HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW8021023_COMPLIANCE_20030324STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET POST -CONSTRUCTION PERMITS PERMIT NO. SW DOC TYPE ❑ CURRENT PERMIT ❑ APPROVED PLANS ❑ HISTORICAL FILE ' OMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION DOC DATE 3� YYYYMMDD DE-TENTION POND ANALYSIS FILENAME: G:IDATAIWPDATAIWQSIPOND1021023.WK1 PROJECT #: SW8 021023 REVIEWER: L. Lewis PROJECT NAME: Jacksonville A -Storage Inn DATE: 24-Mar-03 Receiving Stream: Sandy Run Branch Class: SC NSW Drainage Basin: White Oak Index No. WOK02 19-10-1 Site Area 3.64 acres Drainage Area 153.767 square feet Area = 3.53 acres IMPERVIOUS AREAS Buildings 48010.00 square feet Asphalt 48744.00 square feet square feet square feet square feet square feet TOTAL :96754Q0 square feet SURFACE AREA CALCULATION % IMPERVIOUS 62.92% Des. Depth 4 TSS: 90 Rational C Rational Cc= 0.07 SA/DA Ratio 5,50% Req. SA 8464 sf Prov. SA 8737 sf VOLUME CALCULATION * place a "1" in the box if Rational is used Rational ?* Des. Storm>:::.»1';:00:> - ...... inches Rv= 0.62 Bottom 2 msl Perm, Pool `:._00' msl Design Pool 7.2 msl Design SA 10849 sf Req. Volume 7897< cf Prov. Volume 11.7:52< cf ORIFICE CALCULATION 3o: := 1 Perm. Pool Volume= 21501 Req. Forebay Volume= 4300.2 Provided Volume= 4353.00 Percent= 2t3:2°0 SA @ _ Elevation= Avg. Head = 0.57 ft Q2 Area = 1.81 sq. in. Flow Q2, cfs 0.046 cfs Q5 Area = 0.72 sq. in. Flow Q5, cfs 0.018 cfs Orifice Area 1.77 sq. in. No. of Orifices 0.045 cfs Diameter, inches ::... 5= weirHxW ;: :. i n x in Drawdown = 2 days COMMENTS Surface Area , Volume and Orifice are within Design Guidelines INFILTRATION TRENCH ANALYSIS Filename: G:IDATAIWPDATAIWQSIINTRENCH1021023 Project # 021023 Project Name Jacksonville A -Storage Inn Recvng Stream Sandy Run Branch Drainage Basin White Oak Site Area 3.64 acres Impervious Area Calculation Buildings Parking/Asphalt Concrete Total Volume/Storage Calculation 7296 If Rational Method is used, place a 1 in this box Required Provided Design Storm RV Valume<ti. Store Pipe Diameter Length Of a Single run of Pipe Number of Pipe Runs in Trench Storage In Piping Total Storage in Piping Cross -Sectional Area Of Pipe Runs Length Of Trench Width Of Trench Height Of Trench Cross -Sectional Area Of Trench Voids Volume, 40% Trench Volume per linear foot Minimum Trench length required Total Volume Provided Elevation Of Bottom Of Trench Elevation Of SHWT Overflow Elevation Exfiltration Rate / Drawdown Reported Hydraulic Conductivity Bottom Surface Area Drewdown �: irne Date 12-Mar-03 Reviewer L. Lewis Classification SC NSW Index # WOK02 19-10-1 Drainage Area 7296 SF 0.17 Acres Rational Cc (list C after each BUA) 1 r % Impervious: 100.0% Cc: 1.00 2 in 0.95 1216 CF Pipe Size 1 Pipe Size 2 Comments: Required volume, storage, and drawdown guidelines are met. 15.6 Mean Sea Level 13.6 Mean Sea Level 17.1 Mean Sea Level 0.083 Cubic Feet Per Hour Per Sq Ft 1575 Square Feet ,9.5Phours � r 0 C T 2 2 2002 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR STORMWATER DETENTION POND TO SERVE 1 JACKSONVILLE A -STORAGE INN JACKSONVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 1 OWNER: t JACKSONVILLE A -STORAGE INN Jacksonville, North Carolina 1 ' OCTOBER 2002 Ctti�y�rHnehr � ARp�y.� . lf01p goy • = ��� s �14125 ; i r • � R. 1 � , PARKER & ASSOCIATES, INC: Engineering - Surveying - Land Planning P.O. Box 976 Jacksonville, North Carolina 28541 ' . •:, ,910-455-24.14 Copyright ® 2002 by parker & ABSOCIates, Ina. A31 rights reserved. No part of this docunlOnt MOY without prlot be reproduced in any form or by any mean° written permiesi°u- in6 endtW p A by those e*ma* au s cr�i t 1 1 STORMWATER NARRATIVE JACKSONVILLE A STORAGE INN .The'Jacksonviile A Starage'lnn is'an existing Mini Storage Facility located on Hwy 17 in Jacksonville. The Owner is proposing to construct additional mini storage. buildings at the site. The stormwater runoff from the project addition will be treated in two locations. The rear portion of the project will be collected and transported to a Wet Detention Pond. Stormwater runoff from the existing storage area will be routed around the basin. Stormwater from the small parking lot addition will be treated in an underground infiltration system. Runoff will sheet flow from the parking lot over a grassed swale to a yard inlet. Overflow will be to the existing grassed swale along Hwy 17. d cl .GRM.A.Storage.Nar JACKSONVILLE A STORAGE INN ONSLOW COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA STORMWATER DETENTION POND ENGINEERING CALCULATIONS October 2002 1. AREA Total Area Draining to Pond from Buildings, Drives, and Parking Lot (including pond area).......... 3.53 Acres Impervious Area: Building, Drives & Parking 96,754 S.F. = 2.22 Acres Percentlmpervious = Impervious _ 2.22 = 63% total 3.53 2. PERMANENT POND SURFACE AREA From Chart 4 - Appendix E from D.E.M. Report 87-05, for 63% impervious (interpolate), 4.0 Ft. basin depth without Vegetative Filter (90% TSS Removal) Yields SA/DA = 5.51% 3.53 acres x 5.51% = 0.1945 acres or 8472 S.F. surface area required Top of permanent pond elevation is 6.0 Area at 6.0 elevation = 8737 S.F. provided 8737 S.F. provided _>8472 S.F. required 3. TEMPORARY DETENTION STORAGE VOLUME Retain 1° of runoff from area draining to pond Total Area = 3.53 Acres Total Runoff = (( 2.22 x 1.0 ) + ( 1.31 x 0.4 )) x 1.0 in. 2.74 Ac. - In. ENG-2 Find Temporary Storage volume 2.74 Ac.-In x 3,630 C.F. = 9,946 C.F. recuired Ac.-In.� 4-.'-. TEMPORARY DETENTION STORAGE VOLUME Use'1.2'Ft. Temporary Pool Area at 6.0 elevation (permanent pond) = 8,737 S.F. Area at 7.2 elevation (temporary pond) = 10,849 S.F. Average Area = 9,793 S.F. Storage Vol. = 9,793 S.F. x 1.2 Heightf= 11,752 C.F. provided 11,752 C.F. provided > 9,946 C.F. required O.K. S. RELIEVE TEMPORARY STORAGE VOLUME IN 2 TO 5 DAYS (Use Volume Required) Q = CD Argh (orifice equation) Q = 9,946 C.F. _ 2 days = 0.0576 CFS Q = 9,946 C.F. _ 5 days = 0.0230 CFS Cd = 0.60 g = 32.2 ft/sec h = 0.6 ft average height For 2 Day release Solve for A = Q = 0.0576 = 0.0154 S.F. CD 2gh (0. 6) V2 (32.2) (0. 6) Solve for Orifice Diameter, D A = 0.0154 S.F. = n R2 R = 0.0701 FT. = 0.84 inch D = 1.68 inch ENG-3 For 5 Day Release Soave For A = Q = 0.0230 = 0.0062 S.F. CD 2gh (0.6) 2 (32.2) (0. 6) Solve for Orifice Diameter,'D A = 0.0062 S.F. = n R2 R = 0.0443 FT. = O.S3 inch D = 1.06 inch Use 1.5 inch diameter orifice 6. SIZE INLET RISER PIPE AND OUTLET PIPES TO HANDLE 10 YR. 1 HR. STORM A. Storm Flow Q = CiA A = 3.53 acres C = 0.7 I = 2.88 in/hr - ten year, one hour Q = 0.7 (2.88) (3.53) = 7.1 cfs B. Inlet Riser Pipe Water height before topping pond = 9.0 - 7.2 = 1.8 Q = Cd A 2gh (orifice equation) Cd = 0.6 (typical value) H = 1.8 Q = 7.1 29 = 64.4 Solve For A = Q = 7.1 = 1.099 S.F. CD 2gh (0.6)V2 (32.2) (1.8) ENG-4 Solve for Riser Pipe Diameter, D A = 1.099 S.F. = n R2 R = 0.59 ft. = 7.1 inches D = 14.2 inches Use .1-1811 Pipe C. Outlet Pipe 1. Check Inlet Control Use reference Chart 5, Bureau of Public Roads Jan. 1963 Setting invert of outlet pipe at 6.0 with top of pond at 9.0 Hw = 9.0 - 6.0 = 3.0 Assume 18" Diameter Hw = 3.0 = 2.0 D 1.5 Entrance Type 1 From chart, Q = 13 CFS > 7.1 CFS O.K. Use 1-18" pipe 7. 100 -YEAR FLOOD Q = CIA Composite C = 0.6 I100 = 4.15 in/hr for 1 hour duration flood A = 3.53 Acres Q = 0.7 (4.15) (3.53) = 10.3 CFS Design to handle 100-yr flood through riser and outlet pipes prior to topping pond Top of pond = 9.0 A. Riser Weir Assume 18" pipe Q = Cd A 2 gh H = 9.0 - 6.0 = 3.0 ENG-5 A = n R1=,n(1.512)2= 1.77ft.' Cd = 0.6 Q = 0.6(1.77) 2(32.2)(3.0) Q = 14.8 CFS > 10.3 CFS OK B. Outlet Pier Use Chart 5, Bureau of Public Roads, Jan. 1963 Hw=9.0-6.0=3.0 Diameter = 18" Hw=3_0=2.0 D 1.5 From chart, Q = 13 CFS > 10.3 CFS OK :. Riser and outlet pipes will handle 100 yr. storm. No spillway required. 8. Forebay Volume Forebay Volume shall contain approximately 20% of the total permanent pond volume. (Permanent Pool Volume) DETERMINE PERMANENT POOL VOLUME Area in main pond at bottom elevation 2.0 - 1898 ft2 Area in main pond at permanent pool elevation 6.0 = 6676 ft2 TOTAL = 8574 ft2 4 Average = 8574 ft212 = 4287 ft2 N Volume = 4287 ft2 X 4 ft = 17,148 ft3 3� a� Area in Forebay at bottom elevation 3.0 = 999 ft2 3 . Area in Forebay at permanent pool elevation 6.0 - 1902 ft2 TOTAL = 2901 ft2 Average - 2901 ft212 = 1451 ft2 Volume = 1451 ft2 X 3 ft. = 4353 ft.3 TOTAL PERMANENT POOL VOLUME = 17,148 ft.3 + 4353 ft.3 = 21,501 ft.3 Forbay Volume 1 Permanent Pool Volume - 4353 ft.3 l21,501 ft.3 20.3 % OK c1.GRM.A.Storage.Rev.Pg.S.Pond. CaI JACKSONVILLE A -STORAGE INN STORMWATER INFILTRATION TRENCH RECEIVED ENGINEERING CALCULATIONS JAN 15 2003 DWQ PROD # a2ro23 Impervious Area = 7,326 S.F. *Retain 2.0 inch rainfall event over impervious area = 7,326 S.F. x 2.0 in. x 1 ft. 12 in. = 1221 C.F. (Required Volume) Stormwater Infiltration Assembly Area of 1 - 12 in. Diameter pipe = 0.785 S.F. Try 4 -12 in. Pipes with 18 in. Stone each side and 12 in. separating pipes, yields trench area of 1.5ft. x 10.5ft=15.75S.F. Trench area - pipe area 12.61 x 0.4(40% voids) 5.04 S.F. + 4(.785) 1221 C.F./ 8.18 S.F. 150 L.F. Trench Provided = 15.75 - 4(0.785) = 12.61 S.F. = 5.04 S.F. = 8.18 S.F. = 149 L.F. Trench Required Drawdown Time: 18 in. Trench Depth using worst case infiltration rate = 1.0 M./hr. Drawdown Time = I hr x 18 in. = 18 hours lrn *Use 2.0 Inch event in order not to provide bypass c I .GRM -A.Storage.Inn.SIT.CaI ARW a� SE AL ( i 14125