HomeMy WebLinkAbout20030247 Ver 1_Mitigation Report_201104080�-N� CROSS CREEK STREAM RESTORATION MONITORING REPORT (YEAR 5 OF 5) Cumberland County, North Carolina EEP Project No. 105 Prepared for: North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program 1652 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 -1652 Status of Plan: Final Submission Date: November 2010 Monitoring Firm: Stantec Stantec Consulting Services, Inc. 801 Jones Franklin Road, Suite 300 Raleigh, NC 27606 Table of Contents 1.0 Executive Summary ............................................................................................ ..............................1 2.0 Methodology ....................................................................................................... ..............................2 2.1 Vegetation Assessment ................................................................................ ..............................2 2.2 Stream Assessment ...................................................................................... ..............................2 2.3 Wetland Assessment .................................................................................... ..............................3 3.0 References ........................................................................................................... ..............................4 Project Condition and Monitoring Data Appendices Appendix A. General Figures and Plan Views 5 Figure 1 — Vicinity Map 7 Figure 2 — Current Condition Plan View (CCPV) 9 Appendix B. General Project Tables Table 1 — Project Restoration Components 11 Table 2 — Project Activity and Reporting History 11 Table 3 — Project Contacts Table 12 Table 4 — Project Background Table 13 Appendix C. Vegetation Assessment Data Table 5 — Vegetation Plot Mitigation Success Table 15 Photos — Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos 16 Table 6 — Vegetation Metadata Table (CVS) 24 Table 7 — Stem Count Total and Planted by Plot and Species 25 Photos — Vegetation Problem Area Photos (electronic submission only) Table — Vegetation Problem Area Inventory Tale (electronic submission only) Appendix D. Stream Assessment Data Photos — Stream Station Photos 27 Table 8 — Visual Morphological Stability Assessment 30 Table 9 — Verification of Bankfull Events 31 Figures — Cross - sections with Annual Overlays 33 Figures — Longitudinal Profiles with Annual Overlays 37 Table — Baseline Stream Data Summary Table (electronic submission only) Table — Morphology and Hydraulic Summary — Cross - section (electronic submission only) Table — Morphology and Hydraulic Summary — Reach (electronic submission only) Photos — Stream Problem Area Photos (electronic submission only) Table — Stream Problem Areas Inventory Table (electronic submission only) Appendix E. Wetland Assessment (n/a) Cross Creek Stream Restoration Project (105) Page i Stantec — Monitoring Year 5 of 5 — Final November 2010 Cross Creek Stream Restoration Project (105) Page i Stantec — Monitoring Year 5 of 5 — Final November 2010 1.0 Executive Summary Project goals and objectives for the Cross Creek and Little Cross Creek Stream Restoration are to: • Provide a stable stream channel that neither aggrades nor degrades while maintaining its dimension, pattern, and profile with the capacity to transport its watershed's water and sediment load. • Provide the stream with a floodplain at the stream's current elevation. • Improve aquatic habitat with the use of natural material stabilization structures such as root wads, rock vanes, woody debris and a riparian buffer. • Provide wildlife habitat and bank stability through the creation of a riparian zone. Year 5 vegetation monitoring was completed on September 9 and 15, 2010 at eight monitoring plots that were originally established by Earth Tech. Level 2 (planted and natural stems) of the Carolina Vegetation Survey (CVS) — NCEEP protocol (version 4.2) protocol was used. The floodplain adjacent to the right banks, mainly in the middle of the floodplain, of Little Cross Creek and Cross Creek below the confluence were bush hogged during MY3. These areas were replanted during MY4. Additional replanting along the left bank of Little Cross Creek and the right bank of Cross Creek below the confluence occurred in the spring of 2010. All plots meet year 5 vegetative success criteria of >260 trees /acre. The site also received invasive species control during the summer of 2010. Much of the kudzu was sprayed and was dead, although in a few areas it appeared to be resprouting. This should not be a major problem as a follow up treatment is scheduled for the 2011 growing season. The Japanese knotweed seemed to be eliminated from the area around the stormwater BMPs but is still present near VP101. A few princess trees were observed to the east of VP 105 but are not shown on the CCPV due to the small extent. Mid - channel bar formations were observed in Little Cross Creek, indicating that the stream may not possess sufficient capacity at this time. Colonization by beavers in this area in more recent years may be a contributing factor as well. EEP indicated that a wildlife control contractor has been dispatched to remove the beavers from the site. The sotrmwater plunge pool and wetland pond area continued to remain unstable and had contributed bank sediments to the channel below. Cross Creek upstream of the confluence with Little Cross Creek appeared to remain relatively stable with no major changes from last year. The stormwater plunge pool area and wetland pond were continuing to experience mass bank wasting, causing deposition of sediment into the main channel. The energy associated with the flow from the culvert is too great for the plunge pool as it is currently constructed. As a result of this a scour hole has developed. The wetland pond located on the right bank near station 21 +60 is continuing to experience bank erosion. The wetland pond erosion is related to the excess energy associated with the culvert/plunge pool area described above. EEP is establishing a repair contract for this area. Many of the projects structures are not functioning as intended and the project has exhibited some minor bank erosion that manifested earlier in the projects history, but Stantec believes that the restoration is generally stable and other than the stormwater outfall area designated for repair, the stability of the project has generally Cross Creek Stream Restoration Project (105) Page 1 Stantec — Monitoring Year 5 of 5 — Final November 2010 improved each monitoring year. The channel has good connection to its floodplain and has good vegetation established. Summary information/data related to the occurrence of items such as beaver or encroachment, and statistics related to performance of various project and monitoring elements can be found in the tables and figures in the report appendices. Narrative background and supporting information formerly found in these reports can be found in the Baseline Monitoring Report (formerly Mitigation Plan) and in the Mitigation Plan (formerly the Restoration Plan) documents available on EEP's website. All raw data supporting the tables and figures in the appendices is available from EEP upon request. 2.0 Methodology 2.1 VEGETATION ASSESSMENT Vegetative sample plots were quantitatively monitored during the first growing season. Eight IOOmz plots were established throughout the project. In each plot, all four plot corners were permanently located with conduit. Species composition, density, and survival were monitored during Year 0 and Year 1. In addition to these parameters height, diameter, and vigor were monitored in Years 2 -5 using the Carolina Vegetation Survey (CVS) methodology Version 2.2.5. Level 2 (planted and natural stems) methodology was utilized. As per the mitigation plan, the vegetative success criteria are based on the US Army Corps of Engineers Stream Mitigation Guidelines (USACE, 2003). The final vegetative. success criteria will be the survival of 260 5 -year old planted stems per acre at the end of the year 5 monitoring period. An interim measure of vegetation planting success will be the survival of at least 288 4 -year old planted trees per acre at the end of Year 4 of the monitoring period. The Year 5 stem counts for the eight vegetative monitoring plots are included in Table 7 in Appendix C. Photos of the vegetative monitoring plots are also included in Appendix C. 2.2 STREAM ASSESSMENT A longitudinal profile survey of the entire length of the project was completed in September 2010. Additional data collected included riffle length, riffle slope, pool length and pool spacing. During the longitudinal survey, additional pattern data was collected including channel beltwidth, radius of curvature, meander wavelength and meander width ratio. Stability was also visually assessed. A total of six permanent cross - sections were characterized. Data collected included, at a minimum, cross - sectional area, bankfull width, bankfull mean depth, bankfull max depth, floodprone width, width to depth ratio, and entrenchment ratio. Stream type was determined in riffle cross - sections only. Success will be measured based on whether the channel features stay within the natural variability of the dimensionless ratios of the reference reaches. Cross Creek Stream Restoration Project (105) Page 2 Stantec — Monitoring Year 5 of 5 — Final November 2010 2.3 WETLAND ASSESSMENT No wetland restoration occurred during the Cross Creek Stream Restoration Project. Cross Creek Stream Restoration Project (105) Page 3 Stantec — Monitoring Year 5 of 5 — Final November 2010 3.0 References Harrelson, C.C., C.L. Rawlins and J.P. Potyondy. 1994. Stream Channel Reference Sites: An Illustrated Guide to Field Technique. United States Department of Agriculture, Fort Collins, CO. Lee, Michael T., R. K. Peet, S. D. Roberts, and T. R. Wentworth. 2008. CVS -EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation, Version 4.2 ( http : / /cvs.bio.unc.edu /methods.htm) NCEEP. 2009. Revised Table of Contents for 2009 Monitoring Report Submissions. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Ecosystem Enhancement Program. Raleigh, NC. Version 1.2.1 June 1, 2009. Rosgen, D. 1996. Applied River Morphology. Wildland Hydrology, Pagosa Springs, CO. USACE, EPA, NCWRC, NCDWQ. 2003 Stream Mitigation Guidelines Weakley, Alan S. 2010. Flora of the Southern and Mid - Atlantic States. University of North Carolina Herbarium. Chapel Hill, NC. Working draft of March 8, 2010. Cross Creek Stream Restoration Project (105) Page 4 Stantec — Monitoring Year 5 of 5 — Final November 2010 Project Condition and Monitoring Data Appendices APPENDIX A. GENERAL FIGURES AND PLAN VIEWS Cross Creek Stream Restoration Project (105) Page 5 Stantec — Monitoring Year 5 of 5 — Final November 2010 This page blank intentionally left blank. Cross Creek Stream Restoration Project (105) Page 6 Stantec — Monitoring Year 5 of 5 — Final November 2010 Restoration Site Cape Fear River Ba CU: 03030004 k Stu o i s /'\/ Roads IN/ Railroads "'\-o Hydrography City of Fayetteville Cross Creek 35.066207N, 78.892009W Directions: From Raleigh, take 1-40 East to 1 -95 South. Take 1 -95 South to NC 24 (Exit 52). Take NC 24 West to Bragg Blvd. Turn right on Bragg Blvd and then right on Blue St. Project is located on Blue St. M Figure 1- Vicinity Map Cross Creek Stream Restoration Site NCEEP Project # 105 Cumberland County, NC Monitoring Year 5 1,000 2,000 Feet . Stant4t �lv I N. � I yhYV - M -11A NV Id N 31Y0 Mz 3O $NOGIA3H (n O N m 0 N 0 (D 0� N r w M M r O O M M M 00 0 0 1t 0 M 0 t` 0 r r - 00 It It 0 0 0 0 Q N 0 O (0 C0 (0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 u i'T AVJ J1S >113210 SSO?J0 0 (n 0 00 UDM00000000O V) 0_ M M M M M M M M M M M 011-11 `1 8 J O (� [f M M M M N M N M N M It N 0N _ M N LO O Z z r O0 co M w N 0 00 � d _ N _ N 0) N N Z 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0) 0) 00 0) O oo co ao ao ao ao eo 0o ao ao eo O � oo Oo ao ao au Oo ao Oo 0o r ao 00 0 N M U J V w N N (f) (n (0 U) (0 O C C C C C C C C C C C C (n 0 (D .a 'a a s 'a a 'a a 'a a 'a a � C �- N N Cl) M qT V N LO (D (D U o x x x x x x x x x x x x M31A NVId NOLI0N00 1NIbJ8n0 l� S)IW - AOd3�! 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GENERAL PROJECT TABLES Table 1. Project Restoration Components Cross Creek Stream Restoration - EEP Project No. 105 Data Collection Complete Actual Completion or Delivery Restoration Plan 2002 Oct 2002 Final Design - 90% NA 2004 Construction 2004 Jan 2005 Temporary S &E mix applied to entire project area en _ Permanent seed mix applied to entire project area 2004 Reach ID " �, Jan 2005 ° 4°„ " U W. Stationing Comment Nov 2006 Dec 2006 Year 2 Monitoring Oct 2007 Dec 2007 Year 3 Monitoring Oct 2008 Instream structures and vegetated buffers. The Cross Creek 1295 R P2 1376.0 1188.0 11 +4.00 to 25 +16.58 difference between footage and creditable Nov 2009 Supplementary Planting NA March 2010 Invasive Species Control NA Summer 2010 footage is due to three areas of single -sided Se t 2010 Nov 2010 easement, totaling 188 linear feet of the stream. Little Cross Creek 705 R P2 1 714.0 1 714.0 10 +00 to 17 +13.687 Instream structures and vegetated buffers. Mitigation Unit Summations Riparian Nonriparian Buffer Stream (if) Comment Wetland ac 1 Wetland ac ac 2090.0 0.0 0.0 1 0.0 R = Restoration P2 = Priority 2 Table 2. Project Activity and Reporting History Cross Creek Stream Restoration - EEP Project No. 105 Activity or Report Data Collection Complete Actual Completion or Delivery Restoration Plan 2002 Oct 2002 Final Design - 90% NA 2004 Construction 2004 Jan 2005 Temporary S &E mix applied to entire project area 2004 2004 Permanent seed mix applied to entire project area 2004 2004 Containerized and B &B plantings Jan 2005 Jan 2005 Mitigation Plan / As -built Year 0 Monitoring - baseline A r 2006 Ju12006 Year 1 Monitoring Nov 2006 Dec 2006 Year 2 Monitoring Oct 2007 Dec 2007 Year 3 Monitoring Oct 2008 Nov 2008 Supplementary Planting (Specimen Trees NA Summer 2009 Invasive Species Control NA Summer 2009 Year 4 Monitoring Sept 2009 Nov 2009 Supplementary Planting NA March 2010 Invasive Species Control NA Summer 2010 Year 5 Monitoring Se t 2010 Nov 2010 Cross Creek Stream Restoration Project (105) Page 11 Stantec — Monitoring Year 5 of 5 — Final November 2010 Table 3. Contacts Cross Creek Stream Restoration - EEP Project No. 105 Designer Earth Tech 701 Corporate Center Drive, Suite 475 Raleigh, NC 27607 Primary project design POC Bill Jenkins, PE 919 854 -6200 Construction Contractor Backwater Environmental 2312 New Bern Ave. Raleigh, NC 27610 Construction contractor POC Wes Newell (919)231-9227 Planting Contractor Carolina Silvics, Inc. 908 Indian Trail Road Edenton, NC 27932 Planting Contractor POC Mary-Margaret McKinney (252)482-8491 Seeding Contractor Backwater Environmental 2312 New Bern Ave. Raleigh, NC 27610 Seeding Contractor POC Wes Newell (919)231-9227 Seed Mix Sources Ernst Conservation Seeds 9006 Mercer Pike Meadville, PA 16335 Stacy Charles (814)336-2404 Nursery Stock Suppliers Coastal Plain Conservation Nursery (container plants) 3067 Conners Drive Edenton, NC 27932 Ellen Colodney (252)482 -5707 Cure Nursery (container plants) 880 Buteo Road Pittsboro, NC 27312 Jennifer Cure (919)542 -6186 Taylor's Nursery 3705 New Bern Avenue Raleigh, NC 27610 Richard Taylor (919)231 -6161 International Paper 55594 Hwy38 S Blenheim, SC 29516 Gary Nelson 1- 800 - 222 -1290 Monitoring Performers (Year 0 -1) Earth Tech 701 Corporate Center Drive, Suite 475 Raleigh, NC 27607 Monitoring POC Ron Johnson (919)854-6210 Monitoring Performers (Year 2 -4) Stantec Consulting Services, Inc. 801 Jones Franklin Road, Ste 300 Raleigh, NC 27606 Stream Monitoring POC Nate Jean (919)851 -6866 Vegetation Monitoring POC Amber Coleman (919)851 -6866 Wetland Monitoring POC NA Cross Creek Stream Restoration Project (105) Page 12 Stantec — Monitoring Year 5 of 5 — Final November 2010 Table 4. Project Background Table Cross Creek Stream Restoration - EEP Project No. 105 Project County Cumberland Unit Code 03030004100050 -Hydrologic Area -Drainage Cross Creek 10.5/25.5 sq mi impervious cover estimate %) 71% -Drainage Stream Order Cross Creek/Little Cross Creek 2nd/Ist Ph sio ra hic Region Sandhills /Coastal Plain Ecore ion Atlantic Southern Loam Plains Ros en Classification of As -built C Cowardin Classification Riverine Dominant soil types Chewacla loam Rion fine sandy loam Reference site ID Country Club Branch and Little Rockfish Creek USGS HUC for Project USGS HUC for Reference 03030004 03030004 NCDWQ Subbasin for Project 03 -06 -15 Subbasin for Reference 03 -07 -01 _NCDWQ Classification for Project Cross Creek (C), Little Cross Creek C _NCDWQ NCDWQ Classification for Reference UT Cross Creek (Country Club Branch, C), Little Rockfish Creek C portion of any project segment 303d listed? Yes -Any Any portion of any project segment upstream of a 303d listed segment? Yes Reasons for 303d listing or stressor Im aried Biological Activity, fecal coliform of project easement fenced 0% Cross Creek Stream Restoration Project (105) Stantee — Monitoring Year 5 of 5 — Final Page 13 November 2010 This page intentionally left blank. Cross Creek Stream Restoration Project (105) Page 14 Stantec — Monitoring Year 5 of 5 — Final November 2010 Appendix C. Vegetation Assessment Data Table 5 - Vegetation Plot Mitigation Success Summary Cross Creek Stream Restoration - EEP Project Number 105 Vegetation Vegetation Density Met Tract Mean Plot ID (260 stems /acre ) VP101 Y (607 100%(536 stems /acre) VP102 Y 1012) VP 103 Y 486 VP104 Y (486 ) VP105 Y (688) VP106 Y 405 VP 107 Y (283) VP108 Y (324 Cross Creek Stream Restoration Project (105) Page 15 Stantec — Monitoring Year 5 of 5 — Final November 2010 A 1 71 4- i ii r 4 J R IT p- Or i Photo Station 9 — Vegetation Plot 108 looking northwest (9/15/10) Photo Station 10 — Vegetation Plot 108 looking west (9/15/10) Cross Creek Stream Restoration Project (105) Page 17 Stantec — Monitoring Year 5 of 5 — Final November 2010 Photo Station 11 — Vegetation Plot 105 looking northeast (9/15/10) Photo Station 12 — Vegetation Plot 105 looking north (9/15/10) Cross Creek Stream Restoration Project (105) Page 18 Stantec — Monitoring Year 5 of 5 — Final November 2010 Photo Station 13 — Vegetation Plot 104 looking north (9/15/10) Photo Station 14 — Vegetation Plot 104 looking northwest (9/15/10) Cross Creek Stream Restoration Project (105) Page 19 Stantec — Monitoring Year 5 of 5 — Final November 2010 A ` - � `� � + , �rw•r Vii: � , 1 s �t 4 • - � �� Syr` �' ::` �,;. . .1J . ,- -- a Photo Station 19 —Vegetation Plot 101 looking north (9/9/10) Photo Station 20— Vegetation Plot 101 looking northwest (9/9/10) Cross Creek Stream Restoration Project (105) Page 22 Stantec — Monitoring Year 5 of 5 — Final November 2010 Rr. 7fl,447r, It -3, AO Table 6. Vegetation Metadata Cross Creek Stream Restoration - EEP Project No. 105 Report Prepared By Alex Baldwin Date Prepared 11/2/2010 14:07:37 PM database name Stantec CrossCreek2010 A.mdb database location U.\171300316\project \3- CrossCreek \site data \cvs computer name BALDW MA file size 51118080 DESCRIPTION QF W0AWF F = IN IW_ PQCU ENT Metadata Description of database file, the report worksheets, and a summary of project(s) and project data. Proj, planted Each project is listed with its PLANTED stems per acre, for each year. This excludes live stakes. Proj, total stems Each project is listed with its TOTAL stems per acre, for each year. This includes live stakes, all planted stems, and all natural/volunteer stems. Plots List of plots surveyed with location and summary data (live stems, dead stems, missing, etc.). Vigor Frequency distribution of vigor classes for stems for all plots. Vigor by Spp Frequency distribution of vigor classes listed by species. Damage List of most frequent damage classes with number of occurrences and percent of total stems impacted by each. Damage by Spp Damage values tallied by type for each species. Damage by Plot Damage values tallied by type for each plot. Planted Stems by Plot and S pp A matrix of the count of PLANTED living stems of each species for each plot; dead and missing stems are excluded. ALL Stems by Plot ands pp A matrix of the count of total living stems of each species (planted and natural volunteers combined) for each plot; dead and missing stems are excluded. PRO.1 Wr SUGARY Project Code 105 project Name Cross Creek Description Stream Restoration in Fayetteville River Basin Cape Fear length(ft) 2090 stream -to -edge width (ft) 100 area (sq m) Required Plots (calculated) Sampled Plots 8 Cross Creek Stream Restoration Project (105) Page 24 Stantec — Monitoring Year 5 of 5 — Final November 2010 vrniart rnde 0105. Proiect Name: Cross Creek Scientific Name Common Name Species Type 0105-01-0101 08) 1 My2 (2007) P -LS P -all T T JP-LS P -all T Acernegundo boxelder Tree Acer rubrum red maple Tree 1 Acer rubrum var. rubrum red maple Tree 6 4 Albizia julibrissin silktree Shrub Tree 1 25 16 23 Arms serrulata hazel alder Shrub Tree 1 14 4 28 Aronia arbutifolia Red Chokeberry Shrub 3 Baccharis baccharis Shrub Tree 8 Baccharis halimifolia eastern baccharis Shrub Tree 1 1 Betula nigra river birch Tree 9 10 101 Callicarpa americana American beautyberry Shrub 2 6 Carpinus caroliniana American hornbeam Shrub Tree 2 6 11 Carpinus caroliniana var. ca Coastal American Hor Shrub Tree Celtis hackberry 2 2 3 Cercis canadensis var. Cana eastern redbud Shrub Tree 1 3 3 Cl ethra alnifolia coastal sweetpepperb Shrub Cornus dogwood Shrub Tree Cupressus cypress Fothergilla witchalder Fothergilla gardenii dwarf witchalder Shrub 2 2 2 5 6 6 Fraxinus pennsylvanica green ash Tree 2 1 Ilex decidua possumhaw Shrub Tree Ilex decidua var. decidua Possum -haw Shrub Tree 1 9 9 Ilex glabra inkberry Shrub 1 1 3 4 uniperus virginiana eastern redcedar Tree Ligustrum sinense Chinese privet Shrub Tree 1 Liquidambar styraciflua sweetgum Tree 215 223 Liriodendron tulipifera tuliptree Tree 1 Liriodendron tulipifera var. Tulip -tree, Yellow Popl Tree 8 Mimosa sensitive plant Vine Shrub Morello cerifera wax myrtle Shrub Tree 1 6 9 10 Morus rubra red mulberry Tree Nyssa tupelo Tree Nyssa biflora swamp tupelo Tree Nyssa sylvatica blackgum Tree 4 8 8 Paulownia tomentosa Princesstree Tree Pinus taeda loblolly pine Tree 44 38 Platanus sycamore Tree 17 Platanus occidentalis American sycamore Tree 11 Platanus occidentalis var. o Sycamore, Plane -tree Tree 50 Populus heterophylla swamp cottonwood Tree 4 4 5 Pyrus pear Tree Pyrus calleryana Callery pear Tree 4 Quercus oak Shrub Tree 2 8 8 8 Quercus falcata southern red oak Tree Quercus lyrata overcup oak Tree 3 4 4 Quercus nigra water oak Tree Quercus phellos willow oak Tree 6 5 5 Quercus shumardii var. shu Shumard oak Shrub Tree 2 2 Rhus copallinum flameleaf sumac Shrub Tree 111 4 1 12 19 ' S 1 4 564 34 2853 0 0 0 1 15 6 1 5 129 8 0.20 22 652.6 80 1 1 18 10 2 5 592 33 2995 Rhus copallinum var. copal) flameleaf sumac Shrub Tree Salix nigra black willow Tree Sambucus canadensis Common Elderberry Shrub Tree Taxodium distichum bald cypress Tree 2 Toxicodendron radicans eastern poison ivy Shrub Vine Ulmus alata winged elm Tree Ulmus americana American elm Tree Ulmus americana var. amer American Elm, White Tree 2 Ulmus rubra slippery elm Tree Unknown lunknown Viburnum nudum 1possurnhaw IShrub Tree 1 Stems Stem count size (ares) size (ACRES) Species count per ACRE 0 15 1 0.02 0 10 0 607 Appendix D. Stream Assessment Data Photo Station 1— Cross Section 1 looking downstream (9/16/10) Photo Station 2 — Cross Section 2 looking downstream (9/16/10) Cross Creek Stream Restoration Project (105) Page 27 Stantec — Monitoring Year 5 of 5 - Final November 2010 Photo Station 3 — Cross Section 3 looking downstream (9/16/10) Photo Station 4 — Cross Section 4 looking downstream (9/16/10) Cross Creek Stream Restoration Project (105) Page 28 Stantec — Monitoring Year 5 of 5 - Final November 2010 Photo Station 5 — Cross Section 5 looking downstream (9/16/10) Photo Station 6 — Cross Section 6 looking downstream (9/16/10) Cross Creek Stream Restoration Project (105) Page 29 Stantec — Monitoring Year 5 of 5 - Final November 2010 Table 8A - Visual Morphological Stability Assessment Cross Creek Stream Restoration - EEP Project No. 105 Cross Creek/1188 feet (# Stable) Total Total Feature Metric (per As -built and reference Number Number Number/Feet %Perform Perform. Feature Category in Stable baselines) Performing per As- in Unstable Mean or Condition as Intended built State Total A. Riffles 1. Present? 6 8 75% 2. Armor stable (eg no N/A N/A displacement ?) 3. Facet grade appears stable? 6 8 75% 4. Minimal evidence of N/A N/A embedding/fining? 5. Length a ro iate? 7 8 88% 79% 1. Present? (e.g. not subject to severe B. Pools aggrad. or migrat. ?) 6 8 75% 2. Sufficiently deep (Max Pool D:Mean Bkf> 1.6 ?) 6 8 75% 3. Length appropriate? 5 8 63% 71% 1. Upstream of meander bend C. Thalweg (run/inflection) centering? 7 8 88% 2. Downstream of meander tide /inflection centering? 7 8 88% 88% 1. Outer bend in state of D. Meanders limited/controlled erosion? 6 8 75% 2. Of those eroding, # w /concomitant 1 2 point bar formation? 50% 3. Apparent Rc within spec? 8 8 100% 4. Sufficient floodplain access and relief? 7 8 88% 78% 1. General channel bed aggradation E. Bed General areas (bar formation) 1400 250 82% 2. Channel bed degradation - areas of increasing down- cutting or head- cutting? 1 1400 200 86% 68% 1. Actively eroding, wasting, or F. Bank slumping bank? 2800 275 90% 90% G. Vanes 1. Free of back or arm scour? 7 11 64% 2. Height appropriate? 8 11 73% 3. Angle and geometry appear appropriate? 6 11 55% 4. Free of piping or other structural failures? 9 11 82% 68% H. Wads/Boulders 12. 1. Free of scour? 0 4 1 0% Footing stable? N/A N/A 0% Cross Creek Stream Restoration Project (105) Page 30 Stantec — Monitoring Year 5 of 5 - Final November 2010 Table 8B - Visual Morphological Stability Assessment Cross Creek Stream Restoration - EEP Project No. 105 Little Cross Creek / 714 feet Feature Category Metric (per As -built and reference baselines) (# Stable) Number Performing as Intended Total Number per As- built Total Number/Feet in Unstable State % Perform in Stable Condition Feature Perform. Mean or Total A. Riffles 1. Present? 4 4 100% 2. Armor stable (eg no displacement ?) N/A N/A 3. Facet grade appears stable? 4 4 100% N/A N/A 4. Minimal evidence of embedding/fining? 3 4 92% 5. Length a ro iate? 75% 1. Present? (e.g. not subject to severe B. Pools aggrad. or migrat2) 4 4 100% 2. Sufficiently deep (Max Pool D:Mean Bkf> 1.6 ?) 4 4 100% 3. Length appropriate? 3 4 75% 92% 1. Upstream of meander bend C. Thalweg (run/inflection) centering? 4 4 100% 2. Downstream of meander _ tide /inflection centering? 4 4 100% 100% 1. Outer bend in state of D. Meanders limited/controlled erosion? 4 4 100% 2. Of those eroding, # w /concomitant N/A N/A point bar formation? 3. Apparent Rc within spec? 4 4 100% 4. Sufficient floodplain access and relief? 4 4 100% 100% 1. General channel bed aggradation E. Bed General areas (bar formation) 690 330 52% 2. Channel bed degradation - areas of _ increasing down - cutting or head- cutting? 690 50 93% 52% 1. Actively eroding, wasting, or F. Bank slumping bank? 13801 75 95% 95% G. Vanes 1. Free of back or arm scour? 4 6 67% 2. Height appropriate? 4 6 67% 3. Angle and geometry appear appropriate? 4 6 67% 4. Free of piping or other structural failures? 4 6 67% 67% H. Wads /Boulders 1. Free of scour? 12. 2 3 67% 1 Footing stable? N/A N/A 67% Cross Creek Stream Restoration Project (105) Page 31 Stantec — Monitoring Year 5 of 5 - Final November 2010 Table 9 - Verification of Bankfull Events Cross Creek Stream Restoration - EEP Pro'ect No. 105 Date of Data Date of Collection Occurrence Method Photo 2006 None N/A N/A 2007 None N/A N/A 9/24/2008 9/6/2008 Visual observation of sediment and MY3 Report (Appendix B4, Photo 1) debris in flood lain 11/19/2009 11/2009 Visual Observation Evidence of Bankfull event.JPG (in digital data submission 9/1/2010 9/29/2010 1 Weather Data No photo available Cross Creek Stream Restoration Project (105) Page 32 Stantec — Monitoring Year 5 of 5 - Final November 2010 C G O O L 3 G O b0 G_ cCE G U u U O �D O b O U C O U U y O U cz G O O) L_ ti w0 c v 'd y C O � 0 N T 2 G 2 G G m. Q e N Q + d o .Na a1i Q z �p O T N O L M N O q W 8 W Ca ,y N O ra N A V L � 'a Y Y CL �I Z J m co t rn o)vr�Drn T NOO Mr co MnM(D to Nao v, cm tD Lq O)OO W OA aMn y N N 4 0 N O M CO CO CO CD CO CD 00 O O O O) CO CO Ih O O) O 00 CD CO OD aD co co O) O) O) O) O) O) O) W L d L � L r ai 8 W s a o0 O M. r ^ p N oo r 4 h L m s Q� u L � q im m qU e3��3 C G O O L 3 G O b0 G_ cCE G U u U O �D O b O U C O U U y O U cz G O O) L_ ti w0 c v 'd y C O � qv 1�1 1 M11.1 V I�1 U U e0 I 1 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I O' 1 al a' 1 I Fw I OI I CAI b I OI O' ^N I I I I I I 1 1 I I I I I I I DC O a a� .r W �Q O O O 00 cz 0 N 0 O � � 00 it V" O 0 �ii O N it O N i O ( laa3) uoi;eAaia z T A 2 °o m. Q d o 0 z �p O T N O La. 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Cross Creek Stream Restoration Project (105) Page 49 Stantec — Monitoring Year 5 of 5 - Final November 2010