CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE NO. NCG120083 (This monitoring report is due at the Division no later than 30 days from the date
the facility receives the sampling results from the laboratory.)
FACILITY NAME Macon County MSW Landfill COUNTY Macon
CERTIFIED LABORATORY Earth Enviromental Services Lab# 352 CONTACT: Chris Stahl,Solid Waste Department Manager
Environmental Testing Solutions Lab#600
Part A: Specific Monitoring Requirements
Note: If you report a sampled value in excess of the benchmark value,you must implement Tier 1 or Tier 2 responses. See General Permit text.
Outfall Date 00340 31616 00530 00400
No. Sample Collected, Chemical Oxygen Demand, Fecal Coliform, Total Suspended Solids, pH
mo/dd/yr mg/L #per 100 ml mg/L standard
Benchmark - 120 1000 colonies 100 6-9
SDO-1 10/29/2020 <50 205 9.8 7.37
SDO-3 _
SDO-6 10/29/2020 <50 2700 18.5 7.56
SDO-7 10/29/2020 <50 1400 50.8 7.32
SDO-8 10/29/2020 <50 2500 20.8 7.26
SDO-9 10/29/2020 <50 2600 36 7.38
SDO-10 10/29/2020 <50 1100 27.7 7.21
STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS: Mail Original and one copy to:
Date 10/29/2020(first event sampled) REC
FIVED Attn:DWQ Central Files
Total Event Precipitation(inches): 1.97_ NCDENR/DWQ
.JAN 1 1 2021 1617 Mail Service Center
Date (list each additional event sampled this reporting period,and rainfall amount) Raleigh,NC 27699-1617
Total Event Precipitation(inches): _ L a -,• FVr
"I certify, under penalty of law,that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or
supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the
information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons
directly responsible for gathering the information,the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief,
true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including
th�ossibili nes and imprisonment for knowing violations."
i I
l2natu e f Permittee) (Da el
Macon County Department of Solid Waste Management
• 109 Sierra Drive, Franklin,North Carolina 28734
r � Phone: (828) 349-2100; Fax: (828) 349-2185
Email: cstahl@maconnc.org
Macon County
Sc d;^caste llanageme�t
Ce a,I^•ent
1617 Mail Service Center 1
Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 JAN k
RE: General Permit No.NCG120000 CuR _ _ a '; 1 O N
Macon County Landfill
COC NCG 120083
Dear Sir or Madam;
The following is submitted as required under Section E, General Permit No. NCG12000, by the Macon
County Landfill, located at 1448 Lakeside Drive, Franklin, North Carolina 28734; Certification of
Coverage Number NCG 120083.
Attached is a signed copy of the Discharge Monitoring Report form for Period 2 for stormwater outfalls 1,
6, 7, 8, 9, and 10. SDO-4 was dry at the time of sampling. Four new stormwater outfalls were sampled for
the first time during this event, SDO-6 through SDO-10. These stormwater outfalls are associated with
the areas of the new active landfill cell and future landfill cells. All of these outfalls were within
benchmark limits for all parameters, except for fecal coliform. After an inspection of the outfall areas,
there does not appear to be any evidence of erosion or any visual evidence of water contamination.
Stormwater outfalls 8-10 are located on the opposite side of the property from the active landfill cell and
therefore do not receive any stormwater associated with the current landfill activities. Since landfill
operations are not currently influencing these outfalls, it is believed that all the elevations in fecal
coliform are due to natural occurrences such as wild animals the frequent the property. Furthermore, the
sample from SDO-7 reported one of the lowest fecal coliform levels out of the new outfalls sampled.
SDO-7 is located near the active landfill cell and receives stormwater from the current operation of the
cell. The lower fecal coliform result on this particular outfall gives more reason to believe the increase in
the fecal coliform parameter is not due to the operations regarding the landfill. SDO-1 was also sampled
during this event and was within all sampling parameters.
Should you have any questions or require additional information/action with regard to this submittal,
please do not hesitate to contact me at your convenience. Thank you for your attention in this matter.
imie Picou
Environmental Field Specialist