HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW8960903_COMPLIANCE_20140320STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET POST -CONSTRUCTION PERMITS PERMIT NO. SW DOC TYPE ❑CURRENT PERMIT ❑ APPROVED PLANS ❑ HISTORICAL FILE COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION DOC DATE YYWMMDD A� RCDENK North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources Tracy E. Davis, PE; GPM Director March 20, 2014 Art Wesche, AiA Director of Property & Construction Catholic Diocese of Raleigh 7200 Stonehenge Drive Raleigh, NC 27613 Pat McCrory, Governor John E. Skvarla, III, Secretary Subject: Permit Extension per Session Laws 2009-406 and 2010-177 & Notice of File Review requesting engineer certification Stormwater Permit # SW8 960903 High Density — Immaculate Conception Church New Hanover County Dear Mr. Wesche: Effective August 1, 2013 the State Stormwater program has been transferred from the Division of Water Quality (DWQ) to the Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources (DEMLR). All previous references to DWQ will remain in older stormwater permits issued prior to August 1, 2013 until they are modified. On August 5, 2009, the Governor signed Session Law 2009-406. This law impacts any development approval issued by the Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources (aka DWQ) under Article 21 of Chapter 143 of the General Statutes, which is current and valid at any point between January 1, 2008, and December 31, 2010. The law extends the effective period of any stormwater permit that is set to expire during this time frame to three (3) years from its current expiration date. On August 2, 2010, the Governor signed Session Law 2010-177 which grants an extra year for a total of four (4) years extension. Accordingly, Stormwater Permit # SW8 960903, which was set to expire (or which has already expired) on August 9, 2012, is now in effect until August 9, 2016. Please resubmit the renewal application and fee at least 180 days prior to August 9, 2016, which would be February 9, 2016. A copy of the Renewal Application can be obtained from the following website: http://portal.nedenr.org/web/wq/ws/su/statesw/forms_ does. In addition, the file review has revealed that the site is not compliant with the terms and conditions of this permit. Please find a copy of the completed form entitled "Compliance Inspection Report" attached to this letter, which summarizes the findings of the recent review. We have not received an engineer's certification for the stormwater system. Please submit that document, as required by the permit, or submit a Plan of Action to acquire the certification and include a time frame in order to correct this deficiency within thirty (30) days of this letter, or by latest April 21, 2014. Failure to provide the requested information, or to respond to this letter by the due date, may initiate enforcement action including the assessment of civil penalties of up to $25,000 per day. If a written plan of action is not submitted to this office by April 21, 2014, then DEMLR staff will perform a complete inspect of the site and issue a Notice of Deficiency. If the project has changed its name, ownership, or mailing address, it is your responsibility to submit a completed and signed Name/Ownership Change form to DEMLR at least 30 calendar days prior to making the changes. Please include the name, mailing address and phone number of the person or entity that is now responsible for this permit on the Name/Ownership Change form. . Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Extension, Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 Phone: (910) 796-72151 Fax: (910) 350-2004 Mr. Art Wesche March 20, 2014 j If you have any questions, please contact me at DEMLR in the Wilmington Regional Office at 910-796-7215 or via e-mail at steven.pusey@ncdenr.gov. Sincerely, Steve Pusey Environmental Engineer Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources GDSlsgp; G:IWQISharedlStorrnwaterTermits & Pro}ects119961960903 HD12014 03 permit extension 960903 cc: Wilmington Regional Office Georgette Scott, Stormwater Supervisor, DEMLR Page 2 of 2 Compliance Inspection Report Permit: SW8960903 Effective: 08/09/02 Expiration: 08/09/16 Owner: Roman Catholic Diocese of Raleigh Project: Immaculate Conception Church County: New Hanover Region: Wilmington Contact Person: F Joseph Gassman Title: Directions to Project: Type of Project: State Stormwater - HD - Detention Pond Drain Areas: 1 - (Lords Creek) (03-06-17) ( C;Sw) On -Site Representative(s): Related Permits: Inspection Date: 03/20/2014 Entry Time: 09:30 AM Primary Inspector: Steven G Pusey Secondary Inspector(s): Reason for Inspection: Other Permit Inspection Type: State Stormwater Facility Status: Q Compliant ® Not Compliant Question Areas: ® State Stormwater (See attachment summary) Exit Time: 10:00 AM Phone: 910-791-1003 Phone: Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Page: 1 Permit: SW8960903 Owner - Project: Roman Catholic Diocese of Raleigh Inspection Date: 031201201E Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Other Inspection Summary: In order to bring this project into compliance, please submit an engineer's certification for the stormwater system. File Review Is the permit active? Signed copy of the Engineer's certification is in the file? Signed copy of the Operation & Maintenance Agreement is in the file? Copy of the recorded deed restrictions is in the file? Comment: A copy of the engineer's certification for the stormwater system has not been submitted. Yes No NA NE E 0 0 0 na001 m 0 0 D D 0 m 0 Page: 2 Pusey, Steven From: cdavolioigiccwilm.ong Sent: Tuesday, November 25, 2014 10:06 AM To: Pusey, Steven Cc: jmcgee@iccwilm.org; Art.Wesche@raldioc.org Subject: RE: Update: Immaculate Conception Church - Wilmington Wet Detention Pond I will be happy to meet you at the church on Dec 6. Let me know a time convenient for you. My cell # is 910.632.4185 should you need to contact me on or before at turday. Thank you. J 6 fi M(w 17aVfl& Business Manager g Immaculate Conception Catholic Church Wilmington, NC 28412 910.791.1003 x15 111u cdavolio@iccwilm.ore iY From: Pusey, Stevenmailta:ste�en.gusev@ncdenr.gov] Sent: Tuesday, November 25, 2014 9:57 AM To: cdavolio@iccwilm.org Subject: RE: Update: Immaculate Conception Church - Wilmington Wet Detention Pond Charles, Great to hear this news. I would like to schedule an inspection for Saturday, December 6, if possible. Maybe I could meet someone at the Church? Please let me know if this can be arranged? Regards, Steve From: cdavolio@iccwilm.org [mailto:cdaDIio@iccwilm.oral Sent: Tuesday, November 25, 2014 9:45 AM To: Pusey, Steven Cc: Art.Wesche@raldioc.ora; imcaee(a iccwilm.org Subject: Update: Immaculate Conception Church - Wilmington Wet Detention Pond Mr. Pusey, I want to update you on the status of the Wet Detention Pond at Immaculate Conception Catholic Church. Landmark Grading will begin repairs starting the week of December 1, 2014. 1 will keep you updated of the progress. Please let me know if you have any questions or need any additional information. Thank you. G .ej .A7Vo& Business Manager NY' ivsuv k!GS--'G 16f UJb J!,WOM !,! ACO P91:G -OL u0c"! --,,uA I fVkij�' j,-GGh AM 0194Q 01 �PS WAS& j-1;AjCjlJJ9LF QYQUI PAHI VSQU LGbgyp (pE; msfi! C�31.popc cp,!l.cp- i ro ribcIsIG Pon ou gpe assonp q ly AAGI DWOROJ -1� JJJLIJSC:Fi!�,,G CCljCGbf!C-U ow breGAI iwujqrV;9,f-G C- bo �! .OLIC'4bflCU Cp(ILCLJ - j,4,!!L;JiL!dfO�; !!,Gf DS. U cc: I 10: bO2sd,' WAGII ,?Ap�s-cr! fSE: cotjcu�bpvj C:JoLr!. - LOLiq walser 06F, cc: 10: 2rFr-xI" "A"mr,"Al 1)ciL 5,0, i .j , Pusey, Steven From: cdavolio@iccwilm.org Sent: Friday, October 24, 2014 3:54 PM To: Pusey, Steven Cc: Balland, Robert; Art.Wesche@raldioc.org: jmcgee@iccwilm.org Subject: RE: Immaculate Conception Church - Wilmington Wet Detention Pond Mr. Pusey, I want to let you know that we are working diligently to make the repairs to the wet detention pond necessary to obtain certification. We have one quote from Heath Grading and Utility, Inc. for $15,000. We are waiting for additional quotes from: • Landmark Grading, and • Johnson Grading It is our expectation that we will receive all quotes by next week and begin repairs immediately following. If you have any questions I can be reached at the church Monday -Friday 9:00am-5:00pm. Thank you for your patience. Sincerely, Business Manager Immaculate Conception Catholic Church Wilmington, NC 28412 O: 910.791.1003 x15 C: 910.632.4185 cdavolio @iccwilm.or� From: Pusey, Steven [mailto:steven.Pusey@ncdenr.govI Sent: Friday, October 24, 2014 9:53 AM To: Art Wesche (Art.Wesche@raldioc.org); cdavolio@iccwilm.org Cc: Balland, Robert Subject: Immaculate Conception Church - Wilmington Importance: High Art, I hope you are doing well. It seems like this project has been dragging on for some time now. The original file review was conducted on March 20, 2014. According to the engineer, the changes required are minor in nature. Please provide an update. We would appreciate your help in getting things repaired in the next thirty (30) days so that the engineer can certify the stormwater system. Regards, Steve 1 r; k 5teUeh g. f'use� Environmental Engineer NCDENR - Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405 Ph (910) 796-7334 / Fax (910) 350-2004 http://­portal.ncdenr.org/web/Ir/stormwater Before printing this email, please consider your budget and the environment. E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. I to �ee �f, NC®ENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Pat McCrory Governor December 29, 2014 Art Wesche, AIA Director of Property & Construction Catholic Diocese of Raleigh 7200 Stonehenge Drive Raleigh, NC 27613 Subject: Notice of Inspection Stormwater Permit # SW8 960903 High Density — Immaculate Conception Church New Hanover County Dear Mr. Wesche: John E. Skvada, III Secretary On December 16, 2014, the Wilmington Regional Office of the Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources (DEMLR) inspected Immaculate Conception Church, located at 6650 Carolina Beach Road in New Hanover County to determine the status of compliance with the State Stormwater Management Permit Number SW8 960903 issued on August 9, 2002 and as modified thereafter. DEMLR file review and site inspection revealed that the site is in compliance with the terms and conditions of this permit. Please find a copy of the completed form entitled "Compliance Inspection Report" attached to this letter, which sununarizes the findings of the recent inspection. Please be advised that you are required to comply with the terms, conditions and limitations of the Stormwater Management Permit under Title 15A North Carolina Administrative Code 2H .1003 and North Carolina General Statute 143-214.7, including operation and maintenance of the permitted stormwater system. Violations of your Stormwater Management Permit may be subject to the assessment of civil penalties of up to $25,000 per day per violation. If the property covered by this permit has been/will be sold or legally conveyed to another entity or if the permit holder has changed its name and/or mailing address, or if the project name has been changed, it is your responsibility as the porn-ittee to submit a completed and signed Name/Ownership change form to DEMI R at least 30 calendar days prior to making the changes. These forms are available on our website at: httlx//por.tal.ncdenr.or�?/web/]r/state- stormwater-forms does. If you have any questions, please contact me at the Wilmington Regional Office, telephone number (910)-796-7215 or via email at steven.pusey@ncdenr.gov. Sincerely, Steven G. Pusey Environmental Engineer Enc: Compliance Inspection Report 'PGDS\sgp: \\\Stormwater\Permits & Projects\1996\960903 HD\2014 12 CEI_comphant 960903 cc: Robert Balland, PE — Paramounte Engineering, Inc. Charles DaValia, Business Manager — Imaculate Conception Churcha�a �� p Georgette Scott, Wilmington Regional Office Stormwater Supervisor WiRO Stoftnwater File Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources Land Quality Section — Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Extension, Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 • (910) 796-72151 Fax: (910) 350-2004 Compliance Inspection Report Permit: SW8960903 Effective:08109102 Expiration: 08109/16 Project: Immaculate Conception Church Owner: Roman Catholic Diocese of Raleigh County: New Hanover Adress: Region: Wilmington City/State/Zip: Contact Person: Michael F Burbidge Directions to Project: Type of Project: State Stormwater - HD - Detention Pond Drain Areas: 1 - (Lords Creek) (03-06-17) ( QSw) On -Site Representative(s): Related Permits: Inspection Date: 12/16/2014 Primary Inspector: Steven G Pusey Secondary Inspector(s): Title: Bishop EntryTime: 01:30PM Reason for Inspection: Follow-up Permit Inspection Type: State Stormwater Facility Status: 0 Compliant ❑ Not Compliant Question Areas: 0 State Stormwater (See attachment summary) I Phone: 919-821-9726 Exit Time: 02:30PM Phone: Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation page: 1 Permit: Sw8960903 Owner - Project: Roman Cathok'Diocese of Raleigh Inspection Date: 1211612014 Inspection Type Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Follow-up Inspection Summary: Engineering Certification for the system was officially received on Dec. 23, 2014. The pond was brought into compliance with maintenance to resolve all issues. This project meets the requirements for compliance with the permit. File Review Yes No NA NE Is the permit active? ® ❑ ❑ ❑ Signed copy of the Engineer's certification is in the file? ® ❑ ❑ ❑ Signed copy of the Operation & Maintenance Agreement is in the file? ® ❑ ❑ ❑ Copy of the recorded deed restrictions is in the file? ❑ ❑ ® ❑ Comment: Built Upon Area Yes No NA NE Is the site BUA constructed as per the permit and approval plans? ® ❑ ❑ ❑ Is the drainage area as per the permit and approved plans? ® ❑ ❑ ❑ Is the BUA (as permitted) graded such that the runoff drains to the system? ® ❑ ❑ ❑ Comment: SW Measures Yes No NA NE Are the SW measures constructed as per the approved plans? ® ❑ ❑ ❑ Are the inlets located per the approved plans? ® ❑ ❑ ❑ Are the outlet structures located per the approved plans? ® ❑ ❑ ❑ Comment: Operation and Maintenance Yes No NA NE Are the SW measures being maintained and operated as per the permit requirements? ® ❑ ❑ ❑ Are the SW BMP inspection and maintenance records complete and available for review or provided to ❑ ❑ ❑ D7 VQ upon request? Comment: Al1previouserosion to pond banks has been repaired. Upon this inspection , a problem area on the forebay bank due to underground water see a e was noticed. According to the owner, this has also been re aired now. page: 2 3/10/2014 NewHarxner County Other Imp Value Total Under Root 13017 Building Factor 1 Percent Complete Percent Good B7% Notes Other Feature Details 1 of 9 Cerd 1 Int/Ext Line 1 Area 0 Measurement 1 1 Measurement 2 474 ldentical Units 1 Summary of Interior/Exterior Data Card Line Number Section From Floor To Floor Area 1 1 1 01 01 13,017 2 1 1 D1 01 11,395 InteriortExterior Details 1 of 2 Card 1 Line Number 1 Section 1 From Floor 01 To Floor 01 Area 13,017 Use Group REL Class Physical Condition G Construction 5-5 Wall Height 16 Interior Wall 2-2 Air 1-1 Plumbing 0-0 Units Functional Depr, Economic Dept. Summary of All Other Features Card InlJExt Line Area 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 2 1 0 2 1 0 2 1 0 2 1 0 2 1 0 2 1 D THE DATA IS FROM 2013 Misc. Improvements Card Desc Year BuHI Grade Width Length Area 1 UB-UB 2004 D 10 12 120 1 LIB-UB 2004 B 18 28 504 1 PA -PA 2003 C 0 0 44,200 1 PA -PA 1997 C 0 0 48,01)0 THE DATA IS FROM 2013 Values Year 2013 total Land $325,500 Total Buildings $2.334,600 http:l/etaxnhcg ov.comIDatalets/Pri ntDatal et.as px?pi n= R 08200- 001-033-000&g s p= SALES&taxyear=2013&j ur= N H &amseq=G&card=1 &rol 1= R P&State= l &item... 2/3 OF \,NATF9 Michael F. Easley, Governor (� William G. Ross Jr., Secretary ,C G North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources 7 �—� Alan W. Klimek, P.E.,Director p Division of Water Quality Coleen H. Sullins, Deputy Director Division of Water Quality July 25, 2003 Bishop F. Joseph Gossman Diocese of Raleigh 715 Nazareth Street Raleigh, NC 27606-2187 Subject: COMPLIANCE INSPECTION Immaculate Conception Church Stormwater Project No. SW8 960903 New Hanover County Dear Bishop Gossman: Please find attached a copy of the completed form entitled "Stormwater Compliance Inspection Report". The report summarizes the findings of a recent inspection of the project's stormwater controls conducted on July 18, 2003 to determine compliance with Stormwater Permit Number SW8 960903 issued on August 9, 2002. A summary of the findings and comments are noted under Section 4 of the report. Please inform this Office in writing before August 25, 2003, of the specific actions that will be undertaken and the time frame required to correct the deficiencies. Failure to provide the requested information, when required, may initiate enforcement action. If you have any questions please contact me at the Wilmington Regional Office, telephone number (910) 395-3900. Sincerely, Linda Lewis Environmental Engineer RSSlarl: S:1WQSISTORMWA-RINSPECT1960903.ju103 cc: Mark Hargrove, P.E., WK Dickson Pastor, Immaculate Conception Church Wilmington Regional Office Linda Lewis - ;A' N. C. Division of Water Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Extension (910) 395-3900 Customer Service Wilmington Regional Office Wilmington, NC 28405 (910) 350-2004 Fax 1 800 623-7748 ' 14CDEhia� STORMWATER COMPLIANCE INSPECTION REPORT 1. Project Name. Immaculate Conception Church Project Number: SW8 960903 Control Measure: Wet Detention Pond Water Body: Lords Creek Classification: C Sw Directions to site, address: 6650 Carolina Beach Road 2. Inspection Date: July 18, 2003 Weather Conditions: warm, sunny 3. Compliance Issues: a. The pond's slopes are bare and in danger or eroding. b. The required Designer's Certification has not been submitted. 4. Required Actions: a. Please establish permanent vegetation on the pond's slopes, per the requirements of the permit. b. Please submit the required Designer's Certification. Inspector: Linda Lewis Water Quality/Wilmington Regional Office/(910) 395-3900 RSS/arl: S:IWQSISTORMWATIINSPECT1960903.juI03 State of North Carolina Department of rnvirollment and Nahlral Resources W'ilntington Regiortal Office .fames B. I-funt, Jr., Governor Wayne McDevitt, Secretary Mvision of Nl'ater Quality March 30, 1998 Bishop F. Joseph Gossman Diocese of Raleigh 300 Cardinal Gibbons Drive Raleigh, North Carolina 27606 Subject: COMPLIANCE INISPECTION Immaculate Conception Catholic Church Stormwater Project No: SW8 960903 New Hanover County Dear Bishop Gossman: Please find attached a copy of the completed form entitled "Stornmater Compliance Inspection Report". The report summarizes the findings of a recent inspection of the project's storrowater controls conducted on March 27, 1998 to detennine compliance with Storrnwater Permit Number SW8 960903 issued on December 4, 1996. A summary of the findings and comments are noted tinder Section 6 of the report. Please inform this Office in writing before April 30, 1999 of the specific actions that will be undertaken and the time frame required to correct the deficiencies. Failure to provide the requested inforniation, when required, may initiate enforcement action. If you have any questions please contact me at the Wilmington Regional Office, telephone number (910) 395-3900. Sincerely, Linda Lewis Environmental Engineer RSSlark S:IWQSISTORMWATIINSPECT1960903.MAR CC' Dan Dawson, F.E. Central Files Bradley Bennett Linda Lewis 127 Cartlival Dr. Ext., Mlilmiowton, North Carolina 28405 Telephone 910-395-3900 FAX 910-350-2004 An Equal Opporfunity Affirmative Action Emhl(iyer 5{1%, recycled/10'%, punt-cuptinmer paper STORABAIATER COMPLIANCE IlVSPECTION REPORT 1. Project Name: Immaculate Conception Catholic -Church Project Number: SW8 960903 Control Measure: Immaculate Conception Catholic Church Water Body: Lord's Creek Classification: "SC" Directions to site, address: off U.S. Hwy 421, approximately 3/4 mile south of Pilot's Ridge 2. Inspection Date: March 27, 1998 Weather Conditions: Clear, sunny 3. Comparison of Approved plans vs. As -Built: 4. Compliance Issues: 1. Inlet Piping could not be located 5. PE Certification Received? NO Deed Restrictions Received? NIA 6. Required Actions: 1. Confirm presence of Inlet Piping (P.E. Certification) 2. Submit P.E. Certification Inspector: Linda Lewis '0� Water Quality/Wilmington Regional Office/(910) 395-3900 RSS/arl: S:IWQSISTORI\4WAT1INSPECT1960903.MAR V� A4 Immaculate Conception Catholic Church New Hanover County Stonmwater Project No. SW$ 960903 Engineer's Certification I, , as a duly registered Professional Engineer in the State of North Carolina, having been authorized to observe (periodically/weekly/full time) the constniction of the project, (Project) for (Project Owner) hereby state that, to the best of my abilities, due care and diligence was used in the observation of the project constriction such that the constriction was observed to be built within substantial compliance and intent of the approved plans and specifications. Please note any deviations from the approved plans below: Signature Registration Number Date