HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW8130703_HISTORICAL FILE_20200819STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET POST -CONSTRUCTION PERMITS PERMIT NO. SW8 ;>> DOC TYPE ❑ CURRENT PERMIT El APPROVED PLANS HISTORICAL FILE ❑ COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION DOC DATE acg�ocgIf YYYYMMDD Hall, Christine From: Rick Muni <office@parkerjacksonviIIe.com> Sent: Wednesday, July 29, 2020 11:06 AM To: Hall, Christine Cc: Johnson, Kelly; Tony Sydes; Leah Quinn Subject: [External] Nautical Reach Stormwater Transfer #SW8-130703 Ms. Hall, In response to your Notice of Inspection dated July 13, 2020, we submit the following: The PVC pipe in the outlet structure indicated as Item 01 on the above referenced report has been repaired. At your earliest convenience, please schedule a Final inspection. Please let me know if you have any questions, concerns or need more information. Thanks. Richard C. Muni. P.L.S. 1 dih Parker & Associates, Inc Jacksonville NC, 28540 Firm License Number F-0108 910-455-2414 - Office ParkerJ acksonville.com u Uff® Virus -free. www.avast.com a ti Hall, Christine From: Hall, Christine Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 4:55 PM To: Tony Sydes Subject: RE: [External] Nautical Reach - Permit No. SW8-130703 I'm sorry — I'm not the best person to ask. Please talk to your construction folks to see what they'd recommend. ** Please note the change to my direct phone number ** Christine Hall Wilmington Regional Stormwater Program Supervisor Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources — State Stormwater Program North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Office: 910 796 7215 Direct: 910 796 7339 Email: christine.hall(c�ncdenr.gov Address: 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405 �D--EQ Frnail correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Tony Sydes [mailto:asydes4851@gmail.coml Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 11:05 AM To: Hall, Christine <Christine.Hall@ncdenr.gov> Subject: Re: [External] Nautical Reach - Permit No. SW8-130703 Would a urethane caulk be acceptable? I think it would be more effective. On Mon, Jul 13, 2020 at 1 I:00 AM Hall, Christine <Christine.Hal l(u�,ncdenr.gov> wrote: All, The inspector has visited the site and confirmed that the previously identified items have been corrected. However, during this recent inspection they found that the grout around the PVC pipe in the outlet structure has failed. Please correct and provide documentation that it has been fixed. Thanks. ** Please note the change to my direct phone number ** 1 w Christine Hall Wilmington Regional Stormwater Program Supervisor Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources — State Stormwater Program North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Office: 910 796 7215 Direct: 910 796 7339 Email: christine.hall(a7ncdenr. , ocovv Address: 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405 DEQ Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Hall, Christine Sent: Tuesday, June 9, 2020 2:53 PM To: Tony Sydes <asydes4851(@gm,ail.com> Cc: Rick Muni <office@ pa rkerlacksonville.com>; Johnson, Kelly <kelly.p_.johnson@ncdenr.gov>; Leah Quinn <leahpuinn @sydescomm unities.com> Subject: RE: [External] Nautical Reach - Permit No. SW8-130703 Thank you. I will have the inspector stop by to confirm in hopes it can be called compliant. ** Please note the change to my direct phone number ** Christine Hall Wilmington Regional Stormwater Program Supervisor Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources — State Stormwater Program North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality F) Office: 910 796 7215 Direct: 910 796 7339 Email: christine.hall@ncdenr.gov Address: 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405 t2EQ� Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Tony Sydes [mailto:asydes4851@gmail.com] Sent: Monday, June 8, 2020 4:22 PM To: Hall, Christine <Christine.Hal l@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Rick Muni<office@garkeriacksonville.com>; Johnson, Kelly <kelly.p.johnson@ncdenr.gov>; Leah Quinn <leahguinn@sydescommunities.com> Subject: Re: [External] Nautical Reach - Permit No. SW8-130703 It is installed On Mon, Jun 8, 2020 at 3:51 PM Hall, Christine <Cliristine.Halnncdenr. )ov> wrote: Rick, What about the trash rack and vegetation? " Please mote the change to my direct phone number " 3 Christine Hall Wilmington Regional Stormwater Program Supervisor Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources — State Stormwater Program North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Office: 910 796 7215 Direct: 910 796 7339 Email: chnsVne.hall(a)ncdenr.gov Address: 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Rick Muni [mailto:office@park_eriacksonville.com] Sent: Monday, June 8, 2020 8:44 AM To: Hall, Christine <Christine. Ha I I@ ncdenr. ov> Cc: Johnson, Kelly <kelly.p.iohnson@ncdenr.gov>; Tony Sydes <asydes4851@gmail.com>; Leah Quinn <leah uinn s descommunities.com> Subject: [External] Nautical Reach - Permit No. SW8-130703 Good morning, See attached Re -Certification of the Forebay Pool and Berm for the Stormwater Pond on the above project. Thanks. Richard C. Mani, P.L.S. / dih 4 Parker & Associates, Inc Jacksonville NC, 28540 Firm License Number F-0108 910-455-2414 - Office ParkerJacksonvil le.com Virus -free. www.avast.com avast.com [avast.corn Thanks! Tony Sydes A.SYDES CONSTRUCTION. INC. Thanks! Tony Sydes A.SYDES CONSTRUCTION. INC. PARKER, & ASSOC IAiTES, INC. ATkENGINEERS • SURVEYORS - PLANNERS j��wbw q�q� r JUN 17 2019 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL BY' TO: Ms. Linda Lewis NCDCNR — Division of Water Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 DATE: June 14, 2019 REF: Nautical Reach Stormwater Transfer WE ARE SENDING YOU: Copies of the recorded plats, a listing of the lots with known current B.U.A. and verification of ownership, and the maximum B.U.A. for the listed lots is 4,800 SIF. Also attached is verification documents showing NCDOT Acceptance of the Streets. DELIVERY VIA: x❑ Regular Mail ❑ Hand ❑ UPS Overnight ❑ UPS Ground THESE ARE TRANSMITTED AS CHECKED BELOW: ❑x For Approval ❑ For Your Use ❑ Other COMMENTS: ❑ As Requested ❑ For Bids Due ❑ Federal Express ❑ Other x❑ For Review and Comment Richard C. Muni, PLS Construction Administrator Copies To: Anthony W. Sydes (w/L.O.T.) RCM/djh CF (P), LAM (if enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once) Cl .2019.RCM.LOT.Lewis.Nautical Reach. Storniwater l'ransfer.061419 306 New Bridge Street I P.O. Box 976 1 Jacksonville, NC 28541-0976 1 (910) 455-2414 Firm License Number F-0108 I www.parkerjacksonville.com �� � � _ � r� •l �..' : r; PAR ID 159241 159242 159243 159244 159245 159246 159247 259248 159249 159250 159251 159252 159253 159254 159256 159257 159258 159259 159260 159261 159262 159263 159264 159265 159266 159267 159268 159269 159270 159271 159272 159273 159274 159275 159276 159277 159278 159279 159280 159281 159282 159283 159284 159285 159286 159287 tj 6 (jet CA yy PIN OWNER1 PHYSICALADDRESS IJ0K • t3.V+A, .` krr) 4.28E+ll A SYDES CONSTRUCTION INC OLD FOLKSTONE RD Gvl1A (51te-) 4.28E+ll NAUTICAL REACH HOMEOWNERS OLD FOLKSTONE RD 4.28E+ll MCLAUGHLIN WILLIAM E JR & KRISTINE Al 101 REGATTA WAY 2Z45 4.28E+ll MEDINA DAVID 103 REGATTA WAY 33 &0 4.28E+ll ROMANELLI SAMANTHA & LISA 105 REGATTA WAY 2951 4.28E+ll EVERETT GREGORY L & ASHLEY R 107 REGATTA WAY 25 02 4.28E+ll SPIDEL MITCHELL R & JENNIFER 109 REGATTA WAY 23015 4.28E+ll ANDERSON DANIEL R & EMILEE J 111 REGATTA WAY 2Z¢t 4.28E+ll PAYNE WILLIAM B 113 REGATTA WAY 2929 4.28E+ll SEITZ SHARON KAYE LIFE ESTATE 115 REGATTA WAY 30"14 4.28E+ll HUDGINS CORYC &JACKIE K 117 REGATTA WAY 22R4 4.28E+ll SEALS ROBERT C III & KIMBERLEY R 119 REGATTA -WAY 4.28E+ll GARCIA MARCIAL J & JESSICA R 121 REGATTA WAY 4.28E+ll NAVAS MOISES A & LISET 123 REGATTA WAY 7-489 4.28E+11 MELNICK NATHANIEL & VALEEN 125 REGATTA WAY 33rf& 4.28E+ll LEWIS ANDREW F & VALAREE L 127 REGATTA WAY 3o8b 4.28E+ll WESTFAHL BRANDON L 129 REGATTA WAY 3005 4.28E+ll SOTO EDUARDO & ELBANIA 131 REGATTA WAY 28Z9 4.28E+ll SALINAS RENE & BERNADETTE MARIA 133 REGATTA WAY - 445 4.28E+11 FREELAND JORDAN L & TARA N 135 REGATTA WAY -95go 4.28E+ll SAWYER ALEKSANDRA 137 REGATTA WAY 23 Xl+ 4.28E+ll PEPPER STEVEN L & SARAH E 139 REGATTA WAY 4.28E+ll BARKERJAMES 141 REGATTA WAY 307-4 4.28E+ll PATE KIMBERLY S 143 REGATTA WAY Z7Z7 4.28E+ll LUND MICHAEL D 5R & AMANDA L 124 REGATTA WAY 32olr 4.28E+ll LANAHAN KEITH & D£NISE E 122 REGATTA WAY 2539 4.28E+ll MURRAY GAYLE E 120 REGATTA WAY 3 2 73 4.28E+ll JULIAN KEVIN R & COLLEEN P 118 REGATTA WAY 2Ivr 4.28E+ll MINEHART DAVID W & MONIKA K 116 REGATTA WAY 4 145 4.28E+11 PROFFEN DAVID & HEATHER 114 REGATTA WAY 3r 71, 4.28E+ll WEZENSKY GAVIN & REBECCA 503 ROMPER RD 4.28E+ll MILLER RICHARD A& JOYCE A 505 ROMPER RD 3AP5 4.28E+ll CHARLES ANDREW D 507 ROMPER RD 2W S 4:28E+11 VERCHININ IGOR 509 ROMPER RD 4.28E+ll HALL RANDALL L & JUDEE ANN 208 SAILOR ST C-83 4.28E+ll PETERSON BRYAN A & AMARIS N 206 SAILOR ST 4.28E+ll REISTROFFER BRANDON J & RACHEL C L 204 SAILOR ST �Z27 4.28E+ll ANDERSON ASHLEY GAIL 202 SAILOR ST 2994 4.28E+ll KRATZER MARK P & ANNALEA MARNELLE 200 SAILOR ST 2bil" 4.28E+ll THAXTON QUINCY & KATERINA 102 REGATTA WAY Z 3;y 4.28E+ll DALEY JOHN KEVIN JR & JENNA MICHELLE 100 REGATTA WAY 4.28E+ll BEARD MICHAEL & AMELIA 106 REGATTA WAY 3p+?v 4.28E+ll FELDER DEVRON J 203 SAILOR ST Z 38 x- 4.28E+ll MILLER JOHN T & DESEREE F CHANDLER 205 SAILOR ST 4.28E+ll TRIMBOLI RHIANNON & GIACOMO 207 SAILOR ST 254& 4.28E+ll BURNS BENJAMIN & BRIDGET 406 DERRICK DR RECEBVE JUN 17 2019 BY: IA- 41+4 f 159288 4.28E+ll KELLY ANDREW J & KATHERINE 404 DERRICK DR Z943 159289 4.28E+ll FREEDMAN BENJAMIN A & JESSICA M 402 DERRICK DR 3459 159290 4.28E+ll PRIBYL JAMES M & JESSICA J 108 REGATTA WAY 2G I& 159291 4.28E+ll HANSON SHAWN P & TRACY M 11O REGATTA WAY 3olo 159292 4.28E+ll MUTSCHLER SAMUEL B & KELSI E 403 DERRICK DR Z7Go 159293 4.28E+ll SIEBER CHARLES & VANESSA 405 DERRICK DR 2Gav 159294 4.28E+ll SEESE RAYMOND K & AMINAT ODUNEWU 508 ROMPER RD xti87 159295 4.28E+ll REUKEMA JASON R & ELIZABETH J 5D6 ROMPER RD 159296 4.28E+ll HERNANDEZ RICHARD C & ANA K 504 ROMPER RD 32-3g 159297 4.28E+ll LENNON ROSEMARY 502 ROMPER RD 302-2- 159298 4.28E+ll GRACE DEREK 112 REGATTA WAY 160245 4.28E+ll NICKELS JOSEPH FRANKLIN JR & BARBEL A 511 ROMPER RD 9611 160246 4.28E+ll PEREIRA MARC ANTONI CORTEZ & 513 ROMPER RD 3p�7 160247 4.28E+ll ALTOMARI MATTHEW J & 515 ROMPER RD 20 32 160248 4.28E+ll RINCON CARLOS J & ASHLEY N 423 DERRICK DR Z 3& 2 160249 4.28E+ll WARD KATRINA M TIBBETTS 425 DERRICK DR 3335 160250 4.28E+ll GEISEN BRIAN T & SARAH R 253 CUDDY CT 160251 4.28E+ll TORRES JUAN D MARTINEZ & BETH N 25S CUDDY CT 3978 160252 4.28E+ll ORTIZJECCEL 257 CUDDY CT 2+1 U 160253 4.28E+ll YODER JOEL D 259 CUDDY CT 3Zo5 160254 4.28E+11 COLEMAN ANTHONY & EMMA 261 CUDDY CT Z9 38 160255 4.28E+11 WYANDT WILLIAM PATRICK & LINDA MAE 268 CUDDY CT 334z 160256 4.28E+11 ZAFFINO KEVIN S & KYLIE 5 266 CUDDY CT 2.7, 1 160257 4.28E+ll SKOW JASON C & ALYSSA M •264 CUDDY CT 3n (7 160258 4.28E+ll NEWTON GARY WILLIAM & NICOLETTE RA 262 CUDDY CT 2634 160259 4.28E+ll ENRIGHT DAVID J 260 CUDDY CT 2B9f. 160260 4.28E+11 KOLSTAD RICHARD & ALANA 258 SAILOR ST 3Z 8'l 160261 4.28E+11 BALMES PHILIP MARTIN IJ & CANDICE FALI256 SAILOR ST 27G0 160262 4.28E+ll BROWN SHAUNTAL & KHAMISHA R 436 DERRICK DR Z473 160263 4.28E+ll A SYDES CONSTRUCTION INC 434 DERRICK DR Z528 160264 4.28E+11 MEHL MICHAELJ & RACHEL L 432 DERRICK DR 3091 160265 4.28E+ll MANUS JOSHUA & HOPE M ROEDER 430 DERRICK DR -5Z0 160266 4.28E+ll JEROME JANICE 428 DERRICK DR 3144d 160267 4.28E+ll AYERS BRYAN CHRISTOPHER 426 DERRICK DR 2 93 r 160268 4.28E+ll KAY JOSEPH M & LAURA A 514 ROMPER RD 160269 4.28E+ll COFER THOMAS B & IVY D 512 ROMPER RD 305 160270 4.28E+ll MILKS KENNETH A & TONI L 510 ROMPER RD 3o9s 160864 4.28E+ll MCINNIS JERICO & CHAYLA 254 SAILOR ST 25 2.2 160865 4.28E+ll HAYES MATTHEW & DANIELLE 252 SAILOR ST 2TV; 160866 4.28E+11 BOGART TYE K & TRACY L 250 SAILOR ST 34-31 EC E IJ lY! E 160867 4.28E+11 GAJRAJ ADIL VIJAYENDRA & KRYSTLE ANN 248 SAILOR ST 1917 160868 4.28E+ll BOWERS JOHN CARLSON JR & 246 SAILOR ST 232C. JUN 17 2019 160869 4.28E+ll WARD ROBERT G 244 SAILOR ST 325s 160870 4.28E+ll NAZARIO JASON 242 SAILOR ST 2gov BY. - 160871 4.28E+ll ARGYROPOULOS GEORGE & KASSAB KETT 240 SAILOR ST 3-4W 160872 4.28E+ll REYES MICHAEL CHRISTOPHER & 238 SAILOR ST 21i89 160873 4.28E+ll GRUBB MATTHEW A & JERLYN J 239 SAILOR ST 3'z24- Y Peg LOT- S w 6 .- { 5 D? o 3- Gv Woj f- 0.0. A VIP 160874 4.281 +i1 TAYLOR KENNETH WILLIAM & SUSAN ANN241 SAILOR ST 1-8-11 16087S 4.28E+11 MILLS ELLYETTE 243 SAILOR ST $042- 160876 4.28E+ll GREEN DANIEL J & ERICA L 245 SAILOR ST 23 f S 160877 4.28E+11 RICHARDSON BRUCE & SUSAN 247 SAILOR ST 2 877 160878 4.28E+11 LOGAN AARON & AUTUM 249 SAILOR ST Z 3 97 160879 4.28E+11 HANNING MICHAEL & LINDSAY 424 DERRICK DR 2384 160880 4.28E+11 PRINE BEAUKIN LEE & AMBER NICHOLE 422 DERRICK DR 3230, 160881 4.28E+i1 MORRISON JOHN C & RITA LOUISE 420 DERRICK DR 9311 160882 4.28E+11 STORM KYLE & DANIELLE 418 DERRICK DR Z 7Gr, 160883 4.28E+11 MILLEDGE JUDITH HOPE 416 DERRICK DR 3019; 160884 4.28E+11 CASTANEDA DANIEL E & TORIE R 414 DERRICK DR 2 9 °S 160885 4.28E+11 MCKIBBEN NILE EDWARD & LORI ANN 412 DERRICK DR 3Z 11 160886 4.28E+11 VALLE ESTEBAN D & VANITY V 410 DERRICK DR 3 115 160887 4.28E+11 WALKER HARLEY & HANNAH 408 DERRICK DR 3004 160888 4.28E+11 SCHOOT GLEN ROBERT & GICKY 407 DERRICK DR 3 1 ay 160889 4.28E+11 DOBSON ALEX J & JULIA 409 DERRICK DR 3ZAP o 160890 4.28E+ii GARNER MICHAEL & MARIE 411 DERRICK DR 32519 160891 4.28E+11 BURLAZA MARK & MARYJANE FLORES 413 DERRICK DR Z508 160892 4.28E+11 ADAMS QUINCY J 415 DERRICK DR 3 c 3 (i 160893 4.28E+11 A SYDES CONSTRUCTION INC 417 DERRICK DR Z45 Q 161242 4.28E+11 BRENNAN DENISE R & 236 SAILOR ST 2 9 5 5 161243 4.28E+11 POWELL KEVIN DOUGLAS 234 SAILOR ST 3,55 a 161244 4.28E+11 KAIN KEVIN & SARA 232 SAILOR ST 37-9n 161245 4.28E+i1 CORE GEORGE T & CYNTHIA E 230 SAILOR ST 3 3?0 161246 4.28E+11 HAYES GREGGORY L & ALICIA 401 BREAKWATER CT 35 Z 3 161247 4.28E+11 PITSTICK SHARON D 403 BREAKWATER CT Z9+`? 161248 4.28E+11 UUBOVIC DENIS & ALEJANDRA 405 BREAKWATER CT 3* 11 161249 4.28E+11 LOFARO SAMUEL J & MONICA I LOPEZ TRI'404 BREAKWATER CT 093,5 161250 4.28E+11 HEWITTJONATHAN B & RENEE 402 BREAKWATER Cr 313 161252 4.28E+11 GRACE DENNIS A & CYNTHIA A 226 SAILOR ST 3R9-1-3 161253 4.28E+ll A SYDES CONSTRUCTION INC 224 SAILOR ST yfr$G 161254 4.28E+ll POLLARD WESLEY A 222 SAILOR ST Z931; 161255 4.28E+ll A SYDES CONSTRUCTION INC 220 SAILOR ST 3c,*T- 161256 4.28E+11 HARRIS BRENDA K & STEPHANIE L MERRIT 218 SAILOR ST 307(, 161257 4.28E+11 A SYDES CONSTRUCTION INC 216 SAILOR ST 2450 161258 4.28E+ll BELL JANIS LAYE 214 SAILOR ST 2g34 161259 4.28E+11 ROGERS JEFFREY N & KATHI F 212 SAILOR ST 34L� �-; EC EOVE 161260 4.28E+11 CODY GENELL DAWN 300 TOPSIDE DR 3oo-t 161261 4.28E+11 ORR JOSEPH F & ADRIANNE MICHELE 209 SAILOR ST 3148 17 20�9 161262 4.28E+11 FRiDLINE DAVID & NANCY SAILOR '�3f7o SUN R JO TRUSTEES 211 ST 161263 4.28E+ll ANDERSON CODY T 213 SAILOR ST 3 r 44 161264 4.28E+11 LANIER JOHNNY P & LINDA KAYE 215 SAILOR ST 3 i 4v 161265 4.28E+11 MUDD JESSE LEE 217 SAILOR ST 30vl-- 161266 4.28E+11 IYER AKHIL R 219 SAILOR ST 3250 161267 4.28E+11 VOLLONO MICHAEL J & MEGAN M 221 SAILOR ST ZI-51 161268 4.28E+ll FOUNTAIN ADAM MICHAEL 223 SAILOR ST 3 i +B 161269 4.28E+11 A SYDES CONSTRUCTION INC 225 SAILOR ST 3Z97 �� f3a 161270 161271 161272 161273 161274 161275 4uJg - 13o -7 4.28E+i1 CAMPBELL ROBERT E it 4.28E+11 EDDINGTON MARK H 4.28E+11 LEWIS ELAINE A 4.28E+11 COFFMAN JEFFREY J & LYN C 4.28E+i1 ANDRIOT BRANDON M & KATIE R 4.28E+i1 POWELL LEVAN S & KATLYNE J Fl�R c.ar .•� � 014A. f3, c�•A . �v� tl,o*, 227 SAILOR ST 2 958 229 SAILOR ST 2513 231SAILOR ST 26+6- 233 SAILOR ST 3271 235 SAILOR ST 32 1 S 237 SAILOR ST z 1 G& k (E IV JUN1720 P BY: 414 r'e,ce,e 6 tl? 1-bq f`Q ct_tt & � f 17 (01`i STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Roy CooPER GOVERNOR January 31, 2017 Parker and Associates, Inc. PO Box 976 Jacksonville, NC 2854I G�f JAMES 11. TRoGDON, TH SECRETARY Q PAS' Subject: Request for Addition to the State Highway System Regatta Way, Derrick Dn�, Ro�_mper Road, and Cuddy Court in the Nautical Reach Subdivision Sections I & Il in Onslow County (Division File No. 1460-0) Dear Gentlemen: Your name was the first most legible, signature on the above petition for state maintenance, and we are pleased to inform you that the above road has been approved for addition to the state highway system for maintenance. This addition was 'approved by the North Carolina Board of Transportation at the Board meeting of January 5, 2017. 1 It will be impassible to notify all of the petitioners regarding the addition of the road and I would appreciate it if you would tell the interested persons for me. Division of Highways field forces will begin maintaining this road as soon as it can be worked into their schedule. Any improvement programmed for this road must be accomplished within the needs for existing state -maintained roads located in this county. Very truly yours, Q� Patrick Riddle District Engineer PR -per cc: Onslow County Board of Commissioners Onslow County Planning Depa: tment. Mailing Address: Telephone: (910346-2040 NC DEPARTNI W OF' I'RANSPORTA'I'ION Fas: (910) 346-9030 DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS Customer Service-. 1-877.3684969 '295A WMMINGTON HIGHWAY JACKSONVILLF NC 28540 Website: www.ncdot.gov State ofNotth Carolina I Department ofTmnspottation I Division of Highways 295 Wilmington Hwy Suite A j Jacksonville. NC 28540 910-34&2040 T Location: 295 A WRM.ING7'ON HIGHWAY JACKSONVCi.LE, NC 28540 ^� v �Ee E BY: STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DFPARTN NT OF TRANSPORTATION Roy COOPER GOVFRNOR September 5, 2018 Parker & Associates, Inc. PO Box 976 Jacksonville, NC 28540 I— t94---- JAMES H. TROGDON, III SECRETARY eVeb SO � of Pgfk*#*' Subject: Request for Addition to the State Highway System Breakwater Ci Sailor St. and Topside Drive Or L +006 in Onslow County r! (Div, File No. 1504-0) Dear Parker & Associates: Your name was the first most legible signature on the above petition for state maintenance, and we are pleased to inform you that the above road(s) has been approved for addition to the state highway system for maintenance. This addition was approved by the North Carolina Board of Transportation at the Board meeting of August 2, 2018. It will be impossible to notify all of the petitioners regarding the addition of the road and I would appreciate it if you would tell the interested persons for me. Division of Highways field forces will begin maintaining this road as soon as it can be worked into their sbhedule. Any improvement programmed for this road must be accomplished within the needs for existing state -maintained roads located in this county. V truly yours, 1 -0 Patrick Riddle District Engineer PR:cd. cc: Onslow County Planning Department JUN 11 2019 BY: AWILVdddrea . Telephone; (910) 467-0500 Locneon: NC DP.PARTMPNT OF TRANSPORTATION Fos: (910) 346-8030 295 A WILMINOTON HIGHWAY DrVIS1ON OP HIGHWAYS Customer Service: 1-877-368.4969 IACKSONVII I.E, NC 28540 295A WII,NJNGTON HIGHWAY JACKSONVRLF NC 28540 Wehsiler www ncdot gov t-.Q o N t� M1 L r co y,•. Ftl: � t}�lj1i b oz'=a '° -� F! t ,.;fir MUa `r c J S �•; O u� it 1 i 999 9 t- � 1 ry TR J ?jt YA' �14F cog ff;�Fafi y ��f, � �I jaaiag�pr 8yj j� � 8i.t ��djf � lie ZA eY� f!$$roaro81 d t ;i{I}I} �� Y` i� � i � ii�#�Y � �@�� � '"'••"�w+wiew RI 8� 8 t'�j� ;B7yj•sY� 3>j�Yr �=Frp, 'ys � � � 1 �yY��"� �e •� sT g) i R����t�'ia Y •rot l� Afaj 1 IIIIT��.� I�yj��^"{�`I�� ��� �tid! \ \ �� � �` 3� = Ef�� �roa� �iYa�; �9#� � z ��������r��Y� i p��#tad =- �Ild �� �i�i t � 5 \ �• � �t � 'Nest¢ �k �•`j1'ie ��'/ Oyy�1 a � yo R„�•w.n"' i.d+'" '� xb ','�r� O i 8(`�f� ki i\ °° I Y,rM,..mui •rWci R l �my�j- �� / R� tlj —P i ��Ta� i✓ `" a`\'Q ` ,°` °e L, j � � ` � ^ �� ��°'� � 8j� /� A ;�,� gl ` �''`��.�y�, pY:p�Q�' ' ®��' i i° `��1�� il 3 i; xR ' \♦ Ts+" vMp' uw .uror rra = f® `�^ �'� � 4 r'bO �i'A'�� \ �\\ M ® v^''a' � iar.ri• Wen' � �� r�'`•� +�, � t�iS` \ \ \ �viz'� Q:�„•� R'Kb,rz.eoR r M�iI pS Q ap49� •�d� � � O� A� �'0�'f1 RO �Oa \ \\ y+` �� ® 'ri� w .Se Y"e8,u,n Rr iT6 � ®� \ •'% `�'�•-0d,�'�\A �''�y�'� \ O�'c'd ���'�Od• �'qO FfJAI af 11 f f �iij�$i � � r• r gg e fill rY:�adea.1F�ea,ysYre�9�d I .0 MR¢ a a _ T ete 9+R waaru¢/u/aq^aaav+�rmm,•n\R.w\w• crx�.tukm•k••ewn\a 0 H a 3 a 111111111101111 11111103 �pyyq'ahggg4+iqq }}E, �J oRyWOgWdgC,7 C 3�W 3 o N 0 I�II�I�YIIIII�II� .._ �.�\✓�; \\ rant Y Yaw9ad iiYY't0 o I ��yy 88gg90 itt '� Inn n 3 K em'wa rrin rwc/az/c 9..vai+a••erm�•n\co\�••a mn••n\cw.py w�\rz EM B@ ate ®aBB P g V 8 Eris W 8le F ggp z l til If pT � ..°a ��ttgss 8 OM c Z 10, 6 I,boN....,J - :Oea 01 sa Sa�Y4'aaR g 8d d 3<�R E tgd$ E xx� F q� I�r Vf Wd D['00 LI GIONUf'8+-0'diy'[v.SP.M PA^.Mu.Pir+tl P>a.M[ �y^H P�t�R UJ z FA A n�Jill A i y .71Y wd 90o ��Jf �SYr�I C��� ��OV w to w em as (..ws uaiW �d � •ues � M/N .00L Po an�aQ eso�my� { n )) I g H U 94 scd aY o pp a, Q 6 1 � a s g 8d � O u E ja� S j{( yyyRyy(e7Yi s �� F€ F€E EFp yy¢1�FF e! s 8yyE�2 y g2{� S 4y{{ P4y4 p '24y4 —. me'wa awsz.m[/oz/c e•wx�an as nH\bar\v+aa rm..nlc w. 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I_ ti 8 u 6 5 P o T, Q^ � 000[t � 09eC13.a,�4GK 222 � � t7 � 33 Topside Drive 3.6 iacK i 50'R/W memr.«.I® oo I`=r5t P; Oti'� I I a A ;,e and 1 ,oval N LL I y I J O IXt ��8 A l LL s !p Ntl r l r ®,f91.ce 1 a e .�Xe� ������ F 'r '� L G I � F ZE q � yp I � .000LIM.55[o.SM .WOf13.GGt4SK � — �j g '-t � � 2 �, ''1YPOto:�iFiOoIPPI(y��(�� \ 5dd e t I Tm— �'rtr e�P "eo'OEc3.GCf4s'G9 �d — ^ ^ g 3Fpppp 4d,� n I p I Y l 311` .d S88 FF g.ee'F'v',.#� p--a 01 OpO[I M.R,I0.GIN W'Of13.SG,t4GK �ItBs� eoWooi ®o��000 i 3 ail I tua,l I I �: H1NJ d s 3H ib a Y 3 I IM 'dz ( � o I I I ae I' y tl l .G62L1 M.SG.I4GMI I (q'9[13.a.[0.5K V � g NI $$ I Ell Siy QyN " 'gg I I Im` 6� q RNpy ynq �$j tld i=6fM3it s Nj 1B9GtTt£-- .'-I ��''H.....,.�••" �y./ �� it / � � <� a� a �S �� Oak\,+�°' ��'4"� Ie`, �i� ml 3- 4 o ` R.a�� Kt2'✓✓�re. S '� 9 \ '°'> O Lna 1 a i � \�h.) rrrrr,y,a.�Po. --_ ___ Gl �! � 8d d�*�, Y f ®�" •at. e$Qo A` ��—. d 1, .f<t6 9'� Sy Y p8 $ alggC 41 � \ �g G•+ur,e„W,�a'a •rc.<f nl.w.arfM°rior dd �--��\`� Oc �� On 8!� `m �ja�.�s Ey egp i�T .rvgG ��`\"' �!p$•x J{p vr•vrror m-a9iorex'f.raa�m v+.a m9�.m*wrv�i mw�.mc.mm,a w+nz SOSID: 1393249 Date Filed: 7/31/2014 11:59:00 AM Elaine F. Marshall North Carolina Secretary of State W Vdbtirili E c c- pi z FEB 0 4 2019 AA BY:-- ........ . . . ol&.0 . ..... fia ,2,' vmo�.pror W, :0.4 I TUP-pow #060, vo. Riwa_ k".40 W pgqft.w,,.!" N .. .... ....... Oil welorporWOO-014 Not Alm 44BIO vo 14WI, WACO Q11ju 6 ... ......... prild"bloolpolvilor I.T.11'alue and title'. "Vany. Afda iviih ilia gjjeiBjitry,-' 'NoOpliollf Co. brallbig", wditig T. f. spealljod lit, 6.006RAW0149 IDIVISIOW h4l 29622 Ai PAR ID PIN OWNERI PHYSICALADDRESS 159241 4.28E+11 A SYDES CONSTRUCTION INC OLD FOLKSTONE RD 159242 4.28E+11 NAUTICAL REACH HOMEOWNERS OLD FOLKSTONE RD 159243 4.28E+11 MCLAUGHLIN WILLIAM E JR & KRISTINE Al101 REGATTA WAY 159244 4.28E+11 MEDINA DAVID 103 REGATTA WAY 159245 4.28E+11 ROMANELLI SAMANTHA & LISA 105 REGATTA WAY 159246 4.28E+11 EVERETT GREGORY L & ASHLEY R 107 REGATTA WAY 159247 4.28E+11 SPIDEL MITCHELL R & JENNIFER 109 REGATTA WAY 159248 4.28E+11 ANDERSON DANIEL R & EMILEE J 111 REGATTA WAY 159249 4.28E+11 PAYNE WILLIAM B 113 REGATTA WAY 159250 4.28E+11 SEITZ SHARON KAYE LIFE ESTATE 115 REGATTA WAY 159251 4.28E+11 HUDGINS CORY C & JACKIE K 117 REGATTA WAY 159252 4.28E+11 SEALS ROBERT C III & KIMBERLEY R 119 REGATTA WAY 159253 4.28E+11 GARCIA MARCIAL J & JESSICA R 121 REGATTA WAY 159254 4.28E+11 NAVAS MOISES A & LISET 123 REGATTA WAY 159256 4.28E+11 MELNICK NATHANIEL & VALEEN 125 REGATTA WAY 159257 4.28E+11 LEWIS ANDREW F & VALAREE L 127 REGATTA WAY 159258 4.28E+11 WESTFAHL BRANDON L 129 REGATTA WAY 159259 4.28E+11 SOTO EDUARDO & ELBANIA 131 REGATTA WAY 159260 4.28E+11 SALINAS RENE & BERNADETTE MARIA 133 REGATTA WAY 159261 4.28E+11 FREELAND JORDAN L & TARA N 135 REGATTA WAY 159262 4.28E+11 SAWYER ALEKSANDRA 137 REGATTA WAY 159263 4.28E+11 PEPPER STEVEN L & SARAH E 139 REGATTA WAY 159264 4.28E+11 BARKER JAMES 141 REGATTA WAY 159265 4.28E+11 PATE KIMBERLY S 143 REGATTA WAY 159266 4.28E+11 LUND MICHAEL D SR & AMANDA L 124 REGATTA WAY 159267 4.28E+11 LANAHAN KEITH & DENISE E 122 REGATTA WAY 159268 4.28E+11 MURRAY GAYLE E 120 REGATTA WAY 159269 4.28E+11 JULIAN KEVIN R & COLLEEN P 118 REGATTA WAY 159270 4.28E+11 MINEHART DAVID W & MONIKA K 116 REGATTA WAY 159271 4.28E+11 PROFFEN DAVID & HEATHER 114 REGATTA WAY 159272 4.28E+11 WEZENSKY GAVIN & REBECCA 503 ROMPER RD 159273 4.28E+11 MILLER RICHARD A & JOYCE A 505 ROMPER RD 159274 4.28E+11 CHARLES ANDREW D 507 ROMPER RD 159275 4.28E+11 VERCHININ IGOR 509 ROMPER RD 159276 4.28E+11 HALL RANDALL L & JUDEE ANN 208 SAILOR ST 159277 4.28E+11 PETERSON BRYAN A & AMARIS N 206 SAILOR ST 159278 4.28E+11 REISTROFFER BRANDON J & RACHEL C L 204 SAILOR ST 159279 4.28E+11 ANDERSON ASHLEY GAIL 202 SAILOR ST 159280 4.28E+11 KRATZER MARK P & ANNALEA MARNELLE 200 SAILOR ST 159281 4.28E+11 THAXTON QUINCY & KATERINA 102 REGATTA WAY 159282 4.28E+11 DALEY JOHN KEVIN JR & JENNA MICHELLE 100 REGATTA WAY 159283 4.28E+11 BEARD MICHAEL & AMELIA 106 REGATTA WAY 159284 4.28E+11 FELDER DEVRON J 203 SAILOR ST 159285 4.28E+11 MILLER JOHN T & DESEREE F CHANDLER 205 SAILOR ST 159286 4.28E+11 TRIMBOLI RHIANNON & GIACOMO 207 SAILOR ST 159287 4.28E+11 BURNS BENJAMIN & BRIDGET 406 DERRICK DR �i FAQ 20i � BY. 159288 4.28E+ll KELLY ANDREW J & KATHERINE 404 DERRICK DR 159289 4.28E+11 FREEDMAN BENJAMIN A &JESSICA M 402 DERRICK DR 159290 4.28E+ll PRIBYL JAMES M & JESSICA J 108 REGATTA WAY 159291 4.28E+11 HANSON SHAWN P & TRACY M 110 REGATTA WAY 159292 4.28E+ll MUTSCHLER SAMUEL B & KELSI E 403 DERRICK DR 159293 4.28E+11 SIEBER CHARLES & VANESSA 405 DERRICK DR 159294 4.28E+ll SEESE RAYMOND K & AMINAT ODUNEWU 508 ROMPER RD 159295 4.28E+ll REUKEMA JASON R & ELIZABETH J 506 ROMPER RD 159296 4.28E+ll HERNANDEZ RICHARD C & ANA K 504 ROMPER RD 159297 4.28E+ll LENNON ROSEMARY T 502 ROMPER RD 159298 4.28E+ll GRACE DEREK 112 REGATTA WAY 160245 4.28E+ll NICKELS JOSEPH FRANKLIN JR & BARBEL A 511 ROMPER RD 160246 4.28E+11 PEREIRA MARC ANTONI CORTEZ & 513 ROMPER RD 160247 4.28E+ll ALTOMARI MATTHEW J & 515 ROMPER RD 160248 4.28E+ll RINCON CARLOS J & ASHLEY N 423 DERRICK DR 160249 4.28E+ll WARD KATRINA M TIBBETTS 425 DERRICK DR 160250 4.28E+ll GEISEN BRYAN T & SARAH R 253 CUDDY CT 160251 4.28E+ll TORRES JUAN D MARTINEZ & BETH N 255 CUDDY CT 160252 4.28E+ll ORTIZ JECCEL 257 CUDDY CT 160253 4.28E+ll YODER JOEL D 259 CUDDY CT 160254 4.28E+ll COLEMAN ANTHONY & EMMA 261 CUDDY CT 160255 4.28E+ll WYANDT WILLIAM PATRICK & LINDA MAE 268 CUDDY CT 160256 4.28E+ll ZAFFINO KEVIN S & KYLIE S 266 CUDDY CT 160257 4.28E+11 SKOW JASON C & ALYSSA M -264 CUDDY CT 160258 4.28E+ll NEWTON GARY WILLIAM & NICOLETTE RA 262 CUDDY CT 160259 4.28E+ll ENRIGHT DAVID J 260 CUDDY CT 160260 4.28E+ll KOLSTAD RICHARD & ALANA 258 SAILOR ST 160261 4.28E+ll BALMES PHILIP MARTIN I! & CANDICE FALi256 SAILOR ST 160262 4.28E+ll BROWN SHAUNTAL & KHAMISHA R 436 DERRICK DR 160263 4.28E+ll A SYDES CONSTRUCTION INC 434 DERRICK DR 160264 4.28E+11 MEHL MICHAELJ & RACHEL L 432 DERRICK DR 160265 4.28E+ll MANUS JOSHUA & HOPE M ROEDER 430 DERRICK DR 160266 4.28E+ll JEROME JANICE 428 DERRICK DR 160267 4.28E+ll AYERS BRYAN CHRISTOPHER 426 DERRICK DR 160268 4.28E+ll KAY JOSEPH M & LAURA A 514 ROMPER RD 160269 4.28E+ll COFER THOMAS B & IVY D 512 ROMPER RD 160270 4.28E+ll MILKS KENNETH A & TONI L 510 ROMPER RD 160864 4.28E+ll MCINNIS JERICO & CHAYLA 254 SAILOR ST 160865 4.28E+11 HAYES MATTHEW & DANIELLE 252 SAILOR ST 160866 4.28E+ll BOGART TYE K & TRACY L 250 SAILOR ST 160867 4.28E+11 GAJRAJ ADIL VIJAYENDRA & KRYSTLE ANN 248 SAILOR ST 160868 4.28E+ll BOWERS JOHN CARLSON JR & 246 SAILOR ST 160869 4.28E+ll WARD ROBERT G 244 SAILOR ST 160870 4.28E+11 NAZARIO JASON 242 SAILOR ST 160871 4.28E+ll ARGYROPOULOS GEORGE & KASSAB KETT 240 SAILOR ST 160872 4.28E+11 REYES MICHAEL CHRISTOPHER & 238 SAILOR ST 160873 4.28E+ll GRUBB MATTHEW A & JERLYN 1 239 SAILOR ST ECM FEB 0 4 2013 160874 4.28E+11 TAYLOR KENNETH WILLIAM & SUSAN ANN 241 SAILOR ST 160875 4.28E+11 MILLS ELLYETTE 243 SAILOR ST 160876 4.28E+11 GREEN DANIELJ & ERICA L 245 SAILOR ST 160877 4.28E+11 RICHARDSON BRUCE & SUSAN 247 SAILOR ST 160878 4.28E+11 LOGAN AARON & AUTUM 249 SAILOR ST 160879 4.28E+11 HANNING MICHAEL & LINDSAY 424 DERRICK DR 160880 4.28E+11 PRINE BEAUKIN LEE & AMBER NICHOLE 422 DERRICK DR 160881 4.28E+11 MORRISON JOHN C & RITA LOUISE 420 DERRICK DR 160882 4.28E+11 STORM KYLE & DANIELLE 418 DERRICK DR 160883 4.28E+11 MILLEDGE JUDITH HOPE 416 DERRICK DR 160884 4.28E+11 CASTANEDA DANIEL E & TORIE R 414 DERRICK DR 160885 4.28E+11 MCKIBBEN NILE EDWARD & LORI ANN 412 DERRICK DR 160886 4.28E+11 VALLE ESTEBAN D & VANITY V 410 DERRICK DR 160887 4.28E+11 WALKER HARLEY & HANNAH 408 DERRICK DR 160888 4.28E+11 SCHOOT GLEN ROBERT & GICKY 407 DERRICK DR 160889 4.28E+11 DOBSON ALEX J & JULIA 409 DERRICK DR 160890 4.28E+11 GARNER MICHAEL & MARIE 411 DERRICK DR 160891 4.28E+11 BURLAZA MARK & MARYJANE FLARES 413 DERRICK DR 160892 4.28E+11 ADAMS QUINCYJ 415 DERRICK DR 160893 4.28E+11 A SYDES CONSTRUCTION INC 417 DERRICK DR 161242 4.28E+11 BRENNAN DENISE R & 236 SAILOR ST 161243 4.28E+11 POWELL KEVIN DOUGLAS 234 SAILOR ST 161244 4.28E+11 KAIN KEVIN & SARA 232 SAILOR ST 161245 4.28E+11 CORE GEORGE T & CYNTHIA E 230 SAILOR ST 161246 4.28E+11 HAYES GREGGORY L & ALICIA 401 BREAKWATER CT 161247 4.28E+11 PITSTICK SHARON D 403 BREAKWATER CT 161248 4.28E+11 UUBOVIC DENIS & ALEJANDRA 405 BREAKWATER CT 161249 4.28E+11 LOFARO SAMUEL J & MONICA I LOPEZ TRI' 404 BREAKWATER CT 161250 4.28E+11 HEWITTJONATHAN B & RENEE 402 BREAKWATER CT 161252 4.28E+11 GRACE DENNIS A & CYNTHIA A 226 SAILOR ST 161253 4.28E+11 A SYDES CONSTRUCTION INC 224 SAILOR ST 161254 4.28E+11 POLLARD WESLEY A 222 SAILOR ST 161255 4.28E+11 A SYDES CONSTRUCTION INC 220 SAILOR ST 161256 4.28E+11 HARRIS BRENDA K & STEPHANIE L MERRIT 218 SAILOR ST 161257 4.28E+11 A SYDES CONSTRUCTION INC 216 SAILOR ST 161258 4.28E+11 BELL JANIS LAYE 214 SAILOR ST 161259 4.28E+11 ROGERS JEFFREY N & KATHI F 212 SAILOR ST 161260 4.28E+11 CODY GENELL DAWN 300 TOPSIDE DR 161261 4.28E+11 ORR JOSEPH F & ADRIANNE MICHELE 209 SAILOR ST 161262 4.28E+11 FRIDLINE DAVID R & NANCYJO TRUSTEES 211 SAILOR ST 161263 4.28E+11 ANDERSON CODY T 213 SAILOR ST 161264 4.28E+11 LANIER JOHNNY P & LINDA KAYE 215 SAILOR ST 161265 4.28E+11 MUDD JESSE LEE 217 SAILOR ST 161266 4.28E+11 IYER AKHIL R 219 SAILOR ST 161267 4.28E+11 VOLLONO MICHAEL J & MEGAN M 221 SAILOR ST 161268 4.28E+11 FOUNTAIN ADAM MICHAEL 223 SAILOR ST 161269 4.28E+11 A SYDES CONSTRUCTION INC 225 SAILOR ST CE�VI '"i�", FED 0 4 2012 „ J 161270 4.28E+11 CAMPBELL ROBERT E II 161271 4.28E+11 EDDINGTON MARK H 161272 4.28E+11 LEWIS ELAINE A 161273 4.28E+11 COFFMAN JEFFREY J & LYN C 161274 4.28E+11 ANDRIOT BRANDON M & KATIE R 161275 4.28E+11 POWELL LEVAN S & KATLYNE J 227 SAILOR-ST 229 SAILOR ST 231 SAILOR ST 233 SAILOR ST 235 SAILOR ST 237 SAILOR ST FEB 0 4 NO I I of 3 1IItltY 01111110111111 00"Recorded: ,1%t229V40atT02:14Cpe pp Fee A2.t iYB.I)o Pega 1 of 3 Revenue Tax: i0.00 ontlou County NC Rebecca L. Pollard Req. of 1/eedt ISK4226 pa559-561 This instrumcnl +w prepared by lamer, Founuin & Cerur 1, a licensed Nosh Carolina Altomey, Detinqueni taxes, irony, to be paid by the closing attorney to the Onslow County Tax Collector upon disbursement of closing prw=ds. NORTH CAROLINA GENERAL WARRANTY DEED Excise Tax-, S0.00 Parcel Identifier No.. �% Verified by County on the _ day of 20 MaiUBox lo: Nautical Reach Homeowner's Association, lnc-. PO Box 7122. Jacksonville, NC 29541 This instrument was prepared by: Lanier. Fountain & Ceruzzi, 114 Old Bridge Street Jacksonville. NC 28540 _ Brief description for the index: CornmonArcm Nautical &&ch Subdivision THIS DEED made this 1 84-'� day of November, 2014, by and between GRANTUR A. SVDES CONSTRUCTION, INC. Ce11T:1►}il 01 NAUTICAL REACH HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION, INC., a North Carolina Non-profit Corporation PO Box 7122 Jacksonville, NC 28541 Enior in appropriate block for each Grantor and Grantee: name, mailing address, and, if appropriate, character of entity, e,g corporation or partnership. The designation Grantor and Grantee as used herein shall include said parties, their heirs, successors, and assigns, and shall include singular, plural, masculine, feminine or neuter as required by context. WITNESSETH, that the Grantor, for a valuable consideration paid by the Grantee, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has and by these presents does grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the Grantee in fee simple, all that certain lot or parcel of land situated in Stump Sound Township, Onslow County, North Carolina and mote particularly described as follows: All common areas, including but not limited to, streets, entrances, sign easements, and storm water areas as shown on the survey plat for Nautical Reath, Section 1, recorded in Map Book fib, Page 157, Onslow County Registry. 11le property hereinabove described was acquired by Grantor by instrument recorded in Book 3M, page 3L,9_. NC Bit; Asso iatim Form No. 3 0 1976, Rcvised 0 1/IRAta Pi"; by Ag =rMnt with the NC Eau Association Book: 4226 Page, 1977-Current: 559 Seq: 1 Book: 4226 Page: 559 Page 1 of 3 VVIBIT" i lio. G4i ►arn3lan oils 1. die; lint` tits And: comproff6iji'dWillmed .'(0. ollollia Fiffsodinilon or-w. *(Ions, ftwilzoth'i tho PUIPPOR" - ild Page 2 of 3 �5 All or a portion of the property herein conveyed ____ includes or )�_ does not include the primary residence of a Grantor. A map showing the above described property is recorded in Plat Book _( 13 page 1qQ . TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid lot or parcel of land and all privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging to the Grantee in fee simple. And the Grantor covenants with the Grantee, that Grantor is seized of the premises in fee simple, has the right to convey the same in fee simple, that title is marketable and free and clear of all encumbrances, and that Grantor will warrant and defend the title against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever, other than the following exceptions: IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has duly executed the foregoing as ofthe day and year first above written. A. S des C truction In (E ti Name) By: Anthony . 'ydes, sident State of North Carolina - County of Onslow 1, the undersigned Notary Public of the County and State aforesaid, certify that ANTHONY W. SYDI~S personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing instrument for the purposes therein expressed. Witness my hand and Notarial stamp or seal this 13 day of November, 2014. My Commission Expires:. -to—AD 4(n Notary Public (Affix Seal) Notary's Printed or Typed Name Donna L. Notary Pubic, 0');ia-V CCLVV, NC NC Bar Associatian Form No. } ® 1976, Revised O UU2010 Printed by Agreement with the NC Bar Association Book: 4226 Page, 1977•Current: 559 Seq: 2 Book: 4226 Page; 559 page 2 of 3 Pogo 3 of 3 A M tray COUNTY OF ONSIAW Tax Certification Form (Check One Box) ❑ This certifies that there are no delinquent ad valorem taxes, or other taxes which the Onslow County Tax Collector is charged with collecting, that are a lien on: Parcel Identification Number: S/F 034786 This is not a certification that this Onslow County Parcel Identification Number matches the deed description.. Q No certification required, as attorney statement that any delinquent taxes will be paid from closing proceeds is included on first page of deed. Karen D Lee 11 /17/2014 Tax Collections Staff Signature Date Onslow County Tax Administration 39 Tallman Street • 3acksonville, North Carolina - 28540 Phone: 910-9W2200 Fax: 9IG 4554579 W W W.0WlowmunrMC.gav/tu Book: 4226 Page, 1977-Current: 559 Seq. 3 Book: 4226 Page: 559 Page 3 of 3 Hall, Christine From: Musial, Connor E Sent: Friday, August 7, 2020 3:32 PM To: Hall, Christine; James, Trentt Subject: Re: [External] Nautical Reach Stormwater Transfer #SW8-130703 Attachments: IMG_1565[1}.JPG; IMG_1566[1].JPG; IMG_1567[1].JPG I had looked at the site yesterday and it appears that the repairs have been made Connor Musial Environmental Specialist Land Quality Section Division of Energy, Mineral, & Land Resources North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality 910.796.7315 office 919.268.7567 mobile connor.musialBricdenr.aov 127 Cardinal Dr. Extension Wilmington, NC 28405 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Hall, Christine <Christine.Hall@ncdenr.gov> Sent: Thursday, July 30, 2020 11:26 AM To: James, Trentt <trentt.james@ncdenr.gov>; Musial, Connor E <connor.musial@ncdenr.gov> Subject: FW: [External] Nautical Reach Stormwater Transfer #SW8-130703 Trentt, The consultant is reporting that the outlet structure at this site has been repaired. This started with Holley and you went out during the transition. Can you or Connor double check that the outlet is fixed with grout and not leaking? I'm self —quarantining so I can't get you the file (but it should be in my office on the bookcase) in the back part. If the inspection form is needed, I can fill it out & email it too. Thanks. Christine Hall Wilmington Regional Stormwater Program Supervisor Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources — State Stormwater Program North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Office: 910 796 7215 Direct: 910 796 7339 "Please note the change to my direct phone number ** Email: christine.hall(cDncdenr.gov Address: 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405 TAN Hail, Christine From: Hall, Christine Sent: Thursday, July 30, 2020 11:27 AM To: James, Trentt; Musial, Connor E Subject: FW: [External] Nautical Reach Stormwater Transfer #SW8-130703 Attachments: 2020 06 picture 130703.jpeg Trentt, The consultant is reporting that the outlet structure at this site has been repaired. This started with Holley and you went out during the transition. Can you or Connor double check that the outlet is fixed with grout and not leaking? I'm self —quarantining so I can't get you the file (but it should be in my office on the bookcase) in the back part. If the inspection form is needed, I can fill it out & email it too. Thanks. Christine Hall Wilmington Regional Stormwater Program Supervisor Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources — State Stormwater Program North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Office: 910 796 7215 Direct 910 796 7339 ** Please note the change to my direct phone number ** Email: christine.hall( ncdenr.clov Address: 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405 --`D-EQ'i� Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disrtosed to third parties. From: Rick Muni [mailto:office@ pa rkerjacksonville.com] Sent: Wednesday, July 29, 2020 11:06 AM To: Hall, Christine <Christine.Hall@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Johnson, Kelly <kelly.pJohnson@ncdenr.gov>; Tony Sydes <asydes4851@gmail.com>; Leah Quinn <leahquinn@sydescommunities.com> Subject: [External] Nautical Reach Stormwater Transfer #SW8-130703 Ms. Hall, In response to your Notice of Inspection dated July 13, 2020. we submit the following: The PVC pipe in the outlet structure indicated as Item 91 on the above referenced report has been repaired. At your earliest convenience, please schedule a Final inspection. Please let me know if you have any questions, concerns or need more information. Thanks. Richard C. Muni, P.L.S. / dih Parker & Associates, Inc Jacksonville NC, 28540 Firm License Number F-0108 910-455-2414 - Office ParkerJacksonville.com 0 � a Virus -free. www.avast.com ROY COOPER Governor MICHAEL S. REGAN Secretary BR1AN WRENN Director July 13, 2020 A Sydes Construction, Inc. ATTN: Anthony W. Sydes, President PO Box 7122 Jacksonville, NC 28540 NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Quality Subject: Notice of Inspection — Not Compliant Nautical Reach Subdivision State Stormwater Management Permit No. SW8 130703 Onslow County Dear Mr. Sydes: On June 23, 2020, the Wilmington Regional Office of the Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources (DEMLR) inspected the subject project to determine the status of compliance with the State Stormwater Management Permit Number SW8 130703 issued on August 2, 2013. DEMLR file review and site inspection revealed that the site is not in compliance with the terms and conditions of this permit. Please find a copy of the completed form entitled "Compliance Inspection Report" attached to this letter, which summarizes the findings of the recent inspection. The recent inspection found that the vegetated filter strip does not appear to be 50' long, however, it looks to be stable and functioning. Additionally, the pond was at the approx. 7.25 ft permanent pool elevation; however, the forebay berm that is supposed to be at 6.75' was not visible. However, the site has been certified by Jason Houston, PE and Richard Muni, PLS to be installed in accordance with the approved plans. Any future concerns regarding the status of these items will be directed to these licensed professionals. As indicated in the attached inspection report, the following deficiencies must be resolved: 1. In the outlet structure, water was entering around the PVC pipe indicating a grout failure that allows the design storm to bypass the approved outlet. Please grout around the PVC pipe in the outlet structure to prevent runoff from bypassing the outlet system. Please be advised that, as the permittee, you are required to comply with the terms, conditions and limitations of the Stormwater Management Permit under Title 15A North Carolina Administrative Code 2H .1003 and North Carolina General Statute 143-214.7, including the operation and maintenance of the permitted stormwater system. Failure to provide the requested information, or to respond to this letter with a plan of action, including a timeline to resolve the identified deficiencies, by July 31, 2020, are considered violations of the permit. If the requested information is not submitted to this office by the due date, then DEMLR staff will re -inspect the site and may issue a Notice of Violation. Please also note that any individual or entity found to be in noncompliance with the provisions of a stormwater management permit or the stormwater rules is subject to enforcement action as set forth in NCGS 143 Article 21, including the assessment of civil penalties of up to $25,000 per day. If you have any questions, please contact me at the Wilmington Regional Office, telephone number (910)-796-7215 or via email at christine.hall@ncdenr.gov. Sincerely, &n&u;ze qQu Christine Hall Regional Stormwater Program Supervisor Enclosure: Compliance Inspection Report DESlcanh: I11StormwaterlPermits & Projects120131130703 HD12020 07 CEI_deficient 130703 cc: Jason Houston, PE; Parker & Associates WiRO Stormwater Permit File D Q �� North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources Wilmington Regional Office { 127 Cardinal Drive Extension I Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 �,+cnnauvn � 9t0.796.7215 Compliance Inspection Report Permit: SW8130703 Effective:08/02/13 Expiration: 08/02/21 Project: Nautical Reach Owner: A Sydes Construction Inc County: Onslow Region: Wilmington Adress: Old Folkstone Rd CitylStatelZip: Sneads Ferry NC 28460 Contact Person: Anthony W Sydes Title: President Phone: 910-455-6956 Directions to Project: From int. of NC210 and NC172, take NC210 south 1.6 mlles, turn left to Old Folkston Rd site is 0.9 miles on right. Type of Project: State Stormwater - HD - Detention Pond Drain Areas: 1 On -Site Representative(s): Related Permits: Inspection Date: 06/23/2020 Entry Time 11:30AM Primary Inspector: Trentt James Secondary Inspector(s): Christine A Hall Reason for Inspection: Follow-up Permit Inspection Type: State Stormwater Facility Status: ❑ Compliant 0 Not Compliant Question Areas: 0 State Stormwater (See attachment summary) Exit Time: 12:15PM Phone: Inspection Type: Transfer Renewal page 1 Permit: SW8130703 Owner - Project: A Sydes Construction Inc Inspection Date: 06/23/2020 Inspection Type Transfer Renewal Reason far Visit: Follow-up Inspection Summary: The site has been certified by Jason Houston, PE and Richard Muni, PLS to be installed in accordance with the approved plans. To resolve the deficiencies, please grout around the PVC pipe in the outlet structure to prevent runoff from bypassing tl outlet system. File Review Yes No NA NE Is the permit active? ■ ❑ ❑ ❑ Signed copy of the Engineer's certification is in the file? N ❑ ❑ ❑ Signed copy of the Operation & Maintenance Agreement is in the file? E ❑ ❑ ❑ Copy of the recorded deed restrictions is in the file? 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ Comment: Built Upon Area Yes No NA NE Is the site BUA constructed as per the permit and approval plans? E ❑ ❑ ❑ Is the drainage area as per the permit and approved plans? 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ Is the BUA (as permitted) graded such that the runoff drains to the system? 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ Comment: SW Measures Yes No NA NE Are the SW measures constructed as per the approved plans? ❑ 0 ❑ ❑ Are the inlets located per the approved plans? ❑ ❑ ❑ Are the outlet structures located per the approved plans? ❑ ❑ ❑ Comment: The vegetated filter strip does not appear to be 50' lonq, however, it looks to be stable and functionin The pond was at the approx. 7.25 ft permanent pool elevation; however, the forebay berm that is supposed to be at 6.75' was not visible. In the outlet structure, water was entering around the PVC pipe indicating a grout failure that allows thi design storm to bypass the approved outlet. Operation and Maintenance Yes No NA NE Are the SW measures being maintained and operated as per the permit requirements? 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ Are the SW BMP inspection and maintenance records complete and available for review or provided to ❑ ❑ ❑ 0 DWQ upon request? Comment: Other Permit Conditions Yes No NA NE Is the site compliant with other conditions of the permit? E ❑ ❑ ❑ Comment: page 2 Hall, Christine From: Hall, Christine Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 11:00 AM To: 'Tony Sydes' Cc: 'Rick Muni'; 'Leah Quinn' Subject: RE: [External] Nautical Reach - Permit No, SW8-130703 Attachments: 2020 07 CEI_deficent 130703.pdf; 2020 07 CEI_BIMS 130703.pdf; 2020 06 picture 130703.jpeg All, The inspector has visited the site and confirmed that the previously identified items have been corrected. However, during this recent inspection they found that the grout around the PVC pipe in the outlet structure has failed. Please correct and provide documentation that it has been fixed. Thanks. ,* Please note the change to my direct phone number'" Christine Hall Wilmington Regional Stormwater Program Supervisor Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources — State Stormwater Program North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Office: 910 796 7215 Direct: 910 796 7339 Email: christine.hall(d)ncdenr.00v Address: 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405 D Q Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Hall, Christine Sent: Tuesday, June 9, 2020 2:53 PM To: Tony Sydes <asydes4851@gmail.com> Cc: Rick Muni <office@ parkerjacksonville.com>; Johnson, Kelly <kelly.p.johnson@ncdenr.gov>; Leah Quinn <leahquinn@sydescommunities.com> Subject: RE: [External] Nautical Reach - Permit No. SW8-130703 Thank you. I will have the inspector stop by to confirm in hopes it can be called compliant. "` Please note the change to my direct phone number " Christine Hall Wilmington Regional Stormwater Program Supervisor Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources — State Stormwater Program North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Office: 910 796 7215 Direct: 910 796 7339 Email: chdstine.hallancdenr.go Address: 127 Cardinal Drive Ext, Wilmington, NC 28405 <-A D r per r�rr�o�rM� Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Tony Sydes [mailto:asydes4851@gmail.com] Sent: Monday, June 8, 2020 4:22 PM To: Hall, Christine <Christine.Hall 2ncdenrpov_> Cc: Rick Muni <office@ parkeriacksonvilie.com>; Johnson, Kelly <kelly.p.joh_nson@ncdenr.gov>; Leah Quinn <leahguinn@sydescommunities.com> Subject: Re: [External] Nautical Reach - Permit No. SW8-130703 It is installed On Mon, Jun 8, 2020 at 3:51 PM Hall, Christine <Christine,I-Iall namedenngov> wrote: Rick, What about the trash rack and vegetation? ** Please mote the change to my direct phone number ** Christine Hall Wilmington Regional Stormwater Program Supervisor Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources — State Stormwater Program North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Office: 910 796 7215 Direct: 910 796 7339 Email: christine.hall�ncdenrgov Address: 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Rick Muni[mailto:office@parkeriacksonville.com] Sent: Monday, June 8, 2020 8:44 AM To: Hall, Christine <Christine.HaII@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Johnson, Kelly <kelly.p.iohnson@ncdenr.gov>; Tony Sydes <asyde54851@Rmail.com>; Leah Quinn <ieahquinn@svdescommunities.com> Subject: [External] Nautical Reach - Permit No. SW8-130703 Good morning, See attached Re -Certification of the Forebay Pool and Berm for the Stormwater Pond on the above project. Thanks. Richard C. Muni, P.L.S. / dih Parker & Associates, Inc Jacksonville NC, 28540 Firm License Number F-0108 910-455-2414 - Office ParkerJacksonvil le.com ATk �1 Virus -free. www.avast.com favast.coml f avast.com l Hall, Christine From: Hall, Christine Sent: Tuesday, June 9, 2020 2:53 PM To: Tony Sydes Cc: Rick Muni; Johnson, Kelly; Leah Quinn Subject: RE: [External] Nautical Reach - Permit No. SW8-130703 Thank you. I will have the inspector stop by to confirm in hopes it can be called compliant. ** Please note the change to my direct phone number ** Christine Hall Wilmington Regional Stormwater Program Supervisor Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources — State Stormwater Program North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Office: 910 796 7215 Direct: 910 796 7339 Email: christine.hall anncdenr.gov Address: 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405 D_E Qz'5� Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Tony Sydes [mailto:asydes4851@gmai1.com] Sent: Monday, June 8, 2020 4:22 PM To: Hall, Christine <Christine.Hall@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Rick Muni <office@parkerjacksonville.com>; Johnson, Kelly <kelly.p.johnson@ncdenr.gov>; Leah Quinn <leahquinn@sydescommunities.com> Subject: Re: [External] Nautical Reach - Permit No. SW8-130703 It is installed On Mon, Jun 8, 2020 at 3:51 PM Hall, Christine <Christine.Hall((-D.ncdenr.goy> wrote: Rick, What about the trash rack and vegetation? " Please note the change to my direct phone number "* Christine Hall Wilmington Regional Stormwater Program Supervisor Division of Energy. Mineral and Land Resources — State Stormwater Program North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Office: 910 796 7215 Direct: 910 796 7339 Email christine.hall(d)ncdenr.gov Address- 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Rick Muni [mailto:office@parkerlacksonville.coml Sent: Monday, June 8, 2020 8:44 AM To: Hall, Christine <Christine.Hall@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Johnson, Kelly <kell .'ohnson ncdenr. ov>; Tony Sydes <asydes4851@gmail.com>; Leah Quinn <leahguinn@sydescommunities.com> Subject. [External] Nautical Reach - Permit No. SW8-130703 Good morning, See attached Re -Certification of the Forebay Pool and Berm for the Stormwater Pond on the above project. Thanks. Richard C. Muni, P.L.S. / dih Parker & Associates, Inc Jacksonville NC, 28540 Firm License Number F-0108 2 Hall, Christine From: Hall, Christine Sent: Tuesday, May 26, 2020 1:49 PM To: Rick Muni Cc: Johnson, Kelly Subject: RE: [External] Nautical Reach Stormwater Transfer of Permit #SW8-130703 Thank you. Once the work has been completed, please provide photos or supporting documentation. ;" Please mote the change to my direct phone number "' Christine Hall Wilmington Regional Stormwater Program Supervisor Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources — State Stormwater Program North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Office: 910 796 7215 Direct: 910 796 7339 Email christine.hallCcbncdenr.gov Address: 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405 D E Q-55 �..N�1� Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Rick Muni [mailto:office@ parkerjacksonville.com] Sent: Friday, May 22, 2020 10:39 AM To: Hall, Christine <Christine.Hall@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Johnson, Kelly <kelly.p.johnson@ncdenr.gov> Subject: [External] Nautical Reach Stormwater Transfer of Permit #SW8-130703 Ms. Mall, In response to your Notice of Inspection dated April 27, 2020, we submit the following Plan of Action. Item #1: The Developer will be correcting the Trash Rack deficiency. Item 92: Our Survey crew is performing survey work this week on the forebay, berm area and pools, to verify elevation compliance. Item #3: We will provide documentation based on the survey work showing current data, and if needed, proposed remedial action. Item 04: The Developer will provide vegetation and ground cover on all exposed slope areas. Please be advised, all of the above work including any remedial action is expected to be completed on or about July 15, 2020. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns and how you wish to proceed. Richard C. Muni, P.L.S. / dih Parker & Associates, Inc Jacksonville NC, 28540 Firm License Number F-0108 910-455-2414 - Office ParkerJ acksonvil le.com QA Virus -free. www,avast.com favast.coml avast.com Hall, Christine From: Hall, Christine Sent: Thursday, April 23, 2020 2:32 PM To: Rick Muni Subject: RE: [External] Nautical Reach Stormwater Transfer of Permit #SW8-130703 Rick, I'm sorry for the delay in my response. The site has been inspected and I need to follow up on the results. In the meantime, there remain concerns that the pond has not been cleaned out to remove sediment that accumulated during construction. What was done to remove any accumulated sediment or confirm that the pond elevations are consistent with the design? I will try to work on finalizing the inspection next week. Thanks again for your patience. Christine Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Rick Muni [mailto:office @parkeriacksonville.comj Sent: Friday, April 17, 2020 11:26 AM To: Hall, Christine <Christine.Hall@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Johnson, Kelly <kelly.pJohnson@ncdenr.gov> Subject: [External] Nautical Reach Stormwater Transfer of Permit #SW8-130703 Ms. Hall, Hope all of you are doing well. Just following up on the Request for Final Acceptance Inspection submitted February 6, 2020. Please advise. Richard C. Muni. P.L.S. 1 dih Parker & Associates, Inc Jacksonville NC, 28540 Firm License Number F-0108 910-455-2414 - Office ParkerJacksonville.com �Q Virus -free. www.avast.com favast.coml lavast.corn l ROY COOPER Gavnmar MICHAEL S. REGAN secnrtary BRIAN WRENN Acting Qirectar April 27, 2020 A Sydes Construction, Inc. ATTN-. Anthony W. Sydes, President PO Box 7122 Jacksonville, NC 28540 NORTH CAROLINA EnvOwunettal Qulallty Subject: Notice of Inspection — Not Compliant Nautical Reach Subdivision State Stormwater Management Permit No. SW8 130703 Onslow County Dear Mr. Sydes: On March 9, 2020, the Wilmington Regional Office of the Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources (DEMLR) inspected the subject project to determine the status of compliance with the State Stormwater Management Permit Number SW8 130703 issued on August 2, 2013. DEMLR file review and site inspection revealed that the site is not in compliance with the terms and conditions of this permit. Please find a copy of the completed form entitled "Compliance Inspection Report" attached to this letter, which summarizes the findings of the recent inspection. As indicated in the attached inspection report, the following deficiencies must be resolved: 1. Please extend the trash rack to cover the face of the overflow weir, as shown on the approved detai 1. 2. Please provide documentation that the forebay berm and top elevation has been installed and maintained in accordance with the approved plans. The pond cross section notes that the top of the rip rap provided on the forebay berm is to be 0.25 ft below the permanent pool elevation of 7.25 ft. 3. Please provide documentation that sediment has not accumulated in the forebay or main pool and that the bottom elevations remain consistent within the benchmarks provided in the approved operation and maintenance agreement. 4. Please provide permanent vegetation and ground cover to stabilize the pond side slopes. Please be advised that, as the permittee, you are required to comply with the terms, conditions and limitations of the Stormwater Management Permit under Title 15A North Carolina Administrative Code 21-1 .1003 and North Carolina General Statute 143-214.7, including the operation and maintenance of the permitted stormwater system. ®� Q✓A North Carolina Department of Fnvhvnmental Quality I Dtvislon of Energy. Mineral and lend Resources 1N[lrnington Regional Office I L27 Cardinal Drive Extension I Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 ��•��• " 910.796,7215 State Stormwater Permit No. SW8 130703 Page 2 of 2 Failure to provide the requested information, or to respond to this letter with a plan of action, including a timeline to resolve the identified deficiencies, by May 29, 2020, are considered violations of the permit. If the requested information is not submitted to this office by the due date, then DEMLR staff will re- inspect the site and may issue a Notice of Violation. Please also note that any individual or entity found to be in noncompliance with the provisions of a stormwater management permit or the stormwater rules is subject to enforcement action as set forth in NCGS 143 Article 21, including the assessment of civil penalties of up to $25,000 per day. If you have any questions, please contact me at the Wilmington Regional Office, telephone number (910)- 796-7215 or via email at christine.hall@ncdenr.gov. ncdenr.gov. Sincerely, e re 1;7&& Christine Hall Regional Stormwater Program Supervisor Enclosure: Compliance Inspection Report DESlcanh: \\\StormwaterTermits & Projects120131130703 HD12020 04 CEI_deficient 130703 cc: Jason Houston, PE; Parker & Associates WiRO Stormwater Permit File v Compliance Inspection Report Permit: SW8130703 Effective:08/02/13 Expiration: 08/02/21 Project: Nautical Reach Owner: A Sydes Construction Inc County: Onslow Region: Wilmington Adress: Old Folkstone Rd City/State/Zip: Sneads Ferry NC 28460 Contact Person: Anthony W Sydes Title: President Phone: 91 D-455-6956 Directions to Project: From int. of NC210 and NC172, take NC210 south 1.6 miles, turn left to Old Folkston Rd site is 0.9 miles on right. Type of Project: State Stormwater - HD - Detention Pond Drain Areas: 1 - On -Site Representative(s): Related Permits: Inspection Date: 03/09/2020 Entry Time 12:30PM Primary Inspector: Holley A Snider Secondary Inspector(s): Christine A Hall Reason for Inspection: Follow-up Permit Inspection Type: State Stormwater Facility Status: ❑ Compliant 0 Not Compliant Question Areas: State Stormwater (See attachment summary) Exit Time: 12:55PM Phone: 919-796-7333 Inspection Type: Transfer Renewal page 1 Permit- SVV8130703 Owner - Project: A Sydes Construction Inc Inspection Date: 03/09/2020 Inspection Type Transfer Renewal Reason for Visit: Follow-up Inspection Summary: To resolve these items and ensure compliance with the permit please: 1. Extend the trash rack to cover the face of the overflow weir, as shown on the approved detail. 2. Provide documentation that the forebay berm and top elevation has been installed and maintained in accordance wi the approved plans. The pond cross section notes that the top of the rip rap provided on the forebay berm is to be 0.2 below the permanent pool elevation of 7.25 ft. 3. Provide documentation that sediment has not accumulated in the forebay or main pool and that the bottom elevatior remain consistent within the benchmarks provided in the approved operation and maintenance agreement. 4. Provide permanent vegetation and ground cover to stabilize the pond side slopes. page 2 Permit: SW8130703 Owner - Project: A 5ydes Construction Inc Inspection Date: 03/09/2020 Inspection Type Transfer Renewal File Review Is the permit active? Signed copy of the Engineer's certification is in the file? Signed copy of the Operation & Maintenance Agreement is in the file? Copy of the recorded deed restrictions is in the file? Comment: 5W Measures Are the SW measures constructed as per the approved plans? Are the inlets located per the approved plans? Are the outlet structures located per the approved plans? Reason for Visit: Follow-up Yes No NA NB Yes No NA NE ❑■❑❑ ■ ❑❑❑ ■ ❑❑❑ Comment: 1. The dense vegetation in the vicinity of the veaetated filter area has been removed and the filter has been restored. 2. The trash rack has not been extended to cover the face of the overflow ewer as specified on the approved outlet structure detail. 3. The forebay was not noticeable or visible during the inspection. Built Upon Area Yes No NA NE Is the site BUA constructed as per the permit and approval plans? E ❑ ❑ ❑ Is the drainage area as per the permit and approved plans? 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ Is the BUA (as permitted) graded such that the runoff drains to the system? E ❑ ❑ ❑ Comment: Operation and Maintenance Yes No NA NE Are the SW measures being maintained and operated as per, the permit requirements? ❑ E ❑ ❑ Are the SW BMP inspection and maintenance records complete and available for review or provided to ❑ ❑ 110 DWQ upon request? Comment: 4. The southeast corner of the pond near the inlet pipe lacks vegetation and appears to be erosive._ Ground cover sufficient to restrain erosion has not been established in the areas where repairs have been conducted. 5. Water hyacinth has been removed from the pond surface: however, the bottom elevations of the poi have not been confirmed to ensure any sediment accumulated during construction has been removed 6. Woody vegetation along the edge of the pond, at the outlet box, outlet pipe and level spreader have been removed and the outlet is now accessible. page 3 Hall, Christine From: Hall, Christine Sent: Monday, April 27, 2020 5:06 PM To: 'Rick Muni';'leahquirnn@sydescommunities.com' Subject: RE: [External] Nautical Reach Stormwater Transfer of Permit #SW8-130703 Attachments: 2020 04 CEI_deficient 130703.pdf, 2020 04 CEI_BIMS 130703.pdf All, Attached is a pdf of the notice of inspection and compliance inspection report. Please let me know of any questions or concerns. Thank you. Christine Christine Hall Wilmington Regional Stormwater Program Supervisor Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources — State Stormwater Program North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Office: 910 796 7215 Direct: 910 796 7335 Email christine.hallpricdenr.gov Address: 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 26405 DEQ�� Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Hall, Christine Sent: Thursday, April 23, 2020 2:32 PM To: Rick Muni <office@parkerjacksonville.com> Subject: RE: [External] Nautical Reach Stormwater Transfer of Permit #SW8-130703 Rick, I'm sorry for the delay in my response. The site has been inspected and I need to follow up on the results. In the meantime, there remain concerns that the pond has not been cleaned out to remove sediment that accumulated during construction. What was done to remove any accumulated sediment or confirm that the pond elevations are consistent with the design? I will try to work on finalizing the inspection next week. Thanks again for your patience. Christine Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Rick Muni [mailto:office@ parkeriacksonville.com] Sent: Friday, April 17, 2020 11:26 AM To: Hall, Christine <Christine.Hall@ncdenr.gov> r . ti Hall, Christine From: Hall, Christine Sent: Friday, February 14, 2020 8:28 AM To: Rick Muni Cc: Johnson, Kelly Subject: RE: [External] Fwd-. Nautical Reach Stormwater Transfer for SW8-130703 Thank you — I will ask the inspector to visit the site. Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Rick Muni [mailto:office@parkerjacksonville.com] Sent: Friday, February 14, 2020 8:21 AM To: Hall, Christine <Christine.Hall@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Johnson, Kelly <kelly.p.johnson@ncdenr.gov> Subject: [External] Fwd: Nautical Reach Stormwater Transfer for SW8-130703 Ms. Hall, See the previous email sent to Linda Lewis regarding the above project. Please advise. Richard C. Muni, P.L.S. / dih Parker & Associates, Inc Jacksonville NC, 28540 Firm License Number F-0108 910-455-2414 - Office Parker.lacksonville.com -------- Forwarded ]Message-------- Subject:Nautical Reach Stormwater Transfer for SW8-130703 Date:Thu, 6 Feb 2020 15:09:22 -0500 From:Rick Muni <office cr4parkeriacksonville.com> To:Lewis, Linda <li.nda.lewis(r).ncdenr. }ov> CC:Georgette Scott <geor)ette.scottn_.ncdenr.pov>, Tony Sydes <asvdes4851.n�,mail.com>, Tina Jones <tina:�rcmieremanagmcntnc.com>, Leah Quinn<leahquinnnsvdescommunities.com> Ms. Lewis, The Developer and Contractor has informed our office that the Stormwater Pond has been brought into compliance and requests a Final Inspection at your earliest convenience. Please let us know how you wish to proceed. Thanks. Richard C. Muni, P.L.S. / dih Parker & Associates, Inc Jacksonville NC, 28540 Firm License Number F-0108 910-455-2414 - Office ParkerJacksonville.com Hall, Christine From: Hall, Christine Sent: Wednesday, February 12, 2020 11:00 AM To: office@parkerjacksonville.com; ieahquinn@sydescommunities.com; asydes4851 @gmail.com; rob@permiermanagementnc.com Subject: Nautical Reach, SW8 130703 - status of compliance? All, I have been asked to follow-up on this outstanding transfer application. I see in the file that the proposed work to maintain and restore the pond was supposed to have been completed in October. I see no correspondence in the file that confirms that the required work has been completed. Please advise on the status of restoring the pond. Thank you. Christine Hall Environmental Engineer Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources - State Stormwater Program Department of Environmental Quality 910 796 7215 office 910 796 7335 direct christine.hall ncdenr. ov 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405 A- - ca �::>-NoihIN Compares--,, Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. Lewis,Linda From: Lewis,Linda Sent: Wednesday, August 07, 2019 525 PM To: office@ parkerjacksonville.com; Leah Quinn; Tony Sydes (asydes4851@gmail.com); rob@premiermanagementnc.com Cc: Scott, Georgette Subject: RE: [External] Nautical Reach Stormwater Transfer of Permit #SW8 - 130703 I have no issue with the proposed Plan, of Action to restore the pond to design condition. Please note that the transfer is on hold until the work is complete, and the Division is notified that the site is ready to be inspected. Please note that per Section 11.12 of the 130703 permit, the consultant must provide written certification that the pond has been restored to meet the minimum design requirements. Upon receipt of the certification, a followup inspection will be performed. If the project is determined to be in compliance, the transfer can be picked up and completed. Linda From: Parker & Associates <pai@bizec.rr.com> Sent: Wednesday, August 07, 2019 2:43 PM To: Leah Quinn<leahquinn@sydescommunities.com>; Tony Sydes (asydes4851@gmail.com) <asydes4851@gmai1.com>; Snider, Holley<holley.snider@ncdenr.gov>; Lewis,Linda <linda.lewis@ncdenr.gov>; rob@premiermanagementnc.com Subject: [External] Nautical Reach Stormwater Transfer of Permit #SW8 - 130703 Ms. Lewis, In response to your Notice of Inspection dated July 8, 2019 received at our office on July 12, 2019, we submit the following: We have reviewed and inspected the outlined deficiencies and have contacted a couple of Stormwater Pond Maintenance and Management companies and have solicited bids for the required work to bring the stormwater system into compliance. Once the bids have been received and evaluated we anticipate the work to take 60 days± (mid - October) to complete and become stabilized to the point it is ready for re -inspection. Please let us know if this plan of action and time frame is acceptable and how you wish to proceed. Thanks you for your patience and understanding. Thanks, Richard C. Muni, P.L.S./brs Parker & Associates, Inc Jacksonville NC, 28540 ,. Firm License Number F-0108 910-455-2414 - Office 910-455-3441 - Fax ParkerJacksonville.com ATk Virus -free. www.avast.com ROY COOPER Governor MICHAEL S. PECAN Secretary S. DANIEL SMITH Director July 8, 2019 NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Quality A Sydes Construction, Inc. ATTN: Anthony W. Sydes, President PO Box 7122 Jacksonville, NC 28540 Subject: Notice of Inspection - Not Compliant Nautical Reach Subdivision State Stormwater Management Permit No. SW8 130703 Onslow County Dear Mr. Sydes: On June 13, 2019, the Wilmington Regional Office of the Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources (DEMLR) inspected the subject project, located off Old Folkstone Road at Regatta Way near Sneads Ferry in Onslow County to determine the status of compliance with the State Stormwater Management Permit Number SW8 130703 issued on August 2, 2013. DEMLR file review and site inspection revealed that the site is not in compliance with the terms and conditions of this permit. Please find a copy of the completed form entitled "Compliance Inspection Report" attached to this letter, which summarizes the findings of the recent inspection. As indicated in the attached inspection report, the following deficiencies must be resolved: 1. The stormwater facility does not appear to have been maintained since it was certified in 2014. Please be advised that, as the permittee, you are required to comply with the terms, conditions and limitations of the Stormwater'Management Permit under Title 15A North Carolina Administrative Code 2H .1003 and North Carolina General Statute 143-214.7, including the operation and maintenance of the permitted stormwater system, until such time as the Division approves the transfer of the permit. Failure to provide the requested information, or to respond to this letter with a plan of action, including a timeline to resolve the identified deficiencies, by August 8, 2019, are considered violations of the permit. If the requested information is not submitted to this office by the due date, then DEMLR staff will re -inspect the site and may issue a Notice of Violation_ Please also note that any individual or entity found to be in noncompliance with the provisions of a stormwater management permit or the stormwater rules is subject to enforcement action as set forth in NCGS 143 Article 21, including the assessment of civil penalties of up to $25,000 per day. If you have any questions, please contact me at the Wilmington Regional Office, telephone number (910)-796-7215. Sincerely, // C/GC1� Gx Linda Lewis, E.I. Environmental Engineer Enclosure: Compliance Inspection Report GDS\arl: G:\\\Stormwater\Permits & Projects\2013\130703 HD\2019 07_ CEI_deficient 130703 cc: Jason Houston, P.E., Parker & Associates WiRO Stormwater Permit File OF North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources Wilmington Regional Office i 127 Cardinal Drive Extension I Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 -�•k��O+4� /"� 930.796.7215 Compliance Inspection Report Permit: SW9139703 Effective:08/02/13 Expiration: 08/02/21 Project: Nautical Reach Owner: A Sydes Construction Inc County: Onslow Region: Wilmington Adress: Old Folkstone Rd CitylStatelZip: Sneads Ferry NC 28460 Contact Person: Anthony W Sydes Title: President Phone: 910-455-6956 Directions to Project: From int. of NC210 and NC172, take NC210 south 1.6 miles, turn left to Old Folkston Rd site is 0.9 miles on right. Type of Project: State Stormwater - HD - Detention Pond Drain Areas: 1 - On -Site Representalive(s): Related Permits: Inspection Date: 06113/2019 Entry Time: 11:45AM Primary Inspector: Holley A Snider Secondary tnspector(s): Alida R Lewis V, - - Reason for Inspection: Other Permit Inspection, Type: State Stormwater Facility Status: ❑ Compliant M Not Compliant Question Areas: M State Stormwater (See attachment summary) Exit Time: 12:05PM Phone: 919-796-7315 Inspection Type: Transfer Renewal page: 1 Permit: SW8130703 Owner - Project: A sydes Construction Inc Inspection Date: 06/13/2019 Inspection Type Transfer Renewal Reason for Visit: Other Inspection Summary: The Division received a request to transfer this permit on February 4, 2019. Additional information was requested via email on March 13, 2019 and was received on April 10, 2019. The project was inspected for compliance on June 13, 2019 and the following deficiencies are noted: 1. The side slopes exhibit areas of bare soils, erosion, and rills. Please repair the erosion and rills and plant additional grass in the bare areas, 2. Please ensure that the forebay berm is in place at the proper elevation of 6.75 and is not in need of maintenance. 3. Please check the depth of the forebay and the main pond and, if sediment has accumulated beyond the benchmark, please remove the sediment and restore the original bottom elevations. 4. Please extend the trash rack to cover the face of the overflow weir, as shown in the approved details. 5. Please remove the woody vegetation that is present on the slopes adjacent the outlet structure. 6. Please control the water hyacinth which currently covers about 30% of the forebay surface area. 7. Please provide the necessary maintenance to restore the vegetated filter to design condition. From the outlet structure, the design storm volume is directed via a 6" PVC pipe to a cleanout and is then directed into a level spreader and VF5 located about 20 feet west of the outlet pipe riprap plunge pool. 8. Please verify that the emergency spillway is at invert elevation 13. page: 2 Permit: SW8130703 Owner - Project: A Sydes Construction Inc Inspection Date: 06/1312019 Inspection Type Transfer Renewal Reason for Visit: Other SW Measures Yes No NA NE Are the SW measures constructed as per the approved plans? ❑ 0 ❑ ❑ Are the inlets located per the approved plans? 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ Are the outlet structures located per the approved plans? ❑ ❑ ❑ M Comment: Z. The outlet structure of the -pond was not visible or reachable due to dense vegetation. 2. The vegetated filter could not be located due to dense vegetation around the area where the filter is supposed to be located. The low flow orifice should be piped through the outlet structure and over to the vegetated filter. Built Upon Area Yes No NA NE Is the site BUA constructed as per the permit and approval plans? 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ Is the drainage area as per the permit and approved plans? M ❑ ❑ ❑ Is the BUA (as permitted) graded such that the runoff drains to the system9 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ Comment: Operation and Maintenance Yes No NA NE Are the SW measures being maintained and operated as per the permit requirements? ❑ ®❑ ❑ Are the SW BMP inspection and maintenance records complete and available for review or provided to ❑ ❑ ❑ DWO upon request? Comment: 3. The side slopes of the stormwater pond have visible erosion: bare soils and rills are present. 4. The trash rack on the outlet structure does not cover the face of the overflow weir. S. Woody vegetation is present on the slopes adjacent to the outlet structure. 6. Water hyacinth is present on approximaely 30% of the forebav surface. page 3 Lewis,Linda From: Lew is, Lind a Sent: Wednesday, April 10, 2019 4:36 PM To: 'office@parkerjacksonville.com' Subject: RE: [External] Nautical Reach Stormwater Transfer SW8-130703 Please be sure to submit hard copies of all these documents. Per 02H.1045(2), you must submit both hard copies and an electronic version of the application documents. Once all the information has been submitted and reviewed and found to be complete, we can schedule the compliance inspection. Thanks, Linda' From: Rick Muni <office@parkerjacksonville.com> Sent: Wednesday, April 10, 2019 3:35 PM To: LewisXnda <hnda.lewis@ncdenr.gov> Subject: lExternal] Nautical Reach Stormwater Transfer SW8-130703 o External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to rePort,spam@nc.gov - -- - -- - --- Ms. Lewis, In response to your Request for Additional lnformation dated March 13, 2019, we submit the following: The subject common area containing the Stormwater pond and its amenities is located in Section I. All of the streets in the subdivision containing all 144 Lots are public and have been accepted on the NCDOT Maintenance System. Attached are copies of the recorded plats, a listing of the lots with known current S.U.A. and verification of ownership. The maximum B.U.A. for the listed lots is 4,800 S/F. Also attached is verification documents showing NCDOT Acceptance of the Streets. Thank you for your patience. Please let us know if you have questions, comments or need more information. Thanks Richard C. Muni. P.L.S. / dih Parker & Associates, Inc Jacksonville NC, 28540 Firm License Number F-0108 910-455-2414 - Office ;i Parkedacksonville.com ATk This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software. www.avast.com ROY COOPER Governor MICHAEL S. REGAN Secretary S. DANIEL SMITH Interim Director March 13, 2019 NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Quality Carolina Plantation Development Corporation Attn: Anthony W. Sydes, President (leahquinn@s descommunities.com) PO Box 7122 Jacksonville, NC 28540 Subject: Request for Additional Information RE: Transfer of State Stormwater Management Permit Stormwater Management Permit No. SW8 130703 Nautical Reach Subdivision Onslow, County Dear Mr. Sydes: On February 4, 2019, the Wilmington Regional Office of the Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources (DEMLR) received a signed request to transfer the current state stormwater management permit for Nautical Reach Subdivision located in Onslow County. The documentation submitted with the transfer request is incomplete. Please provide the following information in order to continue with the processing of your request to transfer this permit: Per NCAC 02H.1045(1)(b) - for transfers from the declarant to a unit owners association, owners association or other management entity, please provide the following documentation: ,,-r A copy of the recorded deed conveying all of the common areas of the subdivision to the Association. If the rights -of -way were designated as "private", then the deed of conveyance should also include the rights -of -way. The current deed refers only to common area in Section I. If the only common area for the project is located within Section 1, that's fine. Otherwise, please provide additional deed of conveyance for common areas within other sections. 2. A determination by the Division that the project is in compliance with the permit, made in writing no more than 90 days prior to the transfer. Documents that the permittee needs to submit in order for the Division to make that determination of compliance include: ✓a. A copy of the recorded deed restrictions for all phases of the project. Sections 1, 11A, 1113, and III have all been annexed. Do these phases cover all 144 lots as depicted on the approved plans? ✓5. Verification that the permitted maximum built -upon area per lot has not been exceeded. The permittee's review records, county tax records, and lot surveys can be used for this. All lots must be in compliance with the permitted BUA limit prior to transfer. ,mac. A copy of the recorded subdivision plat(s) documenting that the number of lots, the location of the common areas, and the locations of all required drainage and access easements are as depicted on the approved plans; Any individual or entity found to be in noncompliance with the provisions of a stormwater management permit or the stormwater rules is subject to enforcement procedures as set forth in NCGS 143 Article 21. Failure to provide the requested information, or to respond to this letter by April 13, 2019, may initiate enforcement action including the assessment of civil penalties. If you need additional time to submit the information, please mail, email or fax your request for a time extension to the Division at the address and fax number at the bottom of this letter. The request must indicate the date by which you expect to submit the required information, which shall be no later than 30 days past the original due date. The Division is allowed 90 days from the receipt of a completed application to issue the permit. North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Energy, Mineral and Sand Resources EWilmington Regional Office 1 127 Cardinal Drive Extension I Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 NOfi�H CPAOIJHA �~ 910.796,7215 State Storinwater Permit No. SWS 130703 Page 2 of 2 Please reference the State assigned application number on all correspondence. if you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Linda Lewis in the Wilmington Regional Office, at telephone number (910) 796-7215 or via email at linda.lewis@ncdenr.gov. Sincerely, L l.� L ewrt Linda Lewis, EA. Environmental Engineer III GDS/arl: G:\\\Stormwater\Permits & Projects\2013\130703 HD\2019 03 addinfo 130703 cc: Richard Muni, PLS, Parker & Associates (paitext@bizec.rr.cQm) Onslow County Building Inspections WiRO Stormwater Permit File Lewis,Linda From: Lewis,Linda Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2019 1:21 PM To: 'leahquinn n sydescommunities.com' Cc: Ipaitext@bizec.rr.com' Subject: Request for Additional Information 5W8 130703 Attachments: Letterhead 2018_DEMLR_Wilmington_BW 2019 01 24.pdf W Please see the attached letter requesting additional information for the transfer of the stormwater permit for Nautical Reach Subdivision. Please note that the permit lacks certain information that is required to be in the permit. The permit will be updated and corrected before it is transferred. Linda \1 Burd, Tina J- From: Burd, Tina J Sent: Monday, February 4, 2019 3:16 PM To:'lea hquinn@sydescommunities.com'; 'brya n.ayers@usmc.miI'; 'rob@premiermanagementnc.com'; `paitext@bizec.rr.com' Subject: SW8 130703 - Nautical Reach The Wilmington Regional Office of the Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources (Stormwater Section) accepted the Stormwater Transfer Permit Application and $505.00 fee for the subject project -on February 4, 2019. The project has been assigned to Linda Lewis and you will be notified if additional information is needed. Please be advised that the construction of built -upon area may not commence until the Stormwater Permit is issued. Best Regards, Tina Burd Administrative Associate II 910-796-7215 NCDEQ Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. Application Completeness Review Checklist Project Name: Lf.t.e r—T� Date Delivered to WIRO: BIMS Received/Accepted e: Project County/Location: ' �]� *BIMS Acknowledged Date: Rule(s): F-12017 Coastal 2008 Coastal F-11995 CoastalEl Phase II ®Universal E:11988 Coastal Permit Action: New / Major Mod / Minor Mod / Renew Transfer **New Permit #: xisting Permit #- �� 1 `3Z)"'�73 Permit Type: D LD / LD Overall / HD &LD Combo ].� L„ General Per Offsite / Exempt / Rescission t PE Cert on File? SCM Type(s): D Offsite to SW8: ❑Master PE Cert on File? Development Type: Commercial / Residential / Other Subdivided?: Sub 'vision or Single Lot For New or�ransl'er�rPermits Permittee is: Stream Class: Property Owner(s) ❑Developer Lessee Purchaser E] OA [:]SA Map E]ORW Map Paperwork Emailed Engineer on: nSupplement(s) (1 original per BMP) EMwith correct/original signatures (1 original per BMP except LS/VFS and swales) pprication with correct/original signatures 11 Email Address: Design Engineer ®eeorp or LLC: Ste. Auth. per SoS or Signature Authorization letter or report Email Address: Property Owner �505 (within 6mo) Check#(s): �aG a []No Fee Deed Soils Report: w/SHWT or General Report ❑Email Address: Lessee EDCalculations (signed/sealed) El Lease Agreement Deed Restrictions, if subdivided: Email Address: Purchaser ❑**Signed & Notarized Template Purchase Agreement Correct Template Comm Res & HD LD or Dec. Covenants & Rest. Email Address: Developer Etecorded Covenants /,-," � Email Address: HOA Representative Recorded Plats 056. or more Lots Sold List Project Narrative v EIUSGS Map Plans 02 Sets Wetlands: Delineatedor No Wetlands_ Vicinity Map El Project Boundaries Legend Layout (proposed BUA dimensions) FIDA Maps Details (roads, cul-de-sacs, curbs, sidewalks, BMPs, Buildings, etc) Existing Conditions Landscape Plan Grading OPE Seal REVIEWER NAME: NOTES TO REVIEWER: *Enter BUS Acknowledged Date on this Sheet VV **FOR NEW Projects -Enter New Permit # on Supplements & Deed Restiction Templates. 1 �c vd, K G:WQ\\\Reference Library\Procedures\Checklists\Completeness Review Checklist_2018 03 13 PARKER & ASSOCIATES, INC. E5VE ENGINEERS • SURVEYORS • PLANNERS JAN 2 9 2019 JACKSONVILLE, NORTH• Dyl LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL TO: Ms. Georuette Scott Stormwater Supervisor NCDENR — Division of Water Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 DATE: January_28, 2019 _ REF: Nautical Reach Stormwater Transfer WE ARE SENDING YOU: Stormwater Transfer Application; Articles of Incorporation, Deed of Transfer, Engineer Certification, Restrictive Covenants, Proof of Lot Conveyance and Check -45262 in the amount of $505.00 for Application fee. DELIVERY VIA: ❑x Regular Mail ❑ Hand ❑ Federal Express ❑ UPS Overnight ❑ UPS Ground ❑ Other THESE ARE TRANSMITTED AS CHECKED BELOW: Clx.. For Approval ❑ For Your Use ❑ Other COMMENTS: ❑ As Requested ❑ For Bids Due 0 For Review and Comment FED ti 2C19 L'Y: Richard C. Muni, PLS Contract Administrator Copies To: Anthony W. Sydes (w/Lot and Application) RCMIdjh CF (P), LAM (if enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once) C 1,20 l 9. RC M. LOT. Nanticaftach. Stormwater Trans f'er.012419 306 New Bridge Street � P.O. Box 976 1 Jacksonville, NC 28541-0976 1 (910) 455-2414 1 Fax (910) 455-3441 Firm License Number F-0108 I www.parkerjacksonville.com I 7 -Ml WEIRM 0 IfK. i K I ,