HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0000272_Sediment Toxicity Data Watershed Stressor Study_20070125 Division of Water Quality -Aquatic Toxicology Unit- January 25, 2007 To: Jennifer Everett,Modeling/TMDL Unit Through: Cindy A. Moore,Aquatic Toxicology Unit Supervisor From: Sandy Mort, Aquatic Toxicology Unit Subject: Pigeon River, Haywood Co., sediment toxicity data for the watershed stressor study ATU completed sediment toxicity studies on three surficial sediment composite samples submitted for the Pigeon River watershed stressor study, as requested by the DWQ Modeling/TMDL Unit. Samples were collected on August 14, 2006 and identified as: Pigeon River at NC 215 Pigeon River at SR 1642 East Fork Pigeon River US 276 near Cruso, reference site ATU performed toxicity assays on each sediment composite utilizing bacteria metabolic inhibition,measured as bioluminescence, and benthic ostracod Cladoceran growth and survival measurement endpoints. Detailed descriptions of each assay are included in the Appendix.. ATU also performed ecological screening value analysis on metal and organic analytical data. Discussion of toxicity study findings and methods follow. Low-level toxicity effects were observed for the NC 215 and SR 1642 sediments. Bacteria inhibition at potentially significant levels was observed for the NC 215 and SR 1642 sediments. Statistically significant levels of growth inhibition were also observed for these two sediments in the benthic Cladoceran assay, but effect levels were below the 20.0% criteria used to identify likely ecologically significant levels of inhibition. No significant toxicity was observed in the reference site sediment. Negative effects detected in aquatic toxicity assays have been directly related to observed impacts in the aquatic environment. Effects observed in study sediment can be expected to represent responses anticipated in situ to organisms of the same ecosystem functional level and similar sensitivity. Identification of potential toxicity is limited by the test systems employed and their sensitivity to toxicants that may exist at sampled sites. Toxicity to other organisms or measurement endpoints cannot be ruled out. Environmental Sciences Section page 1 Aquatic Toxicology Unit Table 1 is a summary of sediment toxicity results and pertinent assay data for the three study samples. Figure 1 provides a representation of relative toxicity levels for each endpoint grouped by site,with increasing toxicity represented as decreased "% sample response". Combined relative toxicity levels for each sediment are illustrated in Figure 2, with cumulative toxicity for all endpoints increasing as the horizontal length decreases. Endpoint measurements in Figures 1 and 2 were normalized to an equivalent scale to aid with data comparison. Bacteria inhibition assay data for sediments NC 215 and SR 1642 indicate IC50 values (IC50' =sample concentration resulting in a 50% inhibition of the measurement endpoint)>16 times lower than reference site values. This indicates substantially greater toxicity to bacteria in NC 215 and SR 1642 sediments compared to reference site sediment. Only the metal buffer system IC50 value for NC 215 met sediment toxicity classification criteria for toxicity at levels of concern, using the most conservative criteria(criteria=IC50<1.0%, sample IC50= 1.03 % sample). (The bacteria assay metal buffer system enhances the detection of toxicity due to metals.) ATU utilizes sediment toxicity classifications developed by other monitoring groups in the assessment of sediment toxicity levels of concern. These criteria are listed in Table 2. Sediment fines were visually estimated as<20% for the study samples. None of the sediments caused significant mortality effects to the'benthic Cladocera test organism. Based on the estimated low percent fines and observed low TOC values,these sediments likely have limited organic carbon based sorption capacity for chemical contaminants. This could result in increased mobility and bioavailability of metal or organic contaminants that find their way into the sediments or pore water. Metal and organic analytical data provided limited information regarding the cause of the observed sediment toxicity. Ecological screening value analysis revealed similar potential toxicity due to metals for NC 215 and SR 1642 sediments, although no metals were quantified at concentrations exceeding selected screening values (Table 3). No organic compounds were identified in NC 215 and SR 1642 sediments, although estimated concentrations were provided for several "tentatively identified compounds". No metal or organic analyses were performed on the reference site sediment (US 276 near Cruso), limiting identification of possible causative toxicants. cc: Alan Clark, DWQ Darlene Kucken,DWQ Roger Edwards, ARO Harold Quidley, ESS Environmental Sciences Section page 2 Aquatic Toxicology Unit Table 1.Pigeon River sediment toxicity study,Haywood Co.,watershed stressor study.Surficial sediment composite toxicity data summary.Sediments collected August 14,2006. E Fit Pigeon R US276 ar sample 10: FigeonR@NC215 Pigeon R@SR 1642 Cruso-Reference Site test,criteria Percent Solids 80.5 80.8 81.1 TOO,mg/kg 950 1,300 1.400 Bacteria toxicity.CheckLipht(as%sample in diluent) IC20,Metal Buffer,drywl.normalized <0.756 <0.759 293 IC50,Metal Buffer,drywt normalized 1.03 �0.759 17.3 IC20,Metal Buller,OC-normalized m.000718 -O.000987 0.00410 IC50,Metal Buffer,CC-non alized 0.000982 <10.000987 0.0243 %effect@ 80.0%suspension 96.8 98.3 55.2 hortnesis,Wetal Buffer FIT,days-metal buffer 8 9 9 IC20,Organic Buffer,drywt.normalized <0.756 <0.759 7.39 IC50,Organic Buffer,dryA.normalized <0.756 <0.759 152 IC20,Organic Buffer,OC-nomallzed m.000718 �0.000987 0.0104 IC50,Organic Buffer,OC-norrelized m.000718 m.000987 0.0214 %effect@MIN.suspension 99.8 99.9 69.0 h omesis.Organic Buffer HT,days-organic buffer 8 9 9 ostracodroxlOt 0stmicad 6-day Chronic Assay gro.Mh result(pass/fail) Pass Pass Pass mean%gnxfh increment ratio 81.5 832 95.7 statistically significant effect @>10.0&<20.0%effect yes yes control growth,%of TAC 192.0 190.2 190.4 survival result(passtfail) Pass Pass Pass statistically significant effect @210.0&<20.0%effect %survival sampleloontrols 105 100 100 %survival,sample 91.7 100 96.7 %survival,controls# 96.7 100 96.7 Ffr,days 9 9 9 tMI 1. Percent total solids by USEPA method.dry @ 103-105 degrees G performed by DWO Chemistry tab. 2. IC20,IC50 =inhibition concentration,effect level. Sample concentration resulting in a 20%or 50%,inhibiton of measured endpoint relative to negative control resporse. 3. Fbrn is(biosfirrulation)indurated when sample response is positive and exceeds control response by>20.0% ATU considers tltis level of stimulation potentially ecologically significant for specified test organisms. 4. W=holdnglme 5. Mean%growth increment ratio = (mean gr nth increment sarrplehrean growth inclement controls)x 100 6. Statistically significant effect>10.0&Q0.0%effect for highest sarple oonoenfra8on tested 7. TAC=test acceptance criteria,>100% 8. %survival samplelcontrds(Ostrawdrmd<it)=%inhibition of sample survival relative to contra survival Environmental Sciences Section page 3 Aquatic Toxicology Unit Table 2. Sediment toxicity classification criteria. Criteria source <20%tines 220% tines Environment Canada,EPS Toxic: IC50<1000 mg/L Toxic: IC50<1000 mg/L I/RM/42—April 2002 Toxic: if IC50>_I000 mg/L- Environment Canada,EPS IC50>50%lower than reference 1/RM/42—April 2002t sediment IC50,and IC50s for test and reference sediment are significantly different Ringwood,AH,DeLorenzo,ME, Toxic: EC50<0.5% Toxic: EC50<0.2% Less conservative criteria. iteriaa..Ross,PE,Holland, 199 (<5,000 mg/L DW) (<2,000 mg/L DW) Ringwood,AH,DeLorenzo,ME, o ° Ross,PE,Holland,F. 1997 2 Toxic: EC50<1.0/o Toxic: EC50<0.5/o More conservative criteria. (<10,000 mg/L DW) (<5,000 mg/L DW) Notes: mg/L units=mg sediment/L diluent All criteria data normalized to sample dry weight("DW",at 103 to 105°C) "fines"=sediment particles:50.063 mm in size,fines=silts+clays "silt"=particles<0.063 and>_0.004 mm "clay"=particles<0.004 mm The test sediment and corresponding reference sediment%imes should differ by<30%. References: Environment Canada,EPS 1/RM/42—April 2002. Biological Test Method.-Reference Method for Determining the Toxicity of Sediment Using Luminescent Bacteria in a Solid-Phase Test 'Ringwood,All,DeLorenzo,ME,Ross,PE,Holland,F. Interpretation of the Microtox Solid-Phase Toxicity Tests: The Effects of Sediment Composition. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry,vol. 16,no.6,pp 1135-1140, 1997 Table 3.Pigeon River sediment toxicity study,Haywood Co.,watershed stressor study.Ecological screening value analysis of surficial sediment composite anal ical data. �^** QorEanfu Individual analyte Site TXQmelals OC corrected HQ>1 Pigeon River at NC 215 3.78 No compounds detected' None Pigeon River at SR 1642 4.08 No compounds detected' None East Fork Pigeon River US 276 near Cmso, Not analyzed Not analyzed Not applicable reference site Notes: ES V=ecological screening value Environmental Sciences Section page 4 Aquatic Toxicology Unit Figure 1.Pigeon River sediment toxicity study,Haywood Co.,watershed stressor study. Toxicity bioassay 50%effect levels and ostracod 6-day chronic growth and survival inhibition values. Bacteria data normalized to sediment organic carbon(OC)concentration. Sample toxicity increases as %sample response level decreases.All endpoints adjusted to an equivalent scale. 100 so 60 I'Ii l II I 70 ' I c 60 p ` III r'i it+ R 50 E Ji y 30 ' III gill' 20 I I i'III I�I�'rH N' 10 III ,'III �II' 0 rr+ts III k l 4u' Pigeon R @ NC 215 Pigeon R @ SR 1642 E Fk Pigeon R US 276 nr Cruso-Reference Site ■Bacteria toxicity, metal buffer OC normalized IC50 toxicity factor O Bacteria toxicity, organic buffer OC normalized IC50 toxicity factor El Ostracod chronic, %growth increment O Ostracod chronic, % relative survival Environmental Sciences Section page 5 Aquatic Toxicology Unit Figure 2.Pigeon River sediment toxicity study,Haywood Co.,watershed stressor study. Combined multi-trophic level toxicity measurements. Combined toxicity increases as the numerical value decreases.Data represented as summed normalized endpoint responses. �� I i II Dili i�I ii i i,PI iI II �I l�,i �50 •n a iul c '¢�e ee i I 5P �4 �6c J , ::•:.•.:.:::.• Q Q° l i , coil, 'i"iII , ul III 'Ill li',I I ,i , Gry,6 Q`Om 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 combined multi-trophic level toxicity ■Bacteria toxicity, metal buffer OC normalized IC50 toxicity factor 0 Bacteria toxicity, organic buffer OC normalized IC50 toxicity factor 0 Ostracod chronic, %growth increment 0 Ostracod chronic, % relative survival Environmental Sciences Section page 6 Aquatic Toxicology Unit -Appendix— TMDL Watershed Stressor Study, Sediment Toxicity Methods A panel of toxicity assays employing multiple organisms and endpoints was conducted on sediments collected from each sampling location to assess potential toxicity to aquatic organisms. Application of toxicity tests in water quality assessments is beneficial as chemical and physical tests alone are not sufficient to assess potential negative effects on aquatic biota. Toxicity tests allow the determination of effects of chemical interactions and the influence of sample matrix characteristics on bioavailability. Toxicity testing combined with matrix-specific analytical data, habitat suitability evaluations and aquatic population studies,provide a powerful tool for ecosystem health assessment. Aquatic toxicity testing utilizes biological systems (aquatic organisms or cellular componer of aquatic organisms) to identify ecologically relevant adverse (toxic) effects caused by chemical agents (toxicants) in the water or sediment sample of concern. Negative effects detected in aquatic toxicity assays have been directly related to observed impacts in the aquatic environment. Assays are performed with organisms of a particular sensitive life- stage that are known to be healthy and free of disease or other detrimental effects. Each ass -includes parallel"controls"consisting of organisms subjected to the same assay conditions organisms exposed to the sample of concern ("test sample"), except they are exposed to a non-toxic "control'water or sediment. Control organism response characteristics are used . the baseline for evaluation of responses of organisms exposed to test samples. Specific responses are monitored for a particular test and may include death; growth as weight, lengl or cell number; production of young; cellular responses such as bioluminescence, photosynthesis, or DNA-repair activity; or, generalized physiological responses such as feeding rate. Individual test conditions are tightly controlled (temperature, exposure period lighting, feeding, number and age of organisms) so that the only variable between organism in a particular test is the exposure medium (controls or test sample). Test validity is based control responses meeting pre-established performance criteria and ability to maintain specified test operational parameters throughout the exposure period. Tests may involve exposure of organisms to different concentrations of test sample (multi-concentration tests). or to a single test sample concentration (percent inhibition test). Multi-concentration tests uncertainty in toxicity assessments relying on single organisms. Sensitivity to classes of potential toxicants may vary by the test organism, the life-stage of the organism, species- specific metabolic characteristics, ecosystem functional characteristics, and location-specifi media characteristics. Due to physiological and ecological niche differences species of aquatic organisms are not equally exposed or susceptible to specific classes of toxicants. 13: using a variety of organism types and endpoints, the ability to detect unique sensitivity patterns to specific classes of toxicants is enhanced, enabling detection of inhibitory effects that may not be observed with a single assessment endpoint. Additionally, using organisms of various functional levels provides an indication of potential cumulative inhibitory effects across aquatic food chain or nutrient cycling components. Yet, the use of multiple organis and endpoints does not rule out the potential for detrimental aquatic impacts to go undetected. Sediment toxicity is a critical component of comprehensive watershed toxicity assessments. Water quality criteria(WQC) were developed to protect water column organisms and were not intended to protect benthic organisms. Sediments serve as a sink for accumulation of both inorganic and organic chemicals with bulk chemical concentrations not highly correlat with bioavailability and toxicity. Surficial sediments are complex systems where toxicant bioavailability and fate is controlled by sediment physicochemical characteristics and varyil microbial micro-environment horizons. Partitioning of compounds between water and sediment compartments, and between sediment phases, is a complex relationship dependent upon multiple factors including solubility,pH, redox, grain size, cation-exchange capacity, sediment organic carbon and microbial-mediated acid volatile sulfide(AVS) concentrations Sediments provide a potential exposure source to benthic organisms, organisms in association with the sediment-water interface, and to water column organisms through trophic—level transfer. Organisms can be exposed through direct sediment or interstitial water(pore water) contact or by ingestion of sediment particulates. Contaminants complex to particulates or colloidal organic carbon have limited bioavailability,but may become bioavailable under particular circumstances, such as direct contact or selective ingestion of particulates and species-specific gut desorption characteristics. For metals and non-ionic organic contaminants, the free-dissolved concentration in sediment interstitial water(the "free-dissolved"phase, not associated with colloidal dissolved organic carbon) is the dominant bioavailable fraction and generally correlates to toxicity effects. In anaerobic sediments, AVS-metal complex formation kinetics are the primary factors controlling cationic metal bioavailability, with organic carbon serving as an additional binding phase. ] aerobic sediments, free sulfides are not microbially generated and organic carbon and iron and manganese oxides serves as the primary factors controlling interstitial water metal concentrations [2,3]. Although it is recognized that the sample collection and handling ' nrnracc oltnre rmm�lav carlimant mirrn_anvirnnmanhe nnA nn4nntially tnvinont hinmroilohilit Ecological Screening Values Analysis ATU performed ecological screening value analysis on Pigeon River sediment composite samples submitted for toxicity bioassay studies. The screening value(SV) analysis and hazard quotient (HQ) calculations utilized only organic compounds that were reported with quantified or estimated analyte concentrations. Organic analytes reported as not-detected (ND) above the method detection limit WL) or at the practical quantitation limit(PQL) were not included in the assessment to better provide an indication of the impact of quantified analytes. A limited number of metal and organic compounds were detected in th sediments. ATU used SVs from The Risk Assessment Information System web page (httu://rais.oml.govn and established use precedence based on a preference for conservative toxicity levels and values compiled by various USEPA Regions. Calculated HQs are listed in Table 3. Organic HQs were corrected for sample organic carbi (OC) concentrations. Individual analytes with HQs >_1.0 are also listed. HQs>1.0 indicate potential for toxicity. Toxicity is impacted by a number of site and analyte characteristics that may reduce ultimate toxicity(pH, OC, complexation with biotic and abiotic particulate or colloids, etc.). HQs are summed(EHQ) to provide an indication of the total potential toxicity due to metals or organics. Ultimate toxicity may be related to compounds that werc not analyzed. Sediment Toxicity Bioassay Descriptions CheckLight ToxScreen-II Bacterial Inhibition Assay The CheckLight system is a bacterial toxicity assay utilizing a highly sensitive variant of tht marine bioluminescent bacterium Photobacterium leiognathi (strain SB). Under suitable metabolic conditions Photobacterium emit high levels of bioluminescence, produced when the protein luciferin comes in contact with oxygen. Chemical,physical and biological toxicants that affect cell respiration, electron transport systems, ATP generation, or the rate protein or lipid synthesis,will alter the level of luminescence. Agents tho impact microbial cell integrity including membrane function also affect luminescence [1,2]. The assay system exposes the bacteria to various " concentrations of test sample in a medium adjusted to provide a suitable matrix for the bacterium's growth. Substances present in the test sample that are toxic to the bacteria result in changes to the amount of luminescence generated by t bacteria. These changes are quantified instrumentally. The changes in luminescence of bacteria exposed to the test sample concentrations are compared to luminescence produced bacteria in non-toxic control media, prepared simultaneously with the test sample. Bacteria are supplied in a lyophilized form (freeze-dried) and reconstituted at the time of th• assay, with kit-supplied hydration and storage buffers. The system utilizes two assay buffet one which favors the detection of heavy metals (Pro-Metal Buffer), and the other which favors the detection of organic toxicants (Pro-Organic Buffer). Samples submitted to ATU are tested with both buffer systems. A minimum of five sample dilutions is prepared in eac buffer system. Negative controls are prepared at the time of sample preparations and consk of buffer solutions. Reconstituted bacteria are added to control solutions and sample dilutions and incubated at 26.0± 3.0°C for 60.0 minutes. Luminescence data is measured with the Microtox 500 Analyzer, and data gathered and reduced with the Microtox Omni software system [3,4]. Organic and metal reference toxicant tests are run each month of sample analysis to validate system performance. Sediment and soil sample matrices are prepared as a 37.5% suspension in dcionized water (DIW) and stirred for 30.0 minutes. Aliquots of the suspension are serially diluted in each of the two buffer systems. Test bacteria are added to the sample suspensionibuffer mixtures prior to incubation. Filtrates o: the sedimentibufferlbacterium solutions are prepared for luminescence determination. Sample data is reported as sample mass per volume of buffer resulting in a 20% (IC20) of 50% (IC50) inhibition of luminescence compared to control solutions. Sediment data is reported relative to dry weight solids or organic carbon concentrations. optimization of assay conditions, the CheckLight system reportedly provides 1 to 2 orders c magnitude enhancement in sensitivity to a broad range of toxicants with differing modes of action, as compared to other bacterial toxicity assays utilizing luminescent species [1,2]. The CheckLight ToxScreen-II system has completed verification in USEPA's Environmental Technology Verification Program (ETV) program. The purpose of the ETV program is to convey objective, third party data to the environmental marketplace regarding the performance of new environmental technologies. The ETV program develops testing protocols and verifies the performance of innovative technologies that have the potential to improve protection of human health and the environment. ETV was created to accelerate the entrance of new environmental technologies into the domestic and international marketplace [5]. The CheckLight bacteria assay represents effects expected in decomposer components of th aquatic ecosystem. Bacteria are uni-cellular prokaryotic organisms that utilize absorptive modes of nutrition. Bacteria play a critical role in aquatic ecosystems as heterotrophic decomposers, along with fungi, drawing nourishment from dead plant and animal matter. decomposers, bacteria break down complex energy-rich organic material into simpler organ molecules, carbon dioxide, inorganic nutrients and water, releasing some of this material to be used by consumers. P. leiognathi are widely distributed marine bioluminescent gram- negative motile heterotrophic rods of the Eubacteria group, generally found in warm, shallc tropical waters. P. leiognathi serve as surrogate bacterium decomposers for the freshwater ecosystem, providing a convenient, sensitive effect monitoring system. Heterocyprisincongruens Chronic Ostracod Crustacean Assay ATU utilizes the MicroBioTests Inc. OstracodToxKit FTM assay for 6-day direct contact whole-sediment testing. This test system utilizes the benthic ostracod crustacean Heterocypris incongruens.hatched from cysts prior to test initiation. Whole-sediment tests provide for assessment of toxicity effects due to direct contact of the to organism with contaminants associated with sediment particles, interstitial water, and overlying water, as well as ingestion of - = contaminated detritus, or adsorbed to algae supplied as a food source during the test. Organism survivability and growth as length are monitored at the end of the 6-day exposure period,with test sediment response compared tc organism response in kit-supplied non-toxic control sediment. Six replicates are prepared c both control and test sediments, with 10 ostracods added to each replicate. Average percem ,..1.:1.:}:,,.. ,.F....'..:....1.:1:4......A ........41. :.. 41.n}o„} . A:...o..4 ...e .............oA 4,. .....,4.,.1 ..vA:...n..l continents. The trophic position of ostracods is that of herbivore and detbvore, feeding primarily at the sediment-water interface, consuming algae, both fresh and decaying particulate organic matter, diatoms, and plants. Some species are known to feed on living animals. Typical behavior includes intimate contact with sediment particles and interstitial spaces in organic-rich, aerobic sediment environments. Ostracods are consumed by higher animals including bottom-dwelling fish, other invertebrates, insects and birds [7]. References 1. CheckLight ToxScreen-H bacterial toxicity assay system.2004. CheckLight Ltd., Qiryat-Tivo'i 36000,Israel. 2. Ulitzur S,Lahav T,Ulitzur N. 2002.A novel and sensitive test for rapid determination of water toxicity. Env Tox J. 3. Microtox®Toxicity System. Strategic Diagnostics Inc.,Newark,DE. 4. Microtox Omni" Software for Windows 95/98/NT. 2003. Strategic Diagnostics Inc.,Newark DE. 5. U.S.EPA Environmental Technology Verification Program(ETV). 1995. littn://A"vNv.epa.Gov/etv/index.htrnl 6. OstracodToxKit FTM. 2005. Chronic direct contact toxicity test for freshwater sediments. MicroBioTests Inc.,Nazareth Belgium. vivyw.microbiotests.be 7. Thorp, JH, Covich, AP. 2001. Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwa Invertebrates, second edition.Academic Press, Orlando FL,USA.