HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0000272_MS Thesis Upper Pigeon_20070501 SPATIAL AND TEMPORAL PATTERNS OF DRIFTING FISH LARVAE IN THE UPPER PIGEON RIVER, HAYWOOD COUNTY,NORTH CAROLINA Michael J.LaVoie A Thesis Submitted to the Faculty of the Graduate School of Western Carolina University In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science Committee: q Director ` � -- — Dean of the Graduate School ' Date: Spring 2007 Western Carolina University Cullowhee,North Carolina SPATIAL AND TEMPORAL PATTERNS OF DRIFTING FISH LARVAE IN THE UPPER PIGEON RIVER, HAYWOOD COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA A thesis presented to the faculty of the Graduate-School of Western Carolina University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science By Michael J. LaVoie Director: Dr. Thomas H. Martin Associate Professor Department of Biology May 2007 Acknowledgements I would like to express my deep appreciation for all that made this project possible. Dr. Tom Martin provided invaluable insight and guidance throughout the process, for which I am grateful. The assistance provided by my committee members; Dr. James Costa and Dr. Mack Powell, and readers; Dr. Sean O'Connell and Dr. Greg Adkison, in the final draft preparation is greatly appreciated. I would like to thank the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission and the Pigeon River Fund for funding. Thank you to Blue Ridge Paper Products, Inc. for access to sampling sites and general logistical assistance. Jeff Wesner, Matt Rajala, and Wes Cornelison provided assistance in the field and laboratory, for which I am grateful. I would not be in this position without the love and selfless support that my family has provided me throughout my life. Finally,Erin McManus' unwavering patience, encouraging me through those sleepless . nights at the paper mill and endless hours at the microscope,made all of this possible. ii Table of Contents Page Listof Tables -------- --------•----------------------•--- ---------------------------------- iv Listof Figures-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- vi Abstract ••• Introduction I Pigeon River Water Quality and Aquatic Biodiversity--------------------------------------- 1 Riverine Ecosystems and Fish Movement----------------------------------------------------------- 3 Fisheries Restoration----------------------------------------------------------------- -•-----• ------------------ 6 Methods---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ ------------------ 9 StudyArea----------------------------------------------- ---•--------------------------=------------------------------ 9 Sampling---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 SampleProcessing---------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- 11 DataAnalysis.---------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- 12 Results----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- 13 Discussion -------------------------------- ------------•---------------------------------------------•--------------- 39 Conclusions----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 55 LiteratureCited------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 57 r, List of Tables Table Page 1. Larval fish collected in the Pigeon River at three sites during a March— September2005 study------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15 2. Summary from multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) of combined Response of Percidae, Cyprinidae, Catostomidae Centrarchidae, Cottidae, and Ictaluridae to location along the Pigeon River(Site),time of sampling (Time),net location relative to the bank(Loc) and their 2-way interactions..-- 18 3. Summary of ANOVA for Catostomidae------------------------------------------------------------- 19 4. Summary of ANOVA for Centrarchidae------------------------------------------------------------- 19 5. Summary of ANOVA for Cottidae---------------------------------------------------------------------- 19 6. Summary of ANOVA for Ictaluridae------------------------------------------------------------------- 20 I 7. Summary of ANOVA for Cyprinidae------------------------------------------------------------------ 20 8. Summary of ANOVA for Percidae---------------------------------------------------------------------- 20 9. Diel patterns of larval fish drift density for six families of fishes collected in the Pigeon River. Sampling block numeral refers to the time that the 4 hour sampling period began. CA=Catostomidae, CE=Centrarchidae, CO= Cottidae, CY=Cyprinidae, IC=Ictaluridae;and PE=Percidae---------------------- 22 10.Percent composition of two developmental phases and mean total length for larval fishes collected in drift nets positioned at two instream locations (N-B=near-bank,M-C=mid-channel) in the Pigeon River---------------------------- 25 11. Percent composition of two developmental phases and mean total length of four families of larval fishes collected in drift nets set at two instream Locations (N-B=near-bank,M-C=mid-channel) in the Pigeon River----------- 26 12. Mean densities (no./1000m'),total number, and percent composition(%) of fish larvae collected at three sites in the Pigeon River--------------------------------------- 30 iv Table Page 13. Relative abundance of adult fish (n=476) and larval fish (n= 1132) Collected in two 2005 Pigeon River studies at Site 1 upstream of the paper mill at Canton,NC (University of Tennessee unpublished 2005)___________ 42 v List of Figures Figure Page 1. Map of larval fish sampling sites on the Pigeon River near Canton,NC.......... 10 2. Mean densities of drifting larval fish compared to discharge collected at three sampling stations on the Pigeon River in 2005------------------------------------------ 16 3. Diel drift patterns for larval fishes from April through September 2005 in the Pigeon River from April through September 2005---------------------------------------- 21 4. Diel drift patterns for Catostomidae, Cyprinidae, and Percidae in the Pigeon Rivernear Canton,NC------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 23 i 5. Larval drift density for Catostomidae and Cyprinidae relative to location within the river channel for all sample sites on the Pigeon River______________________ 24 i 6. Length-frequency distribution of four families of drifting larval fishes collected at three sites in the Pigeon River near Canton,NC____________________________ 27 I 7. Seasonal drift patterns for fish larvae collected from the Pigeon River at Site 1 (upstream of mill at Canton,NC), Site 2 (downstream of low-head), and Site 3 (downstream of mixing zone)------------------------------------------------------------- 31 S. Seasonal drift patterns for Cyprinidae larvae collected from the Pigeon River at Site 1 (upstream of mill at Canton,NC), Site 2 (downstream of low-head), and Site 3 (downstream of mixing zone)------------------------------------------ 32 9. Seasonal drift patterns for Percidae larvae collected from the Pigeon River at Site 1 (upstream of mill at Canton,NC), Site 2 (downstream of low-head), and Site 3 (downstream of mixing zone)__________________________________________ 33 10. Seasonal drift patterns for Cottidae larvae collected from the Pigeon River at Site 1 (upstream of mill at Canton,NC), Site 2 (downstream of low-head), and Site 3 (downstream of mixing zone)__________________________________________ 34 11. Seasonal drift patterns for Ictaluridae larvae collected from the Pigeon River at Site 1 (upstream of mill at Canton,NC), Site 2 (downstream of low-head), and Site 3 (downstream of mixing zone)__________________________________________ 35 A Figure Page 12. Seasonal drift patterns for Centrarchidae larvae collected from the Pigeon River at Site 1 (upstream of mill at Canton,NC), Site 2 (downstream of low-head), and Site 3 (downstream of mixing zone)------------------------------------------ 36 13. Seasonal drift patterns for Catostomidae larvae collected from the Pigeon River at Site 1 (upstream of mill at Canton,NC), Site 2 (downstream of low-head), and Site 3.(downstream of mixing zone)------------------------------------------ 37 14. Water quality parameters measured at three larval fish sampling sites on the Pigeon River near Canton,NC-------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- 38 vii i i Abstract SPATIAL AND TEMPORAL PATTERNS OF DRIFTING FISH LARVAE IN THE UPPER PIGEON RIVER,NC Michael J. LaVoie, M.S. Western Carolina University (May 2007) Director: Dr. Thomas H. Martin The Pigeon River has undergone vast improvements in water quality in recent years i owing to upgrades in paper manufacturing and wastewater treatment in Canton. Species richness of the fish assemblage has recently improved through both re-colonization from tributaries and the reintroduction of previously extirpated species. Recent surveys have indicated that certain fish species are present upstream of Canton but are absent below the icity. Potential barriers to colonization exist in the main stem of the river at Canton in the form of an impoundment and low-head dam, as well as thermal and chemical effluents. The downstream drift of larval fishes has been shown to be an important dispersal and j recruitment mechanism for some species. To examine the potential for colonization from I upstream and determine if barriers to dispersal exist, fish larvae were collected with drift nets at three spatially separated sites to. Drifting fish larvae density directly below the low-head dams was less than 50% of the density measured at the other two sites. Relative abundance of larval fish taxa was also found to differ among sites with the assemblage dominated by Percidae and Cyprinidae upstream of the paper mill and k Centrarchidae and Catostomidae downstream of the paper mill. It appears that barriers to re-colonization exist that may hinder the lon.- term success of restoration efforts. ix Introduction Pigeon River Water Quality and Aquatic Biodiversity The southeastern U.S. contains the richest fish diversity and the highest number of i endemic fishes in North America. This region also contains the highest number of i imperiled freshwater fish species in the United States;(28%of the native fish fauna) (Warren et al.2000). Threats to fishes and other aquatic organisms have been tied to extensive habitat deterioration due to point and non-point source pollution and channelization, as well as stream fragmentation and hydrologic alteration due to dams (Neves and Angermeier 1990, Ricciardi and Rasmussen 1999). The degradation of lotic ecosystems has been extensive throughout the last century in North America and continues to threaten the persistence of many aquatic species (Benke 1990). The Pigeon River (Haywood County,NC) is a prime example of an aquatic system where these pervasive and complex threats have affected the native freshwater fauna. As with many other rivers, the Pigeon River has served as an important source of water for industry, as well as an outlet for waste disposal. In 1908 the Champion International paper company began its operations on the Pigeon River in Canton,NC (University of Tennessee Student Chapter of the Wildlife and Fisheries Society (UTSCWFS)2007). Water was removed from the river to aid in paper manufacturing and then discharged back to the channel as thermally polluted effluent contaminated with toxic chemicals and tannins. Fish kills were observed immediately after the mill began production and by the 1940's the fish assemblage was reduced to only pollution tolerant species, with many reaches completely devoid of fish. The dramatic deterioration in 1 2 water quality resulted in the extirpation of all mollusks (40 species) and most of the native fishes downstream of Canton (UTSCWFS 2007). In 1988 a consumption advisory was instituted recommending that no fish caught between the mill and the Tennessee state line should be eaten due to elevated dioxin levels (UTSCWFS 2007). Hydrologic and habitat alterations from damming and channelization, as well as sedimentation from poorly managed construction, agricultural and forestry practices have also contributed to the degradation of the river. In recent years the restoration of freshwater ecosystems altered by human activities has received considerable attention. Improvements to degraded habitats, including water quality problems, have been the primary focus of these restoration efforts, with the presumption that habitat restoration will result in increased aquatic biodiversity (Palmer et al. 1997). In the last ten years, habitat within the Pigeon River has gone through a dramatic recovery due to improvements in pollution control from paper manufacturing and upgrades in wastewater treatment by Blue Ridge Paper Products Inc. (Coombs 2004). Toxic and colored effluents have been greatly reduced and additional long term declines in conductivity, fecal coliform bacteria, and nutrient concentrations downstream of the mill's discharge demonstrate additional improvements in water quality (North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR) 2003). In January of 2007 the last remaining fish consumption advisory below the Blue Ridge paper mill in Haywood County was removed (North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (NCDHHS) 2007). Although these events are encouraging, recent studies of the Pigeon River fish fauna conducted by the North 3 i I i Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC) and EA Engineering, Science, and Technology, Inc. have consistently found species present in the main=stem of the Pigeon River upstream of Canton that are absent or found in reduced abundance below the city (EA 1996,EA 2001,NCWRC unpublished). These findings bring into question why re- colonization of previously extirpated fish species has not contributed more to the restoration of the native fish assemblage from upstream source populations now that the physical habitat has improved. Riverine Ecosystems and Fish Movement Natural fluvial forms and processes have been found to be intimately linked to the biological integrity of river systems. Geomorphologic and hydrological characteristics of rivers and the effects of these physical forces greatly impact ecological processes related. to aquatic biota. The human alteration of rivers and streams through the construction of dams has altered the natural fluvial and geomorphic characteristics of many watersheds throughout North America. Fishes have evolved a variety of lateral and longitudinal movement patterns which have been disrupted by alterations in the hydrology and the physiography of river channels (Schlosser 1991). Native fishes have been particularly impacted due to this alteration in ecosystem functioning. A major advance in theory concerning aquatic ecology and lotic systems occurred with the development of the river continuum concept (Vanote et al. 1980). This theory describes a continual change in the structure and function of the biological and physical components of a river from upper to lower reaches due to changes in the input and 4 cycling of organic matter. This concept was a landmark step to advance the idea of the physical and biological connectivity in riverine ecosystems, which refers to the open longitudinal exchange of water, organisms, nutrients and energy between components of the channel (Ward and Stanford 1995). Rivers are dynamic systems with longitudinal and lateral changes in structure and function. Patterns of pools, runs,riffles, braids, backwaters and oxbows are all various components of lotic systems that vary in configuration and form a unique heterogeneous riverine landscape (Wiens 2002). These and other spatial components of river systems at finer scales can be considered as patches (Townsend 1989). These patches may have unique physical attributes such as current velocities or substrate composition, as well as a unique biotic assemblage. The transfer of resources and individuals that are contained within patches are regulated by longitudinal, lateral, and vertical boundaries. The downslope flow of water acts to transfer materials between boundaries. Because these boundaries undergo dynamic alterations in their ability to be permeated, due mainly to changes in hydrology and geomorphology, patches within rivers vary in their connectedness. The connectivity of patches in rivers is especially important when considering the ecology of aquatic organisms. Aquatic organisms vary in both their ability to move between patches as well as their affinity for certain patches of riverine landscapes. Patches differ in quality relative to an organism's needs and are selected accordingly. Therefore the likelihood that an organism will move from one position to another in a river system is related to both the array and quality of patch types and the boundaries that separate the different locations (Wiens 2002). i 5 j Many different movement patterns vital to distribution and persistence are exhibited in aquatic organisms (Giller and Malmqvist 1998). These ecological attributes have evolved in unison with natural riverine flow patterns and are closely related to an organism's life history traits. Riverine fish species exhibit a variety of longitudinal and latitudinal movement patterns throughout their life history that involve a variety of physical, biological and chemical factors. Different life history stages such as the egg, larval,juvenile, and adult phases of fishes also vary in their habitat requirements and their ability to move among patches. Upstream movements are associated with active migration in response to resource abundance (Schlosser 1991). These migration patterns have drawn considerable attention with studies directed at fishes moving upstream to reach spawning grounds: Three principal forms of downstream migration also exist including 1) passive downstream migrations in which the fish is not oriented relative to a water flow; 2) active downstream migrations; and 3) active-passive downstream migrations where a fish's head points into the current and is taken with the current with weak resistance (Pavlov 1994). Hydrological conditions related to the flowing nature of water are the most important factors influencing the downstream movement of fishes. These factors include water velocity and discharge, as well as seasonal flood dynamics (Pavlov 1994). The dislodgement, suspension and subsequent downstream transport of organisms in streams and rivers can play a major role in the ecology of these habitats (Lancaster et al. 1996). Downstream drift is a widely studied phenomenon, particularly for aquatic invertebrates. Many fishes also exhibit drift patterns in the early stages of development 6 which can act as an important dispersal mechanism. The larval stage of fishes encompasses a unique behavioral and ecological life history phase of the organism (Snyder 1990). Because of their weak swimming ability, larval fishes are often entrained and passively transported in downstream currents. It is also possible that larval fishes actively enter the drift to procure resources or avoid predation (Brown and Armstrong 1985). These downstream drift patterns can act to transport fish to nursery habitats and act to extend the range of populations. Dispersal and the colonization of newly available habitats is important in maintaining connectivity in fish populations, adjusting the distribution and abundance of taxa, and increasing genetic diversity within populations (Jackson et al. 2001). Events occuring during early life history stages may largely control recruitment and ultimately year-class strength (Schlosser 1985, Houde 2002). Accordingly, the downstream drift of larval fishes is accepted as a major contributor to recruitment of some riverine fishes (e.g., Muth and Schmulbach 1984; Reichard et al. 2004). Fisheries Restoration The ability of fishes to disperse downstream can be very important when considering stream restoration. When a habitat recovers from a formerly degraded state, the dispersal of fishes from upstream source populations may be important in restoring ecological integrity by providing a source of colonists. Once the constraints of degradation have been abated in an ecological community,restoration can occur on passively through fish movement or actively through human intervention (Lake 2001). i 7 i The natural downstream flow of water in lotic systems most often assists the recovery of riverine fish communities through dispersal in a passive manner(Allan and Flecker 1993). The recolonization and biotic recovery of disturbed areas often occurs rapidly in streams and rivers (Gilley and Malmqvist 1998). The lack of this recovery in the Pigeon River brings into question the ability of aquatic organisms to disperse from upstream of Canton and re-colonize the restored habitat into question. When dispersal is impaired by barriers to colonization, active restoration efforts through human management, such as j the direct manipulation of populations through stocking, are needed to assist recovery and improve biotic integrity (Lake 2001, Angermeier 1997). In 2004 the NCWRC began I active restoration efforts through the reintroduction of five previously extirpated species (Steve Frayley personal communication). Activities such as stocking can be important in I aiding the restoration of aquatic ecosystems,but the long term success of restoration efforts often depends upon addressing critical riverine ecosystem processes (Bond and Lake 2003). In order to be successful, restoration projects require updated information regarding the nature of potential threats that impinge upon a certain system (Soule and Orians 2001). It is important to decipher the specific impediments to natural recovery existing in the Pigeon River. Although the fragmentation of river systems by large dams has been well documented, other anthropogenic alterations such as small dams and point sources of pollution likely impact fish movements and deserve increased attention (Dynessius and Nilsson 1994,Ward and Stanford 1979). Both the presence of two run-of the-river low-head dams that create a small impoundment at the paper mill and the i na gym" 8 continued release of heated effluent downstream from the paper mill may act as potential barriers to colonization from upstream source populations. Low-head dams alter natural hydrologic patterns and have been shown to affect the movement of aquatic biota and the structure of riverine fish assemblages (Benstead et al. 1999,Porto et al. 1999, Gillette et al. 2005). Additionally, effluents from industrial facilities can be extremely lethal to larval fishes (Houde 2002). These potential barriers to re-colonization could inhibit the natural recovery of the Pigeon River and threaten the long term success of restoration efforts (Bond and Lake 2003). The long term viability of fish populations is also of concern when connectivity is eliminated, resulting in biogeographical restriction (Jackson et al. 2001). I designed a study to assess if barriers to colonization exist in the main stem of the river at Canton through a study of larval fish drift. Accordingly, my study aimed at determining if larval fish are able to drift into the recovering section of the Pigeon River in North Carolina below Canton. I made quantitative comparisons of the spatial distribution of larval fishes throughout the fish assemblage's spawning season at three sampling sites. These sampling sites were located in three different reaches of the Pigeon River: 1) upstream of Canton; 2) downstream of the impoundment and two low-head dams at Blue Ridge Paper Products Inc.; and 3)below the paper mill's wastewater outfall and mixing zone. Larval fish taxonomic richness and relative abundance were expected to be significantly lower downstream of the low-head dams and the mixing zone if these structures were acting as barriers to dispersal from upstream source populations. 9 Methods i Study Area The Pigeon River is a major tributary of the French Broad River in the upper Tennessee River watershed, with its headwaters in the Blue Ridge physiographic province of North Carolina. I studied the distributions and drift patterns of fish larvae in the main channel of the upper Pigeon River near Canton,NC (Haywood County). The hydrology of the upper Pigeon River is typical for the southern Appalachians, with highest flows in spring and lowest flows in summer and fall. The Pigeon River at the study area drains approximately 337 square kilometers and had a mean annual discharge i of 8.7 mYsec from 1984 to 2002 . Land use in the upper Pigeon River watershed is primarily forested (84%) (NCDENR 2003). i iSampling I collected drift samples at three spatially separated sites, in order to determine spatial and temporal drift patterns of ichthyoplankton (Figure 1). The sampling locations were chosen to distinguish the effects of two potential barriers to colonization. One sampling station (Site 1) was located upstream of Blue Ridge Paper Products,Inc., approximately 100 meters below the NC 215 bridge. The second sampling station (Site 2) was located approximately 20 meters below two low-head run-of-the-river dams. The third sampling station (Site 3) was located downstream from the Blue Ridge Paper Product's waste water treatment outfall and mixing zone, approximately 10 meters upstream of a second NC 215 bridge. .gym 10 � Site 3 End of p. Canton,NC Mixing B Paper Mill Outfall Site 2 N Low-head W + E dams S Flow Direction i i Site 1 0 .5 km Figure 1.Map of larval fish sampling sites on the Pigeon River near Canton, NC. i Larval fish sampling was conducted over a 12 hour period on a weekly basis between the first week of March 2005 until September 23, 2005 when larval fish were no longer present in samples. Passive drift nets, which are commonly used to sample drifting larval fishes in riverine environments were used in this study (Kelso and Rutherford 1996). Rectangular nets ( 0.26 in x 0.45 in opening, 1 in long; 500-Om mesh) were set at each site on each sampling date in areas of strong to moderate current to I ! 11 capture drifting larvae. Nets were anchored to the substrate with rebar at four stations i distributed across the river channel at each site. Two nets were located.near each shore (within 3 meters) and two nets were located in the mid-channel. The nets were set with their long axes even with the surface of the water when the river depth exceeded the height of the net opening. At water depths less than 0.26 in, the height of the water column sampled was recorded. A Swoffer Model 2100 flow meter was used to measure current velocity at the opening of each net immediately after deployment and before the end of the net set. Mean velocity measurements and the area of net opening under the river's surface were used to calculate the volume of water passing through the nets during each sampling period. Nets were deployed for 30 minutes out of every four hours from 16:00 to 04:00 on each sampling date. Samples were collected over 24 hours on a bi- monthly basis with the aforementioned sampling"regime to assess diel patterns in larval drift. Sampling did not occur during extreme flow events due to the infeasibility of_ stabilizing the drift nets in fast currents. Water temperature, conductivity, and dissolved oxygen were.measured with a YSI I meter during each sampling period at each site.-Discharge data were obtained from a United States Geological Survey (USGS) gauging station (03456991) located at Canton, NC. Sample Processing Each larval fish sample was immediately fixed in 3-5% formalin, stained with I 12 rose bengal to accentuate larval myomere and fin ray elements, and returned to the lab for jfurther processing. Fixatives were then removed by rinsing with water and fish were sorted from debris. Larval fish were counted, measured (±0.5 mm total length), and assigned to an appropriate developmental stage (Snyder 1976). Meristic, morphometric and ecological characters were observed to identify the larvae collected to the lowest ' taxon feasible based on available taxonomic keys (Meyer 1970; Hogue et al. 1976; Auer 1982; Fuiman et al. 1983; McGowan 1988; Wallus et al. 1990; Kay et al. 1994; Simon and Wallus 2003; Simon and Wallus 2006). Most fishes in the Centrarchidae, Cyprinidae and Percidae families were not identified beyond the family level due to the lack of taxonomic keys. Fishes in the Catostomidae, Cottidae and Ictaluridae families were i identified to genus and species. Juvenile fish (exhibiting full fin development but lacking a median fanfold) collected in the drift nets were not included in the study. I Data Analysis Larval fish drift densities were computed for each drift net set by dividing the number of individual larvae collected by the volume of water filtered (number of fish/1000 m3). Drift densities calculated for the entire sampling period include only those t sampling dates where larval fish were collected, thus excluding samples collected at the beginning and end of the season that produced no fish. The total number of fish larvae drifting through each site on each sample date was also calculated by multiplying the I mean drift densities by the total river discharge. I 13 design with samples taken at three sites over The study followed a 3x6x2 factorial six time periods per day using nets stationed at two locations across the stream channel (two nets near the banks and two near mid-channel). Data were analyzed at the family level to accommodate the different degrees of classification accomplished within each family. All experimental factors were fixed rather than random, and were treated as such in analyses. Differences in larval drift among sites, sample times and stream channel locations were tested for drift densities of larvae grouped into 6 families—Percidae, Cyprinidae, Catastomidae, Centrarchidae, Cottidae, and Ictaluridae. Drift densities were estimated as the number of larvae per unit volume of water sampled over the course of i the study for each combination of river site, sample time, and net location within the channel. Because I was testing using multiple dependent variables, I first tested main effects and 2-way interactions using multiple analysis of variances (MANOVA) followed by univariate analysis of variance (ANOVA) for those main effects and interactions deemed statistically significant (a=0.05) in the MANOVA (Zar 1999). All statistical I analyses were conducted using PROC GLM in SAS/STAT (v. 9, Copyright 2002, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA). - - Results I A total of 928 drift samples were collected during the study with 42 % containing i larval fish. We obtained 2522 larval fish from these samples, representing 6 families j (Table 1). Catostomidae accounted for approximately 33.6% of taxa collected at all three f sites and was comprised of three species: white suckers (Catostomus commersoni), northern hogsuckers (Hypentelium nigricans), and black redhorse (Moxostoma i 14 i i duquesnei). Centrarchidae was the second most abundant family (26.6%) found in drift samples. Rock bass (Ambloplites rupestris) were found in low numbers within this family. Lepomis spp, were also identified within the centrarchids collected but not quantified at this time due to potential confusion with large mouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) (Robert Wallus pers. comm.) Cyprinidae and Percidae accounted for 19 2% and Percidae 19.4% of total larval fish collected,respectively. Two species of i Ictaluridae, channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) and white catfish (Ameirus catus), and one species of sculpin (mottled sculpin, Cottus bairdi) were collected in low numbers. Fourteen juvenile and adult fishes were also collected during the sampling period but i jwere not included in the analysis. Larval fish were detected drifting in the study area from April 21 through September 6 (Figure 2.) Mean drift densities for each sample date varied from 0 to 426.6 fish per 1000 cubic meters of water sampled. Based on USGS discharge data and mean density calculations, approximately 138 million larval fish drifted through the study area throughout the sampling period. Mean discharge was not directly correlated with mean drift densities (Rz= 0.03, P = 0.45). I Total drift densities were low at the beginning of the sampling period. Suckers and darters were the first fishes to appear in samples. White suckers and northern hogsuckers I appeared first, followed by black redhorses later in the spring. High drift densities occurred in mid-May and early-June due to an increasing abundance of suckers and i I 15 Table 1. Larval fish collected in the Pigeon River at three sites during a March - September 2005 sampling period Number of % of total Peak Taxon fish number Abundance sampled sampled Date Catostomidae (suckers) 847 33.6 Catostomus commensori 182 7.2 5/5/05 Hypentelium nigricans 247 9.8 5/17/05 Moxostoma duquesnei 332 13.2 6/9/05 Undetermined sp. 86 3.4 Cyprinidae (minnows) 483 19.2 5/12/05 Centrarchidae (sunfishes) 670 26.6 Ambloplites rupestris 4 0.6 7/10/05 * Undetermined sp. 666 26.4 8/10/05 I Cottidae (sculpins) 3 0.1 Coitus bairdi 3 0.1 5/12/06 Ictaluridae (catfishes) 8 0.3 Ictalurus punctatus 7 0.3 8/10/05 Ameiurus catus 1 0 8/26/05 Percidae (darters) 490 19.4 7/10/05 Undetermined sp. (damaged) 20 0.8 * Specimens likely Lepomis sp. r 16 0 Drift Density s Discharge 400 250 350 300 200 0 250 y 0 150 6 200 c 150 100 100 50 50 p 0 7 'd' Figure 2. Mean densities of drifting larval fish compared to discharge collected at three sampling stations on the Pigeon River in 2005. I darters, and the addition of members of Cyprinidae to the assemblage. Mottled sculpin larvae were collected in low numbers on one date in early May. Low overall densities were again observed in late June, followed by a spike in July with increasing numbers of I darters and cyprinids. Peak drift densities occurred in early August with 810 fish/1000 m', consisting mostly of fishes in the Centrarchidae family. Catfish drifted in low numbers from early August to early September. I i :1 17 An assessment of development revealed the majority of larval fishes collected were in the post larval stage with yolk-sac absorption completed (69.3% of fish collected). This dominant pattern was observed in all but one family. Approximately 96% of catostomids, 71% of ictalurids, 71% of catostomids, and 62% of cyprinids were classified as post-yolk sac larvae. All cottid specimens collected were in a late post- larval phase with some advanced fin ray development. Percids were the only taxon whose composition was dominated by pro-larval specimens (62%). Well defined size groups of certain taxa were found in the drift. For example, greater than 99% of the centrarchids collected ranged from 6.2 to 8.7 mm total length. The range of sizes for catostomids was similar for the three species found in drift samples (11.1 mm to 20.6mm). The average size of black redhorses collected was 16.8 mm, however, compared with 14.2 mm for northern hogsuckers and 13.2 mm for white suckers. Mean total length of cottids and ictalurids collected was 10.8 mm and 16.8 mm, respectively. Drifting percids and cyprinids exhibited similar mean sizes (8.6 mm and 8.3 mm respectively) and ranged in size from 5-17 mm. I i All main effects examined by MANOVA for larval fish collected throughout the sampling season were deemed significant as was the river-site by sample-time interaction (Table 2). As interactions can significantly influence the proper interpretation of main effects (Underwood 1997), we first examined the interactions of river-site by sample- time. The Site x Time interaction was found to be statistically significant for i catostomids, centrarchids, cottids, and ictalurids (Tables 3, 4, 5, and 6). Examination of i 18 I means suggests that the significance of the interaction may be a trivial result of the differences in abundance among sites. Three of the four families were relatively rare at one or more sites resulting in a significantly different diel pattern of drift due to drift densities being truncated at zero. The catostomids were relatively abundant at all sample sites, but a larger proportion of these larvae were captured during daylight sample periods ' (08:00—20:00) at Site 2 than at either of the other two sample sites. There were at least three species of catostomid present in the samples and small differences in diel drift and abundance among species and sample site could have contributed to the observed differences. i Table 2. Summary from multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) of combined response of Percidae, Cyprinidae, Catastomidae, Centrarchidae, Cottidae, and Ictaluridae to location along the Pigeon River(Site), time of sampling (Time), net location relative to the bank (Loc) and their 2-way interactions. Numerator Denominator Source df df Wilk's X F P Site 12 82 0.181 9.25 <0.0001 Time 30 166 0.093 4.48 <0.0001 Loc 6 41 0.671 3.36 0.0088 Site x Time 60 219.9 0.077 2.31 <0.0001 Site x Loc 12 82 0.808 0.77 0.6794 Time x Loc 30 166 0.551 0.89 0.6857 l 19 Table 3. Summary of ANOVA for Catostomidae Source df SS MS F P Site 2 8586 4293 10.66 0.0002 Time 5 22018 4404 10.93 <0.0001 Loc 1 4225 4225 10.49 0.0022 Site X Time 10 9436 944 2.34 0.025 Site X Loc 2 776 388 0.96 0.3891 Time X Loc 5 3942 788 1.96 0.1032 Error 46 18534 403 Total 71 67517 Table 4. Summary of ANOVA for Centrarchidae Source df SS MS F P I Site 2 6835 3417 5.2 0.0092 Time 5 397825- 7956 12.11 <0.0001 Loc 1 5115 511 0.78 0.3824 Site X Time 10 13800 1380 _ 2.1 0.0438 Site X Loc 2 178 89 0.14 0.8739 Time X Loc 5 12888 258 0.39 0.8516 Error 46 302188 657 Total 71 926128 Table 5. Summary of ANOVA for Cottidae Source. df SS ' MS F P Site 2 0.491 0.24548836 2.42 0.1004 Time 5 1.227 0.24548836 2.42 0.05 Lac 1 0.009 0.00903311 0.09 0.7669 Site X Time 10 2.455 0.24548836 2.42 0.0209 Site X Loc 2 0.018 0.00903311 0.09 0.9151 Time X Loc 5 0.045 0.00903311 0.09 0.9936 Error 46 4.672 0.10155908 Total 71 8.917 20 Table 6. Summary of ANOVA for Ictaluridae Source df SS MS F P Site 2 1.321 0.661 3.79 0.0298 Time 5 4.049 0.81 4.65 0.0016 Loc 1 0.029 0.029 0.16 0.6866 Site X Time 10 4.304 0.43 2.47 0.0184 Site X Loc 2 0.333 0.167 0.96 0.3918 Time X Loc 5 0.565 0.113 0.65 0.6638 Error 46 8.01 0.174 Total 71 18.611 Table 7. Summary of ANOVA for Cyprinidae Source df SS MS F P Site 2 2733 1367 3.24 0.0482 Time 5 10573 2115 5.01 0.0009 Loc 1 2082 2082 4.94 0.0312 Site X Time 10 3974 397 0.94 0.5046 Site X Loc 2 873 437 1.04 0.3633 Time X Loc 5 2893 579 1.37 0.2523 Error 46 19399 422 Total 71 42529 Table 8. Summary of ANOVA for Percidae Source df SS MS F P Site 2 9871 4935 19.94 <0.0001 Time 5 5938 1188 4.8 0.0013 Loc 1 18 18 0.07 0.7902 Site X Time 10 4818 482 1.95 0.0626 Site X Loc 2 311 156 0.63 0.5378 Time X Loc 5 1318 264 1.06 0.3921 Error 46 11388 248 Total 71 33662 I 21 Overall drift densities varied with time of day and a significant diel periodicity was observed for all taxa combined (P<0.0001). Approximately 88.5% of drifting larval fish were collected between two sampling periods from 20:00 —04:00 (Figure 3). Highest drift rates occurred during the 20:00-24:00 block with a mean density of 147.5 fish/1000 m3. Higher densities of larvae were also observed in the drift during the early morning (04:00-08:00) when compared with daytime (08:00-20:00) values. 200 150 0 12 100 0 50 0 04:00 - 08:00 - 12:00 - 16:00 - 2000- 24:00 - 08:00 12:00 16:00 20:00 24:00 04:00 Figure 3. Diel drift patterns for larval fishes from April through September 2005 in the Pigeon River near Canton, NC. 22 Members of the Catostomidae, Centrarchidae, Ictaluridae, Cyprinidae, and Percidae were found to display a significant response to sample time (P <0.01) (Tables 3,4,6,7,8). Drift predominantly occurred for these taxa during the night and early morning hours (Table 9). Centrarchids, with the exception of one fish, and ictalurids were only collected during the nighttime blocks of 20:00 and 24:00. Sculpin (Cottidae)were only captured during the 20:00 block,but their response to sample time was less significant due to the low density collected (P =0.05) (Table 9). Catostomids, cyprinids and percids exhibited their highest drift densities during the nighttime and pre-dawn hours,with day to night abundance ratios of 7:1, 13:1, and 3:1 for each taxon respectively (Fig. 4). i Table 9. Diel patterns of larval fish drift density for six families of fishes collected in the Pigeon River. Sampling block numeral refers to the time that the 4 hour sampling period began. CA= Catostomidae, CE= Centrarchidae, CO= Cottidae, CY=Cyprinidae, IC=Ictaluridae, and PE=Percidae Sampling no. /1000m' Block CA CE CO CY IC PE 400 28.3 0 0 11 0 23 800 6.1 0 0 2.6 0 10.3 1200 4.9 0 0 1.2 0 8.1 1600 6.1 0.1 0 1.3 0 2.2 ! 2000 45.2 45.2 0.4 27.3 0.6 27.5 2400 40.1 39.6 0 27 0.4 11.5 I 23 50 ® Catostomidae ❑ Cyprmidae 40 p Percidae 30 iM ° 20 10 0 N 04:00 - 08:00 - 12:00 - 16:00 - 20:00 - 24 00 - 08:00 12:00 16:00 20:00 24:00 04:00 Figure 4. Die] drift patterns for Catostomidae, Cyprinidae, and Percidae in the Pigeon River from April through September 2005. Densities of drifting larvae in near-bank samples (102 fish/1000m') were significantly greater than mid-channel samples (51 fish/1000m') (P<0.01),but the catostomids and cyprinids were the only families that exhibited a statistically significant difference in drift densities between near-bank and mid-channel samples (P < 0.05) (Tables 3 and 7). Near-bank drift was approximately double that of near-mid-channel for these two taxa (Figure 5). Comparisons of larval fish size and developmental phase were made between near-bank and mid-channel drift net collections for four families. Cottids and ictalurids were not analyzed due to the low number collected. Pro-larvae and post-larvae I RUN MEW IRMUMM, i I ez.xv 24 i 40 Near-bank Mid-channel 30 0 0 i o 20 c 10 hC. 'S3�n �pp µ4 `� p� �S i•r�- � .. Catastomidae Cyprinidae i j Figure 5. Larval drift density for Catostomidae and Cyprinidae relative to location within the river channel for all sample sites on the Pigeon River. i composition, as well as mean total length for larval fish in near-bank nets and mid- channel nets were very similar(Table 10). This developmental and size pattern was also consistent when looking at the family level for Catostomidae, Cyprinidae and Centrarchidae (Table 11). A t-test detected that the mean total length of percids collected in near-bank and mid-channel sets was significantly different, with slightly larger fish collected in mid-channel drift nets (P < 0.001). An assessment of length-frequency distribution between near-bank and mid- channel samples also revealed a greater abundance of larger sized fish in mid-channel collections for the Percidae (Figure 6). No consistent patterns of length-frequency distributions were observed for the other families collected. 25 Table 10. Percent composition of two developmental phases and mean total length for larval fishes collected in drift nets positioned at two instream locations (N-B=near bank,M-C=mid-channel) in the Pigeon River. N-B M-C Pro-larva (%) 67.2 68.2 Post-larva(%) 32.8 31.8 Mean Total-length(mm) 10.7 10.4 Table 11. Percent composition of two developmental phases and mean total length of four families of larval fishes collected in drift nets set at two instream locations (N-B =near-bank, M-C=mid-channel) in the Pigeon River near Canton,NC. Percidae Centrarchidae Cyprinidae Catostomidae N-B M-C N-B M-C N-B M-C N-B M-C Pro-larvae 35.8 41.3 96.3 96.4 61.1 64.2 75.5 64.0 N Post-larvae 64.2 58.7 3.7 3.6 38.9 35.8 24.5 36.0 N Mean Total 8.3 9.1 7.6 7.5 8.1 8.5 15.1 15.1 Length (nun) N O� PERCIDAE CENTRARCH DAE 0 Near-bank Near-bank El Mid-channel 40 El Mid-channel 70 m rv} 20 35 >.. O .,max 11 1 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 6 7 8 9 Total Length(mm) Total Length(mm) CYPRINIDAE CATOSTOMIDAE 30 0 Near-bank 30 ®Near-bank 0 Mid-channel 0 Mid-channel S ° T w 15 w 15 ; o 7 N 0 �ii I 1 0 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Total Length(rum) Total Length(inn) Figure 6. Length-frequency distribution of four families of drifting larval fishes collected at three sites in the Pigeon River near Canton,NC N J 28 A total of 1,159, 380, and 940 fish were collected at Site 1, Site 2, and Site 3, respectively (Table 12.). Sampling sites 1 and 3 produced the majority of overall larvae collected (81.0%) with total mean drift density values of 97.5 fish/1000 m'and 81.3 fish/1000 m3,respectively. Larval fish drift density at sampling site 2 was 41.9 fish/1000 in which was significantly lower than the other two sites (P< 0.05). The composition and relative abundance of larval fish taxa at each of the three sites was found to be different throughout the sampling period (Table 12.). Drift densities in April and early May were highest at Site 3 and dominated by catostomids (Figure 7). Site 1 produced the greatest drift density of larval fish in mid-May and all of June and July with cyprinids and percids dominating the drift. Drift densities spiked in early August at site 2 with the samples being dominated by members of the Centrarchidae and Ictaluridae families. Abundance estimates at each site declined dramatically thereafter until no fish were collected in the drift. Dominant taxa at each site also varied. Collections at site 1 were comprised of six families with percids and cyprinids being the most abundant taxa (Table 12). In contrast, site 2 consisted of five families and was dominated by the Centrarchidae family, with Cyprinidae being the second most abundant famiiy collected. In site 3 samples, the entrarchids and catostomids were the most abundant of the five families that were recorded. Cyprinids and percids were found to be more abundant upstream of the paper mill when compared with the downstream sites (Figures 8 and 9). Site 1 produced the only specimens of mottled sculpin (Coitus bairdi- Cottidae) collected in drift nets (Figure 10). .. 29 i Ictalurids were most abundant at site 3, with six channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) ' collected below the paper mill outfall mixing zone. (Table 12,Fig 11). A single white bullhead(Ameirus catus) was collected at site 1 upstream of the mill (Table 12). Centrarchids were also the most abundant at the downstream most site (Figure 12). The catostomids demonstrated a more complicated response with higher densities at the upstream most and downstream most sites and reduced drift at Site 2 (Figure 13). White suckers appeared to be more abundant in samples from the downstream most site,while black redhorse tended to be more abundant in the upstream site(Table 12). Black redhorse and northern hogsucker tended to be less abundant in the samples taken r immediately below the low-head dam. i Mean temperature and conductivity differed at the three study sites. The mean, i temperature at site 3 was approximately 3° C higher than the two sites upstream of the mill outfall (Figure 14). More extreme differences were observed for conductivity with an average site 3 value of 381.5 µs/cm compared to 20.0 µs/cm and 20.9 Ns/cm at site 1 and 2 respectively. No major differences in dissolved oxygen were observed among the three study sites. i Table 12. Mean densities (no./1000m3), total number, and percent composition (%) of fish larvae collected at three sites in the Pigeon River. Taxon Site 1 Site 2 Site 3 Density # % Density # % Density # % Catostomidae (suckers) Catostonuis commensori 2 24 2.1 2 17 4.6 12.3 141 14.6 Hypentelium nigricans 8.1 98 8.3 3.1 27 7.2 10.9 121 13.0 Moxostonta duquesnei 18.7 225 19.2 3 26 6.9 7.4 81 8.8 Undetermined spp. 3.9 47 4.0 0.9 8 2.1 2.8 31 3.3 Cyprinidae (minnows) Undetermined spp. 25.6 309 26.3 9.3 81 21.5 8.5 95 10.1 Centrarchidae (sunfishes) Ambloplites spp. 0.1 1 0.1 .0 0 0.0 0.3 3 0.4 Undetermined spp. 7.7 93 7.9 19.6 170 45.3 36.7 403 43.6 Cottidae (sculpins) Cottus bairdi 0.2 3 0.2 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 Ictaluridae (catfishes) Ictalurus punctahes 0 0 0.0 0.1 1 0.2 0.5 6 0.6 Ameiurus catus 0.1 1 0.1 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 Percidae (darters) Undetermined sp. 29.7 378 30.6 5.2 49 12.0 4.6 63 5.5 Undetermined sp. 1.1 17 1.1 0.1 1 0.2 0.1 2 0.1 Totals 97.2 1196 43.3 380 84 946 w 0 ,..1 31 Site 1 600 5 500 c 400 C> 300 200 a 100 0 °°�' o°"' o°�' r\\� p\1 b\t \ti g\ti p\ti b\1 \� h\L 5\ \1 \1 \1 p\ b\ \1 \`l, \`L ^\1 Site 2 600 E 500 0 400 0 300 200 a 100 0 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 p`' 05 O5 O5 05 05 05 05 01 01 \ryp \gyp \yo \,yo \yo \yo \tio \yo \tio \yo \yo \yo \yo \yo p\tip 5\� 5\~� 5\�^ 5\L� O\� \� \,h (sp (.6' Site 3 600 E 500 0 400 0 300 200 a 100 0 pZ pp5 pp5 pp5 pp5 pph pp5 pp5 °p5 pph pp5 pp5 pp5 pp5 pp5 pp�7 pp5 �f �\ti 'L\ry '\\O �\ti "�\ti 9\ti \ti \ti ^\ti °\ti b\ti \ti \ti °\ti b\ti b\ti Figure 7. Seasonal drift patterns for fish larvae collected from the Pigeon River at Site 1 (upstream of mill at Canton,NC), Site 2 (downstream of low-head), and Site 3 (downstream of nixing zone). �/31�l7He aaraffi 32 i t I Cyprinidae (no./1000m3) 200 Site 1 100 I 0 Apr-05 May-05 Jun-05 Ju105 Aug-05 Sep-05 200 Site 2 100 0 Apr-05 May-05 Jun 05 Jul-05 Aug-05 Sep-05 I 200 Site 3 100 I 0 Apr-05 May-05 Jun-05 Ju105 Aug-05 Sep-05 Figure 8. Seasonal drift patterns for Cyprinidae larvae collected from the Pigeon River at Site i (upstream of mill at Canton,NC), Site 2 (downstream of low-head), and Site 3 (downstream of mixing zone). I '33 i i Percidae (no.11000m3) i 100 Site 1 50 i 0 Apr-05 May-05 Jun 05 Jul705 Aug05 Sep-05 100 Site 2 i 50 0 Apr-05 May-05 Jun-05 Jul05 Aug-05 Sep-05 100 Site 3 50 0 Apr-05 May-05 Jun-05 Jul-05 Aug-05 Sep-05 Figure 9. Seasonal drift patterns for Percidae larvae collected from the Pigeon River at Site 1 (upstream of mill at Canton, NC), Site 2 (downstream of low-head), and Site 3 (downstream of nixing zone). i 34 I Cottidae (no./1000m3) 10 Site 1 5 0 Apr-05 May-05 Jun-05 Jul-05 Aug-05 Sep-05 10 Site 2 I 5 0 Apr-05 May-05 Jun-05 Ju105 Aug-05 Sep-05 10 Site 3 5 0 Apr-05 May-05 Jun-05 Jul-05 Aug-05 Sep-05 Figure 10. Seasonal drift patterns for Cottidae larvae collected from the Pigeon River at Site 1 (upstream of mill at Canton, NC), Site 2 (downstream of low-head), and Site 3 (downstream of mining zone). i 35 I i i Ictaluridae (no./1000m3) 10 Site 1 5 0 Apr-05 May-05 Jun-05 Jul•05 Aug-05 Sep-05 10 Site 2 5 0 Apr-05, May-05 Jun-05 Jul705 Aug-05 Sep-05 10 Site 3 5 Az� Apr-05 May-05 Jun-05 Jul-05 Aug-05 Sep-05 Figure 11. Seasonal drift patterns for Ictaluridae larvae collected from the Pigeon River at Site 1 (upstream of mill at Canton,NC), Site 2 (downstream of low-head), and Site 3 (downstream of mixing zone). 36 Centrarchidae (no./1000m3) 600 Site 1 300 I I 0 Apr-05 May-05 Jun-05 Jul-05 Aug-05 Sep-05 i I 600 Site 2 I 300 i 0 Apr-OS May-05 Jun-05 Jul-05 Aug-05 Sep-05 i i 600 Site 3 300 I I 0 Apr-05 May-05 Jun-05 Jul-05 Aug-05 Sep-05 Figure 12. Seasonal drift patterns for Centrarchidae larvae collected from the Pigeon River at Site 1 (upstream of mill at Canton,NC), Site 2 (downstream of low-head), and Site 3 (downstream of mixing zone). i 1 1 3 Catostomidae (no./1000m3) 400 Site 1 200 0 Apr-05 May-05 Jun-05 Jul-05 Aug-05 Sep-05 400 Site Z 200 0 Apr-05 May-05 Jun-05 Jul-05 Aug-05 Sep-05 400 Site 3 200 0 Apr-05 May-05 Jun-05 Jul-05 Aug-05 Sep-05 Figure 13. Seasonal drift patterns for Catostomidae larvae collected from the Pigeon River at Site 1 (upstream of mill at Canton,NC), Site 2 (downstream of low-head), and Site 3 (downstream of mixing zone). 6 I i 38 ; i Temperature(°C) ————Site 1 �—Site 2 30 Site 3 15 0 4/21/2005 5/19/2005 6/16/2005 7/14/2005 8/11/2005 9/8/2005 Dissolved Oxygen(mg/L) ———— Site 1 Site 2 10 — Site 3 5 0 4/21/2005 5/19/2005 6/16/2005 7/14/2005 8/11/2005 9/8/2005 Conductivity(µs/cm) ————Site 1 Site 2 800 Site 3 400 0 4/21/2005 5/19/2005 6/16/2005 7/14/2005 8/11/2005 9/8/2005 Figure 14. Water quality parameters measured at three larval fish sampling sites on the Pigeon River near Canton,NC. II 1 1 39 i Discussion The phenology of occurrence in the drift is likely a function of spawning chronology. The appearance of cottids, catostomids,percids, cyprinids, centrarchids, and ictalurids in the drift in sequential order was also observed in a study of larval fish in a small Kentucky stream (Floyd et al. 1984). This pattern was consistent with the spawning behaviors of fishes found in the Blue Ridge ecoregion(Etnier and Starnes 1993). Spawn timing is affected by a variety of factors including temperature, photoperiod and flow. The rate of development of eggs and larvae is most dependent upon temperature and peaks in drift abundance likely occurred in the first weeks after hatching. Some families showed distinct peaks in abundance over small time periods, while other taxa were present at lower densities throughout the sampling season. For example, approximately 99% of larval centrarchids were collected on August 10. Due to their late summer spawn timing, these centrarchids were most likely Lepomis spp., but this could not be verified at this time(Robert Wallus pers. comm.). Alternatively,the cyprinids and percids exhibited pronounced multiple modes in their seasonal drift abundance patterns from April through August, suggesting the presence of multiple species (Figures 8 and 9). Unfortunately, larval fish taxonomy has not progressed to the point to allow accurate separation of these species. Waters (1972) classified the drift of aquatic insects into three categories. Constant drift referred to the inadvertent displacement of larvae at low densities over the time period of active reproductive activity. High density drift resulting 40 from major disturbance events was considered as catastrophic drift. Behavioral drift was i catergorized as periodic movement patterns resulting from specific behavioral patterns such as the avoidance of predators or the acquisition of resources. The drift of larval fishes in the Pigeon River appears to fit the constant drift category. Although the large spike in centrarchid abundance over a short time appears catastrophic, no extreme discharge event occurred on that date and the high density is likely tied to a large concentration of spawning fish. The downstream migration of fish during early stages of development is most heavily influenced by the reproductive life history traits of a particular organism (Pavlov 1994). Spawning placement in relation to downstream currents can directly influence drift rates for certain fishes. The susceptibility of larval fish to initially drift is mainly due to their location within the substrate, water velocity and light conditions. Fluctuations in river velocity and discharge can act as disturbances that dislodge and transport larval fishes. Initial displacement of a larval fish occurs when the velocity and force of water overcomes the force of an organism to resist movement. This will occur more readily with higher nearbed velocities and when the organisms are no longer protected from small eddies associated with size variation in substrate particles. The stability.of substrates is also important to consider as flow events associated with substrate movement were associated with higher drift rates of some benthic insect populations (Lancaster et al. 1996). The loss of visual orientation during low light conditions may also influence accidental entrainment in river currents. Behavioral 41 f i mechanisms such as the acquisition of food,predator avoidance or nocturnal activity are i also potential explanations for drift. The results.of this study indicate that some taxa may have a greater propensity to drift than others. Percids, catostomids, cyprinids and centrarchids were the most abundant taxa collected in the drift throughout all study sites. Assuming that reproductive efforts were equal among taxa, adult fish surveys conducted by the University of Tennessee in the summer of 2005 at the larval fish study site 1 provide insightful information when considering the propensity of certain taxa to drift(University of Tennessee unpublished 2005). Larval percids were twice as abundant and larval catostomids were five times as abundant when compared to adults in the site 1 reach, suggesting that these taxa have a high tendency to drift during early developmental phases (Table 13). A high propensity for larval darters and suckers to exhibit significant drift behavior was expected in this study. Four species of darters (Percidae) are found in the upper Pigeon River as adults including the greenfin darter(Etheostoma blenniodes), greenside darter(Etheostoma chlorobranchium),tangerine (Percina aurantiaca), and olive darter(Percina squamata). Darters demonstrate a wide variety of spawning behaviors including burying, clumping, attaching, and clustering eggs in association with large rocks, gravel and algae. Many species of Etheostoma exhibit a wide variety of drift patterns including pelagic, epi- benthic and benthic forms (Turner 2001, Simon and Wallus 2006). Pelagic drift occurs for almost all members of Percina. These drift patterns are believed to increase fitness I 42 I I I Table 13. Relative abundance of adult fish (n =476) and larval fish (n = 1132) collected in two 2005 Pigeon River studies at Site 1 upstream of the paper mill at Canton NC. (University of Tennessee unpublished 2005) % % Adult/Larvae Taxon' Composition Composition Abundance of Adults of Larvae Ratio Catostomidae (suckers) 5.9 30.7 0.2 Catostomus commensori 0.0 2.1 0.0 Hypentelium nigricans 1.5 8.7 0.2 Moxostoma duguesnei 4.4 19.9 0.2 Cyprinidae (minnows) 59.0 27.3 2.2 Centrarchidae (sunfishes) 11.6 8.3 1.4 Ambloplites rupestris 9.9 0.1 111.8 *Lepomis spp. 1.3 8.2 0.2 Microptertis dolomeiu 0.4 0.0 na Cottidae (sculpins) 5.7 0.3 21.4 Cottus bairdi 5.7 0.3 21.4 Ictaluridae (catfishes) 0.0 1.0 0.0 Ameiurus catus 0.0 1.0 0.0 Percidae (darters) 17.9 33.4 0.5 *Larval specimens very likely Lepomis sp.but cannot be confirmed. l 43 I by transporting larvae from turbulent spawning grounds in riffles to plankton rich nursery habitats found in slower backwater sections of a river (Simon and Wallus 2006). The lack of precise knowledge pertaining to reproductive biology, development and taxonomy for many species of darters, including the olive darter and greenfin darter, preclude further conclusions regarding species specific drift patterns at this time. Catostomids have also been found to exhibit high'drift abundances in many studies (Corbett and Powles 1986, Johnston et al. 1995,Kennedy and Vinyard 1997, Marchetti and Moyle 2000,). The three species of catostomids found in the Pigeon River seek access to open substrate spawning sites in areas of swift current where oxygen supplies are adequate for egg development, and after hatching early are photophobic (Balon 1975). The weak swimming ability associated with early hatching and the presence of downstream currents in spawning locations make these taxa highly vulnerable to drift,particularly at night. In contrast, cyprinids comprised the largest proportion fishes collected in the adult survey(59%),yet only 27% of the total larval assemblage consisted of cyprinids, suggesting more limited drift tendencies. Cyprinid drift patterns have been demonstrated in some studies (Marchetti and Moyle 2000, Muth and Schmulbach 1984). Reichard et al. (2004) observed significant drift for a variety of cyprinids in the Czech Republic, and attributed these patterns to active entrance into the current as a means of transport. The presence of seven species of cyprinids which demonstrate a wide variety of spawning 44 behaviors, combined with the inability to identify fish beyond the family level limits any futher conclusions regarding species specific drift patterns in this study. The relative abundance of adult mottled sculpin (Cottus bairdi) at site 1 was much higher than larval abundance estimates. Other drift studies have shown extremely high drift abundances for Cottus spp. (Marchetti and Moyle 2000). Mottled sculpin spawn beneath stones or ledges in riffle areas with males actively maintaining the nests after courtship. As with other riffle spawning taxa, they are susceptible to being entrained in currents after hatching. It should also be noted that spawning mottled sculpin are highly adapted to swift waters with flattened bodies, large oblique pectoral fins, and a lack of a swim bladder. These adaptations likely help to reduce accidental drift. The low abundances of drifting mottled sculpin larvae in this study are probably attributed to the sampling regime. Mottled sculpin can begin spawning during late winter in the southeastern United States (Etmier and Starnes 1993). Drifting larvae were possibly missed in the weeks prior to the date fish were first observed due to logistical constraints regarding the seasonal timing of sampling. Centrarchids exhibited higher drift abundances than expected in this study. Light traps set in backwater areas are often the preferred sampling method for larval centrarchids. These fishes are nest constructors, depositing eggs in cleaned areas of substrate dug out of the river bed in slower currents, often along banks. Adults guard embryos during development and larvae are thereafter pelagic. Spawning in areas of slower currents and adult guarding would suggest a lower susceptibility to accidental entrainment, yet free swimming pelagic larvae in search of food would be displaced by i 45 i strong currents. The relative abundance of adults was closely tied with the numbers of drifting larvae at site 1 (Table 13). Therefore it is likely that the extremely high abundances of drifting centrarcbid larvae at sites 2 and 3 were associated with large adult populations. Ictalurids,particularly channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus),have been shown to drift extensively in some studies,but usually in later developmental stages (Floyd et al. 1984). These fishes spawn in natural holes or cavities,with males guarding the nests as development proceeds (Envier and Stames 1993). The low ictalurid densities observed in this study are most likely a result of low denisities of these fishes in the study reach. Other interesting patterns emerge when considering individual species. White suckers(Catostomus commersont) and a single white catfish(Ameiurus catus)were collected in the drift during the site 1 larval study,but were not observed in the adult surveys. Thus, larval sampling may be used as a tool to detect the presence of a fish species within a reach when adult numbers are difficult to detect due to low abundances or sampling difficulty. Additionally,the detection of larvae in a reach signifies a self- reproducing population, which may not necessarily be the case when small numbers of adults are observed in a study. Rock bass (Ambloplites rupestris) exhibited the least tendency to drift when compared with all other taxa in the surveys. One drifting larval rock bass was collected at site 1,while their adult numbers comprised 10% of the entire adult fish assemblage. Although more refined taxonomic identification was not verified for the other centrarchids,it is very likely that the remainder were Lepomis sp.,which drifted in a lower numbers when compared to adults in the reach. Smallmouth bass are a i 46 sportfish of conservation interest to Pigeon River fisheries managers. Two adult smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomeiu)were collected, yet no larvae were found, suggesting either the absence of drift behavior or the lack of successful reproduction in this study reach. Another objective of this study was to characterize the daily temporal patterns of drift abundance. Knowledge pertaining to diel patterns in abundance is important when designing sampling protocols. Benefits include the ability to obtain samples that are representative of all larval fish taxa present within a river, as well as the minimization of costs and sampling time. All families present as larvae in the study reach drifted significantly more during the nighttime hours than during the daytime in this study, particularly during the 2000-2400 time block. Carter et al. (1986) observed similar patterns of overall diel abundance with the largest numbers found during the 20:00-24:00 time period. Overall peaks in nightime drift densities have also been observed in other studies (Brown and Armstrong 1985, Corbett and Powles 1986, Elliot 1987, Johnston et al. 1995, Gadomski and Barfoot 1998,Marchetti and Moyle 2000,Reichard et al. 2004). When considering individual taxa,the centrarchids, ictalurids, and cottids drifted exclusively during the nighttime and the catostomids, cyprinids, and percids exhibited low levels of daytime drift. Other studies have shown mixed results in terms of diel abundance patterns for different taxa. Muth and Schmulbach(1984) observed no overall diel pattern,with ictalurids and catastomids more abundant at night, and cyprinids and centrarchids exhibiting no pattern. Robinson et al. (1998) found significant diel drift patterns for only one species of cyprinid. A study examining the downstream transport of i j 47 darter larvae (Etheostoma rubrum) found no significant patterns in drift over a 24-hour period(Slack et al. 2004). Diel periodicity in'drift is not a clearly understood phenomenon. Higher nighttime drift densities are often primarily attributed to light intensity. It is likely that most larval fishes are able to maintain their positions in slow water zones of the river using visual and tactile senses when sufficient light is available. Groups of larval fishes were observed along the Pigeon River banks in slower currents during the daytime. As light diminishes,these fishes are more susceptible to losing orientation with respect to the stream bank, and are more likely to become accidentally entrained in the current (Northcote 1962, Harvey 1987, and Pavlov 1994). Additionally, many freshwater fishes are photonegative at the larval stage and maintain positions near and within the bottom substrate during daylight hours,thus avoiding downstream displacement (Balon 1976). Elevated turbidity levels during periods of high discharge combined with associated high flow rates would likely result in an increase in daytime drift rates due to the loss of visual orientation. Turbidity was not measured in this study and drift samples were not collected during high flow events due to the inability to stabilize drift nets. Therefore, these potential trends could not be deciphered in this study. Active entrance into the drift may also occur and act as an important predator avoidance mechanism. Most fish in temperate river systems are visual predators and drifting at night would provide a survival advantage (Gale and Mohr 1978, Armstrong and Brown 1983, Corbett and Powles 1986,Harvey 1991). Studies involving aquatic invertebrates have demonstrated an active response to the addition of predation,with 48 nocturnal drift patterns only developing after the addition of predators to predator free systems (Giller and Malmqvist 1998). Brown and Armstrong (1985) also considered entering currents in order to forage as a proximate cause of nighttime drift. This mechanism seems unlikely due to a lack of visual acuity in low light conditions and poor swimming abilities at the larval stage. Muth and Schmulbach(1984) suggested that differences in daytime and nocturnal densities could be related to changes in vertical distribution of larvae. All nets were not anchored directly adjacent to the substrate and it is possible that some fish were missed drifting below the net's surface. Although this scenario is plausible, diel changes in vertical distribution have not been demonstrated for the taxa collected in the Pigeon River and most of the drift nets sampled the entire water column. This likely had minimal impact on differences in density. Increased efficiency at avoiding sampling gear during the daytime could also be considered as a potential impact on decreased daytime drift densities. The lateral distribution of drifting larvae within the Pigeon River was determined by species specific life history characteristics and spawning site selection, combined with the physical impacts of a river's current (Pavlov 1994). The species composition of near- shore drift and mid-channel drift samples was similar in this study. For all taxa pooled, larval fishes were twice as abundant in near-bank samples than mid-channel samples. This pattern is common and has been observed in other studies of larval drift (Brown and Armstrong 1985, Carter et al. 1986,Harvey 1991, Robinson et al. 1998, Reichard et al. 2004). When all taxa were pooled there was no relationship between body size or I 49 developmental stage with drift distance from the bank. Other studies have found all body sizes in near bank samples (Carter et al. 1986,Pavlov 1994, Gadomski and Barfoot 1998). Catostomids and cyprinids were the only taxa significantly more abundant in near- bank samples. These patterns could be associated with the location of spawning sites closer to nearshore areas. If spawning for catostomids and cyprinids took place throughout the lateral channel, it is likely that either larvae actively sought these nearshore areas to procure resources or were passively transported due to river morphology and flow turbulence. Although there was no lateral pattern in size distribution for catostomids,their mean total length was larger than that of all other taxa. It is possible that these larger-bodied individuals had stronger swimming abilities than did other larvae, and were able to reach nearshore refugia more easily after emergence. Nearshore nets were also associated with shallower depths and slower currents. These factors may have resulted in higher nearshore densities due to complete sampling of the vertical water column and fish drifting near the substrate or from fish actively entering into the nets. Body size was positively correlated with distance from the bank for the Percidae family. An interesting developmental pattern was also observed, as the percids were the only family with the majority of individuals captured in the pro-larval stage. Reichard et al. (2004)found older and larger larval fish in mid-channel drift samples compared with nearshore samples. As the yolk-sac becomes depleted, fish must swim to procure food. Their swimming ability still remains somewhat poor in the larval stage due to the lack of I 50 complete fin development, such that they are still susceptible to entrainment in currents. It is possible that larger larvae were collected drifting further from the shore due to an increased swimming ability,but the predominance of pro-larval specimens suggests that an increase in size may have not been correlated with an increased swimming ability. Passive entrainment of weaker swimming pro-larvae may be more influential to downstream dispersal for this taxa when compared with other families collected in the drift that were comprised of free swimming post-larvae. The primary objective of this study was to examine the potential for re- colonization of drifting larval fishes to the Pigeon River below the city of Canton from upstream source populations. Larval drift densities below the low-head dam were found to be less than 30% of the natural drift densities found upstream for some taxa. Significant difference in drift density observed between the upstream site and the site directly downstream of the low-head dams suggests that dispersal is being impaired. In particular, the two families of conservation concern (Percidae and Cyprinidae) exhibited a five-fold and three-fold decline in abundance, respectively. Drift of ichthyoplankton from the upper Pigeon River to the reach downstream of Blue Ridge Paper Products,Inc. was substantially reduced due to a variety of potential factors. The subsequent distance a fish is transported once it enters the drift and the proximity of spawning sites is of primary importance when considering connectivity and colonization dynamics. Ultimately the physical components of total drift distance can be broken down into three interrelated components: 1) the frequency of drift events, 2) the distance drifted per event, and 3) the duration of aquatic life vulnerable to drift (Lancaster 51 et al. 1996). The heterogeneity found in longitudinal, lateral and vertical components of the velocity structure of a river channel will have the greatest influence on the distance a larval fish drifts..The complexity of flow patterns and how drifting fish larvae are held in moving water and hydraulic dead zones is very influential in determining drift distances. Bond et al. (2000) concluded that the proportion of the stream with dead water zones as well as the spatial arrangement of dead water zones was extremely influential in determining drift distances of aquatic insects. Low-head dams can alter the natural hydrological and geomorphologic conditions of a river by creating areas of slower current and by altering substrate conditions (Gillette et al. 2005). Variations in flow and discharge have also been demonstrated to affect the permeability of boundaries created by small dams to upstream and downstream movement in fishes (Schlosser 1995). Some larval fishes, such as darters, were collected at site 2 downstream of the low-head dams that most likely drifted from upstream of the backwater area created by the low-head dams. Therefore we can conclude that the Tow- head dams did not completely block immigration from upstream and that drift distance is not the primary factor limiting re-colonization. It is probable that the reduction in larval fish abundance below Canton is partially attributed to drifting larvae settling out of the current in unsuitable habitat above the dam due to lower flow velocities and an increase in hydraulic dead zones. Parameters such as zooplankton density, substrate composition, amount and type of cover, abundance and type of predators, and physiochemical variables ultimately determine habitat quality (Robinson et al. 1998). Larval fishes have evolved distinct drift patterns and nursery habitat requirements that must be met in a i 52 timely manner for survival. When the acquisition of environmental resources is delayed or prevented an increase in mortality rate is likely to occur. Variability in the taxonomic composition of the larval fish assemblage between study sites was likely influenced by differences in adult assemblages throughout the study reach. Natural longitudinal changes in fish assemblages do occur in river systems that relate to changes in habitat conditions and food availability. But these changes occur naturally only over long reaches of river systems. Ward and Stanford (1983) put forth the serial discontinuity concept to explain the disruption of natural physical and biotic longitudinal patterns in river systems due to the presence of dams. The disparity between larval assemblages at the three sites is also attributed to the low-head dams alteration of riverine habitat and assemblage composition of adult fishes. Gillette et al. (2005) demonstrated distinct patterns in small bodied stream fish assemblages in relation to Tow- head dams, with lentic habitat adapted species more prevalent in upstream areas containing slower velocities and increased siltation rates. It is likely that the reproductive capability of many native fish species that spawn in riffles has been greatly reduced by this alteration in the Pigeon River. This has allowed for the proliferation of fishes better adapted to more lentic conditions, illustrated by the large numbers of larval centrarchids collected downstream of the low-head dams. White suckers were found to be most abundant at site 3 and black redhorse were most abundant at site 1. This pattern may also be attributed to differences in habitat above the low-head dams, as black redhorse do not occupy reservoir like habitats and white suckers are found in a variety of lotic and lentic habitats throughout North America (Etnier and Starnes 1993). 53 Declining drift abundances for taxa drifting from upstream are also presumably caused by mortality from increased predation rates. High centrarchid densities upstream of the low-head dams likely produced an increase in predation on larvae drifting in slowed currents. In particular, the diet of juvenile smallmouth bass is often dominated by fish larvae (Etnier and Starnes 1993). Additionally when fish did pass over the low-head dams, they were displaced into a small hydraulic with high turbulence. This likely resulted in higher predation rates on larval fishes directly below the spillway due to an increased concentration of larvae and lack of swimming proficiency in the strong circular currents. Another potential explanation for the observed abundance differences between sites is the entrainment of larval fishes by Blue Ridge Paper Products Inc. cooling intake system. Entrainment of fishes through intake valves of large power plants and industrial facilities associated with lakes and reservoirs has received significant attention and has been determined to negatively impact larval fish populations. (Travnichek et al. 1993). Less is known regarding the impacts of water abstraction conducted by smaller industrial facilities that use riverine systems. Benstead et al. (1999) studied the impacts of a low- head dam and water intake on streams in Puerto Rico. Mortality of drifting amphidromous freshwater shrimp larvae by entrainment into a water intake ranged from 42-100%. Therefore the cooling intake at Blue Ridge Paper Products Inc. could have a significant impact on larval fish mortality,particularly during low flow conditions.. Some taxa exhibited increased densities at site 3 downstream of the effluent mixing zone when compared with site 2 downstream of the low-head dams. For example,black 54 redhorse and northern hogsucker densities declined from site 1 to site 2, then increased from site 2 to site 3. This pattern is likely attributed to the presence of suitable spawning habitat downstream of the low-head dams and upstream of site 3. An increase in drift densities at site 3 could also have resulted from higher turbidity levels. Although turbidity measurements were not taken, an obvious difference in color was observed downstream of the effluent release site due to the presence of tannins released from the paper manufacturing process. Decreased visibility resulting from the presence of suspended particulates could result in an increase in passive drift through a loss of visual orientation. Another potential stimulus for higher drift densities at site 3 could be the presence of chemical pollutants. Gale and Mohr (1978) suggested that larval fish may actively enter the drift in response to pollutants, moving to creek mouths or further downstream. The higher temperatures and conductivity values observed at site 3 did not appear to hsve an impact on either temporal or spatial patterns of larval fish drift. Management efforts focused on restoring biological integrity to lotic systems rely on specific ecological knowledge of a particular system and its resident biota. The body of knowledge concerning downstream movements of stream fishes is largely incomplete(Schmutz and Jungwirth 1999). In particular there have been relatively few investigations of larval fish ecology in rivers similar to the Pigeon River in size and geographic location. In systems such as these,where fish diversity is often high,more detailed taxonomic information is needed to refine study results. Detailed information concerning the spatial dynamics of larval fish populations and early life will be of increasing value to fisheries conservation and management with species specific i 55 information. The collection, sorting and identification of larval fish samples can be extremely labor intensive. More focused studies that take into account the temporal and spatial patterns of species of conservation concern would be more cost effective. Future studies that are able to link larval drift behavior and adult population dynamics would be of value in better understanding larval dispersal and recruitment mechanisms. An attempt to decipher the primary cause of lowered densities downstream of the low-head dams should also be undertaken. Studies focusing on larval fish predation (juvenile and adult diet studies),the relative abundance of larval fish entrained by the paper mill, and flow dynamics throughout the study reach could potentially provide management direction. If entrainment was found to be a major source of mortality, a cessation of water extraction during peak flow periods (20:00-24:00)would help to alleviate this issue. Conclusions. The abundance and survival of fish larvae are closely tied to environmental changes, and studies focusing on this life history stage can be valuable in assessing anthropogenic disturbance (Kelso and Rutherford 1996). Presently, it is believed that fishes determined to be of conservation concern are drifting downstream in greatly lowered densities to the recovering section of the Pigeon River from source populations. Natural mortality rates are extremely high during the early life stages of fishes and any increase in mortality, as observed in this study; could potentially result in recruitment failure (Humphries and Lake 2000,Houde 2002,). The disruption of the natural physical, 56 thermal, chemical and biotic riverine environment in the study reach ultimately acts as a population sink and likely eliminates the potential for re-colonization from upstream source populations through larval drift. River regulation in the form of dams of many sizes has resulted in greatly disrupted natural flow regimes and has restricted the natural connectivity of riverine ecosystems. 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