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STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET POST -CONSTRUCTION PERMITS PERMIT NO. SW ✓m% DOC TYPE El CURRENT PERMIT ❑ APPROVED PLANS ❑ HISTORICAL FILE COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION DOC DATE YYYYMMDD /: LAND MANAGEMENT; 910 452 0060 0-09-2002 15:99 FRCM:ILYTHE DEUE=LDPMENT 701 588 9935 Jun-3-03 1U:44AM; TD:910 452 0360 rays ci c ,> �I Pm-rwt Class Pq M ri Permit Iiumbnr z R WAL 7- f 9TATR OF NORTH CAROLINA Department of Environment and Natural Resources and CURSW Resources ipermit for. 1C Wor Dovelopsmcnt in mm Asa of EnvuonMental Concern porsuant to NCG8 113A-118 Excavation andlor fi lling pursuant to NCOS 113-229 IsBurd to "Plyer'tv Edna", do R.D. White, Y4 Bout 382, Shallot_, NC 2809 Authorizing dcwelapmMt 01 Pmsnwick , County at the &&gLALM WOL946 o as requested in the purmlttmals application dated I= 111361ki and the KOggtiort Outline tha WvM TWXQpyplaament Mips dated I Thia Perwit. iseurd an _ hIMUG]m 3 - . is subject to camplim ce with the application (*hem conmisteat with the pmxnit), ell applicable n:plittionis, spceiat conditions and notes aet iw fi below. Any viol otdch of theca tarns may be AubjGct to tines, IMPrisonmMI: or civil action; or =y ca++se the pettflit to be auto And void 1) ?his permit renewal trust he attached to the. original of Permit Na_ 7.7-9ti, which imued an 2(27196, and amended on 6/25196, as well ail subsequent moditicadons and reenewals, and till documentV must be readily available on dta when Division personnel inspect the project for c mzpliancc. 2) All candidons and stipulations of the active permit mmain in foroo under this mnewal, 6da The mrmitme is adviet d that the proposed off site mAigetion may mquire a toWiflcatioll of this permit. Contact a reprosontative of the DivWcm at (910) 395-3900 prior to the carnh=wnent of any such activity for tkds detetn inodian. The permittee Is further adrieed that many roll -water dependant activities aye not autherited witilin 30 fcct of the normal high water )eve]. This petmli x8on may he appealed by dm qmu ttm ar other quJiticd persom wlittle twiny (20) dnya of tha itwutng dbtc. An appeal mquirm moolueon prior to work lnittation Qr cantlnuamz na the case nMy be. Thle paralt trust ho arcessilsle gn-slm W Depomnant parsarmel whoa the project is lnspecred fvr caaspl]an=. Any maintenance wont or project matli13ea6an not cowered hrmMdar nquirm iysthcr Division Approvq,t, All warts roust cease when the prrrWt expire on December 31, 2003 In issWag Hits perrit, tho Staff vF rfarrlt Corolltta sgreea that yvta project la amaLatent with the Nrnth Carotirsa Coastal Manugourcnt Program. Slgncd by the audwlty of Ik Stormy of DIM and the Chairman of the Caa wl Rases Cottomomlon. V_, trot]. afflt>t, bitcotor Divlalvn of Coastal Managmnent ThIs pormit and IN coodidous are hweby a=pied. 5igrtatun of Pelmittee swTC30 East Coast Engineering Company, P.A. 4918 Main Sheet Fax: 910,754.9049 Consulting Engineers Post Office Box 2469 Office: 910.754,8029 Shallotte, NC 2M59 July 3, 2003 Ms. Laurie Munn Water Quality Section NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, North Carolina 28405-3845 Subject: Rivers Edge Golf Club and Plantation The Gallery High Density Stormwater Plan Submittal Dear Ms. Munn: Per your request, enclosed is the following: 1. One copy of the overall master plan showing the location of The Gallery. 2. Two copies of Sheet 6 of 1 1 of the design plans. (This sheet is revised to show the allowable wetland fill area per the permit.) 3. One copy of the wetland fill permit. Please be reminded that, per our telephone conversation, we concluded the note regarding the roof drains being directed to the stormwater ponds was not necessary. If you have any questions or require any additional information, please contact our office. Sincerely, `1 David A. Hollis, EIT Project Manager Enclosures cc: Mr. Mark Saunders, Rivers Edge Golf Club and Plantation File: 1500-11 (Rivers Edge —The Gallery) O U3 r U 0Q E C Oz ® W LL W 0 P Lu Q U) 0) LLJ`` CO R/ qW y N U C d o O V N Z Ww2 mrn'm c LL M£a�i G S y l0 S � � N C � J 4) Vl � N U U N a1 co O O O m \t3 D U O a1 0 N m U E 19 o `o co a O O O a 0 T T N (D O N O O E a) o n a T T a W U) N N w C C O O 0)- C .N N 2 ` .N in O O Q Q O U U U N W N O O p p O a) m O N (U N C- E o- E E E E 0- ME r P. 1 COMMUNICATION RESULT REPORT ( JUL..15.2003 18=16AM ) TTI NCDENR WIRO FILE 010r�E OPTION ADDRESS (GROUP) RESULT PAGE -------------------------------------------------------___----------------------7----------------- 988 MENC?1,Y TX 6-9107548049 OK P. 212 ---- ----------------------- REASON FOR ERROR E-1) HANG UP OP LINE FAIL E-3) NO ANSWER E-2) BUST' E-4) NO FACSIMILE CONNECTION FAX COVER SHEET Date: July 15, 2003 No. of Pages; 2 To: David A. Hollis From: Laurie Munn Company: East Coast Engineering Water Quality Section - Stormwater FAX 0: 910-754-8049 FAX # 91.0-350-2004 Phone # 910-395-3900 DWQ Stormwater Project Number: SW8 030226 Project Name: The Gallery MESSAGE: In drafting the permit, I noticed that some off -site drainage is entering Pond 2, Please give me a breakdown of the on -site and off -site drainage to the pond. Also, make sure there is sufficient volume in the pond to Dandle the off -site drainage. Revise the Basin Supplement for pond 2 if necessary, The permit is drafted but will not be issued until I hear back from you regarding this matter. Please call me if you have any questions. Laurie Munn r FAX COVER SHEET Date: July 15, 2003 No. of Pages: 2 To: David A. Hollis From: Laurie Munn Company: East Coast Engineering Water Quality Section - Stormwater FAX #: 910-754-8049 FAX # 910-350-2004 Phone # 910-395-3900 DWQ Stormwater Project Number: SW8 030226 Project Name: The Gallery MESSAGE: In drafting the permit, 1 noticed that some off -site drainage is entering Pond 2. Please give me a breakdown of the on -site and off -site drainage to the pond. Also, make sure there is sufficient volume in the pond to handle the off -site drainage. Revise the Basin Supplement for pond 2 if necessary. The permit is drafted but will not be issued until I hear back from you regarding this matter. Please call me if you have any questions. Laurie Munn S:\WQS\STORMWAT\ADDINFO\2003\030226.julyO3 M LEGEND 4._ FXISTING CONTOUR PROPOSFD CONTOUR CATCH BASIN JUNCTION BOX ROOF DRAIN BOY LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE —" - mian vv. NIMUK, r.C. UIIGGtUI' Division of Water Quality May 16, 2003 'A Mr. R.D. White Al A✓or-L�-�'"' i ,� PO Box 352 U Shallotte, NC 28459 Subject: 401 Water Quality Certification Rivers Edge Development (Rock Creek Golf Links) DWQ Project No. 990266 Brunswick County Dear Mr. White: The Wilmington Regional Office received a copy of your CAMA Major Permit Renewal dated January 3, 2003, and a written request to proceed with your project now known as Rivers Edge Development on February 14, 2002. The request included some modifications to the plans approved by the Division of Water Quality on April 20, 1999. As discussed with Paul Farley of Land Management Group, the changes you were proposing would require you to submit a new application to the Wetlands Unit and to secure a new 401 Water Quality Certification. Based on further discussions with Paul Farley and a revised site plan submitted to this office on April 3, 2003, it is the understanding of this office that you wish to continue with the project as approved in 1999, without the modifications submitted to this office on February 14, 2003. You are authorized to proceed under the 401 Water Quality Certification Project No. 990266 and General Water Quality Certification No. 3112 issued to you on April 20, 1999 until your CAMA Major Permit Renewal expires. A copy of the approval letter with additional conditions is attached. If at anytime during construction of your project you determine that you cannot meet the conditions of your Certification, or if you make any changes to the plans that were approved in 1999, you must contact this office immediately. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to call me at (910)-395- 3900. Sincerely, 7�L& 1 el'7t Noelle Lutheran ' Environmental Specialist III RSSlnml: S:1WQS14011LETTERS1990266.MAY cc: ' Paul Farley, Land Management Group Cyndi Karoly, Wetlands Unit Janet Russell, DCM Doug Huggett, DCM Noelle Lutheran, WiRO N. C. Division of Water Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Extension (910) 395-3900 Wilmington Regional office Wilmington, NC 28405 (910) 350-2004 Fax Customer Service 1 800 623-7748 * .w NCDENR Table 1. Summary of wetland fill for real estate development at Rivers Edge. Type of Impact Corresponding Number Area (acres) Previously permitted? Completed? Lot fill 1 0.02 Yes No Lot fill 2 0.05 Yes No Lot fill 3 0.56 Yes Yes Lot fill 4 0-03 Yes No Lot fill 5 0.06 Yes No Lot fill 6 0.71 Yes* No Lot fill 7 0.54 Yes* No Road crossing 1 0.01 Yes No Road crossing 2 0.04 Yes Yes Road crossing 3 0.01 Yes Yes Road crossing 4 0.07 Yes Yes Road crossing 5 0.00 Yes Not wet Road crossing 6 0.03 Yes Yes Road crossing 7 0.04 Yes Yes Road crossing 8 0.02 Yes Yes Road crossing 9 0.01 Yes No Road crossing 10 0.01 Yes No Road crossing 11 0.06 No No Road crossing 12 0.03 Yes . No Road crossing 13 0.05 Yes No TOTAL 2.35 State of North Carolina Department of Enviro V_(-- liar L7 and Natural Resourcf.s Division of Water Quality 4?R Z 5 ?S59 2 4. [ d James 2. HL-nf, Jr., Govemor ►� Wayne McDevitt, Secretary NorrCUENR Kerr T. Stevens, Director E:NYERCMma:. 'r AND NA't`UPAL R;sCURCCS April 2:1, Brunswick'awttp LWQ Project # 9bCZ66. COE 197401238 hff, R.D.White M P.O. Box 352 Shailortc. N,(:. 28459 APPROVAL, or 401 Water (duality Certification and .ADDITIONAL CONUMONS Deer itlr.)Vhita: You have our approval, in accordance with the attached conditions and those listed below, to place fill matetial inl .25 acres or wetlands or waters `or the pu Tosa a: deyeioping in trio Rock Gulf L.iW and residential development, as you described in 'your modirted application dated 4 December, 1998. Ater mAcxittg your application, we have decided that Us till is covered by Gicneraf Warer Quttllty Certlf',CaUon,Number 3l l2. In addition, you should get arty other feral, state or focal permits before you go ahead with ,your project including (but not lint and to) Sudimcnr and Erosion Control. Coastal Stormwater, Non -Discharge and water Supply Water shed regulations. ibis approval will expire when the ac omoanyiog 404 o, CAMA perstit expi..rs unless otiu:wisc specif,ed in the General Cerrifcatioa This apptoval is vrtly valid for the purpose and design Oat you deseribcd in you: application except as modified below, If you change year project, you must notify us and you may be rcgt:i_rd to send us a new applfcatioa.. It the property is sold. the new owner must be given a copy of tf»s C 16 ication and approval letter and is the;cbV mponsible ror;.ompiyiag with nit coadidons. if total wetland rills for this project know of in the future) exceed one acre, compensatory mitigation tray be required as dcu: ibed in 15A NCAC 2H .o506 (e- (6) and (7). For this approvsi to oc valid, you must follow the conditions listed in the amt-heel ramification and any additional c;ondi6ens listed below, 1. Deed notiftcaticns or siatilar mechanisms shall be placed on All lou with rctrit4ag jurisadona; wetlands and waters to netifv the state in order to assure ttoctpliartce far :1ltutc wetland and/or water impact Thcsc mechanisttts sb&U be put in place within 30 days of the time or this letter or The isawco of Lie 44 Permit (whichever is lucr). 2. Ara condition is t x a final, w6acn storrawcw plan including a we. detamtm basin far tha golf $ tub house arch must Lie arprovcd by 1)WQ btfcrc •.ruland (or atreatnj impacts orcur. Also, before any building b occupied at the subject site t.'�e stormwaLer aearttcnt facilides shall be ,cwructed and operational and the stormweter rrmiagemert plan be intplcatented. Stor wawr frcrn the golf eaursc shall not directly diar'hat gc Eats enuatin! Wales or streams. 3. Compensatory reitigation is ftquirzd as outlined in your o December I"a fetter. DWI shall ba copied on the mitigation plan and annual moniWr.rtg reports. If yoy do not acrept any of die conditions of iris certificatiun. you may ask for an adjudicatory hearing. Yet: rrust set within 60 days of the date that you receive this letter. To ask for a hearing, send a written petidort, which conforms to Chapter 150t3 of tt c North Carolina General Stan W to the OTiice of Adtrdnistrarive Hearings, P.G. Bout 27.447, Raleigh, N.0 .176 L 1-7447. This certification and its conditfotu are flood sad tending unless yoo ask far a kdain;. This letiar cotrpletes the tevitw o: the t>ivision of Waicr Quallry under Section :01 of the Clean WatcrAcr. If you have any questions, plcaw telephone John Dorney ai 919.733-1786, cc: Wilmington Oistrict Corps of E;tg.neers Corps of Engineers `,idilmington Field Office Whmingolt DY4Q Rtgionat Office John Dofncy CCilirul FLes Rob Moil; Land Mann.gcrncnt '5ro;rp John. Parker. LCtif Todd St, John ......._ _ eel .._ Y. . ._..__. ...... , .:.....__._ _ ........ _ . 990266Jtr Diviaior, of Water Quality • Non•Gischarge 3ranch 4401 fieedy Creek Pa., Raleigh, NC 27667 Telephone 919.733.1786 FAX 9 733.9959 An Equal Opporturity Affirmadve ACion Employer a 509a recwladlIM pope ccrtsumer paper o�OF WATFRQG Michael F. Easley, Governor y William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources 0 < Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director Division of Water Quality April 25, 2003 Mr. Mark Saunders, President Rivers Edge Golf Club and Plantation 2000 Arnold Palmer Drive Shallotte, NC 28459 Subject: REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Stormwater Project No. SW8 030226 The Gallery Brunswick County Dear Mr. Saunders: The Wilmington Regional Office received a Stormwater Management Permit Application for The Gallery on February 18, 2003. A preliminary review of that information has determined that the application is not complete. The following information is needed to continue the stormwater review: Please provide a copy of the overall master plan showing the location of The Gallery. 2. Please provide a note that all roof drains must be directed to the wet detention ponds. 3. Please provide documentation of approval to fill wetlands. Please note that this request for additional information is in response to a preliminary review. The requested information should be received by this Office prior to May 25, 2003, or the application will be returned as incomplete. The return of a project will necessitate resubmittal of all required items, including the application fee. If you need additional time to submit the information, please mail or fax your request for a time extension to the Division at the address and fax number at the bottom of this letter. The request must _.-_ --- indicate the ate by which you expect to submit the required information. _ .._ The Division is allowed _90._ "days from the receipt of a completed app ication to issue the permit. The construction of any impervious surfaces, other than a construction entrance under an approved Sedimentation Erosion Control Plan, is a violation of NCGS 143-215.1 and is subject to enforcement action pursuant to NCGS i43-215.6A. N. C. Division of Water Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Extension (910) 395-3900 Customer Service AA —� Wilmington Regional Office Wilmington, NC 28405 (910) 350-2004 Fax 1 800 623-7748 NCL) i Mr. Mark Saunders, President April 25, 2003 Stormivater Project No. SW8 030226 Please reference the State assigned project number on all correspondence. Any original documents that need to be revised have been sent to the engineer or agent. All original documents must be returned or new originals must be provided. Copies are not acceptable. If you have any questions concerning this matter please feel free to call me at (910) 395-3900. Sincerely, l Laurie Munn Environmental Engineer RSS/:Ism S.%WQSlSTORMWATIADDINFO120031030226.apr03.doc cc: Laurie Munn David A. Hollis J_ S*fate of North Carolina 101 Department of Environment and Natural Resources Wilmington Regional Office Division of Land Resources Land Quality Section Michael F. Easley,Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary February 19, 2003 1�• 001.00M.NCDENR NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES NOTICE OF RECEIPT OF EROSION & SEDIMENTATION CONTROL PLAN Rivers Edge Golf Club and Plantation, Inc. Mr. Mark Saunders, President 2000 Arnold Palmer Drive Shallotte NC 28459 Dear Mr. Saunders: This office has received a soil erosion and sedimentation control plan for the project listed .below which was submitted as required by the North Carolina Sedimentation Pollution Control Act (NCGS 1 13A- 57(4)). Please be advised that. this Act requires that all persons disturbing an area 'of one or more acres of land must obtain approval of a soil erosion control plan prior to the commencement of said land disturbing activity {NCGS 1 13A-54(d)(4))• The act further states that this plan must be filed a minimum of 30 days prior to the activity and the approving authority must approve or disapprove the submitted plan within 30 days of receipt. Failure of the approving authority to approve or disapprove the submitted plan within the 30 day period will be deemed approval of the plan. Commencement or continuation of a land -disturbing activity under the jurisdiction of this Act prior to the approval of an erosion and sediment control plan is a violation of the Act. A copy of any erosion and sediment control plan which could involve the utilization of ditches for the purpose of dewatering or lowering the water table is forwarded by this office to the Division of Water Quality (DWQ). It is suggested that you contact the Division of Water Quality at (910) 395-3900 if the ditches shown on your plan will lower the water table. The approval of an erosion and sediment control plan is conditioned on the applicant's compliance with Federal and State water quality laws, regulations and rules. If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Your cooperation in this matter is appreciated and we look forward to working with you on this project. Sincerely, Carol N. Miller, CPESC Assistant Regional Engineer CNM/trw cc: David A. Hollis, P.E.; East Coast Engineering WiRO-LOS PROJECT NAME: Rivers Edge - The Gallery PROJECT NUMBER: BR-03187 127 Cardinal Drive Extension, Wilmington, N.C. 28405-3845 • Telephone 910-395-3900 • Fax 910-350-2004 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer f LOCATION: !� RIVER BASIN: SUBMITTED BY: DATE RECEIVED BY LOS: River Ridge Drive - Brunswick County Lumber East Coast Engineering February 18, 2003 127 Cardinal Drivc Extension, Wilmington, N.C. 28405-3845 • Telephone 910-395-3900 • Fax 910-350-2004 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 1 THE GALLERY Rivers Edge Golf Club and Plantation, Inc. CALCULATIONS AND SUPPORTING MATERIAL FOR STORM WATER DESIGN January 2003 +e6ait111"" Prepared by: East Coast Engineering Company, P.A. Consulting Engineers Shallotte, North Carolina 28439 Post Office Box 2469 4918 Main Street Office: 910,754.8029 NARRATIVE for The Gallery - Rivers Edge Golf Club &, plantation Shallotte, Brunswick County, NC DESCRIPTION The site is a 9.08-acre tract located within the River's Edge Golf Club and Plantation Subdivision project, along Copas Road (SR 1 171) and adjacent to Section 3 & 9 of the development. The proposed development on the site is twelve (12) townhomes (62 units total) along a new, curbed road with concrete driveways and overflow parking. The new road is named River Ridge Drive. Also included in this project is the extension of Latrobe Lane that connects Section 3 to Section 9. The site is sparsely wooded with sandy topsoil and grades ranging from 0.5% to 5.0%. The site will be graded to meet the proposed plans, however care will be taken to leave as many existing trees as possible and incorporate the trees into the proposed landscaping. There is a large portion of wetlands on the site. Two permanent retaining walls are proposed adjacent to the wetlands in two separate areas to allow for proper site preparation without disturbing the wetlands. Construction is scheduled to begin as soon as all permits and approvals are obtained. ~ STORMWATER MEASURES The stormwater runoff from the site is estimated using the rational method. The site is not located near SA waters, thus the first inch (F) of rainfall is accounted for in the design. The stonnwater will collect into two (2) wet detention basins on the site. The stormwater run -Off will be directed to the basins by curbed roadways, catch basins, rooflirte nutters and underground piping. The basins will outlet to the existing natural drainage courses on the site, which will direct the outflow to the Shallotte River (Sw-C) that is in the Lumber River Basin. EROSION CONTROL MEASURES The attached plans and specifications give the requirements for erosion control measures. Silt fence will be located at certain locations on the perimeter of the site and adjacent to wetlands. The silt fence will be installed prior to any land disturbing activity. The runoff xvill be directed to temporary sediment basins and the wet detention basins during construction of the site. The basin areas will be cleared and grubbed and the basins constructed prior to any other land disturbing activity. Silt fence stone outlets will be located adjacent to the temporary sediment basins. The temporary diversion swaies will direct the runoff to the basins and shall be established prior to the remaining grading activities on the site. Gravel inlet protection will be used around the catch basins until vegetation is established or the area is paved. A gravel COnStl-LIC6011 entrance will be constructed at the end of Latrobe Lane. Riprap energy dissipaters will be used on the wet detention basin outlets. The grading contractor and the developer will provide the maintenance for the erosion control measures. CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE The Contractor will install the gravel construction entrance prior to beginning any clearing and grading operations. Silt fence and check dams will be installed prior to beginning any clearing and grading operations. The wet detention basins will be constructed immediately after that portion of the site is cleared, and the outlet structures will be installed with outlet piping. The temporary sediment basins will be constructed with outlets. Temporary diversion swales will be installed and will direct runoff to the basins during construction. The disturbed areas will be landscaped and seeded upon completion, and as soon as possible. The wet detention basins will be restored to original depth and design grades after completion of all other construction. L _2 / / & /�/0 77,U Lij $ wfn 2 ° E ƒ k/ c E $$ƒ G @ ? 3 � / -- < \ 2 3 c % o \ ± 5 /co G $ƒ$ � \ § \ � ? % c 277$'/ a & \ 7 d\ m/ r 7 2 \ $ $$$ 3 §2t \ »? o <# e= 2®� o /8 o n E / § / d k ( o •� c a a ) / 2 L L L @22 0 k \/ /ƒ/\7/ \ a ƒG\772 Gm / $ O e § / q @ < « 3 < § § E E . \ k % § (13 m it \ \ E co 2 ± \ E _ \ �E\C\} / > \§�\�E > n g e k e o/ — m $/O/2 ± L m L ± L m$emme I %%� co CD2 n - /QD � 0 0 / I-- ©`� to LL± L L s@Gmmm ILL- ILL ��o0CD L U- L ± L L ± Ge23m@ kk\o\o $C C L E ± E ± ± Gg@233 (�bC�CD n--CL wN £ § O n < U $ m ® f \ 'S 2 e = a= 13 e I @ 6 o o e Q o t0 0 2@ 2@ m 3 CIL /o0000 = 6 = § £ 6 \ \ / \ / d \ / \ @ Rivers Edge The Gallery Catch Basin Drainage Flow Calculations East Coast Engineering Company, PA DAH Q to RB-1 Drainage Area = 1,200 SF Q to RB-2 Drainage Area = 1,20C SF Drainage Area = 0,03 Acres Drainage Area = 0.03 Acres Design Storm = 10 -YR storm Design Storm = 10 -YR storm Surface Acres C-Value � Surface Acres C-Value (') Asphalt/Rooftop 0.0275 1 0.95 Asphalt/Rooftop 0.0275 0.95 Grass 0.00 0.2 Grass 0.00 0.2 Total A' 0.0275 Total A' 0.03 Weighted 'C' 0.95 Weighted 'C' 0.95 Tc Length 50 Tc Length 50 Tc High Elev. 10 Tc High Elev. 10 Tc Low-Elev, 0 Tc Low Elev. 0 Slope 0.2 Slope 0.2 Tc 0.29 Tc 0.29 Tc Factor f2) 0.4 Tc Factor (2) 0.4 Tc wl Factor 0.1179 Tc wl Factor 0.1179 Intensity'i'f3y 7.1 Intensity'i't3J 7.1 Qi = C rA D.1858 cfs Q; = C rA D.1858 cfs Q to RB-3 Drainage Area = 1,800 SF Q to RB-4 Drainage Area = 1,800 SF Drainage Area = 0.04 Acres Drainage Area = C.04 Acres Design Storm = 10 -YR storm Design Storm = 10 -YR storm Surface Acres C-Value �'� Surface Acres C-Value r'1 Asphalt/Rooftop 0.0413 1 0.95 Asphalt/Rooftop 0.0413 1 0.95 Grass 0.00 0.2 Grass 0.00 0.2 Total 'A' 0.0413 Total 'A' 0,0413 Weighted 'C' 0.95 Weighted 'C' 0.95 Tc Length 60 Tc Length 60 Te High Elev. 10 Tc High Elev, 10 Tc Low Elev, 0 Tc Low Elev. 0 Slope 0.1667 Slope 0.1667 Tc 0.36 Tc 0.36 Tc Factor (2) 0.4 Tc Factor (2) 0.4 Tc w! Factor 0.1455 Tc wl Factor 0.1455 Intensity ' i ' {3> 7.1 Intensity ' i ' 13) 7.1 Q, = C rA 0.2787 cfs Qi = C rA 0.2787 cfs Q to RB-5 Drainage Area = 1.800 SF Q to RB-6 , Drainage Area = 1,800 SF Drainage Area = 0.04 Acres Drainage Area = 0.04 Acres Design Storm = 10 YR storm Design Storm = 10 -YR storm Surface Acres C-ValueV) Surface Acres C-Value(') Asphalt/Rooftop 0.0413 0,95 Asphalt/Rooftop 0.0413 0.95 Grass 0.00 0.2 Grass 0.00 0.2 Total 'A' 0.0413 Total 'A' 0.0413 Weighted 'C' 0.95 Weighted 'C' 0.95 Tc Length 60 Tc Length 60 Tc High Elev. 10 Tc High Elev. 10 Tc Low Elev, 0 Tc Low Elev. 0 Slope 0,1667 Slope 0,1667 Tc 0.36 Tc 0.36 Tc Factor (2) 0.4 Tc Factor j2) 0.4 Tc wl Factor 0.1455 Tc wl Factor 0,1455 Intensity 'i'{3} 7.1 Intensity 'i'13) 7.1 Q, = C/A 0.2787 cfs Q, = C iA 0.2787 cfs (1) Table 8.03a; (2) Figure 8.03a; (3) Figure 8.03b of the NCDENR Erosion and Sediment Control Pianning and Design Manual. Revision Date: 118103 Rivers Edge The Gallery Catch Basin Drainage Flow Calculations East Coast Engineering Company, PA DAH Q to RB-7 Drainage Area = 1,800 SF Q to RB-8 Drainage Area =FZ1 0 SF Drainage Area = 0.04 Acres Drainage Area =4 Acres Design Storm = 10 -YR storm Design Storm = 0 -YR storm Surface Acres C-Value rr1 Surface Acres C-Value 1'1 Asphalt/Rooftop 0.0413 0.95 Asphalt/Rooftop 0.0413 1 0.95 Grass 0.00 0.2 Grass 0.00 0.2 Total A' 0.0413 Total 'A' 0.0413 Weighted 'C' 0.95 Weighted 'C' 0.95 Tc Length 60 Tc Length 60 Tc High Elev. 10 Tc High Elev. 10 Tc Low Elev. 0 Tc Low Elev. 0 Slope 0.1667 Slope 0,1667 Tc 0.36 Tc 0.36 Tc Factor Izj 0.4 Tc Factor (2) 0.4 Tc wl Factor 0.1455 Tc wl Factor 0,1455 Intensity'i'(3) 71 Intensity 'i,13} 7.1 Q; = C iA 0.2787 cfs Q; = C rA 0.2787 cfs Q to RB-9 Drainage Area = 1,800 SF Q to RB-10 Drainage Area = 3,600 SF Drainage Area = 0.04 Acres Drainage Area = 0.08 Acres Design Storm = 10 -YR storm Design Storm = 10 -YR storm Surface Acres C-Value f�1 Surface Acres C-Value r'1 Asphalt/Rooftop 0.0413 0.95 Asphalt/Rooftop 0,0626 0.95 Grass 0,00 0.2 Grass 0.00 0.2- To ta / A' 0.0413 Total 'A' 0,0826 Weighted 'C' 0.95 Weighted 'C' 0.95 Tc Length 60 Tc Length 60 Tc High Elev, 10 Tc High Elev. 10 Tc Low Elev. 0 Tc Low Elev. 0 Slope 0,1667 Slope 0.1667 Tc 0.36 Tc 0,36 Tc Factor (2) 0.4 Tc Factor (2) CA Tc wl Factor 0.1455 Tc wl Factor 0,1455 Intensity'i' (3) 7.1 Intensity'i' (3) 7.1 Q; = C rA 0,27$7 cfs Q; = C /A 0.5574 cfs Q to RB-11 Drainage Area = 1,800 SF Q to RS-12 Drainage Area = 1,800 SF Drainage Area = 0.04 Acres Drainage Area = 0.04 Acres Design Storm = 10 YR storm Design Storm = 10 -YR storm Surface Acres C-Value ry Surface Acres C-Value 1r1 Asphalt/Rooftop C.0413 0.95 Asphalt/Rooftop 0.0413 0.95 Grass 0.00 0.2 Grass 0.00 0.2 Total A' 0.0413 Total 'A' 0.0413 Weighted 'C' 0.95 Weighted 'C' 0.95 Tc Length 60 Tc Length 60 Tc High Elev. 10 Tc High Elev, 10 Tc Low Elev. 0 Tc Low Elev, 0 Slope 0.1667 Slope 0.1667 Tc 0.36 Tc 0.36 Tc Factor laf 0.4 Tc Factor I2) 0.4 Tc wl Factor 0.1455 Tc wl Factor 0.1455 Intensity'i'(3) 7.1 Intensity'i'(3) 71 Q; = C eA 0.27$7 cfs Q; = C rA 0.2787 cfs (1) Table 8,03a: (2) Figure 8.03a: (3) Figure 8.43b of the NCDENR Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual. Revision pate: 118103 Rivers Edge East Coast Engineering Company, PA The Gallery DAH Catch Basin Drainage Flow Calculations Q to RB-13 Drainage Area = 1,800 SF Q to RB-14 Drainage Area = 1,200 SF Drainage Area = 0.04 Acres Drainage Area = 0.03 1 Acres Design Storm = 10 -YR storm Design Storm = 10 -YR storm Surface Acres C-Value t't Surface Acres C-Value Asphalt/Rooftop 0.0413 0.95 Asphalt/Rooftop 0.0275 0.95 Grass 0.00 0.2 Grass 0.00 0.2 Total 'A' 0.0413 Total A' 0.0275 Weighted 'C' 0.95 Weighted 'C' 0.95 Tc Length 60 To Length 50 To High Elev. 10 To High Elev. 10 Tc Low Elev. 0 To Low Elev, 0 Slope 0.1667 Slope 0.2 To 0.36 To 0.29 Tc Factor (2) 0.4 To Factor (2) 0.4 Tc wl Factor 0.1455 To wl Factor 0A 179 Intensity'i'(3) 7.1 Intensity'i't3J 7.1 Q; = C rA 0.2787 cfs Q; = C rA 0.1858 cfs Q to RB-15 Drainage Area = 2,400 SF Q to RB-16 Drainage Area = 1,2D0 SF Drainage Area = 0.06 Acres Drainage Area = p.03 Acres Design Storm = 10 -YR storm Design Storm = 10 -YR storm Surface Acres C- Valve Surface Acres C- Value t'1 Asphalt/Rooftop 0.0551 0.95 Asphalt/Rooftop 0.0275 0.95 Grass 000 0.2 Grass 0.00 0.2 Total A' 0.0551 Total 'A' 0.0275 Weighted 'C' 0.95 Weighted 'C' 0.95 Tc Length 50 To Length 50 To High Elev 10 To High Elev. 10 To Low Elev. 0 To Low Eiev. 0 Slope 0.2 Slope 0.2 To 0,29 Tc 0.29 To Factor (2) 0.4 Tc Factor i21 0.4 To wl Factor 0.1179 To wl Factor 0.1179 Intensity'i'(3) 7.1 Intensity'i'(3) 7.1 Q; = C rA 0.3716 cfs Q; = C rA 0.1858 cfs Q to RB-17 Drainage Area = 1,200 SF Q to RB-18 Drainage Area = 1,200 SF Drainage Area = 0.03 Acres Drainage Area = OA3 Acres Design Storm = 10 -YR storm Design Storm = 10 -YR storm Surface Acres C- Value f ,1 Surface Acres C-Value AsphaluRcoftop 0.0275 0.95 Asphalt/Rooftop 0.0275 0.95 Grass 0.00 0.2 Grass 0,00 0.2 Total A' 0.0275 Total 'A' 0.0275 Weighted 'C' 0.95 Weighted 'C' 0,95 Tc Length 50 To Length 50 Tc High Elev, 10 To High Elev, 10 Tc Low Elev. 0 To Low Elev. 0 Slope 0.2 Slope 0.2 Tc 0.29 To 0.29 Tc Factor cz1 0.4 To Factor {3y p.4 To wl Factor 0.1179 To wl Factor 0.1179 Intensity'/'(3) 7.1 tntensity'i'(3) 7.1 Q; = C eA 0.1856 cfs Q; = C lA 0.1858 cfs (1) Table 8.03a; (2) Figure 8.03a; (3) Figure 8.03b of the NCDENR Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual. Revision Date: 118103 Rivers Edge East Coast Engineering Company, PA The Gallery DAH Catch Basin Drainage Flow Catculations Q to RB-19 Drainage Area = 3,000 SF Q to RB-20 Drainage Area = 1,800 SF Drainage Area = 0.07 Acres Drainage Area = 0.04 Acres Design Storm = 10 -YR storm Design Storm = 10 -YR storm Surface Acres C- Valuer`} Surface Acres C-Value(`) Asphalt/Rooftop 0.0689 0.95 AsphalURooftop 0.0413 0.95 Grass 0,00 0.2 Grass 0.00 0.2 Total A' 0.0689 Total A' 0.0413 Weighted 'C' 0.95 Weighted 'C' 0,95 Tc Length 60 Tc Length 50 Tc High Elev. 10 Tc High Elev. 10 To Low Elev, 0 Tc Low Elev. 0 Slope 0,1667 Slope 0.2 Tc 0.36 To 0.29 Tc Factor t2) 0.4 Tc Factor (2) 0.4 To wl Factor 0.1455 To wl Factor 0.1179 Intensity `i ' ray 7.1 Intensity ' /- (3) 7.1 Qi = C /A 0.4645 cfs Q, = C iA 0.2787 cfs Q to CB-1 Drainage Area = 24,938 SF Q to C6-2 Drainage Area = 24,223 SF Drainage Area = 0.57 Acres Drainage Area = 0.56 Acres Design Storm = 10 -YR storm Design Storm = 10 -YR storm Surface Acres C-Value ra Surface Acres C-Value rr� AsphaluRooftop 0.3675 0.95 Asphalt/Rooftop 0.4119 0.95 Grass 0.21 0.2 Grass 0.14 0.2 Total 'A' 0.5725 Tote/ A' 0.5561 Weighted'C' 0.681409 Weighted'C' 0,755504 Tc Length 270 Tc Length 300 Tc High Elev. 21 Tc High Elev. 26 Tc Low Elev. 20 Tc Low Elev. 20 Slope 0.005 Slope 0,02 Tc 4,47 Tc 2.84 Tc Factor (2) CA To Factor (2) 0.4 Tc wl Factor 1.7673 Tc w/ Factor 1.1367 Intensity's' c'y 7.1 1 Intensity'i' (3) 7.1 Q; = CM 2.7697 cfs Q; = C iA 2.9828 cfs Q to CB-3 Drainage Area = 16,920 SF Q to CB-4 Drainage Area = 14,180 SF Drainage Area = 0.39 Acres Drainage Area = 0.33 Acres Design Storm = 10 -YR storm Design Storm = 10 -YR storm Surface Acres C-Value rr� Surface Acres C-Value Asphalt/Rooftop 0.3675 0.95 Asphalt/Rooftop 0.123 0.95 Grass 0.02 10.3884 0.2 Grass 0.20 0.2 Total 'A' Total 'A' 0.3255 Weighted 'C' 0.909528 Weighted 'C' 0,4835 To Length 320 Tc Length 320 Tc High Elev, 25 To High Elev. 25 To Low Elev. 21.5 Tc Low Elev. 21.5 Slope 0.005 Slope 0.0109 To 5.09 Tc 3.77 To Factor j21 0.4 Tc Factor (2) 0.4 To wl Factor 2.0371 Tc wl Factor 1.5071 Intensity'i'(3) 7.1 Intensity'i'(3) 71 Qi = C iA 2.5084 cfs Q, = C rA 1.1175 cfs (1) Table 8.03a; (2) Figure 8,03a; (3) Figure 8.03b of the NCDENR Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual. Revision Date: 1003 Rivers Edge The Gallery Catch Basin Drainage Fiow Calculations Q to CB-5 Drainage Area = 17,922 SF Drainage Area = 0.41 Acres Design Storm = 10 -YR storm Surface Acres C-Value Asphalt/Rooftop 0.2347 0.95 Grass 0.18 0.2 Total 'A' 0.4114 Weighted 'C' 0.627791 Tc Length 265 Tc High Elev 25 Tc Low Eiev. 23.5 Slope 0.005 To 4.40 Tc Factor tst 0.4 Tc wl Factor 1.7618 Intensity ' i ' f3} 7 1 Q; = C iA 1.8338 cfs East Coast Engineering Company, PA DAH Q to CB-6 Drainage Area = 50,964 SF Drainage Area = 1.17 Acres Design Storm = 1 D -YR storm Surface Acres C-Value ra Asphalt/Rooftop 0.8599 0.95 Grass 0.31 0.2 Total 'A' 1.17 Weighted 'C' 0,75121 Tc Length 320 Tc High Elev. 25 Tc Low Elev. 23.5 Slope 0.0047 Tc 5.22 Tc Factor hf 0.4 Tc wl Factor 2.0884 Intensity'i' (3) 7.1 Q; = C iA 6.2402 cfs (1) Table 8,03a; (2) Figure 6.03a; (3) Figure 8.03b of the NCDENR Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual, Revision pate; V8103 C C w (n m O U Cn C 0 _V m 0 U 01 � C_ C7 QI Fn w cu M N m Y U Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y X Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y M00000000000000000000 0000 00 0 U wI* CD ? O 00 � o r 0 0 0ro 0 0 d N N N O d O O CV CV CV COCO M tC 00 r N fs O co rn [n rCDCOYCDr U') It m u7 m 0 CO h h h V:CflCOcDCD In CC] U'� CC") h fl- h 7 CO t- O n no 0 N w N N N NN N N N M m C'7 N N N N M m 0 Oh �� Nr m to CO m O jLL Ca � > > M C ) m [ i Ln U3 10 f+ 1� 1� 1� to LO �A LD r U[ . r LO r CO N Cl N r r r r N N N N M N M N [+') ('�] wLL 00 00000C?a 000000000 0 CD OOOa 0C) O a) N p^ h h h h Cn CA h O h C CA Cn C lv � � u�oo v> o n o r Y oo o D or �rnro Yo h (U r r N N r N r N M Ch C'7 N N CV N co m C7 M Crl C'7 C6 6 [h 1 O OO t tAn(r U') n � n (D O O m co m M O mNr h]] M N CJ h h N hCD h as 0J)00aaaC>07C: P00aa orOr CD 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 d d 0 b O O C O d 0 0 m n 0 0 O M M d to fn C[1 Q1 LOW 00w m 0w to 0 to 000 eD 0d d to m O o n 0 0 0 o a d O o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 V to r r O r r 0000d0000Q0000000000 0000 0,0 0 O O G O O O O d O O p C O O O O O C O O d 0 6 C7 O O O N N CN N (4 r r r r 0 0 O 0 0 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O G 0000CDOOOOOa ao 00 OOOOCi OO OO O a a N Cl a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a(D aaaaaaaaaaaaamaaaCL(Lm aaaa s aU U U U U U U I'L U U U U U UUUUUUUU UUUU Ila- U U m N (V CO tD wm t0 m IC m w m N T N r N r m O O N r N r N N 0 N 0 N LO 00 a E cc (v rCV C?trL? gtiaornOrrcovLnCDTmOO NcoY 14h (70 2 0 0❑ 0❑❑ ❑ 0 0000 no 0 c 0. u: w m Of Ir wwaMaaaa�a Q Q Q O Q ❑ D O D O ❑ tnU]inul U) U) 0 ❑ 0 N U? M IL E (U *� (D of v � N � d) m (D LO CO � co rn CD U)00 0 N (4 V) O 0 0 0❑ O❑ 0 0000000000 0,100 0 ' cw C Ca' M C� CIXx ww cw ma'www mOf co cCO mr UIEr- ❑ ❑ L1 Cn dticc00w W W M MP--O0grm OD to mnnm Mn IR r M N N 1n r N CA N m r M co r to 1• CD r CC) m CID O CD r co O O 0 0 0 O � 000 O r r r 00 O O r r r m 00 m� r co r IO r •- N M kC7 CQ h 00 CA O r N [*7 '� CC1 CO h CA CA N r N CO �' In W r X mmmmmmmmmrrrrrrrrrr maamm mm Oaaa�aaaa�mmmmmmmmmmm UUUU UU m OfafEwwE wEwE2 N0 n I'M a a U m r O) cn N 10? © ❑ In w F— ww J J Q 0 00 r N m 0 Q c O S ir Rivers Edge The Gallery Wet Detention Basin Calcuiations Pond 1 East Coast Engineering Company, PA DAH Drainage Area (DA) = 109,979 sf or 2.52 ac Impervious Area (1A)= 64683 sf 1,48 ac Percent Impervious (1) IA/DA 0.59 or 59% SAIDA; 90% TSS no vegetative filter re 'd) Pond Depth = 4 0.052 or 5.20% Min. re 'd SA PP (SAIDA)x DA 5,718.93 sf Min. req'd storage volume Rv = 0.05 + (0,009 x 1) = 0.579 Volume = 1 in x (1 ft 112 in) x Rv x DA 5,309,47 cf SA provided PP Oval Pond Elev = 18 5,912 sf Enough SA provided? YES Min. storage depth req'd Min. storage volume I SA provided @ PP 0.90 ft Storage depth set at 1 ft Elevation of temporary pool 19 ft SA @ Tem ora ool 7,190 sf Storage volume provided Average of SA @ temp. pool & PP x storage depth 6,550.87 cf OK Outlet Sizing Q - 2 day drawdown time Min, re 'd storage volume x (1 in. 12 days) 0,031 cis Q - 5 day drawdown time Min. re 'd storage volume x (1 in. 15 days) 0.012 cfs Height h (112 Min. Storage Depth) 0,50 ft Co Constant 0.6 Required Area for Q-2 A = QI(C x (2gh)' 2) 1.30 in Required Area for Q-5 A = QI(C x (2gh)12) 0.52 in Orifice Choosen 1.25 in CHECK Area Provided by Orifice Choosen A = 7[r2 1.23 in Area Provided by Orifice Choosen 0.009 ft The Average head h = 112(Tempora Pool depth - 1/2(orifice diameter)) 5.6875 1n The Average head 0,474 ft Q provided Q = Ca(2gh)i!2 0.028 cfs OK Emergency Spillway 25 YEAR DISCHARGE: 8.07 CFS FREEBOARD HEIGHT; 0,55 FT FREEBOARD ELEVATION: 19.55 FT RISER: 24 IN OUTLET PIPE: 18 IN (Figure 8.07b of NCDENR Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual) Revision Date: 1117/03 Rivers Edge The Gallery Wet Detention Basin Calculations East Coast Engineering Company, PA DAH Pond 2 Drainage Area (DA) = 130,705 sf or 3.00 ac Impervious Area (IA)= 69556 sf 1.60 ac Percent Impervious (1) IAIDA 0.53 or 53% SAIDA; 90% TSS (no vegetative filter req'd) Pond Depth = 6.0 0,029 or 2.90% Min. req'd SA @ PP (SAIDA)x(DA) 3,790.44 sf Min. req'd storage volume Rv = 0.05 + (0.009 x I) = 0.529 Volume = 1 in x (1 ft 1 12 in) x Rv x DA 5,761.30 cf SA provided @ PP Oval Pond Eiev = 19 5,835 sf Enough SA provided? YES Min. storage depth req'd Min. storage volume 1 SA provided @ PP 0.99 ft Storage depth set at 1 ft Elevation of temeorary pool 20 ft SA @ Temporary pool 7,047 sf Storage volume erovided Average of SA @ temp. pool & PP x storage depth 6,440.88 cf OK Outlet Sizing Q - 2 day drawdown time Min. req'd storage volume x 1 in. 12 days) 0.033 cfs Q - 5 day drawdown time Min. req'd storage volume x 1 in. 1 5 days) 0.013 cfs Height h (112 Min. Storage Depth) 0.50 ft cc Constant 0.6 Required Area for Q-2 A = QI(C x (2gh)11) 1.41 in Required Area for Q-5 A = Q/(C x (2gh)") 0.56 in Orifice Choosen 1.25 in CHECK Area Provided by Orifice Choosen A = :cr 21.23 in Area Provided by Orifice Choosen 0.009 ft The Average head h = 1/2(Temporary Pool depth - 112(orifice diameter)) 5.6875 in The Average head 0.474 ft Q provided Q = Ca(2gh)11 0.028 cfs OK Emergency Spillway 25 YEAR DISCHARGE: 11.60 CFS FREEBOARD HEIGHT: 0.7 FT FREEBOARD ELEVATION: 20.7 FT RISER: 24 IN OUTLET PIPE_ 18 IN (Figure 8.07b of NCDENR Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual) Revision Date: 1/17103 Rivers Edge - The Gallery POND VS, FOREBAY East Coast Engineering Co., PA DAH POND 1 VOLUME TO FOREBAY COMPARISON FOREBAY 2:1 SLOPE BOTTOM SF 238.96 SURFACE SF 785.85 DEPTH 3 VOLUME 1537 POND 2 VOLUME TO FOREBAY COMPARISON FOREBAY 2:1 SLOPE BOTTOM SF 529.08 SURFACE SF 1221.02 DEPTH 3 VOLUME 2625 POND POND DEPTH ® DEPTH 3:1 SLOPE 3:1 SLOPE BOTTOM SF 101.14 BOTTOM SF 282.28 TOP SF 1650.77 TOP SF 2575.88 DEPTH 2.33 DEPTH 4.33 VOLUME 2041 VOLUME 6188 6:1 SLOPE 6:1 SLOPE BOTTOM SF 1650.77 BOTTOM SF 2575,88 SURFACE SF 5006.4 SURFACE SF 5571.02 DEPTH 1.67 DEPTH 1.67 VOLUME 5559 VOLUME 6803 TOTAL POND VOLUME 7600 TOTAL POND VOLUME 12991 FOREBAY % OF POND 20.2% FOREBAY % OF POND 20.2% Rivers Edge The Gallery Catch Basin Calculations Neenah Foundry Curb Inlet Perimeter Provided (ft) Open Area Provided (ft) R-3501-R 5.50 2.64 Catch Basin ID Q (cfs) Min. Permimeter Required (ft) Min. Open Area Required (ft2) CB-1 2.77 4.46 0.97 CB-2 2.98 4.80 1.05 CB-3 2.51 4.04 0.88 CB-4 1.12 1.80 0.39 CB-5 1.83 2,95 0.64 CB-6 6.24 10.05 2.19 Minimum Permeter = Q 1 (CH"2) where C = 3.0, H = 0.35 Minimum Open Area = Q / C x (2gH)112 where C = 0.6, H = 0.36, G = 32.2 East Coast Engineering Company, PA DAH Revision Date! 118/03 Appendices 250 200 150 100 90 80 70 60 50 U Q. 40 a 30 N Q Q ce 10 9 8 7 6 5 'rr�rww�rrrr - rrr •ir__r rrrrrrwrrir maw-�ar.�wrim• rr—Q �rrw rri;irr rw r+rw�r irrr�w� rr rrr rRrrrw•. arrr, wr wwwwwiiw.rrrw s'cs+rwrw�wsrZrssa wwwrrer w wrwwwwww awww wwwr�wwww�.�� rrrrwwrw w�wrwrwrwrr ■rt•i1RAil.wwwwwwwwww�� wwww=swwwi.r ww •� �.iiw�rw�.wiwa�ii w.�u�nrew rru•wwoaa wwrrwiwrwwwwwrwr - owtewwwww•. ■■■■■r■■■■■ ■■■■■■■A■■■■■■■w■www■■■■■■■■■■■■R' ■■■ ■■■■R■■■■■■ s!■■R■■■■■R■■■■■■ ..!■■■■R■■■■■■■■■■RR' �t�IR�R!■■■R�e ■t�t�ttt�■�m�*■■s■�r..is-..s■s�■■�■■■■■�■ ■■■■■■n■■■ n■■■■ ■!■■■■■Vs■r-s■Ir,m■■■■■■■■>:■�eil� " BE M211 m�■i Ed1. _w. .�rvrrrr-w� �v�r w__�wwr•.�� rr�.�.y�._r o�':.rrrrrr t0r'r rwwrrri+�arAra..rrr rrrraarrrwrgrrM ��rrrrrrrrrrrorwrrarwrrr�-rwrrarii err_ �r�rr�r—�r�w�r�rrr�rrr�� rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrarrrr_r rrrr ri owdrwrrrwrrrrrwr: Splitt- - - st 11 � • Crest rr d — rwl ipe Pipe Is . ■■ � ///�j Pipe conduft <www�rYr=wif��Il�'�{ ' V ��..+G R3a .u...,rr rrrrr rr�_ �ri�+rr gggg.,I__ : r r orr�+ mM .avrr.-%rrw��r�rr �rrrr►�r��►.rrr r��r�rw,prw�n ,■v ■ �r�■w "AN R�IR L A SWAN n ■■■ E= ■ms ,SWAN .An■■iVON=WAY= ■� NMI OR_rr___w.r___rrre�i-tee :. ea�iir--r rrrrr rr—�—rer—M—rr—rr�rrr�r—rrrar—rr�rwrrrerrrw rwwwrrar--.�i�y rsrrrrrrarrr�rrrrrrrrrrr� + 7■r--Y—r rrrr _-- rrdrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rruw�rrrronew�rrrr_rrrr•rrrr.arrrra—rr jrrw�w� rrrrrrrrr+wrarrwawwrr i 0.-- ,:To r^)L .n V SE Inlet Proportions Pipe Pipe Conduit Riser (D) - in (d) - in 8-12 18 15 21 18 24 21 30 24 30 30 36 36 48 42 54 48 60 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 Head required at crest of riser in feet (h) Figure 8.07b Design chart for riser outlet. Pipe drop inlet spillway design: For a given 0 and H, refer to Table 8.07a or 8.07b for conduit size. Then determine the riser diameter (d) from the Inlet Proportions Table on this figure. Next, refer to the above curves, using the conduit capacity and riser diameter, and find the head (h) required above the crest of the riser. The height of the riser should not be iess.than 5D - h, except as noted in the above sketch. Example - Given: CMP; 0 = 20 cfs; H = 14 ft, h max. 1.0 ft; L = 70 ft. From Table 8.07a find conduit size (D) = 18 inches. From Inlet Propor- tions Table, riser size = 24 inches. Head (h) required for Q = 20 and d = 24 is 1.0 ft. Rev. 12193 8.07.9 I