HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW8010647_HISTORICAL FILE_20160928STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET POST -CONSTRUCTION PERMITS PERMIT NO. SW DOC TYPE ❑ CURRENT PERMIT ❑ APPROVED PLANS HISTORICAL FILE ❑ COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION DOC DATE YYYYMMDD Energy Mineral & Land Resources ENWPONMFNTAL QUALITY September 28, 2016 Larry Bergman, Town Manager Town of Surf City PO Box 2475 Surf City, NC 28445-9821 PAT McCRORY Governor DONALD R. VAN DER VAART secretary TRACY DAVIS Director Subject: Notice of Permit Extension and Renewal Request State Stormwater Management Permit No. SW8 010647 — Soundview Park State Stormwater Management Permit No. SW8 020613 — Soundview Park Phase H Pender County Dear Mr. Bergman: Effective August 1, 2013 the State Stormwater program has been transferred from the Division of Water Quality (DWQ) to the Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources (DEMLR). All previous references to DWQ will remain in older stormwater permits issued prior to August 1, 2013 until they are modified, transferred, or renewed. Please note that this letter references DEMLR as the Division responsible for issuance of the permit. On August 5, 2009,.the Governor signed Session Law 2009-406. This law impacted any development approval issued by the former Division of Water Quality under Article 21 of Chapter 143 of the General Statutes, which was current and valid at any point between January 1, 2008, and December 31, 2010. The law extended the effective period of any stormwater permit that was set to expire during this time frame to three (3) years from its current expiration date. On August 2, 2010, the Governor signed Session Law 2010-177, which granted an extra year for a total of four (4) years extension. Accordingly, the subject permits, which were set to expire on the following dates, shall now be effective from the date of issuance until the new expiration date, as noted below, which includes all available extensions. Permit No. Last Issued Original Expiration Date New Expiration Date SW8 010647 March 22, 2002 March 22, 2012 March 22, 2016 SW8 020613 1 December 11, 2002 December 11 2012 December 11, 2016 The State Stormwater Management Permits for the subject project was last issued as noted above to the Town of Surf City and expire as noted above. Per 15A NCAC 21-1.1003(h) (the stormwater rules), applications for permit renewals shall be submitted 180 days prior to the expiration of a permit and must be accompanied by a processing fee, which is currently set at $505.00. Please complete and submit a renewal application prior to October 31, 2016. The renewal application can be found at the following website under the Applications Corms section: htt salde.nc.��nvlabrnitldivisionslener�w-mine-ral-land- rescrurceslenergv-minera l-land- perm its/stormwater-perni its/forms. Please note that if they have not already been submitted to the Division, the permit renewal request must be accompanied by the required Designer's Certification and the recorded documents (if applicable). Please be advised that you are required to comply with the terms, conditions and limitations of the Stormwater Management Permit under Title 15A North Carolina Administrative Code 2H .1003 and North Carolina General Statute 143-214.7 until you submit the required Name/Ownership Change Form to the Division and receive approval from the Division to transfer the permit. This includes providing the necessary operation and maintenance of the permitted stormwater system. The Name/Ownership Change Forms are available on our website at: 1 ttps;//dect.,�c.ov/about/divisic7nslenergv-mineral-land- r•esourc:es/enengv-minera] Jand-permits/storm,�valcr-perrnitslf'or ns. State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality i Energy. Mineral and Land Resources Wilmington Regional Office 1 127 Cardinal Drive Extension I Wilmington. NC 28405 910 796 7215 State Stormwater Permit No. SW8 010647 and SW$ 020613 Page 2 of 2 I'he operation of the stormwater treatment system without a valid and active permit; and/or failure to provide the Designer's Certification and/or failure to operate and maintain the stonnwater treatment system, are violations of NCGS 143 Article 21 and may result in appropriate enforcement action. if you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Christine Hall at (910) 796-721 S or christine.hal l@ncdcnr.gov. Sincerely, Ir ,Y,-, Tracy Davis, P.F. Director Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources GDSlcanh: 111Stormwater\Permits & Projects120011010647 HD12016 09 req_ren 010647 %StormwaterTermits & Projects120021020613 HD12016 09 req_ren 020613 cc: Wilmington Regional Office File State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality I Energy, Mineral and Land Resources Wilmington Regional Office 1 127 Cardinal Drive Extension I Wilmington. NC 28405 910 790 7215 A�� NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Coleen H. Sullins Governor Director August 4, 2011 J. Michael Moore, Town Manager Town of Surf City P.O. Box 2475 Surf City, NC 28445 Subject: PERMIT RENEWAL REQUEST Soundview Park - Stormwater Permit No. SW8 010647 Pender County Dear Mr. Moore: Dee Freeman Secretary The Division of Water Quality issued a Coastal Stormwater Management Permit, Number SW8 010647 to the Town of Surf City for Soundview Park on March 22, 2002. This permit expires on March 22, 2012. Per 15A NCAC 2H.1003(h) (the stormwater rules), applications for permit renewals shall be submitted 180 days prior to the expiration of a permit and must be accompanied by a processing fee, which is currently set at $505.00. If this is still an active project please complete and submit the enclosed renewal application by September 22, 2011. If this project has not been constructed and a permit is no longer needed, please submit a request to have the permit rescinded. If you have sold the project please provide the name, mailing address and phone number of the person or entity that is now responsible for this permit. Enclosed is a form for change of ownership, which should be completed and submitted if the property has changed hands. Your permit requires that upon completion of construction and prior to operation of the permitted stormwater treatment system, a certification of completion be submitted to the Division from an appropriate designer for the type of system installed. This is to certify that the permitted facility has been installed in accordance with the permit, the approved plans, specifications and supporting documentation. If you have not already provided a Designer's Certification to our office, please include a copy of the certification with your permit renewal request and processing fee. A copy of the certification form is enclosed for your convenience. You should be aware that failure to provide the Designer's Certification and the operation of a stormwater treatment facility without a valid permit, are violations of NC General Statute 143-215.1 and may result in appropriate enforcement action including the assessment of civil penalties of up to $10,000 per day, It you have any questions, please feel free to contact David Cox at (910) 796-7318. Sincerely, 1 i �C` 7• Georgette Scott Stormwater Supervisor Enclosures GDSldwc: S:1WQMStormwater\Permits & Projects12001 1010647 HD12011 201108 req_ren 010647 cc: Wilmington Regional Office File Wilmington Regional Office One 127 Cardinal Drive Extension, Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 NorthCarol ina Phone: 91 p-796-72 i5 l FAX: 910.350.20041 Customer Service: 1-877-623-6748 ��tura�fl, Internet: www.ncwaterquatity,org An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative Action Employer STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA Department of Environment and Natural Resources WIRO Regional Office FILE ACCESS RECORD SECTION SWP NAME DATE/TIME REPRESENTING -Slo-9Z-77 Guidelines for Access: The staff of the Regional Office is dedicated to making public records in our custody readily available to the public for review and copying. We also have the responsibility to the public to safeguard these records and to carry out our day-to-day program obligations. Please read carefully the following before signing the form. 1. Due to the large public demand for file access, we request that you call at least a day in advance to schedule an appointment for file review so you can be accommodated_ Appointments are scheduled between 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Viewing time ends at 4:45 p.m. Anyone arriving without an appointment may view the files to the extent that time and staff supervision are available. 2. You must specify files you want to review by facility name or incident number, as appropriate. The number of files that you_ may review at one appointment will be limited to five. 3. You may make copies of a file when the copier is not in use by the staff and if time permits. Cost per copy, is 2.5 cents for ALL copies if you make more than 25 copies; there is no charge for 25 or less copies. Payment is to be made by check, money order, or cash in the administrative offices. 4. Files must be kept in the order you received them. Files may not be taken from the office. No briefcases, large -totes, etc. are permitted in the file review area. To remove, alter, deface, mutilate, or destroy material in public files is a misdemeanor for which you can be fined up to $500.00, 5. In accordance with GS 25-3-512, a $25.00 processing fee will be charged and collected for checks on which payment has been refused. 6. The customer must present a photo ID, sign -in, and receive a visitor sticker prior to reviewing files. FACILITY NAME COUNTY 2. 3. 4. 5. 1 gn re/Name of Orm or Business Date Time In Time Out (Please attach business card to form if available) # Copes Amt. Pd: File Review Subject: File Review From: Branch Smith <jsmith2@withcrsravcnc1.com> Date: Mon, 24 Nov 2008 09:34.08 -0500 To: Jo Casmer <Jo.Casmer@ncmail.net> Jo, Can you let me know a good day l can come in and review SW8 010647 Surf City Soundview Park and SW8 020613 Soundview Park Phase 11? See attached pdf of permits issued list. The projects are listed at the bottom of the page. Thanks Branch Smith J. BRANCH SMITH, PF WITHERS C\-r RAVENEL 14i0 C01u171onti'ealih Qdve, Unit lot i Wilmington. N.C. 28403 let; 9to,256,g7771 9": gta.256.2584 direM 930509.6530 vlvnv.withersravenel.com PPlease consider the environment before printing this email. N0110E OF CONRGENTWLITy AND NONDI5CILOSl1RE This chxtranrc rncssalc, wh4cFl includes uriy altachulcril; and v1Iv:rdrxurncnts ru(urrcd to hen:iu. cxnlairis InfOnnation (ruin V�ilher5 2 Raveoel, Inc. that may be Ir�­jUy privileged and canhdctitial. The information is inlerided for the use of the addressee(;) only, li you arc nut the addressee, soli: that ariv disclosure, oupying. printing. distribution, at use ofthe contents of this mrssa&ge is prohibited. Ifyou rcccived this rne,sarc in error, pteasr advise the sender by reptyand delete this electronic message and any allachinents. Cl PYRl[HI NMICE: Copyright M.)S by WithcrsA Ravrnel, Inc. All Rights Reserved byWilhers a Ravrnel. Inc. this notice applies to Iltis electronic niessage, all altachnivnis Ihereta, -arid all docurnkmts n:lerrcd to lhcrcin, ills; cli:ctronic rncssam. arty attachinents (hereto and all documents referred to therein are the pruprictaty prrrpctty of Wittiers & Ravenei, Inc.'M5; -_lectronic messlvc, anv allactuncnls IIle reta:rid all documents n_fcrred totln_rela arc pruvided lur the recipient's inforinaticnr only. and no righisan, trins- lerrcd by the trans inissivii of Ill is electronic alrssa�e by Wirlhem F. Rawnel, Is or n:celpt of Ili is rnessave by the recipie tit or anycdher party. Content -Description: Surf City.pdf Surf City.pdf Content -Type: application/pdf Content -Encoding: base64 l of 1 11 /24/2008 5:01 PM OF WATER Michael F. Easley, Governor �a O William G. Ross Jr., Secretary �0 G North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W. Klimek, RE -Director Division of Water Quality Coleen H. Sullins, Deputy Director Division of Water Quality July 27,2004 Mr, Patrick A Thomas, Town Manager Town of Surf City PO Box 2475 Surf City, NC 28445 Subject: Approved Plan Revision Soundview Park Stormwater Project No. SW8 010647 Pender County Dear Mr. 'Thomas: On July 7, 2004, the Wilmington Regional Office received a plan revision for Stormwater Management Permit Number SW8 010647. 'fhe revisions include the relocation and modification of the proposed restroom facility. The proposed restroom facility will be: (1) relocated to the area beside the fishing pier in lieu of the area beside the parking lot. (2) modified to an 8' X 16' facility (128 square feet) in lieu of a 15' x 20' facility (300 square feet) The net result is that the total impervious area of the project will be reduced by 172 square feet. The total impervious area of the project will be 49, 400 square feet in lieu of 49, 572 square feet. It has been determined that a formal permit modification is not required for the proposed changes. We are forwarding you an approved copy of the revised plans .for your files. Please replace the old approved plan sheet with the new one, enclosed. Please be aware that all terms and conditions of the permit issued on March 22, 2002, remain in full force and effect. Please also understand that the approval of this revision to the approved plans for the subject State Stormwater Permit is done on a case -by -case basis. Any other changes to this project must be approved through this Office prior to construction. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to call me at (910) 395-3900. Sincerely, Rhonda Hall Environmental Engineer RSSlrbh: S:1WQSISTORMWATIREVISION1010647.JUL04 cc: Keith Bulla, P.E. Town of Surf City Building Inspections Division of Coastal Management Rhonda Hall "Wilmington Regional Office Central Files _ if" " N. C. Division of Water Quality 127 Carding! Drive Extension (910) 395-3900 Customer Service —� Wilmington Regional Office Wilmington, NC 28405 (910) 350-2004 Fax 1 800 623-7748 gCDEh4 P. 1 j COMMUNICATION RESULT REPORT ( JUL. 7.2004 5:27PM ) TTI NCDENR WIRO FILE MODE OPTION ADDRESS (GROUP) RESULT PAGE ---------- -------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- 173 MEMORY TX 891032e4132 OK P. 1/1 ---------------------------------------- REASON FOR ERROR E-1) HANG UP OR LINE FAIL E-3) NO ANSWER 0 Date: To: Company; FAX #: E-2) BUSY E74) NO FACSIMILE CONNECTION Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr. Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural 4esources Alan W, KUrnek PE.,Director Division ofWiter Quality Coleen K Sullins, Deputy Director Division of Water Quality FAX COVER SHEET July 7, 2004 Micheal Moore, Town Manager Town of Surf City 910-328.4132 DWQ Stormwater Project Number: SW8 010647 Project Name: Soundview Park, Phase I MESSAGE: Dear Mr. Moore: No, of Pages: 1 From: Linda Lewis Water Quality Section - Stormwater FAX # 910-350-2004 Phone # 910-395-3900 I met today with Leon Milner regarding the relocation and downsizing of the restroom facilities at the Soundview Park. In, addition to the CAMA Major permit, the stormwater management permit will need to be modified to account for this change. If nothing else ,f t OF WArF9 Michael F. Easley, Governor Q William G. Ross Jr., Secretary O G North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources v Alan W. Klimek, P.E.,Director Division of Water Quality Coieen H. Sullins, Deputy Director Division of Water Quality FAX COVER SHEET Date: July 7, 2004 To: Micheal Moore, Town Manager Company: Town of Surf City FAX #: 910-328-4132 DWQ Stormwater Project Number: SW8 010647 Project Name: Soundview Park, Phase I MESSAGE: Dear Mr. Moore: No. of Pages: 1 From: Linda Lewis Water Quality Section - Stormwater FAX # 910-350-2004 Phone # 910-395-3900 I met today with Leon Milner regarding the relocation and downsizing of the restroom facilities at the Soundview Park. In addition to the CAMA Major permit, the stormwater management permit will need to be modified to account for this change. If nothing else about the project changes except for the location and size of the restroom, this plan modification can be handled via a "Plan Revision", which does not require a permit modification. Please update the approved plans with the new location and size of the restroom facilities and submit two copies to the Division of Water Quality to my attention. RSSlarl: ' S:IWQSISTORMWATILETTERS120041010647.ju104 Cc: Stoney Mathis, DCM N. C. Division of Water Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Extension (910) 395-3900 Customer Service Wilmington Regional Office Wilmington, NC 28405 (910) 350-2004 Fax 1 800 623-7748 #VCgEiVR i A it N L • O a a cq U r P. 1 FILE MODE 176 MEMORY TX * * * COMMUNICATION RESULT REPORT ( MAR.19.2002 OPTION ADDRESS (GROUP) ------ 95099495 9:21AM ) TTI RESULT OK NCDENR WIRO PAGE ---------- P. 3/3 -------- ---- ------ REASON FOR ERROR ---------------------- -------------------------------------------- E-1) HANG UP OR LINE FAIL E-2) BUSY E-3) NO ANSWER E-4) NO FACSIMILE CONNECTION State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Wilmington Regional Office Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary FAX COVER SHEET Date: S -I 9 -02 _ To: ei+h 2 pG CO: FAX #: 50� R4 5 REMARKS: No. Of Pages: 3 From: L!n tr r'5 CO: FAX#: 910-350 2004 127 Car4kial Drivc Extension, Wllmington, N.C. 28405-3845 Telephone (910) 395-3900 Fax (910) 350-2004 An Tqual Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer .. �F war., Michael F. Easley, Governor Mr. Patrick Thomas, Town Manager Town of Surf City PO Box 2475 Surf City, NC 28445 Dear Mr. Thomas: William G. Ross, Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Gregory J. Thorpe, Ph.D., Acting Director Division of Water Quality Wilmington Regional Office March 19, 2002 Subject: REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Stormwater Project No. SW8 010647 Soundview Park Pender County The Wilmington Regional Office received a Stormwater Management Permit Application for Soundview Park on March 1, 2002. A preliminary review of that information has determined that the application is not complete. The following information is needed to continue the stormwater review: 1. Please sign separate supplement forms for each proposed basin. While it is convenient to only sign one, the Attorney General's office has required us to obtain a separate and complete supplement form with an original signature for each proposed stormwater management measure. 2. Please provide dimensions for infiltration areas 7 and 9. 3. Please label the high point elevations where the drainage area delineation lines meet. N.C. Division of Water Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, KC. 28405 (910) 395-3900 Fax (910) 350-2004 Customer Service 800-623-7748 Mr. Thomas March 19, 2002 Stormwater Project No. SW8 010647 Please note that this request for additional information is in response to a preliminary review. The requested information should be received by this Office prior to April 19, 2002, or the application will be returned as incomplete. The return of a project will necessitate resubmittal of all required items, including the application fee. If you need additional time to submit the information, please mail or fax your request, for a time extension to the Division at the address and fax number at the bottom of this letter. The request must indicate the date by which you expect to submit the required information. The Division is allowed 90 days from the receipt of a completed application to issue the permit. The construction of any impervious surfaces, other than a construction entrance under an approved Sedimentation Erosion Control Plan, is a violation of NCGS I43-215.1 and is subject to enforcement action pursuant to NCGS 143-215.6A. Please reference the State assigned project number on all correspondence. Any original documents that need to be revised have been sent to the engineer or agent. All original documents must be returned or new originals must be provided. Copies are not acceptable. If you have any questions concerning this matter please feel free to call me at (910) 395-3900. Sincerely, Linda Lewis Environmental Engineer RSS/arl: S:IWQSISTORMWATIADDIN1;O120021010647.MAR cc: Linda Lewis Keith Bulla, P.E. RECEIVED MAR 2 0 2002 Keith P. Bulla, PE 3202 Binford Court BY: - TRANSMITTAL Wilmington, NC 28405 Phone: (910) 7914724 PAGE Company: NCDWQ From: Keith Bulla, P.E. Recipient: Linda Lewis Date: 03/20/02 Re: Soundview Park, Project No. SW8 Number of Pages Enclosed: 20 010647 Ms. Lewis, Attached are the signed and notarized infiltration Basin forms for the Soundview Park project as requested. Also attached are two scaled copies of the revised sheet 3 of same project drawings with added dimensions for two basins and spot elevations along basin boundaries. If you have any additional comments, please advise. Keith Bulla RECEIVED MAR 2 0 2002 nwQ PROD # �d1y(047- _.� � ` i �3. � �. _ . . , i rL ; ' y' � rr s '. _ . �, I , 1 I ,. ' - ' i r 1 .� t I f Mr. Patrick Thomas, Town of Surf City PO Box 2475 Surf City, NC 28445 Dear Mr. Thomas: Town Manager 11jichael F. Easley. Governor VVilliarn G. Ross, Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Gregory J. Thorpe, Ph.D., Acting Director Division of Water Quality Wilmington Regional Office January 17, 2002 Subject: Alternative Design Requirements Soundview Park Stormwater Project No. 010647 Onslow County Per our meeting last Friday, I forwarded a copy of the site plan and application to the Central Office and have received a very timely response. The project is still considered a pocket of high density, but, in exchange for some plan changes, the Division can permit this project under the alternative design criteria. Alternatives require control measures that provide equal or better control and protection, and, in the case of SA class waters, do not discharge in response to the design storm. Recognizing that the T water table separation cannot be achieved in all basins, the required plan changes are: 1. Expand the'infiltration basins to store more than the required 1.5" minimum. This will help satisfy the equal or better control and protection requirement. 2. Provide vegetated filters for all overflows from the infiltration basins. This will also help satisfy the equal or better control and protection requirement. 3. Investigate the possibility of some slight regrading to create a single inlet point into each basin, at which an at -grade bypass structure can be provided. The bypass can be a small flat concrete box set at the inlet point with a raised lip to divert the excess runoff into the vegetated filter. If single inlet points cannot be achieved, the Division will consider the placement of overflows to vegetated filters from the basin. The overflow elevation must be set to provide more storage than the required minimum 1.5" storm. 4. Under alternative design criteria, use of porous pavement can be considered as a stormwater measure contributing to the equal or better control requirement. Your application is incomplete and will be placed on hold for 90 days pending these changes. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me at (910) 395-3900 Sincerely, Linda Lewis Environmental Engineer RSSlarl: S:IWQSISTORMWATILETTERS1010647.JAN cc: Keith Bulla, P.E. Linda Lewis N.C. Division of Water Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, N.C. 28405 (910) 395-3900 Fax (910) 350.2004 . Customer Service 800-623-7748 Somidview Subject: Soundview Date: Fri, 11 Jan 2002 10:39:24 -0500 From: Linda Lewis <Linda.Lewis@ncmail.net> Organization: NC DENR To: Darren England <Darren.England@ncmail.net>, Bradley Bennett <Bradley.Bennett@ncmail.net> CC: Rick Shiver <Rick.Shiver@ncmail.net> Dear Darren and Bradley, I am sending you a copy of the application and site plan for Soundview Park, owned by the Town of Surf City in Pender County. The receiving water is the ICWW (18-87-(5.5), Class SA. The majority of the site is coastal wetland. The project proposes 1.14 acres of parking lot and boat ramp on the remaining 2.75 acres of uplands, which is a little over 41% impervious. Due to the large expanse of wetlands and the relatively small upland area, I made the call that the project was a pocket of high density, which they are questioning. The reason they question it is because the water table is within 2' of the ground surface everywhere on the site, so it cannot meet the required 2' separation for infiltration. The soils are Newhan, so the infiltration rate is not a problem. The project proposes to sheet flow into 9 separate infiltration areas, each designed to store the 1.5" storm. They want me to call the project low density because of the sheet flow and the fact that the runoff will be directed to nine infiltration areas. They also have a 30' buffer in most locations, although the infiltration areas take up some of the buffer in some locations. They also want me mention that the site was formerly a mobile home park (more BUA than previously existed, so redevelopment is not an option), and they got rid of all the old septic tanks and drainfields. The single restroom proposed will be on sewer. They would like to use a pervious pavement, but I told them they couldn't get any credit for BUA if they did, unless they went through the PEP process and got it approved as an alternative. I need your opinion and feedback as soon as possible. Can I call this low density development and still be consistent with other similar projects? If I call it a pocket, they will have to reduce the project's BUA to meet low density, since the water table is too high. This is obviously not what they"want. Sand filters and bio-retention are too expensive. Naturally, they are under the gun and want to get started as soon as possible. Rick has made this a priority, so your speedy response will be appreciated. It will be in the mail today. Thanks. Linda I of 1 1/1 1/2002 10:48 AM OF\NA(Jichael Easley. Governor IFR Q William G. Ross, Jr., Secretary yNorth Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources co r_ —q1 Gregory J. Thorpe, Ph.D., Acting Director 0 Division of Water Quality Wilmington Regional Office December 5, 2001 Mr. Patrick A. Thomas, Town Manager Town of Surf City PO Box 2475 Surf City, NC 28445 Subject: REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Stormwater Project No. SW8 010647 Soundview Park Onslow County Dear Mr. Thomas: The Wilmington Regional Office received a Stormwater Management Permit Application for Soundview Park on November 2, 2001. A preliminary review of that information has determined that the application is not complete. The following information is needed to continue the stormwater review: 1. The large expanse of wetland is creating a pocket of high density. Per the requirements of NCAC 2H.1000, I have determined that the proposed development is a potential threat to water quality. Please revise the application to high density -infiltration. Include a soils report, completed infiltration basin supplements and delineate the drainage area for each proposed basin. Calculations have been submitted by Keith Bulla, P.E. 2. Please either provide bypass structures or provide storage for the 25 year, 24 hour storm. Infiltration is an "off-line" system. Runoff in excess of the 1.5" design storm must bypass the basin, before it enters the basin, not after. This is most frequently accomplished through use of a smart weir, located in the last catch basin before entering the infiltration basin. The weir height is set at the proposed storage elevation. The incoming runoff is directed to the basin, but once the storage elevation is reached, the excess storm event flows aver the weir and is diverted to a 50' ve-etated filter. Please detail the bypasses on the plans. Please show and detail a 50' vegetated filter for all overflows from the proposed basins. 4. Please make arrangements with our Soil Scientist, Vincent Lewis, so that he can be present when your soils contractor pulls the soil samples for analysis. This will save time in the permit review process. Your application has been placed on priority by my supervisor. Please submit the required items as soon as possible to continue with this expedited review. �-A N.C. Division of Water Duality 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, N.C. 28405 (910) 395-3900 Fax (910) 350-2004 Customer Service 800-623-7748 Mr. Thomas December 3, 2001 -' Stormwater Project No. SW8 010647 Please note that this request for additional information is in response to a preliminary review. The requested information should be received by this Office prior to January 5, 2001, or the application will be returned as incomplete. The return of a project will necessitate resubmittal of all required items, including the application fee. If you need additional time to submit the information, please mail or fax your request for a time extension to the Division at the address and fax number at the bottom of this letter. The request must indicate the date by which you expect to submit the required information. The Division is allowed 90 days from the receipt of a completed application to issue the permit. The construction of any impervious surfaces, other than a construction entrance under an approved Sedimentation Erosion Control Plan, is a violation of NCGS 143-215.1 and is subject to enforcement action pursuant to NCGS 143-215.6A. Please reference the State assigned project number on all correspondence. Any original documents that need to be revised have been sent to the engineer or agent. All original documents must be returned or new originals must be provided. Copies are not acceptable. If you have any questions concerning this matter please feel free to call me at (910) 395-3900. - Sincerely, �1�JGerit� Y�'� Linda Lewis Environmental Engineer RSS/arl: S:1WQSISTORMWATIADDINFO1010647.DEC cc: Linda Lewis Charles Riggs, P.L.S. FACT SHEET PROJECT: SOUNDVIEW PARK LOCATION: LOCATED IN THE TOWN OF SURF CITY, ON THE SOUTH EAST SIDE OF THE NC HIGHWAY 50 ICWW BRIDGE. FORMER USE: TRAILER HOME PARK BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF IMPROVEMENTS: THE SITE IS TO BE DEVELOPED AS A PARK. IMPROVEMENTS INCLUDE DRIVEWAY ACCESS, PARKING, BOAT RAMP, FISHING PIER AND WASH HOUSE OWNER: TOWN OF SURF CITY DEVELOPERS: TOWN OF SURF CITY NC WILDLIFE RESOURCES TOTAL SITE ACREAGE: 13.011 ACRES (5.864 ACRES ABOVE CAMA NORMAL HIGH WATER) EXISTING IMPERVIOUS SURFACE:.42 ACRES PROPOSED ADDITIONAL IMPERVIOUS SURFACE:.72 ACRES TOTAL PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS: 1.14 ACRES PERCENT IMPERVIOUS FORMER: 7.2% PERCENT IMPERVIOUS PROPOSED: 19.4% SOILS: NEWHAN-COROLLA, FINE SAND DEPTH TO SEASONAL HIGH WATER TABLE: 18" TO 24" STORM WATER MANAGEMENT NARRATIVE SOUNDVIEW PARK SURF CITY, NORTH CAROLINA RECEIVED NOV 0 2 2001 DWQ PROJ * PREPARED FOR: TOWN OF SURF CITY P.O. BOX 2475 SURF CITY, NORTH CAROLINA 28445 .WA COO! ••. NGI NE��•: 'fF/T-......•••��2 ,0-'k, fps at PREPARED BY: KEITH P. BULLA, P.E. 3202 BINFORD COURT WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28405 (910) 791-4724 a STORM WATER MANAGEMENT NARRATIVE SOUNDVIEW PARK SURF CITY, NORTH CAROLINA Project Description: Soundview Park consists of 13.011 acres of land adjacent to the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway, Topsail Sound and North Carolina Highway 50/210 and located within the Town of Surf City, Topsail Township, Pender County, North Carolina. The site has 5.864 acres above the CAMA normal high water line. The adjacent water, Topsail Sound, is classified as SA-ORW. This property was originally a mobile home park consisting of seven mobile homes. Each of the mobile homes included a concrete patio and/or wood decking and gravel driveway. The park was accessed by a gravel road within a 30-foot ingress, egress, regress, drainage and utility easement. The property was acquired by the Town of Surf City to be developed as a park. The proposed plan is to remove the existing trailers and utilize and extend the existing gravel drive and add vehicle and boat trailer parking, walkways, fishing pier, boat dock, boat ramp and restroom buildings. The boat ramp is to be constructed by the North Carolina Wildlife Commission. The additional gravel pavement and building construction will require a minimal amount of clearing. The site will be serviced with water and sanitary sewer from the Town of Surf City. The site total built upon area for the site utilizing the acreage above the CAMA normal high water line is calculated to be 19.4%, requiring a low density storm water management permit from the North Carolina Division of Water Quality. Storm Water Management: The storm water management for the project will be accomplished with the establishment of a 30-foot wide vegetative buffer around the perimeter of the site. During construction, silt fences are to be constructed around the site to manage runoff Also, for long-term management of storm water runoff for the project, ten individual infiltration basins have been designed and will be constructed to capture the first one and one-half inch of storm water runoff from each rainfall event in accordance with the Town of Surf City requirements for storm water management. The infiltration basin calculations are enclosed. The basins are to be 6-inches deep with 3:1 minimum side slopes. A site soils investigation determined the soils to have an infiltration rate of greater than 6- inches/hour. The existing high water table was determined to be 2-foot and greater below the existing ground surface. ICI .0 ;1•; ,.#, ♦� ,41,. VLF. ,tr• , ,.1,• J CJ� , if J/ rC. ' r:jj(j J ! !{ .#: 111, iJ , ''fl ,'. [. i .}� L�.T;' •unu r}. r.i r [• i.it et-'Jicl i.JM0,;f I,J;I' ri, iI'I." i< !rl:� ,d rzt:r,i0 r}I I, l, }i' .J CI, r r: NY r/ I; }I+, fi ,:+1., �;� ': r, J r1 I s.'r,1 , IJ 1 J . :(. ,J ! �" °.. J � J,-'�[�1 t), c11 U, tO =J'. f!jWj `J'r0r i ..' iEJr Ci;l' f(J ,i :i:iSr 1 l.r)lY tf'r C.l' ifi, }rJ:J li'i'.kr t.i '1(J3 }j3b %;�[iJJ +,:i�i;4.'J,'+'+ ,I•.! 'J! T'1 !.+ Crs' I [ ., i J'' I'.J• 1 :i}f I�,' :� . .'liJ�+J' ?il 1,o; 1aAsilq.GL :i"'li:il r; J' 1)"LJJ r+'tSi'U !,JIG it, CC, I.• 'I I.. rdl 4 'U' i,.t fS. - IJ, ��ljf iV!:3J !',,+j FiJ�,;lJ Yi�f. '(;t.,J� !u` u'} .'_fr:. Jf' �r !: .;: '�Jl {: ("{':�' + I!" .1•I`kl 1J- J.,1 111W, ,ktJj ,.4 rltl!T k.,ltIL .r., (:r ,.?<';i•' I'"'J,itr'l.ft,� 1i'.r!=.CJ+�Ji! i •k!I`:Jrk' ` ..J'�f. , .�,1�{i fJS.k�S_ •l�`s /1 rjr �ii�AeSlar'C� }i :1J^.- .� r111'.' r!� ,?4l .�f .; � :,,7 . ;f' .:1rlr'�.. ■ ' i iJ.: 1 1 . r fit.- riI IrG :ill3 JrE J's+ Sj cYl i/ r / k i' ii. It:!•..'^,-�.:4;{' is ;i i'.:;! C .( .1:1 r. I'IJf' i -Iki r['r.l:I: fJJri�;:�F3. J'• ,�•, 'ITi; Jfif?I':lr l-Jr}lJ.i 11J' [SiC1a{ �i !',r.f'�,:P i h'`l,r+"J .. f 'I -,,ar a,sll T. C 7c :'.�LCi::#�31/.�=: f;Jr� {� ,fr / '{ ; ,+:7r r :'r:yi !, .,if l Jil3f.' 1 rb :f•"I :!r' fI r,.r,I•-• 3 rlir i s [,+I ' �!}lr.tJ _4 'a'iE. °11',!��'I'i i!rlJ: It, �•fsril.i. {A 'fr:!•. � '3I' !.,'t`,h t,.Y•,Tll .;f);'i'r.r '.f' +i'+, 51. ,il ., rr•, r.• �'. �t,�i 'J( .v= - Y " 'P 'r fO !Wl '.7,r'likG Keith P. Bulla, PE 3202 Binford Court TRANSMITTAL Wilmington, NC 28405 Phone: (910) 791-4724 PAGE Company: NC Division of Water Quality From: Keith Bulla/Charles Riggs Recipient: Linda Lewis Date: 11/02/01 Re: Soundview Park, Surf City, NC Number of Pages Enclosed: Enclosed: Check in the amount of $420.00 2 copies revised applications in accordance with comments dated October 19, 2001. Keith Bulla, P.E. RECEIVED NOV 0 2 2001 n ``/ � PROJ # S( L r->j r , a f f •`' !1b ..'� � ..k.,,,� . . .aC.�.M� — •�,..� �i;Sq��f!' �;.}i; � "-.� T -!aa ��ti r•t;i '. ",qg "+ Z� '3+dr'.'.~ SS S A i CHARLES F. RIGGS AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 202 WARLICK S'IRE111' P. O. BOX 1570 JACKSONVILI-E,NOR-1.1-1 CAROLINA28541-1570 TELGPFIONE: (910) 455-0877 FACSIMILE (910) 455-9033 E-MAIL: cfra a ncuetsmet October 15, 2001 Ms, Linda I-ewis, Environmental Engineer Division of Water Quality Wilmington Regional Office State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 Re: Stormwater Plan for Soundview Park Stormwater Project No. SW8010047 Pender County Dcar Ms. Lewis. On behalf of the Town of Surf City, Mr. Keith Bulla, P.IL. and Charles F. Riggs & Associates, Inc. submits for your review the above -referenced stortnwater plan. Respectfully, R IV OCT 72001 DWQ PROJ# :SwB0(0(04?- State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Wilmington Regional Office Michael F. Easlev, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Seeretan, Division of Water Quality June 29, 2001 CERTIFIED MAIL 97000 1530 0001 0444 2340 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Town of Surf City PO Box 2475 Surf City, NC 28445 Subject Dear Sir: REQUEST FOR STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION Soundview Park Stormwater Project No. SW8010647 fender County On June 22, 2001, the Wilmington Regional Office received a copy of a CAMA Major Application for Soundview Park. The North Carolina Administrative Code requires any project that must receive either Sedimentation and Erosion Control Plan approval and/or a CAMA Major permit to apply for and receive a. Stormwater Management Permit by the Division of Water:Quality. Any construction on the subject site, prior to receipt of the required permit, will constitute a violation of 15A NCAC 2H.1000 and may result in appropriate enforcement action by this Office. Either a Stormwater Permit Application Package including 2 sets of plans, completed application form, fee, and supporting documentation, or a written response regarding the status of this project and the expected submittal date must be received in this Office no later than July 25, 2001. Failure to respond to this request may result in the initiation of enforcement action, and construction may experience a subsequent delay. The NPDES 010000 Federal Stormwater Permit that accompanies the Erosion Control Plan approval letter must NOT be considered the Coastal Stormwater Management Permit, which will be signed by the Water Quality Supervisor. Please reference the Project Number above on all correspondence. If you have any questions, please call me at (910)- 395-3900. Sincerely, Linda Lewis Environmental Engineer RSS/arl: S:1WQSISTORMWA RSTORMSUB1010647-JUN cc: Jimmy Canady, Pender County inspections Ed Brooks Linda -Lewis Central Files 127 Cardinal Dr. Ext., Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 Telephone 910-395-3900 FAX 910-350-2004 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycledl10%, post -consumer paper L A.PPLICAINT A. Lana lm,mt C A "'LICA"ArION, LPY CJ'o he compicted i+i• nil xpi,licatiLs) !r'an]e 'Town of Surf City 214 North New River Drive h dcir6ss t' . O. Bo x 2 4 7 5 City Surf City , state N . C . 2 8 4 4 5 Day lliomt (910) 3 2 8- 4131 b. Cit)`, ICmm, cannuunit}` or landm2rl: Surf City Topsail Township - c. St ff--t aiidress Qr se%;Q1]dary road numi7er N.0 Hi-glivpy 50 210 d. h prQlwlsr d wori: within city lflnits or lllanWng jurisdiction? xx i"es Na e. Name of lxxJy of water Ileasest project (e.g, river, crew};, sound, t)ay) Topsail Sound/Atlantis lntracoastal waterway (910) 3 2 8 -- 413 2 3` Da;CRIl'TTON 11 ND tLA_�-ED. U F, OF PROPOSED PROJECT 7iUiiloriz`ul A -CM Charles F. Riggs, P.L.S. L-2981 I]aimeCharles T. Riggs & Assoc�lates, lrlc?�- 202 warli_ck Street Address P.O. Sox 1570 Cit1 Jacksonville State N.C. `ip 28541 T?a3, pi]onn (910) 4 5 5- 0 8 7 7 Fa]: (910) 455-9033 �'rTl�pw�'113fI]n (<Ii auy) Soundvi.ew Park List .all ci¢veiopment ,activities you propose (e.g. Guild'mg ahome, motel, marina, bdiklIcad,pier, and ezcaca60II antilor iilliug acti�ritips. Construction of boat 'ralnp, piers, _docks, covered open picnic area, restrooms and parking area. _ - i). s tilt I1rupuse:a a::6its' u,aiuL.uanca of aI] f"Isfina projec:t, ncF r�QrL 0- troth? New c. 'V' ill ti]P proi="r In for puuiic, private or c mmercial us Pith 1 i d. GIv2 a UL]2 L1` elptlp]J of mrpose, usE!, in--1 7ods of C. =-"- _tmjj aild daily utr=ratluiis .ol prupose1 - jjmia-L. I� lmra sm at t5 L' T}��Sr �us3CI1 . Ir��: Trrr=:r KiI! oc z:]:rcc is r�"��: ofL�vnNrr^�), cnllor - a2ultiuflal croicGr+nnn-_ Cnost1:1121L)'Loa of boat rainri, piers, (jockg walkwa sand parking_areas witil the use of front end loaders, _. .LOC-4,710�� OFY��O 'U5� 3. _ '�" Y., , '` ' R, a,ck hoe, grader. r.o3ec w� used for laun hi ng-of watercraft, P RD.ECT 'parking of vehicle and trailer during Uge of watercraft, .ude of nature trai_ Pender - 'and observatd.on decks, �fishing on -`' _these areas and overall recreational is ltnseu U-11G5 4 . LAND ANT W' A.'i'ER CkLAR-&C- `L, IUSTICS I In, ll%crime existing W;!sIc"'ater trcatnren1 facilities. Restroom faCi.ld tes will uti.li.ze Surf .Ci ty' s Water & Sewer �._ 13 011 Acres a- Sizc of entire tract 5.864 Acres Above Normal n li i.g wa er b. Size of individual lot(s) N/A c. ApprozimaLC eleVadl)n of tract aliol,e M1JIAI or MAIL 41 - d. Soil tyl)e(s) and !exture(s) of tract ° Sand e. . 1'eg^tativn on tract Cedar, oak : myrtle f Mau -Marla features na,A, on tract Existing _- roadway, turnaround and piers J�Iliat - is ' flip CAMA. I -and Use Plait laud classiFlcatiou of tite site? (CvrLhe rem kM2.=C P1=_) Conservation XXX Developed Rural Tralt3sitiolaal Community DLher h. liow is tlic tract zoned by local npverllIIlant`? G-1, Government - 1 i. .1s the proposed prof^..�� cansistenl �vitti tlae.anplicahls aonirta? Xx YC5 No (AR=4. zcning.rnrrmucnn•'crnr'n�uc, j" ii alcJ j. Bas .2 -prviessional :archaeilogical 'ass sstntnt befm done for the'L- 0 _ __ Yes XX No -if yes, by whom? }:. �s fife ItroiM' � io :ai�i in a .I*iational Rpgistere:i Historic District or does it involve a Itiatioral P.eQistu iisu!d or eiiaibls nroperrt•? -'es X2�- No 1. Are .there wettands on the site? Xx Yes Ivn Coastal (rrars'TI) Xx_ Dtiier T II YeS, Ii _s a delineation bTn COIiUu[:Ledt? XX (Aanfc l Gar un-r :-:ar., if niciL--bir) ^ — De-:cribe locadoh and type of discharges to waters of the 1 tuite. (For cxaniple, surface runoff, sanitary wastuwattr, iudustrialk=nicrcial effluent, "wash down' acid reridwntial disdiarges.)S_tormwater._ handled b roosed landsca ed stormwater areas adjacent to tt-ie parking areas Descziba existing driul~iug water supply source. Ti wn of—S-L Ity 5. A.DDITI OJ\ INFORMAD ON In -ai dajon to the cowpleteii application fonn, the followhig items must be sukt iued: A cop` or £fie de°d (with state application only) or viber kx =urrient utider which -the applicaut claim; title to tiiw of e--ted pryperties. If the -znplitant is -not clahuirtg to be fha . ovsxler of said property, then iorward a cony of The deed or oLiler insuuinAnt under which thi i ownL: rlai=% title, plus written ptmussion iroril tiie owns, ui uaz v out tine project. An nc=:alp, dated wort: ,plat (including plait viaw and draww' Ls) drawn to scalein blap:: ink on au $ IF!" 113' 11 R whita palter. (Refer -to Coastal Tl.psaurce; Cenunissio_n 'Ru_le7J.D203 'for a_ e�ii�l descrirticizi:)_ . Pl=se note that uricival drawings are.prefcrrtd and only high ouaiin� coliits will lie acc=t°d. '1 luti ---lisle pTEn*s or vtiie, izrger Iilats are acri;anle anl_' if an a6equate riumber of quahty cupMS are provided by abpli=L_ {Contact .t'tIe U-S. Army Corps of Enpui�rs ic'4arutlig teat auenc:V'.s use of larger tt;wul_Ts A_siEa;,or"lucatiCtit iliap is a part of plat )Jireau.irrii=tiisyal it�>>1tL;5E ire �sufilcienEiv detaila i to 1; �111L?' a°Cn:n, pt =1e! ullia.IC iEMr with thin 2rrz to tha r R_Yfscd 471"3 Inchlde highu a}' or se: ondary road (SR) rlunibers, landmark, and the iii:e. A Storrnwater Certification, if om t is ne-crosar}, A list of the names and complete rrddrMSes Of tide p6jacent waterfront (riparian) huldowners sued signed retur-n xecipEs Es .proof that such uwnec-s linve rc.eiVCd a COPY of tare applicRGon and plats by cerLif ed mail. Such landowners must be advised that they have 30 days in which to submit comments on the proposed proje-i to the Division of Coastal Management. Upon signing this form, the applic2ni further certifies that such notice has been provided. Name Batts Properties, lric. Address _110 W.' t.a p E j Phune Raeford, NC 28376 Marne _ 1czr>�E, Black_ Address 5553 Oleander Drive I'iloue Wilmington, NC 28403 Naive Miles J . McCormick - Address P.O. Box 2716 Pilone Surf City, NC 28445 ° A list of.previous stale or fed ] tp`.snrits issued for wort: on the project tract. Include -permit .numbers, mmiittPe , and issu'aig dates. None ° A edit fur S'_S0 wade pa.aolP to tiro Deparrt=-, of Divir-onaltnt, Health, and Natural Rtsuume.; (DE_iNF.) to cover the costs 01 processing fire anrli icatia rr. a A sit'rted AEC ;tram. d nufice for -nroiacts M, oceznrront and .iul_: arvz . A statenimt .of aamphance .r;th fide N.C. xni-iruiunental POiics Ai-, (%'_C_C_S. L3 A - I to 10) If thEt proit= involve:, tilt e�oenriiture ❑f puhlic funds or u_se of puniic lams, attach a statcadent duzurimniing compiiancz with tilt Jgorth Carolina E:11vironrnenta] PtIHCv AC- L- G. CEKTL I CATION AND PEINU.SSION TO ENTER ON LAND I understand that -an), -permit issued in re`;t?orlse to this applicatio❑ will allow only, the development dest;ribed in the application. Tile l,rojcYt will bt subject to COUditions and revtricti0W Contained to the permit. 1 certify that w the best of my howledbe, the proposed activity complies with the State of North Carolina's a>aprovetl Coastal MaLiagement Program 'arid will be conducted in a rnatuicr CorisiStent with such program. I ct hfy that •I am authorized to gent, and do in fact, grant permission. to Tapresentatives of state and federal revicW a°encies to crater om the aforementioned lands.in conv�:tion whir evaluatin' information related -to this Permit application and .follow-up monitoring of the proje::t.- I further . ceriiry that the information provided -in this application isAlUtbful to the E,i t of my knowledge. This is ttre _ 2 7-r, . day a f 2 0 01 z'r-intNaniL Charles F. Riggs, P.L.S. Ple.,-st indicate a:;.az unanis p�,.aininq to vOLr prvros°rl iJrOi� - - xx DC1tiI Isin-? .� : 3�atiov slid z-il1.anon xx XMI 10-3 Uulwid Dev.-IODMEM', y,X DCM 1 -= Siiuz err- Information Dchl hfP-5 .BridL'e_; and Culverts DCM It-6 li`ra;ira :uav6lopmej1t .,inn and amc each .xwciun�rzt j;, rho 'CC prQiii4!�a a: Lr Dorrrjm of eaCh form. Irlr'siti�.^. P' T hx°lisP1! UPS 1'trr in-DCAI-1 I P-3 (Construction audlor laud,. disturbing activities) Attach this forin to Joint Application for CAMA Major Ii. Projects that require a CAMA Major Development Irefinit, Porin DCM-MP-1.._ 13c sure to complete all Perini( may also require a Storinwater Certification. other sections of the Joint .'Application that relate to this Has a site development plan been submitted to We proposed project. Division of Environmental Management for review? Yes XXX No a. Type and nuniber of buildings, facilities, unfits or If yes, date submitted struclures proposed 1 restroom facility, 1 goat_ ramp, 1 _parking facility i. Describe proposed method of sewage disposal. Restrooins to have direct tap b. Nuinbcr of lots or parcels One (1) to Surf Cd.ty Sewer j. Ilave the facilities described in Item i. above c. Density (give the inimber of residential units and Lire- received state or local approval? Direct tap units per acre) N/A (Arrach nrproprimr. docuritem riorr) should only require local approval k. Describe Iocatioli and type of proposed discharges to d. Si7e of area to be, graded, filled or disturbed waters of the state (for example, surface runoff, including roads, ditches, etc. 0.- `j 87 Acres sanitary wastewater, industrial/commercial effluent, "wash down". and residential discharges). Stormwater runoff will be handled e. If the proposed project will disturb more than one by proposed landsca ed stormwater acre of land, Lite Division of Laud Resources.niust areas adjacent to the parking areas receive w erosion and sedimentation control plan at least 30 clays before land disturbing activity begins, I. Describe proposed drhMrtg water supply source If' applicable, has a sedimentation and erosion (e,g. well, coriimunity, public system, etc.) control plan been submitted to the Division of Land Town of Surf City Resources? - Yes _ Xx No If yes, dale submitted ni. Will water be impounded? Yes XX No --, -.--__ If yes, how niany acres?. f. List die materials (such as niarl, paver stone, as halt, or concrete) to be used for paved surfaces, it. If the projectsis a oceanfront development, when Concrete for boat ramp was the lot(s) platted and recorded? ._L/A Gravel for roadway andpar-king Soundview Park g. Give the percentage of tiie tract within 75 feet of Arrplicnu o-h,(li( t Hill MHW or NWL, or within 575 feet in Lire case of an Outstanding Resuurce Water, to be covered by Siunnlure impervious and/or built-upoti- surfaces, such as Z I pavement, buildings, rooftops, or to be used for Ihtic veliicular driveways or parking. 4 ltev6ed 03195 I-ornr Ul Jul lilt'-' Attach this form to )c)*wt Al►l)licatiou for CAMA Major Ppnuit, Form DCM-UP-1. Be sure to complc� all other sectiauc of the Joint Application that r6laie to Lbit proposed project. I� scribe be1o�' the purpose of proposed excavation or fill acl;ivides• All slues to be given III feet. Access cllawlel p&:"') ar (1�VJL) Canal Boat � 11�i11 .. Boat ramp 1:ok1: �rroill - bmal:wat~r' Otlrer (•:,z�luoiu� silo r lii=� xtniziic�t�tin) ATuate row �sxcisr� i'rnje:t i rnrlil w1dth Dclah D'Pth N/A. N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NIA N/A N/A N/A N/A 76' 30' 3' 4' F./.AN A ;;�.•=-a'i^:zX %ram: �;n;•r�',:.� N/A N/A N/A N/A 1. EXCAVATION a. Amount of wzterial to be excavated froin below MHW or NWL In cultic yards 64 b. Tnm of material 10 lit excavated sand &.muck c. Dots the aria to be excavated include conW wetlands (inarsh), submerged aquatic vPget tiori (SAVs) or other -wetlands? XX Z'es 1�10 d. Hi-bground excavaiiun Art cubic yards 106 r Z. DI:SFCYSIA.L OF EEC hVATED z. Ui,, ation of disposal •r_re�a �Cneation of lands_caped_area_alonq the southern margl.n of proposed parking o. Dinita sions of di;po;a area -- :. Do you claitu title to disposal art2:I _ Yts XX N1� jf no, at'.act1 1ettF_r IIranti.liv pnrmissim frmn'the_- owtler. d. l ill a Cusnusal area be 'av_aiianle for future niai tend ct'? y :s xX lqu I1 v ..s, wh ere? iris d 113NS Dn�s it e olist*osal area include aDy C�Ozstal w. :lairds if ee ' (marsh}, S.AV.; or othty u'C'3andt? r. . (I) AIIiUliI7t of rnat Trial to be placed is the �,ts X_X No �. atcr_ 2,220 Cubic Feet/82.2Cuh. �_. ;(2) ; Mmt siom of fill area '30' x 37' x2' - - r Does the disposal inc:ludc any ama in lilt ►� atct? -e�.' S 1 XX No i'i - - _':(;)- l uq-)ose of fill - anal, -F_amra - - - - - ` T"11 `fli matprial b� placed in r�astal wetlands 3. S}3C)RELr,E STABII.IZ&TION (marsh), SAVs or other wetlands? XX i`es No 30' 3, a_ Type - of shoreline stabilizafton (1) Dilauensions of fill area x _ N / A _ Bul l:head i�T�/ A - P• PMP Lengt'tr _ N ( A c. AvP;aAe distance waterw and of MHW or ldV1'L N/A ,imam distance wat.trward of Jv9TW or NWL N/A e_ Shoreline erosion durin; preceding 12 mouths j N/A � '(a`ourcr.ojinfamusiinnl 1 . z. 'Type of bukhead or riprap ma>nria] N / A g. Amount or aril iu cuulc varu; w ba placed belou Water levbl (1) Riprap N/A 1 (2) Bulkhead bac} I.0 11. Type of rill mat-rial N / A , i. Soarm o- fill material N/A (ED-dut ing 5hureline Stabir= iun) i a. 'Will i511 material he Brous ht to silt? XX Y No (2) Purpose of fill - Boat .lamp S. GENERAL a. How will czcavated or fill material b: kept on site and erosioxi controll,i`? Excavated material will be used on site for landscape be Fill material consists of concrete boat ramu b- 'Wbat type .of construction eguipment will be used (for eAample, dragiina, backhot, or hydraulic dr--,dge)? Front .end loader, back hoe, grader: c. Till in transporting eranipment to nrojt�:t siLP'? YC-Z XX AD It ye;, u:n�aiu -st-_ps fbat will m! then -to .ltssm "vironmtrital i.mna--m. Soundvi_ew Park Applies t,r PtYrj �' Sgnntum Form DCAi-NIP-4 k: S'-[RU%,,,'-vuREJ� :. (Construc(ion within Public Trust Arests) Attach this form to Joint Application for CAM Major e Permit, Form DCM-MP-1. Be sure to complete all other sections of the Joint Application which relate to this proposed project. a. Dock(s) and/or Pier(s) (1) _ Commercial XX Community_ Private (2) Number 3 (3) Length 180' ,_ 225' ,_475 (4) Width 6' (5) Finger Piers NIA -Yes No 0) Number N / A (ii) Length N / A (iii) Widtll N/A (6) Platform(-,) XX Yes No (i) Number 2 (ii) Length 190' 150' (iii) Width 10, , 2 D ' (7) Number of slips proposed None_ _ (8) Proximity of structure to adjacent riparian property lines 12 2', 2 2 5', 4 2 3' (9) Width of water body 1.60' - 300" (10) Water depth at waterward end of pier at MLW or NWL 21 - 41 b. Doadiouse (including covered lifts) (1) NIA Commercial N/A Private (2) Length N / A (3) Width �N/A _ c. Groin (e.g- wood, sheetpile, etc') (1) Number N/A (2), Length(s) N/A d. Breakwater (e.g. wood, sheetpile, etc.) (1) Length N / A (2) Average distance from MHW, NWL or wetlands _ N / A -- T (3) Maximum distance beyond M111.W, NWL or well Fuld s N / A Mooring buoys (1) N (A Commercial ____Community _ Private (2) Number NLA (3) Description of buoy (Color, inscription, size, anchor, etc.) N /.A (4) Width of water body N/A (5) Distance buoy(s) to be . placed beyond shoreline N/A f. Mooring structure (boatlift, mooring pilings, etc-) (1) NLA Commercial Communit}' Private (2) Number _ NIA (3) Length N / A - (4) Widtlt N/A g. 011ier (Give complcrr dcsaip[ion) 601:x 70' dock with covered open area of 26' x 43' having water depth of 4' Soundview Park Applicant Clnject Nu Ee 5ignnlure� Date Revised 03195 NARRATIVE FOR SOUNDVIEW PARK Soundview Park consists of 13.011 acres of land adjacent to the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway, Topsail Sound. and North Carolina Highway 50/2) 0 and located within the Town of Surf City, Topsail Township, Pender County, North Carolina. This property was originally a mobile home park consisting of seven mobile homes with existing gravel drives or roadways for access. Each of the mobile homes had additional concrete slabs or decking. The tract was accessed by an existing gravel road within a 30' ingress, egress, regress, drainage and utility easement. On May 14, 2001, Arlene R.Yow deeded this tract to the Town of Surf City as recorded in Deed Book 1708, Page 33 of the Pender County Registry restrictions as indicated on the enclosed deed copy. lie within those restrictions. . This conveyance was made under certain The proposed uses of this CAMA application The proposed plan for the park will utilize the existing gravel access and/or roadway and turnaround. Additional drives and individual parking and vehicle/boat parking has been designed. There will be a rninimum amount of clearing required to construct the parking areas. Any root. mat will be removed and gravel will be placed directly upon the cleared areas. Fill material for construction of the parking areas is not expected. It is the intent of the project, to maintain the slope of the existing topography. A boat ramp has been designed at the ideal location to reduce the impact of wetland damage, while utilizing the water's:depth of the existing basin. The North Carolina Wildlife Resource Commission will construct the boat ramp as shown on the plan and as shown by the additional enclosed details. The excavation for this boat ramp is minimum. Any excavation material will used oil site at three designated landscape locations. Construction of the boat ramp, gravel drive and gravel parking areas will be by front end loader, back hoe.and grader. A 60' x 70' deck, 43' x 26' portion covered and open, is -proposed at the terminus of the basin_ This covered deck is located over the most shallow portion of the basin. A'6' walkway to the north of the turnaround, with a 20' x 150' fishing pier and also a 6' walkway to the west is proposed. - A 6' walkway to the south with a 10' x 90' observation and fishing pier is proposed. All walkways, piers and docks will be elevated 3 feet above the nor-mal high water. li Il r f1 4} I7" IV �3 �•w = t�' � 1 �\ f Construction of the walkways, piers and docks Nvill be by the conventional methods, utilizing barge and small watercraft for access to the construction area. There will be no damage of wetlands during -this construction. The normal high water line, the coastal wetlands and the 404 wetlands have been delineated by both CAMA and the United States Army Corps of Engineers. All construction of impervious surfaces will be within the uplands and outside of the 30' CAMA Buffer with the exception of the proposed boat ramp. This boat ramp has been located to minimize the impact on wetlands. The original impervious surface consisted of the seven mobile homes and existing drives. These mobile homes did rest within the 30' CAMA Buffer. The removal of these homes place the project in compliance with current CAMA regulations. Tile classification of the waters surrounding the project are SA. Tile project is restricted by the 30' CAMA Buffer and the 757A.E.C.. This tract consists of 5.864 acres of land above the CAMA normal high water line. Total existing and proposed impervious surface coverage is 1.08 acres or 18 %.The additional drive and parking will increase the impervious surface brr the tract, however, landscaped stormwater areas have been designed at the downslope of the proposed parking areas to insure collection of any stormwater. The natural vegetation surrounding all development will be undisturbedand will remain natural. The existing gravel roadways and gravel turnaround will be maintained. The additional drive and parking create a total land disturbance of 0.987 acres. This project will insure the control of erosion by installation of slit fence along and adjacent to the wetlands to the north and south of the proposed parking area. Proper seeding and maintenance will continue upon completion of construction of the parking area. The zoning of the tract. is Government -1 and allows for municipal parks. The existing channel has depths ranging from 3 feet to 5.5 feet below the normal high water line extending to the channel of the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway. This depth will be sufficient to handle all boating at this facility and no dredging of the channel is requested. Several nature trails are planned within the project. These trails will remain natural and will not t_ damage the wetlands or increase impervious surface. Kestroom facilities are proposed, as shown. The water and sewer for this facility will be provided by the Town of Surf City. ,•��,' ~� �� �^• . _v The adjoining property owners, as listed in the application, have been notified of the Town's Proposal and have been sent the application and plans by Certified Mail (return receipt requested). A copy of the adjacent riparian property owner statement letter is enclosed. The certified mail TCCeil)t will be for -warded upon their receipt. Work is expected to commence inimediately upon approval of this application. I have been authorized to act as agent for the Town of Surf City, copy enclosed. I submit this application for your review and approval. Respectfully, C'�iarle4sF Riggs, L-2981 1;1 zurf Cil"i 910 229 418Z US/zl"Ol 06:5BA P.001 J Pi� F C 1[ rIt'lir 0 R T H C A R 0 L I N A 2 8 4 4 5 lone 20, 2001 INAKen State of Nudh QaWnu WWA I &DNA =Ime WWI, rj('.(4 A' IIN I'-' r— NtL'-,V; R !)Ul,'r'.LO H LUTI lZrt, C. Urfil u4 This is to certify IN (Mules Riggs of (ThEwles Eggs and ML�ocinlcs is the authorized agent or le Town or surf coy for purpose of subnkUng a CANIA lW►,iC)" Pe.1-111it application for Town-umied propeoy I SudC14, formerly ummed by Arlene Aw and Domed Smelmely soudi of the Surf City s,.Aing bridge, that is pl�mncd for uscis, rn public shoreline access At Patrick A. Ammas Town Admer hel- .214 Nf,,.W,RN6-PrN6 TA X ' P.l 0), 1 28-4132 L-J-1TEF. !! FIJIJ- IFi10 VERM COUH7T RC e U3/IV7.UU1 $800.00 ly STATE OF NOI T11 CA I�,a,r "Il tlflal E�t�l� OV, COUNTY OF P17NDE.)z f, 71-P Excise lax 5ta nl)s:�$(x),00 •Jr))CE li, Sh'IGEGQt}(� REGI5 fFR DF I) Et. pS �V1�IiKLi-tVi'7' l.1L�f�jf�,€)CH fi('UI1TY, HC FILED Uf"'AYf:1 PH 59 w. THIS DEED. ninde. alid ujjjererl illto t.IliR Illf'. f VA L t " —� d;t, of M7y, 2001, by and �`�' bct�vectt ARL,ENl', R. YON.�,, witlotiv, c►f i'cr►tier C'ou.ut}', MOTtll C-III"f)]]11i1, 1tCl't:illr�flE'.i' Ter ( to as "(;rautor" ',md TOWN OF SUM CITY, rl i�Iurtl.l Catulir:;r rxtltnicil,al curpUratiuu, lw.lcinafl.er refcrred to nn "[_TIRIAcc" (wllether une or inure); W.1T14ESS1r'I'If: Tltat the Gran(t7t, for a vahlRbIC CUr1Silicratioll paid ley the CY'ralltec, lltc rccci.Iq E)f ti,,Illicit is ltere.bv acknc)wieclgetl; hart atul by these presents docs grant, Li;irf. till, 0.1 and cc)tivey ulllu the C:]raxltce it, fee siluple, all that cert;,i❑ lut or lots situated ill Topsail 'I m,kon'rh.ip, I?eTiClet' Cuttnt.v, North Carolina and r.ltcuc particularly described as follows: BEING .ALL T'I-IAT (. ERTAIN PROPERTY AS DE,SCRIBEL) IN FX..11113IT "A" ATTACKED IIERETQ AND INCOWICIRATED HERFIN BY Izr FI_:ltl' NCI? AS -.IHOUCYN, FULLY S1 T OUT.. The fulluwittg lestl:ictiolls shall be alfjjurEellant 10 an(1 stf.11! r(Ill L i(ll IttC lrr,gf3elty .. . be.ittg conveyed .1-niever' a• The I)r(rl)er(y..sltall be ttsea for a public I)oat rally "Ind Uvatel access an(1/t)r parking facility, only. (,. The, property shall lint he used for cununercial usc.,s incltltlilig, btt( r1ot li)lllttd to, 111C stile Of gas atld oil products, boat or tvAter 11Ic<Isu)•e rentals, over night slip. _---•-_--- - -Ientals, 'alld/or for dry stack storllf;c. c• T'hesc. restzicti.t)st.� shall not.ftrohlbit flit operatic)v of vending nlacilixtes, the operation [if," kiosk for the sale of but dogs, clrirtk5 and related 4qn ack lypt! Products oil tl.ce property. This co1lveyartcc i, sul)ject.1.0 the1ullowing title excelxtioli.3: 1 . Right of way of tllc Atlantic Intracoastal Wa(ertNay. A sixty (60) Riol casetl)ent as shown on M1,11) Book 7, Page 20, fender County Registry, 3. Right or tile Slate of Norih Carvlirttt ill al[ lands lyilil� below tilt. ttlear> high writer line of-f-opsail Sound. .1 • All goveumient:ll r et;rll:lti�)Tls W1tiC11 111d.ti' affcc:I [tu° tJsc illill Ltt.t ClCll}IfICTiI Of 3s4i(i TO HAVE ANU "1'0 IIUI_.0 the aforesaid kil twirl all lrrivilcgcs tntcl al�diurteuancr,� � s ilaca'^[a bcloitging to the Grarttre in fee. simple. And 1110 rranlm covenants With dire Vl'Rrr1E'C, that Grarntc+r is S67-C l of tdae preatlises ill (cc Simple, has thr, right to convey tiie saalm ill fce. suirlrle, that title is marketable and flee and clear of all e.ttcumbrances, nod that Grantor. will warrartt and defend the title against the lawful Claims of all 13ensorls wliomsuin,er, except as noted above. 1N Wj•d TIESS Wfld ltd"01", tic Clrawor laaas hereunto set her hand and seal, on the clay and Year first abovc wr'ittcti. our?i Arlene A. Yow S't'A'I'E 4F NORTH -CAHQL1NA COUNTY OF Nt,,j I-l-t-r d-y'r 1, rFh� 'G�. �.r l"�a Notary Public in and for said County raid State, do hereby certify that Arlene It. Yow personally appeared hefc.rte rite this dray mud acknuwledp)jhrq, ecutiou of tare. foregoing inst.rutt ent. w: It lrs in rl3 yrtcl official stamp or seaal, this tile- cloy of May, 2WI. OTA pV@11L CI .. MY Corrrtn ISIO f NFIres: Notary 1111blic. gtltrlL 1Ceuolinar . Pcio+dtx 'C(1t111t.T �,� ��j,►1 '(flr' AxrVa�Ae�1) C�+fti�icftlk' vi Y r i:5 c.crtifiml to 1)e cot'1'.o. U=i!1fIZtkJ1 10:1:� 910_115�-6'':A -� 1?x1 I 11111",A.. Contnlencing nt An e-clsting talker K:iluti anti ill the itktelseCtiOn of III s{) Ili I1Cu tCtrnir+u9 or tovcr-IIIn - Atlantic I+1trFhcoaatal L4'alen;=ay anti titre criilerline of N.C. Highwa}` 501210, tlEeticc lenVlll�, $nld lllt!?r9CCtEt711 alld slullp the ccntedilic of N. C'_ Highway 50/210 South 10 dcgi,cr,.q 21 ininnics 48 sci:ulrcls Eiist 624.48 feet to a cal Pnrkck. Kalon mail in flit Said eciitcrlilic., Hittite Icaving said criilci'liiEC Soulli 68 dc.gi ces 45 minu(cs 46 sccondq West .51.90 feet to a set irull rod in file ll=eskmil light -of -way line or1q. C. Iligtlwly ,j[1MO, thence AlUlle said Wesicr❑ right -or -way fine Soulh 36 degrees ').1 minnles 00 seconds 30.2,0 fr.ri to an elfin ing hull ill a9phall in said western rigid -or -way lille, thence lenvin.g said western right -of way line and along the Southern lna giu of a :30, illpess, egress, regress, drainage and utility easernont 1ho Vollowing courses and diginnees; SOL101. 57 degrees 22 minutes 35 aec;uncls Weat 242.76 feet IQ a sct.iioii rod, Soui"li 45 degrees 39 minutes 02 seconds Wc9( I68-0L feet to a set iron lod al)d South 23 dcgrcca 34 Ittiull(es 40 socunds West 93.41 feet to 1 Oct irnrl. I.ud in the line of'I'ract 0 as UCCOl"ded in Map Book 7, Page 20 of the 1'endei County RCg'isir-y and being THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING: Illcace from (lie above described tnie point of beginning Pind alung the line of Tract 6 Sou 30 degrees 23 wimites 00 seconds Last 126•67 feet to a point iii the 1lurnial high water One of '.Yop5ail Solid, Ilieticc leaving the lisle of ".i VRO 6 alid aping the nonnal high water litre the folltrwing cow'st:s and distances: South 19 deg;te es 17 minutes 43 seconds West 68.51 feet, South 27 degrees 18 rniirutes 56 9cconds Wcat 31.62 feet, South 01 degrees I9 mi.outeq 21 seconds East 54.41 feet, South 33 dcgiees 44 minutes 50 acconds West 46.70 feet, SoLt111 08 degt'ecs 10 milimtes 43 sminds Wes! 67.3 9 feet, North 47 deglees 41 minutes 03 seconds West 46.23 feet, North 61 de-l~rtes 05 minutes 39 seconds Went 35.11 feet, Soulll 54 degrees 51-ndmites 39 second. West 74.06 fleet, South 56 dt:grers 12 minute.55 si?t:r idl Wesl M53 feel, Milli 41 depecs 31 tnitltites 13 seconds We9( 29,70 Fete.(, North 45 degives 2 1 minutes .52 scc'ond.s West 34.97 feet and North 84 degrees 41 minutes 48 seconds West 49.80 feet to a point in Said noriml high water line and in the line of Tract 6, theiiee leaving said norrrial high )voter Zinc and n1ung tte line ofTract 6, North 38 degrees 13 minutec 00 sec;mitls.Wegt 874.90 feet to a point ill life channel vF the Allmitic lhitracuantat Waterway, thelice along tkc Jim, of-Fract G and along the channel orsaid waterway, North 48 degrees 07 ittlimle.3 Ott second. F�aSt 7,15.00 feet (o a point ill said climillul, thence leaving said channel and along (he line of'flact G and slung the uhatinel n.f a basin Souib 36 degrees 23 minutes 00 seconds East 429.00 I-eet to n point in said chgnllcl, thence, cuntinuing.nlong said line slid maid channel South 16 degrees 30 minutes aft seconds West 363.0f) Feet to .point in 'aid channel, thence crossing said cl.lannel basic► and along the line of 7•ract (+ 5ou.th 3G tle[�raes 23 minutes 00 seconds East 139.90 feet to an existing iron. pipe ill the nonlini IEigh water fide Uf s-aid basitl, Ihcnct leaving said Ile}r7rral high cVatcl' 11.t1C and cOtltlnillll alorlg.thr line ofTinot C, Smith 3G dcl'i-ccs 23 minutes 00 seconds East 9•67 feet to a Set iron rod in tit terminus crf a 3p' ingress, egress, leglere, drainage arid utility easeiucnL thence ctintinuiug.along the line of Tract 6 and akmp the terminus of said ea.cincnt Smith 30 degrees 23 minutes UO seconds Fast 34.65 fleet to n sel iron rod ill said termints and being the point and glace cif beginning. Being the nC}rtllcrn lrurtioli or')'Tact 0, Survey of Lands owned by Edgar L. Yuw & It. T. Batts et ,it GIs recorded in Mnp Book 7, Page 20 of the Pender Courtly Regishy and ckintaining n total of 13.584 acre3 with 6,741 acres iviiag above the '110111101 high water fine as dcttrumincd ley bdik a partial liold sus vey and a cumpusilruf Maps and Clads fry-Charlcs Francis Riggs, R.L,S, L-2981 on Match 6, 2001, The cutirses cunklined Within are cuucct in angular fclatiunship quid air, referenced to NRD 19831 The al,trve described tract is subjer_t to a 6U' right-o0vay ns •.shoit-,l oil Map Dook 7, Page 20 of'tile fender county 1teg.istry wi(h the centerline t)fgsid 0Y fight-orway.rnoie fully desmibed as fiollvcN,n: Color immoing al an existing Varkcr ,Kalon Hail in the hiterstction of the soutlicln fcrnuilus of the bridge over the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway and the centerline of N.C.• ligliway 50/210, thence 1Caying said inlersm(im and alulig the centerline oFN•C. Highway 501210 South 36 degrees 21 lain+files 4$ seconds F.;ist 1i74.49 feet to -a set Parker Knlon nail in said ceriterlilie, thence Colltllluing along Said CNlterlille 'Soulll 30 degrees 21 Illiliutes ill seconds last 172.29 feet to a -point in said c:enlerlirie and ill the centerlilir OJ'u 60, right-ol`-wriv, tllenre Iravilkg like centedine of N•C. highway 50/210 all(] thong the right-of-mmy centerline South C I degrees 54 minutes 00 seconds west 545.19 feet to a point in the eastern line of Tract G,'Map Dook 7, ['age 20 uf'the fender Comity Registry, thrlice Icavipg'thl! eastcrit lino of eruct 6 and ri-033inx -1 lain 6 niltl aluI1g, sited Iight-Vf-mly kmiterhllE lentil 61 degrees 54 minutes 00 seconds West 443.4554 feet to n ptrint in the western line +iC-I mcl G. The above described tract is subject 10 a portion of the loon' Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway. 1 MASTER PLAN - SOUNDVIEW PARK . TOWN OF SURF CITY 2000 - s A. Introduction The Sowidview Park project consists of the acquisition and. development of two parcels of waterfront property in the heart of Surf City -- the former Yow mobile home park -property (12 acres, 2.75 acres of uplands) and the Miramar Mobile Home Park property (7.6 acres, 3.23 acres of uplands). The two properties form a peninsula along and into Topsail Sound, adjacent to NC 50/210 in a location immediately south of the Surf City swing bridge. B. Site Analysis Location and Access. The site is located on NC 50/210 (Roland Avenue) in the "front door" to Surf City and Topsail Island. 2. General Description. The Yaw property contains.severi inobile homes that are scheduled to be removed from the site before purchase of the property is closed. The Miramar (Black) property contains 25 mobile homes, primarily in seasonal use. The site has excellent shoreline access along a man-made cover and includes compacted gravel driveway areas and over a dozen small water -dependent structures (docks, decks, piers). 3.' Zoning and Land Uses. The Yow property is scheduled to be rezoned from. C-1 Commercial to G-1 Governmental use. The Black property remains zoned C-1 Commercial. The Town post office is located immediately adjacent to the Black property, -and a number of businesses and restaurants are located within a three block radius of the park site. 4. Topography and Flooding. The site is relatively flat and has no major topographic features. The site is located in an AE=11 flood zone, indicating -that it .is susceptible.to flooding from rising tidal waters in major -storm events. - - - Vegetation. Both portions of the site contain several attractive live oak trees, but most of the remaining -vegetation (wax myrtle, cedar, bamboo, and other brushy species is located on the Yow tract — principally on the south side. Wetlands plants — marsh grass and other species — cover a substantial portion of the Yow tract that is not suitable for development,.and marsh grass grows along most of the shoreline of both tracts. Wetlands. Both tracts contain Corps of Engineers and LAMA -identified wetlands, with the majority located on the Yow tract. The Town's interest in acquisition of these sites includes the protection of these environmentally sensitive lands. 7. Wildlife. The water portions of the two sites are inhabited by a variety of marine life, including crabs, clams, oysters, shrimp, drum, trout, croaker, flounder, and otter. An occasional alligator has been seen in these waters. Raccoons sometimes forage along the shorelines, and a variety of coastal wading and fishing birds --- such as herons, egrets, and ospreys — are seen in and near the site. 8. Public Access. Public access to the site is excellent. The property is located on NC 50/210 at the swing bridge entrance to Topsail Island. The site is very visible and easy to locate. The site is also located on NC Bicycle Route 43 and will be linked to the rest of Surf City by a system of bicycle: and pedestrian paths to be constructed with Transportation Enhancement Programs and Town funds. 9. Water, Sewer, Electricity. Municipal water and sewer facilities have been extended to the Black tract by the Town, but sewer services have not been extended to the Yow property. The properties are served by Jones-Onslow Electric Membership Corporation, which has overhead facilities on the Black tract and underground services on -the Yow tract. 10. Stormwater. Like most of Topsail Island, stormwater management is a difficult issue due to the proximity of sensitive coastal waters. Conversion of this property to park use is likely to reduce the runoff from impervious services. The Town may fund it necessary to install sock tile facilities along any roadways and parking areas in the the park. C. Recreational Needs The acquisition of.the 7.6 acre (3.23 acres of uplands) Black property and the 12-acre (2.75 acres of uplands) Yow tract is urgently needed to fulfill the recreation needs of Surf City residents and visitors for the following reasons. 4. Absence of Park Facilities. Surf City currently has only one small mini -park facility to serve its citizens — and a seasonal population that exceeds 20,000 in peak'tourism periods. The only other public park nearby is located about 10 miles away in Sneads Ferry (inland) and consists largely of athletic fields. 2. Strong Waterfront Facility Demand. There is no publicly -owned access to Topsail Sound — for boating, fishing, or other recreational activities — along the entire shorelvie ofPender County. Demand is especially high for a public boat launching facility. After a decade -long search by the County, Surf City, and Wildlife Resources, the Town of Surf City has finally identified this site and an adjoining parcel of land as an excellent and available location for a waterfront park with multiple recreational facilities. Public expressions of the.need for.this _ facility - identified in public meetings, focus groups, and citizen surveys --are, documented in the Pender County Waterfront Access Plan (1993), the Pender County Recreation and Open Space Plan (1998), and the Surf City Master Recreation Plan (1999). 3. Critical Resource Conservation. Acquisition of this property for the planned Soundview Park will (a) insure that the park has adequate acreage to meet the strong demand for these facilities, (b) convert a very insubstantial use of the land (mobile home park) to a high use public park site, and (c) insure that a unique natural site — located in the heart of Surf City with access to deep water -- is preserved and converted to public use. The site's location at the entrance of Surf City and Topsail Island will greet residents and visitors with a beautiful park facility and will provide park users with the island's best views of Topsail -Sound, Intracoastal Waterway boat traffic, the island's swing bridge, and stunning sunsets. D. Physical Needs 1. Property Acquisition A total of 5-6 acres of uplands are needed to provide adequate facilities for boating access and associated parking areas, as well as planned fishing, picnicking, performance, trail, and educational facilities. That .area is available if the Town acquires both the Yaw and Black properties. 2. Capital Improvements. In order to provide opportunities for multiple recreational uses on the site, the Town will need to construct at least one boat ramp, fishing -piers, large and small picnic shelters, an outdoor performance area, a shoreline trail, a playground, and associated support facilities, such as parking an&restrooms. Other facilities which should be considered for the site include historical and natural resource educational markers, additional osprey nesting sites, and an interior tidal pool for observation and education. The existing overhead utilities need to be placed underground, septic tanks on the Yow tract need to'be filled or removed. 3. Acquisition. and Improvement Estimates. The Town has already contracted to buy the Yow property for $400,000 and has set aside $135,000 more for development of that site (Phase 1). Surf City estimates that the acquisition of the Black property will cost at least $750,000 and may cost as high as its tax assessment ($1.1 million). The preliminary estimate of improvement costs in Phase It is $200,000. E. Site Plan. The site plan for the Soundview Park project is shown on an accompanying fold -out sheet. F. Park Management Requirements I. Maintenance and Operation a. Maintenance Activities. The Town has identified the following maintenance activities as necessary in Soundview Park: mowing of grassed areas (approximately 1.5 acres) during growing season, daily litter pickup, daily waste removal, inspection and repair of structures (docks, piers, boat launching ramp, restrooms, play structures, boardwalks), cleaning of restrooms, periodic repair of driveways and parking areas, fertilization and trimming of landscaping. b. Hours of Operation. The Town intends to open the park from dawn to dusk, seven days a week, except for the boat launch and parking facilities, which will be open 24 hours a day. c. , Operational Expenses. The Town estimates that personnel hours necessary to perform routine maintenance tasks for the Phase I portion of the park will be 15 hours per week. The Town estimates that the personnel hours necessary to perform routine maintenance tasks in both Phases I and U will be 25 hours per week. In addition, the Town anticipates contract maintenance costs for such purposes as pier maintenance, roadway maintenance, and structural maintenance (plumbing, electrical, and similar trades). The boat ramp will be maintained under an intergovernmental agreement with the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission. - 2. Programming Programming expenses at Soundview Park are anticipated to be minimal, since most organized events at the.park will be carried out by other community groups (e.g. Topsail Kiwanis Club for Spring Fling, Eastern Surfing Association, fishing tournament organizers, Top Dawg Productions drama group). The facilities are designed for passive use. 3. .Administration and Personnel Overall supervision of the facility will be carried out by the town manager's office. Routine maintenance of the facility will be carried out by the Town's' Streets.and Parks Department,, a maintenance department. Additional .personnel resources will be necessary in this department in order to adequately maintain Soundview Park. G. Plan Implementation; Recommendations 1. Phase I (Yow Property). The Town has successfully negotiated a contract - for -purchase of this property at a cost of $400,000, with closing scheduled for January, 2001. The Town has also successfully sought partnership funding and assistance from three other agencies. The Division of Coastal Management has provided a $115,000 grant for park acquisition, Pender County has committed $150,000 in -park acquisition funds from a HUD hazard mitigation grant, and NC Wildlife Resources has agreed to construct the boat ramp and associated parking facilities. The Town has established a capital project budget of $535,000 for acquisition and development of the property. Survey documents for a major CAMA permit are being prepared in close consultation with the Division of Coastal Management. Once that permit is issued, the Town and Wildlife Resources plan to work toward opening the boat launching facility by the summer of 2001. The Town plans to complete the other facilities shown on the site plan during the 2001-2002 and 2002-2003 fiscal years. 2. Phase II (Black Property). The Town has opened preliminary negotiations with the owner of the Miramar Mobile Home Park and has commissioned appraisals of the property, as well as initiated public participation processes to obtain public input on the proposed acquisition and design of Phase II of Soundview Park. The Town anticipates that acquisition and development of the Black property in Phase II will cost $1.2 million. The Black family has indicated a willingness to owner- finance the purchase, which may make the purchase more feasible for the Town. Surf City plans to pursue a $250,000 PARTF.grant to assist in acquisition of the property, as well as CAMA Waterfront Access and PARTY grants to assist in development of the property. The Town's objective is to complete acquisition of the property during calendar 2001 and to begin development of the property by the summer of 2002, with improvements expected to take three years. ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATEMENT I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to Soundview Park, owned by the Town of Surf City, in Pender County, North Carolina. Tile Town of Surf City proposes to build a park, fishing piers, and a boat ramp. ( ) I have ( ) 1 have no objections to this proposal. If you have objections, please state them ill the space below and return them in the addressed, stamped envelope provided or forward them to Mr. Jim Gregson, CAMA Officer, 127 Cardinal Drive Extemsion, Wilmington, North Carolina 28405-3845. SEE ATTACHMENT Signature Print or Type Name Telephone Number Date U-'r UL�/ 1991 15: OP 919-715-7543 I h= WILE'LIFE RES (;01,1 F-A`GiE I'12 Geiier:tl Requiremoits for Desip and Installation of C omrete Launch Ramps _ Standard Zliniensions 1 Cngth. Site specific. T oc. of iainp should be at art clovation riot ic.9s than 3 b0ow tlesign ic)w water. Head of ntrnp should beat least I' above desigii high water. Width: Launch iarup Mdth should be a minimum of W. 'Mickitess: G" Note: A 25 %-car retttnl period is suggested for determining design water levels, Launch Ramp Slope Launch ramp slope should be approximately 14%,. The slope should not ux:_:eed t �';;, vior shol]W it be less than 12.5`i��. The slope should be kept as uniforin as possible. Any change in slope should be from flatter to steelier. And; changes from steeper to flatter inay create a shallow area on the ramp where boat props may strike the launch ramp surface. Note: if Oic, concrete launch ramp(s) tic into a bravcl 1nanucvcrl11g and parking arc;r, it is sggvstc;d that a concrete transition apron be constructed adjacent to the Ytcad of the launch ramp(s1. Idc:aliy, the transition apron should be constructed as a vertical curvy tiros prtwiding ; snu7(1t11 tranUit.1011 from thr launching grade to the parking arc.1 grade. If the concrete launch ramp(s) tics into an asphalt inanuevering and parking area a vertical curve transititut should by graded into the nrca to be asphalt. Cunstructimi Details and Materials Sub -grade Preparation: Concrete launch ramps should be placed over a compaetcd aggrcgat.c base. wliicli may first need to be placed on top of a gootextile fabric. Typically, the ]forth Carolina Wildlife Resources C.orrtntiision (NCWRC) uses Class "A" erosion contiol-stonc at varying thickness capped with a 6" layer ofNoA or smaller washed 8tonc. In criviroruncnts exposed to erosive forces (ie, rivers, etc_), the sides of the ramps are fortified with approprinwly sized rip rap. Push Slab: Tite'NCWRC typically employs a "puslied-siab" nietho►d of coustntction. A steel rolnforcW concrete slab is first cast out of the Nvater acid after curing (2.1 day minimum) is pushed into place with a bulldozer. The ty,iical "pushed slab" dimensions are 32'x I t';;r.," with the front end beveled approxtriratciv 45 degrees; however, if tlte.slab(s) are to be placed at a tirtic wilcri crater levels are above thc'design low water level the slab(s) may need to be increased in length to ensure ;accessibility at design low water, S`as1 in. Place Section: Aflcr the 'Push slab" is in place With approxlniately 2 to '� feet extending out of the water, the remaining Icngth of rantp is cast in place nCi 9I9-1-1I 5- .C,c ifs WILDLIFE f ES C:01,111 P: yaw f13 x�t iriforeement: 1/2" diameter steel rei.nforcenier►t (No.4 rebar) is used and placed longitudinal) ti' and teat}5versely spaced 12" apart in both directions. Aebar chairs should be. used to ensure that at least .2-1/2" ofcover is provided measured from the top and bottom of the slab. Concrete Mix'. Concrete should be Portland Cellietrt Concrete, Type 11 %vith fibc17r,s "11 �rcklcd. 1,1c. 28 day compressive strength should be 4000 psi. The maximum aggregate size should be 3/4". Slump should be within the range of 3"-5". Air entrairunenl of 5% is reconunended. Crr�ttcr l Futi ttu: A V-grooved ft uslt is desirable to maurrrize vehicle Iraction. Grooves should be oriented at an angle of 60 degrees rotated from ilie longituduial axis of the ramp. V-groovcs also aid with sediment removal from the rarnp by chmutcling the sediment. The desired ivc:ation for sediment deposit may thcreforc need to be Considered when deciding on orientation of gvr xn-es. The illustration below is an example of a tool which can be easily fabricated. This tool will provide I " V-grooves. (Picture courtesy of California Dept. of Boatuig and Watcrways) 24" --30" Length 6 0' fI Ft C•J I l ?-� `a 1' x xlI Top Vie ew -- 1 /4" Plate or- Frame Angle Hand-ie Brock L. ,�LAngle Side View �--- {-1_rt l.i�,re E;a(-c; I: Eri Total Weight = 22-"—'5tr. _ At r� rF. 5�•1 t�.. -, ..1 2 n . FIVIU-1 b.:jd :ul lu ll(,r, �-m S TL-6 TE 00�80/7:9T TF06TI l U) W O p r6 o 1� lJ R o r c1 Cl 4 A i C 3 h li' O O d QIS 1..1 rJ Il � ('j ► r Y '$ 8 c, E t'W U �' �+ F •^ It S re ~ Y n� U 0 Z `^ a] ur �La S Za ul I j U I w k ' l v C7 ` _ n '� r — L ) a ❑ `- y .. a c w R, N U C, C Ll U_ r s U L 4 L •]G y O C L Y e u EEPr �` v A $` •r U •�i -�� � (li p "o �'0 2�fvd ', I-N ��fi T�Q�Tf'i ;41 Frq2:-qT�-6Tr, f�[t,.T UAT