HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW8080945_HISTORICAL FILE_20150928STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET POST -CONSTRUCTION PERMITS - PERMIT NO. SW8 0000S DOC TYPE ❑ CURRENT PERMIT ❑ APPROVED PLANS C7 HISTORICAL FILE ❑ COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION DOC DATE 2.o i r-) o 1 -2 , YYYYMM DD North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Pat McCrory Governor September 28, 2015 Mr. Neal Paul, Deputy Public Works Officer MCB Camp Lejeune Buildingg 1005 Michael Road Camp Lejeune, NC 28547 Subject: USIVIC Stormwater Permit Extensions (75 Permits — See Attachment A) Onslow County Dear Mr. Paul: Donald R. van der Vaart Secretary On August 5, 2009, the Governor signed Session Law 2009-406. This law impacts any development approval issued by the Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources under Article 21 of Chapter 143 of the General Statutes, which is current and valid at any point between January 1, 2008, and December 31, 2010. The law extends the effective period of any stormwater permit that was set to expire during this time frame up to three (3) years from its current expiration date. On August 2, 2010, the Governor signed Session Law 2010-177, which granted an extra year for an extension of up to four (4) years. As a result, 120 USMC Camp Lejeune permits are impacted. Of the 120 permits, 45 permits have previously been issued extensions and 75 permits have been extended effective today. This is summarized in Attachment A. If you have any questions, need additional copies of the permit or approved plans, please contact Kelly Johnson with DEMLR in the Wilmington Regional Office at (910) 796-7331. Sincerel , • -7 Tracy Davis, P,E., Director Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources GDSlkpj: 111Stormwater\Permits & Pra'ectsl Each permit file cc: Michael Taylor, Taylor via emai only, michael.c.taylor5@usmc.mil) Wilmington Regional Office Stormwater File Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources Land Quality Section — Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Extension, Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 (910) 796-72151 Fax: (910) 350-2004 • Internet: http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/I An Equal Opportunity 1 Afrmalivo Action Employer— Made in part by wvcled paper uj LO 0 0 0 0 0 LC) L() L() [C) Lo LC) LC) L() L() Lo L4 CS) LC) L() �o L() LC) Lo Lo LC) Lo LC) N N N N N N N � N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N � N CV � CS) M m� Oi � � 6"� O O � a7 (7) O W � � O � M 6) a O) m 0 Qi CC)m W W -a -o -0 -0 -0 -0 -a O a m a a N a N a N 0) N N Q) N N N N a (U N a a a Ui N C� a _0 _0 -a a -o � a a a -o '0 _0 -o - -� -a -0 -v a a a -� a s -� a0 s C C C C C L: C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X W W LU W W W W W W W W W W W W W ui w W W W w w W W W W W A qr M [D h M O O Q O O O O O r Q O MIz r r r r 0'1 r r r OD r r G N r N r N N r N N r N N N N N N N N N N N r N N N r N N Q O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N !V N N N N N LY N N N N N L (O P` (D CD r M M, 'Q r OO O N N N N O r r r O O M O r r M r ('9 r N ['7 M C? 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Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd. 2207 Hampton Blvd. Norfolk, VA 23517 aAttn: Mr. Allan Bamforth, P.E. RE: P705 Aircraft Maintenance Hangar and Apron P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition MCAS New River Camp LeJeune, North Carolina- G E T Project No: JX10-116G Addendum 1 aDear Mr. Bamforth: The purpose of this report is to provide an addendum to our original Report of Subsurface Investigation and Geotechnical Engineering Services (G E T Solutions, Inc. Report No. JX10-116G) as it relates to responding to the NAVFAC comments forwarded to us dated June 29, 2011 (copy enclosed). Our response is formatted in the same order as the NAVFAC comments and is provided as follows: NAVFAC Comment No. 1 "The Report and all recommendations should be noted ' as preliminary" GET Solutions, Inc. Response "The Report and recommendations are hereby ' considered preliminary"- NAVFAC Comment No. 2 "it is recommended that the Report indicate that stripping in wooded areas is anticipated to be on the order of 18 ' to 24 inches in depth to remove concentrations of organic materials and root mat." GET Solutions, Inc. Response Section 4.1 Clearing and Grading is modified to include the following: "In the wooded areas the clearing cut is expected to extend deeper in isolated areas (on order of 18 to 24 inches in depth) to remove concentrations of organic ' materials and root mat." 4I5-A western OCT a 7 2011 .��q-. ul4vard - hicksonvillc, NC 28546 - Phone: (910) 478-9915' - Fax: (910) 473-9917 info@ gctsoIII lioil sill c.cortr I P705 Aircraft Maintenance Hangar and Apron P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition MCAS New River Camp LeJeune, North Carolina G E T Project No: JX10-116G Addendum 1 July 26, 2011 NAVFAC Comment No. 3 "It is recommended that the Report indicate that stripping for the entire site should be done with excavators instead of dozers or rubber -tired equipment such as scrapers to lessen subgrade disturbance." GET Solutions, Inc. Response Section 4.1 Clearing and Grading is modified to include the following: "The proposed construction areas should be cleared by means of removing the topsoil, asphalt and gravel (where required), trees, root mat and any other unsuitable material using excavators to minimize subgrade disturbance." NAVFAC Comment No. 4 "It is recommended that a 2 to 3-foot thick layer of No. 3 crushed stone or crushed concrete be placed at the base of the drainage swales following the site strip ping/demucking operations to provide a stable base for placement and compaction of the subsequent lifts of fill material. The layer of crushed stone should be completely wrapped in a nonwoven fabric". GET Solutions, Inc. Response Section 4.1 Clearing and Grading is modified to include the following: "Following the site stripping and "de -mucking" at the base of the drainage swales, the resulting exposed subgrade should be further evaluated to determine the need for additional stabilization and drainage measures prior to fill placement. These additional measures may include constructing a "french drain" by placing a 2 to 3 foot thick layer of either No. 3 (ballast stone) or No. 57 stone wrapped in nonwoven geotextile fabric (such as Mirifi 300N or equivalent). This "french drain" will help remove any surface water which may be encountered and subsequently help stabilize any soft/loose subgrade conditions. The "french drain" should have positive fall and extend beyond the proposed construction area." E SoluOons�lric. 0 1 P705 Aircraft Maintenance Hangar and Apron July 26, 2011 P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition MCAS New River Camp LeJeune, North Carolina G E T Project No: JX10-116G Addendum 1 ' NAVFAC Comment No. 5 "Side slopes of the existing ditches should be benched to facilitate proper fill placement and compaction." GET Solutions, Inc. Response Section 4.3 Structural Fill and Placement is hereby modified to include comment No. 5 above. . "It NAVFAC Comment No. 6 should be noted that the moisture content of the excavated on -site soils may likely be above the moisture content range typically specified for compaction and that drying of soils may be required prior to placement and compaction." GET Solutions, Inc. Response Section 4.4 Suitability of On -site Soils is hereby modified to include the following: �j "Further �1 classification testing (natural moisture content, gradation analysis, and Proctor testing) should be, performed in the field during construction to evaluate the suitability of excavated soils for reuse as fill within building and pavement areas. In addition, these soils may have moisture content above their respective optimum moisture. Accordingly, some moisture manipulation (air drying, stockpiling etc.) may be required in order to obtain a moisture content suitable for placement, grading, and/or compaction procedures." NAVFAC Comment No. 7 "Has the requirement for a drainage layer and/or subsurface drainage been evaluated in the pavement designs/recommendations?" IGET Solutions, Inc. Response The requirement for a drainage layer was not evaluated in the pavement design recommendations since the subgrade beneath the proposed pavement areas consisted generally of Sand with an average soaked . CBR value of 21.5. However, due to the concerns regarding a drainage layer specifically associated with pavement subgrade in areas where Clay and Silt were encountered, Section 4.8 Pavement Design is hereby modified to include the following: RECEIVED OCT o v zon GET BY: P705 Aircraft Maintenance Hangar and Apron P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition MCAS New River Camp LeJeune, North Carolina GET Project No: JX10-116G Addendum 1 Table III - Minimum Pavement Sections July 26, 2011 Hot Mix Asphalt Section concrete"' Aggregate Base Subgrade(3) Surface (SM- Intermediate Base (1-19B) (BM-25.0) 9.5BA) Stable with a minimum Flexible of 12-inches 2" 2" 2 5" 12" Pavements of CBR 20 Sand material Stable with a minimum Rigid of 12-inches 10" 12„ Pavements of CBR 20 Sand material (') Concrete pavements should obtain a minimum 750 psi flexural strength at 28 days and have joints spaced 15 to 20 feet on center each way with 1 inch diameter dowels that are 16 inches in length and spaced 12 inches on center. (2) Aggregate Base Course (ABC) should be in conformance with "UFGS-02772 for Graded Crushed Aggregate Base Course Materials", compacted to a dry density of at least 100% of the Modified Proctor maximum dry density (ASTM D 1557). (3) Compacted to a dry density of at least 95% of the Modified Proctor maximum dry density (ASTM D 1557). Note: due to the reported frost depth penetration of 9 inches and associated pavement section thicknesses necessary to support the applied loads under non frost susceptible conditions, the pavement design analysis did not include a reduction in subgrade strength. NAVFAC Comment No. 8 "It is recommended that a disclaimer be provided regarding infiltration test data. The disclaimer should address that the infiltration test results are only representative of soils encountered at the test depth and location and that the results would need to be factored for use in design. In addition, the disclaimer should state that the soil conditions exist on the site in the vadose zone where soils of low hydraulic conductivity (i.e. SC CL) underlie layers of higher hydraulic conductivity. At such locations, infiltration will be impacted and would need to be addressed in the design of infiltration systems in these areas." GET . � P705 Aircraft Maintenance Hangar and Apron ' P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition MCAS New River Camp LeJeune, North Carolina G E T Project No: JX10-116G Addendum 1 I I I I N I �] I 1 July 26, 2011 GET Solutions, Inc. Response Section 4.9 Infiltration Testing is hereby modified to include the following: "The infiltration test results represent infiltration rates for the soils at the boring BMP-1 through BMP-12 locations and depths tested. Moderately low infiltration rates encountered at the test locations BMP-1, BMP-2, BMP- 4 and BMP-9 are likely the result of a restrictive clay horizon located near the existing surface elevation or below sand layers of higher infiltration rates. These conditions should be taken into consideration in the design of the stormwater management areas." We appreciate the opportunity to offer our services to you, and trust that you will call this office with any questions that you may have. Respectfully Submitted, G E T Solutions, Inc. e4 /"/,/ /�;Z �- Glenn W. Hohmeier, P.E. Senior Project Engineer NC Lic. #33529 , 1, I6IUHurrygyr %�4Qa��ssio���y z FIE No. a r 033529 •���rirnNuuHrr���ti RECEIVED OCT 0 7 2011 BY: RON soiiatlonsInc. "AIR V) z "' O u p z w J DVS Q O l3 w w Q = z w l7 ~ w z of a z z O LLJ O ? � u Qw u w [�= w z O O � LU o a � z a a z O F- Q (7 t!r w z w V a !L ix O V) D V) w O O a w a_ p ? 0 Q) f4 Q O s� a) ? U N aJ on a v o _ a ro ++ v c N p C L L u 0Vu a +� C OU 7 C .ro O o a) a u a a) L C - N N C c- ° Q) D 7 N a1 U O �C N cc N O ' U +L+ M O Q as m w c a 3 ro c v ro a) m +� a) E s o +� +, L -C N +�-� Q] N �, fO N '+ C _ (L6 T 3 0 vj �p p O + u v C a u a1 Q) f]0 m C +' — u o ap to N c j—' CO L) +M ,u O ±' N +, N m +� E a c d a) L Q C o u O C aJ L O p u_ µ a o �. O 7 a) u °° L u. O 0 rNo ao j an C m O a) u c ro m c N +. 0 O Q) Q Q O Q Q 7 o L-0 O vn C Q) u O 4 Q) u N t 40 M N L 3 C N d �± Q) aJ z tp a) u C a � Q1 a) Q w C qA a v N C +' -p O C +� L �, N a O 0 N a) y E w L m ._ 0 Q a a m O aJ (D m a L Qj a1 0 Q) 0 Q° 0 a) V vl Ln a) C ) D m ro r'. aC 4a U acLA �)U D aJ —aO_-auC a) C -0 N0H a) Q p O L O i O O •' O 'L a) 0 cn * N a, u (D a a) L +� a) u O O u �, p L a) — O N a) fO a0 C ru Q) E Q a C O ON N m a) N ra X= C Q O C 7 *' Q) � a) to aJ aJ O O N O E� u p ry w U o a N f. C N O Q) N *+= o ++ a — � p v " onn40 a) 0 ua N asa m 'Aal O C ` ' Q7 M 0 ra ri m cv ro U O N a) ra to � O N m X O_ {a 0 V +�+ O a L + +�+ +�.+ [] N C +�.+ O C ? Q) ty M CC 7 cu a) c C) 7 aas o3 O -0 LC -0 fa 7 + Ln Ql a7 O O a tN ++ Nm m +O N a t m j -0 'O N C ON 6 L C O (n i +' — a) C a) w E ra E o p Q n p c ro p u `0 p v oC_A v, tea) m S Ou �_ c C aj v Q) " V O• O 0 w a) M .� as •[a v O L U Q) L Q% N -0 i N �' � L) Q vy C .00 Q Q" i-' m [O N O •N N a1 V1 V'' .N p ,L -0 C_ a) E 3 " 0u 0 3 yin a O fu = • v4j *' a oN = v) rwo (V m c a E u O c p a) � N c a) 0 C 0-0 CLO w u � V m co m C C bb ubn 0 l7 (D C7 �O �' a . a -0 a 0 p H C C C } C OD .� W ` 00 U _ Eru L L a) u u u }.J Vi Ln m a _ a) c ay E z N o'm Ln � rl- 00 E O U I 0 0 I I 1 1 I 1 GET Gevtechnical - Environmental . 7'e5!nrg REPORT OF SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATION AND GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING SERVICES P705 Aircraft Maintenance Hangar and Apron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition MCAS New River Camp Lejeune, North Carolina G E T PROJECT NO: JX10-116G June 8, 2011 Prepared for C. ,Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd 2207 Hampton Boulevard Norfolk, Virginia 23517 ATTN: Allan Bamforth, P.E. RECEIVED OCT 0 7 2011 fiY: 415-A Western Boulevard, Jacksonville, NC 28545 ♦ Phone 910-478-9915 ♦ Fax 910-478-9917 info@getsolutionsinc.com GEC' 1 s 1i, -- June 8, 2011 ' 4"cnfr'ii:nrCrt: • �rrbim.M+rrrrrtal •'li5firts 1 TO: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd. 2207 Hampton Boulevard ' Norfolk, Virginia 23517 Attn: Mr. Allan Bamforth, P.E. RE: Report of Subsurface Investigation and Geotechnical Engineering Services P705 Aircraft Maintenance Hangar and Apron , P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition MCAS New River Camp LeJeune, North Carolina G E T Project No: JX10-116G Dear Mr. Bamforth: In compliance with your instructions, we have completed our Subsurface Investigation and Geotechnical Engineering Services for the referenced project. The results of this study, together with our recommendations, are presented in this report. Often, because of design and construction details that occur on a project, questions arise concerning subsurface conditions. G E T Solutions, Inc. would be pleased to continue its role as Geotechnical Engineer during the project implementation. Thank you for the opportunity to work with you on this project. We trust that the information contained herein meets your immediate need, and should you have any questions or if we could be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us. Respectfully Submitted, 03,�y9 ,s G E T Solutions, Inc. FIE No,r � aa352s2s Glenn W. Hohmeier, P.E. Senior Project Engineer �'hgyllll}NIN NC Reg. # 033529 ' ,,Ilrlrrrr .�, CARD''-, Camille A. Kaftan, P.E. Principal Engineer SEAL " - ar 4103 " NC Reg. # 014103 �;`, •F c ' �., Copies: (1) Client C q ., . it II 11141 415A Western Boulevard • .Jacksonville, NC 28546 . Phone: (910)-478-9915 e Fax: (910)-478-9917 info@getsolutionsinc.com I TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVESUMMARY.............................................................................................i 1.0 PROJECT INFORMATION..............................................................................1 1.1 Project Authorization..............................................................................1 1.2 Project Location and Site Description....................................................1 D 1.3 Project Construction Description............................................................1 1.4 Purpose and Scope of Services............................................................. 2 a 2.0 FIELD AND LABORATORY PROCEDURES..................................................3 2.1 Field Exploration....................................................................................3 2.2 Laboratory Testing..................................................................................4 3.0 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS.........................................................................4 3.1 Site Geology..........................................................................................4 3.2 Subsurface Soil Conditions....................................................................5 l 3.3 Groundwater Information.......................................................................5 II4.0 EVALUATION AND RECOMMENDATIONS...................................................6 ' 4.1 Clearing and Grading............................................................................ 6 4.2 Subgrade Preparation. .8 - 4.3 Structural Fill and Placement.................................................................8 ' 4.4 Suitability of On -Site Soils......................................................................9 4.5 Pile Foundation Recommendations....................................................... 9 4.5.1 Axial Compression Capacity Recommendations ......................... 9 ' 4.5.2 Pile Group Settlement................................................................ 10 4.5.3 Test Piles................................................................................... 11 4.5.4 Dynamic Testing........................................................................ 12 1 4.5.5 Establishing Pile Driving Criteria ................................................ 13 4.5.6 Allowable Driving Stresses . . 13 4.5.7 Hammer Types and Energies .................................................... 13 4.5.8 Driven Pile Installation Monitoring .............................................. 14 4.5.9 Adjacent Structures.................................................................... 15 4.6 Settlement Discussion.........................................................................15 ' 4.7 Floor Slab Design................................................................................16 4.8 Pavement Design .17 4.9 Infiltration Testing................................................................................18 4.10 On -Site Shrink/Swell Properties...........................................................20 ' 4.11 Design Soil Parameters.......................................................................20 4.12 Seismic Evaluation...............................................................................20 Table of contents Page i of 2 ' RECEIVED OCT4 7 2011 ��� . ,. 1 - BY: TABLE OF CONTENTS cost. 5.0 CONSTRUCTION CONSIDERATIONS......................................................... 21 5.1 Drainage and Groundwater Concerns ................................................. 21 5.2 Site Utility Installation...........................................................................21 5.3 Excavations.........................................................................................21 6.0 REPORT LIMITATIONS.................................................................................22 APPENDIX I BORING LOCATION PLAN APPENDIX II SUMMARY OF SOIL CLASSIFICATION APPENDIX III COMPREHENSIVE LABORATORY TEST RESULTS APPENDIX IV BORING LOGS APPENDIX V GENERALIZED SOIL PROFILE (Borings B-1 through B-16) APPENDIX VI GENERALIZED SOIL PROFILE (Borings P-1 through P-60 and BMP-1 through BMP-12) APPENDIX VII CBR TEST RESULTS APPENDIX VIII DCP TEST DATA APPENDIX IX HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY WORKSHEETS APPENDIX X PCASE PAVEMENT DESIGN ANALYSIS Table of Contents Page 2 of 2 GET Report of Subsurface Investigation and Geotechnical Engineering Services June 8, 2011 P705 Aircraft Maintenance Hangar and Apron P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition MCAS New River Camp LeJeune, North Carolina G E T Project No: JX10-116G EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The project will consist of design building an aircraft maintenance hangar and apron totaling approximately 894,000 square feet, a multi story parking garage total footprint approximately 70,000 square feet, and design bid building a combat ACFT loading area (CALA), arming and disarming pad and taxiways totaling approximately 368,000 square feet. The CALA, arming and disarming pads and apron will be of concrete pavement design with portions of the taxiways being of both concrete and asphalt pavement. The hangar building will be of structural steel design with header trusses supporting the hangar bay roof. The parking garage will be a four story structure constructed of precast concrete members with access ramps. It is expected that each of these buildings will be a supported on deep foundations (piles). Additionally, stormwater management facilities will be constructed at this site along with other infrastructure components. a 1 F I Our field exploration program included sixteen (16) 60 to 85-foot deep Standard Penetration Test (SPT).borings, seventy two (72) 15-foot deep SPT borings, along with infiltration and CBR testing. A brief description of the natural subsurface soil conditions is tabulated below: AVERAGE DEPTH STRATUM DESCRIPTION RANGES OF SPT"' N- (Feet) VALUES 0 to Surficial 1 to 23 inches of topsoil material was _ 0.08 —1.92 encountered at the boring locations. - "Fill" material comprised of SAND (SM) and SILT 0.08 —1.92 (ML) with varying amounts of Silt, Clay, Gravel to Fill and wood fragments approximately 2 feet below 6 - 13 2 the existing site grade at boring locations B-3, B-4, B-6, P-1, P-7, P-8, P-20, BMP-8 and BMP-9 SAND (SP, SM, SC and SP-SM) with varying amounts of Silt and Clay. Deposits of very soft to very stiff CLAY (CL) and SILT (ML) were encountered within this stratum at 0.08 - 2 depths ranging from 0 to 23 feet below the to I existing site grade at boring locations B-1, B-3 2 - 100 Termination through B-6, B-10 through B-12, B-15, B-16, BMP-1, BMP-2, BMP-4, P-1 through P-3, P-10, P-11, P-13 through P-15, P-19, P-21, P-23 through P-25, P-27 through P-29, P-41, P-44, P- 52, P-53, P-56 and P-60. Note (1) SPT = Standard Penetration Test, N-Values in Blows -per -foot The groundwater level was recorded at the boring locations and as observed through the wetness of the recovered soil samples during the drilling operations. The initial groundwater table was measured to occur at depths ranging from 6 to 14.5 feet below the existing site grades at the boring locations. The variation in groundwater depths are anticipated to have been contributed by the variations in existing site grade elevations and the associated distance between boring location • ECEIVED GET OCT 0 7 2011 km,.. 9 y: Report of Subsurface Investigation and Geotechnical Engineering Services P705 Aircraft Maintenance Hangar and Apron P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition MCAS New River Camp Le,leune, North Carolina G E T Project No: JX10-116G The following evaluations and recommendations were developed exploration and laboratory -testing program: June 8, 2011 based on our field ■ A field testing program is recommended during. construction. This testing program should include as a minimum, subgrade load testing (proofrolling), compaction testing, PDA testing and pile installation monitoring. ■ It is estimated that a cut ranging from 1 to 23 inches in depth will be required to remove the topsoil material. Based on our experience with similar site conditions (wooded areas and "de -mucking" of drainages swales) this initial cut to remove organic laden soils, root mat and other unsuitable materials is likely to extend beyond 23 inches. ■ Deep foundation design comprised of driven, SPPC. piles can be implemented to support the hangar and parking deck structures' frames. The design capacities are presented below. Embedment Tip Allowable Allowable Allowable pre-Augering Depth Elevation Compression Tension Lateral epth D(ft) Pile Type (f (feet Capacity Capacity Capacity MSL) (tons tons tons 12" SPPC 50 feet -30 to -35 80 - 90 20 to 30 4 10 ` ' Depth below the existing site grades at the boring locations. ■ It is estimated that the loads associated with 10 feet of fill place within the existing drainage swales will induce 1 to-2 inches of elastic settlement within the underlying SAND soils. The time to achieve this magnitude of settlement is expected to be on the order of 2 to 4 weeks. It is recommended to install settlement platforms within the structure's footprint. • The floor slab may be constructed as a slab -on -grade member provided the recommended earthwork activities and evaluations are carried out properly. • The pavements should be designed using a CBR Value of 14.3. Pavement design recommendations are provided within Section 4.8 of the report. • It is noted that, in accordance with the NC Building Code; Chapter 16, this site is classified as a site Class D, based on which seismic designs should be incorporated. This recommendation is based on the data obtained from the 60 to 85-foot deep SPT borings, our- experience with 100-foot deep CPT soundings and SPT borings performed within the vicinity of the project site, as well as the requirements indicated in the North Carolina State Building Code (2006 International Building Code). This summary briefly discusses some of the major topics mentioned in the attached report. Accordingly, this report should be read in its entirety to thoroughly evaluate the contents. Report of Subsurface Investigation and Geotechnical Engineering Services P705 Aircraft Maintenance Hangar and Apron P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition MCAS New River Camp LeJeune, North Carolina G E T Project No: JX10-116G 1.0 PROJECT INFORMATION June 8, 2011 1.1 Project Authorization G E T Solutions, Inc. has completed our subsurface investigation and geotechnical engineering services for the proposed P705 Aircraft Maintenance Hangar and Apron and P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition projects to be located in MCAS New River Camp LeJeune, North Carolina. Authorization to proceed with our subsurface investigation and geotechnical engineering services was received from Mr. Allan Bamforth of C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd. 1.2 Project Location and Site Description The project site is located within the Marine Corps Air Station New River military installation at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina. The proposed project site consists of approximately 70 acres of both open and wooded areas along the southern portion of the air station. The project site is bordered to the north and east by active aircraft landing, loading and ' maintenance facilities, and to the south and west by wooded parcels and ancillary air station facilities. At the time of our site reconnaissance the project site consisted of approximately'/z wooded and '/z open areas. An existing asphalt {paved road (Canal Street) ' bordered on each side by large drainage swales are located within the footprint the proposed parking deck. In addition, gravel roads and large drainage swales (ranging from approximately 7 to 10 feet in depth and about 25 to 30 feet in width) transverse through the approximate center of the project area. A chain link fence located through the center of the project area separates the active aircraft from the ancillary air station facilities. 1.3 Project Construction Description The project will consist of design building an aircraft maintenance hangar and apron totaling ' approximately 894,000 square feet, a multi story parking garage total footprint of approximately 70,000 square feet, and design bid building a combat ACFT loading area (CALA), arming and disarming pad and taxiways totaling approximately 368,000 square feet. The CALA, arming and disarming pads and apron will be of concrete pavement design ' with portions of the taxiways being of both concrete and asphalt pavement. The hangar building will be of structural steel design with header trusses supporting the hangar bay roof. The parking garage will be a four story structure constructed of precast concrete members with access ramps. The maximum wall and column foundation loads associated with these structures were not available at the time of this report. However, maximum column loads are anticipated to be on the order of 400 to 500 kips and/or maximum wall loads ' are anticipated to be on the order of 10 to 20 kips per lineal foot. It is expected that each of these buildings will be supported on deep foundations (piles). Additionally, stormwater management facilities will be constructed at this site along with other infrastructure components. RECEIVED ciF.-I- ' OCT 0 7 2011 nv Report of Subsurface Investigation and Geotechnical Engineering Services June 8, 2011 P705 Aircraft Maintenance Hangar and Apron P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition MCAS New River Camp LeJeune, North Carolina G E T Project No: JX10-116G The project site is gently sloping generally from the westerly to the easterly direction within the proposed construction area, with site elevations ranging from approximately 16 to 22 feet above MSL. It is our understanding that cut and/or fill operations are not expected to exceed about 5 feet in order to establish the design grade elevations. As an exception, as much as 10 feet of fill will be required to establish final grade elevations in the isolated low lying drainage swales which are located within the construction areas. If any of the noted information is incorrect or has changed, G E T Solutions, Inc. should be informed so that we may amend the recommendations presented in this report, if appropriate. 1.4 Purpose and Scope of Services The purpose of this study was to obtain information on the general subsurface conditions at the proposed project site. The subsurface conditions encountered were then evaluated with respect to the available project characteristics. In this regard, engineering assessments for the following items were formulated: 1) General assessment of the soils revealed by our borings performed at the proposed project sites. 2) General location and description of potentially deleterious material encountered in the borings that may interfere with construction progress or structure performance, including existing fills or surficial/subsurface organics. 3) Soil subgrade preparation, including stripping, grading and compaction. Engineering criteria for placement and compaction of approved structural fill material. 4) Construction considerations for fill placement, subgrade preparation, and foundation excavations. 5) Evaluation of the on -site soils for re -use as structural fill. 6) Foundation design parameters for support of the proposed structures and slabs. Design parameters required for a deep foundation system including pile types, pile lengths, allowable capacities, expected total and differential settlements, and pile installation and testing criteria. 7) Soil design parameters. 8) Pavement design recommendations based on the field exploration activities (12 CBR tests and 15 Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP) tests with correlated CBR design values) and our experience with similar soil conditions. 2 GET Report of Subsurface Investigation and Geotechnical Engineering Services June 8, 2011 ' P705 Aircraft Maintenance Hangar and Apron P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition MCAS New River Camp LeJeune, North Carolina G E T Project No: JX10-116G 9) Pertinent information regarding the groundwater and infiltration conditions within the proposed storm water management areas (12 infiltration tests). Permeability (infiltration) values are provided based on the results of in -situ Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity Testing as well as our experience with similar soil conditions. Seasonal high groundwater table (SHWT) was also estimated. 10)Seismic site classification provided based on the results of the 60 to 85-foot deep SPT borings, our experience in the project area, and the requirements provided in a the North Carolina State Building Code (2006 International Building Code with North Carolina Amendments) Section 1615.1; Table 1615.1 A. a The scope of services did not include an environmental assessment for determining the presence or absence of wetlands or hazardous or toxic material in the soil, bedrock, surface water, groundwater or air, on or below or around this site. 2.0 FIELD AND LABORATORY PROCEDURES 1 1 2.1 Field Exploration In order to explore the general subsurface soil types and to aid in developing associated foundation design parameters, sixteen (16) 60 to 85-foot deep Standard Penetration Test (SPT) borings (designated as B-1 through B-16) were drilled within the proposed footprints of the hangar and parking deck structures. To aid in developing associated storm water management and pavement design parameters, seventy two (72) 15-foot deep SPT borings (designated as BMP-1 through BMP-12 and P-1 through P-60) were drilled within the proposed stormwater and pavement areas. In -situ soil permeability tests were performed at boring locations BMP-1 through BMP-12. Standard Penetration Tests were performed in the field in general accordance with ASTM D 1586. The tests were performed continuously from the existing ground surface to depths of 12 feet, and at 5-foot intervals thereafter. The soil samples were obtained with a standard 1.4" I.D., 2" O.D., 30" long split -spoon sampler. The samplerwas driven with blows of a 140 lb. hammer falling 30 inches, using an automatic hammer. The number of blows required to drive the sampler each 6-inch increment of penetration was recorded and is shown on the boring logs. The sum of the second and third penetration increments is termed the SPT N-value (uncorrected for automatic hammer). A representative portion of each disturbed split -spoon sample was collected with each SPT, placed in a glass jar, sealed, labeled, and returned to our laboratory for review. Twelve (12) bulk soil samples (designated as P-1, P-7, P-8, P-15, P-16, P-19, P-27, P-34, P-36, P-42, P-49 and P-51) were collected from the proposed pavement areas at their respective boring locations. The bulk subgrade soil samples were collected from depths ranging from 1 to 2 feet below existing site grades. The bulk soil samples were returned to our laboratory and subjected to CBR testing in accordance with ASTM standards. ' In 3 5olutiorisinc� �6 _" Report of Subsurface Investigation and Geotechnical Engineering Services June 8, 2011 P705 Aircraft Maintenance Hangar and Apron P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition MCAS New River Camp LeJeune, North Carolina G E T Project No: JX10-116G addition, fifteen (15) Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP) tests (designated as P-1, P-4, P- 5, P-7, P-8, P-11, P-12, P-15, P-18, P-22, P-28 P-33, P-37, P-46 and P-48)were performed at the respective boring locations within the proposed pavement areas. The boring locations were established and staked in the field by a representative of G E T Solutions, Inc. with the use of a handheld Global Positions System (GPS) unit as well as the "State Plane" coordinates selected from the project site plan. The approximate boring locations are shown on the attached "Boring Location Plan" (Appendix 1), which was reproduced based on the site plan provided by C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd. 2.2 Laboratory Testing Representative portions of all soil samples collected during drilling were sealed in glass jars, labeled and transferred to our laboratory for classification and analysis. A Geotechnical Engineer performed the soil classification in general accordance with ASTM Specification D 2487. A summary of the soil classification system is provided in Appendix it. Thirty five (35) representative soil samples were selected and subjected to laboratory testing, which included natural moisture, 4200 sieve wash, and Atterberg Limit testing and analysis, in order to corroborate the visual classification. These classification test results are presented on the "Comprehensive Laboratory Test Results" table provided in Appendix III, and are also presented on the "Boring Log" sheets (Appendix IV) and "Generalized Soil Profile" sheets (Appendices V and VI). In addition to the classification testing, the selected representative bulk subgrade soil samples (from the pavement areas) were subjected to Standard Proctor and CBR testing in accordance with ASTM standards. A summary of the CBR test results, the CBR curves, and the moisture density relationship curves (Proctor Curves) are presented in Appendix V11. 3.0 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS 3.1 Site Geology The project site lies within a major physiographic province called the Atlantic Coastal Plain. Numerous transgressions and regressions of the Atlantic Ocean have deposited marine, lagoonal, and fluvial (stream lain) sediments. The regional geology is very complex, and generally consists of interbedded layers of varying mixtures of sands, silts and clays. Based on our review of existing geologic and soil boring data, the geologic stratigraphy encountered in our subsurface explorations generally consisted of marine deposited sands, silts and clays. 4 GET Report of Subsurface Investigation and Geotechnical Engineering Services June 8, 2011 P705 Aircraft Maintenance Hangar and Apron P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition MCAS New River Camp LeJeune, North Carolina G E T Protect No: JX10-116G 3.2 Subsurface Soil Conditions a The results of our field exploration indicated the presence of approximately 1 to 23 inches of topsoil material at the boring locations. In addition, approximately 2 feet of "Fill" material was encountered beneath the topsoil material at boring locations B-3, B-4, B-6, P-1, P-7, P- 8, P-20, BMP-8 and BMP-9. The fill. material consisted of SAND (SM) and SILT (ML) with varying amounts of Silt, Clay, Gravel and wood fragments. The fill material appears to have been previously placed as part of prior construction activities associated with the a existing facilities located within the project area. The topsoil and fill material thicknesses are expected to vary at other locations throughout the site. Underlying the topsoil and fill materials and extending to the SPT boring termination depths of 15, 60 and 85 feet below the existing site grades, the natural subsurface soils were generally comprised of SAND (SP, SM, SC, and SP-SM) with varying amounts of Silt and Clay. The N-values recorded within these granular soils ranged from 2 to 100 blows -per - foot (BPF) indicating a very loose to very dense relative density. Deposits of very soft to very stiff CLAY (CL) and medium stiff to stiff SILT (ML) were encountered within this ' stratum at varying depths between 0 to 23 feet below the existing site grade at boring locations B-1, B-3 through B-6, B-10 through B-12, B-15, B-16, BMP-1, BMP-2, BMP-4, P- 1 through P-3, P-10, P-11, P-13 through P-15, P-19, P-21, P-23 through P-25, P-27 through P-29, P-41, P-44, P-52, P-53, P-56 and P-60. The subsurface descriptions are of a generalized nature provided to highlight the major soil ' strata encountered. The records of the subsurface exploration are included in Appendix IV (Boring Logs) and in Appendices V and VI (Generalized Soil Profile), which should be reviewed for specific information as to the individual borings. The stratifications shown on ' the records of the subsurface exploration represent the conditions only at the actual boring locations. Variations may occur and should be expected between boring locations. The stratifications represent the approximate boundary between subsurface materials and the ' transition may be gradual. It is noted that the topsoil designation references the presence of surficial organic laden soil, and does not represent any particular quality specification. This material is to be tested for approval prior to use. ' 3.3 Groundwater Information The groundwater level was recorded at the boring locations and as observed through the ' wetness of the recovered soil samples during the drilling operations. The initial groundwater table was measured to occur at depths ranging from 6 to 14.5 feet below the existing site grades (elevations from about 9.5 to 10.5 MSL) at the boring locations. As an exception, groundwater elevation at borings B-56 through B-59 was measure to occur at elevation 3.0 MSL which is likely due to the influence of a deep drainage swale located in the immediate vicinity of these borings. The variation in groundwater depths are anticipated to have been contributed by the variations in existing site grade elevations and the associated distance between boring locations. The boreholes were backfilled upon completion for safety considerations. As such, the reported groundwater levels at these locations may not be indicative of the static groundwater level. 5E�vED GET 0CT 0 7 0011 .. �iY: Report of Subsurface Investigation and Geotechnical Engineering Services June 8, 2011 P705 Aircraft Maintenance Hangar and Apron P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition MCAS New River Camp LeJeune, North Carolina G E T Project No: JX10-116G Also, the soils recovered from boring BMP-1 through BMP-12 locations were visually classified to identify color changes to aid in indicating the normal estimated Seasonal High Water Table (SHWT). It is noted that soil morphology may not be a reliable indicator of the SHWT. However, color distinctions (from tan to gray to tan and gray; brown to grayish brown; orangish brown to light gray) were generally observed within the soil profile of soil samples collected at the location of borings BMP-1 through BMP-12. As such, the normal SHWT depth was estimated to occur at depths ranging from approximately 4 feet (borings BMP-1 through BMP-7); 6 feet (borings BMP-8 through BMP-10); 5 feet (boring BMP-11) and 5.5 feet (BMP-12) below the existing site grades. It should be noted that perched water conditions may occur throughout the site during periods of heavy precipitation and/or during the wet season. The perched condition is anticipated to occur in areas. where shallow subsurface clayey soils were encountered. These soils will act as a restrictive layer allowing excessive moisture to accumulate within the overlying granular soils. Groundwater conditions will vary with environmental variations and seasonal conditions, such as the frequency and magnitude of rainfall patterns, as well as man-made influences, such as existing swales, drainage ponds, underdrains and areas of covered soil (paved parking lots, sidewalks, etc.). Seasonal groundwater fluctuations of ± 2 feet are common in the project's area; however, greater fluctuations have been documented. We recommend that the contractor determine the actual groundwater levels at the time of the construction to determine groundwater impact on the construction procedures. 4.0 EVALUATION AND RECOMMENDATIONS Our recommendations are based on the previously discussed project information, our interpretation of the soil test borings and laboratory data, and our observations during our site reconnaissance. If the proposed construction should vary from what was described, G E T Solutions, Inc. requests the opportunity to review our recommendations and make any necessary changes. As previously mentioned, the maximum column loads are anticipated to be on the order of 400 to 500 kips and the maximum wail loads are anticipated to be on the order of 10 to 20 kips per lineal foot. Shallow foundation construction is expected to result in excessive settlement. As such, it is recommended to support the hangar and parking deck structures framing by means of a deep foundation system (concrete piles), while the slab can be supported on -grade. 4.1 Clearing and Grading The proposed construction areas should be cleared by means of removing the topsoil, asphalt and gravel (where required), trees, root mat and any other unsuitable material. Based on the SPT borings, it is estimated that a cut ranging from about 1 to 23 inches in depth will be required to remove the topsoil material; however, approximately '/2 of the project site is wooded and is expected to contain varying amounts of organic laden soils. 6 GET ,. I a a I I L 17 1 11 i� Report of Subsurface Investigation and Geotechnical Engineering Services June 8, 2011 P705 Aircraft Maintenance Hangar and Apron P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition MCAS New River Camp LeJeune, North Carolina G E T Project No: JX10-116G This cut is expected to extend deeper in isolated areas to remove deeper deposits of organic soils, or unsuitable soils, which become evident during the clearing particularly in wooded areas. It is recommended that the clearing operations extend laterally at least 5 feet beyond the perimeter of the proposed construction areas. In addition, construction areas which encroach on the existing drainage swales located in the vicinity of the proposed apron and parking deck should be "de -mucked" to remove unsuitable soils prior to backfilling. Based on our experience with similar conditions, the cut required to "de - muck" the existing drainage swales is estimated to range from 12 to 24 inches and may extend deeper in areas where deeper deposits of unsuitable materials may be encountered. The extent of "de -mucking" these area should be determined in the field during clearing and grading operations as described in Section 4.2. Following the initial clearing, the resulting exposed subgrade will generally be comprised of SAND (SM and SC), Fill [SAND (SM with Gravel) and SILT (ML with Gravel], CLAY (CL) and SILT (ML) containing an appreciable amount of fines (Silt and Clay). Also, the bulk soil samples indicated natural moisture contents up to 8% above their optimum moisture (as determined by means of laboratory testing). Accordingly, combinations of excess surface moisture from precipitation ponding on the site and the construction traffic, including heavy compaction equipment, may create pumping and general deterioration of the bearing capabilities of the surface soils. Therefore, undercutting to remove loose/soft soils in isolated areas should be expected. The extent of the undercut will be determined in the field during construction based on the outcome of the field testing procedures (subgrade proofroll). In this regard, and in order to reduce undercutting, care should be exercised during the grading and construction operations at the site. Due to the primarily granular consistency of the encountered Fill materials with no, to minimal (trace) amounts of organics, it is anticipated that these materials will be suitable to remain in place within building and pavement areas provided that substantial amounts of organics or other unsuitable materials are not present. This should be substantiated in the field during the subgrade preparation procedures by means of compaction testing, subgrade proofrolls and test pit excavation s.'GeneraIly, test pit excavations should be performed within all building and pavement areas to substantiate the suitability of the exposed soils to remain in place for building and pavement support. The location and depth of the test pits should be determined and monitored by a representative of G E T Solutions, Inc. at the time of construction. To reduce the potential for subgrade improvements (undercutting due to saturated soils in conjunction with heavy construction traffic), it is recommended that the grading operations be performed during the drier months of the year (historically April through November). This should minimize these potential problems, although they may not be eliminated. if grading is attempted during the winter months, undercutting of wet soils should be anticipated. However, during the drier months of the year, wet soils could be dried by discing or implementing other drying procedures to achieve moisture contents necessary to achieve adequate degrees of compaction. GET" Report of Subsurface Investigation and Geotechnical Engineering Services June 8, 2011 P705 Aircraft Maintenance Hangar and Apron P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition MCAS New River Camp LeJeune, North Carolina G E T Project No. JX10-116G The site should be graded to enhance surface water runoff to reduce the ponding of water. Ponding of water often results in softening of the near -surface soils. In the event of heavy rainfall within areas to receive fill, we recommend that the grading operations cease until the site has had a chance to dry. 4.2 Subbgrade Preparation Following the clearing operation, the exposed subgrade soils should be densifed with a large static drum roller. After the subgrade soils have been densified, they should be evaluated by a qualified inspector for stability. Accordingly, the subgrade soils should be proofrolled to check for pockets of loose material hidden beneath a crust of better soil. Several passes should be made by a large rubber -tired roller or loaded dump truck over the construction areas, with the successive passes aligned perpendicularly. The number of passes will be determined in the field by the Geotechnical Engineer depending on the soils conditions. Any pumping and unstable areas observed during proofrolling (beyond the initial cut) should be undercut and/or stabilized at the directions of the Geotechnical Engineer. 4.3 Structural Fill and Placement Following the approval of the natural subgrade soils by the Geotechnical Engineer, the placement of the fill required to establish the design grades may begin. Any material to be used for structural fill should be evaluated and tested by an independent testing laboratory prior to placement to determine if they are suitable for the intended use. Suitable structural fill material should consist of sand or gravel containing less than 25% by weight of fines (SP, SM, SW, GP, GW — with dimensions not to exceed 2 inches in diameter), having a liquid limit less than 20 and plastic limit less than 6, and should be free of rubble, organics, clay, debris and other unsuitable material. All structural fill should be compacted to a dry density of at least 95% of the Modified Proctor maximum dry density, in accordance with ASTM Specification D 1557. The moisture content of the structural fill should be within +/- 2% of the optimum moisture content at the time of placement. In general, the compaction should be accomplished by placing the fill in maximum 8-inch loose lifts and mechanically compacting each lift to at least the specified minimum dry density. We recommend a minimum of one compaction test be performed per lift for every 2,000 square foot area within the new structures' footprints and one compaction test performed per lift for every 10,000 square foot area within the pavement areas (if applicable). A qualified inspector should perform field density tests on each lift as necessary to assure that adequate compaction is achieved. Backfill material in utility trenches within the construction areas should consist of structural fill (as previously described), and should be compacted to at least 95% of ASTM Specification D 1557. This fill should be placed in 4 to 6 inch loose lifts when hand compaction equipment is used. 8 CET a I I I I Report of Subsurface Investigation and Geotechnical Engineering Services June 8, 2011 P705 Aircraft Maintenance Hangar and Apron P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition MCAS New River Camp LeJeune, North Carolina G E T Project No: JX10-116G If applicable, care should be used when operating the compactors near existing structures to avoid transmission of the vibrations that could cause settlement damage or disturb occupants. In this regard, it is recommended that the vibratory roller remain at least 25 feet away from existing structures; these areas should be compacted with small, hand -operated compaction equipment. 4.4 Suitability of On -site Soils The majority of the subsurface Stratum I soils consisting of SAND (SM, SP and SP-SM) encountered at the boring locations appear suitable for reuse as structural fill. The Fill, Clayey SAND (SC), SILT (ML) and CLAY (CL) soils do not appear suitable for reuse as structural fill; however, these soils may be used as fill in green areas. Care to segregate the soils must be performed during the grading and excavation operations. Further classification testing (natural moisture content, gradation analysis, and Proctor testing) should be performed in the field during construction to evaluate the suitability of excavated soils for reuse as fill within building and pavement areas. ' 4.5 Pile Foundation Recommendations The following sections describe the pile capacity analyses and provide our recommendations for static axial compressive pile capacities, pile testing program, and pile construction criteria. In addition, we have provided estimates of potential settlement. ' We evaluated a driven precast prestressed concrete pile deep foundation system to support the proposed structures' frames, ' 4.5.1 Axial Compression Capacity Recommendations We conducted pile capacity analyses using static formulas with coefficients recommended ' by Geoffrey Myerhoff and George Sowers. The analyses include the contributions of shaft friction and end bearing to the pile capacity. The piles are expected to derive their capacity from a combination of shaft friction and end bearing in the deeper Sand layers at the depth ' presented in the table (Table,ll) on the following page. The soil materials typically exhibit time -dependent strength characteristics; consequently shaft friction and end bearing support tend to increase from initial installation through a process termed "soil setup". Essentially, the dynamics of driving piles will cause excess. pore pressures to develop, thereby decreasing driving resistance during initial pile installation. The pile capacities developed during driving are usually much lower than the ' design values. Once driving is complete, the excess pore pressures dissipate with time (and soil setup occurs) and the bearing capacity of the pile increases. Based upon our experience with similar projects in the area, 5 to 7 days is usually required for the full pore ' pressures to dissipate and soil setup to occur. r RF+r_~ EI VED 9 OCT 0 7 2011 GET Report of Subsurface Investigation and Geotechnical Engineering Services P705 Aircraft Maintenance Hangar and Apron P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition MCAS New River Camp LeJeune, North Carolina G E T Project No: JX10-116G June 8, 2011 For the reasons previously described, it will not be possible to confirm pile capacities with a simple driving criterion such as number of hammer blows per foot of advanced pile. Instead, driving criteria will likely consist of a target tip elevation and/or certain embedded length in a bearing material with specified driving resistance. The specified driving resistance should be based on a Wave Equation Analysis of the contractor's selected hammer. Table 11 provides our recommended pile type for the structures' foundations. The allowable capacity for the piles includes a safety factor of at least 2.0 to allow for a pile load test program that relies primarily on dynamic testing. The capacity of a group of piles spaced at least 3 pile diameters apart, center to center, can be taken as the sum of the individual capacities with no reduction factor. If closer pile spacing is anticipated, the geotechnical engineer should be contacted to evaluate the efficiency of the specific pile group. The final order lengths and tip elevations will be adjusted based on the results of the test piles and load test programs. Table 11 - SPPC Pile Recommandations Embedment Tip Allowable AllowableAllowable PPile Type Depth Elevation Compression Tension Lateral Pre-Augering (feet)(') (feet MSL) Capacity (tons) Capacity Capacity (tons) Depth (ft) tons 12" SPPC 50 feet -30 to -35 80 - 90 20 to 30 4 10 We recommend pre -angering the pile locations prior to driving to the depth shown in the table. This is necessary to help in minimizing the effects of vibrations from the driving effort on adjacent buildings, penetrate fill materials and to reduce the potential for pile breakage. Following the pre -angering, the piles should be installed and advanced by driving with an impact hammer to their design tip elevations. If for some reason during construction, pile driving "capacity" is encountered before the piles reach their design tip elevations, the Geotechnical Engineer should be retained to review driving records and field reports to determine whether the pile can adequately support the design loads. If the pile driving hammer is not properly matched to the pile type, size and subsurface conditions, it may reach practical refusal before the pile reaches the design tip elevation, or the required capacity. 4.5.2 Pile Group Settlement Based on the results of load tests performed on piles driven in similar soils conditions, it is anticipated that the total butt settlements (including elastic shortening) will not exceed about %2-inch, which is the settlement necessary to mobilize the soil/pile capacity in combination with the pile group settlements due to the stress increase in the underlying soils. 10 GET • Report of Subsurface Investigation and Geotechnical Engineering Services June S, 2011 P705 Aircraft Maintenance Hangar and Apron P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition MCAS New River Camp LeJeune, North Carolina G E T Project No: JX10-116G 4.5.3 Test Piles a We recommend that a test pile program be implemented for the purpose of assisting in the development of final tip elevations and to confirm that the contractor's equipment and installation methods are acceptable. The test program should involve at least eight (8) test piles per structure to provide an indication of various driving and/or installation conditions. The test pile locations should be established by the Geotechnical Engineer based on the structural characteristics. It is important to note the relationship between the required testing and our design assumptions. We chose safety factors based upon the recommended pile testing program. We expect that the pile testing program will include primarily dynamic evaluation with a Pile Driving Analyzer (PDA). The piles should be driven using the drive system submitted by the contractor and approved by the geotechnical engineer. Test pile lengths should be at least ten feet longer than anticipated production pile lengths to ensure that the required capacity is developed, to allow for refinement of estimated capacities, and for dynamic and static testing reasons. The indicator piles installed during the Test Pile Program, which satisfy the geotechnical ' engineer's requirements for proper installation, may also be used as permanent production piles. The contractor should include in his equipment submittal a Wave Equation Analyses (using GRLWEAPTM software) modeling the behavior of the test piles during driving, or what is termed by GIRL as a Drivability Study. The primary intent of the Wave Equation Analyses is to estimate the feasibility of the contractor's proposed pile driving system with respect to ' installing the piles. Since the results of the Wave Equation Analyses are dependent on the chosen hammer, the pile type and length, and the subsurface conditions, it is likely that at least one Wave Equation Analysis per hammer will be required. Pile driving equipment should not be mobilized for the test piles until the Wave Equation Analyses have been submitted and approved by the geotechnical engineer. if the ' contractor's proposed pile driving system is rejected, subsequent submittals of alternative drive systems should also include appropriate Wave Equation Analyses that are subject to the approval of the geotechnical engineer. The Wave Equation Analyses are also used to 1 estimate: ■ Compressive and tensile stresses experienced by the modeled pile during driving 1 • The total number of blows required to install the pile ■ Driving resistance (in terms of blows perfoot) within the various soil strata the pile is embedded in ' Driving time The results of the WEAP analyses are highly dependent on the many input parameters related to the soil conditions, static pile capacity estimates, as well as specific characteristics associated with different makes and models of pile driving hammers. ' 4.5.4 Dynamic Testing 11 GET Report of Subsurface Investigation and Geotechnical Engineering Services June S, 2011 P705 Aircraft Maintenance Hangar and Apron P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition MCAS New River Camp LeJeune, North Carolina G E T Project No: JX10-116G Dynamic testing was developed as a method of improving upon the reliability of the wave equation and other dynamic predictions by actually measuring the acceleration and strain of a pile during driving. This technique was developed in the mid-1960's and has been continually refined. The use of dynamic pile testing has permitted the possibility of checking the driving stresses in the pile and the hammer performance during pile driving. It is also possible to estimate the static capacity of the pile based upon the strain and acceleration measurements taken during pile driving. The test pile installation should be monitored by the Geotechnical Engineer using the PDA, an electronic device that records driving stresses and pile/soil interactions, among other things. The PDA results will confirm that the pile driving system (hammer type/energy, cushion type/ thickness, etc.) can successfully install the piles without over stressing them in compression or tension. It is essential the test pile restrikes also be monitored with the PDA. No sooner than 7 days after installation, all of the test piles should be re -struck while being monitored with the PDA. This test establishes the "static capacity" of the pile. The initial hammer blow during re -strike activities is critical to the quality of dynamic data with respect to capacity interpretation. The contractor should make every effort to insure an initial high- energy blow of the hammer. After several blows during re -strike activities, pore pressures increase, soil setup diminishes, and ultimately pile capacities (as recorded by the PDA) decrease. Loss of estimated static capacity following repeated hammer blows is the reason the initial blows are critical. The dynamic data recorded by the PDA during restrike testing should be further refined by using CAPWAP® analysis. CAPWAP® analysis, not the initial assessment of capacity determined by the PDA, should be the basis of static pile capacity estimates. Interpretation of CAPWAP® data, in the context of the soils subsurface conditions and previous static pile capacity estimates, should allow the Geotechnical Engineer to estimate ultimate pile capacities and recommend appropriate production pile lengths. Our previous experience with the PDA indicates that a significant cost savings may be realized if the PDA is properly utilized to monitor the installation of test piles, confirm pile capacity in production installations, and monitor potentially damaging stresses during driving. The use of the PDA permits the confirmation of allowable compression and uplift capacities and pile integrity on several piles for a cost similar to or less than that of a single full-scale static load test. We recommended the design builder retain the services of the Geotechnical Engineer to perform the dynamic testing, not the installation contractor, to avoid possible conflicts of interest. 12 GET Report of Subsurface Investigation and Geotechnical Engineering Services June 8, 2011 P705 Aircraft Maintenance Hangar and Apron P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition MCAS New River Camp LeJeune, North Carolina G E T Project No: JX10-116G 4.5.5 Establishing Pile Driving Criteria Prior to driving production piles, the geotechhical engineer should establish the criteria for pile installation. The criteria will be based on the data collected during monitoring of the test pile installation and the subsequent restriking. The intent of establishing driving criteria is to facilitate installation of the production piles without damage and to provide a means of establishing when piles have achieved the design capacities. The driving criteria may include: hammer type, hammer energy, ram weight, pile cushion and thickness, hammer cushion type and thickness, required tip elevations and driving resistance necessary to a achieve capacities, and possibly predrilling recommendations (if the test pile results warrant the need). 4.5.6 Allowable Driving Stresses Guidelines from the Prestressed Concrete Institute (PCI), American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), and the Association of State Highway Transportation Officials (AASHTO) indicate that maximum compressive stresses, imposed on driven precast concrete piles during installation, should be less than the following equation: 0.85 x f, ' (concrete compressive strength, psi) - fpe (effective pre -stressing after losses from relaxation). The three groups differ on the maximum tensile stresses. PCI recommends 6 x square root of f G + fpe ; AASHTO and ASCE recommend 3 x square root f'c + fpe. We recommend using the consensus value for the maximum compressive stress, and the ASCE/AASHTO recommended value for the maximum tensile stress. 4.5.7 Hammer Types and Energies In comparing hammers of equal energy, the Prestressed Concrete Institute (PCI) states ' that hammers with heavier rams and lower impact velocities are less likely to cause damaging stresses in concrete piles. Hammers with proportionally higher ram weights and short stroke heights (low impact velocities) are usually air, steam and hydraulic driven, and ' not diesel fueled. It has been our experience that air, steam and hydraulic hammers are more appropriate for the installation of precast concrete piles than similarly sized (in terms of energy) diesel hammers. We recommend that the contractor use an air, steam or ' hydraulic driven hammer whose ram weight is roughly equal to 0.5 to 1.0 times the weight of the pile itself. The actual determination of an acceptable ram weight should be determined through the results of the Test Pile Program. If the contractor elects to use a diesel hammer, we recommend a critical, detailed review of the contractor's Wave Equation Analysis prior to driving the test piles. RE+GETVED 13 , GET OCT 0 7 2011 1 Report of Subsurface Investigation and Geotechnical Engineering Services June 8, 2011 P705 Aircraft Maintenance Hangar and Apron P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition MCAS New River Camp LeJeune, North Carolina G E T Project No: JX10-116G 4.5.8 Driven Pile Installation Monitoring The geotechnical engineer should observe the installation of the test piles and all production piles. The purpose of the geotechnical engineer's observations is to determine if production installations are being performed in accordance with the previously derived Pile Driving Criteria. Continuous driving and installation records should be maintained forall driven piles. Production piles should be driven utilizing the approved system established as a result of the Test Program. The field duties of the geotechnical engineer (or a qualified engineer's representative) should include the following: • Being knowledgeable of the subsurface conditions at the site and the project -specific Pile Driving Criteria. • Being aware of aspects of the installation including type of pile driving equipment and pile installation tolerances. • Keeping an accurate record of pile installation and driving procedures. • Documenting that the piles are installed to the proper depth indicative of the intended bearing stratum. Also documenting that appropriate pile splicing techniques are used, if necessary. • Recording the number of hammer blows for each foot of driving. • Generally confirming that the pile driving equipment is operating as anticipated. • Record the energy rating of the hammer. • Informing the geotechnical engineer of any unusual subsurface conditions or driving conditions. • Notifying the design builder and structural engineer when unanticipated difficulties or conditions are encountered. • Confirming from visual appearance that the piles are not damaged during installation and observing the piles prior to installation for defective workmanship. The geotechnical engineer should review all driving records prior to pile cap construction. 14 GET .- Report of Subsurface Investigation and Geotechnical Engineering Services June 8, 2011 P705 Aircraft Maintenance Hangar and Apron P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition MCAS New River Camp LeJeune, North Carolina G E T Project No: JX10-116G 4.5.9 Adjacent Structures When considering the suitability of a driven pile foundation, consideration should be given to the integrity of nearby structures. Due to the large amount of energy required to install driven deep foundations, vibrations of considerable magnitude are generated. These vibrations may affect nearby structures. These structures can, due to their proximity, be detrimentally affected by the construction unless proper protection measures are taken. In addition, experience has shown that these construction features will often lead adjacent property owners to conclude that damage to their property has taken place, even though none has occurred. It is the recommended that a thorough survey of the adjacent property be made prior to starting construction. This will help to better evaluate real claims and refute groundless nuisance claims. The survey should include, but not be limited to, the following- 1 . Visually inspect adjacent structures, noting and measuring all cracks and other signs of distress. Take photographs as needed. 2. Visually inspect adjacent pavements, noting and measuring any significant cracks, depressions, etc. Take photographs as needed. 3. Establish several benchmarks along foundation walls on adjacent structures. Both vertical and horizontal control should be employed. ' 4. Determine if equipment in any adjacent building is sensitive to vibration, and if so, establish control and monitoring system. proper 4.6 Settlement Discussion ' As previously mentioned, 7 to 10 feet of fill material may be necessary within the existing p Y Y rY 9 drainage swales to achieve the final design grade elevations within the proposed apron and ' parking deck structure's footprints. It is estimated that the loads associated with 10 feet of fill will induce 1 to 2 inches of elastic settlement within the underlying SAND soils. This settlement magnitude is expected to decrease proportionally to the fill height in both longitudinal and transverse directions. The time to achieve this magnitude of settlement is expected to be on the order of 2 to 4 weeks; therefore, we recommend that the fill be placed early in the construction process to allow for the settlement to occur prior to commencing construction. The rate and degree of compression from the 10 feet of fill will vary and is dependent on the amount of fill material placed and its compaction. These settlements are expected to be minimal if placed in accordance with the recommendations herein. �J +FrA M �� 15 GET OCT 0 7 2�11 Report of Subsurface Investigation and Geotechnical Engineering Services June 8, 2011 P705 Aircraft Maintenance Hangar and Apron P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition MCAS New River Camp LeJeune, North Carolina G E T Project No: JX10-116G It is recommended to install settlement platforms in areas receiving 7 to 10 feet of fill will be placed within the apron and parking deck structure's footprints. The settlement platforms should be placed .directly on the subgrade following the clearing procedures. Then following the installation of the settlement platforms, elevations must be obtained (zero/baseline readings), prior to the placement of any fill material. It is recommended to install the fill material to the design grade elevations, with each lift compacted to at least 95% of ASTM D 1557. During the fill placement activities, elevation readings should be obtained daily. Following the completion of the fill placement, the readings should be obtained twice a week. The settlement platform readings should be performed to the nearest 0.001 foot and should be provided to the geotechnical engineer for their analyses. These settlement plates should be monitored for a period of 2 to 4 weeks following the completion of the fill placement. The settlement platform readings should be reviewed by the Geotechnical Engineer prior to proceeding with the construction activities. 4.7 Floor Slab Design The floor slabs may be constructed as slab -on -grade members provided the previously recommended earthwork activities and evaluations are carried out properly. It is recommended that the ground floor slab be directly supported by at least a 4-inch layer of relatively clean, compacted, poorly graded sand (SP) or gravel (GP) with less than 5% passing the No. 200 Sieve (0.074 mm). The purpose of the 4-inch layer is to act as a capillary barrier and equalize moisture conditions beneath the slabs. It is recommended that all ground floor slabs be "floating". That is, generally ground supported and not rigidly connected to walls or foundations. This is to minimize the possibility of cracking and displacement of the floor slabs because of differential movements between the slab and the foundation. It is also recommended that the floor slab bearing soils be covered by a vapor barrier or retarder in order to minimize the potential for floor dampness, which can affect the performance of glued tile and carpet. Generally, use a vapor retarder for minimal vapor resistance protection below the slab on grade. When floor finishes, site conditions or other considerations require greater vapor resistance protection; consideration should be given to using a vapor barrier. Selection of a vapor retarder or barrier should be made by the Architect based on project requirements. The slab -on -grade soil subgrade should be established by means of placing the recommended structural fill (as described in Section 4.3) and compacting to a dry density of at least 95% of the Modified Proctor maximum dry density, in accordance with ASTM Specification D 1557. This construction procedure will provide a subgrade modulus of at least 150 psi/in. 16 GET" 1 Report of Subsurface Investigation and Geotechnicol Engineering Services June 8, 2011 P705 Aircraft Maintenance Hangar and Apron P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition MCAS New River Camp LeJeune, North Carolina G E T Project No: JX10-116G a4.8 Pavement Design a The California Bearing Ratio (CBR) test results indicated an average soaked CBR value of 21.5. The in -situ field Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP) test results indicated an average in -place correlated CBR value of 9.7. The relatively low correlated CBR values obtained a from the field DCP testing procedures can be attributed to the very loose relative density (not compacted) of the shallow subsurface soils. These associated CBR values will be greatly improved provided that the earthwork recommendations, including the subgrade preparation and fill placement/compaction procedures are successfully completed as recommended in Sections 4.2 and 4.3 of this report. A comprehensive summary of the CBR test data and the moisture density relationship curves (Proctors) are presented in Appendix VI I. Additionally, the results of the field DCP testing procedures are presented in Appendix Vill. ' The average CBR value obtained from the laboratory CBR testing procedures was multiplied by a factor of two-thirds to determine a pavement design CBR value. The two- thirds factor provides the necessary safety margins to compensate for some non -uniformity of the soil. Therefore, a CBR value of 14.3 was used in designing the pavement sections. Furthermore, the per day operations criteria provided by representatives of MCAS New ' River Camp Lejeune, NC and the information listed below were also used to complete the pavement design analysis, which was performed in accordance with UFC requirements. Should any of the information provided below be incorrect, G E T Solutions, Inc. should be notified to perform a subsequent analysis prior to paving operations. Average Daily Traffic: 10 daily operations (UH-1 helicopter) Percent C130: assumed 20% of UH-1 operations (2 passes per day) i Design Life Criteria: 30 Years Percent Growth Rate: 0.0% Soil Resilient Modulus = 10,878.0 psi Rigid Pavement Joint Load Transfer = 25.0% ' Frost Depth Penetration = 9.0 Inches (Based on New Bern FAA Airport Weather Station) ' The pavement calculations were performed using PCASE Version 2.08 software and the pavement sections noted in Table III on the following page are recommended. 17 GET Report of Subsurface Investigation and Geotechnical Engineering Services P705 Aircraft Maintenance Hangar and Apron P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition MCAS New River Camp LeJeune, North Carolina G E T Project No: JX10-116G Table III - Minimum Pavement Sections June 8, 2011 Hot Mix Asphalt Section Concretes') Aggregate Base Subgrade(3) Surface (SM- Intermediate Base 9.5BA (1-19B) (BM-25.0) Flexible 2" 2" 2 5" - 12" Stable Pavements Rigid _ _ 10" 12" Stable Pavements (1) Concrete pavements should obtain a minimum 750 psi flexural strength at 28 days and have joints spaced 15 to 20 feet on center each way with 1 inch diameter dowels that are 16 inches in length and spaced 12 inches on center. {2) Aggregate Base Course (ABC) should be in conformance with " UFGS-02772 for Graded Crushed Aggregate Base Course Materials", compacted to a dry density of at least 100% of the Modified Proctor maximum dry density (ASTM D 1557). (3) Compacted to a dry density of at least 95% of the Modified Proctor maximum dry density (ASTM D 1557). Note; due to the reported frost depth penetration of 9 inches and associated pavement section thicknesses necessary to support the applied loads under non frost susceptible conditions, the pavement design analysis did not include a reduction in subgrade strength. Following pavement rough grading operations, the exposed subgrade should be observed under proofrolling. This proofrolling should be accomplished with a fully loaded dump truck or 7 to 10 ton drum roller to check for pockets of soft material hidden beneath a thin crust of better soil. Any unsuitable materials thus exposed should be removed and replaced with a well -compacted material. The inspection of these phases should be performed by the Geotechnical Engineer or his representative. The project's budget should include a contingency to accommodate the potential ground improvements. Where excessively unstable subgrade soils are observed during proofrolling and/or fill placement, it is expected that these weak areas can be stabilized by means of thickening the base course layer (i.e. placement of 2 to 4 inches of additional aggregate base) and/or lining the subgrade with geotextile fabric. These alternates are to be addressed by the Geotechnical Engineer during construction, if necessary, who will recommend the most economical approach at the time. 4.9 Infiltration Testing Twelve (12) infiltration tests (designated BMP-1 through BMP-12) were performed at their respective boring locations. The tests were performed at depths ranging from 2.0 to 4.0 feet below the existing site grade at the boring locations. The boreholes were prepared utilizing an auger to remove soil clippings from the base. Infiltration testing was then conducted within the vadose zone utilizing a Precision Permeameter and the following testing procedures. 18 GET 0 a I I l �I 1 11 Report of Subsurface Investigation and Geotechnical Engineering Services P705 Aircraft Maintenance Hangar and Apron P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition MCAS New River Camp LeJeune, North Carolina GET Project No: JX10-116G June 8, 2011 A support stand was assembled and placed adjacent to the boreholes. This stand holds a calibrated reservoir (2000 ml) and a cable used to raise and lower the water control unit (WCU). The WCU establishes a constant water head within the borehole during testing by use of a precision valve and float assembly. The WCU was attached to the flow reservoir with a 2-meter (6.6 foot) braided PVC hose and then lowered by cable into the borehole to the test depth elevation. As required by the Glover solution, the WCU was suspended above the bottom of the borehole at an elevation of approximately 5 times the borehole diameter. The shut-off valve was then opened allowing water to pass through the WCU to fill the borehole to the constant water level elevation. The absorption rate slowed as the soil voids became filled and an equilibrium developed as a wetting bulb developed around the borehole. Water was continuously added until the flow rate stabilized. The reservoir was then re -filled in order to begin testing. During testing, as the water drained into the borehole and surrounding soils, the water level within the calibrated reservoir was recorded as well as the elapsed time during each interval. The test was continued until relatively consistent flow rates were documented. During testing the quick release connections and shutoff valve were monitored to ensure that no leakage occurred. The flow rate (Q), height of the constant water level (H), and borehole diameter (D) were used to calculate KS utilizing the Glover Solution. Based on the field testing and corroborated with laboratory testing results (published values compared to classification results), the hydraulic conductivities of the soils are tabulated below (Table IV) and are presented on the "Hydraulic Conductivity Worksheet" reports (Appendix IX), included with this report. Table IV - Infiltration Test Results Boring Boring depth (ft)* Initial Water depth ft* Ksat Value (in/hour) Ksat Class BMP-1 2.0 8 0.085 Moderately Low BMP-2 2.0 9 0.086 Moderately Low BMP-3 2.0 8 4.39 High BMP-4 2.0 7 0.038 Moderately Low BMP-5 2.0 9 6.824 High BMP-6 2.0 7 0.362 Moderately High BMP-7 2.0 7 1.560 High BMP-8 3.0 9 0.152 Moderately High BMP-9 4.0 9.5 0.022 Moderately Low BMP-10 3.0 9.5 12.688 High BMP-11 3.5 7 9.703 High BMP-12 3.0 $ 2.304 High " Depth below existing site grades 19 CET Report of Subsurface Investigation and Geotechnical Engineering Services P705 Aircraft Maintenance Hangar and Apron P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition MCAS New River Camp LeJeune, North Carolina G E T Project No: JX10-116G 4.10 On -Site Shrink/Swell Properties June 8, 2011 Based on the laboratory classification the shallow subsurface Clayey SAND (SC) and CLAY (CL) soils encountered at the boring locations are considered to be expansive in accordance with 1803.5.3 of the 2009 International Building Code. However, these soils are considered to have low shrink/swell potential. As such, foundation and/or slab improvements do not appear necessary for shrink/swell considerations. 4.11 Design Soil Parameters The estimated soil parameters are presented below (Table V). Table V - Estimated Soil Parameters SAND SAND SAND Soil Type (SM, SP, (SM, SC, SP, (SM, SP, CLAY SP-SM) SC-SM SP-SM) (CL) SP-SM Stratum Structural Fill (Lipper 40 feet lower 40 feet)Deposits Average SPT N-value - 10 28 7 Total Moist Unit Weight 120 115 120 115 cf Friction Angle (0) 32 32 35 5 degrees Cohesion (c) 0 0 0 500 cf Active Soil Pressure 0.31 0.31 0.27 0.84 Ka At -Rest Soil Pressure 0.47 0.47 0.43 0.91 Ko Passive Soil Pressure 3.25 3.25 3.69 1.19 K Friction Factor 0.39 0.39- 0-43 0.06 4.12 Seismic Evaluation It is noted that, in accordance with the NC Building Code; Chapter 16, this site is classified as a site Class D, based on which seismic designs should be incorporated. This recommendation is based on the data obtained from the 60 to 85-foot deep SPT borings, our experience with 100-foot deep CPT soundings and SPT borings performed within the vicinity of the project site, as well as the requirements indicated in the North Carolina State Building Code (2006 International Building Code). 20 GET ," 1 Report of Subsurface Investigation and Geotechnical Engineering Services P705 Aircraft Maintenance Hangar and Apron P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition MCAS New River Camp LeJeune, North Carolina G E T Project No: JX10-116G 0 1 1 1 5.0 CONSTRUCTION CONSIDERATIONS June 8, 2011 5.1 Drainage and Groundwater Concerns It is expected that dewatering may be required for excavations that extend near or below the existing groundwater table. Dewatering above the groundwater level could probably be accomplished by pumping from sumps. Dewatering at depths below the groundwater level will require well pointing. It. would be advantageous to construct all fills early in the construction. If this is not accomplished, disturbance of the existing site drainage could result in collection of surface water in some areas, thus rendering these areas wet and very loose. Temporary drainage ditches should be employed by the contractor to accentuate drainage during construction. Again, we recommend that the contractor determine the actual groundwater levels at the time of construction to determine groundwater impact on this project. 5.2 Site Utility Installation The base of the utility trenches should be observed by a qualified inspector prior to the pipe and structure placement to verify the suitability of the bearing soils. It is expected that excavations within the SAND (SM, SP and SP-SM) soils will experience varying degrees of cave-in as a result of the soils composition (relatively clean Sands). A combination of dewatering and shoring should be implemented to reduce the potential cave-ins. In addition, depending on the depth of the utility trench excavation, some means of dewatering may be required to facilitate the utility installation and associated backfilling. The resulting excavations should be backfilled with structural fill, as described in Section 4.3 of this report. 5.3 Excavations In Federal Register, Volume 54, No. 209 (October, 1989), the United States Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) amended its "Construction Standards for Excavations, 29 CFR, part 1926, Subpart P". This document was issued to better insure the safety of workmen entering trenches or excavations. It is mandated by this federal regulation that all excavations, whether they be utility trenches, basement excavation or footing excavations, be constructed in accordance with the new (OSHA) guidelines. It is our understanding that these regulations are being strictly enforced and if they are not closely followed, the owner and the contractor could be liable for substantial penalties. The contractor is solely responsible for designing and constructing stable, temporary excavations and should shore, slope, or bench the sides of the excavations as required to maintain stability of both the excavation sides and bottom. The contractor's responsible person, as defined in 29 CFR Part 1926, should evaluate the soil exposed in the excavations as part of the contractor's safety procedures. In no case should slope height, 21 i 5olu_tians?In�: Report of Subsurface Investigation and Geotechnical Engineering Services June 8, 2011 P705 Aircraft Maintenance Hangar and Apron P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition MCAS New River Camp LeJeune, North Carolina G E T Project No: JX10-116G slope inclination, or excavation depth, including utility trench excavation depth, exceed those specified in local, state, and federal safety regulations. We are providing this information solely as a service to our client. G E T Solutions, Inc. is not assuming responsibility for construction site safety or the contractor's activities; such responsibility is not being implied and should not be inferred. 6.0 REPORT LIMITATIONS The recommendations submitted are based on the available soil information obtained by G E T Solutions, Inc. and the information supplied by the client and their consultants for the proposed project. If there are any revisions to the plans for this projector if deviations from the subsurface conditions noted in this report are encountered during construction, G E T Solutions, Inc. should be notified immediately to determine if changes in the foundation recommendations are required. If G E T Solutions, Inc. is not retained to perform these functions, G E T Solutions, Inc. can not be responsible for the impact of those conditions on the geotechnical recommendations for the project. The Geotechnical Engineer warrants that the findings, recommendations, specifications or professional advice contained herein have been made in accordance with generally accepted professional geotechnical engineering practices in the local area. No other warranties are implied or expressed. After the plans and specifications are more complete the Geotechnical Engineer should be provided the opportunity to review the final design plans and specifications to assure our engineering recommendations have been properly incorporated into the design documents, in order that the earthwork and foundation recommendations may be properly interpreted and implemented. At that time, it may be necessary to submit supplementary recommendations. The exploration conducted and this report are not necessarily in sufficient detail for final geotechnical design of the project. Design -build teams should familiarize themselves with the site and general subsurface conditions and retain the services of their own consultant to make additional subsurface explorations and testing as deemed necessary to design and construct the project. Regardless of the thoroughness of a geotechnical exploration, there is always a possibility that conditions between test locations will be materially different from those encountered at the specific testing locations. In addition, soil and groundwater conditions may become altered by construction activities and the passage of time. These possibilities should be considered by the designers and contractors. This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer - Surveyor, Ltd. and their consultants for the specific application to the proposed P705 Aircraft Maintenance Hangar and Apron and P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition located in MCAS New River Camp LeJeune, North Carolina. 22 GET r �• 0 Y 1 1 1 1 1 APPENDICES BORING LOCATION PLAN II SUMMARY OF SOIL CLASSIFICATION III COMPREHENSIVE LABORATORY TEST RESULTS IV BORING LOGS V GENERALIZED SOIL PROFILE (Borings B-1 through B-16) VI GENERALIZED SOIL PROFILE (Borings P-1 through P-60 and BMP-1 through BMP-12) VII CBR TEST RESULTS VIII DCP TEST DATA IX HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY WORKSHEETS X PCASE PAVEMENT DESIGN ANALYSIS APPENDIX I BORING LOCATION PLAN m m m m m® m o o m m s m m m m o m m / v tia i Y_ n-• I a `x I - Al , I • • u'j °Ac2 ir'S � pP -'1 A .A6 .A, Q 6 I P6 Pj P6 P9 Sp . S M i APPENDIX II SUMMARY OF SOIL CLASSIFICATION i G GET r. c:�y),r, In,iruf • f;nv,rnnmrn,.al • 7r.rint Virginia Beach Office 204 Grayson Road Virginia Beach, VA 23462 (757)518-1703 Williamsburg Office 1592 Penniman Rd, Suite E Williamsburg, Virginia 23185 (757)564-6452 CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM FOR SOIL EXPLORATION Elizabeth City Office ' 504 East Elizabeth St, Suite 2 Elizabeth City, NC 27909 (252) 335-9765 Standard Penetration Test (SPI), N-value Standard Penetration Tests (SPT) were performed in the field in general accordance with ASTM D 1586. The soil samples were obtained with a standard 1.4" I.D., 2" O.D., 30" long split -spoon sampler. The sampler was driven with blows of a 140 lb. hammer falling 30 inches, The number of blows required to drive the sampler each 6-inch increment (4 increments for each soil sample) of penetration was recorded and is shown on the boring logs. The sum of the second and third penetration increments is termed the SP'1 N-value. NON COHESIVE SOILS (SILT, SAND, GRAVEL and Combinations) Rchttye-Density Very Loose 4 blows/ft. or less Loose 5 to 10 blows/ft, Medium Dense I I to 30 blows/ft. Dense 31 to 50 blows/It. Very Dense 51 blows/ft. or more Particle Size Identification Boulders 8 inch diameter or more Cobbles 3 to 8 inch diameter Gravel Coarse l to 3 inch diameter Medium 1/2 to I inch diameter Fine 1/4 to 1/2 inch diameter Sand Coarse 2,00 mm to 1/4 inch (diameter of pencil lead) Medium 0.42 to 2.00 mm (diameter of broom straw) Fine 0.074 to 0.42 mm (diameter of human hair) Silt 0.002 to 0.074 mm (cannot see particles) CLASSIFICATION SYMBOLS (ASTM D 2487 and D 2488) Coarse Grained Soils More than 50% retained on No. 200 sieve GW - Well -graded Gravel GP - Poorly graded Gravel GW-GM - Well -graded Gravel w/Silt GW-GC - Well -graded Gravel w/Clay GP -GM - Poorly graded Gravel w/Silt GP -GC - Poorly graded Gravel w/Clay GM -'Silty G ravel GC - Clayey C. ravel GC -GM - Silly, Clayey Gravel SW - Well -graded Sand SP - Poorly graded Sand SW-SM - Well -graded Sand w/Silt SW -SC - Well -graded Sand w/Clay SP-SM - Poorly graded Sand w/Silt SP-SC - Poorly graded Sand w/Clay SM - Silty Sand SC - Clayey Sand SC-SM - Silty, Clayey Sand Fine -Grained Soils 50% or more passes the No. 200 sieve CL - Lean Clay CL-ML - Silty Clay ML - Silt OL - Organic Clay/Silt Liquid Limit 50% or greater CH - Fat Clay MH - Elastic Silt OH - Organic Clay/Silt Highly Organic Soils PT - Peat a- COHESIVE SOILS (CLAY, SILT and Combinations) Consistency Very Soft 2 blows/ft. or less Soft 3 to 4 blows/ft. Medium Stiff 5 to 8 blows/ft. Stiff 9 to 15 blows/ft. Very Stiff 16 to 30 blows/ft. Hard 31 blows/ft. or snore Relative Pro op rtions Descriptive Term Percent Trace 0-5 Few 5-10 Little 15-25 Some 30-45 Mostly 50-100 Strata Changes In the column "Description" on the boring log, the horizontal lines represent approximate strata changes. Groundwater Readin¢s Groundwater conditions will vary with environmental r variations and seasonal conditions, such as the frequency and magnitude of rainfall patterns, as well as tidal influences and man-made influences, such as existing swales, drainage ponds, underdrains and areas of covered soii (paved parking lots, side walks, etc.). Depending on percentage of Fines (fraction smaller than No. 200 sieve size), coarse -grained soils are classified as follows: Less than 5 percent GW, GP, SW,SP More than 12 percent GM, GC, SA7, Sc 5 to 12 percent Borderline cases requiring dual symbols S;) Plasticity Chart ■■■■■■■■., ■■■■■E®.,■ ■■■■■■� ■■■®.;=■■ ■■■..■■■■. Page t ol1 �'0 M M 33 •111) 50 ir3 1D P.0 �•0 tiyJ GET Revision 12/12107 t-IQUID UPAIT (U.) (11,6) ' APPENDIX III COMPREHENSIVE LABORATORY TEST RESULTS d zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz I I-zl I d zzz I � ;m z z -1z— z z Iz Iz Iz Iz Iz !z Iz Iz Iz Iz Iz 1. 1. 1. 1 Iz -z 1. Iz Iz 1. 1 _ zzzz12 -z zzzzzzzzz===zzzz Iz Iz Iz Iz Iz Iz zzzz z z z z z z — L,V z z z z z `z `z z - z --- z z z z z z` z z -1 I z !_ Z --_ Z Z 111.121212 Z .. z z z z z z z Z z Z Z z z z z z z z z z Z z z z z Z Z z z z z z z z z z z 2 z Z Z Z Z z z z z z z z z z z z E ` E =' X EZ z z z z z z z m _ z E= E m u F o z �z i ire z o o z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z-------- Z' Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z u E N N m y a E r -- _ _ _ 8 8 8 8 E E E E E_ E E - - d E - - E v E E - - v v E E - - v v E E - - px - - 8 8 - - - - - - - - d y - ® m m m m m m m m m m ® m m APPENDIX IV I -.To] 4 ", I Eel toIe]614 � I GET PROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main. Hangar & Apron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition CLIENT: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd kEEESEA PROJECT LOCATION: MCAS New River Camp Le'eune, NC PROJECT NO.: JX10-116G C—J,-1 r.•t*—rl- BORING LOCATION: See Attached Boring Location Plan SURFACE ELEVATION: 21 MSL BORING LOG DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc. LOGGED BY: gwh DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Wash "Mud" DATE: 2-15-11 B-1 DEPTH TO WATER- INITIAL*: 4W� 10 AFTER 24 HOURS: -T, CAVING> _C_ a TEST RESULTS r E a� n a a o Q a n m 3 `D m# Plastic Limit I --I Liquid Limit �, �, w Descri tion C E E o E o ❑ E ❑ p 0 � � � � V) � m Q Z \ Moisture Content N-Value - 1 inch of Topsoil11 0 F// 1 24 ss Slightly motbed orangish brown -tan, moist, Sandy Lean CLAY (CL), Medium Stiff Grayish tan and orangish brown, moist, Clayey fine to medium SAN 2 10 ss (SC), Loose Tan and light gray, moist, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM), Medium Dense Tan and light gray, moist, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP- ,,:,: { r 4 20 ss SM) with trace Silt, Loose to Medium Dense rX..u: --- '1:1: 1 f 5 0 ss •1:Ci i 7 Tan, orangish brown and light gray, wet, Poorly Graded fine to c i medium SAND (SP-SM) with trace Silt, Medium Dense ' t I' ,•.[cr 8 15 ss r'��ii• 7:nt{ — Light gray, wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP-SM) with trace Silt, Medium Dense :':' t'• :�•r.c1 7 19 ss h i•1i' •1 :I: r � Gray, wet, Sandy Lean CLAY (CL), Very Soft ht gray, wet, Silty fine to coarse SAND (SM) with trace Gravel a Cemented Marine Shell Fragments, Medium Dense to Dense 3 3 B 3 4 3 3 7 4 1 4 3 20 ss 4 7 7 m s 13 a s 4 3 5 2 3 4 6 15 s 16 12 12 24 12 / 8 .i7 24 ss 1 o t 1 t1 9 23 ss 18 34 1e 11 24 ss 38 Greenish gray, wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP) with 7 s 6 5 M%ii �/� i Notes: SS = Split Spoon Sample w ST = Shelby Tube Sampie HA = Hand Auger Sample BS = Bulk Sample . •rh„ :.,:�;-,i .,..,.,.,.J,..�l.,. r,, n.Jf.,., ..,�„ .,.,e ho f.,.Jl. �ti— .,r Ih- nrn —A—tnr In vo! Wr1H = W.;'ht of Ham r PAGE 1 of 3 Standard Penetration Tests were performed in the field in general accordance with ASTM D 1586. 1 1 I 1 1 I I 0 GET PROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main. Hangar & Apron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition CLIENT: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd Vno PROJECT LOCATION: MCAS New River Camp Le'eune, NC PROJECT NO.: JX10-116G �h= BORING LOCATION: See Attached Boring Location Plan SURFACE ELEVATION: 21 MSL BORING LOG DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc, LOGGED BY: gwh DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Wash "Mud" DATE: 2-15-11 B-1 DEPTH TO WATER - INITIAL*: s 10 AFTER 24 HOURS: a CAVING> f- o Y °1 N o TEST RESULTS Plastic Limit I I Liquid Limit @ > JE- n a� v Description a ,� a d E Z o. � E 9L E 3 CO o w 2❑ ❑ w rn in F in a z o Moisture Content -• N-Value - 12 trace Silt, Medium Dense 12 23 ss a 13 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 �//�// .29 — j//l %/� — — 8 — 13 21 ss 10 15 14 25 4 -25 _ 2$ r, tight gray, wet, Silty fine to coarse SAND (SM) with trace Gravel an Cemented Marine Shell Fragments, Medium Dense to Dense 14 19 ss 15 73 — 0 . 16 — 42 MEN/� /� 15 17 ss 23 26 16 55 12 •35 18 — 16 19 ss 13 26 �� 14 — 31 17 17 ss 4 1420 A5 — — .. 1913 .. Greenish gray, wet, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM), Medium Dense 18 24 ss 8 6 �_ 8 -50 1 22...........:...:....... . — 14 j 19 24 ss 6 75 Greenish gray, wet, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM), Medium Dens 10 -55 . Notes: SS = Split Spoon Sample ST = Shelby Tube Sample HA = Hand Auger Sample BS =Bulk Sample *The initial oroi fndwater readincr may not be indicative of the static oroundwate� �gyet. = i PAGE 2 of 3 Standard Penetration Tests were performed in the field in general accordance with ASTM D 1586. GET PROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main. Hangar & Apron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition - CLIENT: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd �l '-" PROJECT LOCATION: MCAS New River Camp Leieune, NC PROJECT NO.: JX10-116G cn.a. .:•r.w�,Rzs•r�ro. BORING LOCATION: See Attached Boring Location Plan SURFACE ELEVATION: 21 MSL BORING LOG DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc. LOGGED BY: gwh DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Wash "Mud' DATE: 2-15-11 B-1 DEPTH TO WATER -INITIALS: 4-7 10 AFTER 24 HOURS: -7, CAVING> f- e o n aL av n CL a� �' 3`D m o 4 TEST RESULTS Plastic Limit H Liquid Limit Q J w n E a Description E z 1= m Q z\ Moisture Content - • N-Value - 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 2a s 5 �. — 20 24 ss a 13 %%/ 7 — ........ .. . am — — 6 21 24 ss s 14 26 Boring terminated at 85 ft. 90 . -7 28 75 30 100 -80 32 _90 .' 30. 11 -95 - :... ...:.. .:... ...:...:... t Notes: SS = Split Spoon Sample ST = Shelby Tube Sample. HA = Hand Auger Sample BS = Bulk Sample i ii r i = r ' PAGE 3 of 3 Standard Penetration Tests were performed in the field in general accordance with ASTM D 1586, 1 1 I 0 C 1 GETPROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main. Hangar & Apron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition CLIENT: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd PROJECT LOCATION: MCAS New River Camp Lejeune, NC PROJECT NO.: JX10-116G " - _ -` C—.h<Jr.,. r. �_ur- r Y"_ BORING LOCATION: See Attached Boring Location Plan SURFACE ELEVATION: 18 MSL Iv BORING LOG DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc. LOGGED BY: gwh DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Wash "Mud"_ DATE: 3-22-11 B-2 DEPTH TO WATER -INITIAL*: S 8 AFTER 24 HOURS: CAVING _C_ o L N Ql- N= m a O TEST RESULTS Plastic Limit t-1 Liquid Limit J w Description L ,� E z E o w g E c7 to 2 z\ Moisture Content - e cn N-Value - iD 20 30 44 5D 60 7D 3 inches of Topsoil j , •: _ 2 (� 1 24 ss 1 3 4 ; Tan, moist, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP-SM) with trace':': — Silt, Very Loose to Loose "' r J 4 — 1.1, 2 21 ss 4 10 / — a is t 3 Orangish brown and light gray, moist, Poorly Graded fine to medium — SAND (SP SM) with trace Silt, Loose r �.1•V } 3 20 ss a?:11.: 7 7 / 2 Light gray, moist to wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP- i io� SM) with trace Silt, Medium D Dense r�:n: �:r•c[ 4 20 ss 10 2 0 /// 0 1LT 7 11 13, .1;CC r 21 _ ININ/l/s, 5 20 ss 2 ra:L1: 6 18 ss B- 't7:r1. 27 :i 14 4 —13 Gray, wet, Clayey fine SAND (SC), Very Loose z 7 20 ss 2 4 5.0 - 7 2 - _ 2 r 18 Light gray, wet, Silty fine to coarse SAND (SM) with trace Gravel an Cemented Marine Shell Fragments, Loose to Medium Dense & 24 ss 12 19 14 9 24 ss 5 7/ 10 -1Q_ — 10 24 ss 9 14 30 11 j/ i i c i ; 33i Greenish gray, wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP) with — — trace Silt, Medium Dense 11 za ss 7 s 11 ......;...i... 35 -20 Greenish gray, wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP) with '•' /E / ; - — — s 7 - Notes: SS = Split Spoon Sample ST = Shelby Tube Sample HA = Hand Auger Sample BS = Bulk Sample groundwaterTha initial aroundwater re ding mgv not bp indicative -of the static level WOH = Weiaht PAGE i of 3 Standard Penetration Tests were performed in the field in general accordance with ASTM D 1586. GET PROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main. Hangar & Apron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition CLIENT: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd PROJECT LOCATION: MCAS New River Camp Lejeune, NC PROJECT NO.: JX10-116G -' — Gurnh Sref•l�rirersmnW• BORING LOCATION: See Attached Boring Location Plan SURFACE ELEVATION: 18 MSL BORING LOG DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc. LOGGED BY: gwh DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Wash "Mud" DATE: 3-22-11 B-2 _ DEPTH TO WATER - INITIAL*: -W� 8 AFTER 24 HOURS: ! CAVING -L o y T L Q Q o a cL N 3° t o TEST RESULTS Plastic Limit H Liquid Limit J wo E p ~' Description E Z E E F- o co o- \ Moisture Content - • N-Value - 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 12 trace Silt, Medium Dense 12 22 ss 11 1812 -z 43. Light gray, wet, Silty fine to coarse SAND (SM) with trace Gravel an 14 is%j _ Cemented Marine Shell Fragments, Dense g 13 2i ss 1s 32 4 1a - 17 16 14 21 ss t5 5 20 31 — 1 33 . My �/ ;f//i,,,� !/ 15 22 ss �6 21 - 40 14 1 16 18 ss 15 22 37 .45 63 Greenish gray, wet, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM), Medium Dens .. 7 — to Dense 17 24 ss 16 6s 2 50 ..... 5- - 18 24 ss 6 15 70 ..... 11 -55 /' g 19 24 55 10 15 18 f 75 Greenish gray, wet, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM), Medium Dens — to Dense 60 Notes: SS = Split Spoon Sample ST = Shelby Tube Sample HA = Hand Auger Sample BS = Bulk Sample initial (groundwater reading may ngt be indicative of thg-sLatkiarauildwaler levef WOH = Weiaht of Hammer I PAGE 2 of 3 Standard Penetration Tests were performed in the field in genera! accordance with ASTM D 1586. I 1 I 1 1 0 1 1 GET PROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main. Hangar & A ron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition CLIENT: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd P. 4 - � ``' _ PROJECT LOCATION: MCAS New River Cam Le'eune NC PROJECT NO.: JX10-116G � � - " Cw ftR &rl-&efo-­ -&olq BORING LOCATION: See Attached Boring Location Plan SURFACE ELEVATION: 18 MSL BORING LOG DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc. LOGGED BY: qwh DRILLING METHOD: Rotary "Mud" DATE: 3-22-11 B-2 DEPTH TO WATER -INITIAL*: 4�;- 8 AFTER 24 HOURS: .Z CAVING f- o L a 2 �, v �, o TEST RESULTS Plastic Limit H Liquid Limit 15 � �, Description a E o E z a a E a Q1 E `° o �, m tU g O E m in U cn M m n Z` Moisture Content - • N-Value - 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 ��/� j 24 20 24 Ss 9 15 -66 s i31 21 22 SS 4685 ze 29 Boring terminated at 85 ft. 70 . 28 90 -75 95 -80 30 100 -85 _ 2 105 - - - -95 34 Notes: SS = Split Spoon Sample ST = Shelby Tube Sample HA = Hand Auger Sample SS = Bulk Sample _ Weiaht PAGE 3 of 3 Standard Penetration Tests were performed in the field in general accordance with ASTM D 1586. a GET -" BORING LOG B-3 PROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main. Hangar & Apron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition CLIENT: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd _ _ PROJECT LOCATION: MCAS New River Camp Lejeune, NC PROJECT NO.: JX10-116G BORING LOCATION: See Attached Boring Location Plan SURFACE ELEVATION: 19.5 MSL DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc. LOGGED BY: gwh DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Wash "Mud" DATE: 2-22-11 DEPTH TO WATER - INITIAL*: 9 AFTER 24 HOURS: _ CAVING> f- ' ' , r TEST RESULTSo > a v Description °n E aaE °mfl E Plastic Limit Liquid Limit,z W � a p Moisture Content -• o N-Value - 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 5 inches of Topsoil r 3 3 , .4Z Light gray and brown, moist, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM), FILE_, 1 18 ss 6 j Loose J a 3 2 20 ss 7 Slightly mottled gray-orangish brown, moist, Sandy Lean CLAY (CL), 4 4 Medium Stiff ! ..... ' 5 Grayish brown, moist, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM), Loose 3 16 ss 3 7 j 4 % — 2 _ — Light gray and tan, moist, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP-' SM)with trace Silt, Medium Dense :e�f rr.L1: 4 21 ss y 14 — Tan, orangish brown and light gray, moist to wet, Clayey fine to 1 1 _ medium SAND (SC), Very Loose ;:_ 5 17 ss 2 3 37.9 1e Tan, orangish brown and light gray, wet, Silty fine to medium SAND - 6 18 ss s 8 — (SM) with trace Clay, Very Loose to Loose 5 4 7 24 ss 2 3 _ m Tan, orangish brown to light gray, wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium. — rx.Lr 8 10 ss y 19 �i/11 �/ o SAND (SP-SM) with trace Silt, Very Loose to Medium Dense ;;:r 10 ��; - 2a 12 10 25 - ta:Ci � -10 10 20 ss 2 3 •i:rrJ .la:Lr — u;r]. 1 — AXr 11 21 ss 1 3 i ..:.......:...:...:.. - i•P�i — - 38 Grayish brown, wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP) with SS = SpR Spoon Sample ST = Shelby Tube Sample Ls: HA = Hand Auger Sample BS = Bulk Sample ' jaitial groundwater readina may riot be indicative of the static oroundwater level. WOH = Weiaht of Hammer PAGE 1 of 3 Standard Penetration Tests were performed in the field in general accordance with ASTM D 1586. I 1 a 1 1 I �1 � 1 I I I GET PROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main. Hangar & Apron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition CLIENT: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd PROJECT LOCATION: MCAS New River Camp Leieune, NC _ PROJECT NO.: JX1011tiG Gwrrhnhd •F..eYwrtrrmN•inpay BORING LOCATION: See Attached Boring Location Plan SURFACE ELEVATION: 19.5 MSL BORING LOG DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc. LOGGED BY: wh DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Wash "Mud" DATE: 2-22-11 B-3 DEPTH TO WATER -INITIAL*: -�.7 9 AFTER 24 HOURS: CAVING> f- o Z w N L = �, �, m ? a TEST RESULTS Plastic Limit 1 1 Liquid Limit a Lo 4) v ai Description 12 z E cL o j w g a E O f- m a Z\ Moisture Content -• N-Value - 1 � 10 20 30 40 50 60 7040 -20 trace Silt, Very Loose 12 20 ss 1 2 z 25 13 17 ss 0 1 414 1 — -30 — 36 /, Light gray, wet, Silt fine to coarse SAND SM with trace Gravel andME 9 9 Y, Y ( Cemented Marine Shell Fra ments, Dense 14 18 ss 1a sa g 18 //�///.�E . -fir -35 = 36 15 17 ss 15 Za 55 :: 35 4018 16 18 ss 22 36 35 — Greenish gray, wet, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM), Medium Dens ! iiE 15 NIEMEN �5 17 20 ss $' 19 65 10 - 20 - - 6 70 •50 1$ 24 ss 9 12 16 jam' % .:...: - 7 •55 ': 19 24 ss y 1675 j — Greenish gray, wet, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM), Medium Dens iiiii-- 13 Notes: SS = Split Spoon Sample ST = Shelby Tube Sample HA = Hand Auger Sample I *The initial gXundwaler re may not be jQ live of the sta(��ndwatpr lovol. BS = Bulk Sample i PAGE 2 of 3 Standard Penetration Tests were performed in the field in ,genera! accordance with ASTM 0 1586. GET PROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main. Hangar & Apron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition CLIENT: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd PROJECT LOCATION: MCAS New River Camp Lejeune, NC PROJECT NO.: JX10-116G ' BORING LOCATION: See Attached Boring Location Plan SURFACE ELEVATION: 19.5 MSL BORING LOG DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc. LOGGED BY: qwh DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Wash "Mud" DATE: 2-22-11 B-3 DEPTH TO WATER - INITIAL*: Z� 9 AFTER 24 HOURS: _ CAVING> �L ' Ya N TEST RESULTSo m J� cu Q „ Description a n o E z a> E F N �ok Plastic Limit H LiquidLimit E ❑ c7 N m a Z \ Moisture Content - • ' LU N-Value - 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 — 24 20 24 ss s 16 60 14 �/ ......,, 21 22 ss 7 10 17 - 2f, 85 15 — Boring terminated at 85 ft. .70 90 — 28 -75 —95_ - - _ -80 0 00 . : -85 32 05 _ 90 110 - — 34 '.. -95 .................... . - -' SS=5 litSpoon Sample Notes: p ST = Shelby Tube Sample HA = Hand Auger Sample BS = Bulk Sample n r! — i h PAGE 3 of 3 Slandard Penetration Tests were performed in the field in general accordance with ASTM 0 1586, 1 1 a I 1 I a I I I 1 GET PROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main. Hangar 8, Apron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition CLIENT: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd PROJECT LOCATION: MCAS New River Camp Lejeune, NC PROJECT NO.: JX10-116G ewnnu.l.c.d��.. u.ree� BORING LOCATION: See Attached Boring Location Plan SURFACE ELEVATION: 18 MSL BORING LOG DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc. LOGGED BY: gwh DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Wash "Mud" DATE: 2-16-11 B-4 DEPTH TO WATER - INITIAL': U- 9 AFTER 24 HOURS: v CAVING> -C- o L N �, y j oa TEST RESULTS Plastic Limit H Liquid Limit vCL m m m ti Description C z E o j w g 0 E a t— m n Z\ Moisture Content - 0 N-Value - - 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 4 inches of Topsoil r l 3 _ 1 24 ss 3 3 6 Brown, moist, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM) FILL, Loose O 3 3 % Dark brown, moist, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM) with trace Organics, Loose 2 zo ss 4 4 yr — 8 ..... ......... ; 3 Slightly mottled gray-orangish brown, moist, Sandy Lean CLAY (CL), s i Medium Stiff 3 16 ss 3 6 j 3 Brownish gray, moist to w et, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM}, Loose _ 4 F� _ to Medium Dense 4 16 ss 6 10 10 7 g 5 14 ss 6 12 10 ........... 10 Brownish gray to light to coarse SAND •;:.. . — 5P9SM) wehPra� eyS taLoosded ene .. `I: 6 11 ss z 5 : aa.ir 1 : 5 4 :i:kt! . . . 5 — :Ia l: '•I = r i•!i• 7 16 ss 2 7 h �/ ]:t r t ��/ 18 Tan and orangish brown, wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND ' i r1• _ (SP-SM) with trace Silt, Medium Dense to Dense a t 8 12 ss a 19 20 :I:I:tI 3 - - - •ii• 19 ICFj 9 11 ss 38//%�/ zs - .t.I.LC 16 J:I:rt ' -1 _ : — 28 Tan and gray, wet, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM), Very Loose :': :: — — — 2 — 10 22 ss 2 4 y 30 2 _1 10 Brown to greenish gray, wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND :: 4 (SP) with trace Silt, Very Loose to Medium Dense 11 21 ss 2 a 35 ... 1 -20 - Brown to greenish gray, wet, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM), Very 1 t Notes: SS = Split Spoon Sample ST = Shelby Tube Sample HA = Hand Auger Sample BS = Bulk Sample *The initial ar�urrdwater readina may not be indicative of feveL WOH = Weiaht PAGE 1 of 3 Standard Penetration Tests were performed is the Geld in general accordance with ASTM D 1586, GET PROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main, Hangar & Apron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition CLIENT: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd PROJECT LOCATION: MCAS New River Camp Le'eune, NC PROJECT NO.: JX10-116G c.,:.:•c.�nxa-m•r Yx BORING LOCATION: See Attached Boring Location Plan SURFACE ELEVATION: 18 MSL BORING LOG DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc. LOGGED BY: gwh "Mud" DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Wash DATE- 2-16-11 B-4 DEPTH TO WATER - INITIAL`: s 9 AFTER 24 HOURS: CAVING> f- co `E Yd U Q Nn a m TEST RESULT Plastic Limit LiquidLimit J w ( p v Description E zE o E nro mm a) z oMoisture •S Content -0 N-Value - 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 12 Loose to Medium Dense 12 18 ss 1 2 40 -2 - �j 5 — 13 21 ss 14 %� 45 14 -30 ' ..... %/ Light gray, wet, Silty fine to coarse SAND (SM) with trace Gravel and 8 13 — Cemented Marine Shell Fragments, Dense 14 24 ss 24 37j�j�% 50 18 1 -514 16 — 15 15 ss 26 21 55 - i i i i i -4016 _ — 45 16 16 ss z a 60 -45 63- Gray,wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND SP-SM with trace Y ( Silt, Dense . ?:a: 7:k !. cl 17 15 ss 35��/��% 30 18 48 - 20 65 :.... alClr 22- 50 ss..r Greenish gray, wet, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM), Medium Dense 10 15 18 24 ss 71 26 2 :........:...:...:....:...:... -55 5 fi% — 19 24 ss 12 12 j O — 5 v Greenish gray, wet, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM), Medium Dens 60 S:SS = Split Spoon Sample ST = Shelby Tube Sample HA = Hand Auger Sample Linitialorotirrdw,qterreadin(irr?avr?<)t BS = Bulk Sample i - Welaht PAGE 2 of 3 Standard Penetralion Tests were performed in the field in general accordance with ASTM D 1586. I 1 n 0 I 1 1 I 0 0 I GETPROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main. Hangar & Apron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition CLIENT: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., En ineer-Surve or, Ltd PROJECT LOCATION: MCAS New River Camp Le'eune, NC PROJECT NO.: JX10-116G `- r ••�a.�.=•r.�„=_• rww BORING LOCATION: See Attached Boring Location Plan SURFACE ELEVATION: 18 MSL BORING LOG DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc. LOGGED BY: _ gwh DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Wash "Mud" DATE: 2-16-11 B-4 _ DEPTH TO WATER - INITIAL*: 9 AFTER 24 HOURS: T CAVING> f- o r w m m— o o TEST RESULTS Plastic Limit H Liquid Limit m �, a. v �, a v w Description °L d E Z a(U 00; a m 3 �O o N N w E a) m a o Moisture Content - • N-Value - 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 24 5 20 24 ss i 1280 j 21 22 ss 1226 85 10 Boring terminated at 85 ft. 70 90 28 -75 - 95 30 -85 32 1 -90 11 —341 Notes: SS = Split Spoon Sample ST = Shelby Tube Sample HA = Hand Auger Sample *Tho initial aroundwater reag�aa may not be indicative of the sW(ic groundwater level, W��lj BS = Bulk Sample = Might PAGE 3 of 3 Standard Penetration Tests were performed in the field in general accordance with ASTM D 1586. GET PROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main. Hangar & Apron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition CLIENT: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd PROJECT LOCATION: MCAS New River Camp Lejeune, NC PROJECT NO.: JX10-116G — — 6nx:na�Yrrr•c.dn+nun�:�F. trot+'[ BORING LOCATION: See Attached Boring Location Plan SURFACE ELEVATION: 20 MSL BORING LOG DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc. LOGGED BY: wh DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Wash "Mud" DATE: 2-16-11 B-5 DEPTH TO WATER -INITIAL*: sz 10 AFTER 24 HOURS: s CAVING> -L o r m - �_ �, o TEST RESULTS Plastic Limit H Liquid Limit J aa v yJE_ �, „ Description 0- a o E Z n> g Q �' E 3 cA o ;, > w ❑ ❑ W i— M a Moisture Content - • Z e N-Value - 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 20 0 o 5 inches of Topsoil a j 0.4 1 16 is 10 7.0 •�-- --I — Slightly brown Sandy Lean CLAY mottled orangish -gray, moist, (CL), 5 Stiff �'L'J:r7• B18 f ss 7 6 13 Brown and tan, moist, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP-SM)::,., with trace Silt, Medium Dense 5 'LrtJ• 3 15 ss 6 13 1211, ..:...:...:...:...:...:. 2 4:f i 6� Gray and tan, moist to wet, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM), Very 3� Loose to Medium Dense 4 22 ss 8 11 j : M/ 9 Trace Clay from 8 to 10 feet 3 — S 17 ss 3 6 - - l 4% - 6 16 ss s 9 i : i 4 3 — 7 17 ss z 3 :. 15 z4j� %j% _ Light gray, wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP-SM) with F ! 8 21 as ,81 trace Silt, Very Loose to Medium Dense rY !:: i 13 6 a t 12 . aieii � $LI: Lr 14 •1 �_Lr 18 ss 13 1 � 23' 23 5 r};Lt; ' — N'.L 1: 1 L'J: t J . — •1 LI ila i 10 14 ss 0 , , -10 30 f:GL1: X. . 11 23 ss 3 ......:...:...:...;...:...:... — t:rtr A'.I' L r . Light gray, wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP-SM) with 1 Notes: SS = Split Spoon Sample ST = Shelby Tube Sample HA = Hand Auger Sample BS = Bulk Sample f the static oWundwaterr PAGE 1 of 3 Standard Penetration Tests were performed in the field in general accordance with ASTM D 1586 I 1 I I 1 I I 1 I 1 I GET PROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main. Hangar & Apron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition CLIENT: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd PROJECT LOCATION: MCAS New River Camp Lejeune NC PROJECT NO.: JX10-116G cm�nrsr.r•r-wk„»,y.r�nenry. BORING LOCATION: See Attached Boring Location Plan SURFACE ELEVATION: 20 MSL BORING LOG B-5 DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc, LOGGED BY: gwh DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Wash "Mud_ " DATE: 2-16-11 DEPTH TO WATER- INITIAL*: 10 AFTER 24 HOURS: v CAVING> -C- m i1i Z a °i a o a� w Description C7 a 2 a o m Z 0 5 c U to a �' CO r fh 3 t° ° m @ z a v e TEST RESULTS Plastic Limit H Liquid Limit Moisture Content • N-Value - 1 trace Silt, Very Loose to Medium Dense 7 12 22 ss 1 2 10 20 30 40 5 60 70 — `J -2S 2 43 Brown, wet, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM), Very Loose 13 24 — ss 2 1 1 0... 45 14 — — 25 o 48 Light gray, wet, Silty fine to coarse SAND (SM) with trace Gravel an Cemented Marine Shell Fragments, Medium Dense to Very Dense 14 19 ss s 13 - 15 - - — -35 55 67 15 21 ss 23 37 230 3 ~ -40 54j�/ f//i i• /i 16 20 55 13 32 34 — -d� ` ! 63 /If ; � 17 14 ss — 5 — -50 — 12 . MEN 7 8 Greenish gray, wet, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM), Medium Dense iEEii 18 24 ss 5 7 9 22 ii r...:...:...:... .. _ _ - — 7 Greenish gray, wet, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM), Medium Dens ; 14/ 19 0 ss 8 11 Notes: SS = Split Spoon Sample ST = Shelby Tube Sample MA = Hand Auger Sample *Th4, initial groundwater Xaa�Qa eNay not be indicative of the static groundwater BS = Bulk Sample level._ We�aht of Hammer PAGE 2 of 3 Standard Penetration Tests were performed in the field in peneral accordance with ASTM D 1586. GET PROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main. Hangar & Apron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition CLIENT: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr. Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd PROJECT LOCATION: MCAS New River Camp Lejeune, NC PROJECT NO.: JX10-116G ,. c­,,a.== BORING LOCATION: See Attached Boring Location Plan SURFACE ELEVATION: 20 MSL BORING LOG DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc. LOGGED BY: gwh "Mud" DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Wash DATE: 2-16-11 B-5 _ DEPTH TO WATER -INITIAL*: -:Z� 10 AFTER 24 HOURS: -Y- CAVING .- m Y �, a a oCL > a m 3 �O @ o TEST RESULTS Plastic Limit t-1 Liquid Limit ❑ o Description z m a z o Moisture Content - • N-Value - 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 — 24 8 20 24 ss e g 13� 80 is ............. 21 24 5 9 — ss "65 28 — — — — 13 %N --a5— Boring terminated at 85 ft. ao _ 90 28 -75 30 9 �,.. -80 32 100 _ _ 85 10 90 110 — 34 115 -95 — Notes, SS = Split Spoon Sample ST = Shelby Tube Sample HA = Hand Auger Sample BS = Bulk Sample initial aroundwgter I VVOH = i PAGE 3 of 3 Standard Penetration Tests were performed in the field in genera/ accordance with AS TM D 1586. 1 0 1 1 L GETPROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main. Hangar & Apron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition CLIENT: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd PROJECT LOCATION: _MCAS New River Camp Lejeune, NC PROJECT NO.: JX10-116G� - BORING LOCATION: See Attached Boring Location Plan _ _ SURFACE ELEVATION: 17 MSL BORING LOG DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc. LOGGED BY: _ gwh DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Wash "Mud" DATE: 2-21411 B-G _ DEPTH TO WATER - INITIAL': 49� 8 AFTER 24 HOURS: T CAVING> -C TEST RESULTS Plastic Limit F I Liquid Limit DeSCflptlofl n d a a �' tO a � cD o n m m � F in a ? v Moisture Content - • W a) to rr] Z e N-Value - 0 10 20 30 40 50 6070 2 inches of Topsoil _ _ 3 : : — 1 24 ssN 7 1 j 1 Brown, gray and orangish brown, moist, Silty fine to medium SAND M FILL, Loose .. .. ::: 2 22 ss9 Gray and orangish brown, moist, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM) — with trace Clay, Loose r Slightly mottled gray-orangish brown, moist, Sandy Lean CLAY (CO 3 15 ss6Medium Stiff 10 z .r::.t �r:�:c1: 4 Tan and whitish tan to tan, moist to wet, PoorlyGraded fine to A 2a ss 10 - medium SAND (SP-SM) with trace Silt, Loose to Medium Dense ! r t:CL r e s M / — :i ;e S i g 20 ss 6 11 11. - - 10 11.L1: •... 7 jj- .,. 6 17 ss 8 10 : - Ci J:[1 iaa1; 6 6 4 13•f44 I Qrangish brown to light gray and orangish brown, wet, Poorly 2 �I _ Graded fine to medium SAND (SP-SM) with trace Silt, Very Loose to ; ; f1F 7 13 ss 2 a — Medium Dense 8 14 ss 12 7 . .... . 7 aa.tr 9 18 ss 3 7 -1 i 10 24 ss a 1-15 30 10 d11? i j —_ i - 33 = :t: - - Light gray, wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP-SM) with trace Silt, Very Loose Ja:rt :LS 11 23 ss 1 035 1 ;.,.;I,..,-., ;...;... I aa.cr I -20 Light gray, wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP-SM) with 1 Notes: SS = Split Spoon Sample ST = Shelby Tube Sampie HA = Hand Auger Sample BS = Bulk 5ampfe r = Weicht PAGE 1 of 3 Standard Penetration Tests were performed in the field in genera! accordance with ASTM D 1586. GE PROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main. Hangar & Apron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition CLIENT: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd PROJECT LOCATION: MCAS New River Camp Leleune, NC PROJECT NO.: JX10-116G Gnnrr :rrl-e. aT...rart. rnr BORING LOCATION: See Attached Boring Location Plan SURFACE ELEVATION: 17 MSL BORING LOG DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc. LOGGED BY: gwh DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Wash "Mud" DATE: 2-21-11� B-6 DEPTH TO WATER -INITIAL*: V- 8 AFTER 24 HOURS: T CAVING> c $ J n m a w Description cl Q n o fl> E° a F v o # TEST RESULTS Plastic Limit H Liquid Limit > �, �, ❑ E❑ w M z wco F-- m a z\ Moisture Content - s w N-Value - 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 12 trace Silt, Very Loose ��_�� 12 24 ss 2 3 ; I 40 2 i:I: — 1 43c- Greenish gray, wet, Poorly Graded SAND (SP) with trace Silt, Very : :. 2 1 Loose 13 24 ss 2 3 4.0 14 i -30 36 _ Light gray, wet, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM) with trace Gravel and Cemented Marine Shell Fragments, Medium Dense to Dense 14 24 ss 1$ a 50 19/f j :.... ... - -35 is — 24 i 15 24 ss 13 13 18 55 — 4$ - -40 16 20 ss 230 2�/���%i 26 60 26 //./..• -45 — 39 17 18 ss 18 21 20 65 12- — 17 /f i — Greenish gray, wet, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM), Medium Dens 18 24 ss 7 " " ' 15 -55 22 ..... — — 15 _ - FEW jf _ --- 19 24 ss 5 8 — Greenish gray, wet, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM), Medium Dens 15 Notes: SS = Split Spoon Sample ST = Shelby Tube Sample HA = Hand Auger Sample SS = Bulk Sample indicative*Tbe initial oroundwabi-readina may not be = Weia f m r PAGE 2 of 3 Standard Penetration Tests were performed in the field ingeneral accordance with ASTM D 1586 1 1 I GET PROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main. Hangar & Apron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition CLIENT: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd PROJECT LOCATION: MCAS_ New River Camp Lejeune, NC PROJECT NO.: JX10-116G KiL '- c00-hw.+• BORING LOCATION: See Attached Boring Location Plan SURFACE ELEVATION: 17 MSL BORING LOG DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc. LOGGED BY: gwh DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Wash "Mud" DATE: 2-21-11 B-6 DEPTH TO WATER - INITIAL*: $ 8 AFTER 24 HOURS: CAVING> -L a, m o TEST RESULTS Plastic Limit H Liquid Limit � QJ DeSCrlptbn c E Z E E o w g a E in m a Z o Moisture Content - 0 N-Value - 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 j — 24 20 24 ss 6 » 16 sa 15 — % rr 5 21 24 ss 13 _ 5 14� . Boring terminated at 85 ft. -70 90 -75 28 95 0 - 100 - - 32 105 -90 11D - 34 Notes: SS= Split Spoon Sample ST = Shelby Tube Sample HA = Hand Auger Sample BS = Bulk Sample - r m wnler vol WOH _ Weiaht of Hammer PAGE 3 of 3 Standard Penetration Tests were performed in the field in general accordance with ASTM D 1586. a GET PROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main. Hangar & Apron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition CLIENT: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd ' PROJECT LOCATION: MCAS New River Camp Lejeune, NC PROJECT NO.: JX10-116G BORING LOCATION: See Attached Baring Location Plan SURFACE ELEVATION: 22 MSL BORING LOG DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc. LOGGED BY: gwh DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Wash "Mud" DATE: 2-22-11 B-% DEPTH TO WATER -INITIAL $ 11 AFTER 24 HOURS: CAVIll -C- o r e o TEST RESULTS ro J a Description QL E E$rm E tO ov�( Plastic Limit H Liquid Limita L ❑ m z n u, in3 �Moisture z Content - • oD N-Value - 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 5 inches of Topsoil 4 4 E 1 24 ss 4 6- 2 Light brown and orangish brown, moist, Silty fine to mrdium SAND 2 (SM), Loose 3; 2 23 ss a 7 s Tan and light brown, moist, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND4 s - (SP-SM) with trace Silt, Medium Dense 3 12 ss $ 14j 15 Light gray and orangish brown, moist, Silty fine to medium SAND 7 7 %%%�l ;EN/ (SM) with trace Clay, Medium Dense 4 19 ss e 12 g Light gray, moist, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP-SM) with .. h $ 3 �1 f trace Silt, Loose ri:r1: a .,, . } 5 19 ss 4 7 . } z i• :. . )...:...: :... Light gray, moist to wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP- 2 - SM) with trace Silt and Clay, Very Loose i:rt t• 6 22 ss 1 3 11, • 10 7 a:Cf N - - Light gray, wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP-SM) with .+: s i5 trace Silt, Medium Dense i:.r °• 7 17 ss a 13 — g..... .,..:.. - 18, Gray, wet, Sandy Lean CLAY (CL), Very Soft WOH 0 8 24 ss 1 1 8 N-- -� B 20 1 — 23 3 : Tan, wet, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM), Very Loose 9 18 ss 0 i 25 1 Light brown and orangish brawn, wet, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM), Very Loose 10 17 ss , 2 30 -10 — 10 Light gray, wet, Poorly Graded SAND (SP- SM) with trace Silt, LOOSE": a 11 24 ss s 10 %. . " a:Ft1 4 3 4-15 7;c C L 38 Greenish gray, wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP) with : ;::: 7 j Notes: SS = Split Spoon Sample ST = Shelby Tube Sample HA = Hand Auger Sample BS =Bulk Sample ' *The initial groundwater reading - i fHammer PAGE 9 of 2 Staridard Penetration Tests were performed in the field in general accordance with ASTM D 1586. I 0 I I I U I 0 GET PROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main. Han ar & Apron; P710 Ordnance Loadinq Area Addition CLIENT: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd73 PROJECT LOCATION: MCAS New River Camp Leieune, NC PROJECT NO.: JX10-116G p - GaiaB:.kN •F.CM•wnrsul•71@f� BORING LOCATION: See Attached Boring Location Plan SURFACE ELEVATION; 22 MSL BORING LOG DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc. LOGGED BY: qwh DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Wash "Mud" DATE: 2-22-11 B-% DEPTH TO WATER - INITIAL*: 4Lz 11 AFTER 24 HOURS: v CAVING -L zi -j n Q a� Description n a o E a ° Q1 E 3 �O TEST RESULTS Plastic Limit H Liquid Limit �, w �, E N w o C9 z E m F- o �, m a e Moisture Content - • Z N-Value - 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 1 trace Silt, Medium Dense 12 24 ss 7 14 i 40 s _20 - 13 24 ss $ 19 45 13 14 -25 2021 j _ 4 Light gray, wet, Poorly Graded fine to coarse SAND (SM) with e trace . 14 24 ss „ Gravel and Cemented Marine Shell Fragments, Medium Dense to 11,o 5o — Very Dense 0 1 58/�/�� 15 23 ss 327 1 32 3 — 16 39is 502 8 ss 50 12" 100ISOM,- so �1z- / _ -40 ..... Boring terminated at 63 ft. — Refusal at 63 feet 65 -45 70 - 0 22 -55 Notes: SS = SpUt Spoon Sample ST = Shelby Tube Sample HA = Hand Auger Sample BS = Bulk Sample PAGE 2 of 2 Standard Penetration Tests were performed in the Field in general accordance with AS TM D 1586. ai GET PROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main, Hangar & Apron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition CLIENT: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd PROJECT LOCATION: MCAS New River Canip Le'eune, NC PROJECT NO.: JX10-116G entxreexa.r.. enrneirnr�.l•Ru1 - BORING LOCATION: See Attached Boring Location Plan SURFACE ELEVATION: 16 BORING LOG DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc. LOGGED BY: qwh DRILLING METHOD: Rota Wash "Mud" DATE: 2-21-11 QQ B-U DEPTH TO WATER - INITIAL*: `0 6 AFTER 24 HOURS: 4 CAVING f- o L L U a, m a� ao TEST RESULTS } 'EL C Description a .o d E Z n Q E> a �' E 3 10 o a, @ Plastic Limit H Liquid Limit p E❑" M rn � m n Z o Moisture Content - 0 cu cn N-Value - fl 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 1 inch of Topsoil 4 .0 1 10 ss 4 7 Brown, moist, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM), Loose 3 Light gray and orangish brown, moist, Silty fine to medium SAND s !j _ (SM) with little Clay, Medium Dense 2 24 ss 12 5 5 Light gray and orangish brown, moist, Clayey fine to medium SAND 4 (SC), Loose 3 iG ss 5 8 " - 10 6 Whitish tan and light brown, wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium " 5% — SAND (SP-SM) with trace Silt, Medium Dense rX. 1: .:,: f F 4 24 ss 9 11 r Light gray, moist, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP-SM) wit =I;'. F 1 " ri:n: 17 6 1a . — trace Silt, Medium Dense 5 ss %J — ,o is ':: .......,, Orangish brown and tan, wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND is".?. 4 (5P-SM) with trace Silt, Loose !:Ctl• ,.r. r r 6 16 ss s 9 - - 4 13 Light gray, wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP-SM) with ::: I a: t: 6 5 // . . trace Silt, Very Loose to Medium Dense .,., t f 6 11 15 1 •I• g20 7:I:rl - - -5 - I:rii .-_.. .. .. . i:rrt 10 -;C[ - f - - •I'I:l 1, 10 23 ss 2 3 5 . .t-rtt - -1 10 7L1:if : - 7:cC[ Ia zi 11 22 ss ? 3 . 35 r' i �1•ti; - 2 -F1 _ Light gray, wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP-SM) with ,:,: r [ 3 Notes: SS = Split Spoon Sample ST = Shelby Tube Sample HA = Hand Auger Sample BS = Bulk Sample groundwater Q=Ujan mav not be indicativei = PAGE 1 of 3 Standard Penetration Tests were performed in the field in general accordance with ASTM D 1586. t A A 1 1 1 GET PROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main. Hangar & Apron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition CLIENT: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd PROJECT LOCATION: MCAS New River Camp Lejeune, NC PROJECT NO.: JX10-116G ^T e.,•e.ern,�. e•r�� BORING LOCATION: See Attached Boring Location Plan SURFACE ELEVATION: 16 BORING LOG DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc. LOGGED BY: gwh DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Wash "Mud" DATE: 2-21-11 B-S DEPTH TO WATER - INITIAL*: -V- 6 AFTER 24 HOURS: Z- CAVING f. o t N L m m m Q TEST RESULTS Plastic Limit H Liquid Limit a E m a� Q aU m a? w Description n a o E Z E E 3 `o o m# w Q E 0 cn O fn f- to Q z o Moisture. Content- • N-Value - -t_ trace Silt, Very Loose to Medium Dense 12 24 ss 2 5 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 .. • lS.l1; 7 2 — a . I. } 'L7: 13 22 ss 4 45 f7. 9 7 _ -30 14 '1:ttI ' — _ 38 ., ....... / _ 48 Light gray, wet, Silt fine to coarse SAND 5M with trace Gravel and 9 9 y Y ( ) Cemented Marine Shell Fragments, Medium Dense to Very Dense ... 14 21 as 17 1e 50 s, 16 - - - r 26 IMMEN"11,5 15 16 ss 14 1 5 S1 . — 18 100 100 j� _ — 16 — 4 — SS 501a• 5014' - 60 5014.1 -45)100 — 100 17 3 Ss 5013' SOW so14 -50 20 :UT 14 Greenish gray, wet, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM), Medium Dens 18 24 4%��� e 70 ss 9 -55 22 — 14 f " 19 24 ss 5 6 _ 75 ::::: 0 — Greenish gray, wet, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM), Medium Dens -60 Notes: SS = Split Spoon Sample ST = Sheiby Tube Sample HA = Hand Auger Sample BS = Bulk Sample = Weicht of Hammer PAGE 2 of 3 Standard Penetration Tests were performed in the field in general accordance will) ASTM D 1586, a GET lr.rcrf�c-C. rOrewe'�•7arlxS BORING LOG B-8 PROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main. Hangar & Apron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition CLIENT: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd PROJECT LOCATION: MCAS New River Camp Lejeune, NC PROJECT NO-: JX10-116G BORING LOCATION: See Attached Boring Location Plan SURFACE ELEVATION: 16 DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc. LOGGED BY: gwh DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Wash "Mud" DATE: 2-21-11 DEPTH TO WATER - INITIAL`: -V 6 AFTER 24 HOURS: 17- CAVING> - ' ' o�e � a w w L m m Description ro E Z G1 E u — v1 = o y 3 j o TEST RESULTS Plastic Limit —I Liquid Limit w w 2❑ E❑ (D U) C in m a z\ Moisture Content - • , N-Value - 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 24 20 24 ss 6 6 to 16 80 •65 " g 21 24 ss 17 23% ; s 14 Boring terminated at 85 ft. 40 , -75 28 95 -80 ; 5 3 105 -90 5l - - 4 - 17 - Notes: SS= Split Spoon Sample ST = Shelby Tube Sample HA = Hand Auger Sample BS = Bulk Sample PAGE 3 of 3 Standard Penetration Tests were performed in the field in ,general accordance with ASTM D 1566. 1 1 1 1 0 A GET PROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main. Hangar & Apron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition CLIENT: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd PROJECT LOCATION: MCAS New River Camp Lejeune, NC PROJECT NO.: JX10-116G T ' BORING LOCATION: See Attached Boring Location Plan SURFACE ELEVATION: 21 MSL BORING LOG DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc. LOGGED BY: gwh DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Wash "Mud" DATE: 4-1-11 B-9 DEPTH TO WATER -INITIAL*: 4�1 11 AFTER 24 HOURS: — CAVING> f- o t L 2 a) �, �, — N: a, a TEST RESULTS Plastic Limit H Liquid Limit m > Lo aw a� a�i a m m �' Description t 6 m E o j w g o E Ln CU m n z\ Moisture Content • Ln X8.1 N-Value - 10 24 30 40 50 60 70 3 inches of Topsoil _ _ 200.2 Brown, moist, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM), Very LooseLight 1 17 ss2 rT gray and orangish brown, moist, Clayey fine to medium SAND : (SC), Very Loose 2 12 ss2 2 Light gray, moist, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM), Very Loose — 3 18 ss 2 3 15 1 . . Light gray and tan, moist to wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium a:: [ r 4 _ SAND (SP-SM) with trace Silt, Loose to Medium Dense r;.i,: 4 16 ss 4 5 = 1 8 5 9 ss 5- 5 4 • 10 't J: t3. aa.[i 11 ....... ........ .. j 6 11 4 ss 6 — ri:n: - - 4 7 11 ss 7 91 .1 t Brown, wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP-SM) with trac }{: r{• — Silt, Medium Dense , 8 10 ss s 14 2 : cl:[ s o 7:I: L t ' . --- 23 Light gray, wet, Silty fine to coarse SAND (SM) with trace Gravel and4 _ 25 Cemented Marine Shell Fragments, Medium Dense 9 24 ss 14 21 - - 10 18 ss 6 16j 30 7 a/ 10 -. 11 j 11 23 ss 26 5 s 4 l/ _ Greenish gray, wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP) with ; ;:;: 4 5 Notes: SS = Split Spoon Sample ST = Shelby Tube Sample HA = Hand Auger Sample BS = Bulk Sample PAGE i of 3 Standard Penetration Tests were performed in the 6'eld in general accordance with ASTM D 1586. 4i GET PROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main. Hangar & Apron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition CLIENT: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd PROJECT LOCATION: MCAS New River Camp Lejeune, NC PROJECT NO.: JX10-116G " GVSN"Jrai•Cr:rmuYn�•7,f(HK BORING LOCATION: See Attached Boring Location Plan SURFACE ELEVATION: 21 MSL BORING LOG DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc. LOGGED BY: gwh DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Wash "Mud" DATE: 4-1-11 B-9 DEPTH TO WATER -INITIAL*: 4,2� 11 AFTER 24 HOURS: — CAVING> -0- c o a� Q y Q �, DDescriptionz Q a o Q- a °' 3 m a TEST RESULTS Plastic Limit H Liquid Limit o �, tYa) cn r m a z v Moisture Content -• Lid N-Value - 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 112 40 trace Silt, Medium Dense _ 12 24 ss 6 8 11 -20 :. 5 13 21 ss a 15 4 14 48 Light gray, wet, Silty fine to coarse SAND {SM}with trace Gravel an 14 22 .. . MEMO/, Cemented Marine Shell Fragments, Medium Dense to Very Dense ss1525 50 zo -30 iiiii ...:...:...:...:...:...:...:... 15 2955 — 15 17 12 ss 3// -35 8 100 %100 �� 16 4 ss SolS" OU — 60 50l5 -40 — ' 3 Greenish gray, wet, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM), Medium Dense17 --- 6 24 ss 13 65 20 ::..: 11 - 18. 24 55 4 5 5 ' 22 14 19 24 ss 5 — r Greenish gray, wet, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM), Medium Dens -5 I d Notes: SS = Split Spoon Sample ST = Shelby Tube Sample HA = Hand Auger Sample BS = Bulk Sample initialr = PAGE 2 of 3 Standard Penetration Tests were performed in the field in general accordance with ASTM D 1586. 1 1 1 [I 11 I F, 0 1 GET PROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main. Hangar & Apron; P710_Ordnance Loading Area Addition CLIENT: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd PROJECT LOCATION: MCAS New River Camp Lejeune, NC PROJECT NO.: JX10-116G c� �h.�•�•a ��,.-n BORING LOCATION: See Attached Boring Location Plan SURFACE ELEVATION: 21 MSL BORING LOG DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc. LOGGED BY: gwh DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Wash "Mud' DATE: 4-1-11 B-9 DEPTH TO WATER -INITIAL*: -V- i 1 AFTER 24 HOURS: v CAVING> -L a 4w v Q, O TEST RESULTS Plastic Limit H Liquid Limit m � V) 5- Q7 0 �, n a� 2 Description a, a o E Z a 1.2 E a E 3 1O a c � w g a E 0 m a z\ Moisture Content- • N-Value - 14 20 30 40 50 60 70 24 20 24 55 17 / 17 ........... ......... T 6 � � 21 24 ss e 16 2101 �� Boring terminated at 85 ft. _ -65 90 28 : -75 95 30 100 -80 - 105 d5 110 34 : 11 Notes: SS = Split Spoon Sample ST = Shelby Tube Sample HA = Hand Auger Sample BS = Bulk Sample inilial aroundwater reading may not be indicative of the static oroundwater jgvet WQH = Might of Hammer PAGE 3 of 3 Standard Penetration Tests were performed in the field in general accordance with A STM D 1586. GETPROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main. Hangar & Apron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition CLIENT: C. Allan Samforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd PROJECT LOCATION: MCAS New River Camp Le'eune, NC PROJECT NO.: JX10-116G- �*� BORING LOCATION: See Attached Boring Location Plan SURFACE ELEVATION: 23 MSL BORING LOG DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc. LOGGED BY: gwh DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Wash "Mud" DATE: 3-25-11 B-1 DEPTH TO WATER - INITIAL*: -U, 11.5 AFTER 24 HOURS: v CAVING �L O $ L �L.. U � al � � Vl = j o O TEST RESULTS Q m v„ Q �, Description Q Q o E Z a y E g m 3 °O �, Plastic Limit H� Liquid Limit ❑ E a C7 m n . v Moisture Content - 0 w N-Value a a 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 _ 8 inches of Topsoil ; 2 j —o.67Y 1 24 Ss 3 5 j Orangish brown, moist, Sandy Lean CLAY (CL), Medium Stiff 3 — 20 2 Slightly mottled ra oran ish brown, moist, Sand Lean CLAY CL 9 Y 9 Y- g Y � )� 2 20 ss 4 6 9 j stiffa 5 $ Light gray and orangish brown, moist, Silty fine to medium SAND '.'. 3 20 15! (SM) with trace Clay, Medium Dense ss e s Grayish brown, moist, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM), Loose to Medium Dense a 21 ss 6; 6 12 1/m/n/1' 1 6 Trace Clay from 8 to 10 feet 4 .... 5 18 ss 5 9 Orangish brown and tan, moist to wet, Poorly Graded fine to mediu :1:: c 1 6 6 s rJ . SAND (SP-SM) with trace Silt, Loose to Medium Dense 1 •1: c I• SS 2 i 44. 2 4 :I a:it i a: r r 7 20 ss b 15 15 10 Gray, wet, Sandy Lean CLAY (CL), Very Soft 0 — 8 24 ss 1 1 e 20 0 6 23 Light gray, wet, Silty fine to coarse SAND (SM) with trace Gravel an - ie %f��% — Cemented Marine Shell Fragments, Medium Dense to Dense 9 21 ss 17 33�/%f 25 21 10 23 ss 14 "f _1 10 - - j 11 23 ss e 1235 7%� -i5 Greenish gray, wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP) with NOteS: SS = Split Spoon Sample ST = Shelby Tube Sample HA = Hand Auger Sample BS = Bulk Sample I 'The ini ' = Welaht of Hammer PAGE 1 of 3 Standard Penetration Tests were performed in the field in general accordance with ASTM D 1586. 1 i u I I 1 A I U, 1 GETPROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main. Hangar & Apron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition CLIENT: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd PROJECT LOCATION: MCAS New River Camp Lejeune, NC PROJECT NO.: JX10-116G ,���.,•F•��R ra•r BORING LOCATION: See Attached Boring Location Plan SURFACE ELEVATION: 23 MSL BORING LOG DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc. LOGGED BY: qwh DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Wash "Mud" DATE: 3-25-11 B-1 O DEPTH TO WATER - INITIAL*: -�z, 11.5 AFTER 24 HOURS: CAVING> f- o x u y a TEST RESULTS Plastic Limit 1-1 Liquid Limit �, a Q1 �, n v �, Description a ,� Q o E a E > 61 E i° o ;, w g o E w z rn U) m W N m n 4 Moisture Content - • N-Value - 1 10 20 30 40 5 60 70 � . trace Sift, Loose to Medium Dense 12 23 ss 5 9 40 8 �. -20 - - - 13 20 ss 11 a 24 45 15 i/ 14 -25 - 31 ................... / 48 Light gray, wet, Silty fine to coarse SAND (SM) with trace Gravel an 14 20 55 7� 15 Cemented Marine Shell Fragments, Dense to Very Dense i 38 50 30 48 15 17 ss 27 15 35 — is 54 16 23 ss 21 z a -40 _ Greenish gray, wet, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM), Loose to 17 5 20 Medium Dense 12 ss 5 10 .45 - 18 24 ss 5 10 7 ..... 7 •50 12 19 24 ss 1s% — Greenish gray, wet, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM), Loose to Medium Dense = 55 - - - Notes: SS = Split Spoon Sample ST = Shelby Tube Sample HA = Hand Auger Sample BS = Bulk Sample *The initial aroundwa he static; aroundwaf— lg --I WOH = Weiaht-of Hammer PAGE 2 of 3 Standard Penetration Tests were performed in the field in general accordance with ASTM D 1586, GETPROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main. Hangar & Apron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition CLIENT: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd PROJECT LOCATION: MCAS New River Cam Le'eune, NC PROJECT NO.: JX10 116G _.,r.• ...._ BORING LOCATION: See Attached Boring Location Plan SURFACE ELEVATION: 23 MSL BORING LOG DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc. LOGGED BY: gwh DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Wash "Mud" DATE: 3-25-11 B-1 U DEPTH TO WATER -INITIAL*: sz 11.5 AFTER 24 HOURS: CAVING _C_ o L w TEST RESULTS Plastic Limit }- l Liquid Limit m ,��,�,,,� a a Description a a a �zFgF a> a °' 3 c° o� @( w o E o o co m a z Moisture Content - • a N-Value - 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 24 20 24 55 11 so 13 60 21 24 ss 6 23 . 2 fj 26 goring terminated at 85 ft. -65 28 - -70 95 -7 30 ID 32 1 110 - 34 -90 : 115 Notes: SS = Spht Spoon Sample ST = Shelby Tube Sample HA = Hand Auger Sample BS = Bulk Sample initial (nu terreadinamayn be indicalive of the static= Welcht of Hammer PAGE 3 of 3 Slandard Penetration Tests were Performed in the field ingeneral accordance will) ASTM D 1586, 1 1 1 d' 1 1 1 VET PROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main. Hangar & Apron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition CLIENT: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd PROJECT LOCATION: MCAS New River Camp Lejeune, NC PROJECT NO.: JX10-116G _ .r.v N.:„ " BORING LOCATION: See Attached Boring Location Plan SURFACE ELEVATION: 21 MSL BORING LOG DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc. LOGGED BY: gwh DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Wash "Mud" DATE: 3-25-11 B-11 DEPTH TO WATER - INITIAL': �5- 11.5 AFTER 24 HOURS: -T CAVING -C— O 0 L y .0 2 O Q7 UJ o p TEST RESULTS Plastic Limit I —I Liquid Limit m u7 �! a)_ N w Description Q °' o E Z n E0 E `° o ;, m w g E m c cn D m Q z\ Moisture Content - • N-Value - - a 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 9 inches of Topsoil ;;; 2 20 :: 1 24 ss 2 4 ; ,75 Brown, moist, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM), Very Loose z — 2:-. Orangish brown and brown, moist, Clayey fine to medium SAND z ' — (SC), Very Loose 2 20 ss 2 a 5 Light gray and orangish brown, moist, Silty fine to medium SAND ; ; 3 (SM) with trace Clay, Loose 3 18 ss 4 8 Whitish tan, moist, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP-SM) f r? s� with trace Silt, Medium Dense ; 4 18 ss B 12 } Tan and orangish brown, moist, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM) wit 4 — trace Clay, Loose ::::; 5 19 ss 3 5 l 4 :..... -10....., Light gray, moist to wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP- '.i". f?, s� 10 i - SM) with trace Silt, Medium Dense � ; r 6 17 ss 7 12 j 4 13 Tan, wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP-SM) with trace ::: 1+ r+ 5 Silt, Medium Dense ;�; i 7 16 55 o 17jll ; .. ... 15 — t; ; t• 1 1 . — 1xLr Gray, wet, Sandy Lean CLAY (CL), Soft — B 8 23 ss ? 3 : 20 2 _ 9 _ 24 ss 6 i0 0 ` .. 17 ` = — 23 Light gray, wet, Silty fine to coarse SAND (SM) with trace Gravel and Cemented Marine Shell Fragments, Medium Dense to Dense g 25 12 - 13�� 10 23 SS 6 17 `M�� 30 1.1 .10 10 _ 33 Greenish gray, wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP) with ::::: 5 trace Silt, Loose to Medium Dense i is : 11 23 ss 5 10 j 35 5 -15 Cemented Marine Shell Fragments from 33 to 35 feet Greenish gray, wet, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM), Loose to -- 5 7 Notes: SS = Split Spoon Sample ST = Shelby Tube Sample HA = Hand Auger Sample BS = Bulls Sample I 'The initial aroundwAptUr regglit? mayno be indicative of the gWtic arou dwatorlevel. WOH = WeiQht of Hammer PAGE 1 of 3 Standard Penetration Tests were performed in the field in genera! accordance with ASTM D 1586. GETPROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main. Hangar & Apron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition CLIENT: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd LEEHT:A PROJECT LOCATION: MCAS New River Camp Lejeune, NC PROJECT NO.: JX1 D-116G Grv.oFN •Fipmmr.Jl•fitNw� BORING LOCATION: See Attached Boring Location Plan SURFACE ELEVATION: 21 MSL BORING LOG DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc. y LOGGED BY: gwh DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Wash "Mud" _ DATE: 3-25-11 B- a 1 1 DEPTH TO WATER -INITIAL*: a 11.5 AFTER 24 HOURS: -T CAVING f- ro a TEST RESULTS Q a o a � Q Plastic Limit I--i Liquid Limit O E o w Description z m n- v Moisture Content - 0 Lu C7 (n W z o N-Value - 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Medium Dense 12 24 ss 6 14 ao-20 7 %j13 23 ss 7 14 / a 8 25 14 Light gray, wet, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM) with trace Gravel 1��%l and Cemented Marine Shell Fragments, Medium Dense to Very 14 20 ss 1223 Dense 26 -30 21 34 15 20 ss 35 53 -35 21 1e 16 18 ss 12 45 -4p 63 ' Greenish gray, wet, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM), Medium Dense s 17 24 ss s 12 : 8 _ 20 : 5 5 18 24 ss s 11 70 -5 : 22 - - 19 0 ss r 14 Greenish gray, wet, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM), Medium Dens Notes: SS = Split Spoon Sample ' ST = Shelby Tube Sample HA = Hand Auger Sample BS = Bulk Sample ' il aroundwater readina may not be i = Weiaht of Hammer PAGE 2 of 3 Standard Penetration Tests were performed in the field in ,general accordance with ASTM D 1586. 0 I 1 1 Ll LJ I I 0 1 GETPROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main. Hangar & Apron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition CLIENT: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd PROJECT LOCATION: MCAS New River Camp Lejeune, NC PROJECT NO.: JX10-116G Gurnhridrr!-F..NR�mrnwl•hssrng BORING LOCATION: See Attached Boring Location Plan SURFACE ELEVATION: 21 MSL BORING LOG DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc. LOGGED BY: qwh DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Wash "Mud" DATE: 3-25-11 B-11 _ DEPTH TO WATER - INITIAL*: -;,z 11.5 AFTER 24 HOURS: --T- CAVING> L o s TEST RESULTS Plastic Limit H Liquid Limit IE a m ao m a(u cO m w oDeSCrlptlOn z wm�� m zaMoisture Content - a N-Value - 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 a 20 24 Ss 20 15 i 13 j 21 24 SS 7 Boring terminated at 85 ft. �$ 0 -70 28 B -75 _30 : 100 -80 : 3 10 —Li —( 0 —34 115 -95 Notes: SS = Split Spoon Sample ST = Shelby Tube Sample HA = Hand Auger Sample BS = Bulk Sample = Weiaht of Hammer PAGE 3 of 3 Standard Penetration Tests were performed in the field in genera! accordance with ASTM D 1586. GETPROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main. Hangar & Apron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition CLIENT: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd PROJECT LOCATION: MCAS New River Camp Leieune, NC PROJECT NO.: JX10-116G `-s---.n ���=p•r•�•�••r BORING LOCATION: See Attached Boring Location Plan SURFACE ELEVATION: 22 MSL BORING LOG DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc. LOGGED BY: qwh DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Wash "Mud" DATE: 4-1-11 B-12 DEPTH TO WATER - INITIAL`: s 11 AFTER 24 HOURS: -T- CAVING f- :E Q Q u, �' Description a d o� E> a m E 3 rD a 1 m( O TEST RESULTS Plastic Limit H Liquid Limit CD p E d ro M z ) �, m a Moisture Content - • En of Z o N-Value - 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 p 4 inches of Topsoil 2 ; 1 20 ss Z i 4 .3 Brown, moist, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM), Very Loose s j Slightly mottled orangish brown -gray, moist, Sandy Lean CLAY (CL), 3 Medium Stiff 2 21 ss 4 7 ..................... ... � 4 12 36.5 4 Gray and orangish brawn, moist, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM) with trace Clay, Medium Dense .. ::::. 3 18 ss s 7 s — Whitish tan, moist, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP-SM) with trace Silt, Medium dense a.1'Lf ra.li: : i } 4 24 ss 6 9 15 2 14- m- 8 Tan, moist to wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP-SM) �+ +'+• c+: 7 with trace Silt, Loose to Medium Dense10 i i Gi 5 17 ss e 15 // .I -xlr 5 3 - t;a+' 6 18 ss 3 6 10 4 13. Tan, wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP-SM) with trace 4'+• c+: s — Silt, Medium Dense i;il 7 lfi 55 s15 s 12 1/011" i•.r.cf 1 1:t•r — 18 Dark gray, wet, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM) with trace Clay, Ve s Loose a 23 ss 2 f o Light gray, wet, Silty fine to coarse SAND (SM) with trace Gravel anda :...:...:. .:...:...:...:... R _ Cemented Marine Shell Fragments, Loose to Medium Dense 9 22 ss a 4 17/ 10 8 - & — 10 24 ss 3 7 ' a 4 io 12 11 24 ss $ 5 1s . . 38 Greenish gray, wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP) with ...... ;:;: 7M 6 Notes: SS = Split Spoon Sample ST = Shelby Tube Sample HA = Hand Auger Sample BS = Bulk Sample initialI 'The "r level WOH _ Weiaht of Hammer PAGE 1 of 3 Standard Penetration Tests were performed in the field in general accordance with ASTM 0 1586. 1 1 1 1 1 I I GETPROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main. Hangar & Apron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition CLIENT: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd PROJECT LOCATION: MCAS New River Camp Leieune, NC PROJECT NO.: JX10-116G y� ro,Kc•sa .c.R, m.r� BORING LOCATION: See Attached Boring Location Plan SURFACE ELEVATION: 22 MSL BORING LOG DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc. LOGGED BY: gwh DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Wash "Mud' DATE: 4-1-11 B-12 DEPTH TO WATER- INITIAL*: 11 AFTER 24 HOURS: .T, CAVING> f- L m m DeSCI Iptipn z E E o f o TEST RESULTS Plastic Limit I I Liquid Limit w © E o �M fin Ei a z o Moisture Content - • N-Value - 12 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 trace Silt, Medium Dense 12 20 ss 7 13 - 4 -20 - 16 13 22 ss 7 9 45 g 14 .....,:......... .. ...... 25 . _ .i :...:...:.. . 48 Light gray, wet, Silty Erne to coarse SAND (SM) with trace Gravel an 12 Cemented Marine Shell Fragments, Dense to Very Dense 14 21 ss 21 33 �/ - 27 1/� -30 16 — 13 15 17 ss 25 46 %���.:..._...,.. 221 8 -35 - 18 --- 31 13 16 19 ss 48 54 - = 3 Greenish gray, wet, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM), Medium Densc 5 — 17 24 55 b 11 j j - 5 7 -45 7 11 .. 18 24 ss 7 0 22 - 5 75 19 24 ss 13 Greenish gray, wet, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM), Medium Dens -55 Notes: SS = Split Spoon Sample ST = Shelby Tube Sample HA = Hand Auger Sample BS = Bulk Sample r f oLaundwateLreadina may no(be indicative of the statfc groundwater level, WOH = Weiaht of Hammer PAGE 2 of 3 Standard Penetration Tests were performed in the field in general accordance with ASTM D 1586. GET _ cr.,i:�:,c.rre�ew uv.rnr BORING LOG B-12 PROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main. Hangar & Apron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition CLIENT: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd PROJECT LOCATION: MCAS New River Camp Lejeune, N_C PROJECT NO.: JX10-116G BORING LOCATION: See Attached Boring Location Plan SURFACE ELEVATION: 22 MSL DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc. LOGGED BY: gwh DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Wash "Mud" DATE: 4-1-11 DEPTH TO WATER -INITIAL*: 4W� 11 AFTER 24 HOURS: 15- CAVING -C- c $, m wQ n JE_ n u o w Description a n o Z a m in a �, z c cl o TEST RESULTS Plastic Limit H Liquid Limit Moisture Content- • N-Value - 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 60 24 80 20 24 ss 6 o 13 16 1fi %i �� . . . I WH' . % - - �%/ - .- - - -70 26 21 24 ss 7 10 16 Boring terminated at 85 ft. - 28 3 — 32 0 -75 100 105 -0 110 34 — -90 115 Notes: SS = Split Spoon Sample ST = Shelby Tube Sample HA - Hand Auger Sample BS = Bulk Sample initial �l PAGE 3 of 3 Standard Penetration Tests were performed in the field in general accordance with AS TM D 1586. I 1.1 1 a I I 11 GET PROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main. Hangar & Apron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition _ - CLIENT: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd PROJECT LOCATION: MCAS New River Camp Le-eune, NC PROJECT NO.: JX10-116G - - cnomh,xr.c.am� ��.rrur BORING LOCATION: See Attached Boring Location Plan SURFACE ELEVATION: 21 MSL BORING LOG DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc. LOGGED BY: gwh DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Wash "Mud" DATE; 3-24-11 B-13 DEPTH TO WATER -INITIAL*: $ 10 AFTER 24 HOURS: 4� CAVING> f- o x L L U �, �, w o TEST RESULTS Plastic Limit H Liquid Limit °' a� Description a � '� o ro Z E o Q E 3 `D o m ro 0) g o� E t- m 'L Z o Moisture Content - • w N-Value - 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 6 inches of Topsoil ? 1 21 ss z 3 - 0. Brown, moist, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM), Very Loose 3 = ; Orangish brown and gray, moist, Clayey fine to medium SAND (SC), 3 Loose 2 20 ss 4 g .:...: . ..................... . — Gray and orangish brown, moist, Cla ey fine to medium SAND (SC), 4 Loos 3 17 ss e 9 _ z Tan, brown and orangish brown, moist, Poorly Graded fine to rj'.ri. s/S� 12 _ �� medium SAND (SP-SM) with trace Silt, Medium Dense J:Crf ::. F i 4 15 55 iz 23 1 - f1:E}: 10 — �J`.rs, I•i_cr 5 16 ss 22 — 10 -17 :: 9 -- 10 Light gray, wet, troorly fine to mium D (SP-SM) with 10 'r. 3 ... acce SGaded r, Loose to Medium Dense _'?' 6 22 ss 5 % — 4 7 e — iacr 17 ss 13 - ' J:1:rr Gray, wet, Clayey fine to medium SAND (SC), Very Loose — e 8 21 ss 3 — 20 2 - 2 — 9 22 ss 2 ..: — 6 .5 8 — 10 24 ss 3 4 4 7 ; _ 28 Light gray to greenish gray, wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP) with trace Silt, Loose to Medium Dense 30 -10 Gravel and Cemented Marine Shell Fragments from 33 to 35 feet — 11 23 ss a35 1fi/ 9 l. Lfl —1 `5 Light gray to greenish gray, wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium 5 Notes: SS = Split Spoon Sample ST = Shelby Tube Sample HA = Hand Auger Sample BS = Bulk Sample = f Hammer PAGE 1 of 3 Standard Penetration Tests were performed in the meld in general accordance with ASTM D 1586. GET PROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main. Hangar & Apron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition CLIENT: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd PROJECT LOCATION: MCAS New River Camp Lejeune, NC PROJECT NO.: JX10-116G �_„�„y. •r•..K�.••r •r. y BORING LOCATION: See Attached Boring Location Plan SURFACE ELEVATION: 21 MSL W BORING LOG DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc. LOGGED BY: qwh DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Wash 'Mud" DATE: 3-24-11 B-13 DEPTH TO WATER - INITIAL*: 4Z, 10 AFTER 24 HOURS: Z, CAVIl -C- c momo Description n Q o = o o �, 7,�oO a TEST RESULTS Plastic Limit - Liquid Limit E Qt ZE� U U Fa z Moisture Content- •w N-Value - 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 12 SAND (SP) with trace Silt, Loose to Medium Dense 1 12 24 ss 6 11 -20 40 7 13 24 ss o 16 14 4 10 31j�/ / r-21 Light gray, wet, Silty fine to coarse SAND (SM) with trace Gravel and Cemented Marine Shell Fragments, Medium Dense to Very Dense 14 24 ss 15 23 6 13 16 - l / l- - - 2O — 15 17 ss zs 59 j�//�/ j�� / l`i/ //�% 5 45 / / . 1/•/�/' ///• ; .35 77 18 - - 16 19 ss 38 27 % �/ ii/f�� mmnm � /, 60 31 -40 19N 17 24 ss 22 i0 �: _ 65 :...:...:... ... •45 20 — — 10 /r Greenish gray, wet, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM), Loose to 18 24 ss s — Medium Dense ::::: ..... 5 70 - 22 19 24 ss 10 12 _ — 5 Greenish gray, wet, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM), Loose to -55 Medium Dense Notes: SS - Split Spoon Sample ST = Shelby Tube Sample HA = Hand Auger Sample SS = Bulk Sample initial-- Wgial of Hammer PAGE 2 of 3 Standard Penelraliori Tests were performed in the field in general accordance with ASTM D 1586. 11.1 1 1] Ll I I I GET PROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main. Hangar & Apron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition CLIENT: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd PROJECT LOCATION: MCAS New River Cam Le'eune, NC PROJECT NO.: JX10-116G Gnmhvrtl •Frpmwewnvl•rp.9r BORING LOCATION: See Attached Boring Location _Plan SURFACE ELEVATION: 21 MSL 1� BORING LOG DRILLER. GET Solutions, Inc. LOGGED BY: gwh DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Wash "Mud" DATE: 3-24-11 B-1 3 DEPTH TO WATER -INITIAL*: $ 10 AFTER 24 HOURS: v CAVING f- o u m U1 a - a TEST RESULTS Plastic Limit f-I Liquid Limit C 0 Description E z C>0 y E w E 4.2 c� M m N I m o Z v Moisture Content - • N-Value - 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 - 24 i 20 24 ss 7 a 15 0 12 - - - 6UNIONISM 21 24 ss 6 23 28 85 - - Boring terminated at 85 ft. 3 28 5 -75 130 - 32 1 110 -90 34 Notes: SS = Split Spoon Sample ST = Shelby Tube Sample HA = Hand Auger Sample BS = Bulk Sample 1 *The initial u[guadljafe� Xga�?o iNay not be indicative of the static oroondwater levot WnH - Weiohtof Hammer PAGE 3 of 3 Standard Penetration tests were performed in the field in general accordance with ASTM D 1586, GET PROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main. Hangar & Apron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition CLIENT: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd PROJECT LOCATION: MCAS New R)ver Camp Leieune, NC PROJECT NO.: JX10-116G IRS. h..F.ti �.rm BORING LOCATION: See Attached Boring Location Plan SURFACE ELEVATION: 21 MSL BORING LOG DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc. LOGGED BY: _ gwh DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Wash "Mud" DATE: 3-24-11 B-14 DEPTH TO WATER - INITIAL*: $ 10 AFTER 24 HOURS: = CAVING> -C- O .1—'� i L U N Q1 N N= o O TEST RESULTS Plastic Limit H Liquid Limit d) CD0 DeSCI Ij]tlOrl - Q d L m 3 Zo w o m z m a z o Moisture Content - • N-Value - 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 0 8 inches of Topsoil �- t 1 24 ss 2 3 5 0.67...... Brown, moist, Clayey fine to medium SAND (SC), Very Loose 2 Orangish brown and gray, moist, Clayey fine to medium SAND (SC), 2 ' _ Loose 2 6 ss 4................ 6 .............. - 4 - s Gray and orangish brown, moist, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM)4 6 . with trace Clay, Medium Dense 3 24 ss $ 12 1 Tan, brown and orangish brown, moist, Poorly Graded fine to 6 2 — medium SAND (SP-SM) with trace Silt, Medium Dense 14 to V7r1. 4:l: C rs 13 j - / � 5 15 ss r. . 10 Tan and light gray, wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP- i i i:�'FV 6 a 8 SM) with trace Silt, Loose :itr r 12 ss 4 2 4 :a=ri i 7 13 55 4 8 15 6' r C 6 Orangish brown and gray, wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP-SM), Very Loose to Loose L."`l: .]?: 3 2 s j ` . — 20 1 3 - 77r r t -i:fii 9 8 ss o 1 5 0 EN . . — 28:::Fi. 4 Light gray to greenish gray, wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium . SAND (SP) with trace Silt, Loose to Medium Dense 10 23 ss 3 7 0 4 io Gravel and Cemented Marine Shell Fragments from 28 to 30 feet ..... 10 ;. ....,... 11 23 ss 6 6 Light gray to greenish gray, wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium Notes; SS = Split Spoon Sample ST = Shelby Tube Sample HA = Hand Auger Sample BS = Bulk Sample initiai aroundwater readina may not be indicative= Weic PAGE 1 of 3 Standard Penetration Tests were performed in the field in general accordance with ASTM D 1586. I 1 i I u 0 1 GETPROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main._ Hangar & Apron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition CLIENT: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd PROJECT LOCATION: MCAS New River Camp Lejeune, NC PROJECT NO.: JX10-116G ewa..e••u.i.r.d o-� w.rxer t BORING LOCATION: See Attached Boring Location Plan SURFACE ELEVATION: 21 MSL BORING LOG DRILLER' GET Solutions' Inc. LOGGED BY: qwh DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Wash "Mud" DATE: 3-24-11 B-14 DEPTH TO WATER -INITIAL*: 10 AFTER 24 HOURS: = CAVING> -C- Z ` L N m oo TEST RESULTS Plastic Limit H Liquid Limit > j m Q) m Description z E u o j ED w> o 0 rn u, m a z o Moisture Content - • N-Value - tz — a SAND (SP) with trace Silt, Loose to Medium Dense 12 24 ss 6 10 10 20 30 40 5 60 70 —. . •20 — 13 24 ss 8 a 14 45 -2 14 .... _ j jam` Light gray, wet, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM) with trace GraveE 21 — and Cemented Marine Shell Fragments, Dense to Very Dense 14 24 ss 46 45 — 62 1516 20 ss 41 55 35 : - 34 16 20 ss 131 7 48 60 16 -40 - - — 12 .. 17 24 ss 6 7 -45 20 — . = Greenish gray, wet, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM), Medium Dens e —T 18 24 ss 6 j 7 22 — ' s 75 19 24 ss s 13 j Greenish gray, wet, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM), Medium Dens -55 Notes: SS = Sptit Spoon Sample ST = Shelby Tube Sample HA = Hand Auger Sample BS = Bulk Sample PAGE 2 of 3 Standard Penetration Tests were performed in the field in general accordance with ASTM D 1586. GET PROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main. Han ar & Apron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition CLIENT: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd rOMMORRIam PROJECT LOCATION: MCAS New River Camp Lejeune, NC PROJECT NO.: JX10-116G —, c�.n-m.r.r.r�nw•r y,. BORING LOCATION: See Attached Boring Location Plan SURFACE ELEVATION: 21 MSL BORING LOG DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc. LOGGED BY: gwh DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Wash "Mud" DATE: 3-24-11 B-14 DEPTH TO WATER -INITIAL*: U 10 AFTER 24 HOURS: CAVING o ` Y � c n a n �' 3 cP ' o TEST RESULTS Plastic Limit I -I Liquid Limit Q J E p Description E z E a N E o m a j# \ Moisture Content • w❑ N-Value - 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 — 24 20 24 ss y 16 i 6 i 21 24 ss 7 9 16!f/'. - _ 26 12 Boring terminated at 85 it. -65 a 0 -7 28 95 -75 - 30 100 _ 32 105 34 11 a No tes; SS = Split Spoon Sample ST = Shelby Tube Sample HA = Hand Auger Sample = BS Bu" Sample .. f = W i m PAGE 3 of 3 Standard Penetration Tests were performed in the field in general accordance with AS TM D 1586. 0 1 u I 1 GET PROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main. Hangar & Apron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition CLIENT: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd PROJECT LOCATION: MCAS New River Camp Lejeune, NC PROJECT NO.: JX10-116G ' ficH.'h•drN•r.wJ!riunrvW•Lgx� BORING LOCATION: See Attached Boring Location Plan _ SURFACE ELEVATION: 20 MSL BORING LOG DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc. LOGGED BY: gwh DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Wash "Mud" DATE: 3-23-11 B-15 DEPTH TO WATER - INITIAL': -V 11 AFTER 24 HOURS: CAVING L_ o x r t2 Y m a a m Q TEST RESULTS Plastic Limit H Liquid Limit iu a m a a a m a Description n ,� n o E Z a> E 0 a a E 3� o —'� w g d E a a in n z a Moisture Content- • of N-Value - 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 7 inches of Topsoil s/ EEEEi 1 24 ss 5 12 j 58 Dark brown, moist, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM), Medium Dense Orangish brown, moist, Sandy Lean CLAY (CL), Stiff s — % 2 18 ss 4 4 10 58.4 j �1-�..:...:...:....... 4 Orangish brown and light gray, moist, Silty fine to medium SAND : i.:: 1 a f (SM) with some Clay, Loose i ; ; 3 19 ss 4 4 8 ? / Gray and orangish brown, moist, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM), Loose : = 4 18 ss 3 Tan and brown, moist, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP- 'I;ly t i 3 — SM) with trace Silt, Loose a �: } 5 14 ss 7 . s Light gray, moist to wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP— -.V: i i ' a .. — - SM) with trace Silt, Loose to Medium Dense ?;ra1.. 6 15 ss 4 8 - +7:tr 3 7 14 ss a 8- - 1.I.Lr - 66 8 11 ss 12 20 ]'v r 1 4 ................................ rJ. 9 . . �: — Light gray and orangish brown, wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND trace Sllt, loose Medium Dense 9 14 ss 5 (SP-SM) with to :j[1]� 4 8 o! (j. a. f i • 7 10 21 55 7 14 10 :r.rt 11 22 ss 17 Greenish gray, wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP) with ::c:: ' 6% Notes: SS = Split Spoon Sample ST = Shelby Tube Sample HA = Hand Auger Sample BS = Bulk Sample = Weiaht PAGE 1 of 3 Standard Penetration Tests were performed in the field in general accordance with AS TM 0 1586, GET PROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main. Hangar & Apron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition CLIENT: C. Allan Samforih, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd PROJECT LOCATION: MCAS New River Camp Lejeune, NC PROJECT NO.: JX10-116G �<mhn�r •r.e��ti,w.ravrm BORING LOCATION: See Attached Boring Location Plan SURFACE ELEVATION: 20 MSL BORING LOG DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc. LOGGED BY: gwh DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Wash "Mud" DATE: 3-23-11 B-15 DEPTH TO WATER - INITIAL*: � 11 AFTER 24 HOURS: Tr CAVING f- o r m a a s a 2 n a W a °' 3 CD m o TEST RESULTS Plastic Limit H Liquid Limit �, E w Description z rn t- m a ? z Moisture Content • w � 4 N-Value - 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 12 trace Silt, Medium Dense 12 24 ss s 14 / / . _20 40 - 13 21 $s 8� 19 •25 45 19 ..... .... 14 Light gray to gray,wet, Silty fine to medium SAND SM with trace 14 23 'a13 _ Gravel and Cemented Marine Shell Fragments, Medium Dense to ss •30 50 Very Dense 24 6 3aj ��/ :...... 15 17 ss is o 20 29 %gol�EMO/ 26 16 18 ss 50 44 40 94�j�/ -00 60 — .iY,/ ao: /� %/7-�� �j — 5015" - [ 17 6 ss 5015 5015" 100 �I/�i,` -45 65 5015" 2 11 .......:... Greenish gray, wet, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM), Medium Dens ".'. 18 24 ss 5 0 7a 6 22 :::.. �% 5 19 24 ss 10 17 -55 — 75 Greenish gray, wet, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM), Medium Dens 15 r"' _ Notes: SS = Split Spoon Sample ST = Shelby Tube Sample HA = Hand Auger Sample BS = Bulk Sample initial rn i i WOH = Weiclht pf Hammer PAGE 2 of 3 Standard Penetration Tests were performed in the field in general accordance with ASTM D 1586 I 1 1 1 1 GET PROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main. Hangar & Apron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition CLIENT: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd PROJECT LOCATION: MCAS New River Camp Lejeune, NC PROJECT ECT NO.: JX10-116G c� F.d— flab" BORING LOCATION: See Attached Boring Location Plan SURFACE ELEVATION: 20 MSL BORING LOG DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc. LOGGED BY: gwh DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Wash "Mud" DATE: 3-23-11 B-15 DEPTH TO WATER -INITIAL*: A• 11 AFTER 24 HOURS: T _ CAVING o _ V w�, a a �' iO TEST RESULTS Plastic Limit H Liquid Limit CO v v v Description Q E o E z O_ E E o w a E© 9 m n z v Moisture Content - • N-Value - 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 IN, _247 20 24 ss 19 o so �s i 6 21 24 ss y 15 -65 26 85 13/ Boring terminated at 85 ft. -70 90 28 -75 � 5 _ -80 100 •85 32 105 . 110 34 -95 115 Notes: SS = Split Spoon Sample ST = Shelby Tube Sample HA = Hand Auger Sample BS = Bulk Sample = Welpht of Hammer PAGE 3 of 3 Standard Penetration Tests were performed in the field in general accordance with ASTM D 1586. d GET PROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main. Hangar & Apron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition CLIENT: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd PROJECT LOCATION: MCAS New River Camp Lejeune, NC PROJECT NO.: JX10-116G ��:--r.�s•r BORING LOCATION: See Attached Boring Location Plan SURFACE ELEVATION: 22 MSL BORING LOG DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc. LOGGED BY: gwh DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Wash "Mud" DATE: 3-23-11 B-1 6 DEPTH TO WATER -INITIAL*: -V 10 AFTER 24 HOURS: v CAVING> L , a z N �, o TEST RESULTS > a Zi a� 6 a m n, Description a n d E Q> E >� °' E 3 °° a m Plastic Limit H Liquid Limit w ❑ E❑ m m Z U) m a z Moisture Content- • o N-Value - 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 _ 7 inches of Topsoilj/ — 0.58` ::::: 1 24 SS 6 11 Brown, moist, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM), Medium Dense 6 f 20 Slightly mottled Orangish brawn -light gray, moist, Sandy Lean CLAY 6j _ {CL),Stiff 2 24 ss 6 12 f� ..,..•.... .. •.': .-.-.. - 5 4 Slightly mottled Light gray-orangish brown, moist, Sandy Lean CLA 3 17 ss 5 11 z; j (CL), Stiff 6 15 Tan, brown and orangish brown, moist, Poorly Graded fine to r 4 SAND (SP-SM) with trace Siit, Medium Dense 22 ss 20medium 11 517 9 j� 19 l%lo/� - .. .. sS S i// �OC 1fl'.:: .. 6 . Light gray, wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP-SM) with I':17 i i 3 trace Siit, Loose to Medium Dense :r i is .1•.r.ir 6 17 ss 2 5 % ' 1a 3 — .7a:[r 7 18 ss 13/ 75 r•i.,tr ///� 1:r.rt 18 Gray, wet, Clayey fine to medium SAND (SC), Very Loose ' z 8 22 ss 2 4 2 2 l - Q .. .. - — 23.....: 6 _ Brown and gray, wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP-SM)'� .I:?' 3 with trace Silt, Loose 9 22 ss 3 6 _ 28 Light gray to gray, wet, Silty fine to coarse SAND (SM) with trace i 10 5 7j///j 11 — Gravel and Cemented Marine Shell Fragments, Medium Dense ss 3 70 , 10 11 24 ss 5 14%� 3t 7 - 38 Greenish gray, wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP) with i :::: 6 6 j Notes: SS = Split Spoon Sample ST - Shelby Tube Sample HA = Hand Auger Sample BS = Bulk Sample f PAGE 1 of 3 Standard Penetration Tests were performed in the field in general accordance with ASTM D 1586 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 A GET PROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main. Hangar & Apron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition CLIENT: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr„ Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd PROJECT LOCATION: MICAS New River Camp Leieune, NC PROJECT NO.: JX10-116G G,�n�re.r.o+�.,�r•,w-rert�,e� BORING LOCATION; See Attached Boring Location Plan SURFACE ELEVATION: 22 MSL BORING LOG DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc. LOGGED BY: gwh DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Wash "Mud" DATE: 3-23-11 B-1 G DEPTH TO WATER - INITIAL': -:L7- 10 AFTER 24 HOURS: s CAVING> � a� o TEST RESULTS Plasbc Limit H Liquid Limit > �Z m Description aaj € o Ea o� a Em wO mo o Moisture Content -• N-Value - 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 12 trace Silt, Loose to Medium Dense 12 22 ss 5 10 ��/ : - - a 6 IX. -20 — 13 20 ss s 15 j �, 45 14 -25 — — 14 22 ss io 23% ; 50 18 0 — 46 53-::' tight gray, wet, Silty fine to coarse SAND (SM) with trace Gravel an Cemented Marine Shell Fragments, Dense to VeryDense — 15 — 17 ss 22 24 31 -35 52 IN 1 fi 17 Ss 24 26 26 30 60 .4 39�� j _ Greenish gray, wet, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM), Loose to 17 22 ss i2 Dense az s5 2 -0 - — .. 18 24 ss 5 70 -50 22 — 75 11 19 24 ss 4 10 Greenish gray, wet, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM), Loose to Dense Notes: SS = Split Spoon Sample ST = Shelby Tube Sample HA = Hand Auger Sample BS = Bulk Sample *The initLiLmundwater readina may not be indiGalive of the static oroundwatgr level. WOH = Weiaht of Hammer PAGE 2 of 3 Standard Penetration Tests were performed in the field in general accordance with ASTM D 1586. d GET PROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main. Hangar & Apron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition ' CLIENT: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd PROJECT LOCATION: MCAS New River Camp Lejeune, NC PROJECT NO.: JX10-116G ' ��*=•.•f-H �,•r�+ BORING LOCATION: See Attached Borinq Location Plan SURFACE ELEVATION: 22 MSL BORING LOG DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc. LOGGED BY: gwh DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Wash "Mud" DATE: 3-23-11 ' B-16 DEPTH TO WATER -INITIAL*: 40 10 AFTER 24 HOURS: X_- CAVING> L o r m �, o TEST RESULTS Y � L a a n °1 N �° N Plastic Limit H Liquid Limit > U) m CL Q P Description m E z E° E o y j� g 1 `w Q E❑ m a Z o Moisture Content - N-Value - 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 a 20 23 ss s as 11 ;�� .. .... .., ....... 5 j� .. 21 24 ss a 13 �//, 12 �% za Boring terminated at 85 ft. 0 5 -70 28 ..:...:...:...:...:...:...:... 95 -75....:...:...:...:.,;...;..,:... 1 J 00 -80 32 1 Ito _ _90 �4_ 11 Notes: SS = Split Spoon Sample ST = Shelby Tube Sample HA = Hand Auger Sample BS = Bulk Sample *The initial aroundwater reading aiav not beindicative of the static 1,10—h-v IfIvo-t WOH = We�ah of Hammer ' PAGE 3 of 3 Standard Penetration Tests were performed in the field in general accordance with AS TM D 1586, 1 I 1 1 GET PROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main. Hangar & Apron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition CLIENT: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd PROJECT LOCATION: MCAS New River Camp Lejeune, NC PROJECT NO.: JX10-116G rr.a.pR,..-:w.uwxg BORING LOCATION: See Attached Boring Location Plan SURFACE ELEVATION: 18 MSL BORING LOG DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc. LOGGED BY: gwh DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Wash "Mud' DATE: 3-12-11 B M P-1 DEPTH TO WATER -INITIAL*: 45- 8 AFTER 24 HOURS: -T CAVING _C_ C '� Q L N L U 47 N Q7 N ao TEST RESULTS Plastic Limit H Liquid Limit Description n 2 a o E Z E g E 3 1° o �, 7 w E o rn - rn F— m Q z \ Moisture Content - • N-Value - -0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 5 inches of Topsoil J ,� 2 sir i 24 ss 14 = 0.4 rangish brown and tan, moist, Poorly Graded fine to medium SANDs — (SP-SM) with trace Silt, Medium Dense f 5.6, 5 15 :: u U. i;,; r; 2 24 ss 6 s 12 % ......................... Orangish grown, moist, Sandy Lean CLAY (CL), Stiff Tan, moist, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP-SM) with trac 5 4 Silt, Medium Dense ; ; 3 24 ss s 10... •.... 2 Estimated SHWT @ 4.0 feet below grade 1 4 24 ss e 7 j Brown, moist, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM), Loose Tan, wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP-SM) with trace — Silt, Medium Dense ra:t1: { ; r F 5 18 ss a 11 10 5 1/// ........ Tan and light gray, wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP- I; 3 _ 4 SM) with trace SR, Loose i;r i 'J:t r l 6 22 ss 5 8 _ _ 13,1"Fi Light gray, wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP-SM) with • ! i f 7 �ra:ti: trace Silt, Medium Dense •,;,,,. } 7 19 ss 16 o — Boring terminated at 15 ft. 20 - 25 30 15 10 : 35 Notes: SS = Split Spoon Sample ST = Shelby Tube Sample HA = Hand Auger Sample BS = Bulk Sample *ae I initial 0(011 dwater reading Way not be indicative n[the static aroundwater level. = Weiaht of Hammer PAGE 7 of i Standard Penetration Tests were performed in the field in general accordance with ASTM D 1586. GET PROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main. Hangar & Apron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition CLIENT: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd PROJECT LOCATION: MCAS New River Camp Lejeune, NC PROJECT NO.: JX10-116G BORING LOCATION: See Attached Boring Location Plan SURFACE ELEVATION: 19 MSL BORING LOG DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc. LOGGED BY: gwh DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Wash "Mud" DATE: 3-12-11 BM P-2 DEPTH TO WATER -INITIAL*: —7 9 AFTER 24 HOURS: CAVING L o N s e N CU TEST RESULTS Plastic Limit H Liquid Limit Q m n Description a E o cu z a> a �' W 3 LO # o �, E o �, E Q co �°�, cn m a z " Moisture Content -• u12i W o N-Value - 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 o —0 5 inches of Topsoil 3 ' — 0.4 1 20 ss 3 6 Slightly mottfed grayish brown -orangish brown, moist, Sandy Lean CLAY (CL), Medium Stiff 3 e. — 4 4 Gray, moist, Sandy Lean CLAY (CL), Medium Stiff 2 24 ss s 8 :... ...:.,, 1 4 5 Estimated SHVV f @ 4.0 feet below grade ?q 3 20 ss 7 11 10/01/1 Light gray, moist, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM), Medium Dense B 1. .i:,: c r 4 24 ss 4 e _ — 4'17' Whitish tan, moist to wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP- 10 j - SM) with trace Silt, Loose 5 18 ss 5 9 %yj'. 10 4 10'.:: Tan and orangish brown, wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND a (SP-SM) with trace Silt, Loose ! ': t I' .rr.tr 6 20 ss 2 5 6 %- — a :Fbr'rt 5 13' s Orangish brown, wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP-SM) r? 7 20 ss 2 with trace Silt, Medium Dense } 2 f Boring terminated at 15 ft, o z ..:...:...:...:...: ..: ..: .. 2 8 30 10 20 Notes: SS = Split Spoon Sample ST = Shelby Tube Sample HA = Hand Auger Sample BS = Sulk Sample PAGE 1 of 1 Standard Penetration Tests were performed in the field in genera! accordance with ASTM D 1586. 1 1 I 1 1 I I , GETPROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main. Hangar & Apron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition CLIENT: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd PROJECT LOCATION: MCAS New River Camp Leieune, NC_ PROJECT NO.: JX10-116G G,a.h.mrr. e.enrueaxvr.rerrr BORING LOCATION: See Attached Boring Location Plan SURFACE ELEVATION: 18 MSL BORING LOG DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc. LOGGED BY: gwh DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Wash "Mud" DATE: 3-12-11 BMP-3 DEPTH TO WATER - INITIAL': V- 8 AFTER 24 HOURS: S CAVING f- c J` L s m y a- j o TEST RESULTS Plastic Limit H Liquid Limit m 2 v m Description a ro Q o E Z a> E a E 3 cA a ;, ro# o E o 2 rY cn � m Q 7 z v Moisture Content -• N-Value - 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 9 inches of Topsoil +r 1 24 ss 2 4 6 j j o Tan, moist, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM), Loose _ Tan and light brown, moist, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM), Loose T 2 3 24 ss s 7 — Estimated SHWT @ 4.0 feet below grade 4 r — Tan and light gray, moist, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM), Loose , ... 3 19 ss a 4 8 8 %. — Tan and orangish brown, moist, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP-SM) with trace Silt, Loose '• milt ;;:,,r 4 24 ss a 4 s. $''; Light brown and orangish brown, wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium s 1 SAND (SP-SM) with irate Silt, Loose ri:u: ; f L 5 19 ss 5 3 10 / / ...........:. :.. Light gray, wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP-SM) with '.:'? �?, a _ trace Silt, Loose ':': t t •.ij 6 18' ss $ 9 .z r 4 13 Orangish brown, wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP-SM) ':' i i with trace Silt, Loose r? [' 7 18 ss 4 2 6 / — 2 Boring terminated at 15 ft. .. 25 -1 1 10 35 -20 Notes: SS = Split Spoon Sample ST = Shelby Tube Sample HA = Hand Auger Sample B-9 Sample ;Bull read1 = r PAGE 1 of 1 Standard Penetration Tests were performed in the field in general accordance with AS TM D 1586. a GET PROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main. Hangar & Apron; PM Ordnance Loading Area Addition M. CLIENT: C. Allan Bam€orth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd " PROJECT LOCATION: MCAS New River Camp Le'eune, NC PROJECT NO.: JX10-116G „F-Y.I• �N ,�, r am, BORING LOCATION: See Attached Boring Location Plan SURFACE ELEVATION: 17 MSL BORING LOG DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc. LOGGED BY: gwh "Mud" DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Wash DATE: 3-12-11 BMP-4 DEPTH TO WATER -INITIAL*: —7- 7 AFTER 24 HOURS: CAVING> j,�_ a a� a c Q o a n N 3 `o o TEST RESULTS Plastic Limit H Liquid Limit J� w �, ❑ E N v ❑ Description E z Co E a E sn I— o Co Q z \ Moisture Content - 0 N-Value - _ _ 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 _ 3 inches of Topsoil + 2 - 0.25 Brown, moist, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM), Loose 1 20 ss 4 5 7 . 9. 5 — Trace Organics from 0 to 2 feet 2 2a ss 5 10 _ Estimated SHWT @ 4.0 feet below grade :: s / : _ Slightly mottled gray-orangish brown to grayish brown, moist, Sandy s Lean CLAY (CL), Stiff 3 za ss 7 j s z Grayish brown, moist to wet, Silt fine to medium SAND SM u 5 - Medium Dense 4 24 ss 7 10 12 light gray, wet, Poorly Graded fine to coarse SAND (SP-SM) with •i;r r 9 j/ , — trace Silt, Medium Dense .4: ` ` $ 1s ss Light gray, wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP-SM) with trace Silt, Medium Dense �• :rr A'X i r 6 24 ss e 11 . - 4 13 ; Light brown and orangish brown, wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium — SAND (SP-SM) with trace Silt, Loose a ��} 7 18 ss 4 3 9 j _-. Boring terminated at 15 ft. 6 25 ..... .....: ' 30 _ 5 : D Notes: SS = Split Spoon Sample ST = Shelby Tube Sample HA = Hand Auger Sample BS = Bulk Sample readina may not be indicative of ter levot WOH = Weiohl ' PAGE 1 of 1 Standard Penetration Tests were performed in the field in ,genera! accordance with ASTM D 1586. 1 0 I GET PROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main. Hangar & Apron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition CLIENT: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd PROJECT LOCATION: MCAS New River Camp Le;eune, NC PROJECT NO.: JX10-116G " -_. mini rti�hnrr.F.wur.rrser BORING LOCATION: See Attached Boring Location Plan SURFACE ELEVATION: 19 MSL BORING LOG DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc. LOGGED BY: gwh DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Wash "Mud" DATE: 3-12-11 BM P-5 _ _ DEPTH TO WATER -INITIAL*: q- 9 AFTER 24 HOURS: 4 — CAVING> _L, a :;� t a a 2 o TEST RESULTS Plastic limit H Liquid Limit 9 � J m' Q. 0„ " n a� a Description r a a o n 0 g n m �+ in o �, m N as w ❑ E❑ a' z Co Co m n > Z o Moisture Content - • N-Value - 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 0 0 — 3 inches of Topsoil J 29 _ _ 2 — ::::'.' •; :: 1 10 ss 3 4 6 v Tan, moist, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP) with trace Silt,: — Loose to Medium Dense 4.6 / e 55 Estimated SHWT @ 4.0 feet below grade 14 ,f — 5 15 . � .........:........ . Tan and light gray, moist, PoorlyGraded fine to coarse SAND SP-�'��;r' 9 9 Y) ( a:y c r 3 20 ss SM with trace Silt, Medium Dense :,.,;;i a �/ — r.r, r 1://: 11 4 24 ss 5 a 11 — 10 8 rangish brown, wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP-SM) '? t'. 5 _ with trace Silt, Medium Dense n. u. �;_ r� 5 18 ss a 13 f/ 10 — 10 Tan and light gray, wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP- .:: i` E?. �: 4 .: SM) with trace Silt, Loose ! r ;.: r r 6 18 ss 5 6 9 4 — 13 -I 4 5 Tan, light gray and orangish brown, wet, Poorly Graded fine to h 4 — coarse SAND (SP-SM) with trace Silt, Loose rl'Al: ;;,;; t 7 18 ss 6 10 - 15 .. — Boring terminated at 15 ft. 20 25 10 30 - 1035 - 1 2-0 Notes: SS = Split Spoon Sample ST = Shelby Tube Sample HA = Hand Auger Sample *The initial cyroundwater readiria may not be indicative of the static Groundwater level, BS =Bulk Sample PAGE 1 of 1 Standard Penetration Tests were performed in the held in general accordance with ASTM D 1586. GET PROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main. Hangar & Apron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition CLIENT: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd _ PROJECT LOCATION: MCAS New River Camp Lejeune, NC PROJECT NO.: JX10-116G ��.�•.-��•�• BORING LOCATION: See Attached Boring Location Plan SURFACE ELEVATION: 17 MSL BORING LOG DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc. LOGGED BY: gwh DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Wash "Mud" DATE: 3-19-11 BIVIP-6 _ DEPTH TO WATER - INITIAL*: 7 AFTER 24 HOURS: 1� CAVING> J- c $ U a o* TEST RESULTS Plastic Limit H Liquid Limit a a m Description o zr a CL En0�N z v re Content • w o N-Vatue - 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 0 _o 7 inches of Topsoil 2 — 0.5d 1 23 ss z 3 5 Brown, moist, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM), Very Loose to Loose 2 18. :• 2 W4.O feet below Estimated SH7 grade 2 24 ss s 5 j .:..... s 4 Grayish brown, moist, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM), Medium ? : 4 3 5� Dense 3 20 ss 9 14 j 10 Light gray and orangish brown, moist to wet, Poorly Graded fine to . i'. i?. a — _ medium SAND (SP-SM) with trace Silt, Loose to Medium Dense :rt r 4 24 ss 7 1 - ri•.cr i - - 2 4 5 20 ss 4 a . % - - - : 3 6 22 ss 3 6 Q 5 _ l.i1. 7 22 ss g -.: 10 • 3 Boring terminated at 15 ft. 0 :...........:...:...:...:... 20 :...:...:. .:. .:...:...:... 25 -10 _ .:...:...:...:...:...:...:... 30 - - 35 -20 Notes: SS = Split Spoon Sample ST = Shelby Tube Sample HA = Hand Auger Sample BS = Bulk Sample *7-'he initial arour? W19i = Weight of Ha PAGE 1 of 1 Standard Penetration Tests were performed in the field in general accordance with ASTM D 1586, a 1 1 1 1 1 GETPROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main. Hangar & Apron: P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition CLIENT: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd _ PROJECT LOCATION: MCAS New River Camp Lejeune, NC PROJECT NO.: JX10-116G Gnush-s�r.E�a�r.wnW •re#!x� BORING LOCATION: See Attached Boring Location Plan SURFACE ELEVATION: 17 MSL BORING LOG DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc. LOGGED BY: gwh DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Wash "Mud" DATE: 3-19-11 BMP-7 DEPTH TO WATER - INITIAL*: $3 7 AFTER 24 HOURS: CAVING .L o x U �, �, �, o TEST RESULTS Plastic Limit h-1 Liquid Limit m a w QL (D CL a, (D Description a o E Z a E a m E 3 `° o w g E t- Ei n z\ Moisture Content - e N-Value- ®• ' _ 0 o 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 3 inches of Topsoil _ _ _ 2 — 1 24 ss 2 z 5 j .2 Brown, moist, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM), Loose 15 13 Orangish brown, moist, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM), Loose 7 5 2 24 ss s a 10 // ' • — W Estimated SHT @ 4.0 feet below grade r?: L1:' 3 24 ss 2 3 — 6 Light gray and tan, moist, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP- 2 SM) with trace Silt, Loose } a rangish brown, moist to wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND ;:;.<<' 4 23 ss 2 z 3 (SP-SM) with trace Silt, Very Loose to Loose — N. t,: J:I:rL . — 1 'u:rj. 5 24 ss 2 4 a f.l:l1: 6 23 ss 3 7 5 .1XC . a:C a j - 7 23 ss 3 2 - tail 4 r1: 6 i ii_c� 3- 1 Boring terminated at 15 ft. -�- 25 : 30 15 ' -20 Notes: SS = Split Spoon Sample ST = Shelby Tube Sample HA = Hand Auger Sample BS = Bulk Sample PAGE 1 of i Standard Penetration Tests were performed in the field ir1 general accordance with ASTM D 1586. GET ,.n,ixel.e.oMrn w:a".R.nK BORING LOG BM P-8 PROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main. Hangar & A ron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition CLIENT: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd PROJECT LOCATION: MCAS New River Camp Lejeune, NC PROJECT NO.: JX10-116G BORING LOCATION: See Attached Boring Location Plan SURFACE ELEVATION: 19 MSL DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc. LOGGED BY: gwh DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Wash "Mud" DATE: 3-19-11 DEPTH TO WATER - INITIAL*: -V- 9 AFTER 24 HOURS: -- CAVING> -C ' ' o a m 0 L m car _ a m Description s Q �, E o E CL > E> CL �' E N 1O 3 o ' cal o `' TEST RESULTS Plastic Limit H Liquid Limit' 9 > w❑ V �, E m a z m z > z o Moisture Content - cn o N-Value - 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 7 inches of Topsoil - 0-5d 1 24 ss 3% 5 13 i i i i Brown, moist, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM) with wood fragments — (Fill), Medium Dense s 15 — brown, moist, Silty fine to medium SAND ( SM), Loose to Medium Dense 2 23 ss a 7% 13 0-1 Estimated SHWT @ 6 feet below grade 3 19 ss 4 3- 9 //j ........:..:...:...:...:... 2 _ — Light gray, moist, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM), Loose 4 24 ss z 5 :EE 3 6 :::: 4 to Tan, moist to wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP-SM) . :I':I: G i 5 22 iz 26 r/ to - with trace Silt, Loose to Medium Dense r.11 r ;.r r t ss 14 is j :'I:t1 6 24 10 12 20 ss — 411; i — t 1 5 4 I .I:t] 4 j i,r.tl: 7 21 ss 5 9 r/,: .. 15 — Boring terminated at 15 ft. 6 20 :...:...:...:.......:...:... 25 8 -10 30 35 Notes: SS = Split Spoon Sample ST = Shelby Tube Sample HA = Hand Auger Sample BS = Bulk Sample e level,*The initial 0 "lay 17 ....... ... tive of the static gLoondwater = Weight gf Hammer PAGE 1 of 1 Standard Penetration Tests were performed in the field in general accordance with AS TM D 1586. GET PROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main, Hangar & Apron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition CLIENT: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd . t. PROJECT LOCATION: MCAS New River Camp Lejeune, NC PROJECT NO.: JX10-116G r�.n,a�•c...ay•r�eeg BORING LOCATION: See Attached Boring Location Plan SURFACE ELEVATION: 19 MSL BORING LOG DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc. LOGGED BY: gwh DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Wash "Mud" DATE: 3-19-11 BM P-9 DEPTH TO WATER -INITIAL*: 9.5 AFTER 24 HOURS: Z CAVING> �L 5- a �, a d 3 w o TEST RESULTS Plastic Limit H Liquid Limit > m❑ �, CDLo E ° ❑ Description M E z rn E> E ° �, m a 7 z v Moisture Content N-Value - 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 0 a 10 _ l 3 inches of Topsoil 0.2 1 24 ss 2 7 j — Brown, moist, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM) with Clay and Gravel 5 f — (Fi5), Loose 5 . �..�..� 2 23 ss s 12 Oran ish brown, moist, Clayey fin medium SAND (SC), Medium g' � y yDe fine 15 s 7 — Estimated SHWT @ 6 feet below grade 3 20 ss 6 12 / ..:...:. 6 Light gray, moist to wet, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM), Loose to 4 23 5 — 11 Medium Dense ss 6 5 — 6 16 ::::: 5 23 ss s 5 10 / / - - - - Light gray, wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP-SM) with L s — trace Silt, Medium Dense +a' C l a`.cr 6 22 ss a 9 15 — 5 4 16 13 Orangish brown, wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP-SM):':.'tf :... r1'1' 7 24 ss with trace Silt, Medium Dense ;•:; 6 a .:...:.................. Boring terminated at 15 ft. 0 5 30 10 15 35 20 Notes: SS = Split Spoon Sample ST = Shelby Tube Sample HA = Hand Auger Sample BS = Bulk Sample *The initial oroundwater readina may not be indicative of the static Croundwater level, WOH - Welaht of Hamm PAGE 1 of 1 Standard Penetration Tests were performed in the field in ,general accordance with ASTM D 1586 GET PROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main. Hangar & Apron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition CLIENT: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd PROJECT LOCATION: MCAS New River Camp Le'eune, INC PROJECT NO.: JX10-116G Gv,nR.}rN •(.4llertmmW•TnY BORING LOCATION: See Attached Boring Location Plan SURFACE ELEVATION: 20 MSL BORING LOG DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc. LOGGED BY: gwh DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Wash "Mud" HATE: 3-19-11 BMP-1 0 DEPTH TO WATER - INITIAL*: ;9- 9.5 AFTER 24 HOURS: 4 CAVING o N L ) N- ar o TEST RESULTS Plastic Limit H Liquid Limit J a m Q a� Description a E o a E> E 3 V° o �, m� o o `� z � cn t- i'n cL � v Moisture Content - • Z N-Value - 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 4 inches of Topsoil _ 4 24 ss s7 10, Brown, moist, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM), Loose1 ::... Tan, moist, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP-SM) with trace VJ' r). 3 f� _ Silt, Very Loose to Loose 2 24 ss 3 6 5.5 j 2 - r:ri1: 15 s Estimated SHWT @ 6 feet below grade ''' } 2 - ....:...:...:.. r�:r]. 3 16 ss 2 3 4 '4... . . 7 " % i — Light gray and tan, moist to wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium !.:l: r?. r 4 22 ss a SAND (SP-SM) with trace Silt, Loose .l;1: c i io G i a 1 ta'rit. 5 17 ss 4 8 10 10;!: F i rxt1: — a 20 ss 4 8 j - 4 i 3 7 23 ss n 8 :. ... . . :.., 5 Boring terminated at 15 ft. 0 6 _ :...: ..:...:..... .:... ,. a 2a 25 30 •10 10 -15 Notes: SS = Split Spoon Sample ST = Shelby Tube Sample HA = Hand Auger Sample BS = Bulk Sample *Tho initial arot t be indicative of the static oroundwaier level WOH = Weight of HamM.�d_ PAGE i of 1 Standard Penetration Tests were performed in the field in general accordance with ASTM D 1586. a I 0 I a 1 0 1 GETPROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main. Hangar & Apron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition CLIENT: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd 772 PROJECT LOCATION: MCAS New River Camp Lejeune, NC _ PROJECT NO.: JX10-116G BORING LOCATION: See Attached Boring Location Plan SURFACE ELEVATION: 17 MSL BORING LOG DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc. LOGGED BY: gwh DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Wash "Mud" DATE: 3-19-11 BM P-1 1 DEPTH TO WATER -INITIAL*; $ 7 AFTER 24 HOURS: - CAVING> -L o ar L °1 �— N: m Q TEST RESULTS Plastic Limit I-1 Liquid Limit �o a Q1 CU Q DeSCripti0n a F d a? a m `O m wrj n z ° a z a Moisture Content - • N-Value - _.4_ 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 23 inches of Topsoil "" 3 1 24 ss 5 6 9 : " l::?, :. Brown, moist, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP-SM) with s — trace Silt, Loose .1.I: i � 24 ss s 10 5.4 ........... Estimated SHWT @ 5.0 feet below grade "r - - 4 —� _ Tan and light gray, moist, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM), Loose a 2 5 'Light gray and orangish brown, moist to wet, Clayey fine to medium ' .' .-. 4 21 ss Z SAND (SC), Loose 3 2 5 24 as 5 9 ' j Light gray and orangish brown, wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium :: E i 5 - — SAND (SP-SM) with trace Silt, Loose 1.:rt 6 23 ss 4 4 8 5 .1a:CC 4 :,... .: - 4 :1:1: t i1:t1: ' 4 — .:.. 7 16 ss 5 9: 14 Light gray, wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP-SM) with :�:I: �! s trace Silt Loose Boring terminated at 15 ft. — ° 20 - 2 -15 10 35 20 Notes: SS = Split Spoon Sample ST = Shelby Tube Sample HA = Hand Auger Sample BS = Bulk Sample WOK = Weicht of Hammer PAGE 1 of i Standard Penetration Tests were performed in the field in general accordance with ASTM D 1586. GET PROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main. Hangar & Aeron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition CLIENT: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd PROJECT LOCATION: MCAS New River Camp Lejeuno, NC PROJECT NO.: JX10-116G ;nenra•e.d�w.rr,� BORING LOCATION: See Attached Boring Location Plan SURFACE ELEVATION: 18 MSL BORING LOG DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc. LOGGED BY: qwh DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Wash "Mud" DATE: 3-19-11 BMP-1 2 DEPTH TO WATER - INITIAL`: -Lz 8 AFTER 24 HOURS: CAVING> f- o Z L N L m TEST RESULTS Plastic Limit H Liquid Limit > Q m 0 ) g y (, Description a a d � a> F� a °� @ : 12 m w 2 o E w a � 0 Z 0) W � In n Moisture Consent - • Z o N-Value - 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 a 18 inches of Topsoil v JJJ: 1 22 ss 4 4 1.5 Brown, moist, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM), Loose . s 1 2 22 ss s 8 6. :...:... Light brown, moist, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM), Very Loose to Loose 3 . - 3 23 ss 2 i s Estimated SHWT @ 5.5 feet below grade 4 5.y 3 Tan and light gray, moist, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM), Loose 2 4 22 1 ss 3 3 6 1 8, Light gray, wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP-SM), is r+: 3 Loose Ja:r! 5 18 ss 2 5 i 2 Ali:Lt j t4�4.- 6 23 ss 3 5 7 24 ss 5 5 4 Orangish brown, wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP-SM) :: trig 13� with trace Silt, Medium Dense s _ 1 .:. 9 z Boring terminated at 15 ft. :...:...:...:.......:... -10 30 15 3 -20 - - Notes: SS = Split Spoon Sample ST = Shelby Tube Sample HA = Hand Auger Sample BS = Bulk Sample *The initial groundwater regdOa may not be indicative of the static afflunndwntly Invol WOH - h PAGE 1 of 1 Standard Penetration Tests were performed in the field in general accordance with ASTM D 1586. I a a I I 0 1 I I 1 I 1 1 I 1 GET PROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main. Hangar & Apron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition CLIENT: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd.73 * ^ PROJECT LOCATION: MCAS New River Camp Lejeune, NC PROJECT NO.: JX10-116G r ,..n,rr•e.r.wrry-r�r� BORING LOCATION: See Attached Boring Location Plan_ _ SURFACE ELEVATION: 18 MSL BORING LOG DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc. LOGGED BY: gwh DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Wash "Mud" DATE: 3-20-11 P-1 DEPTH TO WATER -INITIAL*: -17- 8 AFTER 24 HOURS: } CAVING> -L o TEST RESULTS Plastic Limit F-i Liquid Limit 'c Q �, v a v Description n [� n o E Z n U ° E o ;, w t o N N i- m Q z\ • Moisture Content -of N-Value - a o 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 6-inches of Topsoil 2 — 1 24 ss 4 z 8 46.. �j ; • _ = Brown and orangish brown, moist, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM) — with some Clay and Gravel (Fill), Loose 2 15 2 20 ss 3 3 6 . . : Mottled orangish brown -light gray, moist, Sandy Lean CLAY (CL), — Medium Stiff 4 3 Mottled light gray-orangish brown, moist, Sandy Lean CLAY (CL), 3 17 ss a 7 : " . . . . . . . Medium Stiff 4 l — 4 20 ss 3 6� 10 4 Orangish brown and tan, wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND t 3 ' _ (5P-SM) with trace Silt, Loose ra'.cr �a?ty 5 21 ss � 10 /� - 10 5 Tan and orangish brown, wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND _ '�?•(+; s 5 !� (SP-SM)with trace Silt, Medium Dense :�: t ! ;� .�; t i 6 24 ss s 11 5 4 a:C[r : - h1•-1 i• 7:I: [ [ - — 7 21 ss 8 8 16 ;.. 1 . 2 Boring terminated at 15 ft. 20 a 35 ,s 10 _20 Notes: SS = Split Spoon Sample ST = Shelby Tube Sample HA = Hand Auger Sample 3S = Bulk Sample PAGE 7 of 1 Standard Penetration Tests were performed in the field in general accordance with ASTM D 1566. GETPROJECT; P705 Aircraft Main. Hangar & Apron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition CLIENT: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd • IY PROJECT LOCATION: MCAS New River Camp Leleune, NC PROJECT NO.: JX10-116G ra�.n�lrt.r.z�.,+rss.am,r� BORING LOCATION: See Attached Boring Location Plan SURFACE ELEVATION: 18 MSL BORING LOG DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc. LOGGED BY: gwh DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Wash "Mud" DATE: 3-27-11 P-2 DEPTH TO WATER - INITIAL`: -a- 8 AFTER 24 HOURS: CAVING f- c z y +n z , oo TEST RESULTS Plastic Limit H Liquid Limit -' v v Description co E z E 1_2 a a £ 3 1° m# �, o E 0 6 In In co a \ Moisture Content • lu CO Z N-Value - 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 o 3 inches of Topsoil 2 _ _ 2 r = = 1 23 ss 3 3 6 j — Slightly mottled light gray-orangish brown, moist, Sandy Lean CLAY (CL) with trace organics, Medium Stiff J 10 - 2 20 ss 4 a Light gray and orangish brown, moist, Clayey fine to medium SAND (SC), Loose 5. ::i:: — — 3 5 : ; 3. 18 ss a 7 Light gray, moist, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM), Loose 3 a _ 7j 4 18 ss 3 7 t c 5 8 Light gray and tan, wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP- .. : ;: F i s SM) with trace Silt, Loose , :.I-. U: .r L t 5 20 ss s 10 to . 't � , ........... - 3 4 i r]:11: 6 22 ss 5: 9 4 4 7 22 ss 5 10 .. ... ' 15 8 Boring terminated at 15 ft. 20 25 :, .. ......'... 30 _t 10 35 Notes: SS = Split Spoon Sample ST= Shelby Tube Sample HA = Hand Auger Sample BS = Bulk Sample initial _ PAGE 1 of 1 Standard Penetration Tests were performed in the held in general accordance with ASTM D 1566, 8 I I I I 0 1 1 I I 1 GET PROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main. Hangar & Apron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition CLIENT: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd r • " T - PROJECT LOCATION: MCAS New River Camp Lejeune, NC PROJECT NO.: JX10-116G e—AW.r.e. .., w•Tmfq BORING LOCATION: See Attached Boring Location Plan SURFACE ELEVATION: 18 MSL BORING LOG DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc. LOGGED BY: qwh DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Wash "Mud" DATE: 3-27-11 P-3 DEPTH TO WATER - INITIAL*: 8 AFTER 24 HOURS: v CAVING> _C_ C $ O m y` n ,� a m U = a a d 41 > a a i-' m +a o N TEST RESULTS Plastic Limit H Liquid Limit a E o Description Z a z Moisture Content - • to N-Value - 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 o o 15 — — 3 inches of Topsoil 0.2 — 1 — 17 — ss 3 8 % Light brown, moist, Silty fine to medium SAND SM , Medium Dense — Slightly mottled light gray-orangish brown, moist, Sandy Lean CLAY (CL), Medium Stiff 2 17 ss 3 i — 7 1/0 .. . — 19 ...:...:.,, j Whitish tan to light gray, moist to wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium _1.1: t r 'q:ti• 3 18 ss e SAND (SP-SM) with trace Silt, Medium Dense 1i: t { 10 - 11 — .i::tr 4 21 ss 22 _ 7'L' C C 17 l - - 1 1i�.tr 5 24 ss 11 12 10 23 Noll -- >>1 :.... 10..: 4 Orangish brown and tan, wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND �: fi. 4 _ SP-SM with trace Silt, Very Loose to Loose r �. 6 24 ss 6 10 t.,. 4 rj ii 4 / 7 17 ss 9 1 i•r�C 5 Boring terminated at 15 ft. o . . . . 20 255 8 10 1 10 5 Notes: SS = Split Spoon Sample ST = Shelby Tube Sample HA = Hand Auger Sample BS = Bulls Sample PAGE 1 of 1 Standard Penetration Tests were Performed in the field in general accordance with ASTM D 1586. GET PROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main. Hangar & Apron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition CLIENT: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr. Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd PROJECT LOCATION: MCAS_New River Camp Lejeune, NC PROJECT NO.: JX10-1.16G " " E c—a7x.4.e.­.rr BORING LOCATION: See Attached Boring Location Plan SURFACE ELEVATION: 19 MSL BORING LOG DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc. LOGGED BY: gwh DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Wash "Mud" DATE: 3-20-11 P-4 DEPTH TO WATER -INITIAL*: 8 • AFTER 24 HOURS: -Z CAVING> _L a m n Q CL o a> a- �' 3 i° m o TEST RESULTS Plastic Limit H Liquid Limit o w E o m Description m zcc m m a v Moisture Content -• W g z a N-Value = 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 a o 4 inches of Topsoil 3 3 1 22 ss 2 3 4 - Orangish brown, moist, Clayey fine to medium SAND (SC), Very Loose ' ii:: 3 5 Tan, moist, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM), Medium Dense 2 24 ss y 14� 15 8 �. 3 3 18 ...... 7� Orangish brown, moist to wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND t"j:11. 6 — SP-SM with trace Silt, Loose to Medium Dense aa.�r � . 4 24 ss a 14 - n:i1: 1 =L"J: 1. 5 23 ss 5 1010 8 'i ]ktl ........... . 4 +:: t 6 24 ss 4 8 E/' 5 5 :rJ. a.. 7 24 ss 5 6 10 ... 15 Boring terminated at 15 ft. B 2 ..:.......:..'-..:...:...:... .. 25 30 10 35 H I I L 20 Notes: SS = Split Spoon Sample ST = Shelby Tube Sample HA = Hand Auger Sample BS = Bulk Sample *The initial orotindwater reading may not be indicative of 1�g stglic groundwater /eye/. _W0H - Weioht of Hammer PAGE i of 1 Standard Penelration Tests were performed in the field in genera! accordance with ASTM D 1586. A I I 0 1 I I I I 1 1 0 GET PROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main. Hangar & Apron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition CLIENT: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd Ion. MM-77171111111 PROJECT LOCATION: MCAS New River Camp Lejeune, NC PROJECT NO,: JX10-116G BORING LOCATION: See Attached Boring Location Plan SURFACE ELEVATION: 18 MSL BORING LOG DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc. LOGGED BY: gwh DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Wash "Mud" DATE: 3-20-11 P-5 DEPTH TO WATER - INITIAL": 4W- 8 AFTER 24 HOURS: L CAVING f- o y u m a TEST RESULTS Plastic Limit H Liquid Limit (D .-� adi m Description @ Q E z C> 1-2 E o rj g E m o z o Moisture Content - • N-Value - 6 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 2 inches of Topsoil :: t: r?:1,: 1 24 55 3 3 —0. 1r Whitish tan, moist, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP-SM) with trace Silt, Loose to Medium Dense " lrr�- i:,. [ c •i.eti 3 s 1 = / =� a ra:l1: 2 21 ss 6 6 12 %//// _ Light gray, moist, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP-SM) wit 'i: i i 4 trace Silt, Loose { 3 21 ss a B ; { Orangish brown and tan, moist to wet, Poorly Graded fine to mediu 0 ' J. 3 —2— - SAND (SP-SM) with trace Silt, Loose �: F �, 4 23 ss 3 6 j cz - trri. 4 5 23 55 ss 10 Iya 1: 3 :C l 6 24 ss a 8 % a 5 i•rit i•i;Fi 7 24 ss 5 5 10 15 — Boring terminated at 15 ft, o z-0 2 -1 30 -t 10 35 Notes: SS = Split Spoon Sample ST = Shelby Tube Sample HA = Hand Auger Sample BS = Bulk Sample L *The initbi oroundwat2r reading may not be indicative of tho., mdwater 1PvPl. W(1H = Weiaht of Hammer PAGE 1 of 9 Standard Penetration Tests were performed in the field in general accordance with ASTM D 1586. GET PROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main. Hangar & Apron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition CLIENT: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd PROJECT LOCATION: MCAS New River Camp Lejeune, NC PROJECT NO.: JX10-116G ,ex.=•e.ci.r,ea rnr BORING LOCATION: See Attached Bodnq Location Plan SURFACE ELEVATION: 20 MSL BORING LOG DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc. LOGGED BY: gwh DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Wash "Mud" DATE: 3-27-11 P-6 DEPTH TO WATER - INITIAL`: -�z, 10 AFTER 24 HOURS: -m CAVING> L_ N oa TEST RESULTS Plastic Limit I --I Liquid Limit U) a m v Q U] Description a ,� E o a? E g cL °' E 3 o 7 w� N p E w p 0� Z U) m n Z\ Moisture Content - • N-Value - 10 20 30 40 5Q 60 70 20 0 0 4 inches of Topsoil 0.3 "'= 2 1 18 ss 2 5 j Brown, moist, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM), Loose 2 24 ss 5 10 a Tan and light gray, moist, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP-'LJ'. I3- 6� 1 SM) with trace Silt, Medium Dense 13 r.)'. L rr:r7. la_Ci 4 21 ss g 6 11 a'.... Orangish brown, moist, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP a 10W SM) with trace Silt, Loose r.r. [ 1: ,, .; 5 20 ss 4 4 8 - 10 Graded fine SAND 'F<:r+: 5 Light gray, wet, Poorly to medium (SP-SM) with trace Silt, Loose : a: r �. 6 24 ss 4 9 ,/ - 4 h1.17• 7;C C C 4 7 21 ss 5 10 Boring terminated at 15 ft. 0 0 : : .. -5 2 1030 10 ' Notes: SS = Split Spoon Sample ST = Shelby Tube Sample HA = Hand Auger Sample BS = Bulk Sample *The initial aroundwa&LLeaG�rio may not be indicative of tl�eqt;;tir ormindwrIfer level. WOH - Wejaht of Harn=j PAGE i of i Standard Penetration Tests were performed in the field in general accordance with AS TM D 1586. I A 1 I 0 0 0 I 1 I E', L'1� GETPROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main. Hangar & Apron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition CLIENT: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd PROJECT LOCATION: MCAS New River Camp Lejeune, NC PROJECT NO.: JX10-1 16G - - rn„nN,x.I.r.crM«,,wu.rho� BORING LOCATION: See Attached Boring Location Plan SURFACE ELEVATION: 18 MSL BORING LOG DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc. LOGGED BY: gwh DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Wash "Mud" DATE: 3-20-11 P-% DEPTH TO WATER -INITIAL*: $ 8 AFTER 24 HOURS: -v CAVING> L di N a) N N= o O TEST RESULTS Plastic Limit I I Liquid Limit � -EL aa) CL 0 Description L @ E z° E ' F o j w g E❑ in h in z o Moisture Content - • N-Value - _ a 0 10 20 30 40 50 FO 70 4-inches of Topsoil 3 1 24 ss 5 e 10 .3 Tan and brown, moist, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM) with trace Gravel (Fill), Loose 31.2 t_j, i 5 15 .ta:cl' 2 24 ss 5 5 1D Tan, moist, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP-SM) with trace Silt, Loose ra:i1: a I r} 5 �= . t:I;tr 3 20 ss 3 4 5 7 6 Light gray and orangish brown, moist to wet, Silty fine to medium :::: 4 24 a 2 13 SAND (SM), Medium Dense ss 7 10 / 5 24 ss 5 6 12 — 1 12 _ Light gray, wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP-SM) with I-:I;E?. !':� r 6 24 ss 6 trace Silt, Medium Dense �a:tr 6 7:1: r t Orangish brown, wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP-SM) t f 4 _ with trace Silt, Loose {'; } 7 24 ss 10 15 g Boring terminated at 15 ft. o 5 30 15 10 35 -2a Notes: SS= Split Spoon Sample ST = Shelby Tube Sample HA = Hand Auger Sample BS = Bulk Sample L-7fie inifial aroundwater re ding may ngLbe indicative of the static c7roundwater lovel WOH = Weicthl of Hammer I PAGE 1 of i Standard Penetration Tests were performed in the field in general accordance with ASTM D 1586. GET PROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main. Hangar & Apron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition CLIENT: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd r PROJECT LOCATION: MCAS New River Camp Lejeune, NC PROJECT NO.: JX10-116G Pomona �•rew BORING LOCATION: See Attached Boring Location Plan SURFACE ELEVATION: 20 MSL BORING LOG DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc. LOGGED BY: �gwh DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Wash "Mud" _ DATE: 3-19-11 P-8 DEPTH TO WATER -INITIAL*: —Y- 10 AFTER 24 HOURS: v CAVING _C '22 a m Q a on0 3N=`0 o TEST RESULTS Plastic Limit H LiquidLimit a Description z ' Content- •a oMoisture N-Value - 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 20 o ° 2-inches of Topsoil 1 _ _ 2 — 1 24 ss 6 9: Grayish brown, moist, Sandy SILT (ML) with trace Clay and Gravel a — (Fill), Stiff . a — Orangish brown, moist, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM), Loose 2 21 ss 4 7 .................. . j 15 5_ 4 Whitish tan, moist, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP-SM) - l7; i7. 4 with trace Silt, Loose I C � 3 22 ss Q 8 PON z — ?:r1. 10 - - - 4 19 ss 3�� Ia.cr 6 j — Orangish brown, moist, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP- SM) with trace Silt, Medium Dense - : h r]:t1: ;.,.; z 5 21 ss s% 12 j s 13 _ Light gray and orangish brown to orangish brown, wet, Poorly fine SAND SM) trace Silt, Medium } �: !::tt 6 19 ss ski Graded to medium (SP with — Dense t't: r..i .1a'ir F+ 12; - : •:, :. 7 24 ss 7 5 15 20 Boring terminated at 15 ft. 6 = _..:...:...:...:...:...:...:... 25 30 -10 10 35 — 1_ Notes: SS = Split Spoon Sample ST = Shelby Tube Sample HA = Hand Auger Sample BS = Bulk Sample initialive of tha-sL-dig-aroundwatgr level 410H=f Hammer PAGE 1 of 9 Standard Penetration Tests were performed in the field it) general accordance with ASTM D 1586. I I 1 a I 0 I I I I GET PROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main, Hangar & Apron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition CLIENT: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd ^ PROJECT LOCATION: MCAS New River Camp Lejeune, NC PROJECT NO.: JX10-116G r. )Wft'&V' Nmwnr.,wl•RNam- BORING LOCATION: See Attached Boring Location Plan SURFACE ELEVATION: 20 MSL BORING LOG DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc. LOGGED BY: gwh DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Wash "Mud" DATE: 3-19-11 P-9 DEPTH TO WATER -INITIAL*: $ 10 AFTER 24 HOURS: -Z- CAVING> _L o a✓ ^ c, a TEST RESULTS Plastic Limit I --I Liquid Limit m n a3 n 6 DESCfl�?t101i a m a o m z a> a °' 3 1° �� Q c� rn m n Moisture Content - w� ��U) z o N-Value - 2a 0 0 24 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 4 inches of Topsoil r ' 1 24 4 6 / 3 Grayish brown, moist, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM) with Gravel ss 16 s / = (Fill), Medium Dense � . 6 Tan and brawn, moist, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP- — ri.tt. ;:,,; t 2 24 ss 4 9 �: SM) with trace Silt, Loose s : ; 3 19 ss 2 z r 4 . . . . =" Brown, moist, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM), Very Loose — 1 : 6.•iE 5 Tan and brown, moist, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP- :1:1: E 2 — SM) with trace Silt, Very Loose rrt1: { ; 4 16 ss 2 t 8 Light gray, wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP-SM) with J*E+1 :} : F i 2 — _ trace Silt, Very Loose to Loose rj:t1: 5 20 ss 4 8 a eri' 6 24 ss 9 6 ri:tt: 4 y 2 7 23 ss 1 2 5 Boring terminated at 15 ft. 20 .5 25 -1 35 Notes: SS = Split Spoon Sample ST = Shelby Tube Sample HA = Hand Auger Sample BS = Bulk Sample PAGE 1 of 1 Standard Penetration Tests were performed in the field in general accordance with ASTM D 1586, GET PROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main. Hangar & Apron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition CLIENT: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd PROJECT LOCATION: MICAS New River Cam Le'eune, NC PROJECT NO.: JX10-116G av nr r•...,.r. r y,, BORING LOCATION: See Attached Boring Location Plan SURFACE ELEVATION: 20 MSL BORING LOG DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc. LOGGED BY: qwh DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Wash "Mud" DATE: 3-19-11 P-1 O DEPTH TO WATER - INITIAL': -0- 10.5 AFTER 24 HOURS: CAVING> f- c n L a TEST RESULTS Plastic Limit H Liquid Limit J m w Description 2 Z a °3 3 cO cN m''0 a in a ? Moisture Content - • Wg N-Value - 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 20 0 0 4 inches of Topsoil 2 2 i 1 24 ss 4 fi .3 Brown, moist, Sandy Lean CLAY (CL), Medium Stiff Orangish brown, moist, Sandy Lean CLAY (CL), Medium Stiff 2 4 HE 2 22 ss 8 5 4 Slightly mottled tan -light gray, moist, Sandy Lean CLAY (CL), Medium Stiff 3 21 ss 4 4 a 7 :.. ..:. :. .:. . j i5 2 2 - — Whitish tan, moist, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP-SM) with trace Silt, Medium Dense `��'.��• .c�' ... i i 4 22 ss 5' 7 rx.r1: 7OJ 20 ss 7 10 i0 ..-.. _ Light gray and tan, moist to wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium Via: a: s i SAND (SP-SM) with trace Silt, Loose to Medium Dense '"' r s a :f•C1 6 23 ss 5 10 5 4 ± 7 22 ss 8 13 - - - - - •- 7%/' Boring terminated at 15 ft. B : -5 25 8 -10 30 10 Notes: SS = Split Spoon Sample ST = Shelby Tube Sample HA = Hand Auger Sample BS = Bulk Sample initial r r 1 WOH = PAGE 1 of 1 Standard Penetration Tests were performed in the field in general accordance with ASTM D 1586. 1 1 a 1 A a 0 1 B 0 0 I I 0 GETPROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main. Hangar & Apron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition CLIENT: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd • PROJECT LOCATION: MCAS New River Camp Lejeune, NC _ PROJECT NO.: JX10-116G +j h r.,.e.xwnm.rruGy BORING LOCATION: See Attached Boring Location Plan SURFACE ELEVATION: 20 MSL BORING LOG DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc. LOGGED BY: qwh DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Wash "Mud" DATE: 3-19-11 P-11 _ DEPTH TO WATER -INITIAL*: -s-z- 10 AFTER 24 HOURS: Z CAVING> -L o o TEST RESULTS Plastic Limit H Liquid Limit t j (1)y ai Description C CL z U cD o m w g E o U) 0 co z Moisture Content - • a N-Value - 20 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 8 inches of Topsoil 2 % : 1 24 ss s s 8 Dark brown and brown, moist, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM),6� Loose to Medium Dense 2 23 ss 510 7 4 Slightly mottled brown -light gray, moist, Sandy Lean CLAY (CL), Stifl 5 3 22 ss s s 11 j ..... :...:.. . — _ z s Brown and tan, moist, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM), Medium :::: s Dense iiiii 4 23 ss s 9 12 - — Light gray, moist to wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP-?= +: y�/ SM) with trace Silt, Medium Dense :i:CtC :_ r i 5 20 ss 7 17 1 — 10 6 - tj" 1: 6 21 ss 11 - - a 1 'I.{l'• — j _ 13 Light gray and orangish brown, wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium :"• f 5 SAND (SP-SM) with trace Silt, Medium Dense rr is 7 19 ss 6 11 j — Boring terminated at 15 ft. .......................... 6 20 -10 30 io: : Notes: SS = Split Spoon Sample ST = Shelby Tube Sample HA = Hand Auger Sample BS = Bulk Sample = Weicht of Harnmer PAGE 9 of 9 Standard Penetration Tests were performed in the field in genera! accordance with ASTM D 1586. GET PROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main. Hangar & Apron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition CLIENT: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd ' PROJECT LOCATION: MCAS New River Camp Lejeune, NC PROJECT NO.: JX10-116G . 3 r:�„r;.r•e.d,r,� nRr BORING LOCATION: See Attached Boring Location Plan SURFACE ELEVATION: 20 MSL BORING LOG DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc. LOGGED BY: gwh DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Wash "Mud" DATE: 3-19-11 P-12 DEPTH TO WATER - INITIAL*: .8 9.5 AFTER 24 HOURS: m- CAVING> j2- m 4) Q a O o o xe TEST RESULTS Plastic Limit I I Liquid Limit J w4) a Description c E z U cn F m cL j z Moisture Content -• as o N-Value - 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 20 a 0 3 inches of Topsoil 1 2 — — — 0.2 1 24 ss 3 5 Brown, moist, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM), Loose 2 5 i = Orangish brown, moist, Clayey fine to medium SAND (SC), Loose .' . 2 23 2 ss 3 3 8 Vol15 :. :...:.. -...:...:... 5 Whitish tan, moist, Poorly Graded tine to medium SAND SP-SM Y ( ) rx L1: 3 18 ss 3 3 with trace Silt, Loose ;:,: r r 5 4 f% Light gray and tan, moist to wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium 7r`j:rj- 5� SAND (SP-SM) with trace Silt, Loose .1:Cc i 4 22 ss 5 10 _ .:; 5 _ _ %,j:rJ. .1: is t i 8 . j 5 21 ss 4 4 j Orangish brown and gray, wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND-!:+;�a: 5 (SP-SM) with trace Silt, Loose to Medium Dense a ? •' t x.c� 6 24 ss s 11 i .z tCcr 4�t:ii. J:cr[ r % 3 r j 7 22 ss 4 7 j 5 15 .ia;rC 3 . ...................,........ _..:...:...:...:...:..:...:,.. Boring terminated at 15 ft. 0 8 20 30 .. -10 Notes: SS = Split Spoon Sample ST = Shelby Tube Sample HA = Hand Auger Sample BS = Bulk Sample groundwater PAGE I of 1 Standard Penetration Tests were performed in the field in general accordance with ASTM D 1586. I A I a I 1 I 1 a I 1 GET PROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main. Hangar & Apron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition CLIENT: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd PROJECT LOCATION: MCAS New River Camp Le;eune, NC PROJECT NO.: JX10-116G ` r �R�,i<.+•..,k.�,.1� BORING LOCATION: See Attached Boring Location Plan SURFACE ELEVATION: 20 MSL BORING LOG DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc. LOGGED BY: gwh DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Wash "Mud" DATE: 3-19-11 P-1 3 DEPTH TO WATER -INITIAL*: $ 10 AFTER 24 HOURS: 7 CAVING> _L o L 12m a t n a� U ❑. aD � 0 a - °' m `° 3 N a m O N �k TEST RESULTS Plastic Limit H Liquid Limit g ., a m E Description c7 m Z m U N m n" Moisture Content- • w Z N-Value - 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 20 0 3 inches of Topsoil 2 _ _ 3 — 1 24 55 4 s 7 % Brown, moist, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM), Loose Orangish brown, moist, Sandy Lean CLAY (CL), Stiff 2 s j 2 24 ss 4. 9 ` 15 Orangish brown, moist, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM), Loose 4 3 24 ss 6 10 /� .................. .:....... a Whitish tan, moist to wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP -'It i f s SM) with trace Silt, Medium Dense ra:c1: ;:.; r 4 21 ss 13 Tan and light gray, moist to wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP-SM) with trace Silt, Medium Dense F+ f+; {t 7:: t 5 22 55 7 14 ` / j 10 10 7 :r.cl t:{.+ 7 13 / 6 17 ss 7 7::cS 7 — 4 _4 ":I: t I 5 j 13 Light gray, wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP-SM) with _ trace Silt, Loose �? } 7 24. ss s 10 ::. 3 ...:...:...:...: - — Boring terminated at 15 ft. s25 8 10 15 —.35 - F1 Notes: SS = Split Spoon Sample ST = Shelby Tube Sample HA = Hand Auger Sample BS =Bulk Sample -The iniliaLoroundwaterreadina may not be it?dicative.-ofll)e-static-arofit?rywatpr jpvpt of Hammer PAGE i of f Standard Penetration Tests were performed in the field in ,general accordance with ASTM D 1586. GET PROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main, Hangar & Apron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition CLIENT: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd u PROJECT LOCATION: MCAS New River Camp Lejeune, NC PROJECT NO.: JX10-116G r:.n„;+,.r.�n•_:.,�, BORING LOCATION: See Attached Boring Location Plan SURFACE ELEVATION: 18 MSL BORING LOG DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc. LOGGED BY: gwh DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Wash "Mud" DATE: 3-20-11 P-1 4 DEPTH TO WATER - INITIAL': -U:1 7.5 AFTER 24 HOURS: ;�r CAVING> f- c y . o TEST RESULTS Plastic Limit F i Liquid Limit > t a� - m Description n ;' o nI E o °' E 3 `A o �, o a Z m a Z Moisture Content Q N-Value - 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 o 12 7 inches of Topsoil 1 24 ss 3 5 j — Oralbrown and brown, moist, Clayey fine to medium SAND l (SC), Medium Dense .... . s `; ; 4 2 24 ss s 9 ..............:...: f Light gray, moist, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM), Loose j 5 Slightly mottled light gray-orangish brown, moist, Sandy Lean CLAY 5 (CL), Stiff 3 21 ss s 11 3 6. Light gray to grayish brown, moist to wet, Poorly Graded fine to s L;! medium SAND (SP-SM) with trace Silt, Loose to Medium Dense 4 23 ss 4 7 ;I; t 2 La: 5 24 ss 4 6 10 .I:CC i '+:1: - - 011, 5 — i ! 6 20 ss 11 4 tIXCi 5 r 7 19 ss 6 12 Boring terminated at 15 ft. 0 6 2 . 10 30 3 -20 Notes: SS = Split Spoon Sample ST = Shelby Tube Sample HA = Hand Auger Sample BS = Bulk Sample I *The initialw 1PvP1 WOH = Weiaht of Hammer PAGE 1 of 1 Standard Penetration Tests were performed in the field in ,general accordance with ASTM D 1586. 1 1 I A I a I 0 I 1 I 1 GET PROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main. Hangar & Apron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition _ CLIENT: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd PROJECT LOCATION: MCAS New River Camp Lejeune, NC PROJECT NO.: JX10-116G BORING LOCATION: See Attached Boring Location Plan SURFACE ELEVATION: 18 MSL BORING LOG DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc. LOGGED BY: gwh DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Wash "Mud" DATE: 3-20-11 P-=I S DEPTH TO WATER- INITIALS': -$ 8 AFTER 24 HOURS: - — CAVING -C a r c u m y TEST RESULTS Limit H Liquid Limit Description Q 2 E o aom° E > a mPlastic gE E to a z Q Moisture Content - • N-Value - -0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 6-inches of Topsoil ' 2 — 1 24 ss 3 6 /. Brown, moist, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM), Loose 0. 2 15 Light gray, moist, Sandy Lean CLAY (CL), Medium Stiff 3 - 2 21 ss 3 2 6 .........:...:... - Light gray, moist, Poorly Graded tine to medium SAND (SP-SM) With •L`J` i J. Z _ trace Silt, Very Loose to Loose t:C[i 3 20 ss 2 4 ... y.............. ........... — ra:�i 3 4 2 4 rt} %f 10 C •li:fi 4 20 ss 5 10 �.,. - - 8:'TE — — Orangish brown, wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP-SM) iY:1: F f e with trace Silt, Loose to Medium Dense r .: L 1: [ L 5 24 ss 15a j — 1 B 6 21 ss 13 5 4 'LT rJ. 7 19 ss 3 e10 11/s/ Boring terminated at 15 ft. 20 .. : -25 8 -10 _15 10 - -20 Notes: SS = Split Spoon Sample ST = Shelby Tube Sample HA = Hand Auger Sample BS = Bulk Sample r = Weioht of Hammer PAGE 1 of 1 Standard Penetration Tests were performed in the field in general accordance with ASTM D 1586. GETPROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main. Hangar & Apron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition CLIENT: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd PROJECT LOCATION: MCAS New River Camp Le'eune, NC PROJECT NO.: JX10-116G BORING LOCATION: See Attached Boring Location Plan SURFACE ELEVATION: 22 MSL BORING LOG DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc. LOGGED BY: qwh DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Wash "Mud" DATE: 4-2-11 P-1 6 DEPTH TO WATER - INITIAL*: -V- 12 AFTER 24 HOURS: CAVING> -C- c U �, v o TEST RESULTS Plastic Limit F 1 Liquid Limit J a m` �, a �, Description a E d E o m o �o o E �' Z y ,� ��� t- m a ? Z v Moisture Content - • W� N-Value - 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 p 4-inches of Topsoil 0.3 J 1 1 15 ss z 2 4 15. % f Brown and tan, moist, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM), Very Loose Orangish brown, moist, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM), Loose 3 I 2 14 ss 3 3 6 ............ 5 Tan, moist, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP-SM) with trace.'1a i? $ Silt, Loose to Medium Dense Fa-r+. 3 24 ss s 11 / ............ .I: r 4 21 ss 8 r r 15 10 1:I;r! 5 :.C4: 1 Ora ngish brown and tan, moist to wet, Poorly Graded fine to mediu r? ... SAND (SP SM) with trace Silt, Medium Dense •II ? :I x r I 6 17 ss s 7 11 17 i l 7 20 SS 1S 21 15 11� . .. Boring terminated at 15 ft. = 6 z 2 e 35 _ Notes: SS = Split Spoon Sample ST = Shelby Tube Sample HA = Hand Auger Sample BS = Bulk Sample *The initial t be indicative of the static undwitArlPvP1 WOH = Weiaht of Hammer PAGE 1 of 1 Standard Penetration Tests were performed in the field ingeneral accordance with ASTM D 1585. SET PROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main. Hangar & Apron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition CLIENT: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd ONNIMMMW PROJECT LOCATION: MCAS New River Camp Leieune NC PROJECT NO.: JX10-116G rn.�J.i•r.a�w•n¢rq BORING LOCATION: See Attached Boring Location Plan SURFACE ELEVATION: 22 MSL BORING LOG DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc. LOGGED BY: gwh DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Wash "Mud" DATE: 4-2-11 P-17 DEPTH TO WATER - INITIAL*; -V 12 AFTER 24 HOURS: CAVING> -L a TEST RESULTS 6 CL n cL oCU 3 LO 2 � Plastic Limit H Liquid Limit �, Description E z E 0 E b w F— a Moisture Content- 0 E 0 U) U')a W Z N-Value - 4 3 inches of Topsoil 0.2 Tan, moist, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP-SM) with trace Silt, Very Loose Orangish brown, moist, Clayey fine to medium SAND (SC), Very Loose Tan and orangish brown, moist, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM), Loose • 1 r r J. 1 22 ss 2 4 :I. t 4 2 z 2 20 ss z 4 3 n2l ss a 4 4 8 Tan, moist, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP-SM) with trace l7; t J . 1, c r 4 18 3 a 8 Silt, Loose ;,';,: i 1 ss a raa1: 5 3 '4 '1. r } •L•J; r J. 5 21 ss s 10 : : E I B 5 10 Orangish brown and tan, moist to wet, Poorly Graded fine to mediu SAND (SP-SM) with trace Silt, Loose t 1 6 20 ss 5 10 7 r :I .C[1 4 h i•!i• 3 wvr[ F 20 ss 2 6 ..:,, a Boring terminated at 15 rt. SS = Split Spoon Sample ST = Shelby Tube Sample HA = Hand Auger Sample BS = Bulk Sample PAGE 9 of i Standard Penetration Tests were performed in the field in general accordance with ASTM D 1586, GET PROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main. Hangar & Apron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition CLIENT: C. Allan Samforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor Ltd PROJECT LOCATION: MCAS New River Camp Lejeune, NC T PROJECT NO.: JX10-116G BORING LOCATION: See Attached Boring Location Plan SURFACE ELEVATION: 21 MSL BORING LOG DRILLER: GETSolutions, Inc. LOGGED BY: qwh DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Wash "Mud" DATE: 4-2-11 P-1 8 DEPTH TO WATER - INITIAL*: -V- 11 AFTER 24 HOURS: .. CAVING> -C- o TEST RESULTS Plastic Limit H Liquid Limit E m 5 m Description Q� a m z a� °' 3 `° 2 a" E o E C7 m v fn fn m Q z v Moisture Content -• w � o N-Value - 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 0 0 2 20 12 inches of Topsoil 1 22 ss —1 Light brown, moist, Clayey fine to medium SAND (SC), Very Loose '. 2 7 Light brown, moist, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM) with little Clay, i 2 18 3 Loose ss 4 j Brown and tan, moist, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM), Medium ::::: i Dense 3 18 ss a 15 j ': 2 — 4 22 ss 7 16 Orangish brown and light gray, moist to wet, Poorly Graded fine to ki s — medium SAND (SP-SM) with trace Silt, Loose to Medium Dense rxfv: r f 5 24 ss s 14 i0 — .1: 4 so — - :; : E 6 23 ss 2 6 4 4 7 22 Ss 5 12 i� j Boring terminated at 15 ft. 6 20 0 25 :. $ _ 30 -10 10 -1 Notes: SS = Split Spoon Sample ST = Shelby Tube Sample HA = Hand Auger Sample BS = Bulk Sample five of the stalic nrouaawate&l WOH =W f Hammer PAGE 1 of 1 Standard Penetration Tests were performed in the field in genera! accordance with ASTM D 9586. I 1 I 1 0 I 0 I 1 I GETPROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main. Hangar & Apron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition CLIENT: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd PROJECT LOCATION: MCAS New River Camp Lejeune, NC PROJECT NO.: JX10-116G c�mn ,r.crm.,a.ra BORING LOCATION: See Attached Boring Location Plan SURFACE ELEVATION: 20 MSL BORING LOG DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc. LOGGED BY: qwh DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Wash "Mud" DATE: 3-31-11 P-19 DEPTH TO WATER - INITIAL*: 9.5 AFTER 24 HOURS: - CAVING> .0, o r o TEST RESULTS Plastic Limit l-t Liquid Limit m� a0W0) aI-E a m Descri tion p Q @ a o E ZE a o m 3 iA a m o cn N' m n z v Moisture Content - • N-Value - 20 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 2-inches of Topsoil _ _ _ 3 j 1 18 ss 2 3 5 6.0 Brown, moist, Clayey fine SAND (SC), Loose 1 Orangish brown, moist, Sandy Lean CLAY (CL), Very Stiff 2 24 ss 9 13 7 — 20 j 7 4 1s Slightly mottled tan-orangish brown, moist, Sandy Lean CLAY (CL), 3 22 e 16/ = Very Stiff ss a Light gray, moist to wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP '� :J: r i. to SM) with trace Sift, Loose to Medium Dense ,xc r 4 19 ss t s 7 20 - ,: i.Fr[ - `� A [•J:ri. 5 18 ss a 10 i 2 f1.t1- ........................... % - : : 6 22 _ ss 3 G j •I•I; M 1 7 24 ss 5 9 j' t 2 Boring terminated at 15 ft. 0 2 2 .. •10 30 -1 Notes: SS = Split Spoon Sample ST = Shelby Tube Sample. HA = Hand Auger Sample BS = Bulk Sample - WciahUf PAGE 1 of 1 Standard Penetration Tests were performed in the field in general accordance with ASTM D 1586. GET PROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main. Hangar & Apron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition CLIENT: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd PROJECT LOCATION: MCAS New River Camp Le'eune, NC PROJECT NO.: JX10-116G .A- G:,„„�.,•F.-*m« w r.� BORING LOCATION: See Attached Boring Location Plan SURFACE ELEVATION: 20 MSL BORING LOG DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc. LOGGED BY: gwh DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Wash "Mud" DATE: 3-26-11 P-20 DEPTH TO WATER -INITIAL $ 11 AFTER 24 HOURS: CAVIIi L o U 4 a) TEST RESULTS Plastic Limit H Liquid Limit Y Description Q d > a °' 3 �O 2 � o Z N m a z v Moisture Content- • iu N-Value - 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 21 0 0 1 inch of Topsoil 0.0 4 5 j 1 7 ss 13 j Brown and orangish brown, moist, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM) 10 with wood fragments (Fill), Medium Dense 15 �% / .:...:...:...:...: ; :: 2 2a ss s a 7 Brown, moist, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM), Medium Dense 15 r i1 ................. ..... % — .5Orangish 4...,: brown and light gray, moist to wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP-SM) with trace Silt, Loose to Medium Dense r7:r.: i:r.r� ._ 3 18 ss 5 s 6 t. 7 ri".0: 4 18 ss 4 9 1:r.rt .1:Cf C 8 r: - i ;r i 5 21 ss y 18 10 10 rl.f1: 9 .I I: ti i 6 22 ss 7 ? e 4 LJ: r1. 7 24 ss s r L I• 19�� , j/ 15 .:- 14 ........................ Boring terminated at 15 ft. 6 = .. - 20 25 30 •10 10 _1 5 Notes: SS = Split Spoon Sample ST = Shelby Tube Sample HA = Hand Auger Sample BS = Bulk Sample I 'The initial readincy may noUg inclienfive of Me static groundwater 1 PAGE 1 of 9 Standard Penetration Tests were performed in the field in general accordance with ASTM D 1586. MOISTURE DENSITY TEST REPORT (PROCTOR) 115 110 ti .7 105 CL T C N I ZAV for Sp.G. 100 _ 2.65 — I I 95 90 EL I 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 Water content, % Test specification: AS`I'M D 698-07 Method A Standard Elevl Depth Classification Nat. Moist. Sp.G. LL PI % > 44 % < No.200 USCS AASHTO 1 to 2 fcet SM A-2-4 10.3 est 2.05 NP 0.1 30.5 TEST RESULTS MATERIAL DESCRIPTION MBXimu1T1 city density = 106.7 pcl' Optimum moisture = 12.8 % Brown Silty fine to medium SAND (SM) Project No. JX10-1 16G Client: C. Allan 13amforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd Project: P705 Aircraft Main. Hangar &, Apron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition o Depth: 1 to 2 feet Sample Number: I'-15 Remarks: CBR @ Boring 11-15 Soaked CBR Value = 27.2 Resiliency Factor = 3.0 Figure GET SOLUTIONS, INC. Jacksonville North Carolina odw L m ) � V ST. 'i N II :31 cz IY m U O O O O O O O 0 O O lU V Cl) M N O T i') to O l (rsd) ssaa;g O O N O O to O O 100 90 80 70 irf w 60 z LL Z 50 w U w 40 IL 30 20 10 Particle Size Distribution Report C C O O O C C C C C m O O O O �O�pp O V O �➢ l7 N � � w � l7 � � iC A � 7t 3I IY iL _ I t I I I I l! l I I I I I I I I I! I f l I I I I I I I I I l i l l i I I t l 1 1 1 1 I I} I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I k I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I I I E I f I I I I I I 1 ! I! I I I I 1 I I I I I 1 I i t I I I I I I I Edh HH� I 3I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I I! ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 1 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 GRAIN SIZE - mm %+3 % Gravel % Sand % Fines Coarse Fine Coarse Medium Fine silt I Clay 1.9 4.1 30.0 62.6 SIEVE SIZE PERCENT FINER SPEC! PERCENT PASS? (X=NO) #4 98.6 #8 97.0 #10 96.7 #16 95.5 #30 93.9 #40 92.6 #50 91.2 890 86.2 9120 76.1 #200 62.6 Material Description Grayish brown Sandy SILT (ML) with trace Clay and Gravel (FILL) Atterberg Limits PL= LL= P1= NP Coefficients D90= 0.2392 D85= 0.1708 D60= D50= D30= D15= D10= Cu= Cc= Classification USCS= ML AASHTO= A-4 Remarks (no specification provided) Sample Number: P-8 Depth: I to 2 feet Date: GET Client: C. Allan I3amforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd SOLUTIONS, INC. Project: P705 Aircraft Main. Hangar R Apron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition Jacksonville, North Carolina Project No: JX10-116G Figure 1 MOISTURE DENSITY TEST REPORT (PROCTOR) 110 105 .1° 1 4 100 C Q m ZAV for o Sp.G. _ 2.65 95 90 85 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 Water content, % Test specification: ASTM D 698-07 Method A Standard Elegy/ Depth Classification Nat. Moist. S G. p ILL PI % > #4 % No.200 USCS AASHTO 1 to 2 feet ML A-4 26.3 est 2.65 NP 1.4 62.6 TEST RESULTS MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Maximum dty density = 104.2 pelf Optimum moisture = 18.1 % Grayisli brown Sandy SILT (ML) with trace Clay and Gravel (FILL) Project No. JX10-116G Client: C. Allan Baniforth, Jr., Engincer-Surveyor, Ltd Project: 11,705 Aircraft Main. Hangar & Apron: P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition o Depth: I to 2 feet Sample Number: P-8 Remarks: CBR @ Boring P-8 Soaked CBR Value= 10.6 Resiliency Factor= 2.5 Figure GET SOLUTIONS, INC. Jacksonville North Carolina 0 O C'7 O 0 Ln N O 0 LI j Q 000 CD o coo NN (isd) ssai;g 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 100 90 80 70 IY Z 60 LL Z 50 W U W 40 a 30 20 10 n Particle Size Distribution Report C C 0 0 0 - C C CC �_ ._ p� 4 N O O �0p 0 Q 0 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I f l I I I I I I I IL, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I 1 1 ! I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I i I I r I I I I I I I I I I I I ! I I I! I I I l l I I I I I I I I I f I I I I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I € I I I I I I I I I I! I I I I I I I f I I I I I I I I I I. I I I i 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 GRAIN SIZE - mm. % +3„ % Gravel % Sand % Fines Coarse Fine se CoarMedium Fine Silt Clay 0.3 1.3 67.2 31.2 SIEVE SIZE PERCENT FINER SPEC! PERCENT PASS? (X=NO) #4 100.0 #8 99.8 # l 0 99.7 #16 99.5 430 99.1 #40 98.4 #50 97.2 #80 84.6 # 120 518 #200 31.2 Material Description Tan and brown Silty fine to medium SAND (SM) with trace Gravel (FILL,) Atte_ rberg Limits PL= LL= P1= NI' Coefficients D96= 0.1981 D85= 0.1811 D60= 0.1361 D50= 0.1204 D30= D1 5= D10= Cu= Cc= Classification USCS= SM AASHTO= A-2-4 Remarks (no specification provided) Sample Number: 11-7 Depth: 1 to 2 feet Date: GET Client: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd SOLUTIONS, INC. Project: P705 Aircraft Main. Hangar& Apron; P710Ordnance 1-oading Area Addition Jacksonville, North Carolina Project No: JX10-116G Figure MOISTURE DENSITY TEST REPORT (PROCTOR) 120 115 110 U108.a CL a pc T C Q 105 100 ZAV for Sp-G. _ 95 2.65 2 7 12 17 22 27 32 Water content, Test specification: ASTM D 698-07 Method A Standard Elev/ Depth Classification Nat. Moist. Sp-G. LL PI % > #4 % < No.200 USCS AASHTO I to 2 feet SM A-2-4 10.2 est 2.65 NI' 0.0 31.2 TEST RESULTS MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Maximum dty density = 108.8 pef Optimum moisture = 13.5 Ian and brown Silty fine to medium SAND (SM) with trace Gravel (FILL) Project No. JX10-116G Client: C. Allan Bamiorth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd Project: P705 Aircraft Main. Hangar &,.Apron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition o Depth: 1 to 2 feet Sample Number: P-7 Remarks: CBR cr Boring 1'-7 Soaked CBP, Value = 28.0 Resiliency Factor= 3.0 Figure GET SOLUTIONS, INC. Jacksonville North Carolina 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 SQ L V L a LO 0 n a L m Lo V I�r M N (isd) ssaajS O O 0 0 LO N O 0 0 7 0 !,lllll�ill.11il� Q 0 o O m 0 100 90 80 70 IY z 60 z 50 w w 40 0- 30 20 10 0 Particle Size Distribution Report GRAIN SIZE - mm. % +3„ % Gravel % Sand % Fines Coarse Fine Coarse Medium Fine Silt Clay 0.6 0.8 52.0 46.3 SIEVE SIZE PERCENT FINER SPEC. PERCENT PASS? (X=NO) #4 99.7 #8 99.2 #10 99.1 416 99.9 #30 98.4 #40 98.3 #50 97.8 #80 88.3 #120 70.3 #200 46.3 Material Description Brown and orangish brown Silty fine to medium SAND with some Clay and Gravel (FILL) A_tterberg Limits PL= LL= Pl= N1' Coefficients D90= 0.1887 D85= 0.1665 D60= 0.1014 D50= 0.0815 D30= D1 5= D10= Cu- Cc= Classification USCS= SM AASHTO= A-4 Remarks {no specification provided} Sample Number: P-1 Depth: 1 to 2 feet Date: GET Client: C. Allan Baniforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd Project: P705 Aircaft Main. Hangar& Apron: 11710 Ordnance Loading SOLUTIONS, INC. Area Addition Jacksonville, North Carolina Project No: JX10-116G Figure 1 1 H MOISTURE DENSITY TEST REPORT (PROCTOR)- 120 1\ 1# 115 1 oc 110 U Q A :N ZAV for Sp.G. _ 2.65 105 10a 95 5 7.5 10 12.5 15 17.5 20 Water content, % Test specification: ASI'M D 698-07 Method A Standard Elev/ Depth Classification Nat. Moist. Sp.G. LL PI % > #4 % No.200 USCS AASHTO 1 to 2 feet SM A-4 14.0 est 2.65 NP 0.3 46.3 TEST RESULTS MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Maximum dry density = 113.4 pef Optimum moisture = 12.0 % Brown and orangish brown Silty line to medium SAND (SM) with some Clay and Gravel (I,ILI,) Project No. JX10-116G Client: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd Project: 11705 Aircraft Main. Hangar & Apron; P710 Ordnance Loadinb Area Addition o Depth: I to 2 feet Sample Number: P-1 Remarks: CBR @ Boring P-1 Soaked CBR VaILEe = 22A Resiliency Factor.= 2.5 Figure GET SOLUTIONS, INC. Jacksonville North Carolina a) U c c L 0 o a ti IL c 0 Q ca L Q Q od W L U c c� 2 f4 57. c� U L ►O Ln 0 t- o. O O O 0 0 Cl) Om N ON (isd) ssai;g LD CD O � r I 0 0 c*) 0 0 U') N 0 O O O 0 Lo a 0 -0 N - H J LU W F— U U. O Q N Q U C C @ C C � R C C a c m C c i Z ¢C Ln c C) e- r— n Qa a/ o O N LA r O r O O O r O � v O O O O O O O O O O O r T u c � _d _ 0 N c u-s N o M u� N o M 0 M C) M CD M a ch o M 0 C] CDLn M N d LL m V 0 V O co N O N O co O N V N w L6 Y, N N a0 cV O h N O Q, C7 N (O N O N r+ N L71 N 0 w E 7 Y . :: CD Lo r 00 Ln O M N co N LYl to E N a •a 'g -- N r M r m N r N C'1 r - N N r N r 00 r O � A E != v Oo ni h h oo Oo rn r M N, 7 En U E aci a M r 00 o V 0 O 0 to o N r m o 0) O r C4 r m r m 0 0 N c > M (N c0 Lo ti a co M 0) V Ln co d o (O N O U5 (6 N O m � 00 O •N N M CD M V N N N M Lo N b a ..-. U U U U U U U U U U U In 4. .• J Ln g N m 0 m 0 La 0 ro r V) m Ul m 0 La Lnn m N v N m E a Q a a a a a a a a d a a ++ J J C C C C C C C Q J Z Z Z Z Z N Z Z Z Z Z Z y e 75 O N M c•S O h V h Lo V a0 N y '0 O O O N a0 N N U7 O Q co cp = Z o r r N r r r r r r r r r U 0 E U 2 2 2 2 y U) U) a N L G 01 N N N N cV N N N N N CV N 2 E (n I c G' r h CO Ln co 0 h V CD N 0) R o d a d IL a a a a a_a. � J a _ r� an Ln c0 O h N V M cP M N v d1 v n E N 7 d d cC a a a a a a a d a N Z APPENDIX VII CBR TEST RESULTS 2 s Al 41 A 1711N IN 11.1, 1 as mn ----------- iN Zf, uy cu 0 T � ro 0 >,i,7 0 -C , CL 0 0 0^ ¢ 0 0 CL 3 in CL 1374M NOIIFf-'J')Y l;'I I;1,1 170N IN l7ili f Z W CO w O ` C�. Z �, .. w o� o C.�6g -0 LL �m NN M M6> n Ne MM Ne Y O n -}. i-d 05 Q w J � N n N N NM `P� C1 ID .D ef0 17N e�P kr) • — — —.�Tv j�t. ..X..1 I Q O F•tl 17- 6j ki C I�' 00 �I a In � n In M In Ina NM In My In rn m Inn mm Inm In r� Ine m u z Ne ee e M e �n N m t. 4' p m ri N Z v .n oo a vi L N Z n GO o I- L6 T � tL9 o � Fes- d 3 � rn d � � o •n o �, mEF.7"I j � ���•� t,�1.� - b n [•)N Nm �N d N Nn nln vd b < r']N c�lv I Q nOI 1 . I . ^• .�I......._...-- ............................ _.��•— — -._ Nd MN � � N Na mlp 't' ne7 rid do � �� nm (n U in N M d V d o d d p a N II N •f�. a p O U 10 U1 t43-4 N! A'Ol1Y.1373 �"'� R )L,kA'l 'A 17(),V IN FO. I - �2 �2 1 O . .......... .......... 1'. . ................. .......... 7 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . f 7 . ... ... . 7 R---- m EI On 0 FL w 0. IL 3 in l:1.Ii IA IRW LV HEl- ' Z W N R h o CIO LLJ❑��C` Z _J �W LL cl �_ � O i].. -3 2 11 Q _7� ILL m °d cz N Ne Inn n r`n eln J ❑ }- � V Of CL ry ry n e n n �e n rl r� In V) W CS L U N cO z .� X Q3: J v �o w O z Z 4 N LLJ ¢ p LL� d — — — I — •:•� Q>G _ N N e}� eIn N1e eI'I N V en N ti e e N e e N N N a 10 ---- - -- - .............. e N M St I OL Neh m � � Nln wm T f9 U In m N N f] 10 �O N m a rf c� rf Itl O L FL J d 3: U1 .l:rs:rnrwnu�:lar:l — Ei i, ; ',4 1 WY IN 7 NM Mn Idle-m My Mn N,n a OE; RON 1N hJ1.71 Of Z W vs v� o G I M Q -0 LL m mm cN NN nm < �rn •• J ❑ ca a�,��z CZ Nm J � �Q z Zc 4.1 �� My r- VIm mN NN N�l1 Ea_ ._mil'— — — — — z e �m �o NC N Nf•l r'1N W � �rn hn d , �b r n W U co E° 7. z� ro v inm �m i M rnm vm m" — — — �I � o d ti c = o E a u or N o N o N ii M1^�\ m 3 in I-IJ, I S, IION IN I ALT Z w ❑,,a, z LLI W J F Q C of 1.L ❑ ,AZ) 0 LD r..-I ry n � A m m th n A A •n ab n A Ic �n �n N N �{ lT cG m In 43 n N J❑ L L �/] W CS Rl'- T--. - N ti z � ,� J z w Z U ^- U LLJ Ina mIn Ins M t1 O •D v v aIn Ina � Nv �A V] N N � N [�] 0 �.� J O a�J _•S. �.�. 71 • . :�� —.i'.a • J W I+r ICI Q d Lu NN Nan N IDA NIn �� Nc] N Inm N•n Q.I •� . • .J ny VY1 nn �� . I. - ' .—------------- mull; NN A my �n �If Am aI. and mA InA vm mm Io m� hem mA �nm van mm �-In u;� ill • T U r'w lu z� �A my n mA aam �cl Inv n nIn v ll' a N C t iT) T El o N H ii J d 3 [n ' N o o o m F�'�.• .L3:id NI N'O1.LI:1:i73 �- ELh.I Al7uNlNl�F:E7- z W o [� ocqC- z J Q LL a w 0 CL U 'b Li Ccod11 oa ,-N M. NO mrL Nm 0m � J o � U f a 0 0 0 v �. - -' �: o W >' �......._ _ r V, N co cz i 0 c� LU o U z w dp w r7c_ o ry li z Z 12 N N ['] t�i •n •L m Y] d [f m n 1 L......... _.._.... -. ~ M zz N r7 N � N a �n m Inn m d II n r� n rl In us m m 1�n dN e� Ne e e Y. inLT �� •J 1 � .Luc,, Tili.^ c ' T t4 U u] h v1 e N ep m n n Yt M d dd d16 tpn .Ln t1N d I • I ——.• L ^ �• • �-1� L — III � � � C $I C t o = a10i oL = U1 ' �••T —•t• alb•— _ _ 4��•y. /..'I Ll ',I JJON IN h ................ ...... ................ ......... ................ .... ... . II .......... L. ID QI LL a 3 in Ctl J.71-iMSOU KI-779 1.1fXIi 11111V IN FELT .......... tn muffiWam ................. ............... NA 57 ON J.'T3,41d,WLII;1373 Q E IL Co F=9 1 1 1 1 1 1 APPENDIX VI GENERALIZED SOIL PROFILE (Borings P-1 through P-60 and BMP-1 through BMP-12) I 'A TION Is FFI.7 .............. ............... ............ Ili mn z � A 00 . ............ .................. ............... ......... qjl� ............. ................. q7 ......................... ......... .. . . . ......................... .................... .................. ....... ....... ........ i ....... . . ................... I> 2 4m 21 49 C co 1.7.7JON0111'.041.7 ELEI;1110S 1N 1-I. 7' n n z _ r � N eA�D 00 Y]Wt�i Yla rh �Nf•l InW AA Ape WN •-N Me b �A InW �� I� m ✓yyyy�y I� non N N N M e u'1 [p v N �f] n �l] � N •- W o o er b ul N � A i[1 � C'] c� I N r� tp [O �f �L ill n n n tp A t�i le V]n mN�Oe u]C•INA� Oo NAA �A eC6 �`� .�-� CI .N- NN cD e n hm A� Ib� n` ��N��V u]�•IY�@A �rnf]v Non W< {qI � N •p• o�tOW u']A h�! A lO� e in �n ne v; �n rn� ern v�r�A wrn ^N[hN c•�r� N[') �N"rn N `a>�Fy'����nm Vim^ m� i w z z z z� � tl ea OpA �JA aN �VI �S o�c�cN•-ae PA �� GO rnr� MN 133d'vi'vOIl r'l.w a a c a b a> c a In c E a W 9 CL i. _ I w z z z z� � tl ea OpA �JA aN �VI �S o�c�cN•-ae PA �� GO rnr� MN 133d'vi'vOIl r'l.w a a c a b a> c a In c E a W 9 CL i. _ I e hi l: ,111ION IN H Ej m n W N N z z Z Z Z mU] r NN W^ W d M e h M e d ]O N A e 10 � d N � � � � � � •D �8 NiW �M ON O� n0 O M f7e v1]']Me]Oh]D y1I WM Ne AA MHO �O NN NN �� W� MN [�iN e� NCO .D� Nn T -tiles yt. T. w �� . •- - - - - -• r of e z� rYr iyn n N �■� M -V]A AA Wt'1 C]N]Nime C]r nOr NN r0 NCcN L` Nm Wr [O [Or ]<O ]O COM WM me MeM m������� N� m� tMV N] �� dw mm mA •nm k � �.� — - — - ... ... M Me eN MM]O Olme� u!N]O ��mMN eN � ir]n �N �N N �� d� Nn n Nn M �M Z� MM Vd MM mM N�in Nm �m �.-N N•- Nr NO N� �N MN �m WW Ap] np. A� hy� •�Iw wow/w�� I�w� III ��Y��Y 444444 m G] Z O � W N e r � Q] •D t6 N � 'fI �➢ t0 m ��IS ]D [']t']A•-�O]'-� NNn ""�!]A�]r em •"� �` nr c0� �(V (] N 4l N I- e^ '•(] ^tp N m0 10„ o N Me eM eW �<p �W �K]NN �n V]•Qm hn I�� � }rN WW nm ]D� [OW mYI Nv nn v]M MHO^moo mv]n nm u:d �� �2 mm N mr MM dC ni[]and NV a]�N-r.-.l-�AN Nm Wm mt2 b' N!� W .r _�•. _ R Y � 133d h'! h'O11K13"f3 a c N a m c a (o c co rn=_ L N C T VJ VJ T a {6 O L L APPENDIX V GENERALIZED SOIL PROFILE (Borings B-1 through B-16) GET PROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main. Hangar & Apron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition CLIENT: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd PROJECT LOCATION: MICAS New River Camp Lejeune, NC PROJECT NO.: JX10-116G -. " ca:.n..•a a,,,�w•rad BORING LOCATION: See Attached Boring Location Plan SURFACE ELEVATION: 17 MSL BORING LOG DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc. LOGGED BY: qwh DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Wash "Mud" DATE: 3-26-11 P-60 DEPTH TO WATER - INITIAL*: —V- 7 AFTER 24 HOURS: — CAVING -L a ip ro r a m r n �, n 61 a d m m— a? � °7 N° 3 1° m o TEST RESULTS Plastic Limit H Liquid Limit W o Description cn i0 a z v Moisture Content - • N-Value - 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 0 0 _ - 9 inches of Topsoil 2 0.7J :::: 1 24 55 4 4 7 Grayish brown, moist, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM) with trace 15 — Clay and Organics, Loose 5 _ — 2 18 ss s 11 . . . . . Grayish brown, moist, Sandy Lean CLAY (CL), Stiff 3 3 22 ss 4 g ...:...:...:...:...:.... %, 7 i0 ? _ 7 Tan and light gray, moist to wet, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM), - Medium Dense 4 20 ss a 8 12 1l _ 5 24 ss 10 1910 9 _ Orangish brown, wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP-SM)5�/: with trace Silt, Loose t a: r [ 6 21 ss a ._ti 5 %/r: ..: a �a:t[ g �:. ... 7 24 SS 8 a — Boring terminated at 15 ft. 6 - 20 _ ...:...:...:.... ......... .... 25 _ -10 ao 10 -20 Notes: SS = Split Spoon Sample ST = Shelby Tube Sample HA = Hand Auger Sample BS = Bulk Sample *The initial aroundwater rparfinry mnv ncit be indicative of the static arouridwater le yet, WOH = Weiahl of Hammer 1 1 I I I 1 PAGE 1 of 1 Staridard Penetration Tests were Performed in the field in general accordance with ASTM D 1586 1 1 I'. GETPROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main. Han ar & Apron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition CLIENT: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd _ PROJECT LOCATION: MCAS New River Camp Lejeune, NC PROJECT NO.: JX10-116G BORING LOCATION: See Attached Boring Location Plan SURFACE ELEVATION: 11 MSL BORING LOG DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc. LOGGED BY: qwh DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Wash "Mud" DATE: 3-26-11� P-59 DEPTH TO WATER - INITIAL': -;.z 8 AFTER 24 HOURS: -Y- CAVING> -C. c 4) O TEST RESULTS Plastic Limit LiquidLimit �Joa a aEJt C m � Description n a o zE ? °� E 3 mZ4, p cocd M oDescri m vMoisture o Content - •w N-Value - 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 9 inches of Topsoil �; 1 z is ::: 1 12 ss s 4 l .7 Brown, moist, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM), Very Loose to Loose 2 24 ss a 7 i :...:...:...:...:...:...: . :...: Light gray, moist to wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP4 ate i r 3 s SM) with trace Silt, Very Loose to Medium Dense ��:C 3 22 ss a 11 ...:..._ 5 'IX I 2 :ta:cr 4 23 ss 3 5 j...;. Gray, tan and brown, wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP10- •F ;i(a: 2 2 a SM) with trace Sift, Loose to Medium Dense '�'�: t ? fi 24 ss 5 9 % - �: .17 L f 4 5 7 24 ss 12 15 �;i; r i'• 7 Boring terminated at 15 ft. 5 2 10 - -15 3 25 35 Notes: SS = Split Spoon Sample ST = Shelby Tube Sample HA = Hand Auger Sample BS = Bulk Sample PAGE 1 of 1 Standard Penetration Tests were performed in the field in general accordance with ASTM D 1588. d GET r.�xnxa.c.n�,„�al.recrrK BORING LOG P-58 PROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main. Han ar & A ron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition CLIENT: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd _ PROJECT LOCATION: MCAS New River Camp Lejeune, INC PROJECT NO.: JX10-116G BORING LOCATION: See Attached Boring Location Plan SURFACE ELEVATION: 11 MSL DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc. LOGGED BY: qwh DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Wash "Mud" _ DATE: 3-26-11 DEPTH TO WATER - INITIAL*: $ 8 AFTER 24 HOURS: -,Z, CAVIll L 1 Oft `L .0 N N N N= C O TEST RESULTS 7 J v v Description Ez E 8 E �' o Plastic Limit I! Liquid Limit w E o C? to rr m 5- z o Moisture Content -• N-Value - 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 6 inches of Topsoil 2 to Brown, moist, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM), Loose to Medium t 24 ss s 5 ' Dense s Trace Clay from 4 to 6 feet a 4 3 22 ss n 9 :............... :...:...:... 6. 3 Dark brown, moist, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM) with Organics, 4. Loose a 24 ss a 9 - 8 3 Dark brown, wet, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM) with trace Clay z and Organics, Loose 5 18 ss a 7 io _ — 10. ..::-- . .._...._...._ ....:...:_. Light gray, wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP-SM) with 3 trace Silt, Loose to Medium Dense ?ra 6 24 ss a 4 7 j - 4 .7 :I:Lf h il•i. 7 :I:tt --- 3 %� j�/ t — Boring terminated at 15 ft. 1 a :.. —4u -10 v 25 - 2 ° 30 • ' Notes: SS = Split Spoon Sample ST = Shelby Tube Sample HA = Hand Auger Sample . BS =Bulk Sample Weiaht of Ham rrer ' PAGE 1 of 1 Standard Penetration Tests were performed in the field in general accordance with ASTM D 1586, 11 1 GET PROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main, Hangar & Apron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition W CLIENT: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd PROJECT LOCATION: MCAS New River Camp Leieune, NC PROJECT NO.: JX10-116G now BORING LOCATION: See Attached Boring Location Plan SURFACE ELEVATION: 11 MSL BORING LOG DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc. LOGGED BY: gwh DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Wash "Mud" DATE: 3-26-11 P-57 DEPTH TO WATER - INITIAL`: 8 AFTER 24 HOURS: -,T� — CAVING? L o Z N „ �, °' N �, o TEST RESULTS Plastic Limit H Liquid Limit J a m �, a m �, Description Q cc E o Q y E v a E 3 o �, ❑ E ❑ z N N F.n Z Moisture Content - • `w o N-Value - 10 ZO 30 40 50 60 70 13 inches of Topsoil _ 2 10 .✓. J J. 1 24 ss 4 6 1.08 Brown, moist, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM), Very Loose to Loose 4 g j ': .......... .......... 2 22 ss 3 s _ 2 3 20 ss 1 2 4 7 1 Dark brown, moist, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM) with Organics, 2 Very Loose 4 24 ss z 3 - 8 is Dark brown, wet, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM) with trace Clay z and Organics, Very Loose 5 16 ss a 4 0 s0 Light gray, wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP-SM) with �.i`, f) 5 j . — trace Silt, Medium Dense ::?I' .: t r 6 19 Ss 9 10 14 ! : 'l,,:rt 4 13 Orangish brown, wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP-SM) :r.r li .:: r1:[1. — 7 — 2 — i — with trace Silt, Medium Dense 1 ss a 16 / Boring terminated at 15 ft. 5 20 0 ' 2 15 •20 - - - 10 _ 5 -25 Notes: SS = Split Spoon Sample ST = Shelby Tube Sample HA = Hand Auger Sample BS = Bulk Sample PAGE 1 of 1 Standard Penetration Tests were performed in the field in general accordance with ASTM D 1586, GET awneRr.i.c.ox..su•r�y7 BORING LOG P-56 PROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main. Han ar & Apron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition CLIENT: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd PROJECT LOCATION: MCAS New River Camp Le'eune, NC PROJECT NO.: JX10-116G BORING LOCATION: See Attached Boring Location Plan SURFACE ELEVATION: 11 MSL DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc. LOGGED BY: gwh DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Wash "Mud" DATE: 3-27-11 DEPTH TO WATER - INITIAL`: s 8 AFTER 24 HOURS: v CAVING> L ' ' TEST RESULTS m _, o o m �' Description n o v a} a a, 3 1D —'� "4 Plastic Limit H Liquid Limit wo E o z w rn t— m a z e Moisture Content- 0 ' N-Value - 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 11 inches of Topsoil 2 10 .92 ::::. 1 24 ss 3 3 6 . i _ Light brown, moist, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM), Loose _ Orangish brown, moist, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP- : ;I L r 3 � : . _ — SM) with trace Silt, Very Loose to Loose a_ f a: t 2 2a ss 4 7 . ' .. - ia:rr 3 4 :...:...:.... 3 18 ss 4 g ..:... 2 � ¢ '; 1 1:f.Ci 2 _ Gray, wet, Sandy Lean CLAY (CL), Soft — 5 24 ss 2 3 10 9� Y ( )'�a.ca. Oran ish brown, wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND SP-SM 3 _ with trace Silt, Loose i 6 18 ss a 8 — 4 �:. 7 12 ss 4 9 4 Boring terminated at 15 ft. s - .. .. 6 _2.4_ 25 :, .. .. 20 30 - 10 -. 1 35 25 _-- a' , Notes: SS = Split Spoon Sample ST = Shelby Tube Sample HA = Hand Auger Sample BS = Bulk Sample ' PAGE 1 of 1 .gfani1nrr1 PPnpfrirrn" Tr OQ wPYP—rrnrm.,f in th. raw „..o.,—1 --4--- ....tti A CTAA M -rroa 1 H C GETPROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main. Hangar & Apron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition _ CLIENT: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd PROJECT LOCATION: MICAS New River Camp Leieune, NC PROJECT NO.: JX10-116G C­h'k.�...p+K..;R,,� BORING LOCATION: See Attached Boring Location Plan SURFACE ELEVATION: 18 MSL BORING LOG DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc. LOGGED BY: qwh DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Wash "Mud" DATE: 3-26-11 P-55 DEPTH TO WATER - INITIAL-: -!-T- 8 AFTER 24 HOURS: - CAVING f- c @ Q a m n m o a 7 n ua m o TEST RESULTS Plastic Limit 1-4 Liquid Limit J w❑ E o Description mZEpE N O� m a Z V Moisture Content - • a N-Value - 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 0 _ 5 inches of Topsoil 2 0.4 1 23 ss 25 4 Grayish brown, moist, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM), Loose 15 4 5 2 24 ss 4 g :...:...:...............:... — ..� 4: 4.,• Tan and whitish tan, moist, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND i i s — (SP-SM)with.traceSilt, Medium Dense f 7:E}: {:.�} 3 20 ss s 12 ......................:... — s .. Orangish brown, moist to wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND .:? t; a — (SP-SM) with trace Silt, Very Loose to Loose IX c r 4 22 ss 4 3 8 cia:if 10 J: i, C [ - 2 u:ii. C i 5 21 ss 4 4 7 10 !1l[1: 4 +:1: 21 ss 2 4 5 4 7 24 ss 4 e j •ri} 10 j '. . . . Boring terminated at 15 ft. — o 0 25 .. 0 _1 10 5 Notes: SS = Split Spoon Sample ST = Shelby Tube Sample HA = Hand Auger Sample BS = Bulk Sample initial aroundwaterreadina may not be indicative of the static r - Weiaht of Hammer PAGE 1 of 1 Standard Penetration Tests were performed in the field in genera! accordance with ASTM D 1586. GET PROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main. Hangar & Apron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition CLIENT: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd PROJECT LOCATION: MCAS New River Camp Lejeune, NC PROJECT NO.: JX10-116G �h.:�Il.F.rNMhMGM1Y1.TtArIM� BORING LOCATION: See Attached Boring Location Plan SURFACE ELEVATION: 16 MSL BORING LOG DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc. LOGGEDBY: qwh DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Wash "Mud" DATE: 3-26-11 P-54 DEPTH TO WATER - INITIAL": 6 AFTER 24 HOURS: CAVING> -C E o 'o o `o TEST RESULTS Plastic Limit I Liquid Limit -' v a��i a E m w o DesCri tion p z F- m a z\ Moisture Content- • w N-Value - 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 0 6 inches of Topsoil 3 iii 1 20 ss 6 7 Yellowish brown, moist, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM), Loose - — 11 i = �, Z Whitish tan and tan, moist, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND Silt, Loose Medium Dense L�: t1• 1:rc r 2 21 ss A 5 6 (SP-SM) with trace to ;,:,;; 5 ° — i•:'.ii. 3 17 ss 4 g ` ..... .:. .....7�7:.. .44 5 Brown, wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP-SM) with-trac '�`�'. ��• 3 j Silt, Loose a[' 4 1& ss 4 a 7 . 3 5 20 ss 8: j ' 1 Ia:Ci a Light gray and brown, wet, Psot�rly Goosed fine to medium SAND (SP :�.?I. .rCtr 6 16 ss s 6: 9 lag — A :f i- 13 Orangish brown, wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP-SM) 6j" /. N� — with trace Silt, Medium Dense rr 'r?:c�1. is 7 22 ss s 14 ::. • a /��i ..: Boring terminated at 15 ft. z s 2 -19 -15 10 20 Notes: SS = Split Spoon Sample ST = Shelby Tube Sample HA = Hand Auger Sample BS = Bulk Sample 'The inilial aroundwater readina may not be indicative of the static Groundwater level, WOH - We'aht of Harnmer PAGE 1 of i Standard Penetration Tests were performed in the field io general accordance with AS TM D 1586. 1 GET PROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main. Hangar & Apron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition CLIENT: C. Alian^Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd PROJECT LOCATION: MCAS New River Camp Leieune, NC PROJECT NO.: JX10-116G cn,v r■ F �._� rY BORING LOCATION: See Attached Boring Location Plan SURFACE ELEVATION: 17 MSL T BORING LOG DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc. LOGGED BY: gwh DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Wash "Mud" DATE: 3-26-11 P-53 _ DEPTH TO WATER - INITIAL*: a 7 AFTER 24 HOURS: v CAVING � c a L oo TEST RESULTS Plastic Limit H Liquid Limit Ca CL m~ v Description a a o z a E> a 3 [D Q E p ca N N m r, Z o Moisture Content - • N-Value - 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 0 0 _ 6 inches of Topsoil z i i - 1 1 20 ss 2 3 4 10 ................ .d Orangish brown, moist, Sandy Lean CLAY (CL), Soft Tan and brown, moist, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM), Loose i :: 2 18 ss 5 5 z s .. 9 9 /: ... .......... .: .. 3 20 ss a q i0 - t — Light gray, moist to wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP- SM) with trace Silt, Loose to Medium Dense �t-j: ij• a:r.[r 4 17 ss 4 :,:t' ri.t1: 5 - 5 21 ss 5 14/'� j� a 14 . � _ Crangish brown, wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP-SM),4'4:�i; Medium Dense i C. a:cf 6 20 ss a s - .-i:".'. F'- s ..... ... .. ... . — 4 �i+rF+ 13 :...... '- .-..-:.. . — 7 24 ss 5 B �5 r [ 3 ......................... — Boring terminated at 15 ft. 20 fi 25 .. 8 v --30 10 -20 Notes: SS = Spfd Spoon Sample ST= Shelby Tube Sample HA= Hand Auger Sample BS = Bulk Sample *The initial oroundwater-readina-may nnt be indicative f the static arpundwater te yet WOH -W,-.inhi of Hammer PAGE i of 1 Standard Penetralion Tests were perfarmed in the field in general accordance with ASTM 0 1586. GET PROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main. Han ar & Apron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition CLIENT: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd PROJECT LOCATION: MCAS New River Camp Lejeune, NC PROJECT NO.: JX10-116G Gumh xal •relm.air�ca!•Tnrfrgc BORING LOCATION: See Attached Boring Location Plan SURFACE ELEVATION: 18 MSL BORING LOG DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc. LOGGED BY: gwh DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Wash "Mud" DATE: 3-26-11 P-52 DEPTH TO WATER - INITIAL*: -;7e 8 AFTER 24 HOURS: T, CAVING> f- o N u Q1 o TEST RESULTS Plastic Limit H Liquid Limit 75 :1Q m Q w Description a a 6 Z a" ex 3 `fl -2 n E rn inn ? z Moisture Content - • w N-Value - 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 3 inches of Topsoil _ _ 2 ;! — 1 20 ss 3 4 6 .2 Orangish brown, moist, Sandy Lean CLAY (CL), Medium Stiff i 2 Brown and tan, moist, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM), Medium ; 4 5 Dense 2 24 ss s 7 11 - - _ 4 Orangish brown and tan, moist to wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium.""': r s SAND (SP-SM) with trace Silt, Loose to Medium Dense ":`.a: 3 20 ss s 12 f - b Coarse Sand from 8 to 10 feet i;l; r ¢ - 4a.cr 4 22 ss 10 no ri.i;. a -- ' 5 20 ss 5 10 - ..........:...: . Light gray and orangish brown, wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium 4'4: r+; e SAND (SP-SM), Medium Dense ? i 6 20 $s S 14 5 4 7 24 ss 19 12 Boring terminated at 15 ft. 6 20 _ 8 -10 30 -� 10 -20 Notes: SS = Split Spoon Sample ST = Shelby Tube Sample HA = Hand Auger Sample BS = Bulk Sample PAGE i of 1 Standard Penetration Tests were performed in the field in .general accordance with ASTM 0 1566, 1 1 1 1 GET PROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main. Hangar & Apron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition CLIENT: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd PROJECT LOCATION: MCAS New River Cam Le'eune, NC PROJECT NO.: JX10-116G �:HF.:•F..�,w.t BORING LOCATION: See Attached Boring Location Plan SURFACE ELEVATION: 16 MSL _ BORING LOG DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc. LOGGED BY: gwh DRILLING METHOD: Rota Washr rd" DATE: 4-3-11 P-551 _ DEPTH TO WATER- INITIAL': 6 AFTER 24 HOURS: M CAVING> j�_ c o a w" Q1 3 iA m o TEST RESULTS Plastic Limit H Liquid Limit >; 1v 0 E � o Description C9 E z E 83, a i— o m a Moisture Content - • to [ z o N-Value - 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 a o 9 1 11-inches of Topsoil 1 21 ss 2 a s �T i i .92 Brown, moist, Sandy SILT (ML), Stiff 7 — Brown, moist, Silty fine to mediumSAND (SM) with trace Clay, oose = 2 6 ss s 10 / .....:...... ........ :... Whitish tan, moist, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP-SM)4 with trace Silt, Loose r.r.[1: ;;:; t 3 2D ss a s 2 Light wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP-SM) with i. 4 — gray, trace Silt, Loose i:,: [ r 4 23 ss 9 .� [ � rY.0 s 5 19 SS 4 9- 10 ..... 4 4 6 24 ss a 8 a i..}; 7 23 ss 3 a f ..:... . . :. .:...... 15 Boring terminated at 15 fl. a 6 23 5 25 ..........:. :. .:...:...: .. -1a 8' - 30— — 10 35 Notes: SS = Split Spoon Sample ST = Shelby Tube Sample HA = Hand Auger Sample BS = Bulk Sample = Weiaht of Hammer PAGE 9 of 1 Standard Penetration Tests were Performed irr the rield in .genera! accordance with AS TM D 1586. GET PROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main. Hangar & Apron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition CLIENT: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd PROJECT LOCATION: MCAS New River Camp Lejeune, NC PROJECT NO.: JX10-116G cnnanri•c.w�..-�-r� BORING LOCATION: See Attached Boring Location Plan SURFACE ELEVATION: 17 MSL BORING LOG DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc. _ LOGGED BY: gwh DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Wash "Mud" DATE: 3-26-11 P" 5O DEPTH TO WATER - INITIAL*: 7 AFTER 24 HOURS: T- CAVING - o R m m o TEST RESULTS Limit F i Liquid Limit o I-E Q �eSCflptlOn v `` a o? m z m ya n 3Plastic cu H inn Moisture Content - • N-Value - 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 10 inches of Topsoil J 2 3 1� 1 24 ss 9 10 Brown, moist, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM), Loose to Medium Dense :. : e Trace Organics from 0.83 to 2 feet - 2 24 ss 5 s 13 % . - 7� ..... — Trace Clay from 4 to 6 feet 3 24 ss s 13 3 /l Grayish brown, moist to wet, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM), Very 2 10- Loose 4 20 S5 3 Dark brown, wet, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM) with Organics, Very Loose ::: 5 16 ss 2 3 45A • - _ - Gray, wet, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM), Medium Dense 6 — .......... 6 20 ss 14 ' - — 4 l 13 Light gray, wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP-SM) with ri r7:c1: 6 trace Silt, Medium Dense ,;�:tr 7 22 ss s 13 Boring terminated at 15 ft. 6 20 .. _. 10 _25 - 30 3 20 Notes: SS = Split Spoon Sample ST = Shelby Tube Sample HA = Hand Auger Sample BS = Bulk Sample ! WOH - PAGE" 1 of 1 Standard Penetration Tests were performed in the field in general accordance with ASTM D 1586. 1 1 GET PROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main. Hangar & Apron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition _ CLIENT: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd PROJECT LOCATION: MCAS _New River Camp Lejeune, NC PROJECT NO.: JX10-116G r.,rRe,:a•[.e+TRe.+:m-u- BORING LOCATION: See Attached Boring Location Plan SURFACE ELEVATION: 20 MSL BORING LOG DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc. LOGGED BY: gwh DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Wash "Mud" DATE: 4-3-11 P-49 DEPTH TO WATER -INITIAL*: �_Z- 10 AFTER 24 HOURS: Z CAVING> -C, o u maar� m= � o o TEST RESULTS Plastic Limit H Liquid Limit a m Q �, Description Q d Z sz > 3 c° w0 E o F in a z v Moisture Content -• N-Value - 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 za o a 7-inches of Topsoil 2 % 1 : 1 24 ss z 5 Brown, moist, Siltyfine to medium SAND SM with trace Clay, � ) Y, 3 18. Loose :I'a: — 4 .+.I. �, 3 = Whitish tan to tan, moist, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP- — SM) with trace Silt, Loose 1 5 3 21 SS ; 7 ..............:. .". . ...:. . : . z r:i. F +. - 3 - I.I'Li 4 20 ss a 8" v. 4 �- 3 - 7:r[i 5 21 ss 2 5 10 — 10 :: ..... . —. 10 - ' Light gray to light gray and orangish brown, wet, Poorly Graded fine .4 .F+ is 2 - to medium SAND (SP-SM) with trace Silt, Very Loose ;I;I:t! ; c I 6 16 ss 2 4 ' ...-.. 3 4r:i.r i. 2- i - a: C 7 23 ss 3 15 d.I.Sr 2 :...:.......:... ...:...... Boring terminated at 15 ft, a :...:...:...: ..: ..: zo s 25 -10 - 30 . 10 -15 35 Notes: SS - Split Spoon Sample ST = Shelby Tube Sample HA = Hand Auger Sample BS = Bulk Sample •r = PAGE 1 of 1 Standard Penetration Tests were performed in the field in general accordance with ASTM D 1586. GETPROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main. Han ar & Apron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition CLIENT: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd PROJECT LOCATION: MCAS New River Cam Le'eune NC PROJECT NO.: JX10-116G en+., h•rr�L•e.Nm.�,.w.aarr� BORING LOCATION: See Attached Boring Location Plan SURFACE ELEVATION: 20 MSL BORING LOG DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc. LOGGED BY: gwh DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Wash "Mud' DATE: 4-3-11 P-48 DEPTH TO WATER - INITIAL`: -:�z- 10 AFTER 24 HOURS: _ CAVING> f- o a L (D m a, ro o TEST RESULTS Plastic Limit H Liquid Limit m a m a v w Description Q a d 0 z@ a? g 3 `A M� ©E o ° c� cn cnacn r m a z v Moisture Content - • a N-Value - 20_ 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 8 inches of Topsoil 3 �; I 1 23 ss 5 9 j % - 6 Tan, moist, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM), Loose s 4; a 1/11/ox Tan, moist, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP-SM) with trace ' 't i z Silt, Loose ra:c1: a;i. 1 3 21 ss 3 5 .: ..: ..:. .:...:...:....... 4 Orangish brown, moist, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP- '`' t i ri: t1: a — j: SM) with trace Silt, Loose ` 4 17 ss 5 9 { : ► — _ an and orangish brown, moist to wet, Poorly Graded fine to mediu '14: r+: t? 5 j SAND (SP-SM) with trace Silt, Loose '' 5 22 ss 4 9 16 SS 5 XLr 9 — 4 13 Tan and orangish brown, wet, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM) with _ trace Clay, Loose 7 17 ss 4 5 1 4 Boring terminated at 15 ft- 25 •15 3 Notes: SS = Split Spoon Sample ST = Shelby Tube Sample HA = Hand Auger Sample BS = Bulk Sample "ie inilial groundwater reQdina may iiof bp indicative of the static groundwater level. = . PAGE: i of 1 Standard Penetration Tests were performed in the field in general accordance with ASTM D 1586. 1 1 1 1 GET PROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main. Hangar & Apron: P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition CLIENT: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd _ PROJECT LOCATION: MCAS New River Camp Lejeune, NC PROJECT NO.: JX10-116G GorerMHrel-[. erTnaae„w•7esr� BORING LOCATION: See Attached Boring, Location Plan _ SURFACE ELEVATION: 20 MSL BORING LOG DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc. LOGGED BY: ^ J wwh DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Wash "Mud" DATE: 4-3-11 P-47 DEPTH TO WATER - INITIAL*: 10.5 AFTER 24 HOURS: T — CAVING -L c y� N= j o O TEST RESULTS Plastic Limit H Liquid Limit aU o `m (m Description P a m a o E a E Q Q a1 E 3 tO o y a E o Z F- in a Q Moisture Content - • N-Value - 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 o 7 inches of Topsoil 5 ' 1 22 ss 3 4 — Light brown, moist, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM), Very Loose 2 7 _ Tan and brown, moist, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP- SM) with trace Silt, Loose �1' i�_ 2 21 ss 4 15 5 Whitish tan, moist, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP-SM) 4 with trace Silt, Loose ,:. i } 3 22 ss a 10 ..:...........:........ j ' s _ z Light gray. and light brown, moist to wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP-SM) with trace Silt, Loose to Medium Dense :ta: t . : s ` 4 20 ss 7 14 - 6:tJ. 5 18 SS 6 1010 : - 10 I - VON 4 s 19 55 14 20 i - t 7r1. .1'I.CF ...... .. ... .... . -- 4 I:I:L1: - ' --- 7 18 ss 7 114 e•riF 25 j�i 16 .:... .......:...:.. — 2a Boring terminated at 15 ft. s .. - 2 — s -10 30 10 15 35 : Notes: SS = Split Spoon Sample ST = Shelby Tube Sample HA = Hand Auger Sample BS - Bulk Sample *The initial aroundwaler readino may not be indicative of the static around ater 1pvpl. PAGE 1 of 1 Standard Penetration Tests were performed in the field in general accordance with ASTM D 1586. GETPROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main. Hangar & Apron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition CLIENT: C. Allan Bamfort_h, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd PROJECT LOCATION: MCAS New River Cam Lejeune, NC PROJECT NO.: JX10-116G - {•-�+•,r�rrm BORING LOCATION: See Attached Boring Location Plan _ _ SURFACE ELEVATION: 19 MSL BORING LOG DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc. LOGGED BY: gwh DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Wash "Mud" DATE: 4-3-11 P-46 DEPTH TO WATER - INITIAL': -Ve 9 AFTER 24 HOURS: Z CAVING> f- 0 4= 1= TEST RESULTS Plastic Limit H Liquid Limit y J W �a�i CU � w Description � E � � � � � o � j � w � E o N ,� in n \ Moisture Content - • N-Value - 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 3 inches of Topsoil 1 — i 17 ss 2 z , 4 .2 Brown, moist, Silty fine to.medium SAND (SM), Very Loose Orangish yellowish brown, moist, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM), 2 Very Loose to Loose 2 20 ss 2 a - 3 :::: — 3 19 ss 4 7 % :...:...:...:...:...:...: . —? 4 Light gray, tan and orangish brown, moist to wet, Poorly Graded tine' :1 k f' _ s 4 , to medium SAND (SP-SM) with trace Silt, Loose li:t1: ,.. 4 22 ss 4 4 S 4111 . aa.cr �. ' 0: 4 4 10 rri1: 5 21 ss s: 9 - — a i r 6 20 ss 4 7 Inn",. . . e -- - s 4 4 j 1 J.H Orangish brown, fine wet, Poorly Graded to medium SAND (SP-SM) r7:L1: 7 4 with trace Silt, Loose •'''` 20 ss 2 6 1 ` } z Boring terminated at 15 ft. 25 -10 0 - i' 1 35 20 Notes: SS = Split Spoon Sample ST = Shelby Tube Sample HA = Hand Auger Sample BS = Bulk Sample i f Hammer PAGE 1 of 1 Standard Penetration Tests were Performed in the field in general accordance with ASTM D 1586. 1 L 1 GETPROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main. Han ar & Apron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition CLIENT: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd PROJECT LOCATION: MCAS New River Camp Lejeune, NC PROJECT NO.: JX10-116G ammo aa�e:ra•r-,—w.rwbff BORING LOCATION: See Attached Boring Location Plan _ SURFACE ELEVATION: 19 MSL T BORING LOG DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc. LOGGED BY-. gwh DRILLING METHOD: Rotaa Wash "Mud' DATE: 3-26-11 P-45 _ DEPTH TO WATER - INITIAL*: U 9 AFTER 24 HOURS: T CAVING> -C c r o TEST RESULTS Limit H Liquid LimitQ ;� ?� Q as Description m E a° o E 3 o> � m #Plastic ❑ Eo v Moisture Content - • N-Value - 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 0 0 11 inches of Topsoil J J 3 = 1 23 ss s 8 .92 Loose Orangish brown, moist, Clayey fine to medium SAND (SC), 5 ; , Gray and orangish brown, moist, Clayey fine to medium SAND (SC), Loos.. 2 24 ss s 10 . 15 Whitish tan, moist to wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP- .1:: F i s� SM) with trace Silt, Medium Dense r? i 3 18 ss 8 7 14 2�- � 19 ... 4 22 ss rx�1: i .1: F cTr1. 10�. // 9 5 20 ss a 15 10 6 22 ss 5 a 9: 11 Light gray and tan, wet, Silty fine to coarse SAND (SM) with trace 4 f Clay, Loose 2 5 Light gray, wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP-SM) with z j -- - -' trace Silt, Loose 01. L V 7 23 ss 3 5 ....:.. :. .:.. . 15 ;;�;; F Boring terminated at 15 ft. 6 20 - - - 25 -10 10 0 ...:..... .........:.......:... -15 5 -20 Notes: SS = Split Spoon Sample ST = Shelby Tube Sample HA = Hand Auger Sample BS = Bulk Sample *The initial aroundwati-r readino, may not be indicative ofthe SwL"roundwater level, WOH = Weight of Hammer PAGE 1 of 9 Standard Penetration Tests were performed in the held in general accordance with ASTM D 1586. GET PROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main. Hank ar & Apron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition CLIENT: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd PROJECT LOCATION: MCAS New River Camp Le'eune, NC PROJECT NO.: JX10-116G BORING LOCATION: See Attached Boring Location Plan SURFACE ELEVATION: 19 MSL BORING LOG DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc. LOGGED BY: gwh DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Wash "Mud" DATE: 3-31-11 P-44 _ DEPTH TO WATER - INITIAL*: -V 9 AFTER 24 HOURS: -,�r, CAVING> f- o Y _ m ? o TEST RESULTS Plastic Limit H Liquid Limit m 5 �, Qa asDescription JE- a� Q a o E z a 7 Q d E 3 1O m' w g n C7Cc rn m a z v Moisture Content - • o N-Value - � i0 20 30 40 50 60 70 — 7-inches of Topsoil 2 1 24 ss 2 z 4 r = 5 Dark grayish brown, moist, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM) with trace Organics, Very Loose j s _ 1s Slightly mottled light gray-orangish brown, moist, Sandy Lean CLAY 2 19 ss s a 7 (CL), Medium Stiff . i!t 3 3 / _ Light gray and orangish brown, moist, Silty fine to medium SAND 3 20 ss a 7 . • • - (SM) with little Clay, Loose 4 2 4 j - 4 24 ss 7 10 — Light gray and orangish brown, moist to wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP-SM) with trace Silt, Loose to Medium Dense ?:: F f ra:t?• 5 17 ss tit 11 22� 6 .1a_ti - - - MIND,/. — iy:ti 6 20 ss 8 13 rrr1: 6 . f 7 21 ss 5 9 5 a•ac[i ja.ct: 5 j - Boring terminated at 15 fL : 20 i 5 -10 30 15 20 Notes: SS = Split Spoon Sample ST = Shelby Tube Sample HA = Hand Auger Sample BS = Bulk Sample PAGE 1 of ? Standard Penetration Tests were performed in the field in general accordance with ASTM D 1586. 1 GET PROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main. Hangar & Apron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition CLIENT: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd PROJECT LOCATION: MCAS New River Camp Leieune, NC - PROJECT NO.: JX10-116G Gmnhayu •E•eiw•.�nw •ts4,eT BORING LOCATION: See Attached Boring Location Plan SURFACE ELEVATION: 20 MSL BORING LOG DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc. LOGGED BY: gwh "Mud" DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Wash DATE: 4-2-11 P-43 DEPTH TO WATER- INITIAL*: -:F- 10 AFTER 24 HOURS: -T CAVING> -L c m o TEST RESULTS Plastic Limit H Liquid Limit >� �, �, �, w Description a Li E Z E g E 3 `° 2 m w❑ E o co a z a Moisture Content - • N-Value - 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 z0 a 20 inches of Topsoil � 3 ._ 1 20 ss 3 5 1.67 Dark brown, moist, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM), Loose ! 2` //: ::::: 3 4 a l `. Light brown, moist, Silty fore to medium SAND (SM), Loose % �� 5 Whitish tan, moist, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP-SM) L'J: i 7. a 15 with trace Silt, Loose to Medium Dense lx r ; .:11. 3 17 ss 8 .......:...:............... r1'L1: — s 17 4 23 ss 14 1 4Fi Orangish brown, moist, Poorly Graded fine to coarse SAND (SP-SM :':1;tf 15f 5 with trace Silt, Medium Dense .f?�Y. 5 17 ss 6 10 1 Light gray, wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP-SM) with 4 trace Silt, Loose is=r . sj°r1 6 21 ss 4 4 $ j: 1�--t'v• .. .. .... .. ... .... .. .. .l '.I: L f 7arC 4 . l7:!'. 7 14 ss 7 15 Boring terminated at 15 It. 5 -5 2 8 30 -10 -15 35 Notes: SS = Split Spoon Sample ST = Shelby Tube Sample HA = Hand Auger Sample BS = Bulk Sample WO±L=--Weiaht of PAGE 1 of 1 Standard Penetration Tests were performed in the field in ,general accordance with AS TM 0 1586. GET PROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main. Hangar & Apron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition CLIENT: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, -Ltd PROJECT LOCATION: MCAS New River Camp Lejeune, NC PROJECT NO.: JX10-116G ewe enr. •e.er�.m•rer„ BORING LOCATION: See Attached Boring Location Plan SURFACE ELEVATION: 21 MSL BORING LOG DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc. LOGGED BY: gwh DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Wash "Mud" DATE: 4-2-11 P-42 DEPTH TO WATER - INITIAL": •S 11.0 AFTER 24 HOURS: -T CAVING L o s 91 �, w: o ao TEST RESULTS Plastic Limit H Liquid Limit m w N y a N 41 w Description a ,� C o E Z a? E u o. °' E 3 10 o 2� � w E o CO cn eo ex z v Moisture Content- • o N-Value - 10 20 30 4050 60 70 8-inches of Topsoil 1 : o 1 20 ss 2 z 4 • - 0.sr Tan and brown, moist, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM),ry L Veoose 35.4 Tan, moist, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP-SM) with trace:':': • 3 Silt, L0058 };;t2 .F �I-:fi� 21 ss 3 4 s jl = — 4 Whitish tan, moist, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP-SM) with trace Sill, Medium Dense .fa,.ta. 3 19 ss 7 12 — :�xc� 7 6 ;;i;• 4 20 ss 13 7 a:rzr 5 20 ss 7 7 7 14 10 {-i•-+— 7 - :.- :.- . -.. . . 10 Light gray, moist to wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP- 1 Va. N. 4 ME SM) with trace Silt, Loose t t ; 6 1 s ss 2 6 /r a- — a- 1'1 cr 3 7 21 ss $ 9 —155 Boring terminated at 15 ft. 5 20 -10 35 Notes: SS = Split Spoon Sample ST = Shelby Tube Sample HA = Hand Auger Sample BS = Bulk Sample *Thu initiat aroun-dwater readincy tnay-npt be indicative of Me static aroLLa"er level, WOH = Weight o� dam mer PAGE i of 1 Standard Penetration Tests were performed in the field in .general accordance with ASTM D 1586. I GET PROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main. Hangar & Apron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition CLIENT: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd ' PROJECT LOCATION: MCAS New River Camp Le'eune, NC PROJECT NO.: JX10-116G — G,es,aee;r.;.c. et,,.•ear-u,.firt+.� BORING LOCATION: See Attached Boring Location Plan SURFACE ELEVATION; 21 MSL BORING LOG DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc. LOGGED BY: gwh DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Wash "Mud" DATE: 3-26-11 P-41 µ DEPTH TO WATER - INITIAL': V- 10.5 AFTER 24 HOURS: CAVING -L a °1 �—'� TEST RESULTS Plastic Limit I-{ Liquid Limit a a��i a Description m o n 3 wo �' Z � m o o Moisture Content -• N-Value - 10203040506070 3 inches of Topsoil + 2 1 24 ss 2 z 4 .25 Light brown, moist, Sandy Lean CLAY (CL), Soft - 9 .... Slightly mottled gray orangish brown, moist, Sandy Lean CLAY (CL), 2 22 ss 3. ° — Stiff 5:...:... 10 Light gray, moist, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM), Loose 3 17 ss 4 6 1 2 i i 7 18 '/ EMO /f 6 Light gray and brown to light gray, moist, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP-SM) with trace Silt, Medium Dense 'LJ: �i• �:' [' 4 21 ss 9 a 10 L ;X. r 6 .l:1: aYrj j:r ��• :;ii 51 23 ss $ 13 :. 10 fight gray, moist to wet, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM) with trace 3 Clay, Loose s 18 ss 4 7 4 13 Light gray and tan, moist, Poorty.Graded fine to medium SAND (SP 1a . SM with trace Silt, Medium Dense r.r.[}' ;:; 7 21 ss 11 21 //�j • - 15 ..: • 12 - - Boring terminated at 15 ft. 6 2 _ . . . . . . s 30 -5 -10 10 15 Notes: SS = Split Spoon Sample ST = Shelby Tube Sample HA = Hand Auger Sample BS = Bulk Sample *The initial (yauadwater readino may not he indicative of the I" groundwater level WOH - Weiaht of Hammer PAGE 1 of 1 Standard Penetration Tests were performed in the field in general accordance with AS TM D 1586. GET PROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main. Hangar & Apron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition CLIENT: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd PROJECT LOCATION: MCAS New River Camp Leieune, NC PROJECT NO.: JX10-116G - can,x.,•F.d - w.rmIts BORING LOCATION: See Attached Boring Location Plan SURFACE ELEVATION: 19 MSL BORING LOG DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc. LOGGED BY: gwh DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Wash "Mud' DATE: 3-26-11 P-40 DEPTH TO WATER - INITIAL": U 9.5 AFTER 24 HOURS: Z- CAVING -L o y �, �, �, o TEST RESULTS Plastic Limit H iqu0id Limit > U) m m Q) Description i o j w a E rn D m n Z o -L Moisture Content N-Value - � 10 20 30 44 50 60 70 6 inches of Topsoil 2 _ 1 24 ss 4 7 11 Brown and tan, moist, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM), Medium Dense :'.r1. 4{ y.,;t; 2 23 ss 4 4 8 / .. ............ ......... % Tan, moist, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP-SM) wsth trace -- Silt, Loose -i a: c i 5- Whitish tan from 8 to 10 feet .,:C[r ,,;; 3 20 55 10 �� ...:...:...:..:........... 5 4 23 ss 4 3 — ia; t 7 •1lL L f 4 10 Orangish brown and tan, moist to wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium Z. SAND (SP-SM) with trace Silt, Loose ri.tt: 5 21 ss 5 9: 10 .' 3 Orangish brown and light gray, wet, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM) ?' 2 with trace Clay, Very Loose 6 21 ss 2 4 4 — 5 4 ':' E i 4l 13 Light gray, wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP-SM) with - trace Silt, Loose r1:L1: ;;:; 7 24 SS 10 i/i } i /` Boring terminated at 15 ft. _2C _Q 10 0 -20 Notes: SS = Split Spoon Sample ST = Shelby Tube Sample HA = Hand Auger Sample *The initial BS = Bulk Sample oroundwater readina may riot he indicative olthe static -groundwater lavet WOH - Weiaht of Hammer PAGE 1 of 1 Standard Penetration Tests were performed in the field in general accordance with ASTM D 1586. GET PROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main. Hangar & Apron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition CLIENT: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd PROJECT LOCATION: MCAS New River Camp Leyeune, NC PROJECT NO.: JX10-116G .h.,;.F.o+�•h �•�. BORING LOCATION: See Attached Boring Location Plan SURFACE ELEVATION: 20 MSL BORING LOG DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc. LOGGED BY: gwh DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Wash "Mud" DATE: 4-2-11 P-39 DEPTH TO WATER - INITIAL*:^ 10 AFTER 24 HOURS: CAVING> L o y a m Q Description a o N oo TEST RESULTS Plastic Limit H Liquid Limit wo f oa N Z in CL z v Moisture Content - 0 N-Value - 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 2 0 0 4 inches of Topsoil 4 j 3; 1 23 ss 4 9 j Dark brown, moist, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM), Loose 3 fi . 1 — 2.1.1..: Grayish browm, moist, Clayey fine to medium SAND (SC), Loose ...... 2 23 ss 2 3 .. 3 — t 5 4 Grayish brown and light gray, moist, Silty fine to medium SAND ::::: WOH 1 (SM), Very Loose E E 3 13 ss 1 2 — 2 t 6 Light gray and tan, moist to wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium �'j: t i. z SAND (SP-SM) with trace Silt, Very Loose to Medium Dense .1:rt c 7.•• t 4 20 ss 2 4 '• . S.F t t 2 , 73 5 20 ss 1 14 ra:tt: - t +:1:i! 'LYr1. 6 20 ss z 3 2 - aicci' . — a 3 7 18 ss 7 t 4 j/ Boring terminated at 15 ft. 5 :...: ..:...:..... ... o 5 -5 8 - 10 -10 30 -15 35 Notes: SS = Split Spoon Sample ST = Shelby Tube Sample HA = Hand Auger Sample BS = Bulk Sample *file initial aroundwatier readinci may not be indicative of the —static oroundwater level. -.--.W0H=WeiahtaLHammer PAGE 1 of 9 Standard Penetration Tests were performed in the field in general accordance with ASTM D 1586. GET PROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main. Hangar & Apron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition CLIENT: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., En ineer-Surve or, Ltd PROJECT LOCATION: MCAS New River Camp Leieune NC PROJECT NO.: JX10-116G BORING LOCATION: See Attached Boring Location Plan SURFACE ELEVATION: 19 MSL BORING LOG DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc. LOGGED BY: gwh DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Wash "Mud" DATE: 4-2-11 P-38 DEPTH TO WATER - INITIAL': -:V-� 9 AFTER 24 HOURS: 7 CAVING> -L o ` s �, m a, °' N o TEST RESULTS Plastic Limit H Liquid Limit m > �, a �, a a� a Description o Q o E z a> E u a E 3 14 0 g t o ( in a z Q Moisture Content- • N-Value - 0 0 4 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 3 inches of Topsoil 1 22 ss 2 2 3 - 2 Orangish brown, moist, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM) with little Clay, Very Loose ::: ; : 3� Light brown, moist, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM), Loose ` 2 20 ss 4 8 15 a 3 21 ss 5 6 g j ...:...:..... .:.... —60 Orangish brown, moist, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP- •1:1: t i 4 17 ss e _ 16 j SM) with trace Silt, Medium Dense a it. t 8 10 ' 10 Light gray, moist to wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP- h 16 MIN ���� SM) with trace Silt, Medium Dense r.r.rt: , r f 5 17 ss 7 23 j% Light gray, wet, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM) with little Clay, Loose 6 20 ss 3 a 6 —13 Light gray, wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP-SM) with t i 3 8 5 — trace Silt, Medium Dense rx..L� t: •• • t 7 21 ss 7 13 - 15 .. s Boring terminated at 15 ft. .5 25 10 10 35 Notes: SS = Split Spoon Sample ST = Shelby Tube Sample HA = hand Auger Sample BS = Bulk Sample PAGE 9 of i Standard Penetration Tests were performed in the field in general accordance with AS TM D 1586. t I I GET PROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main. Hangar & Apron: P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition CLIENT: C. Allan Bamforih, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd PROJECT LOCATION: MCAS New River Camp Lejeune, NC PROJECT NO.: JX10-116G BORING LOCATION: See Attached Boring Location Plan SURFACE ELEVATION: 19 MSL BORING LOG DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc. LOGGED BY: qwh DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Wash "Mud' DATE: 3-31-11 P-37 DEPTH TO WATER - INITIAL*: $ 9 AFTER 24 HOURS: CAVING .0 o y n o a o d a v a vi= en m* c3 0 TEST RESULTS Plastic Limit H Liquid Limit Q o JE- o w Description z m \ Moisture Content- • rn N-Valuev - 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 6 inches of Topsoil 2 1 23 ss 2 2 4 — Light brown, moist, Clayey fine to medium SAND (SC), Very Loose — Tan, moist, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP-SM) with trace''i Silt, Loose n:: t.. 2 21 ss a — 10 j . ,:,:; 6 is — 4." Light gray, moist, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP-SM) with trace Silt, Medium Dense V`j'. ri• .l:r.rr ii-,crf 3 20 ss 4 7 6 13 //� �/ ..........:.. :. .:. . ra:tt: / 5 4 19 ss 7 16 %7 Light gray and orangish brown, moist to wet, Poorly Graded fine to - _ medium SAND (SP-SM) with trace Silt, Loose to Medium Dense :t:: F r rxt,: 4_ ; r L. 5 za 55 14 a to 18 4 , ? . — .IYCr a:1:•t1 6 19 ss s 7 % 4 4 - lri;C. '1:1: t 1 3 5 i7:t1: 7 24 ss 4 11 j Boring terminated at 15 ft. 6 25 : 30 10 .15 20 Notes: SS = Split Spoon Sample ST = Shelby Tube Sample HA = Hand Auger Sample BS = Bulk Sample r level WOH = Veia f Hammer PAGE 1 of 1 Standard Penetration Tests were performed in the field in .general accordance with ASTM D 1586. GETPROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main. Hangar & A ron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition CLIENT: C._Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd PROJECT LOCATION: WAS New River Camp Lejeune, NC _ PROJECT NO.: JX10-116G Gn,«n•w•�•e. ehwu.r,i.f. rnrr BORING LOCATION: See Attached Boring Location Plan SURFACE ELEVATION: 22 MSL BORING LOG DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc. LOGGED BY: gwh DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Wash "Mud" DATE: 3-31-11 P-36 DEPTH TO WATER- INITIAL;: sr 12 AFTER 24 HOURS: s CAVING -L o U �, o TEST RESULTS Plastic Limit I I Liquid Limit Description a o m Z m 3 m E o 2 �°�, E Q z v Moisture Content -• o N-Value - _ 0 _ 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 9-inches of Topsoil z � 1 21 ss z 4 . Grayish brown, moist, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM), Very loose 20 9 Tan and orangish brown, moist, Poorly Graded fine to medium 3 SAND (SP-SM) with trace Silt, Loose a:[VJ :,:,; i; 2 21 55 6 ............................. / a 3 12 ss 3 4 7 % y ...:...:...:...:...:.... .. — Brown, orangish brown and light gray, moist, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP-SM) with trace Silt, Loose 'i a; F i r.r L 1: �::; } 4 20 ss " 4 s 7 s — 10 j / — _ Light gray and tan, moist to wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium :: Ef — 10 SAND (SP-SM) with trace Silt, Loose to Medium Dense ra:cr S 22 ss 9 - 10 'LT r7. .1:C[ C ............ 5 6 23 ss s 11 - .4 ..I: 4 4 — ; !- 7 24 ss 5 9 j 1:, ?'�:tt B j: Boring terminated a1 15 ft. 20 30 0 35 15 Notes: SS = Split Spoon Sample ST = Shelby Tube Sample HA = Hand Auger Sample BS = Bulk Sample - WOH We�aht of Ham rner PAGE 1 of i Standard Penetration Tests were performed in the field in ,genera! accordance with ASTM D 1586. 1 GETPROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main. Hanqar & Apron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition CLIENT: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd PROJECT LOCATION: MCAS New River Came Leieune, NC PROJECT NO.: JX10-116G ^� n �. •F•�•rm BORING LOCATION: See Attached Boring Location Plan SURFACE ELEVATION: 19 MSL BORING LOG DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc. LOGGED BY: gwh DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Wash "Mud" DATE: 3-26-11 P-35 DEPTH TO WATER - INITIAL*: 4� 9 AFTER 24 HOURS: 7, CAVING -C- O L L U] m •--� N= 7 a TEST RESULTS Plastic Limit H Liquid Limit J n m o CD a �, �, DeSCfIpt10tl a d Z o> a °' 3� Q v 11 z Moisture Content- • w N-Value - 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 0 - 7 inches of Topsoil 0.58l 1 20 ss 4 5 7 j Brown, moist, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM) with trace Clay and — l Organics, Loose :, _,. 2 24 SS 7 14 Tan, moist, Poorly Graded fine to coarse SAND (SP-SM) with trace — Silt, Medium Dense rrs1: a'i' 5 5 :L�:rr• 321 ss 7 14 ..: .. - - — z Tan and tight gray, moist to wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP-SM) with trace Silt, Loose to Medium Dense ;; t i. t:.tr . 4 21 ss 5 4 gj .. 10 Coarse Sand from 10 to 15 feet :.�. F i ':'i r i =u: 4 _ 3 -- - i 1. 5 19 ss 4 4 7 % ' , 10 rl:t1: - 4� :,r i 5 19 ss 7 13 j :17:Li 4 i•i;Fi 7 24 ss 5 9 ;.. ... 6 �. Boring terminated at 15 ft. 6 20 ... . 25 •10 10 0 . 35 ; 20 Notes: SS = Spat Spoon Sample ST =Shelby Tube Sample HA = Hand Auger Sample BS = Buik Sample initialv v . WOH_f Hammer PAGE i of 1 Standard Penetration Tests were performed in the field in general accordance with AS TM 0 1586. d GETPROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main. Hangar & Apron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition CLIENT: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd PROJECT LOCATION: MCAS New River Camp Lejeune, NC PROJECT NO.: JX10-116G BORING LOCATION: See Attached Boring Location Plan SURFACE ELEVATION: 21 MSL BORING LOG DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc. LOGGED BY: gwh DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Wash "Mud" DATE: 3-31-11 P-34 _ _ DEPTH TO WATER - INITIAL*: 11.5 AFTER 24 HOURS: -Z CAVING> -C o L u m a TEST RESULTS m J n a Description a n d m Q �' '0 3 �O Plastic Limit H Liquid Limit 2 to Q T O o? to m 1- � ib a ? Z v Moisture Content - • � o N-Value - T 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 3-inches of Topsoil O 2 1 24 ss 3 Brown, moist, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM), Very Loose :::: 2 2_ ..... — — a Orangish brown and tan, moist to wet, Poorly Graded fine to mediu 'r'a' 6: z : : : : SAND (SP-SM) with trace Silt, Very Loose to Loose ? ;? r [ 2 20 ss 2 q - _ 2 f 3 17 j . .....:...:, ra [i: ss 5 n: 1: 4.. 5 21 ss 3 7 % ' - --1�-- +�;ir ' 6 7: 6 17 ss 3 3 3 6 / - — n 13 3t{- Light gray, wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP-SM) with z % _ — trace Silt and Gravel, Very Loose raav •,-,:; 7 22 ss 4 $ 1 }- a j Boring terminated at 15 ft. �— 20 0 _ 5 30 -10 10 35 : 15 - Notes: SS = Split Spoon Sample ST = Shelby Tube Sample HA = Hand Auger Sample BS = Bulk Sample PAGE 1 of 1 Standard Penetration Tests were performed in the field in _general accordance with ASTM D 1586. I GETPROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main. Hangar & Apron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition CLIENT: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd PROJECT LOCATION: MCAS New River Camp Le'eune, INC PROJECT NO.: JX10-116G G.mnh-i.�IF.pyy,yriaJ•TNNrrS BORING LOCATION: See Attached Boring Location Plan SURFACE ELEVATION: 19 MSL BORING LOG DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc. LOGGED BY: qwh DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Wash"Mud" DATE: 3-31-11 P-33 DEPTH TO WATER - INITIAL*: -V, 8 AFTER 24 HOURS: -Z _ CAVING> ,C m o TEST RESULTS Plastic Limit I --I Liquid Limit ia � a1—. a m DeSCflpll011 Q ° K >° E o� � a° m r10zicu finF-m a \ Moisture Content - • N-Value - 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 o _ 4 inches of Topsoil 2 i —0.31 ri:c1: 4 :''. E 1 22 ss 3 5 _ Tan, moist, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP-SM) with trace — Silt, Loose L''r r 2 21 55 6 15 L is 3 - - - 4 Orangish brown, moist, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP- '-; .iai,: a 5 y SM) with trace Silt, Medium Dense .4: .1: r r 3 21 ss s 11- Tan, moist, Poorly Graded fine to coarse SAND (SP-SM) with trace ii :":'t 1 4 20 s 9 `. Silt, Loose ?. ` t ss a j 5. 10 Light gray, wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP-SM) with :1.ai E i 5 - - - trace Silt, Loose rxtr; i:r• r L 5 18 ss 3 2 S ' - 10 '1 1. 2 1 N'.L1: 6 20 ss 9 j. a,l: ,.} a ... .. ... 5 4 : -. : - h: r.r.tl: -i Y. 7 24 ss 6 9 15 Boring terminated at 15 ft. :. :... ...:. .: . o 2 _ -10 10 20I I L Notes: SS = Split Spoon Sample ST = Shelby TLbe Sample HA = Hand Auger Sample BS = Bulk Sample *The- PAGE 7 of i Standard Penetration Tests were performed in the freld in general accordance with AS TM 0 1586. GET PROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main. Hangar & Apron: P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition CLIENT: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., En ineer-Surve or, Ltd PROJECT LOCATION: MCAS New River Camp Leieune, NC PROJECT NO.: JX10-116G " cssRnn==r•r•ti� W•7nx BORING LOCATION: See Attached Boring Location Plan SURFACE ELEVATION: 19 MSL BORING LOG DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc. LOGGED BY: gwh DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Wash "Mud" DATE: 3-31-11 P-32 DEPTH TO WATER - INITIAL*: -U 9.5 AFTER 24 HOURS: 4� CAVING> L- a r n r m y m a TEST RESULTS Plastic Limit IH Liquid Limit t J a 8 az m Description n `` a o m Z a) w Eo°' C7 cn w cn m Q v Moisture Content -• rn � Z e N-Value - -0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 4 inches of Topsoil _ _ — ca x c i 1 24 ss 3 g 3 Light brown, moist, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP-SM) :: it — with trace Silt, Loose z ia�ti 2• 18 55 2 3 5 .:...:...:...:...:..... ' 2 t_tr isrC 3 21 ss 3 6 ... ..... ........ . . . — 8... 3 j Orangish brown, moist to wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND '0: ii. y _ (SP-SM) with trace Silt, Loose :1:': �': •i:. r a 20 ss 4 5 8 — ri:t1: 3 1 .4.'_r} '�7r7• 5 21 ss y 9: 10 itti 6 :. .:...:... Light gray, wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP-SM) with 'E�=ri : — trace Silt, Loose to Medium Dense i;i; ; :r r 6 16 ss 44 5 9 [r Boring terminated at 15 ft. o 6 29 5 -10 31) 35 .20 _ Notes: SS = Split Spoon Sample ST = Shelby Tube Sample HA = Hand Auger Sample BS = Bulk Sample Weicht of Hammer PAGE 1 of 1 Standard Penetration Tests were performed in the field in general accordance with ASTM D 1586. 1 I GET PROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main. Hangar & Apron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition CLIENT: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd PROJECT LOCATION: MCAS New River Camp Lejeune, NC PROJECT NO.: JX10-116G BORING LOCATION: See Attached Boring Location Plan SURFACE ELEVATION: 21 MSL BORING LOG DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc. LOGGED BY: gwh DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Wash "Mud" DATE: 3-31-11 P-31 DEPTH TO WATER - INITIAL': W- 10.5 AFTER 24 HOURS: s CAVING -L a L m Y t D 0. m a a °' 3 '° y _ o "1 TEST RESULTS Plastic Limit I I Liquid Limit q J w a E E m aCn Description m E z° =$ E 0 m a \ Moisture Consent - • N-Value - 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 0 0 10 inches of Topsoil 20 1 24 ss 2 3 0.6 Grayish brown, moist, Clayey fine to medium SAND (SC), Very 2 — Loose ;:,i; 2 23 ss 2 3 5 i..:.......................... Light gray, moist, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP-SM) wit trace Silt, Loose r:rC1: : 4 = 5 T rI. 3 19 ss a 3 7 ....................:...... j 15 Light gray and orangish brown, moist, Poorly Graded fine to medium %J: i j- 3 _ SAND (SP-SM) with trace Silt, Loose to Medium Dense J tCCr ::. i 4 17 ss 4 7 + .,. f } J.13 jgempol" 91"lf % 10 -= 1 D rangish brown, moist to wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND ' :rf :0: r+: 6 18 ss 7 24 � ..:. �,• (SP-SM) with trace Silt, Medium Dense 13 13 / .'..I:CI - 4 i FI 7 23 ss 20 15 Boring terminated at 15 ft. 0 25 — O -10 10 s Notes: SS = Split Spoon Sample ST = Shelby Tube Sample HA = Hand Auger Sample BS = Bulk Sample 'i ! WOH _ initial PAGE 1 of i Standard Penetration Tests were performed in the field in generaf accordance with ASTM D 1586. GETPROJECT: ' ' BORING LOG P-30 P705 Aircraft Main. Hangar & Apron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition CLIENT: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd PROJECT LOCATION: MCAS New River Camp Lejeune, NC PROJECT NO.: JX10-116G BORING LOCATION: See Attached Borsnq Location Plan SURFACE ELEVATION: 20 MSL DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc. _ LOGGED BY: gwh DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Wash "Mud" DATE: 3-26-11 DEPTH TO WATER - INITIAL*: -�-7- 10.5 AFTER 24 HOURS: -T CAVING? f- ` S2 o TEST RESULTS m � �, CL v �, n w 0,2 Description a a o E z E o Q °1 E 3 o ;, ,�'� Plastic Limit H Liquid Limit w g a E a, o E— m n Z a Moisture Content - 0 N-Value - 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 L 6 inches of Topsoil 5 0-� Brown, moist, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM) with trace Clay and 1 24 SS 5 s Organics, Medium Dense Grayish brown, moist, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM), Medium :' :' 2 22 ss 5 14j — Dense 5 Brown and orangish brown, moist, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM) 3 23 ss s 7 — with trace Clay, Loose 2 — Grayish brown, moist, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM), Very Loose 4 16 ss 2 2 4 3 _ Light gray, moist to wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP SM) with trace Silt, Loose to Medium Dense ra:cV 5 20 ss 7 1410 'U:CJ- ..... Trace Gravel and Organics from 10 to 12 feet a — 24 ss 7 rsLt: a LT rJ. - 7 7 24 ss 16 — — — Boring terminated at 15 ft. ...... .. .. ............... 1 20 -10 30 10 ' Notes: SS = Split Spoon Sample ST = Shelby Tube Sample HA = Hand Auger Sample WnH = Bulk Sample ' PAGE 1 of 1 Sfarndarrf Ppnptrafinn Tpsfs -Prp nprfnr—r! in tha riolrf —ith n erne rn I �aa 1 1 1 GET PROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main. Hangar & Apron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition CLIENT: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd - PROJECT LOCATION: MCAS New River Camp Lejeune, NC PROJECT NO.: JX10-116G BORING LOCATION: See Attached Boring Location Plan SURFACE ELEVATION: 18 MSL BORING LOG DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc. LOGGED BY: gwh "Mud" DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Wash DATE: 3-31-11 P-29 DEPTH TO WATER - INITIAL': - 9 AFTER 24 HOURS: T CAVING f- ro a a Q CL o a a Q1 3 10 v w o CD 04 TEST RESULTS Plastic Limit H Liquid Limit o JED DeSCiIpl10f1 cD V) Z t- m a z Moisture Content 0 LL W �u�° N-Value - 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 0 _ 12 inches of Topsoil 1 1 22 ss 1 2 1 Gray, moist, Sandy Lean CLAY (CL), Very Soft to Medium Stiff 2 3 - 1 2 18 ss a 7 :. .:...:...:... .... :...:... 4 Light gray, moist, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM), Medium Densemj;� 3 18 ss 7 9 15 :... :...:...: — 2 16 // Light gray and orangish brown, moist to wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (ISP-SM with trace Silt, Very Loose to Medium ) ': L 1' 4 22 ss s 1 ry.tj 8j 10 Dense r,;i,: i.r•rL — e Oran ish brown from 8 to 10 feet g a: -txC r 5 1fi ss 13 �il 1 $ — is=ri 6 T21ss 4 2 a:f:ci 7 20 55 3 — 3: 4 - 15 •'. 3 l — Boring terminated at 15 ft. j. 25 •10 .. 15 10 - - 35 Notes: SS = Spfit Spoon Sample ST = Shelby Tube Sample HA 7 Hand Auger Sample BS = Bulk SampleWeiahl of Hammer PAGE 1 of 1 Standard Penetration Tests were performed in the field in general accordance with ASTM D 1586. GET PROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main. Hangar & Apron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition CLIENT: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd _ PROJECT LOCATION: MCA_S New River Camp Lejeune NC PROJECT NO.: JX10-116G e�.ns.).r,e.,m•r BORING LOCATION: See Attached Boring Location Plan SURFACE ELEVATION: 19 MSL BORING LOG DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc. LOGGED BY: Qwh DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Wash "Mud" DATE: 4-2-11 P-28 DEPTH TO WATER - INITIAL*: -V, 8.5 AFTER 24 HOURS: v CAVING> J~ o r m y a TEST RESULTS Plastic Limit H Liquid Limit J a a m a w Description n n d z a 7 a a� @ 3 1O —�° a �� ? w� rnal: z o Moisture Content - • N-Value - _ 0 a 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 12 inches of Topsoil ... 1 — 1 20 ss 1 2 1 _ Dark grayish brown, moist, Sandy Lean CLAY (CL), Very Soft to 2 Medium Stiff ; = 3 — 2 23 ss 4 7 :.. :...:...:...:... 15 A - 4 Whitish tan, moist, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP-SM) : 't -- 5 _ with trace Silt, Medium Dense u: .rr::..► 3 19 ss 7 12 ............:...:...'.... Light gray, moist, Siity fine medium, SAND (SM), Medium Dense s — 4 18 ss 12 � i0 - -ight gray, moist to wet, Poorly Graded fine medium, SAND (SP-SM i�� � f 3 with trace Silt, Very Loose to Loose i:1 r 5 24 ss 2 5 ; �q_ u:r). - — — 2 .t:C[i _ 6 22 ss 2 3 r31L1: 3 - 5 4 7 21 ss 10 3 Boring terminated at 15 fL 0 5 AD 30 10 -� 15 35 : •20 Notes: SS = Split Spoon Sample ST = Shelby Tube Sample HA = Hand Auger Sample BS = Bulk Sample 'The initial groundwater reading May nol be indicative ofthe static aroundwater level WOH Weiaht of Hammer PAGE 1 of 1 Standard Penelration Tests were perforated ir] the field in general accordance will) ASTM D 1586. J i] I GET PROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main. Hangar & A ron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition _ CLIENT: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd PROJECT LOCATION: MCAS New River Camp Le;eune, NC _ PROJECT NO.: JX10-116G c.mre+w. . xasH,� BORING LOCATION: See Attached Boring Location. Plan SURFACE ELEVATION: 22 MSL BORING LOG DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc. LOGGED BY: gwh "Mud" DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Wash DATE: 4-2-11 P-27 DEPTH TO WATER - INITIAL*: $ 11.5 AFTER 24 HOURS: — CAVING -C- r jF �? N m a o TEST RESULTS Plastic Limit H Liquid Limit J(, c, (, Description Qa E o z a m 0 E ❑ m o Moisture Content - • w N-Value - 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 0 a 2-inches of Topsoil 1 a — = 1 F24 ss a 4 7 22.8 ! ; Tan and brown, moist, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM), Loose 20 _ 2 Dark brown, moist, Sandy SILT (ML), Medium Stiff ..... 3 — 2 ss 2 5 j 5 Light gray, moist, Sandy Lean CLAY (CL), Medium Stiff to Stiff 3 2a ss 3 3 6 j :. ..... j - ...:...: :... r 3 3 2 15 4 17 ss 4 9 — _ Light gray, moist, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP-SM) witf 13 - trace Silt, Medium Dense 111C1: 4-1:r 5 21 ss 10 23 j — 10 :: 8 ' ......... . — 10 Light gray and orangish brown, moist to wet, Poorly Graded fine to Fq: (+: — — s — medium SAND (SP-SM) with trace Silt, Medium Dense ::tt ;;c i 6 18 ss 9 14 Boring terminated at 15 ft. — — 5 — — 20 0 : 25 :. 5 . 30 14 10 35 -15 - Notes: SS = Split Spoon Sample ST = Shelby Tube Sample HA = Hand Auger Sample BS = Bulk Sample Hammer PAGE 1 of 1 Standard Penetration Tests were performed in the field in .general accordance with ASTM 0 1586. GET PROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main. Hangar & Apron: P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition CLIENT: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd 1. PROJECT LOCATION: WAS New River Camp Lejeune, NC PROJECT NO.: JX10-116G �n*»s. •c.arnn.ww,c.raKr� BORING LOCATION: See Attached Boring Location Plan SURFACE ELEVATION: 21 MSL _ ^�^ BORING LOG DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc. LOGGED BY: qwh DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Wash "Mud" DATE: 4-2-11 P-26 _ DEPTH TO WATER - INITIAL*: -!W� 10.5 AFTER 24 HOURS: T CAVING> -L O _ E _ o TEST RESULTS Plastic Limit I I Liquid Limit C a CL w �' Description o. Q d M z n n m 3 m w o o c� V) U cn m Q v Moisture Content- • c� a Z o N-Value - 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 4 inches of Topsoil "'" 2 0 rxtr '. E F 1 20 ss 2 z 4 3 Grayish brown, moist, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP-SM)a with trace Silt, VeryLoose to Loose "' r1' l::tr 8 2 24 ss 2FIN 3 Light gray and tan, moist to wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium ry:'. �;�;r 3 17 ss i 12 / SAND (SP-SM) with trace Silt, Loose to Medium Dense 15 j 5 rx(�: A 21 ss 10 .t:: C 1' 24 -5 IME/1 19 ss 8 13 try!. 24 - 6 20 55 7 113 1 13 ia:li: 4 ti: r7, 7 9 i" 7 24 55 20 ' is Boring terminated at 15 ft. 25 10 30 ............ Notes: SS = Split Spoon Sample ST = Shelby Tube Sample HA = Hand Auger Sample *The initial aroundwalor Q2U=o may-ngt be indicativLQW)e static aroundwaler level BS = Bulk Sample Hammer —VVQH—=WeiQht0f PAGE 1 of ? Standard Penetration rests were perforrned in the field in general accordance with ASTM D 1586. L� 1 1 GET PROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main. Hangar & Apron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition CLIENT: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd _ PROJECT LOCATION: MCAS New River Camp Lejeune, NC PROJECT NO.: JX10-116G c.v:.e:r.r.r-era.�.reu.nar� BORING LOCATION: See Attached Boring Location Plan SURFACE ELEVATION: 21 MSL BORING LOG DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc. LOGGED BY: qwh DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Wash "Mud" DATE: 3-26-11 P-25 DEPTH TO WATER -INITIAL*: -V- 11 AFTER 24 HOURS: -3 CAVll f- o L T �, a, a, o TEST RESULTS Plastic Limit I -I Liquid Limit D@SCfIptI0t1 n a d a m 3 �O o �, E O mca 0 In rn Q Z " Moisture Content - w� ��N o N-Value - 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 p _ 1 inch of Topsoil 4 j zo 1 7 ss 5 b 9 S f .0 Tan and brown, moist, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM) with some organics, Loose s 9 2 24 ss io 23/ Brown, moist, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM), Medium Dense t1 20 19 15 Dark grayish brown, moist, Lean CLAY (CL) with Sand, Medium Stiff4 Q 20 ss 3 7 5.1 _ 1-� % 3 j 8 Light gray, moist to wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP- r 'I =1: E i 9 0 5M) with trace Silt, Loose to Medium Dense _ r i-. v -0: M .7:h:Cr 5 21 ss 9 9 i 8 7 /% /// ....:...:...:...:...:... 10 6 22 SS 5 3 _ :,I,. L . 4gg 7 24 ss s19.: 14 �: Boring terminated at 15 ft. 5 0 - - - - 2 -5 e - 10 Notes: SS = Split Spoon Sample ST = Shelby Tube Sample HA = Hand Auger Sample BS = Bulk Sample = WLiaht PAGE 1 of 1 Standard Penetration Tests were performed in the field in genera! accordance with ASTM D 1586, GET PROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main. Hangar & Apron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition CLIENT: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd PROJECT LOCATION: MCAS New River Camp Lejeune, NC PROJECT NO.: JX10-116G cr•c+-� BORING LOCATION: See Attached Boring Location Plan SURFACE ELEVATION: 21 MSL BORING LOG DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc. LOGGED BY: T ^qwh DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Wash "Mud"_ DATE: 3-31-11 P-24 DEPTH TO WATER - INITIAL*: 11.5 AFTER 24 HOURS: v CAVING> -L o Y ry o TE57 RESULTS JE �eSCflptlOn a cv a o m a n° 3 m m � Plastic Limit H Liquid LimitCl)N o Z v? bm cn cn a z Moisture Content - • Wc7 o N-Value - - 0 0 10 20 30 40 5Q 60 70 2 inches of Topsoil _ _ _ 3 i 20 .1 Brown, moist, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM), Loose 1 18 ss 3 5 3 — — Orangish brown, moist, Sandy Lean CLAY (CL), Very Stiff 2 24 ss ,3 20 j 7 — 4 7 r — Orangish brown and tan, moist, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM)wit 3 22 ss e 16 j�� m��� .:...:...:... • ...:...:. . trace Clay, Medium Dense a 15 6 —2- Light gray, moist to wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP ! =!: i +, i°�� — SM) with trace Silt, Very Loose to Medium Dense aa.tr 4 19 ss 9/ 20 — :.: G z ra:[i: •�a:ri, 5 18 ss 9 15 f X. C 1: +:: E F 6 22 ss 5 10 5 7 24 SS 3 2 4 i i :i •i;�il 2 - C,ISS 15 2 l Boring terminated at 15 ft. 5 s 0 0 25 0 .. Notes: SS = Split Spoon Sample ST = Shelby Tube Sample HA = Hand Auger Sample 8S = Bulk Sample r PAGE 1 of i Standard Penetration Tests were performed in the field in genera! accordance will) ASTM D 1586. n I GET PROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main. Han ar & Apron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition CLIENT: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltdriomw _ PROJECT LOCATION: MCAS New River Camp Leleune, NC PROJECT NO.: JX10-116G cu�h�.+•e.��,.. �•r,:rK BORING LOCATION: See Attached Boring Location Plan _ SURFACE ELEVATION: 21 MSL BORING LOG DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc. LOGGED BY: gwh DRILLING METHOD: Rotes Wash "Mud' DATE: 4-2-11 P-23 _ DEPTH TO WATER - INITIAL': s 10 AFTER 24 HOURS: CAVING> -C c � m a m E d o E °' a m o TEST RESULTS Plastic Limit I --I Liquid Limit oa' oa' Description C7 ca z fn U m �- W m a v Moisture Content - • w cn z o N-Value - 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 10 inches of Topsoil J J _ — 3 2 83' 1 2z 55 5 . $ Slightly mottled tan-orangish brown, moist, Sandy Lean CLAY (CL), Medium Stiff a j :... 4 :I:is' 2 24 ss 6 6 6 12 ..:...:.......:...:....... MI �/ Tan, moist, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP-SM) with irace.;:.,i Silt, Loose to Medium Dense r:r [1: — 3 18 ss 5 5 !` 9 1 Light gray and orangish brown, moist to wet, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP-SM) with trace Silt, Very Loose 'L;?,r';. ';I:[ i' 4 20 ss 4 5 9 V0 L'J: i 10 j : //, 5 17 ss 5 5 5 rr. 2 10 +:I. } 6 20 ss 2 3 2 ,f • I; I, 1 1: 7 23 ss 2 5 15 4 Boring terminated at 15 ft. :. IV 5 0 -10 5 Notes: SS = Split Spoon Sample ST = Shelby Tube Sample HA = Hand Auger Sample BS = Bulk Sample *The initial arotindwater i ive "a static aTpiLadwaler levol.= Weiaht PAGE 9 of 1 Standard Penetration Tests were performed in the Field in general accordance with ASTM D 1586. GET PROJECT: P705 Aircraft Main. Han ar & Apron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition CLIENT: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd �- PROJECT LOCATION: MCAS New River Camp Lemeune, NC PROJECT NO.: JX10-116G -�i.r.�,•: BORING LOCATION: See Attached Boring Location Plan SURFACE ELEVATION: 24 MSL BORING LOG DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc. LOGGED BY: qwh DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Wash "Mud" DATE: 4-2-11 P-22 DEPTH TO WATER -INITIAL*: -lz- 14 AFTER 24 HOURS: v CAVING _L o� U v 0 U5 a, `. ,n 0 = o 4 TEST RESULTS n n m o m Description a a o Z a " 3 to rn Plastic Limit F-i Liquid Limit wo E cn m ZL z o Moisture Content- • N-Value - o 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 2 inches of Topsoil 1T Tan, moist, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP-SM) with trace' 70: ri. _ '• 1 23 ss 2 z g Silt, Very Loose ". 2 Orangish brown, moist, Clayey fine to medium SAND (SC), Loose .'..'... 2 19 ss 2 s 5 20 Tan, moist, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP-SM) with trace 4 Silt, Loose to Medium Dense `a!; ,. 3 22 ss 5 9 ...:...:.......:.......:... r•cs 2 t:[ r 4 20 ss e 14 7 5 5 22 ss 5 10 ..�, 10 10 .ta:tr ..... 5 / Orangish brown and light gray, moist to wet, Silty fine to medium a — SAND (SM), Loose 6 19 ss 5 9 4 - - - 3 10 — - - r 7 18 ss 9 6 _ 15 4 Boring terminated at 15 ft. —520 0 5 0 to -10 5 ' 15 Notes: SS = Split Spoon Sample ST = Shelby Tube Sample HA = Hand Auger Sample BS = Bulk Sample 'The I initial Qroundit be indicative of the static aroundwater level. WOH - WeiohLgm PAGE 1 of 1 Standard Penetration Tests were performed in the field in peneral accordance with ASTM D 1586. 1 1 GETPROJECT; P705 Aircraft Main. Hangar & Apron: P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition CLIENT: _C. AAan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd_ PROJECT LOCATION; MCAS New River Camp Leieune, NC PROJECT NO.: JX10-116G — man" C.-.,e,r.4-F-0—,, !,U-Ind.S BORING LOCATION: See Attached Boring Location Pian SURFACE ELEVATION: 24 MSL BORING LOG DRILLER: GET Solutions, Inc. LOGGED BY: qwh "Mud" DRILLING METHOD: Rotary Wash DATE: 4-2-11 P-21 DEPTH TO WATER - INITIAL': s 14.5 AFTER 24 HOURS: CAVING> f- o x L i a-05D Ii. �N Fa(4 o TEST RESULTS Plastic Limit I--i Liquid Limit - ID o Em Qj � Description � Ez E Eff,�w Q z a Moisture Content - • N-Value - 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 a 0 1 inch of Topsoil ! C0 1 - 1 18 ss 2 z 4 - = - — Brown and tan to orangish brown, moist, Silty fine to medium SAND (SM), Very Loose to Loose 2 2 22 ss a g .. �. 20 3 10 . % . 5 4 Light gray, moist, Poorly Graded fine to medium SAND (SP-SM) wit trace Silt, Loose to Medium Dense :L 'j'. i i- .i a: c r :ia:ti 3 21 ss 4 6 l.1: L1: . 'L7:[]. 4 23 ss 6 13 - ... 011/1 8 ' % - z — Light gray, moist, Sandy Lean CLAY (CL), Stiff 5 21 ss 6 5 11 j 4 ...:...:...:...:... j Light gray and orangish brown, moist to wet, Poorly Graded fine to i+: 5 medium SAND (SP-SM) with trace Silt, Medium Dense �; fi 20 ss s 11 o 7 a: [ C '`!? 16 r . i 7 21 ss 4 y 15 'LrC & /%l/ ..... ..:...... ..... ... Boring terminated at 15 ft. 21) o 25 - 8 30 . - 10 -10 5 , 15 Notes: SS = Sprt Spoon Sample ST = Shelby Tube Sample HA = Hand Auger Sample BS = Bulk $ample I *The initial oroundwater readina may noi h wfir.-Rf've of the static c(D-audwater level. WOH - Weic f HamW"j PAGE 1 of 1 Standard Penetration Tests were performed in the field in general accordance with ASTM D 1586. Particle Size Distribution Report C C 000 .0 G O O QO �0�p 100 I I I I I I I I I 4 I I I I I I I I I 90 I I I I I I I i I I I I I 80 I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I I ! I! I I I ! I I c l I I i I I I I I I i I l l l l 70 I w I I 60 z I I I I I k l 1 I I I I LL I I I I I ! I I I I I Ic I I Z 50 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I U W 40 I I I I I CL 30 I I I I I I I I I I I l i i I I I I I I 20 I I l l I I I I k i l l k } ! 1 1 1 I I ! I 1 f 0 1 • k I I I I I l I I I I I I I 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 GRAIN SIZE - mm. % +3„ % Gravel % Sand % Fines Coarse Fine Coarse Medium Fine Silt Clay 0.1 I.7 67.6 30.5 PASS? SIEVE PERCENT SPEC. Material Description Brown Silty fine to medium SAND (SM) Atterbern Limits PL= LL= P1= NP Coefficients D90= 0.2327 D85= 0.2068 DB0= 0.1416 D50= 0.1221 D30= D1 5= D10= Cu= Cr= Classification USCS= SM AASHTO= A-2-4 Remarks (no specification provided) Sample Number: P-15 Depth: 1 to 2 feet Date: GET Client: C. Allan Bamfortli, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd SOLUTIONS, INC. Project: P705 Airct�aft Main. 1-langar & Apron; P710 Orclnance Loading Area Addition Jacksonville, North Carolina Project No: JX10-116G Figure 51ZE FINER * PERCENT (X=NOj #€4 99.9 #8 99.8 #10 99.8 # 16 99.5 #30 98.9 #40 98.1 #50 96.3 #80 77.2 #120 51.4 #200 30.5 0 a M L a R 0 J U c ro _ L 0 r c)a T o. c .L = 0 0m L. Q fiat a ��+J 06W L co roU _ ro 2 a� 0 _ s4 _ d r-� c L U L 'a LO 0 ti (L O O O O O O U) O LO O to O Cl) co N CV r r (isd) ssaj;g UO) 0 LO 0 O 0 0 O LO O 0 O o 00 0 1 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 MOISTURE DENSITY TEST REPORT (PROCTOR) 109 107 1 ° 105 U Q T tn G N L>1 103 101 ZAV for Sp.G. = 99 2.65 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Water content, Test specification; ASTM D 698-07 Method A Standard Elev/ Depth Classificati6n Nat. Moist. Sp.G. LL PI % > #4 % < No.200 USCS AASHTO 1 to 2 feet SM A-2-4 12.0 est 2,65 Ni, 0.2 15.7 TEST RESULTS MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Maximum dry density = 105.7 pcf Optimum moisture = 12.5 % Brown and tan Silty fine to medium SAND (SM) Project No. JX10-1 16C, Client: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd Project: 11705 Aircraft Main. Hangar & Apron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition o Depth: 1 to 2 feet Sample Number: P-16 Remarks: CBR a Boring P-16 Soaked C13R Val ue= 19.0 eilienc Resy Factor= 3.0 Figure GET SOLUTIONS, INC. Jacksonville, North Carolina 1 100 90 80 70 Z do u. Z 50 w U of w 40 r- 30 20 10 0 Particle Size Distribution Report _ o00 c c c' ,E .5 U. 1 I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I 1 l l I I I I I ! I I I I I I l I I I I I I I I I I f I I I I f I I I I I I! I I f I I I I I I I I I I I! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i l l I I I I I I! I I ! I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 I I I I I 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 GRAIN SIZE - mm. %+3„ % Gravel % Sand % Fines Coarse Fine Coarse Medium Fine Silt clay a.5 1.7 81.9 15.7 SIEVE SIZE PERCENT FINER SPEC.` PERCENT PASS. (X=NO) #4 99.8 #8 99.3 # l 0 99.3 #16 99.1 #30 99.6 #40 97.6 850 93.4 #80 56.2 #120 29.8 #200 15.7 Material Description Brown and tan Silty fine to medium SAND (SM) Atterberg Limits PL= LL= Pl= NP Coefficients D90= 0.2783 D85= 0.2558 D60= 0.1879 D50= 0.1676 D30= 0.1277 D15= D10= Cu= CC Classification USCS= SM AASHTO= A-2-4 Remarks (no specification provided) Sample Number: 111-16 Depth: I to 2 feet Date: GET Client: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd SOLUTIONS, INC. Project: 11705 Aircraft Main. Hangar K Apron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition Jacksonville, North Carolina Project No: JXIO-I 16G Figure R Sr� R L L El LO a 0 0 0 0 O 0 M O N NN O (isd) ssaa;g 0 LO 0 LO 0 N 0 0 o_ 0 O LO 0 1 MOISTURE DENSITY TEST REPORT (PROCTOR) 115 ZAV for Sp.G. _ 113 2.65 ° —lA . I U d T .N G N — 109 107 105 � — 8 9.5 11 12.5 14 15.5 17 Water content, % Test specification: ASTM D 698-07 Method A Standard Elevl Depth Classification Nat. Moist. Sp'G' LL PI % > #4 % < No.200 USCS AASHTO 1 to 2 feet Sc A-6(2) 18.7 est 2.65 29 12 0.0 46.0 TEST RESULTS MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Maximum dry density = 112.8 pet Optimum moisture = 13.0 % Brown Clayey fine SAND (SC) Project No. JX10-I 16G Client: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd Project: P705 Aircraft Main. Hangar &C Apron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition p Depth: 1 to 2 feet Sample Number: P-19 Remarks: CBR @ goring 11-19 Soaked C13R Value = 192 Resiliency Factor = 3.0 Figure GET SOLUTIONS, INC. Jacksonville North Carolina E Particle Size Distribution Report C C G o 6 itWD ii 3t iL 100I I I I V V i I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I f l l l I I V I I i I 90 I I I I I I I I h i l l 80 I I I I I I I I I I I# ! I I I I I I I I I I I I 70 I I I I I I W I I I I I I 60 z I l I I I I I I I I LL I I 1 1 1 I I I 1 I I I I I Z 50 w I f I I I I I I I I I I I W 40 I I I I I I a I I I I I 1 1 I I } I I I I I I 30 I I i l l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 20 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I! I I I I I I 1 1 1 1a I I I I I I ! I I I I I I 0 I I ! I I I 1 f 1 I 1 I I I I 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 GRAIN SIZE - mm. % *3„ % Gravel % Sand % Fines Coarse Fine Coarse Medium Fine Silt Clay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.3 52.7 46.0 SIEVE SIZE PERCENT FINER SPEC." PERCENT PASS? (X=NO) #4 100.0 #8 100.0 #10 100.0 #16 999 #30 99.3 #40 98.7 #50 97.$ #80 93.5 #120 83.2 #200 46.0 Material Descri tp ion Brown Clayey fine SAND (SC) Atterberg Limits PL= 17 LL= 29 P1= 12 Coefficients D90= 0.1509 D85= 0.1300 D60= 0.08S6 D50= 0.0786 D30= D15= D10= Cu = Ce= Classification USCS= SC AASHTO= A-6(2) Remarks (no specification provided) Sample Number: P-19 Depth: I to 2 feet Date: GET Client: C. Allan Baniforth, Jr., I?ngineer-Surveyor, Ltd SOLUTIONS, INC. Project: P705 Aircrift Main. hiangar & Apron; 1'710 Ordnance 1-oading Area Addition Jacksonville, North Carolina Project No: JX10-1 l6G Figure LC) O a LO 0 0 to 0 LO o LO o 0 C C!7 Cl) N CV r (isd) ssai;g O O M O 0 LD CV 0 O O 0 0 LO O O -- I I I [1 I I I 1 I MOISTURE DENSITY TEST REPORT (PROCTOR) ZAV for 111 Sp.G. _ 2.65 110 1 ° 109 U Q T C 43 - 108 107 106 7 8.5 10 11.5 13 14.5 16 Water content, % Test specification: ASTM D 698-07 Method A Standard Elev/ Depth Classification Nat. Moist. Sp.G. LL PI % > #4 % < No.200 USCS AASHTO 1 to 2 feet SM A-2-4 12.1 est 2.05 NP 0.1 22.8 TEST RESULTS MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Maximum dry density = 109.8 pcf Optimum moisture = 1 1.3 % Tan and brown Silty fine to medium SAND (SM) Project No. JX10-1 16G Client: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., l-ngineer-Surveyor. Ltd Project: 11705 Aircraft Main. Hangar & Apron, 11710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition p Depth: 1 to 2 feet Sample Number: P-27 Remarks: CBR @ Boring P-27 Soaked CBR Value = 23.0 Resilienct Factor = 3.0 Figure GET SOLUTIONS, INC. Jacksonville, North Carolina 100 90 80 70 z 60 LL z 50 w U w 40 d 30 20 10 n Particle Size Distribution Report q o O 6 PO �4p 6 V O W M N c] # # # # 7Y # # # I I 1 i I I I RU11 I I! f I I I I V V I l l I I I 1 I I I I I I I ! c I I I I I I 1! ! I I ! I I I 1 1 I I I I I 1 I ! f I I I I I I I I I E I I V I I I 1 1 I I I I f I I I f l l l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I V I I I I I ! I! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I f f l l l l 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 GRAIN SIZE - mm. % +3" % Gravel % Sand % Fines Coarse Fine Coarse Medium Fine Silt Clay 0.5 3.3 1 73.3 22.8 SIEVE SIZE PERCENT FINER SPEC! PERCENT PASS? (X=NO) #4 999 #8 99.5 # 10 99.4 # 16 99.0 430 97.9 #40 96.1 #50 91.6 #80 61-.7 #120 38.7 #200 22.8 Material Description Tan and brown Silty fine to medium SAND (SM) Atterberg Limits PL= LL= PI= NP Coefficients Dgp= 0.2866 D85= 0,2570 DgO= 0.1757 D5D= 0, 15 18 D30= 0.1003 D1 5= D10= CLJ= CC= Classification USCS= SM AASHTO= A-2-4 Remarks (no specification provided) Sample Number: P-27 Depth: 1 to 2 feet Date: GET Client: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd Project: P705 Aircraft Main. Hangar& Apron, 11710 Ordnance Loading SOLUTIONS, INC. Area Addition Jacksonville, North Carolina Project No: JX10-116G Figure I O 0 N 0 0 Q 0 O LO O 0 O O O O O O O Q p O n co OCl) N O LO O � (isd) ssajjg r- 0 d c Cl) a. MOISTURE DENSITY TEST REPORT (PROCTOR) ZAV for 111 i I Sp-G. _ _ 2.65 ft�, ° 10 7 109.5 108 a T .N C Q) � T I i 106.5 105 F#-It-tl 103.51----H- 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 Water content, % Test specification: ASTM D 698-07 Method A Standard Elev/ Depth Classification Nat. Moist. Sp.G. LL PI %> #4 %< No.200 USCS AASHTO t to 2 leet SM A-2-4 12.4 est 2.65 NP 0.0 20.3 TEST RESULTS MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Maximum dry density = 109.7 pcf Optimum moisture = 12.2 % Brown Silty fine to medium SAND (SM) Project No. JX 10-1 16G Client: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Enginccr-Surveyor, Ltd Project: P705 Aircraft Main. Hangar & Apron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition o Depth: 1 to 2 feet Sample Number: 11-34 Remarks: CBR a Boring P-34 Soaked CBR Value = 26.6 Resiliency Factor = 3.0 Figure GET SOLUTIONS, INC. Jacksonville North Carolina 11 1 O 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 100 90 80 70 0= Z 60 LL Z 50 W U tY LLJ 40 0- 30 20 10 0 Particle Size Distribution Report l7f\/'111V JILC - 1111I 1. +3" % Gravel % Sand % Fines Coarse Fine Coarse Medium Fine Silt Clay 0.2 7.7 71.8 20.3 SIEVE SIZE PERCENT FINER SPEC.* PERCENT PASS? (X=NO) #4 100.0 #8 99.9 # 10 99.8 916 99.4 #30 96.1 #40 92.1 #50 85.8 #80 57.9 #120 36.0 #200 20.3 (no specification provided) Sample Number: 1'-34 Depth: I to 2 feet Material Description Brown Silty fine to medium SAND (SM) Atte, rberg Limits PL= LL= Pl= NP Coefficients D90= 0.3612 D85= 0.2933 DB0= 0.1859 D50= 0.1595 D30= 0,1081 D15= D10= Cu= Cc= Classification USCS= SM AASHTO= A-2-4 Remarks Date: GET Client: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd SOLUTIONS, INC. Project: P705 Airctnft Main. Hangar& Apron; 11710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition Jacksonville, North Carolina Project No: JXlO-1 l6G Figure G 0 to 0 LO LD N V Cl) CD L o M N N (!sd) SSBJJS Ln o fg 0 0 0 0 0 r O is I I 0 I 1 0 i` 0 1 MOISTURE DENSITY TEST REPORT (PROCTOR) 115 113 I a ZAV for Sp.G. = 2.65 109 107 105 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 Water content, % Test specification: ASTM D 698-07 Method A Standard Elev/ Depth Classification Nat. Moist. Sp G LL PI % a #4 % No.200 USCS AASHTO 1 to 2 feet SM A-2-4 16.5 est 2.65 NP 0.0 35.4 TEST RESULTS MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Maximum dry density = 112.3 pcf Optimum moisture = 12.2 % Tan and brown Silty fine to medium SAND (SM) Project No. JX10-116G Client: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd Project: P705 Aircraft Main. Hangar & Apron; 11710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition o Depth: 1 to 2 feet Sample Number: P-42 Remarks: CBRt a Boring P-42 Soakcd CBR Value = 27.2 Resiliency Resy l actor = 3.0 Figure GET SOLUTIONS, INC. Jacksonville North Carolina Particle Size Distribution Report 0C 100 I I I I I I I I I I I I l E I I I I I I ! 90 I V I I I I I I I V I I I I l I I I I I I I I I I l l l I I I I I I I I i I I I I 70 I I I I w I I I I I 60 z I I 11 I I 1 I I I I U_ i I 1 I I I I I I I I It I I Z 50 w I I I I I I I I I I w 40 I I I I I I l a I I I E I i t I I 11 I I I ! I I ! 30 E I I I I I I I E I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 20 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I V I I I I I I I I I I I I 10 I I I I V 1 I V I I I 0 I I I I l l I I I I I I I I I 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 GRAIN SIZE - mm. Gravel % Sand % Fines % +3., Coarse Fine Coarse Medium Fine Silt Clay 0.1 0.6 63.9 35.4 SIEVE SIZE PERCENT FINER SPEC," PERCENT PASS? (X=NO) #4 100.0 #4 99.9 #10 99.9 #16 99.7 #30 99.5 #40 99.3 #50 98.9 #80 84,8 #120 54.2 #200 35.4 Material Description Tan and brown Silty fine to medium SAND (SM) Atterber9 Limits PL= LL= P1= Nil Coefficients D90= 0.1966 D85= 0.1806 D60= 0.1345 D50= 0.1173 D30= D15= Dip= Cu= cc= Classification USCS= SM AASHTQ= A-2-4 Remarks (no specification provided) Sample Number: 11-42 Depth: 1 to 2 feet Date: GET Client: C. Allan 13amforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd SOLUTIONS INC. Project: P705 Aircraft Main. 1-langar Apron: 1'710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition Jacksonville, North Carolina Project No: JX10-116G Figure m N �I m U I I O Ln O N O Lo CD 0 p LO O (isd) ssaa;S O LO M O O to N O 0 u') - o 0 • a MOISTURE DENSITY TEST REPORT (PROCTOR) 120 117.5 115 U " ZAV for Sp.G. U) C 2.65 112.5 110 107.5 7.5 9 10.5 12 13-5- 15 16.5 Water content, % Test specification: ASCM D 698-07 Method A Standard Eievl Depth Classification Nat. Moist. Sp•G. LL PI % > #4 % < No.200 USCS AASHTO 1 to 2 feet SM A-2-4 15.7 est 2.65 NP 0.0 29.9 TEST RESULTS MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Maximum dry [tensity = 1 16.1 pcf Optimum moisture = 12.8 % Gravish brown Silty line to medium SAND (SM) Project No. JX10-1 16G Client: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer-SLM,eyor, Ltd Project: 11705 Aircraft Main. Hangar & Apron; 11710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition o Depth: 1 to 2 feet Sample Number: 11-36 Remarks: CBR @ Boring P-36 Soaked CBR Value= 20.6 Resiliency I-actor=3.0 Figure GET SOLUTIONS, INC. Jacksonville North Carolina I 1 Particle Size Distribution Report C C O G O 100 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I! I I 90 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 80 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 70 1 1 1 1 1 U-1 i I I 60 Z { h f I I 1! I I I I LL I ! I I! 1 1 1 I I V I I I w 50 W 40 # ! 1 1 ! I I I aZ I I I I I I I I I V I I I I 30 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I! I I I I I I I I I 20 I I I I I I I I I V ! 1 1 1 10- I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 1 1 11 I I I I I I I 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 % +3., Coax. 0.0 0.0 % Gravel % Sand e Fine 1 T-1111 EM10,2 edium Fine 0.0 I59.8 SIEVE SIZE PERCENT FINER SPEC. PERCENT PASS? (X=NO) #4 100.0 #8 99.9 410 99.9 # t 6 99.5 #30 95.5 #40 89.7 #50 81.0 #80 56.5 #120 41.6 #200 29.9 % Fines Silt C 29.9 Material Description Grayish brown Silty Fine to medium SAND (SM) Atterberg_Limits PL- LL= P1- NP Coefficients D90= 0.4329 D85= 0.3421 D60= 0.1932 D50= 6.1563 D30= 0.0753 D15= D10= CU= Cc= Classification uSCS= SM AASHTO= A-2-4 Remarks (no specification provided) Sample Number: P-36 Depth: l to 2 feet Date: GET Client: C. Allan Bamrorth. Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd SOLUTIONS, INC. Project: P705 Aircraft Main. Hangar& Apron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition Jacksonville, North Carolina i Project No: .IX10-116G Figure LO o 0 LD co O O O O m O co CV N (isd) ssojjS LO o T T I 0 LO N O O LO X A 1 1 0 I 1 1 MOISTURE DENSITY TEST REPORT (PROCTOR) 116 ZAV for Sp.G. _ 2.65 114 1 0 1 7 I — 112 U a T C - U1 114 108 106 7.5 9 10.5 12 13.5 15 16.5 Water content, % Test specification: ASTM D 698-07 Method A Standard Elevl Depth Classification Nat. Moist. Sp.G. LL PI %> #4 %< No.200 USCS AASWTO 1 to 2 feet SM A-2-4 14.4 est 2,65 NP 0.0 18.5 TEST RESULTS MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Maximum dry density = 113.7 pe1� Optimum moisture = 11.5 % Brown Silty fine to medium SAND (SM) Project No. JXtO-116G Client: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, I_td Project: P705 Aircraft Main. Hangar & Apron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition o Depth: l to 2 feet Sample Number: 11-49 Remarks: CBR @ Boring P-49 Soaked C13R Value = 29A Resiliency Enactor = 3.0 Figure GET SOLUTIONS, INC. Jacksonville North Carolina Particle Size Distribution Report yO 0 O R N 100 A I I I I l I I 1 1 # I I I I I I I T7 I I I I I I I 90 I I I I I I I I I I I V I I I I 1 ! I I I I I I I I I I 80 I 1 I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I l l 11 I I 1 1 1 1 1 70 I I w 60 I I I I I I I i I I l l l i Z 50 - U 1W Of I I l I I l I f I I I I to 40 I V I V I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I 30 I I I I I i t I I I I I I 20 I I I I I ! I I I I I I I I ; I V I I V ! I I I I I I I I 10 I V I I I I I I I I I o I V l I V ! I I 1 V V 1 1 1 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 GRAIN SIZE - mm. % Gravel % Sand % Fines 070 +3„ Coarse Fine Coarse Medium Fine Silt Clay 0.2 5.7 75.6 18.5 SIEVE SIZE PERCENT FINER SPEC! PERCENT PASS? (X=NO) #4 100.0 48 99.s 910 99.8 916 99.4 #30 97.2 940 94.1 #50 88.3 080 55.3 #120 31.2 #200 18.5 Material Description Brown Silty fine to medium SAND (SM) Atterberg Limits PL= LL= P1= NP Coefficients D90= 0.3162 D85= 0.2774 D60= 0.1914 D50= 0.1679 D30= 0.1219 D15= D10= Cu= Cc= Classification USCS= SM AASHTO= A-2-4 Remarks (no xpecilica(ion provided} Sample Number: P-49 Depth: 1 to 2 feet Date: GET Client: C. Allan Bamforth,lr., EnSincer-Surveyor, Ltd SOLUTIONS, INC. Project: P705 Aircraft Main. Fiangar&,Apron; P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition Jacksonville, North Carolina I=rojet:t No: �xto 116G Figure n a� co c CD 0 Q o a 0 (isd) ssailS n N 0 LO 0 O O 0 0 LO 0 0 We' MOISTURE DENSITY TEST REPORT (PROCTOR) 101 1 ZAV for Sp.G. _ 0 9.6 oc 99 2.65 1 i 97 U Q _T N C a 95 93 91 10 12.5 15 17.5 20 22.5 25 Water content, % Test specification: AS'I'M D 698-07 Method A Standard Elevl Depth Classification Nat. Moist. Sp'G' LL P! % > #4 % < No.200 USCS AASHTO 1 to 2 feet ML A-4 18.8 est 2.65 NP 0.0 56.6 TEST RESULTS MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Maximum dry density = 99.6 pef Optimum moisture = 18.5 % Brown Sandy SILT (ML) Project No. JX10-116G Client: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd Project: P705 Aircraft Main, hangar & Apron, P710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition o Depth: l to 2 feet Sample Number: P-51 Remarks: C13R @ Boring P-51 Soakcd CBR Value = 4.2 Rcsi liency Factor = 2.5 Figure GET SOLUTIONS, INC. Jacksonville North Carolina 1 1 1 I 1 100 90 80 70 Z 60 LL z 50 w U IY W 40 a- 30 20 10 0 Particle Size Distribution Report GRAIN SIZE - mm. % +3., Gravel % Sand % Fines Coarse Fine Coarse Medium Fine Silt Clay 0.0 0.0 1 0.0 0.4 2.1 40.9 56.6 SIEVE SIZE PERCENT FINER SPEC." PERCENT PASS? (X=NO) 94 100.0 #8 99.8 #10 99.6 #16 98.9 #30 98.0 940 97.5 #50 96.9 #80 91.3 # 120 74.7 #200 56.6 (no spccilication provided) Sample Number: 11-51 Depth: 1 to 2 feet Material Description Brown Sandy SILT (ML) Atterberg Limits PL= LL= PI= NP Coefficients Dg0= 0.1735 D85= 0.1544 DB0= 0.0838 D50= D30= D15= D10= Cu= Cc= Classification USCS= NIL AASHTO= A-4 Remarks Date: GET Client: C. Allan Bamforth, Jr., Engineer -Surveyor, Ltd SOLUTIONS, INC. Project: 11705 Aircraft Main_ Hangar & Apron; 1'710 Ordnance Loading Area Addition Jacksonville, North Carolina Project No: JXIO-116G Figure F-II:J:j M ►:i9T11 DCP TEST DATA 0 1 0 1 I GET -- DCP TEST DATA Project: CAL4 Ordnance LoadinR Area Addition Date: April 3, 2011 Location: MCAS New River Camp Lejeune, North Carolina_ Soil Type(s): SANDISM) GET Project M JXI O-116G Surficial Thickness: 6 inches of Topsoil Test Starting Depth: 6 inches {Concrete, Asphalt. Stone, Topsoil, etc.) Hammer Soil Type O 10.11bs. Test Identification: OCH 0 17.6 m5. P-1 O a O Both hammers used * AI other wis No. of Blows Accumulative penetration (mm) Type of Hammer CBR 0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0 0 0 - 10 254 15 0 2 I 187 257 1 1 3 _----4 _- _276_ -- 300 --- i 1 - 1--- 20 381 ---------------- 4 -- 355 -------------- 1 d 25 508 _ 4 394 _ 1- H 30 I 63s E ---4 3 -- 452. _..�..__ - - 506 1 w 0 35 - - - 762 2 0. 889 3 561 1 3 -_ -2 = 1 623_ - - 737- - - 889 1 -_= 1�- - 1 40 45 50 - - - 0 1016 1143 55 I 1270 1 935 1 _ - - 1397 50 I 1524 0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0 - -� BEARING CAPACITY, psf , 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 0 0 - __ -- -_-- - 5 10 127 15 --I- I 254 381 - .------..----- - -------------- d ------ I 20 E 25 I 508 - --------- ---- ~a 30 a 35 40 - 635 E 762 H 889 W 1016 45 1143 50 70 55 97 Based on approximate interrelationships 60 of CBR and Bearing values (Design of 24 0 14 28 Concrete Airport Pavement, Portland Cement Association, page 8, 1955) BE, T -_. - - - -... _........_..... -- __ ... ... ......... .... _ ......._...,.._-..-.._..,...,.-.._ ......... _.._._._. GET DCP TEST DATA �kt•'n;pf .1'rw�nnnrx:J. r-win,y Project: CALQ Ordnance -Loading Area Addition Date: April 3, 2011 Location: MCAS New River Camp Lejeune, North Carolina Soil Type(s): SAND (SC) GET Project #: JX10-116G _ Surficial Thickness: 4 inches of Topsoil Test Starting Depth: 4 inches (Concrete. Asphalt. Stone. Topsoil, etc.) Hammer Soil Type o to 1 lbs. Test Identification: O CH ® 17.6 lbs. P-4 O a Q Both hammers used i • Al other soils No. of Blows Accumulative Penetration (mm) Type of Hammer 0A 0 10 15 �0 c 25 a 30 LU ❑ 35 0 45 50 60 0.1 1.0 CBR 10.0 100.0 0 127 254 381 508 635 E 762 a 889 0 1016 1143 1270 1524 100.0 --- 0 i-- 172 --1- ---- 205 --1 - 2 249 1 2 2 _ 2 2- 2 -- 3 -- 295 355 415 --466------ 510 --W604 1 1 1 - --- 1 1 1 --- ! i I I I — — — 3 651 1 — — 3 4 _ 695 751 — — — 1 1 -- — ------ — 1.0 10.0 ---_--_-_ 0 5 10 15 20 E 25 1- 30 LU 35 40 45 50 55 60 0 0 2000 BEARING 4000 CAPACITY, psf 6000 8000 10000 12000 0 127 254 381 508 I 635 762 889 W ❑ 1016 I 1143 70 I 97 Based on approximate interrelationships of CBR and Bearing values (Design of 24 Concrete Airport Pavement, Portland Cement Association, page 8, 1955) }� -_--- - — i % - � ... -----___-_._ ----- ------------ -- i 1 ----------- _ — --- ""'-""" .._.......... _.._._i ----------- ------ "'-------- -_- ..- - - ___ -- -'--- I 14 28 BE I I I 0 0 1 GET DCP TEST DATA ..ww.i.+Y+r•r ,.,..w. nw�•r Project: CALA Ordnance Loading Area Addition Data: April 3, 2011 Location: MICAS New River Camp Lejeune, North Carolina Soil Type(s): SAND (SP-SM) GET Project #: JX10.116G Surficial Thickness: 2 inches of Topsoil Test Starting Depth: 2 inches (Concrete, Asphalt. Slene, Topsoil, etc.) Hammer Soil Type O 10.1 m5. Test Identification: OCH ® 17.61bs. P-5 OCL O Both hammers used All other soils No. of Blows Accumulative Penetration (mm) Type of Hammer 0.1 0 5 10 15 20 cE 25 _ H 30 CL W d 35 40 45 50 55 60 0.1 1.0 CBR 10.0 100.0 0 127 254 381 508 635 E 762 2 a. 889 u, 1016 1143 1270 1397 1524 100.0 0 --1 2 186 - 217- - 255 1 -----1---- 1 - - - - - 2 327 1 I 2 2 -36.2 -- - 410 - 1 -- 1 2 454 1 2 492.._.-... 528 — - ........ _.�,..._._.- 1 2 562 1 - - - 2 596 i 1 -- - _2- 2 - 671........ 704 1 1 — - - - - - — - - - - - - ---- ____-- -- - ----_--- -- - - 1.0 10.0 0 2000 0 5 10 15 20 25 1 30 p 35 40 45 50 55 60 0 BEARING 4000 CAPACITY, PSf 6000 8000 10000 12000 0 127 254 381 508 635 E 5 762 O 889 G 1016 1143 70 97 Based on approximate interrelationships of CBR and Bearing values (Design of 24 Concrete Airport Pavement, Portland Convent Association, page 8, 1955) .__.____ _ ------- -- - --- -7 - -� _.,.._._._.__..._..._.F...__.. j ...__. f _ ""-"""""" _ -- - - "-""'�"""—"""'-`- i - --•----------- — 14 28 BE, I,] GET DCP TEST DATA Project: CAL4 Ordnance Loading Area Addition Date: April 3, 2011 Location: WAS New River Camp Leieune, North Carolina, Soil Type(s): SAND (SM) GET Project M JX1O-116G _ Surficial Thickness: 4 inches of Topsoil Test Starting Depth: 4 inches (Concrele, Asphalt, Stone, Topsoil, el Hammer Sod Type 01o.11bs. Test Identification: OCH ® 17.6 lbs. P-7 O CL a Both hammers used All other soils No, of Blows Accumulative Penetration (mm) Type of Hammer CBR 0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0 0 0 5 — — — — 127 10 - —�— — - 254 15 0 163 -- 208 --—i---------- j 1 — 2 2 243 t 1 —_ 2 2 288 _....... ._...... .... . .... 325 i 1 - - 1 20 I 381 -- 2---I-------358 2 2 4 r --- 385 - 407 --- 41 434 464 i �-- T -- 1 L_.._.__1..__..-.... I — 508 25 30 635 E a ❑ 35 45 50 -- - - - - - 762 3 W 889 d 1143 3 486 1 — - - - - -- —� - --_--- 1270 - - - __-- - - ---------- I ----_-.I____-- --- ---------- .. 55 1397 60 1524 0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0 BEARING CAPACITY, psf 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 0 I � — — - _ -- -`- _-- 5 10 15 127 254 381 - - - - I - - - - _ 25 635 E a 30 LU 35 762 H 889 i in Lu 40 1016 j - ---- S0 - 70 55 I 97 Based on approximate interrelationships 60 of CBR and Searing values (Design of z4 Concrete Airport pavement, Portland 0 14 28 Cement Association, page 8, 1955) BE, --E-----_- r — -....-.._-I— —_-- ............ —...... 1 GET DCP TEST DATA project: CALA Ordnance LoadinR Area Addition Date: April 3, 2011 Location: WAS New River Camp Lejeune, North Carolina Soil Type(s): SILT (ML) GET Project M JX10-116G Surficial Thickness: 2 inches of Topsoil Test Starting Depth: 2 inches (Concrete, Asphalt, Stone. Topsoil, etc.) Hammer Soil Type O 1011Ihs. Test Identification: OCH 0 17.6 tbs. P-8 O CL 0 Oath hammers used 40 All other soils Accumulative No. of Type of Blows Penetration Hammer (mm) -- -- -- —174 -- --1 2 218 1 2 257 1 2 299 1 2 349 1 3 - 399 1 3 450 1 3 483 _ _ 1 2 544_ 1 1I�__. 587 1 1 632 1 -- 1 681 1 2 830 1 3 903 1 2 947 1 0.1 0 5 10 15 20 d 25 H 30 0. LU t] 35 40 45 50 55 60 0-1 0 0 5 10 15 20 c 25 H 30 a p 35 40 45 50 55 60 0 CBR 1.0 10.0 1.0 10.0 BEARING CAPACITY, psf 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 14 28 Concrete Airport Pavement, Portland Cement Association, page 8, 1955) BE, 0 I 127 254 381 508 635 E 762 H EL 889 WO 1016 1143 1270 1397 1524 100.0 12000 0 127 254 381 508 635 E E 762 a 889 O 1016 1143 70 97 24 GET 73 DCP TEST DATA Project: CALA Ordnance Loading Area Addition Date: April 3, 2011 Location: MCAS New River Camp Lejeune, North Carolina Soil Type(s): SAND (SM) GET Project #: JX10-116G Surficial Thickness: 8 inches of Topsoil Test Starting Depth: 8 inches (Concrete. Asphalt, Slone. Topsoil. etc.) Hammer Soil Type O to.t m5. Test Identification: OCH ® 17.6I11s. P_,j 1 O CL - O Both hammers used m All other soils No. of Blows Accumulative Penetration (mm) Type of Hammer 0.1 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 LU A 35 40 45 50 55 60 0.1 1.0 CBR 10.0 100.0 0 127 254 381 508 635 E 762 2 a 889 LLI O - 1016 1143 1270 1397 1524 100.0 -�------ 2 3 1-------- 255 290 322 I 1 - - - - - - - — I - - - - — - 4 2 --�-1 368 403 I 1 I S I -----2-- 4 438 - - -'471 - , {----- I------.. I 1 I I - 3 2_ 2 - 536 573 619 1 1 - I - - - _L - I p 1 - - - - — — ---- 1 2 4 5 _ 645 I710- 796 -872-------- 908 -� II I 1 - 1- - 1 ------1 1 I I I I 1.0 10.0 -- - -- 0 10 15 20 E 25 z 1.- 30 a p 35 40 45 55 60 0 2000 4000 BEARING CAPACITY, psf 6000 8000 10000 12000 0 254 3al I 508 I 635 E 762 2 a' 889 O 1016 1143 97 Based on approximate interrelationships- of CBR and Bearing values (Design of 24 28 Concrete Airport Pavement, Portland Cement Association, page 8, 1955) BE, - -i- - L.............................,..............,_._ - --- -------------- I ---_�- ------ ----- - -1 - ---- _-- 1 ___ ____ - a 14 a I 0 1 0 1 GET DCP TEST DATA +:xN.Ml. rl • I:n,..•mrrr•.•J • fn,lnv Project: CALA Ordnance Loading Area Addition Date: A ril 3, 2011 Location: WAS New River Camp Lejeune, North Carolina Soil Type(s): SAND (SM) GET Project #: JX10-116G Surficial Thickness: 3 inches of Topsoil Test Starting Depth: 3 inches (Concrete. Asphalt. Stone. Topsoil. etc.) Hammer Soil Type 010.1 Test Identification: OCH 017.6 P-12 O cL O eoth hammers used 0 All other soils No. of Blows Accumulative Penetration (mm) Type of Hammer 0.1 0 10 15 20 25 30 LLJ ❑ 35 40 45 50 55 60 0.1 1.0 CBR 10.0 100.0 0 127 254 381 500 635 E 762 d 889 W 1016 1143 1270 1397 1524 100.0 0 - - 1 145 - 179 225 1 1 1 — — — - - - -� T 1 I - �2- --2-......_.._.._.._26 2 �2 2 -2 --� 6 ..................._.�._._._... 312 357 469 -- 59s --- I 1 1 i ---_- I I I 1 62B 1 — — - - - - - - - - 1 1 1 1 1- _ _ 669 726 791 8fi0 -916 1 1 1 � 1 1__._ I J--I F 1.0 10.0 11 ---------- _,_, ----------- --------------------- -,_,----------------- _ --- -- -------------- ----- ---------- 0 5 10 15 20 E 25 d30 p 35 45 50 55 60 0 2000 BEARING 4000 CAPACITY, psf 6000 8000 10000 12000 0 I 127 254 381 508 635 E 762 H 889 O 1143 - 70 I 97 Based on approximate interrelationships of CBR and Bearing values (Design of 24 Concrete Airport Pavement, Portland Cement Association, page 8, 1955) - - - - - - - - --- - - - — - - 0 14 Y8 ---- r -- - GET DCP TEST DATA Project: CA LA Ordnance Loading Area Addition Date: April 3, 2011 ^� Location: MCAS New River Camp Lejeune, North Carolina Soil Type(s): SAND (SM) to CLAY (CL) GET Project M JX10-116G Surficial Thickness: 6 inches of Topsoil Test Starting Depth: 6 inches (Conuete, Asphalt. - Stone, Topsoil, etc.) Hammer Soil Type o ".t Itb. Test Identification: OCH • 17.61hs. P-15 o a d Both hamme s :..:d] • All ot=.fl� No. of Blows Accumulative Penetration (mm) Type of Hammer CBR 0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0 0 0 0 _ 2 _ 191 _ _ - 1 1 250 1 5 10 —_____ 127 254 2 285 1 2 322 1 75 I ----2 -_� ----� 352 }--- 20 381 — 3 - - 395- - - ( --1 -- I 508 2 446 1 _ 1 ...... ....._........-... 489 ......._.. 73 1 j- _i..- c 25 30 63s E a 0 35 - - - - - 762 M w 889 � 622 1 — --1�µ —]--- i - 671 - I 1 40 - - 1016 - ----- 1 794 1 45 — - - 1143 1... 50 ( 1 - --829 -- 868 1 411111 1270 ---.-1�--_-•._._._917__..._ _ 1�_ 55 1397 11 60 1524 0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0 E BEARING CAPACITY, psf 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 - 5 I 127 10 1s 254 381 I 20 508 E 25 635 E 30 — 762 pCL l 35 889 w 40 1016 45 1143 50 T- 70 55 I 97 Based on approximate interrelationships - - ---------- ------ 60 of CBR and Bearing values (Design of 24 0 14 28 Concrete Airport Pavement, Portland Cement Association, page 8, 1955) --- - a I 0 I I GET DCP TEST DATA Project: CAL4 Ordnance Loading Area Addition Date: April 29, 2011 Location: MCAS New River Camp 1_ejeune, North Carolina Soil Type(s): SAND (SM) to SAND (SC) GET Project M JX10-116G Surficial Thickness: 12 inches of Topsoil Test Starting Depth: 12 inches (Concrete, Asphalt. Stone, Topsoil, etc.) Hammer Soil Type O 10.11bs. Test Identification: O CH 0 17.61bs. P-18 O a. O Both hammers used (11111 All other soils No. of Blows Accumulative Penetration (mm) Type of Hammer 0.1 0 10 15 20 c 25 : 30 W 0 35 40 45 50 55 60 0.1 1.0 CBR 10.0 100.0 D 127 254 381 508 635 E 762 889 W 1016 1143 1270 1397 1524 100.0 0 -----1 - 1 1 254 — 305 --- 356 1 1 1 — — - — — - 1 i483 406 `_- 1 1 I __ 1 533 1 -,___ I - 1 686 - 1 1..__ . __...._. 787 ........... ..... -�.1...........- — - - I - - - - 1_ 838 1 -G- 1 --- 91Q � - _ 965 1 __— --- - --- - -_-1 -- -_ — - - - - __-_- ----- --- _ 1.0 10.0 D 5 10 15 20 25 H 30 � pCL 35 40 45 50 55 60 0 2000 BEARING 4000 CAPACITY, psf 6000 8000 10000 12000 0 127 254 381 I 508 635 E 762 = H 889 W t� 1016 1143 70 97 Based on approximate interrelationships of CBA and Bearing values (Design of 24 Concrete Airport Pavement, Portland Cement Association, page 6, 1955) _ --... - -- - - -- --- - - -- -� -- - — ------ -'----- ---------- ------•----- --------. ------- 0 14 28 GET DCP TEST DATA ,.nm. Mi..! • [i.r,nnrnrx�t • reunti Project: CAL4 Ordnance Loading Area Addition Date: April 29, 2011 _ Location: MCAS New River Camp Le-eune, North Carolina Soil Type(s): SAND SM to SAND SC GET Project M JX10.116G Surficial Thickness: 2 inches of Topsoil Test Starting Depth: 2 inches (Concrete, Asphalt, Stone, Topsoil, etc.) Hammer Soil Type 010 1 lbs. Test Identification: OCH 0 17.6 lbs. P-22 Oct, Q Both hammers used All other soils No. of Blows Accumulative Penetration (mm) Type of Hammer CBR 0.1 1.0 14.0 140.0 0 0 5 --- ---- 127 10 — - - - - - 254 15 0 1 254 - - 330 - __ 1 -1 - - 1 -- 406 1 _......_._I 1 .... ............ 483------ ----- 559 -.....__�,...._....._ 1 20 381 -- i E - -686 508 737 1 25 I 635 E 838 ; a 30 w ❑ 35 40 45 50 L - - — — - - - - 762 H 889 w 1016 1143 1270 2 889 1 — — - - - — - - - _ 2 -_ - ! 940 - - — - 1 - -- - - - — I I I ------ ---- - -- 55 1397 0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0 BEARING CAPACITY, psf 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 0 0 — - _.._..--._I_...-- __-- -- ............. _..._..__... _._.____._.____ ---- _... ______._. 5 10 7 5 127 254 381 _--- - - --- — _- -��- # - 20 25 508 635 E H 30 762 : -- i -- ! --_ - -- - ----------------- p 35 CL 889 tLU 1016 40 45------� 1143 50 70 55 I Based on approximate interrelationships 97 60 of C8R and bearing values (Design of 24 Concrete Airport Pavement, Portland 0 14 28 Cement Association, page 5, 1955) BE, 1.... ... ......... .... ._... -..._..-.. - ; 1 I I I I 1 1 1 11 GET P '.__�_ DCP TEST DATA i.,.w.w.A�l.r�..,a....•r.f +n Project: CALA Ordnance Loading Area Addition _ Date: April 29, 2011 _ �- Location: MCA New River Camp Lejeune, North Carolina Soil Type(s): CLAY (CL) GET Project #: JX10-11fiG 5urficial Thickness: 12 inches of Topsoil Test Starting Depth: 12 inches (Concrete, Asphalt, Stone, Topsoil, etc.) Hammer Shc Type Ole-11ns. Test Identification: OCH ® 17.6 lbs. P-28 O CL d Bath hammers used 0 Afl other 01::] No. of Blows Accumulative penetration (mm) Type of Hammer 0.1 0 5 10 15 20 c 25 a30 O 35 40 45 50 0.1 1.0 CBR 10.0 100.0 0 127 254 381 508 635 E 762 S a 889 LLJ 1143 143 1270 1524 100.0 0 --1 - 1 - 2 T .-- 508 - -' 584 - _ 635 686 -737 --�- 1 --1 ---- - 1 1 -- 1 — - - - - - - - 2 - 1 -- ----864� 1 I I 1 914 1 I LL 1 1 -- - - I - - — -- - - - - ---- -.J{I- 1.0 10.0 - - -- -�� 0 5 10 15 20 C 25 d30 pCL 35 40 45 50 55 60 0 2000 BEARING 4000 CAPACITY, psi 6000 8000 10000 12000 0 127 254 381 508 635 E 762 889 O 1016 1143 - 70 97 Based on approximate interrelationships of CBR and Bearing values (Design of 24 Concrete Airport Pavement, Portland Cement Association, page 8, 1955) -_.--------- ___._.____.__.__ _ _____-__ - _ --- - _. .... - - - ... ............ ,_... ,.... ..............-..-...._.-._.-_ -- . - - - -1 - _......._......_.__._ - ...__..__,_... ---- -- ---- - - _ - --^------- - .................. ---------- _._-I' ----- ---- ... - - 0 14 28 BE, GET DCP TEST DATA Project: CA LA Ordnance Loading Area Addition Date: April 29, 2011 Location: WAS New River Camp Le-eune, North Carolina Soil Type(s): SAND (SP-SM) GET Project #: JXf 0-116G Surficial Thickness: 4 inches of Topsoil Test Starting Depth: 4 inches (Concrete, Asphalt, Stone. Topsoih etc.) Hammer Soil Type O 101 lbs. Test Identification: Oat 0 1761u5. P-33 Oa O Both hammers used • All other soils Na. of Blows Accumulative Penetration (mm) Type of Hammer CBR 0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0 0 0 --Z- 229 27g -! 1 - 1 5 10 15 ---- 127 254 - - T - - 3 330 1 3 381 1 2 _ _ 432 _ _ 1 _ 20 ` I 381 3 2 483 533 i -- 1 ---- c 25 508 E 2 584 I 1 30 635 E -3- --- 686 ---�i --;- -- a 0 35 40 45 45 ---- --- -- ----- 762LU a 889 W 1016 1143 2737 II 1 - 3 -- 787838 889 1 —1 — — -- - - -I -- — - --- — - - - --2 z...... .......... - ------- _ - ..940 . --- --- -- - -- ?. ---- - — 55 1397 60 I I I 1524 0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0 _ BEARING CAPACITY, psf 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 0 ---_ ------------ ------------------� �- 5 10 127 254 15 381 -i -- - — -1 ------ .............. 20 25 I 506 E 30 635 E 762 a LLI p 35 40 H 889 LU iI - I - ------ ----- -----�- ----.. --- - — ----- - --- ------- ----- --- -- -- I 1016 45 ` 1143 50 70 55 97 Based on approxi.- mate interrelationships 60 of CBR and Bearing values (Design of 24 0 14 2$ Concrete Airport Pavement, Portland Cement Association, page 8, 1955) BE, I I I I 1 [_1 GET DCP TEST DATA �Fti+d . r.r.�n...•J.:M�y Project: CALA Ordnance Loading Area Addition Date: April 29, 2011 _ Location: WAS New River Camp Lejeune, North Carolina Soil Type(s): SAND (SC) to SAND (SP-SM)� GET Project M JX10-116G Surficial Thickness: 6 inches of Topsoil Test Starting Depth: 6 inches (Concrete, Asphalt. Slone, Topsoil, etc.) Hammer Soil Type 010.1 ms. Test Identification: OCH 017.6 m5. P-37 O a O Both hammers used • NI other soils No. of Blows Accumulative Penetration Type of Hammer 0.1 1.0 CBR 10.0 100.0 (mm) 0 0 0 254 1 2 ____ 305 ---- - -----1----- 5 10 — - - - - - - - - -L — - - - 127 254 2 381 1 f 2 457 1 Z 15 20 381 508 508.�_. 1,._ 2 559 1 I I d 25 d 30 w ❑ 35 635 E 762 : a 889 w 2 66C 1 i I ---2 -- --- 762 ---- -- 1--- - - - — - 3 813 1 3 3 864 914--- - 1 40 45 1016 1143 - - - ----- 965 1� -2 _V -- -- - 50 55 1270 1397 �_„ I --- ---_----J---------- _ 60 1524 --------- ... .... .... ... .... ... - ------------ .......... ...... ............ ------ 0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0 BEARING CAPACITY, psf - I— ------- _______________ --------------- 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 5 127 -- -- - - - - 10 15 -V 254 381 --- - �- - - - -- 20 508 _ 25 I 635 E _...... -- ... ... ... ,....... ,... ...... - ...... ...... ...... .......... a30 p 35 I— 762 889 0 45 1143 ------- ----- --- ......_.. _,...-..._.._._ 50 55 70 97 --- --- --- - - - - Based on approximate interrelationships ---- 60 0 14 28 of CBR and Bearing values (Design of 24 Concrete Airport Pavement, Portland Cement Association, page 8, 1955) ------ -_— _ _ .I - BE, GET DCP TEST DATA .n neq.i:.N •!'.,wm.newr/. ��wlny Project: CALA Ordnance Loading Area Addition Date: April 29, 2011 Location: MCAS New River Camp Le-eune, North Carolina Soil Type(s): SAND (SM) GET Project M JX10-116G Surficial Thickness: 3 inches of Topsoil Test Starting Depth: 3 inches (Concrete. Asphalt. Stone, Topsoil, etc.) Hammer Soil Type O 10.1 1e5. Test Identification: O CH 9 17.6lbs. P-46 O a Q Both hammers used ® All other Soils No. of Blows Accumufative Penetration Type of Hammer CBR 0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0 (rnm) 0 0 1 - 178 - 228 ---------.. _ 1 5 127 - - 2 330 10 15 — - - - - - - 254 .� - _ 1 1 -- - 1 _381-..._.._... I 4_3_2 - 83 - - - 533 _?..._.. 1 ------ - --- 1 20 381 I 508 1 584 1 25 E d 635 — — .......... 635 # - 689 -_..._1 - - 30 a 0 35 - - - -I I -- 762 F a. $89 � _ 2 — 7fi2 1 2 Ir _ f- 838 -----•-ass------- i ? 1 ----. 40 45 -r - - IIII 1016 1143 lI - - -----2----- - - -a- 50 55 1270 ----- --- - --- --- - - .. 1397 I I 60 1524 0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0 BEARING CAPACITY, psf 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 0 0 ---' I —— -- - -- 5 10 15 127 254 381 —� — �— 20 508 25 I 635 E — — -- FF-- 30 d — 762 = 1— p 35 $89 W — 40 1016 45 1143 50 70 55 97 Based on approximate interrelationships --------•'-- -`-`------`---'---- -'--'-`---"""-` 60 of CBR and Bearing values (Design of 24 0 14 28 Concrete Airport Pavement, Portland Cement Association, page 8, 1955) ... ,._......... ... _..L._._,... - -- I- -- ............... BE, 1 I GET DCP TEST DATA ,we.,.Rvhul. r'....eew,.w.J.fNMR Project: CALA Ordnance Loading Area Addition _ Date: April 29, 2011 Location: MCAS New River Camp Lejeune, North Carolina Soil Type(s): SAND (SM) GET Project M JX10-116G Surficial Thickness: 8 inches of Topsoil Test Starting Depth: 8 inches (Concrete, Asphalt, Stone, Topsoil, etc.) Hammer Soil Type o tot lbs. Test Identification: o CH 017.61 bs, p-48 o CL O Both hammers used (Illi All other soils No. of Blows Accumulative Penetration (mm) Type of Hammer 0.1 0 5 10 20 c 25 d 30 0 35 40 45 55 60 0.1 1.0 CBR 10.0 100.0 0 127 254 381 508 635 E 762 889LU 1016 1143 1397 1524 0 44 5 229 , __279-- 330 1 -- -- 1 — - - - 5 -----5----- 381 ---- 432 1 - 483 1-- �4 3— - 533 1 5 584 __ 1 _._.-L .------- - ----- - - - - 1 -------- ------------ ---- -- - - - - - - -- ---- ----- ---- __ _.w~._- 1.0 10.0 100.0 - 0 5 10 15 20 25 H 30 a O 35 40 45 50 55 60 0 2000 BEARING CAPACITY, psf 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 0 I - --- --- --- ---- --- --- -'-'- - ` 127 254 381 508 ------------- ---------------'----- -'----'--'-' -_ - -- ------ --__.._ 635 E 762 = I- I I 889 0 1016 ----- -- _� ----- - --- -------{------ t ------- 1143 - TO I 97 Based on approximate interrelationships of CBR and Bearing values (Design of 24 14 28 Concrete Airport Pavement, Portland Cement Association, page S. 1955) . BE, 0 APPENDIX IX HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY WORKSHEETS N CA IE O O O a O O p o a � i r @ (A O I� L O m co z c a) u_ t Ci 0 o a o Ci d o m o :E-a) In `c :2 c O L N j II n 0 N U) 0) @ P7 d N (O (O Uf N C1 C U O -C O .� T _ C 0 @ 00 0 (C7 7 M M U 10 'O 47 � i0 .p @ UJ C C + 2 E Y 0 3 -0 Lo W C zi° a yw oaQ0W o 0 Y m W W W W W W LU N Y@ O N l � 0~0, � N N O Op r N fJl C O = m (O LO m T Nr (O z O � � @ 0 C O 7D (p L i to V V M c7 N U O o O 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C? II 0 0 0 0 0 Ci p i� Y Ci S L y v ¢¢ v z z Z 00 0 m 00 LQ h a Z ai C O) @ w m �- r r o w co N UJ y O � Y. U m c ❑ "� U Q o uj LL LL m E Q U u W E a O (V N F- a V-le E L J I- Ni ef; (n o 0 c 06 o a N (` g a 0 r _ (0 c f0 m o Z r c LU w o o N G W (A o N O y E E y O w m y (Mn (Qn N S 2 2 W y o a o 0 0 0 m o 0 o a o 0 01 CL ` C J O U Z Il U) ¢¢ Q¢ a Q Q Q () d M d r N r r r N 7+ Vl -D LLI y 0 O N (1 C C Q 0 0 o o 0 0 o � (0 m E r r r- r r V7 m C7 a ¢` E E z a o° rr rn v v o U N C N co Ln d b O O O a J ¢ coj r- N U z O - p (0 0 N u C E r E E {% a _ ° [— O m � r�1 fnr„I N {j d r O d d 0 O CEO O h O w O Lo CD E L LLJ 3 • . M Mmp Q Q •C7 O Vl V1 LL Z z o o of r ro m M z ca as 00 �a U m e of c c c> (n U ` M CD C co m co Z I CO m h h CO h cD h h a00000ao 0 o a T' h ch CD O CD m CD z 0 0 d OO O O O O O O 70 Q7 (7 ; ,t d 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O in -C 3 ! a 7 •� II U� ai 7 Q N Y cc m r N m N OR N N V C O C UL LO LO m V LO V LO LA p Y a m a �. 3 Y O tEi O .v O O U + W LO 0 LO 0 lei 0 LO 0 Ln 0 LO 0 in 0 In 0 LI) ui LU c N N N a+ y _ ELq ? Y V N LL1 111 W W W W W LLf W of a ~ t N Q7 w Ll� h m CO a O d (D tD a y0 Y 6 V cq 00 O (D d L[) m O O 0 0 0 0 0 00 00 0 o d d 0O c o 0 o d d O O O C7 d 0 0 C7 0 i L: Y u z U z z N o r � IL:.. d� Lq Lq LQ m � N a O w Y V J a o .. m J M E E E LL pCD E R U V U U w a w i N oD h h O m CO m to h cO LO m CO O NLn O N N Q V p 0 y LO Cl) O Cj O 0 O d 0 0 0. } tq N m C N Z r 0 C W O O u LL; to o r v E r s a ~ Q N O E a+ a U C m m Z flj y V V 0 M. U-) Ln lf} L27 O d O O 0 0 d 0 O d O 0 O 0 C7 0 • N y j C � w Z Vi o O -0 0 LL �: U I z Q a¢ a Q a a a o � U W O V M N N, r CD CD LO V -(A "p y 0 N O N r N N N C7 N V N Lf] N CD N CD N C C a C m Q F = r y N J U N a C Q _ ¢ E E s a o 0 fn U U o U O O O O O O d O °O J Q C N m LO is ro C6 r 3 �- r r U Z p ° r� y U a @ N 9 E O Otf) Yid (D m coOh m V' c7 d U E Z `o m CL a _ J E o 0 a Z t3► O O u m E m° m m z Z) Cn Li I Il fl (n to to b o cc co v (o (D cD m co 0 00 O d r d Cr <r M V V h c (e o) a) of f f c6 co eo 06 h h o h cD o0 a � w 0 o � � t y cc (D (D co co 00 CO 00 N CV (n N 0 0 4 a h h h R) W h h h h M M V M 0) Z ul (Mb 0)Lq to V V o It h C N L V V V' (n Lo V V V � n M m n () u) NO L... N y C ( f 0 L 2 _ i CL ? cc U N _ ? C) N V Y M M <0 N_ N O O N O 0 (f) b Ln O to Ts L) C O C S, M M M M M c0 M h h o h to h C � .� L 2 c, m 0 0 0 V 1-h V' h N N - N 0) w(6 -0 47 Q) -p M M M M M N N N N N N N N r ry 0 p + 7 '3 E co U � A � V W W C M M M M M M M M M M M M M Cl) M _ (` y V 0 W 0 Q O O o O 0 O 0 0 0 O O W d 7 t:. Y 0 w w W W W W W W W w w W W (n L W U) to M (D (D h 0 M COM M (D C) d i p 0 U) 0 (o M M M M M CV M N N N N N (* j Z @ T 7 m a) a)p C p (p L ,G r r r h h O O N O O CO (01 CO l) (D } U C r N r CV N Cl) N M N O O h Q) (fl (C] V �_ M r 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O E L: Y u a s t� z z Z h h h b O b b (A O O o �r o h (D (D (D 0 0 0 0 V O d b U? O 4i C Ol (o (0 (D (D (D (D O LO O u7 O O O O to -T O O 0 O o O r (D O O O N y y >, . Q N R (D d (D h h (D (D M (D v) VO V LO Y M U C J J v _U E E E E �` E u. 0 : E Q () V V U w y O N N H 0) E rn rn u i M M h h a0 N O O N O M to (o O r a '-- o r 0 r 0 r r r r r N (V N N N a Q- E O N Q - M 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 �_ a } 2 � m m o Q 133) z c w Q 0 N 0 111 ¢ C) Q 0. a Q it) a a 0 0 0 0 ~CLO L (n S u°)i 0 Q M _CD O O Q O 0 O d d O O d O O b O O O O O O O O O 4 O O O (r} 3: W In O O O O O O O O d O d b b 0 a) M rL C c o to cn E V .0+ y = = J 01 tL 3:1 3: U N J Z a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a Cl V ;k T V of w o o N M V (n O r N (n 7 d r (V a vy to o o �o Lo to o o (D (D (O (O r-- r: h C7 C = c V V 6t R r N L J V E♦- T r P Y Y' t r Q E E s a o p w V V c V N CO LO O o b b 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 cL Q c6-7 O O O O C) O C) (D CD CD CD C) o O < O 0 b -01 ^� U cu co E � s � O O O O d O O O O CD CD 0 o O W O O O 0 d O O O O C) C)O O o d L; y .. N Y V N M N N N N 0 N 0 CO rh M (n V M N r O i LO N . (0 z a) a N M zp a,a o ��E m d C (A C C_ C> (n V 'p L � � � •� w U 3 L a` m m° m° m° z 5 in 11 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 'O o 10.1 i �7. — — — co co CC) M O O V O d d N 0 CCD 0 0 O Z y •� i L t O O O O O 0 0 O C s_° L `„ a U? O C a ro U) � to 5 U C O C M N N r r N N N O ro m i0 V) O A + .3 — E X O v O O U + W O d O d O 4 0 O LU � C 7 s` _d L 'c N - cL r (n Y V ar W W w W W w W w 0 N O O O ti O O O Ul O U V M N N N N Z O � r {p N O m c i N N N r r N N N O } co cn U � C _ O O O O O d O d O d O d O d a 0 0 0 0 4 y m E U Y C3 T y u — Q Z Q Z Z 7 7 r cep o h 4 Q .. Z c ca 0 LO m m L i � a1 b 0 �y Y U j m U a E _o E m m E E E LL w m m cD 0) c9 � O> O) O N N Q Q v0 d 7 LO m 4 N M d } = C7 N ro m a Z w 0 t W O O u LLJ Cn O , , E "" N Q N O aCLi aQ, O cn ti w N co O d co m d V1 x N T M LP V r LR � S 2 S ro _ V O O O N O M O O r O LU N O d 0 0 0 0 0 d L c m E o Y O m V} o N u ar U U o 0 LL U N -i Z o 00 LO LO co v cm CO 4t> L)<D r M cm v -° y 6 O O N O d O t+ O O w N r V r C C a7 C ro Q R C N N N N N N N N N N 'C J a y a Q1 U cE 3 L e o U fn C N M Lo O O d d 4 0 0 \ Q N � y, r r r r r Z � O 3 � CV J �p 4 cac C = o L d O N co Q V W C3 4� Lp L E O 8 p y li Z Z o� OCD a m J E U rn- tm mC;) O ro w ; ar a acne 7 U � a` m° _'s m° m m° z 0 I I P-1 I 1 rn rn o 0 0 0LO O OC� q C1 n n n N N N N d c n n - V N O � O _ _ N > cD cD M M M n n n m m m m 0 o m Cn 0) 0) m 0) N Z u C_ M M u in i] LO Co II N t ( (D dC U6 in L7 Lci tom; (1) y; C Eh @. c 3 t = y ? U (fJ C Y C CL f0 N .? O Y O d d O d O O N N N N p 03 `� -0Q) C d _ C U] . CD �[] � U) O O O (p C g ._ S 4) m � U7 Lo LOG) O CA V V �Y �Y cv p q) ¢) R a u? LO V V d' co M Cl) Cl) M M co �. 0 + O r u H p V N NUJ [ @ V [4 L .V C N W M M M M Co M M M M M M M p .0 N u O W O W O O O O W_ O a 0 j 0 a 0 W y Y L1J LL1 LL L1 Ll L w w L ~ L 0 N N n Ih n r L17 l[') Ln Lf7 N Y -6 6 M M N N N U> U7 Ui m O 01 O pp O (D U) M Ln V V r M M M M Z O fti ? M C L O O CD d } U U " a C co M M M M n N n N n N M N M N M N M N Co n, H „ E o 0 0 o a o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 V z z Z 0 a o r o o o 0 0 o F- Q ti Z m 0 0 0 0 0 m 0� o 0 O 0 O Ln O 0 N °i o T T o 0 o m m ao n n n n Y U G J U a o = ui a E E `4i a " D Q `o U V u W E Y m a m Co O O O N N N M M M M O N N H Q E ❑ > '�-i to r ui r o CO p o 0 O Q p QF O o O O O O 0 0 O a d N fA m G � Z r r G W 10 O O " 'u LLJ 0 r �+ E Q N O m n LO (n Uz O m 0 n n n m co m m a) s N T w CL 0 0 a a a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q _ ) O d O o O 0 O 0 o 0 CD 0 o n n o 0 o 0 o 0 O 0 N W o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 th m En �' o sn *' Z H m J 0 lL }y U v J Z a a a a a a a a m m m p O O LO O (D N M U7 N M n (n M r N Li' V W a a Y r N NM st <t Ui CDr N T m 'O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 m r- r ¢ M M cn M M M M M M C M j•-- .E ate+ {p E r r r r r r r 6) a Q E E L a 0 0 u u o U vI C (V CO LO O d d d O d 0 0 0 0 0 0 o a Q �. m w 0 4 r 0 c- 0 r 0 r 0 r 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 V' a- Z 0 J 0 r v +� m m V c � 7 C a > [--+ O m 7 O O O O O O O 0 a a O O O •, O O O 0 0 O O O O O O Cl O N N V d E to ` L --- W y a o 2 _ z Z R Q❑ W J E a) c m rn a dLl V ` Z Ui Id Ln h O m — V to Ln M Ln N d O h CD (4 Ln C. LO LO h O O O o O d d 0 O O c lb t O r 9 41 O o co O O V M d N f6 O O ' h d O mO N Cp N Co h O Z 0 . L O O O O O O O CD O O C o CU G O O N 7 ._ li Cn Q. m w O in w 9 CU t6 O h V O V tf] r o r 6) r L) = 3l0 O] rY M M O ti Cn o (fl N U N lq M N N N N (� U7 � 8 3 3 E Y O ^ H p c) w O U+ cr w _ V � V �� d• rf V V � V LU N Lu 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Y d w w w w w w w w w w w 0 rn L V w LO M N h M c0 h m (D Lo Ln a o v 0p h r cv 03 N coo rn Ln G N N C O = U M N N N N �" N r .- N Z O �D � 7 r � @ @ p O O O O O O O O O O O H II E o d o 0' 0, 0 0 0 0 0 0 ?L C7 L Y U Z Z Z O� C1 N Ln (D N LP) cA Lq N O ' Z c « Cfl h LO (4 m Ln Ln CD V V i-- M M LO M I'- M a) A O CD c Y J U .a; w d E U a f o w Zi LL Q E E E E`�E aCD E R d Q U U U U w h CD Y E Ln (D h h co (A LLB (A M N h M M Ln N V LO M j O N N O Q U Q N LO r L6 M Q O O O r r r ♦- — E .� d N Z r w W cn o T m E w w a ~ U o E m m d m to h V O CD Ln y L fn 2 to CL M V LO Lro O N N Q Z 2 C O 4 d 0 O 0 O o O O 0 0 0 0 {/y Ltl O O o 0 o o 0 0 0 0 C O O m fn E N Z>> c s v _O J O LL U U U m> Z a a a. a s n. n. a a CL a. n. o O O (A LO — co N N N r (D h �. w Sh U LU O Cl) N N M V O r M LO U _0 �_ C Q ~ O O o o o o 0 0 0 0 .a m m V N < L a C o •_ w E E e U sn O O 0 O O O O O O O Q C N M LO ..a Q co r Y U') LO LO Ln Ln Ln LoLoLo Lo In (n z 1- .� O CS C m cfl 7 E 2 7 � O m W ` U o d 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 d O o Ln rn 0 rn LI) 0 0 co Ln h O h LO cD O cD LO Ln 0 Ln I h V.% qj co N N N N N N N N N N Y .. 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U) U) • � o J 3 0 (9 r r a N aD E CL z o o d b d d o 0 0 0 0 0 o b L ii .. (0 Lo V M o N b - b O o M o M 0 r- a (D 0 M o V M U „ LU N N N N N N N E E D = OL (o 2 211 D y LL z z° M o ��E a` m°i S I co m 1 1 1 APPENDIX X PCASE PAVEMENT DESIGN ANALYSIS 0 Design Na— CAlA ORDNANCE AREA EXPANSION - l PAVEMENT DESION Da Sig. Type: "Id Pavement Type: Flexible • Tramc Area: A —A Rwd Type: l T-wn Type: WA Type; CB0 mof Fro Depth of Frosllin( o 1 SCI, L 0 werge. width p^1: 70 % Load Tr—fm : p EaacVve K foe}: 0 Reduced Sub Eff-1, K Ipd}: p Deslgn Index: 0 Damp. C Lay.. oum 3 Coum : 3 ' Seasons Count: I Limited Subbas Required Non front Reduced Subgrad e Moistur Dry Flaaural Mmtmdm Thicknepa Des gn Equvalenl Subgr.da Base Egdrval CBR Mal. riel a Weight Densay Strength CC Thicknea. (in)Abow Thick.... Thicknea. Strength Panetreti Calculate at Equivalency envy 81reng1 Modulu ' Layer Type Type Frost Code blcu Content (Iry} (Iblcu ry) (psi) b %Steel Analpia (i.) Layer {in) (in) (in) on (in) this Depth factor, Fedor h a (pal( Pr Slip A.ph.n Asphalt NFS 0 145 0 0 0 0 Oompule 5 0 5 5 0 0 No 1.15 2.3 0 350000 0,35 0 Unbound Basa R.ae NFS 0 14D C 0 0 0 M... al 6 1.39 10 10 0 0 MA 1 1 80 30000 0.35 0 ConasicnI a Nalunl Subg.da ," F394 0 0 0 0 0 0 lAsnu.l 0 IZ74 0 0 0 0 No 1 1 14.3 15000 04 0 ' PA7 TERN 1 CALA ORDNANCE AREA Pall Name : ADDITION m Analpype isT:MiCuxed (Navyulahva) ' Pevemem Type: Flexible Subgrada Category: CatA TraRlc Area : Area A T,.Mr C.unf: 2 V-11d" alhe Axed A. B Ilk C-130H IMM Area C.0 11am ACNM A, E, C ask Ages O pent Pa 24 14130 t41 14130 ' DH-1 170M 12750 3 7065o Ma 1 0 Pavement Thickness Report U.S. Army Corps of Engineers PCASE Version 2.08 Design Name: CALA ORDNANCE AREA EXPANSION - FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT DESIGN Design Type: Airfield Pavement Type : Flexible Traffic Area; Area A Analysis Type : CBR Depth of Frost (in) : a Wander Width (in) : 70 Layer Information Required Non frost Reduced Limited Minimum Thickness Design Subgrade Subgrade CBR Layer Type Material Type Frost Code Analysis Thickness (in) Above Thickness Strength Penetration Strength (in) (inl (in) Cin1 Asphalt Asphalt NFS Compute 5 _Laver 0 5 0 0 0 Base Unbound Base NFS Manual 6 1.39 10 0 0 80 Natural Subgrade Coh sicnless F31F4 Manual 0 12.74 0 0 0 14.3 Cut Traffic Information PATTERNI- CALA ORDNANCE AREA Pattern Name : ADDITION Weight (Ib) Weight (lb) Passes Passes Equivalent Vehicles Traffic Area A, B Traffic Area C, D ACN Traffic Area Traffic Area Passes A. B. C D C-130H 155000 116250 24 14130 141 14130 UH-1 17000 12750 3 70650 706 1 11 I 1 Traffic Pattern 1 Name: PATTERN 1 - CALA ORDNANCE AREA ADDITION Design Type: Airfield Analysis 'Type : Mixed Pavement l,vpe : Rigid Suhgrade Category: Cat C Traffic Area : Area A 1 Vehicles Weight ACN Passes Equivalent (lb) Passes C-130H 155000 33 14130 14130 1 U H-1 17000 3 1 C-130H 155000 33 —70650 i4131 Design N—: GALA ORDNANCE AREA EKPAN$ION- RIGID PAVEMENT DESIGN Design Type: Airfield Pavement Type: Rl" Trdk Area : Any A Road Type: NIA Terrain Type: NIA Arlelyya Type: K D i ee'i (101: 9 ' SCI: 0 wander Wldlh (in): 70 %Load Tnmler: 25 Eflewu K (0): 202 RaducN Sub E0ec5w K 1pi 0 Design lnd— 0 - DeelgnClass: A oup Lii C: 3 Sea fond C—L I K.wrld Nm br Eallvale+l L—ted Subbase Dry Fl.—I win— TNckn— Deslgn 1 Rabuced Suhgrede Bate Ewiwis K Mniswre weight Density 6Venglh Thlpkness (In}Above Thickness ThllA,,— 5u iiImde Penetrall Cel,ulate al ERuivalenay 11cy Si,ii Moduhus Layer Type ky"-I Type Frosl Cade Canlent (Jbic R) I7�RI (PC CrCb %Steel An.'i (in( Layer (in) Iinl 5-n91h(in) on(in) this O,M lads Faata (Pd} (psi) Pr Sllp Co l PCC MA. NFS. 0 150 0 050 0 0 e 0 0.14 9.14 0.14 0 0 N1A 1 1 04ODDDDD 0.15 t000 Cohesionles5 Base CuI NFS 0 140 0 0 0 0 Manual 4 0 12 0 0 0 NI 0 0 0 31 0.35 0 Cdweiaaeu Nw.rc Sdbgrade C1rt NFS 0 112 0 0 0 0 Manual 0 0 0 0 0 0 N. 1 1 150 15000 04 0 Pi Name: ;EA ADDITION ii-"sType: aMxed lNevyl Pavement Type: Rigid Subgrada Cam2ory: Cal , Tlii Area: A —A Traffic Cant : 2 Vehlcle llk Area A.6 r[fic Area C, D ACN.a A, E, "frc Area 0.1 Passes C-130H ISUM IC250 30 14130 1 4 l 14130 DH-1 17000 12750 3 7p050 700 1 ' Pavement Thickness Repori U.S. Army Corps of Engineers PCASE Version 2.08 ' Design Name: CALA ORDNANCE AREA EXPANSION - RIGID PAVEMENT DESIGN Design Type : Airfield Pavement Type : Rigid Traffic Area : Area A Analysis Type: K Depth of Frost (in): 9 Wander Width (in) : 70 % Load Transfer: 25 ' Effective K (pci) : 262 Reduced Sub Effective K (pci) : 0 Layer Information Flexural Minimum frost Reduced Limited KNon ' Layer Type Material Type Frost Code Strength % Steel Analysis Thickness Design Subgrade Subgrade Strength (psi) {in} Thickness Strength Penetration {pci) (in) (in) (in) PCC NIA NFS 650 0 Compute 6 9.14 0 0 0 ' Base Cohesonless Cut NFS 0 0 Manual 4 12 0 0 0 Natural Subgrade Cohesionles5 Cut NFS 0 0 Manual 0 0 0 0 150 ' Traffic Information PATTERNI- , CALA ORDNANCE ' Pattern Name: AREA ADDITION Passes Weight (Ib) Weight (lb) Traffic passes Equivalent Vehicles Traffic Area A, B Traffic Area C, D ACN Area A, B, Traffic Passes ' C Area D C-130H 155000 116250 30 14130 141 14130 UH-1 17000 12750 3 70650 706 1 1 � I � I I I 11 11 Allowable Passes Report U.S. Army Corps of Engineers PCASE Version 2.08 Rigid Pavement (FirstCrack) 'C' Subgrade, C-130H, 14131 Passes 5- 4 U z 3 — a z a 2- 1 0 1 10 100 1000 10000 100000 1000000 Allowable Passes