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HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0008489_Monitoring - 11-2020_20201215•- • • • •e ® _ a Permit • •0/08489 11.•1 11. 11. 1 11.11 11. 11 11.. 1 11 11 1 _®_ Parameter ••- 11 1 11 1 11'�1 11.1 � � � • • u Daily • r a ------------- Daily Minimum: ..� �.a.• _---_-_----_--- FORM: NDMR 03-12 NON -DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (NDMR) Page _j_ of _I , t Sampling Person(s) Name: BaI56Y C04 Name: 21MEf W F. SM)LE(Z Certified Laboratories Name: N V I R0 tN ►M L lU T� l N L Name: Does all monitoring data and sampling frequencies meet the requirements in Attachment A of your permit? ❑ Compliant ❑ Non -Compliant If the facility is non -compliant, please explain in the space below the reason(s) the facility was not in compliance. Provide in your explanation the date(s) of the non-compliance and describe the corrective action(s) taken. Attach additional sheets if necessary. Operator in Responsible Charge (ORC) Certification Permittee Certification ORC: 0105EP 4 F. S A O LE I? Permittee: C'OUN'" OF H N O Certification No.: Signing Official: TOSEI° 14 , S A b LE Q Grade: = Phone Number: (a5g) ct rp — 2-2-2-4 Signing Official's Title: I" h N i46 E K O PC Has the ORC changed since the previous NDMR? ❑ Yes V�,No Phone Number: Ca J D,, Cf2-�p -- 22 2- 4 Permit Expiration: Oa" 01 - ZO.22- avjl `Ize,S Signature Date Signature Date By this signature, I certify that this report is accurrate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that all qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations. Mail Original and Two Copies to: Division of Water Resources Information Processing Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 � I - FORM: NDAR-1 10-13 NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-1) Page I of Permit No.: W00008489 Facility Name: Hyde Correctional Institution WWTF County: Field Name Field Name: 2 F16 Did irrigation occur Area acres Area (acres): 9.5 at this facility? Cover Crop _ Cover Crop: Cb, Rate {in) liouriyHourly Rate (in): 0.25 kouriv: ❑ YES ❑ NO An it Annual R ate (in): 14.56 Weather Freeboard Feld Irrigated?Field Irrigated? ❑ YES ❑ NO Field 0 E a> . ...... . . . ..... r., m 0 U C. M E 2D 'a 21 E S CL :FL .2 0 .2 .9 MM M 0 E U) 0 Cl 0 CL > 0 _j M 0 CD of F in ft ft gal min in in Hyde Month: Aj11jjj.-Ajj2rjF I Year: Field Name: 4 Area (acres): 9.7 Cover Crop: Hourly Rate (in): 0.25 Annual Rate (in): 14.56 Field Irrigated? E] YES E] NO E .2 0 a > 1.- 0 E cm r 0 �x J aal 7 min I in in OEM M rd PU F" = V ro. irk I - M F PAM F&TV-0 7 M Fal FRIm MEN No= No= REM 0", 0 W_ sm IBM MMMM== M===== EM mmmmm= MMMEMIMMA WF"AMMUMPTRI mmmmmm mm mmmmmm mmmmmm mmmmmm mm mmmm = mm Em mmmmmmmm mmmmmmmm mmmremm= EMM 6=06 mm==== ED EM M MM Monthly Loading:� z MONO,, w 0/0,0002MMMON. Mr. li-M-onthFloating Total (in)AVZ1,1,1,1,11 ?M00/1 FORM: NDAR-1 10-13 NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-1) Page I of _ . Did the application rates exceed the limits in Attachment B of your permit? Were adequate measures taken to prevent effluent ponding in or runoff from the sites? P Compliant ❑ Non -Compliant Compliant ❑ Non -Compliant Was a suitable vegetative cover maintained on all sites as specified in your permit? J? Compliant ❑ Non -Compliant Were all setbacks listed in your permit maintained for every application to each permitted site? [9compliant ❑ Non -Compliant Were all freeboards maintained in accordance with the specified freeboard heights in your permit? Fircompliant ❑ Non -Compliant If the facility is non -compliant, please explain in the space below the reason(s) the facility was not in compliance. Provide in your explanation the date(s) of the non-compliance and describe the corrective action(s) taken. Attach additional sheets if necessary_ Operator in Responsible Charge (ORC) Certification Permittee Certification ORC: 'Tog E P H F. S A D L L tZ Permittee: C pC(N y OF N y n E Certification No.: s:Sl - Signing Official: 3OSEP14 l SAL R Grade: 3z- Phone Number: .%. Cj ;-to— Z ZZ4 C /� 1r Signing Official's Title: O RC Has the ORC changed since the previous NDAR-1? El Yes t% No Phone Number: C�S�, �b 2 Permit Exp.: Qg - O I * - a,&A 6,A - 4, 0 0� 26 Signature Date Signature Date By this signature, I certify that this report is accurrale and complete to the best of my knowledge. I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that all qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations. Mail Original and Two Copies to: Division of Water Resources Information Processing Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 F ORM: NDAR-1 10-13 NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-1) Page _ ;?�, of _ `- - rVKIVI: NUAK-1 'IU-IJ NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-1) Page -2.-, of —4—_ ' Did the application rates exceed the limits in Attachment B of your permit? [Compliant ❑ Non -Compliant Were adequate measures taken to prevent effluent ponding in or runoff from the sites? Compliant ❑ Non -Compliant Was a suitable vegetative cover maintained on all sites as specified in your permit? EV Compliant ❑ Non -Compliant Were all setbacks listed in your permit maintained for every application to each permitted site? [Compliant ❑ Non -Compliant Were all freeboards maintained in accordance with the specified freeboard heights in your permit? Compliant ❑ Non -Compliant If the facility is non -compliant, please explain in the space below the reason(s) the facility was not in compliance. Provide in your explanation the date(s) of the non-compliance and describe the corrective action(s) taken. Attach additional sheets if necessary. Operator in Responsible Charge (ORC) Certification Permittee Certification ORC: 1-6661PH f, S6iDLCR Permittee: COuNT1 OF 1}\(66 Certification No.: Signing Official: 36SEPH F, SAOL.Gl2 Grade: _r Phone Number: �.J51) 0j;Llo-2,Z24 Signing Official's Title: O�� 1 IMI�N�GE2 Has the ORC changed since the previous NDAR-1? ❑ Yes ® No Phone Number: Ca ) Z-(o — 122 Permit Exp.: O $ — d I " -0 '12- 07/ZO 2 U Signature Date Signature Date By this signature, I certify that this report is accurrate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that all qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. 1 am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false Information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations. Mail Original and Two Copies to: Division of Water Resources Information Processing Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 NON DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT Page Of SPRAY IRRIGATION SITE(S) PERMIT NUMBER: TOTAL NUMBER OF - FIELDS: 12— MONTH: AIDU M1RFK_ YEAR�cZ : FACILITY NAME: IJU L wios WkITP. CLASS: _ COUNTY: IICID�� Formulas Daily Loading Cocbes) = [Volume Applied (gallons) x 0.1336 (cubic feet/galloo) x 12 (inches/foot)] / [Area.Sprayed (acres) x 43,560 (square•feedacre)] Maximum Hourly Loading (inches) = Daily Loading (inches) / (rune Irrigated (minutes) / 60 (minutes/hour)] Monthly Loading (inches) = Sum of Daily Loadings (inches) ; 12 Month Floating Total (iaehes) = Sum of this month's Monthly Loading (inches) and previous I 1 month's Monthly Loadings (inches) Average Weekly Loading ('inches) = [Monthly Loading (inclirdmonth) / Number of days in the month (daysfmonth)] x 7 (days/week) FIELD NUMBER: < FIELD NUMBER C_ AREA SPRAYED acres • AREA SPRAYED (acres): .: COVER CROP: COVER CROP: Pemaitted HOURLY Rate (inches): Z S Permitted HOURLY Rate (inches): 0 .2,S7 WEATHER CONDMONS Permitted WEEKLY Rate inches : 2 Permitted WEEKLY Rate inches Temp. Maximum Maximum D A Storage T Weathec at Precipi- Lagoon Volume Time Hourly Daily Volume Tune Hourly Daily E Code* a plication Cation Freeboard Applied Irrigated Loading Loading Ap lied Irrigated Loading Loading CF) inches feet gallons minutes inches inches gallons minutes inches inches aft .yam.. 11 ,� ti''s W � "�;.=? ...,oustz�- 'k�"<S. <�� ,<Fr'n-z' a. 2.'��.�a't �s,.a '><�iyi,�3�:£'C� ?0�:�3+��<:�xzj t+..a j•vav�-„>" <�,,aq r. rraR �. ,. �..'�� �;� z .� �^: ��iF..�:^.hp;,�? ��-s'w'.��i.�.��-- <2��''n! J��;...,..,,F.. r"�....a.�ar�i:���a'•:a�f�Q .yiwee:':,;:,..:t.,Nr, P' CY.�"„: :4>.,., ;^,5xxx"'...:.i'x �;.y.o� o`�$�"x.>":a<, v.S.:/�r'" o �i�A.•` �• „�:.�=<,„si'� aMai ti""" a, HrsrMos x�� ', _�: ��':•N�.. 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H-ram, on-snuw, --„swi PHONE 222 OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE (ORC) Z&Em E S ( x-- GRADE .— CHECK BOX IF ORC HAS CHANGED ❑ Mail ORIGINAL and TWO COPIES to: ATTN.- COMPLIANCE GROUP DIV_ OF ENVIRONMENTAL MGT. DEHNR P.O. BOX 29535 RALEIGH, NC 27626-535 X_&ATUOPER&OR ------------- (SIN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE) BTURE, I CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT IS ACCURATE AND COMPLETE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. M' FACILITY STABS: Please indicate (by checking the appropriate box) whether the facility has been connl t or "On -compliant with the following permit requirements: (Note_ If a requirement does not apply to your facility put (NA) in tfie compliant box) non- coxnnliant comvliant 1. The application rate(s) did not exceed the limit(s) specified in the permit. 2. Adequ , ate measures were taken to prevent wastewater runoff from the site(s). Q 3. A suitable vegetative cover was maintained on the site(s) in accordance with Q the permit. 4. All buffer zones as specified W the permit were maintained during each a ❑► application. S. The freeboard in the treatment and/or storage lagoon(s) was not less than the limits) specified in the permit. If the facility is non -compliant, please explain in the space below the reason(s) the facility was not in compliance with its permit. Provide in your explanation the dates) of the noncompliance and describe the corrective action(s) taken. Attach additional sheets if necessary. -I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed f the son or assure that qualified s who managethesysterly em, or those persons directly responsible athered and evaluated the submitted. Based on my inqury p for gathering the information, e are sinf� nificantrmation uenaities forubmitting false infobmitted is, to the best of my znzationin culding the possibility of fines complete. I am aware that they g P and imprisonment for knowing violations." (Permittee- Tease print or Permittee)* asa-926' 1115L og of-.Iqo2Z _ ' (]]tone Number) (Peribit Flxp. Date) (l ermittee Address) " Ir signed by other than the permittee, delegation or signatory authority must be on file with the state per 15A NCAC 2B.0506 (b) (2) (D). NON DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT Page of SPRAY IRRIGATION SITE(S) PERMIT NUMBER: JAG) 0001�M TOTAL NUMBER OF -FIELDS: - �Z MONTH: M YEAR::-= FACILITY NAME: �%y_�()DOOS 1,tJI.IITP CLASS: _ COUNTY: Formulas Daily Loading (inches) = [Volume Applied (gallons) x 0.1336 (cubic feet/gallon) x 12 (inches/foot)) / [Ares Sprayed (acres) x 43560 (square"feet/aae)) Maximum Hourly Loading (inches) = Daily Loading (inches) / (Tune Irrigated (minutes) / 60 (minutes/hour)) Monthly Loading (inches) = Sum of Daily loadings (inches).' 12 Month Floating Total (inches) = Sum of this month's Monthly Loading (inches) and previous I I month's Monthly Loadings (inches) A Weekl Loadin rmhl ) = [Monthly Loading (inches/month) / Number of days in the month (days/mouth)) x 7 (daystweek) verage y g FIELD NUMBER FIELD NUMBER: AREA SPRAYED (acres): 3,11 AREA SPRAYID saes : . 2— COVER CROP: COVER CROP: r4 a rzo & R Permitted HOURLY Rate (inches)" , .�S-5 Permitted HOURLY Rate (inches): WEATHER CONDITIONS Permitted WEEKLY Rate (inches)-: ©. Permitted WEEKLY Rate inches Weather Temp. at Precipi- Volume Time Maximum Houuly Daily Volume Maximum Time Hourly irrigated Loading Daily Loading D A T Storage Lagoon E Code* application tation Freeboard Applied Irrigated Loading Loading Applied ... �',-'.'�>�z•�".:>.,�E,�,'�::s�=::SEE CF) inches 'u^s;,F;:��.a"a.', feu c%r.,3�'-:;: eallons z,� � minutes .�"-���.. ...>:: inches inches ->�s��•,„',k�y>a,��� ". �,,., ->.-; gallonsminutes s ^y "....�`,s�s inch s 0,... �f' �;�..::� �M µ.:me' inches k•�°;zFs;,,,:z:�:' 2 . �. .:,.,.. ,.. >c'�s ;ss'.^: n: �x ., x;:M. � ,,:-.. .:...... �. yE �:,�.y%• x. :-F we >, m. i`,,�x a,..�y,-�• „�: � �;� ,..N ''it "`M'"=�" , :, -.N:w;; ;�Cs� <:a_. �i�•'s'�§-.:.� �a..�:rx. •�... ,,, Co,K.:, .. ......:.... .... •F< >.> i � .;.✓w-,- 6 .2 , : Mill k.. �E y.. , . ,.. .'9 � ,,- 10 '.':::g. r , 12WER 14 S w „., 16 r .. x, �/a» S ...>.::s:..:.:.....:..: .:., .u>. ..5 w �., T i . ,;,G:a ;Ex: >✓>/OM°'E'��>..3 AO ^ a � .,✓ ,<��5��.if'��'���:.c, ,.Y�i,�',El r„�•'Jif :a>ar �, s...> w . ;'cys.'^'. .4�."."-�'E:^ri.� �a�w.C.'b- R r. u.3 ':"w"�a"Y.�,vf�. ��'lEz:z:.`o-i '4<�;>: V $Fa... �6,?"�<?�� 20 ,2: � .'� y<. s. T. 22 wig :'mow. ' .:.., Hz b:<.r.F<!:Y!, 24 .. .: .�J'< . . INL' 26 i•.,�>.dw� 2�� 30"ems: >,a Monthly Loading (inches) D�O ' 12 Month Floating Total (inches) Average Weekly Loading (inches) Weather Codes: S-sunny, PC -partly cloudy, CI -cloudy, R-rain, Sn-snow, SI-sleety OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE (ORC) »SEPI�t ��iQ GRADE_ PHONE CHECK BOX IF ORC HAS CHANGED ❑ Mail ORIGINAL and TWO COPIES to: ATTN: COMPLIANCE GROUP DIV. OF ENVIRONMENTAL MGT. UNTO '0• P.O. BOX 29535 RALEIGH, NC 27626-535 X&ATU,,E J. (SOPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE) BTURE, I CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT IS ACCURATE AND COMPLETE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. FACILITY STATUS: Please indicate (by checking the appropriate box) whether the facility has been compliant or non -compliant_ with the following permit requirements: (Note: If a requirement does not apply to your facility put (NA) in the compliant box.) non- compliant compliant 1. The application,rate(s) did not exceed the limit(s) specified in the permit. El 2. Adequate measures were taken to prevent wastewater., unoff from the site(s). 0 3. A suitable vegetative cover was maintained on the site(s) in accordance with the permit. 4. All buffer zones as specified in the permit were maintained during each application. 5. The freeboard in the treatment and/or storage lagoon(s) was not less than the El limits) specified in the permit. If the facility is non -compliant, please explain in the space below the reason(s) the facility was not in compliance with its permit. Provide in your explanation the date(s) of the noncompliance and describe the corrective action(s) taken. Attach additional sheets if necessary. "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." or type) n of Permittee)* SuJAA) '- aQ-qlk-y[Q6 08-or-ao2Z- (Phone Number) (Perrhit Flxp. Date) (Permittee Address) " 1r signed by other than the permittee, delegation of signatory authority must be on file with the state per 15A NCAC 2B.0506 (t) (2) (D).