HomeMy WebLinkAbout20201996 Ver 1_Tribute Rocky Point Biological Assessment_20210203Tribute Rocky Point Biological Assessment Prepared using IPaC January 28, 2021 The purpose of this Biological Assessment (BA) is to assess the effects of the proposed project and determine whether the project may affect any Federally threatened, endangered, proposed or candidate species. This BA is prepared in accordance with legal requirements set forth under Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act (16 U.S.C. 1536 %Z. In this document, any data provided by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is based on data as of January 25, 2021. Prepared using IPaC version 5.55.3 Tribute Rocky Point Biological Assessment Table Of Contents 1 Description of the action 1.1 Project name 1.2 Executive summary 1.3 Project description 1.3.1 Location 1.3.2 Description of project habitat 1.3.3 Project proponent information 1.3.4 Project purpose 1.3.5 Project type and deconstruction 1.3.6 Anticipated environmental stressors 1.4 Action area 1.5 Conservation measures 1.6 Prior consultation history 1.7 Other agency partners and interested parties 1.8 Other reports and helpful information 2 Species effects analysis 2.1 American Alligator Justification for exclusion 2.2 Cooley's Meadowrue Justification for exclusion 2.3 Golden Sedge Justification for exclusion 2.4 Green Sea Turtle Justification for exclusion 2.5 Kemp's Ridley Sea Turtle Justification for exclusion 2.6 Leatherback Sea Turtle Justification for exclusion 2.7 Loggerhead Sea Turtle Justification for exclusion 2.8 Northern Long-eared Bat Justification for exclusion 2.9 Piping Plover Justification for exclusion 2.10 Red Knot Justification for exclusion 5 5 5 6 6 7 7 7 8 10 11 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 2 2.11 Red -cockaded Woodpecker Justification for exclusion 2.12 Rough -leaved Loosestrife Justification for exclusion 2.13 Seabeach Amaranth Justification for exclusion 2.14 West Indian Manatee Justification for exclusion 3 Critical habitat effects analysis 4 Summary Discussion, Conclusion, and Effect Determinations 4.1 Effect determination summary 4.2 Summary discussion 4.3 Conclusion 15 15 15 15 15 15 16 16 17 18 18 18 19 3 I Description Of The Action 1.1 Project Name Tribute Rocky Point 1.2 Executive Summary After reviewing the current status of the NLEB, the effects of the proposed action and cumulative effects, the project, as proposed, is not likely to jeopardize the continued existence of the NLEB. No critical habitat has either been proposed for or designated for the NLEB; therefore, none will be affected. This non -jeopardy opinion is based on the following rationale: 1. Eastern North Carolina is on the periphery of the NLEB's range, and it is no known that NLEBs are actually in the project area. 2. Based on available data, NLEBs appear to occur, in low numbers, within Pender County. 3. There are no known NLEB hibernacula and almost no caves in eastern North Carolina. 4. The loss of trees, from the proposed activity, will not result in a shortage of available roosts or foraging opportunities for NLEB since forested habitat is abundant in eastern North Carolina and is not likely a factor limiting the numbers or reproduction of NLEB populations. 5. The likelihood of the project having an adverse effect on the NLEB is likely low. 6. Most of the adverse effects that do occur will occur as non -lethal harassment. The probability of the proposed project, causing NLEB mortality, is likely very low. SEGi is requesting guidance, from the USFWS, to make a final determination on potential, adverse affects on the bat. The project may adversely effect the Northern Long-eared Bat but it is relying upon the USFWS to determine if the project site provides suitable habitat or is known to be within the project limit. Effect determination summary 5 1.3 Project Description 1.3.1 Location xq r,; r LOCATION Pender County, North Carolina 1.3.2 Description of project habitat The project site is approximately 300 acres of mostly grassy, unused agricultural land, which is bisected by Turkey Creek. The project consist of developing the property into 300 lot, single family, residential subdivision, with roads, utilities and amenities. Relevant documentation • FALLS MIST MDP 092220 1.3.3 Project proponent information Provide information regarding who is proposing to conduct the project, and their contact information. Please provide details on whether there is a Federal nexus. Requesting Agency Southern Environmental Group, Inc. (SEGi) FULL NAME DANALUTHERAN STREET ADDRESS 5315 South College Road Suite E CITY STATE Wilmington NC PHONE NUMBER E-MAIL ADDRESS (910) 228-1841 dana.lutheran@gmail.com Lead agency Lead agency is the same as requesting agency 1.3.4 Project purpose Provide single family dwellings to meet local market demand. ZIP 28412 7 1.3.5 Project type and deconstruction This project is a single family access road project. Project map M LEGEND ❑ Project footprint r , Wetland Road Crossing: Road crossing (structure) L J road crossing Structure completion date May 27, 2021 Removal/decommission date (if applicable) Not applicable Stressors This activity is not expected to have any impact on the environment. Description The crossing will be approximately 300' x 60', where crossing through forested wetlands and stream. Clean earthen fill will be used as the road bed. Strict sediment and erosion control measures will be installed prior to undertaking land disturbing activities. Additional S&EC BMPs will dictate the timing of the construction, within the wetlands and stream. 1.3.6 Anticipated environmental stressors Describe the anticipated effects of your proposed project on the aspects of the land, air and water that will occur due to the activities above. These should be based on the activity deconstructions done in the previous section and will be used to inform the action area. 10 1.4 Action Area 11 1.5 Conservation Measures Describe any proposed measures being implemented as part of the project that are designed to reduce the impacts to the environment and their resulting effects to listed species. To avoid extra verbiage, don't list measures that have no relevance to the species being analyzed. Vo conservation measures have been selected for this project. 1.6 Prior Consultation History None 1.7 Other Agency Partners And Interested Parties USACE Wilmington District 1.8 Other Reports And Helpful Information Relevant documentation • FALLS MIST MDP 09222 12 2 Species Effects Analysis This section describes, species by species, the effects of the proposed action on listed, proposed, and candidate species, and the habitat on which they depend. In this document, effects are broken down as direct interactions (something happening directly to the species) or indirect interactions (something happening to the environment on which a species depends that could then result in effects to the species). These interactions encompass effects that occur both during project construction and those which could be ongoing after the project is finished. All effects, however, should be considered, including effects from direct and indirect interactions and cumulative effects. 2.1 American Alligator This species has been excluded from analysis in this environmental review document. Justification for exclusion No suitable habitat 2.2 Cooley's Meadowrue This species has been excluded from analysis in this environmental review document. Justification for exclusion No suitable habitat 2.3 Golden Sedge This species has been excluded from analysis in this environmental review document. Justification for exclusion No suitable habitat 13 2.4 Green Sea Turtle This species has been excluded from analysis in this environmental review document. Justification for exclusion No suitable habitat 2.5 Kemp's Ridley Sea Turtle This species has been excluded from analysis in this environmental review document. Justification for exclusion No suitable habitat 2.6 Leatherback Sea Turtle This species has been excluded from analysis in this environmental review document. Justification for exclusion No suitable habitat 2.7 Loggerhead Sea Turtle This species has been excluded from analysis in this environmental review document. Justification for exclusion No suitable habitat 2.8 Northern Long -Eared Bat This species has been excluded from analysis in this environmental review document. Justification for exclusion Are requesting USFWS to conduct assessment 14 2.9 Piping Plover This species has been excluded from analysis in this environmental review document. Justification for exclusion No suitable habitat 2.10 Red Knot This species has been excluded from analysis in this environmental review document. Justification for exclusion No suitable habitat 2.11 Red -Cockaded Woodpecker This species has been excluded from analysis in this environmental review document. Justification for exclusion No suitable habitat 2.12 Rough -Leaved Loosestrife This species has been excluded from analysis in this environmental review document. Justification for exclusion No suitable habitat 2.13 Seabeach Amaranth This species has been excluded from analysis in this environmental review document. Justification for exclusion No suitable habitat 15 2.14 West Indian Manatee This species has been excluded from analysis in this environmental review document. Justification for exclusion No suitable habitat 16 3 Critical Habitat Effects Analysis Vo critical habitats intersect with the project action area. 17 4 Summary Discussion, Conclusion, And Effect Determinations 4.1 Effect Determination Summary SPECIES SCIENTIFIC LISTING PRESENT IN EFFECT (COMMON NAME STATUS ACTION ARE DETERMINATION NAME) American Alligator Alligator mississippiensis Cooley's Meadowrue Thalictrum cooleyi Golden Sedge Carex lutea Green Sea Turtle Chelonia mydas Kemp's Ridley Sea Lepidochelys kempii Turtle Leatherback Sea Turtle Dermochelys coriacea Loggerhead Sea Turtle Caretta caretta Northern Long-eared Myotis septentrionalis Bat Pining Plover Charadrius melodus Red Knot Calidris canutus rufa Red -cockaded Picoides borealis Woodpecker Rough -leaved Lysimachia Loosestrife asperulaefolia Seabeach Amaranth Amaranthus pumilus West Indian Manatee Trichechus manatus Similarity of Appearance (Threatened) No NE Endangered No NE Endangered No NE Threatened No NE Endangered No NE Endangered No NE Threatened No NE Threatened No NE Threatened No NE Threatened No NE Endangered No NE Endangered No NE Threatened No NE Threatened No NE 4.2 Summary Discussion In summary, SEGi is only concerned with the Northern Long-eared Bat, as a species that may be present in the project area and is requesting the USFWS provide a determination on the affect the project may have on the species. We 4.3 Conclusion After reviewing the current status of the NLEB, the effects of the proposed action and cumulative effects, the project, as proposed, is not likely to jeopardize the continued existence of the NLEB. No critical habitat has either been proposed for or designated for the NLEB; therefore, none will be affected. 19