HomeMy WebLinkAbout20201574 Ver 1_MCDC (Signed)_2021020511/16/20 1 of 4 MINIMUM CRITERIA DETERMINATION CHECKLIST The following questions provide direction in determining when the Department is required to prepare environmental documents for state-funded construction and maintenance activities. Answer questions for Parts A through C by checking either "Yes" or "No". Complete Part D of the checklist when Minimum Criteria Rule categories #8, #12(i), or #15 are used. TIP Project No.: State Project No.: 17BP.14.R.169 Project Location: Bridge No. 99 on SR 1168 (East Vineyard Road) over Vineyard Creek in Clay County, North Carolina. Project Description: Replace Bridge No. 99 a 20’ W x 18’ 6”L timber deck on timber joist structure on existing location and replace with a 33’ W x 55’ L cored slab bridge near Hayesville, North Carolina. The project will utilize an offsite detour during construction. Anticipated Permit or Consultation Requirements: Nationwide Permit 3 and 401 Certification. 1. Outside river corridor = Yes. 2. Below impact threshold for applicable NWP = No. NWP 3. 3. Tree clearing = Yes. (follow moratorium). 4. Trout watershed = Yes. (follow moratorium unless verification NCWRC letter states no). 5. NLEB HUC = No, greater than 0.25 miles from known hibernacula site. NWP 3 will require written authorization and written 401 Certification. Special Project Information: The bridge and surrounding area were surveyed on 8.15.2017 and 9.30.2020 and no listed species were observed nor are there any records 1.00 mile from project area. The bridge is too low to support bat roosting (lack of bat roosting will be confirmed before construction). Tree clearing will occur from October 15 to April 15 to protect possible Indiana bat roosting. 11/16/20 2 of 4 PART A: MINIMUM CRITERIA YES NO Item 1 to be completed by the Engineer. 1. Is the proposed project listed as a type and class of activity allowed under the Minimum Criteria Rule in which environmental documentation is not required? X If the answer to number 1 is “no”, then the project does not qualify as a minimum criteria project. A state environmental assessment is required. If yes, under which category? (9) Reconstruction of existing crossroad or railroad separations and existing stream crossings, including, but not limited to pipes, culverts, and bridges. If either category #8, #12(i) or #15 is used complete Part D of this checklist. PART B: MINIMUM CRITERIA EXCEPTIONS Items 2 – 4 to be completed by the Engineer. 2. Could the proposed activity cause significant changes in land use concentrations that would be expected to create adverse air quality impacts? X 3. Will the proposed activity have secondary impacts or cumulative impact s that may result in a significant adverse impact to human health or the environment? X 4. Is the proposed activity of such an unusual nature or does the proposed activity have such widespread implications, that an uncommon concern for its environmental effects has been expressed to the Department? X Item 5-8 to be completed by Division Environmental Officer. 5. Does the proposed activity have a significant adverse effect on wetlands; surface waters such as rivers, streams, and estuaries; parklands; prime or unique agricultural lands; or areas of recognized scenic, recreational, archaeological, or historical value? X 6. Will the proposed activity endanger the existence of a species on the Department of Interior's threatened and endangered species list? X 7. Could the proposed activity cause significant changes in land use concentrations that would be expected to create adverse water quality or ground water impacts? X 11/16/20 3 of 4 YES NO 8. Is the proposed activity expected to have a significant adverse effect on long-term recreational benefits or shellfish, finfish, wildlife, or their natural habitats X If any questions 2 through 8 are answered “yes”, the proposed project may not qualify as a Minimum Criteria project. A state environmental assessment (EA) may be required. For assistance, contact: Manager, Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch P. O. Box 25201 Raleigh, NC 27611 (919) 733 –3141 Fax: (919) 733-9794 PART C: COMPLIANCE WITH STATE AND FEDERAL REGULATIONS Items 9- 12 to be completed by Division Environmental Officer. YES NO 9. Is a federally protected threatened or endangered species, or its habitat, likely to be impacted by the proposed action? X 10. Does the action require the placement of temporary or permanent fill in waters of the United States? NWP 3/401 Certification X 11. Does the project require the placement of a significant amount of fill in high quality or relatively rare wetland ecosystems, such as mountain bogs or pine savannahs? X 12. Is the proposed action located in an Area of Environmental Concern, as defined in the coastal Area Management Act? X Items 13 – 15 to be completed by the Engineer. 13. Does the project require stream relocation or channel changes? X Cultural Resources 14. Will the project have an “effect” on a property or site listed on the National Register of Historic Places? X 15. Will the proposed action require acquisition of additional right of way from publicly owned parkland or recreational areas? X Questions in Part “C” are designed to assist the Engineer and the Division Environmental Officer in determining whether a permit or consultation with a state or federal resource agency may be required. If any questions in Part “C” are answered “yes”, follow the appropriate permitting procedures prior to beginning project construction. 11/16/20 4 of 4 PART D: (To be completed when either category #8, #12(i), or #15 of the rules are used.) Items 16- 22 to be completed by Division Environmental Officer. 16. Project length: 17. Right of Way width: 18. Project completion date: 19. Total acres of newly disturbed ground surface: 20. Total acres of wetland impacts: 21. Total linear feet of stream impacts: 22. Project purpose: If Part D of the checklist is completed, send a copy of the entire checklist document to: Don G. Lee State Roadside Environmental Engineer Mail Service Center 1557 Raleigh, NC 27699-1557 (919) 733-2920 Fax (919) 733-9810 Email: dlee@dot.state.nc.us Reviewed by: Date: Garrett Higdon Assistant Bridge Management Engineer Division 14 Date: Patrick J. Breedlove Division 14 - Environmental Specialist II 11/16/2020 11/17/2020 11/16/20 5 of 4 Replace Bridge 99 SR 1168 (East Vineyard Road) near Hayesville, N.C. (Clay County) 17BP.14.R.169  Nationwide 3 Permit will be required and a written 401 under GC 4132. A trout moratorium may be applied to the permits at the request of WRC.  Project will adhere to NCDOT best management practices. Avoidance of erosion and sedimentation into Vineyard Creek (Class C; Tr.) and downstream habitats.  Trees will be cleared from October 15 to April 15 to avoid potential roosting by Indiana bats.