 Director of Property & Construction Catholic Diocese of Raleigh 7200 Stonehenge Dr. Raleigh, NC 27613 Subject: Renewal Request State Stormwater Management Permit No. SWS 960903 Immaculate Conception Church New Hanover County Dear Director of Property & Construction: DONALD R. VAN DER VAART Secretary TRACY DAVIS Director Effective August 1, 2013 the State Stormwater program has been transferred from the Division of Water Quality (DWQ) to the Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources (DEMLR). All previous references to DWQ will remain in older Stormwater permits issued prior to August 1, 2013 until they are modified, transferred,'or renewed. Please note that this letter references DEMLR as the Division responsible for issuance of the permit. State Stormwater Management Permit #SW8 960903 for the subject project was last issued on August 9, 2002 to the Catholic Diocese of Raleigh and expired on August 9, 2016. Per 15A NCAC 2H.1003(h) (the Stormwater rules), applications for permit renewals shall be submitted 180 days prior to the expiration of a permit and must be accompanied by a processing fee, which is currently set at $505.00. Please complete and submit a renewal application prior to September 30, 2016. The renewal application can be found at the f611owing website under the Applications Forms section: litt s://de .nc.4,o\'/about/divisioiislener.Tv-mineral-land-resourcesleneM-iiiiiieral-land- pern�itslstorlrt��afer-pt I,n�its/loans. Please note that if they have not already been submitted to the Division, the permit renewal request must be accompanied by the required Designer's Certification and the recorded documents (if applicable). Please be advised that until you submit the required Name/Ownership Change Form to the Division and receive approval from the Division to transfer the permit, you are required to comply with the terms, conditions and limitations of the Stormwater Management Permit under Title 15A North Carolina Administrative Code 2H .1003 and North Carolina General Statute 143-214.7. This includes providing the necessary operation and maintenance of the permitted stormwater system. The Name/Ownership Change Forms are available on our website at: https:l_ /.nc. Gov/about�di� isions/energy-nZit>era!-IaI�dT resources/e!�mineral-laltd-perm its/storm�v,ater-permits/fol-ms. State of North Carolina I Environmentai Quality I Energy, Mineral and Land Resources Wilmington Regional Office 1127 Cardinal Drive Extension I Wilmington NC 28405 910 796 7215 date JTormwater YCnri11 NO. J W tS 90U9UJ Page 2 of 2 The operation of the stormwater treatment system without a valid and active permit, and/or failure to provide the Designer's Certification and/or failure to operate and maintain the stormwater treatment system, are violations of NCGS 143 Article 21 and may result in appropriate enforcement action. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Christine Hall at (910) 796-7215 or christinc.hall@ncdenr.gov. Sincerely, `J c-1 Tracy Davis, P.E. Director Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources GDS/canh: %StormwaterTermits & Projects\]996\960903 HD12016 08 req ren 960903 cc: Wilmington Regional Office File State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality I Energy, Mineral and Land Resources Wilmington Regional Office 1127 Cardinal Drive Extenston I Wilmington, NC 28405 910 796 726 State'Stormwater Management Systems Permit No. SW8 960903 Immaculate Conception Catholic Church Stormwater Permit No. SW8 960903 New Hanover Count Designer's Certification V7 0- as duly registered SMtti!'1fr in the State of North Carolina, 6ving been authorized to observe periodical) eekly/full time) the construction of the project, W M . , M (Project) For U(Project Owner) hereby state that, to the best of my abilities, Ee care and diligence wasused in the observation of the project construction such that the construction was observed to be built within substantial compliance and intent of the approved plans and specifications. The checklist of items on page 2 of this form is included in the Certification. Noted deviations from approved plans and.specifications: r SEAL. CR Signature" SEAL Registration Number 4 0.31591 Date 01-31-'14 12:41-FR4N- T--487 P000810008 F1856 Permit rho. M Certification Requirements: �1. The drainage area to the system contains approximately the permitted acreage. ✓ 2, The drainage area to the system contains no more than the permitted amount of built -upon area. 3. All the built -upon area associated with the pro4ect is graded such that the runoff drains to the system. ✓ 4_ All roof drains are tocated such that the runoff is directed into the system. ✓ 5. The outlet structure elevations are per the approved plan. ✓ S. The outlet structure is located per the approved plans. 7. Trash rack is provided on the outlet structure. 8. Ail slopes are grassed wish permanent vegetation. 9. Vegetated slopes are no steeper than 3:1. ✓ 10. The inlets are located per the approved plans and do ncA cause short-circuiting of the system. 11. The permitted arnourds of surface area and/or volume have been provided. ✓ 12. Required drawdown devices are correctly sized arrd krarted per the approved plans. 13. All required design.depths are provided. ✓ 14. Alt required parts of the system are provided, such as a vegetated shelf, and a forebay. ` ✓ 15. The required systarn dimensions are provided per the approved plans. 18_ Al components of the stormwater BMP are located.in either recorded common areas, or recorded easements. cc: NCDENR-DEMLR Wilmington Regional Office Lounty Building Inspections Page 7 of 7 Robert Balland From: Pusey, Steven <steven.pusey@ncdenr.gov> Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2014 318 PM To: Robert Balland Subject: immaculate Conception Church - Wilmington Wet Detention Pond Attachments: 20141216_140637 jpg; 20141216_133811 jpg Rob, Today I met with Charles Davolio at the subject Catholic church off Carolina Beach Road. We inspected the stormwater system and found it to be basically compliant. The only comment that I have is that some additional maintenance needs to be done to repair a sink hole on the forebay bank near the berm. The grass seed had germinated and grass appears to be off to a good start. Please reference the attached photos. The only other requirement is the submittal of your engineer's certification. Please provide this as soon as possible so that we can declare the system in compliance with the permit. Thanks, Steve Ste veftg. 'Pwey Environmental Engineer NCDENR - Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405 Ph (910) 796-7334 J Fax (910) 350-2004 htt ortal.ncdenr.or web Ir stormwater 410 Before printing this email, please consider your budget and the environment. E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. r �OF "vJ Michael F. Easley, Governor 0 William C. Ross, Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Nlatural Resources Alan W. Klimek, P.E., Director O Division of Water Quality Wilmington Regional Office August 9. 2002 F. Joseph Gossman; Bishop Diocese of Raleigh 71; Nlazareth Steeet Raleigh, INTC 27606-21S7 Subject: Permit\o.SWS 9609031\4odiftcation Immaculate Conception Catholic Church High Density Stormwater Project New Hanovr r County Dear Bishop Gossman: The Wilmington Regional Office received a complete modification to the Stormwater Management Permit for Immaculate Conception Catholic Church on June 24, 2002. Staff review of the plans and specifications has determined that the project, as proposed, will comply with the Stormwater Regulations set forth in Title 15A NCAC 2H.1000. We are forwarding Permit No. SW8 960903 Modification dated.August 9, 2002, for the construction of Immaculate Conception Catholic Church. This permit shall be effective from the"date of issuance until August 9, 2012, and shall be subject to the conditions and limitations as specified therein. Please pay special -attention to the Operation and Maintenance requifements in this permit. Failure to establish an adequatesystem for operation and maintenance of the stormwater management system ,will result in future compliance problems. If any parts, requirements, or limitations contained in this permit are unacceptable, you have the right to request an adjudicaton� hearing upon written,request within,. thirty (30) dais followiltg receipt of this permit. This request must be in the form of a writtewpedtion. conforming to Chapter'15013 of the North Carolina General Statutes, and filed .Nith,the. Ofnce, of Administrative Hearings, P.O. Drawer 27447, Raleigh, NC 27611-7447. Unless such demands are made this permit shall be final and binding. 1 If you have any questions, or need additional information concerning this matter, please contact Linda Lewis. or me at (910) 395-3900. Sincereiv. Rick Shiver Water Quality Regional Supervisor RSS/arl: S:\WQSISTORiiIV1'AT1PirRA-LT196090"a.AUG cc: Mark Hartrrove, P.E. Immaculate Conception Church Tone Roberts; New Hanover County Building Inspections Beth E. Wetherill, New Hanover County Engineering Linda Lewis Wilmington Re,=inal Office Chitral Files r.t�p�h N,C. Oitision of Wate. Quality 127 Carcinal Drive Extension V:fiiminc;on, W-C. 2B405 (2 0) 295-3S00 Fax (5 -0) 350-200-= Customer Service 800-623-7748 Pusey, Steven From: Pusey, Steven Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2014 3:17 PM To: Balland, Robert Subject: Immaculate Conception Church - Wilmington Wet Detention Pond Attachments: 20141216_140637.jpg; 20141216_133811.jpg Rob, Today I met with Charles Davolio at the subject Catholic church off Carolina Beach Road. We inspected the stormwater system and found it to be basically compliant. The only comment that I have is that some additional maintenance needs to be done to repair a sink hole on the forebay bank near the berm. The grass seed had germinated and grass appears to be off to a good start. Please reference the attached photos. The only other requirement is the submittal of your engineer's certification. Please provide this as soon as possible so that we can declare the system in compliance with the permit. Thanks, Steve Steven Jf . �us�r, Environmental Engineer NCDENR - Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405 Ph (910) 796-7334 / Fax (910) 350-2004 http://Portal.ncdenr.orgl eb/irlstormwater Before printing this email, please consider your budget and the environment E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. :,-1101 40 JNV lff},ww-illlv4( - rijiu-00 ;vjilut) )"i'Do 00 llx*)Fl :-r;jjr: oilc, - , b:!uot brir -!I) ltwr 1:noijibh,6 i-A; A. :;vc-d I RAI jr.r- !3d . , . 3I - rir, L. ur,,qej, C, !'I im lo !, i"rndije a;fll-t "i 11"Jul I 'ec.l. Pusey, Steven From: Pusey, Steven Sent'. Friday, October 24, 2014 9:53 AM To: Art Wesche (Art.Wesche@raldioc.org); cdavolio@iccwilm.org Cc: Balland, Robert Subject: immaculate Conception Church - Wilmington Importance: High Art, I hope you are doing well. it seems like this project has been dragging on for some time now. The original file review was conducted on March 20, 2014. According to the engineer, the changes required are minor in nature. Please provide an update. We would appreciate your help in getting things repaired in the next thirty (30) days so that the engineer can certify the stormwater system. Regards, Steve Steven JC. �NlEsf Environmental Engineer NCDENR - Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405 Ph (910) 796-7334 / Fax (910) 350-2004 http://portal.ncdenr.ore web Irlstormwater � Before printing this email, please consider your budget and the environment. E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. Pusey, Steven From: Pusey, Steven Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2014 11:30 AM To: 'Robert Balland' Cc: Art Wesche (Art.Wesche@raldioc.org); cdavolio@iccwilm.org Subject: RE: Immaculate Conception Church - SW8 960903 Rob, I need an update on this project. Can you advise when you will be able to get it certified? Thanks, Steve Pusey DEMLR From: Robert Balland [mailto:rballand@aaramounte-ena.cam] Sent: Friday, July 18, 201411.03 AM To: Pusey, Steven Cc: Art Wesche (Art.Wesche0raldioc.org); cdavolio@iccwilm.o[ Subject: RE: Immaculate Conception Church - SW8 960903 Steven, We have had a difficult time getting contractors to bid on the project since the fixes are very minor in nature. We did receive a bid last week and the owners are currently reviewing. I will let you know once the work is completed. The issues are minor erosion on the forebay berm, low flow orifice needs to be turned down, and top of bank on small area needs to be raised. Thanks, Rob From: Pusey, Steven[mailtg:steven,nu5gv@ncdCnr.aov] Sent: Thursday, July 17, 2014 9:05 AM To: Robert Balland Subject: RE: Immaculate Conception Church - SW8 960903 Importance: High Rob, It's been a while now so I am checking up on Immaculate Conception Church. What's the current status? What kind of issues are they having? Thanks, Steve From: Robert Balland [mailto:rballand 0)paramounte-eng.com] Sent: Tuesday, May 20, 2014 7:55 PM To: Pusey, Steven Subject: Re: Immaculate Conception Church - SWA 960903 Pusey, Steven From: Robert Balland <rballand@paramounte-eng.com> Sent: Friday, July 18, 2014 11:03 AM To: Pusey, Steven Cc: Art Wesche (Art.Wesche@raldioc.org); cdavolio@iccwilm.org Subject: RE: Immaculate Conception Church - SW8 960903 Steven, We have had a difficult time getting contractors to bid on the project since the fixes are very minor in nature. We did receive a bid last week and the owners are currently reviewing. I will let you know once the work is completed. The issues are minor erosion on the forebay berm, low flow orifice needs to be turned down, and top of bank on small area needs to be raised. Thanks, Rob From: Pusey, Steven [mailto:steven.pusey(&ncdenr.gov] Sent: Thursday, July 17, 2014 9:05 AM To: Robert Balland Subject: RE: Immaculate Conception Church - SW8 960903 Importance: High Rob, It's been a while now so I am checking up on Immaculate Conception Church. What's the current status? What kind of issues are they having? Thanks, Steve From: Robert Balland [mailto:rballand (a)paramounte-eng.com] Sent: Tuesday, May 20, 2014 7:55 PM To: Pusey, Steven Subject: Re: Immaculate Conception Church - SW8 960903 Steve, We have identified some minor deficiencies during our review and the owner is requesting pricing to have the deficiencies corrected. I will update you once the issues are corrected. Thanks, Rob Sent from my Phone On May 15, 2014, at 9:37 AM, "Pusey, Steven" <steven.pusev@ncdenr.Rov> wrote: Robert, Just checking the status on this project for the Catholic Church. From the previous correspondence, I know your first task was to survey the property. Can you provide a schedule for completion? Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks, Steve Steven g. f Pf5e-� Environmental Engineer NCDENR - Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405 Ph (910) 796-7334 / Fax (910) 350-2004 http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/Ir/stormwater <image001.jpg> Before printing this email, please consider your budget and the environment. E-mail correspondence to and from this address maybe subject to the North Carolina public Records Law and maybe disclosed to third parties. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA Department of Environmental and Natural Resources 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 (910)796-7215 FILE ACCESS RECORD SECTION six11 TIME/DATE NAME_ L L- c REPRESENTING Guidelines for Access: The staff of Wilmington Regional Office is dedicated to making public records in our custody readily available to the public for review and copying. We also have the responsibility to the public to safeguard these records and to carry out our day-to-day program obligations. Please read carefully the following guidelines signing the form: 1. Due to the large public demand for file access, we request that you call at least a day in advance to schedule an appointment to review the files. Appointments will be scheduled between 9:00am and 3:00pm. Viewing time ends at 4:45pm. Anyone arriving without an appointment may view the riles to the extent that time and staff supervision is available. 2. You must specify files you want to review by facility name. The number of flies that you may review at one time will be limited to five. 3. You may make copies of a file when the copier is not in use by the staff and if time permits. Cost per copy is $.05 cents. Payment may he made by check, money order, or cash at the reception desk. Copies totaling $5.00 or more can be invoiced for your „convenience. FILES MUST BE KEPT IN ORDER YOU FOUND THEM. Files may not be taken from the office. To remove, alter, deface, mutilate, or destroy material in one of these files is a misdemeanor for which you can be fined up to $500.00. No briefcases, large totes, etc, are permitted in the file review area. 5. In accordance with General Statue 25-3-512, a $25.00 processing fee will be charged and collected for checks on which payment has been refused. FACILITY NAME COUNTY l . Silk N 2. 3. Signature and Name of Firm/Business Date Please attach a business card to this form COPIES MADE ;$- PAID S:Admin.file access R. () Time In IRTU1[00 !i%, %-'t s Time Out Pusey, Steven From: Art Wesche <Art.Wesche@raldioc.org> Sent: Monday, March 31, 2014 11:28 AM To: Pusey, Steven Subject: FW: Attachments: Immaculate Conception Church Survey 033114.pdf Steve Please see the attached from Rob Balland, Paramounte Engineering, regarding our Plan of Action for Immaculate Conception Catholic Church, Carolina Beach ... we plan to execute this agreement this week. Please let me know if you have questions or need additional information. Thanks for your help, Art Wesche -----Original Message ----- From: Robert Balland [mailto:rballand@paramounte-eng.com] Sent: Monday, March 31, 2014 9:56 AM To: Art Wesche Subject: RE: Scanned from a Xerox multifunction device Copy Room Center on 3rd Floor Art, Good morning. Please find attached our proposal for completing an existing conditions survey and engineers certification of the stormwater pond located at the Immaculate Conception Church on Carolina Beach Road in Wilmington, NC. Please let me know if you have any questions regarding the attached documents. If you are in agreement and would like to engage our services, please sign and return the attached contract for services. We appreciate the opportunity. Regards, Rob Robert P. Balland, P.E., LEED AP PARAMOUNTE ENGINEERING, INC. 5911 Oleander Drive, Suite 201 Wilmington, NC 28403 910-791-6707 (P) 910-791-6760 (F) 910-619-1186 (M) 2533 Raeford Road, Unit A Fayetteville, NC 28305 910-263-8092 (P) rballand(@aaramounte-ene.com www.paramounte-eng.com SERVICES AGREEMENT This SERVICES AGREEMENT for Immaculate Conception Church by and between Catholic Diocese of Raleich hereinafter called the CLIENT, and Paramounte Engineering, Inc., hereinafter called the CONSULTANT; For good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged by the parties, the parties hereto do mutually agreeas follows: 1. Employment of CONSULTANT. The CLIENT hereby engages the CONSULTANT and the CONSULTANT hereby agrees to perform, or cause to be performed, the professional services hereinafter set forth relating to the "Immaculate Conception Church" (the "Project"). 2. Scope of Services. The CONSULTANT shall perform, in a professional manner as contemplated herein, the services set forth in Attachment A, Scope of Services, which attachment is incorporated herein. Engineer and its consultants may use or rely upon the design services of others, including, but not limited to, contractors, manufacturers, and suppliers. 3. Additional Services. The CONSULTANT shall provide additional services, not specifically called for in Attachment A, Scope of Services, upon request or authorization of the CLIENT, on the terms and conditions set forth herein. 4. Time of Performance. The CONSULTANT will commence work on or as soon as practicable after the date of execution of this Agreement by all parties and receipt of a written "Notice to Proceed". Ali work as set forth in the Scope of Services shall be completed in accordance with the CLIENT'S schedule: (i) the timely submission of all required data and the scheduling of all meetings and reviews- by the CLIENT; (ii) no other impacts or delays caused by third parties; including the contractor(s) or its subcontractors; or (iii) other delays beyond CONSULTANT'S control. If the CLIENT requests modifications to the Scope of Services of the project, the time of performance of the CONSULTANT skull be adjusted appropriately. Likewise, should the CONSULTANT'S services extend past the completion date above, for reasons which are not solely the fault of the CONSULTANT, the CONSULTANT'S compensation shall be adjusted accordingly in an amount equal to the cumulative hours charged for the services by each class of the Consultant's employees times standard hourly rates for each applicable billing class; plus reimbursable expenses. CONSULTANT'S services under this Agreement, and each phase of services, if the Scope of Services is so divided, shall be considered complete at the earlier of (1) the date when the submissions for that phase have been accepted by the CLIENT, or (2) thirty days after the date when such submissions are delivered to the CLIENT. 5. Compensation. The CONSULTANT agrees to perform the services provided for in the Scope of Services, and the CLIENT agrees to timely compensate the CONSULTANT for such services as set forth in Attachment B, Basis of Compensation, which attachment is incorporated herein. Compensation for additional services shall also�be as forth in Attachment B, Basis of Compensation. Payment by the CLIENT to the CONSULTANT shall be due and payable on the 25th d?X of the month following the date of the invoice. Payments not received by the CONSULTANT by said 30 day of the month following. the date of the invoice shall be overdue. A service charge of one and one-half (1%) percent per month shall be added to all overdue amounts. CLIENT agrees to pay CONSULTANT'S cost of collection of all amounts due and unpaid after sixty (60) days including court costs and reasonable attorney fees. CONSULTANT shall not be bound by any provision wherein CONSULTANT waives any rights to a..mechanic's lien, or any provision implying payment to CONSULTANT is contingent upon payment to CLIENT by a third party. A failure by CLIENT to pay CONSULTANT on a timely basis shall entitle CONSULTANT at its election,' to stop work on the Project until such time as payment has been made, and upon seven days' notice and CLIENT'S failure to pay all amounts then due, to terminate this Agreement. 6. Personnel. The CONSULTANT represents that he has, or will secure at his own expense, all personnel required to perform the services under this Agreement and that such personnel will be fully qualified to perform such services. 7. Responsibilities of the CLIENT. It is agreed that the CLIENT will have the following responsibilities under this Agreement: - a) The timely provision of all available information, data, reports, records, and maps to which the CLIENT has access and which are needed by the CONSULTANT for the performance of the services provided for herein. b) Providing assistance and cooperation for the CONSULTANT in obtaining any other needed material which the CLIENT does not have in its possession. c) Making available the services of the CLIENT as may be necessary to obtain information as needed to perform the work program set forth in the Scope of Services. d) The designation of a single representative who will be authorized to make necessary decisions required on behalf of the CLIENT and will serve to provide the necessary direction and coordination for the project. e) Bear all costs for permitting and advertising for the project. f) Provide access to all affected private property for CONSULTANT to perform all necessary surveying, engineering and inspections. All such CLIENT responsibilities shall be conducted in a timely manner and without undue delay so as not to delay the CONSULTANT in the performance of his services. 8. Ownership of Materials. All design documents prepared or furnished :by CONSULTANT are instruments of service for use solely with respect to the work, and CONSULTANT shall be deemed the owner and author of the instruments of service and shall retain all common law, statutory and other reserved rights, including but not limited to copyrights and rights of reuse, until such time as the work is completed and final payment.to CONSULTANT has been made. It is agreed that upon receipt of final payment, all final documents, studies, surveys, drawings, maps, models, photographs and reports prepared by the CONSULTANT under this Agreement shall be considered the property of the CLIENT; provided, however, that CONSULTANT shall retain such copies thereof as it desires; and provided further that the instruments of service shall not be used by the CLIENT for future additions or alterations to the Project or for any other projects, without the express, prior written consent of CONSULTANT and with compensation to CONSULTANT. Any unauthorized use of the instruments of service shall be at the CLIENT's sole risk and without liability to the CONSULTANT. CLIENT agrees to indemnify and hold CONSULTANT harmless from and against any claims or liability, including attorneys' fees resulting from any claim against CONSULTANT by any third party arising out of CLIENT'S use of the documents referred to herein, for any purpose other than the completion of the Project. 9. Delays Beyond the Control of the CONSULTANT. It is agreed that events which are beyond the control of the CONSULTANT may occur which may delay the performance of the Scope of Services. In the event that the performance of the Scope of Services by the CONSULTANT is delayed beyond its control, the CONSULTANT shall notify the CLIENT in writing of such delay and the reasons therefore, and the CLIENT shall extend the time of performance appropriately. 10. Chancres. The CLIENT or the CONSULTANT may, from time to time, request modifications or changes in the Scope of Services. Such changes, including any increase or decrease in 2 the amount of the CONSULTANT's compensation, which are mutually agreed upon by and between the CLIENT and the CONSULTANT, shall be incorporated in written amendments. 11. Termination of Contract. This Contract may be terminated by either the CLIENT or the CONSULTANT with 7 calendar days prior written notice. The CONSULTANT shall be entitled to receive compensation for work accomplished and for reimbursable expenses incurred prior to termination. 12. Assignability/Successors, Assigns, and Beneficiaries. This Contract shall not be assigned or transferred by either the CONSULTANT or the CLIENT without the prior written consent of the other. Notwithstanding the foregoing, however, the CONSULTANT shall not be prohibited from contracting with qualified sub -consultants or from assigning to a bank, trust company, or other financial institution any claims for compensation due, or to become due, without such prior written consent. Unless specifically stated to the contrary in any written consent to an assignment, no assignment will release or discharge the assignor from any duty or responsibility under this Agreement. CLIENT and the CONSULTANT each is hereby bound and the partners, successors, executors, administrators, and legal representatives of CLIENT and the CONSULTANT are hereby bound to the other party to this Agreement and to the partners, successors, executors, administrators, and legal representatives (and said assigns) of such other party, in respect of all covenants, agreements, and obligations of this Agreement. 13. Liability and Standard of Care. CONSULTANT shall perform services for client in professional manner, using that degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised by consultants practicing in the same or similar locality as the project. CONSULTANT'S liability to CLIENT for any damages arising in any way out of performance or breach of this contract, is limited to the total fees paid by client or fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) whichever is less. In no event shall either CLIENT or CONSULTANT be entitled to consequential damages. CLIENT acknowledges that the CONSULTANT is a Corporation and agrees that any claim made by the CLIENT arising out of any act or omission of any director, officer or employee of the CONSULTANT in the execution or performance of this agreement shall be made against the CONSULTANT and not against such director, officer, or employee, and CLIENT waives any claim against all of CONSULTANT'S directors, shareholders, officers and employees. 14. Miscellaneous. a) This Agreement (together with any expressly incorporated appendix), constitutes the entire agreement between CLIENT and the CONSULTANT and supersedes all prior written or oral understandings. This Agreement may only be amended, supplemented, modified, or canceled by a duly executed.written instrument. b) The representations, warranties, covenants and agreements contained in this Agreement are for the sole benefit of the parties hereto, and they will not be construed as conferring any rights on any other persons c) This Agreement is to be governed by the law of the state in which the Project is located. d) All persons signing this Agreement represent that they have full authority and representative capacity to execute this Agreement in the capacities indicated below, and that this Agreement constitutes.the valid and binding obligations of the parties. e) This Agreement is binding on and enforceable by and against the parties, their successors, legal representatives, and assigns IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the CONSULTANT and the CLIENT have executed this Contract as of the date written below and under the laws of the State of North Carolina. CLIENT: CATHOLIC DIOCESE OF RALEIGH By: Title: Date: Witness: Title: CONSULTANT: PARAMOUNTE ENGINEERING, INC. By: ?�2 � Title: Date: 1 Witnes ' Title: 1'R-esiaAAa— 1TE E N G 1 N E E R 1 N G, Attachment "A" Scope of Services March 31, 2014 Mr. Art Wesche Catholic Diocese of Raleigh 7200 Stonehenge Drive Raleigh, NC 27613 RE: Proposal for Surveying & Engineering Services Immaculate Conception Church 6650 Carolina Beach Road New Hanover County, NC Dear 1t1x. Wesche: Paramounte Engineering, Inc. (PET) is pleased to submit this proposal to the Catholic Diocese of Raleigh .(CLIENT) for professional surveying and engineering services for the existing stormwater pond located at 6650 Carolina Beach Road and is part of the Immaculate Conception Church in Wilmington, NC. This proposal includes a topographic survey of the existing pond and its outlet structures and a review of the design parameters compared to the existing conditions. If the pond meets the minimum design criteria stated in the State stormwater pernvt (SW8 960903), then PEI will certify, the pond in accordance with the requirements of the permit. Scope of Services PEI proposes the following professional surveying and engineering services associated with the above referenced project for a lump sum fee of Two Thousand Dive Hundred and 00/100 Dollars ($2,500.00). The proposed lump sum fee is based on completing an existing conditions survey of -the existing stormwater pond and revievping the initial design documents to determine if it was constructed in accordance with the approved stormwater permit. The following tasks shall be completed under this proposal: Task 1— Topographic Survey: PEI will perform the field work necessary to complete a topographic survey of the existing stormwater pond located at 6650 Carolina Beach Road and further identified by New Hanover County parcel number: R08200-001-033-000. The survey will be tied to the North Carolina State Plane Coordinate Grid (NAD83-2007) and the elevation of the contours will be tied to the NAVD 88 vertical datum. A base reap will be prepared to show the contours and outlet structures of the existing stormwater pond. $1,500 Task 2 — Engineers Certification: PEI will request to review the approved stormwater permit with NCDENR to obtain the approved design documents for comparison to the existing conditions survey. Once task 1 is 5911 OLEANDER DRIVE, sUITE.201 2533 RAEFORD ROAD, UNIT -A WILMINGTON, NC 28403 FAYETTEVILLE, NC 28305 PH: (910) 791-6707 PH: (910) 263-8092 FAX: (910) 791 - 6760 FI :; , u;r3 r r:'.'' FAX: (910) 223-1303 Immaculate Conception Catholic Church 6650 Carolina Beach Road March 31, 2014 completed and the base map is prepared, PEI will review the topographic surrey and determine if there are any deficiencies with the stormwater pond as constructed compared to the design documents. If there are no deficiencies, then PEI will certify to NCDENR that the pond was constructed in accordance with the approved permit. However, if there are deficiencies, then the CLIENT will need to address the deficiencies before PEI can cerdi , the stormwater pond. Depending on the degree of deficiencies, additional fees may apply for additional re-6eur. $1,000 Additional services and fees not included u1 this scope can be prov6ded.at your written request based on our standard hourly rates. These sen-ices may include, but are not limited to: Additional Surve%ing, if revisions to the pond are required Construction Stake -out, if revisions to the pond are required Included on each month's invoice will be expenses such as reproduction, shipping, postage, and permit fees. If you are in agreement with .the Proposed scope and fee, please indicate by signing the attached Contract for Services and returning one copy to us for our files. We appreciate the opporrunity and loot; forward to working with you on this project. Sincerely, PARAMOUNTE ENGINEERING, INC. Robert P. Bailand, P.E., LEED AP President 5911 OLEANDER DRIVE, SUITE 201 'WILMINGTON, NC 28403 Pit: (910).791-6707 , - FAX: (910) 791:,—.6760 2533 RAEFORD ROAD, UNIT — A FAYETTEVILLE, NC 28305 PH: (910) 263-8092 FAX:!(910) 223-1303 ATTACHMENT B BASIS OF COMPENSATION (Lump Sum Fee) Basic Services: The OWNER shall pay the CONSULTANT for services set forth in Attachment A, Scope of Services, a Lump Sum Fee of Two Thousand Five Hundred and 00/100 Dollars 2 500.00). A percentage of the Lump Sum Fee will be billed on the last day of each month. The percentage billed will be the percentage of work estimated to be complete as of the day of billing. Additional Services. The OWNER shall pay the CONSULTANT for additional services, which are not specifically called for in Attachment A, Scope of Services, in accordance with the CONSULTANT'S standard rates. B-1 .,. 4.A NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Coleen H. Sullins Governor Director September 1, 2011 Michael F. Burbidge, Bishop Diocese of Raleigh 715 Nazareth Street Raleigh, NC 27606 Subject: PERMIT RENEWAL REQUEST Stormwater Permit No. SW8 960903 Immaculate Conception Catholic Church -Wilmington New Hanover County Dear Bishop Burbidge: Dee Freeman Secretary The Division of Water Quality issued a Coastal Stormwater Management Permit, Number SW8 960903 to the Diocese of Raleigh for a High Density project on August 9, 2002.1 This permit expires on August 9, 2012. Per 15A NCAC 2H.1003(h)' (the stormwater rules), applications for permit renewals shall be submitted 180 days prior to the expiration of a permit and must be accompanied by a processing fee, which is currently set at $505.00. If this is still an active project please complete and submit the enclosed renewal application prior to February 9, 2012, If this project has not been constructed and a permit is no longer needed, please submit a request to have the permit rescinded. If you have sold the project please provide the name, mailing address and phone number of the person or entity that is now responsible for this permit. Enclosed is a form for change of ownership, which should be completed and submitted if the property has changed hands. Your permit requires that upon completion of construction and prior to operation of the permitted stormwater treatment system, a certification of completion be submitted to the Division from an appropriate designer for the type of system installed. This is to certify that the permitted facility has been installed in accordance with the permit, the approved plans, specifications and supporting documentation. If you have not already provided a Designer's Certification to our office, please include a copy with your permit renewal request and processing fee. A copy of the certification form is enclosed for your convenience. You should be aware that failure to provide the Designer's Certification and the operation of a stormwater treatment facility without a valid permit, are violations of NC General Statute 143-215.1 and may result in appropriate enforcement action including the assessment of civil penalties of up to $10,000 per day. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact David Cox at (910) 796-7318. Sincrely, Georgette rcout Stormwater Supervisor GDSldwc S:IWQSIStormwaterlPermits & Projects11996 \960903 HDQ011 09 req_ren 960903 cc: Wilmington Regional Office File encl. Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Extension, Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 Phone: 910.796-7215 l FAX: 910-350.20041 Customer Service: 1-877-623-6748 Internet: www.ncwaterqualit .org An Equal Opportunity 4 Affirmative Action Employer One NarthCaroiina ,,lUtdllally -Pus+e�t, Steacen. -irmrrr: Pusey; Steven - .Sent: Monday; March 10; 2014 4.52-PM, To: 'Art Wesche' Subject: RE: contact info Art, Thank you for the information. After checking our records, it looks like your stormwater permit has been extended until August 9, 2016 due to the permit extension law. We will send you a formal Notification in the mail referencing the new expiration date within the next few weeks. Please remember to renew your permit when the time comes. Regards, Steve Pusey Engineer NC DEN — DEMLR, Land Quality Section From. -Art Wesche- it :A .Wesche ral io . r Sent: "Monday; March 10; 2014-4:34' PM-- Tvt-Pusey, Steven - Subject: -contact inflo- Steve ?hank§ for the calf:.. Arthur E. Wesche AIA Director of Property & Construction Catholic Diocese of Raleigh 7200 Stonehenge Dr: 'Raleigh 'NC 27613 -919=821=9726 (direct) QW-7tit'. Qt bt COU-f tf1Cj10Q .�P--1131,e lot rpcI 7-, r; -, AZ. ILI C73f, f. ez-p- -C STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA Department of Environmental and Natural Resources 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 (910) 796-7215 FILE ACCESS RECORD SECTION TIME/DATE ✓� 7' / /D '`� , J NAME 7ss .5S REPRESENTING SEG Guidelines for Access: The staff of Wilmington Regional Office is dedicated to making public records in our custody readily available to the public for review and copying. We also have the responsibility to the public to safeguard these records and to carry out our day-to-day program obligations. Please read carefully the following guidelines signing the form: I Due to the large public demand for file access, we request that you call at least a day in advance to schedule an appointment to review the files. Aupointments will be scheduled between 9:00am and 3:00pm.. Viewing time ends at 4:45pm. Anyone arriving without an appointment may view the files to the extent that time and staff supervision is available. 2. You must specify files you want to review by facility name. The number of files that you may review at one time will be limited to five. 3. You may make copies of a file when the copier is not in use by the staff and if time permits. Cost per copy is $.05 cents. Payment may be made by cheep, money order, or cash at the reception desk._ Copies totaling$5.00 or more can be invoiced for your convenience. 4. FILES MUST BE KEPT IN ORDER YOU FOUND THEM. Files may not be taken from the office. To remove, alter, deface, mutilate, or destroy material in one of these files is a misdemeanor for which you can be fined up to $500.00. No briefcases, large totes, etc. are Rermvtted in the file review area 5. In accordance with General Statue 25-3-512, a $25.00 processing fee will be charged and collected for checks on which payment has been refused. FACILITY NAME COUNTY 2. 3. 4. /' //'� ��Mz � � — / Signature dnd Name of Firm/Business Date Please attach c business card to this form COPIES MADE j PAID ©. e S:Admin.file access c ✓% Time In Time Out INVOICE 3/10/2014 New Hanover County PARID: ROBZOO-001-033-000 ROMAN CATHOLIC DIOCESE RALEIGH 6650 CARDLINA BEACH RD Parcel Alt ID 313210.36,2030.000 Address 665D CAROLINA BEACH RD Unit City WILMINGTON /j 4 PsC� e /� -1 Zip Code - Neighborhood B7D10 Class REL-Exempt Religious Land Use Code 866-Religious Activities (Churches) Living Units Acres 21.45 Zoning R-15-RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT Legal I Legal Description (21.45 AC) PT KEYES Tax District FD Owners Owner ROMAN CATHOLIC DIOCESE RALEIGH City RALEIGH State NC Country Zip 27606 THE DATA IS FROM 2013 Sales Sale Date Sale Price Grantee / Grantor Book Page Sale Key 1 "AY $0 WILMINGTON CITY OF t/L'z"rlDn.e�jf' ROMAN CATHOLIC DIOCESE RALEIGH 4326 0129 330408 01.00T�68 $217.00D ROMAN CATHOLIC DIOCESE LONGLEY HENRY E ANN P 1432 1580 330407 ---------------- 01-SEP-81 so LONGLEY HENRY E ANN P WADE J E L 1192 0952 330406 01-MAR-61 $0 WADE J E L NOT IN SYSTEM ' 0667 0290 330405 Sale Details 1 014 Sale Date 18-MAY-04 Sale Key 330408 Sale Price s.00 Grantee WILMINGTON CITY OF Grantor ROMAN CATHOLIC DIOCESE RALEIGH Sale Source Book 4326 Page 0129 Salo Validity U-Unqualified Salo Type VACANT Sale Flag STEB Instrument k Instrument Type Easement Adj. Reason Adj, Price Adj. Amount Commercial 1 of 2 Card i Building Number 1 Structure CodelDescription REL-REL Improvmenl Name Units 1 Year Built 1997 Effective Year Built 1996 Grade C. Class Other Improvements http://etaxnhegov.conlVDataJotsIPrintDatalet.aspx?pin=RO8200-001-033-000&gsp=SALES&Iax ear=2013&jur=NH8ownseq=08card=1&rolI=RP&State=1&item... 1/3 13ICKSON Engineers . Planners . Sunryors I,riidscapeArchitects April 1, 2003 Ms. Linda Lewis North Carolina Department of Environment Health and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Section 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 4AW D V Z0o3 RE: Submittal for Modification to Water Quality Permit No. SW8 960903 Immaculate Conception Catholic Church New Hanover County WKD Project Number 10366.30.WL Dear Ms. Lewis: The owner proposes to construct a 20' x 30' maintenance building with a short section of sidewalk off of the southwest corner of the parking lot. This additional impervious area shall consist of 756 SF, and there is no increase in the original drainage area. The original permit, issued August 9, 2002, allowed for 223,567 SF of future impervious area. We propose that this additional 756 SF be taken out of that future quantity. In accordance the instructions given in your e-mail of April 1, 2003, we are submitting for a "Plan Revision". Please find enclosed 2 copies of the revised plan sheets 3 and 4, along with a copy of the revised page 2 of the Stormwater Management Permit Application Form. Note that the additional "On -Site Buildings" and "On -Site Sidewalks" areas have been increased on the form to reflect the additional quantities and the "Other On -Site (future imp,)" area has been decreased to allow for the immediate inclusion of this work in the permit. Thank you for your attention to this project. If you have any questions or require additional information regarding this matter, please feel free to give us a call. Sincerely, W.K. Dickson & Co., Inc. J�/Jr Mark N. Hargrove, PE Enclosure: As noted above cc: James Hintz, Chairman Building Committee, ICCC 909 Market Street Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 Other offices: Columbia, 5C 910-762.4200 Ashevilte, NC Hickory, NC Fax 910.762,4201 Aflanta, GA Raleigh, NC www.wkdickson.com Charlotte, NC SW8-960903 - Immaculate Conception Catholic Church Subject: SW8-960903 - Immaculate Conception Catholic Church From: "Mark Hargrove" <mhargrove@wkdickson.com> Date: Mon, 25 Aug 2003 09:13:16 -0400 To: "Linda Lewis (E-mail)" <linda.lewis ncmail.net> Linda, I am working on getting the Contractor to finish up some items so that I can certify the pond for the above mentioned project. After going thru the permit and provided calculations, I noticed that the number that we placed in the "Forebay Volume" space on Page 1 of 4 of the pond supplement was incorrect (19,189 cf). The required volume based on the permanent pool volume was 10,298 cf, while we provided 11,604 cf. Could you please change that number. Once the Contractor finishes up a punch list items, we will get you a certification. Thanks for your help. Mark N. Hargrove, PE Project Manager - Wilmington Office WK Dickson & Co., Inc. (910)-762-4200 Fax (910)-762-4201 1 of 1 8/25/2003 11:22 AM O�OF WATF�QG Michael F. Easley, Governor y William G. Ross Jr„ Secretary jNorth Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources D < Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director Division of Water Quality April 16, 2003 F. Joseph Gossman, Bishop Diocese of Raleigh 715 Nazareth Street Raleigh, NC 27606-2187 Subject: Approved Plan Revision Immaculate Conception Catholic Church Stormwater Project No. SW8 960903 Mod. New Hanover County Dear Bishop Gossman: On April 2, 2003 , the Wilmington Regional Office received a plan revision for Stormwater Management Permit Number SW8 960903. The revisions include the addition of 756 square feet of built -upon area for a maintenance building, to be deducted from the 223,567 square feet of "future" built -upon area allotted under the August 9, 2002, permit. After this modification, there will be 222,811 square feet available for future development. It has been determined that a formal permit modification is not required for the proposed changes. We are forwarding you an approved copy of the revised sheets 3 of 12 and 4 of 12 for your files. Please replace the old approved plan sheets with the new ones. Please be aware that all terms and conditions of the permit issued on August 9, 2002, remain in full force and effect. Please also .understand that the approval of this revision to the approved plans for the subject State Stormwater Permit is done on a case -by -case basis. Any other changes to this project must be approved by this office prior to construction. If it is determined that.the proposed revision will require a modification to the permit, you will be notified. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to call me at (910) 395-3900. Sincerely, Linda Lewis Enviromnental Engineer RSSlarl: S:IWQSISTORMWATIREVISION1960903.apr03 cc: Tony Roberts, New Hanover County Building Inspections Linda Lewis Wilmington.Regional Office � Central Files Iviry N. C. Division of Water Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Extension (910) 395-3900 Customer Service Wilmington Regional Office Wilmington, NC 28405 (910) 350-2004 Fax 1 800 623-7748 NCDENIR 2 If this application is being submitted as the result of a renewal or modification to an existing permit, list the existing permit number swS 96n2 , _ and its issue date (if known) December 4. 1996 Specify the tNTe of project (check one): Low Density X High Density Redevelop General Permit 4. Additional Project Requirements (check applicable blanks): CAMA Major X Sedimentation/Erosion Control X 404/401 Permit Other NPDES Stormwater Information on required state permits can be obtained by contacting the Customer Service Center at 1-877-623-6748 III. PROJECT INFORMATION 1. In the space provided below, summarize how stormwater will be treated. Also attach a detailed narrative (one to two pages) describing stormwater management for the project. Stormwater will be treated in an on -site detention pond. Existing flows from phase I construction will be re- routed into proposed stormwater management pond. 2. Stormwater runoff from this project drains to the: unnamed tributary to Lords C E I E D 3. Total Project Area: 20.71 acres. APR 0 1 2003 4. Project Built Upon Area: 41.1 %. 5. How many drainage areas does the project have? 1 PROJ # - AZ 6. Complete the following information for each drainage area. If there are more than two drainage areas in the project, attach and additional sheet with the information for each area provided in the same format as below. Basin Information Drainage Area 1 Draina e Area 2 Receivin Stream Name Lords Creek Receiving Stream Class C-SW Drainage Area 569,097 sf Existing Im ervious*Area 78,954 sf Pro osed Impervious* Area 291,471 sf %° Impervious* Area (Total) _ 65.1% Impervious* Surface Area Drainage Area 1 Drainage Area 2 On -Site Buildings 25,179 sf On -Site Streets - 0 - On -Site Parking__114,423 sf On -Site Sidewalks 8,012 sf Other On-Site(future imp.) 222,811 sf Off -Site Total: 370,425 sf Total: *Impervious area is defined as the built upon area including, but not limited to, buildings, roads, parking areas, Sidewalks, gravel areas, etc. 7. How was the off -site impervious area listed above derived?�_ _ Form SWU-101 Version 3.99 Page 2 of 4 �Q co 0 Rev. F. Joseph Gossman, Bishop Diocese of Raleigh 715 Nazareth Street Raleigh, NC 27606-2187 Dear Bishop Gassman: Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross, Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W. Klimek P.E., Director Division of Water Quality Wilmington Regional Office June 12, 2002 Subj ect: REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Stormwater Project No. SW8 960903 Modification Immaculate Conception Catholic Church New Hanover County The Wilmington Regional Office received a complete modification to the Stormwater Management Permit Application for Immaculate Conception Catholic Church on April 4, 2002. A preliminary review of that information has determined that the application is not complete. The following information is needed to continue the stormwater review: Please add the nearest intersection of two major roads to the vicinity map. 2. Please show all of the previously approved parking and drainage on Sheet 4/12. The southem-most existing parking lot is not shown on the grading plan. On the plans approved on December 4, 1996, a catch basin and pipe collect this runoff and direct it into the first catch basin on the entrance road. Modifications to existing permits must show and account for all of the previously permitted elements. 3. Please dimension the new buildings. 4. Please show how access to the overflow parking area will be achieved and provide dimensions. 5. You have lumped the future buildings, sidewalk and paved areas in with the current built -upon areas. In order to facilitate permitting of the future area when the church is ready, please lump all the future area together as one total and report it in the "Other On -Site" box on the application. 6. The long, skinny orifice through the side of the pond is not acceptable. This type of setup promotes clogging and cannot be permitted. Please provide a true outlet structure, keeping the length of the orifice to a minimum, which will provide better protection from clogging. 7. 'The supplement indicates that the permanent pool surface area is 16,181 ft2, but the calculations show 20,959 ft. Please correct the supplement. 8. Please specify by name the wetland species to be planted on the 6:1 shelf. 9. Please change the sediment removal depth 'for the ' pond and forebay on the supplement to 4.5% which is 75% of the design depth. N.C. Division of Water Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, N.C. 2a405 (910) 395-3900 Fax (910) 350-2004 Customer Service 800-623-774B ^J1 9:-'xr .�-.�: �a:. �•.-.,.tr y� .. _ .....: -:,f . n i Bishop Gassman June 12, 2002 Stormwater Project No. SW8 960903 Modification -------------------------------------------------------------- Please note that this request for additional information is in response to a preliminary review. The requested information should be received by this Office prior to July 12, 2002, or the application will be returned as incomplete. The return of a project will necessitate resubmittal of all required items, including the application fee. If you need additional time to submit the information, please mail or fax your request for a time extension to the Division at the address and fax number at the bottom of this letter. The request must indicate the date by which you expect to submit the required information. The Division is allowed 90 days from the receipt of a completed application to issue the permit. The construction of any impervious surfaces, other than a construction entrance under an approved Sedimentation Erosion Control Plan, is a violation of NCGS 143-215.1 and is subject to enforcement action pursuant to NCGS 143-215.6A. Please reference the State assigned project number on all correspondence. Any original documents that need to be revised have been sent to the engineer or agent. All original documents must be returned or new originals must be provided. Copies are not acceptable. If you have any questions concerning this matter please feel free to call me at (910) 395-3900. Sincerely, Linda Lewis Environmental Engineer RSS/arl: S:IWQSISTORMWATIADD1NFO120021960903.JUN cc: Linda Lewis Mark Hargrove, P.E. P,MVVK DICKSON 909 Market Street RECEIVE Wilmington, NC 28401 910.762.4200 0 FAX: 910.762.4 01 MAY TO: NCDENR BY: Division of Water Quality Sectio 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 ATTENTION: Ms. Noelle Lutheran We are sending via: LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL I DATE: 5/28/02 1 JOB NO.: 10366.30.WL 4 RE: Stormwater Management Permit Immaculate Conception Catholic Church 6650 Carolina Beach Road Wilmington, INC 0 Overnight Regular Mail F-1 Pick-up F__] Hand Delivered The following items: E] Correspondence E-1 Plans E] Specifications F-1 Other as listed below: COPIES DATE t NO. I DESCRIPTION 2 1 Sheet 4 - Grading, Drainage & Erosion Control (Revised) THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: For Approval R As requested Approved as submitted Returned for corrections N R For your use For review and commentApproved as noted B Forward to subcontractor REMARKS: Please give us a call if you have any questions or require further information. Thank you. COPY TO: James Hintz, Chairman Bldg Com., ICCC SIGNED: —//4kx, Mark N. Hargrove, P Oft WK tel:!U ;IVE DICKSON APR p 4 LOOZ Engineers • Planners • Surveyors Landscape Architects April 2, 2002 Ms. Linda Lewis (l05 North Carolina Department of Environment Health and Natural Resources "l Division of Water Quality Section 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 RE: Submittal for Modification to Water Quality Permit No. SW8 960903 Immaculate Conception Catholic Church New Hanover County WKD Project Number 10366.30.WL Dear Ms. Lewis: The provided submittal package is in reference to the proposed phase II construction at the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church on Carolina Beach Road, '/2 mile south of Pilots Ridge Airport. The runoff is directed to a proposed stormwater pond and redirected away from the existing ponds (NCDWQ Permit No. SW8 960903) that were previously permitted to treat runoff from the phase I construction. The pond was sized to handle all future construction as well as existing phase I and proposed phase 11. The total impervious area of the site is less than or equal to 64%. Individual plans will be submitted for each additional phase in the future. included in the submittal package are the following items: - Original completed stormwater application and Wet Detention Basin Supplement and one copy for the referenced project - Check No. 10529 for $420.00 application fee - Two (2) copies of the Drainage Narrative and Drainage Calculations - Two (2) copies of plans: Sheet 1 Existing Conditions, dated 3/19/02 Sheet 3 Site & Stakeout Plan, dated 3/19/02 Sheet 4 Grading, Drainage & Erosion Control, dated 3/19/02 Sheet 8 Miscellaneous Details, dated 3/19/02 Sheet 9 Miscellaneous Details, dated 3/19/02 Sheet 10 Miscellaneous Details, dated 3/19/02 Sheet 1 1 Drainage Boundary and Proposed Impervious Areas, dated 3/19/02 909 "arket Sheet Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 Other Offices: Charlotte, NC 910.762.4200 Asheville, NC Columbia, 5C fax 910.762.4201 Atlanta, GA Hickory, NC www.wk(licksc:m,com Boca Raton, FL Raleigh, NC Ms. Linda Lewis April 2, 2002 Page 2 If you need additional information please feel free to call. Sincerely, W.K. Dickson & Co., Inc. Mark N. Hargrove, PE Enclosure: As noted above cc: James Hintz, Chairman Building Committee, ICCC RVWK DICKBON Engineers • Planners -Surveyors Landscape Architects April 19, 2002 Ms. Linda Lewis North Carolina Department of Environment Health and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Section 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 RE: Submittal for Modification to Water Quality Permit No. SW8 960903 Immaculate Conception Catholic Church New Hanover County WKD Project Number 10366.30.WL Dear Ms. Lewis: Please incorporate the enclosed revised calculations and revised page 2 of 4 of the permit application into the previously submitted application package. During a review of comments from the City of Wilmington we noticed that we had inadvertently left out approximately 1,200 sf of impervious area. However, nothing has been revised on the plans. The increase in impervious area was small enough to not require a change in the pond. Enclosed are the following items: Two copies of page 2 of 4 of the "Stormwater Management Permit Application Form" - Two copies of the revised calculations for the pond If you need additional information please feel free to call. Sincerely, W.K. Dickson & Co., Inc. /Wup' � Mark N. Hargrove, PE Enclosure: As noted above CC: James Hintz, Chairman Building Committee, ICCC 909 Market Street Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 Other Offices: Charlotte, NC 910,762,4200 Asheville, NC Columhia, SC Pax 910.762.4207 Atlanta, CA Hickory, NC www.wkciickson.com Boca Raton, FL Raleigh, NC DRAINAGE NARRATIVE FOR IMMACULATE CONCEPTION CATHOLIC CHURCH (10366.30.WL) GENERAL INFORMATION Owner: Diocese of Raleigh 715 Nazareth Street Raleigh, NC 27606-2187 ATTN: F. Joseph Gossman, Bishop Design Engineer: Mark N. Hargrove, PE c/o W.K. Dickson & Co., Inc. 909 Market Street Wilmington, NC 28401 RECEIVED APR 0 4 2002 Pttoa # fW ,?%o gv3 The project site is located at 6650 Carolina Beach Road in Wilmington. The site, in its current state, is partially developed with a single church building and the associated parking and underground utilities. This improvement only covers a small portion of the 20.71-acre site, with the remainder of the site consisting of wooded areas. The topography for most of the site shows mild to moderately slopes ranging from 1 percent to 10 percent the in -situ ground in upland areas consisting of Wakulla soils. An unnamed tributary to Lords Creek runs through the site creating a wetland area. Soils encountered in this wetland area are from the Johnston series. The undeveloped areas of the site currently drain by sheet flow to the unnamed tributary which travels northwest to Lords Creek or drain north and west by sheet flow directly to Lords Creek, which borders the site to the north and west. Runoff from the developed areas of the site collect in existing storm sewers which discharge to existing ponds located within the wetland area. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS Proposed improvements will include the construction of an additional church building and additional parking and underground utilities to serve this development. This development will also include the construction of a wet detention basin to provide detention and improvement of water quality for post development runoff. This wet detention basin has been appropriately designed for 90% TSS removal and for storage and release of the first inch of runoff. This wet basin will discharge to the unnamed tributary and existing ponds through a 2" orifice and an emergency spillway. A proposed outlet structure with a 36" culvert will be also be installed in the wetland area to utilize the existing ponds for further detention and routing of post development flows. I DRAINAGE CONSIDERATIONS Runoff will be conveyed to the detention system by means of a drop inlet -culvert system. The system will be designed so that the post development runoff for the 2 yr., 10 yr., and 25 year storm runoff will be less than or equal to these events. Calculations included with this narrative also demonstrate this system's effectiveness in passing the 50 year event. During construction silt fence, a riprap apron, inlet protection, and construction entrance will be placed in critical areas as directed by the Grading, Drainage, and Erosion Control Plan. All design criteria is based on New Hanover County stormwater and erosion control standards. Please refer to Sheet 8-Miscellaneous Details for the Construction Sequence and Seeding Schedule which shall govern this development. STORMWATER CALCULATIONS FOR NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY FOR IMMACULATE CONCEPTION CATHOLIC CHURCH — PHASE H NEW HANOVER COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA RECEIVED JUN 2 4 2002 DwQ `' PROJ # fWg4(o0c/03 /YoD ENGINEERS WK DICKSON & CO., INC. 909 MARKET STREET WILMINGTON, N.C. 28401 (910)762-4200 April 2, 2002 (revised 6/2 1/02) '4y S S/ SEAL - 19742 r �Gf N Q WK DICKSON Engineering 909 Market Street Land Planning Wilmington, NC 28401 Surveying (910) 762-4200 IMMACULATE CONCEPTION CATHOLIC CHURCH TOTAL AREA DRAINING TO POND = 569,097 SF = 13.06 AC TOTAL PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS SURFACE AREA DRAINING TO POND: PAVED AREAS (EXISTING) = 114,423 SF SIDEWALK (EXISTING) = 7,856 SF BUILDING (EXISTING) = 24,579 SF FUTURE DEVELOPMENT BLDGS PARKING 75% IMP AREA = 223,567 SF TOTAL = 370,425 SF PERCENT IMPERVIOUS DRAINAGE AREA FOR POND: = 370,425 SF 1569,097 SF = 65.1 % REQUIRED STORAGE FOR 1-INCH OF RUNOFF FOR POND: (use Schueler Method) = 0.05 f 0.009 (I) = 0.05 + 0.009(65.1) = 0.636 =(1")(0.636)(1/12)(13.06)(43,560) =30,151 CF (30,546 CF PROVIDED) POND DEPTH SAIDA 0/6 (FT) 6.0 3.66 POND SURFACE AREA (MIN.) (SF) IF POND DEPTH = 6.0 FT, MINIMUM SURFACE AREA = 20,829 SF USED 90% TSS CHART TO SIZE POND AREA @ ELEVATION 18.00 = 20,959 SF > 20,829 SF 20,829 REQUIRED STORAGE FOR FOREBAY: 20% OF TOTAL PERMANENT POOL VOLUME = (0.2)(51,490) 10,298 CF (11,604 CF PROVIDED) REVISED 6/19/02 PROJECT: IMMACULATE CONCEPTION SUBJECT: POND CALCULATIONS JOB NO.: 10366.30.WL PREPARED BY: JRB DATE: 214102 CHECKED BY: MNH DATE: PACE NO OF INK DICKSON Engineering Land Planning Surveying 909 Market Street Wilmington, NC 28401 (910)762-4200 STAGE - AREA - STORAGE FOR POND PERMANENT POOL VOLUME ELEV. AREA STORAGE TOT. STORAGE (FT) (SF) (CF) (CF) BOTTOM ELEVV, 12.00 3,030 - 3,838 13.00 4,645 3,838 5,485 14.00 6,324 9,322 7,196 15.00 8,068 16,518 8,966 16.00 9,864 25,484 11,424 17.00 12,983 36,908 NORMAL 14,582 POOL ELEV. 18.00 16,181 51,490 STAGE - AREA - STORAGE FOR FOREBAY ELEV. AREA STORAGE TOT. STORAGE (FT) (SF) (CF) (CF) FOREBAYINV 12.00 615 - 789 13.00 963 789 1,171 14.00 1,379 1,960 1,612 15.00 1,845 3,572 2,106 16.00 2,367 5,678 2,657 17.00 2,946 8,335 3,269 BERM ELEV 18.00 3592 11,604 REVISED 6/19/02 PROJECT: IMMACULATE CONCEPTION SUBJECT: POND CALCULATIONS JOB NO.: 10366.30.WL PREPARED BY: JRB DATE: 2/4/02 CHECKED BY: MNH DATE: PAGE NO OF WK DICKSON Engineering Land Planning Surveying POND RELEASE TIME FOR CONTROL PIPE: POND ELEV. EFF. STORAGE VOL. RELEASED OUTFLOW RATE RELEASE TIME (FT) (CF) (CF) (CFS) (HOURS) 19.35 30,546 3618 0.122 8.2 19.20 26,928 4737 0.115 11.4 19.00 22,191 4637 0.105 12.3 18.80 17,554 4536 0.094 13.4 18.60 13,018 4438 0.081 15.2 18.40 8,580 4339 0.066 18.1 18.20 4,241 4241 0.047 25.1 18.00 0 TOTAL HOURS 84.0 DAYS 3.5 CONTROL PIPE: 2 INCH ORIFICE HOLES USED ORIFICE EQUATION TO DETERMINE OUTFLOW RATE Q = Cd'A'(2gh)^112 909 Market Street Wilmington, NC 28401 (910) 762-4200 REVISED 6/19/02 PROJECT: IMMACULATE CONCEPTION SUBJECT: POND CALCULATIONS JOB NO.: 10366.30.WL PREPARED BY: JRB DATE: 214102 CHECKED BY: MNH DATE: PAGE NO O1~ DICKSON Engineers -Planners -Surveyors Landscape Architects June 21, 2002 F IVED4 d02 Ms. Linda Lewis North Carolina Department of Environment Health and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Section 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 RE: Submittal for Modification to Water Quality Permit No. SW8 960903 Immaculate Conception Catholic Church New Hanover County WKD Project Number 10366.30.WL Dear Ms. Lewis: Thank you for your initial review of the above referenced project. This resubmittal includes revisions based on comments from your letter of June 12, 2002, as well as revisions based on some minor changes by the owner to the site layout. These minor changes involved an architectural change to the main concrete walkway between the existing and proposed buildings, as well as the addition of several sidewalks to provide access to the parking area from exterior doors. These changes forced the addition of one yard inlet and approximately 79 LF of storm sewer to effectively manage runoff. The additional sidewalk did slightly increase the impervious area on the site. This increase has been shown in the revised calculations, but was not severe enough to change the design of the pond. The following is in response to your previously mentioned letter. Your original comment has been noted, followed by our response on bold. • Please add the nearest intersection of two major roads to the vicinity map. The scope of the vicinity map has been expanded to include the intersection of US Hwy 421 and NC Hwy 132. • Please show all of the previously approved parking and drainage on Sheet 4112. The southern -most existing parking lot is not shown on the grading plan. On the plans approved December 4, 1996, a catch basin and pipe collect this runoff and direct it into the first catch basin on the entrance road. Modifications to existing permits must show and account for all of the previously permitted elements. The view on Sheet 4112 has been modified to make visible the items requested. • Please dimension the new buildings. Dimensioned as requested. • Please show how access to the overflow parking area will be achieved and provide dimensions. This access has been labeled and dimensioned as requested. 909 Market sired Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 Other Offices: Charlotte, NC 910.762.4200 Asheville, NC Columbia, 5C Fax 910.762.4201 Atlanta, GA Hickory, NC www,wkdickson.com Boca Raton, FL Raleigh, NC r� Ms. Linda Lewis April 21, 2002 Page 2 • You have lumped the future buildings, sidewalks and paved areas in with the current built -upon areas. in order to facilitate permitting of the future area when the church is ready, please lump all the future area together as one total and report it in the "Other On -Site" box on the application. These impervious quantities have been rearranged as requested. Please note that these revised quantities also reflect the addition of approximately 1,647 SF of impervious area due to the site changes. • The long, skinny orifice through the side of the pond is unacceptable. This type of setup promotes clogging and cannot be permitted. Please provide a true outlet structure, keeping the length of the orifice to a minimum, which will provide better protection from clogging. The 4" PVC has been changed to an 8" PVC pipe. An 8" outlet pipe wl a 2" orifice pipe as the inlet should not have any problems w/ clogging. • The supplement indicates that the permanent pool surface area is 16,781 ftz, but the calculations show 20,959 ftz. Please correct the supplement. The supplement has been corrected. • Please specify by name the wetland species to be planted on the 6:1 shelf. This information has been provided on the Landscape Plan (Sheet 6112) which has been included as part of this resubmittal. • Please change the sediment removal depth for the pond and fore bay on the supplement to 4.5', which is 75 % of the design depth. The supplement has been changed. Enclosed are the following items: - Two copies of page 2 of 4 of the "Stormwater Management Permit Application Form" - Two copies of pages 1 and 3 of 4 of the "Wet Detention Basin Supplement" - Two copies of the revised calculations for the pond - Two copies of the revised plan sheets: Sheet 3 — Site & Stakeout Plan Sheet 4 — Grading, Drainage & Erosion Control Plan Sheet 6 — Parking Lot Expansion Landscape Plan Sheet 8 — Miscellaneous Details If you need additional information please feel free to call. Sincerely, W.K. Dickson & Co., Inc. lAkN, Ayw� Mark N. Hargrove, PE Enclosure: As noted above cc: James Hintz, Chairman Building Committee, ICCC Engineering Land Planning Surveying November 20, 1996 Ms. Linda Lewis N.C. Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Water Quality Section 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405 Re: Stormwater Control Permit for Immaculate Conception Catholic Church New Hanover County Project No. 9507 Dear Ms. Lewis: Enclosed please find the following items: DAW SON ENGINEERING 3177 Wrightsville Avenuc Wilmington, NC 28403 (910) 7624200 Q E C E f V E NOV 2 11996 PROJ # w- D - two (2) copies of the site plans C-1, C-3, C-4, and C-5, all dated 9/15/95 and revised I1/18/96 - two (2) copies of the site plans C-2 dated 9/15/96 and revised 3/05/96 The enclosed set of plans have been submitted for your review and approval. The plans were revised to comply with your letter dated October 10, 1996. We request NCDEM certification of compliance of this project with stormwater regulations. Thank you for your consideration of this request. If you need additional information please call. Very truly yours, DAWSON ENGINEERING Lawrence Adkins Encl.: As noted above. cc: Frank Diem with enclosures Ken Maus with enclosures Craig Leonard with enclosures State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Wilmington Regional Office James B. Hunt, Jr. DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY Jonathan B. Howes Governor WATER QUALITY SECTION Secretary October 10, 1996 Mr. Dan Dawson, P.E. Dawson Engineering 3177 Wrightsville Avenue Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 Subject: Stormwater Control Immaculate Conception Church Stormwater Project No. 960903 New Hanover County Dear Mr. Dawson: To confirm the results of our meeting today: The church's built -upon area meets the low density limit of 30%, but collection of the stormwater via hard pipe is the reason the State must require additional measures other than the proposed 5:1 swale. The 5:1 swale will be deleted, and a forebay type structure will be excavated at the pipe outlet of DS-1. A grassed dam with a dropped stone weir section will serve as the overflow device into the natural channel. The natural channel will remain undisturbed to the extent practicable. Another grassed dam with a dropped stone weir will be constructed near where the proposed sewer line excavation will occur. We did not discuss storage heights, but may I suggest a minimum depth of 3' for both ponded areas? Use of flow spreaders will be left to your judgement, however, if future compliance inpsections indicate erosion problems that a flow spreader could alleviate, one will be required. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me at 395-3900. Sincerely, Linda Lewis Environmental Engineer JBB/arl: S:IWQSISTORMWATILETTERS1960903.00T cc: Linda Lewis 127 Cardinal Drive Extension, Wilmington, N.C. 28405-3845 • Telephone 910-395-3900 • Fax 910.350-2004 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer Engineering Land Planning Surveying September 3, 1996 Ms. Linda Lewis N.C. Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Water Quality Section 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405 Re: Stormwater Control Permit for Immaculate Conception Catholic Church New Hanover County Project No. 9507 Dear Ms. Lewis: Enclosed please find the following items: DAWSON ENGINEERING 3177 Wrightsville Avenue Wilmington, NC 28403 (910) 762-4200 ECF1'rr S E P 0 41996 - PFiOJ It SCE Tgogc) - original completed stormwater application for the referenced project - two (2) copies of the site plans C-1, C-2, and C-3, C-4, C-5, and DW-1, all dated 9/15/95 and revised 3/5/96 - one (1) copy of the Stormwater Operation and Maintenance Plan - $225.00 application fee Please note that sheet DW-I shows the drainage area delineation for the project. As we discussed during our previous conversation about the project, a grassed swale will be used to treat the stormwater in this phase of the project. A stormwater pond will be constructed at a future date in place of the swale as treatment is required for additional impervious surface. We request NCDEM certification of compliance of this project with stormwater regulations. Thank you for your consideration of this request. if you need additional information please call. Very truly yours, DAWSON ENGINEERING Daniel E. Dawson, F.E. Encl.: As noted above. cc: Immaculate Conception Catholic Church