HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0000272_Meeting Notes Slides_20120229 l S rag-Z P-Z 17 Z-0 (if6 Blue Ridge Paper Products Inc. now doing business as Evergreen Packaging, is proud to be a part of and significant contributor to Western North Carolina. We are proud of our employees, proud of our products, and proud of our deep roots in the region. We are equally proud of the remarkable progress we have made in protecting the environment and improving the Pigeon River. We have done more than required by our permits, and we work at getting better every day. The numbers listed below give you an idea of our history and commitment. Canton Mill and Pigeon River By The Numbers Restrictions on eating fish caught from the Pigeon River Rank among private manufacturing employers in Western North Carolina Rank among North American paper mills for how little color is released using pollution prevention ® Fish species reintroduced into the Pigeon River since 2001 1 Percent reduction in color going into the river since 1988 i 1 Years of operation in the region 1 1 Number of employees in North Carolina 1 ( Fish introduced to the Pigeon River since 2001 Average annual wage of Evergreen employees in Western North Carolina • 1 ( ( Property taxes paid in Western North Carolina per year by Evergreen • • 1 i 1 Number of rafters on the Pigeon River in Cocke County since 1995 ` ' ' 11 1 1 1 1 1 Annual payroll in Western North Carolina C +�i 1 1 1 1 1 Amount spent on pollution prevention projects at the Canton Mill since 1990 1 1 1 1 1 1000 Amount spent per year on wages, materials, energy, transportation and services by Evergreen's Western North Carolina operations • • 1 1 1 1 1 1 Amount spent by the Canton Mill on capital projects, including pollution prevention, since 1990 evergreen.4 0 2011 Evergreen Packaging. All Rights Reserved. EPd92011 I 1/I I packaging CANTON MILL AND PIGEON RIVER evergreen,* ' ' packaging "..Blue Ridge Paper needs to be given credit for its improvements. The river is much cleaner than it used to be. We're very proud of the mill and the workers for all they have done." MAYOR PAT SMATHERS OF CANTON, NC "The Division appreciates the continued progress of Blue Ridge Paper in improving the quality of your treated effluent and the Pigeon River. We anticipate continued improvement and progress...." ALAN KLIMEK, DIRECTOR, NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY "...a "win-win" which shows that economic and environmental interests can in fact, go hand-in-hand. Both states reap tremendous benefits: a healthy region-wide economy that retains jobs while not losing a valued recreation and scenic resource." JOHN H. HANKINSON JR. EPA REGION 4 ADMINISTRATOR "Cocke County's fastest growing "industry", white water rafting on the Pigeon River..." COCKE COUNTY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE WEBSITE WWW.0OCKECOUNTY.ORG "Today native fish species have more than doubled in number, and the Pigeon has become one of the best stream fisheries in East Tennessee. Smallmouth, redeye, walleye, and channel catfish are plentiful..." PAUL SLOAN DEPUTY COMMISSIONER TENNESSEE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND CONSERVATION MARCH/APRIL 2009 "THE TENNESSEE CONSERVATIONIST" "Now it is a river restored one that will have better days ahead. In fact, this river stands as proof that technology, money and determination can undo the most serious environmental degradation that industry can dish out. In these days of global warming and all its accompanying woes, that's a hopeful sign." SMOKY MOUNTAIN NEWS EDITORIAL "The 2005 Biological Assessment found a diverse and healthy aquatic community present in the Pigeon River below the Mill." UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY, WILDLIFE, AND FISHERIES Cocke County,TN Year Total Rafters County Fee Pigeon River Rafting Industry 19% 21,154 $34,674 1995-2011 1496 - 49,271 $79,610 i -1997 43,532 $69,484 > 250,000 - - -- 1998 _- 52,245 $84,950 .�, ..,. - __ _. _.. .. :_ 1999 59,646 $97,080 2000 73,536 $120,804 N 200,000 - -- - -- -- _ - - _- --- -__-- 2001 73,724 $121,636 02002 101,470 $168,840 & 2003 104,241 $172,744 y - _.. 150,000 2004 129,428 $215,974 2005 129,428 $215,974 C - p 2006 149,571 $250,224 N 2007 150,203 $252,380 y 100,000 - -- - - 2008 139,970 $232,768 2009 176,575 $291,962 ,F 2010 196,513 $322,858 50,000 2011 204,553 $338,120 7 c 0 In a 5 e e o d o a e o a o ao e� a9 Cb eg °° °° o0 0° °° °° oo °° °° °° °� o` �. �, �. �. ti ti ti ti ti a ti v ti ti ti ti Cocke County,TN Pigeon River Raffing 5-2011 ustry Revenue 9952011 1 Thriving Rafting Industry on Pigeon F$400,000 River in Cocke County, Tennessee m$350000 c $300,000 $250.000 - Total Rafters 1995 - 2011 = 1 ,844,118 o _ $200,000 - - $,50,000 Total Permit Fees 1995 - 2011 = $3,050,716 w $100,000 o $50,000 Source of information $0 - Janice A. Butler, Cocke County Clerk 10 10 1* 10.e M11?tip,e 16p M1e 4p 16e 160 ry'p tip ION" Rafting Data Thru 2011 I x a 7 evergreen. , i Al Color Perception Study Briefing Slides for DWQ Surface Water Protection PerceptionColor zo February t • Paragraph 12.1) on page 14 of the July 2010 Color Variance for the Canton Mill specifies: Compliance with the color standard in the Pigeon River will be established by results from a site-specific study of color in the Pigeon River. The study protocol shall be approved by the DWQ and will generally be as outlined in EPA's letter of February 22, 2010 to the DWQ. • Evergreen proposes to fund this "Color Perception Study' in 2012 - Request approval of the study plan by April 1, 2012 DWQ 29 Feb 2012 1 Color February 2012 A • Study plan prepared by Drs. Prestrude and Cherry: 3 observations in April,June and August 2012 by groups of 25 independent observers recruited and selected by independent firm Groups will observe 8 sites on Pigeon River in North Carolina starting at state line moving upstream to above the Canton Mill Sites are rated on 1 to 7 scale for water clarity,color,scenic beauty, appropriateness for recreation,fishing and consumption of fish 1="objectionable",4="acceptable",7="very attractive` Water quality samples are collected at each site at time of observations and analyzed for true and apparent color and other parameters by an independent laboratory and the Canton Mill Report to NC DWQ in October 2012 WAVWW f& az I— igeon River Color Perception Study Map ��r}-, ObservvRand Shoe Orderrof Ob'-rv"-. Rix"Mlle J •v Nde Rd g W67.5 gggy 5 �;- P 8 Camoo Rearcahun 3 •M",5 Pvrk Camen Mill Mixing 6 RM 62.9 Z•ne i TbkY<ty 02 Sralbn 5 RM 61.E J 6 1••� -p° I Clyde Bridge J R.M 5g.0 C 6 - N°nc tow. •� ferguaon Bridge J RM 48.3 a , • 2 RM J3.6 Hepee Bridge Been i Bridge I RN[W IStvmenel Cost$157k plus water sample collection&analysis,total—$200k 2 DWQ 29 Feb 2012 sa Color Perception Study A February 2012 Questions everq e n DWQ 29 Feb 2012 3 "a - e%`ef9reen-* Water Permit Special Conditions p$1G{(agIfKg Canton Mill NPDES 0000272 07 Update to Color Reduction Implementation Plan Briefing Slides for OWQ Surface Wna's Protection Update to Color Reduction • 4 FebruaryPlan — 1 • Report updates status of wastewater permit contested cases - Still uncertainty about requirements - Can't determine technical approach, time frame or capital investment until contested cases are settled • Report documents completion of "expedited evaluation" of TRW "A List" Recommendations in May 2010 NPDES Permit - Best Management Practices - 2nd Stage Oxygen Delignification on Pine - Enhanced Extraction 1 DWQ 29 Feb 2012 •Plan - Best Manage ent Practices Update to Color Reduction • Effective Best Management Practices (BMPs) will be sustained - Details on page 7-9 of Update Report and pages 4-13 of the July 2011 Annual Color Progress Report • Evergreen will trial new BMPs targeted at operational reliability - Best color performance occurs during normal full production when process operations are stable and balanced - Minimize process upsets and unplanned outages Update to Color Reduction Implementation 6 • 2nd Stage 02 Delignification on Pine New laboratory pulp cooking and bleaching trial completed in V Quarter 2010 - Trial plan designed to address TRW comments on 2001 laboratory trials evaluating 2"d Stage 02 delignification (02 Delig)on pine - Details on pages 13-15 of Update Report Overall results of 2010laboratory trial work are consistent with the 2001 evaluation - To overcome adverse pulp strength effects,pulp cooking must be adjusted to a higher kappa number prior to two-stage 02 Delig which off- sets potential bleach plant chemical savings and color reduction if no changes were made to current cooking process - The projected secondary effluent color benefit with adjusted pulp cooking to preserve pulp strength properties and accounting for current filtrate recycling and closure practices with the MRP process on the pine fiberline is less than 1000 lbs per day - Capital cost of$5 to 7 MM - Operating expense increase of$1 MM per year pa DWQ 29 Feb 2012 ColorUpdate to Plan - Enhanced Extraction (Peroxide Fortification) • New laboratory pulp cooking and bleaching trials to simulate peroxide fortification of Eo bleach stage(EoP)completed in 3rd Quarter 2011 • Full-scale trial of EoP on pine and hardwood fiberlines for 90 plus days completed in 3rd Quarter 2011. - Trial plans designed to address TRW comments on 2001 and 2002 laboratory and full scale trials evaluating EoP - Details on pages 9-15 of Update Report • Overall results of 2011 EoP trial work are consistent with 2001-2002 evaluations - Pine fiberline—both lab trial and full-scale trial showed no significant color benefit,increase operating cost$4.50 per ton($985,000 per year) - Hardwood fiberline—lab trial work showed potential color benefit but full-scale trial showed bleach filtrate color increase increase operating cost$0.80 per ton($234,000 per year) e•ergreer� Update • Color Reduction im • • a • • Extraction (Peroxide • Full-scale EoP trial detail(3rd Qtr 2011 compared to 3rd Qtr 2011,periods of similar pre-bleach kappa number) - Pine fiberline—total bleach plant color increased 147lbs/day,not statistically significant - Hardwood fiberline—total bleach plant color increased 2071 Ibs/day and was statistically significant - Secondary effluent color during full-scale trail was lower than comparison period and is attributed to good performance(operational reliability)of brown stock washing,evaporator condensates and the chemical recovery process following the May 2011 Cold Mill Outage Full-scale EoP Trial Key Trial alfeel•i opxetais Nil RED—color increased rxT GREEN—color decreased uT �w0 � DWQ 29 Feb 2012 3 Update to Color Reduction Implementation )7 Plan - Conclusions • Peroxide enhanced extraction and 2nd stage oxygen delignification on pine would require significant capital ($5-7MM) and add more than $2MM per year operating expense with no significant additional effluent color reduction • These technologies are not technically, operationally, or economically feasible V Update . Color Reduction Implementation Plan —Conclusions • As alternative to the "A List" technologies, there is opportunity for effluent color reduction by improving the year-round efficiency and consistency of wood cooking and associated pulp washing • Operational reliability and process consistency are the best remaining "levers" for in-process color prevention,the historic and preferred approach to effluent color reduction at the Canton Mill DWQ 29 Feb 2012 4 ColorUpdate to „ Plan - February 2012 Questions ? PV DWQ 29 Feb 2012 5 mergreen.�/ packaging 316(a) Demonstration Briefing Slides for DWQ Sarface Water Protection ubpart H 13 Terminology Oct 40 CFR 125 S 1 • 40 CFR 125.70—This subpart describes the factors,criteria and standards for the establishment of alternative thermal effluent limitations under section 316(a)of the Act in permits issued under section 402(a) of the Act. • 40 CFR 125.71-Definitions (a)Alternative Effluent Limitations means all effluent limitations or standards of performance for the control of the thermal component of any discharge which are established under section 316(a)of this subpart. • Presentation by Sean Ramach, US EPA Region 5 expert on 316(a) - Advised both states and permit holders to avoid the term "thermal variance." - 316(a) alternative thermal effluent limitations are not a variance to water quality standards. They are in effect,a site-specific water quality standard authorized by the Clean Water Act. �>Ksv 7 DWQ 29 Feb 2012 76-,31 (a) 14 , • • 12 1 • 316(a) Demonstration supporting alternative thermal limits is due December 2014 at time of application to renew the NPDES permit - Existing thermal management practices are protective of the aquatic environment in the Pigeon River • Field work for the Demonstration (biological sampling & thermal monitoring) is planned for the summer of 2012 Request approval of the 316(a) Study Plan by May 1, 2012 so that field sampling can proceed ever�'t 15 '5-Pigeon River and Swannanoa River Thermal • • • ' wa. ' — rrrwer.r UTK is contracted for the 316(a)Demonstration ��- Swannanoa River will be reference stream Sites on Pigeon River are expanded upstream and refined downstream pac DWQ 29 Feb 2012 16 • Study February 2012 A • The Study Plan specifically addresses February 22, 2010 EPA comments and heightened scrutiny on 316(a) Demonstrations by delegated states: - All trophic(food chain)levels - Added mussels and wildlife to fish and benthic in previous 316(a)studies - Additional upstream and reference stream sampling sites - Zone of passage - Thermal plume model under worse case historic conditions - Community assemblage(diversity)comparisons upstream,downstream and in reference streams - Refined representative important species - Habitat and land use effects, multiple metrics of diversity and ecological health 316(a) Study Plan A February r • Schedule and preliminary cost are: WI Field work and lab analysis May 2012-Apr 2013 $430k Field reports and thermal modeling May 2013-Apr 2014 $194k 316(a)Demonstration Report May 2014-Apr 2015 $249k Cost includes 2013 and 2014 dioxin in fish tissue sampling and reports and CORMI%contingency r_vergre�rl DWQ 29 Feb 2012 3 ,a 316(a) Study Plan • Questions ? evergreen DWQ 29 Feb 2012 ppppwp- Effluent NPDES No.: NC 0000272 IDischarge No.: 001 Month: December Year: 2011 Facility Name: Blue Ridge Paper Products Inc. Class: IV Count : Haywood Operator in Responsible Charge(ORC): John J. Pr atel Grade: IV Phone 828-646-6720 Certified Laboratories:(I)Blue Ride Paper Prod.#198; 2 Pace #40,#12, (3) Environmental Testing Solutions#37 Check Box ifORC Has9hanged; jPersons)Collecting Samples: Operators on Duty Mail UHI(3'L+I COPY to:3 Attn:Central Files .- Div.of Environmental Mgt X DEHNR -0 k r,tilt. nature ot0 "rator in Res nsible Change) Date P.O.Box 29535 BY THIS SIGNATURE,I CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT IS ACCURATE AND COMPLETE Raleigh,NC 27626-0535;i-rrl'RA!F!L TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. 15D050 00010 00400 06400 00310 00610 00530 31616 00300 00600 y LL Z m m m m n Z t m E N 2 O O O15 6 W N C J 0 2 N P3 C m U E x W o E O O LL H m Q LL HRS YIN MGD C Std Units Std Units Ib./clay mg/L lb./day #/100ml mg/L mg/L .1 0700 24 1 Y 1 26.010 ' 26.7 7.7. 7.6 1197 < 0.082 1735 10.2 2 0700 24 Y 25.400 26.9 7.7 7.6 1118 < 0.082 1483 10.5 3 0700 24 N 26.190 27.7 7.8' 7.6- 1177 < 0.082 1747 10.8 4 0700 24 N 24.340 27.9 8.0 7.7 1137 < 0.082 1218 10.9 5 0700 24 Y. 24.910 24.9 8.1 ' 7.9 1182 <0.082 1662: 13.4 6 0700 24 Y 27.050 29.0 8.0 7.8 1863 < 0.082 3158 3 12.8 7 0700 24 Y 28.630 30.6 8.0 7.8 2190 <0.082, 1 3820 13.8 2.20 8 0700 24 Y 25.850 25.4 7.9 7.7 1330 < 0.082 1725 12.4 9 0700 24 Y 1 25.460 25.9 7.9 7.5- 1189 < 0.082 .1486 12.9 10 0700 24 N 25.340 26.1 7.7 7.5 1122 < 0.082 1268 13.2 11 0700 .24 N :.. 26.120 24.9 7.6 - 7.5 1104' < 0.082 :1307, 13.5:. 12 0700 24 Y 25.970 26.8 7.6 7.5 1083 < 0.082 1300 12.2 13 0700 24 Y 26,010 26.7- 7.5 7.4 911 < 0.082 1618 4•. '. 12.6' 14 0700 24 Y 25.000 27.9 7.5 7.4 869 < 0.082 1668 12.3 15 0700 24 Y 26.740 28.8 7.5 7.4 950: < 0.082- 1338- 10.8 16 0700 24 Y 27.380 30.1 7.5 7.5 856 < 0.082 1370 10.2 17 0700 24 N 25.620 28.8 7.5 7.4 1109 < 0.082 1496 10.6 18 0700 24 N 26.330 26.6 7.6 7.5 942 < 0.082 1537 10.3 19 0700 24 Y. 26.170 24.3 7.6 7.4 818 < 0.082 1310 10.7 20 0700 24 Y 26.170 25.9 7.6 7.4 707 < 0.082 1310 9 10.5 21 0700 24 Y 26.720 28.9 7.6 7.4 751 < 0.082 1337 10.3 22 0700 24 Y 28.540 28.5 7.6 7.4 940 < 0.082 1666 10.6 23 0700 24 N 28.910 30.0 7.5 7.3 827 0.110 1447 9.8 24 0700 24 N 27.580 29.5 7.5 7.3 941 0.110 1380 10.2 25 0700 24 N 27.370 28.5 7.5 7.4 833 0.120 1598 9.9 26 0700 24 N 26.690 27.9 7.5 7.4 948 0.100 1781 10.1 27 0700 24 Y 27.510 27.3 7.5 7.3 1104 0.210 2294 164 10.0 28 0700 24 Y 27.540 26.5 7.4 7.4 1027 0.140 2067 9.9 29 0700 24 Y 26.060 25.1 7.6 7.3 1491 0.160 3477 11.1 30 0706 24 N 27.130 27.2 7.6 7.4 1559 0.120 3168 12.1 31 0700 1 24 N 27.690 28.4 7.6 7.5 2028 0.190 6004 12.1 Average 26.530 27.4 1479 0.10 1925 12 11.3 2.20 Maximum 28.910 30.6 8.1 7.9 2190 0.21 1 6004 1 164 13.8 2.20 Minimum 24.340 24.3 7.4 7.3 707 < 0.08 1218 3 9.8 2.20 Comp C)/Grab G G G G C C C G G C Monthly Limit 29.9 9 6 3,205 L 1 12,549 1 200 6.0 Facility Status:(please check one of the following) All monitoring data and sampling frequencies meet permit monitoring requirements. Compliant All monitoring data and sampling frequencies do NOT meet permit monitoring requirements. Noncompliant If the facility is noncompliant,please comment on corrective actions being taken in respect to equipment, operation, maintenance,etc.and a time table for Improvements to be made. . 'I certify,under penalty of law,that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction orsupervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system,or those persons directly responsible forgathering the information,the information submitted is,to the best of my knowledge and belief,We,accurate,and complete.I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information,including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations.' Dane Qriswold Permittee(Please nlor type) Signature of rmittee" Date P.O.Box C-10 Canton,NC 28716 828.646-2840 Parameter Codes 00010 Temperature 00556 Oil&Grease 00951 Total Fluoride 01067 Nickel 50060 Total 00076 Turbidity 00600 Total Nitrogen 01002 Total Arsenic 01077 Silver Residual 00080 Color(Pt-Co) 00610 Ammonia Nitrogen 01092 Zinc Chlorine 00082 Color(ADMI) 00625 Total Kjeldahl 01027 Cadmium 01105 Aluminum 00095 Conductivity Nitrogen 01147 Total Selenium 71880 Formaldehyde 00300 Dissolved Oxygen 00630 NitrateslNildtes 01032 Hexavalent Chromium 31614 Fecal Colifonn 71900 Mercury 00310 BOD5 01034 Chromium 32730 Total Phenolics 81551 Xylene 00340 COD 00665 Total Phosphorus 34235 Benzene 00400 pH 00720 Cyanide 01037 Total Cobalt 34481 Toluene 00500 Total Solids 00745 Total Sulfide 01042 Copper 38260 MBAs 00530 Tot.Suspended 00927 Total Magnesium 395%PCBs Residue 00929 Total Sodium 01045 Total Iron 50050 Flow 00545 Settleable Matter 00940 Total Chloride 01051 Lead Parameter Code assistance may obtained by calling the Water Quality Compliance Group at(919)733-5083,extension 581 or 534. The monthly average for fecal coliform is to be reported as a GEOMETRIC mean. Use only units designated in the reponng facility's permit for reporting data. ORC must visit facility and document visitation of facility as required per 15A NCAC 8A.0202(b)(5)(B). "If signed by other than the permillee,delegation of signatory authority must be on file with the Stale per 15A NCAC 2B.0506(b). No.: IVC 0000272 IDischarge No.: 001 Month: December I Year: 2011 Facilit Name: Blue Ridge Paper Products Inc. Count : Haywood ORC: John J.P atel Person(s)Collecting Samples: Operators on Dut P&���r� �? EFFLLfEN, 6 C09N E 00665 00084 00900 00340 00095 00080 00082 01092 79855 y 'o a m w n (� o F H Q n n N N V `o `o X o 9 F O x V O U u N O HRB I I mg/L lb/day mg/I mg/L umhos/cm mg/L mg/L ug/I Ib/day V. 07007 32755', 2 0700 34106 3054 161 316 3 0700: <. : 37351'' , - ' - <'•,' ,' ':2766 171 E:: r,,.300, . r- .,?.. 3 , 4 0700 37960 2576 187 274 5= 0700;t . 60663' , =_, +. —".` r`` .;:3262 a,. 292;. 429 :P .r � t 3228'i51. 6 0700 94300 3135 418 617 7 0700?`-. :0.77; . 957A8,:.: _ z'203 <_3097 401.,E°= . 525 8 0700 67264 2922 312 391 0700 52235> :" r�. a:2700 4 .:,248•,i N 303 ', '� .�, r 10 0700 38463 2576 182 255 11. '070- 4404 F r s2450 - 12 0700 43535 2371 201 273 303.2 13 .0700 •_:^, 37311%,.`r"'.. ;". ,.`. ', ;',... , a.2212r. -'-172+,', ..246. ?;w_�. �,2c., '�` .� , .u, :: 14 0700 37322 122 116 2373 179 326 19.3 _. 15 -0700.; p 48617:' '. 16 0700 39733 2457 174 226 17 .0700!' 40170' 18 0700 39087 2435 178 236 -19 '0700 .3557fi, 2537- 163 J' 222 20 0700 24881 2416 114 157 r34318 i ,• - 100 2488' ° ,154+ ' 167 4• .- 22 0700 32847 2492 138 199 23, 0700` 31103 " 2298' ` 129,5 184 _. ' f +. 24 0700 33813 2382 147 203 25 ;.07D0 34925 "2318: 153+' :209. 26 0700 36506 2207 164 217 267.1 27 0700: _43363.. 2275' 189 <;: . 291 _ `r 28 0700 39506 98 2445 172 264 29 0700 ,::: 41077 ;.;'. 2654` 189 332 30 0700 38917 2716 172 315 31 0700 47111 3062 204 " 339 Average 0.77 43696 122 129 2600 197 286 19.3 259.7 Maximum 0.77 95748 122 203 3262 418 617 °19.3� " 303.2 Minimum 0.77 24881 122 98 2207 114 157 19.3 228.5 Comp(C)IGrab(G) c C C' G C- C C' C' C Monthly Limit 1556.9 p pppp� PDESNo.:: NC 0000272 Discharge No.: 001 Month: Dec. Year: 2011 i7ilityName: Blue Ridge Paper Products Inc. lCounty.,Haywood ORC:John J.Pryatel Persons Collecting Samples:.Operators on Duty Effluent Chro lic ToxMty THP3B , U x o � N O C y d O m E 2 U HRS ChV i'1 2 3 eS Y✓I r ': Y Y,.. YF� Yf :i�Y i P et6R '. 4 Jr:. :�,s a fY x t,, ;.. t .� ''�? . k=` c•., xsi a:f u. ✓,��E.t ti. X �" � }.n�:=. , t .h;:—'<..{' 6 v{ 8 ._.95'.;+S. !, t 3 _vN.?�:F k[z..S..•:.. _.:h:<'3 35£'a��Y•n:."n. .�,. i'z}..:.'v J:: 10 12 13: %� 5::'r� H•* k _ � �4 � .,f,>r, f t � �� h. 5 �1i�'F:is i<Z..:�.. 14 15 1000 � •s.:, 10Q:-;''. ' �` �" 'r?.t. . . 3' Sr= , ;f��+ � <c , ,� : �' ,N' 16 18 F '�iF 777 - S3 'w<'; � �.•Sr Y'�°r� ex.;�' 7 20 4.1, 22 23: ;r 24 26 27 . . - ,. ,. 28 29 30 31' Average 100 Maximum 100 Minimum 100 Comp(C)IGrab(G)- C Monthly Limit >=90 Asheville,NC 28802 Phone: (828)350-9364 Fax: (828)350-9368 Environmental Testing solutions,Inc. Effluent Aquatic Toxicity Report Form-Phase 11 Chronic Ceriodaphnia dubia Date: January 06,2012 Facility: Blue Ridge Paper Products,Inc. NPDES#: NC.0000272 Pipe#: 001 County: Haywood Laboratory Performing Test: Environmental Tcstin Solutions,Joe. Comments: Signature of Operator in Responsible Charge:: Signature of Laboratory Supervisor: 'ZA-4�0� Project; 7577 Samples: 111213,02.111215.03 Mail Original To:North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources DWQ/Environmental Sciences Branch 1621 Mail Service Center Stan dale: End dater Stan time End tim e: Raleigh,NC 27699-1621 12-14-11 ji 12-2141 1 0955 0913 Sample Information Samplet Sample2 Control Collection start date: 12-12-11 12-14-11 Test Information S. Rrn ntl I R-,42 S. R-ewst I I R-921 Grab: Treatment: 100% 100% 100% Control Control Cannot Composite duration: 24-h 24-h Initial pit(SU): 8.37 8.55 8.32 7.52 7.44 7.36 Alkalinity(mgfL CaCO,): 7 --4�Y, 33 Final pH(SU): 8.61 8.70 8.67 7.71 7.64 7.61 Hardness(mg/L CaCO3): 122E M 40 Initial DO(mg/L): 8.0 7.7 7.8 7.7 7.7 7.7 Conductivity(landhos(cm): 2210 2330 152,156.152 Final DO(mg/L): 7.8 7.7 7.6 7.9 7.8 7.7 Total residual chlorine(.gtL): <0.10 <0.10 I Initial Temp.(*C): 25.0 24.9 25.2 24.6 24.7 24.7 I I Sample Temp.at Receipt(°C); 1.7 1 0.6 '-k TTTT Final Temp.(C): 1 24.8 24.7 1 24.6 24.8 25.0 24.6 Organism Number Control Organisms 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Chronic Test Results Number of Young Produced 1 29 1 251 291 291 321 33 1 291 32 1 28 1 28 1 294 Final Cannol Morality(O/e): jAdult Survival: (L)ive,(D)ead I L I L I L L I L I L I L I L I L I L %Control with 3rd Broods, 1200 Control Reproduc ion CV: 8.0 Effluent PercentageEil 48 Hour Mortality �Treatment 2 Organisms 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 M. Control: 0 of 10 Number of Young Produced 1 33 1 281 34 1 351 341 361 321 38 1 321 391 34.1 IWC: 0 of 10 jAdult Survival: (L)ive,(D)ead I L I L I L I L I L I L I L I L I L I L 1 -16.0 Significant: No % 0Q10AFinal Mortality significant or No Core Effluent Percentage Hl Treatment 3 Organisms 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Reproduction Analyses [Number of Young Produced 1 33 1 361 301 34 1 361 32 1 341 32 1 351 301 33.2 Reproduction LOEC. >100% jAdult Survival: (L)ive, D)ead I L I L I L I L I L I L L I L I L I L 1 -12.9 Reproduction NOEC: 100% %Kraraw. Overall Method: Dumnews Effluent Percentage 90% Noma]Distribution: Yes Treatment 4 Organisms 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 m. Method- Kolmogomv D INumber of Young Produced 1 361 351 35 281 34 1 33 1 381 31 1 341 371 34.1 statistic- 0.704 Adult Survival: (L)ive,(D)ead L I L I L L I L I L L I L L I L 1 -16.0 Critical Value: 1.035 % Equal Variances: Yes Effluent PercentageEEI Method: Brd.tfs Test Treatment 5 Organisms 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 w. Statistic: 1.990 lNumber of Young Produced 281 321 351 351 32 1 28 321 33 35 1 321 -32..2 Critical Value- 15.086 jAdult Survival: (L)ive,(D)ead L I L I L I L I L L L L L I L -9.5 Non-Parametric Analysis(if applicable) Method: Effluent Percentage 100% EMuent% Rack Sum Critical Sum Treatment 6 Organisms 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 45% INumber of Young Produced 1 321 311 381 30 1 28 28 1 33 31 1 27 1 301 30.8 75% j.Adult Survival: (L)ive,(D)ead I L I L I L I L I L L I L L L L -4.8 90% Rrduaicn 95% Overall Analysis: 100% Result: PASS LOEC: >100% NOEC: 100% ChV: >100% Dlf'Q form AT-3(8197)Rep. 11195 WrN—PD7E—SNo.: INCO000272 Discharge No.:002 Month: Dec. Year: 20i 1 Facilit,Name: Blue Ridge Paper Products Inc. JCoun : Haywood ORC:John J.Pryately Persons Collecting Samples:0 erators on Duty Mivant Grans B[sach Mart) x 0 U , 0 0 v N 76 d E o 0 LL HRS mgd 2 4 <5 :24:00 1.424 ; 6 7 7N 3 .S y Sf ' 8 9 } t. E 777 10 1 q 1 '24.00 1'432. 4I,. r ; '. R. 12 14 5 a u, _ ti 4 16 17 18 24:00 1.558 20 22 23 _ 24 25.2400 1439 26 27 28 29 30 31 Average Maximum' Minimum Comp(C)/Grab(G) Limit 101:12ong Raggam 60 MEMMLDM�� M H M M- .1 MM OR WrWaWoRM9251� MCI pppppp� NPDES No.: NC 0000272 I Influent to WWTP Month: December Year: 2011 ]Facility Name: Blue Ridge Paper Products Inc. County: Haywood 00310 00530 00080 00082 m w o E Z n U 2 U Q o m o 0 0 o m a N 2 HRS HRS mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L 1" "940 24 318,-. 699s =..'-196. <'.`1796 ' r r t, :..` . 2 935 24 374 850 203 2019 3 ;:'940. 24:.`,' '282 ;:` ` -663 . 265 . `s2270 . ._ _, ;` ' ry ,T y 4 930 24 350 611 265 1792 5 '"900 24r 377',z: .836 „'651- '"2000'.. + ``' ,`; artk 3 6 900 24 332 674 215 1889 7 v Z00 24r' .. 322t:`'. ' 913 . 366 . 2610' ' , _ « _, 8 915 24 1 339 642 270 1742 9 . 915. " 24x; 349 457;- Y: 10 930 24 280 459 173 915 12 930 24 300 766 210 2424 13 ,''850 X 337i+ 7,9 14 730 24 289 537 227 1990 16 900 24 269 592 167 2451 17 .900 24: 279= 628.. ` 189, 1960, s °18 930 24 277 489 166 1592 _, 20 900 24 357 513 146 1015 21 ;700 24> 317-`: . . 519, 1,134, '.'154 22 700 24 294 412 178 1567 23 ; 900 24ra 264="' 423 =177 1664 24 900 24 304 539 207 1579 25 =`930 24.- , '242;� 596,- i 220., :11939 26 930 24 296 1300 347 4117 27. ''905 24<: 217, '. 515 %_156 28 720 24 313 534 202 1004 29 ' 945 24 318 < 2124- . 151 2202 30 935 24 386 1623 166 1013 31 930 24 : 386- 798 203 , :''1652 Avera a 310 719 220 1819 Month) Max. 386. 2124 651 4117- [Monthly Min. 217 412, 132 888 Sample Type L C I C I C- I C NPDES No.: NC 0000272 lRecelving Stream Month: December Year: 2011 Facility Name: Blue Ridge Paper Products Inc. County: Haywood Stream: Pigeon River-UP Location:Canton River Mile -64.5 UPSTREAM 50050 00010 00300 31616 00080 00082 00095 Y y O O ry T C 2 6 UO i0 .2V V Z` cPv y o. s U (n '� S 5 S OP U HRS MGD °C mg/L #/100ml mg/L mg/L umhos/om 1- ' 1020 479:6 - 52, . 2 1005 380.7 5.6 8.3 33.4 31010 3141:,: '. 5.0,' >.:92r_ ', , 32.6_,: ,,< 4 1005 268.9 6.2 8.5 26.1 5 ,:1315 . 250.E 6 925 293.4 11.1 9.6 240 23.4 7 .;745 1053,5'f . 10.3,. r nr' 99 ;:a_ 38.'=i . a:+ , 1T9x 8 1000 672.2 7.3 10.7 24 33 25.5 9t .907U, 11503:51 10 1030 422.1 6.6 11.0 22.9 22.8 12 950 320.6 5.9 11.1 52.1 13 '1`915 "285.T. 6.9, 10 8. �, 60t. r 14 810 255.9 6.9 11.0 12 21 24.8 103` i.`.:�, <,10- �., 16 925 246.9 9.5 9.4 23.0 „" > 17 935 259:8= .8.1 97 r x ._ 231. t . . 18 955 210.1 5.0 10.4 24.7 A "_ 1026 , 193.3'' 5.8 x 33 20 950 181.6 7.1 10.1 54 26.4 21 ::755 216.5 8.8,, 22 800 390.4 8.8 10.0 12 23 25.2 23 .940 . 795.0` , 9.0..- ., ;;.9AY", 24 930 435.6 8.0 9.8 22.9 25' "1000 :'364.5 6.6 : ';: 10.1 :.. 26 1000 318.0 6.0 10.7 25.4 27. , 940� ":464.7f. . 6.57 'i :.104: 208 ".." '' . 25.1 .. .;. .. , 28 750 405.2 5.0 10.9 < 10 20 38.3 29 1015 ' 348.4 3.8 120 14` . ..`19' C 25.7 "- ' 30 1005 317.3 5.0 11.0 40.9 31 1005 [. 284.4 6.6 10.8 31.9 Average 371.9 7.0 1-0.2 113 16 32 27.3 Monthly Max: 1053.5 11.1 12.0 240 36 84. 52.1 tdonlhly ldin. 181.6 3.8 8.3 54 < 10 15 1Z9 DES No.: NC 0000272 DISCHARGE N0: Month: December Year: 2011 PF ilit Name: Blue Ridge Paper Products Inc. lCount : Haywood Stream: Pigeon River-DN1 Location: Fiberville (River Mile 62.9 00010 00010 00300 00300 00095 00080 00082 y LL 2 n U d H U rn c E O O o O p E U U U HRS I T °C I mg/L mg/L umhos/c mg/L mglL 1< 1035 6 2 t 1 0 . _'`9.7, tio9c7 t. =: 192< °, 38 ='47 . . , ,> ::T` . , a :'• 2 1020 6.4 0.8 9.4 9.4 235 :' 9' 4 1020 7.7 1.5 9.4 9.4 269 5; 1325 10.5, n' O6 'A0-2 710:7=. TT7 7j33«7:77 '€ ., . 6 1000 12.4 1.3 9.8 9.8 333 TOi 85,, s.`,4$a 8 1015 6.9 -0.4 11.4 11.4 164 31 55 9 ;'945 T B 1.4 .. 10 8 . .10.8 i ' . 10 1005 8.4 1.8 10.8 10.8 208 11; JO , ` 70 . 12 , ..`1i.2. 1i2 ''_« < 247 w ,krx ' ti= 12 1005 6.1 0.2 11.7 11.7 251 (2 . 11;2. 14 800 9.5 2.6 10.5 10.5 270 21 33 212 ; :='10 8, .310:8,, 281 ;`27„ t::40 ; 16 940 11.6 2.1 9.9 9.9 308 18 1010 7.6 2.6 10.9 10.9 329 10 3a 4,103 20 930 9.7 2.6 10.3 10.3 387 386 , 26 . :i39 22 735 11.0 2.2 9.8 .9.8 239 18 26 23 : 955 9 8 24 945 9.5 1.5 10.4 10.4 205 ' 25 71015 '- 8.2.:. ':> 1 6. .`:=10 6 ``10.6. 218. '1! 26 1015 6.7 0.7 11.0 11.0 218 27' .1020 7.5 1.0 10.5 ". 10.5 , 188t' 28 805 6.0 1.0 11.0 11.0 202 16 33 29 1030 `4.9 1.1 12.1 "1201 228 t 17-` '`29 301 1020 6.6 1.6 11.6 11.6 265 311 1020 8.8 2.2 10.9. '10.9 338 Average 8.4 1.5 10.5 10.5 248 96 46 Monthly Max. 12.4 3.3 12.1" 12.1 395 41 115 Monthly Min. 1 4.9 -0.4 9.4 9.4 85 50 26 Monthly Limit rNPDESNO: NC 0000272 DISCHARGE NO: MONTH: December YEAR: 2011 FACILITY NAME: Blue Ridge Paper Products Inc. COUNTY: Haltivood STREAM: Pigeon River-DN2 STREAM: Pigeon River-DN5 LOCATION: Above Clyde (River Mile 57.7) LocATioN: Hepco (River Mile 42.6) Downstream Downstream 0001D 00300 00300 50050 00010 003DO 00080 00080 w w m m n V 0 d N () - (] N -V f 7 0 V V U - a c U 3 ._ v, w m E v d U o N v y O O U U HRS C mg!] mg0 HRS MGD °C mgA mgA mg0 9, 2 1046 6.6 9.0 9.0 505.4 4 1045 7.4 8.7 8.6 382.6 5 '1345 10.7 ,:102' c;:,10i1 6 1025 1 12.5 1 9.5 9.4 594.6 7, 820 10[j , 4 855 111 ; 8 1100 7.7 10.8 10.7 1441.3 AFT �. :� w. . . , ;_ `, 898 4 , .r 10 1100 7.4 10.8 10.8 691.6 11 1100 '{ 62 , ; 9T3 .11',3,. ° a :5738 'a a,,,:., 12 1030 6.2 11.3 11.3 502.2 1$ :102D 8,C ; 106. 10:8, 14 825 9.0 10.2 10.2 u v 850 415.6 8.20 10.90 16 34 15 °1005 9:8. '^-1D 1 . ;101 t, '; "3852, `M r.5:,". . t: :a: ' Im 16 1005 11.6 9.3 9.3 421.4 ATA60 5 98 98 9:7 '450;T 18 1030 7.7 10.4 10.4 374.9 .197, 1045 ` 78 : *;102 ".10:2 $47:Z 20 1020 8.3 10.0 10.0 330.3 21 i,625•: „` 10.9 -`--•:9 4 960,1 0. : 1.7r, 3 V.44 22 825 10.8 9.5 9.5 691.6 23 -1626 "99< 4tEI --9.9: 1512.9 24 1045 9.5 1 10.0 9.9 775.6 25 1.1045 „ 8.8 _ 10.0; 10.0 'j 620.5 26 1045 7.2 10.7 10.6 535.2 27 1045• %8.2:- :-10.1" :10.1 711.0 28 1 835 7.0 10.2 10.2 900 659.2 6.70 10.65 12 54 29 1055 .'.5.0 11.8 11.8 548.7. 30 1045 6.8 11.1 11.1 503.5 31 1040 8.2.. 10.6 10.5: 466.6 veape 8.4 10.2 10.2 639.9 9.08 1 10.39 21 61 mWo4mvin mr - 12.5 11.8 11.8 2236.3 11.10 10.90 .'37 :111- - maAwyMi h. 5.0 8.7 8.6 330.3 6.70 19.60 i2 34 ntonwyumx NPDES NO: NC 0000272 DISCHARGE NO: I MONTH: December YEAR: 2011 FACILITY NAME:Blue Ridge Paper Products Inc. COUNTY: Haywood STREAM: Pigeon River-DN6 STREAM: Pigeon Fever-BC LOCATION: Above Big Creek (River Mile 26) LOCATION: Mouth Big Creek (River Mile -26) Downstream Downstream 00080 00082 00080 00082 o r w'm tom F Eo ym hM U U n Q U iF U Q HRS mgh j mg/l j HRS mgll mgll 1 f S r � t � � ' '�)/ "sa '1 r'.h/} � x..�.. a•.: r�a y l ,y;,µme... 2 3 4 1p 6 - T ,:925., 34 89 _ >_930 . . 32' 8 ♦ a "''$ R.5 '` t ::_z'it 10 12 _ 14 915 18 69 1 920 < 10 < 10 15 i 16 t L � 18 19 , 20 2t ='935=, 25 V 76 945 <10`i •13,a:' ;: "' / , 22 23 1 24 25 - 26 27 28 930 13 91 1 1 935 < 10 11 29 - 30 31 ntaye 31 81 12 14 Isnin{yntaanuen 34 91' 32 19 - rmmn{+nq 26 69 < 10 < 10 A7nnWy unt . . - .. Pr NPDES N0: NC 0000272 DISCHARGE No: MONTH: December YEAR: 2011 FACILITY NAME: Blue Ridge Paper Products Inc. ICOUNTY7 Haywood STREAM: Pigeon River-ON7 STREAM: LOCATION: 1-40 Bridge (River Mile 24.7) LOCATION: Downstream Downstream 00010 D030D 00080 WW2 N d m > 2 n o s Q (� V N N U y m w [U V U F OO 6 d d Q In VI J H O v d U N N F N N O U U N HRS °C mgll mgn mgll mgll HRS 2 4 6 10 Z .k . 1014'` ` 33` ,132, 8 10 11• <+ , v..,a 3 :_ s;x 4sa ZEE-- ti.S% t. 12 F a v t =4'+y t i.. r.: 14 945 7.2 11.1 18 64 K . 15 16 . ... _ 18 4.19 20 21 r:>1005 113 = " 9.3, 16 46* ' 22 23 24 26 27 28 1000 8.7 1 10.1 12 81 29 30 34 gage.. 9A-L 10.2 20 81 > 15 Lino uaxu m 11.3- 11.1-- 33 132 ' JemmVgwmnm 7.2 9.3 12 46 GfonWy Limn - Date To W z O N (D -U .. Z HMW O OJ n o m m o cn = x O � O 3 m I � N N N � N OTMm a m � d o 0 0. N O � O m x x 12 SE SOD Duplicate Difference Not o 0 _ <0.26 o x x a SE Conductivity Duplicate = Difference not <26 ..� m z 3 River 1-40 Apparent Color x. = Duplicate Difference not<4.2 o_ B SE Color Duplicate Difference not 0 o 0 < o m c m N O O o- J